Home Roses How to find a phraseological unit in a sentence examples. Phraseologisms and catchphrases. The role of phraseological turns in various speech styles

How to find a phraseological unit in a sentence examples. Phraseologisms and catchphrases. The role of phraseological turns in various speech styles

Sentences with phraseological units are often used in our speech. Phraseologism has a wonderful property - you say it, and it becomes immediately clear to everyone what idea they wanted to convey. It is not necessary to fence in a garden, to select a lot of words - said phraseological unit replaces explanatory speech.

Everyone in the class knew that Alina Yakalkina's tongue was well suspended, so she was sent to the competition under one pretext or another.

Our cat Vaska is a crazy head, he always cries out for trouble, and then he smells with his nose that we need to hide the ends in the water.

Here you go to reconnaissance, then you will find out where the crayfish hibernate.

It is incomprehensible to the mind how the huge castle was restored in such a short time.

A little light Vasily came to Mikhail Petrovich, twirled around the bush. He kept trying to find a common language with him, but he didn’t leave without salt.

I didn’t dare to call him a braggart.

At the dacha, everyone knew that Polina Ermolaevna had a tongue without bones.

- Hour after hour is not easier, - said Elizabeth, having learned that it is necessary to write an essay today.

- We'll have to go for an invention to do everything without a hitch, without a hitch.

I don’t know how to deal with drought, what measures to take?

- Without postponing matters indefinitely, let's return to our sheep, - said the vegetable grower Ivanov.

At the school stadium, the people were dark, darkness, and Ivan Mitrofanovich came, furious, as if he had fallen off the chain.

He preferred to take advantage of the situation, to kill two birds with one stone.

“He knows better, he ate the dog on this,” said the accountant Kozlov quietly.

Where did you come on my head? Fell off the moon? What wilderness did you come from? Oh, from the Vyselki farm. What an importance! Why are you silent, as if you took water in your mouth?

In the garage, everyone knew that it was bad jokes with the master Nikolai, especially if he got up on the wrong foot.

They were even ready to lie, as long as everything was sewn-covered.

All jokes, but we have not yet started the first stage of construction.

Muddy the waters is Ivan Ivanovich's hobby. And how to answer for the case - he is silent, as if he had taken water in his mouth.

It looked ridiculous when Klara Vasilievna, who found herself at a broken trough, persistently taught others to live correctly.

The newcomer, apparently, was doing carpentry, he didn’t rack his brains - he made up a tyap-blooper.

I don’t know what came over him, but he just ate the baldness of those present.

It was a wonderful chairman - either with a generous hand he allocated money for the village club, then he spared a penny to buy a kettle for the accounting department.

The joke is in business, drive thousands of kilometers, and hit the road again.

Why are you pulling the rubber, speak as it is, will you go to the camp in the summer or not?

Young people have their own shura-muras there, they don't let me go there, - the grandmother complained to her neighbor.

As it is, I did not notice the catch, because everything here is sewn with white threads.

The Russian language has one feature that distinguishes it from other languages ​​of the world. This is a large group of means of artistic expression, widely represented in the works of the classics of literature. These are, among other things, sentences with phraseological units that are widely used in our speech.

Stumbling block

Phraseologism is such a speech turnover, words in which are used in a figurative sense. It can only be found in Russian. The phraseological units do not have an author, they are perceived as a natural jewel of the language, which came from the depths of centuries. Sentences with phraseological units are a kind of stumbling block that baffles foreigners, because we hear and understand this language model since childhood.

Phraseologism is associated with vocabulary. This is necessarily a phrase, the meaning of which is clear only as a whole. It cannot be divided into its component parts without sacrificing meaning.

Basically, phraseological units are structured in such a way that they reflect our history, work, customs and traditions of our ancestors ("to beat the thumbs up" - to sit back).

Some of the phraseological units came from folk songs, proverbs, fairy tales ("shedding burning tears").

Some are associated with professions. "A teaspoon per hour" - the medicine was prescribed by health workers, and now it means "little"; "get off the stage" - said the artists, and now we use this expression when someone retires, loses popularity.

We have many expressions taken from antiquity and other languages. Such are the "prodigal son" from the Bible, "Achilles' heel" from mythology, "to be or not to be" from the classics.

Various options

Phraseological unit in meaning is equal to one synonym word. It will show what the phraseological unit is in the sentence. It can be expressed in different parts of speech, which affects the syntactic role of phraseological units. One thing is certain: he will perform this role as a whole.

As a means of expressiveness, phraseological units are interesting because they are based on metaphors, hyperbole, lithotes, comparisons. Sentences with phraseological units are unusual. The beauty of these combinations is determined by their mythological imagery ("the sword of Damocles"), at times by some sublimity ("cherish like the apple of an eye").

Phraseologisms are used in a sentence to enhance its clarity and imagery ("Ariadne's thread"), to create the desired tonality ("the devil's in the middle of nowhere"), to give the text an expressive color ("without a king in the head"), to convey the author's feelings ("hanging ears ").

Sentences with phraseological units, these ready-made speech units, are familiar to us from childhood, we learn to use them appropriately, making speech colorful and rich in content, since they can add additional shades.

"Zest" of the Russian language

For phraseological units, accuracy, brightness, imagery are characteristic; their content includes all aspects of human life, its properties, characters of people. Therefore, this lexical unit is one of the means of decorating speech, it is a favorite technique of classic writers.

If we analyze the meaning of the phraseological unit and the words with which it can be replaced, then we can see how much individual words lose in comparison with the whole unit: to write like a chicken with a paw is sloppy, to cheat around a finger - to deceive, like a cat cried - few and others.

"At the blackboard, Gleb was depressed, blushed ..." - you must agree, it sounds a little dry, the idea is incomplete.

As we can see in this example, the purpose of a phraseological unit is to enhance the impression of what has been said. A sentence in which a phraseological unit is the means of expression, maintains the addressee's interest, affects not only the mind, but also the feelings.

In the world of phraseological units

Phraseologisms have firmly entered our life "and no nails", we "young and old" use them in our speech, even sometimes without noticing it. We do not have "white crows" who would not know what phraseological units are. "A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since" they appeared in the Russian language, but our "hand does not rise" to postpone them "on the back burner." Their use enriches our speech, endows it with bright, colorful emotions, makes statements memorable. It's like a balm for the soul.

The composition of phraseological phrases is stable: you cannot replace words in them at will, these are ready-made expressions that require memorization. Sentences with phraseological units (examples of some expressions are given in the article) "from an early age" with us and help "find a common language" with the interlocutor.

Info lesson plan

1.Phraseologisms, which are predicates in a sentence, and their lexical meaning

2.Examples of sentences with phraseological units

3. Examples of sentences with metaphors (or a kind of metaphor - impersonation)


1.Black cat ran - there was a quarrel, a spat, relations soured.

2.Recover- to get out of their faint, unconscious state; gain peace of mind after nervous stress.

3.A pood of salt to eat- it is very good to know a person, having experienced various life situations with him.

4.Battle the thumbs- to sit back, to spend time idly.

5.To ache with the soul- to worry a lot, worry, worry about someone or what.

6.Pour oil on the flame- 1. To aggravate relations by any actions, deeds; aggravate any feelings, moods, etc.

2. Raise, stir up interest, attention to someone or to something.

7.Captures the spirit - hard, difficult to breathe (from an excess of feelings, strong feelings, sensations, etc.).

9.Turn up one's nose- to be arrogant, to take airs.

10.To be puzzled- 1. Think hard, invent something, trying to help someone. 2 . To think intensely, intensely, trying to understand, to solve something difficult, complex.

11.Spoil (spoil, spoil) the blood- cause big trouble, grief.

12.Reap the benefits- to use the results of what has been done.

13. Does not lead with an ear - pays no attention.

14.Do not cherish a soul- to love very much.

15.Come to mind- arise, appear in consciousness (about thoughts, intentions)

16.Have no equal- not to be like anything.

17.Don't touch it with a finger - do not cause the slightest harm.


black cat ran between them, and they vowed to destroy one another. (D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak).

2) I could not recover from amazement. (V.Kaverin)

3) I can tell you everything, you and me a pood of salt was eaten.(B. Galin)

4) It is necessary with him a pood of salt to eat and then judge him. (P. Ignatov)

5) Russian symbolism ended long ago, but with the death of Bryusov it sunk into oblivion finally. (S.A. Yesenin)

6) This illusion made the disputants forget that the event they are talking about was described, maybe a year ago and a long time ago sunk into oblivion... (M. Novorussky)

7) Watch how I accelerated, already breathtaking, - scoffed Vasya Vasich

8) Little by little I began to despair, I have breathtaking from grief. (F.M.Dostoevsky)

9) The noise, talk, knock, ebb and flow of the crowd amazed me; I have captured the spirit... (V.O.Klyuchevsky)

11) From these stories about dark nights, about moose, about dens, about bears breathtaking... (V.P. Astafiev)

12) Vasya accepted his interest at face value and happily explained:

13) His the words sounded So , what even Asya , having studied his manner talk nonsense with serious mine , accepted their per clean coin.(K. Fedin. Unusual summer)

14) Yegorushka ... everything took at face value

15) How she looked after me, how she caressed me, how she encouraged and did not live my heart! .. And I ... I took all at face value... (F.M. Dostoevsky. White nights)

16) [Famusov]: They are scouring the world, beating their thumbs... Comes back, expect order from them. (A.S. Griboyedov. Woe from Wit)

17) After greeting, dad said that he would be in the village beat thumbs that we have ceased to be small and that it is time for us to seriously study. (Leo Tolstoy. Childhood)

18) Father tried to put Artyom in an evening school. Finally he spat: “At least go to the goldsmith, but you will beat thumbs up

19) I'm not about myself my soul is sick

20) - Who offended you, for what? Speak, speak, we are about people day and night we are in pain... (A.N. Tolstoy. Peter the First)

21) In my opinion, Sofya Borisovna's questions only prove that she sick at heart for the cause. (G. Matveev. Seventeen)

22) Svetlovidov was impatient to find out what had happened, who in the end jumped out the window. But it wasn't worth it pour oil on the flame

23) Articles « New time » and Sophia Andreevna Tolstoy , smashed young the writer , only poured oils v Fire, and about Andreev and O « To the abyss » spoke all: who per , who against. (ND Teleshov. Writer's notes)

24) Overseer yet poured oils v Fire.

A how we their of all we will transport ? Special crews for them order , what whether ? (V.V. Veresaev. In the Japanese war)

25) It could be that these worthy people would have reconciled the very next day, if ... the incident in the house of Ivan Nikiforovich had not destroyed all hope and added oil to ready to extinguish the fire of enmity. (N.V. Gogol)

26) Annya wanted to object, but realized that this would only mean pour oil on the flame, and was silent. (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

27) Professor [Vovka Korolkov] knows about everything in the world, from shellfish to space. But he doesn't ask, never turns up nose in front of comrades. For him, the most important thing in life is mathematics. (Based on an excerpt from E. Veltistov's book "The Adventures of Electronics")

28) He won first place in the Olympiad and lifted his nose.

29) He, brother, seems to be a great guy and nose at all does not bully... (A. Pleshcheev)

30) Foma Fomich ... somehow became even more stupid with luck and turned up his nose higher and higher. (F.M.Dostoevsky)

31) He managed to gain universal respect in the city by the fact that didn’t turn up my nose and did not become proud. (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

32) Vasya listened to the entire list of his sins and puzzled How could aunt Asya have the remote control, but not a single sensible explanation came to mind. (Based on the story by T. Kryukova "The Enchantress from the Back Desk")

33) Long we broke head above themes , how would overturn on that Coast

34) - Brothers! You are our reap the benefits!

We are destined to rot in the earth.

Do you all remember us poor

Or forgotten for a long time? (N.A. Nekrasov. Railway)

35) Many ladies were well dressed and fashionable, others dressed in what god sent

36) Someone will say a word to me, he will understand everything, another will say the same word or even more beautiful - I and I don't use my ear.(I.S.Turgenev. Rudin)

37) And Mishenka and does not lead the ear:

Mishka said goodbye to the light,

I climbed into a warm den,

Yes, the weather is waiting by the sea. (I.A. Krylov. Bear among bees)

38) Where! - nobody and does not lead with the ear,

As if I were spreading false news. (I.A.Krylov. Mice)

39) ... My Ivan Semyonitch is good-natured, but souls inside me doted and pampered like a small child. (L.A. May. Pskovite)

40) Mother and father souls in it doted: Nastenka had one and only daughter - the brainchild of a prayer, a petition. (PI Melnikov. Grandma's tales)

41) My master is in me does not like a soul.(I.A. Krylov. Two dogs)

42)Came to mind with amazing clarity that in order to always be good - always think about others ... (Leo Tolstoy)

43) For 20 years ... she [Varya] never does not occur to my head say not what she definitely thinks. (V. Rozanov)

44) I was already ... fifteen years old ... At about this time, I first asked myself the question of what theater is, and I must confess that the idea that theater is something serious ... never crossed my mind... (F.I. Shalyapin)

45) Alpatov, at the risk of saying irreparable nonsense, grabs the first thing comes his to the head... (M.M. Prishvin)

46)I'll wake everyone up tomorrow at five o'clock - there will be a meeting for you.

- Look what! And we ourselves will get up at four.

Pavel Kirillovich thought, what would be an answer, but asleep nothing came to mind. (S. Antonov. Lena)

47)[Belesova]: I sometimes comes to mind is he crazy.(A.N. Ostrovsky. Rich brides)

48) Adults had to endure the most offensive nicknames ... from the very young and did not dare them touch a finger... (N.V. Gogol)

49) - Who are you growing into, a fighter? Wait, I'll get to you! - the threat remained a threat, and Anisim didn't touch Kolka. (E. Maltsev)

50) ... Don't be afraid, people!

Boyar swear an oath to me

Holy one gave that none of you

Will not touch he neither finger! (A. Tolstoy. Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich)

51) The [police chief] learned my case and says:

With your finger says don’t you dare girl touch; she is not guilty of anything ... (A.F. Pisemsky. Leshy)


1) What else sprouted from childhood

2)Wounds the fighter is bigger and stronger will say about war. (According to V.P. Astafiev)

3)… posters were choking on all fences. (According to I. Druta)

4) And there is a time in the year when earth puts on most expensive outfits... (According to V.M. Peskov)

5) Because of the tub the broom went up uttered: "Are we flying?" (Based on the story by T. Kryukova "The Enchantress from the Back Desk")

6) When the shock from what he saw has passed, to aunt Asya eloquence returned... (Based on the story by T. Kryukova "The Enchantress from the Back Desk")

7)Run away from loneliness wrong and useless, scientists say. (According to M. Shirokova)

8) You can only be alone with yourself hear your soul, to find and understand the only one who will never leave you - himself. (According to M. Shirokova)

9) And if you think about it, then almost every second word can put US dead end! (According to M. Aksenova)

10) True Cicero mops, Aunt Asya peppered her speech with such epithets that other speakers died would with envy... (Based on the story by T. Kryukova "The Enchantress from the Back Desk")

11) Full of suffering, wisdom, smiles, irony, deceit, anger, alive, which not every person can be, books freeze on shelves. 14) And yet they scream... (According to S.L. Soloveichik)

12) And every person who dreams of becoming a teacher, let him live to such an honor as our teachers, so that fade into memory become a particle

12)The sun washed away behind an uneven edge of a bur ...

13)A year goes by over the year

14) The hot summer is over, and the forests are flashing yellow, along which autumn is sneaking.(According to E. I. Osetrov. Living Ancient Russia)

15)Do not age only his books... (According to BD Chelyshev. In search of missing manuscripts)

16) Through the centuries reached to us thoughts and feelings

17) Revealing myself, I understood how familiar this feeling had become in our life, how it[mercy] warmed up, imperceptibly ingrained

18)Sight my has stopped


1) Previously, they were always allies, but now some black cat ran between them, and they vowed to destroy one another. (D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak)

2) I could not recover from amazement. (V.A. Kaverin)

3) What else sprouted from childhood? I think observation, the desire to try everything, to learn everything. (According to V.M. Peskov)

4) I can tell you everything, you and me a pood of salt was eaten.(B. Galin)

Indicate the number of the sentence in which the highlighted combination of words is a METAPHOR.

1) Father tried to put Artyom in an evening school. Finally he spat: “At least go to the goldsmith, but you will beat thumbs up- I'll drive you out of the house. " (V. Avdeev. Step forward)

2) And there is a time in the year when earth puts on most expensive outfits... (According to V.M. Peskov)

3) I'm not about myself my soul is sick, but about the people, which left the collective farm and which you will not return bread back. (M.A.Sholokhov. Virgin Soil Upturned)

4) Svetlovidov was impatient to find out what had happened, who in the end jumped out the window. But it wasn't worth it pour oil on the flame: Gromov was already upset. (Based on an excerpt from E. Veltistov's book "The Adventures of Electronics")

Indicate the number of the sentence in which the highlighted combination of words is a METAPHOR.

1) Watch how I accelerated, already breathtaking, - Vasya Vasich scoffed. (Based on the story "The Enchantress from the Back Desk" by T. Kryukova)

2) Vasya accepted his interest at face value and happily explained:

Nowhere. Boosters attach to boots. There is fuel inside the tubes. If you light the wick, the fuel starts to burn, the thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy, and the skates gain tremendous speed. (Based on the story by T. Kryukova "The Enchantress from the Back Desk")

3) [Famusov]: They are scouring the world, beating their thumbs... Returns, expect order from them. (A.S. Griboyedov. Woe from Wit)

4)Wounds the fighter is bigger and stronger will say about war. (According to V.P. Astafiev)

Indicate the number of the sentence in which the selected combination (s) of words are (are) PHASEOLOGISM (AMI).

1) Full of suffering, wisdom, smiles, irony, guile, anger, alive, which not every person can be, books freeze on shelves. 14) And yet they scream... (According to S.L. Soloveichik)

2) And every person who dreams of becoming a teacher, let him live to such an honor as our teachers, so that fade into memory people with whom and for whom they lived, so that become a particle him and forever remain in the heart of even such careless and disobedient people as me. (According to V.P. Astafiev)

3) - Who offended you, for what? Speak, speak, we are about people day and night we are in pain... (A.N. Tolstoy. Peter the First)

4) Because of the tub the broom went up and clearly in a human voice uttered: "Are we flying?" (Based on the story "The Enchantress from the Back Desk" by T. Kryukova)

Indicate the number of the sentence in which the highlighted combination of words is a METAPHOR.

1) His the words sounded So , what even Asya , having studied his manner talk nonsense with serious mine , accepted their per clean coin(K.A. Fedin. Unusual summer)

2) ... Gorky stood at the door of the office and, wrinkling, choked on soundless laughter(According to V.A. Rozhdestvensky. Pages of life)

3) He, brother, seems to be a great guy and nose at all does not bully... (A.N. Pleshcheev)

4) Long we broke head above themes , how would overturn on that Coast tanks. (B. Bychevsky. City-front)

Indicate the number of the sentence in which the highlighted combination of words is a METAPHOR.

1) And then, from somewhere around the corner, Buska, a brown bulldog, the favorite of the whole family, jumped out with a deafening barking. She flew into a rage, feeling the smell of a bear coat ... (According to V.A. Rozhdestvensky. Pages of life)

2) If Professor [Vovka Korolkov] was sympathetic to Seryozha, then the big guy was Gusev spoiled he has a lot blood... (Based on an excerpt from E. Veltistov's book "The Adventures of Electronics")

3) He [Alexey Meresiev] crossed this line and now it is easy, without stress reaped the benefits many, many days of hard work. He achieved the main thing, which he had dreamed of for so long: he flew again. (According to BN Polevoy. The Story of a Real Man)

4) Yegorushka ... everything took at face value and believed every word ... (A.P. Chekhov. Steppe)

Indicate the number of the sentence in which the highlighted combination of words is a METAPHOR.

1) He [A.S. Pushkin] listened to me patiently and said that during these four months he had reconciled himself to his new way of life, which was very painful for him at first; that here, although involuntarily, it still rests from the previous noise and excitement; with Muse lives in harmony and works willingly and diligently. (According to I. I. Pushchin. Notes about Pushkin)

2)The sun washed away

3) Many ladies were well dressed and fashionable, others dressed in what god sent to the provincial town. (N.V. Gogol. Dead Souls)

4) Nobody and does not lead the ear... (IA Krylov. The Fable "The Mouse")

1) The hot summer is over, and the forests are flashing yellow, along which autumn is sneaking.(According to E. I. Osetrov. Living Ancient Russia)

2) The unpleasant is left behind, and now the amazing and funny will begin: cracked the house will sing from the very first sounds of the piano. (KG Paustovsky. Squeaky floorboards)

3) And with intent he won't hurt a fly... (I.A.Krylov. Elephant in the province)

4)A year goes by

Indicate the number of the sentence in which the highlighted combination of words is PHRASEOLOGISM.

1) My master is in me hates... (I.A. Krylov. Two dogs)

2)Do not age only his books... (According to BD Chelyshev. In search of missing manuscripts)

3) Through the centuries reached to us thoughts and feelings artist. (E.O. Kameneva. Your palette)

4) Concealing myself, I understood how familiar this feeling had become in our life, how it[mercy] warmed up, imperceptibly ingrained... (According to D.A. Granin. From the essay "On Mercy")

Indicate the number of the sentence in which the highlighted combination of words is a METAPHOR.

1) At the same time, no one came to mind that the fact of the arrival of any Column from Italy to Moscow is unknown in history. (G.P. Smolitskaya. Entertaining toponymy)

2) Orpheus loved young Eurydice, and the power of this love Did not have myself equal... (According to A.I. Nemirovsky. Myths of Ancient Hellas)

3) Gilyarovsky alone could have a whim with impunity at any time of the day or night in the most dangerous slums of Khitrov. Nobody would dare him touch a finger... The best security letter was his generosity. (According to K.G. Paustovsky)

4)Sight my has stopped on the clock. (According to L. Obukhova. Favorite of the century)



1. A. V. Zhukov. Lexico-phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. M. Astrel Publishing House LLC, AST Publishing House LLC, 2003.

2.S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language. M. "Russian language" 1990

3.K.S. Gorbachevich. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. - M .: Publishing house Eksmo, 2005.

4. Educational phraseological dictionary. - M .: AST E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky 1997

5. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST A.I. Fedorov 2008

6.N.S.Ashukin, M.G. Ashukina. Winged words. - M., 1960.

Phraseology is a very interesting section of linguistics, attracting the attention of both those who want to master the Russian spoken language perfectly, and experienced scientists whose goal is to study it inside and out.

First of all, a phraseological unit is a combination of words, and, at first glance, it may not differ in any way from the usual one. However, a feature of phraseological units is that the words in them lose their individual lexical meanings and represent a new semantic whole. So, the phrase "watch a movie" is considered simple, while the well-known expressions "just to spit", "lead by the nose", "hack to death" and many others are called phraseological or related. The meanings of phraseological units can vary depending on the situation and the goal pursued by the speaker.

In most cases, such expressions are enshrined in the language as a result of constant and prolonged use by native speakers. Sometimes the "age" of a phraseological unit can reach several centuries. It is interesting that sentences with phraseological units are used by us every day, and sometimes we do not notice how we utter such phrases. In addition, the same word combination can be used both as free and as phraseological, which depends on the meaning of the statement and the context. For example, you can "close your eyes, falling asleep" or "close your eyes to the terrible behavior of a neighbor's child."

Phraseology is a set of phraseological units, that is, indivisible and integral in meaning expressions, which are reproduced in the form of ready-made units of speech. Sentences with phraseological units are so common, and the nature of such expressions is so heterogeneous that it became necessary to divide them into certain groups. This classification is based on the origin and traditions of use in oral speech.

1) Phrases borrowed from colloquial and everyday vocabulary: “to lose your head”, “to speak your teeth”, “fish without fish and cancer” and so on.

2) Phrases from narrow, professional areas of use. For example, drivers say "turn the steering wheel", railway workers have introduced the expressions "to a standstill", "green street" into the Russian language, carpenters like to do work "without a hitch, without a hitch." There are many such examples.

3) Phrases from literature. Sentences with phraseological units from literature are especially common, and, as a rule, these are sentences with terms from scientific use or expressions from outstanding works of fiction. As examples, we can cite the expressions "living corpse", "the case smells of kerosene" and others. Among the examples borrowed from scientific literature, we will name such combinations: "chain reaction", "bring to white heat" and other phraseological units.

Examples of sentences with such words can be found in any textbook of the Russian language, as well as in the everyday speech of the average native speaker, however, they are widely used not only in conversation, but also in others.In each specific style, the use is associated with what they express.

Usually sentences with phraseological units appear where it is necessary to avoid dryness and stereotyped communication. It should be remembered that "bookish" expressions are distinguished by solemnity and poetry, and for colloquial everyday phrases, irony, familiarity or contempt are characteristic. One way or another, but phraseological units make our speech brighter, more interesting and more expressive.

The Russian language is so mobile and flexible that it allows you to use many special speech techniques: proverbs, sayings, metaphors and much more. Separately, I would like to talk about what a phraseological unit is.

Phraseologisms are called phrases, the meaning of which is able to decorate speech, to give it a special emotional shade. Phraseological turnover is indivisible in meaning, that is, it has a common meaning of all the words included in it. Each word separately does not carry such informational load. It is better to consider examples with an explanation of phraseological units.

In contact with


The horse did not roll

Ordinary speech would be dry and less emotional if there were no special lexical units in it - phraseological units... For example, you might say, "I am very angry." And you can say in this way: "I was angry as a dog." Absolutely different associative images are born in the mind of the listener. The brain perceives the image of an angry dog ​​instantly, at the level of a reflex. Affected by life experience accumulated in the subconscious.

Or such an example of the phrase: "I have not yet begun to carry out the intended work." It sounds much better: "I have not rolled my horse yet." For a foreigner to understand this is a sheer headache! What horse and why was it not lying around? And the Russian person instantly grasps the essence of the speaker's problem.

Phraseologism "One leg here - the other - there" very often used in speech. It is literally impossible for a person's legs to be in different places at the same time! But it means that the speaker is already on the way and rushing very fast and is about to be in the right place.

An interesting observation. Phraseological expressions sometimes reduce the severity of the perception of negative action and enhance the positive.

Whose authorship?

Many people think about origin of set expressions... The phraseological units have no authors. Or so, the authors are the people. In the process of life, the accumulation of experience, people apply their knowledge, transforming it into new forms.

The origin of vivid turns of speech is also associated with literary and historical facts. Everyone has an idea about the exploits of Hercules, and in particular about one of them - how quickly the strong man managed to clear the stables of King Augean. The hero showed resourcefulness, coped quickly with an exorbitantly difficult task. Completed the seemingly impossible! So it was customary among the people to say: "I will go to rake the Augean stables ..." Or: "What a fine fellow, I cleaned the Augean stables!"

In addition to the "rolling horse", the turnover about "Buried dog"... Example: "So this is where the dog is buried!" This means that at last there was a solution to a problem or a question that haunted for a long time. The theme of the origin of winged expressions with this animal is very popular. Known stories of dogs, whose graves served as a kind of memory for their owners (were lost, and then found).

Everyone who deserves punishment is given the first number in Russian. It came from school when the students were flogged with rods. The punishment was effective and the student behaved well until the beginning of the next month of study (until the 1st day).

Let's go through the phraseological units

Introducing a small list of turns of speech for reference... They are most often used in relation to a specific person:

Phraseologisms in sentences

There is also many other catch phrases... It is interesting to look at examples.

  1. It's time to wash your hands. This proposal means that the moment has come to move away from the problem, to indicate that you are not involved in it.
  2. In life, he loved to "go with the flow." The hero is passive and lived according to the will of the circumstances, not resisting them in any way.
  3. I have a dime a dozen worries. There are many things to do.
  4. Relatives came to visit - "the seventh water on jelly." Here the degree of kinship is very blurred, there is no way to figure out who - to whom and by whom.
  5. He got married on the principle “don't drink water from your face”. This is a sad story, here is an attempt to love the inner world of a person, implying that not everything is in order with the appearance.
  6. See you after Thursday rain. This sentence has a meaning: we will never see you, and it also shows a disdainful attitude towards a person.
  7. In his stories, he liked to "whip up the atmosphere." It speaks of a man who clearly exaggerates the complexities and horrors of events in his narratives, heating up the situation.
  8. We left home "eating too much." The meaning of the phraseological unit: I had to return without earnings, profit or other result previously conceived.

The examples given show how brightly, briefly and succinctly phraseological units are able to characterize some situations. They also add shades of sound to speech, semantic accents. Origin may not matter. Moreover, the lexical meaning of phraseological units is integral, it is perceived as a short signal of an associative series stored in a person's memory.

About labor

Let's talk about phraseological units that mention work or profession... People have written a lot of sayings, fables and other lexical forms about work. Here are examples of phraseological units and their meanings.

Phraseologisms for children

Work and acquaintance with phraseological units starts already at school... Children are taught to understand fixed expressions and be able to explain them. Younger schoolchildren practice in the lessons of their native speech to build statements using phraseological phrases. Thus, they enrich the vocabulary and vocabulary of knowledge. Children learn to explain phraseological units with one short word or related phrase.

Phraseologisms are simple enough to understand and memorize, according to the age of primary school children. Let's consider some examples:

  • mouth shut (shut up);
  • keep your mouth shut (keep a secret);
  • do not believe your ears (be surprised at what you hear);
  • nodding off (falling asleep);
  • lead by the nose (deceive);
  • fly at breakneck speed (run fast) and others.

The use of phraseological units in primary school contributes to the development of "Sense of language", inherent in the Russian person. Forms imagery of thinking, the speed of creating thought forms. Aphorisms are drawn up from pictures or work with texts is in progress.

In Russian language lessons, students complete written assignments in which they replace phraseological units with one word (insert the missing word).

In literary reading lessons, they learn to compare the images of fairytale heroes with phraseological phrases. for example, Emelya - "lies and does not blow in the mustache".

Studying mathematics, they sort out stable phrases: "square head", "two vershoks from a pot" and others.

In various fields of activity, areas of knowledge, life situations, phraseological expressions are applicable. The main thing is to understand their meaning.! A true connoisseur of the Russian language necessarily uses catchphrases in his speech, both for his own pleasure (he will create a picture), and for the "catchphrase".

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