Home Roses How to eat energy diets to lose weight. Energy Diet: how to take for weight loss. Who is contraindicated system for weight loss "Energy Diet"

How to eat energy diets to lose weight. Energy Diet: how to take for weight loss. Who is contraindicated system for weight loss "Energy Diet"

Energy Diet (ED) is a functional diet designed mainly for women who want to achieve harmony at the cost of their own wallet, and not physical activity and a revision of food addictions.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Weight Loss

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A.:

I have been dealing with weight loss issues for many years. Women often come to me with tears in their eyes, who have tried everything, but either there is no result, or the weight is constantly returning. I used to advise them to calm down, go back on a diet and do grueling workouts in the gym. Today there is a better way out - X-Slim. You can simply take it as a nutritional supplement and lose up to 15 kg per month in a completely natural way without diets and physical. loads. This is a completely natural remedy that is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, age or health condition. At the moment, the Ministry of Health is conducting a campaign "Let's save the people of Russia from obesity" and each resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive 1 package of the drug IS FREE

Learn more>>

ENERGY DIET is distributed by NL International through network marketing. Real reviews of the concentrate are mostly negative, as buyers meet with some inconsistency between the claimed effects of drinking a cocktail and the results obtained.

Composition ENERGY DIET

100 g of supplement contains:

  • up to 6.6 g of fiber;
  • 37% protein;
  • 44% carbohydrates;
  • 9.3 g fat.

Consider the composition of ED in more detail:

  • The composition of the cocktail includes cheap pea and soy proteins. They do not contain all the necessary amino acid set. They are often used as additives to animal feed. Milk proteins have a higher quality amino acid composition and therefore are of great value, but they occupy the 3rd position in terms of quantity.
  • Simple sugars, once in the blood, cause a rapid secretion of insulin and their subsequent transformation into body fat. Fast carbohydrates are enemy number 1 and are incompatible with true weight loss. The manufacturer also includes them in a cocktail designed for weight loss. Most likely to avoid feeling tired.
  • A useful ingredient is chicory inulin or fiber, a polysaccharide that is not digested in the human digestive system, but passes through it in transit, while managing to increase in size due to absorbed water and cleanse the intestinal walls, as well as have a beneficial effect on the composition of the microflora of the lower sections intestines.
  • Soybean oil is a cheap component of little value, although it is credited with antioxidant properties. Contains vitamin E.
  • 11 trace elements and 12 vitamins.


The ED line is not only about cocktails. The standard set consists of 17 types of concentrated nutrition, which includes:

Our readers write

Topic: Lost 18kg without dieting

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To: taliya.ru administrations

Hello! My name is Lyudmila, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site. Finally, I was able to get rid of excess weight. I lead an active lifestyle, got married, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

Ever since I was a child, I was a pretty fat girl, I was teased all the time at school, even the teachers called me a pomp... it was especially terrible. When I entered the university, they completely stopped paying attention to me, I turned into a quiet, notorious, fat nerd. What I haven’t tried to lose weight ... And diets and all sorts of green coffee, liquid chestnuts, chocoslims. I don’t even remember now, but how much money I spent on all this useless garbage ...

Everything changed when I accidentally stumbled upon an article on the Internet. You have no idea how much this article has changed my life. No, do not think, there is no top-secret method of losing weight, which is full of the entire Internet. Everything is simple and logical. In just 2 weeks I lost 7 kg. In total for 2 months for 18 kg! There was energy and a desire to live, I signed up for a gym to pump up my ass. And yes, finally I found a young man who has now become my husband, loves me madly and I love him too. Sorry for writing so chaotically, I just remember everything on emotions :)

Girls, for those I tried a bunch of all sorts of diets and weight loss techniques, but I still couldn’t get rid of excess weight, take 5 minutes and read this article. I promise you won't regret it!

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  • omelette;
  • desserts;
  • 5 types of soups;
  • oatmeal;
  • set of enzymes.

The manufacturer claims that weight loss is due to the low calorie content of the daily diet. Instead of 2700 kcal, a person receives 1500 kcal. To make up for the missing 1200 kcal, the body has to oxidize fats from the reserve, which actually leads to weight loss. To release 1300 kcal cells burn up to 200 g of fat. In addition to losing weight, NL International has developed 2 more areas: for muscle growth and good nutrition.

If the decision to use Energy Diet for weight correction is nevertheless made, then first you need to decide on the taste of the drink, the composition can be sweet or salty, liquid or thick in consistency.

How to cook ED meals

Any concentrate, be it an omelet or a soup, comes with instructions that describe everything in detail: the composition, how to cook and take the dish. Cocktails are usually diluted with low-fat (1.5%) milk. The calorie content of a portion of the finished dish takes into account the energy value of the solvent, that is, milk.

Other options are possible, for example, you can dilute 30 g or a measuring spoon of dry or liquid concentrate in kefir or vegetable soup. To dilute, you need a shaker, in which the cocktail is actually whipped.

As for the soup, it can be cooked on the stove, in the microwave or in a shaker. In the latter case, the milk is heated to 60 ° C and, as usual, whipped in a shaker. A mixture of cold milk and a dry product is heated on a stove to a certain temperature. To cook in the microwave, for example, an omelette - shake a cocktail in a shaker, pour it onto a plate and bake for several minutes. Omelet can be fried in a pan.

Energy Diet is a nutritionally balanced brand that was first introduced to the market in 2003. In 2006 the line passed the state registration in Russia. At the moment, there is a wide range of products and programs of Energy diets. This nutrition is approved for athletes, received evidence from the anti-doping committee. Energy diets are widely used for weight loss. The products are positioned as healthy nutrition that normalizes metabolism, improves health, well-being, and ability to work. In overweight programs, calorie restriction is used. Regular meals (for example, lunch or dinner) are replaced with Energy diet products. The nutrition system is based on the use of Energy Diet cocktails for weight loss (packing 450 grams, diluted with milk 1.5% fat). These foods reduce the overall energy value of the diet. At the same time, the body receives a nutrition that is complete in terms of mineral and vitamin composition, rich in sufficient proteins. The amount of fats and carbohydrates is moderately limited. Such principles of the nutrition system allow you to lose weight quite effectively, while maintaining activity and vigor. There are three Energy Diet programs for weight loss: Start, Consolidation, Control. For those who want to lose weight, it is recommended to go through all three programs in sequence. During the time that will be spent on this, positive changes will occur in the body: vitality will increase, body weight will normalize, metabolism will be corrected. At the same time, psychological changes will also occur - correct eating habits will be formed, nutrition stereotypes will change.

Program Start Energy diets

The Start Energy diet program is the first step to losing weight. During this course, the daily calorie content is 1200-1500 kcal. Daily weight loss can be 200 grams due to adipose tissue. In addition to the products of the Energy Diet line, you can eat a portion of allowed vegetables once a day. In total, up to 400 grams of vegetables can be used per day. Eggplants, broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, asparagus, deciduous beets, greens (celery branches, parsley, dill, sorrel), all types of leafy lettuce, mushrooms, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, green and onions, spinach, soybean sprouts are allowed , green bean pods, turnips, bell peppers, radishes, green radishes, tomatoes, onions, seaweed. Vegetables can be eaten raw, stewed, boiled. You can use them separately, or you can cook a salad, side dish. Salad should be seasoned with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice. If the excess weight is less than 10 kg, then the Start Energy diet program should last 3 days. Every day, all meals (4-5) are replaced with a full-fledged diet of Energy diets. If overweight is more than 10 kg, then the course should be 5 days. It is necessary to take a sufficient amount of liquid - at least 2 liters per day. You can drink various types of tea, non-carbonated drinking water. Coffee is only possible with a low caffeine content. Do not add sugar to your drink. It is acceptable to use non-caloric sweeteners. The Start Energy diet program involves daily measurement of weight and body volume at the same time (preferably in the morning on an empty stomach).

Program Consolidation

After achieving the first results, it is necessary to consolidate the success. If after 3-5 days of nutrition according to the system you return to your usual diet, then the lost kilograms will return back. To prevent this from happening, you need to go through the Consolidation Energy Diets program. This is a transitional stage, when the weight continues to fall and the metabolism stabilizes. For several weeks, eat 1-2 regular meals and 1-2 Balanced Meals daily. This stage lasts until the ideal weight is reached. Be sure to replace the evening meal with balanced foods (cocktails). It is important to have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. From regular food, you can eat vegetables (the same as in the first program) and protein foods. You can take 1-2 servings of protein food per day. One serving is 2 eggs, or 100 g of lean beef, veal, liver, or 150 g of poultry, chicken, rabbit, turkey, or 100 g of low-fat cheese, or 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, or 150 g of boiled fish or seafood. Drink more fluids.

Energy Diet Control Program

This program is the longest. Its duration depends on how many kilograms you have lost with Energy diets. Each kilogram lost corresponds to one month of the Control program. Nutrition, in addition to protein foods and vegetables, as in the second stage, should contain carbohydrates and fruits. From carbohydrates, you can use legumes (lentils, dry beans, red beans), unpolished rice, wholemeal pasta, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), wholemeal bread, cereal bread. Fruit can be eaten up to 300 grams per day. You can't use grapes. Preference is given to apricots, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, black currants, kiwi, oranges, apples, grapefruits, pears, peaches, plums, pineapples. Dinner is proposed to be replaced with Energy Diet products.

Cocktails Energy Diet

Diet Energy Shakes are functional foods designed for systematic use. The product is diluted with milk 1.5% fat. Cooking food Energy diets does not take much time, which means it fits into the rhythm of modern life. Diet Energy Shakes for weight loss programs are at least two functional foods from the list of food products. Today there are 17 different flavors of cocktails in Russia. These are 6 sweet cocktails, 5 soups, an omelet, a creme brulee dessert, two types of mashed potatoes, as well as bread with two types of pasta. Sometimes they can be mixed, getting new options.

Energy diets are a whole series of cocktails with a variety of flavors that can be consumed both in pure form and prepared soups, omelettes, etc. on their basis. How to take for weight loss - read on.

Composition and useful properties

These high-tech products contain:

  • proteins - dairy and vegetable, indispensable for the body and involved in building muscle mass;
  • vegetable fats - soybean oil, etc .;
  • carbohydrates that provide the body with energy for the whole day;
  • fiber - for a long time prolonging the feeling of satiety, as well as cleansing the body of decay products;
  • vitamins and minerals that support the normal functioning of all organs and systems;
  • royal jelly based on milk secreted by bees to feed their larvae. It contributes to a better enrichment of tissues with oxygen, increased immunity and stabilization of the emotional state during the diet;
  • enzymes for better digestion.

How to take the Energy Diet to lose weight?

There is a special weight loss program that involves the use of Energy diets in three stages. During the first 3-5 days, you can only use cocktails, completely replacing meals with them. A measuring spoon of the powder is diluted in 200 ml of 1.5% milk and taken in the main three doses, and half of this dose is drunk for lunch and afternoon tea. Those who ask how to take Energy diets should answer that instead of milk, you can use or a decoction of vegetables. And if it’s hard to follow the recommendations of not eating anything else, you can occasionally afford to make a salad of fresh vegetables or stew them.

At the second stage, it is customary to use cocktails only for dinner and as snacks. Its duration is 3-4 weeks. Well, for those who are interested in how to drink Energy diets for weight loss in the third stage, you can answer that only dinner is replaced with such cocktails, but nutrition should be low-calorie and moderate with plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Instead of simple carbohydrates, you should eat complex ones - cereals, sprouted grains, bread, muesli. It is very important to drink plenty of fluids and also to exercise. At a minimum, go for walks and do exercises in the mornings or evenings. In any case, before taking cocktails, it is better to consult a specialist.

The whole program for the correction of excess weight is divided into three stages: "Start", "Consolidation" and "Control".

1) Program for weight loss "Start" - we start the body

Program "Start"- this is a period of several days during which you use the Energy Diet according to a special scheme to control the rhythm of nutrition and replenish the deficient components of your usual food.

The program will change your eating rhythm while optimizing your metabolism. The body itself will start the mechanism of losing weight and the process of weight loss to your norm will begin.

Meals according to the program Start with Energy Diet provides a diet of 1200-1500 kcal per day.
On average, an ordinary person spends 2500-3000 kcal per day. thus creating a calorie deficit of about 1300 kcal.

The body produces this difference from its own reserves of fat. A 1300 calorie deficit burns about 200 grams of fat per day.

Nutrition scheme for the Start program

On "Start" you replace all meals with Energy Diet, thereby controlling the daily diet. In addition to the Energy Diet, it is allowed to eat vegetables from the permitted list 1-2 times a day (listed below).

Drinks during the Start program: teas (black, red, green), we recommend herbal teas, decaffeinated coffee or weak coffee. All drinks must be consumed sugarless, it is allowed to use a low-calorie sweetener.

If overweight is less than 10 kg

5 tricks energy diet

5 tricks energy diet

Then - 2 days

3 doses energy diet

If overweight is more than 10 kg

5 tricks energy diet

5 tricks energy diet

Then - 3 days

3 doses energy diet

Important. Drink water: drink a glass of water for 20 minutes after each use of the Energy Diet shake. The most ordinary, pure water. This will speed up your metabolism and increase your feeling of satiety, making it easier to control your diet.

Allowed vegetables: about 400 g per day= approx. 2 plates Eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, asparagus, leafy beets, herbs (celery sprigs, parsley, dill, sorrel), all types of leafy lettuce, mushrooms, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, green onions, onions, spinach , soy shoots, green bean pods, turnips, bell peppers, radishes, green radishes, tomatoes, onions, seaweed.

2) "Fixing" - we do not give extra pounds to return

When the "Start" is passed and the first results are obtained, the body is already tuned in to losing weight, the process is started. Congratulations, your first victory has been won. Now the main thing is not to return to the previous rhythm of nutrition (which led you to excess weight), but to continue moving along the path of weight loss.

Now we need to fix weight loss result. "Consolidation" - the stage at which the diet expands, calorie intake increases, but weight loss continues.

The program provides 1-2 Energy Diet meals per day and 1-2 regular balanced meals until you reach your desired weight.

Within 3-4 weeks

Light breakfast or serving energy diet

One serving of protein food and allowed vegetables

End of the day

In the evening, meals must be replaced by energy diet

If you feel hungry in the evening, you can take another ½ serving of ED, but no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. After that, you can drink water, unsweetened tea, optionally with lemon.

If you want to get rid of a large amount of excess weight, and the result has not yet been achieved, then after the "Fixation" you need to return to the "Start" and repeat the iteration of losing weight.

Protein food example: 2 eggs (preferably protein), 100 g lean beef, veal, liver, 150 g poultry, chicken, rabbit, turkey, 100 g low-fat cheese, 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, 150 g boiled fish or seafood.

3) "Control" - we form the habit of eating right

The program consists in controlling yourself and your diet so that extra pounds do not return, and the habit of eating right is fixed.

At the stage of weight correction control, we continue to monitor what we eat. It helps to reinforce proper eating habits, weaning you from overeating and teaching you to intelligently assess the needs of your body.

During the Energy Diet program, it is consumed once a day - at dinner.

The duration of the "Control" phase is calculated depending on each kilogram of weight lost during the two previous programs.

For example, if after the "Start" and "Consolidation" programs you lost 5 kg, then it will be useful for you to adhere to the "Control" program for five months.

Allowed carbohydrates: Green peas, lentils, dry beans, red beans, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, buckwheat, oatmeal, wholemeal bread, cereal crispbread.

Permitted fruits(About 3-5 servings or about 300g per day are allowed.) One serving: Fresh apricots (3pcs), fresh bananas (1 medium), fresh strawberries (7pcs), fresh raspberries, blueberries, blackcurrants (2 handfuls = 4 tablespoons), kiwifruit (2pcs), oranges (1 medium), apple (1 medium), grapefruits (1/2), pears (1 medium), peach (1 medium), plums (2 pcs.), fresh pineapple (1 large piece), watermelon (1 large piece )

Important! Drinking mode!

It is important to observe the drinking regime during all stages of losing weight: two liters of plain water a day.

This moment is very important when losing weight, so please remember to drink water after every meal or Energy Diet shake.

Hello! In 2010, I tried ED and I am very pleased with the result: in just 1.5 months I lost 20 kg and am not gaining any more, now I advise everyone who wants to lose weight. At the moment I want to lose the same amount, and I think I will succeed. I am very grateful that ED exists.

Maria, accountant. Moscow city

Every day, in the morning, control weight and volume (waist, hips). It will take you a few minutes, but this information is extremely important. You will see your own result in numbers. Already at the first obvious successes, your motivation will increase, and it will be much easier for you to move towards your goal.

Extra weight brings any person has a lot of trouble.

Cocktails have been developed for effortless weight loss Energy Diet.

Energy Diet System was developed for athletes, as well as people who lead a little active lifestyle.

Energy Diet Shakes help cleanse body from toxins at the same time, you slowly lose weight and the skin has time to tighten, does not sag.

1. Start

2. Recovery

3. Fixing

1. Start - use within three to five days Energy Diet according to the scheme, controlling the ongoing changes. This program changes the rhythm of nutrition, improves metabolism, and gives impetus to weight loss.

Daily calorie intake - 1200-1500 kcal. Usual daily calorie content - 2800 kcal. That is, the necessary energy the body will receive from fat.

The “Start” stage lasts: with excess weight up to ten kilograms– three days, more ten kilograms - five d her.

Ration for the day:

    five tricks of the Energy Diet,

    couple of vegetables.

Breakfast em: portions Yu Energy Diet (for example, Strawberry, Coffee),

2-th breakfast: portion Energy Diet (for example - Chicken),

Dinner amy: portion Energy Diet (for example - Omelette plus a plate of allowed vegetables

Snack: portion Energy Diet (for example, Chocolate).

Dinner: a portion of the Energy Diet (for example, Mushrooms and a plate of allowed vegetables.

Drinking mode: up to two liters of liquid.


    Every day we control weight and volume, because with the first success in losing weight, your motivation will increase. In addition, the weight can “stand” in place, and the volumes go away, and this dynamic needs to be monitored.

    If you drink a glassmore than twenty minutes after eating - you enhance the effect of saturation.

    You can eat up to four hundred grams of vegetables a day (b eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, asparagus, deciduous beets, celery branches, parsley, dill, sorrel, lettuce, mushrooms, marrow, pumpkin, cucumber, green onion, onion, spinach, soybean sprouts, green pods beans, turnip, bell pepper, radish, green radish, tomato, seaweed). We eat vegetables: fresh, from Varna mi, stewed m and, also, you can cook from them salad, side dish, soup. Salad dressing: a little unrefined vegetable oil, lemon juice, or apple cider vinegar.

    You can drink: clean water, green tea, red tea, black tea, weakly brewed coffee, herbal tea. Everything drink without adding Sahara.

    Finely chopped greens (dill, parsley) can be added to Energy Diet soups. It reduces the need for salt.

2. Recovery

After serious physical exertion need to restore in the body, the level of fluid, the level of glycogen (a substance that which answers for performance, energy).

For a quick recovery organism we drink Energy Diet in 2 hours workout. AT given combination period proteins and carbohydrates will go to muscle building and will not be deposited in fat.


    three meals a day

    breakfast we definitely

    The last time we eat is three hours before bedtime.

We have breakfast: a portion of the Energy Diet cocktail, a plate of vegetables, a glass of tea.

2nd breakfast: any energy diet shake.

We have lunch: a portion of proteins, a plate of vegetables, a glass of tea.

Snack: a serving of Energy diet soup.

Dinner: a serving of Energy Diet soup.

3. Fixing

We have breakfast: a portion of carbohydrates, a portion of proteins, a glass of tea.

2nd breakfast: fruits or berries.

We have lunch: a portion of proteins, a plate of vegetables, a glass of tea.

Snack: fruits or berries.

Dinner: Energy diet cocktail, a plate of vegetables.

Drinking regime: up to two liters of water in a day!


    If you drink a glass water after drinking a cocktail after twenty minutes after eating will enhance the effect of satiety.

    If in the evening you want to eat no later than a couple of hours before bedtime) - you can drink half the dose cocktail.

    To consolidate the result, you need to track the quantity and quality of the products used. It is important to remove the psychological dependence on food, learn how to correctly assess the needs of the body and satisfy them with healthy products.

On the this stage process is in full swing with weight loss, the main thing is not to return to the old way of life.

The duration of this period- three to four weeks.

If a you need to lose fifteen pounds and more - drink cocktails again, as in the 1st stage of the diet.

Approved Products:

    150 grams boiled fish or seafood;

    150 grams of turkey;

    150 gram rabbit;

    one hundred grams of low fat cheese;

    100 grams of lean beef;

    one hundred grams of liver;

    one hundred grams of veal;

    150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;

    150 grams of chicken;

    two eggs (no yolk).

At this stage of the diet can be consumed dishes, which contain carbohydrates, but their amount must be limited:

    buckwheat grain;

    green green peas;

    cereal bread;

    Red beans;

    pasta and bread made from wholemeal flour;

    unpolished rice;

    oat groats;


Also, you can eat eighty grams per day fruits:

    three fresh apricots;

    one orange;

    a large piece of pineapple;

    a large piece of watermelon;

    one banana;

    half a grapefruit;

    one pear;

    a couple of kiwis;

    seven fresh strawberries;

    four tablespoons of fresh raspberries;

    one peach;

    a couple of plums;

    four tablespoons of fresh blueberries;

    four tablespoons of black currants;

    one apple.

Energy Diet Tips

The action of the Energy Diet cocktail for weight loss

FROM dieting with Energy diets you optimize daily calorie content, get the right amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber for the body.

These cocktails help normalize digestion, b thanks to contained in them fiber, enzymes. They are quickly digested, do not form toxins in the intestines.

Cocktails contain about the optimal amount of protein, dietary fiber, contributing to a lasting sensation satiety.

If a you will replace one of your meals with a cocktail - over time you can change eating habits to control cravings for unhealthy foods.

Energy diet - to how to take

To octails Energy diets need to be diluted with milk 1.5% fat. Milk can be substituted for ode, vegetable broth, low-fat kefir.

Cocktails are prepared before drinking, it can't be stored!

Energy Diet - composition

Energy diet - what is it? like this? According to manufacturers' advertisements, high tech product, which will give the body necessary micronutrients.

What is included Energy Diet products:

    Animal (milk protein concentrate) and vegetable proteins (soy, pea proteins). The cocktail contains eighteen amino acids, not synthesized the human body.

    Fats (soybean oil, containing thirty trace elements, even vitamin E1 and linoleic acid, which slows down development of cancer cells).

    Carbohydrates (instantly absorbed glucose, maltodextrin with starch - thanks to them, the body is provided with carbohydrates for a long time and you don't feel fatigue) .

    Fiber (gum, inulin - give a feeling of satiety for a long time oh help keep up microflora, cleanse the intestines).

    Eleven minerals + twelve itamines help to optimize the body's metabolism.

    Acerol (Caribbean cherry) contains a huge amount of vitamin C).

    Royal jelly (milk secreted by the bees to feed the larvae - thanks to his body tissue is good absorb oxygen, improve the body's resistance to adverse external conditions, stabilization occurs emotional state).

    Complex of enzymes (provides rapid and complete digestion of proteins).

Energy Diet - p contraindications


    pregnancy period,

    breastfeeding period,

    elderly age,

    increased nervous excitability,

    insomnia ,

    cardiac disorders,


Energy Diet - about reviews

Lisa : For cocktails Energy Diet was originally drunk by my husband before training to build muscle mass. I also tried- liked. Now I drink cocktails for dinner. It has already taken two kilograms.

Lena: For me, the Energy Diet cocktail replaces a full meal. He helped me get rid from food dependencies, and the body with its help receives the necessary substances, even if there is no time for a full meal.

Katya: I’ll say right away - the Energy Diet cocktail helped me lose weight, but not much, and it’s expensive, and, moreover, tasteless.

I replaced breakfast and dinner with these cocktails. I prepared them like this: I mixed thirty grams of the product and two hundred grams of milk with 1.5% fat in a shaker at a temperature sixty degrees.

A jar of cocktail is only enough for five days. Energy Fruit Blend is normal in taste. Thanks to her, I lost 1.5 pounds..

Have contentment from such nutrition did not receive. And then I realized - you can eat healthy, light food of the same calorie content and lose weight no cocktails! Therefore, I I switched to a healthy diet and chose foods that accelerate metabolism for the diet.

And the cost of the Energy Diet cocktail is high - almost two thousand for the bank. Cocktail price greatly overstated. With this money it is better to buy vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products and see what you eat. These are real products, not an incomprehensible powder.

I don't I recommend you to buy these cocktails. Just reduce the calorie content of the diet to the level of drinking these cocktails. And you don't have to spend a lot of money!

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