Home Roses What a chronic infection Lenin had. Secrets of the last days. How and from what did Vladimir Lenin die. Traces of stormy youth

What a chronic infection Lenin had. Secrets of the last days. How and from what did Vladimir Lenin die. Traces of stormy youth




Yuri Melnik, Kharkiv

Dear colleagues and readers of the site, on the Ukrainian Civic Journalism Portal "Highway", I translated a very interesting article by Viktoria Ivchenko from Ukrainian into Russian, well, as always, I made a bunch of spelling and grammatical mistakes with my literacy.

Victoria kindly corrected them, and I want to bring this journalistic material to the attention of five Literary sites in Russia, well, so be it, I will throw it off for moderation also to my old friends-enemies on the political site of Russia.
I was surprised to find that my profile is still working there.

Why is it interesting?

Firstly, an interesting story about Karl Marx, and secondly, in the course of my translation, in notes and objections, and in the course of a subsequent conversation with Victoria, I proved, as for me, that people in Ukraine are not doing very nicely, because of political motivated by spreading lies such that Lenin was sick with syphilis and was a homosexual.

Alas, this does not paint the political "beau monde" of Ukraine, and although I am not a fan of Lenin, this lie should be destroyed, as for me.

I give this Russian translation of Victoria's material in the preface of the notes, and in the main part - general conversations with Victoria about my translation of her material and about Victoria's material itself, and in the afterword of the note - our discussion with her about whether Lenin had syphilis, during which I, as for me, prove that I did not get sick.

But the reader is to judge for himself.


Victoria Ivchenko Kiev:

Dear Yuri Melnik! I have carefully read your translation of this article into Russian. Thanks also for the very extensive comment and recommendation.
The only drawback is a number of spelling inaccuracies.

Material from "Highway" by Yuri Melnik

"Continuing the conversation about communism and totalitarianism in the Highway Pavilion".

Yuri Melnik Kharkiv:

And for the invitation to you on this material of yours on this topic.

On my materials "Highway" I can not say a word, I was not given the right to comment here, therefore, I can not say it there, I say here, in a separate article.

Yuri Melnik Kharkiv:

Your wonderful material, dear Viktor Ivchenko from Kiev, which shows clearly that the Marxist-Leninist atheist ideology - an ideology spiritually dead from a dead conscience, mentally ill SERVANTS MOST DYAVOLA- Satan, who under the guise of "good intentions" POSTORENIYA socially just society without RICH AND THE POVERTY, JUST USED BY THE DEVIL-SATAN TO CARRY OUT MASS KILLING OF PEOPLE, TEN MILLION PEOPLE KILLED IN THIS DEVIL "MEAT GRINDER" WHICH WILL STEADED THE ATHELIANS


For those who poorly understand our kindest, most beautiful, melodious, melodious Ukrainian language on Earth.

But Russian, a great and mighty language, though not as kind as ours, Ukrainian, is very strong.

I love both languages ​​equally - my native Russian language by thinking, as strict but fair, father, and my native Ukrainian language by blood, as a kind mother who forgives everything to her naughty and playful children.

So, the translation of your material, Victoria, into Russian, and in the course of the translation I will give a few notes and two serious objections to the material, but not to the essence of the material, do not worry.

Victoria Ivchenko, Kiev

Nikolay Syadristy:
"The communo-Marxist myths do not lend themselves to destruction by reason, it takes many years for their death."

Starting a series of publications dedicated to the new book of the People's Artist of Ukraine, the world-famous master of microminiature, researcher of totalitarianism Nikolai Sergeevich Syadristy "COMMUNO-MARXISM: A DEVIL'S TRAP FOR SLAVES" 74 from April 19 this
This is the publication of the famous journalist Stanislav Prokopchuk (his interview with Nikolai Syadristy).
Its name is eloquent "Communo-Marxist myths do not lend themselves to destruction by reason, it takes many years for their death."

Nikolai Syadristy has been creating microminiatures for over 50 years, but most of his time, according to him, he devotes to research on the primary sources of the essence and origins of totalitarian regimes - fascism, communism, Nazism, and the mechanism of their seizure and usurpation of power.

Nikolai Sergeevich, in Ukraine for the second year in a row there has been a continuous "Leninopad" - an integral part of the process of decommunization of society.
In Zaporozhye, finally, the dismantling of the country's largest monument to the "unforgettable Ilyich" took place.




Stanislav Prokopchuk continues his question in an interview with Sadristy:

But it is no secret that most people, even former communists, do not know the true essence of yesterday's "gods" (who were worshiped - Melnik's note) - the leaders of the communist and Nazi totalitarian regimes.
I'm not even talking about revealing the truth of the kitchen of writing the "Communist Manifesto" and "Capital".
Therefore, your book "COMMUNO-MARXISM: A DEVIL'S TRAP FOR SLAVES", which has just been published, is not only unique, but also relevant.

What was your goal when you started writing it?

I have been working on this book for over 30 years.
I consider it the main research and analytical work of my life.
In the 20th century, Marxist regimes killed 100 million people, and fascist ones - 50 million.
Although the leaders of these powers were competitors in the struggle for world domination, all of them, without exception, considered themselves disciples and followers of Marx.
This raises an important question: who was Marx and his accomplices, what views did they have and what did they achieve?
These and other questions are answered by the Satanist Marx himself and his adventurers - "drinking companions".
This book has been compiled from the analysis of their confessions and sayings.

Selecting quotes for her, all the advice and instructions of those against whom she was created were studied in detail - I mean the main ideologist of the 20th century - the Satanist Marx and his followers Lenin and Stalin.

“How many times have I told you,” Iosif Dzhugashvili instructed his subordinates, “do what you want, but don’t leave documents, don’t leave traces.” (I. Stalin. Works, M., Gospolitizdat, vol. 13, p. 18).

Stanislav Prokopchuk, journalist:

This book was created with only one purpose - you emphasize in the section "Instead of a preface" - in order to really and documentarily confirm the deep thought of the English writer and social analyst George Orwell:


Nikolay SYADRISTY, researcher of totalitarianism:

This brilliant thought of Orwell looms more and more clearly, like a specific Everest, over the tragic events of the recent past and over the same problems of today, only in new circumstances.

By the way, for example, to comprehend the current regular coalition - bargaining between party factions in parliament for ministerial portfolios, the words spoken by Marsks more than 150 years ago: their ideas about themselves and their real essence ”. (K. Marx and F. Engels. Works, second edition, M., Politizdat, vol. 8, p. 145).

“In politics,” Marx taught, “for the sake of a certain goal, one can conclude an alliance even with the devil himself;

This idea, over time, liked Lenin.
“There is no morality in politics, but only expediency,” he emphasized (V. Lenin, vol. 42, p. 246), almost exactly copying Marx:
"Communists do not preach any morality at all" (vol. 3, p. 236).

He was followed by Adolf Hitler, who considered himself a student of Marx and Lenin: "In politics, I do not recognize any moral laws" (G. Rauschening. Hitler says, M., MYTH, 1993, p. 205).

Adhering to the principles of lies and antimorality, Marx and Engels, being the leaders of the Union of Communists, which consisted of a dozen or so pubs and pubs, considered the members of their own Union as donkeys and bandits.
They were Marx's spies, whom he himself, as an agent of the Austrian police, kept under control.

“Dear Marx! Engels frankly wrote in one of his letters to a friend. “Have we not, for so many years, pretended that every rabble is our party, while we did not have any party? What is the meaning of the "party", that is, a gang of donkeys who blindly believe us ... "(F. Engels, vol. 27, p. 177).

After several accusatory trials against Marx's "drinking companions" and a documentary essay about him by German democrat Karl Vogt, deputy of the Frankfurt National Assembly, Marx was practically forgotten not only in Germany, but also in London, where he lived for more than 30 years.

Vogt openly spoke of Marx as a paid police agent who leads a bunch of reckless conspirators in pursuit of his material and political goals (Karl Vogt, "My trial against the Allgemeine Zeitung").

Such was the real "greatness of the leader of the proletariat" among the Social Democrats, revolutionaries and workers, praised by the ideology of the Soviet Union, a power that was considered Marxist.

The initiator of the creation of this myth was a follower of Marx, a maniac, nicknamed Lenin.
“Were it not for Lenin, we would never have known about the existence of Marx,” the authoritative sociologist and economist Henry North came to this conclusion in his book “The Marxian Religion of Revolution. Rebirth through chaos ”.

It was published in Texas (USA) in 1960 and translated into Russian in 1994 in Yekaterinburg (Melnik's note - from 1924 to 1991 it is the city of Sverdlovsk, Russia, the capital of the Urals).

It tells about a sensational find that exposes the grandiose lies and myths about the genius and honesty of the great revolutionary Marx, which were created at the initiative of Lenin.

In his youth, Marx became an informant for the Austrian police, spying on his "brothers-in-arms" in the struggle for the liberation of the proletariat.

An indisputable fact: during his visit to Moscow in 1960, Austrian Chancellor Julius Raab handed Nikolai Khrushchev the original of Marx's treaty with the police found in the Austrian archives, according to which Marx was obliged, playing communism, to provide information to the police authorities about all obedient to him and uncontrolled them the communists.




Nikolay SYADRISTY, researcher of totalitarianism:

Myths are a special faith that is created for a very long time with the help of fear and "flirting with the slave of affection."

In 1921, despite financial difficulties, hunger and poverty in the country, at the direction of Lenin, the creation of the great glory of Marx, almost forgotten in Europe, began.
The Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Institute was organized.

And in 1956 it became known as the Institute of Marxism-Leninism.

In all the Union republics, 16 branches were created on the basis of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Central Committee of the Communist Party).

The life and work of these communist inquisitors - Marx, Engels and their maniacal followers, among whom Lenin occupied the first place, are beginning to be studied throughout the country. In a perverted form, absolutely far from reality.

That is why the communist-Marxist myths do not lend themselves to destruction by reason; it takes many years for their death to change more than one generation.

"The strength of Bolshevik communism," said the well-known Russian philosopher and politician Fyodor Stepun, "is in the satanic reworking of faith."

Recently I traveled to the Dnieper region, visited its very depths - in several endangered Zaporozhye villages.
A feeling of complete degradation: off-road, hundreds of hectares of chernozems that are not cultivated, streets of destroyed houses and yards overgrown with weeds, massive drunkenness.
It seems that today we are reaping the fruits of Lenin's surplus appropriation, expropriation of grain, the policy of exterminating the peasantry as "the most reactionary class."

After reading Marx, Lenin decided to build a communist society in his rural country "in a few weeks or a few months."
But the peasants, being owners, were unfriendly and hostile to this idea.
So a strong conflict arose and flared up between the Leninist government and the people of the entire country in the form of a destructive Civil War, which, starting in 1918, lasted for more than three years and took the lives of 13 million people. More than two million citizens left Russia and went abroad.
The war destroyed agricultural structures and industries, causing an unprecedented famine.
For Lenin, the main enemy among the peasants was, although, paradoxically, the most able-bodied part of him, whom Lenin labeled "kulaks".

"The fists are the most brutal, the most rude, the wildest exploiters ...". “These bloodsuckers… These spiders… These leeches… These vampires… A merciless war against these fists! Death to them! " (V. Lenin, vol. 37, p. 41, 1918).

How could a mentally healthy person say that ?!

In his memoirs, Alexander Bogdanov, a unique personality, philosopher, economist, doctor who lived with Lenin at Gorky's in Cyprus (there is a photo where he plays chess with Lenin), wrote that there Lenin "periodically fell into a state that resembled madness ... "

On March 4, 1922, Lenin turned to the psychiatrist Liveriy Dashkevich and told him, overcoming the threshold of secrecy, that he was tormented by "obsessions", that is, obsessive thoughts that he would like to get rid of.

Yuri Melnik, Kharkiv:


THE OPINION OF HERBERT WELES, WHO IN 1920 MET LENIN IN THE KREMLIN, AND LOOKING AT THE FACE OF THE LEADER, SEEED IN HIM "features of degeneration, especially in the brow ridges,"



Stanislav Prokopchuk, journalist:

In particular, perhaps, Lenin wanted to free himself from obsessive thoughts about power and victory over his own people?

Nikolay SYADRISTY, researcher of totalitarianism:

Of course, after all, Lenin's brain (this is a fact confirmed by a medical council) was struck by congenital and acquired syphilis).

Yuri Melnik, Kharkiv:

Dear Viktoria Ivanchuk, alas, is forced to again wedge into Syadristy's conversation with a journalist, but this is a lie, generated by some of Syadristy's political bias, that Lenin's brain was affected by congenital and acquired syphilis.

Yes, his brain was very strongly affected by atherosclerosis, one hemisphere of the brain was practically destroyed by atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels, which manifested itself, in practice, in Lenin's behavior as a mentally unhealthy person, and the disease of atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels began to destroy his brain even in his youth, due to Lenin's poor heredity for this disease.
But, I repeat, Lenin did not have any syphilis!

But it must be admitted that he shed a sea of ​​blood in his country, demanding executions and executions, that he decided to kill and chop to pieces the royal family, replace all Russian monuments with monuments to Marat, Robespierre and the Paris Commune, carried out in Russia a monstrous, purposeful genocide of a man with a sick person , the affected brain, which means (any novice doctor will say this), and with a sick psyche.

Indeed, in the course of Lenin's treatment, for some time he was given the anti-syphilis drug salvarsan and other similar medications, on which the German neuropathologist Adolf von Strumpel, who treated him, insisted.

However, later another German doctor, a specialist in syphilis, Max Nonne, categorically stated that the patient did not have this disease.

Wasserman's blood and cerebrospinal fluid tests were negative. Subsequently, none of the twenty German doctors who observed and treated Lenin mentioned syphilis.

On the contrary, Professors Oswald Bumke, Oskar Vogt and other doctors who were then in Moscow, repeatedly refuted these assumptions, and Vogt took brain particles with him and could examine it at home, in a calm environment.

An autopsy showed the absence of tumors-gum characteristic of neurosyphilis of the brain. Not found in Lenin's skull and in the "greenish slurry" invented by Soloukhin.

Extract from the autopsy report of the deceased Lenin:

“Elderly man, correct physique, satisfactory nutrition.
On the skin of the anterior end of the right clavicle there is a linear scar 2 cm long.
On the outer surface of the left shoulder there is another scar of irregular shape, 2x1 cm (first bullet mark).
On the skin of the back at the angle of the left scapula, there is a roundish scar 1 cm (trace of the second bullet).
On the border of the lower and middle part of the humerus, callus is felt.
Above this place on the shoulder, the first bullet surrounded by a connective tissue membrane is felt in the soft tissues.

Skull - after opening - the dura mater is thickened along the longitudinal sinus, dull, pale. There is yellow pigmentation in the left temporal and partly frontal regions.
The anterior part of the left hemisphere, in comparison with the right, is somewhat sunken. Fusion of the pia mater and dura mater at the left Sylvian sulcus.
The brain - without the meninges - weighs 1340 g.
In the left hemisphere, in the region of the precentral gyri, parietal and occipital lobes, paracentral fissures and temporal gyri - areas of strong retraction of the surface of the brain. The pia mater in these places is cloudy, whitish and, with a yellowish tinge. Vessels of the base of the brain.
Both vertebral arteries do not collapse, their walls are dense, the lumen on the cut is sharply narrowed (gap).
The same changes in the posterior cerebral arteries. The internal carotid arteries, as well as the anterior cerebral arteries, are dense, with uneven thickening of the walls, their lumen is significantly narrowed.
The left internal carotid artery in its intracranial part does not have a lumen and on the cut it appears in the form of a solid, dense, whitish cord.
The left Sylvian artery is very thin, hardened, but retains a small slit-like lumen in the cut. When the brain is cut, its ventricles are dilated, especially the left one, and contain fluid. In places of depressions - softening of brain tissue with many cystic cavities.
Foci of fresh hemorrhage in the area of ​​the choroid plexus covering the quadruple. Internal organs. There are adhesions of the pleural cavities. The heart is enlarged, there is a thickening of the semilunar and bicuspid valves.
The ascending aorta has a small number of bulging yellowish plaques. The coronary arteries are strongly compacted, their lumen gapes, clearly narrowed. On the inner surface of the descending aorta, as well as the larger arteries of the abdominal cavity, there are numerous, strongly protruding yellowish plaques, some of which are ulcerated and petrified.

Lungs. In the upper part of the left lung, there is a 1 cm scar penetrating into the depth of the lung. Above, fibrous thickening of the pleura. Spleen, liver, intestines, pancreas, organs of internal secretion, kidneys without visible features.


Widespread atherosclerosis of the arteries with pronounced damage to the arteries of the brain.
Atherosclerosis of the descending part of the aorta. Hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart, multiple foci of yellow softening (due to vascular sclerosis) in the left hemisphere of the brain during the period of resorption and transformation into cysts. Fresh hemorrhage in the choroid plexus of the brain over the quadruple. Callus of the humerus. Encapsulated soft tissue bullet in the upper left shoulder.


The basis of the deceased's illness is widespread atherosclerosis of blood vessels due to their premature wear (Abnutzungssclerose).
As a result of the narrowing of the lumen of the arteries of the brain and a violation of its nutrition from insufficient blood flow, focal softening of the brain tissue occurred, explaining all the preceding symptoms of the disease (paralysis, speech disorders). The immediate cause of death was: 1) increased circulatory disorders in the brain; 2) hemorrhage in the pia mater in the quadruple region ".

The autopsy began at 11:10 a.m. and finished at 3:50 p.m. on January 22, 1924.
Based on the autopsy results, the commission headed by the head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of Moscow State University, Alexei Abrikosov, also concluded that Lenin died of atherosclerosis, and this conclusion has not yet been refuted by anyone.

The version of hereditary syphilis is also absurd - neither Lenin's parents nor his brothers and sisters had anything like this.
The claims about syphilis, which Soloukhin repeated, are purely political in nature.



Nikolay SYADRISTY, researcher of totalitarianism:

During Gorbachev's perestroika, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia, the Italian scientist, Professor Antonio Meneghetti, the founder of a new direction in modern psychology and psychiatry, read his lectures, conducted seminars and consultations.

In his book "System and Personality" (Moscow, 1996, p. 16), he writes and warns:

“In the past, it happened that some civilizations suddenly disappeared without leaving any traces of destruction. In reality, the greatest forces of society disappeared due to self-absorption from within. If the white race disappears, then this will not happen due to the atomic bomb, but due to one of the tricks of the non-evolved unconscious. You can suddenly collapse due to latent mental madness, the seeds of which germinate for years, and then suddenly cause total disappearance. "

Is not a similar process taking place today in Russia, which began in 1917 and has not ended in its planetary aggressiveness yet, ”Nikolai Syadristy concludes with the conclusion of an Italian follower of E. Husserl, Z. Freud, K. Jung and other thinkers, supplementing it with his verse :

In the great dramas of being

Victory sleeps secretly in the graves

Your accumulating strength

For the judgment in the end of the day.


"Uryadoviy kur'ur"

General conclusions from this interview of journalist Prokopchuk with Syadristy.

Yuri Melnik, Kharkiv:






THEREFORE, criticizing RUSSIA, we should not forget about a critical look at ourselves, it is recognized that the desire of the Revolution, illegal actions CHANGE LIFE OF UKRAINE FOR THE BETTER been such stupidity as attempts atheistic Marxist-Leninist COMMUNIST violence and cruelty to build a "bright communist FUTURE "IN HUMAN BLOOD.


Respectfully, Yuriy Melnik, Kharkiv.



Victoria Ivchenko, Kiev:

Dear Yuri! I have carefully read your translation of this article into Russian.
Thanks also for the very extensive comment and recommendation.
The only drawback is a number of spelling inaccuracies.
Here is the corrected version.

Yuri Melnik:

Dear Vitoria, I am glad that you were calm about my great material in your blog.
I seem to have given the link to the article in "Uryarov Courier" correctly.
I will follow with interest your next publications from Syadristy's book.

For the mistakes you corrected me, please give me a small commentary with fragments with my mistakes - and your correction, so that I can make this correction to my material both here and in Russia.
To be honest, it's a bit tricky to search for your corrections by comparing two very large pieces of text.

Best regards and warmth of heart, Yuri, Kharkov.


Victoria Ivchenko, Kiev:

Dear Yuri! Take the entire text of the article translated by you, which I have placed above - and replace it with the old one. I don't think it's worth looking for fixes.
I am glad that you took such an active part in this work.
Best regards and gratitude, Victoria.

Yuri Melnik, Kharkiv:

You are right, dear Victoria, I didn’t realize, and I will.
Thanks for the tip.


Yuri Melnik, Kharkiv:

And to you, dear Victoria, thank you very much for the very interesting material that simply destroys Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist communist Satanism.

In vain did Syadristy say that it takes several generations to destroy it, 10 minutes is enough to carefully read the material of this journalist's interview with Syadristy in Ukrainian, and whoever understands our Ukrainian poorly - my translation of this material into Russian.

And the satanic substitutions of faith in the atheistic Marcist-Leninist ideology, about which Syadristy speaks, in this material are simply monstrous, because the main God's Commandment of God's Truth from the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ is written in the moral code of the builder of "communism":

"Try to act with others as you want to be treated with you."

Really, the communists would like to be killed for their political beliefs, as this satanic system killed all opponents of its satanic ideology, subjecting all those who disagree to it with brutal repression?

Do the communists themselves really want all the people of their nationality to be loaded into freight cars like cattle and sent to deportation from the land of their ancestors, as this satanic system did with the people of the Crimean Tatars, as a result of which the majority perished (the weakest, the smallest children, and the oldest old people died on the way, unable to withstand the inhuman conditions of deportation, but most of them from hunger and deprivation of the conditions in which this satanic system of atheistic communism placed them)?

Would the communists themselves want all their honestly earned property taken away from them, as this satanic system did with the workers of the land of Ukraine, sending them to Siberia to die of hunger and hardship with their bare hands?

Would the communists themselves want to take away all their food and doom them to painful death from hunger, as this satanic Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist atheistic communist system did, killing many millions of Ukrainians with the artificial Holodomor of 32-33?

Victoria Ivchenko, Kiev:

Well ... That's right!




Victoria Ivchenko:

From the book by N.S. Syadristy "Communo-gloom: the devil's trap for slaves" (pp. 149-150):

"... Lenin, who fiercely hated, like Marx, Russia and its people, immediately began to consider himself a Marxist:" He who is against Marx must be hit in the face, "said Vladimir Ilyich, passive ... also suffering from syphilis (see the article by the candidate of historical sciences I.V. Sokolov "Lenin is the executioner of the Russian people and an ordinary p ... st." (From the secret archives of the KGB: poloz-poloz.narod.ru/LeninZin/LeninZin.htm. - HC)

When the journalist Felix Chuev asked Molotov, who knew all the secrets of the Kremlin, about whether Lenin had syphilis, he received an affirmative answer (F. Chuev, "Semi-Powerful Lord", M. "OLMA-PRESS", 1999, p.296).

Here Molotov spoke the truth, “after all, on March 12, 1923, there was a consultation of doctors with the participation of Semashko, Strumpel, Bumke, Genshen, Nonne, Forster, Minkovsky, Kozhevnikov, Kramer, Osipov, Obukhov and other Soviet and foreign doctors. that the patient (who raped Russia - NS) has a syphilitic disease "(Akim Arutyunov," Lenin's dossier without retouching ", M.," Veche ", 1999, p. 502).

Yuri Melnik, Kharkiv:

Dear Victoria, they were wrong, the clinic for brain damage with syphilis and severe atherosclerosis, this is me, as a person with a higher medical education, who actually worked as a surgeon for 15 years, is practically the same.

But Lenin's doctors said that Lenin did not have any syphilis, since the diagnosis of syphilis is made according to the results of laboratory tests, and the Wasserman reaction was negative in Lenin, and in the tests, both blood and cerebrospinal fluid, which I talk about in detail in your material.

And the autopsy, after Lenin's death, showed that the lesion of Lenin's brain does not have a syphilitic nature - there are no granulomas that are obligatory for syphilis. syphilitic gummas.

Victoria, well, it’s not beautiful either from Syadristy or you, using arguments against a political enemy to use market abuse, such as: "syphilitic, fagot."

We have an orange pro-Western Rada full of people who do not hide their non-traditional sexual orientation, it is better to educate them so that they cease to be such moral monsters.

Lenin had a wife, Krupskaya, he did not promote homosexuality, as it is today in the West, and in Europe, and in America, moral monsters are doing gay parades, even Oscars are awarded to films with bed scenes of homosexuals, so to say that Lenin was a homosexual is dirty and it is unethical, in the end, that you cannot interfere with the personal life of another person, especially on the basis of some gossip.

It’s already enough that the autopsy showed that he organized bloodshed on the land of tsarist Russia, under the satanic ideas of militant atheism, Marxism-Leninism, communism, as a result of which tens of millions of people died, a mentally unhealthy person, with a long-term defeat of the central nervous system, brain , a severe form of atherosclerosis that virtually destroyed his brain.

PS. In Ukraine I will post this material under the title:

"It is not nice, for political reasons, to spread in Ukraine a lie that Lenin had syphilis."

Yes, perhaps, from the lord's shoulder, I will give this material to my old friends-enemies on the website of the political Russia of drunkards, and on five Literary sites of Russia this material will be titled:

"Lies in Uraine that Lenin had syphilis."

Yes, in the course of writing this material, I even felt sorry for Lenin, as a seriously ill person.
Simply, the whole tragedy of the situation is that a sick person was given the opportunity to shed a sea of ​​blood - a fact.

Science is constantly evolving. Less than a hundred years ago, medicine was actually experimental. Thanks to new scientific data, new facts about Lenin's illness became known. A geriatrician, clinical gerontologist, chief physician of the Scientific Medical Hematological Center told about this live on the video studio. Valery Novoselov.

New facts about Lenin's death

- Why is the topic of Lenin's illness being so actively discussed?

- He was an unusual, non-standard patient. In Soviet and post-Soviet times, it was believed that Ulyanov had a bad heredity, that the pronounced atherosclerosis from which he died was hereditary. However, the analysis of siblings (that is, brothers and sisters, of whom Lenin had eight) contradicts this version. Brother Dmitry lived to be 68 years old, one of the sisters - to 71, the other - to 59.

That is, in principle, the person had good heredity and good health. He did not drink, did not smoke, lived in a very comfortable environment, including in Europe, where he spent 17 years. Even during his three-year exile in Shushenskoye, he had fairly tolerable living conditions.

What turned out to be really unusual is the term that had to be specially introduced by Lenin's attending physicians after opening his body: tension atherosclerosis. This term was used in world medicine for the first and last time.

The diagnosis ranged between atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, and syphilis. The last disease in the Russian Empire and Soviet Russia of those years was very common, the prevalence of the population in different regions reached 20 percent.

- On what basis was syphilis diagnosed?

- Lenin did not have syphilis. During the course of the disease, blood and cerebrospinal fluid tests were repeatedly carried out, and never a spirochete pallidum, treponema was found. Including, and at autopsy, and during postmortem microscopic examination of tissues. Where did this myth come from?

Even in the 80s of the last century, 30 years ago, at the medical institute we were taught: if you are faced with something non-standard - think, first, about syphilis. The clinical picture of the course of the disease in Lenin was very strange. He was treated by eminent doctors, more than 13 people, including several neurosyphilis specialists invited from Sweden and Germany.

- Is neurosyphilis, roughly speaking, ordinary syphilis that affects the brain? Or some special type of syphilis that doesn't get detected?

- There are a lot of forms of syphilis, as well as types of neurosyphilis. In this case, for general information, it is just a brain damage. You can often talk about dryness or some other forms associated with paralysis.

Today, all this is treated very easily, and has probably not been found for thirty or forty years. At the same time, there were no effective medications. Lenin was treated with salvarsan, a drug that was new for that time. Ehrlich discovered it in 1909, and in fact, it was only in 1915 that salvarsan began to be produced in Russia.

A third of the drug consists of arsenic. It is very toxic, difficult to use, it has extensive contraindications, including neurodegenerative diseases of the brain. This is what Lenin had in his anamnesis: atherosclerosis of the brain, in principle, developed due to age.

Already in the early 1920s, the drug was replaced by neosalvarsan, which is less toxic. The fact is that all arsenic derivatives are poisonous, arsenic in combination with mercury is even used in weapons of mass destruction, it is part of lewisite. Today, mercury preparations are practically not treated, because they have a necrotizing effect, they detoxify very quickly when injected, that is, when they come into contact with oxygen, they become more aggressive.

Obviously, the doctors of that era, having a very short period of using this drug, without knowing and not wanting to, aggravated the severity of the patient's condition. The disease proceeded somehow unusual, non-standard, in fact it lasted two and a half years, progressed very quickly and at the last stage began to be combined with vascular dementia. Lenin died with dementia of the Binswanger type against the background of the development of atherosclerosis, which is called Marchand-Anichkov disease. But the cause of death, in my opinion, was the introduction of arsenic.

- So, the cause of death was atherosclerosis caused by the introduction of arsenic?

- Quite right. The drug was injected intravenously at ten milligrams per kilogram of weight - at a time, about two grams of pure arsenic is obtained, with Lenin's growth of 164 centimeters and a weight of about 70 kilograms. Therefore, I think the cycles of deterioration or improvement in well-being are associated with the fact that the body received toxic damage. It was not about syphilitic damage to the cerebral vessels, but arsenic damage, which led to dysfunction of the epithelium, endothelium, blood vessels and to disruption of the mitochondrial link of brain cells.

- As in the joke it turns out: the autopsy showed that the patient died from the autopsy ...

- A lot of theories have been expressed, but gradually they all disappear. For example, recently Dr. Andrei Belyaev suggested that perhaps Lenin had Werner's progeria syndrome, that is, the syndrome of accelerated aging initially. He points out that the leader of the world proletariat had a nickname "Old Man" from his youth, and bald patches appeared very early.

But habitus, the appearance of such patients, of whom, by the way, there are very few in the world, today there are about 80 people, cannot be considered strong evidence. They are characterized by all age-related pathology: diabetes, hypertension, senile asthenia, sarcopenia, decreased muscle tissue. But this is not, Lenin was in pretty good physical shape. Therefore, there is simply no need to talk about congenital syphilis or some futuristic diagnosis.

Already in the 22nd year, the ailing Lenin felt that things were bad, and turned to Stalin to give him poison. Not to Trotsky, Kamenev or Zinoviev, who most likely would refuse to comply with such a request. He turned precisely to Stalin - to the one who could allow a person to leave on his own. And, by the way, back in November 1923, Stalin announced the need to mummify Lenin after his death. That is, he was already sure of the death of the leader. Such is an interesting fact.

Interviewed by Olga Tabolina

Prepared for publication by Yuri Kondratyev

The famous Russian scientist, neuropathologist and psychiatrist G.I. Rossolimo in a conversation with V.A. Shchurovsky about the progressive illness of V.I. Ulyanov, spoke about the council, which took place on March 21, 1923 with the participation of Semashko, Strumpel, Bumke, Genshen, Nonne, Foerster, Minkovsky, Kozhevnikov, Kramer, Osipov, Obukh and other Soviet and foreign doctors. All those present agreed that the patient had a syphilitic disease. One of the oldest and most experienced neuropathologists, Professor Strumpel, was especially categorical in determining the final diagnosis, who, after examining Lenin, decisively stated that the patient had syphilitic inflammation of the inner lining of the arteries, therefore, his treatment, he said, should be exclusively antiluestic. Without exception, all doctors, including People's Commissar Semashko, agreed with Professor Strumpel.
Former Minister of Health Academician B.V. Petrovsky carefully and more than once studied the autopsy protocol and the materials of the brain study, but he avoided their scientific commentary. Why? A little more than a year after the publication of B.V. Petrovsky of his article, in which he emphasized that Ulyanov (Lenin) for a very long time "complained of headaches" and suffered "not five or ten years" 1) , medical scientists carried out new scientific studies of Lenin's remains, in particular his brain. The results of the study showed with scientific reliability that Lenin had a venereal disease in his youth.
How long ago did Lenin have headaches? Academician B.V. Petrovsky believes that Lenin suffered from this disease for more than ten years. And how many more - 15, 20?
Probably, young Ulyanov contracted this disease in the summer of 1895, during his first trip abroad, when, by his own admission, "I went a lot and ended up in one Swiss resort" 2) for treatment. That is, during the first trip abroad Ulyanov on July 18, 1895 unexpectedly finds himself in a medical sanatorium in Switzerland. In which one, and about the main disease, due to which he "got" to this medical and health-improving institution, Ulyanov is silent. Meanwhile, he writes from there that "I decided to take this opportunity to get down to the annoying disease (stomach) ... I hope to get out of here in 4-5 days." 3) ... But, as far as is known, even with the modern level of medicine, it is impossible to cure the patient's stomach in 4-5 days. Hence the conclusion: he was hiding from loved ones the main disease, which the doctors promised to cure, or rather heal, in five days .
However, what does it matter where and when Ulyanov caught syphilis. It is important to say something else: fornication for him was the same deliberate transgression of the Divine commandments, like all of him.
After returning from emigration, Lenin, as the reader already knows, plunges headlong into the work of preparing and carrying out a coup d'etat. 4 days before the July armed putsch organized by the Bolsheviks, Lenin went to rest at V.D. Bonch-Bruevich. In his memoirs V.D. Bonch-Bruevich writes that Lenin at the dacha "had headaches, his face turned pale, his eyes spoke of great fatigue." 4) ... On the evening of October 15, 1917, an attack began in Lenin's safe apartment, accompanied by severe headaches. It is quite obvious that over the years Lenin's illness became more and more aggravated. Writer G.I. Konovalov, in his publicistic article "Son of the Volga", covering the events of the summer of 1918, writes that Lenin "once ... felt dizzy, had a slight faint." He also notes that Lenin suffered unthinkable headaches. " 5) ... In his memoirs, M.I. Ulyanova also stressed that “in the winter of 20-21, 21-22 / years / V.I. felt bad. Headaches, loss of working capacity worried him greatly " 6) .
Analysis of sources and literature shows that headaches worried Ulyanov for more than a quarter of a century ... One of the causes of headaches, according to medical scientists (Rossolimo, Foerster, etc.), is mental illness, as for the second illness, we need facts, namely: materials from various analyzes (urine, blood, etc.); information about the means with which the patient was treated, and much more. It seems that in order to identify it, one should pay attention to several historical documents. Let's not rush things, and present this evidence.

I. Protocol of postmortem examination.
“The skull - after opening - the dura mater is thickened along the longitudinal sinus, dull, pale. There is yellow pigmentation in the left temporal and partly frontal regions. The anterior part of the left hemisphere, in comparison with the right, is somewhat sunken. In the left hemisphere, in the area of ​​the percentral convolutions, the parietal and occipital lobes, the paracentral fissure and the temporal convolutions, there are areas of strong retraction of the surface of the brain. The pia mater in these places is cloudy, whitish, with a yellow tinge. When the brain is cut, its ventricles are dilated, especially the left one, contains fluid. In places of depressions - softening of the brain tissue with many cystic cavities ... "
Gorki, January 22, 1924.
Conclusion: "The basis of the deceased's disease is widespread atherosclerosis of blood vessels due to their premature wear (Abnutzyngssclerose)", - signed: A.I. Abrikosov, V.V. Bunak, B.V. Weisbrod, F.A. Guetier, A.A. Deshin, P.I. Elistratov, V.P. Osipov, V.N. Rozanov, N.A. Semashko (People's Commissar of Health), O. Foerster. Two of them (A.I. Abrikosov and A.A. Deshin) did not take part in Lenin's treatment.

It is surprising that the attending physicians - Professor V.V. Kramer and assistant professor L.M. Kozhevnikov. Particularly alarming is the fact that a prominent scientist, director of the Institute of the Brain V.M. Bekhterev. As for Professor O. Foerster (the only foreign doctor who signed the protocol), this highly paid specialist signed the protocol without looking, since he did not speak Russian. In addition, he was not interested in the content of the protocol: he was completely satisfied with the tens of thousands of pounds that he received from the state treasury at the direction of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). Other foreign professors also received a lot.

II. Microscopic examination protocol.
"Brain. Focuses of softening (cysts), resorption of dead tissue, so-called granular balls, deposits of blood pigment grains are visible. Good development of pyramidal cells in the frontal lobe of the right hemisphere ... Left hemisphere - proliferation of the pia mater, edema.
February 26, 1924.
Conclusion: Atherosclerosis is a wear sclerosis. “Thus, - writes A.I. Abrikosov, - a microscopic examination confirmed the autopsy data, establishing that the only basis for all changes is atherosclerosis of the arterial system, with a predominant lesion of the cerebral arteries. No indications of the specific nature of the process (syphilis, etc.) were found either in the vascular system or in other organs. " 7) .

Without in the least doubting the authority and competence of a scientist of such a high rank who performed a microscopic study, I should note that it seems that Professor A.I. Abrikosov was solely engaged in research. This is just what is hard to believe. This begs the question: why the Brain Institute for the Study of Brain and Mental Activity, headed by Academician V.M. Bekhterev? Indeed, the conclusion of the pathological study unequivocally states that the immediate cause of Lenin's death was "increased circulatory disorders in the brain and hemorrhage in the pia mater of the quadruple region."
Meanwhile, both the autopsy and microscopic examination, as is clear from the publications, are entrusted only (?) To the pathologist A.I. Abrikosov. We will refrain from commenting on this fact, giving the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the latest document.
The document belongs to the pen of Dr. Vladimir Mikhailovich Zernov. His father, Mikhail Stepanovich Zernov, before the Bolshevik coup was a famous Moscow doctor, philanthropist and public figure, the creator of free medical and sanatorium institutions in Essentuki and Sochi.
The author of the document, V.M. Zernov, was born in Moscow in 1904; after October 1917 he emigrated with his family to Yugoslavia; graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade, worked in Paris; specialized in immunity and physiology of isolated organs. Here is the complete content of the document:

III. Medical indications of V.I. Lenin's progressive paralysis.
“Dina Mikhailovna Maze, who translated books on psychiatry and neurology, told me that in the early 1930s she saw her old friend and collaborator in Russia, prof. Moscow Zalkind University 8) (formerly employed by Bekhterev). He stopped in Paris on his way to America for a scientific convention. Prof. Zalkind, a staunch communist, told her that he was one of those tasked with researching Lenin's brain. Lenin's brain, he said, was a characteristic tissue that was reborn under the influence of the syphilistic process. After some time, there was a scientific congress of psychiatry and neurology in Russia. D.M. Maze instructed her French acquaintances who were traveling to this congress to find Prof. Zalkind and give him some order. The French could not find him in any way. Finally, one of the Moscow scientists told them: "Don't look for Zalkind, he is no longer in Moscow." Apparently, he was eliminated. In 1928 or 1929, prof. I.P. Pavlov 9) ... Knowing well my father, Dr. Mikhail Stepanovich Zernov, he came to us to dine with his son and his friend - prof. S.I. Metalnikov. Prof. Pavlov said that in Lenin's will it was written: "Take care of Pavlov." Therefore, he was not touched and he was not afraid that he would be arrested, but he feared that after his death the government would take revenge on his son. He compared the Soviet system with the three most terrible diseases: syphilis, cancer and tuberculosis. According to Pavlov, the Soviet system is terrible in that it tries to spiritually corrupt a person. Prof. Pavlov claimed that Lenin was sick with syphilis and during his rule of Russia he was a typical patient with progressive paralysis. Prof. Pavlov personally knew the scientists entrusted with the study of Lenin's brain, and he confirmed that they had found changes characteristic of the effects of syphilis and progressive paralysis. Under threat of death, they were forbidden to talk about it.
Paris, December 6, 1964.
Dr. Vladimir Zernov. Please do not publish this document for 10 years. Vl. Grain " 10) .

Of course, one can doubt the veracity of the will of Dr. Vladimir Mikhailovich Zernov, but there are fundamental questions that do not allow this to be done. For example, why the famous doctor and scientist A.B. Zalkind suddenly disappears in the early 30s, and after 1933 his name is no longer mentioned in the reference literature? Why did V.M. Zernova did not respond to the USSR Ministry of Health? I don’t think that by publishing his article on the injury and illness of Lenin, Academician B.V. Petrovsky was not aware of the document published in the Posev magazine in January 1984. Undoubtedly, such a prominent scientist as Academician B.V. Petrovsky, was familiar with the conclusions of the consultation of doctors, which took place on March 21, 1923, as well as with the publication of entries in the diaries of Professor A. Strumpel, the contents of the book of Professor M. Nonne and articles of Dr. V. Flerov. But since the opinions and conclusions of the above doctors were not reflected in the works of B.V. Petrovsky, you will have to bring them.
The diary entries of Professor A. Strumpel were published in the Frankrurter Allgemeine Zeitung. We are interested in the diagnosis of Lenin's disease, which was made by this famous, world-renowned neurologist and neuropathologist. Here is the literal content of the diagnosis: "Endarteritis lues" with secondary foci of softening, most likely. But the lues is undeniable. (Wasserman in blood and cerebrospinal fluid is negative. Cerebrospinal fluid is normal.) Treatment, if at all possible, should be specific. "
For comments on the diagnosis made by Professor Strumpel, let us turn to Academician Yu.M. Lopukhin. Here is what he writes about this: “The attending physicians, and especially Foerster and Kozhevnikov, still did not completely rule out the syphilitic genesis of brain phenomena. This, in particular, is evidenced by the appointment of injections of arsenic, which, as you know, has long been the main anti-syphilitic agent. " 11) .
In the book by Yu.M. Lopukhin also contains an interesting remark. Selecting and studying archival materials of laboratory analyzes of urine and other substances of Lenin, the scientist writes: “But neatly stitched beautiful books with black calico binding and silver embossing, containing a huge number of urine analyzes and the longest graphs of the dynamics of its main indicators - analyzes, in principle, are not very necessary and clarifying nothing. But on the other hand, how accurate and conscientious is the medical and sanitary service of the Kremlin, how beautifully everything is decorated! .. Unfortunately, the archives did not find blood tests, although it is known that they were done many times ... " 12) ... There is no doubt that the blood test materials were removed from the archive and destroyed so that they could not clarify the diagnosis of Lenin's disease.
Cautious, but at the same time understandable for a specialist, information is contained in the statements of an experienced specialist in brain syphilis, Professor M. Nonne, who, upon returning from Moscow, at a meeting of doctors in Bremen said: "I have undertaken not to name the diagnosis [of V. Ulyanov's disease], although here, in our country, every doctor knows what kind of brain diseases they are causing me!" 13) Indeed, for what purpose was an experienced specialist in cerebral syphilis invited to Moscow if the patient suffered from cerebral atherosclerosis ?! In the published monograph "The Beginning and Purpose of My Life" Nonne writes that "in the literature on Lenin and the consequences of syphilis for the nervous system, one can find that Lenin had brain syphilis or paralysis ..." 14) Thus, Nonne, albeit indirectly, confirms the diagnosis made by Strumpel and supported by him in Gorki on March 21, 1923.
It is known that the People's Commissar of Health N. Semashko regularly reported to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks on the consultations of doctors and the course of treatment for Ulyanov (Lenin), and the Bolshevik "leaders" met directly with doctors to find out the truth about his illness. Naturally, during these meetings, a technical worker of the Central Committee apparatus was also present, who kept the minutes. Such a responsible officer keeping the protocol was the secretary general of the secretary general B. Bazhanov. It is quite obvious that in his memoirs Bazhanov relied on the information that came from the doctors. Hence the objective information that Bazhanov gives in his book: “The doctors were right: the improvement [of V. Ulyanov's health] was short-term. Syphilis, untreated at the time, was in its last stage. " 15) .
And now we will provide an opportunity to make, as it were, a resume to Dr. V. Flerov. “... In the medical literature,” writes Flerov, “many cases have been described when the first and second stages (of syphilis) proceeded imperceptibly and only the phenomena of the third stage led to the establishment of a diagnosis. Probably, this could be the case with Lenin: delayed hereditary or acquired syphilis passed unnoticed, and since both forms lead to the same changes in the brain, their differentiation is not important for the diagnosis. The symptomatology of Lenin's disease is more like cerebral vascular syphilis than progressive paralysis. Professor Strumpel's diagnosis, non-publication of microscopic examination of the brain and the selection of doctors (Strumpel, Bumke, Nonne and Osipov), as well as a lot of indirect evidence make syphilis much more likely than atherosclerosis. It follows that the Soviet authorities falsified the diagnosis and the autopsy result " 16) .
It is difficult to disagree with Dr. Flerov, whose conclusions, in fact, are based on the evidence of prominent medical luminaries. As for the falsification of facts, I have no doubts about this. The Bolshevik ideologists had experience in this. During the years of Soviet power, official historiography so often published various dubious materials and facts that the reader involuntarily had a suspicion of every word. And it is no secret that falsifications originate from the moment of the emergence of Bolshevism. Obviously, this was also the case when Lenin was suffering from a serious and incurable illness.
Unfortunately, the doctors and scientists who signed the autopsy and microscopic protocols were unable to step over the barrier of fear and made a deal with their conscience. They understood perfectly well what could be expected of them if even insignificant facts or assumptions were found in the materials of the examination, casting a shadow on the cult of the "leader". The Bolshevik Semashko especially watched over this. And according to the instructions of Dzhugashvili, everything that was associated with Ulyanov's (Lenin's) illness was classified.

1) "Truth". 1990.25-26 November.
2) Lenin V.I. PSS. T. 55.S. 9-10.
3) Ibid. P. 10.
4) Bonch-Bruevich V.D. Recollection of Lenin. P. 96.
5) Konovalov G.I. Tight wings of talent. M. 1975.S. 13.
6) "Izvestia of the Central Committee of the CPSU" 1989. No. 12. P. 197.
7) Quoted. according to: About Lenin - the truth. S. 51-53.
8) Zalkind Aron Borisovich (1889-?) - teacher, psychoneurologist, author of a number of scientific works on psychology and pedagogy. Shot by the Bolsheviks in the early 1930s.
9) Pavlov I.P. (1849-1936) - an outstanding Russian physiologist, academician, who developed the doctrine of higher nervous activity.
10) "Sowing". 1984, No. 1. P. 55.
11) Lopukhin Yu.M. Disease, death and embalming of V.I. Lenin. Truth and myths. M. 1997.S. 19.
12) Ibid. P. 36.
13) Quoted. Quoted from: V. Flerov, Disease and Death of Lenin. - "Independent newspaper". 1991. No. 10. January 22.
14) Nonne M. Anfand ynd Ziel Meines Leben. Gamburg. 1971. S. 224.
15) Bazhanov B. Memoirs of the former secretary of Stalin. M. 1990.S. 40.
16) Flerov V. Decree. Job.

... For there is nothing hidden that has not been revealed

would, and secret that would not be recognized.

(Gospel of Matthew)

I did not imagine and could not imagine that the old archival documents relating to the period of Lenin's illness and death could have such a strong emotional impact. Much can be felt, understood and read between the lines in the witnesses of the past time, withered from time to time. Here is a leaf of a tear-off notebook hastily written in a large, sweeping handwriting by N. A. Semashko. An intellectual of the old formation, close to Lenin, the People's Commissar of Health, who, as K. E. Voroshilov later argued at a meeting of the commission for perpetuating the memory of Lenin, was against the long-term preservation of the body of the deceased leader and who therefore "must be driven out of the commission", this conscientious doctor, taking close to heart his responsibility and, perhaps, feeling even special personal guilt for the sad outcome of the illness of a deeply revered person, tormenting himself for his impotence to save Lenin's life, excitedly asks the pathologist A.I. Abrikosov to pay special attention to the need for strong morphological evidence of Lenin's absence luetic (Lues is a synonym for syphilis) defeats in order to preserve his bright image. But neatly stitched beautiful little books with black calico binding and silver embossing, containing a huge number of urine analyzes and long graphs of the dynamics of its main indicators - analyzes, in principle, are not very necessary and do not clarify anything. But on the other hand, how neat and conscientious is the Kremlin's medical and sanitary service, how beautifully everything is designed!

Various versions (at least 3) of Lenin's autopsy protocols are kept. Written by hand under dictation, they bear numerous traces of edits, searches for the most correct formulations, are dotted with crossed out paragraphs, inserts, etc. It can be seen that it was especially difficult to write the final document, in which the history of the disease, stages of treatment was presented on three pages of small text and the cause of Lenin's death.

There is everything here - both the justifications for the medical actions of doctors, most of them (if we take into account the true diagnosis) dubious and even incorrect, and the alleged success of the treatment that was highlighted. Unfortunately, no blood tests were found in the archives, although it is known that they were done many times. But a thin translucent sheet with the analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, fortunately, survived.

Large folders contain photographs and a detailed description of Lenin's brain. How severely the disease was distorted by the powerful thinking apparatus: dents, scars, cavities occupied the entire left half of the brain.

In cardboard archival folders containing images of the brain and stained sections of various tissues (brain, aorta, blood vessels, kidneys, liver), enclosed in transparent glass, you can still feel the pungent smells of formalin and something elusive, peculiar only to anatomical theaters.

It was impossible, however, not to notice that the overwhelming part of the documents seen for all these many years remained practically out of sight of historians, that they have been unclaimed for more than 70 years. Meanwhile, it is these documents, and only they, that can shed light on one of the most voluntarily or involuntarily confused problems of Lenin's biography - the essence of his illness.

It is hardly reasonable to dismiss the need for full documentary evidence of the true disease, unfoundedly denying all other versions, except for atherosclerosis, likening A. P. Chekhov's learned neighbor, who argued that "this cannot be, because this can never be."

History, like nature, abhors voids and white spots. In the absence of reliable data, they are filled with fiction or lies similar to the truth.

Diagnostic obscurations

As is, unfortunately, often the case with an over-attentive attitude towards the patient and the involvement of many authoritative specialists in his treatment at once, an obvious and even "student" diagnosis is surprisingly replaced by some clever, collegially accepted, reasonably substantiated and ultimately erroneous diagnosis.

NA Semashko, of course with the best of intentions, especially during periods of deteriorating health of Lenin, invited many prominent and prominent specialists from Russia and Europe to consultations. Unfortunately, they all confused rather than clarified the essence of Lenin's illness. The patient was consistently given three incorrect diagnoses, according to which he was treated incorrectly: neurasthenia (overwork), chronic lead poisoning and syphilis of the brain.

At the very beginning of the disease at the end of 1921, when fatigue fell heavily on the still strong and strong Lenin, the attending doctors unanimously agreed on the diagnosis - overwork. Very soon, however, it became clear that rest was of little use, and all the excruciating symptoms — headaches, insomnia, decreased performance, etc. — did not stop.

In early 1922, even before the first stroke, a second concept was put forward - chronic lead poisoning from two bullets left in soft tissues after an assassination attempt in 1918. However, they did not exclude the consequences of poisoning from the curare poison, which the bullets allegedly contained.

It was decided to remove one of the bullets (operation on April 23, 1922), which, as you know, also did not have any positive effect on Lenin's deteriorating health. It was then, probably, that the hypothesis arose about syphilis as the basis of Lenin's brain damage. Now it is difficult to say who put forward such a version, which went on like a red thread through Lenin's entire painful dying path and was never revised during his lifetime.

In archival documents and open literature, almost all participants in those distant consultations argue that they were just against such a diagnosis, even then they assumed that Lenin's cerebral vascular lesions were of an atherosclerotic nature. O. Foerster, who had been observing Lenin almost constantly since 1922, immediately after the March episode with the alleged "food" poisoning claimed that he had already diagnosed "softened cerebral thrombosis" (of the brain. Yu. L.). G. Klemperer, who had been observing Lenin together with Foerster for quite a long time, agreed with this diagnosis.

In June 1922, in an official report, according to Klemperer, he said in connection with the operation to remove the bullet: in his opinion, Lenin had atherosclerotic cerebral hemorrhage and this disease had no connection with the bullet. And fifteen years after Lenin's death, in 1939, Klemperer would definitely write: "The possibility of a venereal disease was ruled out." But Lenin was treated with anti-lyuetic means: injections of arsenic preparations, iodide compounds, etc.!

In connection with a sharp deterioration in Lenin's health after another stroke in March 1923, the following came to Moscow: A. Strumpel, a 70-year-old patriarch-neuropathologist from Germany, one of the leading specialists in spinal cord and spastic paralysis; S. E. Genshen - brain diseases specialist from Sweden; O. Minkovsky - famous diabetologist; O. Bumke - psychiatrist; Professor M. Nonne is a prominent specialist in the field of neuroluces (all from Germany).

An international council with the participation of the aforementioned persons, together with Foerster, who had previously arrived in Moscow, as well as Semashko, Kramer, Kozhevnikov, and others, did not reject the syphilitic genesis of Lenin's disease.

After examining Lenin, on March 21, Professor Strumpel diagnoses: endarteriitis luetica (syphilitic inflammation of the inner lining of the arteries - endarteritis) with secondary softening of the brain. And although syphilis has not been confirmed in the laboratory (the Wasserman reaction of blood and cerebrospinal fluid is negative), he categorically states: "Therapy should only be specific (that is, antiluetic)."

The entire medical Areopagus agreed with this.

Lenin began to vigorously carry out specific treatment. After his death, when the diagnosis was clear, when describing the entire history of the disease, this anti-syphilitic treatment finds a kind of justification: "Doctors identified the disease as a consequence of a widespread, but part of a local vascular process in the brain (sclerosis vasorum cerebri) and assumed the possibility of its specific origin ( whatever - "assumed", they were in a hypnotic delusion. Yu. L.), as a result, attempts were made to carefully use arsenobenzene and iodide preparations. "Further, separated by a comma, there is an exculpatory excuse insert, written on the left in the margins:" so as not to miss this measure in case such an assumption was confirmed. "And then a completely major continuation : "During this treatment, there was a very significant improvement to the degree of disappearance of painful symptoms, general and local, and the headaches stopped after the first infusion."

The cautious doctors (Guetier, Foerster, Kramer, Kozhevnikov, etc.), of course, were cunning - an improvement did come, but in any case without any connection with the introduction of anti-lyuetic drugs.

Moreover, they further write: "On March 10, complete paralysis of the right limb with symptoms of deep aphasia occurred, this state took a persistent and prolonged course. Taking into account the severity of the symptoms, it was decided to resort to mercury treatment in the form of rubbing and Bismugenal" it was necessary to stop very soon (after three rubbing), due to pneumonia found in the patient "or, as V. Kramer wrote," idiosyncrasy, that is, intolerance. "

It should be noted that Lenin was also intolerant to German doctors. He intuitively understood that they harm him rather than help. "For a Russian person," he confessed to Kozhevnikov, "German doctors are unbearable."

Were there really any arguments in favor of neurosyphilis? There were no direct or definite signs of syphilis. The Wasserman reaction of blood and cerebrospinal fluid, delivered more than once, was negative.

Of course, one could assume congenital syphilis, so widespread at the end of the last - the beginning of this century in Russia. (According to Kuznetsov (cited by L. I. Kartamyshev), in 1861-1869 more than 60 thousand people fell ill with syphilis in Russia annually, and in 1913 in Moscow there were 206 syphilitics for every 10 thousand people.) But this is also an assumption. is obviously wrong, if only because all of Lenin's brothers and sisters were born on time and were healthy. And there was no reason at all to believe that Lenin could have contracted syphilis from casual relationships, which he, no doubt, never had.

What, then, was the basis for the hypothesis of neuroluset?

Most likely, the logic of clinicians at the end of the last - the beginning of this century worked: if the etiology is unclear, the picture of the disease is not typical - look for syphilis: it is many-sided and diverse. "From the early period of the disease," wrote F. Henschen in 1978, "there was a dispute about the causes of vascular lesions - syphilis, epilepsy or poisoning."

As for epilepsy, more precisely, small seizures observed during Lenin's disease, they were the result of focal irritation of the cerebral cortex by the adhesive process during scarring of the zones of necrosis (ischemia) of different parts of the brain, which was confirmed by autopsy.

Another probable diagnosis - atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels - also had no absolute clinical signs and was not seriously discussed during Lenin's illness. There were several compelling arguments against atherosclerosis. First, the patient had no symptoms of ischemia (circulatory disorders) of other organs, so characteristic of generalized atherosclerosis. Lenin did not complain of pain in his heart, liked to walk a lot, did not experience pain in the limbs with the characteristic intermittent claudication. In a word, he did not have angina pectoris, and there were no signs of vascular lesions in the lower extremities.

Secondly, the course of the disease was atypical for atherosclerosis - episodes with a sharp deterioration in the condition, paresis and paralysis ended with an almost complete and rather rapid recovery of all functions, which was observed at least until mid-1923. Of course, the preservation of the intellect, which usually suffers greatly after the first stroke, was also surprising. Other possible diseases - Alzheimer's disease, Pick's, or multiple sclerosis - figured in one way or another in medical discussions, but were unanimously rejected.

Was there any reason to treat Lenin with anti-lyuetic means with such a shaky diagnosis?

In medicine, there are situations when treatment is carried out at random, blindly, with an incomprehensible or unsolved cause of the disease, the so-called treatment - ex juvantibus. In the case of Lenin, this is most likely the case. In principle, the diagnosis of luetic vascular disease and appropriate treatment did not affect the course of atherosclerosis and did not affect the predetermined outcome. In a word, it did not bring physical harm to Lenin (apart from the painfulness of the procedures). But the false diagnosis - Neurolues - very quickly became an instrument of political insinuations and, of course, caused considerable moral damage to Lenin's personality.

Autopsy. Temporary embalming

On the night after Lenin's death, January 22, 1924, a commission was created to organize the funeral. It included F.E.Dzerzhinsky (chairman), V.M.Molotov, K.E. Voroshilov, V.D.Bonch-Bruevich and others. The commission made several urgent decisions: instructed the sculptor S. D. Merkurov to immediately remove the plaster mask from Lenin's face and hands (which was done at 4 a.m.), invite the famous Moscow pathologist A. I. Abrikosov for temporary embalming (for 3 days before the funeral ) and perform an autopsy of the body. It was decided to place the coffin with the body in the Column Hall for farewell, followed by burial on Red Square.

For temporary embalming ("freezing"), a standard solution was taken, consisting of formalin (30 parts), zinc chloride (10 parts), alcohol (20 parts), glycerin (20 parts) and water (100 parts). A routine incision of the rib cage was made along the cartilage of the ribs and the sternum was temporarily removed. A preservative fluid was injected through the opening in the ascending aorta using a large "Zhanet" -type syringe. “When filling,” N. A. Semashko, who was present during the autopsy, recalled on January 29, 1924, “they drew attention to the fact that the temporal arteries are not contoured and that on the lower part of the auricle (apparently, the right one? - Yu. L.) dark spots are formed. After filling with liquid, these spots began to dissolve, and when the tips of the ears were rubbed with fingers, they turned pink and the whole face got a completely fresh look. "Thus, there were all the signs of a successful soaking of the tissues of the head and body with the embalming solution and good preservation of the vascular system. immediately after the introduction of the solution, an autopsy had to be performed, which entailed the inevitable leakage of the solution from the tissues.

The autopsy report reads: "Elderly man, correct physique, satisfactory nutrition. On the skin of the anterior end of the right clavicle there is a linear scar 2 cm long. On the outer surface of the left shoulder there is another scar of irregular shape, 2 x 1 cm (first bullet mark). On the skin the back at the angle of the left scapula - a roundish scar 1 cm (trace of the second bullet) .A callus is felt on the border of the lower and middle part of the humerus. Above this place on the shoulder, the first bullet surrounded by a connective tissue membrane is felt in the soft tissues. Skull - after opening - The dura mater is thickened along the longitudinal sinus, dull, pale. In the left temporal and partly frontal region there is yellow pigmentation. The anterior part of the left hemisphere, compared to the right, is somewhat sunken. Fusion of the soft and dura mater near the left Sylvian sulcus. The brain - without the meninges - weighs 1340 g. In the left hemisphere, in the region of the precentral convolutions, parietal and atrial lobes, paracentral fissures and temporal gyri are areas of strong retraction of the brain surface. The pia mater in these places is cloudy, whitish, with a yellowish tinge.

Vessels of the base of the brain. Both vertebral arteries do not collapse, their walls are dense, the lumen on the cut is sharply narrowed (gap). The same changes in the posterior cerebral arteries. The internal carotid arteries, as well as the anterior cerebral arteries, are dense, with uneven thickening of the walls; their lumen is significantly narrowed. The left internal carotid artery in its intracranial part does not have a lumen and on the cut it appears in the form of a solid, dense, whitish cord. The left Sylvian artery is very thin, hardened, but retains a small slit-like lumen in the cut. When the brain is cut, its ventricles are dilated, especially the left one, and contain fluid. In places of depressions - softening of brain tissue with many cystic cavities. Foci of fresh hemorrhage in the area of ​​the choroid plexus covering the quadruple.

Internal organs. There are adhesions of the pleural cavities. The heart is enlarged, there is a thickening of the semilunar and bicuspid valves. The ascending aorta has a small number of bulging yellowish plaques. The coronary arteries are strongly compacted, their lumen gapes, clearly narrowed. On the inner surface of the descending aorta, as well as the larger arteries of the abdominal cavity, there are numerous, strongly protruding yellowish plaques, some of which are ulcerated and petrified.

Lungs. In the upper part of the left lung there is a scar that penetrates 1 cm into the depth of the lung. Above, fibrous thickening of the pleura.

Spleen, liver, intestines, pancreas, organs of internal secretion, kidneys without visible features.

Anatomical diagnosis. Widespread atherosclerosis of the arteries with pronounced damage to the arteries of the brain. Atherosclerosis of the descending part of the aorta. Hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart, multiple foci of yellow softening (due to vascular sclerosis) in the left hemisphere of the brain during the period of resorption and transformation into cysts. Fresh hemorrhage in the choroid plexus of the brain over the quadruple. Callus of the humerus.

Encapsulated soft tissue bullet in the upper left shoulder.

Conclusion. The basis of the deceased's illness is widespread atherosclerosis of blood vessels due to their premature wear (Abnutzungssclerose). As a result of the narrowing of the lumen of the arteries of the brain and a violation of its nutrition from insufficient blood flow, focal softening of the brain tissue occurred, explaining all the preceding symptoms of the disease (paralysis, speech disorders). The immediate cause of death was: 1) increased circulatory disorders in the brain; 2) hemorrhage in the pia mater in the quadruple region ".

The autopsy began at 11:10 a.m. and finished at 3:50 p.m. on January 22, 1924.

And here are the results of microscopic analysis carried out by A. I. Abrikosov: "There is a thickening of the inner membranes in the places of atherosclerotic plaques. Lipoids related to cholesterol compounds are everywhere. In many accumulations of plaques, there are cholesterol crystals, calcareous layers, petrification.

The middle muscular membrane of the vessels is atrophic, sclerotic in the inner layers. The outer shell is unchanged.

Brain. Focuses of softening (cysts), resorption of dead tissue, so-called granular balls, deposits of blood pigment grains are also noticeable. Glia compaction is small.

Good development of pyramidal cells in the frontal lobe of the right hemisphere, normal appearance, size, nuclei, processes.

Correct ratio of cell layers on the right. Absence of changes in myelin fibers, neuroglia and intracerebral vessels (right).

Left hemisphere - proliferation of the pia mater, edema.

Conclusion. February 16, 1924. Atherosclerosis is a wear sclerosis. Changes in the blood vessels of the heart, malnutrition of the organ ".

“Thus,” writes A. I. Abrikosov, “microscopic examination confirmed the autopsy data, establishing that the only basis for all changes is atherosclerosis of the arterial system with a predominant lesion of the cerebral arteries. There is no indication of the specific nature of the process (syphilis, etc.) the vascular system, nor in other organs was found. "

It is curious that the experts, which included Foerster, Osipov, Deshin, Rozanov, Weisbrod, Bunak, Getye, Elistratov, Obukh and Semashko, found an unusual, but apparently quite appropriate term in this case, defining the features of the vascular pathology of Lenin's brain, - Abnutzungssclerose, that is, sclerosis from wear.


On the third day after the death of Lenin, January 24, 1924, N.A.Semashko, concerned about rumors spreading in Russia and abroad about the allegedly syphilitic nature of the deceased's disease, as well as the relatively scanty evidence of atherosclerosis given in the autopsy report, wrote, apparently to the authorities: "They all (including Weisbrod) consider it more appropriate to mention the explanation about the absence of any indications of syphilitic lesion in the protocol of the microscopic examination, which is now being prepared. N. Semashko. 24.1".

It should be noted that the autopsy of V. I. Lenin was carried out on January 22 in unusual conditions "on the second floor of a house in a room with a terrace to the west. The body of Vladimir Ilyich was lying on two oilcloth tables compiled next to each other" (note to the autopsy act) ... Since it was supposed to preserve the body for a short time and prepare it for inspection, some simplifications were made during autopsy. No incision was made in the neck, and thus the carotid and vertebral arteries were not exposed, examined and taken for microscopic examination. For microscopic analysis, pieces of the brain, kidneys and walls of only the abdominal aorta were taken.

As it turned out later, this severely limited the anti-syphilitic arguments of microscopic analysis.

So, what should be distinguished from the autopsy report?

First, the presence of numerous foci of necrosis of brain tissue, mainly in the left hemisphere. On its surface, 6 zones of retraction (dips) of the cerebral cortex were noticeable. One of them was located in the parietal region and encompassed large convolutions that bound the deep central groove in front and behind, extending from the vertex downward. These grooves are in charge of the sensory and motor functions of the entire right half of the body, and the higher the focus of necrosis of the brain tissue is located to the crown, the lower the movement and sensitivity disorders are observed on the body (foot, lower leg, thigh, etc.). The second zone refers to the frontal lobe of the brain, which is known to be related to the intellectual sphere. The third zone was located in the temporal lobes and the fourth in the occipital lobes.

Outside, the cerebral cortex in all these areas, and especially in the area of ​​the central sulcus, was fused with coarse scars with the membranes of the brain; deeper, there were voids filled with fluid (cysts), formed as a result of the resorption of dead medulla.

The left hemisphere has lost at least a third of its mass. The right hemisphere was slightly affected.

The total weight of the brain did not exceed the average figures (1340 g), but taking into account the loss of matter in the left hemisphere, it should be considered quite large. (However, the weight, as well as the size of the brain and its individual parts, are in principle insignificant. The largest brain was in I. Turgenev - more than 2 kg, and the smallest - in A. Frans - just over 1 kg).

These findings fully explain the picture of the disease: right-sided paralysis without involvement of the muscles of the neck and face, difficulties with counting (addition, multiplication), which indicates the loss of primarily non-professional skills.

The intellectual sphere, connected most of all with the frontal lobes, was quite intact even in the final stage of the disease. When the doctors suggested to Lenin to play checkers as a distraction (or calming) means, and even with a weak opponent, he remarked irritably: "What are they, what a fool do they think I am?"

The fusion of the cerebral cortex with the membranes, especially pronounced in the region of the central convolutions, undoubtedly caused those frequent episodes of short-term convulsive seizures that so worried the patient Lenin.

Has there been anything from a study of the brain to determine the original cause of its damage? First of all, we note that no typical syphilitic changes such as gummas, special tumor-like growths characteristic of tertiary syphilis were found. Granular balls were found in the circumference of the cystic cavities - the result of the activity of phagocytes - cells that absorb hemoglobin and dead tissue.

The diagnosis of Strumpel is not confirmed - luetic endarteritis. The lumen of the arteries of the brain extending from the circle of Willis was indeed narrowed, but it is almost impossible to determine what caused this - infection or atherosclerosis by the morphological picture. Most likely, we can talk about poor filling of these vessels due to narrowing or blockage of the left internal carotid artery. Well-known pathologists - A. I. Strukov, A. P. Avtsyn, N. N. Bogolepov, who have repeatedly examined preparations of Lenin's brain, categorically deny the presence of any morphological signs of a specific (luetic) lesion.

Further, the blood vessels of the brain itself were examined after it was removed from the cranium. Apparently, it was possible to see from the cranial cavity the cut left internal carotid artery, which turned out to be completely obliterated (occluded). The right carotid artery also looked affected with a slightly narrowed lumen.

Note that a large mass of the brain is supplied with blood only through four vessels, of which two large internal carotid arteries supply the anterior two-thirds of the brain, and two relatively thin vertebral arteries irrigate the cerebellum and occipital lobes of the brain (posterior third of the brain).

One of the measures created by intelligent nature that reduces the risk of immediate death from blockage or damage to one - two or even three of the above arteries is to connect all four arteries to each other at the base of the brain in the form of a continuous vascular ring - the circle of Willis. And from this circle there are arterial branches - forward, to the middle and back. All large arterial branches of the brain are located in the cracks between the numerous convolutions and give up small vessels from the surface to the depths of the brain.

Brain cells, I must say, are unusually sensitive to exsanguination and die irreversibly after a five-minute cessation of blood supply.

And if Lenin's left internal carotid artery was most affected, then the blood supply to the left hemisphere was due to the right carotid artery through the circle of Willis. It was, of course, incomplete. Moreover, the left hemisphere "robbed" the blood supply and the healthy right hemisphere. The autopsy report indicates that the lumen of the main artery (a. Basilaris), which is formed from the fusion of both vertebral arteries, as well as all six cerebral arteries proper (anterior, middle and posterior), was narrowed.

Even a short-term spasm of cerebral vessels, not to mention thrombosis or rupture of the walls, with such deeply penetrated lesions of the main arteries feeding the brain, of course, led either to short-term paresis of the limbs and speech defects, or to persistent paralysis, which was observed in the final stage of the disease.

One can only regret that the vessels on the neck, the so-called extracranial vessels, were not examined: the common external and internal carotid arteries, as well as the vertebral arteries extending from the large thyroid-cervical trunks. It is now well known that it is here, in these vessels, that the main tragedy is played out - their atherosclerotic lesion, leading to a gradual narrowing of the lumens due to the development of plaques protruding into the lumen and thickening of the vascular membranes until they are completely closed.

At the time of Lenin, this form of brain disease (the so-called extracranial pathology) was essentially unknown. In the 1920s, there were no diagnostic tools for such diseases - angiography, various types of encephalography, determination of the volumetric blood flow rate using ultrasound studies, etc. There were no effective treatments either: angioplasty, vascular bypass bypassing the narrowed space, and many others.

Typical atherosclerotic plaques were found during autopsy of Lenin's body in the walls of the abdominal aorta. The vessels of the heart were changed slightly, as were the vessels of all internal organs.

Here is how O. Foerster reported on February 7, 1924 in a letter to his colleague O. Witke about the origin of Lenin's disease: “Autopsy showed total obliteration of the left internal carotid artery, the entire a. Basilaris. Right a. Carotis int. - with severe calcification. The left hemisphere was behind by a small exception, it is totally destroyed - the right one has changes. Severe aortitis abdominalae, mild coronary sclerosis " (Kuhlendaahl. Der Patient Lenin, 1974).

H. A. Semashko in his article "What did the autopsy of Vladimir Ilyich's body gave?" that its walls did not collapse during a transverse cut, significantly closed the lumen, and in some places were so saturated with lime that they hit them with tweezers as if they were on a bone. "

As for syphilis, neither a postmortem examination nor a microscopic analysis of tissue pieces taken for examination revealed any changes specific to this disease. There were no characteristic gummy formations in the brain, muscles or internal organs, and there were no typical changes in large vessels with damage mainly to the middle membrane. Of course, it would be extremely important to study the aortic arch, which is affected in the first place in syphilis. But, apparently, the pathologists were so confident in the diagnosis of advanced atherosclerosis that they considered it unnecessary to conduct such research.

The attending physicians, as well as subsequent researchers, were most struck by the inconsistency of the course of Lenin's disease with the usual course of atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels described in the medical literature. Once the defects that came on quickly disappeared, and did not become heavier, as is usually the case, the disease went on in some waves, and not along an inclined one, as usual. On this occasion, several original hypotheses were created.

Perhaps it is most reasonable to agree with the opinion of V. Kramer, which was also shared by A. M. Kozhevnikov.

In March 1924, in his article "My memories of V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin," he writes: "What explains the peculiarity, unusual for the usual picture of general cerebral atherosclerosis, the course of Vladimir Ilyich's disease? There can be only one answer - among outstanding people, like says the belief that has taken root in the minds of doctors, everything is unusual: both life and illness always flow with them differently from other mortals. "

Well, the explanation is far from scientific, but humanly quite understandable.

I believe that what has been said is enough to draw a definite and clear conclusion: Lenin had a severe lesion of the cerebral vessels, especially the system of the left carotid artery. However, the reason for such an unusual prevailing unilateral lesion of the left carotid artery remains unclear.

Lenin's brain

Soon after Lenin's death, the Russian government decided to create a special scientific institute for the study of Lenin's brain (Scientific Research Institute of the Brain of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences).

It seemed important and quite probable to Lenin's companions to discover those structural features of the leader's brain that determined his extraordinary abilities. The largest neuromorphologists of Russia were involved in the study of Lenin's brain: G. I. Rossolimo, S. A. Sarkisov, A. I. Abrikosov and others. The famous scientist Vocht and his assistants were invited from Germany.

Anthropologist V.V.Bunak and anatomist A.A.Deshin thoroughly described the external structure of the brain: features of the location and size of grooves, convolutions and lobes. The only thing that can be learned from this scrupulous description is the idea of ​​a well-formed cerebral cortex (of course, the right healthy hemisphere) without any noticeable deviations from the norm.

Great hopes for identifying something unusual were pinned on the study of the cytoarchitectonics of Lenin's brain, in other words, on the study of the number of brain cells, their layered arrangement, the size of cells, their processes, etc.

Among the many different findings, which, however, do not have a strict functional assessment, the well-developed third and fifth (Betz cells) cell layers should be noted. Perhaps this strong expression is associated with the unusual properties of Lenin's brain. However, this could be the result of their compensatory development instead of the loss of a part of the neurons of the left hemisphere.

Considering the limited possibilities of the morphology of his time, it was decided to dissect Lenin's brain into thin sections, enclosing them between two glasses. There were about two thousand such sections, and they have been resting for more than 70 years in the storage of the Institute of the Brain, awaiting new methods and new researchers.

However, it is probably difficult to expect any special results from morphological studies in the future.

The brain is a unique and unusual organ. Created from fat-like substances, compactly packed into a closed bone cavity, connected to the outside world only through the eye, ear, nose and skin, it defines the whole essence of its carrier: memory, abilities, emotions, unique moral and psychological traits.

But the most paradoxical thing is that the brain - storing colossal volume of information, being the most perfect apparatus for its processing - being dead, already nothing significant can tell researchers about its functional characteristics (at least at the present stage): just like by the location and number of elements of a modern computer, it is impossible to determine what it is capable of, what its memory is, what programs are embedded in it, what is its speed.

The brain of a genius can be the same in structure as the brain of an ordinary person. However, the staff of the Institute of the Brain, engaged in the cytoarchitectonics of Lenin's brain, believe that this is not at all true or not at all true.

Fanny Kaplan's fatal bullet

Lenin's injury, which happened at the Mikhelson plant on August 30, 1918, in the end played an almost decisive role in Lenin's illness and death.

Fanny Kaplan fired at Lenin from a distance of no more than three meters with a Browning pistol with medium-caliber bullets. Judging by the reproduced picture of the investigative experiment conducted by Kingisepp, at the moment of the shots Lenin was talking to Popova, turning his left side to the killer. One of the bullets hit the upper third of the left shoulder and, destroying the humerus, stuck in the soft tissues of the shoulder girdle. The other, entering the left shoulder girdle, caught the spine of the scapula and, piercing the neck through and through, came out from the opposite right side under the skin near the junction of the clavicle with the sternum.

On the roentgenogram made by DT Budinov (resident of the Catherine Hospital) on September 1, 1918, the position of both bullets is clearly visible.

What was the destructive course of the bullet from the entrance hole on the back surface of the shoulder girdle to the edge of the right sternocleidomastoid muscle?

Having passed through the layer of soft tissues, the bullet with the serrated head already split from the impact into the spine of the scapula passed through the apex of the left lung, protruding 3-4 cm above the clavicle, tearing the pleura covering it and damaging the lung tissue to a depth of about 2 cm. In this part of the neck (the so-called scalene-vertebral triangle) there is a dense network of blood vessels (thyroid-cervical trunk, deep neck artery, vertebral arteries, venous plexus), but most importantly, the main artery that feeds the brain passes here: the common carotid artery together with the thick jugular vein, vagus and sympathetic nerves.

The bullet could not but destroy the dense network of arteries and veins in this area and somehow damage or bruise (contusion) the wall of the carotid artery. Immediately after the wound, blood flowed out plentifully from the wound on the back, which in the depths of the wound also entered the pleural cavity, soon filling it completely. "A huge hemorrhage in the left pleural cavity, which displaced the heart so far to the right," - VN Rozanov recalled in 1924.

Further, the bullet slipped behind the throat and, colliding with the spine, changed its direction, penetrating the right side of the neck into the region of the inner end of the collarbone. Here a subcutaneous hematoma (accumulation of blood in adipose tissue) has formed.

Despite the severity of the injury, Lenin quickly recovered and, after a short rest, began active work.

However, after a year and a half, phenomena associated with insufficient blood supply to the brain appeared: headaches, insomnia, partial loss of working capacity.

Removing the bullet from the neck in 1922, as we know, did not bring relief. We emphasize that, according to the observation of V.N.Rozanov, who participated in the operation, Lenin had no signs of atherosclerosis at that time. “I don’t remember that then we noted anything special in the sense of sclerosis, the sclerosis was according to age,” Rozanov recalled.

All further events clearly fit into the picture of gradual narrowing of the left carotid artery, which is associated with resorption and scarring of the tissues around it. Along with this, it is obvious that in the left carotid artery, injured by a bullet, the process of formation of an intravascular thrombus, firmly adhered to the inner membrane in the area of ​​the primary contusion of the arterial wall, began. A gradual increase in the size of a thrombus may be asymptomatic until it blocks the lumen of the vessel by 80 percent, which, most likely, happened by the beginning of 1921.

The further course of the disease with periods of improvement and deterioration is typical for this kind of complications.

It can be assumed that atherosclerosis, which undoubtedly was by this time in Lenin, most of all struck the locus minoris resistentia, that is, the most vulnerable spot - the injured left carotid artery.

The point of view of one of the well-known Russian neuropathologists, Z. L. Lurie, agrees with the stated concept.

"Neither clinical studies," he writes in the article "Lenin's Disease in the Light of Modern Teaching on the Pathology of Cerebral Circulation," "Neither autopsy found significant signs of atherosclerosis or any other pathologies on the part of internal organs." Therefore, Lurie believes that Lenin "had a narrowed left carotid artery not due to atherosclerosis, but because of the scars that tightened it, left by a bullet that passed through the neck tissue near the carotid artery during an attempt on his life in 1918".

So the bullet directed by the killer Kaplan at Lenin eventually reached its goal.

But there is another version, according to which Lenin died of severely neglected progressive syphilis. This fact was reliably hidden from strangers. People who knew him personally said that Vladimir Ilyich had serious brain disorders in his last years of life.

So, for example, Professor Darkshevich writes that the sick Lenin was subject to a strong neurosis, this greatly interfered with his work, all the time distracting and leading him astray. Some thoughts in Vladimir Ilyich's own head frightened him. He often complained of migraines and dizziness. It happened that he fainted. Ilyich was very worried about his health and constantly asked the doctor what such symptoms threatened him with, fearing that they would lead him to madness.

Lenin recalled that once upon a time an unknown peasant prophesied death from "kondrashka" (apoplectic stroke) to him. This memory worried the leader.

Manor Gorki

Then a period followed when the health situation of Vladimir Ilyich became even worse than it was. The doctors decided that it was better for him to go away from the city, from nervous breakdowns and other fuss. So he ended up in the Gorki estate. It happened in early May 1922.

Here, at the end of May, due to a progressive illness, Lenin stopped talking and walking, as his right side of his body was paralyzed. Doctors immediately put forward a hypothesis that the brain of Vladimir Ilyich was affected by syphilis. During these years, this terrible disease ruined many lives. Lenin's situation was extremely deplorable, doctors could not note the positive dynamics of recovery and one could only hope for some kind of miracle.

But suddenly in the summer, Vladimir Ilyich's condition went uphill, some reflexes returned, the symptoms of brain damage disappeared. Lenin was able to speak again and even began to read and write. And in the fall, the leader was back in Moscow, where he began political work. But he lost his professional capacity for work and even declared this himself, referring to his depressed physical condition.

In winter, in December 1922, the disease began to manifest itself again with severe exacerbations. Vladimir Ilyich was forced to put politics aside. Judging by the doctors' notes, Lenin had severe complications. So, for example, he was caught in an epileptic seizure, during which his limb was taken away, and he could not speak. Lenin's friends sent him to Gorki again.

It is worth noting that Nadezhda Krupskaya, his faithful wife, was with Lenin all this time. In her own notes, she was very worried about her husband's illness and wrote that she only lived by their family, short empty conversations at the moment when Volodenka, as she affectionately called him, could keep up the conversation.

Nadezhda Krupskaya was sure that Vladimir Ilyich would get on his feet and get stronger. She said that her husband began to walk with her help, to climb the stairs. His paralyzed arm was regularly massaged, making it tender again.

Vladimir Ilyich also showed good tendencies for the return of his own speech. Doctors noted that he did it very quickly, and this despite the fact that in other patients, recovery of speech skills could take several months. Krupskaya helped her husband a lot, literally without leaving him a single step - they walked, conducted training, she read him the latest newspapers with the latest news.

But the winter continued, and it was already 1923 in the yard. The leader's condition deteriorated sharply again. His right side of his body was completely and irrevocably paralyzed. Many doctors, including those from Germany, came to assess the patient's condition and make a diagnosis for a lot of money. The foremost scientific medical discoveries shrugged their shoulders - no one could say for sure what happened to Lenin.

Vladimir Ilyich was waiting for the finale of his life in the Gorki estate. He lost a lot of weight, and his eyes went mad. At night he screamed, he was constantly tormented by nightmares. There was no relief, the leader always looked broken and depressed.

Nadezhda Krupskaya wrote about Vladimir Ilyich that his gaze became more and more cloudy, consciousness left him, and a wave of convulsions covered his body and the stamp of death began to appear on his face. The doctors tried to bring him back to life, but it was obvious that this was impossible to do. Lenin died on the evening of January 21, 1924.

So what kind of enemy killed him? There is no single answer to this question. Some are inclined to think that Lenin died from the lead bullet of Fanny Kaplan, which seriously wounded the leader and remained in his body until his death. The bullet broke Lenin's shoulder blade and caught a lung. This could cause carotid sclerosis.

But the symptoms of the disease that Lenin suffered are not at all similar to vascular sclerosis. Naturally, the doctors saw this and prescribed a course of treatment for the leader with drugs that are used to treat syphilis in the late stages, relying on this disease.

Yuri Lopukhin said that after Lenin's death, a note was sent to the pathologist Alexei Abrikosov, in which he was persistently asked not to indicate the natural causes of Vladimir Ilyich's death, so as not to denigrate his bright image.

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