Home Roses Book novelties bestsellers rating. “Third humanity. Voice of the Earth "- Bernard Werber

Book novelties bestsellers rating. “Third humanity. Voice of the Earth "- Bernard Werber

In this collection you will find only the best books that the entire Runet spoke about!

1. “Donors. Gift of Fire "Ekaterina Sobol

The publishing house "Rosman" delighted fans of fantasy all year round. And not only with interesting stories, but also with the luxurious design of the covers of their books. But, perhaps, the most enthusiastic response was received by the first book from the "Donors" series.

The book describes a very interesting world: three hundred years ago, everyone who lived had a magical talent at their own level, but over time, knowledge was lost, and skills were forgotten. But suddenly the magic awakens, and the main character finds himself in a whirlpool of events and adventures, who is not ready for this. And whether he will be able to overcome his fears and prejudices, it is better to be convinced personally.

2. “Do no harm. Stories of Life, Death and Neurosurgery "Henry Marsh

An honest and in many ways personal book by Henry Marsh, which provides a glimpse into the sterile and dangerous world of medicine. In the minds of the majority, it is customary to treat doctors in two ways: either this is the ultimate adoration, or panic fear. In this book, you will learn what it means to be a neurosurgeon and what responsibilities such a person has. You will understand why doctors are overwhelmingly cynical, but at the same time, people are the same as their patients.

The book will be of interest to a different circle of readers. It will affect those who need real action, because in the stories told, it is not always clear at first whether a person will survive or not. And it will become a guide to the world of neurosurgery for those who are interested in this topic.

3. "When Marnie Was Here" by Joan Robinson

It was this book that the legendary storyteller and animator Hayao Miyazaki included in his top children's books. The book has collected many prestigious awards and nominations, and for the writer it has become a successful debut in the field of teenage literature. Despite the narrow focus of the book, it will be of interest to readers of all ages.

In the center of the story is the girl Anna, who does not get along at all with her relatives and peers. She is completely alone, gloomy and unsociable, unable to reveal her soul and feelings. But one day she meets Marnie, and the girls become best friends. Anna sometimes notices that Marnie is behaving strangely and often thoughts flicker through her: is her real friend? ..

4. "Quazi" Sergey Lukyanenko

The long-awaited book from the legendary Russian science fiction writer received different reviews. There were more positive ones, but there were fair comments in the negative ones as well. Therefore, this book is a must-read!

Lukyanenko, with a light hand, turns post-apocalyptic Moscow in front of the reader's mind's eye. The creatures that inhabit the city are divided into three types: people, zombies and quazi. Kwazi is an intelligent life form that stopped the destructive war between the living and the dead. The main character Denis Smirnov and his partner, a representative of the quazi, must investigate a dark case, in which there are blood-curdling crimes and intrigues of the mighty.

5. Mrs. Sinclair's Suitcase by Louise Walters

If you love tangled stories about family secrets and mysteries of the past, then this book is for you! For Louise Walters, this is a successful debut in the world of literature, and her second book will be published in 2017. Fans of this story and melodramatic narratives in general are eagerly awaiting.

Roberta finds a long-lost letter from her grandmother. After reading it, she realizes that the life of her close relative is not as easy as it seemed. Behind the first letter are still letters, and Roberta is pulled into a knot consisting of the secrets of the past, which only she can unravel.

6. "The Sexual Life of Siamese Twins" by Irwin Welch

A new book by the Scottish classic, the author of the sensational work "Trainspotting", which haunts many today. The author went beyond his style and chose hot Florida as the setting for his story. And this surprised both critics and his fans a lot.

Two heroines are involved in a series of exciting events. One of them is a fitness trainer and a woman fixated on her appearance and health. And the second is a talented artist and sculptor who has given up on herself, but that is why she is no less talented. Welch confronts these women and spins the narrative dashingly, masterfully revealing the conflict and characters of the selected characters. Be prepared for foul language on almost every page, the author is famous for his pronounced alternativeness.

7. "The Lamp of Methuselah, or the Extreme Battle of the Chekists with the Freemasons" Victor Pelevin

One can relate differently to Pelevin, but it is difficult to disagree with the fact that he is a phenomenon of enormous scale in modern Russian literature. And his new book is worth reading, even with the hipster-looking bearded man on the cover.

What's in store for the cover? The plot is in the best Peleven traditions: before our eyes, a battle will unfold between the Chekists and the Freemasons, which will last for more than one generation. But in the writer's works there is always a double bottom and this book is no exception, since behind the insane tie lies an acute surrealistic satire on the current state of affairs in society.

8. “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process "Vasily Smolny

Before you is the book of the ideological inspirer and organizer of the Crazy Drying project. The author stands for a healthy lifestyle and for the beauty of the physical plane. And in his book, he tells in simple and figurative language why certain processes occur in the body, on what they depend and what to do with them.

If you have been looking for a book for a long time and unsuccessfully, in which, without embellishment and simply, the basics of proper nutrition and exercise are told, then it is in front of you. It is a great beginner's guide because it contains practical information that is conveniently structured.

9. "If one day life takes you away from me ..." by Thierry Cohen

This story will appeal to those who have not yet lost faith in love, but have already left in the past the need for sugary and sugary heroes. A touching story of relationships between people from different circles who are forced to fight for their feelings under the pressure of condemnation of people close to them.

Before us is a man and a woman. He is the heir to a successful business, she is a poor dancer. Their relationship is not understood and doomed. But one day something happens that fundamentally changes their situation: a car accident that puts young people in the hospital. He has only 8 days to prove his courage and the strength of his feelings.

10. "Tell me about the sea" Elchin Safarli

Safarli's prose is distinguished by sensuality and sincerity. When reading, one gets the feeling that the author is putting a piece of his soul into the text, from which he comes to life and what he read literally rises before his eyes. He is always open, frank and filled with melancholy, for which his fans love him.

This book continues the tone of the story set by the writer. Before us is a kaleidoscope of sparkling childhood, with its discoveries and problems. Metaphorical images, familiar to everyone pictures of the past, familiar rustles and smells ... It is safe to say that this book will be sold for quotes and will become a good friend for its reader.

11. "I will go to live in" Sweater "Anna Nikolskaya

Anna Nikolskaya's book was published in the Lines of the Soul series, in which Russian writers write about the reality of life for adolescents with its problems and questions. Despite this, the touching stories appealed to female audiences of all ages, as evidenced by the success of this series.

The main character of this book, the girl Julia, lives an ordinary life and everything is fine with her. But overnight this idyll collapses when her parents let their friend's daughter live temporarily. Julia is at a loss and does not know how to get along with a strange neighbor, and is thinking of moving to her favorite cafe "Sweater". But circumstances require decisiveness and decision-making, and the girl will have different experiences as she grows up.

12. "Shardik" Richard Adams

Adams' masterpiece novel was written back in 1974, but first hit Russian book shelves in 2016. The book has a truly epic scale and complex structure, but a famously twisted plot, a detailed world and detailed mythology will appeal to all fans of the fantasy genre.

The book tells about the hunter Kelderek and his meeting with a huge bear, in which he sees a god. The fact is that people in this world believe that God has a bearish appearance and his name is Shardik. They hope that one day a giant bear will come down to them and save them from all troubles. And when a young hunter meets the animal embodiment of his faith, he has no doubts. Before us is a metaphor for the meeting of the divine and the human, a conversation about faith, becoming and redemption.

13. "Mirandus Circus" by Kessie Beasley

If on your life path you have lost faith in miracles, then this book is urgently needed for you. This is a book that needs to be read and re-read, and later recommended to your children and the children of your friends. A magical story is hidden under the gorgeous atmospheric cover and it will not leave anyone indifferent!

The boy Mick has no parents and is taken care of by his grandfather. He tells his grandson wonderful stories about the magic circus "Mirandus". Mika knows that grandfather is sick, and one day he decides to find this circus in order to restore his health with the help of a wizard from the circus. He embarks on a journey full of adventure and unexpected discoveries.

14. "My Name Is The Fox" Lee Vixen

A series of books by the publishing house AST called "Online-Bestseller" has gained wide popularity, both on the Internet and among readers. The works included in the series are well-chosen and will not leave you indifferent. And the inscription on the cover "The most sensational books of the Runet" is even more intriguing.

This is one of the most highly regarded books in this series. At the center of the story is the warlike girl Fox, who flees her past and enlists in the legion as a boy soldier. Breathtaking adventures and mesmerizing campfire stories await you.

15. "The Gospel of Loki" by Joan Harris

The most intriguing book for Joan Harris that no one expected to see in her bibliography. After all, she is known for her bestsellers "Blackberry Wine" and "Chocolate", which touch upon the themes of the relationship between a man and a woman. It seemed that the theme of Scandinavian myths was not at all close to her, but the writer brilliantly proves the opposite.

The story of Loki, the god of cunning and deception, turned out to be extremely reliable and lively. The narration comes from his face, and willy-nilly, you penetrate the rogue with sympathy and friendliness. He will tell his story, full of ups, downs and betrayals, which will not let you get bored.

If you have not read a single book from this list, then rather make your choice and go on an exciting journey!

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Contemporary literature is constantly evolving. Today there are tons of great new authors who surprise with intricate and interesting plots, unusual writing style and creative book design.

Every year there are many bestsellers that captivate readers from different parts of the world. The best books of 2015 are distinguished by their fantastic plots, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away. The rating of readers "Top 20 popular novelties of books of 2015" includes interesting and most popular books that not only left their mark on the lives of people, but changed many, influenced their lives.

Today e-books have become very popular, especially since there are a huge number of gadgets on the market for reading them. Such books can be stored in one device without clogging up your apartment, and at the same time they are much cheaper. You can compile your list of the best and most interesting books, and re-read them anytime, anywhere, without having to carry heavy volumes with you.

The rating of the most read books in 2015 also includes publications that have become bestsellers abroad for a long time, but in our country were translated into Russian and published only this year. Nevertheless, these books are worthy of attention and the status of "most popular".

Books are life. They should not only bring pleasure, but also teach us a lot. Today there is a huge amount of interesting literature that teaches readers to be more positive, believe in the best and be kinder. Such publications inspire, make you think about yourself and start changing your life.

Our top 20 best books of 2015 is exactly the list of literary works that won the hearts of readers with their sincerity and true feelings. It is also important that a fiction book should be exciting, keep you in suspense to the last line.

1. Name: ""
Author: Anatoly Bukreev, G. Weston DeWalt
The high rating of the book is due to the fact that it is based on real events that happened in 1996 when a group of people climbed Mount Everest. Bad weather conditions and climbers' mistakes led to the tragedy. The book was written in 1997, but it was translated into Russian only in 2015.

2. Name: ""
Author: Mark Levy
An interesting and exciting love story of two people who did not wait at all and did not hope to know real feelings. The book makes you think about how unpredictable fate can be, and how people are used to not noticing the happiness that is very close.

3. Name: ""
By Paula Hawkins
The work of Paula Hawkins was included in the list of the best 20 books of 2015 for a reason. This is an unusual story about people who have their dark sides. We are used to idealizing everything, but the truth can be much more cruel and terrible.

4. Title: ""
Author: Victor Pelevin
The book is full of secrets, riddles, fiction and truth. This is a new world, a new level, new knowledge. This book fell in love with many for the extraordinary skill of the author and is rightfully in the top 20 best books of 2015.

5. The title “The sea is my brother. Lone Wanderer"
By Jack Kerouac
The first works of the young Kerouac, which were considered lost. The book is unique in that it retains the author's special style. It was first written in 2011, but it was translated into Russian only in 2015.

6. Name: ""
Author: Haruki Murakami
An unusual story about a man who tried to find harmony with himself and the world around him. Haruki Murakami is an amazing author who creates unpredictable worlds and makes his characters very rich and interesting personalities. The book was written in 2013, translated into Russian in 2015.

7. Title: ""
Author: Harper Lee
This book is a continuation of the beloved work "To Kill a Mockingbird". Years go by, everything changes. The main character returns to her native land, where everything is no longer the same as it was before, and people, relatives and friends, are no longer the same.

8. Name: ""
Author: Frederic Beigbeder
The book is about the writer Jerry Salinger and his girlfriend, who were torn apart by the war. In the end, everyone went their own way, but fate decided that the roads must necessarily cross in the future. The book was written in 2014, translated into Russian in 2015.

8. Name: ""
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Chuck Palahniuk always likes to question everything. In his book, he talks about a manipulative man who creates special products for women called "All the Way." The book was first written in 2014, translated into Russian in 2015.

9. Title: "Marina"
Author: Carlos Ruiz Safon
A story about a young man who has gone missing. Friends and family were looking for him for a long time, but he was found at the station. He has secrets hidden far away in a dark box. He will have to tell about the night when he met the mysterious Marina. The book was written back in 1999 and the author considers it his best work. It was translated into Russian only this year.

10. Title: ""
Author: Bernard Werber
The book is about our future, about what each person is. And most importantly, it touches upon the topics of ecology, and what does our planet think about humanity? After all, no one ever asked her about this.

11. Title: ""
Author: Boris Akunin
This is a detective story, about which the author himself says: "Technocratic detective", "nostalgic detective" and "idiotic detective".

12. Title: ""
By Jannette Walls
This book is the autobiography of the author. This is not just a story about a difficult childhood and difficult parents. This is a story about how a person, even growing up in unfavorable conditions, can change his life and not follow in the footsteps of his parents. The book inspires, makes you change and change everything around you, achieving happiness and harmony.

13. Title: ""
By Donna Tartt
Art, tragedy, new life, new person - perhaps this is how this creation can be described, which was included in the rating of the best books of 2015. A strong work written in 2013 and translated into Russian in 2015, grasping for the soul.

14. Title: ""
Author: Sally Green
The book is for both teenagers and adults. Here everyone can find something for themselves. There is magic, witches and Great Britain here. The book is not in vain compared to the cycle about the most famous wizard, Harry Potter.

15. Title: "Luminaries"
By: Eleanor Cutton
This is not just a detective story, where there is murder, and a mysterious disappearance, and a real treasure, and people who have taken the path of correction, and revenge, and even spiritualistic séances. The plot revolves around 12 main characters, but they have their own peculiarity - each of them is associated with celestial bodies and zodiacal signs.
It was written in 2013, and in 2015 it was translated into Russian.

16. Title: ""
By Anthony Doerr
The book describes military events, as well as the fate of two heroes who are fighting for their lives and for the lives of their loved ones. The book is very light and kind, because even a tiny ray of light can defeat real darkness. The book was written in 2014, and in 2015 it was translated into Russian.

17. Title: ""
Author: Narine Abgaryan
A story about a small town hiding high in the mountains. Here are very interesting people who have a strong spirit, grumpy character and eccentricities.

18. Title: ""
Author: Jaume Cabre
The story is about a musician, a creative person who completely rethought his life before his memory disappeared due to illness. He decided to write down all those bright moments of his life that are still stored in his heart and which can disappear in an instant, dissolve into nothingness. The book was written in 2011 and translated into Russian in 2015.

19. Title: ""
Author: André Maurois
A touching and especially tender story about the human soul. The book tells about a man who has achieved a lot in this life, but in his soul there is no miracle of love that will turn autumn into spring. Only André Maurois can so sensually and subtly describe such wonderful feelings as love. The book was written in 1956, translated into Russian in 2015.

20. Title: ""
Author: Dmitry Glukhovsky
This book is one of the most anticipated books of 2015, and it became an instant bestseller. It tells the story of an apocalypse that happened on earth. People who survived by hiding in the underground underground begin to create a new world. But will he be that good? After all, human nature is very dark and warlike.

Many of the books that made it into the top 20 best books of 2015 are famous and loved by readers. Of course, each of them has its own flaws and shortcomings, which critics love to do. But even a negative review suggests that the book attracted attention, it was read and appreciated, even if it was bad. The main goal has been achieved - attention and active discussion.

In any case, this list of books is very interesting and deserves everyone's attention. After reading this literature, you can definitely find for yourself a lot of interesting and useful things. A good book is essential for a good rest. In your search for great reading material, our ranking of the 20 best books of 2015 will help you.


People who love to read are in constant search of interesting literature. Sometimes a book can be read on the advice of friends. Favorite classics are also a safe bet. But literature, like any art, does not stand still. It is all the more interesting to read the novelties of the writer, which, having barely seen the light, have already attracted everyone's attention. This rating contains just such books.

10. Chris Hadfield - "An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth: What 4000 Hours in Orbit Taught Me"

The famous Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield is incredibly popular in his home country. But thanks to the educational videos that Hadfield shot while in space, he became known all over the world. In his short clips, the astronaut spoke in an accessible way about the peculiarities of life on the orbital station. Thanks to Hadfield, you can watch astronauts shave, brush their teeth and sleep in zero gravity. His videos have been watched by over 20 million people. Perhaps this interest prompted Chris Hadfield to write the book "An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth." In it, the astronaut talks about how he dreamed of flying from an early age, and did not change his plans with age. In addition, he recalls how he temporarily lost his sight in outer space, and his training in the Russian language for a flight aboard the Soyuz. The book contains many interesting stories from the life of Chris Halfield. But the main thing that the reader must understand is that success accompanies only those who do not succumb to difficulties. Buy

9. Boris Akunin - "Planet Water"

Fans of the most famous character in Boris Akunin's works have the opportunity to meet Erast Fandorin again. The reader is expected by an exciting plot, and the signature style of the writer. Fandorin's story is coming to an end, and the book "Planet Water" is the penultimate one in a series of stories about the famous detective. This best-seller combines three stories. Thus, the author continues to boldly experiment with genres. There is a technocratic, nostalgic and even idiotic detective story here. In one of the stories, Fandorin, by the will of fate, will be aboard a submarine, in another, he will plunge into romantic memories, and in the third, the reputation of a successful detective will be in doubt. Buy

8. Carlos Ruiz Safon - Marina

Fans of the mystical detective and Carlos Ruiz Safon himself are intrigued by the fact that the author called "Marina" his best creation. The main character, Oscar, will have to unravel many secrets and secrets of Barcelona in the 70s of the last century. Those who have already been fortunate enough to read Safon's new book declare in unison that it is the most affordable way to get to know and love Barcelona. The author has described this wonderful city with incredible subtlety and love. Surprisingly, the descriptions do not distract from the plot, but only add color. The book can be of interest to both teenagers and older readers. Buy

7. Jaume Cabre - "I Confess"

The book I Confess by the Spanish writer Jaume Cabre has been translated into a dozen languages. In just 4 years since the book's release, its worldwide circulation has grown to half a million. In 2015 it became available in Russian. The hero of the book, Adria Ardevol, in his 60s, learns that he is afflicted with Alzheimer's disease, and his disease is progressing. That is why Adria decides to put her life story on paper in detail. He begins in early childhood, describing his difficult relationship with his father. He was a keen antiquarian, but an inattentive parent. One of the favorite things in his shop was an old violin. As it turned out, this instrument has a complicated history, and, possibly, carries with it an evil fate. It so happened that blood has been a constant companion of the violin since the days when it was a young maple. It brings death to every new owner. One day the father dies under very strange circumstances. Adria has reasons to blame herself for her father's death. The reader will have to listen to the confession of the protagonist, and fully learn the history of the fatal violin. Buy

6. Anthony Doerr - "All the light we cannot see"

In 2015, the Pulitzer Prize went to American Anthony Dorr. The writer had been hatching the idea of ​​the book "All the light invisible to us" for almost 10 years. His historical novel is about the horrors of World War II. But the book is not only and not so much about the war itself, but about people trying to survive in the conditions proposed by fate. The main characters of the book are a blind young French woman and a shy German boy. This book is about the power of love and the value of human relationships. She kind of calls on to believe in the best, and to see a ray of hope even where others cannot see it. Buy

5. Eleanor Cutton - "The Luminaries"

It sounds incredible, but at 28, Elinor Cutton not only won the iconic 2013 Booker Prize, but also twice a record holder. Her best-seller Luminaries was noted as the largest work ever to receive this award. Elinor herself turned out to be the youngest laureate of the award. This year the book was also published in Russian. The book "Luminaries" was written in the best traditions of a classic detective story, however, an unexpected author's move was the weaving into the detective plot of astrology. The action takes place in New Zealand during the gold rush. Crosby Wells is killed under confusing circumstances. It would seem that writers have been playing on the topic of murders in gold mines since the days of Jack London. But the author managed to embody a very unusual move, increasing the intrigue of the story. There are conditionally two groups of the hero in the novel. The first, 12 of them, are associated with the zodiacal circle, the second group consists of 7 "planetary" heroes. Both revolve around the murder victim. The reader has as many as 800 pages to solve the mystery of the crime, or simply enjoy a fascinating story. Buy

4. Sally Greene - Half Code

With her fantastic story "Half Code", Sally Green landed in the famous book of records. The rights to publish her debut book were sold to 36 countries before publication. The plot is based on the struggle of dark and light forces. Ordinary people do not even suspect that wizards live next to them. In the world of wizards, the Council of White Witches rules everything, one of whose tasks is the fight against half-breeds. And this becomes Nathan Byrne's main problem. This 16-year-old boy is the fruit of the love between the Black Sorcerer and the White Witch, and in this regard, many trials await him. Some will say that the story of teenage wizards has already taken place in literature, transparently hinting at the brainchild of J.K. Rowling. But judging by the success of Half Code, readers are not at all bored with this topic. On top of that, the book has every chance of overshadowing the popularity of the famous "Twilight", because these adaptations have the same producer - Karen Rosenfelt.

3. Frederick Beigbeder - Una & Salinger

The outrageous French writer took a long time out. A five-year hiatus from the writer left Beigbeder fans excited. It seemed that Frederick was bored with writing, and he put an end to it. Perhaps that is why the release of his new book, Una & Salinger, became a real sensation. This story is about the innocent love of two young creatures. It would seem a rather banal plot, but the main intrigue is that the characters are absolutely real. Begbeder, who loves to share his personal experience with readers in his works, describes his own passions with gusto. This time he remained true to himself, deciding to describe an excerpt from the biography of his favorite writer, Jerome Salinger. The book is about his romantic relationship with young Una O'Neill, an aspiring actress and daughter of a genius playwright. But the world knows this woman also as the wife of the legendary Charlie Chaplin, as the mother of his eight children. Obviously, the story of Una and Salinger ended sadly, as usually happens with first love. But the long-awaited best-seller not about that, the author does not claim biographical accuracy. On the contrary, Beigbeder manages to masterfully interweave fact and fiction to convey the magic of the senses. Buy

2. Jannette Walls - "Castle of Glass"

The book by the American journalist Jannette Walls is autobiographical. "Castle of Glass" managed to stay in the authoritative rating of the best-selling books according to The New York Times for two whole years. Usually, memoirs are incapable of keeping everyone's attention for so long. But Jannette Walls's book is very honest about what many people prefer to hide, perhaps this is the secret of her success. This year, the Russian-speaking audience also had the opportunity to find out what the "Glass Castle" is like. Jannett describes her nomadic childhood, difficult relationships with her parents and domestic difficulties. Her drinking father often dreams of creating an engineering miracle in the form of a crystal palace, and does not think at all about how to feed his four children. Mother seeks herself in creativity, creating paintings and writing novels. Home improvement and childcare do not go well with the pain of creativity. The family has been moving from one place to another for many years, running away from numerous debts and troubles. Children become hostages of the parental whims, and it seems that their future is not happy with the prospects. But after many years, three of them made a brilliant career, and completely took place in life. It seems that for the successful Jannette Walls, for complete harmony with herself, it was necessary to tell something about which she was silent for many years. Buy

1. Donna Tartt - The Goldfinch

It took Donna Tartt over 10 years to write this novel. Its name - "Goldfinch" coincides with the name of the painting by the Dutch master, artist Karel Fabricius. And this is no coincidence, because the picture in the novel is destined for a difficult role. The main character is a 13-year-old boy, in whose eyes his mother dies from an explosion in a museum. In the same place, an unfamiliar old man, dying, gives the boy a small picture, which is destined to become the boy's constant companion. The book received rave reviews from critics, and in 2014 was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. It is sometimes compared with the works of Dickens and Bradbury, and the legendary Stephen King enthusiastically noted that over the past 10 years he can name no more than 5 books of such a high level. Warner Bros. has rushed to buy out the rights to the film adaptation, which means that you need to have time to read the book before the release of the film. So, each reader will mentally be able to shoot his own unique movie, and then compare with what the director will get. Buy

This collection is very diverse both in style and genre. This means that any reader will find something to their liking. Who knows, perhaps in this rating there is a work that will become a literary classic, or just someone's favorite book.

What books do you like in recent years?

It has been a great year for women writers, debutants, long-awaited premieres by renowned masters of the pen and critics who make up the most varied ratings. If you want to keep abreast of literary trends or are just looking for something new to read, among the premieres of 2015 you will definitely find a worthy book for yourself.

We've compiled a list of the 15 best novels of 2015. Let's start turning the pages!

1. "Dark Secrets" by Gillian Flynn

New book from the creator of the bestselling "Gone Girl".

Libby Day was seven years old when her mother and two sisters were brutally murdered. The girl survived and began to testify that her fifteen-year-old brother, Ben, was the killer. Twenty-five years later, members of the Murder Club - a secret society obsessed with high-profile crimes - find Libby and bombard him with questions about that terrible day. They hope to uncover evidence that will help free Ben. And Libby seeks to profit from her tragic story: she decides to cooperate with members of society, but only for a fee. So the search takes Libby from a strip club in Missouri to the abandoned tourist towns of Oklahoma, to the very place where she escaped from the killer twenty-five years ago.

2. "22:04" Ben Lerner

A year ago, the protagonist of 10:04 was enjoying his unexpected literary success when he was diagnosed with a potentially fatal illness and asked by his best friend to help her conceive. In New York City, with increasingly devastating hurricanes and social unrest, he must continue to live with his illness and the prospect of fatherhood in a city that may soon be flooded.

Lerner, whose book critics have called "funny, smart and original from the first line to the last," explains what it means to live right now, in the twilight of an empire, when it is difficult to imagine the future without changing your attitude to the past and the present.

3. "The Girl on the Train" by Paul Hawkins

Rachel takes the same train every morning. Every day drives past cozy country houses and stops at the signal of the train in the same place to watch how every morning the ideal couple, in her opinion, have breakfast. She thinks she knows them well. Rachel even gives them names - "Jess and Jason". For her, their life is perfect, unlike her own.

And then she sees something shocking. Just a minute while the train moves on, but that's enough. Unable to hide what he saw, Rachel tells the police about everything, and immediately becomes involved in terrible events. Was Rachel harming herself more than helping justice?

This is Paula Hawkins' wonderful debut novel, written in the style of Hitchcock's thrillers. The book instantly became a bestseller and took leading positions in the ratings of reputable publishers.

4. "I Confess" by Jaume Cabre

Adria Ardevol lived in this world for sixty long and at the same time terrible years. When Alzheimer's disease begins to take away his memory, he decides to write a farewell letter to his beloved. In it, Adria frankly talks about her life, which was closely associated with the old violin of Storioni.

Father Adria was much more fond of antiques than his son. But he had a special passion for the precious violin, which for many years belonged to the Ardevol family. The father forbade his son to touch the exhibit, and when Adria broke his oath, his father suddenly died. Realizing that the violin made his father mad, Adria himself is unable to refuse it, even for the sake of his beloved woman.

In parallel, the writer tells several stories that happened to people many centuries before the birth of Adria. But the connecting link of all the characters is the Storioni violin, a mysterious and cursed instrument that for a long time mercilessly intervened in the fate of people and ruined their lives.

5. "Pauline principle" by Didier van Covelart

The Pauline Principle is an elegant and unpredictable novel by French writer Didier van Covelrath, winner of the prestigious Goncourt Prize.

The successful writer Quincy, walking through second-hand bookstores, accidentally finds his first novel among the books. When he opens the book, on the first page he finds his signature: "Pauline and Max." Once these two were the most important people in his life and played their part in it.

Quincy had just published his first novel many years ago, and the literary readings were to take place in the city jail. Pauline was a student who really wanted to get to the presentation of the book, and Max was one of the prisoners. On that day, their fates intertwined. Their meeting was the beginning of a strong friendship and true love.

6. "To the very ends" by Chuck Palahniuk

Penny Harrigan is an employee at a law firm in Manhattan, lives in a small apartment in Queens and has no personal life. So an invitation to dinner from Linus Maxwell, a billionaire and a lover of the most beautiful and educated women on earth, is a big shock for the girl. After dinner at Manhattan's most exclusive restaurant, he takes her to her hotel room, where they have the most amazing sex of her life. Everything is great, if not for a small nuance. Penny learns that she is just a new test subject for the development of a line of sex toys that will be sold in the chain of boutiques "All the way." So powerful and effective are these devices that millions of women line up outside stores on opening day. Penny decides that Maxwell's plans to establish erotic world domination must be destroyed. But how?

7. "Una & Salinger" by Frederic Beigbeder

Many years ago, in New York, aspiring writer Jerry Salinger accidentally met Una, a very young daughter of the famous playwright Eugene O'Neill. Young people immediately fall in love with each other, but their happiness does not last long. When America joins the liberating forces in World War II, Salinger leaves for Europe for the front. While Una is waiting for the return of her lover, she decides to try her hand at cinema and goes to audition for Charlie Chaplin. The girl gets not only a role, but also becomes the wife of a great actor and director. Salinger returns after the war not to the arms of his beloved, but to an empty apartment and a lonely life. He begins to work in magazines, and then creates his famous work - "The Catcher in the Rye."

8. "Consumed" by David Cronenberg

The sensational and moving debut novel by cult Hollywood director David Cronenberg.

Stylish and obsessed with work, Naomi and Nathan thrive in the tabloid industry. Despite the fact that they are competitors, no one prevents them from being lovers. They are always in pursuit of sensations and are found only in airport hotels.

One day, Naomi finds herself embroiled in a loud scandal between Celestine and Aristide Arostegay, a Marxist philosopher and lecher. Celestine is found dead and mutilated in a Parisian apartment, and Aristide simply disappears. The police immediately suspect him of murder. With the help of a graduate student named Herve Blomqvist, Naomi sets off in pursuit of Aristide. Delving into the details of Celestine's relationship, Naomi does not notice how her friendship with Hervé develops into something more.

Nathan, meanwhile, is in Budapest, collecting information about a surgeon named Zoltan Molnar, who is wanted by Interpol for organ trafficking. After spending the night with Molnar's patient, Nathan learns of a rare condition called Rufa's Syndrome. Nathan travels to Toronto to meet the man who discovered the syndrome. From Dr. Rufe, he learns that his already adult daughter is studying here, who is trying to hide a terrible secret behind her strange behavior.

These parallel narratives are woven into a gripping fairytale plot in a provocative debut novel from one of the world's leading filmmakers.

9. "Funny Girl" Nick Hornby

Everyone in the film industry lives a life of their own, different from the ideal picture on the screen.

Writers Tony and Bill are comedy gurus, but each of them keeps a terrible secret behind the walls of the film studio. The project's director, Dennis, loves his job but hates his marriage. Superstar Clive feels like he's destined for a better life. And the comedian and most popular girl on television, Sophie Strew, who changed her name and gave up her old life for a career, must decide whether to continue like this or "change the channel."

Funny Girl is Nick Hornby's new comedy novel about popular culture, television, youth and old age, fame and teamwork. This is the story of Sophie Strew, who has gone the hard way from a provincial "protege" to a movie star.

10. "Colorless Tskuru Tazaki and His Wandering Years" by Haruki Murakami

Tskuru Tajaki, remembering his past and present, tries to understand why his life went downhill sixteen years ago.

In the early 1990s, Tskuru lived in his hometown of Nagoya and attended high school. He had four best friends. The name of the color was hidden in the surname of each. Tskuru was called "colorless", and they all represented an "orderly, harmonious community." But in 1995, during his second year in college, friends of Tskuru abruptly cut off all relations with him. His only friend from college disappeared the next semester, and he felt devastated, a man who had lost his colors and his personality.

Now in 2011 in Tokyo, Tazaki, a 36-year-old engineer, works for a railroad company and builds stations. His new girlfriend Sarah advises him to face the past, not as a naive, vulnerable boy, but as a grown man, and find his former friends to mend relationships and find out why they rejected him. And so Tskuru visits his old friends one at a time, first in his native Nagoya, then in rural Finland. He goes in search of truth, himself and happiness.

11. "A Career Evil" J.K. Rowling / Robert Galbraith

The last part is not a children's detective trilogy, from the famous British writer J.K. Rowling, the creator of "Harry Potter".

Private detective Kornomar Strike this time takes on the case of his own assistant, Robin Ellakot. One day she receives in the mail a box containing a severed female leg. Strike begins his own investigation, in parallel with the British police. When law enforcement agencies manage to catch a criminal, a private detective quickly proves his innocence. While the police are trying to get on the trail of the real killer, Strike suspects three of them at once and, with his assistant, tries to catch the cruel maniac.

12. “Downton Estate. Home »Margaret York

The novel “Downton Manor. The Beginning ”is the prehistory of the famous British television series, which provides answers to many of the viewer's questions.

This is the story of what really happened on board the Titanic, which almost destroyed Downton Abbey itself. In this novel, you can learn how the marriage of convenience between Cora and Robert turned into a true love story. As an independent American girl, she managed to enter the closed and conservative British society. For the first time, family secrets will be revealed, and the "skeletons in the closet" will be made public!

13. "Fixing the Living" by Meilis de Kerangal

Surfer Simon Limbr gets into a terrible car accident in which he dies. More precisely, his brain is dying. Modern hardware continues to keep his unconscious body alive as his parents believe their boy is alive. The doctor asks them to sign the papers and allow Simon's organs to be donated to people in need of transplantation. But parents cannot imagine how to voluntarily kill their son and give a part of him to strangers.

The writer tells the stories of many people who are connected by the still living heart of Simon Limbra.

14. "Before the Beginning" by Amy Plum

This is the long-awaited sequel to the fantastic bestseller "After the End" by renowned American writer Amy Palm.

When the Juno clan disappeared, the girl lost much more than her friends and family. She soon discovered that everything she knew about her life was a lie. In fact, she has secret powers that others desperately want to get their hands on. They want so much that they kidnapped her clan.

Juno's new companion, Miles, embarks on a quest that leads them to the nature reserves of New Mexico. Juno's friends and loved ones are now within reach, and she will stop at nothing to save them. But she is not the only one to hunt. A target hangs on the girl's back, because she is the key to solving everything. To save her clan - and herself - Juno must discover her true abilities and understand what kind of power she really has.

15. "Dancer with the Horses" by Jojo Moyes

Sarah's grandfather was a horseman with a rare talent that only a few of the French elite riding academy, Le Cadre Noir, could comprehend. But life has taken an unexpected turn, and now at a council house in east London, Captain hopes to educate his granddaughter.

Natasha is a lawyer whose job is to represent the interests of children. Her confidence in her work was shaken, and her marriage finally collapsed. But meeting Sarah and her horse, named Boo, can help Natasha find herself and find out the true meaning of life.

Choose a few books from this list to stay up-to-date with literary novelties.

Any top, however, is quite subjective, since there will always be someone who does not agree with the current rating or with the position of a book in it.

Bestseller books-2014

The list of popular books from last year might be something like this:

So, the 2014 bestseller books, the list of which was given above, are mainly represented by the mystical-fantastic genre.

Bestsellers of 2015

Although 2015 is not over yet, you can already try to consider the rating of best-selling books in Russia for the first half of this year:

Genre rating

What genres do readers prefer the most? Consider the ranking of bestselling books by genre. The first place, as in previous years, is occupied by a fantasy genre of various orientations: apocalyptic books, novels about people who get caught, and just science fiction. In the past few years, a genre such as young adult has also gained popularity among readers, in which unreal characters often appear who are endowed with some inhuman characteristics.

In addition, in the wake of the popularity of "50 shades of gray", books of a similar genre appear, which is difficult to define unambiguously. They are, however, not of high quality and rarely really deserve to be spent on them. Of course, good light ladies' novels also occupy a worthy place in the ranking. Also popular and By the way, it is worth noting that recently some publishing houses have been republishing old Soviet books without changing their design. They definitely need to be given attention, especially if you have children.

Popular romance books

Bestsellers of all time

Usually known to everyone. True, not everyone can boast that they have read absolutely all the works that are included in the rating of best-selling books of all times. Such lists are made by various magazines, authors, websites, bookstores. Most often they contain the following best-selling books (this list probably contains books that you have already read):

Popular science fiction books

In this part, we will consider another rating of bestseller books. Science fiction is loved by almost all men and an impressive number of women. We can say that this is a popular genre. So it would be wrong not to pay attention to him. Among the most popular science fiction works are:

Children's books

Recently, more and more books for children have been published. Therefore, one cannot ignore the rating of best-selling books (with reviews) for children:

  • M. Parr "Waffle Heart": a sweet and kind story from the life of two bosom and inseparable friends very much like young readers. It is filled with adventures and a variety of events. She's funny and sad at the same time. Definitely recommended for reading by children of all ages.
  • R. Gossini "Little Nicolas and his friends": a wonderful children's book, consisting of funny stories-adventures of little Nicolas. Here is a sea of ​​fights, leprosy, disputes and quarrels. All this is presented in an entertaining way. According to reviews, the book can and should be re-read many times.
  • N. Farmer "The Sea of ​​Trolls": a boy and his sister are captured by the Vikings, they have a huge number of adventures, interesting events take place. It all mixes with Reviews recommend the book to be read by middle school children.

Non-fiction bestsellers

Books, rating, descriptions of non-fiction works will be presented in this section. I must say that over the past few years there has been an increase in interest in non-fiction books. Perhaps this is due to better quality texts or a simplification of the language in which they are written. So, if we consider the rating of best-selling books of the non-fiction genre, then it will contain the following works:

  • A. Kazantseva "Who would have thought! How the brain makes us do stupid things": a fascinating book about how our brain and nervous system work, what genes are, what activities they carry out. The author leads new experiments, talks about the achievements of modern scientists. The book is written in an accessible, popular science language, which is undoubtedly its big plus.
  • S. Strogats "The pleasure of x. A fascinating excursion into the world of mathematics ...": the basis of the book was the notes that the author published in one and which the readers liked so much that they demanded more and more. Therefore, this book appeared. It is definitely worth reading for high school students, as well as those who are simply interested in mathematics, it will tell a lot of new and interesting things, help them fall in love with this difficult subject.
  • M. Kaku "Physics of the Impossible": the author tells the readers about what seemingly incredible things will become possible in the future, which will affect their implementation. Using an understandable language, the American scientist describes complex phenomena in a way that is understandable even to those who are not well versed in physics.

Bestseller cycles

Now let's take a look at the bestselling book series. These works captivate their readers for a long time. And among the most popular serials, there are also bestsellers. The books, the rating of which is high, even though they are combined in cycles, are:

  • J. Martin and his cycle "A Song of Ice and Fire": an intriguing and exciting story about the struggle for the throne in an alternative reality, where magic works, and fantastic creatures live next to people. The book is violent and unpredictable, and in part resembles "The Damned Kings" by M. Druon. In this story, human life is worthless, and the hero can die at any moment.
  • J. Rowling "Harry Potter": starting as a moderately kind and magical book, the story gradually darkens as the characters and their readers mature, so we can say that its relevance remains unchanged. Some heroes are not what they seem at first, so the intrigue persists until the very end of the seventh book.

Rating compilation

Of course, the rating of best-selling books on the sites of online stores does not always really reflect the situation, since their creators often place not very well-selling literature in the top, as well as rather expensive works. In addition, sometimes they arrange pseudo-voting, in which the book, paid in advance, wins. Sometimes this goes unnoticed, and the work is awarded the proud sign "Readers' Choice". Sometimes users notice injustice and protest against the cheating of votes, leaving negative reviews for the book. Roughly the same situation happened with a book (or rather, one of a series of best-selling books) by a not very famous writer Elena Zvezdnaya on one of the book sites.

Therefore, we can conclude that often bestsellers are books whose ratings do not fully reflect the readers' choice. Sometimes it’s just a publicity stunt for the marketers of a particular book publisher.

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