Home Roses Consultation brochures for parents of 1 junior group. Synopsis of the parent meeting for the first junior group “Grow happy, baby. come to kindergarten drunk

Consultation brochures for parents of 1 junior group. Synopsis of the parent meeting for the first junior group “Grow happy, baby. come to kindergarten drunk

Lesson 1 ... "Hide the ball"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the test and its properties; learn to knead the dough with the fingers and palms of both hands; generate interest in working with the test; develop fine motor skills.

Materials: dough, small (but not small) plastic or glass balls (preferably with a smooth surface so that the plasticine does not stick to them), damp rags.

Modeling technique: Kneading. Rolling in a circular motion (passive)

Preliminary work: reading, dramatizing the fairy tale "Kolobok", repeating the name of the geometric body "ball", rolling the ball in various ways in a physical education lesson.

Preparatory work: Tai-tai, fly in, who's playing hide-and-seek!

Course of the lesson

Take a small ball (it is desirable that the ball and the dough are different colors) and show it to the children. Cover the balloon with a handkerchief.

Motivation: Guys, I'm playing hide and seek with a ball! Help me find!

Educator. Guys, where is the ball? No ball! Where did he hide?

Remove the scarf with the children.

Educator. Here's a ball! Found it!

Process of creation. Give the children a piece of dough and offer to knead it, play with it. Then show the bright balls and ask them to hide them in the dough first, and then find them. The action can be repeated several times.

The result of the lesson. Thank you for playing hide and seek with the balls and helping me find them.

Stimulation of independent activity. Characters from the fairy tale "Kolobok" appear on the table for free creativity. The task is to hide the "kolobok" (yellow ball) in dough or wax plasticine from a hare, wolf, bear or fox.

Session 2 on sculpting from different materials in the first junior group using the method of activating spontaneous activity and describing methods that stimulate independent productive activity... "Caterpillar".

Purpose: to teach children in a certain order to press parts into the base of the test; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Materials: dough base of any color; Buttons of bright colors of different sizes (it is better to take buttons "on the leg").

Modeling technique: indentation.

Preliminary work: remembering what a caterpillar looks like (by the example of the characters from the cartoon "Luntik"), an outdoor game "Head and Tail" in a physical education lesson.

Before starting your lesson, prepare the basics for creating pictures. This work is recommended to be performed on separate bases (A5 format and smaller), but you can create a collective work (A4 format and larger). In this case, the children can make several caterpillars by attaching the buttons one at a time.

Course of the lesson

Preparatory work: Fragment of the cartoon "Luntik, where the leech shouts:" Everything is bad, bad, bad! ".

Motivation: Guys, you know what happened? Vupsen and Pupsen are resting and there are no caterpillars in the cartoon "Luntik". A. they are needed for a cartoon. Let's make new ones.

Process of creation. Show the children the base and place the button caterpillar on it. Pay attention to the children that the caterpillars can be straight and curved, long or short, large or small (use buttons of different sizes), in different colors.

Then hand out the buttons to the children and ask them to make their own caterpillars. First, use the same buttons, then invite the little ones to choose the buttons they like. At the same time, you should not immediately offer all the variety of buttons. You can make colorful caterpillars in one lesson, large and small in another, etc. You can pull out the buttons from the plasticine - "the caterpillars have crawled away" and pressed again - "the caterpillars have crawled."

The result of the lesson. Well, now the cartoon "Luntik" will continue to be shown on TV!

Stimulation of independent activity. On the table for free creativity there are threads with strung balls of plasticine and buttons and pots, the teacher wears beads made by fusion, draws attention to how beautiful they are, suggests making such beads for mothers.

Lesson 3. Get the object

The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint children with materials and their properties; teach to knead the material with the fingers and palms of both hands; generate interest in working with the material; develop fine motor skills

Materials: ball plasticine, small plastic toys made of chocolate eggs - it is advisable to select one-piece (non-collapsible) toys with a smooth surface so that the plasticine does not stick to them; you can slightly grease the toy with oil or paraffin, damp rags.

Modeling technique: kneading.

Preliminary work: games "Hot and cold with an object", "Guess by touch", "Guess by a piece"

Course of the lesson

Before starting the lesson, prepare the dough and select bright and colorful objects, small in size: balls, cubes, small toys, chestnuts, etc.

Rub them with wax or paraffin, or brush them with oil to prevent the dough from sticking to them. Do not forget about the size of objects: a child can take very small objects in his mouth and choke. Hide several toys or objects in a large piece of ball plasticine so that only part of this or that toy or object is visible.

Preparatory work. Educator: What is hidden here? Try to guess.

Motivation. Let's take a look and get a surprise!

Process of creation. Start gently, slowly, with interest, to get the object, freeing it from the ball plasticine. Name the item that was taken out, carefully consider it with the children. Then invite the kids to extract other objects from the material in the same way, take them for themselves.

In a similar way, you can hide objects in ball plasticine in front of children, then invite them to do the same. At first use simple objects with smooth surfaces for “hide and seek”. At the end of the session, offer to wipe your hands with a damp cloth.

The result of the lesson. Oh, what surprises you got!

Stimulation of independent activity. Maybe after a quiet hour, more toys will start in our pieces of ball plasticine and in pieces of dough.

Lesson 4. Buns and pies

The purpose of the lesson: to teach children to roll clay balls on a flat surface and in their hands; generate interest in working with clay; develop fine motor skills.

Materials: clay, cut into small pieces; board.

Modeling technique: rolling.

Preliminary work: discussion of pastries for an afternoon snack, reading an excerpt from the work of Z. Aleksandrova "Little House Kuzka", watching a similar excerpt from the cartoon.

Course of the lesson

Preparatory work. The teacher says in the voice of the brownie Kuzka: “What did I ask to bake? Buns! And you baked cheesecakes! ”, A brownie doll appears.

Motivation. Let's make it so that Kuzka is not capricious.

Process of creation. Make a ball-shaped bun out of a piece of dough and place it on a plastic plate.

Educator. Look at my bun.

Then give the children pieces of dough and have them roll buns on the board.

Educator, rolling out the dough in his hands and tossing it:

I bake, bake, bake

Children are all on a pie.

And for dear mommy

I'll bake two gingerbread cookies.

Roll the dough and place the patty on a plastic plate. Then pass the dough pieces to the children and invite them to make pies. If someone does not succeed, you can grab the baby's arms with your own hands and make a pie together.

Eat, eat, mommy,

Delicious two gingerbread cookies.

And I'll call the guys -

I'll treat you to pies.

The result of the lesson. Let's feed Kuzka.

Stimulation of independent activity. On the table for free activity there are plastic transparent caterpillars with an opening mouth, pieces of plasticine, boards. The teacher reminds that by the end of the day you need to feed the caterpillars to their fill so that they get to the cartoon in the evening.

Lesson 5. "Amanita"

Target. Teach children to pinch off small pieces of material from a piece and roll balls 5–7 mm in diameter out of them, press with an index finger on a plasticine ball, attaching it to the base, place the balls at an equal distance from each other; generate interest in working with the material; develop fine motor skills.

Materials: A5 white cardboard sheets (with a pre-prepared drawing or applique) (according to the number of children); white modeling mass; a toy or drawing depicting an amanita.

Modeling techniques: pinching, rolling, pressing.

Preliminary work: drawing "Mushrooms in the rain", reading an excerpt from A. Pleshakov's story "Who needs a fly agaric", learning the chorus "Songs of the Fly agaric" music and words by Z. Root

Course of the lesson

Before starting the lesson, prepare the basis for creating a plasticine picture - an image of a fly agaric. To do this, cut a hat out of red paper and stick it on a sheet, and draw a leg.

Preparatory work. Educator. Listen to the riddle. Try to guess what it is about.

Near the forest at the edge,

Decorating the dark forest

Grew up motley like Parsley,


Educator. That's right, it's a fly agaric!

Motivation. Show the children a fly agaric toy or a picture of one.

Educator. Let's take a close look at the fly agaric. Here is his leg. And this is a hat. And what does the fly agaric have on the hat? White specks.

Give the children fly agaric blanks and white plasticine.

Educator. Look, you also have a fly agaric in your pictures. Only something he lacks. Who guessed? That's right, white specks on the cap. Let's make white specks so that everyone recognizes the fly agaric and does not pick and eat a poisonous mushroom.

Process of creation. Show the children how to make specks: pinch off small pieces of plasticine and roll them into balls with the thumb and forefinger of your right hand. In order for the skill to be fixed correctly, you should approach each child, help him complete the task.

Ask the children to make 2-3 balls on their own, prepare the rest in advance. Then offer to stick the white balls to the fly agaric hat yourself using the pressure method. There should be 5-10 specks on the cap in total.

The result of the lesson. Now no one will confuse amanita with edible mushrooms.

Stimulation of independent activity.On the table for free activities, templates of red beetles, pieces of plasticine, boards.

Beetles have settled near the fly agaric. It is necessary that they turn into good ladybirds and warn mushroom pickers against picking inedible mushrooms, and bring them bread.

Remember the poem with the kids. Speak the first words, encouraging the children to finish the line.


Black head,

Fly away to the sky

Bring us some bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.

Lesson 6. Sunshine

Purpose: to teach children to smear plasticine on cardboard with a pressing movement of the index finger; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Materials: Sheets of blue or light blue cardboard A5 according to the number of children; plasticine of yellow, orange colors.

Modeling technique: smearing.

Preliminary work: observing sunrises, zenith; observation of the sun's rays, soap bubbles in them; growing onions, watercress on a window under the sun

Course of the lesson

Before starting the lesson, prepare the foundation - "the sun in the sky." To do this, roll a ball out of yellow plasticine, then flatten it and press it against the cardboard in the center of the sheet.

Preparatory work. The teacher, wrapped in a shawl, wearing mittens and a hat, sat down near the battery in a trembling hoarse voice: “Oh, I'm cold, guys! Frozen! Nothing helps! No clothes, no battery. How can I keep warm? "

Give the children the blanks.

Motivation. Educator. You have blue skies in your pictures. And the sun is shining in the sky. Only it shines faintly, does not warm me at all. Why do you think? Because the sun has no rays. Help me keep warm.

Process of creation. Let's make rays of the sun - like this.

Invite the children to press their finger on the edge of the plasticine sun, press harder and pull their finger down or to the side - this is how a sunbeam turns out.

Educator. This is what the beam is! Let's make the sun a lot of rays!

Encourage the little ones to act on their own. To make the sun's rays longer, you need to press harder on the plasticine. For the convenience of work, you can turn the workpiece (the easiest way is to perform actions in the direction from top to bottom or left to right for right-handed people, from top to bottom and right to left for left-handed people).

The result of the lesson. Now I am warm! Thank you children for your suns.

Stimulation of independent activity. At the stand for free activities, on a sheet of A3 format, there is a large sun, and around the perimeter there is an image of flower buds. During the day, children are invited in a known way to stretch the rays of the sun to the buds so that they bloom. (in place of the bud, an artificial flower or an origami flower is attached, it goes to the baby as a gift.

Lesson 7. "Oranges and Apples"

Purpose: to teach children to pinch offsmall pieces of plasticine from a piece and roll balls from plasticine; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Materials: floating plasticine, orange, apple, Cheburashka toy in a box. Floating green, red, yellow plasticine in bars, pieces of orange plasticine, a bowl of water.

Modeling techniques: pinching, rolling.

Preliminary work: reading an excerpt from E. Uspensky's work about Cheburashka about how Cheburashka arrived in a box with oranges, watching a fragment of the cartoon, getting to know Cheburashka's song.

Course of the lesson

Preparatory work: the song of Cheburashka sounds and the box begins to shake (the teacher pulls the thread). Why is the box shaking? Who could be there.

He opens a box with the children - Cheburashka is sitting there.

Cheburashechka, dear you came to us from warm countries! In a box of oranges ... Oh, and the box is empty! One last orange left! You ate everything! And you want more ?!

Motivation: Guys, Cheburashka wants more oranges. Let's do it?

Process of creation. Let's see what kind of orange is. Show the children a natural orange. Note that the orange is round and orange in color. Then invite the children to choose a piece of plasticine of the same (orange) color. Show how to roll balls about 3 cm in diameter between your palms.

Let's put the oranges in the Cheburashka box.

Attach the toy to your ear.

Educator: Cheburashka says that he ate oranges and wants to try other fruits. What kind of fruit do you know?

Let's make apples. Who can tell what apples are? That's right, big and small. What color? Red, yellow, green. Choose the color of the apple that Cheburashka will eat, and take the plasticine of the same color.

Invite the children to make apples by pinching small pieces of plasticine and using the thumb and forefinger of their right hand to roll balls out of them. In order for the skill to be entrenched correctly, you should approach each child, help him begin to complete the task, and follow the implementation. Invite the children to make 1-2 balls on their own.

The result of the lesson. See how Cheburashka rejoices over a full box of fruit. Stimulation of independent activity. There is no Cheburashka, you cannot eat them yet. What should be done with fruit before eating? Wash. We will wash them in a basin: big oranges with our palms, and small apples with our fingers (rolling techniques are demonstrated once again) and put them on a plate for you. You eat. And you guys make sure that Cheburashka always has clean fruit on a plate (a reminder is given during the day).

Lesson 8. Dandelion

The purpose of the lesson: to teach children to press parts into plasticine, to create a voluminous craft; to generate interest in working with plastic materials; develop fine motor skills.

Materials: balls from the mass for modeling yellow; short sticks (segments of a cocktail tube, from "chupa-chups"); long sticks (lollipop sticks, skewers); dandelion (real or picture), foam rubber.

Modeling technique: indentation.

Preliminary work: reading the story of S. Kozlov "Dandelion and Piglet", acquaintance with the riddle

Golden and young in a week turned gray,

And two days later my head went bald,

I'll hide the former in my pocket ...

Answer: Dandelion

Course of the lesson

Prepare dandelion basics before starting your class. To do this, roll up balls 3 cm in diameter from yellow plasticine and cut them in half.

Preparatory work. Educator. Guys, let's play Say a Word. Reading riddles.

Show the children a real dandelion or a picture of it. Pay attention to the children that the dandelion is yellow and fluffy. Motivation. Let's make a whole clearing! Suggest making dandelions with modeling pulp and sticks.

Process of creation. Give the children dandelion bases and short sticks. Show how to press the sticks into the base of the flower. When the flower is ready, hand out long sticks to the children and help to press into the base of the flower - you get a stem.

The result of the lesson. Stick the dandelion into a clearing of foam rubber, admire it.

Stimulation of independent activity. During the day, "mice" appear in the clearing - drop-shaped gray pieces of plasticine (body), so that the mice do not gnaw the dandelion meadow, they need to be turned into hedgehogs - needles to stick in.

Lesson 9. Bananas

The purpose of the lesson: to teach children to roll sausages out of plasticine; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills

Materials: yellow plasticine-clay, divided into pieces of medium size; plastic plate or small box; natural bananas; little toy monkey.

Modeling technique: rolling.

Preliminary work: watching an excerpt from the cartoon "38 Parrots", reading an excerpt from the work of G. Oster "Exercise for the Tail", acquaintance with the game "Guess the Taste"

Course of the lesson

Preparatory work. Let's play Guess the Taste (with a banana)

Motivation. A little toy monkey appears: "I also want to play with you!" Educator: “Oh, but there are no bananas left. Guys, let's treat the monkey with bananas.

Process of creation. Show the children a banana. Pay attention to the fact that the banana is yellow, indicate its size and shape (slightly curved).

Give the children pieces of yellow plasticine. Show how you can roll sausages out of them (length about 7 cm, diameter 2 cm). Help if necessary. Then show how to bend the plasticine sausage to make a banana.

The result of the lesson. When the crafts are ready, continue the game: treat the monkey with bananas, put the bananas on a plate and treat other toys.

Stimulation of independent activity. During the day, the monkey is hungry. Children prepare her fruit salad from bananas, oranges, apples, using the learned rolling techniques. You might suggest making a salad for mom on a small paper plate.

Lesson 10. "Vegetable garden"

The purpose of the lesson: to teach children to roll sausages, balls from plasticine, to press objects into the base; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Materials: plasticine base (brown, black or green plasticine is used); plasticine, red beans, peas; dolls for the "Turnip" glove theater.

Modeling technique: pinching, rolling, pressing.

Preliminary work: Lotto “Vegetables; acquaintance with the song "In the Garden" lyrics. L. Yakovleva, music. V. Semenov ", recollection of the tale" Turnip ", acquaintance with riddles:

More authentic, shorter,

Thick-sided, not very.

In every house, in every hut,

In a jar, in a barrel and in a salad!

Guess - well done!

This is a vegetable ... (cucumber).

Round side, yellow side

A bun is sitting in a garden bed.

Grown into the ground firmly.

What is it? .. (turnip)

This vegetable is very fast

Let's solve by the way.

He is chubby, red, smooth,

It grows in everyone in the garden.

Put it in the sun.

It will ripen at the window

This plump senor

Everyone knows ... (Tomato)

And green and thick

A bush grew in the garden.

Dig a little:

Under the bush ... (Potato)

Course of the lesson

Before starting the lesson, prepare the basis for creating a plasticine picture. To do this, cover the surface of the cardboard or board with a layer of plasticine approximately 5 mm thick. You can use a whole block of brown plasticine as a "bed".

Preparatory work. The song "In the Garden" is played. The grandfather from the turnip fairy tale appears on the teacher's hand. Educator: grandfather planted a turnip ... Grandfather: "Oh-oh, I got my back ..."

Motivation. Guys, can we help grandfather in the garden?

Process of creation. Look, this is a vegetable garden. Today we will plant turnips in the garden. Show the children the peas, explain that this is a "turnip". First, show how to take the peas correctly (with your thumb and forefinger) and press them into the clay in even rows at an equal distance from each other - you get a "bed with turnips". Then distribute peas to the children and offer to plant the "turnip" in the garden by yourself.

Plant a potato bed in the same way using beans.

The grandmother and granddaughter ask to plant cucumbers and tomatoes (I am fashioning using the learned techniques of pinching and rolling).

The result of the lesson. Characters thank the children.

Stimulation of independent activity. Continuing the game, you can harvest vegetables and then plant them again.

Lesson 11. Snake

The purpose of the lesson: to consolidate in children the skill of rolling long sausages; teach to flatten one end of the sausage and sharpen the other end; generate interest in working with the test; develop fine motor skills.

Materials: dough of different colors, divided into medium-sized pieces; green cardboard sheet; toy snake.

Modeling techniques: rolling, flattening, sharpening.

Preliminary work: viewing an excerpt from the cartoon "38 parrots", the game "Head and Tail", figured walking "snake" between obstacles, an interactive excursion (exotarium is invited).

Course of the lesson

Preparatory work. Educator: “children, let's talk about the guests we had (exotarium). Who do you remember the most? "

Motivation. Let's make our own exotarium.

Process of creation. Place it on a piece of cardboard and show the little snake to the children. Pay attention to the children that the snake is long and thin.

In front of the eyes of the children, roll a piece of plasticine into a long and thin roller about 10-15 cm long. Sharpen the tail, flatten your head so that it stands out.

Educator. Here's what a snake I got! Show me where her head is? Where is the tail? How does the snake hiss? Sh-sh-sh!

Distribute the prepared dough pieces of different colors to the children. Offer to choose the color of the snake and sculpt it yourself. When the snakes are ready, offer to put them to sleep (fold in a spiral). Continue the game: the snakes woke up and went for a walk - crawling along the clearing.

The result of the lesson. Now we have our own Exotarium!

Stimulation of independent activity. A monkey was brought in at the Exotarium, but she doesn't like it: there is nowhere to swing. Let's make vines for the monkey.

Lesson 12. "At the samovar"

Purpose: to teach children to roll sausages from plasticine and connect their ends; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Materials: dough, cut into pieces of medium size; natural drying; samovar, twine.

Modeling techniques: rolling, joining parts.

Preliminary work: learning the refrain of D. Tukhmanov's song "Pykh-pykh, samovar"

Course of the lesson

Preparatory work. A samovar is on display. Educator. Guys, I want to invite you to a tea party.

Motivation. And there is nothing to drink tea with. Let's make a tea treat.

Process of creation. Invite the kids to carefully consider the drying, pay attention to its thickness and shape. Then show how to make it: Roll out the sausage (about 10 cm long, 1 cm in diameter) and connect the ends to make a ring.

After that, invite the children to dry themselves. In case of difficulty, help.

When the crafts are ready, continue the game: string drying on twine, decorate the samovar.

The result of the lesson. Let these driers be a decoration, and we have real driers for tea (tea drinking).

Stimulation of independent activity. Near the samovar there are empty candy vases and sugar bowl, plasticine. Offer the children to fill them by making them by rolling - candies (you can also prepare candy wrappers) of various shapes, by pinching off the smallest pieces - sugar.

Lesson 13. "Shrovetide"

The purpose of the lesson: to teach how to flatten plasticine balls by pressing with palms against a flat surface and between fingers; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skillsMaterials: dough, plastic plates, Parsley doll.

Modeling technique: pinching, rolling, flattening.

Preliminary work: talking about the holiday, learning the call

Yep, spring! Yeah, red!

What did you bring us?


Old grandmothers on a pancake,

And a wreath for the girls ...


And for the girls a wreath

Small children on the testicle ...


Course of the lesson

Preparatory work. Parsley sings the call.

Motivation. And you don't have pancakes! I'm leaving ... I'm leaving ...

Educator: “Petrushka, stay. The guys will make pancakes.

The process of creation. The educator.

- Small children on the testicle ...

Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo! (We pinch off the dough, roll the ball)

Old grandmothers have a pancake ...

Show the children how to make a pancake from a balloon. To do this, take a plasticine ball in your hands and begin to flatten it between your fingers, gradually turning in a circle. Consider a prepared pancake with the children. Pay attention to the little ones that the pancake is evenly flat and round.

Invite the kids to make pancakes themselves, if necessary, show again how to flatten the ball, or, taking the child's hands, act with his hands. Each child can make several pancakes.

Parsley: “And I love pancakes! I'm leaving, I'm leaving "

Invite the children to make pancakes, show how to flatten the ball by pressing it against the board with your palm. Pancakes can be of different thicknesses, pay attention to the dependence on pressure.

The result of the lesson. Beat the finished crafts: put the pancakes and pancakes on plates, treat Parsley.

Stimulation of independent activity. A scarecrow is depicted on cardboard. During the day, together with the children, we decorate it with plasticine details, using all the techniques we have learned.

Lesson 14. Sandwiches

The purpose of the lesson: to consolidate in children the skill of rolling, rolling and flattening the material; develop an interest in working with the material; develop fine motor skills

Materials: mass for modeling red, yellow and light brown; planks; plastic plates.

Modeling techniques: pinching, rolling, rolling, flattening.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with K. Chukovsky's poem "Sandwich", photo competition "Me and Mom are Preparing a Sandwich"

Course of the lesson

Preparatory work. Examination of photographs of the photo competition

Motivation. Let's try making a sandwich without mom.

Process of creation. Give the children a modeling mass and have them prepare "foods." "Sausage" - roll a mass of red into a sausage. "Butter" - pinch off a piece of yellow mass from the bar. "Bread" - roll a ball out of a light brown mass, then roll it out a little until it acquires an elongated shape and flatten it (between your fingers or on a board, pressing it with your palm). Help if necessary. The teacher cuts the sausage into a stack. you can invite willing children to try for themselves.

When the "products" are ready, you can start making "sandwiches".

Fold the pieces of sandwiches, spreading the "butter" on the "bread" and placing the "sausage" on top, place them on small plastic plates. You can make "fat on sausage" (pinching, rolling between the fingers, pressing).

The result of the lesson. Well done. We did it ourselves!Real chefs!

Stimulation of independent activity. During the day, you can take part in dyeing a previously prepared cake model with berries, flowers, patterns.

Lesson 15. "Marine life"

Materials: plasticine, floating plasticine, sea pebbles, matches, an aquarium with a little water, blue cardboard format to fit the back of the aquarium, images of marine life.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with various marine life: conversation, reading and viewing encyclopedias, the game "The sea is worried once"

Modeling technique: all studied.

Course of the lesson

Preparatory work. The soundtrack of the sea surf turns on, the teacher invites the children to the sea.

Motivation. Let's create a sea in a group.

Process of creation. From floating plasticine, children make a hedgehog fish (rolling, pressing matches), moray eels (rolling between palms), jellyfish (rolling, flattening). Those who wish can take part in decorating the background with plasticine: algae, waves (smearing), etc.

The result of the lesson. How beautiful we did it!

Stimulation of independent activity. During the day, you can arrange the "seashore": indentation of sea stones, painting with plasticine on the stones (smearing)

Lesson 16. Snowman

The purpose of the lesson:

Materials: white ball plasticine, divided into two pieces of different sizes, for "carrot" noses - orange plasticine pieces, beads for the eyes; bottle caps or other suitable finishing materials; finished craft - a snowman; boards for modeling.

Modeling techniques: rolling, rolling, joining.

Preliminary work: viewing an excerpt of the cartoon "Mailer Snowman", "Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf", listening to the song "Snowman" by M. Krasev, practicing the round dance game "Snowman" by I. Artemyeva

Course of the lesson

Preparatory work.

Show the children the finished craft - a snowman. Pay their attention to the fact that the body of a snowman consists of separate balls of different sizes, connected to each other in a certain order.

Motivation. Let us also fashion the same snowmen, so that our snowman has someone to take a walk with and play snowballs with.

Process of creation. Show the children how to make a snowman: Demonstrate each step of the work, encouraging the children to repeat. First, roll the balls from the prepared pieces of ball plasticine (you can roll the balls in any order). When all the balls are ready, invite the children to choose a large ball and ask them to put it on the board. Then offer to choose the second largest ball and ask to attach it on top (you can fasten the balls by holding them in both hands). Then hand out plasticine for the face and head and show how to roll and attach a carrot nose in the center of the face, and eyes on both sides of the nose. You can put a plastic bottle cap, a slightly flattened plasticine ball or other suitable object on the snowman's head to make a bucket.

The result of the lesson. Now mail to Santa Claus will be delivered on time.

2.2 Program for the development of fine motor skills in children of the first younger group through sculpting

The formative stage of the experiment was carried out from December 2014 to April 2015. The purpose of this stage of the study was to conduct developmental work on the development of fine motor skills in young children through a series of modeling lessons from various materials. The tasks were the selection of suitable materials, the development and conduct of a series of classes with their use, the organization of a developmental environment to encourage independent modeling activities in their free time. Conducting the pedagogical experiment, we were guided by the following principles:

The principle of accessibility and taking into account the age and individual capabilities of the child's psyche

The principle of visibility

The principle of consciousness and cognitive activity (when children are subjects of activity)

The principle of a rational combination of collective and individual forms and methods of developmental work

The principle of gradual complication (from simple to complex) and phased implementation of modeling techniques

The principle of systematicity (daily) and purposeful activation of the needs of children in the development of new motor acts

The principle of the strength of consolidation of what has been achieved in the memory of children on the basis of a positive attitude and interest in sculpting.

The main forms of the formative stage were organized educational activities (educational area “artistic creativity), as well as activities in their free time. The series of sessions consisted of 16 sessions. In addition, during the day, children had the opportunity to repeatedly return to the materials. All the children of the group took part in the classes. The duration is 4-12 minutes weekly. In the schedule, Tuesday morning was chosen for classes. Monday could be used as a preparatory day for the plot.

Let us consider in more detail the structural parts of classes in visual activity (sculpting from different materials) using the ASD technique - the activation of spontaneous activity, corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard, used in the course of the formative experiment.

Preliminary work is performed on the eve of the lesson (coincides with the traditional method):

observation of objects and phenomena, examination of toys, illustrations, real objects, products of the previously performed visual activity of children;

reading fiction, watching videos, listening to sound recordings, showing theatrical performances;

a variety of games: plot, didactic, mobile and others, logically related to the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Preparatory work - a gradual transition from free activities to occupation, creating an atmosphere of interest in what will happen:

an intriguing conversation, a teacher's story, questions to children, answers to their questions;

consideration of drawings, illustrations, children's previously completed works;

reading poems and excerpts from large-scale works;

the arrival of various "guests" to the children;

a treat;


It is very important to interest children, create the necessary motivation, which can be as follows: to put things in order, decorate, clean; to please, surprise with beauty; make gifts; make crafts to use in games and at home; treat.

The process of creation (a significant difference from the visual-illustrative traditional method) is a joint activity and communication between the educator and the children. With such interaction, the child's need to speak out is actualized. This is facilitated by the adult's attention to the child's questions and proactive statements, and the friendly environment of peers, and actions aimed at achieving a common goal in collective work. It is also important for the development of speech that the child understands instructions, instructions, requests from an adult in the context of their joint activities and easy communication. During such communication with children, the educator has the opportunity to find out for himself what level of knowledge on the topic his pupils are at, and to foresee what specific help each child needs in order to carry out individual work with him. This part happens:

making suggestions by children and advice from the educator on how to do the job;

providing children with the opportunity to independently choose the material, method, sequence of actions;

satisfaction from teamwork, proactive imitation of the actions of an adult by kids;

the acquisition by children of the ability to coordinate their desires and actions with the aspirations and actions of their peers;

orientation towards a positive result;

accustoming to neatness in work, to self-organization;

rendering assistance to adults at the request of the child.

Outcome of work:

emotional response to the results of labor;

gratitude of those who asked for help;

positive assessment of any result;

use of products in games and in everyday life;

deployment of plot, outdoor and didactic games according to the content of the lesson;

use of works as play and visual material in further work;

stimulating children to reproduce the content of classes in independent activity.

Let's imagine a lesson plan.

Table 6

Plan-grid of modeling lessons during the formative stage of the experiment



Stimulation of self-activity

"Hide the ball"

To acquaint children with the dough and its properties; teach to knead the dough with the fingers and palms of both hands; generate interest in working with the test; develop fine motor skills.


Bake me a bun (hide a ball in the dough during the day for fairy tale characters)


Teach children in a certain order to press the parts into the base from the test; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine, dough

Beads for mom

"Get the item"

To acquaint children with materials and their properties; teach to knead the dough with the fingers and palms of both hands; generate interest in working with the test; develop fine motor skills.

Ball plasticine

Search for objects in plasticine during the day, distribution of surprises

"Buns and pies"

Teach children to roll dough balls on a flat surface and in their hands; generate interest in working with the test; develop fine motor skills.


Luntik feeds Vupsen and Pupsen

"Fly agaric"

Teach children to pinch off small pieces of material from a piece and roll balls 5–7 mm in diameter out of them, press with an index finger on a plasticine ball, attaching it to the base, place the balls at an equal distance from each other; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Modeling mass

Ladybugs settled near the fly agaric


Teach children to smear plasticine on cardboard; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.


Warm the flowers: lengthening the rays during the day, the goal is to reach the flowers with the rays, which will “bloom” at the end of the day.

"Oranges and Apples"

Teach children to roll balls from plasticine; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills

Floating plasticine

Carrying out the action "Wash the sweets for Cheburashka"


Teach children to press details into plasticine, create a voluminous craft; to generate interest in working with plastic materials; develop fine motor skills.

Modeling mass

Creating hedgehogs in a dandelion meadow


Teach children to roll sausages out of plasticine; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills


Cooking fruit salad


Teach children to roll sausages, balls from plasticine, to press objects into the base; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills




Strengthen in children the skill of rolling long sausages; teach to flatten one end of a plasticine sausage and sharpen the other end; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.


Making a voluminous collage "Lianas for a monkey"

"At the samovar"

Teach children to roll sausages out of plasticine and connect their ends; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.


Vase with sweets and sugar bowls


Strengthen in children the skill of rolling, rolling and flattening the material; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Modeling mass

Let's prepare and decorate the cake

"Pancake week"

Learn to flatten plasticine balls by pressing with palms against a flat surface and between fingers; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills


Maslenitsa Scarecrow Decoration

"Marine life"

Teach children to act in a step-by-step manner - roll balls out of plasticine and connect them to each other in a certain order, form a disc, cylinder, use indentation; to consolidate knowledge about the size, about the spatial arrangement of objects; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Plasticine, floating plasticine

On the seashore: pebbles and shells


(final lesson)

Teach children to act in a step-by-step manner - roll balls out of plasticine and connect them to each other in a certain order, form a disc, cylinder, use indentation; to consolidate knowledge about the size, about the spatial arrangement of objects; to form an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Ball plasticine, plasticine

Software content:
  • To fix the phenomena of the winter period, the properties of snow.
  • To develop a plot - game concept in children. Arouse interest in the continuation of the "plot".
  • Learn to sculpt a snowman figure from salt dough: connect parts of the figure, complement the characteristic features of the character with different details.

Material: Snowman figurine, blinded in advance from snow. Salted dough, sticks - knots, oilcloths, napkins, strips of fabric for scarves, plastic corks (instead of a bucket) and other details.
Preliminary work: Observing the snow: it is cold, it can be sculpted from it, it melts. Games on the site, making snowballs. Examination of pictures, illustrations. Reading poetry and stories about a snowman.
Course of the lesson:
The teacher gathers the children in a circle on the carpet: “Children, look at the guests, greet them, wave your hand to them. Now join hands, say hello to each other. Saying hello means wishing good health to each other. Let's sit on the carpet and listen to the riddle. "
The cold has come
The water turned into ice.
Long-eared bunny gray
He turned into a white hare.
Who will say who knows
When does this happen?
Children: In winter!
Educator: Well done! Right! What time of year is it?
Children: It's winter now.
Educator: How did you guess that it was winter?
Children: In winter there is snow, frost, ice.
Educator: And Dasha knows a poem about snow, let's listen:
It's snowing, it's snowing
Straight to the track
And walking in the snow
Black cat.
Cat, cat, go away
Don't get your paws on.
Educator: What can you do in winter?
Children: Skiing, ice skating, sledding, making a snowman.
Educator: Do you want to mold a snowman? It's good if he himself comes to our kindergarten (unnoticeably taps his finger).
Educator: Guys, you hear someone knocking. Probably a snowman. And here he is (brings in a snowman who is sitting on a sled).

Snowman: Hello guys, I am very glad that I came to your kindergarten, look at my outfit:
On the head is a bucket instead of a hat,
Scarf like daddy
Hands are sticks-knots
Eyes are pebbles
The nose is a carrot
The mouth is drawn.
Educator: Tell me, children, what does the body of a snowman consist of?
Children: From snow balls.
Educator: Are the balls the same?
Children: No, different - one large and two small.
Educator: Do you like the snowman? Maybe let's leave him to play with us in the group? Nothing will happen to him?
Children: It can melt, turn into water.
Educator: Then let's take him for a walk outside, and we will fashion other snowmen for ourselves to play in a group.
(Children say goodbye to the snowman)
Educator: Get on your feet. Now we will play with you (physical education).
Snow, snow is spinning
The whole street is white,
We gathered in a circle
Spun like a snowball.
Educator: Walk quietly and sit at the tables
(Children sit down)
3. Independent work of children.
Educator: We will sculpt a snowman from salt dough. To sculpt a snowman, you need to divide the lump of dough into three parts. One part is large, another is smaller and the third is the smallest. Now roll the balls in a circular motion. Show me how we are going to do? Remember, we also sculpted a kolobok with you? Then all the balls need to be connected: put the smaller one on the big one, and the smallest one on top. Take lumps of dough and start sculpting. (During the work of the children, the song "White snowflakes are spinning in the morning" is played by music by G. Gladkov, words by I. Shaferan. After the balls are ready, the teacher helps the children connect them with toothpicks or matches).

Educator: Here Natasha is rolling a lump,
It will be a lump of a snowman.
And Seryozha rolls a lump,
It will be a lump of a snowman.
Three lumps connected
And they stuck the carrot
The corners are inserted
And they put a broomstick,
The snow woman is standing
And looks at the kids
They sculpted the Snow Baba,
They forgot to put on her shawl.
And the woman has no hair,
And not a woman - my grandfather came out.
(We put the fashioned snowmen on a tray covered with white paper (snowy clearing), on the clearing there is a paper Christmas tree, around which the snowmen dance in a circle).
4. The final part.
Educator: Well done children, they did a good job! Tell me, what did we do in class? What did we sculpt snowmen from? Did you enjoy sculpting from salt dough? (children's answers)
Educator: Thank you! All good fellows! The lesson is over. Snowmen, do not be bored, we are going to wash our hands and will definitely continue the game with you.




(S. Smiles, English writer)

How to love your child

rule one:

to be able to listen to your child always and everywhere, without interrupting or brushing off him, showing patience and tact.

rule two:

be able to speak, showing gentleness and respect, excluding edification, rudeness and rudeness.

rule three:

to punish, not humiliating, but preserving the dignity of the child, instilling hope for correction.

rule four:

it is possible to achieve success in upbringing only when parents are an example to follow.

rule five:

admit your mistakes, ask for forgiveness for wrong actions and deeds, be fair in assessing yourself and others.



    Bring your child to kindergarten:

    in clean, tidy clothes and shoes, with the necessary set of changeable underwear, with neatly combed hair and short-cropped nails;

    healthy (notify the teacher about all cases of the child's discomfort).

    Patients and children with suspected disease identified in the morning filter are not admitted to kindergarten.

    Inform the kindergarten administration about the absence of the child due to illness during the first two hours of illness.

    After an illness, as well as absence from kindergarten for more than three days, present the head nurse with a certificate of the child's health from the district doctor - pediatrician.

    Personally hand over and collect the child from the caregiver. Write an application addressed to the head of the preschool educational institution, if you entrust the right to take the child to relatives or children over 16 years old.

    On the eve of the alleged absence of a child in kindergarten for family reasons (vacation, summer, sanatorium - spa treatment, etc.) leave a statement addressed to the head of the MKDOU.

    Pay for the maintenance of a child in a preschool educational institution no later than 20 - th day of each month. Timely submit documents confirming the benefits for paying for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten.

    Be ethical in your interactions with children and kindergarten staff.

How not to behave.

    There is no need to constantly scold and punish your child for all manifestations of his independence that are unpleasant for you.

    Don't say yes when you need a firm no.

    Do not emphasize your strength and superiority over him.

    bring valuables and toys to kindergarten;

    "Dangerous items" (buttons, beads, rings, small objects, etc.).


    come to kindergarten drunk;

    smoke on the territory of the kindergarten;

    bring animals.

To view a presentation with pictures, artwork, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Presentation slides text content:
Parents' meeting for parents of first graders What is psychological readiness for school? Primary education is the start of a conscious life in the world of adults, and who the child will become and what he will become depends on his success. Why might a child have difficulties? The school introduces new requirements: to listen carefully, not to be distracted, to obey the established rules and order. New requirements from parents appear: a change in the daily routine, the emergence of independence in behavior, self-service assignments. The child enters into a new relationship with peers: the child begins to worry , will he be able to study like everyone else, will the guys be friends with him, will they not offend him with words or actions. With all the changes that have occurred in the child's life in connection with the beginning of school, parents should not forget: First graders remain very emotional; Have increased excitability; get tired quickly; Their attention is unstable; Behavior depends on the external situation. If we take into account the new situation of children, their age characteristics, apply a little ingenuity, then our children will very calmly overcome the period of adaptation of children to school. THE LAW OF THREE "A": ADAPTATION, AUTHORITY, ACTIVITY ADAPTATION OF THE CHILD TO LEARNING AT SCHOOL - the task of the parents: to provide the first grader with moral and emotional support, to help to understand the unusual situation; the period of adaptation to school can last from 2 weeks to six months. AUTHORITY - the task of the parents: strengthening and developing to a new level the authority of the parents, the formation of the authority of the teacher, the school. ACTIVITY is the task of parents: to establish close contact with the teacher, agree on the requirements so that the child does not suffer from disagreements, listen to advice, offer help in organizing holidays and common affairs - any participation of adults in school life will benefit the child, and then the son or daughter have a reason to be proud of their parents. ADAPTING A CHILD TO LEARNING AT SCHOOL Advice to parents The most important thing that you need to give your child is your attention. Be patient: listen carefully to his stories about school, ask clarifying questions. Remember, what you don't think is very important may be the most exciting experience for your son or daughter of the whole day! Listen to your child carefully: then you can understand what the child needs your help, what you should talk to the teacher about, what really happens to the child after you say goodbye to him at the school door. The student needs the attention of both mom and dad. Do not forget to set aside time for him, not burdened by household chores, watching TV or "talking" with the computer. Remember that a child needs our love most of all when he least deserves it (Polish teacher, writer Janusz Korczak). If a child sees your interest in his affairs and concerns, he will certainly feel your support. support the child's desire to become a schoolboy, develop and encourage the desire to learn. Express your genuine interest in your child's school affairs and concerns, celebrate their progress, and be generous with praise. In each of his work, be sure to find something to praise him for. Remember: praise and emotional support (“Well done!”, “You did so well!”) Can significantly increase a child's intellectual achievements. be calm about your child's school concerns and difficulties. The child came from school - do not rush to pester him with questions, let him relax. If you see that he is upset, it is better to later in a calm conversation try to find out about the reasons for his concern. Remember: for a child to be unable to do something, to not know something - this is the normal state of affairs. That is why he and the child - this cannot be reproached. Reproaches lower the child's self-esteem, deprive him of self-confidence. The child has the right to make mistakes. Your child came to school to study. When a person learns, he may not succeed in something right away, this is natural. Seeing parents calm and confident, the child will feel that there is simply no need to be afraid of school. be wise about your child's school success. Don't make your child a school diary supplement. School success is definitely important. But this is not your child's whole life; the grade is an indicator of a child's knowledge of a given subject in a given subject at the moment. It does not characterize the personality of the child! Do not compare your child to other students. Praise your child for their school success. And remember, no number of A's can be more important than your child's happiness. Do not treat your child's first failures as the collapse of all your hopes. Remember: your child really needs your faith in him, smart help and support. In order for your child to be self-confident, have adequate self-esteem, be bold, proactive, be attentive to your speech: analyze whether you have negative attitudes and remove them from your communication with your child. NEGATIVE PARENTAL SETTINGS 1. “My eyes wouldn’t see you!”, “I don’t need such a bad boy,” “How many worries you brought me! (parents' accusations). The child concludes for himself: "It would be better if I weren't." In adolescence, a minor is likely to experience provocative and dangerous behavior, the ulterior motive of which is suicide. 2. “Why are you behaving like a little one ?!” This attitude leads to the fact that in adult life people take on too many obligations, they have difficulties in communicating with their children, since it is easier for them to involve the child in their worries and affairs, than to enter his childhood state 3. “Don't be smart”, “Do what they say”, “I know better what to do.” Children begin to feel distrust of their intellectual abilities, feel helpless and empty. Test “Are you ready send your child to school? " 1. It seems to me that my child will learn worse than other children 2. I am afraid that my child will often offend other children 3. In my opinion, four lessons is an exorbitant burden for a small child 4. It is difficult to be sure that elementary school teachers understand children well 5. A child can study calmly only if the teacher is his own mother 6. It is difficult to imagine that a first grader can quickly learn to read, count and write 7. It seems to me that children are in this age are not yet able to be friends 8. I'm afraid to even think about how my child will do without daytime sleep 9. My child often cries when a stranger addresses him 10. My child does not go to kindergarten and never breaks up with his mother 11. Primary school, in my opinion, is rarely able to teach a child 12. I am afraid that children will tease my child 13. My baby, in my opinion, is much weaker than their peers 14. I am afraid that the teacher does not have in Opportunities to measure the progress of each child. 15. My child often says: “Mom, we will go to school together!”. 15/14/13/12/11/10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1/5 4 3 2 1 Enter your answers on the plate: if you agree with the statement, put a cross after slash, if you disagree, leave the cell blank. Test results: up to 4 points - this means that you have every reason to optimistically wait for the first of September - at least you yourself are quite ready for your child's school life; 5-10 points - it is better to prepare for possible difficulties in advance; 10 points or more - it would be nice to consult a child psychologist. Now let's pay attention to the columns in which 2 or 3 crosses were received. 1 - it is necessary to engage more in games and tasks that develop memory, attention, fine motor skills. 2 - you need to pay attention to whether your child knows how to communicate with other children. 3 - difficulties associated with the child's health are foreseen, but there is still time to engage in hardening and general strengthening exercises. 4 - there are fears that the child will not find contact with the teacher, you need to pay attention to plot games. 5 - your child is not independent enough, probably he overly attached to the mother. Dear Parents! We wish you and your first graders success in everything! Be happy! Family is happiness, love and luck, Family is summer trips to the country. Family is a holiday, family dates, Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble, Dreams of good, excitement and awe. Family - this is work, taking care of each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, Drive grievances and quarrels away, I want friends to say about you: What a good family is yours!

Basic rules for parents of beginning kindergarten pupils:

1. Try to devote a considerable amount of time to preparing your child for admission to kindergarten: hone the necessary skills for self-care, life safety, communication skills, work according to instructions. Pay attention to the psychological aspect of preparation: tell your child instructive stories that help to gain experience in the field of conflict resolution, communication, and initiative.

2. Pay special attention to your child's first experience of kindergarten. Provide your child with a positive psychological attitude: I feel good in kindergarten. Speak out those positive emotions that the child will experience in kindergarten (they will probably be enough if you are not mistaken in choosing a teacher).

3. Preparing for admission to kindergarten should take at least nine months so that the child has less psychological distress. The experience the child acquires in a new place for himself should grow smoothly, gradually. Therefore, before entering kindergarten for a "full day", you should undergo adaptation in a short-stay group.

4. Focus on the individual needs of the child: if a couple of hours was enough for the first visit to the group, then at first limit yourself to this time in the team. But do not start adaptation, limiting yourself only to the time of the walk, it is the least informative for the child.

5. Take care of the psychological comfort of your child. There is not too much of it in the life of a modern person. In a group, the parent needs to be close to the baby to help navigate the new environment and provide a sense of security. The child does not need to start a new period in life with a traumatic situation. In order not to injure the child and not spoil his impression of the new atmosphere, one should leave the group only with the consent of the child. Otherwise, the fear of losing the mother for a long time will prevent the child from establishing contact with the teacher and peers, the manifestation of his abilities.

6. Try to acquaint the child with all the regime moments, individually explaining and showing how you can satisfy the needs for personal hygiene, games where you can change clothes, if it gets cold or you need to go for a walk, when you need to wash your hands, visit the toilet room (after a walk , physical education lessons, before meals, coming and leaving the group). When the baby gets comfortable a little, hand over the "reins" to the caregiver, referring the baby to him on all issues related to his management. The baby should be able to establish a dialogue with the educator even as part of a visit to a short-term stay group.

7. Try to unite the team of the group and let the baby show his abilities in the team in the most favorable environment for him, the game conducted under your leadership.

8. When the baby starts attending the group, spending a full day in it, it is very important for the parents to stay on top of the child's life. Communicate regularly with educators, music and physical education teachers, finding out the success of the child, the development program they offer. Repeat the exercises at home: sing songs, do warm-ups, etc. Also, remember to attend the morning performances at which your toddler performs to showcase the results of your work (your assessment is still very important).

9. Get to know the baby's menu in the kindergarten group, take it into account when feeding the child at home. Make sure your baby is eating well, getting enough vitamins and protein. You should also be aware of the child's appetite, which he demonstrates in the group. Children should drink a lot. At the same time, they should be able to satisfy their thirst on their own. Therefore, if necessary, at the parent meeting, raise the issue of purchasing bottled water for the group.

10. Choose carefully the clothes that your child will wear in kindergarten. Outerwear should be unmarked, simple, comfortable for self-fastening by a child, changing clothes. Without much effort on the part of the little owner, it must protect the body from hypothermia in the neck, head, lower back. Therefore, jackets should be long, with stand-up collars, hats with ties, pants with suspenders; hairpins - soft, fabric. Clothing in the group should help the child to cope with it easily when changing clothes. Skirts should be wide, short, shorts - without tight belts and elastic bands, loose fit, sandals - closed in front and back (for support), with a comfortable fastener and instep support. All clothes should be as functional as possible: without unnecessary decorations (which are easily torn off), fragile lace inserts, soiled snow-white elements. For physical education lessons, it is necessary to have gym shoes in the locker, and for music lessons, girls are better off wearing dresses. In addition, in case of an emergency, each child's locker should have spare socks, tights, shorts, T-shirts, and no sweets!

12. Before going to kindergarten, mentally tune your child up. Explain that each person has their own tasks, some of which we are happy to do, others as needed to ensure our safety, for example. But we are all responsible for fulfilling our goals and objectives. Kids must grow up, become adults in order to do what they love, go to work like mom and dad, and have their children in the future. To do this, they need to study a lot and maintain their health. In kindergarten, a toddler has the same job as mom and dad. She helps the child to carry out their special tasks: to communicate, play, learn new things by performing certain exercises. All this brings real pleasure if you treat it with love, just like mom and dad relate to their business, their work.

13. Do not charge any “fee” for attending kindergarten, especially when weighed it against the chocolate-nut equivalent. Thus, you negatively affect the child's motivation. The kid must understand that they go to kindergarten for their own interest, and not for prizes and gifts.

Each of us has a special job, and it depends only on us whether she becomes truly loved. Prepare your baby for the changes ahead. Acting gently, without sudden jumps and turns, inform the baby in time about new tasks for him, explaining why they are necessary. Use a fairy tale to prepare your baby for what awaits him within the walls of the child care center. Tell instructive stories, funny rhymes, organize games to practice the necessary skills. A favorable psychological climate, parental support and correct awareness of the child about their tasks will create all the conditions for entering kindergarten for a child to become a joyful, long-awaited event.

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