Home Roses Two-handed medicine ball throwing from below is standard. Lesson outline: "Medicine ball throwing". Physical fitness indicators

Two-handed medicine ball throwing from below is standard. Lesson outline: "Medicine ball throwing". Physical fitness indicators

The test is carried out on a flat area with a length of at least 10 m. The child stands at the reference line of the marking and throws the ball from behind the head with both hands forward from the initial standing position - one leg in front, the other behind, or legs apart. When throwing, the feet must remain in contact with the ground. It is allowed to move the body forward, accompanying the throw. Three attempts are made. The best result is counted.

Standing long jump

The child jumps, pushing off with two legs with an intense swing of his arms from the marked take-off line to the maximum distance for him, and lands on both legs. For landing, you can use a thin mattress or rubber track. When landing, do not lean on the back with your hands.

An adult uses a tape measure or a measuring tape to measure the distance between the take-off line and the footprint (at the heels) upon landing (in cm). The best of three attempts is scored.

Definition of flexibility

The child sits on the carpet, legs apart, shoulder-width apart, knees straight. The adult presses the child's knees to the floor with his hand. There is a cube between the child's feet (the heels of the feet and the cube are on the same line).

Task for the child: bend over and push the cube as far as possible with your hands. The distance in centimeters from the line of the heels to the edge of the cube, on which the child rested with his fingers, is estimated. Only one attempt counts.

Determination of the Equilibrium Function

The child stands barefoot, the toe of the back leg is close to the heel of the forward leg. Hands down.

Task for the child: to stand in this position with open eyes as long as possible.

The time (in seconds) of holding the pose is estimated from the moment it is taken and until the moment when the feet move about the place or the child staggers.

Note. The surface on which the child stands must be flat and hard.

Throwing a sandbag weighing 150-200 G right and left hand

After the warm-up, the adult invites the child to make three throws of the bags with each hand as far as possible. When throwing, the child takes the following starting position: standing with one leg in front, the other at a step distance, hand with a bag behind his head.

An adult takes measurements after each throw and records the best result in the protocol.

Teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions, at their discretion, can supplement the above required minimum of diagnostic techniques.


There are special scales that establish the social maturity of children, their ability to independently satisfy the simplest needs, the ability to adapt to various environmental conditions. The Vineland scale is quite well-known, which is designed to study the child's abilities to serve himself and take responsibility. It contains 117 items, grouped by different age levels, and includes eight areas of behavior: general self-care, self-care when eating, when dressing, self-regulation, communication skills, preferred activities, motor skills, socialization.

To assess the level of mental development of preschoolers, the Stanford-Vine scale, the Wechsler test and the Ravenna test are most often used. Piaget's methods can be used for the same purposes.

In domestic pedagogy and psychology, several diagnostic packages have been developed to assess the child's readiness for school. The most important indicators are the level of formation of arbitrary attention, memory; cooperation skills,

the quality of speech, communication and social skills, the general level of culture and the formation of ideas about conventional norms; the quality of socialization, the idea of ​​the norms of communication and justice, the level of moral judgments and assessments, the readiness for moral choice. To monitor the achievements of the program, it seems to us advisable to use the following methods in our work:

Methodology "Conversation about school"(modified version by T.A. Nezhnova, D. B. Elkonin, A. L. Venger)

Purpose: to identify the formation of the student's internal position, motivation for learning.

Age: 6.5-8 years old.

Assessment method: individual conversation with the child, answers to questions.

Test for the cognitive initiative "Incomplete Fairy Tale"

Purpose: identifying the development of cognitive interests and initiatives.

Age: 6.5-8 years old.

Assessment method: reading an unfinished tale in an individual examination.

Methodology for identifying the nature of attribution of success / failure(Reflexive Evaluation - Causal Attribution of Failure)

Purpose: to identify the adequacy of students' understanding of the reasons for success / failure in activities.

Age: 6.5-7 years old.

Question: "It so happens that you draw, sculpt or fold the constructor and it does not work out for you?"

If the answer is “yes”, another question is asked: “Why do you think you don’t always succeed?”

If the answer is negative, one can conclude about low reflection or uncritical self-esteem.

Question: “What tasks do you like - difficult or easy? "

If you answer “I can always do it”, the poll stops.

Evaluation criteria:

    My own efforts - I didn't try, I quit, I have to study, I have to ask to explain, help, etc.

    The objective complexity of the task is very difficult, difficult, not for children, for older ones, etc.

    Abilities - I do not know how, I always fail.

    Luck - it just didn't work out, then (another time) it will work out, I don't know why, by accident.

Assessment levels:

1. The child refers to ability, luck.

2. The child refers to objective difficulty and insufficient effort.

3. The child refers to the lack of effort. The task of taking into account the motives of the heroes in solving the moral

dilemmas(modified problem by J. Piaget, 2006)

Purpose: revealing the orientation towards the motives of the heroes in solving the moral dilemma (the level of moral decentration).

Age: 6.5-7 years old.

Assessment method: individual conversation.

Description of the assignment: the teacher reads the text of the story to the child and asks him questions.

Story text

Little boy Seryozha wanted to help his mother wash the dishes. He washed the cup and wanted to put it on the table, but slipped, fell and dropped the tray on which the cups were. Five cups were broken.

Another boy Petya, when his mother was not at home, wanted to take jam from the buffet. The shelf on which the bank stood was high, and he stepped into a chair. Trying to get the jam, he hooked on the cup. She fell and crashed.

1. Which of the children is more to blame?

2. Who deserves to be punished? Why? Evaluation criteria: highlighting the motives of the act (answers to questions 1 and 2).

Assessment levels To question 1:

    There is no orientation towards the circumstances of the act - there is no answer, both are to blame.

    Focusing on the objective consequences of an act - Seryozha is more to blame, because he broke five cups, and Petya only one.

    Orientation to the motives of the act - Seryozha wanted to help his mother, and Petya wanted to eat the jam, Petya was more to blame.

To question 2:

    There is no orientation to the circumstances of the act - both should be punished: both are to blame, both did wrong.

    Focusing on the objective consequences of an act - Seryozha should be punished: he is more to blame, since he broke more (many) cups.

    Orientation to the motives of the act - Petya is more to blame, because Seryozha wanted to help his mother, and Petya wanted to satisfy his desires. Orientation to the hero's intentions. The manifestation of decentration as taking into account the intentions of the hero of the story.

In other educational areas, traditionally established and proven methods are used, described by the authors in the methodological recommendations.

tions to the program. In particular, you will find such programs for examining children in key areas of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, the basics of the logical thinking of a child, preparation for teaching literacy 1.

Introduction 3

11explanatory note 5

Brief description of the program -

() mandatory part 17

I "pinyi and younger preschool age (2-4 years) ... 18

First junior group (2-3 years) 18

Second junior group (3-4 years old) 32

Average preschool age (4-5 years) 45

Senior preschool age (5-7 years old) 62

Senior group (5-6 years old) 62

Preparatory group for school (6-7 years old) .... 67

Children's achievement monitoring system

planned results of mastering the program 99

Interacting with family 101

Appendix 103

The following books will help teachers and senior educators in their work on organizing monitoring:

    Diagnostics of the mental development of older preschool children / R.I.Bardina, A.I.Bulycheva, O.M.Dyachenko et al. - M., 1996.

    Educator's Diary: Development of Preschool Children / Ed. O. M. Dyachenko, T. V. Lavrentieva. - M., 2000.

    Zabramnaya S. D. From diagnostics to development / S. D. Zabramnaya, O. V. Borovik. - M., 2004.

    Martsinkovskaya T. D. Diagnostics of the mental development of children / T. D. Martsinkovskaya. - M., 1997.

    Wilson G. Learn the intellectual capabilities of your child / G. Wilson, D. Grills. - M., 1998.

    Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school / N.I. Gutkina. - M., 1996.

    Diagnostics of educational activity and intellectual development of children / Ed. D. B. Elkonin and A. L. Venger. - M., 1981.

To develop in schoolchildren agility, speed, quickness of reaction, endurance, accuracy, the ability to quickly adapt to various changes in the situation is achieved by performing exercises with a medicine ball. This exercise has a fairly long history. To one degree or another, such actions are characteristic of almost every culture where various sports were practiced.

Medicine ball throwing guidelines for schoolchildren

Medicine ball throw 1kg from a seated position (cm)

Boys Girls
295 235 195 245 220 200
310 245 215 280 215 175
360 270 220 345 265 215
380 310 270 350 275 230
400 330 290 380 290 240
430 350 305 400 320 250
465 415 390 430 350 300
565 435 395 480 390 340
695 530 430 545 445 385
795 600 480 580 470 405
600 500 450
810 630 520 2 kg 11 cl

Note : the standards and weight of the projectile should be clarified by the teacher of the physical education lesson of your school. The weight of the ball can be from 1 to 8 kg, and there are several ways to throw such a ball.

Features of use in school programs

Initially, it is important to note that the practice of medicine ball throwing can have many interpretations. It all depends on the goal set by the teacher and the need to develop certain muscle groups. It should be noted that the weight of the medicine ball, with the help of which school standards are passed, can range from 1 kg to 8 kg.

The exercise itself consists of the need to throw the ball as far as possible from the starting line, or move it from one hand to another (from one student to another). It can be carried out individually, or it can be in pairs, when students pass the ball to each other at a certain speed (frequency) and different distances (from one meter to 5 meters).

Here, unlike ordinary small balls, a variety of positions can be used to achieve the set goal. In particular, the ball is usually thrown from the spot. At the same time, this can be done with two hands from behind, with one hand from the shoulder, by throwing oneself back, performing a side throw, throwing from one hand to the other hand, throwing the projectile while sitting and from other positions.

It is not surprising that such exercises can be performed at any time of the year. At the same time, the delivery of standards can be carried out not only in open stadiums, but also in small internal school stadiums. The standards, depending on the weight of the ball, as well as the complexity of the required actions, have been established for students of all grades. At the same time, before starting the exercise, it is imperative to perform a general warm-up of the body so as not to accidentally pull the muscles while throwing the ball (in most exercises this is done with a sharp wave of the arms or one hand).

Additionally, do not forget about some personal safety standards. In this case, the throwing area must be cleared for outsiders. The range of free space directly depends on the exercise being performed and the weight of the throwing ball. Usually 5 to 20 meters is sufficient. The exercise should be performed under the supervision of a school teacher at his command. Assessed on a five-point scale. Credits are considered "satisfactory", "good", "excellent". The standards are drawn up separately for boys and girls, and they increase with the growing up of students.

About throwing technique

Considering that the number of possible options for performing exercises with a medicine ball is very extensive, we will consider the exercises most often practiced in schools, with the help of which the maximum number of muscles is used, and also the real interest of students in the exercise is maintained.

In particular, let's focus on medicine ball throws from behind, from the chest, from the shoulder, while sitting.

Throw from behind

A very common exercise that allows you to develop speed, dexterity, accuracy, endurance, and technique. The entire execution process consists of the following actions:

  • the student stands on the starting line with his back to his classmates, and facing the direction of throwing the ball;
  • the ball is taken with two hands, rises above the head, is retracted, and then, with a sharp movement of the hands, it moves forward and up;
  • during the initial phase of the throw, the body moves back a little, and then, simultaneously with the movement of the arms, it moves forward, accelerating the throw. It is prohibited to move beyond the boundary line;
  • the required range of the ball depends on its weight. Three attempts are given for normative implementation.

Chest throw

Another popular exercise is when the medicine ball needs to be thrown as far as possible (or more precisely) from the chest. In this case, some varieties can be practiced. In particular, the ball can be served at the maximum scoring distance, or you can practice accuracy and dexterity by passing the ball to a partner.

In the case of passing the ball forward, the exercise differs little from a throw from behind. True, here the ball is thrown forward with a sharp throw of hands from the chest forward and slightly upward. Basically, various muscle groups of the arms are involved here.

When the ball is passed in pairs to each other, a slightly different algorithm works:

  • students stand opposite each other, facing one another;
  • the ball is thrown not at full strength so that the other side has the opportunity to react to an approaching object and grab it in a timely manner;
  • the distance between students should be from 3 to 5 meters (for high school students, a little more is possible);
  • the exercise can be performed with several students at once (it all depends on the number of balls).

Shoulder throw

It is practiced when a heavy medicine ball (about 8 kg) is used as a throwing object. Dash from a place, or with a small run. The essence of the exercise is the need to throw the ball to the maximum length using the strength of the arms, torso, legs. Usually, if you try to pass the standard without technical skills, only hoping for the strength of the arm muscles, the result is not always the desired one.

Therefore, it should be borne in mind that throwing heavy objects from the shoulder is best performed with the simultaneous use of the legs (done from a comfortable stand with bent legs), back muscles (they help to push the ball during its start), as well as hands (the lion's share of the work falls on them , but without the previous two positions, the efficiency decreases by 20 - 30%).

Develop strength, endurance, dexterity, accuracy. Usually such exercises are performed in open stadiums under the close supervision of teachers for the safety of all students.

Seated throws

Exercises that are practiced with elementary school students. Lightweight stuffed balls are used here (usually 1 kg). As a rule, the whole essence of the exercises boils down to the need to throw the ball a short distance (1 - 3 meters), towards another student, or into the distance. Can be performed individually or in pairs. They are practiced in indoor gyms, or specialized rooms for the game.

Rice. 1 Medicine ball toss

Exercise 1 (Fig. 1).
Toss the medicine ball overhead with one hand and catch it with the other hand.
The exercise is performed at an average pace for 20-30 s.

Rice. 2 Medicine ball toss

Exercise 2 (Fig. 2).
Toss a medicine ball from behind the head, first with the right and then with the left hand, at a distance.
5-6 throws with each hand.

Rice. 3 Medicine ball toss from behind the head with two hands

Exercise 3 (Fig. 3).
Starting position: standing, medicine ball in hands raised up.
Two-handed medicine ball throw.
Repeat 6-10 times.

Rice. 4 Medicine ball toss from the chest

Exercise 4 (Fig. 4).

Medicine ball tossed from the chest first with the right hand and then with the left hand.
Repeat 5-6 times with each hand.

Rice. 5 Medicine ball tossed off the chest with both hands

Exercise 5 (Fig. 5).
Starting position: Standing with medicine ball in hand in front of chest.
Two-handed medicine ball throw from the chest.
Repeat 6-8 times for throw distance.

Rice. 6 Two-handed medicine ball from underneath

Exercise 6 (Fig. 6).

Two-handed medicine ball from underneath.
Repeat 6-10 throws.

Rice. 7 Medicine ball toss over oneself

Exercise 7 (Fig. 7).
Starting position: standing with medicine ball in front of lowered hands.
Bend over and throw the medicine ball over yourself.
Perform 6-10 times, practicing the throwing technique.

Rice. 8 Two-handed medicine ball forward over the body, leaning forward

Exercise 8 (Fig. 8).
Starting position: standing, medicine ball in lowered hands behind the back.
Two-handed medicine ball toss across the body, leaning forward.
Repeat 6-10 times.

Rice. 9 Medicine ball back between the legs, leaning forward

Exercise 9 (Fig. 9).
Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, medicine ball in arms outstretched forward.
Medicine ball back between the legs, leaning forward.
Repeat 6-10 times.

    The Wall Ball is an exercise borrowed from boxing and is now actively used in CrossFit.

    What muscles are involved in the work and what does this exercise give?

    In the process of throwing a medicine ball at the target, the most important muscle groups for percussion martial arts work - the muscles of the legs, front deltas, pectoral muscles, triceps, intercostal muscles, oblique and rectus abdominal muscles.

    Regular execution of the described exercise allows you to coordinate the work of the muscles involved in the exercise so that your direct punch with your hand acquires maximum accuracy, sharpness and strength. Plus, due to the fact that several muscle groups are involved in the movement at once, in a rather dynamic style, you burn a large number of calories per unit of time. If your task is to lose weight, this exercise is for you, with a surplus calorie balance, you can build up the mass of the muscles of the arms and chest, acquiring sufficiently functional muscles.

    Exercise technique

    We stand opposite a sufficiently strong wall or a specially equipped complex with a target. Legs are shoulder-width apart, knees slightly turned to the sides, toes point in the same direction as knees. Hold the medicine ball in front of the chest so that the shoulders are pressed against the body, the ball touches the chest in the solar plexus region. Next, we perform squats - we sit down as low as possible, bend our knees at an angle of more than 90 degrees, while trying to sit down in a controlled manner, keeping the tension in the muscles of the legs. Thus, we accumulate kinetic energy in the lower limb.

    © alfa27 - stock.adobe.com

    We rise from the squat due to the powerful extension of the knees and hip joints, at the same time we push the ball away from the chest, throw it into the wall above eye level.

    © alfa27 - stock.adobe.com

    The medicine ball bounces off the wall, grab it with our hands while bending the elbows, cushion the impact to the elbow joints, and lower ourselves back to the squat position.

    © alfa27 - stock.adobe.com

    In fact, the described exercise is a variant of thrusters, only instead of weights, barbells or dumbbells, a weighted ball is used.

    Crossfit complexes

The test is designed to determine the speed-strength qualities of volleyball players, associated with a change in the direction of movement and alternation of acceleration and deceleration.

Execution technique. In the hall on the volleyball court, stuffed balls (7 pieces) are put. The practitioner is obliged to touch all the balls, returning, each time to the central ball, first from one side of the court, starting with the far ball, then from the other. The first touch of the central ball turns on the stopwatch, the last touch of the central ball - the stopwatch turns off.

Medicine ball throwing from different starting positions with one and two hands

1. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, medicine ball in front of chest. Throw forward-upward.

2. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, medicine ball behind the head. Throw forward-upward.

3. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, medicine ball underneath. Throw forward-upward.

4. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, one hand in front, a medicine ball in the other. Throw forward-left (right).

5. I. p. - standing tilted forward, feet shoulder-width apart, medicine ball underneath. Throw forward-upward.

6. I. p. - standing tilted forward, feet shoulder-width apart, medicine ball underneath. Throw up and back.

7. I. p. - kneeling, holding a medicine ball at the side. Throw forward-upward.

8. I. p. - kneeling with medicine ball in hand below. Throw up and back.

9. I. p. - kneeling, bending over, medicine ball behind the head. Throw forward-upward.

10. I. p. - kneeling, one hand in front of the chest, in the other hand a medicine ball. Throw forward-upward.

11. I. p. - standing on one knee, bending over, medicine ball behind the head. Throw forward-upward.

12. I. p. - Sitting, legs apart, medicine ball in front of chest. Throw forward-upward.

13. I. p. - sitting, legs apart, medicine ball behind the head. Throw forward-upward.

14. I. p. - Sitting, feet apart, medicine ball in front between the legs. Throw up and back.

15. I. p. - lying on your stomach, bending over, medicine ball behind the head. Throw forward.

16. I. p. - lying on your back with a medicine ball at your chest. Throw up.

17. I. p. - standing, medicine ball behind the head. Movement of the body back and forth, to the sides, circular movements of the body.

18. I. p. - standing, hands in front, medicine ball trapped in feet. An upward jump with a medicine ball forward and upward.

19. I. p. - standing still. Medicine ball toss in pairs (on the move).

20. I. p. - standing against each other. Tossing two medicine balls in pairs on the spot and in motion

Standing long jump

Performed in the gym. Markings are applied on the floor: the starting line, at a distance of 80 cm from it, thin lines are drawn every 5 centimeters to measure the distance of the jump up to 260 cm.The numbers on the side indicate the distance from 80 cm to 260 cm.

Starting position. Stand feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent. Hands below in a free state. Toes at the starting line.

Performance. Squatting, take your arms back. Extending the legs, swinging the arms forward and upward, pushing with two legs, flying and extending the legs forward, landing on both legs.

Measurement. The jump distance is determined by the distance from the start line to the touchdown mark located closer to the start line (3 attempts).

Safety requirements. The exercise is performed on the floor in shoes that provide a firm grip on the floor when pushing off. It is recommended to place a felt pad under the heels. If you lose balance and fall backward after landing, do not put your hands behind your back. To soften the backward fall, the tested students need to be taught to roll back softly from the support in a squatting position.

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