Home Roses Folk rag doll vesnyanka. Vesnyanka doll - amulet for spring and its meaning. As a result of training

Folk rag doll vesnyanka. Vesnyanka doll - amulet for spring and its meaning. As a result of training

In the old days, Slavic girls made bright dolls in the spring and gave them to each other. Hair (braids) of traditional Vesnianok dolls have always been made of bright threads. The doll was given for joy, for future hopes, for health. In early spring, she had to remind with bright colors that warmth would come soon and the earth would become as colorful as herself. Vesnyanka was kept until next spring, and then a new one was made. The doll was kept as a memory of the past spring, of the warm summer, of the cold winter. The doll was usually made the size of a palm. Although it is small, but strength and sun in it is in store until next spring.

Vesnyanka doll is a Russian amulet of glory, youth and beauty. When it is presented to a woman or a girl, they wish for this eternal youth and beauty. The doll was endowed with a good spring. Vesnyanka can be presented to friends and family, decorate the interior, make for children to play.

To make a vesnyanka doll, you need:

  • square 25x25cm of white coarse calico, chintz or flax on the body;
  • foam rubber or cotton wool for padding;
  • rectangle 8x15cm white and 7x15cm bright colors for sleeves;
  • rectangle 15x20-30cm multi-colored fabric for the skirt;
  • 15x10cm rectangle of multi-colored fabric for a sundress;
  • 3x6cm rectangle of bright fabric for the apron;
  • you can take new threads on your hair or dissolve something, then you get lush curls;
  • a narrow tape on the waist and in the hair;
  • red threads for fastening;

Souvenir making

1. Torso. The square is folded in half, tucking the side wide edges of the fabric inward. Then - in a few more folds, so that it turns out to be a rectangle with sides 25x2-2.5 cm - twisting. If the fabric is thin, it is better to put some padding inside.

2. Spit. Fold the rectangle in half, lay the threads in the fold for the hair. Bandage at the base.

3. Bangs. Separate some of the threads from the hair and tie along the throat line.

4. Tie the braid at the base of the head with a ribbon, tie the knot at the back, under the braid. Braid, tie a bow, trim the ribbon, trim your hair.

5. Trim the bangs. Rewind the thread around your neck, molding the head. It should be oval.

6. Sleeves. Take 2 rectangles on the sleeves. There are 2 options for making the doll's hands. Roll up or fold the rectangles (they fold in the same way as the body) so that white hands peep out of the sleeve. Wrap with thread around the edge of the sleeves.

7. Chest. Spreading the two ends of the body, put your hands tightly to your throat. If there is not enough volume, then a little stuffing can be put under the chest inside. Wrap with thread so that there is a cross on the back and on the chest. The protective properties of the doll are enclosed in 3 crosses: 2 - on the chest, and one - in the shape of the doll itself. Cross or chur Slavic - more ancient than Christian, symbolized the sun.

8. Skirt. Fold the rectangle in half along the wide side, put a strong thread under the fold and pull together. Attach a skirt along the waist so that the cuts of the skirt are at the back, slightly overlapping each other.

9. Lower and flatten the skirt.

10. Sundress. Fold the rectangle in half or in four and cut out a small neckline. Put it over your head, carefully pulling the braid. Straighten, wrap around the waist with thread.





Project on

the foundations of spiritual and moral culture

Peoples of Russia.

Project theme:

"Doll-amulet Vesnyanka".

The work was completed by a 6th grade student

Mochalkina Ekaterina.


history and social studies teacher

Gvozdeva Irina Borisovna.

Ivankovo ​​2015

1. Introduction 3

2. Chapter 1. Slavic dolls-amulets 4-5

3. Chapter 2. Vesnyanka, Small Oat or Avdotya-Vesnovka 5-6

4. Conclusion 6

5. List of sources 6

6. Application. How to make a Vesnyanka 7 doll


In many Russian fairy tales, there are dolls, to whom the heroes trust their sorrows and joys, share their thoughts. And little helper dolls do not leave their owners in trouble.

In the lessons "Fundamentals of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia" we studied the traditions and customs of different peoples. During an extramural tour of the museum of school No. 1, we saw a doll-amulet Vesnyanka and decided to learn more about it.

Project goal: to collect material about Vesnyanki dolls.


  1. find out the history of this doll;
  2. find out what she served for.

In our research, we turned to Internet sources: we studied the materials of the site "Slavic Culture", the site "Slavic dolls-amulets", a master class "Vesnyanka" was held on the site of the Museum of History and Culture of the Moscow Region.

At the end of our project, we ourselves tried to make a Vesnyanka doll.

Chapter 1.

Slavic amulets dolls.

Slavic dolls-amulets not only decorated the interior or played in childhood, they have always been very strong helpers in the life of our ancestors.
Dolls were made on the occasion of national holidays, for example, for Maslenitsa or Ivan-Kupala's Day, as gifts or ceremonial symbols, to celebrate family events such as a wedding or the birth of a child, and were also simply made as companions-keepers of peace, health, prosperity , love.

For various events, such as a new harvest, the departure of winter and other vital stages of the year, ritual dolls were made, and each of them was filled with its own meaning and had its own personal purpose - some doll was burned as a symbol of purification, and some, on the contrary, filled with cereals and put in a prominent place in order to attract wealth to the house.
Pupae were very different, they were made not only from fabric, but also from clay, from straw and even from ash.

In ancient times, dolls had a different purpose, they were a person's protection from diseases, misfortunes, evil spirits.
The doll took care of the person, they called it that: amulet or bereginya.
As a rule, the most protective were dolls made without a needle and scissors.

When making dolls, they tried not to cut the fabric, but to tear it (sometimes the dolls were called "rags").

There were many dolls in peasant families, they were not scattered, they were treasured, they were cherished. The peasants believed that the more dolls, the more happiness in the family.

A faceless traditional rag doll. The face, as a rule, was not indicated, remained white. A doll without a face was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible for the instilling of evil, unkind forces into it, and therefore harmless to the child.

She was supposed to bring him prosperity, health, joy.
It was a miracle: from a few rags, no arms, no legs, no designated face, the character of the doll was conveyed. The doll had many faces, she could laugh and cry.

Chapter 2.

Vesnyanka, Small Ovsen or Avdotya-Vesnovka.

In ancient times, the Slavs celebrated the New Year on the first spring day - March 1, which, according to the new style, falls on March 14. From that day on, it was possible to begin a new cycle of field work, to engage in other agricultural work. After the adoption of Christianity, this holiday began to be celebrated as the day of the Monk Martyr Evdokia, who took upon herself the image of Spring. According to legend, on this day, larks flew to the ground - heralds of rebirth and the fact that everything woke up from the winter torpor.

It was then - on a fine spring day - that the girls went out to do needlework on the street and made spring flowers - bright dolls. Vesnyanka were amulets of youth, beauty, therefore they had a perky, vivid image. An obligatory attribute was a long braid of iridescent shades, which was said to be maiden beauty. The doll's braid was decorated with ribbons, beads, and the first flowers. The scythe was also the embodiment of girlish happiness and good luck. Therefore, the girls exchanged dolls and wished each other health, beauty and joy.

By the spring flowers they could guess about the coming year. All the dolls were collected in one place, and the girls with their eyes closed took the first one they came across. They made predictions of their future by the color of her dress and hair. Red and green vernaculars were considered especially happy. Having presented a freckle to a man, you wish him to remain young and cheerful for a long time, and a woman to always be charming and attractive.


In our age, dolls are, most often, children's toys. But it was not always so. We learned the history of this doll. In ancient times, the Slavs took them quite seriously. Dolls were the main amulets, each of them performed its own "duties".

We made a doll-amulet Vesnyanka, thereby trying to join the traditions of our ancestors.

List of sources.

2. http://valoshka.ru/kukla-obereg ... How to make a spring doll.

3. http://www.rukukla.ru ... Vesnyanka (Avdotya-Vesnovka).

  1. http://www.slavyanskaya-kultura.ru ... Slavic culture.

Appendix # 1.

How to make a Vesnyanka doll.

3 4 5

Vesnyanka doll is a Slavic amulet symbolizing beauty and life. The doll was presented to loved ones at the beginning of spring. It was believed to bring health and good fortune to its owner.

Vesnyanka doll - history

There are dolls in the culture of many peoples of the world. As a rule, they were made from any available materials: fabric, straw, clay. They are considered both a talisman and just a child's toy. They were kept for years, and then taken out for the new mistress. Such talismans played an important role in rituals and accompanied their creators all their lives.

Each nation has its own protective dolls, and they made them look like people. If you look closely, you will notice that the attributes of each toy reflect the real appearance of the nation to which it belongs.
In ancient times, it was believed that the craftswoman always gives the doll a small part of her soul during the creation of the craft. That is why they have always been well treated.
And so that dark forces would not enter the doll, they did not make a face for her.

Remember the famous fairy tale about Vasilisa's spindle? It was to her little friend that the main character told sorrows and joys, and she helped her with advice and deed.

The doll amulet Vesnyanka differs from others in the strict time period when it was made and presented. It was at the end of winter that young unmarried girls made this amulet as a gift for loved ones. She was presented with the arrival of spring. It was believed that Vesnyanka gives its owner or mistress beauty, luck and joy.

The Vesnyanka doll was made by hand, multi-colored fabrics and ribbons were used to create it, since the brighter the amulet, the more strength it has. Separately, we can say about the Vesnyanka spit. Her braid should be long. It was on her that the girls wondered about the upcoming summer.

Nowadays, with the help of ritual dolls, they develop fine motor skills in children, and also help to reveal the creative potential of adults. In addition, working with your hands always calms your nerves.

Rules for creating reeled dolls

In Russia, in each hut, one could see various ritual dolls. To create them, whole evenings were spent, when girls or already married women gathered together and made crafts. Depending on the status, the woman made different motankas: little girls, with their mother's help, made a gift for a gift, unmarried girls made a gift for Vesnyanka, and a young married woman, who found out about her pregnancy, made a diaper.

An important rule that has always been observed was only the presence of women. Men were not allowed to do needlework. The reels themselves were made without the use of scissors and needles. They were made from clean old rags, using straw, herbs, various cereals, as well as bright threads and ribbons.
Nowadays, when there are many artificial fabrics, linen, cotton and wool are always used on reels. The threads are also taken natural.
They made one amulet at a time, without stretching its implementation for several days.

Folk doll Vesnyanka - master class

Below we will tell you how to make Vesnyanka.

Materials (edit)

To complete it, you must:

  • For the head and torso, take a white cloth measuring 35 * 12 cm.
  • For the hands, we take a red cloth 15 * 6 cm.
  • For a dress that consists of two skirts, you need white fabric 35 * 15 cm and bright colored fabric 35 * 12 cm.
  • For the apron, you need a piece of fabric 9 * 7 cm, the apron should be different in color from the top skirt.
  • The hair needs a bright colored yarn.
  • Cotton wool for head stuffing.
  • Bright colored ribbons and red natural thread.

We make a twist of white fabric, form a lump of cotton wool and put it inside. We shape the head by folding the twist over the palms. The bulge with cotton wool should be in front, since this is the future face of Vesnyanka.

We tie the head with a red thread under the neck. To do this, press the thread with your thumb, and then wrap the thread three times around the head. If you did everything right, you should have a kind of loop in the doll's head.

Twist the red hand cloth. We tie the edges with a red thread, as was done with the head.

We pass our arms right under the head, we tie a cross to a cross on Vesnyanka's chest with a red thread.

We form a petticoat from the fabric on the body, the folds should go from the back. Then we tie it to the doll with a red thread.

Top skirt:
Form the upper skirt the other way around - from front to back. We also fasten it with red thread. The top edge of the top skirt should be flush with the chin. The bottom edge should be shorter than the bottom skirt so that the bottom edge is clearly visible.

We put on the apron over the top skirt, tying it with red thread, we form a beautiful phantom.

Cut off the bundle of yarn evenly. It must have at least twenty strands, do you want the doll to have thick hair? now pass the yarn through the loop in the head. Next, we make a hairstyle, we braid a braid, which we tie with a beautiful colored ribbon. We leave a few “hairs” for the bangs. We cut them off so that the bangs do not cover the doll's face. To keep your hair on your head, tie it with a ribbon.

Vesnyanka doll is ready!
Such a doll can be presented on a birthday so that they bring happiness all year round, as well as on New Year's Eve. They are presented to newlyweds and new settlers as a faithful companion of a new stage of life.

Vesnyanka doll - a bright symbol of the long-awaited spring - all secrets on the site

Do you want reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then use the talismanic wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge passed from generation to generation in ancient Russia. Break the cycle of failure by learning about the best defense that works towards your excellence. Read on our website about the choice of amulets, amulets and talismans.

The harmony of a magic amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally, the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman attracts positive energy, and the amulet protects against negative energy.

Vesnyanka doll is a Slavic amulet symbolizing beauty and life. The doll was presented to loved ones at the beginning of spring. It was believed to bring health and good fortune to its owner.

In the article:

Vesnyanka doll - history

In the culture of many peoples of the world. As a rule, they were made from any available materials: fabric, straw, clay. They are considered both a talisman and just a child's toy. They were kept for years, and then taken out for the new mistress. Such talismans played an important role in rituals and accompanied their creators all their lives.

Every nation your protective dolls, and performed them like people. If you look closely, you will notice that the attributes of each toy reflect the real appearance of the nation to which it belongs.
In ancient times, it was believed that the craftswoman always gives the doll a small part of her soul during the creation of the craft. That is why they have always been well treated.
And so that dark forces would not enter the doll, they did not make a face for her.

Many people know the tale of Vasilisa's spindle, and It was only to her little friend that the main character told sorrows and joys, and she helped her with advice and deed.

The doll amulet Vesnyanka differs from others in the strict time period when it was made and presented. It was at the end of winter that young unmarried girls made this amulet as a gift for loved ones. She was given with the arrival of spring. It was believed that Vesnyanka gives its owner or mistress beauty, luck and joy.

The Vesnyanka doll was made by hand, multi-colored fabrics and ribbons were used to create it, since the brighter the amulet, the more power in him... Separately, we can say about the Vesnyanka spit. Her braid should be long. It was on her that the girls wondered about the upcoming summer.

An important rule that has always been observed was only female presence... Men were not allowed to do needlework. The motanks themselves were made without the use of scissors and needles... They were made from clean old rags, using straw, herbs, various cereals, as well as bright threads and ribbons.
Nowadays, when there are many artificial fabrics, reels are always used anyway. linen, cotton and wool... The threads are taken from natural.
They made one amulet at a time, without stretching its implementation for several days.

Folk doll Vesnyanka - master class

Below we will tell you how to make Vesnyanka.

Materials (edit)

To complete it, you must:

  • For the head and torso, take a white cloth measuring 35 * 12 cm.
  • For the hands, we take a red cloth 15 * 6 cm.
  • For a dress that consists of two skirts, you need white fabric 35 * 15 cm and bright colored fabric 35 * 12 cm.
  • For the apron, you need a piece of fabric 9 * 7 cm, the apron should be different in color from the top skirt.
  • The hair needs a bright colored yarn.
  • Cotton wool for head stuffing.
  • Bright colored ribbons and red natural thread.

We make a twist of white fabric, form a lump of cotton wool and put it inside. We shape the head by folding the twist over the palms. The bulge with cotton wool should be in front, since this is the future face of Vesnyanka.

We tie the head with a red thread under the neck. To do this, press the thread with your thumb, and then wrap the thread three times around the head. If everything is done correctly, a kind of loop should remain in the doll's head.

Twist the red hand cloth. We tie the edges with a red thread, as was done with the head.

We pass our arms right under the head, we tie a cross to a cross on Vesnyanka's chest with a red thread.

We form a petticoat from the fabric on the body, the folds should go from the back. Then we tie it to the doll with a red thread.

Top skirt:
Form the upper skirt the other way around - from front to back. We fix it with a red thread. The top edge of the top skirt should be flush with the chin. The bottom edge should be shorter than the bottom skirt so that the bottom edge is clearly visible.

We put on the apron over the top skirt, tying it with red thread, we form a beautiful phantom.

Cut off the bundle of yarn evenly. It must have at least twenty threads. If you want your doll to have thick hair, now pass the yarn through the loop in the head. Next, we make a hairstyle, we braid a braid, which we tie with a beautiful colored ribbon. We leave a few "hairs" for the bangs. We cut them off so that the bangs do not cover the doll's face. To keep your hair on your head, tie it with a ribbon.

Vesnyanka doll is ready!
on their birthday, so that they bring happiness all year round, on New Year's Eve. They are presented to newlyweds and new settlers as a faithful companion of a new stage of life.

This master class is designed for children of primary school age. Making a talisman doll will be interesting for primary school teachers, teachers of additional education and parents.
Voronkina Lyudmila Artemyevna, teacher of additional education MBOUDOD DTDM g.about. Tolyatti.
Target: making a doll amulet with your own hands
Tasks master class:
- to acquaint with the technology of making dolls from threads, to master the techniques of work.
- make a doll amulet with your own hands
- develop and strengthen interest in Russian folk culture
Purpose: the doll will be a wonderful gift and interior decoration.

Russian folk, traditional doll-amulet Vesnyanka

Its very name suggests that it was happening in the springtime ...
In the old days, Slavic girls made bright dolls in the spring and gave them to each other. The hair of traditional Vesnianok dolls has always been made of bright threads. The doll was given for joy, for future hopes, for health. In early spring, she had to remind with bright colors that warmth would come soon and the earth would become as colorful as herself. Vesnyanka was kept until next spring, and then a new one was made. The doll was kept as a memory of the past spring, of the warm summer, of the cold winter. The doll was usually made the size of a palm. Although it is small, but strength and sun in it is in store until next spring.
Vesnyanka were amulets of youth, beauty, therefore they had a perky, bright, cheerful image. Their obligatory attribute was a long braid of iridescent shades, the very braid about which people have long been talking about - girlish beauty. Therefore, the doll's braid was certainly decorated with ribbons, beads, and the first flowers. The scythe was also the embodiment of girlish happiness and good luck.
Vesnyanka's pupa has another name - Avdotya-Vesnovka.
Vesnyanka began to be made from March 14. In the old days, this day was considered the first meeting of spring. Special signs were associated with this day. It was believed that Avdotya kept the keys to spring waters, and if he wanted to, he would let the water in, but if he didn’t, he would either delay it, or let the frost go.
The beginning of the spring winds was also associated with the 14th of March, so Vesnyanka was also nicknamed the Whistle, saying: “There you go! Whistler has arrived. "
And Vesnyanka-Avdotya was also called Plyushchikha. Plyushchikhoi - due to the fact that the snow began to "flatten", that is, to settle, to cake when melting. That's why they said: "Plyushchikha spent some buns."
The day of the vernal equinox, when, in accordance with the mythological views of our ancestors, the doors of Iriy opened and larks flew to the ground - heralds of rebirth and the fact that the whole space around was awakened after the winter torpor. It was then - on a fine spring day - that the girls went out to do needlework on the street and made spring flowers - bright dolls of the most incredible colors.
We will make Vesnyanka doll from bright, multi-colored threads, we will create a festive cheerful image ...
Vesnyanka needs half-woolen white and colored threads. I wanted to take the threads of the colors of the rainbow.


We make the winding for the body - 21 cm, and for the braid - 21 cm.

We put the hair on the threads from which the body will be and wrap it up.

We tie it tightly with a thread

Fold back the hair with a slight movement of the hand and shape the head.
We designate a neck with a thread. tying a thread. We first try to distribute all the threads evenly.

Reeling hands

We mark the palms

We place the winding for the arms, fastening the arms crosswise.

We braid a braid.

We wind colored threads for a skirt

We cut the windings for the skirt and attach them to a long thread in knots.

Also, from multi-colored threads with the addition of white threads, we make a small winding for a pompom

We fix the skirt on Vesnyanka

We crown Spring with colors!

On top of the braid from above we tie a pom-pom made of colored threads. Such Vesnyanka fills the space around herself with spring joy.

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