Home Roses Game review ghost recon future soldier. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - Game Review. Gameplay and interface

Game review ghost recon future soldier. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier - Game Review. Gameplay and interface

Whatever the effect on world history of the battles that took place, they can hardly compete in importance with the battles that were prevented. Unseen frontline fighters who are never destined to become famous heroes sometimes save many lives by thwarting the plans of organized crime and stopping the operations of terrorist groups. It was about such fighters from time immemorial that the series narrated ghost recon, offering players dangerous missions in different parts of the globe, for some reason never doing without showdowns in Mother Russia.

Rest only in our dreams.

Was no exception and a new project with a tag Tom Clancy on the game box. Since the last part Scout Ghosts at least ten years have passed, but the predatory moods of the country of bears and balalaikas have not subsided. This time, the quartet of the main characters will have to intervene, no less, but in the strategy of nuclear weapons of the raging terrorists. Well, fans of the series are no strangers, besides what, if not joystick sticks or keyboard buttons, will be able to ensure the peace of the United States of Democracy for once?

The plot plot, as it often happens, does not portend imminent hostilities on the territory of Russia, flowing on the western coast of South America and in African countries. The first shootouts in the new incarnation ghost recon slightly indicate that the game belongs to the now fashionable genre of virtual shooting gallery. It is all the more pleasant to make a mistake, because further gameplay rightfully returns the title of a tactical shooter to the project.

Going on a combat mission, the player is free to build his own game model. Of course, the times of planning operations behind a tactical map have long since sunk into oblivion, but now the need to coordinate actions catches the user right at the moment of performing the operation. With the most advanced equipment at their disposal, such as motion sensors, walking rocket launchers and transforming quadcopters, the four soldiers are able to silently eliminate enemy gangs, the numerical advantage of which is truly enormous. By adding a lot of modern gadgets to the game, Ubisoft did not overdo it: the active camouflage system, thermal imagers and other impulse grenades are not a sick fantasy of futurist writers, but are analogues of currently existing developments.

The player is free to build his own game model All these devices, although they provide an advantage in combat and reconnaissance, do not at all turn the protagonists into immortal killing machines: in the case of active hostilities, barely without shelter, the ward is highly likely to meet with the enemy's fatal bullet. There is no possibility to move into the body of any of the four soldiers, but the behavior of virtual companions does not require this. If there were no real partners for the passage of the campaign, in addition to sympathy for oneself, one can always count on the actions of computer partners. Thirty, Pepper or the Commander appropriately use disguise, do not make noise idle, and in skirmishes do not resemble statues with their actions. In addition, everyone has the skills of an unknown futuristic medicine: short passes over a dying player, and he immediately returns to duty, like new.

Lots of possibilities.

Fortunately, there are more than enough cases for this system. Piloting helicopters and jeeps, rescuing hostages and bombing headquarters with airstrikes, the player will have to immerse themselves in a variety of gameplay in well-developed locations. Although the design of the maps is largely linear, sometimes the character cannot pass through the developing canvas curtain or the wide gap between the containers, and, having barely moved away from the scene of action, plunges into the blindness of the visors that stop working, the choice of actions is still enough. Storming the enemy with open fire, clearing sectors with synchronous headshots, shocking enemies with a droid impulse or tracking down targets, eliminating them one by one in close combat - the player is free to decide how to act in a given situation.

A mission consisting of a combination of these situations can also be started in different ways. In addition to the classic loading screen tips, the wisdom of which a Buddha would envy, before the start of each task, there is an opportunity to choose and upgrade your equipment. The detailed weapon constructor dubbed GunSmith is Lego for adults. The player is given the opportunity to make a machine gun or a sniper rifle, changing any of the elements of the weapon, up to the gas outlet or the trigger. Each element has its own properties, the totality of which is simply a paradise for lovers of combinatorics.

GunSmith is Lego for adults If the importance of upgrading weapons in a solo game can be underestimated, then such a mistake in multiplayer will be fatal. Upgrading the account, the player opens up new types of weapons and improvements for online battles, represented by several interesting modes. In network battles, the user will have to demonstrate all their team action skills, whether he is a sniper or an engineer. The goal of "Sabotage" is to mine the enemy base, but the bomb carrier is literally a whipping boy, and you won't be able to win without perfect teamwork. In another mode, players will have to find a mined area, while the enemy team will try to prevent this from happening. The difficulty is that there are several targets for neutralization on the map, and some of them are false. In such conditions, the game “who goes to the forest, who to the firewood” will not happen - the clarity of joint actions is required. A riot of team thought, defense and attack are the main elements of online confrontation.

Damn Russians.

It's a little disappointing that such a serious work on multiplayer, gadgets and weapons in Future Soldier It's not like writing a script. Brave warriors, listening to Bob Marley and making pro-American jokes, are again called upon to punish the main villains with an eagle on the state emblem. In terms of interaction, this punishment is a little worse than it could be: carrying out endless missile attacks on the military base of Pinegina Island or the airport of the Kaliningrad Region, the maximum that can damage the projectile is the enemy’s soldiers and equipment. Of course, indestructible walls, boxes and metal beams, not without reason, will cause bouts of pride in domestic industrial thought, but among amateurs Frostbite 2 there may be conflicting opinions.

In fairness, it should be noted that the “love” of the Tom Clancy series for everything Russian is akin to that of the masters of the New Disc. The usual subtitles as a translation are very selective - not every replica of the dialogue is accompanied by a treasured line of Russian text. Everything would be fine, but sometimes the middle of a phrase or the expected response of a partner disappears from speech. The quality of messages is also far from ideal. “There will be no more alarm, mission failed” - this inscription means nothing more than that the mission will no longer be failed, even if one of the enemies raises the alarm.

The tactical simulator of special forces has experienced its rebirth. Fascinating, spectacular and perceived in a new way, the game does not claim laurels call of duty or Battlefield, offering different gameplay. Team action under the sauce of high-tech devices, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier will appeal to connoisseurs of military operations, close to reality. And let our compatriots act as enemies among other peoples, sometimes using the original Russian veil as a headdress, the game will make you dedicate more than one evening to yourself, which is very, very deserved.

All that the Russians can oppose to him is a tank, an infantry fighting vehicle and scattered groups of soldiers ready to surrender to the bearers of democracy. By the middle of the game, Russian super special forces emerge from an unknown location, but even they are unable to resist the US missile forces. However, Ubisoft do not stop there, and add a little drama to the story: the main character, nicknamed Kozak, is not just a US citizen of Russian origin, but also a brave soldier who renounces his Slavic origin. In one of the scenes, he is ashamed of his Russian roots, and in the other he is torturing his brother, explaining in pure Russian that the Russians must pay for the aggression. However, the creators draw ideas about Russia from their own unique sources. Peaceful liberal demonstrators walk around Moscow with placards “ Stop fucking us" and " You will be payingb”, most of the houses are grocery stores, all the villains are in the Rock Squad and, of course, the Russians in the game, except for the main character, speak with a strange accent. It is strange that this time there were no tame bears and balalaika-flamethrowers.

In addition to a rather strange narrative, the game noticeably loses to its predecessors. Instead of tactics and hardcore difficulty came posturing. Teamwork is now controlled by a single button, and most of the game can be played by simply marking targets in stealth mode from an RC drone. The destruction of up to three opponents at a time, partners take over. Moreover, the enemy is always located statically, so even at the maximum difficulty, the correct sequence of marking targets will be enough to pass the next stage of the game. Sometimes the creators force the player to conduct reconnaissance using the same drone, which, upon contact with the ground, transforms into a machine that opens electronic locks and paralyzes opponents with electric shock. Other missions offer to hold the position, fighting off the incoming waves of enemies. But here, too, the opponents run according to pre-built schemes and die from a wound in the arm. Sometimes, ghost recon goes even further and takes control, turning into an interactive shooting range, where the hero himself runs along the programmed points, and you just have to shoot back from numerous pursuers. It seems that Ubisoft tried to impress the player as much as possible, giving him the opportunity to blow up as many objects as possible and, most importantly, not cause tension from an overly smart enemy. The walker mission mentioned above perfectly demonstrates this idea in action - the player simply marks the targets and the robot hits them with heat missiles. Everything explodes beautifully, and the player, according to the creators, should feel infinite superiority. But this does not happen largely due to an attempt to copy call of duty and in other cases due to outdated technology. In addition to killing in the hand, in ghost recon impresses with the stupidity of AI running behind you to freeze in place, and the almost complete lack of physics, combined with a complete disregard for their own inventions. If you think that octocamouflage can make you invisible, then you are deeply mistaken. The enemy always accurately hits you from a distance of a thousand meters. Stealth kills are only good in demos and a few staged scenes, but disguises just don't work for most of the game. Advertised assembly and disassembly of weapons using Kinect in the game in the presented form is simply not needed. And there is simply nothing to collect there almost until the end of the game - all types of modifications are blocked. The only thing that lives up to the promises is the multiplayer mode created in Red Storm, but it does not shine with originality and the desire to spend more than a few hours a week in it. The horde regime, which has already bothered everyone, is presented here with a taste of stale secondary.

Future Soldier is a few steps back from Advanced Warfighter. The game not only left the tactical niche, but also replaced interesting squad management solutions with a stupid shooting range with shelters and dubious improvements that reduce the player's task to choosing targets and watching interactive videos. Difficulty decreased several times, the loss of open levels and the loss of the tactical component is a blow to all fans of the original game series. Like action Ghost Recon: Future Soldier looks like an average project for the genre, but as part of a series it is a complete failure for Ubisoft on the background Rainbow Six or Advanced Warfighter. And one more call of duty we don't need.

Belongs to a dynasty of once tactical fighters. In the middle of the 2000s, it was necessary to plan operations on the map and take into account the individual characteristics of the personnel. By 2012, planning had degraded to just marking targets for snipers; Most of the intelligence fighters of the secret sabotage unit receive thanks to gadgets, so their direct work resembles something between and: from cover to cover, under overwhelming enemy fire, they break through, storm, clear and provide security. And so - for about eight hours in a row, with a periodic change of landscape. Sometimes, however, they let you play with a walking combat robot.

In a verbal description, Future Soldier is a faded and uninventive game. Again Pakistan, again bad Russians (at the end - Moscow!), Painfully familiar arsenal. Template military heroes who, moreover, without masks look like victims of torture with sulfuric acid. Here are also two-minute videos, during which four heroes sit stupidly in the middle of the screen, while their dry, like cardboard, talks on the radio are heard in the speakers. In short, Gears of War with a special forces soft book storyline, the kind you find in your local hospital library and train station bookshops. A sadder combination is hard to imagine.

And, nevertheless, after several hours of playing some kind of Stockholm syndrome is developed. An impossible routine takes place on the screen, in two hours two hostage rescue scenes, four scenes with a tank explosion and three absolutely identical sabotage scenes can happen - but at the same time, every time you shoot a hundred thousandth terrorist from any machine gun, you feel gloomy satisfaction.

As long as the four heroes do not try to pretend to be human (and they do it on average twice an hour - you can endure), they act beautifully and harmoniously. Each operation is like a textbook (although they kill here, I must say, often): take a position, release a remotely controlled drone, mark targets, eliminate them simultaneously, finish off those who are making noise and further - to the next frontier.

Around everything honestly and regularly explodes, the scenery ripples with futuristic inscriptions, patriotic electronic music plays in the speakers. Vulgar, not original, but in general - as it should be. The last argument "for" is multiplayer (in contrast to the story campaign, on the contrary, it is quite unusual) and inter-mission fetish sessions for modifying weapons.

In the end, you manage to reconcile with Future Soldier: just like sometimes you manage to spit on everything and take with you on the road not the "Apology of Socrates", but the same softbook with a machine gun on the cover. Moreover, sometimes it is necessary to act in this way - so that, as they say, the face becomes simpler.

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