Home Roses Why you can't fry in mustard oil. What oil to fry in? Can I fry in olive oil mixed with sunflower

Why you can't fry in mustard oil. What oil to fry in? Can I fry in olive oil mixed with sunflower

Sunny yellow, green, red ... Fragrant, tasty, rich, healthy to the point of impossibility ... There can be only one danger in handling most of these vegetable oils: if you decide to fry something on them.

1. Mustard oil... Unrefined. Produced in Russia from raw mustard seeds (most often Sarepta). It is used in both sweet and savory dishes, in baked goods and for frying.

2. Peanut butter... Unrefined. Made from raw peanuts. Traditionally used in many Asian cuisines for frying and dressing both salads and hot dishes.

3. Macadamia nut oil... Unrefined. Made from raw macadamia nuts. It is used in pastry dishes and for dressing salads and hot dishes.

4. Sesame oil... Unrefined. From raw or roasted sesame seeds. In the first case, light straw with a delicate aroma, it is used most often in Indian cuisine. In the second it is reddish brown, the aroma is very strong. Used primarily in Chinese cuisine.

5. Walnut oil... Unrefined. Traditional oil for the Caucasus and southern Europe. Used for dressing salads, sauces and baked goods.

6. Olive oil... Unrefined. Produced in Europe and South America from the fruit of the olive tree. Used in all areas of cooking.

7. Sunflower oil... Unrefined. It is made from raw or roasted seeds and, depending on this, is dark yellow, almost brown, with a strong odor, or light yellow, with a milder aroma.

8. Almond oil... Unrefined. Made from raw sweet almonds. It is used in vegetable and fish dishes, as well as in confectionery.

9. Pine nut oil... Unrefined. Produced from raw pine nuts in Siberia and the Urals. Used in dressings, casseroles and vegetable dishes.

10. Pumpkin seed oil... Unrefined. It is made from raw seeds of sweet pumpkin varieties, traditionally in Austria and Germany. Used for dressing cereals, vegetable dishes and salads.

11. Linseed oil... Unrefined. Produced from raw flax seeds in Slavic countries and Germany. Used for dressing vegetables and cereals.

12. Grape seed oil... Refined. Produced in the USA, Australia and Europe from grape seeds dried after wine pressing. Used for dressings, sauces and frying.

Culinary uses of unrefined oil

The temperature threshold for glowing each type of oil is different. Therefore, you can fry with some oils of the first cold pressing. This primarily applies to peanut butter- it can be heated up to almost 190 ° С. Followed by olive with the possibility of heating up to 170-180 ° С. Following - mustard(160-170 ° C).

Also, this company completely undeservedly got grape seed oil... Undeserved - not because you can't fry on it, quite the opposite. It's just that this oil is never unrefined - after cold pressing it is too bitter, practically inedible. A lot of myths have arisen around grape seed oil. Say, it is some kind of especially dietary, low-fat and very useful. These myths are obviously associated with the fact that this oil contains a lot of linoleic acid (an essential element of a wide variety of diets) and vitamin E - but both are quite enough in other oils, for example, in flaxseed or mustard. And in terms of calorie content, grape seed oil is not much different from other oils. But it tastes really light, unsaturated, with a pleasant grape smell. It is good for them to dress salads, which include vegetables at the same time with fruits, or just green mixed salads without any additives. In addition, it is very good for frying fruit pancakes and frying fruits for chutney or garnish for meat.

Let's return, however, to unrefined oils, which can also be fried. Once upon a time we were quite surprised to see Italians pour their beloved "extra virgine" on hot pans. But they have been pouring and pouring for many centuries in a row - and such a serious practice can be trusted. Now we ourselves have no idea how else we can make tomato sauce for pasta. Warming up of course olive oil of the best quality and fry on it a little onion, a couple of cloves of garlic, more ripe tomatoes with herbs, a pinch of sugar, salt and freshly ground black pepper. Well, perhaps even adding eggplants, zucchini, olives and other vegetables dear to the heart. They even deep-fried in olive oil - for example, the French, when they cook stuffed zucchini flowers in batter.

On mustard oil it is best to fry pancakes - they turn out golden and retain their softness for a long time. And in peanut butter, following the example of the Chinese, fry meat and fish, vegetables and mushrooms cut into small pieces. It so impregnates food with its "earthy" aroma that sometimes you can do without spices - just sprinkle it with soy sauce when serving. If you decide not to fry vegetables, but to bake them in an uncooked oven, then you can use any unrefined oil (except, perhaps, flaxseed oil). But do not water the vegetables with them at the very beginning - otherwise they will absorb too much oil - but after about 30 minutes to get a fragrant crust.

Store any unrefined oil in glass bottles in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, at a maximum of 20 ° C. There are perishable oils - mustard, linseed, pumpkin seeds (the latter is generally stored exclusively in dark glass bottles). An open bottle should be used within 1-2 months. Olive and nut oils - within 3-4 months.

How many gifts of Mother Nature have not yet been studied. But gradually, by the method of studying on our own and other people's experience, we learn about the benefits and harms of this or that product, its use in life. Today we will focus on mustard oil. And, believe me, its properties and qualities will pleasantly surprise you.

Initially, mustard grew only in East China. Now you can also find it in the fields of Russia. However, no one brought it in on purpose. Mustard seeds accidentally ended up in a shipment of cereals and spices that were going from China through India to Russia. The Russian land turned out to be fertile for overseas seeds and mustard sprouted. Then they studied it and learned how to apply it.

Empress Catherine II herself, a famous gourmet, adored the mustard bred for her by a German doctor in the settlement of Sarepta, in the Saratov province. From there, the name of the variety allowed for use in our country is Sarepta. The mustard oil of interest is obtained from it by cold (up to 40-45 degrees) pressing. The beneficial properties of mustard oil have found application in cooking, in recipes for beauty, and in folk medicine.

Composition and useful properties

Earlier we wrote about the benefits of peanut butter, now let's talk about mustard oil. Moreover, it is available.

Mustard oil contains a large amount of biologically active substances: vitamins, trace elements, fats, polyunsaturated acids. The fat content is almost 100%, the calorie content per 100 g of the product is 897 kcal, so you should not take it in unlimited quantities if you want to keep your waist.

    Vitamin A. Responsible for the immune system, visual acuity, skin, removes toxins.

    Vitamin E. Strengthens the immune system, heals wounds, lowers blood cholesterol, resists age-related changes in the skin and body, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves heart function.

    Vitamin of the sun D. Prescribed as a prophylactic agent against osteoporosis, rickets and a number of other diseases, maintains the normal content of the necessary calcium and phosphorus in our body.

    Vitamins of group B. B6 is needed for metabolic processes, B3 - for mental work, the nervous system and the stomach, B4 stimulates the brain and improves liver function.

    Vitamin K has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood, bringing the level of its clotting back to normal, helps to absorb calcium, and normalizes the kidneys.

    Phytosterols. These are natural antioxidants. But their anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects are also known.

    Chlorophylls, sinigrin, phytoncides, isothiocyanates have the same properties.

    Vitamin F or polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. They are also called linoleic acid.

    Linolenic acid. Together with linoleic acid, they improve metabolism, remove toxins, radionuclides, toxins, improve heart function, strengthen blood vessels.

The action of mustard oil is comparable to that of flaxseed oil. However, they are used not only in cosmetology or medicine, but also in cooking because of the aroma of a delicate taste. Let's take a closer look at where mustard oil is used.

The use of mustard oil

In cooking

Mustard oil, unlike the familiar mustard, is not spicy. It has a piquant taste, pleasant aroma. In its raw state, it has a slightly noticeable pungent aftertaste, but it disappears during heat treatment.

French chefs buy mustard oil in tubs in Russia and add it to vegetable salads, marinades, soups, and baked goods. And in China and India, vegetables are stewed on it, meat, chicken and fish are fried.

Try grating the chicken, turkey, or duck with spiced mustard oil before baking. The dish will not lose its juiciness and will acquire an incredibly tasty aroma that awakens the appetite.

Important! Mustard oil is either unrefined or refined. Unrefined has a richer color and aroma. Can be used in various dishes: seasoning salads, adding to baked goods. But on one condition - if the processing temperature does not exceed 170 degrees. Can I fry in unrefined mustard oil? It is better to choose refined, because at high temperatures, unrefined oil begins to release substances that can harm health (erucic acid).

  • On it you can fry pancakes and pancakes, whites and pasties.
  • Follow French recipes and add it to vegetable salads, vinaigrette.
  • And following the example of the Chinese, fry fish or meat - they will not burn, but will acquire a golden appetizing crust.
  • Porridge flavored with mustard vegetable oil has a pleasant aroma and color, delicate aftertaste.

Use in bakery and canning industry

Due to processing by cold pressing, mustard oil does not oxidize or deteriorate, therefore it is used to increase the shelf life of products.

Due to its bactericidal qualities, culinary specialists add it to vegetables and marinades when canning. Such twists last longer and do not "explode".

Can be added to dough for breads, pies and rolls. The product is fragrant, does not dry for a long time and has a pleasant aftertaste. You can even sprinkle with mustard oil on regular bread bought in a store and eat it - try it, it's very tasty!

In medicine

The benefits of mustard oil, due to the presence of a complex of vitamins and fatty acids, is priceless.

Treatment in medicine (conventional) is not common. In traditional medicine, it is not included in any of the drugs. Yes, it is not necessary. Healers call it a natural medicine, because it can be used in its pure form for treatment and as a preventive measure for many diseases. However, the Russian Ministry of Health recommended back in 2006 that mustard oil should be included in food - it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.


In folk medicine, the benefits of oil are great.

    Digestion. Improves the functioning of the liver, stomach, removes excess fat, improves intestinal motility.

    For colds. It is a natural antibiotic and is taken for viral and colds.

    Recovery. Has healing qualities - wounds, cuts, scratches, redness heal like on a cat.

    For athletes. Sinigrin, available in the composition, has a warming effect. Therefore, it is mixed with massage products or rubbed on the body for muscle or joint pain. It relieves swelling, muscle tension, pain.

    For expectant mothers and their children. Vitamins, namely vitamins A, F, E, reduce the risk of complications, the baby develops correctly. Pregnancy runs smoothly. It is useful for children as a prevention of rickets and for proper development according to their age.

    For men and women, it plays an important role in maintaining reproductive function. In men, the risk of prostatitis, adenoma decreases, and sperm production improves. In women, the menstrual cycle is normalized and painless, the risk of infertility is reduced.

What are the benefits of oil besides the above? Under what indications?

  • Cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Anemia and diabetes mellitus.
  • Hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  • Prostatitis and pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the nerves and organs of vision.
  • Arthritis, gout, rheumatism, polyarthritis, sciatica.
  • Angina, tracheitis, bronchitis.
  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart.
  • Convulsions, for massage.

How to take mustard oil? It is not boiled, not insisted, but consumed in its pure form, inside or outside.

  • Rubs and lotions for edema, cramps, for massage.
  • With otitis media, 2 drops of oil should be dripped into each ear several times a day.
  • In case of a cold, you can do inhalations, rub the bronchial area and back, bury it in the nose with a runny nose.

For prevention, drink a teaspoon three times a day.

In cosmetology and dermatology

Due to acids and vitamins, mustard oil has also found application in cosmetic recipes for the face and body.

Anti-dandruff recipe.

Mix mustard oil (100 grams) with nettle root and insist in a water bath for about half an hour. We hide the resulting hair product in the closet for 10-14 days. At the end of the term, we filter, squeeze the grass. Rub into the scalp before washing your hair three times a week. We keep it on the hair for 20-30 minutes. Then wash it off.

This same recipe will help strengthen your hair.

The product has antiseptic qualities, therefore it successfully fights against eczema, dermatitis, mycosis, acne, psoriasis, and inflammatory processes on the skin. In terms of the effect on the skin, it is similar to the healing properties of amaranth oil - it heals wounds, stimulates the production of collagen by the skin.

  • Applied in pure form to soften and nourish the skin, add to masks, creams.
  • It is especially useful for mature skin - after a two-week course, wrinkles become less, and the skin looks noticeably taut. And do not be afraid - there will be no oily sheen.
  • Protects against ultraviolet radiation, which ages the skin ahead of time.

After showering or bathing, apply your own prepared body lotion. Mix a spoonful of mustard oil with a spoonful of any other oil, add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Massage the lotion into your body using gentle massage movements. The skin will become velvety without inflammation.


Remember, we wrote about the ability of mustard oil to remove toxins, excess fat and toxins? Use this knowledge if you want to lose weight.

Harm and contraindications

Unrefined mustard oil contains erucic acid. It is better for heart with myocardium to use only refined oil inside.

You should also beware of patients with ulcers or gastritis with high acidity.

Individual intolerance to the components should not be ruled out.

The beneficial properties of mustard oil have been proven since ancient times. The product has a high content of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. The oil has been used since ancient times in East and North India, and now it is rapidly spreading throughout the world. This unique product is obtained from the seeds of the mustard plant. You can buy it only ready-made; you cannot cook it at home. In our country, it is widely used in folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking.

Useful properties of mustard oil

  1. Due to the high content of vitamins and microelements, mustard oil fights well against colds and strengthens the immune system.
  2. Regular consumption of the product will enrich the body with fatty acids, including Omega 3 and Omega 6.
  3. If you make compresses for young children based on mustard oil, then their bones will be strengthened, the content of vitamin D will be replenished.
  4. Mustard oil is excellent at lowering cholesterol levels, thereby strengthening the walls of blood vessels. This product has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.
  5. You can forget about cracked heels and brittle nails forever if you regularly take baths with the addition of mustard oil.
  6. The phytosterols contained in the oil have antitumor properties and improve the condition of the skin.
  7. Phytoncides are endowed with antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  8. Essential oils and antioxidants perform protective functions for the body.
  9. The product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and liver, and also has a positive effect on the human genital area.
  10. With the help of oil, an effective fight against harmful microorganisms can be carried out. It is able to destroy even such dangerous infections as staphylococcus and salmonella.
  11. If the oil is rubbed into the joints, due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the product, inflammation can be quickly relieved.

Application in cosmetology

Mustard oil helps to fight various infections not only inside the body, but also does an excellent job with this when applied externally. With the help of mustard oil, you can defeat many fungal skin diseases, smooth out fine wrinkles. Massaging into the scalp will help strengthen hair in a wonderful way and get rid of dandruff or seborrhea. You can make your own mouthwash with honey and salt. This will help stop the development of diseases in the cavity.

Cooking applications

Mustard oil is not often found on store shelves. There are two types of it: refined and unrefined. Oil, even not refined, unlike sunflower oil, does not emit a smell. Dishes prepared with the addition of mustard oil always have only the taste of food. The French highly value this product and actively use it for preparing salads, first courses, and also add to baked goods.

Mustard oil is used sparingly due to its slow oxidation. Also, the oil has a long shelf life, which makes it in demand for canning.

To get the maximum benefit from the product for your body, it is not only possible, but also necessary to fry food on it. When frying, the oil gives off a delicate and pleasant aroma, it does not foam and is consumed very little. In our country, the use of this product for frying products is not very common, but Indian culinary recipes are replete with this oil.

Contraindications and harm

Mustard oil can be consumed by absolutely everyone, but as for absolutely all products, you should not consume an excessive amount.

Should not be abused by people with heart problems. Caution should be used for ulcers or patients with gastritis. Eliminate use in case of individual intolerance. If you want to try mustard oil for the first time, then you need to start with a few drops to see if allergies appear.

To be healthy and alert, people try to eat more foods that contain essential components. Preference is always given to those products where there are many trace elements and vitamins. Mustard oil is an excellent way to recharge the body not only with the fatty acids we need, but also help to supply the tissues of the entire body with phytoncides, glycosides, chlorophylls and essential oils.

Video: how is mustard oil useful?

Do you often have enough time to think about the little things? For example, the oil on which food is fried is such a trifle, is there really nothing more to think about? The main thing is that the oil should be tasteless, odorless, cholesterol-free and cheaper - I'm sure many people think so. And they buy exactly this kind of oil - refined, deodorized, that is, without any respect extracted (note - I do not write "squeezed out" because this is not entirely true) oil, which has been purified from impurities by a chemical, and rather impartial, way.

Meanwhile, the choice of oil is the most important thing, both from the culinary and medical point of view. The choice of oil for frying is actually not limited to corn and sunflower oil: let's figure out which oil is best to fry, based on experience and knowledge of the chemical composition of various oils.

So, if we talk about different oils from a culinary point of view, we are concerned about a few specific things:

  • Smoke point, that is, the temperature after which the oil begins to smoke, and its chemical composition changes under the influence of heat. Refined oils have the highest smoke point, while Extra Virgin olive oils have the lowest. At the same time, let's not forget that usually - apart from deep-frying - the product cools the oil to a temperature below the smoking point, so you can also fry on Extra Virgin, you just need to do it wisely, without overheating the oil before laying the products.
  • The tastes and aromas that the oil imparts to products. The principle "less is more" does not always work here.
  • The ability of oil to form a golden brown crust is not the same for every oil.

From the point of view of health, the following points are critical:

  • Saturated fat content. It is saturated fats, which are not completely broken down in the body, that lead to the formation of fatty deposits and cause narrowing of the lumen of the arteries. Saturated fat is certainly not fatal, but controlling your intake is highly desirable.
  • Content of impurities. The fat content of vegetable oil is 100% or so, and the amount of impurities is minimal, other types of oil cannot boast of this.
  • Smoke point. One of the most important aspects, because after the oil begins to smoke, irreversible chemical processes take place in it, which lead to the formation of carcinogens.

Now let's look at the different types of oils in relation to how they behave during frying and what effect they have on your body.


Butter is about 80% fat, with the remainder being contaminants such as milk protein and water. It is rich in vitamin A, but also in saturated fat, which makes up about 50% of the total oil. When butter is heated, those very impurities begin to burn in it rather quickly, and the butter begins to darken and emit a nutty aroma. Frying in butter is very convenient if you want to quickly get a golden brown crust, and if you do not allow butter to overheat, the products fried in it acquire a pleasant taste. At the same time, let's not forget that everything said above refers to real butter: alas, some manufacturers add low quality vegetable fats to it, which is immediately visible if you dissolve a piece of such butter in a pan.

When to fry in butter:

  • when the frying temperature is not too high.


Ghee, or ghee, is the same butter, only purified from impurities. Such oil can be stored for a long time and is actively used in Indian cuisine and other cuisines of Southeast Asia, as well as in traditional medicine. Like regular butter, ghee contains a lot of saturated fat, but unlike its relative, it has a high smoke point - about 250 degrees, which makes it suitable for deep frying. In general, keeping a small jar of ghee in the fridge to fry occasionally can be a good idea - like butter, it works great for frying or simmering vegetables, but won't burn if you accidentally overheat the pan.

When to fry in ghee (ghee):

  • when you need to quickly get a golden brown crust;
  • when you need to slowly roast food in oil;
  • when you need to give the product a pleasant nutty flavor;

Refined vegetable oil

The cheapest oil in every store. It has a relatively high smoke point, contains no saturated fats, is virtually devoid of its own flavor and aroma, and is seemingly ideal for frying. But there is one caveat. This is not too advertised, but as one of the stages of the extraction of vegetable oils, which are then subjected to purification, a chemical method is often used - the seeds are treated with chemicals in order to extract the maximum oil from them. Oil purification and deodorization is also not a mechanical process, but a chemical process, so there is not so much in common between the oil that is squeezed from the seeds and the one on the supermarket shelf. In general, this oil can be used for any kind of frying, but if there is such an opportunity, I would advise not to get carried away with it.

When to fry in refined vegetable oil:

  • when it is necessary to avoid the appearance of foreign tastes;
  • when you are deep-fat or high-temperature cooking.

Olive oil

For some reason, we often contrast olive oil with some kind of abstract "vegetable". I fundamentally disagree with this, but okay, so be it. I have included all olive oil in this category except Extra Virgin, which we will talk about a little later. This includes olive oil, which has been mechanically refined to remove impurities, which allows it to be used for frying, and pomace oil, that is, oil that is chemically extracted from the cake after mechanical extraction of Extra Virgin oil has been completed. In our country, such oil is not in great demand, since it costs significantly more than refined corn or sunflower oil, but it surpasses them in terms of taste and is less harmful to health.

When to fry in olive oil:

  • when you need to slowly roast food in oil;
  • when the roasting temperature can be high.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

It is generally believed that you cannot fry in Extra Virgin oil - it has a low smoke point, a fairly powerful flavor and aroma, and, importantly, a high price. However, I sometimes use Extra Virgin Olive Oil if you don't need to fry, but rather darken the vegetables with a little heat in order to release the maximum aroma.

When to fry in Extra Virgin olive oil:

  • when you need to slowly roast food in oil;
  • when you need to give the product a pleasant aroma of olive oil;
  • when the frying temperature is not high.


Today, many are switching to a healthy diet, giving up fried and fatty foods. This, of course, is correct, but how sometimes you want to pamper yourself with fried potatoes, a juicy cutlet, and when you remember the fragrant pasties, you wake up with a desire to forget about healthy foods and healthy food. In addition, if a festive feast is ahead, then it is unlikely that your guests will be satisfied with steamed vegetables with lemon juice and boiled breast. Therefore, today we will talk about how to make the least harmful. It strongly depends on the quality of the product itself, the temperature to which it will be heated and also on the selected oil. Let's do a little research and find out which oil is the best to fry in.

What we usually use in everyday life

It will be no secret that every housewife has a bottle of sunflower oil. It is used primarily for frying, added to dough, dressing salads. However, the first criterion that formed the basis of this choice was the low cost and availability of this product. Speaking about the best oil to fry in, remember that it is best not to use sunflower oil in your kitchen at all. The only option is to take a small bottle that smells like seeds and fill salads, that is, use it without heating.

Choosing an oil: what to focus on?

We will wait a little longer with the answer to the main question about which oil is best to fry in, because for this we need to deal with one more topic. Many of us have been taught to target the smoke point. That is, the higher the temperature the oil withstands before smoke appears over the pan, the less dangerous such frying is, which means that much less carcinogens will be formed. In fact, this is not at all the case. We need to buy the oil that is the most stable, then there will be practically no danger from it. What does stable fat mean? That is, the likelihood of oxygen oxidation is minimal. When choosing which oil to fry in, be sure to pay attention to this point. Oxygen oxidation is a chemical reaction that produces free radicals and other harmful compounds.

Classification of fats

This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. There are only three types of fats, and therefore, when deciding which oil is best to fry, you need to keep this in mind. The most unstable oils are polyunsaturated. They cannot be used for heating and cooking food. This will saturate your food with free radicals and increase your risk of developing various chronic diseases. This is primarily sunflower, rapeseed, corn, peanut, grape seed oil and some others.

The second type is monounsaturated fat. In principle, they are also unstable, and it is better not to heat them at all. The most famous representative of this species is olive oil. Very useful, but you only need to use it cold. Finally, the last type is saturated fat. They are ideal for baking and frying, and can tolerate heat easily. This is creamy and coconut, ghee and animal fat. If you choose from them which oil is better to fry, then the opinions of experts have distributed them as follows. Coconut oil ranked first. A completely atypical product for our stores, but it contains 90% saturated fat, which is the most resistant to heat. But that is not all. It can keep its freshness for up to two years and, in addition, contains a huge amount of useful substances. This oil is very versatile, so if you are thinking about frying, then this is an ideal option that will help you out more than once. Be sure to choose unrefined organic oil. The second option, suitable for heating, is palm. Choose unrefined organic red oil.

Refined or natural

There are a lot of controversies on this topic. Both have their advantages. Refined has no taste and smell, however, no nutrients remain in it. The only plus - unrefined requires a higher temperature, which means that the smoke point reaches a little longer. However, as already mentioned, this does not guarantee you the absence of carcinogens in your food. Unrefined oil has a bright aroma and taste, which means that your dishes will be especially tasty. But it does not like heating even more than purified one.

Healthy French fries

In fact, this is nonsense, if you want healthy potatoes - cook mashed potatoes or bake in the sleeve. But you can slightly reduce the harm of this tasty dish, and then the question arises of which oil is better to fry the potatoes. Choose coconut or palm, if this is not on sale, then it is better to stop on cracklings or animal fat. You will not receive a lethal dose of cholesterol, and the body will accept such a dish much better.

Frying in unrefined sunflower oil produces acrylamide, a dangerous substance. Therefore, if the choice of vegetable fats is very limited, then give preference to olive oil or, in the most extreme case, refined sunflower oil. But add a little to keep the potatoes from burning. Which olive oil is better to fry, we think, is already clear without additional comments, you need to use only refined oil.

Meat and fish

Fried meat is delicious, although it is not the healthiest food. On the other hand, this is exactly the product that requires prolonged heat treatment, which means that the question of which oil is best to fry meat in has no answer at all. Any vegetable oil with prolonged heating and high temperatures will become a source of carcinogens. So do it in a different way. Make a marinade with a little oil, it doesn't really matter what it is. The meat will absorb it - and you can grill it, even in a dry frying pan.

Speaking about which oil is better to fry fish, I would like to give advice from experienced chefs: it is best to sprinkle the fish with lemon and olive oil, and then bake in the sleeve.


Juicy and tender, these meatballs are the most common main course. But in what oil is it better to fry cutlets - the question is not the simplest one. The fact is that the cooking technology requires you to heat the pan to the maximum. Due to this, the crust quickly sets and all the juice remains inside. At the same time, in order not to harm your health, it is better to do without vegetable oil, replacing it with melted and well-heated fat.

Dough products, pasties and pies

When choosing which oil it is better to fry pasties, do not forget that you need to change it every time after preparing the next portion. Deep fat should not be used many times in a row. An ideal option would be a mixture of beef and pork lard with the addition.In this case, if it is possible to fully use it, then it is better to use it.

So, the most popular today are olive, sunflower and flaxseed oils. Almost no one uses the latter for frying, which means that we have two "candidates" left for the title of the most harmful. Olive oil needs to boil much longer for harmful substances to form in it. And experienced chefs advise, before frying, pour a little water into the pan, then put all the products and finally add oil. You can try another option: fry in a dry pan, adding oil only at the end of cooking. And do not forget to choose good non-stick cookware, because we add oil precisely so that the food does not stick to the surface.

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