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Distance learning programs. Distance learning work program. Microsoft Virtual Academy

Distance learning system(LMS, LMS) is an important tool in the work of e-learning professionals. LMS can be a major expense if you are looking for a reliable, one-stop distance learning system that meets all of your e-learning staff development needs.

You can familiarize yourself with the Top 20 Learning Management Systems (LMS) based on feedback from users of the systems.

Fortunately, there are plenty of open source LMSs available, that is, freely available. You will be able to choose a dynamic, flexible system that will meet all your requirements, within the allocated budget.

The following 11 distance learning systems are distributed free of charge and you may find interesting.

TOP 11 free distance learning systems for organizing e-learning

1. Moodle

Moodle is undoubtedly one of the most popular open source LMSs today. the user various toolbars, the ability to track student progress and multimedia support. The system makes it possible to create courses adapted for mobile phones, and is quite friendly towards the integration of add-ons from third-party developers.

For those who want to make money on their courses, Moodle has integration with the PayPal payment system, which makes the ordering and payment process simple and straightforward. Another major benefit of Moodle is the user community. Unlike many other free LMS, here you can almost instantly get answers to most of your questions by contacting the online technical support base.

In addition, the service offers a number of ready-made templates that you can use to save time and not create a course from scratch. Perhaps at first Moodle will seem complicated and incomprehensible to you, but if you are looking for a program that gives the user the maximum amount of freedom, then do not be lazy and spend a little time studying the Moodle interface.

2. YO-STADI - Electronic educational environment

The online platform for organizing distance learning Yo-STADI is a free Russian development of a team of like-minded people on the development of distance education.

To get started, you need to register on the site and create a "work area" - a personal space for your company, which will host educational materials and assignments for your students.

The difference from classic LMS is that the functionality is focused on practical work. Yo-Stage, of course, allows you to publish educational materials, but most of the system is designed for all kinds of knowledge assessment and testing.

Yo-Stage contains a sufficient number of tools for organizing training and testing:

In the work area, educational materials for the course, announcements and assignments (cases) are published. The workspace is created by the teacher / tutor / training manager and can combine several groups or courses. Listeners gain access to the workspace on request.

Yo-Stadi has powerful functionality for testing, a test can be created on the website or imported from * .docx by pre-filling in accordance with special rules. A detailed report on the responses of each test taker is available. It is possible to limit the time, time, number of attempts, the ability to switch between browser windows.

Uploading files / documents, which the teacher can then grade and comment on. A gradebook is generated in the workspace automatically based on the assignments created and allows you to generate an Excel file.

The journal is formed by the system based on the assignments created by the teacher. Grades are entered into the journal automatically when passing the test, this greatly facilitates the teacher's work, and students always have access to the latest information.

When creating a "forum" as an assignment, it becomes possible to put marks in front of the answer.

"Event Ribbon"
Events are collected on the corresponding page organized in the form of a news feed, you can receive notifications about them by email.


Yo-Stadi is a new free electronic educational environment for organizing personnel training.


Doesn't require installation / configuration;
the system is free;
easy to use;
powerful functionality for testing and evaluation;
does not require preliminary development of courses;
there is an English version.


Impossibility of self-improvement;
lack of SCORM support;
limited but sufficient functionality;

In general, Yo-Stadi deserves an excellent mark and is a good solution for small companies wishing to organize personnel training without any expenses for purchasing a LMS.

3. ATutor

This distance learning system has many useful features, from email notifications to file storage. One of the most striking advantages of ATutor is its customer focus and easy and intuitive interface, which makes this system an ideal tool for those who are just starting to master the world of e-learning.

Atutor also offers the user a number of predefined themes to speed up the course creation process. And it should be noted the various assessment tools, file backup, statistics and the ability to integrate surveys.

4. Eliademy

For teachers and tutors of training, this system is completely free, a small fee is taken from users if they want to take advantage of the premium account.

Eliademy offers eLearning course catalogs, assessment tools, and even an Android mobile app for educators looking to develop mobile courses and targeting people who like to learn on the go. E-Learning Coordinators can easily download courses and send invitations to students to their email addresses.

5. Forma LMS

From analyzing the general level of knowledge to detailed statistics and reporting, Forma LMS boasts a fairly extensive set of available functions. The service also has a variety of certifications, competent leadership support, and a wide range of virtual classroom management tools, including various calendars and event managers.

This system is ideal for corporate training programs and offers access to an active online community where you can find many helpful tips on how to get the most out of the service.

6. Dokeos

If you are looking for a distance learning system with ready-made course elements, then Dokeos, available free for groups of up to five users, is for you. This system offers many ready-made templates and e-learning courses and of course authoring tools with which you can minimize the time spent on creating your course.

On their website, the developers offer the user a ton of useful information, including step-by-step video instructions on how to create your own courses. The intuitive interface makes Dokeos a great option for newbies to eLearning and those who don't want to spend time studying instructions.


This distance learning system can be called the first open system that meets the standards of distance learning systems such as SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004. This flexible universal system meets all the basic requirements for successful sales of copyright courses.

It should be noted that ILIAS is one of the few distance learning systems that can be used as a full-fledged platform for e-learning, thanks to the ability to communicate within the team and transfer and store all documents. The system is absolutely free for all e-learning organizations, regardless of the number of users.

If you have hundreds, or even thousands, of people studying with you, this system will help you to significantly reduce expenses, since many other LMS assign fees depending on the number of users.

8. Opigno

The possibilities provided by the Opigno system cannot but rejoice. Certificates, class schedules, forums, authoring e-learning tools, grading systems and video galleries are just a few of the impressive list of functions available to the user.

This distance learning system is written in Drupal, a popular content management system. This gives you the ability to manage curriculum, track student progress, and integrate e-commerce with just one tool.

Opigno also offers the user online polls, instant messaging and chat, which makes it possible to quickly provide and receive feedback and effective collaboration.


Assessment tools for e-learning, social inclusion, and the learner homepage are just a few of the many benefits of OLAT. In this system, you will also find a schedule, email notifications, the ability to add bookmarks, file storage and certificates.

With OLAT, you can quickly and easily add new users to the system and develop comprehensive e-learning courses. Another interesting feature is the ability to check browser compatibility. With just a few clicks, you can make sure your course material is displayed correctly in all browsers. OLAT is ideal for multi-platform e-learning courses designed for various devices.

The iSpring Online online learning platform is used by both private business trainers and large companies with a developed network of branches: Alfa Capital, Lamoda, PwC, the Russian TV and radio broadcasting network. are used by both private business trainers and large companies with a developed network of branches: Alfa-Capital, Lamoda, PwC, the Russian television and radio broadcasting network.

This is an Internet service, which means that you do not need to download the program, install it on the server, or configure it. To get started, just register on the site, download training materials and assign to employees. One person can manage the LMS.

Features of iSpring Online:

Unlimited storage. You can download an unlimited number of training materials in the LMS: courses, videos, books, presentations.

Course editor in PowerPoint. The company has an editor in which you can make an e-course from a PowerPoint presentation with videos, tests, interactive games.
Mobile learning. Courses can be opened on a computer, tablet, smartphone, even offline, for example, on a train or plane.

Detailed statistics. The system collects detailed statistics and helps to monitor the progress of employees. The reports show which courses the user has completed, what passing score he scored, how many mistakes he made in the test.

Webinars. You can share your desktop, presentation or video, write in public and private chat. The system automatically sends a reminder to the participants about the next online meeting and informs about the change in the schedule - everyone does not have to write personally. Webinar recordings are saved.


ISpring Online has a free 14-day trial, but is generally a paid system. However, it is unlikely that less money will be spent on a free LMS: you will have to spend on your technical support, hire programmers to administer it.

In the case of a paid platform, you get a full service: they will help you deploy and configure the training portal, download materials and start training employees. The technical support staff will solve any question by phone.

Open source distance learning systems give you the opportunity to create and effectively develop eLearning courses, especially if you are willing to spend some time thoroughly learning all the possible functions of the system. In some cases, the use of such systems can affect the learning curve, but the cost savings and freedom in choosing the appearance and content of the course, in the end, covers all possible difficulties.

If the distance learning system has its own online community, do not hesitate to familiarize yourself with it before you make the final decision on the use of a particular product.

11. Teachbase.

The Russian development of the Teachbase distance learning system has received recognition from more than a dozen companies. The service is ideal for solving corporate training problems, but it is also quite applicable for private trainers. Teachbase is a system with remote access, which means that you do not need to install it on a computer, maintain and configure it. To create a course (or take it), you will need Internet access and a computer or mobile device.

The key feature is simplicity. Everything is intuitive, thanks to the intuitive interface. It will take no more than an hour even for a beginner to create and launch a course on your own. The questions that have arisen are promptly resolved by the staff of the "Internet School" (the creators of the service). Free technical support is available through a convenient communication channel for the client.

For all the simplicity of work, Teachbase has a wide functionality. Available options:

- Personal account - for each of the participants. Upon entering the service, the materials assigned for review are immediately visible.

- Testing after passing the material with the settings of the test parameters.

- Statistical reports for the course organizer to analyze and improve the course.

- User base with the ability to filter.

- Editors - educational materials can be processed directly in the system. By the way, the author is provided with free space on the server for remote storage of materials.

- Communication between users - using webinars, and other tools.

To get started in Teachbase, just register. You can start running the tutorial right away. The first 14 days from the date of registration are free - you can fully appreciate the benefits of the service and study it. In the future, the tariff will depend on the number of participants. What is important - the fee is only for active users.

There is also a free option for using Teachbase in the future. What is important - without any restrictions on functionality. Use the service for free if the number of active listeners is no more than 5 people per month. Few? Perhaps for some, yes, but for small companies, it is often quite enough.

Distance education is a term that is used in relation to a wide range of educational programs and courses, ranging from continuing education courses that do not have accreditation, to accredited higher education programs that implement the possibility of close communication between students and their teachers and fellow students, as it happens in face-to-face study ... To ensure effective communication, distance learning uses a range of tools, including interactive computer programs, the Internet, e-mail, telephone, fax and regular mail.

Distance learning is becoming an extremely popular form of education due to its convenience and flexibility. It removes the main barrier that keeps many professionals and business people from continuing their education by eliminating the need to attend classes on a set schedule. Distance learners can choose a convenient time for classes according to their own schedule.

Fundamentals of Successful Distance Education

There are three main characteristics of a quality adult student program:

  1. Course structure
    A high-quality distance education program does not just copy the lecture program, providing an opportunity to read them on a computer screen. Rather than simply duplicating a face-to-face program, the course should be carefully designed to purposefully engage the student. At the same time, many learners begin to feel that they are more involved in the learning process than they have ever been in face-to-face training. The structure of the course should provide you with more control over the learning process than would be possible with a full-time course. The course should be student-centered, allowing the student to customize course content according to their personal needs and objectives.
  2. Means and methods of communication
    A distance education program can involve a variety of delivery methods, including post, telephone | and fax, Internet, e-mail, interactive television, teleconferencing, and audio and video conferencing. Communication methods should be as close as possible to your learning style. Courses can be synchronous or asynchronous.
    Synchronous courses require the simultaneous participation of faculty and students and their real-time interaction. Information delivery vehicles in this case include interactive television and video conferencing. Asynchronous methods, as opposed to synchronous ones, are very flexible and allow the student to choose a convenient time for him to work on the course material. Programs that use asynchronous communication methods use the Internet, e-mail, video tapes, and regular mail.
  3. Support and contact with students
    Contrary to the beliefs of many, students enrolled in a good distance education program should not feel isolated from one another. A high-quality program implies many ways and techniques to create a real atmosphere of interaction. When choosing a distance education program, ask how students receive help and support from their instructors. Good distance learning creates the feeling that the faculty is more easily accessible than with the regular form of study. Make sure there are online support, chat rooms and forums, online bulletin boards, online shops, and other student counseling and support tools.

Types of distance education programs

Educational institutions offering distance education programs can be divided into three categories:

"Natural" distance universities
For example, in the USA, there are not too many such educational institutions offering programs of study for bachelor's and master's degrees. Decent educational institutions have the necessary accreditation. At the same time, there are non-accredited programs, so it is important to find out what kind of accreditation a particular program you are interested in has.

Providers of corporate training and / or professional development courses
These organizations provide trainings, certification programs and other educational programs designed to develop any professional skills. These are, as a rule, non-accredited programs, formed in accordance with the individual requirements of clients. Thus, this type of educational institution offers programs that are very different in quality. Therefore, in this case, it is important to find out as much as possible about the structure of the course, the means and methods of communication, as well as to learn about how the student support is organized and provided.

Traditional Universities Offering Online Tuition
Many traditional universities and colleges have recently begun to offer their programs online, thus expanding the range of study programs offered. Unfortunately, very few traditional universities and colleges offer complete and holistic online options for their programs.

The growing popularity of distance education - why now?

Teaching by correspondence was one of the earliest forms of distance education in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. With the advent of radio and television, experiments began to expand course content through the use of new tools. The limiting factor of these early forms of distance education was the unidirectional delivery format and, as a consequence, the lack of interactivity in the interaction of students with the instructor.

In the 1980s, advances in television and radio technology allowed large corporations and the military to use satellite and wireline data transmission as an effective way to train personnel at various locations. In the last decade, with the development of personal computers and the Internet, distance education has become available for individual purposes as well as for corporations. Today, all walks of life have unprecedented educational opportunities through Internet-based courses and global connectivity.

The need to learn will drive further growth. To succeed in today's knowledge-based economy, everyone simply needs to constantly improve their skills and qualifications. As interactive, network-based systems and other advanced technologies have been created, virtual classrooms will play a leading role in meeting the need for lifelong learning, experts agree.

Now let's dispel some misconceptions

Distance education has more to do with technology.
Distance education has more to do with education. However, it is technology that has driven the rise of distance education, making it possible for many people to continue their education - this includes people living in remote areas, people with physical problems, and those whose schedules prevent them from attending traditional classroom attendance.

Distance learning limits communication with people.
Quite the opposite. While distance education may involve the location of participants on different continents, many confirm that they receive much more individual attention and opportunities to interact with the instructor and fellow students than was normally possible. A quality distance learning program engages learners through group projects and online discussions. At the same time, teachers answer your questions in a timely manner and regularly assess your work, and students have many opportunities to interact with each other.

A university degree obtained remotely is just a decoration.
Despite popular belief that the classroom is the best place to study, research shows that distance education can be just as effective, and sometimes more effective, than daytime education with regular classroom attendance.

When assessing the quality of a higher education program, it is very important to understand the accreditation scheme of the institution of interest. At the same time, the same accreditation scheme can be applied to distance and traditional HEIs, which means that both of these educational institutions meet the same standards.

When thinking about the quality of programs, consider another factor: due to its nature, high-quality distance higher education programs require a higher level of self-discipline and motivation than most traditional programs. Therefore, a degree from an accredited distance education university indicates that the student is highly organized and motivated.

Distance education is easy.
Distance education imposes a certain responsibility on the student. In a classroom setting, the need to maintain standards in the face of fellow students is in itself a motivating factor. With distance learning, there is no such incentive - enrollment in the course and the successful completion of the course depends entirely on the student himself. Distance education is suitable for motivated, adult students who are ready to study responsibly without unnecessary reminders from fellow students and the teacher.

Choosing a distance education program

The proposed list of questions will help you choose the right distance program:

What is required of a student? How often will you need to work in class? Will it be necessary to participate in the discussions? Do written work? Tests?

Is there any help in solving technical problems? If you have problems accessing your work, can the school be able to help you? How fast is it?

Does the faculty have experience with adult learners |? Do faculty staff have experience of distance teaching?

How responsive are your instructors? If you have any comments or questions, how quickly can you get an answer back? Is it possible to delay the response for a week, two, or a month?

What if you don't get an answer at all? What should you do if your professor hasn't answered your questions for a month or more? Find out who you can call and what action will be taken.

Ask for a few addresses of students and / or alumni already studying to speak with them. You should talk to potential faculty members prior to enrolling in a distance learning program. Make sure they are able to answer your questions.

Reducing the distance

To make sure you can become part of the student body and not be isolated as you pursue your course, ask these questions when choosing an online program:
What has been done to ensure communication between the student and the instructor?
How do students interact with each other?
Do the students meet? When?
How often do student contacts take place? For what purpose?
Even if you received positive answers to all your questions, it is still important to get the opinion of already enrolled students and alumni. Reputable schools will provide you with all the contact details you need.

More about distance education

Resource dedicated to distance education programs



U.S. Distanxce Learning Assosiation
Distance education in the USA

Distance Learning Resource Network
Basic information about distance education

The material is provided by the educational agency "STUDY flight".


Hello! I really want to get a second education. Please tell me how I can get distance education via mail or the Internet. Thank you very much in advance.

08/22/2008 11:45:13 AM, olga 01/25/2008 01:22:50 AM, Andrey

their website is www.cmit.ie

09.10.2007 11:59:15, Maria

I want to get a Passenger Services Agent Certificate, distance learning via the Internet, the college itself is located in Dublin.
their website is www.cmit.ie

do you think this is not quackery? can they be trusted?

10/09/2007 11:57:51, Maria

10/31/2006 13:50:53, Ofelya

Distance education at RUDN University turned out to be nothing more than a fiction, for me at least. I am a former student of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences with a degree in History.
It so happened that I left the country and continued my studies abroad at a foreign university, but I really didn’t want to give up what I had already started and was ready to continue my education by distance.
It took me about a month to find the responsible persons for this department of education. There was no information on the site, and no one personally knew anything. that is, I had to simply go around all the faculties asking questions to secretaries and professors, until I found the person I needed in the economics department.
He was very kind, explained that this system exists and operates, and directed me to the knowledgeable in his faculty. The circle is complete. I already visited them and they told me that they did not even hear, and if they did (as it turned out later), then, as a student in a non-prestigious specialty, nothing shines for me, since no one will do anything for me alone, here if the whole group was going to leave, then they would have watched.
I spent about 3 months collecting all the information and coming up with opportunities (there were never any financial problems, but no one asked for money either). My result - I was expelled of my own free will with the right of restoration within 5 years ... Let's wait and see what happens next ...

Enough accreditation for correspondence courses.
There are practically no universities in Russia that, in one form or another, do not work in the field of DL. Most advanced:
MESI, Link, SSU, RUDN in Moscow,
TUSUR, VVUES, YURGUES, etc. in the provinces.
Take a look at http://openet.ru

10.16.2001 09:02:39, Alexey Popov

A few comments on the article.
The article, to put it mildly, is somewhat late and reflects the situation about 5 years ago.
Currently, distance learning (DL) has become quite widespread in Russia.
The first and most successful project was the DO system of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics (now the University of MESI). Currently, about 20 thousand people study at the MESI SDO. Now the most well-known and developed projects are the systems of DO "Link" and the Modern Humanitarian University. It should be noted that all these three projects follow completely different approaches and principles. There is no single recipe yet.
It should be noted that since 2001, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has begun to create a unified information and educational environment for open education. Information about this project is presented in the portal http://openet.ru.
Before seriously talking about the problem, it is necessary to define the terminology.
Firstly, there is NO DISTANCE FORM of education in Russia. There is only full-time, part-time, part-time (evening) education and external studies.
These technologies are:
- Internet technologies,
- Case technologies,
- video (television) technologies
- postage
- other.
In any case, the university must be accredited and certified according to these training programs.
As for the simplicity of learning using DL technologies, this is a myth. The student will have to work more than in traditional forms. The simplification consists only in the fact that the student can independently determine the terms of study and (partially) the order of studying disciplines, in accordance with their financial and time capabilities.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to give a lot of information in a small note, so ask questions, and I will try to answer them.
Best regards, A. Popov,
Deputy Director of the Institute of Distance and Distance Learning, South Russian State University of Economics and Service.

10/16/2001 08:56:05, Alexey Popov

Answer me please

11.10.2001 18:07:48, Marina

Please answer this question.
The university where I want to study remotely has accreditation for full-time and part-time studies in the direction of management. Will my distance learning be accredited or the university must provide me with a certificate of accreditation specifically for distance education,
Answer me please

11.10.2001 17:53:43, Marina

Very interesting stuff. It would be interesting to learn about Russian universities, where it would be possible to receive a higher education in economics remotely.

09/11/2001 09:51:08, Katerina M.

Very interesting. Because right now I am preoccupied with choosing a distance learning program.
It's a pity that the situation in Russia is not covered.

The launch of eLearning in the company is primarily associated with the choice of a distance learning system (LMS or LMS). We have selected the 5 most popular online platforms for integrated employee development. Let's talk about their advantages and disadvantages.

Top 5 platforms for distance learning in the Russian market

LMS is a virtual classroom where you can simultaneously develop employees from different branches. At the same time, you do not need to expand the staff of trainers, budget for travel allowances, or look for a room for a master class. All you have to do is log in, add training materials, invite users and start training.

In the distance learning system, you can:

  1. Create a knowledge base. Store books, videos, e-courses, tests and other educational content in one place. Employees will be able to enter the portal and study the necessary material at any convenient time.
  2. Upgrade staff from a distance. In a few clicks, assign a course or video lesson to a specific employee, company department or several branches at once.
  3. Monitor the quality of training. For each material in the LMS, you can get detailed statistics: what materials users study, what passing score they scored in tests, how much time they spent on training. With the help of the LMS, it is convenient to monitor the level of training in each department and division, to assess the performance of employees.

Distance learning platforms come in two flavors: box-based and cloud-based.

The LMS must be installed out of the box on the company's server. This will allow employees to enter the training portal using their corporate login and password. All data is stored internally within your organization.

But in order to install a stationary LMS, you will have to write a detailed technical task, check the compatibility of the system with the company's software. The implementation phase will take 3-4 months.

For a quick start of distance learning, it is better to use a cloud platform. It looks like a regular Internet portal, for example, Yandex.Mail or Mail.ru.

To send a letter on Yandex, you need to register. The same principle with a cloud LMS - you register and get access to your training portal. Here you can download the materials you want, add users and start training. All information is stored on third party servers.

The mainecriterionandchoosing a platform for e-learning:

  • Functionality... It implies that the platform has the necessary options, including chats, forums, course management, analysis of student activity, etc.
  • Stability, i.e. the degree of stability of work under various operating modes and load, depending on the degree of user activity.
  • The convenience of use... One of the most important parameters affecting the quality of the educational process.
  • Convenience and simplicity administration and updating of content.
  • Price. It consists of the cost of buying a platform and further support.
  • Scalability... The system should be flexible and capable of expanding both in connection with the increase in the number of trainees and by adding new programs and courses.
  • Multimedia... The systems should provide the ability to use not only text and graphic files, but also video, audio, 3D graphics, etc. as learning tools.
  • Quality of technical support.

On the Russian market, there are 5 most popular platforms for organizing distance learning:

iSpring Online

Online learning platformiSpringOnline- solution for corporate training with a simple course builder.

LMS is used both by large companies with a developed network of branches and by private business trainers and tutors. For example, the system is used by Lamoda, Biglion, Baltika, Johnson & Johnson, Alfa Capital, the Hungarian pharmaceutical company EGIS and the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant.

The platform is completely in Russian. It was released by the domestic company iSpring, one of the world leaders in the market for distance learning programs.

ISpring Online features:

  • Unlimited cloud storage. Any number of courses, tests, books, text documents, videos can be loaded into the LMS.
  • Webinars. The built-in webinar platform allows you to simultaneously train employees of all branches. Webinar recordings are saved and can be viewed at any time.
  • Powerful course editor. The iSpring Suite is attached to the LMS. With its help, you can quickly and without special training develop e-courses, tests, video lectures, interactive games right in PowerPoint.
  • Studying programs. You can create a step-by-step training program for each employee or department. For example, a two-week welcome course for interns. The program can be divided into chapters, each chapter includes theoretical materials and practical tasks: tests, interactive simulators.
  • Automatic certification. To carry out a cross-section of knowledge, it is enough to collect an electronic test in the iSpring Suite, upload it to the LMS and assign it to employees. No paper questionnaires, no tedious analysis of results.
  • Detailed statistics. The system collects detailed statistics and helps you keep track of who is really learning and who is not. With its help, it is convenient to monitor the level of training in each department and assess the progress of employees. There are 23 types of reports in total.
  • Gamification. Employees receive points and badges for successfully completing assignments. LMS also automatically generates a summary table of grades. Each user can see his position in the rating and compare himself with others.
  • Support for different formats of online courses. iSpring Online supports modern eLearning formats: SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004.
  • Mobile learning. The tutorial can be run from any device: laptop, tablet, and phone. There is a special mobile application through which the material can be opened even without an Internet connection, for example, on an airplane or train.

iSpring Online does not need to be installed on the company's server. LMS works via the Internet. To create a learning portal, you just need to register. The term for launching distance learning is 1-2 days.

Managing the training portal is as easy as the Vkontakte public. Therefore, you do not need to hire a separate specialist to service the LMS. Any business coach or HR specialist can handle this task.

Disadvantages: iSpring Online is not suitable for companies that want to install an LMS on their own server.

An overview of the system's capabilities can be seen in the video review from the Greenhouse of Social Technologies:


WebTutor is a product of WebSoft, which has been operating in the information technology market since 1999.

Most users of the WebTutor system are large companies with a large number of employees and a distributed network of branches. For example, Websoft's clients include Rosgosstrakh, Danone, M.Video, Lukoil, Svyaznoy, Garant.

The WebTutor platform consists of modules. You can select and install on the company's server only those tools that are needed in your work. A complete list of modules is shown in this diagram.

Features of the WebTutor platform:

  • Grouping users into groups by department or branch.
  • Integration with HR systems: 1C, Boss-Kadrovik, Axapta, Navision, SAP HR, Oracle EBS.
  • Automatic certification of employees using electronic tests.
  • Carrying out and recording webinars.
  • Motivation to learn through gamification: Points and badges for completed courses.
  • Formation of reports and analysis of learning outcomes.
  • Support for popular eLearning formats
  • Information exchange between staff and faculty through chat rooms, forums and blogs.

Disadvantages: complex system interface. A full-time business coach will not be able to administer the LMS. This will require hiring a separate IT specialist.

Another disadvantage is the implementation period, which takes 3-4 months and requires a detailed technical assignment.

The standard design of the training portal looks clumsy. If desired, it can be modified, but for this WebSoft will require an additional fee.

LMS is not suitable for small companies due to the high price, which starts at half a million rubles.

Mirapolis LMS

Mirapolis LMS was developed by Mirapolis, which has been operating in the Russian IT market since 2002. Mirapolis specializes in the implementation of systems for the complex automation of HR-processes.

Among the clients of Mirapolis, there are more often large companies with a large number of employees: Gazprom, Sberbank, Rosatom, Russian Railways, Mail.ru.

The company does not have a ready-made "boxed" solution, which only remains to be installed on the server. Each system is developed and configured to order. Therefore, first you have to select the necessary tools and draw up a detailed technical task for implementation for Mirapolis engineers.

The development of a turnkey LMS will take 3-4 months. But you will receive a training portal that fully meets your requirements.

Features of Mirapolis LMS:

  • Unlimited knowledge base... You can add any number of training materials: text documents, presentations, and videos.
  • Development programs... You can put training materials into one program and assign it to employees for passing. For example, an e-course, a recording of a webinar with a business coach, and an e-test can be included in a company's product program.
  • Automatic attestation... You can create a test in an online editor or import ready-made questions from QTI files.
  • Mirapolis Virtual Room is a special service for hosting and recording webinars.
  • Reporting system... The platform provides 120 report templates. The system administrator can thoroughly examine the level of training of each employee and department of the company.
  • Support for 4 types of learning: full-time and part-time, distance and mixed.
  • Communication platforms: communities, forums, blogs.
  • Integration with HR systems: SAP, Oracle, 1C.
  • Support for eLearning formats: SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC and Tin Can.

Mirapolis LMS is part of the larger human capital management and HR automation system Mirapolis HCM. It helps automate the selection, adaptation, training and testing of personnel.

Disadvantages: weak tool for the development of teaching materials. Through it, you can put together a test to test your knowledge, but you won't be able to create an electronic course or video lecture.

Another disadvantage is the time frame for launching distance learning, which will be 3-4 months. At the same time, you will have to hire a separate system administrator to manage the training portal. Mirapolis also does not have a mobile app to learn offline.

The cost of the LMS for training 100 employees starts at 600,000 rubles per year.


Teachbase was developed by a young Moscow company "Internet School". The platform is a cloud solution; it does not need to be installed on the company's server. To get started, you just need to register on the Internet portal.

The system has all the basic functions: you can create electronic tests and courses, assign them to employees and monitor their progress using reports.

Teachbase is used by Sogaz, RusHydro, Invitro, Puma, Kimberly Klark, Kinomax, Alfa Capital.

Teachbase features:

  • Online editor for courses and tests... You can create the same type of PowerPoint presentations, attach Word and PDF documents, audio files and videos to them.
  • Adding Learning Materials to the Library in ppt, pdf, video, MS Office formats. The knowledge base has a limit - from 2 to 500 GB. The amount of free space depends on the selected tariff. LMS does not support Tin Can and SCORM standards.
  • Webinar platform... During an online broadcast, you can show your desktop, show a presentation, write on a whiteboard, chat in a public or private chat. All webinars are recorded.
  • Four types of reports: which users take courses and how often, comparison of the time spent on the course, information about the points scored.
  • The cost of renting a LMS depends on the number of students, the amount of memory in the knowledge base and the subscription period. For example, the "Trainer" tariff for 30 users costs 2,900 rubles per month.

Disadvantages: intermittent failures occur periodically in the system. For example, personal folders are automatically transferred to the public one, sometimes it is impossible to create a new group for users - the system "hangs".

The LMS does not have a mobile application, so employees will not be able to study e-courses offline from a phone or tablet.

You cannot create or download online courses in Teachbase. Also, there is no gamification in the LMS. The principle of learning is reduced to primitive cramming, which violates the basic laws of eLearning.

In the LMS there are no group reports for each branch and subdivision. For example, you need to find out how many sellers from Vladivostok passed the test last week and in which question they were most often mistaken. It will not work to create such a report in Teachbase.


The development of Australian programmers has become the most popular and massively used platform for distance learning in the world. More than 18 million people use this LMS: commercial companies, universities, schools, business coaches and tutors. It is a ready-made boxed solution, completely free and can be freely downloaded on the Internet.

Moodle is an open source system, that is, programmers can create their own add-ons and useful extensions.

LMS is installed on the server. This process is partially automated. The setup wizard takes care of most of the work, from diagnosing the server to creating the database structure. Still, it's better to entrust the setup of the system to a live experienced webmaster.

Platform features:

  • All content in one place... In the LMS, you can upload e-courses, tests, books, text documents, video lectures.
  • Teamwork... SDO is aimed at active work with students. A number of tools have been developed for this: blogs, forums, glossaries, workshops, general and private chats.
  • Feedback... On the forum, you can create discussions and exchange messages.
  • Quality control of education... LMS keeps a portfolio of each user. It's like a diary with all the grades and comments of the teachers. Through the system, you can see how often students visit the portal, how much time they spend on training.
  • Tool for creating e-tests and surveys.
  • Webinar platform.

Disadvantages: complex interface. A business coach or teacher who is far from programming will not be able to manage LMS.

Users cannot be divided into groups according to departments, divisions and branches. The creation of groups of trainees is possible only within the course.

The system generates reports for each course: "Petr Ivanov scored 80 points for the Sales Techniques course." At the same time, the LMS does not show summary statistics. For example, it will no longer be possible to check the progress of Peter Ivanov in a year.

Still, among the free distance learning platforms, Moodle is one of the favorites. In terms of capabilities, the system is not inferior to commercial programs.

In conclusion, it should be noted that any platform chosen for organizing distance learning will have its advantages and disadvantages. The ease of use of the platform depends on the degree of its adaptation to your needs and the ability to use all the existing capabilities and functions of the system.

If you want to get distance education, but do not know which program to choose, then this list will help you find out what you can learn from the comfort of your home.

Today there is a great opportunity to get a driver's license without attending seminars in stuffy driving schools. After all, the entire course can be completed remotely using an online driving school. This is a great way to save your time and successfully pass the exam in the traffic police.

Obtaining a specialty "Physical culture" initially implies only full-time studies, since it requires the participation of a student in everyday classes and constant monitoring of his personal professional results. However, thanks to distance learning methods, it is quite possible to get a second higher education by completing Physical Education distance learning.

Teaching computer science at a distance is a unique opportunity that allows you to gain both theoretical and practical knowledge in this discipline. Of course, this type of education has a number of its own characteristics, which this article will introduce you to.

Distance learning in art history is not just an opportunity to get acquainted with general information on various types of arts, but also an additional chance to learn a foreign language and acquire a rare profession that is in great demand in certain circles.

Such a specialty as an accountant gives a person the opportunity for active professional growth, career advancement and improvement of material well-being. Recently, distance learning is gaining momentum in this type of activity.

Distance teaching in higher educational institutions, despite the novelty of the method, is already taking place in many specialties. Recently, it has become possible to receive even a technical education remotely, although this type of training is fraught with difficulties in obtaining practical training.

Distance medical education is training in advanced training courses for experienced and practicing physicians. The profession of a doctor cannot be obtained in any correspondence form, but it is quite possible to complete the improvement of the postgraduate theoretical course in a remote form.

A tax consultant is a specialist who acts as a liaison in relations between the state and the taxpayer. It is not enough to get one higher education - tax consultants must improve their qualifications and take additional education courses throughout their career. The most popular method of professional development is distance learning - a tax consultant can complete the required courses online without interrupting their work.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Verkh-Obskaya secondary school

them. M.S. Evdokimov "


Deputy Director for Water Resources Management MBOU "Verkh-Obskaya Secondary School named after M.S. Evdokimov "

__________ / E.A. Lapshina /

"" __________ 20 ________


Director of MBOU "Verkh-Obskaya secondary school named after M.S. Evdokimov "

_____________ / O.V. Smagina /

Order No. ___ dated ________ 20


at the meeting

Pedagogical Council

Minutes No. ________

"" ______________ 201___

Work program for the introduction of distance learning in schools

Compiled by:

Zhukova T.V.

2015 - 2016 academic year



Explanatory note ……………………………………………………………….

Teaching and methodological support for teachers and students ………………….

Appendices ………………………………………………………………………………….

Correction sheet

Explanatory note

Distance learning is various models, methods and technologies of teaching, in which the teacher and the student are spatially and temporally separated, therefore, an environment is created through which they communicate for the purpose of learning. This environment can be the receipt of materials by mail, fax, telephone, educational television programs, educational materials on disks, the use of Internet resources, digital educational resources.

The main goal of distance learning for schoolchildren is:

    providing school students with access to quality education;

    providing the opportunity to study academic subjects at an expanded and in-depth level, active participation in olympiads and competitions;

    inclusion in the learning process of new academic subjects outside the main educational programs of secondary (complete) general education;

    choice of general education disciplines for pre-profile and profile education in high school;

    teaching schoolchildren with medical disabilities and children with disabilities to receive regular education and who do not have the opportunity to receive educational services in the traditional form;

    realization of the child's right toreceiving education, taking into account the needs and opportunities in the form of family education

    mastering educational programs in the external study mode

using modern information technologies.

The use of distance learning contributes to solving problems of increasing efficiency:

    educational activities of students;

    organization of the educational process;

    using the possibilities of information and communication technologies in the organization of the educational process within the framework of the program for the development of the school as an educational institution of an adaptive type that implements a competence-based approach in the education and upbringing of schoolchildren.

Relevance and the need to organize work on distance learning for schoolchildren:

Distance learning is not an electronic version of full-time or part-time education that adapts traditional forms of classes and paper-based teaching tools into telecommunications. It solves problems that traditional teaching cannot solve, these are, first of all:

    strengthening the active role of schoolchildren in their own education due to a personal educational trajectory

    choice of dominant directions, forms and rates of learning in different educational areas

    use of available educational resources

    obtaining advice from a qualified specialist

    the use of interactive forms of classes

    strengthening the creative component of education, the presence of conditions for self-expression, the richness and intensity of training

    the possibility of obtaining an expert opinion on the results of their activities

    development of a broad outlook and successful socialization.

Distance learning in a school environment is calculated:

    for schoolchildren wishing to acquire new knowledge, keen on a particular subject,

    for school graduates preparing for admission to vocational educational institutions of secondary and higher education

    for those who do not have the opportunity to receive educational services in the traditional form,

    for children with medical disabilities to receive regular education in stationary conditions,

    participants of Olympiads and competitions.

Benefits of distance learning:

    there are no space and time restrictions, it is available for interested students,

    it is home teaching, it provides a health-preserving environment for learning at a convenient time and in a feasible mode;

    it is an alternative teaching: it expands the choice of forms and methods of teaching beyond those adopted in the classroom teaching system,

    this additional education: deepens and expands knowledge in preparation for admission or participation in olympiads,

    this is anticipatory teaching: it is open, the student sees the entire course as a whole, can independently work out some of its parts, trainings, etc.

    it is a democratic education: there are no strict regulations, each student is given special attention, his interest, his motivation for self-education is supported,

    it is a creative education: it creates a creative environment to prepare for activities in various social spheres;

    it is active and motivated learning: no one forces a student to take a distance course, he chooses it himself.

The main principles of organizing distance learning are :

    principle of adaptability , which makes it easy to use educational materials of a new generation, containing digital educational resources, in the specific conditions of the educational process, which contributes to the combination of different didactic models of conducting lessons using distance educational technologies and network learning tools: interactive tests, simulators, laboratory workshops, remote access, etc. ;

    principle of interactivity , expressed in the possibility of permanent contacts of all participants in the educational process using a specialized information and educational environment (including forums, e-mail, Internet conferences, online lessons);

    principle of flexibility enabling the participants of the educational process to work at the pace they need and at a time convenient for them;

    modularity principle allowing the student and teacher to use the necessary network training courses (or individual components of the training course) for the implementation of individual curricula;

    the principle of efficiency and objectivity assessment of educational achievements of students

Calendar-thematic plan




educational work

Term of mastering the topic

Control type

Deadline for submitting a task for verification


Introduction to DO

The concept of DO


electronic seminar (forum)

1. Abstract

2. Forum

3. Testing

All types of activities of trainees who are Internet users can be conditionally divided into three groups:

    search for information - work with browsers, databases, help systems, etc .;

    communication - email, chats, mailing lists,online-forums, videoconferences,ICQ etc.;

    web publishing - creating web pages, sites.

Let's consider how you can use these opportunities to organize the learning activities of students.

Andreev A.A. An introduction to distance education.

Arkhipov K.E. Some principles of building modern distance learning courses.

Demkin V.P., Mozhaeva G.V. Distance learning technologies. - Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk State University, 2003.

Moiseeva M.V. Basic technologies of distance learning.

Moiseeva M.V., Polat E.S., Bukharkina M.Yu., Nezhurina M.I. Online Learning: Technologies of Pedagogical Design / Ed. Ph.D. M.V. Moiseeva. - M .: Publishing House "Cameron", 2004.

Yu.M. Nasonova, E.F. Fedorova Preparation of materials for the development of electronic educational and methodological resources: to help the authors. Methodical instructions for authors-developers of EUMR.

Preparation and conduct of training courses in correspondence and distance learning. Methodical recommendations for teachers. Publishing house of St. Petersburg State Technical University, 2000. Edited by Professor I.А. Tsikina.

Polat E.S. Knowledge control in distance learning.

Polat E.S. Distance learning pedagogical technologies.

Severova N.Yu. Electronic educational-methodical complexes.

Soldatkin V.I. Fundamentals of open education.

Uvarov A.Yu. Pedagogical design.

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or lesson topic

Date according to plan

Reason for mismatch

Corrective measures

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