Home Roses Advertising throw off the shackles of digestion. Intermittent fasting for beginners. What are the possible side effects

Advertising throw off the shackles of digestion. Intermittent fasting for beginners. What are the possible side effects

Test on the topic: Suggestion. The main members of the proposal. Dash between subject and predicate. 8th grade. Option I 1. Which statement is incorrect? 1) A sentence is the main syntactic unit containing a message, question or urge. 2) The grammatical basis of a sentence always consists of two main members. 3) A sentence in which one grammatical basis is called simple. 4) Incentive offers contain motivation (order, request, advice, etc.). 2. In which sentence is the message considered a desirable (possible) fact? 1) The broad leaves of poplars were silvery in the light of the moon. 2) A wide road leads from the station to the village. 3) In the afternoon, the colors will fade. 4) That would always sit at the window and look at the pale pink tents of apple trees. 3. Specify a sentence with reverse word order. 1) The wind tore and ruffled the trees all day long. 2) Sometimes in the evening between gloomy low clouds the golden light of the low sun made its way in the west. 3) The air was made clean and clear. 4) Sunlight sparkled dazzlingly between the foliage, between the trees. 4. Which statement is false? 1) The subject is the most important member of the proposal. 2) The subject answers the questions who? what? 3) The subject is most often expressed by a noun or pronoun in the nominative case. 4) The subject can be expressed by any part of speech in the meaning of a noun. 5. In which sentence the subject is highlighted incorrectly? 1) Seven do not wait for one. 2) Three days have passed since the exam. 3) The firmament breathed with merciless heat. 4) Two small beds bristled with thick green onions. 6. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the pronoun? 1) The whole house was in motion. 2) No one paid attention to the boy in a brown sheepskin coat and a lop-eared hat. 3) There was nothing to tell the boys. 4) Another important problem is the operation of automatics. 7. Which statement is incorrect? 1) The predicate is the main member of the sentence, which does not depend on other members of the sentence. 2) The predicate denotes a sign or action of the subject. 3) The predicate answers the questions: what does the object do? what's going on with him? what is he like? what is he? who is he? 4) Predicates are simple and compound. 8. In which sentence is the predicate expressed in the form of the conditional mood? 1) A tree leaned towards the river. 2) I would love to watch this film 3) The clouds float lazily and heavily across the blue heat of the sky. 4) Tell me the whole truth. 9. Which statement is false? 1) In a compound verb predicate, the lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in different words. 2) An auxiliary word in a compound verb predicate does not express any lexical meaning. 3) The auxiliary part in a compound verb predicate may include a short adjective. 4) A compound nominal predicate consists of a linking verb and a nominal part. 10. In which sentence is the predicate a compound verb? 1) I went down the cliff to the river and immediately caught four large trout. 2) We would like to know the secret of the Bermuda Triangle. 3) The teacher will help the children in solving this problem. 4) I went upstairs and put the fish on the grass. 11. In what sentence is the predicate compound nominal? 1) He was obliged to obey the order. 2) The earth is like a snow-white carpet. 3) Now he will scoop up a bucket of cold water and pour it over his head. 4) Do not hope for a miracle. 12. In which sentence is the nominal part of a compound predicate expressed by an adverb? 1) The air was hot and thick. 2) A liar's life is not long. 3) The streets were deserted. 4) Everything was familiar. 13. In which sentence is the grammatical basis indicated correctly? 1) The worm wears away from the inside. ===== 2) Vladimir Dal was a passionate collector of Russian words and a connoisseur of folk life. === =========== 3) Most of the windows in the neighboring houses were dark. ============ 4) The river was really big. ==== 14. Which statement is false? A dash between the subject and the predicate with a zero link is not put if 1) the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun 2) the predicate has a negative particle not 3) both main terms are expressed by the indefinite form of the verb 4) the predicate is expressed by the adjective 15. in which should a dash be put in place of the pass? A. Petersburg ... the city of white nights. B. A person indifferent to his language ... a savage. V. Zarya ... like a fire in the snow. D. A world without songs ... not interesting. 1) A, C 2) B, D 3) A, B 4) C, D 16. In which answer are sentences with punctuation errors indicated? A. A fighter is not a warrior yet. B. November is not winter, but pre-winter. B. Speeches are like honey, but deeds are like wormwood. D. To live on earth, to strive in soul to heaven is a joyful lot for man. 1) A, D 2) B, C 3) A, C 4) B, D 17. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the indefinite form of the verb? 1) Everything around began to fill with blackness. 2) Unraveling the meaning of place names is fascinating. 3) The most courageous and strongest began to climb to the top of the mountain. 4) Hurry to go to the mountains! 18. Find a sentence with a simple verb predicate. 1) The guys will remember this excursion for a long time. 2) Her lush hair was neatly styled. 3) She was all at a glance. 4) This phenomenon seems strange to a beginner. Test on the topic: Suggestion. The main members of the proposal. Dash between subject and predicate. 8th grade. Option II 1. Which statement is incorrect? 1) According to the number of grammatical bases, sentences are divided into simple and complex. 2) A simple sentence with one main member is called a one-part sentence. 3) A declarative sentence is a sentence that ends with a period. 4) In common proposals, there are necessarily minor members. 2. What sentence on the purpose of the utterance is the motivating one? 1) And a dog ran out to meet you? 2) Soon the whole sky will be covered with dark clouds. 3) Due to the unevenness of the ridge of rocks, the red sun rolls out. 4) Call me tomorrow at four o'clock. 3. Specify a sentence with direct word order. 1) The blue sky shone coldly and brightly in the north above the leaden clouds. 2) Ridges of snowy mountains - clouds - slowly floated out from behind the clouds. 3) Since the end of September, our gardens have been empty. 4) The wind rustles with wet foliage of trees. 4. Which statement is false? 1) The subject can be expressed only by the inflected part of speech. 2) The subject names the subject of speech: a person, a concept, an object, a phenomenon, etc. 3) The subject can be expressed in an integral phrase. 4) The subject does not answer the questions of indirect cases. 5. In which sentence the subject is highlighted incorrectly: 1) Two children, about five years old, were running around the round table in the center. 2) Who called you? 3) And on the shore, rain pours in full force and knocks on the leather roof of the tent. 4) Already - an outdated adverb. 6. In which sentence is the subject expressed by a phrase? 1) Something rustled in the forest again. 2) This new failure discouraged me. 3) A few minutes later, several hundred people appeared among the empty snowy plain. 4) Why are you so, my dear land? 7. Which statement is false? 1) A simple predicate can only be a verb. 2) The predicate expresses the grammatical meaning of one of the moods. 3) The predicate is the main member of the sentence, which depends only on the subject. 4) A simple verbal predicate expresses only the lexical meaning in one word. 8. In what sentence is the predicate expressed by the form of the present tense? 1) At this place, Peter will build a new city. 2) The car rolled silently out of the gate. 3) Warm wind gusts. 4) The young man had a phenomenal memory. 9. Which statement is false? 1) A compound verb predicate consists of an auxiliary word and an indefinite form of the verb. 2) The indefinite form of the verb in the compound verb predicate expresses the main lexical meaning. 3) In a compound nominal predicate, the nominal part can be expressed by an adverb. 4) In a compound nominal predicate, the nominal part expresses the grammatical meaning of the predicate. 10. In which sentence does the auxiliary verb express the meaning of the desirability of the action? 1) He decided to wait a few minutes. 2) Deniska wanted to be at home for several days. 3) Sergei could not step on his sore leg. 4) Builders are required to complete the renovation of the school by the deadline. 11. In which sentence is the predicate a compound verb? 1) The mother was alarmed by the long absence of her daughter. 2) I will drive the bike for a long time. 3) The expression on his face became stern. 4) Nobody wanted to leave the square that night. 12. In what sentence is the nominal part of a compound predicate expressed by a noun? 1) And those sounds will be beautiful. 2) Be one of you a weaver. 3) The telegram was sent in the morning. 4) The area of ​​the hall is seventy meters. 13. In which sentence is the grammatical basis indicated correctly? 1) Everything was gray and dusty. ==== 2) The new school is housed in a spacious building. ========= 3) I would like to visit this city. ==== ======= 4) This forest seemed mysterious and mysterious. ====== 14. Which statement is false? A dash between the subject and the predicate with a zero link is placed if 1) the subject and predicate are expressed by nouns in the nominative case. 2) one main term is expressed by an indefinite form of the verb, and the other - by a noun 3) the predicate is combined with the subject by demonstrative particles, this is, here 4) comparative conjunctions are in front of the predicate, as if, exactly 15. In which answer option are sentences in which in the place of the gap are indicated should I put a dash? A. Snow ... soft, fluffy. B. Reading and learning ... is the eternal nourishment of thought. B. Anger ... is passion, and passion excludes reason. G. Museum-Estate of Arkhangelskoye ... one of the most remarkable creations of the past. 1) A, B 2) B, C 3) C, D 4) B, D 16. In which answer are sentences with punctuation errors indicated? A. The distinguishing feature of our morals is a kind of cheerful craftiness of the mind. B. Light snowfall is not a hindrance for hunters. B. Seven is an odd number. D. To shoot at a stone only to lose gunpowder. 1) A, B 2) B, C 3) C, D 4) B, D 17. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the indefinite form of the verb? 1) The man sitting on the oars had no time to hunt. 2) To be afraid of work - happiness is not to be seen. 3) It was difficult for me to make out these quiet speeches. 4) No one could understand and explain the whistle language. 18. Find a sentence with a compound verb predicate. 1) An ice palace will be built in this microdistrict. 2) I can't take my eyes off the fleeing moose. 3) We will think about your proposal. 4) It is raining with might and main and knocking on the roof of the house. Test on the topic: Proposal. The main members of the proposal. Dash between subject and predicate. 8th grade. Option III 1. Which statement is incorrect? 1) Simple sentences with two main members are called two-part. 2) There is a compositional connection between equal (homogeneous) members of the sentence. 3) One-piece sentences cannot be widespread. 4) Narrative, interrogative and motivating sentences can be exclamatory if the statement is accompanied by strong feeling. 2. What sentence on the purpose of the utterance is the motivating one? 1) Low clouds hid the distant winter month. 2) Snow flakes disturbed by the wind will fall from the trees for a long time. 3) A huge crimson sun appears from behind the mountains. 4) Fly, clouds, over the ground. 3. Specify a sentence in direct word order. 1) Behind the distant trees could be seen the onion of the main temple. 2) A purple cloud dragged the twilight and the wind piercing to the bones. 3) Soon a cloud covered the ground with its ink hood. 4) An icy north wind was blowing. 4. Which statement is false? 1) The subject does not depend on the secondary members of the proposal. 2) The subject denotes the subject of speech. 3) The subject cannot be expressed in an adverb. 4) The subject can be expressed by combining a cardinal number with a noun. 5. In which sentence the subject is highlighted incorrectly? 1) Five carefully enter the water. 2) Passers-by bent into three deaths, walking against the wind 3) Several flat stones rose from the sea. 4) Evil and evil fiddled, but both fell into the pit. 6. In which sentence is the subject expressed by a phrase? 1) This saves the wolves from total extermination. 2) What are you, my old lady, being silent at the window? 3) Several minutes passed in absolute silence. 4) Already on the stairs, a heavy smell of drugs hits us in the nose. 7. Which statement is false? 1) A simple verb predicate in one word expresses both lexical and grammatical meaning. 2) A simple verb predicate can be expressed by a verb in the form of one of the moods. 3) Predicates are simple, compound and nominal. 4) As a simple verbal predicate, there can be indivisible combinations of the type to make a proposal, win, give consent, etc. 8. In which sentence is the predicate expressed in the form of the imperative mood? 1) With a frightened cry, birds rose from the bushes. 2) Let my life take away a thousand lands. 3) I would go to friends for the summer. 4) Five people were standing under the canopy. 9. Which statement is false? 1) Compound predicates are verbal and nominal. 2) The indefinite form of a verb in a compound predicate expresses its basic lexical meaning. 3) In a compound nominal predicate, the nominal part can be expressed by an indivisible phrase. 4) If a predicate in a sentence is expressed in a complex form of a future tense verb, such a predicate is a composite. 10. In which sentence does the predicate have a simple verb? 1) Fate cannot pour only generosity. 2) Veterans are happy to meet with front-line friends. 3) He is always ready to help a friend. 4) Occasionally the wind flew in gusts. 11. In what sentence is the predicate compound nominal? 1) Peter was glad to meet a friend. 2) Books can tell a lot. 3) He was ready to agree with us. 4) The performance was recognized as the best production of the season. 12. In what sentence is the nominal part of a compound predicate expressed by a participle? 1) The blue abyss is silent. 2) Lake Peipsi is beautiful. 3) Classes with me were assigned to my grandmother. 4) We talked for a long time about what happened. 13. In which sentence is the grammatical basis indicated correctly? 1) Several people were standing at the entrance to the compartment. ===== 2) Nature in Korolenko's stories is portrayed with great skill. ============ ========== 3) And let the grass cover the road. ======== 4) There will be deep mud in the yard. ====== 14. Which statement is false? A dash between the subject and the predicate with a zero ligament is placed if 1) the subject and predicate are expressed in an indefinite form of the verb 2) the predicate is connected with the subject words, so 3) the subject and predicate are expressed in cardinal numbers in the nominative case 4) comparative conjunctions are in front of the predicate as if, as if 15. In which answer option are sentences indicated in which a dash should be put in place of the pass? A. Morning ... quiet, joyful. B. Goose pig ... not a friend. C. Ignorance ... a terrible force. D. The main purpose of my life ... to do something useful for people. 1) A, D 2) B, C 3) C, D 4) B, D 16. In which answer are sentences with punctuation errors indicated? A. Two kilometers is a short distance. B. Brevity, accuracy - these are the first advantages of prose. B. It is the shooter's responsibility to hit. D. To succumb to evil means to increase untruth in the world. 1) A, D 2) B, C 3) C, D 4) A, C 17. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the indefinite form of the verb? 1) My father taught me how to fish with a rod. 2) Listening to an intelligent person is like getting drunk with a thirst for cold water. 3) We will travel in Altai this summer with the whole family. 4) It is impossible to agree with your proposal. 18. Find a sentence with a compound nominal predicate. 1) He was ready to continue the argument. 2) Mother came home tired. 3) He is not going to leave for the city. 4) A rare gift - to be able to sympathize and compassion. Test

Option 1

He was not afraid of untrodden paths () and was not afraid of meeting wild animals.

1) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union AND a comma is not needed.

2) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union AND a comma is needed.

3) A compound sentence, before the union AND a comma is needed.

4) Compound sentence, before the union AND the comma is not needed.

2. Specify a sentence in which you need to put only one comma. (No punctuation marks are placed.)

1) A fairy tale is needed not only for children but also for adults.

2) Kuprin simply forced Nikandrov to write for a long time and patiently taught him the basics of writing.

3) Not only Chekhov were friends with Gilyarovsky, but also Kuprin Bunin and many actors and artists.

4) Fragrant snow-white lilies and bright scarlet roses and modest marigolds grew in the garden.

3. Which answer option correctly indicate and explain all the commas?

Seeing his detachment (1) exhausted (2) and three times thinned (3) sadly stretched out along the road (4), he realized how he (5) himself mortally tired (6) is now powerless to do anything for these people.

1) 1,3,4 - adverbial and participle turnovers are highlighted

2) 1, 3, 4, 5,6 - there are two participial and one participle turns

3) 1,3,4 - two participial turns are highlighted

4) 1,3,4,5,6 - three participial turns are distinguished

4. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in sentences must be commas?

The whole life of this restless and brilliant writer was (1) in essence (2) a merciless battle with stupidity and meanness. Many writers will not tell you anything (3) about the essence (4) of the creative process, as, obviously, a bird cannot tell how it sings.

1) 1,2,4 2) 1 3)1,2 4)1,2,3,4

5 Indicate a sentence that does not contain a dash. (Punctuation marks are partially separated.)

1) All things sofas, tables and chairs were made of light wood, shone from time to time and smelled of cypress.

2) So for the first time I became convinced that the main thing for a writer is to express himself with the greatest completeness and generosity in any thing, thereby expressing his time and his people,

3) Why didn't I notice this native landscape before? I asked myself.

4) In my memories I wandered through the forests, then along the banks of the Neva or along the hills of the harsh Pskov land, blue with flax

6.How to explain the setting of the colon in this sentence?

Such long rafts stretched along the Kama near the mouth that it was impossible to see their end: it was lost in the fog.

1) The generalizing word stands before the homogeneous members of the sentence.

2) The third part of a complex sentence indicates a consequence of what is said in the first two parts.

3) The third part of a complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the previous parts.

4) The third part of a complex sentence indicates on the basis, the reason for what is said in the previous parts.

7. Which answer shows the correct placement of commas in the sentence?

The fields (1) along which we drove (2) when we returned home (3) were already covered with emerald green.

1) 1,2,3 2)2 3)2.3 4) 1,2

8. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

In one of his letters, Kuprin wrote (I) that (2) when he left the regiment (3) the most difficult thing was (4) that he had no knowledge - neither scientific nor everyday.

1) 1,2,3,4 2) 1,3,4 3) 1,4 4) 1,2,4

9. In which complex clause the subordinate clause cannot be replaced with a separate definition expressed by the participial phrase?

1) The sea, which raged all night, was already serene and calm in the morning.

2) The maid was an orphan who, fleeing death from starvation, had to enter the service.

3) The sky was all in the stars, which emitted an even quiet light.

4) The fun evening that began without us was in full swing.

10. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Studying the history of their country,

1) the chronicles will help you with this.

2) read the memoirs of eyewitnesses of historical events.

3) many unique documents are kept in museums.

4) archives play a huge role.

(According to V. Tkachenko)

Syntax and Punctuation Test

Option 2

1. State the correct explanation for punctuation in the sentence.

In the forest, only the orioles shout () and the cuckoos are vying with each other to count the unlived years for someone.

1) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, a comma is not needed before the YES union.

2) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, a comma is needed before the union.

3) A compound sentence, before the YES union, a comma is needed.

4) A compound sentence, a comma is not needed before the YES union.

2. Specify the sentence in which you want to put one comma. (No punctuation marks are placed.)

1) The night then swung open with a swift white fire, then shrank into impenetrable darkness.

2) I quietly left and for a long time tried not to think about Anfisa and the boy.

3) Much in our life could be filled with lyrical and heroic sound and expressed picturesquely and accurately.

4) These color and light features of aquamarine and other precious stones give us a sense of mystery and inexplicable beauty.

3. In which answer option are all the commas correctly specified and explained?
Individual stones (1) lying in squares to parks (2) and barely showing through on lawns (3) decorate city views (4) without creating any fuss at the same time.

1) 1.3 - the participle turnover is highlighted

2) 1,2,3 - two participial turns are highlighted

3) 4 - the adverbial turnover is highlighted

4) 1,3,4 - participle and adverbial turns are highlighted

4. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in sentences must be commas?

The snow fell slowly and very importantly, and its flakes were so large that (1) it seemed (2) as if light white flowers were flying down from the sky onto the city. Amazing and (3) as it seemed to me (4) fragrant, like the breath of flowers, human kindness emanated from the pages of this book with a golden edge.

1)1,2 2)3,4 3)2,3,4 4) 2,4

5. List the sentence with a punctuation error.

1) People, birds, herbs - everyone listens to the song of the nightingale.

2) The exhibition featured not only painting, but also graphics.

3) We saw thickets of wild strawberries and wild raspberries and decided to fill our baskets.

4) Although he was short, he was wiry.

6. How to explain the setting of the colon in this sentence?

I believe: we will see you in the end by all means.

1) The generalizing word stands before the homogeneous members of the sentence.

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates a consequence of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

4) The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

7. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

I was not sure (1) if I would have enough strength to get to the top of the mountain (2) and whether the detachment (3) would come up by that time and was about to turn back.

1) 1,3 2) 1 3) 1,2 4)3

8. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in their place in the sentence must be commas?

A person is such a wondrous being (1) that you can never suddenly calculate his merits (2) and (3) the more you look at him (4), the more new features are announced (5) and their description would be endless.

1)1,4 2)2,3,4,5 3)1,3,4 4)1,2,4,5

9. 1. In which complex clause the subordinate clause cannot be replaced by a separate definition, expressed by the participial phrase?

1) I remember opening the book while standing near the kiosk where I bought it.

2) We have had and still have writers who have managed to introduce science into their stories and novels as the most essential quality of prose.

3) The writer is occupied with a dream that lives in everyone's heart, whether he is a lumberjack, shoemaker, hunter or a famous scientist.

4) Green's stories were intoxicating, like fragrant air that knocks us off our feet after the child of stuffy cities.

10. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Looking at me from head to toe,

1) his face expressed complete disappointment.

2) this silence seemed strange to me.

3) she asked to continue to warn about the arrival.

4) he needed to sort out his feelings.

11. Write down the text, insert the necessary spelling and punctogram.

Crippling kr..sotu pr..god we both ourselves and our p..toms are robbed. If everybody and everyone always treated the pr..like vn..mainly and seriously with the understanding .. of its place and meaning in our life, we could have a lot of grief izb..hali.

How many ... do you think tv..rit..is on the earth of evil because of ch..l..worldly stupidity and be..remembrance! Who to pr..measure p..true..that a burst of cruelty is a scum of evil in another empty (not) sighted soul..nke (not) began with a senseless..about ruined .. his bird .. his nest or an ugly ... who to..strischa in the forest that defiled his kingdom..why beauty?

Everything in this world is very close to interconnection ... about offending ...

(According to V. Tkachenko)


Option 1

Option 2

Crippling the beauty of nature, we rob ourselves and our descendants. If always, everyone and everyone treated nature carefully and seriously, with an understanding of its place and significance in our life, we might have avoided a lot of grief.

How much evil is going on on earth because of human stupidity and unconsciousness! Who, for example, can guarantee that the outburst of cruelty, the scum of evil in another empty, blind soul did not begin with a senselessly ravaged bird's nest or an ugly fireplace in the forest that defiled its regal beauty?

Everything in this world is closely interconnected; you offend the unrequited nature, and destroy your immortal soul ...

(According to V. Tkachenko)

One of the main conditions of life is the intake of nutrients into the body, which are continuously consumed by cells in the course of metabolism. For the body, the source of these substances is food. Digestive system ensures the breakdown of nutrients into simple organic compounds(monomers), which enter the internal environment of the body and are used by cells and tissues as a plastic and energetic material. In addition, the digestive system provides the body with the required amount of water and electrolytes.

Digestive system, or the gastrointestinal tract, is a convoluted tube that begins with the mouth and ends with the anus. It also includes a number of organs that provide the secretion of digestive juices (salivary glands, liver, pancreas).

Digestion Is a set of processes during which food is processed in the gastrointestinal tract and the proteins, fats, carbohydrates contained in it are broken down into monomers and the subsequent absorption of monomers into the internal environment of the body.

Rice. Human digestive system

The digestive system includes:

  • the oral cavity with the organs located in it and the adjacent large salivary glands;
  • pharynx;
  • esophagus;
  • stomach;
  • small and large intestine;
  • pancreas.

The digestive system consists of a digestive tube, the length of which in an adult reaches 7-9 m, and a number of large glands located outside its walls. The distance from the mouth to the anus (in a straight line) is only 70-90 cm. The big difference in size is due to the fact that the digestive system forms many bends and loops.

The oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus, located in the region of the human head, neck and chest cavity, have a relatively straight direction. In the oral cavity, food enters the pharynx, where there is an intersection of the digestive and respiratory tract. Then comes the esophagus, through which food mixed with saliva enters the stomach.

In the abdominal cavity is the end of the esophagus, stomach, small, blind, colon, liver, pancreas, in the pelvic area - the rectum. In the stomach, the food mass is exposed to gastric juice for several hours, liquefies, is actively mixed and digested. In the small intestine, food, with the participation of many enzymes, continues to be digested, as a result of which simple compounds are formed that are absorbed into the blood and lymph. Water is absorbed in the large intestine and feces are formed. Undigested and unsuitable for absorption substances are removed to the outside through the anus.

Salivary glands

The mucous membrane of the oral cavity has numerous small and large salivary glands. The large glands include: three pairs of large salivary glands - parotid, submandibular and sublingual. The submandibular and sublingual glands simultaneously secrete mucous and watery saliva; they are mixed glands. The parotid glands secrete only mucous saliva. The maximum release, for example, for lemon juice can reach 7-7.5 ml / min. In the saliva of humans and most animals, there are enzymes amylase and maltase, due to which a chemical change in food occurs already in the oral cavity.

The enzyme amylase converts food starch into a disaccharide - maltose, and the latter, under the action of the second enzyme, maltase, is converted into two glucose molecules. Although the enzymes of saliva are highly active, complete breakdown of starch in the oral cavity does not occur, since food is in the mouth for only 15-18 seconds. The saliva reaction is usually slightly alkaline or neutral.


The wall of the esophagus is three-layered. The middle layer is made up of well-developed striated and smooth muscles, which, when contracted, push food into the stomach. The contraction of the muscles of the esophagus creates peristaltic waves, which, arising in the upper part of the esophagus, propagate along the entire length. In this case, the muscles of the upper third of the esophagus are sequentially reduced first, and then the smooth muscles in the lower sections. When food passes through the esophagus and stretches it, there is a reflex opening of the entrance to the stomach.

The stomach is located in the left hypochondrium, in the epigastric region, and is an extension of the digestive tube with well-developed muscular walls. Its shape can change depending on the phase of digestion. The length of an empty stomach is about 18-20 cm, the distance between the walls of the stomach (between the greater and lesser curvatures) is 7-8 cm. A moderately full stomach is 24-26 cm long, the greatest distance between the greater and lesser curvatures is 10-12 cm. The stomach capacity of an adult a person varies depending on the food and liquid taken from 1.5 to 4 liters. The stomach relaxes during the act of swallowing and remains relaxed throughout the entire meal. After a meal, a state of increased tone occurs, which is necessary to start the process of mechanical processing of food: grinding and mixing the chyme. This process is carried out due to peristaltic waves, which arise approximately 3 times per minute in the area of ​​the esophageal sphincter and propagate at a speed of 1 cm / s towards the exit to the duodenum. At the beginning of the digestion process, these waves are weak, but as digestion in the stomach ends, they increase both in intensity and frequency. As a result, a small portion of the chyme is adjusted to the exit from the stomach.

The inner surface of the stomach is covered with a mucous membrane that forms a large number of folds. It contains the glands that secrete gastric juice. These glands are composed of main, accessory, and parietal cells. The main cells produce enzymes of gastric juice, the lining cells produce hydrochloric acid, and the additional cells produce mucoid secretions. The food is gradually soaked in gastric juice, mixed and crushed with contraction of the stomach muscles.

Gastric juice is a clear, colorless liquid that has an acidic reaction due to the presence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It contains enzymes (proteases) that break down proteins. The main protease is pepsin, which is secreted by cells in an inactive form - pepsinogen. Under the influence of hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen is converted into pepsin, which breaks down proteins into polypeptides of varying complexity. Other proteases have specific effects on gelatin and milk protein.

Under the influence of lipase, fats are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids. Gastric lipase can only act on emulsified fats. Of all food products, only milk contains emulsified fat, so only that fat is broken down in the stomach.

In the stomach, the breakdown of starch, which has begun in the oral cavity, continues under the influence of saliva enzymes. They act in the stomach until the food bolus is saturated with acidic gastric juice, since hydrochloric acid stops the action of these enzymes. In humans, a significant part of the starch is broken down by the saliva ptyalin in the stomach.

In gastric digestion, hydrochloric acid plays an important role, which activates pepsinogen to pepsin; causes swelling of protein molecules, which contributes to their enzymatic breakdown, promotes curdling milk to casein; has a bactericidal effect.

2-2.5 liters of gastric juice are secreted per day. On an empty stomach, a small amount of it is secreted, containing mainly mucus. After a meal, secretion gradually increases and remains at a relatively high level for 4-6 hours.

The composition and amount of gastric juice depends on the amount of food. The largest amount of gastric juice is allocated for protein foods, less for carbohydrate foods, and even less for fatty foods. Normally, gastric juice has an acidic reaction (pH = 1.5-1.8), which is due to hydrochloric acid.

Small intestine

The human small intestine starts from the pylorus of the stomach and is divided into the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum. The length of the small intestine of an adult reaches 5-6 m.The shortest and widest is the 12-duct intestine (25.5-30 cm), the lean one is 2-2.5 m, the ileum is 2.5-3.5 m. Thickness the small intestine is constantly decreasing along its course. The small intestine forms loops, which are covered in front by a large omentum, and from above and from the sides are limited by the large intestine. In the small intestine, the chemical processing of food and the absorption of products of its breakdown continue. Mechanical mixing and movement of food in the direction of the large intestine occurs.

The wall of the small intestine has a structure typical of the gastrointestinal tract: the mucous membrane, the submucous layer, in which the accumulations of lymphoid tissue, glands, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels, the muscular membrane, and the serous membrane are located.

The muscular membrane consists of two layers - an inner circular and an outer - longitudinal, separated by a layer of loose connective tissue, in which the nerve plexuses, blood and lymphatic vessels are located. Due to these muscle layers, mixing and movement of intestinal contents towards the exit occurs.

The smooth, moisturized serous membrane facilitates the sliding of the viscera relative to each other.

The glands perform a secretory function. As a result of complex synthetic processes, they produce mucus that protects the mucous membrane from injury and the action of secreted enzymes, as well as various biologically active substances and, first of all, enzymes necessary for digestion.

The mucous membrane of the small intestine forms numerous circular folds, thereby increasing the absorption surface of the mucous membrane. The size and number of folds decreases towards the colon. The surface of the mucous membrane is dotted with intestinal villi and crypts (depressions). Villi (4-5 million) 0.5-1.5 mm long carry out parietal digestion and absorption. The villi are outgrowths of the mucous membrane.

In providing the initial stage of digestion, a large role belongs to the processes occurring in the duodenum. On an empty stomach, its contents have a slightly alkaline reaction (pH = 7.2-8.0). When portions of the acidic contents of the stomach pass into the intestine, the reaction of the contents of the duodenum becomes acidic, but then due to the alkaline secretions of the pancreas, small intestine and bile entering the intestine, it becomes neutral. In a neutral environment, gastric enzymes stop acting.

In humans, the pH of the contents of the duodenal ulcer ranges from 4 to 8.5. The higher its acidity, the more pancreatic juice, bile and intestinal secretions are released, the evacuation of stomach contents into the duodenum and its contents into the jejunum slows down. As you move through the duodenum, the food content is mixed with secretions entering the intestine, the enzymes of which, already in the duodenum, hydrolyze nutrients.

Pancreatic juice does not enter the duodenum constantly, but only during meals and for some time after that. The amount of juice, its enzymatic composition and the duration of excretion depend on the quality of the food received. The greatest amount of pancreatic juice is secreted for meat, least of all for fat. 1.5-2.5 liters of juice is released per day at an average rate of 4.7 ml / min.

The duct of the gallbladder opens into the lumen of the duodenum. Bile secretion occurs 5-10 minutes after a meal. Under the influence of bile, all enzymes of the intestinal juice are activated. Bile enhances the motor activity of the intestines, facilitating mixing and movement of food. In the duodenum, 53-63% of carbohydrates and proteins are digested, fats are digested in smaller quantities. In the next section of the digestive tract - the small intestine - further digestion continues, but to a lesser extent than in the duodenum. Basically, the suction process takes place here. The final breakdown of nutrients occurs at the surface of the small intestine, i.e. on the same surface where suction takes place. This breakdown of nutrients is called parietal or contact digestion, in contrast to cavity digestion, which occurs in the cavity of the alimentary canal.

In the small intestine, the most intense absorption occurs 1-2 hours after a meal. The absorption of monosaccharides, alcohol, water and mineral salts occurs not only in the small intestine, but also in the stomach, although to a much lesser extent than in the small intestine.


The large intestine is the final part of the human digestive tract and consists of several sections. Its beginning is considered to be the cecum, at the border of which the small intestine flows into the large intestine with the ascending section.

The large intestine is subdivided into the cecum with the appendix, the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, the sigmoid colon, and the rectum. Its length ranges from 1.5-2 m, its width reaches 7 cm, then the large intestine gradually decreases to 4 cm in the descending colon.

The contents of the small intestine pass into the large intestine through a narrow slit-like opening, which is located almost horizontally. At the confluence of the small intestine into the large intestine, there is a complex anatomical device - a valve equipped with a muscular circular sphincter and two "lips". This valve, which closes the opening, has the form of a funnel, with its narrow part facing the lumen of the cecum. The valve periodically opens, allowing the contents to flow in small portions into the large intestine. With an increase in pressure in the cecum (with stirring and advancement of food), the "lips" of the valve close, and access from the small intestine to the large intestine is terminated. Thus, the valve prevents backflow of the contents of the large intestine into the small intestine. The length and width of the caecum are approximately equal (7-8 cm). A vermiform appendix (appendix) departs from the lower wall of the cecum. Its lymphoid tissue is the structure of the immune system. The cecum passes directly into the ascending colon, then the transverse colon, the descending colon, sigmoid and straight, which ends in the anus (anus). The length of the rectum is 14.5-18.7 cm. In front, the rectum with its wall adjoins in men to the seminal vesicles, vas deferens and the area of ​​the bottom of the bladder lying between them, even lower to the prostate gland, in women the rectum borders in front with the back wall of the vagina along its entire length.

The whole process of digestion in an adult lasts 1-3 days, of which the greatest time is spent on the stay of food debris in the large intestine. Her motility provides a reservoir function - the accumulation of contents, the absorption of a number of substances from it, mainly water, its promotion, the formation of feces and their removal (defecation).

In a healthy person, the food mass 3-3.5 hours after ingestion begins to enter the colon, which is filled within 24 hours and is completely emptied in 48-72 hours.

The large intestine absorbs glucose, vitamins, amino acids produced by bacteria in the intestinal cavity, up to 95% of water and electrolytes.

The content of the cecum makes small and long movements in one direction or the other due to the slow contractions of the intestine. The colon is characterized by several types of contractions: small and large pendulum-like, peristaltic and antiperistaltic, propulsive. The first four types of contractions provide mixing of the contents of the intestine and increase the pressure in its cavity, which helps to thicken the contents by absorbing water. Strong propulsive contractions occur 3-4 times a day and move intestinal contents to the sigmoid colon. The undulating contractions of the sigmoid colon stir the stool into the rectum, the stretching of which causes nerve impulses that are transmitted along the nerves to the center of defecation in the spinal cord. From there, impulses are directed to the anal sphincter. The sphincter relaxes and contracts voluntarily. The center of defecation in children in the first years of life is not controlled by the cerebral cortex.

Microflora in the digestive tract and its function

The large intestine is abundantly populated with microflora. The macroorganism and its microflora constitute a single dynamic system. The dynamism of the endoecological microbial biocenosis of the digestive tract is determined by the number of microorganisms that enter it (in humans, about 1 billion microbes are ingested orally per day), the intensity of their reproduction and death in the digestive tract and the removal of microbes from it in the feces (in humans, normally 10 12-10 14 microorganisms).

Each of the sections of the digestive tract has a characteristic number and set of microorganisms. Their number in the oral cavity, despite the bactericidal properties of saliva, is large (I0 7 -10 8 per 1 ml of oral fluid). The contents of the stomach of a healthy person on an empty stomach are often sterile due to the bactericidal properties of pancreatic juice. In the contents of the colon, the number of bacteria is maximum, and 1 g of feces of a healthy person contains 10 billion or more microorganisms.

The composition and number of microorganisms in the digestive tract depends on endogenous and exogenous factors. The first includes the influence of the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, its secretions, motility and the microorganisms themselves. The second - the nature of the diet, environmental factors, taking antibacterial drugs. Exogenous factors influence directly and indirectly through endogenous factors. For example, the intake of a particular food changes the secretory and motor activity of the digestive tract, which forms its microflora.

Normal microflora - eubiosis - performs a number of important functions for the macroorganism. Its participation in the formation of the immunobiological reactivity of the organism is extremely important. Eubiosis protects macroorganism from the introduction and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in it. Disruption of the normal microflora during illness or as a result of prolonged administration of antibacterial drugs often entails complications caused by the rapid multiplication in the intestines of yeast, staphylococcus, proteus and other microorganisms.

The intestinal microflora synthesizes vitamins K and group B, which partially cover the body's need for them. The microflora also synthesizes other substances important for the body.

Bacterial enzymes break down cellulose, hemicellulose and pectins undigested in the small intestine, and the resulting products are absorbed from the intestine and are included in the body's metabolism.

Thus, the normal intestinal microflora not only participates in the final link of digestive processes and carries a protective function, but from dietary fiber (plant material indigestible by the body - cellulose, pectin, etc.) produces a number of important vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, hormones, etc. other nutrients.

Some authors highlight the heat-generating, energy-generating and stimulating functions of the large intestine. In particular, G.P. Malakhov notes that microorganisms living in the large intestine, during their development, release energy in the form of heat, which heats the venous blood and adjacent internal organs. And it is formed in the intestine during the day, according to various sources, from 10-20 billion to 17 trillion microbes.

Like all living things, microbes have a glow around them - bioplasm, which charges water and electrolytes absorbed in the large intestine. It is known that electrolytes are among the best accumulators and energy carriers. These energy-rich electrolytes, along with the flow of blood and lymph, are carried throughout the body and give their high energy potential to all cells of the body.

Our body has special systems that are stimulated by various influences of the external environment. By means of mechanical irritation of the sole of the foot, all vital organs are stimulated; by means of sound vibrations, special zones on the auricle associated with the entire body are stimulated, light stimuli through the iris of the eye also stimulate the entire body and diagnostics are carried out along the iris, and there are certain areas on the skin that are associated with internal organs, the so-called Zakharyin zones - Geza.

The large intestine has a special system through which it stimulates the entire body. Each section of the large intestine stimulates a separate organ. When the intestinal diverticulum is filled with food gruel, microorganisms begin to proliferate in it, releasing energy in the form of bioplasma, which stimulates this area, and through it on the organ associated with this area. If this area is clogged with fecal stones, then there is no stimulation, and the function of this organ slowly begins to fade, then the development of a specific pathology. Especially often, fecal deposits are formed in the folds of the large intestine, where the movement of fecal masses slows down (the place of transition of the small intestine into the large, ascending bend, descending bend, bend of the sigmoid colon). The place of transition of the small intestine to the large one stimulates the nasopharyngeal mucosa; ascending bend - thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, gallbladder; descending - bronchi, spleen, pancreas, bends of the sigmoid colon - ovaries, bladder, genitals.

In our bank, all payments are made with the newest, never folded pieces of paper with even, unbent corners. You can even bring your second or third freshness notes - we will gladly exchange them for new ones at the rate of 1 new to 1.247 old ones (of course, of the same denomination);
There are absolutely no mice in our bank;
On the third floor of our head office, next to the men's room, there is a coffee machine that brews the most delicious coffee in the entire building;
In each bank pack of bills, we usually insert one, 101st bill, with a denomination of 0 rubles. This is our modest gift and memorable souvenir to all users of the bank. By the way, you can buy a bank package of 0-ruble bills from us for 5000 rubles. A very hot product, popular with practical jokes lovers;
All the operators of our bank have artificial teeth, but if I had not said this, no one would have ever guessed;
In the foyers of all our offices, you can see playgrounds for adults who suddenly decided to feel like children;
The head of our bank's board of trustees is a latent homosexual; we have been expecting him to come out for five years now. There is a legend among the bank's employees: on the day this happens, the silver cockerel on the spire of the bank church will come to life and fly to Israel;
The salivary secretions of our bank employees, from the CEO to the cleaning lady, have the ability to heal wounds. The longer the employee's work experience, the more revitalizing his saliva;
The strong Chinese accent of our employees is a kind of distinctive mark, a trademark of our bank, which has nothing to do with the real nationality and language practice of employees. Everyone who applies for a job at our bank takes a three-week course in instilling a Chinese accent;
Our bank tolerates the sanitary and well-maintained condition of our clients' underwear. Our motto is: "We are glad to everyone, regardless of the condition of the underpants of our visitors."

  • December 23rd, 2018, 03:06 pm

We are involved in a world of lack of spirituality, everywhere there are traces of the disintegration of the moral foundations of society. One has only to listen to the speech of the people around us: dirty words, curses, vulgar phrases, grease, philistine abomination. From this involuntarily our teeth whine, it turns us away from the joy of creation, it extinguishes in us the glimpses of creative activity. But there is a way out: a compact and easy-to-use filter that "cleans" all the aforementioned defects from your audio environment. You simply do not hear them, thanks to which you maintain a pleasant tone of spirit and an even, benevolent attitude úrbi et órbi. With the purchase of two audiofilters, you get another innovation as a gift: the "Angel's Armpits" nasal inserts odorizing the air you breathe in exactly accordance with the name.
With extraordinary cynicism, from morning to evening, the same vile maxim is instilled in us: "Everything is bought, everything is sold." In a world of insatiable profit, in a world where even a simple human smile turns into a marketing ploy in order to sell stale goods, it is very difficult for a person with a pure heart and noble aspirations to live. Such a person, finding himself in an alien and inhospitable stone jungle, experiences a constant oppressive feeling of alienness, abandonment, uncool. But there is a way out: a five-day psycho-role marathon "Let the Lamb devour the wolf", where those very people with a pure heart and noble aspirations will be able to win their place in the godless Sin City and establish themselves there forever. Those who purchase the full package of proposals for the marathon-seminar will receive a ruby ​​whistle as a gift, scaring away the demons of profit.
Everyone lies to us: parents, teachers, politicians, the media, clergymen, friends, wives, husbands, mistresses, lovers, children. We are stuck in the tight net of untruth, which does not allow us to lift a finger without lying ourselves. They lie to us for the sake of self-interest, they lie for the sake of strengthening power, for the sake of personal peace of mind, in order to avoid punishment, so as not to be caught in a lie, in order to force us to lie in return, and just like that, for the sake of courage. If one fine day each of us knew the whole truth, we would not be horrified, we would have suffered the fate of Lot's wife. But there is a way out: a compact and easy-to-use screening-transforming gadget "Lie ©" (Russian transcription - "Laiko"). This device has a binary function: firstly, it does not allow you to find out the truth that traumatizes you, and secondly, in this way it transforms false messages so that they fit perfectly into your reality, at once turning into a semblance of truth. Those who purchase Lie © gadgets for their entire family will receive a set of Ken and Barbie in Hell dolls as a gift.

  • November 28th, 2018, 09:05 pm

"Mashuk: stay alive." Mount Mashuk, the place of the duel between Lermontov and Martynov. You are Lermontov. Martynov is more than serious. Do your best to save your life.

"Pushkin's List". There is a well-known quote from Pushkin from a letter to V.F. Vyazemskaya (1830): "My marriage to Natalie (this, I note in parentheses, my one hundred and thirteenth love) has been resolved" (Mon mariage avec Natalie (qui par parenthèse est mon cent-treizième amour) est décidé). Based on this, it is obvious that there are 113 cards in the game: successively seduce 112 persons and enter into a deathmatch with Natalia Nikolavna.


  • November 24th, 2018, 08:06 pm

The press center of JSC Russian Railways announces a qualitatively new type of passenger service, which the company is going to introduce in the next six months. We are talking about a package of services "Seven days" based on trains "Russia" on the route Moscow - Vladivostok.

The essence of the service is extremely simple: passengers who purchase tickets for these trains in advance (at least a month in advance) have the opportunity to conclude a temporary marriage and spend seven days traveling in cozy family carriages with their chosen one (chosen one). The entire length of the path is thus divided into seven stages: 1. Honey day; 2. First disagreements; 3. Reconciliation-lapping; 4. New joys and new disappointments; 5. Indifference and apathy; 6. The last splash, the last hope; 7. Divorce, arrival at the terminal station.

At the request of passengers, the above seven stages can be changed, expanded, supplemented, that is, adjusted in any possible way. Material, legal, emotional support of a temporary marriage falls on the shoulders of the service personnel - both familiar guides and professional animators, psychologists, lawyers and a friendly security team.

Marriages are concluded quite officially, but within the framework of the legal responsibility of Russian Railways, that is, the marriage is valid only on the basis of the rolling stock and only during the movement of the train through the territory of the Russian Federation.

An unforgettable atmosphere, a romantic adventure, a lively human experience, a fountain of passion, a clash of characters, psychodrama, novelty of sensations, a test of fidelity, a feast for erotic gourmets - this is an incomplete list of what a passenger gets by purchasing the "Seven Days" service package.


  • October 24th, 2018, 11:34 pm

Scanty, insatiable.
I remember my parents hid everything from me when my birthday. In order not to spend money on gifts and avoid other expenses. Only by the fact that I was not fed that day and was locked in the underground until nightfall, by the age of twenty I guessed that the day was not an easy day, a day with a meaning.
Underwear, whoever had it, was worn only on major holidays and over trousers - they say, here we are, not made with a finger, we have underwear. And if it is with lace, then the whole district is envy.

  • September 4th, 2018, 11:15 am

Intermittent fasting is considered an ancient health secret as it has been practiced throughout human history. It was also considered a secret because this powerful habit was all but forgotten. But now many are rediscovering the dietary effects of IG. Fasting can be hugely beneficial when done right: losing weight, stopping type 2 diabetes, increasing energy, and more.

We asked the great IS guru, Dr. Jason Fang, to prepare this beginner's guide so you can learn whatever you want to know about it.

Is intermittent fasting (fasting) literally hunger or not?

No. Fasting differs from hunger in one significant way. Control. Hunger is a forced lack of food. It is not considered a deliberate or controlled act. On the other hand, fasting is a voluntary abstinence from food for the sake of spiritual improvement, health, or for other reasons.

Food is readily available, but you decided do not eat it. This can be any period of time, from several hours to several days or even weeks in a row. You can start the post at any time of your choice, and you can end it as well. You can start or stop fasting for any reason or no reason.

Fasting does not have a standard duration, as it is simply not eating. Anytime you are not eating, you are fasting. For example, you can fast between dinner and breakfast the next day, for about 12-14 hours. In this sense, fasting should be seen as part of daily life.

Consider the term “break fast”. This word for breakfast refers to food that ruins your fast, which is done daily. Thus, the English language implicitly recognizes that fasting should be done daily, even for a short time.

Fasting is not something strange and outlandish, but a part of everyday, normal life. This is perhaps the oldest and most powerful diet therapy method imaginable. However, we somehow forgot its amazing power and ignored the therapeutic potential of IS.

Learning how to fast is a good way for us to decide whether to use it or not.

How does IS work?

At its core, fasting simply allows the body to burn excess fat. It is important to understand that this is normal and people have evolved to fast without harmful health effects. Fat is simply energy from food that is stored in reserve. If you don't eat anything, the body will simply “eat” its own fat for energy.

Life is in balance. The good and the bad. Yin and Yang. The same applies to food and fasting. Fasting is, after all, just the flip side of food. If you are not eating, you are fasting. This is how it works:

When we eat, more energy from food enters the human body than can be used immediately. Some of this energy must be stored for later use. Insulin is a key hormone involved in storing energy from food.

Insulin rises when we eat, helping to store excess energy in two different ways. Sugar can be bound in long chains called glycogen and then stored in the liver. However, storage space is limited, and once all reserves are full, the liver starts converting excess glucose into fat. This process is called De-Novo Lipogenesis (literally means Re-Creation of Fat).

Some of this newly created fat is stored in the liver, but most is exported to other fat stores in the body. Although this is a more complex process, there is no limit to the amount of fat that can be created. Thus, two additional systems for storing food energy exist in our body. One of the systems is easily accessible but with limited storage space (glycogen), while the other is much more difficult to access but has unlimited storage space (fat).

The process goes in the opposite direction when we do not eat (fast). Insulin levels drop, signaling the body to start burning stored energy as it is no longer available from food. Blood glucose is dropping, so the body must now pull the glucose out of storage in order to burn it for energy.

Glycogen is the most readily available source of energy. It breaks down into glucose molecules to provide energy for other cells. It can provide enough energy to the body for 24-36 hours. After that, the body will begin to burn fat for energy.

So, the body exists only in two states - full (high insulin) and fasting (low insulin). We either store food energy or burn it. Either one or the other. If food and fasting are in balance, then we will not gain weight.

If we start eating right after we roll out of bed and don't stop until we go to bed, we spend most of our time in a well-fed state. Over time, we gain weight because did not give our body time to burn energy from food.

To restore balance or lose weight, we simply need to increase the amount of time during which we burn energy from food (fasting). Basically, fasting allows the body to use up all of its stored energy. At the end of the day, this is what suits us. It's important to understand that there is nothing wrong with fasting. Fasting exists because our body is designed for it. This is how dogs, cats, lions and bears live. This is how people live.

If you eat consistently, as is often recommended, then the body will simply use the incoming energy from food and will never burn fat. You only accumulate it. The body will store fat even when there is nothing to eat. You lack balance. There is not enough post.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting?

The most obvious benefit of IG is weight loss. However, there are many benefits beyond this, many of which were widely recognized in antiquity.

Fasting periods are often referred to as "cleansing," "detoxification," or "cleansing," but the idea is the same - to abstain from food for a certain period of time to improve health. People think that this fasting time will cleanse their organ systems of toxins and rejuvenate them.

Some of the purported health benefits of fasting include:

  • Increased energy
  • Preventing Alzheimer's Disease (Potentially)
  • Increased longevity (potentially)
  • (potentially) by inducing autophagy (a discovery for which the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded in 2016)
  • Reducing inflammation

Other benefits

Fasting offers many important unique benefits that are not available in conventional diets. Diet tends to make life difficult, and fasting makes life easier. Diet costs a lot of money, and fasting is inherently free. Dieting can take a while, and fasting is a time-saver. The diet has limitations, fasting is available anywhere. Diet has different effectiveness, while fasting has undeniable effectiveness. There is no more powerful method for lowering insulin levels and losing weight.

Types of intermittent fasting

Short post (<24ч)

IG offers endless flexibility. You can starve as long or not as long as you like, but here are some popular schemes. As a rule, shorter posts are posted more often.

16: 8

This post includes a daily fast for 16 hours. It is sometimes referred to as the "food 8 hour window." You eat for 8 hours and fast for the remaining 16 hours. Typically, this is done daily or almost every day.

For example, you allow yourself to eat during 11:00 and 19:00 pm. Typically, this means skipping breakfast and eating two or three meals a day during that 8 hour period.

20: 4

The scheme includes a 4-hour food window and a 20-hour fast. For example, you eat between 2 and 6 pm every day and fast for the remaining 20 hours. As a rule, it is assumed either one large meal or two smaller meals during this period.

Longer posts (> 24 hours)

24 hour posts

The scheme includes fasting from dinner to dinner (or from lunch to lunch). If you ate dinner on day 1, you skip breakfast and lunch the next day, and eat dinner again on day 2. This means that you still eat daily, but only once during the day. Typically, this fast is done two to three times a week.

5: 2

Dr. Michael Mosley popularized this variation in his book The Fast Diet. It includes 5 regular days of eating and 2 days of fasting. However, during those two days of fasting, you are allowed to eat 500 calories each day. These calories can be consumed at any time during the day - either stretched out for the whole day or as a single meal.

36 hour posts

The scheme includes fasting throughout the day. For example, if you ate dinner on day 1, then fast for the entire day 2 and do not eat until breakfast on day 3. This usually equates to 36 hours of fasting. Fasting like this provides a more powerful weight loss benefit. Another benefit is that he avoids the temptation to overeat at dinner on Day 2.

Advanced post

You can fast almost indefinitely. Generally, for fasts longer than 48 hours, I recommend taking a multivitamin to avoid micronutrient deficiencies. The world record for such a post is 382 days, so it is certainly possible to be on the extended version for 7-14 days.

Frequently asked questions about fasting:

  1. Who Shouldn't Starve?

You should not fast if you:

  • Are underweight (BMI<18,5)
  • Pregnant: You need extra nutrients for your baby.
  • Are breastfeeding: you need additional nutrients for your baby.
  • If you are a child under 18, you need additional nutrients to grow.

You can fast, but you may need medical supervision, under the following conditions:

  • If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
  • If you are taking medications with a doctor's prescription.
  • If you have gout or high uric acid levels.
  1. Am I going to fast because of fasting?

No. This is the most common myth about fasting. In fact, the opposite is true. Research strongly suggests that fasting increases a person's base metabolic rate.

  1. Can I Exercise While Fasting?

Yes. You should continue all of your normal activities, including physical activity, while fasting. You do not need food to provide energy for exercise, as during this time the body will burn fat for energy. And that's great!

  1. What are the possible side effects?

There can be a number of possible unpleasant side effects. Here's what to do if you run into them:

  • Constipation is common. Less food consumed means less bowel movements. You do not need medication if you are not uncomfortable. Standard laxatives may help.
  • Headaches can occur, but usually they disappear after the first attempts of fasting. Taking an extra dose of salt can often help alleviate this side effect.
  • Mineral water can help if your stomach makes itself felt a lot.
  • Other possible side effects include dizziness, heartburn, and muscle cramps.
  • A more serious side effect is re-feeding syndrome. Fortunately, this rarely happens and usually only happens with extended posts (5 days or more).
  1. Why does my blood sugar rise while fasting?

This is due to the hormonal changes that occur during fasting. Your body produces sugar in order to provide energy for your system. This is a change in the phenomenon of "morning dawn" (an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood in the morning).

  1. How to manage hunger?

The most important thing is to understand that hunger comes like a wave. Most people fear that hunger will increase until it becomes unbearable, but this does not happen. Instead, hunger comes in waves. If you just ignore it and have a cup of tea or coffee, it will go away.

During prolonged fasting, hunger often increases on the second day. After that, he gradually retreats; and many report a complete loss of hunger for 3-4 days. Your body is now eating off fat. In essence, the body eats its own fat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so you no longer feel hungry.

  1. Does fasting burn muscle?

No. During fasting, the first thing your body does is break down glycogen to glucose for energy. The body then increases the breakdown of fat for energy. Excess amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) are also used for energy, but the body does not burn its own muscles for fuel.

It takes a lot of imagination to imagine that our bodies are storing energy so carefully in the form of glycogen and fat, only in order to burn muscle mass when necessary.

Fasting has been practiced for thousands of years without difficulty. In my experience, out of over 1000 patients on various fasting regimens, none reported significant muscle loss.

  1. What are your top tips for IS?

Here are nine of the best tips, in a nutshell:

  • Drink water
  • Stay busy
  • Drink coffee or tea
  • Wait out waves of hunger
  • Don't tell those who don't support you that you are fasting.
  • Give yourself one month
  • Stick to between fasting periods. It will reduce hunger and make fasting much easier. It can also increase the effects of weight loss and relief from type 2 diabetes, etc.
  • Don't overeat after fasting
  1. How do I break a fast?

Carefully. The longer you fast, the more carefully you must come out of it. For short-term fasting, too large meals after IG (a mistake that everyone, including myself, did), as a rule, gives pain and heaviness in the abdomen. But this is not a very serious problem, people quickly learn to eat as normal as possible after fasting.

  1. Isn't breakfast every morning a sacred meal?

No, it’s not like that. This old misconception is based on speculation and statistics and does not stand up to fact. Skipping your morning meal just gives your body more time to burn fat for energy. Since hunger is usually lowest in the morning, it is often easy to skip breakfast and stop fasting later in the day.

  1. Can women fast?

Undoubtedly. The only exceptions are women who are underweight, pregnant or breastfeeding. Other than that, there is no particular reason for them not to try. Women have problems during fasting, but the same problems as men. Sometimes women don't get the results they want, but this happens to men too.

Women have fasted for thousands of years without much incident. Research shows that the average weight loss for women and men in fasting is the same.

  1. Is fasting the same as cutting calories?

Absolutely not. Fasting reduces the time spent eating and addresses the issue of "when to eat." Calorie reduction addresses the question of "what to eat." These are separate questions and should not be confused with each other.

Fasting does reduce calories, but its benefits extend far beyond that.

  1. Can I lose weight?

Indisputably. It's almost inconceivable that you won't lose weight if you don't eat.

I call the post “The Ancient Weight Loss Secret” as it is one of the most powerful dietary interventions for weight loss, however it has been almost completely forgotten in recent years.

How to start an IG?

Now that you know everything you need to do to fast successfully, where do we start? Just follow these steps:

  • Decide what type of post you will be using.
  • Decide how long you will fast.
  • Start post. If you are not feeling very well, or if there are any problems, then stop and seek help.
  • Continue your normal activities without food. Keep busy and live as usual. Imagine that your body is eating a delicious lunch from its own fat reserves.
  • Stop fasting gently.
  • Repeat.

Yes. It really is that simple.

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