Home Roses Longest freight train. The longest train in the world. Australia and large trains based there

Longest freight train. The longest train in the world. Australia and large trains based there

Railway trains rush along the steel roads of our planet around the clock. Statisticians estimate that about 20 billion passengers and more than 10,000 billion tons of cargo are transported every year around the world. If we add together the length of all the distances covered in a year, then the sum will be equal to 66 million turns around the Earth. But these are not all the feats that technology and human thought are capable of. If the three leaders in terms of the length of railway lines include the United States, China and Russia, then other countries are also competing for the victory in the nomination "the longest train in the world".

Record holders from Africa and China

An attempt to assemble a heavy-duty and roomy freight train was made in 1991 in South Africa. 660 carriages were attached to several locomotives, the distance from head to tail of a railway train intended for transporting iron ore was 7.2 kilometers. It is reported that the giant made only one voyage, after which it was dismantled.

The industrious Chinese people did not pursue the breadth of scale, content with more modest results. But on the other hand, the longest railway train of 210 runs along the roads of the Celestial Empire, with a length of 3 kilometers along with locomotives and a capacity of 20,000 tons. Designed for the transportation of coal and building materials.

Competition between the USA and Russia

In the United States, the largest train is the 5.6 km train owned by Union Pacific. However, this was just an experimental assembly, created in 2010 with the aim of testing the power of the new locomotives. The train, which made one trip from Dallas to Long Beach, was soon split into several parts.

But in the Soviet Union in the 80s a freight train with 439 wagons carrying 43.5 thousand tons of coal moved along the roads of Kuzbass. The length of this railway colossus was 6.5 kilometers, which significantly reduced the speed of movement in comparison with conventional trains.

Australian giants

The Green Continent also boasts one of the longest rolling stock in the world, owned by mining company Rio Tinto. The train is used to transport iron ore, while carrying 29,500 tons of cargo. To set the colossus in motion behind the wagons with a total length of 2.4 km, three powerful locomotives are attached, which push the train in front of them.

Another record is held by Australian mining company BHP Billiton. A railway train of 365 wagons is operated here, with a length of 3.2 kilometers, capable of transporting up to 44,500 tons of cargo in one trip. It takes six to eight locomotives to budge a giant. However, this is not the longest train in the world.

Giant from Mauritania

The title of "the longest freight train" rightfully belongs to the railway train moving along the monorail in the Republic of Mauritania, which is located in West Africa. Part of the 700 km route passes through the sands of the Sahara Desert. From the starting station to the final point, the train moves for 21 hours.

The total length of two hundred carriages, driven by four locomotives, reaches 2.5 km. Sometimes 10 more cars are attached to the train, due to which its length is increased by another 300 meters. The train is used to transport coal and oil tanks. There are also carriages for passengers. But the local population, not wanting to pay the fare, mostly travels in freight containers, which is absolutely free and does not contradict the laws of the country.

Super-spacious trains for travel enthusiasts

The longest, with 70 wagons, 1.6 km long, belonged to the Belgian National Railway Company. The train made one trip between the cities of Ghent and Ostend, covering a distance of just over six kilometers. It was a one-time charity event, all proceeds from which went to the foundation of a research institute dealing with the problems of oncology. The record was set in 1991, and reports of the unusual train's journey were broadcast live on Belgian television.

The longest passenger train operating today is the Ghan, which connects several Australian cities. Usually 16-26 wagons are attached to a locomotive, but sometimes their total number can reach 99, which increases the length of the train to 1.2 kilometers. This giant spends more than two days on the way, the length of the route is about 3000 km.

The Russian "Sapsan", cruising on the route Moscow - St. Petersburg, also won its small victory. In 2014, the length of a double bundle of 20 wagons was measured. The figure of 500.2 m allowed "Sapsan" to receive the nomination "The longest train in the world among high-speed rolling stock".

The absolute leader among the dignified brethren

Most of the great advances in rail travel come from Australia. Mining company BHP launched the longest train in the world in 2001, linking the Yandi mine to Port Hedland in the western part of the Green Continent. The train, with 682 wagons stretching for 7.3 kilometers, contained about 181 million pounds of iron ore.

The total weight of the loaded giant reached 99.734 tons. It was propelled along a route of 275 km by eight General Electric AC6000CW locomotives with a capacity of 6,000 hp. with. each.

Today this record has not been broken by anyone. But it is quite possible that in the near future, somewhere in the world, the wheels of a new super-train will knock on the rails.

At various times, they drove through the deserts of Mauritania on the legendary train with iron ore - the longest freight train in the world.

The train route stretched for 650 kilometers along the border with Western Sahara. It connects the port of Nouadhibou with the mining town of Zouerat. The railway was built in 1963, after Mauritania gained independence. Now it is the main economic artery of the country.

Juodele had already visited the country just for the trip on this train in 2013, and in 2016 he returned to shoot with better equipment. According to him, the train was the only reason for his return to Mauritania.

The line opened in 1963 and is a rare railroad in Africa, built after independence and not by colonialists. It is owned by SNIM (Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière), says travel blogger Georgy Krasnikov: “Despite the fact that Mauritania is not a country spoiled by attractions, this train is its real treasure. He is even depicted on the five thousandth bill. "

“Since there is no road connection between Nouadhibou and Zouerat,” says photographer Mykolas Juodele, “people with their belongings and livestock are allowed to travel free of charge in the freight cars of the train. For some Mauritanian men, transporting food and sheep is a full-time job. They travel between the mines and the port several times a week, withstanding 16 hours of travel through sandstorms, extremely hot days and cold nights. "

“There are four or five trains with empty freight hopper cars from Nouadhibou to Zouerat a day. They return back loaded with ore. A passenger carriage is hooked to one of the trains. The train does not have a clear timetable, usually a train with a passenger carriage leaves at 15-16 or 19-20 hours. Nobody ever knows the real time of departure and will not tell you, ”writes Georgy. Passenger cars are attached to some trains. The fare for them costs 2,500 ouguiyas (about 6 euros). At the same time, according to Krasnikov, railway workers themselves advise passengers to travel in freight cars free of charge.

Krasnikov says that the situation in passenger cars is not too different from that of freight cars. “Think back to the worst train you've ever traveled and imagine it was a deluxe suite,” the blogger writes. In the past, the standard European six-seater coupes were badly broken, the windows were boarded up, and small loopholes remained in their place. The toilet door in the carriage where Krasnikov was traveling,
was just broken.

Passengers sit down completely arbitrarily: whoever had time got the best seat. The blogger says that those who managed to get on the car before everyone else hold seats for their friends and relatives. Some sit right on the floor in the hallways. Luggage is loaded through the windows.

The train stops in the town of Shum, where most of the foreign travelers get off. Counts. that due to the danger of a further route (the road passes through a section of Western Sahara controlled by the POLISARIO military organization), foreigners are not allowed further. In fact, Krasnikov writes, there is simply no one to check the trains in Shum, so anyone can get to Zouerat.

Juodele recalls the tension and excitement of waiting to board the train in Nouadhibou: “As I walk on the rails, the wind blows sand so hard that it hurts my bare legs and shoulders. This will continue until a group of young Mauritanians invites me to go with them. Some of them speak English. I could not even dream of being on the best travel companions. "

“The ground vibrates underfoot as three 190-ton locomotives pulling a chain of 220 wagons pass the station. My companions, cheerful and relaxed a moment ago, are now desperately loading goods into one of the empty carriages. I join the work when the time to load vegetable and soda boxes starts to run out. ”

“I share a freight car with a group of 20-year-olds. Sayid, who looks like he stepped off a Hollywood movie poster, is in charge. We move only at his request. Another guy, wrapped in a blue scarf, says that they intend to return to Nouadhiba on Thursday, and on Saturday they will go to Zouerate again. “We're freelancers just like you,” says another, pointing to my camera. They understand that I'm here to shoot and they don't mind. I am invited for another cup of strong Moorish tea. The sun sets early, and soon we are driving under the starry sky. "

“The train slows down as it passes through the city of Inal. One of the guys jumps out of the car to fill a bucket with sand for the hearth, and then runs after the train and jumps back in. My fellow travelers share rice and lamb with me. Soon we are all crawling into our sleeping bags and doing our best to fall asleep on the hard metal floor while the train wheels clatter and squeal underneath. "

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When we were young children, we were always amazed at the large train traveling in a given direction. But even after a while, we have something to be surprised at! Today we want to introduce you to an unusual train that amazes with its gigantic composition! This is the longest train in the world, which rightfully got into the Guinness Book of Records!

The largest train in the world

Welcome to Australia! BHP Iron Ore designed this heavyweight to transport iron ore. The largest freight train in the world with a length of 7 350 meters. More than seven kilometers! Can you imagine how long you have to wait at a railway crossing? The train weighed 99,735 tons, and the train contained 682 wagons!

To get this many railroad cars moving, General Electric has individually designed eight locomotives. It should be added that this "baby" transported about 82 thousand tons of iron ore.

The creators of the longest record-breaking train intelligently optimized traction and braking power. They installed diesel locomotives along the entire length of the train - two single and three pairs. Thanks to this scheme, the trains moved smoothly along the rails.

But not only in Australia such giants existed and still exist! There was also a huge train in Russia, consisting of 439 wagons. It was back in 1986. Its length was 6,500 meters, and its weight was 43.5 thousand tons. This handsome man transported coal from Kuzbass.

Free movement between cities, countries and continents has always been the main priority of humanity. Since ancient times, caravans of merchants with various products have crossed borders of countries and entire continents. In the future, for greater accessibility, freedom and speed of movement, people were transferred from horses to rail transport. At first it was trains, then science moved on, and the Wright brothers invented the airplane. But the train has always been and is the most widespread and mass mode of transport, not only for transporting passengers, but also for transporting goods.

Over time, railway transport has improved more and more, first, steam-powered locomotives (steam locomotive) were created, then more advanced machines with internal combustion engines came to replace them, and then an electric train operating only on electric energy. At the moment, the latest technology is magnetic levitation formulations. With the need to transport more passengers and cargo, echelons became more and more long, the length of which sometimes reached colossal dimensions.

Trains of the world

The fastest, most powerful and longest trains:

  • The most powerful and fastest train in the world using rails is the TGV POS from France. Its maximum speed is 574 kilometers per hour;

French rail record holder TGV POS

  • Fastest hover train- French Aerotrain 180, the maximum speed of which is 430 kilometers per hour;
  • Fastest steam locomotive- British Mallard "Wild Duck" was able to reach a speed of 202.7 kilometers per hour;
  • Fastest jet- American M-497 accelerated to 296 kilometers per hour, jet engines were installed on the roof;
  • Longest passenger train in the world, it is also the heaviest and tallest: in Belgium in 1991, with the help of a traction electric carriage, a train with a length of almost 1,733 meters was assembled, consisting of 70 passenger cars. The weight of the train was 2786 tons;
  • Longest passenger train ride- Moscow (Russia) - Pyongyang (North Korea). The distance is 10,215 kilometers;
  • Longest train route- Kharkov-Vladivostok, the length of the route is 9715 kilometers;
  • Longest product line- Australian carrier of iron ore, train 7353 meters long, assembled from 682 wagons;
  • Longest passenger-freight train- Moorish, its length is more than 3 thousand meters. Mostly freight cars for transporting ore, but there are several passenger cars.

Record holders from China and Africa

Chinese and African representatives of railway transport are famous for their records and anti-records.


For example, in the Middle Kingdom on February 21, 2018, passenger rail transportation set a record for passengers carried per day, their number exceeded 12.1 million. This amount is 1.5 million more than in the previous year. This happens on the Spring Festival.

The СRRС company is developing a magnet locomotive, the maximum speed of which can reach 600 kilometers per hour, the project is planned to be completed in 2020. The trial train will be put on the rails in 2019. This record holder will be able to travel from Beijing to Shanghai in 2 hours. It will move on a magnetic cushion, which reduces friction on the roadway to a minimum.

The Beijing subway holds the record for the number of passengers carried.


Africa's largest train in the world is in Mauritania, will be discussed separately.

The most luxurious train in the world runs in South Africa. The route runs from Cape Town to Pretoria, its length is 1600 kilometers.

The most luxurious train in the world from South Africa

Powerful trains of the USA and Russia


  • Fastest train running on rails: diesel locomotive TEP80-002 in 1993 accelerated to 271 kilometers per hour;
  • Fastest steam locomotive reached 170 kilometers per hour in 1938 on the section between the cities of Likhoslavl and Kalinin;
  • Electric train "Sapsan" accelerated to 250 kilometers per hour on the section between Moscow and St. Petersburg. This happened in 2011.
  • The longest passenger train. In 1988, a train consisting of 32 passenger cars followed from Moscow. The average train length was 845 meters;
  • Longest and heaviest line-up carrying goods. In 1986, a train of 439 wagons traveling from Ekibastuz transported more than 43 thousand tons. The length of the train was 6.5 thousand meters.


  • Union Pacific company launched a test train in 2010 to test the power of its newly developed locomotive. Its length was 5.6 kilometers. The record holder was heading from Dallas to Long Beach.
  • Steam locomotive "Antelope" in 1848 he reached a speed of more than 96 kilometers per hour, which then became a record. At that time, it was the most powerful train, not only in the United States, but also in the world.

Australia and large trains based there

Australia has at its disposal the longest train used for the transport of goods. Directly owned by the metallurgical giant Rio Tinto. Used to transport ores, it can transport about 30 thousand tons of cargo. All this cargo is moved by as many as three locomotives, fixed in series. The length of the train is 2.5 kilometers.

The same company was one of the first in the world to test an unmanned railway cargo mobile mechanism. The name of the project is Auto Haul. Such a project is being developed to save money, since there is no need for drivers, their wages, stops for the night and meals. The train could become the world's first unmanned train.

VNP Billiton owns a 3.3-kilometer-long railway vehicle consisting of 365 wagons carrying iron ore. Used to propel this colossus as many as 6-8 locomotives. This length is the longest freight freight car in Australia.

The world's longest goods-passenger train from Mauritania

Mauritania is famous for its long trains, which mainly carry ore from the mining mines to the port city of Nouadhibou. The line is owned by the country's State Mining Company.

On a note. Only very large lengths are used on the line, the minimum length of which starts at 2.5 kilometers. Several diesel locomotives of the American company General Motors are carrying such a commodity, the weight of which reaches 40 thousand tons.

Such a powerful train usually includes 170-180 wagons. One of these giants, Guinness, entered his book of records:

  • it railway echelon, consisting of two hundred wagons and a length of about 2.8 kilometers... It transports coal and oil to the port city from mining mines. It has several carriages for passengers and staff, therefore it is considered a cargo-passenger one. However, due to poverty, the local population cannot buy tickets for this train and travels in ordinary freight cars.

Record-longest Moorish cargo-passenger train

Large-capacity trains for travelers

The longest passenger train in the world, and at the same time the most massive, was launched in Belgium in 1991 with the help of an electric traction apparatus. There was assembled a train with a length of almost 1,733 meters, consisting of 70 passenger cars, with a total weight of 2,786 tons. However, it was just a charitable test trip for the medical science institute.

Note! Today, the first line among the longest and most capacious trains is occupied by a train called Ghan. It operates in Australia. Its length is from 16 to 26 cars.

During holidays and weekends, a large number of cars are attached to it, and then their number is about 100. The length of the train in this state is 1.3 kilometers. It covers more than 3 thousand kilometers in two days.

Longest line-up in existence

The first line in the ranking of the top - longest railway convoys is occupied by the property of the BHP company from Australia. There, in 2001, the company created a giant 7.3 km long and consisting of more than 630 cars. As many as 8 locomotives from the American company General Electric were used to propel it.

Important! The considered trains are the longest record holders to date. However, with the development of passenger and cargo transportation, trains also develop.

Every country and company strives to create an ever larger and faster train for the greatest benefit and lowest cost. At the moment, you can already find projects of unmanned and environmentally friendly locomotives, and this is not the limit.

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