Home Roses Soviet ufo. The most striking cases of the appearance of UFOs in the USSR. The participation of the military and the ussr in the program for the study of the ufo phenomenon in the ussr

Soviet ufo. The most striking cases of the appearance of UFOs in the USSR. The participation of the military and the ussr in the program for the study of the ufo phenomenon in the ussr

You can often read that all the post-war achievements of the United States in the field of advanced technology and technology are directly related to aliens. In other words, borrowed from them, created on the basis of what was found on the victims of accidents or downed UFOs. It turns out that our military and scientists do not lag behind foreign ones when there is an opportunity to “profit” from alien technologies. However, as you understand, in Soviet times everything related to UFOs went under the heading “Sov. secret "and therefore it is difficult to compile a consistent chronicle of the crashes of alien technology on the territory of our country.

When you are going to talk about the wrecks of alien ships on our planet, the thought immediately comes to mind about the famous science fiction novel by the world famous American writer Andre Norton "Sargassos in Space". Its heroes are galactic traders, for whom everything is a commodity, even entire planets. Here is one such planet, cut by the scars of the terrible war waged on it by the Forerunners, a long-vanished powerful interstellar race, they acquire. They buy because they hope to find samples of Forerunner technology and, by selling them to the government or galactic monopolies, become rich. Fate allows them to draw a lucky card from the deck: they end up on a planet, inside which is hidden a giant machine still working. It creates a powerful gravitational field and attracts spaceships to itself. They fall and shatter, and this has been the case for thousands of years.

Our Earth can also in a certain sense be called a trap planet, although no Forerunner machine is hidden in its depths (at least, we think so). The study of myths shows that in ancient times the Earth was the scene of a whole series of battles between the gods. Paleontologists who find objects that have firmly grown into rocks that are tens and hundreds of millions of years old cannot explain how they got there. They called them NIO (Unknown Fossil Objects) and say that these are the creations of human hands, trapped in ancient layers during natural disasters, when powerful shifts of the earth's strata occur. Someone is convinced that these are traces of ancient civilizations that existed on the planet in time immemorial. But some scientists have another explanation for the mystery: NIO is all that remains of alien starships that crashed many millions of years ago.
Archeology also surprises from time to time. Here, however, we are no longer talking about individual, often heavily destroyed objects, but about whole UFOs that have lain under the Earth for hundreds and thousands of years. And, as practice shows, they are still valuable in terms of technology and technology. Therefore, the military and special services immediately put their "paw" on them. They do the same with information about modern UFOs.

So, let's start our countdown from 1968. A large selection of cases of UFO catastrophes on the territory of the USSR was made by the esotericist Alexander Bogatikov in the "Interesting Newspaper" in 1997. Some of the data collected by him seem rather dubious, there are also outright errors and inaccuracies. In addition, for some reason, Bogatikov firmly believes that all the aliens we deal with come from the planets Sonneri and Tio (Tron) of the Sirius system. These are indeed some of the most famous alien civilizations visiting Earth. I will give here the information he has collected.
In the 70s, the Zonneri apparatus crashed in Yakutia near Zhigansk. They took him to the Moscow region, as well as the bodies of dwarfs from Yakutsk (or from Magadan?).
In 1974, a UFO exploded near Donetsk, the wreckage turned out to be similar to the Vaksh find in the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (an alloy of cesium with lanthanum).
In 1978, in eastern Kazakhstan, the military captured a UFO vaguely similar to a fighter plane. It was badly damaged by fire, and the upper transparent cap was torn off.
In 1981, a UFO exploded on the Kola Peninsula, the wreckage was picked up by the military.
In the summer of 1983, an experimental laser installation Terra-3 allegedly shot down a UFO from the air defense range in Sary-Shagani (Kazakhstan), which fell in the north of the Semipalatinsk region near the village of Sosnovka. The wreckage of the UFO was taken to Omsk (NPO Polet), and the biological material (the corpses of the Sonnery dwarfs) - to the top-secret biolaboratory of the Ministry of Defense on the territory of the OTR-23 Oka missile base 55 km northeast of Semipalatinsk.

For the sake of preserving the chronological order, let us interrupt the chronicle of Bogatikov and briefly recall the case of 1983. The disaster occurred on March 6, 1983, when the air defense service spotted a low-flying object that was making maneuvers over the Caucasus Mountains near the city of Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz). A rocket was launched from the ground. She hit the object, but did not destroy it, but only damaged it. Staggering, it continued its flight, losing altitude, until it disappeared from the radar screen.
Two months later, the UFO was found by two mushroom pickers in the Table Mountains area near Ordzhonikidze. It had 7 meters in diameter and the same height, the upper part in the form of a dome was made of crystal-like glass, the lower one was made of metal with 4 telescopic landing devices and 2 lowered ladders. At the bottom were 6 large, powerful jet engines, as well as 4 groups of 4 smaller jet nozzles arranged in a criss-cross pattern on the sides of the dome. On the side there is a strange symbol: a crescent moon with four rays converging in the center.

The mushroom pickers had an inexpensive camera with which they took several pictures. One of them hesitantly climbed the ladder and peered inside. Under the dome, he saw a large pilot's seat, twice the size of the usual one, as if made for a 3-4-meter giant.
The mushroom pickers returned to the city and gave the film to the local photo studio.
News of the strange find quickly spread and reached the military. They arrived at the scene and cordoned off the area. Military transporters arrived two days later. The object was transported to a local military base and then to an underground military complex near the town of Mytishchi, southeast of Moscow. According to ufologists, it is on this base that the main center for secret UFO research is located, to which all information flows.

According to the data of the ufologist Valery Uvarov, the study of the unusual device showed the presence of two propulsion systems in it: an anti-gravity engine for flight and jet engines for better maneuvering in mountainous terrain. Obviously, when the craft landed, the pilot left it. The airborne mechanisms functioned well enough to land, engage the landing gear and lower the ramps.
According to Soviet scientists, the principle of movement of the object is based on "neutrino rays", which are very dangerous for a person if he was studied for more than an hour. Indeed, the mushroom picker and his wife died in 1988 of cancer. According to Uvarov, many of the participants in the operation to capture and transport the object died from the same disease.

Ufologist Viktor Romanchenko believes that the case that occurred in January 1986 in the Far East is described most fully. On that day, a luminous ball with a diameter of 2 meters appeared in the area of ​​the village of Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Territory. According to eyewitnesses, the ball moved by jumping, and then fell to a height with a mark of 611, after which two flashes followed, and a fire began, which lasted for an hour, and the brightness of the flame was comparable to electric welding. The remains of the ball were investigated by three academic research centers and, if we omit all purely scientific details, led to a number of startling discoveries, the main one of which is that such materials could not be made in terrestrial conditions and have no natural origin. The fall of the UFO at altitude 611 caused the appearance of magnetization spots of silicon shales in the area. Prior to that, it was believed that silicon, in principle, cannot be magnetized. And one more interesting detail. After the crash, other UFOs repeatedly circled over the crash site. On November 28, 1987, as many as 32 objects studied the area of ​​the accident for a long time.

In late August - early September 1987, Bogatikov says again, the old Zonnerian rocket-powered apparatus was captured near Vyborg and taken to Monchegorsk. On October 15, 1987, the S-200 "Angara" air defense missile system shot down a Zonner UFO with a diameter of 5 meters in the area south of western Litsa (Kola Peninsula, Murmansk region). On the night of November 2, 1987, a Zonnerian UFO with a diameter of 27 meters with red emitters around the perimeter exploded in the Caspian Sea near Krasnovodsk (now Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan). In the same year, a UFO exploded in Dushanbe. In the summer of the same year, a piece (an alloy of cesium and lanthanum) fell off from the Tron "plate", which was found near Donetsk.
On September 16, 1989 in Perm, they watched as six UFOs chased and tried to shoot down the seventh "saucer", and that, fighting, wrote unthinkable pirouettes (at the same time, electricity was turned off in the entire Perm river port). The "dish" was still shot down and fell into the taiga, where the military captured it and took it (by river) to a military base in the Volga region - "Zhitkur".

On May 28, 1990, as a result of an operation to lure a UFO, the military captured the Zonnerian "saucer", which crashed near Omsk, and found 7 bodies of dwarfs inside. In 1991, a fighter accidentally shot down a Zonnerian apparatus near Prokhladny (the city is located in the steppe zone of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic), there were two dead dwarfs inside, and the third was captured alive. The object was sent to "Zhitkur" (the head of the Main Hydrometeorological Center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Colonel Y. Lunev, spoke about this in an interview with the newspaper "Zerkalo Nedeli" on 12/30/95).
In November 1991, as a result of a UFO air battle, one object was shot down by another, which fell near the city of Ekibastuz (a city in Kazakhstan). The next day, a UFO flew there and fumbled with a beam on the ground ...

Back in the 20th century, Hitler, Stalin and Churchill began hunting for ancient technologies. They understood: the one who possesses the most advanced technologies will rule the whole world. After World War II, priorities changed: the secrets of Atlantis and Shambhala replaced the secrets of space aliens. It is believed that all modern advances - electronics, genetic engineering, etc. - are, so to speak, the legacy of aliens. How important this legacy is, says the version that US President D. Kennedy was killed because he wished to reveal the secrets of UFOs to the American people and the whole world. The fact that such secrets exist is confirmed by a statement made in the early 90s by former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Helier, who demanded that world governments reveal the secrets of alien technology. Alien spaceships, Hele says, travel very long distances to reach Earth, so they must be equipped with advanced engines and use very good fuel. Alien technologies can become an alternative to oil and gas used by humanity. “We need to convince governments to release everything they know. Some of us suspect that we know technologies that could save our planet if used right now, ”said the former minister. But, as expected, no one followed his call, everyone continues to fight for their personal dominance on the planet.

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While ordinary people are still wondering whether there are aliens in our galaxy or not, some of the highest Russian military ranks firmly know the answer to this question, and this answer is in the affirmative. Moreover, alien ships have repeatedly crashed (mainly through the efforts of our air defense) over the vastness of our Motherland. The remains of humanoids and their spacecraft are stored to this day at secret military bases, and none of the responsible persons is going to make this information public. It is clear that you cannot hide an sewn in a sack, and ufologists still manage to find out some information using the information leak.

Since March 1978, when in East Kazakhstan, for the first time in the USSR, air defense forces, as a result of a combination of a number of circumstances, managed to shoot down an aircraft of an extraterrestrial civilization, a narrow group from the military special services of the USSR, and now Russia (represented by representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the KGB and the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and now RAS) hides irrefutable material evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations (UFO trophy vehicles, their debris, as well as alien bodies). In total, the military managed to shoot down at least 3 manned UFOs and 5 automatic alien probes (1980 - Ozherelki Moscow Region; 1989 - Kalinovka Volgograd Region; 1992 - Riga; 1993 - Balkhash). Alien technology (especially unmanned vehicles) turned out to be not as reliable as previously thought ...

The wreckage of the aircraft was studied dispersed in highly classified research laboratories, hangars and bunkers in Kazakhstan (Sarnogay near Semipalatinsk, Stepnogorsk) and Russia (Tomsk, OEB IHEP in Protvino, Makukhin of the Astrakhan region at the Kapustin Yar test site, Balashikha) and other (Vnukovo) mainly at the facilities of military nuclear physicists) with extremely limited access.

Important information was obtained and documented thanks to the confessions of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General VF Knorr (now deceased) from NPO Energia, as well as the testimony of a number of other military and civilian eyewitnesses.

Late in the evening of March 13, 1978, on Monday, the technical means of the 12th Air Defense Army (Central Asian Military District) in the area near the Altai Territory adjacent to the Chinese border, a UFO was discovered moving from the direction of China. On alarm, two flights of aircraft of the air defense fighter regiments were raised - the 356th IAP (two Tu-128s from the airfield near Semipalatinsk, the regiment commander - Colonel E.I. Kostenko) and the 129th IAP (two MiG-23Ps from Taldy-Kurgan) ...

The target was at an altitude of about 5000 m and quickly moved southwestward. The target did not respond to the request "I am mine". Since the UFO was discovered in the border zone, given the tense situation on the Soviet-Chinese border in the 70s, the local command of the air defense forces decided to destroy the unidentified target. The Tu-128 fighter of the 356th IAP fired 2 radar-guided missiles from a minimum distance. By means of radar control, it was confirmed that the target was hit, the mark of which disappeared from the radar screens.

At the same time, few eyewitnesses heard a clap, as if from an explosion of ball lightning, after which a strange white glow illuminated the surroundings within a radius of 5-10 kilometers for 2-3 seconds, unlike a natural phenomenon or a man-made explosion.

Searches were immediately organized. At the headquarters, topographic maps of the area were laid out, divided into squares, and tasks were assigned to the helicopter pilots. At dawn on 03/14/1978, Mi-8 helicopters flew into the calculated area of ​​the target's fall. At the same time, the personnel of the nearest border post was involved in the search.

At 05.05 a.m. on 03/14/1978, the Mi-8 crew received information about a find about 25 km west of the Chinese border (about 400 km southeast of Semipalatinsk), in the area of ​​the Podgornoye settlement, near the Tarbagatai ridge, in the mountains of the Kazakh Altai. A strange object in the form of a silver-gray disc was lying on the ground. The helicopter made a circle over the place where the target fell, and the object was photographed from its side. After landing at the Ayaguz airfield, the film from the camera was sent for urgent development, and the group that discovered the object was taken to the headquarters of the air defense formation for a report to the command.

The object had a diameter of about 10.8-11 m, a height of 5-6 m, on top it had a transparent dome, and on the bottom - 3 semicircular devices with a diameter of about 50-60 cm made of a material darker than the body. In the center, the unprecedented apparatus was surrounded by a ring of dark material. In its shape, the shot down UFO resembled two plates or lenses piled together. The transparent dome on top was partially damaged and split. From the inside, the object was severely damaged by the explosion and fire, but the hull remained intact. Debris and individual fragments of the dome and structural elements of the object were scattered over a radius of about a kilometer. To collect them, it was necessary to organize a total combing of the area, which lasted several days.

Access to the apparatus was organized through a broken part of the dome. Inside, according to the testimony of Major General, Hero of the Soviet Union VF Knorr from NPO Energia, in particular, fragments of devices in the form of fragments resembling frosted opaque glass, without any elements of anything similar to printed circuit boards were found or electronic components. On some of the fragments there was a semblance of hieroglyphs, vaguely resembling a cross between the Arabic alphabet and an intricate patterned ornament ...

In 1990, ufologist Yuri Andreevich Novikov, deputy head of the Zaporozhye UFO-Center UKUFAS, started a conversation on UFO topics with Lieutenant Colonel N., who served in a helicopter regiment at the Ayaguz airfield (later he was transferred to the military transport aviation regiment in Zaporozhye, 7th Vinnitsa air divisions). During the conversation, N. unexpectedly let slip that during his service in Kazakhstan, he witnessed the discovery of a mysterious aircraft similar to a UFO. According to N.'s testimony, everyone was amazed at the strength of the object's body - neither a drill nor a gas cutter took it. When the Mi-6 helicopter began to lift the "saucer", it soared up sharply, almost ramming the bottom of the helicopter, as a result of which the external suspension had to be urgently unhooked and then the operation was repeated again. So it turned out that the body of the device is not only incredibly durable, but also ultralight, and has excellent aerodynamic characteristics. As for the size of the object, according to N. "it was about the size of a fighter" (this corresponds to the descriptions of other eyewitnesses who call the approximate size of the UFO - 10-15 meters).

During the first two days, while the object was at the crash site, many eyewitnesses from among the military saw it, including helicopter pilots, fellow soldiers N. enemy "(read - China or the United States). They did not know anything about the creatures found inside the object.

The incident was promptly reported to the air defense center in Moscow. Through the channels of the special officers of the KGB, the information immediately reached the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yu.A. Andropov, who became very interested in this and from now on tried to always be aware of such cases, being keenly interested in the mysterious findings. With his submission, a special, strictly secret group was created within the framework of the KGB of the USSR, designed to oversee the problem of anomalous phenomena. It included 25 senior officers, including the Deputy Chairman of the KGB, General of the Army Georgy Karpovich Tsinev.

Not everyone who saw the fallen "saucer" knew that the bodies of humanoid pilots were found inside the disk - 2 whole corpses and the remains of one more body. In addition to them, a certain mechanical device resembling a robot was discovered. In size, representatives of extraterrestrial civilization resembled children or dwarfs. All biological materials were promptly evacuated from the crash site by a specially arrived group of five military doctors. (This group was part of the Air Force unit that provided first aid to cosmonauts landing in Kazakhstan and was based near Baikonur, and also, mainly at the Arkalyk airfield). Colonel Alexander Sergeevich Belov, who worked in the "T" Department of the KGB PGU, happened to be inside the alien "plate". What he saw was told to us by his colleague, former KGB captain Andrei Petrov. According to him, when Belov and his team examined the object, three empty pilot seats were found inside (the humanoids themselves had already been taken away by that time). Responsible persons from the Ministry of Defense and the KGB, who examined the device, made sure that outsiders were not allowed to the crash site.

And here is a description of the dead aliens: the height of the first is 1.24 m, the second is 1.26 m, and the third is about 1.21 m. The skin is yellowish-gray. The heads are large, without hair. The limbs are four-fingered, with small suction cups at the ends of the fingers. The eyes are large, slanted. The bodies were burned in the fire. The humanoids were dressed in tight-fitting silver overalls, which they managed to remove with great difficulty. Some insignia were found on the clothes (on the sleeves and collars in the form of buttonholes): one newcomer had a sign in the form of a diamond, the other in the form of a circle.

Upon examination, it was found that one of the humanoids was in a coma, there were signs of barely noticeable breathing. Military doctors took urgent resuscitation measures to help this creature - pumping out oxygen bags, etc. Later, the alien was placed in a special oxygen chamber. As it turned out later, the rehabilitation measures were erroneous, because the doctors did not take into account that the metabolic processes of alien beings proceed differently than in humans. The supply of pure oxygen for the humanoid's breathing only worsened the condition of the creature, and ultimately led to the cessation of its vital functions. The death of the "patient" was recorded after about two weeks (by this time the humanoid was transported to a special laboratory of one of the research institutes in Novosibirsk, presumably to the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences) or to the laboratory of the Virological Institute in Koltsov near Akademgorodok near Novosibirsk ...

According to Andrey Petrov, the bodies of the humanoids were transported by special search and evacuation vehicles, usually used for the transportation of cosmonauts landing in Kazakhstan, to a nearby military unit in the settlement of Urjar, Semipalatinsk region. A biological laboratory was organized there for the storage and study of humanoids, which operated until 1979.

Individual specialists from the Institute of Medical Biological Problems of the USSR Ministry of Health were also involved in the study of fragments and tissue samples of biological samples found inside the "plate" knocked down in Kazakhstan in 1978.

The study of humanoids in Urjar, where the initial autopsy of the bodies of the aliens was carried out, was carried out by a narrow group of 13 specialists - doctors and military biologists of the USSR Ministry of Defense and the KGB. Directly the autopsy was carried out by 4 people, another filmed what was happening on a stationary film camera (the tape with this recording was kept for a long time in the basement of the KGB on Lubyanka, and in 1991, at the direction of the leadership, it was destroyed along with most other film, video and photographic materials with crashed UFOs and alien bodies captured on them).

In 1979, to store fragments and debris of the object, as well as biological objects found in it, a special "mailbox" was adapted - the object of the 12th Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense in the area of ​​the village of Sarnogai, about 55 km north of Semipalatinsk. This object with the letter "C" was a converted underground two-story anti-nuclear bunker for storing nuclear weapons, with laboratories, all the necessary infrastructure and systems of autonomous existence. Such objects with the letter "C" were among the most secret in the former Soviet Union and were completely autonomous towns with separate, centralized supply from Moscow. They had their own storage facilities with an appropriate temperature regime, laboratories, warehouses, autonomous power plants, huge reserves of water and food. Even the first secretaries of the regional regional committees of the CPSU could not get to these objects - only with special permission. For admission to the objects "C", a special pass of the 6th directorate of the branch of the armed forces was required, and even after the collapse of the USSR, the citizens of the CIS know little about the objects "C".

Approximately in 1984-1985, biological objects from near Semipalatinsk were transported for further storage to one of the laboratories in the Moscow Region, also located in an underground bunker, presumably in Stupino, Moscow Region (or in the Stupino area). One or two bodies for some time, starting in 1984, were temporarily kept in an underground laboratory in Vnukovo, Moscow region (this laboratory, as we were able to establish with the help of ufologist Pavel Drozdov, existed at least until 1998-1999). The laboratory was organized back in the late 70s to study UFO fragments, alloys, metals from which UFOs are made, and structural elements of alien objects and alien technologies.

With the help of a Mi-6 helicopter (a transport helicopter regiment from the Ayaguz airfield), the disk was transported on an external sling to one of the sites located in the south of the territory of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site - the so-called GosCINIP-2 - the state central scientific test site No. 2, known as the name Moscow-400, military unit 52605).

As a result, since 1978, all information about the UFOs captured in the USSR and their wreckage came under the hood of military nuclear physicists, more precisely, it was monopolized by them - in the person of the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, which is engaged in the storage and operation of nuclear weapons, and also a very narrow circle of selected specialists from such research institutes as the Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Protvino, Moscow Region and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna. At separate sites of these institutes, UFO wreckage and damaged UFOs were stored and studied, especially in the hangar of the IHEP experimental base (in Dubna, only some small fragments, fragments and fragments were studied).

As a result of research, according to the conclusion of specialists with the stamp "Top Secret", the reasons for the catastrophe that befell the aliens were established. Apparently, the UFO did not have an electromagnetic protective system designed to shoot down a missile on approach to the object. And the kinetic energy of the explosion and the mass of the warhead of the rocket launched from the Tu-128 turned out to be sufficient to throw the "saucer" of an extremely strong (but alas, very light!) Alloy to the ground (the weight of the disc, as it turned out, did not exceed several hundred kilograms !) At the same time, the body was practically not damaged. The energy of the rocket explosion fell on the most vulnerable part of the apparatus - on the transparent dome, which could not withstand and cracked (while, perhaps, in the dome or in the transitional docking flange from the dome to the hull due to the "fatigue" of the metal, a microcrack was formed, which led to progressive partial destruction of the dome).

In the early eighties, military nuclear physicists, according to researchers S. Kovalevsky from Severodvinsk and from other sources, were provided with a separate, most isolated and hard-to-reach facility for storing captured UFOs at the State Central Test Site No. 6 on Novaya Zemlya, formerly known as “ Object-700 ". It received the code name "Object" Glacier ". There, in the rocky ground, an underground adit was cut, into which the "plate" was transported.

Subsequently, all the other captured UFOs were taken there ...

"Unannounced visit" No. 10 (84) 2001

Exactly forty years ago, on September 20, 1977, at four o'clock in the morning, a UFO appeared over Petrozavodsk. This was the first time in the history of the USSR when an unidentified flying object was observed by residents of a large city. This episode marked the beginning of the development of ufology in our country. Let's talk about the loudest cases of UFO sightings in the sky of Russia.

Meduza over Karelia

In the first minutes of the appearance of a UFO over the city, one might think that a new bright star lit up in the sky. Gradually, it began to smoothly increase in size, slowly approaching the observers, shocked by the incredible sight. A few minutes later, a huge purple "jellyfish" hung over Petrozavodsk. Hundreds of light streams hit the city from her body. From the outside, one might think that it was raining, consisting of rays of light that emanated from a huge purple cloud hanging over the city. Having descended to a height of 300-500 meters, the UFO, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses, took the form of a clearly outlined octahedron. Along its perimeter, glowing yellow spots were clearly visible, reminiscent of the windows of an airplane. The length of the unknown body was about 100 meters. According to numerous witnesses to the incredible phenomenon, people were seized by a feeling of panic and anxiety, as is usually the case when observing a UFO. At the same time, in the city itself and its environs, there were recorded interruptions in the operation of electrical equipment, which is also a characteristic sign of the presence of an unidentified flying object in the sky. Meanwhile, the "show" continued. A bright fiery semicircle appeared around the UFO, and the object itself swam towards Lake Onega. A hole appeared in the center of the object, framed by a rim of bright red color. A white fireball separated from the UFO, which was rapidly descending, went towards the forest and landed. A bright glow was visible, but no explosion or fire followed. According to eyewitnesses, the UFO could be observed for forty minutes, after which it slowly began to move away until it completely disappeared into the morning sky. This was the first time that the country's authorities were forced to not only admit, but also comment on the incredible incident. Director of the Petrozavodsk Hydrometeorological Observatory Yuri Gromov then said that nothing like this had ever been observed in the sky of Karelia. In his opinion, the nature of this phenomenon is a mystery and has nothing to do with atmospheric phenomena, which on September 20, 1977 were normal, no technical tests were carried out that day either. Both local and central newspapers reported about the UFO sighting at Petrozavodsk, but no one could explain this phenomenon.

Interest in ufology around the world arose after the alleged fall of two UFOs in Roswell in the United States in 1947. This case became widely known, while UFO crashes on the territory of the USSR remained shrouded in secrecy. However, they also took place. The most famous of them is described in one of her books by the doctor of technical sciences, test pilot Marina Popovich. In her opinion, at the disposal of the Soviet military there were at least five debris that crashed over the territory of the USSR by UFOs. The loudest of them took place in 1986 in the town of Dalnogorsk, Primorsky Territory. On January 29, 1986, several dozen people were surprised to find a spherical object moving parallel to the Earth. After a few minutes of observation, the UFO sharply changed its course and literally collapsed at an angle of about 70 degrees to the Lime Mountain located within the city limits. Considering the rather high speed of 15 m / s, the device exploded and caught fire. Intense flames were visible for an hour. When, a few days later, an expedition of the Far Eastern Branch of the Research Committee on Anomalous Air Phenomena at the Academy of Sciences, headed by Doctor of Sciences Valery Dvuzhilnyy, arrived in the city to study the incident, scientists discovered many fragments of an unknown artificial body. These were: fragments of an aircraft, lead and iron balls, pieces of unusual steel alloys and glass. Most surprisingly, the alloy from which the metal balls were created could only be cut with a diamond saw. To obtain this alloy on Earth, according to scientists, it was not possible. Studies of the crash site showed that the crash site was exposed to an extremely high temperature of 4,000 to 25,000 degrees Celsius. The most amazing thing is that two years later, on November 28, 1987, over Dalnogorsk, 33 UFOs of a cylindrical, cigar-shaped and spherical shape were observed at once. The end of the world was observed by more than 100 people, among whom there were many policemen and military, who then drew up official reports. Many ufologists considered that it was a rescue action. It continued in January 1989, when a large UFO landed 200 meters from the UFO crash in the winter of 1986. Apparently the aliens were also conducting their own investigation into the disaster.

This year marks seventy years since an alien ship crashed in Roswell, initiating research into the UFO phenomenon around the world. The USSR was no exception. In our country, any military and civilian organizations in the event of a UFO sighting were required to report this to the appropriate authorities. Here are the most interesting cases of UFO sightings in the sky of the Soviet Union.

Gorbachev ordered to meet the aliens

Speaking about cases of contact between aliens and representatives of humanity, it is curious to recall the case told by the retired Lieutenant General of the General Staff of the RF Ministry of Defense A.Yu. Savin. According to Alexei Yuryevich, in the spring of 1991 he personally had a chance to participate in the official meeting of the alien ship. The most incredible thing is that the operation was carried out by order of M.S. Gorbachev. In 1991, a group of ufologists appealed to the country's leadership with a statement about receiving information from contactees about the imminent arrival of an alien spacecraft. Ufologists assured that the aliens certainly want to establish contact with the military and political leadership of the USSR. The landing of the alien ship was to take place near the city of Zaravshan in Uzbekistan. True, the aliens asked to turn off the country's air defense so that their ship would not be mistakenly shot down by air defense systems. The letter from ufologists came to M.S. Gorbachev, who sent him to work for the Minister of Defense of the USSR D. Yazov. He, in turn, put a resolution “To I. Tretyak (Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense Forces), A. Savin - to accept!”. On the appointed day, the military, together with the ufologists, flew by helicopter to the meeting place. However, the aliens did not appear at their appointed time. The frustrated helicopter pilot tried to pin up the ufologist who was accompanying the military. In response, the researcher suggested that the pilot put him in hypnosis so that he could personally communicate with the aliens. During the experiment, the pilot began to unexpectedly give out such information that he simply could not know. Those present had no choice but to believe in the reality of mental contact with aliens.

Vedlozero: where the UFO drowned

One of the places in Russia where UFOs are most often observed is Karelia. Local ethnographer Aleksey Popov, who has been collecting UFO flyby cases for several decades, has repeatedly told reporters where, according to his information, the alien ship crashed. This story happened on November 15, 1928 over the village of Shchuknavolok, located on the banks of the Vedlozero. One late evening, the villagers heard a strange growing rumble and poured out into the street. They saw a strange cylindrical object that appeared from behind the forest and headed towards the lake. Its flight was surprisingly slow and silent. However, at the moment when the metal cylinder crossed the lake, it suddenly began to fall, broke through the ice and sank. The most interesting thing is that the upper part of the massive metal cylinder remained sticking out above the water. Subsequently, for several years, the surrounding boys were fishing from him, and a strange creature appeared in the vicinity of the village. He was a humanoid, one meter tall, thin and big-headed. His torso and arms were disproportionately long, while his legs, on the contrary, were too short. The creature's clothing resembled a tight-fitting jumpsuit. Frightened boys, seeing him, threw stones at him and the creature soon disappeared. When the NKVD learned about this case, people in uniform arrived, lifted a metal cylinder out of the water, and then took it away in an unknown direction.

Petrified soldiers

In the nineties, a number of publications appeared in the domestic press, which talked about the sale abroad of certain KGB archives describing incidents with UFOs in the skies of the USSR. Soon one of the cases described in this archive became public. This episode was first published by a Canadian edition, after which a reprint of the article appeared in Russia. In the material of the Western press, it was said about how in Soviet times a UFO appeared over one of the military bases in Siberia. Following the instructions, the military attacked him with an Earth-to-Air missile. We got it. The object tilted and began to fall. As it crashed into the ground, five short humanoid aliens with large black eyes emerged from the spacecraft. As soon as the five aliens left the UFO, they gathered in a kind of round dance, hugged their shoulders and merged into a single creature. It began to spin, turned into a sphere, buzzed and exploded. Those soldiers who watched the bright flash and explosion with their own eyes immediately petrified, turning into limestone statues. Only two servicemen survived, guessing to hide behind an outbuilding. When scientists tried to study the "petrified" soldiers, they could only state that due to unknown radiation, the structure of their cells changed, turning the soldiers into stone idols.

UFO battle over Perm

As a rule, when observing a UFO, eyewitnesses see either the flight of an unidentified object in the sky, or its fall to the ground from being hit by a rocket. This assumes that the aliens are generally friendly and not aggressive towards humans. No matter how it is. In the late USSR, the case of aerial combat of several UFOs over the outskirts of Perm became widely known. The incident took place on September 16, 1989 in the sky over the port of Zaostrovka on the banks of the Kama. Residents of the city watched in surprise as six silvery UFOs in the form of flying discs at a wild speed rushed after the seventh, which was trying to hide from them. Each of the UFOs had the shape of a disc up to 20 meters in diameter. From the outside, the spectacle resembled an episode of a Star Wars movie. Periodically from the disks in the direction of the enemy "fiery lightning", resembling laser beams, flew out. Fortunately, the pursuers could not knock out the seventh UFO, after which he safely left for the forest. His pursuers set off there at great speed, and electricity was cut off in the entire port. Later, according to eyewitnesses of the event, this case was repeatedly described in the local press.

Probably many of us have heard that almost all post-war achievements of the United States in the field of advanced technology and technology are in one way or another related to extraterrestrial science. The basis for these rumors was the study of crashed or shot down UFOs in the United States. It turns out that our military and scientists do not lag behind foreign ones when there is an opportunity to “profit” from alien technologies. However, as you understand, in Soviet times everything related to UFOs went under the heading “Sov. secret "and therefore it is difficult to compile a consistent chronicle of the crashes of alien technology on the territory of our country, but we will still try to recreate the real picture of the events that took place on the territory of the USSR.

All secret military research of UFOs is supervised by a special group "Lotus", created in the mid-60s (sixties) at the GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the USSR Ministry of Defense (RF), or "Aquarium").

* 1908, 30.06 - Tunguska Cosmic Body (TKT) -not found, there are several craters left.

* 1927 - the explosion of a cigar-shaped UFO in the Urals near the city of Karpinsk was observed by local residents (from the archive of the Commission on Meteorites of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the stamp of DSP), according to V.A. Chernobrov.

* 1928, November - the fall of a cigar-shaped UFO in Vedlozero (Karelia), near the village of Shuknavolok, after which an incomprehensible BS was encountered on the coast. Already in the 80s, a military Mi-8 with divers flew in, they tried to find and raise the object, but they failed and the object was not found.

* 1941, June - the fall of a UFO on Zeleny Island on the Don south of Rostov (according to A.K. Priima): at night the wreckage was taken out by NKVD trucks across the pontoon bridge, the island was closed and cordoned off by the NKVD troops. In the 80s, rare anomalous chemical elements (possibly associated with this disaster) were found on the island, which are harmful to health. The wreckage was taken to Rostov, and in 1941 (or immediately) to the landfill in Kapustin Yar (after a while the wreckage disappeared or got lost). No BS bodies were found. The object was mistaken for a German spy plane (according to other sources, it was a balloon).

* 1944 - an object in the form of a small ball was dug up in the north of the Yaroslavl region in the anomalous zone. (According to ufologist Kukushkin, Yaroslavl).
* 1947, 12.02 - Sikhote-Alin meteor shower (Far East). Anomalous inclusions and small artifacts were found in the fragments (the information was immediately classified).

* 1947, summer - an emergency landing of the Alpha Centauri disk (crew of 4 humanoids) in the Krasnoarmeisky district of the Kokchetav region of Kazakhstan. Shepherd witness Bodnya A.R. (now lives in Simferopol, interviewed personally) - made contact with the UFO crew (telepathically). After the repair and departure, a small fragment remained in place, which Bodnya buried. The reliability of the information is absolute, as is the ship's belonging to the Alpha Centauri Computing Center.

* 1955, 18.12 - explosion of a UFO in the orbit of the Earth, according to astronomer J. Bigby, who discovered its large fragments in near-earth space, the fall and scattering of some small debris or microfragments is not excluded. (Obviously, this object was blown up by unknown intelligent forces).

* 1955 - a special top-secret group (or committee) for UFO research in the USSR (in Kapustin Yar) was created, as well as - the USSR Ministry of Defense Archive on UFOs - in an underground bunker at the Krasny Kut landfill in the Saratov region (in an underground bunker near the specialized village of Berezovka - 2), according to E. Valmer from Saratov. The creation of the archive was triggered by a resonant incident of several UFO sightings in 1954. over the objects of the Krasny Kut and Kapustin Yar polygons. The fighters sent to intercept them disappeared.

* 1957 - In the USSR, a UFO fragment in the form of a blunt cone was investigated (Professor V.P. Burdakov from the Moscow Aviation Institute personally saw a report signed by prominent scientists of the USSR Academy of Sciences about his research. The report concluded that the fragment was supposedly extraterrestrial).

* 1957 - the Siberian Branch (SB) of the USSR Academy of Sciences and a laboratory in Novosibirsk, adjacent to the Academgorodok and the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, were created. The laboratory was also engaged in space research and research of the AY (UFO).

1959, 01.21 - the fall of a UFO (a hemispherical body of small dimensions glowing with an orange-pinkish flame) into the water area of ​​the port of Gdynia (Poland), was observed by a number of witnesses (port workers, casual eyewitnesses, etc.). After 2 days, border guards found a wounded biological creature (BS) crawling along the beach in a metallic tight-fitting overalls, which was taken to a hospital in Gdansk. There BS died after a bracelet was removed from his hand, the overalls were cut with scissors for metal. Autopsy revealed a different structure of internal organs and a spiral circulatory system, six-fingered limbs, height of about 1.5-1.6 m. The body of the BS in a freezing container was delivered by rail. at a biological research institute in Moscow (USSR), at present the body is stored in an underground bunker-special laboratory of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (IBMP, Moscow, Khoroshevskoe shosse, 76a). The information is absolutely reliable, since studied in detail by Polish ufologists and there is confirmation of an officer of the Polish Air Force in the late 80s, who read the incident report and confirmed the UFO crash and the discovery of the BS. (According to my old and good friend Bronislav Rzhepetskiy and other ufologists in Poland). Also, divers found a UFO fragment under a layer of silt, studied it at the Polytechnic Institute in Gdansk (then taken it to a laboratory in Warsaw, Okhota region). The UFO was a small-diameter hemispherical cockpit. On impact with the water, the cabin split into two halves. Found only one half.

1958, July (found in August) - on the Kola Peninsula (Murmansk region), north of Kandalaksha (between Kandalaksha and Afrikanda), UFO wreckage was found, taken to Moscow, some of it ended up in Novosibirsk. According to AE Semenov (president of the Association for the Ecology of the Unknown (AEN), Moscow, the fragment had a structure resembling the structure of a living cell, and its chemical composition had properties to mutate. This data was confirmed by the famous ufologist Gennady Aleksandrovich Korneev, the former head of the UFO Center " Polar Star "(Severodvinsk), now lives in Odintsovo, as well as the famous ufologist Emil Fedorovich Bachurin from Perm.

* 1959, 8.11 - fall and explosion of a luminous UFO in Afghanistan, Kandahar region, Shurad mountains (according to US DIA). There is no data on the detection and evacuation of the wreckage. The UFO was mistaken for a test of a Soviet rocket. 100% reliability. (See: Timothy Good. Above Top Secret. N.Y. 1998. PP.308, 318.)

* 1959, September 26 - from a military plane a discoid UFO made of silver metal with notches from below in the region of Sarybulak (east of the Aktobe region of Kazakhstan) was discovered. A military special group (13 people, including air defense, from the General Staff) sent from Moscow by an Il-14 aircraft was delivered to the Aktyubinsk airfield by a Mi-4 helicopter to the scene of the incident. A fragment of the disk, heavily damaged by the explosion and fire, was discovered (the disk was originally about 12m in diameter, a fragment of about 6m in diameter with ragged edges and its fragments were found). BS bodies were not found. From the inside, the object was badly burned out and charred. A noticeable radioactive background was found at the site (20 RER, in some places - up to 30 RER). Among the wreckage of the UFO, the body of one dwarf biological creature about 80 cm tall was found, taken for autopsy to a biological research institute in Moscow (currently stored in an underground bunker-special laboratory of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems (IBMP). On the external sling of a Mi-4 helicopter (transportation was carried out in the dark) the disk was taken to the site "4A" of test site No. 8 of the State Research Institute of the Air Force, east of Vladimirovka station, now Akhtubinsk, subordinate to military unit 15650, about 17-20 km northeast of Akhtubinsk). Geographically, it is part of the State Central Test Site No. 4 "Kapustin Yar". There the fragment was cut, small fragments and fragments were studied in different research institutes in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Leningrad, Kiev and other cities (part of the alloy fragments were sold in 1972 to the Arabs in Syria and Egypt). The disk cut 5 people, alas, all of them were irradiated and died. At the site near KapYara-Akhtubinsk in September 1960. the disc was personally examined by Khrushchev, Brezhnev and other responsible persons, another examination was in 1971. In January 1984. (under Andropov) a fragment of the disk was taken to the Moscow region (Protvino), to the site of the experimental base near the IHEP (Institute of High Energy Physics), where it is still stored in one of the two hangars.

A number of cases of UFO sightings in Kazakhstan and Central Asia are reliably known (incl. 08/17/1960), incl. from the materials of the patriarch of Russian ufology F.Yu. Siegel.

* 1961, 28.04 - on Korb Lake (east of the Leningrad region near Lake Onega), a fall and a strong impact of a UFO on the ground was observed, after which obvious traces of the mechanical impact of a UFO on the surface were found, a huge piece of earth was pulled out. A group of military men from Leningrad worked, and later a number of scientific expeditions. The accuracy is 100% and is confirmed by a number of scientifically documented studies, but the UFO itself was not found (the object flew away, apparently, a machine for collecting soil). In the west, the incident became known as the "UFO disaster" (see Charles Berlitz & William Moore. The Roswell Incident. Granada, 1981. PP. 151-162, chapter "The Russian Connection." The incident is known as the Lake Onega incident).

1972, Kazakhstan, southwest of Lake Tengiz, Karaganda region - a wrecked disc-shaped object of silvery-white color with a diameter of 5.8 m, with a flat top, the upper part of the disc is higher than the lower, was discovered. Delivered for study at the same place - in the bunker of the Stepnogorsk underground airfield, Tselinograd region. When the object was barely opened, no biological creatures were found inside the bodies.

* 1974 - at night, Ukraine, a flight of a luminous UFO in the form of a ball was observed along the Donetsk-Horlivka line, after which the UFO exploded in an area north of Donetsk, illuminating the area within a radius of several kilometers. Local residents began to find fragments similar to those found on the Vashka River in Komi. Part of the wreckage fell to the ufologists of Donetsk, part to the military. (According to the data of A.E. Burenin, Ph.D., UFO-Center, Moscow). The case is absolutely certain. BS bodies were not found.

* 1975 - Ukraine, near the village of Berezovka, Talalaevsky district, Chernigov region. While repairing the road, a small ball of unknown origin was found; there are detailed research materials from his research institute AYa (Kharkov). 100% reliability.

1978., 17.02, about 22h. - a disc-shaped silver UFO with a diameter of 6.2 m, with a height of a 2-storey building (height about 3.8 m, in the form of a disc with a high dome) fell 55-56 km east of Zhigansk on the right bank of the Lena and the Begidzhyan River (Yakutsk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). The fall was observed by local residents of Zhigansk. (Apparently, this UFO was shot down by other UFOs). No radar was detected. About six months later (in June-July), it was found in the permafrost and taken to Tomsk-7 (Siberian Chemical Combine), where it was hidden in an underground laboratory-bunker. The disc was discovered in the taiga in June 1978, about six months after the disaster, the military was called from the scheduled GA Yak-40 flight Verkhoyansk-Zhigansk. A group of 14 people flew in two Mi-8 helicopters twice. For the evacuation, special forces personnel from Moscow and Yakutsk, two Mi-8 and one Mi-6 helicopters were involved. Through the damaged top of the disc, they penetrated inside. At the site of the disc's fall, there is still a crater about 12 m in diameter and 4-5 m deep. 11.07.78. a special group flew to Zhigansk, made a flight over the crash site by helicopter, and on 07/15/1978. closed in two layers - a metallized foil-type film that absorbs radiation, and a tarp, hooked up to the external suspension of a Mi-6 air defense helicopter and taken out along the route: Zhigansk-Yakutsk. In Yakutsk, the disk was stored for 10 days, there it was placed in a metal container, and after 10 days it was taken out by the same helicopter (the crew was not changed) along the Yakutsk-Lensk-Ust-Ilimsk-Krasnoyarsk-Tomsk-7 route.

In Tomsk-7, the disc was personally examined by the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, atomic "luminary" Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov, as well as other scientists (academician A.A. Logunov from Protvino, etc.)

The disc consisted of three levels at the top and the cockpit at the bottom, the color of the plating was mirror-reflective. On board (at the lower level, tied in chairs), they found the bodies of two BSs and took them to Moscow, to the Vnukovo laboratory (level 1), where they were autopsied. The creatures had six-fingered limbs, a height of about 1.5-1.6 m, large bald heads, black large eyes, (similar to a humanoid discovered in Poland in 1959), they were dressed in tight-fitting overalls: one had a square mark on the shoulder, the other is a circle with a triangle. Along the lower circumference of the entire lower compartment, they found a round remote control with touch points instead of the usual buttons or devices.

07/30/1978 the disc was delivered to Tomsk-7.

In Tomsk-7 (Seversk, former object No. 816, p / box 200), the disk was hidden in an underground bunker in a special box converted from a radioactive waste storage facility, I was informed from three different sources about the UNDERGROUND LABORATORY in Tomsk-7. There it was studied by a special group of scientists under the direct control of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, assembled in strict secrecy at the Tomsk airport and from there taken to Tomsk-7. In December 1979. the disk was taken away again - to PROTVINO, Moscow region, where it was hidden in a hangar at an experimental base near the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP). There, the disk is still in one of two ground hangars. In 1988. At the industrial test site in Protvino, after repair and restoration and refinement work carried out on the disk, an attempt was made to test the disk in the air, but the device managed to rise only to a height of no more than 5 m, while it was held on metal cables. At present, the disk is equipped and modified for further flight research tests, but due to lack of funding, these works in Protvino have been mothballed due to the complexity and high cost of refueling the disk with a transuranic fuel cell.

In 1999. the UFO crash near Zhigansk was confirmed by retired KGB captain from Moscow Andrei Petrov (lives in the Konkovo ​​area), with whom my acquaintances personally spoke (there is a tape recording of the conversation with him). After serving in the KGB in the 70s, he was transferred to the Ministry of Defense and served as a driver for high-ranking Soviet military personnel, and in particular, took them to the sites of UFO wreckage. Petrov was personally present at the crash site of the UFO near Zhigansk, however, he was at a distance, and he could not see the appearance of the UFO in detail. In addition, A. Petrov confirmed other UFO crashes in the USSR: in 1979. near Dubna, where he was personally and saw the wreckage; near Vyatka; near Krasnodar, Tallinn (the case with the object "M"). The UFO catastrophe in Siberia with its study in one of the Siberian cities - scientific centers and the detection of biological creatures on board was indirectly confirmed by the famous TV journalist A.V. Mughenkov from Moscow, who covered the UFO topic.

1976, summer - on the Vashka river in the Komi ASSR near the village. Yert, an incomprehensible fragment was found, studied in detail. (The case is widely known). But little is known that several more similar and other fragments and debris were also found there. The belonging of the wreck to a UFO is being questioned, it is argued that these are the remnants of a stage of a launch vehicle launched from Plesetsk. However, it is too early to draw a final conclusion!

1976, 22.09 - Kazakhstan - a narrow object with the dimensions of a fighter (length about 12-15m, weight 4.5t) was discovered, a tailless scheme, similar to the "Black Bird" (it was named "Black Cat"). The object was badly burned, the hood was torn off by an explosion (self-destruction equipment), inside the cabin was burnt out. The BS bodies were not found, but if there were any, they burned out or were thrown out in the explosion. The strength of the case was striking - neither a drill nor a gas-cutter took it (it turned out - a titanium alloy). However, when lifting on an external sling, it began to sway strongly and the suspension had to be unhooked in order to avoid a helicopter crash. In this case, the device received even more damage than during landing. Exported (disassembled) on an external sling Mi-6 PSS from Arkalyk to one of the military airfields in Western Kazakhstan, and then to Zhukovsky (Ramenskoye) of the Moscow region (airfield LII) - to the Moscow machine-building plant "Experience", where it was examined by a commission (and personally Alexey Andreevich Tupolev) and where it was kept in the hangar and was studied in detail. During the ascent, excellent aerodynamic qualities of the apparatus were found - it soared up, began to swing strongly and almost rammed the helicopter from below, so the suspension had to be unhooked and the object crashed to the ground, after which it was not possible to pick it up again, since it was badly damaged, so they took it apart in place. (According to the lieutenant colonel, who served in the PSS (space search and rescue service of the Air Force) at the Arkalyk airfield, later the lieutenant colonel was transferred to Zaporozhye, to the military transport regiment. The well-known Ukrainian ufologist Y.A. Novikov from Zaporozhye, vice-president of the Zaporozhye UFO center ). (The name of the lieutenant colonel is not named for ethical reasons - at his request). The information is absolutely reliable.

BUT it turned out that it was an unmanned American reconnaissance aircraft D-21 "Lockheed" (launched from an SR-71 or B-52). This story has nothing to do with UFO disasters!

"golden drops" fell out. No wreckage was found. The case is reliable.

According to the well-known American researcher of UFO catastrophes L. Stringfield, until 1978. there were TWO or THREE UFO DISASTERS in the USSR (see Leonard H. Stringfield. Retrievals of the Third Kind (1978). P.37 Polish edition. Information about this was obtained by the informant of Stringfield Robert Barry "from a high-ranking source" (CIA?) Probably, the following major "catastrophes" were meant:

1) 1959, 18.08 - an incident near Sarybulak in Kazakhstan (a fragment of the disk was taken to the Kapustin Yar-Akhtubinsk region).

Or 1961, 28.04 - the Onega incident (Korb-lake) - without UFO detection, only traces were found.

2) in 1972. - in Kazakhstan, on Lake Tengiz (taken to Stepnogorsk-Novosibirsk)

These 2 incidents deserve the closest scrutiny! Please note that these are only major incidents; and of less large-scale cases of the discovery of small debris and artifacts, of course, Stringfield's informants were not aware.

1978, 12.06 - Far East, in a remote mountainous area of ​​the taiga in the Amur region (the area between Zeya, Tynda and the Urkan River) - a disc-shaped object resembling a mushroom was found, 5.5-6m in diameter, 3.0m high. weighing 720 kg. They took me to Tynda, from there to Novosibirsk, where they hid in the Akademgorodok area, east of the Ob Sea station. (This is the only disc currently stored in Novosibirsk). The body of one dwarf humanoid was found, delivered for autopsy to a research institute in Novosibirsk (also in the Akademgorodok area). It was found that the humanoid still retains vital functions - for two weeks the humanoid in Novosibirsk was in a coma in a special pressure chamber with CO2 on the life support apparatus, then vital functions ceased. A segmental opening was ripped out from the side of the disk (apparently, the other two crew members ejected). (The UFO appears to have been shot down by other UFOs.)

* 1978, 08.24 - UFO landing near Khabarovsk, the place was badly burned out, the military was working, the area was closed for access. Collected soil samples (soil). The information is reliable. Published by A. Rempel (famous ufologist from Vladivostok) in the newspaper "Priroda" (1991).

1978, Kazakhstan, Kostanay region, Burli (south-west of Lake Ulken-Borly) - a disc-shaped object was discovered, similar in appearance to the object found in the same Kazakhstan in 1972. One body of a dwarf biological creature was found inside the disk. delivered to Semipalatinsk. Currently, the humanoid's body is stored in an underground laboratory near the government airport Vnukovo-2 (since 1984 or 1985, they plan to transport it to Novaya Zemlya).

The creature lived in Semipalatinsk for a week due to the fact that it was placed in a pressure chamber with carbon dioxide (they breathe CO2, not 02 like people).

The disk was taken to the airfield in Kostanay, where it was kept for some time, from where it was transported to Stepnogorsk, where it was hidden in an underground bunker along with three other UFOs stored there.

1978, the end of the year - at the state central research test site -GosTSNIIP PVO No. 10 Sary-Shagan (Kazakhstan), the S-75 air defense missile system was shot down hovering over the UFO range, at the command of the famous missile design engineer Pyotr Dmitrievich Grushin. The debris scattered into small pieces at an altitude of 30 km. Since the debris fell on the "battlefield" of the training ground, where there were already a lot of missile debris, the personnel combed the territory for a week, but found only small fragments that fit in a small box. They were examined in several research institutes. Analysis showed that the body of the UFO was made of some kind of silicon-based material, in which various rare earth elements were interspersed at the molecular level. The data from the study of these UFO wrecks and technical ideas were used in the spraying of special substances on the heads and rudders of new air defense and anti-missile (anti-missile) missiles. The information is absolutely reliable, according to the data of the reserve major A.V. Bystrov (Kiev), see "Interesting newspaper", No. 2 (65), 1999, p.43. Separate fragments are kept at the P. Grushin MKB "Fakel" (Khimki).

1979, 5.01 - Kazakhstan, Ural region, UFO was observed in the region of Uralsk. On the same day (or 5.10?) In the Chingirlau area on the border with the Orenburg region) - a disc-shaped UFO with a diameter of 12 to 22 m was observed landing, the object crashed and buried itself in the ground, the fall was recorded by an air defense radar and the military flew in on a Mi-8 air defense , as well as from the headquarters of the district (KSAVO) from Alma-Ata, a helicopter flew in from Burunday and from the Moscow region (Klin). The place was cordoned off, an observation post was organized, but they could not get close to the object, because he radiated intense heat. No radiation detected. People had severe headaches and pressure in the ears (electric saw-type sound). Unable to bear it, they retreated to 50m. The observation and examination lasted for several hours (the personnel were in chemical protection suits), while incomprehensible sounds were heard from the direction of the object. Then the visibility dropped to zero and the weather deteriorated sharply, under the cover of which the object disappeared (apparently, flew away or was taken away). There are sketches and materials from the survey of the landing site (in the military laboratory in Magnitogorsk).

* 70s (1979?) - a clash (shootout) of the KGB special forces (special forces) with aliens on the island of Barsakelmes (Aral), several humanoids were shot (commanded by Major N., 10 fighters and 3 officers landed in the squad). See A. Glazunov's article "If you go - you won't come back" // "Continent", №48 (360), November 97, p.15.

1979, November - an unknown aerial target was detected and taken for accompaniment by air defense systems north of Moscow, and then, about 1.5-2 km north of Dubna, Moscow region (on the northwestern outskirts), a disc-shaped object with a diameter of about 6m after the launch of an air defense anti-aircraft missile from a nearby air defense missile system (the “Blue Ring” air defense system of Moscow). The damaged object was taken out for study at the NGO "Molniya" in Moscow (Tushino area, Novoposelkovaya st., 6), where Buran was once assembled. In 1982. On the basis of the study of the UFO wreckage taken out from near Dubna, an anti-gravity aircraft was created at NPO Molniya - a hybrid of an airplane and a "saucer", an ellipsoidal shape, tested at the airfield of the LII (Flight Research Institute) named after M.M. Gromova (Zhukovsky) since 1982. I personally spoke with a witness (his name is Viktor, I omit his last name), who then served in Zhukovsky as a guard (a division of the Dzerzhinsky Internal Troops Division), personally participated in securing the facility delivered to the airfield and observed its flight tests. From the conversation of familiar officers, he also heard about this incident near Dubna with the capture of UFO wreckage, as well as about the fact that restoration work was carried out in order to study and use them. Abandoned KGB captain Andrei Petrov from Moscow also reported this case.

In 1980. Methodical instructions for the Ministry of Defense on collecting information about the AAP are published. At the same time, from the beginning of 1980, in an atmosphere of strict secrecy, by special order at the USSR Ministry of Defense (now the Russian Federation), a special rapid response team was created to travel to the UFO landing and fall sites to capture and remove UFOs, to survey the UFO landing sites (similar to the American teams "Alpha "And" Blue teams "), equipped with different equipment, special. protective equipment and a laboratory aircraft Tu-134-Chkalovskaya airfield, based on military unit 67947 in Mytishchi.

THE LARGEST UFO DISASTER IN THE USSR. 1980, 15.04 (night), 01.50 local time - according to one general from NPO Energia (died 1.5 years ago), in a private personal conversation with the famous Ukrainian ufologist A.L. Kulsky from Kiev, made in the spring of 1986, he shot down a fighter in the Urals "Plate", "five years ago." It is impossible for Kulsky to come up with this conversation, like the general, i.e. the fact certainly took place. See: A.L. Kulskiy. At the crossroads of the Universe.-Donetsk: Stalker, 1997.-p. 237-238. The case took place in the Verkhotursky district of the Sverdlovsk region, Ural, between the settlements of Likhanov, Glazunovka, Kosolmanka and Karelino - about 20 km south of the regional center of Verkhoturye. At about 23.50 local time, 14.04.80, three or four UFOs were spotted by air defense systems (4th Air Defense Army). The fourth UFO appeared and disappeared. The local command hesitated for a long time whether to raise fighters or not. Finally, at about 01.30 am, a pair of MiG-25PDS fighters from the Bolshoye Savino airfield (Perm), as well as a pair of MiG-23P fighters from Nizhny Tagil, were raised to intercept (then two more pairs were sent from both airfields). The race for the UFO, using the afterburner, lasted about 45 minutes, as a result, 2 fighters consumed fuel and sat down. One UFO began to work with the MiG. When the UFO went head-on to the fighter, the pilot opened fire and the disc was shot down by several missiles, the general said. (Similar cases when it was possible to shoot down a UFO, as in 1978 in Kazakhstan, as in the 80s in the Caucasus. Searches were organized. A Mi-8 air defense helicopter in the morning of 15.04.80 delivered an equipped special group of officers with special equipment (including compressors ) of 12 people in protective reflective spacesuits with oxygen cylinders Radiation at the scene of the incident was 15-16 roentgens per hour (two of that group later hanged themselves).

The object was a huge discoid, with a crack in the middle, about 26m in diameter and 5m high, with a shallow dome. According to the general's testimony, "fragments of devices" were found - heavy glass-like fragments, the inner surface of which had a kind of micro-grained structure. Without the slightest sign of anything resembling wires, printed circuit boards, fasteners, etc. This "glass" was practically opaque. There was also a semblance of ornament or inscription on some of the fragments. The bodies of two dwarf biological creatures were found inside, according to the general. The bodies were promptly transported in special containers to the Institute of Biomedical Problems, Moscow, for autopsy, by an Mi-8 helicopter, and then by a Tu-134 aircraft from the Nizhny Tagil airfield. The disk was taken to Sverdlovsk, where it was hidden at the Aramil military airfield south of Koltsovo airport. There the disk was studied for 15 days, after which it was taken away on the external sling of a helicopter in the Moscow region - in Protvino).

Local residents watched the fall of the disk and the work at the crash site of a special group of the military, about which they wrote a letter to the Yaroslavl UFO group to Yu.A. Smirnov. It also said that the military ordered them not to tell anyone about this. (Alas, the letter was seized by the KGB during a search in 1985, but such a letter was accurate, Yuri Aleksandrovich Smirnov remembers it well).

1980, 11.08 - to the north-west of the city of Pugachev, Saratov region, an elongated ellipsoidal object about 4.5 m long, about 2 m wide, about 1.5 m high with two protrusions on the sides was found sitting on the ground. Helicopter transported to the Syzran airfield, and then by the An-12 military transport aircraft to the Chkalovskaya airfield and hidden in the military unit in Balashikha, Moscow region. BS bodies were not found. (According to V.I. Kratokhvil, Kiev).

1981 - Krasnogorka, Kokchetav region. An object with a diameter of 4.8 m and a length of 8.5 m was discovered in the form of a coil or two truncated cones joined at the base. It was taken to an underground bunker in Stepnogorsk, where it is stored to the present.

1981, 11.09, about 14:00 - East Kazakhstan, - Lake Zaisan - the region of Karasu-Esengul villages, - a fall on the lake of a UFO with an open cockpit measuring 3x1.5m in the form of a poisonous green boat with four dwarf humanoids in the same color overalls. On impact, the object shattered and the bodies were damaged. Local residents found the wreckage, called the police, and KGB investigators arrived from Alma-Ata. The wreckage and two biofragments (a humanoid head and a hand) were taken to Moscow and hid in an underground bunker-laboratory in a special conservation composition (IBMP, Moscow), the rest of the bodies were buried, the case was hushed up, the local residents were told that a foreign plane with spies had crashed and ordered forget everything.

1981, August 17, about 07 am - in Cuba (the area of ​​the village of Casilda south of the town of Trinidad, Las Villas province), a cigar-shaped UFO about 4 m long, about 1.2 m in diameter fell on the coast, plowing first along the bay, and then a trench on the shore at 250 m. The bodies of four BSs with large heads and 4 fingers in overalls with balloons and helmets were found inside. The object is radioactive. The UFO was taken to a secret space science center near Camaguey, stored under metal foil. BS are also stored there. (The USSR was not transferred). Fidel Castro was photographed in front of this UFO. The Soviet representatives were shown photographs.

Places of frequent UFO sightings in Cuba - around the island of Pinos, Ana Maria Bay - balloons flew almost every year in 1973, 1974, 1975, and in the 80s until 1989 (Castro, who was reported, did not believe, and in 1975 personally I went to make sure and saw how a UFO took water from the coast in 1975. Castro exchanged photographs and information about UFOs with Brezhnev).

* 1981, 16.10. (exactly in October) - the alleged UFO disaster in East Germany (GDR), roughly in the area of ​​dense forests north of Berlin (near Groß Schönebeck-Altenhof-Lake Verbellinsee): many residents of Berlin and the suburbs observed a fall of a greenish luminous body, they explained that this, they say, a meteorite (there was a note in the press). A whole UFO or UFO wreckage was found at the crash site (the UFO may have been a gray-matte capsule about 3m? In size) and the bodies of 3, four (or more) humanoids. The object was taken away and hidden in the Berlin area, where it is still stored in a laboratory or a special warehouse (presumably, in the area of ​​one of the airfields, now it is allegedly transported to the Tempelhof-Mariendorf area). One of the local residents of Berlin watched as agents of the Stasi (the secret service of the GDR) carried out of the car (or brought in) the bodies of dwarf humanoids, about which he wrote a letter (according to M. Hesemann, Germany). See: Leonard H. Stringfield. UFO Crash / Retrievals: Amassing the Evudence-Status Report III, 1982. P.158-159 (Polish edition) - letter to Hesemann Stringfield dated 03.20.82. The whole case was taken under the control of the Stasi and the Soviet side was supposedly not informed about this (according to other sources, it was reported that the bodies could be taken to Moscow, but it is unlikely). Autopsies of the bodies were carried out in the Berlin area.

1982, on the night from 17 to 18.05 - near Omsk (northeast of Omsk - Vyatka of the Novosibirsk region, 02.25 at night local time - air defense radars tracked a UFO crash in the north-west of the Novosibirsk region near the village of Vyatka. Local residents heard the sound of a blow A Mi-8 helicopter with a group of military specialists was promptly dispatched to the scene from Novosibirsk.A long trench and several debris were found on the spot, pieces of metal (the largest - 1.75 m in size) - all were taken away by the military (I mentioned the UFO crash site near Vyatka former KGB captain Andrey Petrov from Moscow).) - they found several silver-colored fragments of an unknown metal. The media later reported that a document about this was obtained by one of the Western intelligence services on 07/03/1990. In that description, it is reported that after the fall, the UFO continued, being on the ground, to rotate around its axis, as a result of which a depression remained in place (with a diameter of about 20 m). It was reported (from Paul Stonehill with reference to A.P. Listratov) that the wreckage of this UFO was taken to FIVE secret research centers (including the Moscow region and Novosibirsk, according to my information, these are:

1. Novosibirsk.

2. Aerospace Research and Production Association "Flight" in Omsk.

3. Then they were taken from there to a military unit to Kostanay.

4. Vnukovo-2 (underground level 2).

5. Balashikha.

In 1993. there was information about this on the TV channel "Ostankino-1" in the 23 hour news bulletin (announcer - Mikhail Osokin). - I HAVE HEARD AND SEEN.

Approximately 1982 - in a high-mountainous region - an anomalous zone south-west of Elbrus, near the Azaubashi pass, roughly the area of ​​the border of the KBR (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic), Karachay-Cherkessia and Georgia. Southwest of Tyrnyauz - a UFO fell in the form of a cylinder with dimensions from 6 to 8 m. to a high-mountainous, inaccessible gorge. It is still there, not found.

1983, 03.11 - Estonia, near Kohtla-Järve on the shore of the Baltic Sea, found a dull-gray UFO, similar to the Dolphin, about 15m long with downward-curved wings and double tail. Mistaken for a new spy apparatus of Western countries or a model of a reconnaissance submarine. But then it turned out that it was a UFO. Specialists of military unit 62728 from Leningrad worked. The object in a container was taken to Severodvinsk to the Belomorsk naval base (apparently, on the outer suspension of the helicopter), where they hid in a hangar (near the Zvezdochka shipyard), in the corners of a tower with machine guns, a fence with barbed wire under current. The UFO was personally inspected by the Minister of Defense Marshal S.L. Sokolov and selected scientists from the "boxes" (not all of the scientists who arrived were allowed to the object, at the entrance there was a triple check of passes, the hangar was guarded by officers of the 15th KGB Directorate with service dogs. The technologies of this UFO were used when re-equipping nuclear submarines at the Zvezdochka shipyard, only people from the hangar were engaged in the work, and the rest of the personnel were disbanded. This "Dolphin" is still in Severodvinsk. (According to Colonel A. from Lvov and Sergey Karnaukhov. . (Lvov) // "Vseukrainskie vedomosti", 1996, 14.09, p.7, as well as VI Kratokhvilya, Kiev) - the data from several sources coincide.

1984 - UFO crash in the east of the Kola Peninsula, in the area of ​​the Ponoi River, recorded by a seismic station. The epicenter was set to be close to the surface, which meant a body hit the ground. Later, a hunter-officer on an all-terrain vehicle accidentally came to this place, who discovered a trench about 50 m long and the wreckage of an object badly crumpled upon impact. The total weight of the UFO wreckage was estimated at 5 tons. The officer brought in fragments with a total weight of about 5 kg (strange yellowish metal). BA Shurinov claims that the military did NOT take out other wreckage from the scene of the incident. The case is absolutely reliable (confirmed by V.A. Chernobrov, who personally knew this officer, and other ufologists). BS bodies were not found. (Maksim Karpenko wrote about this in his book "Universe Reasonable" (Universum Sapiens). - Moscow: "World of Geography", 1992. p. 31). However, this was obviously the fall of a stage or block of a rocket launched from Plesetsk (from the rocket range-cosmodrome No. 53). UFO has nothing to do with it!

1984, 11 or 15.05 - Kazakhstan, north of Lake Balkhash (east of the Sary-Shagan military air defense range) Koshkar of the Dzhezkazgan region - a crashed UFO in the form of a disc with a diameter of 6.6 m and a height of 3.2 m was discovered, delivered through Karaganda for storage and study in the bunker of the underground airfield Stepnogorsk (Tselinograd region), later taken to the Moscow region (Balashikha), in 1992. taken to Novaya Zemlya. The bodies of biological creatures have not been found.

1985, June 15, 19.30 local time - Poland, Lesznowskoe voivodeship, on the Boyanovo-Ravitz highway north of the village of Konarzhevo - UFO landing and contact of eyewitnesses (12 people, 5 adults (4m, 1g.), 7 children) with humanoids. The Polish special service (UOP) from Warsaw arrived at the scene in the morning, at the landing site they found a small artifact-metal container in the form of a box measuring 18x9 cm with an unknown biological fluid inside. They were afraid to open. The artifact and research materials are stored in a laboratory in Warsaw (Okhota district). The case is strictly classified.

1985, July 11 - UFO DETECTED AND THEN KNOWN IN THE CAUCASUS, 13.50 Moscow time - radar at an altitude of 8-9 km, azimuth 120 degrees, range 90 km from the MinVody airport (in the area of ​​Prokhladny settlement) 7 anomalous marks were recorded converging and diverging in SDC and Passive modes. Along the line of the military sector of the Mineralvodsky RC of the EU ATC, the tags did not respond to the signal of the state identification system, they were observed steadily by all radio-technical means. About 2 p.m. to intercept for the destruction of targets, a MiG-25PDS was raised from the Rostov-Yuzhny airfield. No targets were observed visually. Fighters were also raised from the airfield of the Armavir Air Defense School and another MiG-25 with MinVod from the jump airfield. When they tried to intercept the UFO and force it to land, the UFO went on a head-on collision course towards one of the MiGs, which forced the pilot to use the weapon. At 14.20, two R-40RD missiles were fired at targets, one of which hit the target. The planes were ordered to circle over the place where the target fell before the arrival of the PSS, while the SRZO-2 sensor was triggered on the plane, which indicated strong electromagnetic radiation from the crash site. UFO wreckage was found by two mushroom pickers, both died from radiation. A commission from military unit 67947 (Mytishchi) arrived at the scene, drew up detailed reports, collected the wreckage, photographed the scene of the incident, took nondisclosure agreements and removed the materials. (See: Brad Steiger & Sherry Hansen Steiger. The Rainbow Conspiracy. NY, Kensington Books, 1994. P.70). the bodies of three biological creatures were also found among the wreckage, one of them was still alive, the other two were dead. The object fell after about 30-40 seconds. after a missile hit, in the mountains near the Arik ridge on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR), between the settlements of Arik, Novoye Khamidiye and Nizhniy Kurp. Local residents of the settlements of Nov. Hamidiye and Niz.Kurp may be witnesses. Two Mi-8 PSS arrived from Beslan and Nalchik, upon impact, the object was damaged and crumpled - a silvery disc with a diameter of 5.8 m and a height of 4.8 m, with a black dome, which flew off on impact, the weight of the disc was 1750 kg (including . engine weight - 350 kg). BODIES OF THREE BS were found inside, one of which was still showing signs of life, but died soon after. The two creatures sitting in front were four-toed dwarfs; the third, sitting behind, is tall (about 2 m. five-fingered). All humanoids were bald. 32-33 people worked on the spot. The object was taken on a Mi-8 to a military airfield in Kapustin Yar, hid on the territory of the State Central Interspecies Testing Grounds No. 4 (State Central Interspecies Testing Ground) north of Kapustin Yar, first at the airfield where the disk was tested in the air (confirmed by Lieutenant Colonel V. Kapasovsky from Yubileiny, who personally saw the test flights of this disk, he is one of the main informants), then was hid in an underground government bunker on the test site northwest of KapYar. The bodies of three creatures were taken by a special plane to Moscow, to the Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP). The commander-in-chief of the Air Defense Forces, Marshal of Aviation A.I.Koldunov, the operational duty officer of the Zarya Air Defense Center in Balashikha (possibly Major General S.I. Melnikov), the Minister of Defense Marshal S.L. Sokolov, and others, the shift chief a / p MinVody Kretov. The bodies are stored in an underground bunker at the IBMP (Moscow) in a special conservation composition. (According to a private conversation between Colonel, former head of the Chief Hydrometeorological Center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Yury Lunev, which he learned at a training camp in Odessa in 1989 from a colonel, candidate of technical sciences from a military research institute in Voronezh. But as it was possible to establish, this military research institute, where this colonel served, is called the Pentagon in Voronezh, he is one of the leaders in the Ministry of Defense, military unit 33872, the commander is Major General, Doctor of Technical Sciences Yuri Sukhorukov (no. given military unit, the military rank and surname of the commander are indicated in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", 10.12.1992, No. 230).

In 1994. this was reported by someone L.Ch. from Moscow, standing in a cordon. According to him, only officers were in the cordon (according to V.A. Chernobrov).

At present, this disk, on which a full range of restoration engineering works, refinement and adjustment work for flight use has been carried out, is one of the most tested and efficient of all captured UFOs. It uses a significant amount of terrestrial and hybrid technologies (there is a detailed disk layout, according to Lieutenant Colonel V. Kapasovsky (lives in the Yubileiny military garrison near Moscow), who has repeatedly visited Kapustin Yar).

Flight test data is the following cycle:

- 1990 - first flight, jump to a height of 10 m;

- 1993 - 2 flights - an altitude of 500m (in the first flight) and 700-800m (in the side flight) was reached;

- 1996 - 4 flights - the ceiling was reached from 1000 to 3000m. 1993 or 1994 the disk was transported from the Kapustin Yar airfield to an underground bunker.

- Since 1996 the disk is considered fully functional. It reached the ceiling of 15-20 km, the speed - up to 2.5M (however, the time to maintain this speed is limited by the time of 5-6 minutes); the flight duration is also very short and is no more than 10-15 minutes within a radius of no more than 10-15 km.

- There are problems in maintaining a stable flight regime.

In May 1996. this and another disc are shown in the bunker to the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin, Deputy Defense Minister A.A. Kokoshin, Air Force Commander Deinekin and other accompanying persons who visited Kapustin Yar and Akhtubinsk, including the aforementioned GTSP # 4 bunker

1986, January 29 - Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Territory, height 611 near the Izvestkovaya mountain. UFO explosion. Fragments were selected (the case is widely known and studied). The fragments were studied, including by scientists from Tomsk.

1987, late August-early September (15th major UFO disaster (?) In the USSR) - the famous Vyborg-Monchegorsk incident.

On the stones near the location of the helicopter unit near Vyborg, they found a UFO similar to the Energia rocket with a matte sand color of 13 m long, taken to the Veschevo airfield and taken by plane to the Monchegorsk air defense airfield, where they hid in the territory of the former fuel and lubricants warehouse. A week later, a commission arrived, trying to open the object with an autogenous gun. After an unsuccessful attempt, the object was placed in a mound with a gate and welded. Later, specialists came from Moscow, who managed to open the object using the method of ultrasonic scanning of the surface. Inside they found a small cabin for two dwarfs, it was not possible to penetrate into other compartments of the object, shiny rods were taken from the stern. After some time, the object, which was rolled out of the hangar for study, exploded in front of everyone (with interference on all RTSs). The information is absolutely reliable (from eyewitnesses), according to the data of Ph.D. V. Psalomshchikov, K. Wolf (St. Petersburg) and others, has been published several times.

* 1987, 02.11 - 03.28 local time, Caspian Sea. At an azimuth of 220 degrees and a distance of 80 km from Krasnovodsk, near the Shelf-6 drilling rig, a UFO with a diameter of about 30 m with red lights around the perimeter was observed landing on the water, which then exploded. Air defense radar station in Krasnovodsk, the target was not detected. Water samples were taken. An oily spot with a diameter of 2500 m was found. At the same time, the Yak-40 MAP crashed (possibly collided with a UFO). No wreckage was found. The information is absolutely reliable. In the registration log of the RTB Air Defense in Krasnovodsk, the case was NOT noted, no one knew about it (data from an officer who served in Krasnovodsk, now lives in Yaroslavl, but he did not hear anything about it). According to the scientific secretary of the Kharkiv section of the AY, a retired military pilot and air traffic controller, a well-known Ukrainian ufologist, a member of the UKUFAS expert council V.S. Mantulin.

1987, 20.08 - Kazakhstan, Aktobe region, central air defense test site No. 11 Emba, in the interfluve of the Zhayndy and Manisai rivers, north of Mount Alitau - a disc-shaped UFO with a dome, about 12.5 m in diameter and 4.5 m in height, weight about 7 tons, was discovered, matte gray, and taken to the Kapustin Yar landfill (GCP # 4), where it is hidden in an underground government bunker. BS bodies were not found. On the disk, restoration engineering work was carried out, it is currently in a working condition. In 1992 and 1993, two test flights were undertaken on the disk. The tests are hindered by the dimensions of the disc and some technical problems.

1987, 10.09 - north of Komi, Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Bolshezemelskaya tundra, north of the Arkhangelsk region) - northern circumpolar Urals, southeast of our point Vuktyl - the 17th major UFO disaster in the USSR - fragments of a heavily damaged disk-shaped object with a diameter of about 6-7 m. By the arrived military unit, the object was first taken out by a Mi-10K helicopter (by a crew of a mixed composition of the Ministry of Defense and Civil Aviation) to the airfield in Ukhta, and then to the Moscow region (in Protvino). The disk turned out to be damaged, with a diameter of 6-7 m, in fact, only the base remained of it, the entire top was crumpled into a shapeless mass of debris - it was found that the disk exploded from the inside and its top was literally torn to pieces and shapeless debris by this explosion. (This UFO appears to have been shot down in aerial combat with other UFOs.) In the special archive of the FSB (Moscow, Gazetny pereulok, building 4) the case of the UFO crash in 1987. runs under the number 638701, 67 pages.

* Approximately 1987-1988 - the operational response group for the capture of UFOs of the USSR Ministry of Defense went on a special mission to the mountainous forest region of the Carpathians in Western Ukraine. The purpose of the exit is unknown, but it can be assumed that it was also on the signal of an unknown object falling. This was announced by one retired military man from Moscow. the surname and information about which, for obvious reasons, are not called. Currently, he is the dean of one of the faculties in one of the universities in Moscow, a responsible and decent person who is not prone to false gossip. He then served in the air defense radio engineering unit in that region of Ukraine, and the servicemen of their unit watched the visit of strange neighbors to their unit, who were even lodged in a separate room, in order to avoid contact with the bulk of the military personnel. There were about 15-20 "guests", all only senior officers (not lower than the captain, majors ...) However, curiosity prevailed, and the local air defense officers, seizing a convenient moment, were able to talk the "guests" over vodka, and the "guests" admitted that they are a special unit for the survey and evacuation of "things that sometimes fall from the sky." (However, nothing was taken out of Western Ukraine and nothing was found there). This is further evidence that a UFO hijacking unit similar to the American Alpha Commandos and Blue Berets (according to the Moon Dust and Pounce projects) was created and under the USSR Ministry of Defense. ”A Moscow ufologist told me about this, and he strictly ordered me not to disclose his names yet.

* 1989, summer - Krasnodar Territory, the village of Gladkovskaya - a pit at the site of the UFO crash (soil fence).

* 1989, autumn - Tajikistan, explosion of a small spherical UFO in Dushanbe in the courtyard of the Imonovs' house, small debris was picked up. (The information is absolutely reliable). See: "Another riddle?" // "Evening Dushanbe", 22.11.89.

1989, September 16 - the north of the Perm region, the fall of a disc-shaped UFO with a diameter of about 12 m on the swampy territory of a military training ground more than 100 km north of Perm. The UFO was shot down in an air battle with six other UFO disks over the port of Zaostrovka near Perm on the evening of 09/16/89, which was seen by several dozen people, all electricity in the port was turned off. Many eyewitnesses saw the UFO battle, and they showed Viktor Nekrasov, a member of the Perm group "Anomaly", the houses and the azimuth along which the downed "saucer" began to fall. The first four military men, led by the head of the range, arrived at the UFO crash site only in November, because waited for the swamp to freeze and it would be possible to go there - everyone was irradiated and ended up in the hospital (the head of the landfill, his adjutant, warrant officer and one private). After that, the zone was declared forbidden for the movement of people, fenced off with two rows of barbed wire. Later, GA pilot Alexander Armanenko (Perm OJSC-United Avivotryad) attempted to fly over that place, performing a regular flight with passengers on the An-2, as a result, all devices, even non-magnetic ones, began to fail due to strong electromagnetic radiation. For this he received a severe reprimand, because he endangered the lives of passengers, having flown into the restricted area ... The disc looked like a mushroom: a wider greenish-golden dome, matte black rim and narrow base. (According to E.F.Bachurin, N.A. Subbotin and Perm ufologists). The information is reliable. The disk was a real alien ship (according to contactees, with two humanoids on board), shot down in a real collision of opposing UFO groups. Obviously, in order to avoid the capture of the ship by the Soviet military, it was removed in advance by the aliens from the area of ​​the disaster.

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