Home Roses Modern dynamic processes in nature and technosphere. Technosphere and its composition. Initial Theses of Technicism

Modern dynamic processes in nature and technosphere. Technosphere and its composition. Initial Theses of Technicism

1.1. general characteristics

1.2. technosphere resources

1.3. Interaction of the technosphere with the environment

1.4. Sources of environmental impact

1.5. Measures to reduce the level of negative impact on the environment and their prevention

1.6. Balanced use and reproduction of natural resources

General characteristics of the technosphere

With the advent of people on Earth, the influence of their activities on the circulation of matter and energy in the biosphere began. This contributed to a change in both the migration processes of substances and a change in energy fluxes in the environment. On a path that intensifies confrontation with the biosphere, the ancestors of modern man entered about 1.5-3 million years ago, when they first lit a fire. Practically from that moment on, the paths of man and the biosphere began to diverge, and their confrontation began. But the most significant influence of man on the environment began to be felt with the advent of agriculture and animal husbandry (agricultural production) in the Holocene era, almost 10,000 BC. This was the beginning of continuous anthropogenic changes in the biosphere through the transformation of biogeochemical cycles - both large, geological, and small, biological. Geochemical activity of man, academician A.E. Fersman called technogenesis. In the modern sense, technogenesis - the process of changing natural complexes under the influence of industrial activities. Technogenesis is of great importance, especially when considering issues of pollution and environmental protection. The process intensified significantly after the "machine revolution" in the 18th century and became extremely aggravated in the middle of the 20th century, gradually turning the biosphere into technosphere .

Technosphere is a set of artificial and natural objects created or modified by purposeful human activity. The technosphere is an integral part of the biosphere, which over time can turn into the noosphere, which, according to the theory of V.I. Vernadsky should become the main goal of modern society. However, today, human economic activity has led to the degradation and depletion of natural resources, which has led to the transformation of the material and energy flows that have developed over many millions of years on the planet.

The active transformation of the biosphere into the technosphere is associated with the intensification of human activity and the appearance of factors of negative impact on the environment. Industrial, agricultural, forestry, recreational and other types of production activities are accompanied not only by the achievement of the desired results (economic growth), but also by the intensification of ecological-economic and ecological-social problems, the occurrence of which determined the ecological situation that is critical for the development of society in many regions of the world and in the globe as a whole. The state of the natural environment of our planet in the XXI century. continues to deteriorate steadily due to the growing anthropogenic impact. Man and the biosphere are increasingly losing the ability to adapt to rapid global changes. In addition, the demographic problem is aggravated, associated with both population growth and the limited natural resources and living space on the globe. The scale of society's influence on nature grew so quickly that humanity gradually turned into a defining geological force on a global scale, which increasingly influences natural processes (according to Vernadsky). By exploiting natural resources, humanity has significantly worsened the conditions for its own life.

This is evidenced by the well-known figures and facts. Thus, over the past 100 years, mankind has increased the use of energy resources by more than 1000 times, and over the past 40 years, the volume of world production of industrial and agricultural products has doubled. In developed countries, the total volume of goods and services doubles every 15 years. Accordingly, the amount of industrial waste that pollutes the atmosphere, water bodies, and soil also increases. For each inhabitant of industrially developed countries, about 30 tons of natural resources are extracted annually, of which only 11 - 15% takes the form of a product used (consumed), and the rest end up in waste.

During the XX century, more minerals were extracted from the bowels of the Earth than in the entire history of mankind, and a significant part of the raw materials was obtained over the past 25 - 30 years. Mining from the earth's interior annually more than 10 billion tons of rocks, mankind with thousands of wells, mines, various mine workings violates the earth's surface, weakens the strength of the upper part of the earth's crust and unrecognizably changes its appearance with quarries, waste heaps, mountains of dump rocks, slag pits and dumps. The total mass of substances that annually move under the influence of human economic activity is about 2-1011 tons, which exceeds the total consequences of the impact on the land surface of all exogenous relief-forming forces.

In the process of technological activity, the pollution of the biosphere with industrial waste is constantly growing. Thus, the annual loss of oil during production is about 25 million tons on land, 8 million tons in the ocean, and about 17 million tons of it enters the atmosphere in the form of gasoline vapors and other hydrocarbons. It is estimated that about 9 billion tons of standard fuel is burned in the world annually - about 70 kg per m2 of the planet's surface. And in such industrial areas as the Ruhr or Donetsk, the intake of sulfur dioxide reaches 100 t / km2. Every year the world industry dumps more than 160 km3 of polluted wastewater into rivers.

To intensify agriculture, about 500 million tons of mineral fertilizers, 4 million tons of pesticides are annually applied to the soil, a significant part of which settles in the soil and is carried out by surface waters into rivers, lakes, seas and oceans and accumulates in artificial reservoirs that feed industrial centers. Today, about 11,000 tons of obsolete pesticides have been accumulated in Ukraine. The problem of their disposal has not yet been resolved. Many of the storage facilities where they are stored are in a disastrous state. Every year in the world about 6 million hectares of agricultural land are turned into deserts, during agricultural work, more than 3 thousand km3 of soil is loosened and eroded.

Over the past 100 years, humanity has destroyed almost half of the world's forests. Unfortunately, deforestation continues not only in Asia, Africa and South America, but also in Ukraine. In Ukraine, forested areas account for about 16% against the scientifically recommended 30 - 36%.

The growth of carbon dioxide emissions due to the combustion of various types of fuel by economic facilities can lead at the beginning of the XXI century to an increase in the average annual temperature by 1.5-2 ° C, can, in turn, lead to melting of glaciers, an increase in the level of the World Ocean, to an increase desert areas, etc.

Artificially created radioactive substances, nuclear weapons tests, accidents at nuclear power plants have led to a significant increase in the radiation background of the planet. During accidents of nuclear reactors, depressurization of radioactive waste storage facilities, radiation pollution spreads over tens and hundreds of kilometers, and as a result of nuclear weapon explosions - all over the planet. It is difficult to overestimate the tragic consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, which became a fatal factor for Ukraine, which caused a threat to the health of the nation.

For decades, such resource-intensive and energy-intensive industries as mining and metallurgy, energy, and petrochemical have been prioritized in Ukraine. In addition, the enterprises have not been modernized for years, the production processes are outdated. Morally and physically worn out enterprises become powerful sources of environmental pollution and pose a danger to the population.

Among industrial enterprises, mining and metallurgical enterprises pollute the environment more. The greatest harm these enterprises cause air pool, causing acid rain, and land resources through the formation of quarries, dumps, sludge collectors, etc. (1 hectare of metallurgical sludge in dumps pollutes about 5 hectares of neighboring lands, releasing dust, sulfurous and other gases into the atmosphere). In addition, significant thermal pollution environment. Mining enterprises of Ukraine also cause great harm to the environment.

Even in the case of using low-waste and ultra-modern resource-saving technologies, the amount of raw materials spent on the production of products (in particular, water and fossil fuels) will significantly exceed the amount of final products of production. In the extractive industry, energy, chemical industry, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, construction, waste is generated in volumes and the mass of which is constantly growing in the world. The main danger of these wastes, which are called technogenic, is that the bulk of them are not processed and cannot be processed at the enterprises where they are generated. Table 1.1 shows the data of the technogenic impact of various industries on the natural and economic regions of Ukraine at the end of the XX century.

For many years, mountains of man-made waste have formed near some enterprises, which had not been previously disposed of. Such clusters are sometimes called technogenic deposits. If the composition of the waste allows them to be used in the same production where they were formed, then "industrial recycling" is used, which is widespread, in particular, in ferrous metallurgy.

Thus, we can conclude that a person has long been living not in a "natural" environment, but in an anthropogenically modified environment, transformed under the influence of his own activity, that is, in technosphere.

Table 1.1

Technogenic impact on natural economic regions of Ukraine

Natural and economic

The amount of harmful substances

released into the atmosphere

The volume of discharge of contaminated wastewater into water bodies


plowed soil

disturbed soils

integral indicator




western Polesie

Ukrainian Carpathians

Kiev Dnieper

Left-bank Dnieper

Industrial Dnieper

The Black Sea

The formation of the technosphere as a global artificial environment on planet Earth, which at the end of the 20th century became comparable in power to the natural one, attracted the attention of scientists and philosophers, sparked discussions about the essence and value significance of social transformations of the technogenic era.

The technosphere is the result of a person's desire to change the world around him, his active and active essence. Many generations of people, setting themselves the task of "conquering" nature and creating comfortable living conditions, formed a technogenic, artificial environment that was supposed to fulfill their desires, in contrast to the unpredictable spontaneity of nature. They succeeded in this, but the solved problem gave rise to a new problem - effective management of the technogenic environment, or at least forecasting with a sufficient degree of probability its reactions to all new innovations. Like any objective reality, the technosphere is driven by its own laws, therefore it is relatively independent not only from external nature, but also from the humanity that gave birth to it, from its needs. Therefore, philosophical thought notes the contradictory impact of the technosphere on human life - a combination of positive and negative consequences.

Consider the emergence and development of technospheric contradictions.

The Neolithic Revolution (X-VIII millennium BC) became an important stage in the transition from the adaptation of man to nature to its conscious, purposeful transformation. The domestication of animals and the cultivation of the land were a historical frontier, indicating that man, instead of adapting himself to nature, began to adapt it to himself. Only when the agricultural stage of historical development is reached can we talk about the formation of the technosphere as an integral technogenic environment of artificial origin, although it interacts with the natural environment and depends on it, but lives according to its own laws and has an unintended effect both on man and society, and on nature. But agriculture as the first type of producing economy has already led to the beginning of the collective transforming influence of society on the biosphere. First of all, it was reflected in the change of soils and the simplification of biocenoses. Signs of antagonism between the natural environment and the emerging technosphere appeared: the very first agricultural civilizations faced soil erosion and salinization, deforestation, that is, with negative biospheric changes. The first known ecological crises were of a local nature (the death of the Mesopotamian civilization occurred from the salinization of cultivated soils as a result of imperfect agricultural technologies, cattle breeding caused the expansion of the Sahara and the destruction of the forests of Greece, etc.).

The implementation of new, agricultural technologies required a fundamentally new organization of the labor process, as L. Mumford correctly emphasizes: instead of spontaneous, episodic labor "exploits" of the hunter, regular, orderly, predictable actions took center stage. The regularity of the expended efforts, determined by the tough natural cycles, instilled in a person a "taste for systematic, continuous work", the extraction of food "has ceased to be an adventure" and instead of chaotic activity, the time has come for long and hard work. "Immediate needs of survival" gave way to the successive labor of generations, the future became predictable, and therefore allowed the construction and implementation of long-term plans for the transformation of nature. But this rhythmic work had other negative consequences for people as well, opposing the natural human need for various and creative activities. These unfavorable transformations were most clearly manifested not in agricultural labor processes, but in handicrafts. The improvement of craft processes led to their complication and the need for professional specialization. This brought, on the one hand, a greater intensification and debugging of individual labor operations, leading to an increase in consumer opportunities for both artisans and society as a whole. But the division of labor also led to a narrowing of the field of activity for each individual worker: the loss of universalism (the actual impossibility of changing occupations, in contrast to the seasonal variety of agricultural work) and the reduction of the working day to repetition of monotonous operations, which threatened with negative consequences both for the physical health of people (the appearance of “ occupational ”diseases, as a rule, chronic and incurable), and for their spiritual health (narrowing the outlook of the employee and depriving the work of creative opportunities). As a result, the isolation of crafts, improving the technological side of physical labor, leading to the perfection of technologies and the most accurate elaboration of standardized details, according to L. Mumford's correct observation, deprived "everyday work of all joy" and replaced it with "a merciless, mind-dulling system of hopelessly black work."

Thus, even the first stage of the formation of the technogenic environment became the cause of the emergence of technogenic antagonisms with the biosphere and the human essence. Since they could not become a conscious goal of people, we have to admit: the technosphere was not under the full control of the person who created it, even at an early stage of its development.

The internal contradictions of the technosphere were still weak, yielding in strength to antagonisms of another origin - anthropogenic (between different states and groups of people), as well as natural (between humanity and the spontaneity of the natural environment). However, the transforming socio-cultural impacts of social development have already been noted (complaints about the "fall in morals" caused by the "excessive sophistication" of civilized life, denial of progress), although technogenic factors are not visible here. Local ecological crises arose (although they were not analyzed) caused by insufficiently developed technologies (excessive intensity of agricultural production and grazing, etc.). Thus, although it is possible to trace the insufficient controllability and controllability of individual technological processes, this level was so small compared to the initial dependence of a person on an uncontrollable natural environment that it was not at all recognized as significant.

The change in the agrarian stage of the development of the technogenic environment to a new, industrial one was caused not only by a conscious public desire to transform old forms, but also by the natural processes of its development, first of all, by the limited reserves of natural raw materials and free territories suitable for the use of old agricultural technologies.

Industrial revolution of the 17th – 18th centuries. largely allowed the transition from natural productive forces (when individual agrarian and handicraft production prevailed) to social ones - those that could be used by people only together, which implied cooperation and division of functions in the labor process. The main technological change in the industrial transition was the division of the product manufacturing process into separate operations, which were assigned to different workers. It was it that made it possible to mechanize industry by creating machines for their implementation. The formation of a system of machine production took place: industrial technological processes were based on devices, the principle of which is the conversion of mechanical energy into mechanical movements of working bodies. Industrialization was accompanied by a growing division of labor: first - within one enterprise, then - in the form of the emergence of more and more specialized industries, and finally - between separate regions of the emerging national state. To ensure the technological-urbanization structure of the technosphere, the development of new industrial sectors was required. First of all, the introduction of innovations began, providing the technologization of consumer services and the creation on a massive scale (and not in private, family, as it was in an agrarian society) of everything necessary for the life of large masses of people concentrated in a small space. This was followed by the creation and implementation of algorithms that ensure reliable management of production processes (continuously operating and coordinating the work of a large number of people), creating the equipment necessary for production and qualified workers who maintain constant communications between individual regions ... Thus, the technosphere of an industrial society (along with with the provision of the production of material benefits already under its exclusive influence) as new functions received the provision of human life (which affected only the urbanized environment) and the maintenance of communications (only material).

D. Bell notes that it was machine production that first gave humanity a peaceful way to increase wealth: not by robbing and impoverishing other people, but by raising the overall material level. He forgets to explain at whose expense this increase in the material level is taking place. Nature pays for all the bills, the anthropogenic load on which begins to grow with the introduction of new, industrial technologies.

It was the less discernment about raw materials and the natural environment of technology that led to an increase in production and increased processing of natural resources, until the previously ignored problem of man-made pollution became apparent. With the formation of the industrial type of production of social life, an increasingly obvious degradation of the biosphere began. If the agrarian society knew local environmental crises, then the expansion of industrial production leads to an increase in negative environmental consequences. With the industrial revolution, a rapid spatial growth of the technosphere began - and as cities expanded and industry developed, fewer and fewer intact biocenoses remained. Whole biological species were exterminated. The use in other regions of the types of management created for Europe led to environmental crises. The relationship of industrial society with nature began to become more complicated: however, these were still only harbingers of future problems, realized by only a few researchers.

The sociocultural aspects of the industrialization process consisted in the extension of technological aspects to other areas of human activity: political processes, scientific knowledge and other ways of mastering the world began to focus on technological principles. Technical rationality, having gone beyond the scientific framework, did not limit itself to its introduction into the production sphere, but began to penetrate into the rest. Formed a special, different from scientific, technical thinking, based on the desire for efficiency and the ability to act with a lack of accurate knowledge.

The ideal of a man-activist, with the help of a rational calculation of natural and social laws, moving towards success and not hindering himself with reflection and hesitation, won more and more recognition, displacing traditional ideals from the mass consciousness. There was a restructuring of the consciousness of people employed in industrial production. According to the correct remark of N. Yutanov and S. Pereslegin, the industrial phase of the development of the technosphere required an "industrial man" who is able to survive in a "human anthill" and be content not only with monotonous labor actions, but also with a permanently defined social role. The technosphere began to form in people the qualities required to complete technological processes. At this stage, mass machine production required, first of all, diligence, discipline, accuracy, the achievement of coordinated work of large masses of people. Work in machine production was not perceived as creative work with intellectual or cultural value, it was perceived only as an economic necessity. It is not surprising that a contrast between mechanical, forced labor and free leisure has emerged. Industrial labor, instead of self-expression of the individual, led to its alienation. The contradiction already noted above between the need to intensify production and the division of labor required for this, on the one hand, and the creative potential of man, on the other, after the introduction of machine production, has escalated to the limit. Having become, in fact, a link in the technological chain, the worker (especially after the advent of conveyor production) felt himself a machine. If, according to F. Fukuyama, “craftsmen were given a sense of satisfaction by the independence of their activities, their skill, creativity and intelligence, which were required in the manufacture of a product,” then workers in mass production, having lost these opportunities, “lost something very important, which cannot be compensated by the growth of earnings ”. Thus, the creative essence of most people did not find expression in production.

Economic growth, based on the introduction of more and more technological innovations, and political democratization have led to the undermining of the old social structure, in which a person's place in society was determined by his belonging to a certain group (usually hereditary). But this process had ambiguous consequences: it was possible not only to climb the social ladder, but also to descend, falling to the social bottom.

One of the negative consequences of industrialization has become widespread unemployment. More and more people lost their former area of ​​labor efforts and could not find a new one. In search of a livelihood, they usually accumulated in large industrial cities. People freed from natural dependence had to adapt to life in a stuffy and noisy city, to monotonous actions during the working day, to the destruction of traditional cultural norms, in general - to a complete change in their usual life. For yesterday's peasants who found themselves in the industrial center, the transition from a communal way of life to a “city consciousness” is extremely difficult. Too often, it has led to cultural disruption - "urban marginalization" - creating people devoid of all social norms and values.

A new, technogenic political problem has arisen - the relationship between technically developed countries and the periphery. Before the industrial revolution, when the level of technological development was almost the same, it was not taken into account in politics. The early stages of technogenic development were characterized by low technospheric discreteness; it is from the industrial era that the difference in technological level between regions becomes apparent. The beginning of the industrial revolution in the countries of Western Europe coincides with the beginning of the political power of this region: first in the form of direct colonization of technically less developed countries, later in the form of an uneven distribution of the social product. It was England, the country that first mastered the loom and the steam engine, became the strongest power in Europe. Thus, the discrete nature of the development of the technosphere has become a powerful political factor.

Many philosophers analyzing the situation of humanity at the beginning of the 20th century emphasized the negative aspects of technization. They warned that economic development, by multiplying the number of things, leads to the loss of spiritual values. People can pay for material goods with freedom and spirituality. Technology can become an end in itself, and a person can become an appendage to a machine. The technosphere transformation of man has also drawn upon itself. Philosophical analysis noted the growing contradiction between the values ​​of activity and control, on the one hand, and mechanical, monotonous labor, to which industrial production condemned ever large masses of people, on the other. The instrumental relationship extended to the relationship between people - the person himself was considered as an object of management and transformation.

What is the objective assessment of the industrial stage of development of the technosphere and its impact on people? Undoubtedly, the positive impact of the created technogenic environment on the material conditions of human life, but the contradiction between the constant development of the technogenic environment and the lack of opportunities to manage its socio-cultural and environmental consequences has already emerged. The internal contradictions of the technosphere sharply escalated (and were recognized by philosophical thought as requiring resolution). They were observed: between unlimited technological innovations and limited material resources of production and sales; between the preservation of traditional socio-cultural systems and a continuous stream of innovations; between the constant growth of the urban population and the pollution of the urbanized environment; between mass production processes requiring the mechanical labor of workers and the growth of personal self-awareness, etc.

For a long time, science and technology developed independently; scientific and technical revolutions did not coincide. But in the middle of the 20th century, the process of a continuous increase in the number of technical innovations and the speed of their technological development began on the basis of the development and use of science, which led to a constant change in the production sphere. This phenomenon is called the scientific and technological revolution. The result was the beginning of a constant and accelerating process of constant change both in the industrial sphere and in all other areas of human life.

It should be noted the beginning of a return to the mobility of labor functions, which was oppressed by standardized industrial production. But the flexibility and versatility of an employee necessary for participation in modern production reaches extremes: the constant change of technologies is ahead of a person's ability to master them. Therefore, more and more attention is being paid to mass unemployment, which is becoming the fate of workers in entire industries (especially dramatic for the population of traditional countries that are undertaking the modernization of their industries). Not a single person who, at the beginning of his career, conscientiously mastered the profession, can be sure of its constant relevance: another technological innovation at any time can devalue his knowledge and skills and throw a successful specialist into the unemployed environment. “We can say that nowadays work becomes a daily preparation for a person to be superfluous,” Z. Bauman sums up. “The old life strategy, in the mainstream of which time and effort was invested in professional development, in achieving the status of a specialist, allowing you to hope for constant receipt of interest from this, is becoming more and more meaningless.” The emerging courses and advanced training programs only postpone this sad stage: people's ability to constantly adapt with age is lost, as a result, unemployment becomes age-related (work in the field of modern technologies is the lot of young people, and older generations are under constant threat of losing their jobs and significance in life).

The technosphere has created an integral living environment for a person of post-industrial civilization, almost completely changing all traditional methods of production, mental work, everyday life, and communication. The process of technologization (or replacement of traditional practices with technogenic and rationalized ones) has covered all areas of modern man's life, gradually placing him in a completely technogenic environment. Technospheric material and energy flows become comparable in power to geological ones. But this process is not limited to the external natural environment: man himself, as a biological being, is increasingly losing his biospheric qualities, integrating with technological processes and devices. In the modern world, more and more people are living a technogenic life in the full sense of the word.

Globalization, shaping a single world, does not hide the opposite process - the growing fragmentation of civilization. As the difference between modern technologies and traditional technologies grows, the economic and political gap between the regions that have introduced the latest technological innovations and the rest is widening. The technosphere split of the world into two types of civilization took shape - agricultural and industrial and urban. The industrialized, urbanized countries are the richest, while the developing countries - the population of the "world village" - languish in poverty. Along with the unification of the modern world, an upsurge of ethnic and religious identity has arisen and is growing in opposition to it. The creation of a planetary field of communication not only increases community, but also gives more reasons for ideological conflicts. Two social tendencies entered into a struggle: globalization, reaching the threat of unification of national differences, and the rise of ethnic self-awareness.

More and more scientists are urging to reflect on the dangers of this "technical gap", but existing programs to help developing countries or modernize their industries in most cases do not help. This shows that the gap between the two groups of regions - technological and economic - has objective reasons, is a natural consequence of the very mechanisms of functioning of a technogenic society. The hypothesis of a “conspiracy” of prosperous countries against a poor periphery cannot be considered an adequate solution to the problem: no matter what plans are hatched by the political elites of individual states, history shows how even the most cunning intrigues disintegrate if they are opposed by the trends of history. The preservation and even strengthening of the gap indicates its regularity.

The relationship between humanity and nature finally comes into the focus of mass attention: the degradation of the natural environment becomes noticeable. Society is aware of environmental difficulties, and scientific thought begins to look for their causes and methods of overcoming. The most discussed consequences of uncontrolled technospheric development, which have caused the characterization of the current state of the biosphere as an ecological crisis, are environmental pollution and the impending shortage of mineral resources. The problem of the optimal combination of satisfying human needs and preserving his natural environment was formulated, which all resources of science and social production are called upon to solve. The aggravation of relations between the biosphere and the technosphere, perceived as a global ecological crisis, is considered a consequence of technogenic development.

Despite the positive consequences of the development of the technosphere, its criticism is increasing. Technology is blamed for the emergence and exacerbation of the environmental crisis, its dominance is considered the cause of negative changes in public consciousness. There are more and more concrete examples of how the introduction of new technologies did not improve people's lives, but led to negative consequences. The worldview assessment of the technosphere is rapidly moving from its complete approval to its complete condemnation. Technophobia transcends narrow intellectual circles and spreads among the broad masses.

But all the proposed programs turned out to be either impracticable or insufficient for decisive changes. Attempts to philosophically understand technology and its impact on humans and society continue. More and more often, technology is understood not as an obedient instrument of people, but as a new force, awakened by man and requiring its own control. There is a growing understanding that the very controllability of the built environment is in question.

The price for personal freedom and constant progress is living in conditions of constant uncertainty. The devaluation of the experience of older generations - both in production and in the field of household information technologies - is just one of the manifestations of the decline in the value of a permanent, long-term, traditional one characteristic of a post-industrial society.

The machine of a globalized economy places tough demands on every person: only those who meet its standards succeed. A vague feeling of lack of freedom takes over the mass consciousness. At the same time, the inexorable laws governing people's lives are impersonal, it is impossible to indicate their perpetrators. “No job can be guaranteed, no one's position is strong, no specialty has a stable value,” Z. Bauman describes this situation. "The standard of living, social status, recognition of usefulness and the right to one's own dignity can all disappear without warning." This feeling of defenselessness in modern man, armed with technological power, is paradoxical.

The changes that have taken place in the humanitarian environment over the past half century are so dramatic that they often give rise to allegations of a cultural crisis. Criticism of authorities and the drive for innovation continues, reaching the point of revising moral and cultural norms and almost without opposition from their defenders. The principle of pluralism, which recognizes a plurality of opinions, turns into nihilism - the absence of stable cultural coordinates, disbelief in the existence of objective criteria and universally significant values, the proclamation of absolute freedom from any restrictions on consumption and self-realization. The principle of asceticism, self-restraint is resolutely rejected. The insecurity of long-term plans from the production area extends to the entire human life. Recognition of moral duty and the fulfillment of social obligations is no longer seen as an inevitable step to success and pleasure, but rather as a dead-end path, “inability to live”: the mass consciousness (and the intellectuals who use it) speak louder and louder about the need to remove any restrictions on consumption and enjoyment. Many researchers pay attention to the discrepancy between the consumer orientation of the mass consciousness (encouraged by advertising technologies) and the qualities that are required for further scientific and technological progress, characteristic of a post-industrial society. According to A.S. Panarin, technogenic development feeds on asceticism - and kills it. “The main paradox of modernity is that its achievements cannot be retained without the exertion of moral will, which is credited to the category of“ survivals ”. As soon as such a will weakens, being replaced by a hedonistic orientation, modernization projects ... hang in the air - for both for economic investments and for the mobilization of personal efforts necessary in the process of mastering knowledge, - A.S. Panarin argued, - a certain minimum of asceticism is required zeal ". According to D. Bell, the main contradiction of post-industrial society is the conflict between technocratically regulated economic and social structures and hedonistic culture. So, the tendency of destruction in the course of the technogenic development of those cultural paradigms that in the era of their domination participated in its support and maintenance, emphasizes the contradictory essence of the technosphere.

Thus, we can draw a conclusion about the growing technospherization of all areas of social and cultural life taking place in a post-industrial society, which is expressed in their rationalization, the spread of the attitude to total control, as well as their inclusion in a self-regulating system of technogenic growth and a decrease in dependence on the will of people.

So, the position of man in the modern world is contradictory. It compares favorably with the life of his ancestors. The formation of an artificial environment has opened up unprecedented opportunities for the growth of material security and safety for people. But there are also negative changes in people's lives.

The listed signs of the crisis of technogenic civilization are not the result of individual mistakes, but a consequence of the very way of being a modern man, his attempts to survive and realize himself. The ability of mankind by its activity to remake the biosphere and its own humanitarian environment lags behind its ability to foresee the results of this rework. Human activities, in addition to direct consequences, have a large number of unpredictable side effects, and as technical equipment grows, these side effects begin to prevail. Therefore, sermons about the harmfulness of the methods of interaction with the world are useless: it is necessary to indicate new paths, harmonious, but quite achievable, along which humanity can go - not ideal people devoid of selfishness, but real ones. Both extremes - both a reckless desire for a new one, not balanced by careful weighing of the consequences, and a blind adherence to the familiar antiquity - cannot be considered adequate ways of human development.

The internal contradictions of the technosphere are recognized, and the goal of their elimination is set, but successes in the course of technical development (for example, a decrease in mechanical labor and an increase in its creative capabilities) are accompanied here by an exacerbation of other contradictions (for example, ecological - between the growth of the technosphere and the adaptive capabilities of the natural environment) and the emergence of new (for example, between the continuity of technological innovation and the limited ability of people to change specialization), requiring a complex solution and awareness within the framework of a single problem.

So, modern researchers state the contradictory influence of the technosphere on human life: on the one hand, it, by creating a comfortable artificial environment and satisfying the material needs of people, supports their existence, and on the other, the technosphere impact has an ever increasing negative impact on biosphere life and socio-cultural processes. Man is not only the creator of the artificial world, he himself, to a large extent, is his creation. The technosphere, created to meet the needs of a person, begins to dictate its requirements to him. Instead of the expected independent life, the artificial world requires adaptation from a person.

The author believes that the objective reason for man-made conflicts is essential contradiction of the technosphere- between the rational origin of individual technical objects and the spontaneous (unpredictable and uncontrollable) nature of the functioning of the technogenic environment as a whole. Currently, the meaning of the philosophical categories "natural" and "artificial" is being rethought: in connection with the strengthening of the importance of the artificial environment in people's lives, their old understanding (the opposite of origin - creation by nature or man) is supplemented by a new one (the opposite of management - functioning according to people's intentions or self-development according to their own laws). Consequently, the concept of "natural-artificial", introduced by modern philosophy, reflects a combination of artificial origin and subordination to natural laws.

The natural-artificial world contains fundamentally heterogeneous processes, therefore its control and prediction of its reactions are difficult.

For example, GP Shchedrovitsky shows that the natural-artificial simultaneously acts "both as an object of our activity, and as something that lives by itself outside of this activity." So, all social and technical objects and processes have a natural-artificial character, since they are always inadequate to the practical task for the solution of which they were created. The problem becomes clear: how to "fit the technical devices created and implemented according to the project into those systems of activity that arose as a result of the operation of these technical devices." VM Rozin considers any technical object as by its very essence "natural-artificial": it "represents, on the one hand, a phenomenon of nature, and on the other, what must be artificially created." At the same time, the concept of the natural environment "expands to include social and economic structures ... The natural environment itself becomes an element of the technology being created." Thus, "natural" and "artificial" again merge into a single indissoluble whole. Humanity exists on the border between the artificial and the natural. So, according to V. A. Kutyrev, man is "a natural-artificial being - transformed nature." Since the concept of "natural-artificial" reflects the escape of artificial objects from the control of the creators, it is used to describe the technosphere.

Recipes are proposed for resolving the current crisis: both reducing the anthropogenic load on nature by reducing the population (although this does not mean reducing material needs, because the scale of biospheric expansion depends on many other factors), and the technospherization of the human body itself (although we cannot yet foresee all the consequences and less radical technological innovations), and a return to traditional cultural and religious origins (although they, as inherited from an agrarian society, in the historical past have already shown their inapplicability and demanded renewal) ... growth, with the goal of forming on the planet instead of a kaleidoscope of technogenic complexes (the coordination of the effects of which on each other and on nature is unlikely) a single technospheric system controlled by people. This requires the continuation of technological development, combined with an awareness of its consequences and the acceptance by mankind of full responsibility for the existence and evolution of not only its biological species, but also nature as a whole. The result will be the replacement of the neighborhood (and conflict) of two environments - natural and artificial - with a single planetary socio-natural system in a state of dynamic equilibrium.

Yutanov, N., Pereslegin, S. Letters to the Club of Rome // Forrester, J. World Dynamics. - M., 2003 .-- S. 341.

Fukuyama, F. Trust. Social virtues and welfare creation // New post-industrial wave in the West. - M., 1999 .-- S. 150.


MAY №5 / 2010

S.V. Belov, E.N. Simakova


Textbook for university students,

students in the direction

"Technosphere safety"

(280100 "Life Safety"

and 280200 "Environmental protection")

Issue 1

The tutorial examines the dangers created by excess flows of substances, energy and information, Describes the modern world of such dangers. The theoretical foundations of noxology, the science of dangers, have been formulated. Methods and means of protection against dangers at the local, regional and global levels are shown. The types of hazard monitoring are described. The assessment of the negative impact of the realized hazards is given, the ways of further improvement of human and environmental protection activities are formulated. This tutorial was written for the first time. Tutorials are supposed to be published in the appendix to the journal in the form of separate issues.

Keywords:accident, disaster, biosphere, vibration, impact, emissions, demography, dose, vital activity, protection, identification, radiation, infrasound, catastrophe, criteria, noxology, noxosphere, object, hazard, waste, maximum permissible concentration, maximum permissible level, incident, risk, technosphere, tolerance, discharges, situation, mortality, ultrasound, urbanization, level, factor, noise, ecobioprotection, ecology.

Belov S. V., Simakova E. N.Noksologiya

Dangers, created the surplus streams of matters, energy and information, are considered in a train aid. The modern world of such dangers is described. Theoretical bases of noksologi (sciences about dangers) are formulated. Methods and facilities of protecting are rotined from dangers on local, regional and global levels. The types of monitoring of dangers are described. The estimation of negative influence of the realized dangers is given, the ways of further perfection of activity are formulated on defense of man and nature. A train aid is written first and intended for the students of institutes of higher.

Keywords: failure, calamity, biosphere, vibration, influence, contamination of atmosphere, demography, dose, everyday activity of man, defense, authentication, radiation, infrasound, catastrophe, criteria, noksologiya, noksosfera, object, danger, wastes, maximum possible concentration, maximum possible level, incident, risk, technosphere, tolerance, contamination of hydrosphere, situation, death rate, ultrasound, urbanization, level, factor, noise, ecological biological defense, eecology.

Foreword ………………………………………………………………………….
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………
The structure of the Universe, the emergence of the technosphere …………………… ...
Evolution of mankind and the environment ………………… .............
Evolution of hazards ………………………………………………… ..
Chapter 1 The modern world of dangers (noxosphere) …………………………….
1.1 Natural and natural man-made hazards ………………………….
1.1.1. Human interaction with the environment ……………………….
1.1.2. Everyday natural hazards ………………………………….
1.1.3 Natural hazards ……………………………………… ...
1.2 Anthropogenic and anthropogenic-technogenic hazards ………………………
1.3 Technogenic hazards …………………………………………………… ...
1.3.1. Permanent local hazards ……………………… .. Harmful substances………………………………………………... Vibrations ……………………………………………………… ..


The desire of a person to protect his life is his natural vital need. Unfortunately, the world around a person has not only a positive, but also quite often a negative impact on him, which negatively affects the health and longevity of a person.

The negative influences of the surrounding World are eternal. They have exerted and continue to exert a negative influence on man from the day of his appearance on Earth to the present day. The natural reaction of a person to negative influences is his constant concern for protecting himself and his environment from dangers.

Currently, an economic crisis is raging in the world, negatively affecting the well-being of the population of almost all countries. In Russia, the world economic crisis coincided with a deep and prolonged demographic crisis. Starting from 1992 to the present, there has been a decrease in the population in our country, a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the death rate of the population. In the last 10 years alone, Russia has lost up to 25 million people, of which about 3.5 million people died from "external" causes (trauma, poisoning).

Of particular concern are the indicators of forced mortality among men of working age, and hence of reproductive (fertile) age.

The current demographic situation is largely determined by the economic indicators of the standard of living of Russians and the conditions of their existence. At the beginning of the 21st century, the relative value of the gross domestic product per capita in the United States is 6 times higher than that in Russia. The average life expectancy (ALE) of men in Russia turned out to be no more than 60 years (in Japan - 78 years, in the USA - 74 years).

It is well known that the life expectancy of people largely depends on the satisfaction of their natural needs, the quality of the living environment, working and rest conditions, and the quality of medical care.

An important role in the reduction of ALE is played by danger. At all times of its existence, mankind has been actively fighting against dangers. It is no coincidence that a lot of attention was paid to protection against fires, compliance with industrial safety rules, reduction of road accidents, etc., regulating, first of all, safe practices and applying protection against hazards.

In the second half of the XX century, man intensifies nature protection activities, primarily protecting the atmospheric air, fresh water bodies and land

land from pollution. Today, the problem of environmental pollution is reaching its climax, especially in megacities and adjacent territories. Protection against emissions from vehicles, thermal power plants, industrial facilities of the economy and housing and communal services, liquidation and disposal of solid waste are the main environmental tasks.

At the end of the 20th century, the following doctrines emerged: "Healthy lifestyle" (HLS), "Human life safety" (BZhD) and "Environmental protection" (AOS). During this period, it became clear that the implementation in practice of only protective measures against hazards is clearly not enough to ensure human safety. A preventive analysis of all accepted man-made decisions is required in order to detect possible hazardous manifestations: it was required to apply scientifically substantiated requirements for the creation of low-hazard technologies, machines and industries; it became necessary to establish modern norms and rules to ensure the safety of work and rest areas, norms and rules of the possible permissible impact of the technosphere and humans on the environment.

It became necessary to actively develop human nature protection activities on a scientific basis by creating a science about the dangers of the surrounding material world - science noxology, as well as training of engineering, technical and scientific personnel - carriers of this area of ​​knowledge.

At the same time, there was a need for all-round introduction into society safety culture, based on the comprehension by each person of knowledge about the origin and principles of the appearance of dangers, about the modern world of dangers and protection from it. There was a concept " noxology ".

Noxology - studies the origin and cumulative effect of hazards, describes hazardous zones and indicators of their impact on the material world, assesses the damage caused by Hazards to humans and nature. The tasks of noxology also include the study of the principles of minimizing hazards in sources and the basics of protection against them within hazardous areas.

The discipline "Noxology" reflects and systematizes scientific and practical achievements in the field of human and environmental protection activities, is based on theoretical developments of domestic and foreign scientists.

It is no coincidence that the known knowledge about life safety and nature protection is united within the framework of this doctrine. They have one conceptual basis and are inextricably linked with the concept of "danger". In addition, they have a common real content, due to the commonality of sources acting, as a rule, simultaneously on a person, society and nature, as well as a significant commonality of means of protection.

The discipline "Noxology" refers to the natural scientific cycle and provides an understanding and logical relationship in the system "man-technosphere-nature" at the level of negative interaction of the elements of the system.

The draft program of the new natural-scientific discipline "Noxology" was first published in the appendix to the journal "Life Safety" No. 5, 2007.

The purpose of the discipline: to familiarize students with the theory and practice of hazard science.

Discipline objectives: to give an idea of ​​the dangers of the modern world and their negative impact on humans and nature; form the criteria and methods for assessing hazards; describe the sources and zones of influence of hazards; to give the basic foundations of the analysis of the sources of danger and ideas about the ways and means of protecting man and nature from dangers.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:

Know the sources and the world of hazards, their impact on humans and nature, types and criteria for assessing hazards;

Be able to identify hazards, evaluate fields and indicators of their negative impact;

Demonstrate the ability and readiness to describe hazard fields, to achieve a state of safety for humans, technosphere and nature.

The proposed textbook of the discipline "Noxology" is a prototype of the discipline "Introduction to the specialty", read by the authors of the manual to first-year students who studied at the Moscow State Technical University. N.E.Bauman in 1995-2009 by specialties:

320700 (280201.65) - Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;

330100 (280101.65) - Life safety in the technosphere.

It is important to note that the study of the new discipline by the students was carried out in the 2nd semester of the first year of study after passing the test in the discipline "Ecology" and was preceded by their acquaintance with scientific and practical knowledge, skills, skills set forth in the discipline "Life Safety", usually studied in 4- 5 semesters of the curriculum.

The authors of the textbook with interest and gratitude will accept all comments and suggestions, which should be sent to the address: 107076, Moscow, Stromynsky per., 4, editorial office of the journal "Life Safety".

"First of all, to every kind of living

creatures nature has bestowed the desire

defend, defend your life "



Danger -human property and environment, capable of causing damage to living and inanimate matter.

Noxology- the science of the dangers of the material world of the Universe - is an integral part of the science of "Ecology" (Ecology is the science of the relationship of living organisms between themselves and their environment) and considers the relationship of living organisms between themselves and their environment at levels that are detrimental to the health and life of organisms or at levels that violate the integrity of their environment.

The emergence of the science of "Noxology" at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century is not accidental. At all stages of its existence, mankind constantly sought and applied protection from dangers, preserving health and life.

The structure of the universe, the emergence of the technosphere

The modern structure of the Universe can be represented in the form of four interacting systems, schematically shown in Fig. IN 1.

For almost 700 thousand years, mankind has been in direct contact with the Earth's biosphere, which has always been and is a protective shield against cosmic influences. Life originated in the biosphere and a person was formed, but it possessed and possesses a number of natural factors that negatively affect a person (high and low air temperatures, precipitation, natural phenomena, etc.). Therefore, to protect against the adverse effects of the biosphere and to achieve a number of other goals, man was forced to create a technosphere.

Rice. IN 1. The modern scheme of human interaction with the environment

Technosphere -habitat, which has arisen with the help of direct or indirect impact of people and technical means on the natural environment (biosphere) in order to best match the environment to the socio-economic needs of man.

By definition, the technosphere includes everything that is created by man - industrial, urban, household environment, treatment and prevention, cultural and educational zones, etc.

The creation of the technosphere is a long-term process due to the evolutionary development of mankind and its environment. The active creation of the technosphere began in the middle of the 19th century.


On the topic:__________________

Checked: _________________________




Almaty, 2015.

Modern technosphere

The technosphere is an artificial shell of the Earth that embodies human labor, organized by the scientific and technical mind.

The technosphere is a projection of human civilization, not only directly on the Earth, but also on the energy and information levels of the planet Earth. The technosphere has become a single whole with the Noosphere, and is an integral part of it.

Technosphere, 1) a part of the biosphere, transformed by people with the help of direct and indirect impact of technical means in order to best meet the socio-economic needs of mankind. With a significant limitation - the global rationality of transformation, taking into account the task of preserving the type of biosphere that is necessary for the life and development of mankind - the technosphere potentially becomes a part of the noosphere.

Technosphere, 2) A practically closed future regional-global technological system of utilization and re-utilization of natural resources involved in economic circulation, designed to isolate economic and production cycles from natural metabolism and energy flow, a possible component of the future noosphere,.

The question is, how friendly is the Technosphere in relation to the living natural world? Will the technosphere be able to develop in harmony with natural complexes, or will it be opposed to the nature of the Earth, with all the ensuing consequences and, as a consequence, the creation of an artificial environment for human life, and partly an artificial natural complex, with the destruction of most of the nature of the Earth.

The technosphere is both a material, informational and energetic artificial shell, which is permeated by flows of matter (food), energy (thermal and electrical devices and networks) and information (radio, telephone, TV, computer, etc.).

In general, the technosphere is a life support system, transparent for useful flows of matter, energy and information. The technosphere can free a person from the pressure of the environment, from the need to thin out their organs in response to its challenge. Or vice versa, the technosphere can teach a person to live in harmony with nature.

All who thought about the future of the learned mankind foresaw its cosmic expansion. At first, humanity will become planetary - tellurgical. Then solar - covering space on the scale of the Sun. And, finally, having escaped from the solar system, it will become sidereal - stellar. Reaching out to the stars, it will spiritualize all matter in the world.

What will the person bring with him? From a cosmic perspective, does a person see himself as a titan, creating worlds or crushing worlds? Without learning to preserve the peace of the Earth, it is unlikely that humanity is capable of becoming a Creator, a Creator in the cosmic perspective.

At present, there are three main concepts for the development of the Technosphere.

1. Noospheric laws, unknown to mankind, will not allow man to destroy the nature of the Earth, the Noosphere will strictly regulate both the population on Earth and other actions of human civilization aimed at destroying the nature of the Earth.

2. Complete destruction of the nature of the Earth in the process of development of the Technosphere, and the creation of an artificial habitat intended primarily for humans.

Let's consider these theories.

1. Laws of development of the Noosphere

With the emergence of life, the biosphere arose - a self-developing biological system consisting of many different types of living organisms that lived on land, in water, in the air and even underground. For a billion years, the Earth's biosphere has managed to reach the highest peaks of self-organization.

In the earth's biosphere there are no populations it does not need - if any species of animals or plants begins to evolve "in the wrong direction" - mutations have occurred, say, or natural selection has "lost" the course, - the biosphere quickly (on a historical scale of time) restores equilibrium.

Superfluous species die out, and nature has many ways for this, which it uses as needed: from the extermination of some species by others to infections that can "mow down" many individuals in the shortest possible time. The balance of forces in the biosphere has developed, has reached perfection ...

And then the development of mankind, one of the components of the biosphere, reached a level where people themselves began to determine what they need, what they want to achieve. People have created an industry that has nothing to do with the biosphere of the planet. Science arose and began to make discovery after discovery. Man began to learn the secrets of the biosphere and use the knowledge gained for his "personal" purposes. It was then that the sphere of reason arose - the noosphere, which Teilhard de Chardin and Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky wrote about in the last century.

The newborn noosphere was at first an integral part of the biosphere, but gradually acquired independence and began to develop according to its own laws. Biological science has somehow already figured out the laws of the development of a living, unreasonable nature - the biosphere, but the laws of the development of the noosphere in many ways still remain a mystery behind seven seals. Are the concepts of good and evil defining for the noosphere?

In the animal kingdom there are concepts of purposefulness, instinct. A person, however, cannot be guided only by instincts, he seems to have to strive for good, for light, concepts of morality, morality, what is good and what is bad have arisen in human society.
And then, science and technology have added their own, previously non-existent features to the development of the biosphere. There are too many people on the planet. Within the framework of the biosphere, the long-tested mechanisms would immediately begin to operate, and the number of people (like that of any other population) would decrease to the optimal level. But advanced medicine, an increase in life expectancy broke these regulatory mechanisms of nature - a person began to establish the laws of his own development for himself. The noosphere took up self-regulation at a different, previously unknown level.

The technogenic danger posed by the development of human civilization is of a systemic nature - we do not have to rely on the grace of nature or self-regulation of the biosphere. Everything that is connected with the development of mankind no longer belongs to the biosphere, but to the noosphere, whose laws have not yet been cognized.

Science and all the methods of futurology suggest that it is necessary to oppose the achievements of the same science and technology. Is it so? Otherwise, man will destroy nature. Either we - or she. Does the development of the noosphere conflict with the evolution of the planet's biosphere?
This means that the first must be limited in order to save the second. But will we save humanity if we save nature?

2. Unnatural technical world

G. Altshuller and M. Rubin argue that - whether we like it or not - humanity will have to live in an unnatural technical world (BTM). It follows from this that the design of the unnatural technical world (BTM) will make it possible to identify in advance the tasks that are vital for the existence and development of civilization, and to prepare in a timely manner for their solution. We already live in BTM. We hardly ever go outdoors: at home, subway, bus, workshop or other work space, shops, theaters, gyms ...

This is the first, initial stage of BTW, when the habitat is to a large extent already unnatural, but life support is still based on natural systems. The next phase is intermediate. The final phase: the ideal BTM is a world in which the degree of independence from nature (more precisely, from what will remain from nature by that time) is very high (about 90 percent) and continues to increase. "

This is followed by the thought - the most seditious, the acceptance as a fact of the circumstance with which no one (with rare exceptions) today wants to reconcile: “Technically (energetically) the creation of an armored vehicle is feasible already at the modern level of technology. This is partly a sad conclusion. For there is no strongest factor , which would restrain the extinction of the natural world. Sadly, without nature, you can survive by building an armored vehicle. And nature will quickly finish off. "

Therefore, G. Altshuller and M. Rubin conclude, it is necessary today to start learning to live in the BTW - a non-natural technical world. In a world where uncontrollable nature simply does not exist. Moreover, if we are still destined to live in such a world, then it is wiser to build it according to a plan than to leave it at the mercy of trends that no one will ever break anyway. "Life cannot be turned back ..."

And conclusions:

"For life in these worlds, a different way of thinking is necessary - effective, excluding major mistakes, taking into account the dialectics of the rapidly developing world."

In BTM, you will inevitably have to abandon the material-consumer way of life, from material consumption as the main life value. The main vector of BTW should be creativity aimed at deepening and expanding knowledge and enriching the beauty of the world. "

The idea of ​​an unnatural technical world is an attempt to solve the common problem of human survival. If the BTM is created, then the particular tasks will be solved.

Instead of protecting the environment, the task of creating a new artificial nature, more favorable to humans than the current one, will be solved. There is no need to regulate the birth rate and strive to reduce the population size - in the unnatural technical world on Earth there will be enough space, food and technology for ten, twenty or more billion people. You just have to change ourselves first.

3. Harmonious development of the Technosphere in interaction with the nature of the Earth.

The problem of harmonious development of the Technosphere with the nature of the Earth remains unresolved today.

Modern technologies are hostile and untenable in relation to the nature of the Earth, man himself, with rapidly growing cities, industry drives out living things from the planet. Population regulation is also an unsolved problem. Energy resources, resources of the planet are not unlimited. The Earth is incapable of feeding and providing everything necessary for the rapidly growing human civilization, which is destroying all life around it. The modern trend in the development of civilization is aimed at destroying the nature of the Earth and the planet itself.

But since the Technosphere is an integral part of the Noosphere, the laws of the Noosphere presuppose a reasonable development of the Technosphere in harmony with the biospheric mechanisms of the planet and the nature of man himself.

A person has to learn, realize these laws, the laws of intelligent life on planet Earth, through everything that is happening on Earth today: disasters, including man-made, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, climate change, new types of viruses, the emergence of new incurable diseases, the progression of the birth rate of sick and weakened children, the progression of cardiovascular diseases, allergies and much more.

Technosphere as an integral part of the Noosphere

As an integral part of the Noosphere, the Technosphere (if we consider the Technosphere as an information-energy part of the Noosphere) is to some extent similar to a global computer information network. It is quite possible that the modern Internet is the image of the Technosphere of the Earth of the Noospheric level.

The information-energy level of the Technosphere occupies an intermediate position between the noospheric guardian cells and the higher levels of the Teachers. The technosphere is represented here in general by a network of communications linking all levels of the Noosphere, Isosphere into a single information system.

The technosphere is informationally connected, literally to every living person, allowing the person himself to draw information from a single integral collective planetary repository. Each person here is at the same time a microcell of a giant collective intelligence, and at the same time, in the future, he can learn to use the full potential of a single collective planetary intelligence.

As a materialized material environment, the technosphere of the earth is directly realized by modern civilization, and is already inseparable from the life of modern society. The trends in the development of the Technosphere as a whole contradict the laws of nature, and at this stage the development of the Technosphere is the cause of the destruction of nature and life on Earth.

The technosphere is a part of the biosphere radically transformed by man into technical and man-made objects (mechanisms, buildings, structures, mines, roads, etc.) with the help of direct or indirect impact of technical means in order to best meet the socio-economic needs of a person.

System is an object that is a set of elements interacting in the process of performing a certain range of tasks and interconnected functionally.

An element of a system is an object that is the simplest part of the system, the individual parts of which are not of independent interest within the framework of a specific consideration.

Object - a technical product for a specific purpose, considered during the periods of design, production, testing and operation.

Objects can be various systems and their elements, in particular: structures, installations, technical products, devices, machines, apparatus, devices and their parts, units and individual parts.

Systems function in space and time. The process of functioning of systems is a change in the state of the system, its transition from one state to another. Accordingly, systems are subdivided into static and dynamic.

A static system is a system with one possible state.

A dynamic system is a system with many states, in which a transition from one state to another occurs over time.

The modern technosphere is diverse: its representatives are cities, which include industrial and residential zones, transport hubs and highways, trade and cultural and domestic zones and individual premises, thermal power plants and thermal power plants,
recreation areas, etc.

Technosphere - a set of regions of the biosphere in which the natural environment is completely or partially rebuilt by man with the help of direct or indirect technical influence in order to best meet his material and spiritual needs

Figure 1 - The structure of the technosphere

With the advent of man and the development of human society, a qualitatively new and most complex type of processes appears in the biosphere - technogenesis. Technogenesis is understood as the impact of human economic activity in all its forms on the natural environment. Problems generated by technogenesis:

The problem of chemical pollution of natural environments;

The problem of thermal pollution of the biosphere;

The problem of the likely growth of the greenhouse effect;

The problem of dusting the atmosphere as a result of emissions from enterprises and other types of industrial activities;

The problem of reducing the total amount of biomass and biodiversity in the Earth's biosphere as a result of two main types of processes:

a. technogenic processes not typical of the biosphere: production of substances that do not exist in nature, movement of matter, creation of man-made objects that have no natural analogues, the use of atomic energy, etc.

b. technogenically transformed biosphere processes: any processes of movement and transformation of matter and energy, which continue to be carried out as a whole in the same forms and according to the same laws as in nature, but their course, one way or another, is changed as a result of technogenic influence.

The technosphere is characterized, in comparison with the biosphere, with a wider range of hazards and negative impacts, a high probability, the magnitude of the level and consequences (damage) of their implementation.
Technogenic negative factors in the technosphere are formed due to the presence of industrial and household waste, due to the use of technical means, due to the concentration of energy resources, etc. The negative factors of the technosphere are most concentrated in the production sector.
Work environment Is a part of the technosphere with an increased concentration of negative factors. The main carriers of traumatic and harmful factors in the production environment are machines and other technical devices, chemically and biologically active objects of labor, energy sources, unregulated actions of workers, violations of regimes and organization of activities, as well as deviations from the permissible parameters of the microclimate of the working area.
Traumatic and harmful factors are divided into physical, chemical, biological and psychophysical.

Physical factors- moving machines and mechanisms, increased levels of noise and vibrations, electromagnetic and ionizing radiation, insufficient illumination, increased levels of static electricity, increased voltage in the electrical circuit, etc.

Chemical factors- substances and compounds that differ in their state of aggregation and have toxic, irritating, sensitizing, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects on the human body and affecting its reproductive function.
Biological factors - pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, etc.) and their metabolic products, as well as animals and plants.

Psychophysiological factors- physical (static and dynamic) and neuropsychic overload (mental overstrain, overstrain of analyzers, monotony of work, emotional overload).

From the standpoint of safety, the tasks of researching technical systems are to see how the elements of the system function in the system in interaction with its other parts and for what reasons a failure can occur that threatens with negative consequences for the environment.

Sources of technogenic hazard:


Potentially hazardous facilities;

Enterprises, organizations, institutions carrying out the corresponding type of activity.

Environmental factors are any element of the environment that can have a direct impact on living organisms, at least during one of the stages of development.

Technogenic hazard factors:




Impulse acceleration.

The structure of the technosphere is usually viewed as an integral global system in two systemic links:

a. "Man is a technosphere";

b. "Technosphere - biosphere".

In the first bundle, the technosphere is a natural system (continuation of the structural complication of living nature), and in the second, an artificial system (separates a person from it)

The structural elements of the technosphere are:

A. Technical products, which are the final link in the transformation of natural substances. Objects of the technosphere as technocenoses as spontaneously forming communities and technological species as units of these communities.

B. Territorial and industrial complexes (TPK). The external function of environmental pollution, as well as the general function of purpose and control on the part of human society, are decisive for each of them.

Smaller structural elements of technotrophic chains - enterprises = an organism in the biosphere.

The unitary element of the structure of the technosphere can be considered an elementary technological process of transformation of matter

Technosphere processes:

Transformation of substances;

Creation of things;

Operation of things;

Decomposition of worn-out things.

Types of technosphere zones.

1. Industrial area. Includes industrial enterprises, cultural institutions serving them, streets, squares, green spaces.

2. Urban zone is a conventional territorial unit of a city:

Reflect the historical development and internal organization of the city;

They differ in the intensity of use of the occupied area, the composition of the population and other socio-economic characteristics.

3. Residential zone - a part of the territory of an inhabited locality intended for the placement of residential, public and recreational zones, as well as separate parts of engineering and transport infrastructures, other objects, the placement and activity of which does not have an impact that requires special sanitary protection zones. Occupies about 60% of the city's territory.

4. Transport zone - a system of ground, elevated and underground highways intersecting at several levels. The planning structure depends on the location of the city on the relief

Modern principles of the formation of the technosphere:

1. Development of a strategy for the development of modern civilization preliminarily studies the strategy for the development of the biosphere (billion years), higher animals (many tens of millions of years) of man (hundreds of millennia), bygone civilizations (many millennia).

3. It is advisable to have two types of concepts: ideal (utopias) and real (theories).

4. In addition to scientific and technical measures: spiritual revival and renewal of man, a sharp increase in the value of his intellect, the priority of spiritual needs, the transition to a new level of knowledge of nature.

5. Architectural planning zoning of the territory.

6. Information support of accounting and information support of legal relations.

7. The state of the territory is characterized by its composition, spatial distribution, indicators of its components.

8. The use of the territory is characterized by the composition of functions, their spatial distribution, indicators of their impact on the environment.

9. External conditions are characterized by spatial distribution, indicators of the influence on the territory of the factors of its environment.

Priority of safety and nature conservation issues in the formation of the technosphere:

1. Assessment of the technosphere moves from its complete approval to complete condemnation.

2. The proposed programs are impracticable or insufficient for change.

3. The controllability of the built environment is in question.

4. Living in conditions of constant uncertainty - the price for personal freedom and progress.

5. Long-term planning for the development of the technosphere.

Essence and composition of the technosphere:

The activity of human civilization has led to the emergence of a new global material system (sphere) of artificially created objects, which is called the technosphere. The technosphere can be considered as a part of the noosphere, transformed under the influence of man's technogenic activities. In the genetic scheme of the Earth's geosphere, the technosphere is its youngest component. Since the older lithosphere originated about 4-5 billion years ago, the age of the technosphere is only 180-200 years. The current stage in the development of the technosphere covers the industrial and technical progress of human development (see § 4).

There are other names for this part of the geosphere, in particular the anthroposphere. The technosphere is defined as a planetary space influenced by the instrumental and technical production activity of people and is occupied with the products of this activity. Since the technosphere and the biosphere are interconnected, their totality is called the Ecosphere (L. Kol, 1958). The Ecosphere understands the totality of all life on Earth, together with its environment and resources.

Elements of the technosphere are traced for tens and hundreds of thousands of kilometers in near-earth space due to the propagation of radio waves, the orbits of artificial satellites of the Earth and other planets, thousands of flying vehicles are constantly moving in the atmosphere, spaces of cultivated and artificially created landscapes, settlements, structures, transport communications; hundreds of billions of tons of minerals are extracted from the earth's interior, huge areas are formed, occupied by industrial and household waste; Hundreds of billions of tons of gas, aerosol and energy emissions are emitted by man-made systems, tens of billions of tons of liquid waste are discharged. Natural hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere saturated with thousands of artificially created objects.

Trends in environmental change.

Based on the development of ecological and socio - economic situations in the world, V. Danilov-Danilyan and other scientists predict such trends in environmental changes under the influence of technogenic activities for the next 30 years:

Growth in consumption of primary biological products by 80-85% on land;

Accelerated increase in the concentration of CO2 and CH4 as a result of the destruction of biota;

Significant increase in the amount of greenhouse gases;

Reduction of ozone screen power by 1-2% annually;

Reduction of forest areas at a rate of 177 to 180 thousand km2 / rick (in the tropics up to 9-11 million km2 with a simultaneous reduction in forest area in temperate latitudes);

Increase in the area of ​​deserts;

Increased erosion of agricultural land;

Increase in wastewater volumes and pollutants;

Depletion of land water resources;

Degradation and disappearance of biota species;

Deterioration of the natural living conditions of people;

An increase in the number of genetic diseases;

Growing food shortages.

Arguments and Facts

In 1650, the population of the Earth was about 500 million people; over the next 200 years, it doubled, doubled again over the next 80 years, in 1975 it reached 4 billion people, in 1999 it exceeded 6 billion, in 2009 it was about 6.8 billion people. The population of the Earth is now such that if a person were evenly distributed on the surface of the planet, then the distance between them would be only 300 m. Every minute the population of our planet is increasing by 172 people. This means: weekly 1.7 million people are added to the population of the Earth - as many as now live in such cities of Ukraine as Vinnitsa, Zaporozhye and Zhitomir taken.

At present, about 30 thousand species of higher vascular plants and about 150 thousand species are under the threat of extinction on Earth. Several species disappear on the planet every day, and at least one plant species every week.

More than 6 million hectares of land annually degrade and turn into a desert.

The number of people who consume polluted water has reached 1.5 billion and continues to grow. The reasons for the shortage and shortage of fresh water are excessive water consumption (an ordinary European spends 500 liters of fresh water per day, and a Central African - 8 liters); pollution of surface and ground waters; reduction of water content in rivers and groundwater reserves. In 2100, fresh water reserves may be depleted.

1. The technosphere is a young geosphere of the Earth, but its influence on natural processes and components of nature is the largest and most unpredictable.

2. As a result of the technogenic impact on the Earth's biosphere, unfavorable tendencies of global changes in natural processes and components of nature are traced, which are manifested in a violation of the heat balance, changes in the links of the cycle of substances, pollution of nature, degradation of its components, and the formation of anthropogenic landscapes.

Man and the environment are in continuous interaction, forming a constantly operating system "man - environment". In the process of the evolutionary development of the World, the components of this system were constantly changing. Man improved, the population of the Earth and the level of its urbanization increased, the social structure and the social basis of society changed. The habitat also changed: the territory of the Earth's surface and its interior, developed by man, increased .; the natural environment was experiencing an ever-increasing influence of the human community; a household, urban and industrial environment artificially created by man appeared.

The natural environment is self-sufficient and can exist and develop without human participation, and all other human-created habitats cannot develop independently and after their emergence are doomed to aging and destruction.

At the initial stage of his development, man interacted with the natural environment, which consists mainly of the biosphere, and also includes the bowels of the Earth, the galaxy and the boundless Cosmos.

In the process of evolution, man, striving to most effectively satisfy his needs for food, material values, protection from climatic and weather influences, in increasing his communication, continuously influenced the natural environment and, above all, the biosphere. To achieve these goals, he transformed part of the biosphere into territories occupied by the technosphere.

Technosphere - a region of the biosphere in the past, transformed by people through direct or indirect impact of technical means in order to best meet their material and socio-economic needs Technosphere, created by man with the help of technical means, is the territory occupied by cities, towns, rural settlements, industrial zones and enterprises. Technospheric conditions include the conditions for people to stay at economic facilities, in transport, at home, in the territories of cities and towns. The technosphere is not a self-developing environment, it is man-made and after creation can only degrade. In the process of life, a person continuously interacts not only with the natural environment, but also with people who form the so-called social environment. It is formed and used by man for procreation, exchange of knowledge experiences, for the satisfaction of his spiritual needs and the accumulation of intellectual values.

1. Modern man continuously interacts with his environment, the components of which are the natural, technogenic (technosphere) and social environment.

2. Since the end of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century, the technosphere and social environment have been continuously developing, as evidenced by the ever-increasing share of the territories of the earth's surface transformed by man, the demographic explosion and urbanization of the population.

Man and his environment form a constantly operating system "man - environment", in which man continuously solves at least two main tasks: provides his needs for food, water and air; creates and uses protection from negative influences from the environment.

The sources of natural negative impacts include natural phenomena in the biosphere: climate change, thunderstorms, earthquakes, etc. The constant struggle for their existence forced a person to find and improve means of protection from the natural negative effects of the environment. However, the emergence of a dwelling, the use of fire and other means of protection, the improvement of methods of obtaining food not only protected a person from natural negative influences, but also influenced the living environment. Until the middle of the XIX century. the human habitat slowly changed its appearance and the types and levels of negative impacts changed little. In the XX century. the active influence of man on the environment increased, zones of increased pollution of the biosphere appeared on the Earth, which led to partial, and in a number of cases, to complete regional degradation. The biosphere gradually lost its dominant importance and in the regions inhabited by people began to turn into a technosphere.

These changes were largely facilitated by: high rates of population growth on Earth (demographic explosion) and its urbanization; growth in consumption and concentration of energy resources; intensive development of industrial and agricultural production; massive use of means of transport; an increase in military spending and a number of other processes. In the World around us, new conditions for the interaction of living and inanimate matter have arisen: the interaction of man with the technosphere, the interaction of the technosphere with the biosphere (nature), etc.

Currently, a new area of ​​knowledge has emerged - "Ecology of the technosphere", which includes (at least): the basics of technosphere construction and regional studies, sociology and organization of life in the technosphere, service, safety of human life in the technosphere and protection of the natural environment from the negative influence of the technosphere, where the main "actors" are man and the technosphere created by him.

Life safety is the science of comfortable and safe human interaction with the technosphere. Its main goal is to protect humans in the technosphere from the negative influences of anthropogenic and natural origin and to achieve comfortable living conditions. The means to achieve this goal is the implementation by society of knowledge and skills aimed at reducing the physical, chemical, biological and other negative impacts in the technosphere to acceptable values. This determines the body of knowledge included in the science of life safety, as well as the place of the Belarusian Railways in the general field of knowledge - the ecology of the technosphere.

The most important concepts in the scientific theory of Belarusian Railways are: habitat, activity, hazard, safety and risk.

Habitat - the environment surrounding a person at a given moment, determined (conditioned) by a combination of factors (physical, chemical, biological, social) that can affect human activities, his health and offspring (direct or indirect, immediate or distant). The production environment (zone) - consists of elements: objects and means of labor, products of labor, etc.

Activity is the conscious (active) interaction of a person with the environment. The result of the activity should be its usefulness for human existence in this environment. The content of the activity includes the goal, means, result and the process of activity itself. The forms of activity are varied. Life activity is daily activity and rest, a way of human existence.

Danger (the central concept in life safety) is phenomena, processes, objects that have a negative impact on human life and health (a negative property of living and inanimate matter that can cause damage to matter itself: people, the natural environment, material values).

Safety is a state of activity in which potential hazards affecting human health are eliminated with a certain probability.

Risk is a quantitative characteristic of the action of hazards attributed to a certain number of employees (residents) for a specific period of time. It is understood here that these hazards are formed by specific human activities, i.e. the number of deaths, the number of cases of illness, the number of cases of temporary and permanent incapacity for work (disability) are caused by the action on a person of a specific hazard (electric current, a harmful substance, a moving object, criminals of society, etc.).

Human interaction with the environment can be positive or negative, the nature of the interaction is determined by the flows of substances, energies and information.

Eduard Vitol
Technosphere Globalization: Trends, Origins, Prospects

Vitol Eduard Arnoldovich

International Academy for Future Studies

full member of the academy,

PhD in Philosophy

Vitol eduard

International Futures Research Academy

Member of IFRA, PhD

E-Mail: [email protected]

A new approach to the study of the technosphere is proposed - its consideration in the general mainstream of global changes, as a link in planetary evolution. Its uniqueness and transitional character is shown, leading to the future and transforming earthly evolution into cosmic. The conclusion is made about the determinism and vectorial nature of historical transformations. The source of large-scale transformations is revealed - the main contradiction of modernity, inherent in a person and which is the key to understanding the future. The composition and qualitative specificity of the noosphere is predicted.

Technosphere globalization: tendencies, sources, prospects

The new approach to technosphere research is offered - its consideration in the general channel of global changes, as a link planet evolution. Its uniqueness and transitive character is shown conducting in future and transforming earth evolution into space evolution. The conclusion about determinancy of historical transformations becomes. The source of huge transformations comes to light - the basic contradiction of the present which are put in the person and being a key to understanding of the future. The structure and qualitative specificity of a noosphere is predicted.

Keywords: planetary evolution, globalization, a technosphere, the future, a noosphere, laws of development, a world picture, the forecast.

Technosphere Globalization: Trends, Origins, Prospects

1. Understanding the technosphere

Why is the globalization of the technosphere becoming a priority trend in planetary evolution? And why exactly is the technosphere moving to the forefront of world events? What is the deep essence of the emergence and development of this fundamentally new phenomenon of earthly reality?

Comprehension of the process of globalization of the technosphere, identification of its foundations, content and consequences are associated with many difficulties. The main one is the undeveloped concept of "technosphere", where different authors put different meanings. Today there are no clear and unambiguous definitions of it. The same can be said about technogenesis - the "blurring" of the perception of this phenomenon, the variety of its theoretical interpretations, which are mainly anthropocentric in nature. There is no comprehensive analysis of the main trends of technogenesis, oriented to the future.

If globalization as a characteristic feature of the current state of the World-System is already the object of close attention of the sciences of the social science cycle, then the globalization of the technosphere as a new problem field is just waiting for its researchers. And this topic is very relevant, because it is associated with the image of the future, which is fundamentally different from the proposed models and from those illusions that humanity harbors about its "bright future".

The idea of ​​the unity of the technosphere, its special role in planetary history and the creation of the future is still amorphous in nature. There is still no understanding of its modern phase caused by globalization, the true reasons for this phenomenon have not been revealed, and accordingly, there is no integral teaching about the technosphere. Science and philosophy, faced with this new world phenomenon, only begin to cognize it. And genuine discoveries in this area are still ahead of us. The author, on the other hand, will conceptually present his own vision of this problem, based on planetary evolutionism.

In order to understand the depth and consequences of the growing changes in the study of terrestrial evolution (the stage of implementation of which is the technosphere), in no case should one remain on an anthropocentric position, considering everything that happens only through the prism of humanity's perception - its interests, goals, desires and ideas. And it is necessary to reach a wider coverage of phenomena and a higher level of abstraction, and analyze the situation through the "cosmic prism", which the Russian cosmists called for in their time. Our contemporary L.N. Gumilyov spoke about the same and suggested looking at history not only through a microscope, but also through a telescope.

But the question is not to plunge into history, with an attempt to discover its regularities and carry out detailing (a theoretical history being formed). Now, as never before, a completely different approach is urgently needed - the study of the future. It is appropriate here to quote the famous saying of Sri Aurobindo: "We do not need a great past, but a great future." Only by outlining and realizing the contours of the future, civilization will be able to take real action to move towards it. Humanity, just like a ship sailing in the ocean, must have a correct, well-adjusted course. Otherwise - chaotic wandering with heroic overcoming of obstacles, with large losses of human, material, energy and financial resources.

So what is the technosphere? Is it just an artificial human habitat or something more - a new unusual reality created? In the course of industrialization, people have formed such a powerful, large-scale and complex technogenic world that today they feel themselves to be a simple appendage of it, a kind of application of a system of various equipment and technologies, the laws of which are available only to a certain group of analysts.

The originality of technology, its influence on humans, the biosphere and nature require not only applied, but also deep theoretical understanding. For technology is transformed from an auxiliary into an independent force, the significance of which increases not only for earthly processes, but also for the surrounding space. Only recently technology, technical systems, technogenesis began to be considered as a kind of phenomenon, even a whole direction arose, which received the name "philosophy of technology".

Throughout history, the term "technology" was filled with different content, which was associated with the changing significance of the functions of man and technology in the labor process. Today, the evolutionary aspect is becoming paramount - the identification of the laws of development of technology itself, the features of the formation of an integral technosphere and the determination of its place in the picture of the future. The understanding of technology as a new stage in the entire planetary evolution is beginning to acquire more and more importance.

It is important to understand that when we focus on the technology itself in the knowledge of the essence of the technosphere, we will never understand the true sources of its appearance and trends of further development. That is why its analysis is due to the need to include in the research field not only large-scale systems genetically related to it, such as the biosphere, anthroposphere and noosphere, but also the consideration of the entire planetary evolution in the unity of its spatio-temporal characteristics.

Let's conceptually designate the studied area of ​​reality. The technosphere is understood as a set of objects, systems, substances, fields (radiation) of inorganic nature, which are of artificial origin, all parts of which are connected by structural interactions with the exchange of matter, energy and information. Such a generalized interpretation is closest to the definition of the subject of research, it reveals the essence of the technosphere itself and the range of its various manifestations. That will enable this phenomenon to be included in the system of theoretical scientific views and, ultimately, in a new picture of the world.

If at the early stages of its formation the technosphere did not have a structural unity, acting in the form of local centers tied to human communities. Then, starting from the twentieth century, its area began to expand rapidly, covering the entire globe, and interactions between its individual parts become systemic.

The term "technogenesis" was first proposed by AE Fersman, who used it to denote the totality of transformations produced by human activity and leading to the redistribution of the chemical masses of the earth's crust. Since this term basically contains the concept of technology, it is advisable to link it precisely with technology (artificial objects and systems of inorganic nature) - its appearance and historical improvement, which is actually reflected by the second term present here - genesis.

The problem of cognition of technogenesis is very complex, it is interdisciplinary in nature and is not limited to the framework of any particular science or group of sciences. This is due to the fact that technogenesis itself has historically changed, acquiring new features and properties that did not exist before. Therefore, its study and understanding is associated with objective difficulties, the main one of which is the variability of the studied object itself and the complex of its external (intersystem) interactions.

Technogenesis is the process of the emergence and improvement of the elements of technogenic reality in all their diversity. Therefore, technogenesis should be understood, firstly, the birth (emergence) of technology, more and more of its types and forms; secondly, certain laws of the evolution of technology itself, reflecting the logic of its directed internal change (for example, the replacement of technical systems with technologies, the emergence of intelligent systems in the first place).

External aspects of technogenesis are manifested: 1) through a system of interactions of technology, organized into an integral technosphere, with other planetary systems - the geosphere, biosphere, anthroposphere and outer space; 2) through the transformation of the world of inanimate nature (inorganic planetary and cosmic matter), the world of living nature (living matter organized into the biosphere), the world of man himself (including his biological and intellectual components) and the world of society in its planetary expression (anthroposphere).

Developing technology is a powerful force shaping the history of mankind, radically changing the nature of society (the formation of a technogenic-type civilization), as well as planetary matter in general. Technogenesis, like any natural process, involves masses of matter, flows of energy and information into its cycles. Here, they are transformed and new objects and systems are created that have an artificial (technogenic) basis. The intellectual (mental) energy of a person is especially important for technogenesis. Therefore, information flows initiated by intellectual activity come to the fore in technogenesis, ensuring the creation and development of new types and forms of technology. Scientists are increasingly talking about the upcoming entry of civilization into the information age.

It is necessary to state the continuously increasing rate of technogenesis, which was especially clearly manifested in the last century. If in nature all changes are self-regulating for very long periods of time, then exponential growth and the extraordinary aggressiveness of technogenesis do not allow us to hope for the mechanisms of natural regulation. The adaptive capabilities of living systems and inorganic matter are adequate only for geological time scales. And the power of technogenesis is increasing very quickly. Compared to natural transformations, it goes with the speed of an explosion, dramatically and comprehensively changing the prevailing reality.

The deployment of technogenesis occurs, albeit at an accelerated rate, but extremely unevenly, through ascents to higher energy and information levels. Accordingly, there is an increase in its organization and the structuring of the technosphere itself. Technogenesis turns not only into a planetary force that determines the nature of its interaction with the environment. It also becomes a social force that influences human integration and participates in the formation of the personality, in the formation of a system of knowledge, in the biological life of mankind (nanotechnology, genetic engineering, cloning).

But, as noted earlier, the multifaceted phenomenon of the technosphere will not receive an objective explanation with a fragmentary approach, when it is taken out of the context of world history. A comprehensive analysis of the planetary development is required to reveal its essential content and identify the laws operating in it. Therefore, here we will deliberately expand the theoretical field and come to a broader and more capacious concept - "planetary evolution". At the same time, touching with various branches of knowledge, taking shape in a direction called planetary evolutionism. Under planetary evolution we mean the cumulatively developing terrestrial matter, consistently passing through certain historical stages associated with its qualitative transformations, providing an ascent to higher levels of organization.

A person is forced to adapt to a new reality that surrounds him from all sides, filled with technogenic objects. In order to exist and develop further, he needs to include in the area of ​​his active action more and more artificial systems of the most diverse purposes. If earlier humanity felt its helplessness in front of natural elements and cataclysms of an earthly and cosmic nature, now it is in front of the power of the technosphere, which more and more intensively draws it into its material, energy and information cycles.

It is necessary to recognize the fact that a large-scale phenomenon, whose name is "technosphere", has arisen and is taking shape in earthly history. For this system, there are no state, national or other boundaries that isolate its individual structural formations - production, energy, transport, information. Therefore, speaking of globalization, we must definitely note the spatial expansion of the technosphere, its avalanche penetration into all shells (subsystems) of the planet - the geosphere, hydro- and atmosphere, biosphere and anthroposphere (of a person as an individual and as a social organism). It draws into itself not only civilization, but also various planetary processes, dramatically modifying them, in fact, changing the entire earthly world and the surrounding near space.

The technosphere, on the one hand, frees a person from his primitive functions (for example, movement by means of transport equipment), to very complex ones: solving research, inventive, economic and other creative tasks provided by information and computer technology. Giving him freedom and the embodiment of a diverse spectrum of the most intimate desires: from cognitive to erotic. On the other hand, it generates powerful unfamiliar and unpredictable forces, the essence of which is not yet fully understood by man.

The technogenic world is steadily moving towards the state of its systemic integrity. Growing and quickly filling all ecological niches on the planet, moving further into the surrounding space. The technosphere is turning into a new locomotive of history, rapidly moving beyond the horizon of existing existence - into the future. The increase in the volume and influence of technogenic reality in planetary-evolutionary transformations just testifies to the entry into the phase of globalization - the emergence of the technosphere to a fundamentally different level, where it acquires autonomy and begins to play a dominant role in terrestrial evolution, taking it out of the orbital space into the vastness of the Universe. ... It is thanks to rocket and space technology that we have the opportunity to observe an epochal event - the transformation of planetary evolution into cosmic evolution. Realization of this will lead to a breakdown of many existing stereotypes.

Today you can still find statements that it is necessary to change the course and direction of technogenesis, putting it under the control of mankind. But is it possible? By developing and producing new technogenic objects in all their diversity, a person begins to feel himself the Creator. Although this is far from the case. In fact, in all areas of his life, he is increasingly becoming dependent on the technosphere. And this dependence is growing inexorably.

The further the technosphere develops, the less the share of human participation in this development. The design, production, operation of technogenic objects are gradually moving to the technosphere itself due to robotization and automation (automatic production lines, automatic factories), as well as all-round computerization - equipping technical and technological complexes, transport systems, etc. intelligent machines.

Thus, the technosphere is autonomized, and man is pushed out of its structure. This means the transformation of the technosphere into a self-governing system, where human mediation is replaced by direct interaction "technology - the surrounding world." Here, technogenic objects acquire the property of autotrophy - the ability to directly assimilate energy from external space (for example, the energy of the Sun through photocells). And the coordination and direction of development is provided by intelligent devices - first computers, and in the future artificial intelligence.

The future dominance of the technosphere with its main component - artificial intelligence, within the framework of traditional ideas, is perceived mainly in a negative light. Even naive hypotheses have been put forward for a revolt of thinking machines, as a result of which they will subjugate human civilization. The authors of such apocalyptic scenarios are held captive by common anthropocentric views, subconsciously projecting the features inherent in living systems and humans onto the technogenic world. Not taking into account the important circumstance that the technosphere is fundamentally different from the biosphere and anthroposphere not only in the substrate composition, but also in the logic of its development. For with the emergence of the electronic mind, its functioning will steadily shift into the field of virtual reality, having less and less intersections with humans and society.

The widespread introduction of information and computer systems leads to the widespread virtualization of the technosphere, when information reality, structured in a certain way, becomes predominant. This is the reason for the large-scale transition of the material (material) state of the technogenic world to the ideal (energy-informational) one. One of the theorists of technogenesis G.S. Altshuller even proposed the law of an ideal technical system, when its weight and spatial parameters tend to zero, while the functionality is preserved. In this process, there is a tendency to miniaturization (compactification) of technical objects and systems, which is clearly manifested in microelectronics and nanotechnology. The directed historical transition of technology from the macro to the micro level is one of the main features of the modern stage of planetary evolution.

With the creation of polymeric materials with high physicochemical characteristics (carbon, boroplastics, artificial ceramics), metal-consuming artificial systems are rapidly being replaced. As a result, the entire technosphere as a planetary structure becomes easier with each stage of its development. This trend is quite paradoxical, because with the phase of globalization, i.e. with the strengthening of the influence of the technosphere in earthly transformations, its own specific weight is rapidly decreasing. High-tech technologies are becoming dominant in technogenesis.

All these important points testify to amazing properties: with the appearance of a qualitatively different entity (artificial), which did not exist on Earth before, planetary evolution also acquires new laws - the evolution of evolution takes place. And it turns out that anthropomorphic criteria are no longer applicable to its new stage (posthuman).

As a result, let us single out the following components (components) of the globalization of the technosphere:

Differentiation, steady growth in the diversity of technical systems and technologies;

Integration of the elements of the technosphere, the formation of its architectonics as a single planetary structure;

Spatial expansion into all zones of the earthly world, including humans and humanity as a whole;

The cosmic orientation of technogenesis, the exit of the technosphere beyond the Earth and the transformation of planetary evolution into space;

Individualization of the technogenic world, expressed in the allocation of the main branch of technogenesis - intellectual, due to the widespread use of information and computer tools and technologies;

Autonomization of the technosphere, reaching the level of the relationship "technology - the world around" without human mediation;

Autotrophy of technology - the ability to assimilate energy directly from the surrounding space;

The evolutionary transition of technology to the micro level, a sharp decrease in the specific weight of the technosphere in comparison with other planetary shells;

Technosphere virtualization (massive transition of the material into the ideal).

2. The origins and causes of technology

So what is the real reason for the emergence of technology? The answer, it would seem, lies on the surface, it is simple and unambiguous: the reason lies in the imperfection of man, in his physical limitations and inability to withstand the elements of nature. It is technology that allows not only to expand the functional range of human capabilities, but also to protect it from the adverse effects of the external environment, creating an artificial environment and opening up the prospects for the progressive development of civilization.

In fact, the reason lies much deeper, it is contained in the person himself, in his dual essence, in the unity and confrontation of his two main subsystems - biological (body) (qualitative state "bio") and intellectual (consciousness) (qualitative state "noo" ). It is from here that all those large-scale changes that we observe today, but what is more paradoxical, and those that will occur in the future, determining the appearance of the distant future, come from.

The contradiction "bio-noo" permeates the entire earthly civilization, acting as the main contradiction of our time. By giving birth to the technosphere, humanity thereby opens the way for the formation of a qualitatively different entity, which marks the turn of planetary evolution in a different direction and testifies to a cardinal change in its direction.

In the scientific community, the opinion still prevails that the development of technology is wholly and completely determined by various human needs - scientific, economic, social, military, political, etc. Undoubtedly, these tendencies are present, having a local character, but they do not determine the strategy of planetary transformations, which have their own internal logic.

A natural question arises: after all, the technosphere is not at all the final result of resolving this contradiction? Indeed, it acts only as a forerunner of truly phenomenal metamorphoses of terrestrial matter, a kind of intermediary link. Evolution, realizing all-embracing material-energy transformations, cannot pass into new forms, bypassing intermediate phases. It is precisely the technosphere that is that transitional structure through which a large-scale breakthrough into the future is carried out. The ultimate goal is the acquisition by the quality of "noo" of systemic integrity and an independent essence, separate from the quality of "bio" being.

In fact, this is the world-historical process of the transition of the biosphere into the noosphere, the idea of ​​which was proposed at one time by the outstanding Russian scientist V.I. Vernadsky. Naturally, at that time there was still no knowledge about technology and the laws of its development, since the technosphere itself was only approaching the phase of globalization and did not reveal its features, such as, for example, the intellectualization of technogenesis.

At the present stage, we are already beginning to clearly realize the need to improve and concretize Vernadsky's model, to make certain additions there. Then the reformed picture of planetary development will have the following form, reflecting the vector nature of transformations and a gradual change in the leading qualities of terrestrial matter: biosphere - anthroposphere - technosphere - noosphere. And the integral space-time continuum of the earth's evolution, from the moment of the formation of our planet as a localized space object to the formation of the noosphere, can be reflected in the form of a graphic model (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Time-space continuum of planetary evolution

There are three main stages: 1) inanimate matter (natural), 2) living matter, which includes the biosphere and anthroposphere (human civilization), 3) inanimate matter (artificial), represented by the technosphere and noosphere. The technosphere, however, like all the planetary structures that preceded it, has a through, transitory nature, opening up the opportunity for the emergence of a qualitatively new, even more complex formation, previously absent in earthly history.

Let us point out the relativity of our ideas about evolution, which, depending on the angle of consideration, will exhibit different properties. This is due to the relativity of the frames of reference themselves, chosen as the basic ones, and, accordingly, to the relative nature of different models of evolution. One and the same planetary-evolutionary process can have completely different interpretations - linear (Fig. 1) and non-linear or cyclical (Fig. 2). Terrestrial evolution in the aggregate of its stages reflects global-historical cyclical transformations: inanimate matter (natural) - living matter - inanimate matter (artificial). And if we expand the range of space-time perception, we will see a more global cycle: space - planetary evolution - space.

Fig. 2. Nonlinear model of planetary evolution

Such conclusions can lead to an awareness of the transitory nature of the entire earthly evolution, its final, transitional nature. And the extrapolation of the revealed property to the large-scale structure of the Universe allows us to put forward a hypothesis of the transit of any cosmic civilizations, which inevitably, bypassing the planetary phase of their existence and experiencing deep qualitative transformations, spread further into the boundless space.

It should be noted that an important cognitive moment is that the transfer of the phase transition of inorganic matter into primitive organic matter (the so-called birth of life) from the surface of the planet into the surrounding space (panspermia hypothesis) does not fundamentally change the overall picture. The biosphere itself and its organisms, including higher animals and humans, are the product of terrestrial evolution, of the entire set of endogenous and exogenous conditions acting in it.

Naturally, the world is fraught with many more unknowns. There are various factors, both planetary and cosmic, that can lead to non-linear future outcomes. For example, an asteroid impact or a sharp increase in seismic activity, volcanic activity. Such "shake-ups" have already happened more than once in earthly history, but have they turned evolution off the road? Not at all. Some branches of evolution, indeed, came to a standstill and died out. In others, the development was conserved and the species remained unchanged for a long time. Third, on the contrary, they received an impulse, which led to qualitative restructuring and the emergence of new structures. Consideration of evolution in the aggregate of its branches, reflected by the dendroid model (Fig. 3), can give rise to the illusion of multiple paths to the future. In fact, the general direction is being implemented. This situation resembles a river delta, where, despite the variety of channels, a single flow vector is maintained.

Rice. 3. Co-evolution of large-scale planetary systems

In the mainstream of the relativity of evolutionary models, the chronotope also receives a new understanding - the topology of time and its dimensions. Time appears both as one-dimensional (linear, vector), and as multidimensional (branching, channelization), and as cyclic. Moreover, new technologies (genetic engineering, nanotechnology) open up the possibility for the implementation of even more complex topological forms, for example, mesh. When evolutionary branches begin to close among themselves, both within the framework of technogenesis or anthropogenesis itself, and between them.

We are faced with a phenomenon that is unusual not only for everyday life, but also for scientific thinking. We are talking about the presence of objectively existing algorithms for planetary evolution. Their discovery has epoch-making significance for humanity (comparable to the scientific revolution caused by Charles Darwin's theory), as it will allow us to understand the logic of large-scale historical transformations and see the contours of the future.

For so long a person admired his uniqueness and his own greatness (the position of anthropocentrism) that he almost lost the objectivity of assessing planetary evolutionary changes. Considering himself a key link and the highest phase of earthly evolution, he did not take into account the important circumstance that matter has the ability to produce other forms of life and other forms of intelligence (artificial intelligence).

Today we need to understand the main thing: it is thanks to technology that various dimensions of globalization are revealed - environmental, economic, production, energy, cultural, socio-political, etc. If the technogenic world did not exist, then all these dimensions would remain only in potency, in a reduced form. Therefore, technology should be recognized as the fundamental principle of planetary processes of globalization. Having mentally admitted the simultaneous disappearance of the technosphere, we will see that civilization will simply be paralyzed, for it will come a grave all-embracing crisis. Humanity will be thrown back into the depths of millennia, when there was a primitive subsistence economy.

But until now, many researchers do not want to notice a new player who has already shown its effectiveness and activity, proving its planetary power and significance. The technosphere is just such a player, behind whom the future is. The noosphere in reality turns out to be even more distant beyond the horizon of the historical perspective.

3. Prospects for the distant future

Let us take a closer look at this aspect of earthly evolution. Until now, planetary matter had only one source material for movement into the future - thinking living matter, characterized by the dual unity of different-quality entities - "bio" and "noo". The contradiction between them essentially acts as the core and the mover of those transformations that are already gaining strength, and the true essence of which will be revealed in the coming historical epochs. An analysis of this contradiction opens up a picture of the future for us, allowing us to determine its specifics, a landmark for further global events. Thus, the code of the future is in the person himself, it is in him that the scenario of transformation into another reality is programmed.

What is the basis for the statement about the determinism and one-directionality of the entire course of earthly history, and the designation of the vector of planetary-evolutionary changes: "bio" - "bio-noo" - "noo". Knowing the mechanism for resolving the main contradiction, we will be able to predict the strategic future by creating its model. But in order to imagine the real future of civilization, one must think not in decades and centuries, but in other time categories - at least millennia. Only at super-large intervals (colossal from the point of view of human existence) will those processes that today are only in their embryonic state be fully revealed. Therefore, here we are faced with a paradox: the greater the depth of the forecast, the clearer the picture of planetary evolutionary transformations. This resembles the situation of visual perception of a mosaic canvas: only at a certain distance from it, individual fragments begin to merge together, forming an integral image.

With the appearance of artificial objects, planetary matter gets a different dimension. We will observe the disclosure of the potential of its fundamentally new incarnation at the next stages of earthly history. The incompleteness of the transition to another state makes it difficult to understand the scale and direction of this truly global process. The creation of a holistic picture of the future is hampered by the multi-layered nature of planetary-evolutionary transformations: earthly evolution, in addition to the main direction, has many secondary branches (Fig. 3). Moreover, some of these branches, such as anthropo-sociogenesis and technogenesis, can merge (a mesh model is implemented here), giving rise to synthetic forms - a symbiosis of a person with technical objects and technologies, expressed in the so-called cyborgs (cybernetic organisms). Researchers mistakenly perceive them as the main ones, although in fact they are dead ends, because they do not carry high-quality innovations, which is the main criterion for epoch-making evolutionary changes.

Through these branching, developing matter, not having an initial goal-setting, as it were, “probes” the surrounding reality, trying to determine where it is most optimal to carry out the next evolutionary breakthrough. This is explained not only by the mobility and plasticity of the earthly matter itself, which reveals its essence in different-quality forms (structures). But also by the openness and variability of the surrounding world, the individual hierarchical levels of which are also subject to evolutionary transformations.

But a breakthrough into something else is possible only through forms of matter that have a fundamentally different, qualitatively new originality that has no direct analogues in the existing surrounding reality. It is this form that is the artificial (technogenic) matter of inorganic origin, which forms the technosphere.

At the same time, there is also a continuity in planetary-evolutionary transformations, which is realized in cyclicity (rhythm or functional repetition). In technogenesis, the principle of intellectualization also operates, which is characteristic of the evolution of living matter (in relation to which this phenomenon is also called cephalization). Therefore, we can state the presence of evolution loops at different historical stages: / living matter → intellectualization → human intelligence / → / artificial matter (technology) → intellectualization → artificial intelligence /. Consequently, the artificial (electronic) mind will become not only a natural result of the development of technology, but also a kind of result (end product) of the entire planetary evolution. Describing the resolution of the main contradiction of modernity and the separation of the quality of "noo" into an independent entity (the exit of consciousness to external non-biological carriers).

By integrating into network structures, artificial intelligence will provide the basis for the formation in the distant future of a fundamentally new system, autonomizing from the technosphere. What is this system? Let us make an assumption - this will be that sphere of the mind, called the noosphere (see Fig. 1), about which there is so much talk today, mistakenly linking it directly with human existence.

Having reached the peak of its development on humans (natural intelligence), living matter has exhausted reserves for self-improvement. This was the reason for the rapid advance to the forefront of historical events of a fundamentally new form, which has a different qualitative specificity - an inanimate artificial (technogenic) substrate. But its leadership is limited both in spatial and temporal aspects, because the limit of its development is artificial intelligence. The evolution of the electronic mind itself will be associated with a change in its carrier, a transition from a material basis to a field one. It is appropriate here to cite the prophecy of the famous cosmist thinker K.E. Tsiolkovsky, who asserted: in the course of evolution, humanity will pass into radiant energy. This interpretation can also be correlated with the Omega point of P. Teilhard de Chardin, where the noosphere finally loses its material basis, turning into some kind of unusual substance for us - a thinking layer.

A person is used to thinking about the future, believing in the objectivity of the laws of evolution, which uniquely determine its trajectory. The discovery of such factors of the universe as complex organization, nonlinearity, instability, bifurcations transformed our views and led to the fact that the future began to seem unpredictable and multivariate. Does planetary matter as a complex system really have a multiplicity and ambiguity of ways of future development? Should a synergetic worldview, which is of great heuristic value for the theory of knowledge, lead to ideological chaos, to the uncertainty of a perspective picture of the world?

Not at all. The paths of earthly evolution are nevertheless predetermined, they are determined by the sequence of emerging planetary structures. And with each new large-scale terrestrial structure, the field of possibilities for evolution also narrows. Its mainstreaming is taking place - concentration in a certain direction. Therefore, vectoriality, as the most important characteristic of terrestrial evolution, does not disappear anywhere. On the contrary, expanding and deepening interdisciplinary studies of developing planetary systems, we will receive more and more factual evidence that a single and single megatrend is being implemented, oriented towards the future.

The amorphousness, the vagueness of the boundaries of the long-term future are not real features of the picture of a promising world order, but features that characterize the current state of our knowledge (one might say the opposite - ignorance) about it. But cognition is rapidly accelerating and expanding. As a result, the future appears more and more prominently.

Expanding the scope of theoretical research predetermines, firstly, the establishment of the features, structure, phases of evolution and regularities of the studied object (planetary matter), the identification of its connections with other objects of reality (surrounding space systems). Secondly, the evolving planetary matter appears as a nonlinear macroquantum system of the total type. Thirdly, the assessment of open patterns allows us to reach a completely new level of understanding of the complexity of the universe, to comprehend others in a completely different way - alien evolutions, to realize their universality and transitory nature - their involvement in the global transformations of the Universe.

Planetary evolutionism forms a theoretical and ideological platform, based on which we can not only realize the essence of the ongoing large-scale changes, but also highlight the contours of the future among the chaos of significant events; to designate the horizon of vision of upcoming innovations, quite distant from us in time, and their specifics. The future is not only open, but in a sense it already exists - it exists in the present in the form of objective prerequisites. The seeds of the future are already embedded in the surrounding reality. But they will "sprout" only in the next historical epoch. Consequently, the deeper we understand the laws of earthly evolution, the clearer the picture of the future becomes.

But is there really no alternative or is it simply not taken into account when studying the future? The alternative is undoubtedly possible. For example, the impact of a large-scale space object on the Earth, as a result of which the planet will turn into a heap of space debris, and civilization will be destroyed. This is a catastrophic scenario for earthly development. We are talking about the tendencies that are objectively inherent in planetary evolution, which lead to the future and which do not have other, more preferable options for implementation.

The postulate of the unpredictability of future events must be rejected. It turns out that the future of both the Earth as a local cosmic body and our star named the Sun is predictable. The trajectories of development of various types of galactic formations, including the Milky Way galaxy, in which we are located, are already well known. The next step is to clarify the scenario of the evolution of the universe (Metagalaxy) in the structure of the Multiworld. Planetary matter, with its subsystems (anthroposphere, technosphere, etc.), also has a completely predictable future.

A powerful obstacle to the knowledge of this future is the stereotypes of human consciousness, the archetypes of thinking that have developed over the centuries. They dominated even the greatest thinkers who changed the picture of the world with their discoveries. Many of them doubted the correctness of their own paradoxical scientific conclusions, correlating the results of their research with the knowledge existing at that historical moment.

The fact that global structures have a fairly clear, albeit rather distant in time, perspective poses a very interesting question for the scientific community (and civilization as a whole). It consists in how to evaluate the designated perspective: in a negative or positive light? After all, a person cannot accept any picture without “inscribing” it into his own system of worldview values.

The most important point is that the awareness of perspective fills the being of a person with meaningfulness, both personally and socially. Perspective changes our worldview. She, like the light of a lighthouse, illuminates our path to the future, prompting us to move in this direction. But it can highlight such facets of the new world (give such images of the universe), which are not at all consistent with the existing knowledge about the surrounding reality. Moreover, they even come into conflict with them. The future, even being at the stage of conceptual embodiment, transforms the familiar picture of the world of today, simultaneously changing the realities of being. Thus, the future has the property of influencing the present, allowing you to focus its transformation. In the terminology of synergetics, such pre-determinism is called a strange attractor that attracts all evolutionary lines and makes other development options practically impossible.

Another important point: the denial of the limitations of evolution on man has a huge effect on philosophical reflection. Planetary evolution has not ended, it continues, and humanity turns out to be a key, but not the final link in the chain of significant events connecting the past, present and future.

Revealing development trajectories going into the distant future allows minimizing the effect of two negative factors: 1) fear of the future, psychoemotional tension - a sense of danger in front of an unknown world; 2) futuroshock when the world enters the zone of technological singularity and changes reach such a colossal speed and volume that human consciousness simply will not have time to comprehend and adapt to the new reality.

The development of a strategy for solving the global problems of our time and the search for ways out of the world crisis are impossible without taking into account the objective laws of the technosphere itself. Forecast, ideas about the upcoming large-scale changes, directly affecting human civilization, constitute the main goal of scientific research. Therefore, the fundamental conclusion about the existence of the forecast horizon concerns the very foundations of modern science, and also sets the direction for the formation of a new picture of the world. And starting our research from the technosphere, we will inevitably reach the planetary and then the cosmic level of the universe. While making an attempt to link them together through universal evolutionary laws.

Today, humanity is facing the challenge of evolution. This is a challenge that has not yet been in planetary history: Where and how will further development go? And the answer to it will have to be sought not only for the scientific community, but also for all intellectuals, including philosophers and futurologists.

At the present stage of strategic research, thinkers are faced with the need to look into the future, moreover, very distant in time, in order to assess the prospects of civilization itself. And although some scholars of science believe that the era of great discoveries in the knowledge of the secrets of the universe has already ended, we will not be disappointed with them. Indeed, in reality, humanity is awaiting such grandiose discoveries that will overturn the entire system of our ideas, radically changing the existing views of the world and its multilevel evolutionary processes.

The concept outlined above can be perceived as primitivization - a significantly simplified development model. But let us recall the famous physicist L.D. Landau, who jokingly called himself a brilliant trivializer and convinced his colleagues that the simpler the theory, the better it is. There is a certain grace in simplicity, reflecting the aesthetics of the world order, its inner harmony.

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