Home Roses Statuses about loneliness are sad. Loneliness: statuses, beautiful statements. Sad statuses that speak of pain and resentment

Statuses about loneliness are sad. Loneliness: statuses, beautiful statements. Sad statuses that speak of pain and resentment

Nobody notices what kind of work I have done until I stop doing it.

If at work you get both in the tail and in the mane, it means that you are mistaken for a horse ...

Handicraft is valued higher in everything except s * ks.

The trouble is not that our work loves fools, but that they love to lead it here.

The girl, out of breath, runs into work: - Good member! Ugh, no - a thick day! Oh! ... In general, girls, what happened yesterday ... =)

Three rules for achieving success: 1) know more than others, 2) work harder than others, 3) expect less than others !!!

If work brings you pleasure, you are truly a lucky person in your place, otherwise you are only fulfilling other people's duties, playing someone else's role and taking someone else's place.

Do you also think that someone is constantly riding on your hump?

I just heard that only televisions are working on January 1st. I AM TV.

What are you doing in your free time at work?

The result is the totality of all YOUR actions on the way to achieving it. If you don't succeed, don't blame others!

Say what you like, but manual work remains manual work, even when it comes to cleaning floors ...

We have a bottle of vodka for dinner in Russia - here's the whole sanatorium for you!

If you work hard eight hours a day, you will eventually become a boss and gain the right to work twelve hours a day.

You may have the world's greatest talent, but if you don't prepare and work according to plan, everything will go to waste.

The most important thing in any business is to overcome the moment when you don't feel like working.

I love summer! You go out in a swimsuit to the garden and the neighboring men immediately get up ... all the work ...!

When doing business, they speak only when there is something to say; but in idleness is the need to speak incessantly.

He worked to break: he tore his heart, then his ass ...

When the prison door closed behind Buratino, the Prosecutor took off his hat and said: ... - Finally I planted a tree !!! :)))

(T) It's good that I'm not a horse - otherwise I would have died long ago from work ...

If I work fourteen hours a day, seven days a week, then I'm definitely starting to get lucky.

The most exciting activity is to cheer up the workers ...

The phrase "Well, to work!" most of all happy when it is toast.

If work starts to give pleasure, then it's time to get divorced.

The head of that Tamagotcha, yells when he wants!

In order not to work under others, you have to work on yourself.

Honestly earned and spent HARD.

In Portugal there is a law according to which rain is a good reason not to go to work ... EVERYONE ... WHILE ... I'M IN PORTUGAL !!!

Saying "good morning" to people on Saturday morning at work is at least cynical :)

For some people, the love of work wakes up closer to payday.

On a note of those tormenting themselves with diets: He who does not work - he eats!

Work is not a wolf, but p * zduli, excuse me, do not bunny.

You go into the accounting department - no one ... You go into the smoking room - oppa!

The sysadmin quits. The director tells him: "Submit the system password", - and gives a piece of paper. The sysadmin writes: *******. Then, after thinking a little: "No, another snowflake."

It seems to me that my vocation is to SLEEP, and not some kind of WORK ...

A call to work on a weekend is perceived as salvation ... from working in the country ...

The bosses think they are paying us a salary ... Let them think that we are working !!!

The more you sleep, the more you want to sleep. The more you eat, the more your appetite comes in. And only with work somehow everything is not so.

The half-life of the salary is equal to a week and practically does not depend on the size of the salary.

The boss on vacation got tanned and became even more like Shit.

Leading means not interfering with smart people to work and not giving fools the opportunity to work ...

The more dubious the office, the more CEO ...

Making a career means constantly making money and not having time to waste it.

Do you also have the smartest and most important ones sitting in different offices?

Doing bullshit in the workplace develops peripheral vision, hearing, reflexes, and overall alertness.

I was officially hired. They told me to bring my mug.

I am only worried about the question: where do all the grandmas of the city go at 7 in the morning and why do they all need to take the same bus as me?

- Chief, I need a vacation!
- And from what vacation do you ???
- Sorry, I didn't understand: from what x * I or from what date? ...

When I leave work, I try my best not to run.

- Sasha, what are you doing?
“I’m digging up a tree, a math teacher gave me homework - find the root.
- Not a fig, you are still lucky: Fedka, she generally said to divide the term into a polynomial. Sits sharpening a knife, crying ...

Paradise is when there are no alarms, Mondays and bosses.

Cool statuses about work

Good and bad bricklayers are alike in one thing - both put on conscience.

The beginning of the year in the office is tough. There is so much work that at the end of the day you confuse bubi and worms.

Work ennobles a person, and idleness makes him happy.

You won't earn all the money - you will have to steal some of it.

If you are really smarter than your boss, then he will never know about it.

In that cave on chains. The coffin is swinging from gold - In that coffin is your salary!

Work drives away three great evils from us: boredom, vice, and need.

If you don't know how to work with a mouse, work with a shovel.

Smile: you are being removed! ... from your post.

You come to the boss with your opinion, you leave with his opinion.

Nonsense in the workplace develops peripheral vision, hearing, and overall alertness.

The Russian people are the most hardworking in the world! Only they are able, after hard working days, to rest in the country with a hoe in their hands!

The only person in my office who can say to the director's eyes "Get up and get out of here!" is a cleaning lady! Well done baba!

You see interesting work and interesting dreams.

Real men do not cry to their bosses in a vest, they blow their nose there!

It is not enough to find your place in life, you have to find it first.

Those who get up early have not yet been laid off ...

Labor disfigures a woman.

I still have willpower! I just want to work - but I won't!

They say a miser pays twice - I want to work for a miser!

Never before has a person been so close to perfection as when writing a resume!

I wrote my resume. I printed it out. I reread it. She burst into tears. What a wonderful person I am!

To work normally - click now the cross in the upper right corner.

The watchman at the Adrenaline Rush works week / day.


Active sections:

Good day, dear friends! Each of us had a chance to work in many jobs in order to earn a living, providing for loved ones, relatives and, of course, ourselves! As a rule, from Monday to Friday, we are in the places where we are supposed to. We spend our time, our strength, our youth in order to achieve certain goals and realize ourselves in life. It happens that we get so tired that we come home without any "back" thoughts and just fall on the sofa, dreaming of seeing beautiful and carefree dreams. Sometimes the time comes for a well-deserved rest, and we go on vacation, and there we spend time so that mom does not grieve. And rightly so, because that's what he and the rest, so that we splash out all the negativity that stuck to us at work. It happens that on Friday evening you drag your tired body home and want to plunge into something easy, understandable ... that's why we have collected cool statuses about work in one collection just for you. We wish you high productivity and good mood. Good luck.

Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking

Loneliness is a great feeling. It unites millions ...

loneliness, what makes you feel different and pity

Loneliness is addiction. From myself. And this is stronger than any other addiction. © Sergey Bodrov

Men cannot be left alone for a long time ... They are such breeders - they either breed dirt in the house, or women in bed ...

Loneliness is a wonderful thing, but there must be someone nearby to tell you what a wonderful thing loneliness is.

I'm not alone because I have a bad temper. I'm lonely because I think outside the box

Only in solitude can you consider in yourself what does not allow society to see

Fuck you, teachers of life, unable to lend a hand when asked.

Loneliness has one big plus: No one is hiding anything from you ...

loneliness is when only shampoo spies on you in the bathroom

Loneliness is a chronic cold of the soul. Lonely people, it has been proven, in fact, are often cold.

Loneliness is a gift and punishment from God for talent. © Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Better to enjoy being alone than suffering from friends

There is no loneliness worse than being alone together. © Mark Levy

Loneliness is when you buy diamonds for yourself!

When you are happy ... you laugh ... it seems that the whole world is laughing with you ... but when you cry ... you cry alone ...

Complete freedom is possible only as complete loneliness. © Tadeusz Kotarbinski

Being lonely on Valentine's Day is like being lonely the other 364 days. Don't make this a tragedy.

Loneliness is a salvation from disappointment. But it is better to find and lose and find again than to observe from the outside how others do it ...

A brooding soul tends to loneliness. © Omar Khayyam

Knowing yourself comes with knowing loneliness.

My heart is chronically cold with loneliness ...

I don’t want a thousand nights, Dark, like a she-wolf of the wild, Where again alone, again nobody else I Fall asleep, having drunk a cup of bitter wine ...

People call it Valentine's Day, I call it Tuesday

I am looking for a girl - no mobile and no internet connection. For a long time.

About the misunderstood, disliked, under-embraced A person under-embraced while away a sad century, Life is well-rumpled, depressed person. You don't need to communicate with him, listen, try to understand, But quietly get close and suddenly add a hug ?!

Damn, loneliness rolled over again. I'll go get drunk and it's time in the yard with the cats. Anyhow, but the company !!!

There are men who are comfortable alone. But if such a man falls in love, finds his own, then this is forever.

Does anyone know the feeling when they forgot to pick you up from kindergarten? You sit and wait, everyone has already been taken away, but they still don’t come for you ... No one has forgotten, of course, but it seems to you SO ... Now this feeling still visits me sometimes ...

Night. A park. Pouring rain. And He sat and looked at the sky. Night. Bedroom. It's raining outside the window. And She sat and looked at the drops flowing down the glass. How lonely. Both of them thought.

Loneliness is sometimes given to us in order to understand the truth that if there is no love in us, then it is useless to seek in others.

Loneliness is not when no one is around, it is when the only one you need is not around ...

It's good that friends are nearby, you can lean on their shoulder. You can't live without friends. Loneliness is difficult !!!

When you want to be alone, there are always too many people around. When you really want to see at least one dear person, you are alone. ©

Music is the best medicine for loneliness.

A person becomes truly lonely not when he does not find love and friendship from people who do not need him, but when he forgets those who need him.

The loneliness of the child gives the doll a soul. © Janusz Korczak

If I appeared on this earth, does it mean that someone needs it?

Loneliness is not when you have no one, but when you need someone alone ...

Having learned to enjoy loneliness ... you cease to depend on people ...

Proud loneliness is a cheap excuse for uselessness

Loneliness - from "one at night".

Still, it's a shame to be happy alone. © Albert Camus

You walk barefoot on the glass again, Feeling neither pain nor pricks. You put your heart in armor, And in your soul there is frost and wild cold ... 08/06/2013 %%%% Loneliness is a voluntary thing. Powered by mains

If I lost myself alone, I saw the relish of life. I dumb instruct the annoying voice, which will instruct

There is no need to be afraid of LONELINESS, living in a crowded rapid, ... it allows us to collect our THOUGHTS and be alone with our CONSCIENCE ...

I am alone! Why do I need someone? I will be painful again! All efforts are fruitless, thank you all! Everything is FREE

The book is a lifeline thrown into loneliness.

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