Home Roses According to his instructions. Methodical recommendations for the legal and technical design of bills. Order of use of links

According to his instructions. Methodical recommendations for the legal and technical design of bills. Order of use of links

In accordance or in accordance: everything decides the meaning

"Tell me, how would you write in the phrase" in accordance with ...) "and" or "e"?
Such a question sometimes arises even for people who know the spelling laws quite well.
What to do, how to write correctly according to or according to? Let's figure it out.

What the rules say

If in a nutshell to answer this simple question, then we can say briefly - these are two different contents, meanings. And therefore their spelling is different, it is not the same - in one situation, "e" is written at the end, and in another - "and". Since there are clear rules for the Russian language, then these 2 expressions will be written as the meaning of each of them dictates... To write them correctly in texts, you need to decide on speech situations where they are appropriate.

What do the words mean

Lexically, the word correspondence, corresponding, etc. means a relationship between something, expressing consistency in some characteristics, that is, speech: about a place, about time, etc.

When we write "in accordance"

The expression "in accordance" is written in cases where an action must coincide with one or another requirement, for example, to behavior, or a person makes a decision, or must perform some action.

Living up to monastic rules is not easy.
The commission decided to inspect the pipeline in accordance with the opinion of each member.

The expression "in accordance" is an adverbial preposition formed from the word "conformity".
It is used in sentences as an official part of speech, despite the partial
preservation of adverbial significance.

When you come to someone else's house, behave in accordance with the rules established in it (question: how to behave? And the answer: in accordance with the established rules.)

The sailors acted in accordance with the instructions of the metallurgical service (question: how did they act? - answer: in accordance with the instructions)

When we write "in line"

The expression "conformity" implies bringing to a standard, correcting, doing better
what must satisfy certain stable norms of a general order.

Aligning your needs with your capabilities will save you from living at someone else's expense.
By bringing the case in accordance with the instructions, the foreman was able to report without problems.

That is, if we talk about morphological characteristics, then this noun with a preposition in
accusative case. "E" is written at the end of a word, because the form of this case of the word "correspondence" coincides with the form of the nominative.

As for the syntactic role of the prepositional-nominal combination, it is a direct


  • An expression with the ending "e", consisting of a noun and a preposition, plays the role of an object(it is necessary to bring something "in line"; includes a definition to a noun:
  • The expression with "and" is an adverbial preposition, which in some way retained the adverbial meaning(it indicates the relationship of actions; an indivisible whole, into which you cannot introduce an additional
language element).


Prepared by:

By the Main State Legal Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation,
Legal Department of the Office of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation,
Legal Department of the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation,
Legal Department of the Office of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation,
By the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation



on legal and technical registration of bills

The methodological recommendations are designed for the practical application by the subjects of the law of legislative initiative in carrying out legislative work, work on amending legislative acts, on preparing lists of legislative acts to be recognized as invalid.


1. Name of the bill reflects its content and the main subject of legal regulation. The name should be accurate, clear and maximum information-rich, correctly reflect the subject of legal regulation so that the performers can determine its main content by the name of the legislative act, it is easy to remember, and if necessary, quickly find it.

Legislative acts with complex and unjustifiably long names clutter up legislation, complicate the systematization and understanding of legislative acts. They are especially inconvenient when referring to them in other regulatory legal acts, acts of application of law, documents, articles, etc.

2. Preamble (introduction)- an independent part of the bill, which defines its goals and objectives, but is not mandatory.


  • does not contain independent regulatory prescriptions;
  • not divided into articles;
  • does not contain references to other legislative acts that are subject to invalidation and change in connection with the publication of a legislative act;
  • does not contain legal definitions;
  • does not formulate the subject of regulation of the draft law;
  • not numbered.

The preamble precedes the text of the bill.

Structural units of a draft law cannot have a preamble.

3. Dividing the bill into structural units simplifies its use, improves its internal structure and systematization, the implementation of references, helps to quickly navigate the normative material.

The following structural units of legislative acts are used in descending order:

  • chapter;
  • chapter;
  • article.

The structural unit "section" should not be introduced if there are no chapters in the draft law.

It is possible to divide large systematized bills (for example, draft codes) into parts, sections into subsections, chapters into paragraphs.

4. Part of the bill:

denoted by the words:



may have the name:



or be designated (in codes) as follows:



The designation and title of a part of the bill are printed in capital letters in the center of the page, one below the other.

The name of a part of the bill is printed in bold.

5. Section:

  • has a name.

The designation and title of the section are printed in capital letters in the center of the page, one below the other.

The section name is printed in bold.



6. Subsection:

  • has a serial number denoted by Roman numerals;
  • has a name.

The subsection designation is printed with a capital letter and paragraph indentation.

The name of the subsection is printed with a capital letter in bold on one line with the designation of the subsection number, after which a full stop is put.


Subsection I. General provisions on obligations

7. Chapter:

  • numbered in Arabic numerals;
  • has a name.

The chapter designation is printed with a capital letter and paragraph indentation.

The chapter name is printed with a capital letter in bold on one line with the chapter number designation followed by a period.


Chapter 5. Rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of fire safety

8. Paragraph:

  • indicated by a sign;
  • has a name.

The name of the paragraph is printed with a capital letter in bold on one line with the designation of the paragraph number, after which a period is put.


1. Business partnerships and companies

9. Article of the bill:

  • is its main structural unit;
  • has a sequential number denoted by Arabic numerals;
  • has a name, but in exceptional cases it may not have it:


Article 33. Certification

1. :::::::. ... (part 1)

2. :::::::. ... (part 2)

1. ::::::.. . (part 1)

2. :::::: ... (part 2)

The designation of the article is printed with a capital letter and paragraph indentation.

The title of the article is printed with a capital letter in bold in one line with the designation of the article number, after which a full stop is put.

If the article does not have a title, then the period after the article number is not put and the article designation is printed with a capital letter and indentation in bold.

The article is divided into parts.

Parts of the article are designated with an Arabic numeral with a period.

Parts of articles are subdivided into paragraphs denoted by Arabic numerals with a closing parenthesis.

Items are subdivided into sub-items designated by lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet with a closing parenthesis.


Article 33. Certification

1. :::::::. ... (part 1)

2. :::::::: (part 2)

1) ::::::.; (point 1 of part 2)

2) ::::::.: (Point 2 of part 2)

a):::::: ; (subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 of part 2)

b) ::::::. (subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of part 2)

1. ::::::.. . (part 1)

2. :::::: ..: (part 2)

1) ::::::. ; (point 1 of part 2)

2) ::::::. : (point 2 of part 2)

a):::::::; (subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 of part 2)

b) ::::::. ... (subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of part 2)

In exceptional cases, parts, clauses and subclauses of an article may be subdivided into paragraphs (no more than five). The limitation on the number of possible paragraphs does not apply to articles containing lists of basic concepts used in the draft law.

Dividing parts in an article or parts in different articles of the same bill into paragraphs and paragraphs that will follow the colon in the text of the parts is not allowed.

Dividing paragraphs in parts of an article or in different articles of the same bill both into subparagraphs and into paragraphs that will follow the colon in the text of the paragraph is not allowed.

Examples of possible options for the structure of parts of an article:

3. The following are attached to the decision to appeal to the meeting of creditors: (paragraph one of part 3)

financial recovery plan; (paragraph two of part 3)

debt repayment schedule; (paragraph three of part 3)

other documents provided for by this Federal Law. (paragraph four of part 3)

Article 1. Procedure for Consideration of Creditors' Claims

1. If there are objections to the creditors' claims, the arbitration court verifies the validity of the claims. (part 1)

2. Claims of creditors are considered at a session of the arbitration court. Based on the results of the consideration, a decision is made on the inclusion or refusal to include the specified requirements in the register of the creditor's claims. (part 2)

3. The Federal Arbitration Court acts in the composition: (paragraph one of part 3)

1) the presidium; (point 1 of part 3)

2) the judicial board: (paragraph 2 of part 3)

a) for the consideration of disputes arising from civil legal relations; (subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 of part 3)

b) for the consideration of disputes arising from administrative legal relations. (subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of part 3)

10. Draft laws on the ratification of international treaties of the Russian Federation that do not contain any other normative prescriptions are drawn up as follows:


On the ratification of the Convention between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway for the avoidance of double taxation

Ratify the Convention between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway for the avoidance of double taxation, signed in the city of Oslo on March 26, 1996, with the following statement:

Svalbard refers to the Svalbard archipelago, over which the Kingdom of Norway has sovereignty by virtue of the Treaty of Svalbard of 9 February 1920.

On the ratification of the Convention between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway for the avoidance of double taxation

Ratify the Convention between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway for the avoidance of double taxation, signed in the city of Oslo on March 26, 1996, with the following reservations:

1) when applying: proceed from the following: (clause 1 of the Federal Law)

a) in relation to persons who are part of:; (subparagraph "a" of paragraph 1)

b) the requesting Party :; (subparagraph "b" of paragraph 1)

2) The Russian Federation reserves the right to:. (point 2)

If a bill on the ratification of international treaties of the Russian Federation includes the ratification of several international treaties or contains provisions on the procedure for its entry into force, then such a bill is drawn up in accordance with the general rules applicable to bills containing articles without titles.


On the ratification of the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts,
against the safety of maritime navigation,
and the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts,
against the safety of fixed
platforms located on the continental shelf

Ratify the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, signed in London on 2 March 1989, with the following reservation:

The Russian Federation applies paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, insofar as it does not contradict its legislation.

Ratify the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf, signed in London on March 2, 1989.

On the ratification of the Convention between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway for the avoidance of double taxation

Ratify the Convention between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway for the avoidance of double taxation, signed in the city of Oslo on March 26, 1996.

The name of the international treaty of the Russian Federation in the draft law on ratification must be completely identical to the name of this international treaty in the signed original. No changes are allowed.

11. Bills on amendments to legislative acts, as well as bills containing lists of legislative acts recognized as invalid, have a special article structure. Such bills:

  • do not have titles of articles;
  • are divided into paragraphs numbered in Arabic numerals with a closing parenthesis, or into paragraphs without designations.

Items can be divided into sub-items, denoted by lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet with a closing parenthesis.

1):::::::..; (paragraph 1)

2) :::::::. ; (point 2)

3) ::::::: ..: (point 3)

a) :::::::..; (subparagraph "a" of paragraph 3)

b) ::::::: ..; (subparagraph "b" of paragraph 3)

4):::::::. ... (point 4)

Introduce into the Federal Law from :::::: .. №: "About :::." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation,:., No. :, Art.:.) The following changes:

::::::: ..; (paragraph two)

:::::::. ; (paragraph three)

::::::: ..; (paragraph four)

:::::::. ... (paragraph five)

Declare invalid:

1):::::::..; (paragraph 1)

2) :::::::. ; (point 2)

3) ::::::: ..; (point 3)

4):::::::..; (point 4)

5) :::::::..; (point 5)

6) :::::::. ... (point 6)

Declare invalid:

::::::: ..; (paragraph two)

:::::::. ; (paragraph three)

::::::: ... (paragraph four)

12. The numbering of articles, chapters, sections and other structural units of the draft law should be continuous. For example, separate numbering of articles for each chapter or separate numbering of chapters for each section is unacceptable.

It is unacceptable to change the numbering of parts, sections, chapters, articles of a legislative act when amendments are made to it and the structural units of a legislative act are declared invalid.

It is inadmissible to change the numbering of parts of articles, paragraphs and the letter designation of subparagraphs of parts of articles of a legislative act when amendments are made to it and the structural units of an article of a legislative act are declared invalid.

If additions are made to the end of a legislative act, then it is necessary to continue the existing numbering of parts, sections, chapters, articles (for example, the last was Chapter 5 - to supplement with Chapter 6; the last was Article 7 - to supplement with Article 8).

If additions are made to the end of the structural unit of the article, then it is also necessary to continue the existing numbering (for example, in the article, the last part was part 3 - supplemented with part 4; in the part, the last point was paragraph 3 - supplemented with paragraph 4, etc.).

If the legislative act is supplemented by new structural units, then the new structural units must be designated additionally with numbers placed above the main numerical or alphabetic designations (for example, Chapter 51, Article 72, Part 21, Clause 33, Subparagraph "b1").


Introduce into the Federal Law from :::::: .. №: "About :::." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation,:., No. :, Art.:.) The following changes:

1) supplement with Article 151 as follows:

"Article 151. ::::::.

2. :::::::.. .";

2) in Article 16:

part 2 shall be supplemented with clause 21 as follows:

"21) ::::::::::.;";

Clause 3 of Part 4 shall be supplemented with sub-clause "b2" as follows:

"b2) ::::::::: ..;".

13. In the articles on the entry into force of bills the term "entry into force" should be used.

An article on the procedure for entry into force is introduced in draft laws if it is necessary to establish a special procedure for the entry into force of this legislative act, different from the one determined by the Federal Law of June 14, 1994 No. 5-FZ "On the procedure for the publication and entry into force of federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the chambers of the Federal Assembly ".


This Federal Law shall enter into force upon the expiration of 30 days from the date of its official publication.

This Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

14. The concept of "putting into effect" used only in relation to codes. An independent federal enforcement law is only enacted in relation to codes.

15. It is advisable to avoid including in the draft law notes to articles, chapters, sections, parts or the bill as a whole. Provisions of this kind must be formulated as independent articles or included directly in the text of the structural unit to which they relate.

16. Bills may have attachments, which contain various kinds of lists, tables, graphs, tariffs, cards, sample forms, documents, diagrams, etc.

If there are several annexes to the bill, then they are numbered in Arabic numerals without the sign No. When referring to annexes in the text of the draft law, the sign No. is also not indicated.


according to Appendix 4 to the Federal Law

The legal force of the appendices and the legislative act to which they refer is the same.

The application designation is located in the upper right corner of the page after the text of the draft law without indicating the registration number and the date of signing of the legislative act.


to the Federal Law "On :::"

Appendix 2

to the Federal Law "On :::"

The application name is centered on the page.


19. If it is necessary to make a reference in a draft law to a legislative act, the following details are indicated in the following sequence: the type of the legislative act, the date of its signing, the registration number and the name of the legislative act.


are regulated by the Federal Constitutional Law of October 10, 1995 No. 2-FKZ "On the Referendum of the Russian Federation"

in accordance with the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of August 20, 1993 No. 5664-I "On the enactment of the Law of the Russian Federation" On space activities "

In the absence of a number of a legislative act, its type, date of signing and the name of the legislative act are indicated.


The type of a specific legislative act is indicated with a capital letter.


in accordance with the Federal Law of July 11, 2001 No. 95-FZ "On Political Parties" (hereinafter - the Federal Law "On Political Parties")

21. When referring to the legislative act, which was fully set out in the new edition, its details are indicated in the following sequence: the type of the legislative act and its name, and in brackets the type of the legislative act, the date of signing and the registration number of the legislative act that fully set out this legislative act in the new edition are indicated.


in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil" (as amended by Federal Law No. 27-FZ dated March 3, 1995)


in accordance with part 1 of article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation


governed by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
in accordance with the procedure established by the Customs Code of the Russian Federation
in accordance with part two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation


governed by article 321 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
in the manner prescribed by article 20 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
in accordance with article 924 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation


are governed by clause 4 of part 2 of article 10 of the Federal Law of ::: No: "::::"

26. Designations of sections, chapters, articles, parts, paragraphs are printed in numbers, the designations of the sub-items are printed in lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet in quotation marks.


subparagraph "a2" of paragraph 2 of part 1 of article 5
subparagraph "c" of paragraph 1 of part 2 of article 5

sections III and IV


paragraph two of part 1 of article 1
in accordance with paragraph one of part 1 of article 1

In this case, the first paragraph is the paragraph with which the structural unit begins, in which it is located.


Article 33. Certification

1. :::::: (first paragraph of part 1)

:::; (paragraph 2 of part 1)

:::; (paragraph three of part 1)

:::. (paragraph four of part 1)

2. ::::::. (part 2)


in connection with the provisions of this chapter

in accordance with part 1 of article 5 of this Code

in accordance with part 32 of article 5 of this Federal Law

in accordance with paragraph 1 of part 1 of this article

in accordance with Clause 21 of Part 4 of Article 5 of this Federal Law

in accordance with subparagraph "a1" of paragraph 2 of part 3 of article 5 of this Federal Law

governed by subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of part 3 of article 5 of this Federal Law

29. References in legislative acts may be given to legislative acts of higher or equal legal force. References to specific normative legal acts of lower legal force or their individual structural units are not allowed (for example, a reference in a legislative act to a specific resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation).

30. In the text of the draft law, references to the normative prescriptions of other legislative acts are inadmissible. which, in turn, are referential.

31. Sources of the official publication of the laws of the RSFSR, resolutions of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR, resolutions of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, decrees and resolutions of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR were the Bulletin of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and the newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya.

The sources of the official publication of the laws of the Russian Federation, resolutions of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation, resolutions of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation were the Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation and Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

32. If amendments are made to a legislative act or the legislative act is declared invalid, then the source of its official publication must be indicated.


(Bulletin of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, 1989, No. 1, art. 1)

(Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, 1991, No. 1, Art. 1)

(Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 1, Art. 1)

(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 1, Art. 1; 1996, No. 1, Art. 1; No. 2, Art. 35, 36)

33. The number of the Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation may be published in two parts., for example: Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, No. 1, parts I and II.


(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, No. 1, Art. 15).

34. If a legislative act is not published for any reason in the Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation or in the Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation (RSFSR) and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation (RSFSR), then "Parlamentskaya Gazeta" or " Rossiyskaya Gazeta "(in accordance with paragraph 35 of these Recommendations), which is drawn up as follows:


35. When the text of a legislative act is published in a large volume, in several issues of Parlamentskaya Gazeta or Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the dates of all issues of newspapers in which the text of the legislative act was published shall be indicated as the official source of publication.


(Parliamentary newspaper, 1999, December 27, December 28)
(Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 1999, December 27, December 28)

36. When the same legislative act is published on the same day in Parlamentskaya Gazeta and Rossiyskaya Gazeta, it is recommended to indicate Rossiyskaya Gazeta as having a larger circulation as the official source of publication.

37. When a change is made to the title of a legislative act, the following shall be indicated:

38. When making changes to a legislative act, divided into parts, the following list of sources of official publication is indicated:

1) when adding a new part, making changes to the name of a part of a legislative act and setting out a part in a new edition, the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);

2) when adding a new section, making changes to the title of the section and presenting the section in a new edition, the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • sources of official publication of all subsequent changes made to the part;

3) when adding a new chapter, making changes to the title of the chapter and presenting the chapter in a new edition, the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • the source of the official publication of the part in the new edition (if there was one);

4) when supplemented with a new article, the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • the source of the official publication of the part in the new edition (if there was one);
  • the source of the official publication of the section in the new edition (if there was one);

39. When making changes to a legislative act, divided into sections, the following list of sources of official publication is indicated:

1) when adding a new section, making changes to the title of the section and presenting the section in a new edition, the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • sources of official publication of all subsequent changes made to the legislative act;

2) when adding a new chapter, making changes to the title of the chapter and presenting the chapter in a new edition, the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • the source of the official publication of the section in the new edition (if there was one);
  • sources of official publication of all subsequent changes made to the section;

3) when supplemented with a new article, the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • the source of the official publication of the section in the new edition (if there was one);
  • the source of the official publication of the chapter in the new edition (if there was one);
  • sources of official publication of all subsequent changes made to the chapter.

40. When making changes to a legislative act, divided into chapters, the following list of sources of official publication is indicated:

1) when adding a new chapter, making changes to the title of the chapter and presenting the chapter in a new edition, the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • sources of official publication of all subsequent changes made to the legislative act;

2) when adding a new article, the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • the source of the official publication of the chapter in the new edition (if there was one);
  • sources of official publication of all subsequent changes made to the chapter.

41. When adding a new article to a legislative act, divided only into articles, the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • sources of official publication of all subsequent changes made to the legislative act.

42. Regardless of the presence in the legislative act of such structural units as parts, sections, chapters, when making changes to the article and (or) in its name, including in the case of the presentation of the article and (or) its name in a new edition, it is indicated :

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • sources of official publication of all subsequent changes made to this article and (or) its name.

43. If in the name and text of a legislative act the word "RSFSR" has been replaced by the words "Russian Federation", then without fail (in addition to the sources specified in paragraphs 38 - 42 of these Guidelines), the source of the official publication of the legislative act by which such a replacement.

44. If several changes are made to a legislative act simultaneously in different structural units of this act, then the list of sources of official publication is compiled by absorbing a wider list of a smaller list.

45. When amendments are made to a legislative act that has become invalid from a date that has not yet come, along with all the established sources of publication, the official source of publication of the legislative act, which recognized this legislative act as invalid, is also indicated.

46. ​​Upon suspension of a legislative act, the following sources of official publication shall be indicated:

1) upon suspension of a legislative act in full, as well as in an inseparable part (not separated into an independent structural unit), the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • sources of official publication of all subsequent changes made to the legislative act;

2) upon suspension of a structural unit of a legislative act or its structural unit in an inseparable part (not separated into an independent smaller structural unit), the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • sources of official publication of all subsequent changes made to the suspended structural unit of the legislative act.

47. When a legislative act is declared invalid, the following sources of official publication are indicated:

1) when a legislative act or its structural units are declared invalid, the source of their official publication is indicated;

2) when a legislative act is declared invalid, the inseparable part (not separated into an independent structural unit) shall indicate:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • sources of official publication of all subsequent changes made to the legislative act;

3) when recognizing as invalid not the entire legislative act, but its structural unit in an inseparable part (not separated into an independent smaller structural unit), the following shall be indicated:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act in the new edition (if it was);
  • the source of the official publication of the revised structural unit of the legislative act recognized as invalid in an inseparable part (if it was);
  • sources of official publication of all subsequent changes made to this structural unit;

4) when a structural unit of a legislative act is recognized as invalid, which was absent in the original version of a legislative act, but was supplemented later (when amendments were made to it), the list of sources for the official publication of a legislative act must include:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act with which this structural unit was supplemented;

5) when a structural unit of a legislative act that entered into force prior to the approval of these Methodological Recommendations is recognized as invalid, if this structural unit has been renumbered, the list of sources for the official publication of the legislative act must include:

  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act;
  • the source of the official publication of the legislative act by which the given structural unit was renumbered.


48. In order to bring legislative acts in line with the newly adopted federal constitutional law or federal law, to eliminate the plurality of legal norms on the same issues, proposals are being prepared to bring legislation in line with the newly adopted legislative act by amending legislative acts.

49. Changes are deemed to be:

  • replacement of words, numbers;
  • exclusion of words, numbers, sentences;
  • exclusion of structural units of a legislative act that has not entered into force;
  • new edition of the structural unit of the legislative act;
  • addition of a structural unit of an article of a legislative act with new words, numbers or sentences;
  • addition of structural units to a legislative act;
  • suspension of a legislative act or its structural units;
  • extension of the validity of a legislative act or its structural units.

50. Changes can be made to the following types of legislative acts:

  • laws of the RSFSR;
  • the codes of the RSFSR;
  • laws of the Russian Federation;
  • codes of the Russian Federation;
  • federal laws.

51. Simultaneously with the bills establishing new legal regulation, independent bills on legislative acts or their structural units subject to change should be submitted to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The presence in bills establishing new legal regulation of articles containing amendments to legislative acts or their structural units is not allowed.

The only exceptions are bills on the federal budget for the corresponding year and bills on state extra-budgetary funds, which may contain articles on the suspension or prolongation of the validity of legislative acts or their structural units.

52. Amendments to legislative acts are formalized as an independent legislative act, in which, in turn, changes introduced to each legislative act are formalized as independent articles.


On amendments to Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation "::::." and to the Federal Law ":::::."

Introduce into Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation from ::: №: "::::::" (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 1993, №:, Art.:.; Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000 , No .:, art.:.) The following changes:

To amend the Federal Law from ::: №: ":::::." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No.:, Art.:.) The following changes:

53. With the simultaneous introduction of amendments into a legislative act and the recognition as invalid of the structural units of this legislative act, the provisions on amendments and on the loss of force may be located in one article. In this case, the changes introduced and the recognition as invalid must be stated sequentially (article by article).


To amend the Federal Law from ::: No.: ":::" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation,:, No.:, Art.:;:, No.:, Art. :) the following changes:

1) in Article 1 the words ":::" shall be replaced by the words ":::";

2) part 1 of Article 2 shall be supplemented with the words ":::";

3) in clause 2 of part 2 of article 3 the words ":::" shall be deleted;

4) Article 4 shall be declared invalidated;

5) Part 1 of Article 5 shall be stated in the following wording:

"1. :::::::: .";

6) in Article 6 the words ":::" shall be replaced by the words ":::".

54. When making changes to a legislative act, the type of act, the date of signing of the act, its registration number (if any), name, as well as the corresponding sources of its official publication must be indicated.


Introduce the following amendments to the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, No. 52, Art. 4920):

If the legislative act to be amended has been completely revised, then its details are indicated in the following sequence: type of legislative act, date of signing of the legislative act, its registration number (if any), name, and in parentheses the type of legislative act, date the signing and registration number of the legislative act that fully set out this act in the new edition.


Introduce into the Federal Law of May 8, 1994 No. 3-FZ "On the status of a member of the Federation Council and the status of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation" (as amended by Federal Law No. 133-FZ of July 5, 1999) (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 2, Art. 74; 1999, No. 28, Art. 3466) the following changes:

If the legislative act to be amended was set out completely in a new version and at the same time the type of the legislative act was changed (for example, the Law of the RSFSR became a Federal Law), then its details are indicated in the following sequence: the type of the legislative act and its name, and the form is indicated in parentheses of the legislative act, the date of signing and the registration number of the legislative act that fully set out this act in the new edition.


Introduce into the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" (as amended by Federal Law No. 17-FZ of February 3, 1996) (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, 1990, No. 27, Article 357; Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation , 1996, No. 6, Art. 492) the following changes:

55. Regardless of the specific content of the draft law, i. E. regardless of whether the text of a draft law contains replacement of words, numbers, exclusion of words, numbers or sentences, exclusion of structural units of a legislative act that has not entered into force, a new version of a structural unit of a legislative act, addition of a structural unit of an article of a legislative act with new words, numbers or sentences or the addition of structural units to a legislative act, the title of a legislative act always contains only the word "change" in the appropriate number and is drawn up as follows:


On amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation ":::::."

On amendments to the Federal Law ":::::"

On amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law ":::::: .."

The same rule applies to the first paragraph of each article if the article contains two or more changes:


To amend the Federal Law from ::::. No. :: "::::: .." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, :::, No. :, Art. :) the following changes:

1) Article 1 shall be stated in the following edition:


2) Part 1 of Article 2 shall be supplemented with the following sentence: ":::::::";

3) in part 2 of article 5 the words "::::::: .." shall be deleted.

56. When making changes to one or two (no more) articles of a legislative act, it is advisable to specify the name of the bill.


On Amendments to Articles 5 and 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Police"

On amendments to Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation "::::." and Article 14 of the Federal Law ":::::."

57. Changes are always made only to the main legislative act.

It is unacceptable to make changes to the main legislative act by making changes to the legislative act that changes it.

58. The introduction of temporary legal norms into the main legislative act is not allowed.

If it is necessary to establish temporary (different from the generally established) legal regulation on certain issues, an independent legislative act is adopted.

59. When amendments are made to legislative acts, the relevant text is enclosed in quotation marks.

60. Changes made to a legislative act must be stated sequentially (article by article) with an indication of the specific structural unit to which the changes are made.

61. When amendments are made to codes consisting of several parts, adopted by various legislative acts, the part of the code to which the amendments are made must be indicated.


Introduce the following changes to part three of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, No. 49, Art. 4552):

62. When supplementing a legislative act with an article, chapter, section located at the junction of chapters, sections, parts, respectively, the exact location of the supplemented article, chapter, section is indicated with reference to the corresponding chapter, section, part of the legislative act.

Examples: (there are 14 articles in chapter 1)

Chapter 1 of the Federal Law from :::: №: "About :::::." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, ::, No.:, Art. ::; ::, No.:, Art.: :) add article 141 as follows:

Chapter 2 of the Federal Law from :::: №: "About :::::." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, ::, No.:, Art. ::; ::, No.:, Art.: :) add article 141 as follows:

63. Amendments in a generalized form to a legislative act (including the replacement of words and phrases using the wording "in the text") is not allowed.

As a general rule, each change must be formalized separately with an indication of the specific structural unit of the legislative act that is being changed.

An exception can only be the introduction of changes in a generalized form in one article of a legislative act or its structural unit. If no other changes are made to this article or its structural unit, and the replaced word or words are everywhere used in the same number and case, then such a change should be formalized as follows:


In article 10 of the Federal Law of ::::: No.: "O :::: .." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, ..., No.:, Art. :) the words "::::" shall be replaced with the words ": ::: ".

Article 10 of the Federal Law from ::::: .. No: "О :::::." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation,: .., No.:, Art. :) after the words ":::::" add the words ":::: ..".

64. If in an article of a legislative act it is necessary to replace a word or words in several cases and the replaced word or words are used in different numbers and cases or in the same number, but in different cases, and other changes to this article or its structural unit are not entered, then the following wording applies:


In article 10 of the Federal Law from ::::: №: "О :::: .." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, ..., №:, Art. :) the words ": :( words are indicated in the nominative case of the only numbers) :: "in the corresponding number and case, replace with the words": :( words are indicated in the nominative singular) :: "in the corresponding number and case.

In article 10 of the Federal Law from ::::: №: "О :::: .." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, ..., №:, Art. :) the words ": :( words are indicated in the nominative case of the only or plural) :: "in the appropriate case, replace with the words": :( words are indicated in the nominative singular or plural) :: "in the corresponding case.

65. When an amendment is made to a legislative act, it is first indicated which structural unit is being changed, then the nature of the changes is indicated. Amendments to a legislative act should be executed starting from the smallest structural unit.


Part 1 of Article 7 of the Federal Law dated:. :::. No. :: "О :::::." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, ..., №:, Art.:) Add the following sentence: ":::::: ..."

in subparagraph "c" of paragraph 2 of part 1 of article 7 the words "::::: .." shall be replaced with the words "::::::: .."

66. When making additions to an article, a part of an article, a clause, a sub-clause, a paragraph, the words are indicated after which this addition should be located.


article 1 after the words "::::: .." add the words "::::: .."

67. If words are added to a structural unit of an article of a legislative act and this addition must be at the end of this structural unit, the following wording is applied:


Clause 1 of Article 1 shall be supplemented with the words ":::::"

In this case, the punctuation mark used at the end of the complemented structural unit is retained without indicating it after the addition made.

68. The introduction of several changes in various structural units of an article of a legislative act is formalized as follows:


Introduce into the Federal Law from :::: №:. "O::::." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation,:, No.:, Art. :) the following changes:

1) in article 2:

in part 1 the words ":::: .." shall be replaced with the words ":::::";

part 2 after the words ":::: .." add the words ":::::";

part 3 shall be supplemented with clause 7 as follows:

part 4 shall be supplemented with the following sentence: ":::::.";

2) the second sentence of clause 2 of part 2 of Article 3 shall be deleted;

3) Article 4 shall be stated in the following edition:

"Article 4. ::::::

69. When supplementing an article of a legislative act with parts, paragraphs or subparagraphs, which must be placed respectively at the end of the article, paragraph or subparagraph, the serial numbers of the supplemented parts, paragraphs or subparagraphs must be indicated.


Article 2 shall be supplemented with part 3 as follows:

"3. ::::::.. .";

Part 5 of Article 6 shall be supplemented with clause 4 as follows:

clause 3 of part 3 of article 7 shall be supplemented with sub-clause 5 as follows:

The replacement of the punctuation mark, which is necessary in a number of such cases, is carried out during the preparation of the current version of the legislative act (without reservation in the text of the bill).

70. In order to preserve the structure of the article:

1) the addition of paragraphs can be made only at the end of the corresponding structural unit;

2) if necessary, a new version of the structural unit of the article of the legislative act to which the paragraph belongs is given between the already existing paragraphs to include a new paragraph;

3) upon recognition of a paragraph as invalid, recalculation of subsequent paragraphs is not made. The invalid paragraph is involved in the counting of paragraphs when subsequent changes are made to this structural unit.

71. A new version of a legislative act as a whole is generally not allowed.

The legislator adopts a new legislative act with the simultaneous recognition of the previous legislative act as invalid in cases where:

  • it is necessary to make amendments to the legislative act, requiring the revision of the legislative act in essence and not allowing to be limited to the new edition of its individual structural units;
  • it is necessary to make changes to the legislative act affecting almost all of its structural units;
  • only individual structural units of a legislative act retain their significance, and in part;
  • it is necessary to amend the legislative act, which has been declared invalid in its inseparable part.

72. The structural unit of a legislative act is set out in a new edition in cases where:

  • it is necessary to make significant changes to this structural unit;
  • changes have been made to the text of the structural unit of the legislative act several times.

73. The statement of the structural unit of a legislative act in the new edition is not a basis for invalidating all intermediate editions of this structural unit.

74. If it is necessary to state one structural unit of a legislative act in a new edition, the following wording is applied:


To amend Article 16 of the Federal Law from ::::: .. No.: "О :::::" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, ::, No.:, Art. :) change, stating it as follows:

"Article 16. ::::::::.


In this case, the title of the legislative act should be as follows:

On amendments to Article 16 of the Federal Law "On ::: .."

75. If it is necessary to make an amendment to the appendix, stating it in a new edition, the text of the new edition of the appendix is ​​included in the text of the changing legislative act, and is not an appendix to it.

76. Where necessary to replace the numerals, the term “numbers” is used, not “numbers”.


the numbers "12, 14, 125" are replaced by the numbers "13, 15, 126"

77. Where necessary to replace words and numbers, the term “words” is used.


the words "50 times" shall be replaced by the words "100 times"

78. If a draft law contains an article with a list of legislative acts to be declared invalid, simultaneously with articles on amending legislative acts, then the presence of such an article must necessarily be reflected in the title of the draft law.


On amending the Federal Law "::::" and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation, as well as invalidating some legislative acts of the Russian Federation


79. In order to bring legislative acts in line with the newly adopted federal constitutional law or federal law, to eliminate the plurality of norms on the same issues, proposals are being prepared to bring legislation in line with the newly adopted legislative act by recognizing legislative acts (their structural units) as invalid ...

80. The list of legislative acts subject to invalidation includes:

1) legislative acts that are to be recognized as completely invalidated. At the same time, separate positions indicate both the legislative act itself and all legislative acts that previously amended the text of the main legislative act.


Federal law from ::: №: "О ::::." (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, ::., No.:, Art. :)

2) legislative acts that are subject to recognition as partially invalidated, i.e. if not the entire legislative act becomes invalid, but only its individual structural units (all numbered structural units of the legislative act, including paragraphs). At the same time, separate positions indicate both the structural unit of the legislative act itself, and all legislative acts that previously introduced changes to the text of this structural unit.


Chapter 5 of the Federal Law of: :: №: "О ::::" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, ::, №:, Art. :)

3) in exceptional cases, legislative acts (or their structural units) that lose force in an integral part (if it means a part that is not separated into an independent structural unit).


Article 71 of the Federal Law of March 26, 1998 No. 42-FZ "On the Federal Budget for 1998" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 13, Art. Federation to centralized loans and interest accrued thereon by borrowing organizations

Federal Law of January 2, 2000 No. 37-FZ "On People's Assessors of Federal Courts of General Jurisdiction in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 2, Art. 158) in the part concerning criminal proceedings

81. The following types of legislative acts may be recognized as invalid:

  • laws of the RSFSR;
  • the codes of the RSFSR;
  • resolutions of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR;
  • resolutions of the Congresses of People's Deputies of the RSFSR;
  • decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR;
  • decisions of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR;
  • laws of the Russian Federation;
  • Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • codes of the Russian Federation;
  • resolutions of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation;
  • resolutions of the Congresses of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation;
  • decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation;
  • resolutions of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation;
  • federal constitutional laws;
  • federal laws.

82. The list of legislative acts subject to invalidation may be an independent article in a draft law establishing a new legal regulation, it may be an independent article or articles in a draft law on amending legislative acts and invalidating some legislative acts, and may also be independent the bill.

Registration of the simultaneous introduction of amendments to the legislative act and the recognition as invalid of the structural units of the same legislative act is carried out in accordance with paragraph 53 of these Methodological Recommendations.

83. The list of legislative acts subject to recognition as invalid must be legally substantiated and exhaustively complete so that not a single legislative act that contradicts the new legislative act in connection with which this list is drawn up is overlooked and not included for recognition as invalid. force not a single piece of legislation or part of it that retains its significance.

84. If the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, which was approved by law, becomes invalid, then the decree and the law (or part of it) that approves it are included in the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation. At the same time, separate items in this list include legislative acts that amended the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

85. If a law that was put into effect by a decree of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (Russian Federation) becomes invalid, then the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation shall include the law and the resolution on its entry into force as separate items.

At the same time, separate items in the list include legislative acts that have made changes to the law.

86. If the code becomes invalid, then the code itself, the law (or the resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation) on the introduction of the code into force or the law on the approval of the code are included in the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation.

In this case, separate items are included in the list of legislative acts that have made changes to the code.

87. If a regulatory legal act of a state authority that does not currently exist (for example, a resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars) is declared invalid, the state authority that is responsible for resolving the issues settled in a normative legal act recognized as invalid.

88. When each legislative act is included in the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation, the type of the legislative act, the date of its signing, registration number (if any), the name of the legislative act, and the source of its official publication must be indicated.

89. Recognition as invalid of legislative acts without recognition as invalid in the form of separate positions of all legislative acts (their structural units), which at different times amended the main legislative act (for example, “to declare invalid the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and all legislative acts, who made changes to it ") is not allowed.

90. Each piece of legislation is included in the list of pieces of legislation subject to invalidation as a separate item. Legislative acts contained in such a list may be sequentially numbered (in this case, they are considered clauses and are numbered in Arabic numerals with a closing parenthesis).

91. If the entire legislative act, the name of which has been changed, is recognized as invalid, this legislative act shall be included in the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation with its original name and indication of the source of its official publication. The legislative act that changed the name of the first legislative act is included in the list as a separate item with an indication of its source of official publication.

When a structural unit of a legislative act, the name of which has been changed, is recognized as invalid, the legislative act shall be included in the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation with the changed name and indicating the original source of the official publication, as well as the source of the official publication of the legislative act that changed its name.

If an inseparable part of a legislative act, the name of which has been changed, is recognized as invalid, the legislative act shall be included in the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation with the changed name and an indication of the original source of the official publication, as well as the source of the official publication of the legislative act that changed its name.

92. When a structural unit of a legislative act is recognized as invalid, which was not in its original version (which was supplemented later), the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation shall include in the form of separate items:

  • this structural unit indicating the original source of the official publication and the source of the official publication of the legislative act with which this structural unit was supplemented;
  • a structural unit of a legislative act, with which the invalidated structural unit was supplemented, indicating the official source of its publication.

93. Legislative acts in the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation are arranged chronologically (by the date of their signing). Within the same date of signing, legislative acts are arranged according to their registration numbers in ascending order.

94. If it is necessary to establish in one list of legislative acts subject to recognition as invalid, different dates from which legislative acts are invalidated, the list is subdivided into structural units formed in accordance with the corresponding date (period) of expiration.

95. If one article or structural unit remains in a legislative act after the rest have become invalid, and it must be recognized as having lost force, then the entire legislative act must be recognized as invalid in full, and not only this article or structural unit.

96. If a legislative act contains articles that invalidated previously issued legislative acts, then if necessary, this legislative act shall be declared invalidated, it shall be recognized as invalidated completely, regardless of the presence of such articles in it.

97. The lists of legislative acts subject to invalidation should include not only legislative acts that were in force prior to the adoption of a new legislative act, but also legislative acts on this issue that previously actually became invalid (ie, are "FUS") or absorbed by subsequent legislative acts, but were not recognized as invalidated in accordance with the established procedure.

98. The lists of legislative acts subject to invalidation do not include temporary legislative acts (norms) that have expired. Legislative acts (norms) of a temporary nature are included in the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation only if their validity period has not expired.

If the effect of a temporary legislative act or its structural unit has been extended for an indefinite period, then the list includes both the main legislative act and the legislative act extending it.

99. If a paragraph to be recognized as invalid or an article to be recognized as invalid contains an indication of an annex, which, accordingly, should become invalid, then only this paragraph or this article is included in the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation, and the annex is not separately indicated, although it is also considered null and void.

100. If a paragraph or article of a legislative act, along with the approval of the annex, contains instructions concerning other issues that retain their significance, and the annex is to be recognized as completely invalidated, then this paragraph or this article is included in the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation. in the part related to the application.

101. If the annex cannot be recognized as completely invalidated, then only the structural units of the annex are included in the list of legislative acts subject to invalidation.


To recognize as invalid paragraph 2 of the annex approved by the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation dated ::::: №: "About ::::" (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 1993, №:, art. :)

102. If a legislative act has not yet entered into force, and the need for it is no longer necessary, the term “repeal” is used.

103. In relation to the legislation of the USSR, the term "is recognized as not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation" is used.

104. Bills establishing new legal regulation are drawn up in accordance with these Methodological Recommendations.

Legislative acts, the preparation of which for consideration by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation was carried out in accordance with these Methodological Recommendations, are also amended in accordance with these Methodological Recommendations.

Recognition as invalid of any structural units of such legislative acts or recognition of a legislative act as invalid in full is carried out in accordance with these Methodological Recommendations.

105. Legislative acts that were adopted before the approval of these Guidelines, but do not contradict them, are also subject to these Guidelines.

For example, the Methodological Recommendations will fully apply to the previously adopted federal law, in which the articles are divided into structural units numbered in Arabic numerals with a dot, if there are no references in the text of this legislative act to what this structural unit is (part or paragraph ), No.

106. With regard to previously adopted legislative acts that do not fully meet the requirements of these Guidelines, they will be applied to the extent that it is permissible without changing or violating their form and content (for example, without taking into account the structure of the article developed by these Guidelines).

When referring to the structural units of existing legislative acts, amending them and invalidating the structural units of legislative acts, the designations of structural units that are already used in these legislative acts should be used.

107. The provisions specified in paragraph 106 of these Methodological Recommendations apply for the period of validity of legislative acts that were adopted before the approval of these Methodological Recommendations and do not meet their requirements.

This exclusion applies only to cases where the provisions of these Guidelines cannot be applied.

correspondence, -I am

CORRESPONDENCE,-I am; Wed A relationship between smth. That expresses consistency, equality in smth. relation. C. production relations to the nature of the productive forces. Complete c. interests. Violated c. between parts of the building. C. between the color of the animal and the color of the environment. C. form and content. Find the words of the original s. in the target language. In accordance with how. in zn. preposition. In accordance with the plan, with the schedule.

CORRESPONDENCE what / between what / with what. Correspondence of production relations to the nature of the productive forces; Nikolai Petrovich has much more correspondence and harmony between his mental convictions and natural inclinations than Arkady(D.P.); The command of the Southern Front developed, in accordance with the instructions of the commander-in-chief, a counter-offensive plan(Fed.).

the search word is missing

the search word is missing

Synonyms: quick reference

the search word is missing

Harmonious - disharmonious
harmony - disharmony
harmonize - disharmonize
[The writer] gains experience, becomes a master, comprehends the laws of composition, architectonics, harmony and disharmony, enriches himself with a whole arsenal of tools and professional secrets. V. Soloukhin. Autumn leaves. A musical chord for everyone ... [people with a normally developed hearing] will inevitably and necessarily evoke a feeling of harmony, and dissonance - a feeling of disharmony. L. Tkachev. Selected literary critical articles. A sense of style helps us to understand life, its harmony and disharmony, people's relationships. A. Elchaninov. Recordings. There is not enough strength for harmony - he [the poet] builds his world as disharmony. L. Anninsky. Andrey Voznesensky.
The good life is permeated with harmony, mood, rhythm, consistency in variety. And vice versa, a bad life is discord, chaos, confusion, failure, absurdity ... The book is not accidentally called "Lad" and tells about the harmony, and not about the discord of peasant life. V. Belov. Okay.
Deeds good and evil, cruel and magnanimous, freedom of spirit and its slavery, discord and harmony, as I perceive them with a simple feeling - that is what interests me. Chaliapin. Mask and soul. Harmony, both spiritual and physical separately, and in general, is life, full-bloodedness of life, rhythm. Disruption of rhythm is disorder, illness, disorder, disorder. V. Belov. Okay.
The circle closed, the characters came to the final mutual correspondence, or rather, to the final inconsistency, incompatibility, complete impossibility of coexistence. Yu. Karabchievsky. Point of pain.

How should you write correctly: in accordance or in accordance? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

general information

Not everyone knows how it is written: in accordance or in accordance. It should be noted that both presented lexical units have every right to exist. However, their use in writing depends entirely on the exact context in which they occur and what meaning is required to be obtained. Indeed, although these words are very similar to each other, their spelling, as well as the meaning, differ significantly. And in order to avoid mistakes in choosing one or another ending, you should figure out which ones it is appropriate to use.

What common?

Before you understand how it is written "in accordance", it should be said that the lexical series "corresponding", "correspond" and "conformity" has one common meaning, which expresses the relationship between something, consistency in certain characteristics, as well as coincidence in place, time or other signs.

But before using this word in a sentence, you should take into account its individual and narrowly focused meaning. Moreover, in order to understand how it is spelled correctly: in accordance or in accordance, it is necessary to determine the part of speech to which these words belong.

Adverbial preposition

A word ending in -and is an adverbial preposition, which is formed from the noun "correspondence". As a rule, in a sentence, such a lexical unit is used as a service part of speech. However, it often retains adverbial meaning in the text.

So which will be correct: conformity or conformity? If this expression is used when it comes to any action that must fully coincide with certain requirements for decision-making, behavior, performance of certain functions, then only the first option should be used. Let's give an illustrative example:

  • "In society, one should behave in accordance with the established rules of etiquette." In this sentence to the checked word, you can ask the question "how?" - in accordance with the established rules. That is, it is an adverbial preposition, at the end of which the letter "and" should be written.
  • "The actions of the military were coordinated from the headquarters in accordance with the previously established order" ("how?" - in accordance with the previously established order).
  • "She acted in accordance with the order that was given to her at the headquarters" ("how?" - in accordance with that order).
  • “Living in accordance with the accepted norms is quite simple” (“how?” - in accordance with the accepted norms).
  • “The decision to travel abroad was made in accordance with the opinion of all employees of the corporation” (“how?” - in accordance with the opinion).

Consistency or consistency: how to write? If you are dealing with an adverbial preposition, then only the first option should be used.


"If you bring your desires in line with your capabilities, then you will never be in a difficult financial situation." In this example, the word we are checking is an accusative noun. Moreover, such an expression implies the need to bring something to a certain standard, to improve something that must fully comply with stable requirements.

Thus, the spelling of the letter "e" at the end of this word is explained by the fact that the noun in the accusative case coincides with the form of the nominative. It should also be noted that in a sentence such a lexical unit acts as a direct object.

Let's sum up

In line or in line? We have found out how to spell this word correctly in this or that case. But to consolidate the material, we propose to repeat what is the difference between these lexical units:

  • The lexical unit "in accordance" consists of a noun and a simple preposition. In a sentence, this word acts as an addition. As for the expression ending in -and, then this is an adverbial preposition, which partially retained its adverbial meaning.
  • If you need to bring something "in line" with a certain standard, then you need to use a noun with a preposition. In turn, the adverbial preposition ending in -and indicates the ratio of certain actions.
  • The expression "in compliance" can include any additional word (in our case, it acts as a definition). Let's give an example: "bring in full compliance." As for the adverbial preposition "in accordance", it is an indivisible whole. It is impossible to introduce additional elements into such a service part of speech.

The expressions "in accordance" and "in accordance" differ in meaning: it is on this that their spelling depends. In order not to make mistakes in choosing the ending of the word "correspondence", it is necessary to figure out in which speech situations it is appropriate to use it.

The lexical series "correspondence", "correspond", "corresponding" has the general meaning of the relationship between something, expressing consistency in certain characteristics, coincidence in time, place or other characteristics.

The expression "in accordance" is used when we are talking about an action that must coincide with certain requirements for behavior, decision-making, performance of any functions.

He acted in accordance with an order, and his conscience did not torment him.

Live according it is simple with generally accepted norms, but it is impossible to perform an act according to the established rules.

The decision to go to the sea was accepted in accordance with the opinion of all family members.

"In accordance" is an adverbial preposition derived from the noun "conformity." In the sentence, it is used as an official part of speech, although it partially retains its adverbial meaning.

In a decent society, it is customary to behave in accordance with the rules of etiquette. (How? - according to the rules.)

The actions of the rescuers were coordinated from the center in accordance with the meteorological conditions. (How? - in accordance with the terms.)

The expression "in conformity" implies the need to bring to some standard, correct, improve what should correspond to some stable general requirements.

If you bring your own needs in line with your capabilities, there will be no desire to receive pleasure at someone else's expense.

It was due align with safety instructions.

According to morphological features, "in accordance" is the accusative case of a noun with a preposition. The spelling -e in the ending is explained by the fact that the accusative form of the noun coincides with the nominative form.

The syntactic role of the prepositional-nominal combination "in accordance" is a direct addition.

the site has determined that the difference between matching and matching is as follows:

  1. The combination "in accordance" consists of a noun and a preposition, in the sentence it acts as an addition. "In accordance" is an adverbial preposition that has partially retained its adverbial meaning.
  2. When it comes to the need to bring something "in line" with any standard, a noun with a preposition is used. The adverbial preposition "in accordance" indicates the ratio of any actions.
  3. Matching may include a definition for a noun: “match fully”. The adverbial preposition "in accordance" is an indivisible whole; additional linguistic elements cannot be introduced into it.

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