Home Roses The meaning of the s character. Occult and mystical symbols and their meaning - dmitry leo. Ancient Slavic symbols

The meaning of the s character. Occult and mystical symbols and their meaning - dmitry leo. Ancient Slavic symbols

There are many magical signs. Every nation and religion has signs that give energy, protect against dark forces and diseases. These magical symbols are used to this day as amulets and talismans.

This article contains the main ancient signs of various peoples and information about their meaning and application.

Star of Solomon

Hebrew magic symbol meaning harmony (this is indicated by the two equilateral triangles that make up the Star of Solomon). This symbol is considered the emblem of Judaism.

This sign is used as protection from damage, the evil eye and disease, and also helps to overcome life's difficulties. For several hundred years, Jews have invested the strength and energy of their people in this symbol.

Pyramid with an eye

This symbol is considered Masonic and means the all-seeing eye. This is a sign of the Higher Mind. He is able to develop intuition and magical abilities. Also, many believe that the pyramid with an eye at the top personifies the hierarchical structure of society, which means that the owner of such a magical sign becomes dominant over everyone.


This is the most common sign in the occult. This symbol is most often associated with Satanism and devilry. But it is not so. It is this magic sign that exorcises the devil. It is used to protect against dark forces.

Christian symbol of the Trinity

This magical symbol brings good luck in all matters. Indeed, with the owner of this amulet, good forces are always present. Those who wear this sign go through life without barriers and disappointments.

Perun's sign

This Slavic pagan symbol bestows victory, success and courage, brings prosperity to the home and health. Recommended for men.

Lao Tzu's seal

This Chinese sign brings wealth, happiness and good luck to those with good thoughts and pure intentions. Wearing this talisman can also improve your health and gain authority.

Eye of Horus

Egyptian symbol that helps to develop intuition, open the third eye, find peace of mind and wisdom. Also, this sign is designed to protect from higher-ranking people, influential officials, envy and revenge.

All these symbols can become excellent talismans of good luck and amulets from negative energy. Good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

16.12.2014 09:18

According to the ancient teachings of feng shui, you can achieve happiness in life if you use the symbols of wealth and ...

Recently, people are increasingly using the teachings of feng shui in order to attract what they want. Thanks to the usual ...

We come across hundreds of different symbols every day. But the purpose of any symbol is to convey its meaning to us and not take up much space. But do you know their true meaning? The most famous and popular symbols will be discussed in today's article.

On / off symbol

In the past, most instrument power controls consisted of two switches marked with the words “off” and “on”. Later they were replaced by the symbols “0” and “1”, and when it became necessary to create a symbol for a single on and off button, they simply superimposed the sign “1” on “0”.

The Bluetooth data symbol was named after the Danish ruler Harald Blatand, who was called "Blue Tooth" for his love of blueberries. On the Bluetoth symbol itself, two Scandinavian runes H and B are drawn, which are the initials of the king.

In 1655, the English mathematician John Wallis first used this symbol in his work. Unfortunately, we do not know exactly why he chose this symbol to denote infinity, and not some other. But still, many scientists think that this symbol is a variant of writing the number “1000” in Roman numerals. This number has sometimes been used to refer to the word “many”.

OK sign

First in the United States, and then around the world, this gesture means that everything is in order and good. But in some European countries, this gesture means that you consider the interlocutor a complete zero. And in South America and the Mediterranean countries, this gesture generally means the human anus.

This famous symbol was coined by Gerald Herbert Holt in 1958 for the logo of the Direct Action Committee against Nuclear War. At first, the "symbol of peace" was used only by hippies, but then it became popular all over the world.

The running man symbol for an emergency exit was invented in the 1970s by Japanese designer Yukio Ota. It was adopted as an international mark 15 years later, in 1985.

The most popular symbol in email correspondence was invented in the 1950s and 1970s. Unfortunately, there is no consensus about who is the author of this symbol. According to one version, the author of the emoticon is the American artist Harvey Ball, who painted it in 1963 for one of the insurance companies. But the author of the computer emoticon is known - Scott Fahlman. On September 19, 1982, he suggested using the ":)" character in ads to indicate jokes, and the ":(" character for ads that are not joke.

Now these symbols are known to many people as symbols for the male and female sex. But earlier, these symbols were used to denote Mars and Venus in astronomy. In 1751, Karl Linnaeus first borrowed these symbols from astronomy to denote the sex of plants.

This symbol first appeared in 1970, when the first Earth Day was celebrated. At the time, Container Corporation of America held a student competition for the best paper recycling symbol. Defeated drawing by Gary Dean Anderson.

The drawing depicting a person in a wheelchair is recognizable in many countries of the world. This symbol was coined by Suzanne Kofod in 1968 to denote places with improved accessibility for people who move in a wheelchair or have other health problems.

This terrible symbol has been known since the Middle Ages and was used to denote death. The pirates later added it to their flag. Now this symbol is used to denote poisonous and hazardous substances.

If you ask you what this symbol means, then you will surely say that - love! But before, the meaning of this symbol was completely different. For example, in Ancient Greece, they were used to designate the spice “sylphia” (a large type of dill). And in Hellenistic culture, the heart stood for an ivy leaf, which was considered a symbol of the god of winemaking and the passion of Dionysus.

Probably everyone knows that this symbol is associated with the knights of the Order of Malta. The eight peaks in the sign symbolize the 8 commandments of the Knights of the Order of Malta: to live in truth, to be merciful, to prove humility, to repent of your sins, to be sincere, to love justice, to endure persecution, to have faith.

This symbol is associated with the knights of the Order of Malta, the oldest knightly order. The eight peaks symbolize the eight commandments of the knights, namely: to live in truth, to have faith, to repent of your sins, to prove humility, to love justice, to be merciful, to be sincere, to endure persecution.

For many, the crescent moon is a Muslim symbol, but many centuries ago the same symbol was used in Christian art. In addition, the crescent moon also denotes the moon and is a symbol of silver.

This sign is used in the modern world to indicate that something is correct. It is believed that it was first used in the Roman Empire. In those days, "V" was used as an abbreviation for the word "verita", which means "truth." And the fact that the left side of the checkmark is smaller happened due to the fact that in those days pens did not start writing immediately when writing quickly.

Slavic symbols are images of the Relative Gods and an alphabet with a dictionary for people to talk to them. It is impossible to live and not know the Native Language, not to understand why this or that sign has this or that dash and dot. To have a connection with the Ancestors and feel the Power of the Family, you need to be aware of exactly how it looks and how it manifests itself ...

Therefore, we strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with the detailed meanings and descriptions of the Slavic symbols below, remember them and try to use them to communicate with the Vyshny World, protect and get good luck in business, improve health, increase wealth, preserve property and alleviate other everyday worries. With the Knowledge of these foundations, it is much easier to achieve a harmonious existence with Nature and continue spiritual development.

Symbols of the Slavic gods: where and where they are used

Slavic symbols and signs are divided into many types. Solar ones - fiery, solar, are the personification of the direct Power of the Gods, heavenly ones - carry the power of the elements and the laws of the firmament, swastika ones - remind of the unity of the Clans and their power, steadfastness and the continuous cycle of time.

The main Slavic symbols and signs were used in the designation of Sanctuaries, Temples, Sacred Trees and their activation for rituals or bringing gifts and services. The Sages and Priests, as well as the Elders of the Clan, could wear and withstand their strength.

Slavic symbols were also placed on dwellings or outbuildings as well as a sign of the patronage of the Gods. Few thief or foe dared to incur their punishment and bypassed the house with a gate, on which were the Seals of the Family.

Slavic symbols-amulets in everyday life: meaning and application

Slavic symbols and signs with a corresponding meaning, a description of which you will find on this page below, were used daily by our ancestors throughout their existence - it was thanks to this that they produced many strong descendants of the Family, and it was with their help that our Motherland remained our and indivisible enemies, and the Power of the Family Tree is unquenchable.

Previously, Slavic signs or symbols and their meaning were comprehended from the cradle, since everything around people spoke the language of God. Amulets were applied to kitchen and agricultural utensils, forged to create jewelry amulets, ornamental ligatures were embroidered from them on towels, tablecloths, upper and lower women's clothing.

Symbols supported the Soul and Spirit, and strengthened the Faith, were a sign in danger and a wall during bloody battles for the Native Land. Then the meaning of these signs was perceived as Patronage and brought in the Gift hope for the continuation of the Family. From time immemorial to the present day ...

From small to great, step by step, and despite the difficulties and multiple attempts to pull out the Slavic roots and make us forget all Native signs and symbols. Together with the Gods, Ancestors and Ancestors, we managed to preserve the Culture, Faith, Customs and Traditions. But the most important thing remained - not only to remember the forgotten old, but truly Native, but also to preserve the Memory of this, to organize and transfer the received Knowledge about Slavic symbols and signs and their Power to your Descendants.

By printing on this and other pages of our site descriptions and meanings of each Slavic symbol or sign that is used in the creation of products by the Masters, we are trying to help in the Great Continuation of the Slavic Family. And our Workshop will be very happy if we manage to do this and help at least someone to comprehend the Secrets of the Slavic Clan and realize its real Power.

Slavic symbols, their meaning and description

Swastika- a well-known Slavic symbol, meaning for many centuries the eternal circulation of our vast Universe and the Wise Highest Heavenly Law, to which all living things must obey. This is a protective Fire sign used by people to protect the Law and Order established by the Gods, which from time immemorial preserves Life itself.
Suasti- an ancient symbol that personifies the Eternal Cycle of Midgard-Earth, Life. This is a sign of four, clearly dividing the sacred Daaria into four parts of the northern rivers, in which four Great Slavic-Aryan People have existed since ancient times.
Agni(Fire) is the main Slavic symbol of the Inextinguishable Home and the Great Sacred Fire - the Family Altar. This is a strong protective sign of the Light Higher Forces guarding the dwellings of the Gods. He also personifies the most powerful protection of the Ancient Divine Wisdom and Divine Knowledge - the ancient Slavic-Aryan Vedas.
Fache(Flame) is a Slavic symbol of the Protective Spiritual Fire, which cleans the human Spirit from base, impure thoughts and selfish deeds. It personifies the Power and Unity of the Warrior Spirit and victory over the Darkness and ignorance of the Light Power of Reason.
Altar boy- an all-clan Heavenly Slavic symbol of the Great Unity of the inhabitants of Svarga, the Abode in Reveal, Slavi and Prav, Halls of Light Clans. Usually the sign is depicted on the Altar stone, accepting sincere Gifts and Trebos to his Clans.
Swatka- Slavic protective symbol, applied with the help of embroidery or paint on towels and Sacred Coverings - tablecloths with which Trebnye tables are covered for presenting generous Gifts to the Gods. Also, Idols and sacred trees are tied with Rushniks with this sign.
Bogodar- Slavic symbol of the Patronage of the Heavenly Gods, bestowing Justice and True Wisdom to all inhabitants of Yavi. Bogodar is very much revered by the Guardian Priests, who, on behalf of the Gods, guard the Highest Gift - the Ancient Heavenly Wisdom.
Swati- Slavic Heavenly symbol, personifying the external structure and Image of the Star System of the Clan, Swati - Heavenly Iriy or Perunov's Way. At the bottom of one arm of the Star System, there is a red dot - the symbol of Yarila, the sun.
Veiga- a solar Slavic symbol, the natural personification of the wise Goddess Tara, who protects the four Higher Spiritual Paths - the roads along which a person walks. On them, people encounter four Great Winds, capable of knocking them off the Path or making it harder.
Valkyrie- Slavic symbol of the protection of Justice, Nobility, Honor and Courage. The sign is revered by the soldiers defending the Motherland, their Family and Faith. Used by the Priests for the preservation of the Ancient Vedas.
Vedaman- the Slavic symbol of the Guardian Priest who protects the Ancient Wisdom of Clans. It contains the Memory of the Ancestors of Relatives, Gods, Patrons, the Culture of relationships and the Traditions of the Communities.
Vedara- the Slavic symbol of the Khretsa-Keeper of the Faith of the First Ancestors - Kapen-Ingling, who protects the Ancient Shining Wisdom of our Gods. Apply Vedara, and this sign will help you understand and learn to use the Ancient Knowledge for the prosperity of the Clans and the Faith of the First Ancestors.
Velesovik- a Slavic heavenly symbol that protects people close to you on the Path from bad weather and misfortune, as well as far from home: while hunting, fishing, bringing good luck and protection from Evil and darkness.
Radinets- Slavic heavenly symbol of protective purpose. It is applied to baby cradles and newborn cradles. It is believed that such a talisman not only protects from the evil eye and dark Forces, but also gives children Joy, Health and peace.
Vseslavets- Slavic Fire symbol-amulet, protecting dwellings and granaries from fires, Families from disagreements and heated disputes, Family from quarrels and internecine wars. It is generally accepted that this sign brings all Clans to general Harmony and Glory.
Ognevitsa- Slavic Fire symbol-amulet, providing Heavenly Godmothers with protection for married women from the Dark Forces and all kinds of help. The sign was often used when embroidering protective ornaments on women's shirts, ponev sundresses in combination with other Solar and Oberezhny symbols.
Slavets- Slavic Solar, Heavenly symbol-amulet, giving the female sex health, and married women the opportunity to give birth to strong and healthy children. That is why it was so often embroidered on women's clothing.
Garuda- a Slavic Divine symbol, personifying Vaitmara - the Heavenly Fiery Chariot, on which Vyshen travels through the purest Svarga. Garuda is also called the Bird flying between the stars, and its signs are applied to the objects of the Cult of God Above.
Thunderstorm- the Slavic Fire symbol that helps to control the Natural Elements, the weather and protects the temples of the Gods and the dwellings of our Clans from Bad weather, warding off the punishing Thunder and calling upon the Thunderstorm during a long Drought.
Thunderman- the Slavic heavenly symbol of Indra, who protects the Ancient Vedas - the Heavenly Wisdom of the Gods. The sign was applied to military weapons and armor for protection in battle, as well as over the entrances to the Vaults, so that the one who thinks evil and evil immediately, at the entrance, was defeated by Thunder.
Dunia- the Slavic symbol of the unification of the Living Heavenly and Earthly Fire, protecting the Ways of preserving the Permanent unity of the Family. All Fiery Altars for offering Bloodless Requirements for the glory of our Ancestors and our Gods were built in the form of this sign.
Celestial Boar- the Slavic symbol of the Patron God of the Hall (Ramhat) on the Svarog Circle. This sign is the unification of the Earthly and Heavenly Wisdom, the Past and the Future. The Heavenly Boar is used as a talisman by those who have embarked on the long path of Spiritual self-improvement.
Spiritual Swastika- Slavic symbol, personifying the Unity and Harmony of Bodies, Conscience, Soul and Spirit, its Power. We are highly esteemed by the Magicians, Veduns and Magi for their help in managing the Natural Elements.
Soul Swastika- a Slavic symbol used to collect and concentrate the Higher Forces of Healing. This sign was allowed to be used to decorate their clothes as a talisman only to the Priests who had risen to a high level of Spiritual and Moral perfection.
Dukhobor- Slavic symbol, personifying the inner Life Fire, burning all diseases of the Soul and Body, negative external influences. This sign was applied to a blanket, bedspread, or just a cloth that was used to cover the sick person.
Bunny- Slavic solar symbol characterizing the renewal of the Family and Life. It is generally accepted that tying her wife with a belt with an embroidered or woven Bunny allows her to give birth only to boys, which means she can continue the Rod.
Spiritual strength- the Slavic symbol of the Transformation of the Human Spirit, used to increase the concentration of Spiritual Inner Forces required to create useful things for the benefit of the descendants of their Ancient Clan and People.
Dhata- Slavic fire symbol, personifying the internal and external structure of Man in the form of four elements, given by the Creator Gods: Body, Conscience, Soul and Spirit.
Znich- Slavic fiery symbol of the Heavenly God, guarding the Sacred and Great Living Fire - the Eternal Source of Life, so revered by all Ancient Clans of the Earth.
Inglia- a symbol of the primary, Life of the Birthing Divine Fire of Creation, which gave birth to the Universes and the Sun-Yarilo. In a protective meaning, this sign personifies the Primordial Divine Purity that protects our World from the Forces of Darkness.
Kolovrat- the Slavic symbol of Yarila-Sun, personifying the Eternal Victory of Light over Darkness, the Eternal Victory of Life over Death. The colors of the sign also have their own meanings: black - Changes, heavenly, blue - Renewal, Fiery. Red - Rebirth.
Charovrat- a Slavic symbol that protects a person or something else from pointing evil, Black Charms at him. The sign is depicted in the form of a rotating Fiery Cross, a Fire that destroys Dark Forces and magical influences.
Salting- Slavic symbol of Yarila's retirement, sunset. The sign personifies the completion of Creation and Labor for the Benefit of the Family and the People, Spiritual Fortitude and Peace of Mother Nature.
Colard- Slavic fiery symbol of Transformation and Renewal. The sign was used in the manufacture of wedding decorations, the bride was presented with amulets-gifts with Solard and Kolard. In the future, it was used by the spouses who entered the Union as a pledge and a harbinger of healthy offspring.
Solard- the Slavic symbol of Fertility and Greatness of Mother-Raw-Earth, absorbing from the Yarila-Sun its Light, Love and Warmth, personifies the Prosperity of the Native Earth. This is a sign of Fire, giving wealth and prosperity to their Clans, symbolizing the Creation of the best for the Glory of the Light Gods, Ancestors and Descendants.
Source- the Slavic symbol of the Ancestral Motherland of the Human Soul in the Heavenly Halls of the Goddess Jiva, in which souls who are not incarnated into the Body appear. After their formation on the Golden Path of development, Souls descend to Earth for further Life there.
Kolohort- Slavic symbol of constant coexistence, duality of the One: Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, Truth and Krivda, Wisdom and Foolishness, Life and Death. The sign was used in requests to the Gods to judge arising difficult disputes according to Conscience.
Molvinets- a Slavic symbol that protects people from ancestral curses, evil eyes, slander, slander and slander, harassment, evil look and word. This sign is a great gift from God of our Kin and is used in the embroidery of ornamental protective motifs on the clothes of all family members.
Navnik- Slavic symbol of the Spiritual Difficult Path of a person after death on Earth. Four Spiritual Paths are created for each of the four Clans and lead people to his Native Heavenly World, from where his Soul came to Mother-Midgard-Earth.
Narayana- an ancient heavenly symbol denoting the bright spiritual path of man from the Clans. In Inglism, this sign symbolizes not only the development of the Soul, but also a certain way of life and behavior of people.
Solar Cross- Slavic symbol of the prosperity of the Family and Spiritual Power, bestowed by the Yaril-Sun. The sign is used as a body amulet for people, and is applied to cult accessories, clothing or weapons to give great Power to the Priests of the forest, Kmetey and Gridny.
Heavenly Cross- Slavic celestial symbol of the Power of Spiritual and Generic Unity, used as a talisman, giving the wearer the help and protection of the Ancestors of the Ancient Clan and the Heavenly Clan.
Newborn- Slavic symbol of Heavenly Power, helping to transform and multiply the Family. This protective sign has a great power of protection and the gift of Fertility, it is used in many ornaments on women's clothing and belts.
Ryzhik- the Slavic heavenly symbol of the Light of Svetila-Yarila, personifying earthly Fruit and giving good harvests. The sign was applied as a talisman to agricultural implements, at the entrance to barns, barns and granaries to preserve the gifts of the Earth received.
Fireman- Slavic fiery symbol of the God of our Clan. The sign was applied to his idol, to all entrances to the house and windows: platbands and "towels", shutters and even roof slopes or ceilings. What is noteworthy - in the Moscow Christian Church of St. Basil the Blessed, under one of the domes, you can also contemplate the ancient Slavic amulet Ognevik.
Yarovik- Slavic symbol-amulet to preserve the harvest and livestock in the yard. The sign was applied over the entrance to barns, barns, basements, barns, sheepfolds, stables, cowsheds and other utility rooms.
Defeat the Grass- Slavic symbol-amulet that protects people from various diseases and the effects of evil Forces. This double fire sign burns in the Body and Soul any disease, ailment, anxiety, evil eye and corruption, cleanses a person.
Fern flower- Slavic fiery symbol of the Purity of Spirit with a powerful healing power. Another name for this sign is Perunov Tsvet. Many believe that he is able to fulfill desires and helps to find the treasures hidden in the earth, although in fact he gives much more - Spiritual strength and the ability to understand oneself.
Rubezhnik- the Slavic symbol of the Universal Frontier, which divides the World of Reveal and life in it and life after death in the Upper World. The sign can be seen at all the entrance gates of the Temples and Sanctuaries, as a signal that each who enters passes his own Line.
Rysich- an ancient Slavic generic symbol-amulet. Initially, the sign was depicted on alatyr stones near altars or on the walls of temples and sanctuaries, later it began to be applied to all buildings as a powerful and main amulet against the Dark Forces.
Rodovik- the Slavic symbol of the Light power of the Progenitor, helping his Clans, providing assistance and support by the Ancient Many-Wise Ancestors to the working and creating for the good of the Clan and their Descendants.
Goddess- the Slavic symbol of the Eternal Power and Protection of the Light Gods to the one who has taken the Path of Spiritual development and improves himself. Mandalas with this sign help people to realize the unity and interconnection of the four main elements of this Universe.
Rodimich- the Slavic symbol of the Universal power and the Progenitor, who protects the Law of Continuity and Knowledge of Ancestral Wisdom, its transfer of Old Age to Youth, from Ancestors to Descendants. This sign keeps and transfers the ancestral memory from one generation to another.
Svarozhich- the Slavic heavenly symbol of Svarog, protecting all forms of Life in our Universe, protecting the Mind from Soul and Spiritual Degradation and complete destruction.
Solon- Slavic solar symbol that protects a person and his property from the Dark Power and bad words, thoughts, views. The sign can often be found on household items, mainly on kitchen utensils: pots, spoons and plates.
Yarovrat- Slavic fiery symbol of YaroBog, responsible for good weather, spring flowering and future harvest. The sign is applied as a talisman to agricultural implements to obtain good fruits of one's labor: plows, scythes, shovels, sickles.
Light- a Slavic symbol that personifies the union of two Fiery streams: the Divine and the Earthly, which together give rise to the Universal Vortex of Transformation, contributing to the cognition of the essence of Being through the Ancient Foundations of Knowledge.
Svitovit- Slavic symbol of the connection between Heavenly Fire and Earthly Water, from which Pure Souls are born for embodiment in the Explicit World. The sign was used by pregnant women as a talisman and help in the birth of healthy children, embroidered on dresses and sundresses.
Kolyadnik- the Slavic symbol of Kolyada, God of Renewal on Earth and changes for the better. The sign represents the victory of Light over Darkness and Day over Night. He gives men strength for battles with fierce enemies and labor for the good of the Family.
Cross of Lada-Virgin- Slavic symbol of family Harmony, Happiness and Love. This sign is also called Ladinets. Used by girls as a talisman against evil eyes and words. To enhance the action, Ladinets is inscribed in a circle - Great Kolo. Applied to jewelry or embroidered on outerwear.
Svaor- Slavic symbol of continuous Heavenly movement - Svarga and the Eternal cycle of the Universe, Life Forces. The sign is used to attract wealth and Happiness to the home and is applied to kitchen utensils.
Svaor-Solntsevrat- Slavic symbol of the movement of the Sun, Yarila across the Sky. The sign demonstrates and gives the person wearing it the Light of Spiritual illumination, the Goodness and Purity of Thoughts and Acts.
Holy Gift- an ancient symbol of the Sacred Northern Ancestral Homeland of the white peoples, which was in the Northern Ocean and died during the first Flood - Daariya, or otherwise: Paradise land, Severia, Hyperborea, Arctida.
Sadhana- Slavic solar symbol of a cult purpose, personifying the desire to achieve goals, perfection and success. This sign was used by the Old Believers as a designation for the system of Rites for communicating with the Native Gods.
Ratiborets- Slavic fiery symbol of Courage, Courage and military Valor, blinds the eyes of the enemy and makes you flee from the battlefield, headlong. The sign is applied to weapons and armor, as well as to War Banners and Banners - Stands.
Marichka- an ancient symbol of the Divine Light descending to the Earth, often called a shooting Star. People of the Family receive this light from Yarila-Sun during the day, and from the Stars - at night.
Race Symbol- an ancient symbol of the eternal Union of four great peoples: the Slavs and the Aryans. The Aryans united the Clans and Tribes of the da'Aryans and the Kh'Aryans, and the Slavs - Rassenov and Svyatoruss. This unity was indicated by Inglia in Heaven, which is crossed by a silver Sword, symbolizing Conscience and a race with a fiery handle - Chitten thoughts. The Blade of the Sword is directed downward for the Preservation and Protection of the Dark Forces of Great Wisdom.
Rasic- an ancient symbol of power and unity. Inglia is inscribed in the Multidimensional and is depicted in four colors according to the color of the Clans' eyes: sky-blue - Svyatorus, Fiery - Rassenov, green - X'Aryans, silver - da'Aryans.
Svyatoch- the Slavic symbol of Illumination and Spiritual Renaissance, combining the Renaissance - the Fiery Kolovrat, moving through Human Life - Multidimensional, and uniting the Divine Golden - Illumination and Heavenly - Spirituality Crosses.
Stribozhich- the Slavic symbol of Stribog, who controls all Hurricanes and Winds, is used as a talisman to protect homes and fields from bad weather, sailors for calm water, millers made windmills in the form of this sign in order to attract the wind and grind grain faster.
Wedding- a powerful Slavic symbol, a family amulet. It personifies the unification of two Clans into one, Two Elemental-Swastika systems (Body, Conscience, Soul and Spirit into One Life, the Masculine Fire principle with the Water Feminine.
Rod symbol- Slavic heavenly symbol. Carved ligatures from this sign were used to decorate amulets, amulets and amulets, as well as the Idols of the Family. If you have the Symbol of the Family on your body, no Forces will break the human Spirit.
Svadha- Slavic fire symbol, the Fire key to open the Heavenly Gates. It is depicted on the camps of stone altars as a sign of the opening of Heaven and the acceptance by the Gods of the gifts and requirements presented to them.
Svarga- the Slavic symbol of Spiritual rebirth and the Heavenly Path through the Worlds of Spiritual Perfection, Reality and the Locality of the Golden Path. The end point of the wandering of the Soul is the World of Rule.
Obreznik- an ancient symbol that has the star of Inglia with a Solar Sign in the center, called the Messenger and bringing Happiness, Joy and Health. The guardian protects all this. Otherwise, the sign is called the Mother of Goths or Mati-Gotka.
Austin- Slavic symbol, heavenly amulet. The people often call him the Messenger in everyday life. Protects not only a person, but also a household, agricultural tools.
Star of Russia- Slavic symbol with swastika elements. This sign is often called the Star of Lada or the Square of Svarog. The Great Mother of God symbolizes the source - the origin, from her and Svarog other Gods originated. Therefore, each descendant of the Slavic Clan has the right and purpose to wear the star of Russia on itself as the Seal of the Ancestors.

Modern symbols can tell more than a thousand words about a person, a group of people, an organization, or even a religion and political ideology. Sometimes one gesture is enough to express your emotions and attitude to the subject. However, most of the recognizable symbols and gestures have lost their original meaning, and today not everyone knows about it.

1. Raised fist

In our time, a raised fist symbolizes solidarity and socialism, as well as unity, strength and disobedience. The symbol dates back to ancient Assyria, where it represented resistance to violent action.

2. Mistletoe

Every December, many people around the world decorate their homes with mistletoe sprigs and kiss underneath. The plant's original meaning, however, had nothing to do with kissing or hugging. In Old Norse myth, where mistletoe was originally mentioned, it was considered a symbol of ritual castration.

3. Infinity sign

In modern times, the infinity symbol has become a common mathematical sign denoting the infinity of numbers, time or space, but its original meaning has nothing to do with its modern use. In ancient India and Tibet, he represented perfection, dualism and union between man and woman.

4. Ankh

The ankh became popular in the West when it was used by mystical New Age groups in the sixties and seventies, but the symbol has existed for thousands of years. It comes from ancient Egypt, where it was a hieroglyph for life. In other sources, it is considered the key to the Nile.

5. Trident

The origin of the symbol, also known as the "devil's pitchfork", has nothing to do with Satan. It originally appeared in ancient Greece, where the trident was considered a sacred symbol and weapon of Poseidon, the god of the sea.

6. Mudras (gestures)

While this may sound ridiculous, many people in the United States today believe that some of the mudras originated in the American ghetto and represent the symbols of certain gangs. Of course, the original mudras have nothing to do with violence or gangs and originated in India, where they symbolized peace, harmony, good mental health and other good things.

7. Lightning

Another symbol that many people mistakenly associate exclusively with Nazism is the double lightning bolt, which was the official symbol of the Waffen-SS. The history of lightning, however, dates back to ancient Greece, where people considered it to be a symbol of divine power and Zeus' punishment of those who defied the gods or offended others.

8. Two-finger salute

The two-finger salute should not be confused with the V (victory) sign. Although it is not the most popular way to greet someone today, some people still use it, mostly on an instinct basis. Regardless of how this symbol is viewed today, the fireworks go back to ancient Rome, where defeated gladiators used it to ask for favors from the audience.

9. Phoenix

Also known as the Reichsadler, or "imperial eagle", this symbol comes from the eagle standard used by the Roman emperors. Nowadays, the symbol is almost exclusively associated with Nazi ideology, Hitler and the Third Reich.

10. Double-headed eagle

The double-headed eagle is a symbol that most people mistakenly associate with Russia, when in fact its origins date back to the Byzantine Empire. Used as the dynastic emblem of the Palaeologus Greek dynasty (the last emperors of Byzantium), the double-headed eagle became a symbol of Greek Orthodoxy. Later it was borrowed by other Orthodox peoples (for example, Russia).

11. Iron cross

The Iron Cross was originally a military order in Prussia, but during World War I it became a popular symbol in Germany and appeared on almost every German fighter plane and tank. A few years later, he became a symbol of fascism in France and then in Portugal.

12. Caduceus

Today people associate the caduceus with medicine. In origin, however, the caduceus, which depicts two snakes twisting around a winged staff, is the traditional symbol of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger god.

13. Horns of the devil or "goat"

Most people think of rock music when they see the devil's horn gesture, but the history of this symbol began in ancient India. There he was considered a gesture by which the Buddha cast out demons and eliminated diseases or negative thoughts.

14. Barber sign

Almost no one knows that the colors of the old-fashioned, almost iconic barbers' sign (which is used throughout the West) were not chosen by chance. They symbolize the bloody legacy of the medieval period, when people went to hairdressers not only to get their hair cut or shave, but also to bleed and for other medical procedures. In the Middle Ages, phlebotomy was a common treatment for a wide range of diseases.

15. Skull and crossbones

The skull and crossbones are mainly used today as a warning sign of a hazard (usually associated with toxic and deadly chemicals). This symbol dates back to the Middle Ages, where it was used as a symbol of absolute death.

16. Star of David

Since 1897, when this star was chosen as the central flag symbol at the First Zionist Congress, the Star of David has represented the Jewish and Zionist communities around the world. However, in the third to fourth centuries AD, it was only a decorative architectural symbol in synagogues.

17. All-seeing eye

When most people see this symbol, they automatically think of the Masonic fraternity and its secret program to achieve world domination. The origin of the symbol is completely innocent: it was the eye of God, which should watch over humanity and protect it.

18. Ichthis (Jesus fish)

The name "ichthys" comes from the Greek word for "fish" and the symbol consists of two intersecting arcs that look like a fish in profile. Many people associate ichthys with early Christianity, because in Greek this word is an abbreviation for "Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our Savior." In fact, the symbol was originally sacred among the pagans. The Greeks and Romans, before the Christians appropriated this symbol, considered ichtis to be the ancient symbol of the sea goddess Atargatis.

19. Peace sign

The sign that everyone knows as an international symbol of peace was designed in 1958 by a British designer and artist named Gerald Holt. It was originally the logo of the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).

20. Image of the heart

Heart symbol.

The heart shape is a symbol today strongly associated with love, romance and Valentine's Day, but in ancient Greece, hearts had nothing to do with these things. It was a symbol of sylphia, a species of giant fennel that once grew on the coast of North Africa near the Greek colony of Cyrene. The ancient Greeks first used sylphium to flavor food and as a medicine, and later became the most popular form of birth control.

21. Gesture V (victory)

V is a gesture that people are widely used nowadays to show their peaceful intentions or to express victory. The origin of this sign, however, has nothing to do with peace or victory. It dates back to the Hundred Years War (1337-1453), when English archers used it to taunt their French enemies. In retaliation, whenever the French caught an English archer, they cut off the index and middle fingers of his right hand.

22. Pentagram

The pentagram is a simple, regular, star-shaped polygon and was considered an example of the golden ratio and architectural excellence in ancient Greece. Nowadays, unfortunately, most people believe that the pentagram is an evil symbol and is only used in black magic.

23. Thumb

Although the meaning of the “thumb up” symbol is still debated by historians, some sources claim that it has its origins in Roman gladiators. The Roman crowds used this hand gesture (raised their thumbs up or lowered them down) at the end of the battle, delivering their verdict: will the defeated gladiator live or he needs to die.

24. Middle finger

There is probably not the slightest need to explain the meaning of this gesture. The origin of this symbol dates back to ancient Greece. Although the gesture was not perceived as offensive or hostile as it is today, it was associated with intercourse and fertility as it represented the phallus (a sacred object that looked like an erect penis).

25. Swastika

In most Western countries, the swastika is synonymous with Nazism, fascism and racism, but in reality it is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. The swastika has been a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism and other Eurasian religions for the past twelve thousand years.

Signs and symbols used in magic and witchcraft

The birth of symbols goes back centuries, where at the dawn of human civilization they arose as an element of culture, developing together with society.
But, the origin of most of them is unclear, but their distribution and vitality is amazing. Probably the symbols were prompted to man by the realities of nature itself, but until now, the imagination of people is agitated by their mystery.

In essence, a symbol is a material, graphic conventional sign or action that denotes a phenomenon, concept or idea, thereby expressing some aspects of physical and social reality. So, for example, in ancient times, many stones were designated by symbols, because people believed that spirits and Gods live in them. On the other hand, the very ability to find and create symbols was one of the most important features of human thinking, where the symbol was an instrument of cognition and the most ancient and fundamental way of expressing aspects of reality that could not be revealed by other methods. Consequently, symbols were born as a result of human mental activity, and the human psyche is this part of nature itself.

The symbol is always polysemantic, because nature is dual, therefore a symbol is able to denote both objective reality and an abstract concept. From here, he becomes an object of worship, endowed with the inherent power of what he symbolizes. Thus, he is credited with a special magical power, thereby becoming inexplicable, mysterious and mystical.

  • the human body is one of the most ancient, significant and universal of all symbols

Let's go directly to the symbols

What do they mean? What information do they carry?
What does the Power of the sign and its energy give us to people? Perhaps I will try to answer these questions by describing every sign or seal I know.
Today, the most common signs in witchcraft are:


A five-pointed star with a point at the top. This sign is protective from all evil, and accumulates personal Power if you wear it on yourself. Many amulets are made in the form of a pentagram in a circle. Not the correct opinion of those who do not know that the pentagram is a Devilish sign and the passage of Uncleanness into our World. In fact, this sign does not give more protection and accumulation of Power.
The pentagram, written in one line, is the oldest of all symbols that we own.
Later symbolism: five senses; masculine and feminine principles, expressed by five points; harmony, health and mystical powers. The pentagram is also a symbol of the victory of the spiritual over the material, a symbol of security, protection, and a safe return home.

Second most popular in occult circles

a six-pointed star, built from two triangles included in each other. The upper triangle - with the point downward, means the descent of the Spirit to the Earth - involution. The lower one - with the tip up - is the rise of the Earth or matter to the Spirit. In the middle - the interaction of evil and good forces, the ends of the star are "representatives" of light and dark forces in opposite kingdoms, as diplomatic representations in states.
This is a sign of harmony - two equilateral triangles. Among the Hindus, this sign denotes air and the heart chakra, which is located just in the middle of the others and in which the energy directed upwards and downwards meets. This energy figure is called Merkaba, which means chariot in Hebrew. This is a person's means of transportation to other dimensions.
The top triangle in her image is white and the bottom triangle is black. It symbolizes, first of all, the absolute law of analogy, expressed by the mystical formula: "That which is below is similar to that which is above."


A figure made up of two polar triangles, a six-pointed star. It is a complex and one-piece symmetrical shape in which six small individual triangles are grouped around a large central hexagon. The result is a star, although the original triangles retain their identity. Since the upward-facing triangle is a heavenly symbol, and the downward-facing triangle is a symbol of the earthly, then together they are a symbol of a person who unites these two worlds. It is a symbol of a perfect marriage that connects a man and a woman.

Seven-pointed star of magicians

The seven-pointed star repeats the characteristic features of the five-pointed one. The Gnostic star has seven rays.
Seven- and nine-pointed stars, drawn in one line, are mystical stars in astrology and magic.
The star of the magicians is read in two ways: sequentially along the course of the rays (along the line of the outline of the star) and along the circumference. In the course of the rays are the planets that control the days of the week: the Sun - Sunday, the Moon - Monday, Mars - Tuesday, Mercury - Wednesday, Jupiter - Thursday, Venus - Friday, Saturn - Saturday.

The nine-pointed star of the magicians

Nine-pointed stars, like seven-pointed ones, if they are drawn in one line, are mystical stars in astrology and magic.
The nine-pointed star, made up of three triangles, symbolizes the Holy Spirit.


It is also considered one of the most famous and most frequently used signs in witchcraft and the occult. At the same time, it is the most easy to use, it is used to protect against external factors during rituals. It is believed that the Uncleanness does not have the ability to pass the boundaries of the circle and cause evil.
The magic circle is the basis of ceremonial magic. It serves as a symbol of the magician's will and at the same time as a protective barrier that protects the magician from the negative influence of the invisible world. All magical operations are performed in such a circle. Different circles are used for different purposes. The drawing of a circle is a certain magical ritual that must be performed according to all the established rules. In addition, the tracing of magic circles and inscriptions is believed to contribute to the development of self-control and gait.


Symbolizes unity, balance, and destruction.


A simple equilateral cross A symbol of sealing, native believers still use to seal their witchcraft, spells.
Initially, the Pagan action, after the forcible baptism of Russia, the re-baptism became a Christian heritage (that is, brazenly stolen, and the strongest sealing action that was appropriated to itself, which was only slightly changed over time, we will not remember the crusaders and give examples.)

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