Home Useful properties of fruits 10 reasons why physics is needed. Education problems. How an object helps in everyday life

10 reasons why physics is needed. Education problems. How an object helps in everyday life

N and physics hopes all mankind in solving global problems: this is the preservation of the habitat, and the development of new energy sources, and the replacement of humans in hard physical and dangerous work with robots.

D For all mankind, the need for physics is beyond doubt. But now we pass to the individual personality. What is the use of studying physics for a specific person? For Vovochka Ivanov, a 7th grade student who has problems at school because he is too lazy to study?

V Ovu is surrounded by adult relatives. The experience of adult life convinced them that the knowledge they received in physics lessons at school was not useful to them in the future. Tell me, why does a housewife need to memorize Newton's laws? Or an economist to know the properties of images given by a lens? Famous artists and singers often say in interviews that they skipped lessons, had two marks in physics, and at the same time became successful in life. Little Johnny believes all these people: indeed, one can live perfectly well without physics!

M I was once asked by eighth-graders: "Is it possible to live without knowing physics?" I answered: “Yes, you can. You can live without knowing how to read and write. You don't even need to be able to speak. In order to live, you need to breathe, eat, drink, sleep and go to the toilet. That, perhaps, is all. Only then the question arises: who needs such a life? "
Have the reader has to answer a specific Vovochka why one should study physics at school. The suggested answers can be divided into several groups. The first group is about the usefulness of studying the subject for Vova himself at the moment.

V firstly, acquiring new knowledge, Vova develops his intellect, broadens his horizons, trains the ability to think and reflect. His status among peers is growing, and his personal self-esteem is growing.

R Parents sometimes say to the teacher: "My child is a humanities student, he draws (dances, sings) superbly, he does not need physics at all." The eternal dispute between physicists and lyricists. Science and art. These areas of our culture are often viewed almost as antipodes: in science - calculation and logic, in art - feelings and emotions; science reflects, art experiences. In fact, these are two sides of the same coin, the only difference is in accents. The poet Alexei Sisakin spoke about this very accurately and succinctly.

Science is dead without art,

It adds feelings to her.

Art is meaningless without science:

Masterpieces create both the mind and the hands.

V secondly, while studying physics, Vova will understand the principles of operation of many technical devices that surround him and make his life interesting and comfortable. This knowledge will help Vovochka handle the instruments correctly to extend their lifespan.
V The second group of answers concerns Vovina's adult life. If future profession, to which the boy aspires, is associated with physics, the importance of studying this subject is already understandable. Now engineers are in great demand on the labor market in our country. Knowledge of physics at school is the key to becoming a qualified technical specialist.
D Another conversation, if Vova does not associate his future profession with physics. Then the following arguments can be given: knowledge of physics will be useful to Vovochka as future man, the head of the family, in order to correctly repair the outlet with his own hands, to act correctly during a thunderstorm, to be able to warm oneself in the cold, etc. But here Vova objects that in these cases, everyday experience is needed rather than knowledge of physical laws and the ability to solve problems.

WITH The next argument in favor of studying physics is Vova's future children. It's great when dad has family authority, knows a lot and can do a lot. A dad who has knowledge will be able to answer all "why" to his little son. And when he grows up and studies physics, he will help in solving problems. To this, Vova can object that he will marry an excellent pupil Mashenka, and she will help the children with school problems.
AND you need to learn physics in order to distinguish scientific knowledge from pseudoscientific so as not to become an easy prey for scammers and deceivers. There are now many films on the Internet about the dangers of microwave ovens. Sometimes you look, listen, and you get the impression that these people know practically nothing about heat movement, the principle of heating food, the device and operation of the microwave, but they argue, argue ....
Z Physics studies form a scientific understanding of the world around us, of its cognizability by humans, and of the impossibility of violating the laws of nature. The more extensive knowledge a person has, the more difficult it is to lure him into various sects, subjugate him to someone else's will, and deceive. It is easy to sell a useless device for a lot of money for a person who has studied physics poorly at school. For example, an emitter of infrared rays, which cures all diseases in the world. A former undergraduate in physics would easily believe that an air purifier can distinguish between good and bad odor molecules and only destroy bad ones.

WITH the next group of answers. Some teachers and parents, when asked why study physics, answer that so need to finish school... And that's all! There are big bosses in the Ministry of Education who know better what and how to study in school. Therefore, we do not reason, but teach. Learning to get good grade so that neither parents nor teachers "get it" .

O Many schoolchildren, especially girls, will be satisfied with this answer. They trust adults, because mom knows better how to dress, dad knows how to make money. It is the dad and mom who know what is best for their child. And it is easier and easier for the child to obey. For many children, this is more convenient, and even adults will praise for diligence.
V the survey about the usefulness of physics does not arise in teaching with enthusiasm... If a person is engaged in something with interest, then the question “why” he does not ask himself.
V At school, the child spends eleven years of life - this is a period of rapid development. The child is gaining a baggage of knowledge and skills for the next stage - the acquisition of a profession. It is during the school years that the formation of the future social personality takes place, the skills of interaction in the team are being worked out. The individual begins to assess his abilities and capabilities, to compare himself with others.

TO Each subject plays a role in personality formation. Literature and history develop language, form moral and ethical norms of behavior, mathematics affects abstract thinking, biology allows a deeper understanding of oneself, forms the perception of a person as part of the living world, a foreign language trains memory, fosters tolerance and the ability to see the world through the eyes of other people. I read somewhere that at school there are only two intellect-forming subjects: mathematics and physics, the rest are intellect-consuming. These two subjects develop subconsciousness, consciousness and superconsciousness.

AND It is physics teachers who have a varied arsenal of tools for the all-round development of a child. Here it is, the surrounding world, in all its diversity and splendor. You just need to take a closer look, and you can make interesting discoveries, put forward hypotheses, and conduct research. “Science is the daughter of surprise and curiosity,” say the sages. And for a physics teacher, the most important and most difficult thing is to maintain the child's ability to be surprised by the world around him.

TO What kind of techniques and techniques are not used by physics teachers for the formation and development of students' interest in their subject! This is conducting experiments on the verge of tricks, discussing problem situations in the lesson, demonstrating entertaining video clips, making physical devices with your own hands, etc.
Have Chita is a special breed of people. All their lives they are happy to learn something new and share their knowledge with others. And it doesn't matter how old they are: 20 or 60. They do not get tired of learning, making discoveries for themselves, learning this world with interest and enthusiasm. They are the ones who can "infect" their students with a craving for conquering the heights of knowledge. And the most important discovery on this path is that the more you know, the wider the horizons, the more interesting it is to live.

AND such a teacher will not have to puzzle over the answer to the question: why should one study physics at school. The answer is simple: physics is a fascinating and interesting science.

Bogdanova L.I. https://sites.google.com/site/14pelikan/znakomtes-rmo/rmo-prepodavatelej-fiziki/bogdanova-l-i

Not only schoolchildren, but even adults sometimes ask themselves the question: why do we need physics? This topic is especially relevant for the parents of students who received education at one time, far from physics and technology.

But how can you help a student? In addition, teachers can ask home an essay in which they need to describe their thoughts about the need to study science. Of course, it is better to entrust this topic to eleventh graders who have a complete understanding of the subject.

What is physics

In simple terms, physics is the science of nature. Of course, at the present time physics is moving more and more away from it, delving into the technosphere. Nevertheless, the subject is closely connected not only with our planet, but also with space.

So why do we need physics? Its task is to understand how certain phenomena occur, why certain processes are formed. It is also advisable to strive to create special calculations that would help predict certain events. For example, how did Isaac Newton discover the law of universal gravitation? He studied an object falling from top to bottom, observed mechanical phenomena. Then I created formulas that actually work.

What sections does physics have

The subject has several sections, which are studied in general or in depth at school:

  • Mechanics;
  • vibrations and waves;
  • thermodynamics;
  • optics;
  • electricity;
  • the quantum physics;
  • Molecular physics;
  • nuclear physics.

Each section has subsections detailing the various processes. If you do not just study theory, paragraphs and lectures, but learn to imagine, experiment with what is being discussed, then science will seem very interesting, and you will understand why physics is needed. Complex sciences that cannot be applied in practice, for example, the physics of the atom and nucleus, can be considered in a different way: read interesting articles from popular science magazines, watch documentaries about this area.

How an object helps in everyday life

In the essay "Why do we need physics" it is recommended to give examples if they are appropriate. For example, if you are describing why you need to study mechanics, then you should mention cases from everyday life. An ordinary car trip can be such an example: from the village to the city you need to drive along a free highway in 30 minutes. The distance is about 60 kilometers. Of course, we need to know at what speed it is better to move along the road, preferably with a margin of time.

You can also give an example of construction. For example, when building a house, you need to correctly calculate the strength. You can't choose flimsy material. A student can conduct another experiment to understand why physics is needed, for example, take a long board, put chairs at the ends. The board will sit on the backs of the furniture. Next, load the center of the board with bricks. The board will bend. As the distance between the chairs decreases, the deflection will be less. Accordingly, a person gets food for thought.

When preparing dinner or lunch, a hostess often encounters physical phenomena: heat, electricity, mechanical work. To understand how to do the right thing, you need to understand the laws of nature. Experience often teaches a lot. And physics is the science of experience, observation.

Physics-related professions and specialties

But why do you need to study physics for someone who graduates from high school? Of course, those who enter a university or college in the humanities do not really need a subject. But in so many areas, science is required. Let's look at which ones:

  • geology;
  • transport;
  • power supply;
  • electrical engineering and devices;
  • medicine;
  • astronomy;
  • construction and architecture;
  • heat supply;
  • gas supply;
  • water supply and so on.

For example, even a train driver needs to know this science in order to understand how a locomotive works; the builder must be able to design strong and durable buildings.

Programmers, IT specialists also need to know physics in order to understand how electronics and office equipment work. In addition, they need to create realistic objects for programs, applications.

In medicine, physics is used almost everywhere: X-ray, ultrasound, dental equipment, laser therapy.

What sciences is connected with

Physics is very closely interconnected with mathematics, since when solving problems you need to be able to transform various formulas, carry out calculations and build graphs. You can add this idea to the essay "Why study physics" when it comes to computing.

Also, this science is associated with geography in order to understand natural phenomena, to be able to analyze future events, the weather.

Biology and chemistry are also associated with physics. For example, no living cell can exist without gravity and air. Also, living cells must move in space.

How to write an essay for a 7th grade student

Now let's talk about what a seventh grader who has partially studied some sections of physics can write. For example, you can write about the same gravity or give an example of measuring the distance that he walked from one point to another in order to calculate his walking speed. A 7th grade student can supplement the essay "Why do we need physics" with various experiments that were carried out in the classroom.

As you can see, creative work can be quite interesting to write. In addition, it develops thinking, gives new ideas, awakens curiosity about one of the most important sciences. Indeed, in the future, physics can help in any life circumstances: in everyday life, when choosing a profession, when getting a good job, during outdoor recreation.

… You ask what changes physics has brought to the ideas of modern man? What have we learned not only from those discoveries that we ourselves have witnessed, but also those that happened a long time ago, but only in our days received a correct assessment? I think that here you can answer the question with a question: well, what does contemporary art give a person? That it is a pastime or something more capable of significantly influencing human behavior? If you think about these questions, then perhaps it will become clearer what science means for mankind ...

In very general terms, science gives a person a sense of his own power, faith in his own abilities not only to cognize the world around him, but also to put at the service of forces hitherto unknown or even hostile. But in order to discover something new, it is necessary to ask nature correctly posed questions - questions to which there is an answer. And for this you need to master the art of asking questions.

For example, since the time of Newton, philosophers and physicists have argued whether light is particles or waves? And in the 20th century, the controversy spread to the electron. In 1924, de Broglie raised a doubt: maybe the electron is in some sense a wave? At that time, it should have been obvious to any, so to speak, sane person that there must be an answer to this question, and one excluded the other: either a particle or a wave. Of course, it was very difficult to understand that in such a formulation the question is legitimate, as in general it is very difficult to abandon the usual, everyday concepts.

At the turn of the century, many people thought that physics was almost complete and that man knew everything that could be known. Science is similar to Dante's wanderings through the spheres of paradise: for each sphere of knowledge a new one opens; and signs of the completion of science have always served as harbingers of its new ups. So it was with the advent of the 20th century: a turning point has taken place, an era of new knowledge has begun. The theory of relativity, mechanics were created, later the science of light developed, crowned with quantum electrodynamics, the study of the atomic nucleus formed the basis of atomic energy, the study of hydrodynamics, aerodynamics served as the foundation in space exploration ...

This is probably the first lesson given by physics, and indeed science in general - our knowledge is not static, it develops and we will never see the end; any developing picture allows us to simplify what we know, and, on the other hand, to penetrate into more subtle, more serious details.

This continuous striving forward, expanding opportunities, restlessness, are probably the most striking features that testify to the influence of science on a person ...

... Let's see what is inherent in the development of physics in the last decade. Perhaps the most peculiar thing is the convergence of opposites. For a long time, physicists, or rather natural scientists, have been interested in two objects (if one can call whole worlds so modestly). The first object is the entire Universe, the arrangement of its larger and larger parts, the connection between them. And, most importantly, in our time, the Universe has a history: we began to learn how it all lives,. Moving along the line of sight deep into the sky, we see all the earlier stages of the development of the Universe and, ideally, we will be able to read its history from what we observe at different distances from us.

Therein lies another lesson: nothing or almost nothing is destroyed. If they say that the manuscripts do not burn, then with even greater reason we can say that history is not destroyed: Just as rings on a tree cut store information about the weather, as carbon-14 records the date of its death, so the Universe stores its biography. In the depths of the Universe, we see remnants, we see exploding and colliding galaxies, amazing objects - quasars, the brightness of which exceeds the brightness of galaxies. And all this is lined up in a chain of successive events, transmitting to us the history of the Universe.

The second "object", over which natural scientists have long thought, is. What is it made of, what is our immediate environment made of, and ultimately - and distant stars? For a very long time, atoms were, rather, the subject of study of philosophy, no experimental possibilities for their study did not exist. They were called atoms, corpuscles, monads, but they were objects with no structure and no history. But the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries came, and man rapidly penetrated into the world of atoms, and later into the world of the nucleus. Here, as in the Universe, you can go deep into the depths, discovering more and more new objects that have received strange, maybe even funny names: gluons and even vips and zips - just like the forest gnomes. This system turned out to be very complex, but subject to the laws in which mankind is gradually understanding.

It seems that history is not visible here. We simply discover smaller and smaller particles of matter, learn them at the cost of large and expensive experiments, developing very difficult and intricate theories. In the end, we learn to connect discovered phenomena with each other and even predict what can be "seen" on accelerators of incredible energy, which will go into operation in ten years.

Our ancestors considered it obvious that the smaller the objects, the simpler they are. But it turned out that everything is much more interesting. Descending, as if by steps, into the depths of matter, passing to ever smaller scales of length and time, we find that in these depths are hidden clues to the early state of the Universe. Looking at what happens in the system, when its dimensions are extremely small, when the density becomes extremely high, we are approaching an understanding of what happened to matter in a state close to the Big Bang, in which our Universe was "born".

Now it is clear to us: it is impossible to separate the development of the megaworld from the properties of the microcosm. The history of the Universe is written in the language of the microworld. Astrophysicists have become prominent specialists in elementary particles, and theories of elementary particles are increasingly being tested on models of the Universe. This process is very instructive, it is full of great philosophical significance. Demonstration of the unity of phenomena, at first glance, very distant, opposed to each other, the unity of local and global properties, is a bright lesson given to us by nature, and we should not forget about it in our entire multifaceted life.

Knowledge cannot be ordered, it cannot be put in a single row, saying what is earlier, what is later, or even what is easier and what is more difficult. Probably one of the main failures of our school is that the teaching in it is built on a local principle, while the global view of nature remains somewhere outside of both the textbook and the lesson.

P. S. What else are British scientists thinking: about the fact that recently physics has again begun to enjoy more and more popularity among applicants seeking to enter physics departments. But before entering this or that university, it is very important to look

Getting an education is a key moment in every person's life. In all kinds of educational institutions, schoolchildren are gradually presented with knowledge about the World in which we live. Based on the knowledge gained, a person has the opportunity to realize himself, his abilities and talents. The more knowledge a person has, the easier it is for him to adapt and achieve what he wants. But knowledge alone is not enough. For example, having received an inheritance or won the lottery, not every person will be able to properly dispose of the suddenly appeared amount of money and may end up in the same place where he was. The same applies to knowledge: you need to be able to use it and be able to learn new things.

Unlike many other subjects, the fullness of physical knowledge is not used by most people in everyday life. We can say that school-level physics is a set of various rules and patterns necessary to obtain the correct and shortest solution to various kinds of problems. To summarize, these are the rules for obtaining the correct result, and our task is to learn how to apply these rules.

In adulthood, each person is faced with many problems and challenges. But they all have one thing in common: each task must be solved, and correctly and in the shortest way, and for its solution there are certain rules that a person can use in one sequence or another. This is mainly what physics teaches: to apply different kinds of rules to obtain the corresponding correct result.

Thus, as a teacher, I see the goal of my work to teach my applicants to learn, to correctly apply and combine patterns, in order to get the right result with the least effort. I am interested in my subject, and this interest makes my work a pleasure - both for me and for my students. I will be glad to help you !!

Why does every person need to study physics in school?

Physics is needed in order to get to know and learn different ways of knowing nature. Then it will be possible to transfer it not only to nature. But physics shows how you can learn something, how to ask questions. The statement of the question is probably the most important thing that physics teaches at school.

Knowledge of the physical laws of the structure of our world is somehow useful to any person. This is as much a part of the general cultural basis as knowledge of the basic rules of the Russian language, as an orientation in geography or history, as the ability to count money, as an acquaintance with the general principles of biological evolution ...

And, by the way, people need to teach physics in order for them to master a new style of thinking - the model. Here mathematics develops the logical side of thinking, and physics makes it possible to think in models. That is, a person must understand: a phenomenon is happening - what is important there, what is not important.

The fact is that physics, just teaching physics at school, has the goal not to communicate useful information, but to develop a person. And physics is an extremely convenient tool for this ... And the fact that mathematics and physics in the life of a normal person are not very much needed later, well, thank God. If a person has developed intelligence, and then he forgot how to solve some kind of equation, then he has not lost anything in life.

Intelligence is not so much memory, attention, speed reading, knowledge of languages, etc., it is, first of all, ability to think !

Physics educates people who can analyze, generalize, draw conclusions - think! The Internet has been successfully developing for a long time. And, thank God, its resources do not yet know how to think, but the information in it - just know how to search. And it will take much less time! So what, then, is the strength of people? And if they are not trained to think - so and in nothing ... Computers with their crazy performance even on enumerating options, not to mention the use of heuristic techniques, can lose only to a person who knows how to think. And this must be learned!

Students, and sometimes their parents, say: "My child is a humanities student, he draws (dances, sings) brilliantly, he does not need physics at all." The eternal dispute between physicists and lyricists. Science and art. These areas of our culture are often viewed almost as antipodes: in science - calculation and logic, in art - feelings and emotions; science reflects, art experiences. In fact, these are two sides of the same coin, the only difference is in accents. The poet Alexei Sisakin spoke about this very accurately and succinctly.

Science is dead without art,

It adds feelings to her.

Art is meaningless without science:

Masterpieces are created by both the mind and the hands

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