Home Useful properties of fruits 3 cups of coffee a day. What happens if you drink three cups of coffee a day. Any coffee is healthy

3 cups of coffee a day. What happens if you drink three cups of coffee a day. Any coffee is healthy

If you have depression, or lack of energy, or simply not in the mood, if you have problems with metabolism, cardiovascular, circulatory, digestive, nervous systems, you need to drink coffee. But no more than three cups a day.

This is the conclusion reached by British scientists, who conducted a study in ten European countries that lasted 16 years. More than half a million participants aged 35 and over drank different amounts of natural coffee every day. Some of the volunteers did not drink coffee at all.

Life with and without coffee

The worst results were shown by the health of those who did not drink coffee. They were slightly better for those who drank more than three cups a day. Those who drank two to three cups of coffee a day had the best health indicators.

It was in the latter group, according to the results of the study, that the risk of death from a number of diseases was significantly reduced. First of all, these include diseases of the circulatory and digestive systems. True, in men, the reduction in risk, compared with those men who did not drink coffee at all or drank a lot of it, was 18 percent, and for women (a similar comparison with women) - only eight percent.

With or without caffeine

Mark Gunther, one of the researchers, stressed that the results were the same for all ten countries. What's more, there was no difference in health effects between those who drank decaffeinated coffee and regular coffee with caffeine.

Neither the tradition of preparation, nor the type of coffee used, nor the types of this drink - espresso, cappuccino, latte and others - mattered.

Beneficial Antioxidants

The results of this study, published in the scientific journal Annals of Internal Medicine, indicate that antioxidants are the most beneficial in natural coffee. It is no coincidence that among coffee lovers there was a large number of smokers, as well as those who will not deny themselves the pleasure of missing a glass of alcoholic drink.

In addition, among these people there are more of those who prefer a good piece of meat to vegetables and fruits. However, all this - in the opinion of doctors, harmful to the human body - did not affect the health of coffee lovers. Moreover, they all felt younger than their age.

Relaxing coffee

Scientists from the University of Southern California came to almost the same results. True, about 190 thousand people participated in the study of Americans, including Hispanics, Europeans, Japanese, African Americans living in the United States.

The figure of 18 percent also appears here - the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases among those who like to drink two or three cups of coffee every day is so reduced. But those who drank only one at a time - the risk of death decreased by only 12 percent.

Americans also found that men who drank two to three cups of coffee daily reduced the possibility of erectile dysfunction by 42 percent. Coffee has a relaxing effect on the arteries, which leads to improved blood flow to the male reproductive organ.

Gastritis and ulcers

We can talk about all the positive consequences of moderate consumption of coffee for a long time. However, we must not forget that it also has its drawbacks. For example, due to the characteristics of an individual organism, coffee can negatively affect the gastric mucosa.

The result can be gastritis and even ulcers. And for those who already have similar diseases, it is better to give up coffee, at least until complete recovery.

Caffeine increases cortisol levels. If you keep it always high, then you are at risk of obesity, as cortisol helps the accumulation of fat. Pregnant coffee drinkers double their risk of miscarriage.

Also coffee is addictive. If you are a devoted fan of his, try to stop drinking coffee abruptly. The consequences in the form of not the best sensations will not keep you waiting long.

Coffee lovers are amazing people.

They are distinguished by enviable vigor, harmony and longevity, contrary to the previously widespread opinion about the dangers of a grain drink.

It's all about its quantity and quality.

How much coffee can you drink per day: counting the cups

The average safe indicators of the norm approved by doctors are from one hundred to two hundred milligrams of caffeine at a time. Three teaspoons of natural ground coffee or two teaspoons of instant coffee, which can contain one cup of the drink, are safe. The daily dose is from two to three such cups. This is the question of how much coffee you can drink per day.

You need to understand the difference between a safe dose of caffeine and the benefits of real coffee. Yes, two cups of instant drink per day will not bring much harm to the body, but one should not expect any benefit from them.

Properly roasted natural ground grains are another matter. Just now brewed coffee can be a real elixir... Contrary to popular belief, it does not increase, but reduces blood pressure, normalizes weight, prevents senile dementia, cancer and other diseases. However, exceeding the recommended dose can be fatal to health.

Here are the data obtained by scientists in the study of a popular grain drink (we are talking about natural, not freeze-dried coffee in the amount of 100 mg of caffeine per cup).

1. One cup a day promotes healthy arteries, lowers blood pressure and does no harm.

2. Two cups a day can prevent Alzheimer's disease - the scourge of our time.

3. Three cups reduces the risk of ovarian cancer, prevents gallstone disease. On the other hand, drinking three cups of coffee a day is already a health risk: this amount of caffeine increases the risk of heart attack.

5. Five cups a day, according to some scientists, reduces the risk of liver disease, but promotes the development of osteoporosis.

6. Six cups is clearly overkill... However, natural coffee contains antioxidant substances, so scientists suggest: 600 mg of caffeine can protect against skin cancer. The payback for an overdose is dehydration, irritable bowel syndrome, hypertensive crisis, heart attacks, mental disorders (fear, depression, etc.).

To answer the question of how much coffee you can drink per day, it is enough to correlate the benefits and harms of the drink with the state of your health. Despite the undoubted advantages of the coffee diet, the safe dose of coffee should not be exceeded.

In general, the drink stimulates the activity of the brain and the body as a whole, protects teeth from caries, accelerates metabolic processes, increases efficiency, expands and strengthens blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the liver, heart, endocrine system.

How much coffee can you drink per day: how much caffeine is there?

The ingenious Balzac could not imagine his life without coffee and drank every day ... at least 40 cups of invigorating drink! For the average person, this amount of caffeine is a real poison. How much coffee can you drink per day? This is a question that is really important to find the right answer.

In fact, you do not need to count the cups, but the amount of caffeine contained in the serving. It is he who poses a health hazard. Therefore, it makes a difference what kind of coffee to drink: fiery espresso or watery Americano. Here's how to calculate your daily intake (caffeine is shown per small to large medium cup):

Cappuccino - 70 to 80 milligrams

Espresso - 80 to 135 milligrams

Homemade Turkish coffee - from 115 to 175 milligrams;

Soluble with caffeine - 65 to 100 milligrams

Soluble Decaffeinated - no more than 4 milligrams.

The amount of caffeine is influenced by many additional factors, from the type to the way the drink is prepared. There are ways to lower your caffeine factor scores. The most common and delicious is to simply add milk to the drink. Due to the milk component, the effect of caffeine becomes less aggressive.

The concentration of caffeine becomes lower if you drink water immediately after a cup of coffee. That is why good cafes and restaurants always serve a glass of water with coffee.

An excellent way to reduce caffeine levels when making homemade Turkish coffee beans is to use hot water to fill the beans. The foam cap rises faster, and less caffeine is released. You can additionally strain the drink through a strainer so that there is no thickening.

How much coffee can you drink per day: a complete ban?

What is the risk of a person who drinks coffee? At the very least, he may develop chronic insomnia, headache, hand tremors, increased irritability, and fatigue. These are all signs of caffeine poisoning.

A complete ban on coffee should be introduced for people who have been diagnosed with serious diseases: diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, any diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension.

Instant coffee drink is not the best choice for perfectly healthy people either. Not only that, it does not contain useful substances, minerals, tannins, vitamins, organic acids, tannins. The thing is that only a quarter of such a product can be considered real coffee. Everything else is preservatives, dyes, cornstarch and other food waste.

Caffeine-free instant coffee is generally a misunderstanding, since there is not even caffeine there, but harmful food chemistry is present in abundance. If there is no choice, then it is better to buy more expensive varieties, always in a glass or metal jar.

How much coffee can you drink per day if only instant drink is available? A safe amount is just one cup of instant coffee, regardless of the presence or absence of caffeine.

How much coffee can you drink a day? This question is often asked by those who cannot imagine their life without this invigorating drink. Surely everyone knows that freshly made coffee can lower high blood pressure, as well as prevent the development of dementia. However, many experts argue that high doses of caffeine ingested within one day can pose a huge risk to human health. So how much coffee can you drink a day? In order to answer the question posed, you should find out the positive and negative aspects of the daily consumption of this drink.

One cup a day

Two cups a day

  • Pros. Such an amount of drink can save a person from although it should be noted that these conclusions were made by scientists on the basis of studies that were conducted only on animals. Thus, experts note that about 200 mg of caffeine per day (or 2 cups of coffee) helps prevent the accumulation of proteins in the brain, which causes

How much coffee can you drink a day? In response to this question, it should be noted that exactly two cups of this invigorating drink half an hour before training can significantly increase the athlete's performance, providing him with more energy.

  • Minuses. How many times can pregnant women drink coffee a day? During gestation, the upper limit for caffeine intake is considered to be 200 mg. If this value is exceeded, then the level of adrenaline in the body can increase, which ultimately increases the risk of miscarriage or stillbirth.

Three cups a day

  • Pros. How much can you drink per day? This amount of invigorating drink (3 cups) is allowed if you need to lower the likely risk of developing ovarian tumors or gallstone disease.
  • Minuses. Drinking 3 or more cups of coffee a day significantly increases your risk of heart attack.

Four cups a day

  • Pros. How many cups of coffee can you drink per day? Not so long ago, scientists found that people who consume 400 mg of the drink per day are about 40% less likely to suffer from cancer of the larynx and oral cavity. Moreover, this amount of coffee can significantly lower the risk of developing prostate cancer and diabetes.
  • Minuses. Those people who drink about 4 cups of coffee a day suffer from a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis about twice as often. Researchers have shown that the mentioned amount of invigorating drink contributes to the characteristic chemical reactions in the body, which ultimately lead to inflammation and pain in the joints.

Five cups a day

  • Pros. Scientists at the Tokyo Cancer Center have found that drinking this amount of caffeine significantly reduces the risk (by about 3/4) of serious liver damage. As you know, their conclusions were based on the study of about 90 thousand people of middle age for 10 years.
  • Minuses. According to many years of research, drinking this amount of coffee a day can contribute to the development of osteoporosis. This is due to the fact that caffeine interferes with the absorption of calcium, which ultimately leads to the development of this disease. Many experts dispute this assumption. They argue that to date, there is no conclusive evidence that coffee has a negative effect on bones, although they still advise against consuming that amount of the drink.

Six cups a day

Let's summarize

Now you know how many cups of coffee you can drink a day without harm to your health. It should also be noted that your well-being can be influenced not only by this or that amount of invigorating drink, but also by its quality. That is why it is recommended to choose only natural

That's what 3 cups of coffee a day can do to your internal organs!

For many years, coffee has caused controversy: scientists questioned whether the constant use of caffeine has a good effect on human health. The latest research will delight everyone who is crazy about this aromatic drink - coffee not only does not harm, but also benefits the body.

The beneficial properties of coffee are quite unexpected and deserve attention. A striking example of this is the effect of coffee on the liver. Liver and coffee have always been antagonists. Who has not heard that coffee is a very heavy product for the liver? According to the conclusions that were made by scientists after observing people suffering from liver disease, coffee can be called a medicine. This drink lowers the level of liver enzymes in the liver and slows down the scarring of the liver tissue. Patients with hepatitis C are advised to drink coffee so that the disease does not progress. This applies not only to regular coffee, but also to caffeine-free coffee!

The only product that is definitely worth using HE is instant coffee, it does not bring any benefits, alas.

The National Cancer Institute (Maryland, USA) has conducted studies that show that coffee slows down the growth of cancer cells and also reduces the rate of development of liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis C. Lower insulin and less severe fatty hepatosis were found in all patients who drank enough coffee. The experiment was carried out for almost 4 years, during which time scientists were convinced of the undeniable benefits of coffee.

But coffee is an amazing product. It's not just good for the liver. Coffee contains the same high amount of antioxidants as fruits and vegetables! If you are afraid of catching some kind of infection during spring beriberi, drink coffee more often. Coffee is anti-inflammatory and prevents infection.

Coffee lowers blood sugar, so people who indulge in this drink regularly protect themselves from type 2 diabetes. Of course, it is not recommended to combine coffee with fatty and sugary foods, this causes jumps in blood sugar. It is better to drink coffee with milk or add light snacks like nuts and dried fruits to your favorite drink.

By drinking three cups of coffee a day, you are investing in your happy old age. Coffee prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease by 65%. Senile memory loss will not be terrible for you, and the brain will work without interruptions even in old age.

Show your friends this article, let them drink coffee without fear!

How to brew coffee in a Turk properly.


Coffee drinkers who drink about three cups of the drink a day are more likely to live longer than non-coffee drinkers, scientists have found.

More frequent drinking of coffee is associated with a lower risk of dying from a number of diseases, according to a study by the UK Cancer Research Agency and Imperial College London.

Scientists argue that the most obvious relationship between drinking coffee and reducing the risk of death from diseases of the circulatory system and digestive organs.

This is one of the largest studies of its kind. More than 500 thousand people over 35 years old from 10 European countries took part in it. They have been observed for 16 years. The study is published in the scientific journal Annals of Internal Medicine.

"We found that drinking coffee reduces the risk of death, especially death from diseases of the circulatory system and digestive organs." Says one of the researchers, Mark Gunther of the Agency for Research on Cancer.

Is any coffee good for you?

Scientists emphasize that, despite the different traditions in the preparation and consumption of coffee in different European countries, the results were virtually the same in all regions. This means that both espresso and cappuccino can be considered equally healthy.

Among Europeans, Danes drink the most coffee per day - an average of 900 ml per day, the least drink it, oddly enough, Italians - 92 ml per day.

“Our study provides important insight into the possible mechanism of coffee's health benefits,” the scientist notes.

According to scientists, this effect is not caused by the caffeine contained in this drink. The study did not find any relationship between improved health and the habit of drinking decaffeinated coffee. The results of those who drank regular coffee and decaffeinated coffee were the same.

It's not about caffeine

According to the researchers, it's all about the antioxidants in coffee.

Those who were accustomed to drinking a lot of coffee, it turned out, felt younger, and, as a rule, they were more likely to be alcohol drinkers, smokers, and also ate more meat and fewer vegetables and fruits.

From the group that took part in the study, almost 42 thousand people died in 16 years - from various diseases, including cancer, diseases of the circulatory system and heart attacks.

As it turned out, men who drank more coffee had an 18% lower risk of death than those who refused or drank small amounts of coffee.

Among women, this effect is less pronounced: the risk of death for them was 8% lower than for women who drank coffee in small quantities or refused it altogether.

Another study

A similar study was conducted by American scientists from the University of Southern California - its results were also published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

In total, more than 185 thousand people of different ethnicity took part in the American study - Hispanics, African Americans, Japanese and Europeans living in the United States.

It is important that the results of the study of scientists from the United States were similar to the conclusions of their British colleagues.

According to an American study, people who drank one cup of coffee a day had a 12% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, respiratory and kidney diseases.

For those who routinely drank two to three cups of coffee a day, the risk of death was reduced by 18%.

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