Home Useful properties of fruits Biological method of land reclamation. Biological stage of land reclamation. Fertile soil layer

Biological method of land reclamation. Biological stage of land reclamation. Fertile soil layer




First Deputy Minister

oil industry

IN AND. Kremnev



RD 39-30-925-83

These "Methodological Guidelines" regulate the parameters of the technological process of biological reclamation of lands disturbed during the collection, preparation and transportation of oil and prevention of soil erosion by sowing perennial grasses. The technology is recommended for the enterprises of the Ministry of Oil Industry located from the forest-tundra-northern taiga zone in the north to the dry-steppe zone in the south. Compilers: from VNIISPTneft - IV Khasanov, IG Gibadullin, R.S. Gumerov, RZ Abzalov; from the Syktyvkar State University - Akulshina N.P., Lobovikov N.N .; from the Office of the Northern Main Oil Pipelines - Pelevin V.V., Bakuta A.G. Please send your comments and suggestions to the address: Ufa, 450055, Prospect Oktyabrya, 144/3, VNIISPTneft, laboratory of environmental protection.


Methodological guidelines for biological reclamation
lands disturbed during the collection, preparation and transportation of oil

RD 39-30-925-83

Introduced for the first time

By order of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry dated November 17, 1983 No. 616 The term of introduction is established from 01.01.84. The validity period is 01.01.89. perennial grasses, stimulating their natural overgrowth and regulate: the technological process, the conditions for its use, the timing and rates of sowing seeds, the composition and doses of mineral fertilizers, ways of caring for soil-fixing herbs in the first years of life. The technological process is designed to prevent erosion processes, increase the reliability of the operation of facilities, protect the environment, landscaping and landscaping the territories of enterprises of the Ministry of the Oil Industry. Methodological guidelines can also be used in planning, design and practical implementation of works related to land disturbance and their reclamation, conservation and rational use of the fertile soil layer. Methodological guidelines have been developed on the basis of research carried out by the Syktyvkar State University named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR in conjunction with the Office of Northern Trunk Oil Pipelines in the taiga zone of the European North; at VNIISPTneft, as well as zonal research institutions, in the development of existing guidance documents on environmental protection at the facilities of the Ministry of Oil Industry. The guidance document can also be used by enterprises of other ministries and departments, whose production activities are related to the disturbance and biological reclamation of land. An industrial check of the main recommended measures was carried out on the route of the Vozei-Usa-Ukhta main oil pipeline in the period 1978-1982.


The process of construction, reconstruction, operation and repair of industry facilities leads to the appearance of areas where the vegetation cover has been partially or completely destroyed. The processes of wind and water erosion of soils develop on the exposed territories, as a result of which there is a loss of soil, ravines, emergencies are created, and the aesthetic appearance of the sites deteriorates. It has been established that the main reason causing the erosion processes is the untimely and poor-quality implementation or the complete absence of soil protection measures (technical and biological soil reclamation). Land reclamation, the implementation of measures to combat erosion processes and the prevention of their occurrence contribute to the reliable operation of the industry facilities, are a necessary means of protecting the environment. They should be carried out in accordance with the approved technical projects in conjunction with the annual plans of production activities, in the process of which land infringement occurs. There are agricultural, forestry, water and fishery, sanitary and hygienic, recreational and construction areas of land reclamation. Their choice should be carried out taking into account the soil and climatic conditions of the region; condition and degree of natural overgrowing of disturbed lands; agrochemical and agrophysical properties of soils and rocks; the prospects for the development of the industry, the possibility of repeated violations and other factors. The technological process of land reclamation and prevention of soil erosion should include technical and biological stages and provide for the sequence: selective removal of biologically active topsoil (except for forest lands); returning it to the disturbed area with a poured even layer and layout; hydraulic engineering measures on slopes (arrangement of bulk rolls at an acute angle; single and double paving); strengthening with soils, clay, clay concrete and treated with black binders; matting, grass carpets (including reinforced and others); forest reclamation activities; drainage of surface waters, liming, gypsum plastering, etc .; agrotechnical methods: soil preparation, fertilization, selection of grasses and grass mixtures, sowing and sowing dates, care measures. Forest reclamation activities are carried out taking into account the specifics of the object, for example, on the pipeline route and at oil storage facilities, where reforestation is unacceptable. Biological reclamation is carried out immediately after the completion of the technical stage and consists in carrying out a complex of agrotechnical and phyto-reclamation measures aimed at restoring land fertility. Its main task is to create productive lands, to consolidate eroded surfaces that pollute the environment with the help of vegetation. The costs of land reclamation should be included in the annual production plans of land user enterprises. The technological process of biological reclamation of lands disturbed during the collection, preparation and transportation of oil is compiled taking into account the natural and agricultural zoning of the USSR land fund. At the same time, in the cold tundra-taiga belt, due to the lack of experimental data, the technology is given only for the forest-tundra-northern taiga and middle taiga zones, excluding the polar-tundra zone. In the temperate zone, the technology is described in three groups of zones: southern taiga-forest, forest-steppe and steppe, dry-steppe. The system of all-Union natural and agricultural zoning of the land fund and the location of the facilities of the Ministry of Oil Industry is given in Appendix 1. Soil and climatic indicators and the technological process are given for regions with a developed oil industry (Appendix 2, 3).


2.1. The technology is used as a means of fixing the surface layer of the soil with the root system of plants, creating a closed herbage and preventing the development of water and wind erosion of soils on lands disturbed in the process of production activities of enterprises in the industry. 2.2. The use of biological reclamation technology is justified and determined taking into account: the size of the area to be consolidated; preparation of means for soil cultivation and sowing of grasses; hydrometeorological conditions at the work site: temperature and humidity of the ambient air, soil, etc .; the remoteness of the place of erosion-prone areas from the bases of concentration of funds, materials and the possibility of their delivery. 2.3. The use of the technology is obligatory on the slopes (with a steepness of more than 0.5-1 °) of erosion-prone areas; at intersections with rivers, streams; on the territory of objects for the purpose of landscaping. It can also be used in combination with hydraulic engineering measures, depending on the conditions and specifics of the facilities. 2.4. Before the start of reclamation of disturbed lands, the stages of their natural overgrowing are assessed.


3.1. To assess the reliability of self-overgrowing (self-reclamation) of lands, it is necessary to determine the presence of erosion furrows on the surface, then their area relative to the area of ​​the entire allocated erosion-prone area, depth and width, direction and rate of growth and advancement of furrows during the season and in comparison with the previous year. It is important to assess the dynamics of the erosion process: its intensification is evidenced by an increase in erosion during the period of rains and floods; the weakening is judged by the active overgrowth of the surface of old erosional furrows. 3.2. To assess the state of self-overgrowing, it is important to determine the total projective cover (cp) of the soil surface by plants: shrubs, grasses, mosses. O.p. calculated from 100%, for which such coverage is conventionally accepted, in which no bare land is visible. With a normal course of growth for 2-3 years, b.p. individual sites vary from 15 (25) to 75%. If unfavorable, the herbage is almost not formed or is less than 15-20%. O.p. vegetation and the activity of erosion processes, as a rule, are inversely proportional. 3.3. Pioneer plants are indicators of the rate and stage of overgrowth. In the taiga and forest-tundra zones, the main pioneers of overgrowing are vegetatively mobile long-rhizomed narrow-leaved willow-leaved tea and forest horsetail. Their appearance on a disturbed substrate means the beginning of self-growth. Ivan-tea overgrowth is the main type of overgrowth, horsetail overgrowth is usually on even poorer substrates. On even more humid and rich, more often riverine substrates, sedge and reed grass (purple reed grass, etc.) overgrowth occurs, as a rule, this is the next stage after the pioneer stage. Self-reclamation of post-forest areas on watersheds actively occurs due to the rapid growth of dwarf shrubs (blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries), and on the outskirts of bogs - wild rosemary, andromeda, from grasses - various types of cotton grass. Mosses grow actively on moist acidic substrates. 3.4. The emergence of shrubs: wild rose, willow, mountain ash, as well as seedlings and undergrowth of birch, aspen and others, reveals the third stage of overgrowth. Their further growth and the appearance of undergrowth indicate the beginning of the restoration of the original plant association and afforestation of the site. 3.5. In general, natural overgrowth occurs satisfactorily where, during construction, a fertile soil layer with remnants of vegetation was preserved on the surface. Natural restoration of vegetation occurs according to the meadow or forest type, which has its own specifics in different areas, depending on the original indigenous vegetation. 3.6. Erosion-prone slopes are, especially the banks, at the intersection of pipelines with rivers and streams. It is here that all the work on technical and biological reclamation should be carried out especially carefully in accordance with the feasibility study in order to prevent soil erosion. Bioremediation should be considered the final stage of construction, reconstruction of facilities and should be carried out no later than 15 days after the end of earthworks on the highway. Untimely implementation of bioremediation increases the costs of eliminating the consequences of erosion processes, increases the area of ​​technogenic sites by 10-12 times. 3.7. After assessing the stages of natural overgrowing, methods of its stimulation or other technological methods of bioremediation of disturbed lands are established.


For this purpose, liming of acidic soils and feeding of self-regenerating vegetation with mineral fertilizers are recommended. 4.1. Liming of recultivated areas is carried out depending on the degree of soil acidity. Both increased and decreased soil acidity interfere with the development of plants. Doses of lime application are set after determining the acidity (pH) of the soil. The method for determining soil acidity is given in Appendix 4. 4.2. Fertilizing natural self-healing vegetation with mineral fertilizers increases the projective soil cover, contributes to the accumulation of a larger root mass in it, as a result, the processes of water and wind erosion are reduced. For this purpose, the best are complex fertilizers: nitroammophoska and ammophoska, which include the main nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (N, P, K), as well as simple fertilizers containing one of the named nutrients (superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, urea, potassium chloride). For the purpose of stimulating natural overgrowth, spring feeding is advisable as the site is cleared of snow. The optimal dose of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium application in the conditions of the forest-tundra-northern taiga and middle taiga zones is 45-90 kg / ha of the active substance. Application methods - manual (in small areas), fertilizer seeders, airplane or hydraulic seeder depending on conditions.


5.1. Selection of types of herbs. 5.1.1. The types of grasses used for the bioremediation of disturbed lands should be of approved zoned varieties and local populations. Local grasses are more adapted to local soil and climatic conditions, therefore they are more resistant, long-term and high-yielding. 5.1.2. The sown grasses must be able to quickly create a closed grass stand and firm sod, resistant to washout and grazing, and grow back quickly after mowing. 5.1.3. When selecting types of grasses, one should also take into account their resistance to oil pollution and air smoke, drought resistance and winter hardiness. 5.1.4. The amicability and completeness of seedlings largely depend on the quality of the seed. Seeds of grasses intended for sowing must meet the requirements of the standard and be at least class II in terms of sowing quality. 5.1.5. Seeds should be tested for vigor and germination before sowing. If they have a low germination energy, then an obligatory technique for ensuring friendly seedlings is air-thermal heating them. 5.1.6. Legume seeds should, if possible, be scarified by passing through a clover grater or rubbing with coarse quartz sand and broken glass. Before sowing, the seeds of legumes should be subjected to inoculation - treatment with bacterial fertilizers. 5.2. Fertilizers. 5.2.1. The caked mineral fertilizers must be crushed and sifted through sieves before being applied to the soil. 5.2.2. In the case of pre-sowing fertilization, they are mixed with seeds immediately before sowing. Early mixing reduces the field germination of grass seeds. 5.3. Seeders. 5.3.1. Preparation of grain-grass seeders for sowing herbs is reduced to checking its completeness, filling with seeds and fertilizers, establishing the row spacing, seeding rate and seeding depth. 5.3.2. Before sowing, hydraulic seeders are checked for completeness, compliance with adjustments and rates of fluid consumption, and are filled with hydraulic mixture. 5.4. Sowing time and seeding depth. 5.4.1. The recommended sowing time is the beginning of the moment the soil ripens and ends 3-4 weeks before the onset of autumn frosts, so that in the year of sowing, the herbs will take root and open up well. 5.4.2. The seeding depth depends on the texture of the soil. On light sandy and sandy loamy soils, the planting depth varies from 3 cm for large seeds (meadow fescue, awnless fire) to 1.5 cm for small seeds (red fescue, timothy grass); on heavy clay soils, it varies from 0.5 to 1.0 cm, respectively.


6.1. Forest-tundra-north-taiga and middle-taiga zones. 6.1.1. Before carrying out bioremediation of disturbed lands in these zones, reclamation measures are preliminarily carried out: removal of surface waters, flattening of ravines, liming of soils (Table 1). The doses of lime indicated in the table are calculated to bring the reaction of the soil to neutral (pH-6.0). Lime applied in full dose lasts for 8-10 years.

Table 1

Doses of carbonic lime (in tons per 1 ha) Depending on the dose of lime, the method of its incorporation into the soil is determined. When making full or half doses, it is necessary to try to distribute it as evenly as possible over the field, it is better to mix it with the entire arable layer of soil. This can be achieved by incorporating lime for cultivation. With surface application of lime, which is more likely with bioremediation on the route: pipeline, the doses should be reduced to 1/3 - 1/5 of the full dose. Small doses of lime are usually more effective in the first year of application, then their effect dies out. When applying mineral fertilizers and lime to the soil, it must be remembered that ammonium fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate) cannot be mixed, sifted and embedded in the soil at the same time as lime. It is advisable to apply superphosphate and potash fertilizers together with lime. For liming the soils in the zone, it is recommended to use ground limestone (lime flour), limestone tuff (key lime), peat tuff (Appendix 5). 6.1.2. The procedure for preparing a site for sowing is determined by its size, configuration and slope steepness. On relatively small stretches of elongated shape, typical in places where pipelines cross streams and rivers, it is most acceptable to level the surface with a bulldozer after laying the pipeline or leveling the formed ravine. The leveling process should be combined with the formation of drainage earthen ridges and the creation of concreted drainages or ditches with a gradual slope and strengthening with turf and other means. After leveling the plot with a bulldozer, conditions are created that are quite sufficient for sowing. In these cases, the most acceptable is hydroseeding, which provides for the selection of such mandatory components as fertilizers, mulching and stabilizing substances, which makes it possible to obtain herbage of high anti-erosion qualities during the sowing season without first applying a fertile layer. On larger territories, oil pumping stations (OPS) and other facilities of the industry, methods of soil preparation are acceptable, which are carried out with a radical improvement of natural lands. They should include leveling the site, liming, the introduction of organic (peat, peat compost) and mineral fertilizers, followed by their incorporation with harrows. 6.1.3. A feature of perennial grasses is their high need for nutrients, especially nitrogen. Therefore, one of the main processes of bioremediation technology should be a properly developed fertilizer system. In the conditions of the zone, increased doses of organic (50-60 t / ha) and mineral fertilizers (130-180 kg of active ingredient per 1 ha) are recommended. The method for calculating fertilizer doses is given in Appendix 6. 6.1.4. The types of herbs recommended for introduction in the region under consideration and their possible combination are presented in table. 2.

table 2

Fractional participation of grasses in anti-erosion mixtures (in%)

Types of herbs *)

Mixture options

Meadow fescue
Red fescue
Meadow bluegrass
White bent
Timothy meadow
Meadow foxtail
Arctophylla reddish
Reed canary
Clover white
Red clover
*) When selecting species for different habitats, it is necessary to take into account the biological characteristics of grasses. A brief description of the recommended species and varieties of herbs is presented in Appendix 7 (Fig. 1-19). 6.1.5. Along with the species composition of the grass mixture, the seeding rates are important for the prevention of erosion. Special studies and practice of soil consolidation have shown the advisability of using seed sowing rates, calculated not for field grass sowing, but for creating lawns. When sowing on slopes, taking into account washout and greater seed loss, the seeding rate should be increased (Table 3).

Table 3

Approximate seeding rates for perennial grasses for soil-protective crops in forest-tundra and taiga zones

Types of plants (herbs)

Seeding rate in kg / ha at 100% profitability

turf cover

on a flat surface

on the slopes

Meadow fescue
Red fescue
Meadow bluegrass
White bent
Timothy meadow
Meadow foxtail
Reed canary
Clover white
Clover red
Arctophylla reddish
The methodology for calculating the seeding rates is given in Appendix 8. 6.1.6. Sowing with a seeder is carried out along the plot, starting at the edge or in the middle of it. The first pass to maintain the straightness of the rows should be carried out along the fixed line. Technical data of grain-grass seeders are given in Appendix 9. In areas inaccessible for the use of conventional tillage and sowing equipment, hydroseeding is recommended. The advantage of hydro-seeding is that for the building of an anti-erosion continuous grass cover, a working mixture is mechanically applied to the reclaimed area, which includes, in addition to water, seeds of perennial grasses, mineral fertilizers, mulching and stabilizing substances. As a result, the components that make up the slurry make it possible to create the conditions necessary for germination, as well as the initial growth and development of grasses without prior application of plant soil. In addition, mulching and stabilizing materials form a temporary protective layer on the area to be strengthened, which prevents the seeds from being washed away and blown out. Hydro-seeding of grasses is carried out by a hydraulic seeder designed for the northern conditions of the USMN with the participation of the Syktyvkar State University, which has a lightweight design. Special studies have shown the feasibility of using waste from pulp and paper production - osprey and sludge mass as a mulching and stabilizing material. The list of enterprises producing materials used for hydroseeding is presented in Appendix 10. The usual component composition of the slurry per 1 hectare of turfed area contains 3000-6000 kg of water, 400-600 kg of osprey (the norm of these components decreases on a leveled surface and increases on slopes) ... The types of grasses, the seeding rate of seeds and the dose of fertilizers are set in accordance with paragraphs. 6.1.3, 6.1.4 and 6.1.5. The slurry is prepared in the tank of the unit by mixing the components to a homogeneous (uniform) state immediately before sowing. The finished mixture is applied to the surface using a hydro-blower, and to places farther from the seeder, using a fire hose and a water cannon. The best results on the rational distribution of the slurry are obtained when it is applied twice, taking into account the rate of absorption of the solution by the soil. Hydroseeding in the spring-summer and autumn periods is carried out immediately after laying the pipeline and leveling the area with a bulldozer. 6.2. Southern taiga-forest and forest-steppe zones. 6.2.1. The southern taiga-forest and forest-steppe zones have more favorable soil, agro-climatic conditions in comparison with the more northern and southern regions. Therefore, reclamation measures in these zones are reduced to cultural and technical: removal of rubbish, stones, elimination of subsidence cracks and closed depressions, flattening of ravines, etc. Liming or gypsum of soils is possible in small areas. 6.2.2. Site preparation for sowing comes down to thorough soil cultivation. If possible, it is treated as a semi-steam in order to cause mass growth of weeds in order to destroy them in subsequent treatments. After leveling the disturbed lands on the plots, harrowing, disking, cultivation, packing and sowing are carried out, as necessary. Fertilizers are applied for pre-sowing treatment. 6.2.3. The efficiency of fertilizers in these zones is the highest. Therefore, here it is possible to reduce the rate of organic fertilizers to 40-50 t / ha, mineral - to 100-120 kg of active ingredient per hectare. 6.2.4. The types of herbs and their possible combination in grass mixtures are the most diverse here. Single-species crops of cereal or leguminous grasses are also effective. The favorable conditions of these zones create the prerequisites for the successful cultivation of the herbs listed in Appendix 7. Possible grass mixtures. 1. Meadow fescue, meadow timothy, red clover. 2. Timothy meadow, meadow fescue, awnless fire, red clover. 3. Hedgehog combined, meadow fescue, red clover. 4. Fibrous regneria, blue hybrid alfalfa or white sweet clover. 5. Timothy grass, meadow foxtail, blue-hybrid alfalfa. 6. Awnless bonfire, gray wheatgrass, blue hybrid alfalfa. 7. Awnless fire, rootless wheatgrass, sandy sainfoin. Other grass mixtures are also effective. 6.2.5. The sowing rates of grass seeds on eroded and disturbed lands are usually increased by one and a half times in comparison with the usual ones. In two-species mixtures, the components of the grass mixture are taken in equal proportions, and the seeding rate of each component is reduced by 20-25% compared to single-species. In three-species mixtures, leguminous components occupy 30-40% of the total weight, cereals - 70-60%. The seeding rate of each component is reduced by 20-30%. In the case of hydroseeding, the seeding rate of seeds with hydraulic mixture is increased by another 1.5 times. Approximate seeding rates of grass seeds for single-species seedless sowing are given in table. 4. 6.2.6. In the southern taiga-forest and forest-steppe zones, the main method of sowing should be considered to be sowing with grain-grass seeders in an ordinary way. On steep slopes and hard-to-reach areas, hydroseeding should be used. Technical characteristics of individual hydraulic drills are given in Appendix 11.

Table 4

Sowing rates of meadow grasses at 100% economic suitability

Types of herbs

Sowing rate in kg / ha

Types of herbs

Sowing rate in kg / ha

Timothy meadow Wheat grass rootless
Meadow fescue Siberian hair
Meadow bluegrass Regneria fibrous
White bent Crested wheatgrass
Meadow foxtail Ryegrass high
Red fescue Alfalfa blue
Cocksfoot Sandy sainfoin
Awnless bonfire Melilot yellow
Gray wheatgrass Clover red
6.3. Steppe and dry steppe zones. 6.3.1. A distinctive feature of the steppe and dry-steppe zones is the lack of moisture in the territory with fertile soils and good heat supply. In these zones, there are also solonetz soils that require gypsum plastering. An increased alkaline reaction of the soil solution causes the formation of a soil crust and reduces the yield of grasses. Therefore, it must be neutralized by plastering, i.e. chemical reclamation, in which alkaline salts are removed from the soil. The characteristics of materials for gypsum are given in Appendix 5. Approximate doses of gypsum are given in table. 5.

Table 5

Doses of gypsum depending on the degree of soil salinity

6.3.2. When preparing the soil for bioremediation and sowing grasses, special attention should be paid to maintaining moisture in the soil, giving the surface layer a fine crumbly structure, and leveling it. This is achieved by timely leveling, processing with disc implements, harrowing and rolling. 6.3.3. Organic and mineral fertilizers in these arid zones are also of great importance, however, their effectiveness is reduced by low soil moisture, and higher doses may even have a negative effect. Therefore, in these zones, lower doses of organic (30-40 t / ha) and mineral (60-80 kg / ha) fertilizers are recommended. 6.3.4. The aridity of the climate has a great influence on the selection of grasses for bioremediation of disturbed lands, and limits its set. The most suitable for these zones are wheatgrass, awnless fire, yellow and yellow hybrid alfalfa, sainfoin, rootless wheatgrass, Siberian hairless, sweet clover, and regneria. Single-species crops prevail here, but two-species cereal-legume mixtures can also be used. For example, crested wheatgrass, sandy sainfoin; awnless fire, sandy sainfoin or yellow hybrid alfalfa. 6.3.5. Seeding rates are similar to those in the forest-steppe zone. 6.3.6. Sowing of perennial grasses in this region - mainly with a grain herb seeder. Hydro-seeding should be used only on steep banks and at the intersection of pipelines with rivers.


7.1. In the process of sowing, the seeder controls the uniformity of sowing, the seeding depth and the coincidence of the joints between the aisles of the seeder. 7.2. During hydroseeding, the consistency of the mixture, the uniformity of its distribution over the area, the absence of soil washout and the mixture flowing down the slope are controlled. 7.3. In the case of sifting and focal bareness of the site, grasses are sown.


8.1. After sowing, the soil is rolled up. Ribbed or ring rollers are used. When seeding by hand, the seeds are covered with a rake. On highly moistened marshy soils, simple manual sowing of seeds is sufficient. 8.2. In the spring, on leveled and sufficient areas after the soil has dried out, harrowing of crops is carried out in order to remove last year's rags and improve the water-air regime of the soil. In small areas (lawns), rake is carried out. 8.3. In areas of fallen grasses, the herbage is restored at the optimum time. 8.4. An important condition for creating a high-quality sod cover in erosion-prone areas is the fertilization of crops with mineral fertilizers. The need for top dressing is determined on the basis of the results of agrochemical analysis of soils and the appearance of plants. The most important signs of a lack of certain herbal nutrients are as follows. In autumn, during nitrogen starvation of cereal grasses, the leaves turn out to be small and pale green. With strong starvation, the tops of the lower leaves acquire a yellow color with a pinkish tinge, and then they can die off. If in spring the plants continue to experience a lack of nitrogen, then the new leaves that form in them are small, pale green in color, the stems are formed short, thin, dense. Cereals at a young age consume a lot of nitrogen, which is the most essential element for them, which activates tillering and growth. With a strong lack of phosphorus, the tops of the leaves acquire a red and red-violet color. Grass tillering is observed weakly or absent, the growth of stems and leaves is suspended, seeds are not formed. Phosphorus is especially necessary for legumes. This food element is necessary from the first days of plant life. It activates tillering and growth of herbs. With a lack of potassium, brown spots appear on the leaf blades of grasses, the edges of the leaves curl. The consumption of potassium improves the growth and tillering of grasses, increases their resistance to low temperatures and drought. 8.5. The optimal doses of nutrients introduced during their feeding vary from 45 to 90 kg / ha of the active principle of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Higher doses of fertilizers are used in the forest-tundra-northern taiga and middle taiga zones. The first top dressing is carried out in the summer of the year of sowing, the subsequent ones - in the spring after the snow melts and after mowing. 8.6. Grass seedlings can be strongly suppressed by wild plants - pioneers of overgrowth, especially rhizomatous plants. Weed control is carried out by periodic weeding (in the forest-steppe and steppe zones) using herbicides or mowing. 8.7. In dry periods of summer, whenever possible, it is necessary to water the plants, especially in the first year of their life. Irrigation rate is 150-200 m per hectare. 8.8. To enhance the tillering of grasses, it is periodically mown. The height of the grass stand before wintering should not exceed 7-10 cm. 8.9. Unsystematic passage and passage through areas where bioremediation has been carried out, as well as grazing and arbitrary haymaking should be strictly prohibited. 8.10. Separate areas of sown phytocenoses can be used as a source of valuable seeds, which can be harvested in large areas using a combine, and in small areas by flushing during the period of waxy or full ripeness.


9.1. Bioremediation works should be carried out in accordance with the "Safety Rules in the Oil and Gas Industry" (M., Nedra, 1974), approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on January 31, 1974 and the "Fire Safety Rules for the Operation of Enterprises of the RSFSR Glavneftesnab" (Moscow, Nedra, 1973 ). 9.2. During the work, it is necessary to follow the standard instructions for the safe operation of the equipment used, technical means and materials. 9.3. On the territories of oil pumping stations, oil storages and other facilities of the industry, for fire-fighting purposes, prevent the formation of rags on crops, for which it is necessary to periodically mow the grasses and remove them. 9.4. Working with mineral fertilizers should be carried out in overalls, respirators and rubber gloves. 9.5. Only persons who have been instructed in safety precautions, sanitary rules for handling fertilizers and other materials are allowed to work on machines and units.


10.1. The seeders are transported in a non-working position. After the completion of the work, they are cleared of dirt, remnants of seeds, fertilizers; washed with water and stored under a canopy. Before installing seeders for long-term winter storage, they must be thoroughly lubricated. 10.2. The seeder after the end of work is cleaned, washed with water. The rubber-fabric sleeves are removed and dried. The unit is stored under a shed. 10.3. Mineral fertilizers are stored in warehouses for chemical reagents and reagents separately by type. Each stack must have a label. 10.4. Grass seeds and components of the slurry are stored separately from fertilizers, reagents and pesticides.

Annex 1

of the all-Union natural and agricultural zoning of the land fund and the location of the facilities of the Ministry of Oil Industry

Belts, belts

MNP enterprises

Cold Tundra Belt 1. Polar-tundra PO Komineft, USMN
2. Forest-tundra-northern taiga PO Komineft, USMN PO Noyabrskneftegaz
3. Middle-taiga PO Nizhnevartovskneftegaz PO Surgutneftegaz PO Urayneftegaz PO Yuganskneftegaz
Temperate zone B 1 moderate taiga-forest sub-belt 4. South taiga forest PO Belarusneft PO Glavtyumenneftegaz PO Permneft PO Udmurtneft UMN Verkhne-Volzhskiy
B 2 moderate chernozem-steppe sub-belt 5. Forest-steppe PO Belneft PO Glavtyumenneftegaz PO Tatneft PO Tomskneft PO Ukrneft UMN "Druzhba" UMN Trans-Siberian UMP North-Western UMP Ural-Siberian UMP Western and North-Western Siberia UMP Pridneprovsk UMP Central Siberia
6. Steppe PO Krasnodarneftegaz PO Kuibyshevneft PO Orenburgneft PO Stavropolneftegaz UMN Privolzhskie Chernomorskoye UMN
7. Dry steppe PO Nizhnevolzhskneft PO Saratovneftegaz PO Aktyubinskneftegaz

Appendix 2

Composition of the soil cover of natural agricultural zones of the USSR with a developed oil industry

Natural and agricultural zone, prevailing soils

Total area million hectares

1. Polar-tundra zone
2. Forest-tundra-northern taiga zone:
semi-marsh and marsh northern taiga
3. Mid-taiga zone:
semi-swamp and swamp middle taiga
4. South taiga forest zone:
sod-podzolic and sod-carbonate
semi-marsh and marsh southern taiga
5. Forest-steppe zone:
gray forest soils
leached and typical chernozems
meadow-chernozem forest-steppe
6. Steppe zone:
ordinary and southern chernozems
meadow chernozem steppe
solonetzic complexes and solonetz
7. Dry steppe zone:
dark chestnut and chestnut
meadow chestnut

Appendix 3

Agroclimatic indicators of natural and agricultural zones of the USSR with a developed oil industry

Natural and agricultural zone

Heat supply

Moisture security

Month temperature ° С, the most

Snow depth, cm

growing season (days)

precipitation per year, mm


Polar-tundra zone
Forest-tundra-northern taiga zone
Mid-taiga zone
South taiga forest zone
Forest-steppe zone
Steppe zone
Dry steppe zone

Appendix 4

Method for determining soil acidity

The need for lime in soil depends on the degree of their acidity. If the soil has a salt extract pH of less than 4.5, the need for lime is high, at a pH of 4.6-5.0 it is medium, 5.1-5.5 is weak. Soil with a pH of more than 6.0 does not need liming. The need for liming is also indicated by the plants appearing in overgrowth - indicators of acidic soils - creeping buttercup, horse sorrel, field horsetail, sod pike, etc. A more accurate idea of ​​the degree of acidity of soil and their need for liming can be obtained on the basis of sample analysis. The simplest and most widely available method for determining acidity is the Alamovsky method. This method is based on the change in the color of the solution when an indicator is added to it - a special substance that colors the liquid in different colors depending on the acidity of the soil. Analysis of soils using the Alamovsky device is performed as follows. From the soil sample taken to determine the acidity, a sample of 4 g is taken, placed in a test tube and 10 cm 3 of a 7.5% potassium chloride solution is poured. Thus, the ratio of soil to solution should be 1: 2.5. If the sample is increased or decreased, the amount of solution must be increased or decreased accordingly. The sample filled with solution is shaken for 5 minutes, after which the liquid is allowed to settle. Sandy soils quickly settle to the bottom of the test tube and the liquid becomes transparent. Hoods from loamy soil take longer to settle, usually overnight. Using a pipette, take 5 cm 3 of a clear solution and pour into a clean test tube, add 0.3 cm 3 thereto. indicator. Depending on the acidity of the solution, the liquid turns red, yellow-orange or yellow-green. The device has a color scale, on each of the tubes of which the pH value is indicated. Solutions of the test liquid and color scale of the same color are selected, and thus the pH value of the test solution is determined. One of the reasons for the poor physical properties and alkaline reaction of alkaline soils and the increased content of exchangeable sodium. Plastering the soil helps to remove sodium from the soil-absorbing complex, and therefore eliminates the cause of the alkaline reaction. The dose of gypsum required to remove excess absorbed sodium is derived from the formula:

r = 0.086 (N a - 0.05 T) H d,

Where r is the dose of gypsum in tons per hectare; 0.086 - conversion factor of sodium milliequivalents in grams of gypsum; N a - the content of absorbed sodium in milliequivalents per 100 g of soil; T is the absorption capacity in milliequivalents per 100 g of soil; H is the depth of the arable layer in cm; d - volumetric weight (weight in grams of 1 cm 3 of dry soil with undisturbed structure) of the solonetz horizon. Since materials with different gypsum content (raw gypsum, phosphogypsum) are used to gypsum solonetz soils, the calculated dose of gypsum must be converted into a dose of a specific fertilizer. For this purpose, the calculated dose of gypsum must be multiplied by the percentage of gypsum in the fertilizer and divided by 100.

Appendix 5

Characteristics of the most common fertilizers, materials for liming and gypsum

In the group of mineral fertilizers, the following types are distinguished: nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and complex fertilizers containing simultaneously two or three types of nutrients. Nitrogen fertilizers In the soils of the region, nitrogen is contained in the first minimum. Its reserves in the soil are mainly replenished through the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers. Nitrogen is available to plants in both nitrate and ammonia form, but these forms of nitrogen behave differently in soil. Ammonia nitrogen is usually absorbed by the soil and persists for a long time, while nitrate nitrogen is not absorbed by the soil, but moves along with the soil solution. Nitrate nitrogen can be easily washed out from the root layer by atmospheric precipitation. Therefore, it is advisable to apply nitrate forms of fertilizers in the form of top dressing, and for the advance introduction of large doses of nitrogen fertilizers in the conditions of the region, it is better to use ammonia forms. All nitrogen fertilizers are readily soluble in water and are immediately used by plants after application to the soil. Ammonium nitrate(ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate) NH 4 NO 3 contains 34.2-35.0% nitrogen, with half of the nitrogen in the ammonia form, the other half in the nitrate form. In appearance, ammonium nitrate is a white or pinkish crystalline powder or granules. Ammonium nitrate has a very high hygroscopicity, therefore, in order to avoid caking, it requires special packaging during storage. Ammonium sulfate(ammonium sulfate) - (NH 4) 2 SO 4 contains 20.8-21% nitrogen. It is a white, slightly grayish, sometimes greenish crystalline powder; this fertilizer is less hygroscopic than ammonium nitrate, and its caking during storage is negligible. Ammonium sulfate is applicable as the main fertilizer, it contains free sulfuric acid, therefore, on acidic soils, it should be applied with the addition of lime. Urea(urea) - C O (NH 2) 2 contains 46.3% nitrogen. It is a white crystalline powder, granular urea has the appearance of white rounded grains. Urea is low-hygroscopic, caking during storage is negligible. It has a good effect on all crops and is the most concentrated fertilizer. Phosphate fertilizers Phosphorus fertilizers, when interacting with the soil, transform into forms that are less accessible to plants, which is why in the first year after the application of phosphorus is not fully utilized. Simple superphosphate- Ca (H 2 PO 4) 2 · H 2 O contains 14-19.5% P 2 O 5. It is a soft powder of white or gray color, and has recently been produced in granular form. It is the most common phosphate fertilizer. Granular superphosphate disperses well, more slowly than powder it turns into an inactive compound in the soil. Granular superphosphate is most suitable for acidic soils. Double superphosphate, in contrast to simple, is characterized by a high content of Р 2 О 5 (45-50%). In terms of physical properties and action on plants and soil, it does not differ from simple superphosphate. Phosphorite flour contains 16-22% Р 2 О 5. In appearance, it is an odorless, earthy fine dusty powder that does not dissolve in water. It is not hygroscopic, does not cake. Phosphate rock reduces soil acidity and is a valuable long-term fertilizer on acidic podzolic and swampy soils. Potash fertilizers All industrial potash fertilizers are highly soluble in water. They quickly interact with the soil and are absorbed by it, thereby preventing the leaching of potassium into the deeper layers of the soil. Potash fertilizers are physiologically acidic salts. On podzolic acidic soils, potash fertilizers are best used in combination with nitrogen fertilizers. Potassium chloride- KCl. The main potash fertilizer in the USSR. Contains 52-62% with a small amount of NaCl. Fertilizer is a crystalline substance of off-white color, characterized by not high hygroscopicity, but prone to caking. Can be mixed with all other types of fertilizers except urea. Nitrophoska- a complex granular mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, up to 17% of each of the nutrients. When stored, it is caked, hygroscopic. Well soluble in water. It is used as the main, pre-sowing fertilizer and as a top dressing for all crops. Nitroammofoska- complex granular mineral fertilizer. Contains 18.2% nitrogen, 14.6% phosphorus, 14.6% potassium. It is also used for all types of crops as the main fertilizer, pre-sowing fertilizer and for top dressing. Ground limestone(lime flour) - the main lime fertilizer, contains up to 85% calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. The effectiveness of this fertilizer depends on the type of grinding and the content of carbonates in it. Suitable for all acidic soils. Dolomite flour- loose calcareous rock. Contains up to 95-100% calcium and magnesium in terms of CaCO 3. It has a positive effect on plants, especially on sandy and sandy loam soils, which are low in magnesium. Lime tuff(key lime) is a loose, easily crumbling powder of gray, sometimes yellowish-brown or rusty color. Contains calcium and magnesium in terms of CaCO 3 up to 75-96%. Works faster than lime flour. Turfotuf is extracted from deposits in low-lying peatlands. Lime in peat shoes is either in the form of small lumps, flakes of white or yellow color, or in interlayers from 1-2 mm to several cm thick. Contains calcium and magnesium in terms of CaCO 3 from 10 to 50%. Most suitable for soils poor in organic matter. Raw gypsum- gray or white powder. It is ground so that at least 70% of the flour passes through a sieve with holes of 0.25 mm in diameter. Gypsum flour is stored under a roof. Phosphogypsum- waste of fertilizer plants containing 70-75% gypsum and 2-3% phosphorus. It is a gray or whitish powder. The powder used to combat alkalinity must be ground so that 70-60% of it passes through a sieve with holes of 0.1 mm in diameter. Due to the content of phosphorus, phosphogypsum as a material for gypsum soil is more valuable than gypsum flour.

Appendix 6

Method for determining the dose of applied fertilizer

One of the conditions for obtaining a high effect from the use of fertilizers is to establish the correct doses. The results of bioremediation are adversely affected by both lack and excess of nutrients in the soil. Regulated fertilization is also important from an environmental point of view. When determining the dose of fertilizers, it is necessary to take into account the amount of nutrients in the soil, the properties of fertilizers and the methods of their application. Fertilizer dosages are often expressed in terms of the amount of nutrient contained in the fertilizer. So the doses of nitrogen fertilizers are expressed in kilograms of pure nitrogen, for phosphorus fertilizers, phosphoric acid anhydride (P 2 O 5) is taken as the active principle, for potassium fertilizers - potassium oxide (K 2 O). Data on the content of the active substance in the fertilizer are taken from the documents received from the plant along with the fertilizers. In the absence of these documents, the data on the content of the active substance published in the reference books are used. Calculations of the doses of fertilizers applied by the amount of active substance are made according to the following formula:

X is the weight of the fertilizer (in kg), a is the recommended dose of the active ingredient per hectare (in kg), c is the content of the active ingredient in the given fertilizer (in kg). For example, when feeding herbs in spring, you need to apply a complete mineral fertilizer at the rate of 60 kg of active ingredient per 1 hectare. The following fertilizers are available: ammonium nitrate with an N content of 35%, double superphosphate, granular, containing P 2 O 5 - 48.7%, potassium salt containing K 2 O - 35%. Substituting the data into the formula, we get that ammonium nitrate per hectare will be required:

X = = 174.3 kg

Superphosphate per 1 ha will require:

X = = 123.2 kg

Potassium salt will be required for 1 hectare:

X = = 171.4 kg

Appendix 7

Morphobiological features of perennial grasses promising for bioremediation

a) Forest-tundra-north-taiga and middle-taiga zones. Meadow fescue (Fig. 1) is a perennial semi-upper loose-bush grass with a large number of shortened, strongly leafy shoots. Meadow fescue grows well and develops on fairly moist, nutrient-rich soils. Grows poorly on light sandy soils. Differs in good winter hardiness, resistance to drought and oil pollution of the soil. In the year of sowing, it quickly forms an aboveground mass with good soil-covering qualities. Shoot formation during the years of study changed from 3.5 to 10.7 thousand pieces. by 1 m 2. The projective cover of the soil surface by plants ranged from 80 to 100%. It is advisable to sow in a mixture with lower rhizome, loose rhizome grasses: red fescue and meadow bluegrass, as well as tap-root legumes: white or meadow clover. Recommended varieties: Severodvinskaya 130 selection of the Severodvinsk state selection station; Tsilemskaya selection of the Komi State Agricultural Experimental Station named after A.V. Zhuravsky. Red fescue (Fig. 2) is a perennial grassland that forms a few, weakly leafy generative stems and a large number of shortened vegetative shoots. Plants of the "Tentyukovsky" variety in clean crops form from 12 to 19.1 thousand shoots per 1 m 2. The projective cover of the soil surface by plants reaches 100%.

Rice. 1. Meadow fescue.

Rice. 2. Red fescue.

There are rhizome, loose shrub and transitional forms of high sod-forming qualities. Grain is characterized by undemanding soil and climatic conditions, the ability to develop well in dry habitats with nutrient-poor soils. Red fescue is resistant to soil acidity. Crops, including this cereal in the vicinity of the village of Synya-Nyrd (Usinsky district), are well preserved, despite the pasture load. When compared with man-made areas in the forest-tundra zone (the outskirts of Usinsk), the Tentyukovsky variety, selected by the Komi State Agricultural Experimental Station named after V.I. A.V. Zhuravsky. Red fescue is one of the essential components of anti-erosion mixtures. Meadow bluegrass (Fig. 3) is a long-term lower rhizome-loose shrub grass. It gives a limited number of generative stems (from 4.2 to 10%) 30-41 cm high and many shortened vegetative shoots (from 8.2 to 11.4 thousand per 1 m 2), which together with a well-developed fibrous root system provide high ground cover qualities (projective cover up to 100%) of this plant. Low demands on growing conditions allow local wild-growing populations of this cereal to actively participate in natural overgrowing not only in forest conditions, but also in forest-tundra zones. The disadvantages of meadow bluegrass include slow development in the year of sowing. Therefore, it should be sown in a mixture with meadow fescue, meadow timothy, which in the year of sowing help to reduce erosion processes due to rapid development. A promising variety is the Tsyrnoskiy variety of the Komi State Agricultural Experimental Station named after A.V. Zhuravsky, as well as local wild populations.

Rice. 3. Meadow bluegrass.

Rice. 4. Meadow foxtail.

Meadow foxtail (Fig. 4) is a perennial rhizome-loose-bush grass with short rhizomes. Under the conditions of the region, it forms generative stems from 40 to 70 cm in height and many vegetative (up to 4.8 thousand pcs. M 2) with a large number of leaves. Provides a projective cover in clean crops up to 70%. Foxtail tolerates severe winters, autumn and spring frosts, prolonged flooding, and is demanding on the content of nutrients in the soil. Poorly tolerates pollution of soil and leaf surface with oil products. For this reason, in the experimental crops near oil storage facilities, the thinning of the grass stand was noted starting from the third year of life. Taking into account the natural range of meadow foxtail cultivar Severodvinskiy 14 and local populations of this cereal, it can be recommended for inclusion in grass mixtures in more northern points of the region under consideration. For the purpose of bioremediation, foxtail can be used in conjunction with canary grass in floodplain areas long flooded by spring floods. Arctophylla is reddish, yellow (Fig. 5) - perennial long-rhizome cereal with a height of 40-100 cm. Not picky about growing conditions. In conditions of permafrost tundra and forest-tundra, as well as in the northern strip of the forest zone, this cereal actively participates in the natural overgrowing of technogenic areas. A positive quality of this cereal is the ability to form mature seeds under these conditions. Occurs in floodplain and dry meadows. Differs in high frost resistance, well tolerates ice. The lack of breeding varieties makes it necessary to collect and use seeds of local wild-growing populations of this cereal for bioremediation. Due to the slow development of this cereal in the year of sowing, it is necessary to sow it in a mixture with meadow foxtail, red and meadow fescue, which are distinguished by an earlier ability to stop erosion processes.

Rice. 5. Arctophylla is reddish.

Rice. 6. Timothy meadow.

Timothy grass (Fig. 6) is a perennial high grass with a height of 45-60 cm, in the herbage of which generative and vegetative elongated shoots are predominant (from 3.0 to 4.6 thousand pcs. Per m2). Provides projective soil coverage up to 70%. Possesses a number of biological and economically valuable properties: rapid development, comparative ease of obtaining seeds of high sowing quality, undemanding to soils. In the levels of the collection nursery and in production crops, it showed sufficient safety in the herbage and at the 5th year of life. Resistance to oil pollution is satisfactory. When sowing near oil storage facilities, annual mowing is mandatory, otherwise most of the rags on the total top grain crops create a fire hazardous situation. In taiga and forest-tundra zones remote from fire hazardous objects, it can be sown in a mixture with downstream loose shrub and rhizome grasses, as well as with white and meadow clover. The variety "Marusinskaya 297" has proved itself positively in the conditions of the region. Reed canary grass (Fig. 7) is a long-term upper rhizome grass up to 230 cm high. In natural conditions of the North, it is found everywhere. In culture, it successfully grows in the floodplain, as well as on drier podzol watersheds, light sandy loam and sandy soils. Differs in winter hardiness, tolerates severe winters, spring frosts and flooding for up to 50 days. Differs in early growth and good fodder and meliorative qualities. Reed canary is advisable to sow in clean crops or in a mixture with meadow foxtail during bioremediation of soils in floodplain areas. In the conditions of the region, the varieties "Vychegodsky", "Pervenets" and local populations should be used.

Rice. 7. Canary grass.

Rice. 8. White bent.

White bent (Fig. 8) is a long-term short-rhizome grassland with perennial shortened vegetative shoots, well leafy. The natural habitat also extends into the tundra zone. White bent grows well on moist soils, without any special requirements for their fertility and acidity. It develops better on acidic, medium and strongly podzolized soils. It differs in slow development in the year of sowing, reaches its maximum development in 3-4 years, it lasts in grass stands for many years, often tens of years. It should be sown in a mixture with upper and semi-upper grasses in areas with sufficient moisture and even on swampy soils. b) South-taiga-forest-steppe zones. The combined hedgehog (Fig. 9) is a perennial horse loose-shrub cereal of the winter type. It grows early in spring and, in favorable growing conditions, gives a large number of well-leafy vegetative shoots. Possesses good aftermath, tolerates a temporary lack of moisture, but grows poorly and falls out of the grass stand when groundwater rises. Damaged by frost, especially sensitive to ground ice crust. Withstands floods up to 10-15 days, extremely responsive to nitrogen fertilizers. Grows best in well-drained loamy soils. Awnless bonfire (Fig. 10) is a perennial high-rise long-rhizome cereal of the winter-spring type. In the spring it starts growing early. Plants are well leafy, form many elongated vegetative shoots. It is moisture-loving, withstands long-term, up to 45 days, flooding with melt water, but does not tolerate flooding from below. The fire is relatively drought-resistant, cold-resistant. Adapted for growing in floodplain meadows, well-drained peatlands and dry lands. It grows poorly on heavy, marginal soils. It develops well in mixtures with Timofeevka meadow and red clover.

Rice. 9. Hedgehog team.

Rice. 10. Awnless bonfire.

Tall ryegrass (Fig. 11) is a perennial loose-shrub high-rise grass of the spring type. Forms a tall, well leafy herbage. Develops intensively. It is undemanding to soil and moisture. Winter-hardy. Drought-resistant, but responds well to irrigation and fertilization. Gray wheatgrass (aka medium or intermediate) is a long-term semi-upper rhizome grass with creeping rhizomes that penetrate deep into the soil. Gray wheatgrass is more drought-resistant than awnless fire, it is undemanding to soils, it can also grow on soils of a saline row. Grows well on loose substrates. Photophilous and frost-resistant. In the herbage it reproduces mainly by vegetative means. Recommended to grow on slopes prone to water erosion. They are sown both in pure form and in complex grass mixtures. Rootless wheatgrass (Fig. 12) is a loose shrub with a fibrous root system. It remains a promising crop in the development of dumps and unproductive waste lands. Quite hygrophilous and undemanding culture. Recommended for growing in forest-steppe (with sufficient rainfall) and forest zones. In the herbage it lasts up to 10 years. The highest yields are obtained in 3-4 years. Poorly tolerates grazing and is used for mowing.

Rice. 11. High ryegrass.

Rice. 12. Wheat grass rootless.

Rice. 13. Crested wheatgrass.

Crested wheatgrass (Fig. 13) is a perennial friable sod plant with a fibrous, powerfully developed root system with a large number of thin roots. Wheatgrass is a light-loving plant, highly winter-resistant, has unsurpassed (from cultivated cereals) drought resistance and longevity in herbage. It is an exceptional crop for the creation of durable hayfields on eroded land in areas prone to drought. In the herbage it reproduces both by seeds and vegetatively, with a potential life expectancy of 15 years or more. Wheatgrass can be sown neat and in grass mixtures with alfalfa, sainfoin and other legumes. Fibrous regneria is a plant similar in appearance to rootless wheatgrass, but has more delicate and wide leaves. It is moisture-loving and recommended for growing in forest-steppe and taiga zones. Grows well on various soils, including those with low potential fertility, does not tolerate acidic and waterlogged. Recommended to grow in a mixture of legumes and cereals. Siberian hairline (Fig. 14) is a long-term loose shrub with a highly developed fibrous root system. Drought-resistant and winter-hardy, undemanding to soils. Recommended for growing on slopes prone to erosion in the steppe zone. It is better to grow on single-species crops, as it sharply suppresses other species growing with it. Propagated in the herbage mainly by seeds. White clover (creeping) (Fig. 15) is a perennial undersized legume with creeping rooting stems. White clover is unpretentious to soils, more resistant to acidic and boggy soils than red clover. The high capacity for vegetative and seed reproduction contributes to the rapid spread of the plant in bioremediated areas - the natural range of white clover also spreads to the forest-tundra zone. When sown together, white clover, due to the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, creates conditions for good growth and development of cereal components. During the creation of seeded phytocenoses in the floodplain of the B. Synya River, the intensive introduction of white clover into them is carried out at the expense of wild-growing individuals.

Rice. 14. Siberian hairline.

Rice. 15. White clover.

Red clover (meadow) (Fig. 16) is a perennial leguminous plant with stems from 20 to 140 cm in height. Within the northern, middle and southern subzones, local wild-growing clovers are distinguished by their ability to grow abundantly in natural conditions in areas changed under the influence of human activity ( liming). Observations have shown that red clover tolerates moderately acidic and slightly soddy soils well; due to the activity of nodule bacteria, it develops well even with a lack of soil nitrogen. High fodder merits necessitate the inclusion of meadow clover in the mixture of bioremediated purposes. When using hay crops, it is advisable to sow in a mixture with meadow timothy and meadow fescue. Alfalfa (Fig. 17) is a perennial plant that is well preserved in the herbage for up to 8-10 years or more. In the reclamation of eluvium of overburden and eroded lands, it belongs to one of the main places. Possesses good anti-erosion properties. High yield, wide ecological adaptability, durability, winter hardiness and drought resistance make alfalfa suitable for cultivation in a wide variety of conditions. On reclaimed lands, yellow hybrid, blue hybrid and variegated hybrid varieties have proven themselves well.

Rice. 16. Red clover.

Rice. 17. Sowing alfalfa.

Rice. 18. Sandy sainfoin.

Sandy sainfoin (Fig. 18) is a frost-resistant and drought-resistant legume, which determines its suitability for cultivation in the forest-steppe and especially in the steppe zone. This is a typically long-term plant; it develops in the herbage for up to 10-12 years or more. The root system is powerful, branching, penetrates into the soil up to two or more meters, which determines its drought resistance. These features of the root system make it irreplaceable as a reclamation crop in marginal soils. Sainfoin is a typical plant of calcareous soils and the best substitute for alfalfa in the steppe zone. Sainfoin does not tolerate acidic, heavy and swampy soils, as well as the close occurrence of groundwater. Melilot (fig. 19) is a biennial plant. White and yellow sweet clover are widespread. In the first year of sowing, it produces one slow-growing stem and forms a small vegetative above-ground mass. The most valuable feature of melilot is their ability not only to grow on saline soils of the forest-steppe and a number of desert regions, but also to improve on erosion-prone slopes. Melilot are widespread throughout the USSR, with the exception of the tundra and the alpine belt of mountains. For cultivation in the taiga and forest-steppe zones, white sweet clover is recommended, and yellow sweet clover in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. Both types of sweet clover are highly winter-hardy, drought-resistant, and yellow clover is still salt-tolerant.

Rice. 19. White melilot.

Appendix 8

Methodology for calculating seeding rates

The procedure for recalculating the seeding rates for seeds with economic suitability below 100% in the same crops and grass mixtures is as follows. 1. Determine the sowing suitability of seeds. The sowing suitability of seeds is determined by the percentage of clean and viable seeds and is calculated by the product of purity by germination, divided by 100:

P - sowing suitability; A - the purity of the seeds; B - germination. 2. Make a recalculation of the seeding rates for the actual seeding capacity in single-species crops:

H - seeding rate at 100% sowing capacity; H 1 - seeding rate adjusted for the actual seeding capacity; n - sowing suitability of seeds. 3. Determine the seeding rate of seeds of each species in the mixture according to the formula:

H 1 - the seeding rate of seeds (kg / ha) of the species included in the grass mixture; N - seeding rate in pure form, kg / ha; Y - participation of the species in the mixture,%; P - sowing suitability of seeds,%.

Appendix 9

Technical data of grain grass seed drills

The name of indicators

Seeder brand

Capture width, m
Row spacing, cm
Coulter stroke depth, cm
Working speed, km / h
Estimated productivity, ha / h
Box capacity, dm 3
for grain
for fertilizers
for herbs
Wheel diameter, mm
Overall dimensions, mm
Weight, kg
Service personnel, including the tractor driver
It is aggregated by a tractor

Appendix 10

List of enterprises where you can purchase materials for bioremediation of disturbed lands

1. Seeds - state farms of the Ministry of Oil Industry, collective farms, state farms and scientific institutions of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture. 2. Osprey - nearby pulp and paper mills (PPM). 3. Fertilizers, lime materials and gypsum - subdivisions of the All-Union Association "Selkhozkhimiya".

Appendix 11

Technical data of machines for hydroseeding



Productivity, ha / shift
Tank capacity, m 3
Overall dimensions, mm
Agitator type



Pump type and brand

centrifugal fecal

centrifugal fecal

Pump productivity, m 3 / h
Full head, mm of water Art.
Range of flight of a jet, m
Weight, kg
without refueling
with full charge
Note: it is also possible to use hydraulic seeders: designs of the Syktyvkar State University and USMN, trailed for the northern regions; based on the ZIL-130-66 vehicle; construction "Karaganda-coal", mounted on the basis of the KrAZ-256 B; design "NIIOSugol-PGSI", mounted on the basis of the K-700 tractor.
1. General Provisions. 2 2. Scope of the technology. 3 3. Assessment of the stages of natural overgrowing of disturbed lands in the taiga zone. 3 4. Techniques for stimulating natural overgrowing of disturbed lands in the taiga zone. 4 5. Preparation of materials and technical means. 4 6. Carrying out the technological process. 5 7. Control over the quality of bioremediation. 8 8. Care of crops. 9 9. Requirements for technical and fire safety. 9 10. Rules for the transportation and storage of technical equipment and materials. 10 Appendix 1 The system of all-Union natural and agricultural zoning of the land fund and the location of the facilities of the Ministry of Oil Industry. 10 Appendix 2 Composition of the soil cover of natural and agricultural zones of the USSR with a developed oil industry .. 11 Appendix 3 Agroclimatic indicators of natural and agricultural zones of the USSR with a developed oil industry .. 11 Appendix 4 Methodology for determining the acidity of soils. 11 Appendix 5 Characteristics of the most common fertilizers, materials for liming and gypsum. 12 Appendix 6 Method for determining the dose of applied fertilizer. 14 Appendix 7 Morphobiological features of perennial grasses that are promising for bioremediation. 14 Appendix 8 Methodology for calculating seeding rates. 24 Appendix 9 Technical data of grain-grass seeders. 25 Appendix 10 List of enterprises where materials for bioremediation of disturbed lands can be purchased. 25 Appendix 11 Technical data of machines for hydroseeding. 25

4.5. Biological stage of reclamation

The main tasks of biological reclamation are the resumption of the process of soil formation, an increase in the self-cleaning capacity of the soil and the reproduction of biocenoses. The biological stage ends with the formation of a cultural landscape on disturbed lands.

Organizationally, biological reclamation is carried out in two stages. At the first, pioneer (preliminary, avant-garde) crops are grown that can adapt to existing conditions and have a high regenerative capacity. On the second, they move on to the intended use. Lands contaminated with heavy metals, organic substances or industrial products are purified at the first stage using sorbents, plants or microorganisms (biodegradation), and then included in economic use under strict control by the sanitary and epidemiological services.

For the development of effective methods of biological reclamation, it is of great importance to study the processes of evolution of the vegetation cover in various natural zones and technogenic conditions.

The formation of vegetation cover on overburden dumps is very slow due to the complex time-varying relief of the dump surface, the poverty of rocks in nutrients, and the instability of water and thermal regimes. The duration of the natural formation of vegetation cover in the forest and forest-steppe zone is characterized by three periods:

In the first 5 ... 6 years from the beginning of the formation of disturbed lands, a mosaic unclosed vegetation cover appears, consisting of plants with a wide range of tolerance;

In the next 5 ... 6 years, a multi-species plant community (30 ... 40 species) is formed, in which zonal features are noticeably manifested and a multi-tiered structure of biocenoses is formed;

After 10 ... 12 years, the differentiation of the species composition begins to prevail, dominance passes to perennials, a stable vegetation cover with pronounced layering is created, seasonal dynamics is well traced.

In difficult conditions, the timing of the formation of the vegetation cover increases significantly, for example: on the dumps of the Moscow Region brown coal basin with a large proportion of sulfide-containing rocks by the age of 20, the vegetation cover is still at the beginning of the second period.

On sand pits in the steppe zone, vegetation appears after 5 ... 7 years, by 10 ... 12 years it can number 5 ... 10 species of the most resistant plants: sandy minnow, field wormwood, hairy hawk, etc.

On gravel pits, individual plants are visible for 3 ... 4 years. The first of them to settle are the mother-and-stepmother, common wormwood. By the age of 5 ... 6, this is already 8 ... 10 types of grasses: sheep fescue, hairy hawk, cat's foot, etc. By the age of 15, there are about 30 species: dream-grass, common yarrow, field clover, hedgehog, meadow bluegrass; from trees and shrubs: Scots pine, willow.

In developed peat quarries, with sufficient moisture and nutrients, vegetation appears already in the first year. In the beginning, rare plants appear: coltsfoot, fescue, green moss, nettle, sedge. After 2 ... 3 years, a continuous grass cover is formed: fescue, nettle, sedge, string, reed, horsetail, rush, goose foot, oxalis. After 5 ... 6 years, tree and shrub species settle: black alder, willow, viburnum, vine, gray alder, maple, birch, aspen, poplar.

The overgrowth of disturbed lands creates a reserve of organic matter in young soils, which, as a result of biochemical processes, improves the nutritional regime of these soils and contributes to the formation of a stable vegetation cover.

The rate of soil formation and the formation of soil horizons depend on the properties of the parent rocks, their water and thermal regimes, relief, natural and climatic

conditions of a given area, on the species composition of vegetation and the duration of natural land restoration.

Heaps and overburden mounds are overgrown faster from the northern and northwestern sides, since there are stable water and thermal regimes. The southern slopes, experiencing the greatest temperature drops and significant erosion, are covered with vegetation only in the lower parts of the slope, where washed-off fine earth accumulates.

On 25-year-old loamy dumps of the Moscow Region coal basin under forest cover, the rate of soil formation is 2.4 ... 3.6 mm / year, under grasses - 4 mm / year. In the same place, on young 9-year-old dumps under grasses - 6.7 mm / year. On sand dumps overgrown with grass, the rate of soil formation is close to the rate in the forest - 3.5 mm / year.

Intensive accumulation of humus on disturbed lands is observed in the period from 5 to 20 years, then the rate of soil formation decreases, which is caused by the stability of biogeochemical processes under certain plant communities (Fig. 2). As a result of these processes in specific natural and climatic zones, young soils are formed that are close in genesis to zonal soils, but differ from modern soils for a number of reasons:

Soil formation is a very lengthy process;

Disturbed lands have parent rocks of other genesis;

The factors of soil formation have undergone changes.

Therefore, on disturbed lands, especially in those places where targeted use is difficult due to organizational, technological, social and natural-climatic conditions, it is necessary to strive, first of all, to stimulate the vegetation cover. For this purpose, one can use the confinement of certain plant species to certain types and properties of soils, grounds and rocks. Such plants are identified in the course of botanical and species analysis of plant samples taken from disturbed lands, and can be recommended as pioneer (preliminary, avant-garde) crops.

Rice. 2. Accumulation of humus,% in soils during overgrowing of dumps of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, underlying rocks: 1 - loam; 2 - chalk - marl.

The confinement of plants to overburden rocks of the Kursk magnetic anomaly (forest-steppe zone) is presented in Table 4.

At the 24-year-old dump of the Tishinskoye polymetallic ore deposit, filled with sericite-chlorite-quartz rocks, siltstones, porphyrites, there are white and yellow sweet clover, common bruise, willow-herb, mouse pea, highlander bird, wormwood and bitter wormwood, hedgehog, rump awnless, fescue, ground reed grass, coltsfoot, etc., from tree and shrub species - warty birch, aspen, poplar, maple, wild rose, elderberry, etc.

To create a vegetation cover on lands contaminated with heavy metals, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of Table 5, and if arsenic is present in the soil, it is advisable to cultivate rose hips.

Table 4. Species composition of plants confined to overburden dumps

Table 5. Species composition of plants confined to lands containing an excess of salt of heavy metals

With the help of plants, it is possible to determine the predominant content of individual metals in the soil. This property of plants for mining purposes began to be specially studied back in the XYI century. In 1763. M.V. Lomonosov noted: “On the mountains, in which ore and other minerals are born, growing trees are usually unhealthy, that is, their leaves are pale, but they themselves are low, crooked and dry up to perfect old age, and the grass growing under the veins is usually smaller and paler. "

On lands where it is difficult to carry out technical reclamation, or it is possible to reuse them (for example: reuse of dumps containing rocks with a low concentration of rare metals), a vegetation cover is created by scattering pelleted seeds of grass mixtures and shrubs. Plant seeds, taking into account their confinement to rocks, are scattered by plane in early spring along with small doses of mineral fertilizers.

The plant's ability to take root is used in the reclamation of non-toxic overburden dumps without first applying a soil layer. For this, a special plant cultivation technology is being developed, for example:

Cultivation of leguminous herbs for 3 ... 4 years with plowing to a depth of 25 ... 30 cm;

Cultivation of a grass-legume mixture with the introduction of a small dose of mineral fertilizers for 3 ... 4 years, followed by plowing herbs to a depth of 20 ... 25 cm;

Sowing herbs (vetch-oat mixture, sweet clover) followed by plowing.

The use of this technology on the dumps of the Kursk magnetic anomaly made it possible to create a humus reserve of 1.5% in the 0 ... 20 cm layer and to obtain a yield of rye and barley of about 20 centners per hectare. If disturbed lands are intended for agricultural use, then the general scope of biological reclamation works should be as follows:

Planning the surface of the earth and applying a soil layer on it, especially on substrates containing unsuitable rocks (final works of technical reclamation);

Cultivation of pioneer crops (annual or perennial) to activate soil formation processes;

Introduction of special crop rotations for the restoration and formation of the soil layer;

Application of soil conservation farming techniques to increase soil fertility and its resistance to erosion and deflation;

Monitoring of soils by nature protection and sanitary-epidemiological services.

For the organization of agricultural land on dumps containing marly clay, according to the recommendations of the Dnepropetrovsk Agricultural Institute, it is advisable to grow hay peas as a pioneer crop, and then proceed to sowing spring crops, for example: barley.

In Germany, crop rotations containing about 70% of legumes are used on dumps of brown coal dumps.

According to the research of the Department of Land Reclamation and Land Reclamation of MGUP, the cultivation of vetch-oat mixture on floodplain meadow soils contaminated with oil products accelerates the process of decomposition of hydrocarbons. Experience shows that the best pioneer crops for agricultural reclamation are legumes and legumes-cereal mixtures, which have a high phyto-reclamation capacity compared to other plants.

In the formation of young soils during reclamation for forestry purposes, legumes, legume-cereal grasses, shrubs and some tree species are used as pioneers. Of the tree and shrub vegetation, the most common as pioneers are: white acacia, narrow-leaved oak, sea buckthorn, yellow acacia, golden currant, warty birch, willow, alder, poplar, bird cherry.

Reclamation of forestry purposes is carried out to create industrial, protective, water-regulating, water-protective and recreational forest plantations on disturbed lands. It begins with the selection of woody and shrub plants in accordance with the suitability of disturbed lands for biological reclamation and based on natural and climatic conditions. For example, in the steppe zone for the reclamation of dumps, embankments, quarries, the creation of protective forest belts, the following species of trees and shrubs are recommended: elm, ash-leaved maple, white acacia, black poplar, red oak, pedunculate oak, yellow acacia, golden currant, branched tamarix , narrow-leaved oak tree.

The most effective method of biological reclamation on disturbed lands is the creation of a multi-species vegetation cover with the participation of perennial grasses and resistant species of shrubs and trees. With such a multi-tiered structure, disturbed lands are well protected from erosion and deflation, and thanks to leaf litter and root systems, a large increase in organic matter is obtained.

On lands contaminated with man-made products, the main task of biological reclamation is to increase the self-cleaning capacity of the soil. The solution to this problem is possible with the help of the joint functioning of technical and biological systems operating with a wide range of measures, including the use of specially grown microorganisms.

Reclamation (cleaning) of soils from technogenic products using microorganisms is based on the destruction (decomposition) of these products within a regulated time. In practice, this method is used to clean up soils contaminated with oil, oil products and pesticides. Biodegradation technology includes the creation of favorable water-air, thermal and nutritional conditions for microorganisms and regular monitoring of the size of the applied population. Therefore, the effectiveness of this type of reclamation depends on the controllability of regulatory factors and the quality of the strains.

Biological stage of reclamation

Biological reclamation is a complex of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures aimed at improving the agrophysical, agrochemical, biochemical and other properties of the soil. Its main task is to create productive lands, consolidate the surface layer of the soil with the root system of plants, create a closed herbage and prevent the development of water and wind erosion of soils on disturbed lands. Biological reclamation completes the restoration work of disturbed lands and is carried out after mining technical reclamation.

Biological reclamation is carried out by special organizations at the expense of the mining enterprise. It is quite natural that the cost of raw materials extracted by the quarry is increasing.

The main measures for biological reclamation include the introduction of increased doses of organic and mineral fertilizers, sowing of perennial legumes, planting soil-improving trees and shrubs (GOST

Table 8

At the first stage of biological reclamation, it is more expedient to use annual and perennial grasses, mainly cereals. The choice of such a life form of plants is due to several reasons. First, this group of plants is highly productive. Secondly, grasses quickly form turf and thereby protect the surface from wind and water erosion. Another reason is that cereals, as a rule, are not very demanding on soil fertility, most species tolerate a lack of moisture in the soil. Finally, in the new economic conditions, the great advantages of using cereals are the availability of seeds, simple sowing technology, and minimal labor costs.

The area on which we carry out reclamation is 30 hectares. So you need:

2100 kg of seeds of perennial grasses;

21,600 kg of mineral fertilizers;

1500 m3 of water;

1500 m3 of high-moor peat.

We choose a planting scheme based on the characteristics of the flora of a given territory.

C - C - C - C - C - C

B - B - B - B - B - B Low growing pine 50%

С - С - С - С - С - С Fluffy birch 50%

B - B - B - B - B - B

We plant gray willow on the slopes of the dumps.

Planting of pine, larch and sea buckthorn is usually carried out with two-year-old seedlings. Planting work is usually done by hand.

Generalized bioecological characteristics of the species used for forest reclamation are given in table. 9. The degree of certain qualities of the species indicated in the table is characterized by the following points.

Frost resistance. 1 - high, or absolute, freezing is not observed; 2 - rather high, only partial freezing occurs in the first years of life on the surfaces of the dumps not covered with snow; 3 - insufficient, freezing of shoots that rise above the snow occurs; 4 - non-frost-resistant, the seedlings completely freeze out.

Drought resistance. 1 - high, species are resistant to lack of moisture (xerophytes); 2 - less high (mesoxerophytes); 3 - middle (mesophytes); 4 - low (mesohygrophytes).

Love of light. 1 - light-loving, grow only in open habitats, cannot stand shading; 2 - less light-loving, tolerate slight shading; 3 - shade-tolerant, can grow under the canopy of other breeds.

Demanding soil fertility. 1 - undemanding to soil fertility (oligotrophs); 2 - moderately demanding (mesotrophs); 3- increased exactingness (megatrophs).

Growth rate. 1 - fast-growing tall trees and shrubs, growth in height in favorable conditions exceeds 50 cm per year; 2 - trees and shrubs with average energy of growth, growth in height within the range of 20-50 cm; 3 - slowly growing trees and shrubs (current growth does not exceed 20 cm).

Reclamation (soil-strengthening and soil-improving) qualities. 1 - high degree, fast-growing root suckers, nitrogen accumulators; 2 - medium degree, enrich the soil with leaf litter, creating a "soft" humus, have a branched root system.

Bioecological characteristics of the species used for forest reclamation

Table 9

Based on the values ​​of the bioecological characteristics, it can be concluded that the trees and shrubs were chosen correctly, since the bioecological characteristics correspond to the hydrogeological and climatic conditions of the area, as well as the chemical properties of the dump rocks.

Low-growing pine and downy birch are planted on a grid of 3.0 * 3.0 m.

Number of seedlings: 0.5 * 43200 = 24000 pieces,

Number of seedlings: 0.5 * 43200 = 24000 pieces

Since the presence of fire strips is envisaged, which is a strip of forest plantations with a width of 30 m, every 100 m, the number of pine and birch trees is reduced to 16,800 pieces.

Shrub (gray willow) is planted on a grid of 3.0 * 3.0 m on the slopes of the dumps.

Number of seedlings: 1 * 40,000 = 40,000 pieces,

The development of mankind is accompanied by an increase in the areas of disturbed lands and a decrease in the number of natural ecosystems, a decrease in their regenerative capacity, and resistance to anthropogenic factors. Significant damage to natural landscapes is caused by the placement of mining waste on the surface.

The technological processes of the mining and processing industry are inextricably linked with the consumption of natural resources and the formation of a variety of wastes that accumulate in the natural environment.

Mining waste is unused products from the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials, separated from the mass of the extracted mineral during the development of the deposit, during the beneficiation and chemical and metallurgical processing of raw materials.

The classification of mining waste is carried out according to the phase composition and production cycles in which they are formed (Table 1). The formation of waste is influenced by the production process, the nature of raw materials, the content of recoverable components in the original product, etc.

Table 1.

Classification of mining and processing waste

Phase characteristic of waste Mining technology Enrichment
drilling open underground
Solid Sludge Overburden Mine rock Tails
Liquid (solutions and suspensions) Flushing liquids Mine waters Rinse water, sludge, slurry liquid phase
Gaseous Dust Ventilation air Suction

Despite the high environmental hazard, until now, the dominant method of disposal of enrichment wastes remains land disposal using storage sites in the form of tailings, dumps and sludge ponds, which occupy significant land areas devoid of natural vegetation cover.

Plots of land taken for storage of mining waste should be used in approved ways in accordance with the intended purpose of this category of land, which should not harm natural objects, including leading to degradation, pollution, littering of land, poisoning, damage, destruction of the fertile layer soil and other negative (harmful) impacts arising in the process of mining.

An integral part of measures to protect the lithosphere is the work on the reclamation of land taken for storage of mining waste.
Reclamation is considered as a complex problem of productivity restoration and reconstruction of landscapes disturbed by industry in general. Thus, reclamation should be defined as a set of works aimed at restoring the productivity and economic value of disturbed lands, as well as improving environmental conditions.

The traditional process of reclamation is divided into the following stages, carried out either mainly by technical methods (mining technical reclamation), or by biological methods (biological reclamation). The technical stage includes grading, slope formation, removal, transportation and application of soils to reclaimed land. At the biological stage, a complex of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures is carried out aimed at improving the agrophysical, agrochemical, biochemical and other properties of the soil.

Disturbed territories as a result of economic activities are divided into two groups:

  1. Lands damaged by fill soil, dumps, hydraulic dumps, waste heaps, cavaliers and dumps;
  2. Areas damaged by excavation, open pit mines, extraction of local building materials and peat, sinkholes and deflections at the site of underground mining, reserves and trenches during the construction of linear structures.

Depending on the impact of industrial facilities and the resulting disturbances to the natural landscape, within the framework of these stages, the reclamation technology is determined:

Reclamation and arrangement of quarries of nonmetallic materials during dry and watered excavation of soil represented by deposits of phosphorites, apatites, potash and rock salts, limestone, marl, sandstone, sulfur and also graphite, asbestos, mica, marble, quartz, fluorspar, etc.

As a result of the extraction of minerals and mineral raw materials, the lands are disturbed by quarry workings reaching a depth of more than 100 m. Depending on the position of the quarry bottom relative to the occurrence of groundwater, it can be watered or dry.

Reclamation of dry pits is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Transportation from the warehouse and application of the soil - vegetation layer;
  2. Reclamation and sowing of herbs in the prepared area.

Reclamation of a watered open pit is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. Planning work aimed at shaping the surface;
  2. Filling the quarry with water.

After the cessation of their exploitation, watered quarries are used for multipurpose reservoirs, dry for construction sites, arable land, pastures, afforestation, etc.

Before mass excavation of soil, the fertile soil layer is removed for the purpose of its further use on unproductive lands and reclaimed lands. The norms for removing the fertile soil layer during earthworks are determined by the requirements set out in GOCT

According to the classification of suitability, rocky soils and conglomerates are considered unsuitable for biological reclamation due to their physical properties. In the process of stone mining, embankments are formed from the overburden of soil, unsuitable for production purposes. This soil can be divided into fertile soil and parent rock or weathered rock removed by stripping operations.

The bottom of the mined-out space in the quarries of rocky soil, as well as the production and storage sites compacted as a result of the movement of vehicles, are unsuitable for the direct arrangement of the landscape without preliminary work on their reclamation.

In accordance with these conditions, the reclamation of rock quarries is carried out in the following order:

  1. Planning work aimed at shaping the surface;
  2. Dumping of loose overburden and soil soil with a thickness of at least 1 meter;
  3. Sowing seeds on the formed soil;
  4. Reclamation of depleted areas of peat deposits.

The possibility of using worked-out peatlands after reclamation depends on the method of peat extraction, water regime, age of development, degree of sodding, etc. Peat is mined by milling, hydraulic, machine-formed and carved methods.

Technical reclamation of depleted peat deposits, as a rule, is carried out in three stages:

  1. Creation of a drainage and humidification system that provides a quick drainage of water from areas during wet periods and moistening of the root layer of soil during dry periods, as well as providing moisture for the root layer of soil by sluicing during the growing season;
  2. Carrying out cultural, technical and planning works. Parallel to the reclamation work, roads are built in the fields, and when the peat quarries are reclaimed, the roads are built only after the planning work has been completed;
  3. Carrying out cultural and technical works. Their main task is to clear areas of trees and shrubs. Trimming usually consists of uprooting, cutting, milling and plowing.

Biological reclamation of depleted peat deposits is performed after technical reclamation. It includes:

  1. Primary tillage;
  2. Selection of preliminary crops for sowing;
  3. Application of chemical ameliorants and fertilizers.

Dumps are earth embankments that do not have a business purpose and are formed as a result of dumping soil developed in any excavation.

The sequence of measures for the implementation of the mining and biological stage of reclamation:

  1. Removal of the soil and vegetation layer at the site of the waste dump, transport and storage in convenient places for subsequent use;
  2. Formation of dump slopes;
  3. Planning works on formed surfaces;
  4. Transportation from the warehouse and application of the soil - vegetation layer on the formed and planned surfaces;
  5. Construction of targeted roads, land reclamation;
  6. Arrangements of special hydraulic structures, if necessary;
  7. Sowing seeds.

Enterprises of the forestry, paper, mining and chemical industries and energy as a result of their activities generate rather large volumes of waste, called sludge (ash, slag, gas cleaning waste, tailings of mining and processing plants, soda, salt and other waste from chemical plants). In most cases, this waste is removed with water in the form of a slurry in special sedimentation tanks called sludge ponds and tailings. The dumps formed by the reclamation method are called hydro dumps.

The sequence of measures for the reclamation of hydraulic dumps:

  1. Before placing the stored material in the dumps, washed along a certain profile, remove the fertile soil layer and a layer of potentially fertile soil from the surface of the area allocated for the dump;
  2. The design of structures for the drainage of surface waters coming from the surface of the catchment area in the course of work on the formation of a hydraulic dump.

After the completion of the reclamation of the hydraulic dump, the outer slopes of the dams are reclaimed
embankment, for this:

  1. A fertile soil layer with a thickness of about 0.1 - 0.15 m is poured onto the outer slopes of embankment dams and intermediate berms.
  2. Sod-forming grasses are sown on the slopes, and wood-shrub vegetation is planted along the edges of the berms at a distance of 5 ... 6 m from each other.
  3. They are beginning to reclaim the beach area.

Reclamation of the beach part and the settling pond is carried out taking into account the subsequent integrated use of the alluvial territory: for agricultural, environmental and water management purposes.

The settling pond is converted into a reservoir. To do this, the spillway is retrofitted into a mine spillway. The reservoir is replenished with fresh water due to the influx of surface water collected from the drainage area of ​​the dump.

Materials washed into ash dumps, sludge ponds and tailing dumps are usually toxic. Therefore, the reclamation of such dumps is primarily necessary from a sanitary and hygienic point of view. Water and wind erosion of these deposits leads to environmental pollution. After filling the tailing dump to the design volume, the reclaimed material is dehydrated, emptying the settling pond from water, leveling the embankment dam. The tailings ridge is given a slight slope from the middle to the edges to ensure smooth drainage of surface water.

Such dumps self-overgrow extremely slowly, which is associated with the limited nitrogen by the instability of the water regime, therefore, reclamation is carried out using the following technology, depending on the type of violation:

  1. On the surface of the ash dump of thermal power plants, a fertile soil layer with a thickness of 0.1 ... 0.5 m is applied with the introduction of large doses of fertilizers to obtain high yields of agricultural crops;
  2. Due to the content of toxic compounds, sludge collectors of metallurgical plants and tailing dumps of concentrating factories are first screened with a layer of potentially fertile soil with a thickness of 1 ... 1.5 m, and then a fertile soil layer with a thickness of 0.4 ... 0.5 m is applied on top of the screen.

The outer slopes of embankment dams are reclaimed according to the generally accepted scheme of slopes tinning and planting of trees and shrubs.

Serious ecological damage to the environment is caused by the so-called landfills and landfills, formed due to human activities, artificial geological formations. Depending on the direction of the subsequent use of territories occupied by landfills and landfills, one or another technical solution for their reclamation is made:

  1. Before starting work, engineering and geological surveys are carried out, on the basis of which they make up a grid of landfill soil profiles and underlying soil layers of the base, they determine the thickness of the landfill soil layer, the structure of the underlying layers, the degree of their pollution and the level of groundwater;
  2. Landfill soils are removed to landfills for disposal and disposal of waste;
  3. Delivery of mineral soil. The imported soil must be normatively clean in terms of bacteriological, chemical and radiometric indicators;
  4. Rolling in a fertile soil layer and sowing seeds.

When reclaiming landfills and landfills without removing landfill soil, measures and work are provided for degassing, installing a protective screen on the top of landfill soils, as well as fencing the reclaimed territory in order to avoid its secondary pollution.

Protective screens installed on the top of the landfill are the main elements providing the main environmental function. The design of the protective screens is a combination of isolation and filtering elements that allow the collection and removal of infiltrated surface water and precipitation.

The technology for reclamation of landfills and dumps is as follows:

  1. Leveling of individual irregularities on the surface of the landfill is carried out, after which a general leveling of the entire surface is carried out, giving it a slight slope;
  2. Backfilling with a leveling layer - not less than 0.5 m thick, from cleaned construction waste, with a grain size of 4 ... 32 mm. In the presence of gas formation in the thickness of the landfill soil, a layer of gas-conducting material is arranged on top of the leveling layer, for example, with a thickness of 0.3 m;
  3. Then, on top of the gas-conducting layer, an anti-filtration screen is made, consisting of two layers of clay 0.25 m thick each and a layer of synthetic roll insulation with a thickness of at least 2.5 mm. For the device of the anti-filtration screen, clay is used;
  4. On top of the synthetic insulation, a drainage layer is laid in the form of reservoir drainage with a thickness of at least 0.3 m from mineral soil;
  5. Next, a layer of potentially fertile soil with a thickness of 0.7 ... 0.85 m is poured, on top of which a fertile soil layer with a thickness of 15 ... 0.3 m is applied.

In order to protect the groundwater from contamination by landfill condensate and infiltration, it is possible to use the method of soil silicification at the base of the landfill, based on the injection of gel-forming materials through injectors into the base of the landfill. Aluminum sulfate, oxalic acid and water glass are used as gelling materials. The gel screen formed at the same time at the base of the landfill helps to strengthen the lower layers of the landfill soil and the top of the basement rocks and reduces its permeability, and also acts as a geochemical barrier on the path of the spread of pollutants into the underground horizons.

When mining minerals, lands are disturbed not only due to the creation of rock dumps, sludge storage and tailing dumps on them, but also the formation, as a result of underground mining, of negative forms of the earth's surface relief in the form of dips, deflections, craters, relief depressions, etc.

When developing stratal deposits of low and medium thickness of horizontal and wavy bedding of a gentle dip with the collapse of the roof, depression deflections up to 1.5 m deep are formed. The restoration of negative relief forms consists in backfilling the formed depressions with a complex of planning works. For filling the depressions, loose sediments, bedrocks mined in special quarries or obtained during overburden operations, as well as the rock discharged from the mines, can be used.

The technology of backfilling the depressions of the earth's surface and the design of the relief are performed for each specific case separately, depending on the material used.
When filling the negative forms of relief of the earth's surface with rocks formed as a result of underground mining, their chemical properties should also be taken into account. Rocks with toxic properties are placed in the lower part of the dips, followed by their overlap with potentially fertile rocks with a thickness of at least 2 ... 2.5 m. carrying out work on the radical chemical reclamation of the filled rocks and their obligatory overlap with potentially fertile rocks with a thickness of at least 0.5.

When using the filling of the gap unsuitable for biological reclamation of rocks, after the completion of planning works, the laid rock mass is first covered with a layer of potentially fertile rocks, and then with a fertile layer of soil.
Reclamation of disturbed lands, watered or swampy as a result of subsidence of the earth's surface, includes work on their preliminary drainage. For this:

  1. First, a drainage system of open or closed drainage is built in order to remove excess water from the recultivated area;
  2. Further, the fertile soil layer is first removed from the surface of the drained area and transferred to a temporary dump, and then a layer of potentially fertile soil and also transferred to a temporary dump;
  3. After that, a capital planning of the disturbed territory is carried out with layer-by-layer filling of negative landforms with mine rock delivered from rock dumps;
  4. A layer of potentially fertile soil is poured over the top of the planned surface with a mine rock, and then a layer of fertile soil is applied with a uniform distribution over the entire area.

Trunk pipelines and branches from them, railways and highways, canals are referred to as so-called linear structures.
The construction and operation of linear structures have a significant impact on the state of the environment, damaging or destroying natural elements of the landscape.

During the construction and operation of linear structures, reclamation is carried out in the following stages:

  1. Backfilling of linear structures;
  2. General layout of the right-of-way;
  3. Cleaning of construction waste;
  4. Sodding the surface by sowing grasses.

Restoring trees and shrubs in the pipeline right-of-way for the construction of the pipeline is not allowed due to difficulties arising during its operation.

Directions of use of disturbed lands after reclamation works
In accordance with GOST, disturbed lands are distinguished according to the directions of reclamation, depending on the type of subsequent use.

The reclaimed territories can be used in the following directions:

  • Agricultural - land can be used for arable land, hayfields, pastures and perennial plantings;
  • Forestry - for forest plantations of general economic and field protection purposes, tree nurseries;
  • Water management - they arrange reservoirs for household and industrial needs, irrigation and fish farming;
  • Recreational - for the creation of recreation and sports areas, for parks and forest parks, reservoirs for recreational purposes, hunting grounds, tourist centers and sports facilities;
  • Environmental and sanitary-hygienic - for the creation of areas of anti-erosion forestation, turfed or watered, fixed or lawfully served with the use of technical means, a site for self-growth that is not specially developed for the purpose of subsequent use for economic or recreational purposes;
  • Construction - for industrial, civil and other construction and other purposes.


Technogenic landscapes have a negative impact on the environment, they, in turn, are objects of close study of the rate of restoration of soil cover, the rate of occurrence of elementary soil processes.

Currently, work is being carried out to reduce the harmful impact on the environment of tailing dumps, dumps, quarries, landfills and sludge collectors, which occupy huge areas, pollute the soil, water and air basins with toxic compounds.

Based on the analysis of existing methods of reclamation, it can be concluded that the existing problem of restoration of disturbed lands can be solved only partially. This is due to the fact that most of the reclamation methods used often do not take into account the specifics of the territories and do not provide the specified reduction in the negative impact of technologically disturbed territories on natural ecosystems.

UDC: 502.65

Post-graduate student National Mineral Resources University of Mines Ecology Faculty

Annotation: Every year, all over the world, industrial human activities are becoming increasingly dangerous for the natural environment, which manifests itself mainly in places where minerals, building materials and peat are mined, as well as in places of their enrichment, processing and further waste storage.
Despite the high environmental hazard, until now the dominant method of disposal of enrichment wastes remains onshore disposal with the use of storage sites in the form of tailing dumps.
The paper analyzes the existing technical approaches to reclamation of lands disturbed by mining operations. The classification of mining waste is presented. The stages and directions of reclamation work in the areas of storage of industrial waste are described. Methods of reclamation of nonmetallic material quarries, quarries for the extraction of stone, peat deposits, dumps, dumps, landfills and lands disturbed during underground mining are described in detail. Methods for reclamation of tailing dumps are considered in detail. The most optimal method for reclamation of tailing dumps has been selected.

Keywords: reclamation, mining, tailing dump.

Abstract: Every year around the world are a great danger to the environment becomes human industrial activity, which manifests itself mainly in the areas of mining fossil, construction materials and peat, as well as in their places enrichment, further processing and storage of waste.
Despite the high environmental hazard, thus far the dominant method of waste disposal remains enrichment ground occupancy with storage sites in the form of tailings.
The analysis of existing technological approaches to reclamation of land disturbed by mining operations. The classification of the waste processing industry. Stages and directions of remediation in the areas of storage of waste products. Painted in detail methods of reclaiming aggregates quarries, stone quarries, peat deposits, dumps, dumps, landfills and land disturbed by underground mining. More Ways reclamation of tailings.

Key words: reclamation, mining, tailing.

List of used literature

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3. Shcherbakov E.P. Geological and Environmental assessment of technogenic alluvial mining waste storage arrays, 2000 - 156 p.
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5. Mironova S.I. Problems of biological reclamation of disturbed lands by mining companies in Yakutia: current state and prospects, 2012 - 325 p.
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7. Lukina N.V., Chibric T.S. Glazyrina M.A., Filimonov E.I. Biological monitoring and remediation of disturbed land by industry, 2008 - 156 p.
8. State Standard Protection of Nature. Earth. Classification of overburden and host rocks for biological reclamation of land.
9. State Standard Protection of Nature. Earth. General requirements for land reclamation.
10. State Standard Protection of Nature. Land reclamation. General requirements for earth mulching.
11. State Standard Protection of Nature. Land reclamation. Method for determination of pH of aqueous extract of overburden and host rocks.
12. State Standard 25100-95. Interstate standard. Soils. Classification.
13. State Standard Protection of Nature. Soils. General requirements for sampling.
14. State Standard Protection of Nature. Classification for reclamation of disturbed lands.
15. Smetanin V.I., Restoration and improvement of disturbed lands. 2000 - 96 p.
16. Pashkevich MA, Industrial massifs and their impact on the environment. - SBR: SPMI (TU), 2000 .-- 230 p.
17. Pashkevich M.A. Industrial arrays and their impact on the environment. -Brian Bowman, Doug Baker MINE RECLAMATION PLANNING IN THE CANADIAN NORTH, 1998-75 p.

Mining and technical stage of land reclamation

Reclamation of disturbed lands

Reclamation- a set of works on the ecological and economic restoration of lands and water bodies, the fertility of which has significantly decreased as a result of human activity. The purpose of reclamation is to improve environmental conditions, restore the productivity of disturbed lands and water bodies.

Causes of disturbed lands and reservoirs

Types of human activities, as a result of which there may be a need for land and water reclamation:

§ economic activity;

§ mining, especially open-pit mining;

§ deforestation;

§ the emergence of landfills;

§ construction of cities;

§ creation of hydraulic structures and similar facilities;

§ conducting military tests, including tests of nuclear weapons.

Two main stages of reclamation

Reclamation works usually have two main stages - technical and biological. At the technical stage, the landscape is being corrected (backfilling of ditches, trenches, pits, depressions, sinkholes, leveling and terracing of industrial waste heaps), hydraulic engineering and reclamation structures are being created, toxic waste is buried, and a fertile soil layer is applied. At the biological stage, agrotechnical work is carried out, the purpose of which is to improve the properties of the soil.

Directions of land reclamation

Depending on the goals that are set for land reclamation, the following areas of land reclamation are distinguished:

§ nature conservation direction;

§ recreational direction;

§ agricultural direction;

§ crop production;

§ hay and pasture direction;

§ forestry direction;

§ water management.

The mining-technical stage begins with the removal and wrapping of the fertile layer (if it is not disturbed). The thickness of such a layer is determined by the soil map, and in its absence - by soil scientists through special studies. The soil layer, as a rule, is removed by a bulldozer or grader and placed in piles (cavaliers), which are stored until the end of construction work on the site. To prevent the soil in the piles from being washed away by water or blown up by the wind during storage, it is recommended to sow the piles with herbs, or clover, or alfalfa. If the leased land is used on the site, then after the end of construction it is spent on planning the territory in accordance with the project. In some cases, the removed soil is used to level lowered places, backfill pits, pits. Then a soil layer rich in organic matter is applied to the leveled surface. If the territory is used for the extraction of building materials, for example, limestone, stone, granite, then after removing and storing the soil layer, they begin to produce overburden, from which dumps are also formed. In this case, toxic rocks are stored separately from good soil. The order of work is determined by the reclamation project.

The biological stage consists in restoring the fertility of disturbed lands, creating and increasing the humus layer of soils by sowing grasses, shrubs and tree plantations; the cultivation of agricultural crops is allowed. In the latter case, a certain sequence must be observed: first, cultivate low-demand crops with a large plant mass, and after the restoration of soil fertility, move on to other crops on the basis of the adopted agricultural technology for their cultivation. At the first stages of reclamation work of the biological stage, as a rule, afforestation prevails, and tree species are selected in accordance with acid-base properties, mechanical composition and other features of soils and parent rocks. The restoration of territories is carried out in various directions of the intended use:

For the needs of agricultural production (agriculture, horticulture, etc.);

For afforestation, including industrial forestry;

In order to create reservoirs for various purposes (fish farming, water supply, arrangement of recreational areas, etc.);

For housing and industrial construction, etc.

Many factors influence the success of reclamation:

Petrographic and chemical composition of rocks stored in dumps, acid-base characteristics of surface, ground and ground waters filtered through them;

The presence of impurities of chemical elements in the form of independent minerals or other forms that can transform into water-soluble compounds (salts) with subsequent accumulation in soils and vegetation and are often toxic substances (mercury, cadmium, selenium, arsenic and many other elements);

Dump shapes, slope steepness, etc.

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