Home Useful properties of fruits Malocclusion in children. Malocclusion in children. Periods of bite development in a child after birth

Malocclusion in children. Malocclusion in children. Periods of bite development in a child after birth

Experts say that almost 80% of people have a malocclusion. Moreover, in most cases, a pathological bite was formed as a result of disorders acquired at an early age. Currently, orthodontists are sounding the alarm and urging parents to prevent this pathology from birth.

Bite is the relationship between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw row when they are completely closed. Physiological (or normal) bite is characterized by the fact that, when tightly closed, each tooth (except for the central incisors and wisdom teeth) contacts the antagonist of another dentition. The correct bite is the key to a beautiful smile and symmetrical facial features, as well as the prevention of dental diseases and good digestion.

Why is an incorrect bite dangerous?

First, a malocclusion can be an aesthetic problem.- Uneven and crooked teeth, protrusion of the upper jaw forward. Secondly, in addition to the aesthetic part of the problem, there are even more serious ones. As a result of an improper bite, a child may experience a malfunction of the joints of the lower jaw, and a curvature of the spine may appear. These problems can lead to increased tooth wear, hypersensitivity, headaches, and impaired digestive and respiratory processes. Also, as a result of a pathological bite, a child may have problems with speech, chewing and facial expressions. Moreover, health disorders can occur already in adulthood, and experts may not immediately establish their true cause.

Bite formation in children

Dentists believe that monitoring the formation of the correct bite necessary from early childhood. Experts from all over the world unequivocally consider long-term one of the main reasons for the appearance of a pathological bite. There are many other factors that have a direct effect on the development of teeth and jaws.

In children, there are several periods of bite formation:

  • Milk bite (it is formed during the period from the appearance of the first teeth to three years, when they are actively growing);
  • The period of the formed temporary bite (from three to six years, when the bones of the jaws are actively growing in the crumbs and there is an active preparation for the appearance of permanent teeth);
  • Formation of a permanent bite (in the period of 12-15 years, when milk teeth are replaced with permanent ones).

A visit to an orthodontist is compulsory for children between the ages of 3 and 6. It is at this age that it is easiest to identify and correct the problem of malocclusion. Of course, the hereditary factor also has a direct impact on the bite. After all, the way the baby's jaws will grow, as well as the shape and time of the appearance of the first teeth, are laid down by genetics. But any parent is able to improve or worsen the result set by nature.

How the use of a pacifier affects the bite

Pacifiers have been a loyal companion for babies for many years., and good helpers for parents. Neonatologists unequivocally believe that the use of a pacifier in children in the first months of life is simply necessary for children who are bottle-fed. After all, it satisfies the baby's sucking reflex, helps him to find a feeling of comfort, creates the necessary load on the facial muscles and helps the development of the muscles of the tongue and the bones of the lower jaw.

However, being in the oral cavity, the pacifier prevents the jaws from closing tightly, which is an absolutely unnatural position! Therefore, parents should ensure that their infant does not spend a full day with a pacifier in its mouth. Its use is permissible only periodically (for the time of falling asleep, with anxiety, etc.).

It is completely unacceptable to use a pacifier after 1.5-2 years (when all milk teeth have erupted), since the formation of a pathological open bite in this case approaches 90%. An open bite is called when there is a gap between the front upper and lower teeth, since the jaws do not close.

Orthodontists strongly recommend the use of special orthodontic pacifiers with beveled edges and narrow neck. Use a silicone pacifier first, and replace it with a soft latex pacifier after teething.

The baby should be weaned off the pacifier no later than 12-18 months. Read more in our article: "". Remember to do this gradually. In case of difficulties with weaning, experts recommend using special STOPPI plates, which will help the child to forget the habit of sucking and eliminate the already existing malocclusion.

Prevention of correct bite

A well-organized food intake process is also extremely important for the formation of a correct bite. A baby from 6 months old is injected, which must be given from a spoon. By 8-10 months, you need to try to water the crumbs from the sippy cup and cup. As the teeth appear, you need to adapt the consistency of the food for the crumbs, gradually replacing it with a thicker one, and then a hard one. Older children should bite off with their front teeth and chew with their mouths closed. Moreover, chewing should be evenly distributed on one and the other side of the jaw.

Experts believe that even the position of the crumbs in a dream has an influence on the formation of the bite. If a baby is characterized by a position during sleep on his back and at the same time he throws his head back, then this can lead to underdevelopment of the lower jaw and the appearance of a distal bite (the lower jaw sinks in this case).

It is also important that the baby breathes through the nose. If the baby breathes through the mouth from early childhood, then this leads to the fact that the tongue lies on the lower jaw all the time, not supporting the arch of the upper jaw, and thus does not participate in balancing the cheek muscles. All this leads to underdevelopment of the maxillary sinuses, improper formation of the bones of the upper jaw and crowding of the dentition. If a person from childhood breathes only with his mouth, then a certain type of appearance is formed - a narrow face with a slightly open mouth, crowded teeth.

If the child has already formed the habit of breathing through the mouth, then experts recommend using special trainers that teach the baby the correct type of breathing, and help to ensure that the jaws and teeth take a more correct position.

See a specialist

All toddlers aged 3-4 years should consult a qualified orthodontist. There are effective methods for treating malocclusion that can be used from the age of 3. In addition to special trainers, a complex of gymnastics for the muscles of the face is used. True, gymnastics can only be used at such an early age, while the jaws are not yet fully formed.

In more difficult cases, orthodontists use special plates; for an older age, braces will be relevant.

There are many definitions of bite, but the most correct one sounds like this: bite is the relationship of the dentition with maximum contact and with full closure of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws. According to statistics, more than 79% of people have a malocclusion, below we will tell you what it affects and how it can threaten.

How does a child's bite form?

The child's bite develops in 5 stages. Temporary bite (milk teeth): 1. From birth to 6 months 2. From six months to 3 years 3. At the age of 3 to 6 years, during the period of intensive growth of the jaw Permanent bite (molars): 4. During the change of temporary teeth to permanent molars, in the period from 6 to 12 years 5. At the age of the final formation of the occlusion, from 12 to 15 years

What affects the malocclusion?

The formation of the bite can be affected by uneven growth of the jaw bones or a violation in the appearance of the number of teeth (not all teeth are present). This refers to genetic factors that a child can inherit from a relative. A child may have frequent illnesses with impaired nasal breathing, which is why he can breathe through his mouth, which in turn can lead to disastrous consequences in the formation of a bite. One of the most common problems is the harmful habits of children, such as thumb-sucking and biting on the tongue and lips.
Important: it is necessary to wean the child, as early as possible, from the pacifier, if this habit persists over the age of 1 year - it greatly affects the distance between the lower and upper jaws in the area of ​​the front teeth.
To other factors influencing the formation of a malocclusion, include too early or late removal (loss) of milk teeth, dental diseases such as caries, a lack of two elements of fluoride and calcium in the body, various injuries of the jaw or teeth, unbalanced nutrition.

What does the bite affect?

The main manifestations of malocclusion can be expressed in aesthetic defects of the face, violation of the chewing process (insufficient grinding of food) - this leads to diseases of the digestive system, speech impairment. Also, many scientists of the world have now proven the influence of a pathological occlusion on the musculoskeletal system, which is expressed in a violation of posture, and, importantly, in a violation of the respiratory system. So with distal (Position of the lower jaw behind) bite, there is a persistent narrowing of the child's respiratory systems. The bite can be physiological, correct, and pathological - wrong. In turn, the physiological bite may look different, but the main functions of the dentoalveolar system are not impaired. Types of physiological bite:
  • Orthognathic bite;
  • ;
  • Progenic bite;
  • ;
  • Level bite;
  • ;
  • Biprognathic bite
The correct bite is shown in image # 1, it is not common. Figure 2 shows a bite with a slight forward extension of the jaw. Figure 3 shows the bite, its peculiarity is that the teeth are in contact with each other with sharp surfaces. Figure 4 shows the bite, where the lower and upper row of teeth are pushed forward at an angle.There are also varieties of more serious abnormalities in the bite (pathological), which are corrected in a longer way.

The influence of bad habits on the formation of bite in children


We are all touched when we see a smiling child, and especially when our own children smile at us. The smile of a child is what makes every adult smile back.

And so that the child's smile always pleases you and those around you, so that it is always beautiful, and so that you are not ashamed if they suddenly want to put your child's smile on the cover of a glossy magazine, parents should know about some of the moments of the formation of the baby's bite and those bad habits that negatively affect him.


So, what influences the formation of the correct bite in a child? First of all, the long-term use of a nipple in a child, that is, a pacifier. It is recommended to gradually wean the child from it by the end of the first year of life. Indeed, at this age, a child already knows how to lick food off a spoon well, even if half of the portion will be on his bib. You also need to teach him to drink from a cup, and not from a bottle or drinking cup (no matter how convenient it may be for mom and baby).

The fact is that during this period the child undergoes a reorganization of the balance of the muscles of the face and mouth. At the same time, he no longer needs active sucking. On the contrary, a pacifier in the mouth at this moment in the child will interfere with the formation of the upper dentition, preventing the teeth from closing in the anterior region.

In the event that the child stubbornly does not want to part with the nipple, especially if the baby is already at the age of two, the help of an orthodontist may be required. He can choose a special device for the child that will make it easier for him to part with the nipple. One such device is the Muppy vestibular plate. This plate was developed by an orthodontist, who himself faced the problem under discussion - his daughter never wanted to part with her nipple until she was three years old! And here the psychological factor also played: the child was simply told that at her age the nipples were different, and they offered him a vestibular plate. In its shape, this plate resembles an ordinary nipple, but the design of the apparatus allows the formation of a correct bite.

As the first milk teeth begin to erupt in the child, he unconsciously tries to find work for them - he bites off something, chews. After all, the load for the teeth, which, even if they have just erupted, is very necessary! Teach your baby to eat solid food during this period, and not just pureed and pureed food. The more a child eats solid food, the better and more correct his bite will form.

Bad habits are another reason for the formation of an incorrect bite. The baby may constantly suck on a finger, a toy, and sometimes a corner of a blanket. At an older age, instead of a toy, a pencil or pen appears, which he gnaws. This behavior is often associated with the excitement of the child in a particular situation.

But no matter what caused this behavior of the child, it leads to only one thing - the formation of an incorrect bite. In this case, the same Muppy vestibular plates or trainers - elastopositioners can again help the child and his parents get rid of these habits. Their task is to correct the shape and position of the dentition and the teeth themselves in preparation for the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones, as well as during the period of mixed bite.

In some children, the balance of the muscles of the tongue does not reorganize as needed, therefore, during swallowing, their tongue rushes forward, as a result of which it presses on the front teeth and prevents them from closing. If your child constantly keeps his mouth a little open, then this indicates a weakness of the circular muscle of the mouth. The solution to this problem can be special exercises to maintain muscle tone, which are prescribed by an orthodontist. These exercises are usually performed with the child as a game.

Always remember to pay attention from time to time to how your child sleeps, sits at the table, holds his posture, or sits with his chin resting on his hand. All these habits can negatively affect the formation of the bite and lead to a displacement of the lower jaw.

If the child has a habit of often displacing the lower jaw forward, then the chewing muscles change their balance after it, as a result, the incorrect position of the lower jaw can become permanent, which in turn will lead to a reverse incisal overlap in the anterior region.

Respiratory tract diseases

Frequent respiratory diseases, and especially chronic ones, can also negatively affect the bite. Immunity in children is not the same as in adults, which is why children catch colds so often and easily. As you know, with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, mouth breathing is noted, since the child's nose is clogged. This, in turn, leads to underdevelopment of the middle third of the face, narrowing of the upper, and behind it, of the lower dentition occurs. The result of all this is the incorrect closure of the dentition.

If your child often catches colds, suffers from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, treatment must be carried out in conjunction with both an orthodontist and an ENT doctor. As a result, correct and timely treatment by an ENT doctor and the use of a removable vestibular plate allows for the expansion of the upper respiratory tract, facilitates nasal breathing in a child, and special breathing exercises and physiotherapy will help to consolidate the result.

If you want your child to have a harmonious bite formation and his smile was even, it is recommended to contact an orthodontist for a routine examination every three months. Timely elimination of obstacles for the formation of a correct bite allows you to avoid more serious and expensive methods of treatment by an orthodontist in the future.


In our ever-rushing age, parents do not always find time for a preventive examination by a doctor, including an orthodontist. But when the problem is already too noticeable and it's time to go to the doctor, it can be serious, and you start to wonder what it would be like if I used to take the child to the orthodontist on a regular basis.

If a malocclusion is found in a child at an older age, braces come to the rescue. These devices allow for bite correction, which is controlled in three planes. Let's note one more tendency. If earlier the patient was embarrassed to wear braces, then modern braces with their design and appearance have already become even fashionable.

There are different types of braces. Sweat metal braces can be very small and easier to care for. In addition, bright colored elastic bands can be put on such braces, and they can be changed periodically. Some people choose ceramic or sapphire braces. They are not so noticeable to others, and if someone looks into your smile, they will see only an arc that ties all your teeth into a single chain. The advantage of ceramic and sapphire braces is that they can be worn with special fluorescent elastics. These elastics glow brightly in neon light. If a teenager goes with such braces to a club or a disco, they will look very impressive.

Don't force your child to wear braces. If he does not want this so, he will take care of them badly and do everything so that there is no effect from them. Instead, try to talk it over with your doctor again. It is possible that he will be able to offer other treatment options for your child, for example, with the help of Myobrace plates, a removable rubber apparatus that can be worn at home and left in the mouth overnight without advertising your orthodontic problems. In some cases, you can give the baby a little time so that he himself can understand the need to treat the malocclusion.

Experts say that almost 80% of people have a malocclusion. Moreover, in most cases, a pathological bite was formed as a result of disorders acquired at an early age. Currently, orthodontists are sounding the alarm and urging parents to prevent this pathology from birth.

The bite is the relationship between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw row when they are completely closed. Physiological (or normal) bite is characterized by the fact that, when tightly closed, each tooth (except for the central incisors and wisdom teeth) contacts the antagonist of another dentition. The correct bite is the key to a beautiful smile and symmetrical facial features, as well as the prevention of dental diseases and good digestion.

Why is an incorrect bite dangerous?

Firstly, a malocclusion can be an aesthetic problem - uneven and crooked teeth, protrusion of the upper jaw forward. Secondly, in addition to the aesthetic part of the problem, there are even more serious ones. As a result of an improper bite, a child may experience a malfunction of the joints of the lower jaw, and a curvature of the spine may appear. These problems can lead to increased tooth wear, hypersensitivity, headaches, and impaired digestive and respiratory processes. Also, as a result of a pathological bite, a child may have problems with speech, chewing and facial expressions. Moreover, health disorders can occur already in adulthood, and experts may not immediately establish their true cause.

Bite formation in children

Dentists believe that it is necessary to monitor the formation of the correct bite from early childhood. Experts from all over the world unequivocally consider the long-term use of a pacifier as one of the main reasons for the appearance of a pathological bite. There are many other factors that have a direct effect on the development of teeth and jaws.

In children, there are several periods of bite formation:

  • Milk bite (it is formed during the period from the appearance of the first teeth to three years, when milk teeth are actively growing);
  • The period of the formed temporary bite (from three to six years, when the bones of the jaws are actively growing in the crumbs and there is an active preparation for the appearance of permanent teeth);
  • Formation of a permanent bite (in the period of 12-15 years, when milk teeth are replaced with permanent ones).

A visit to an orthodontist is compulsory for children between the ages of 3 and 6. It is at this age that it is easiest to identify and correct the problem of malocclusion. Of course, the hereditary factor also directly affects the bite. After all, the way the baby's jaws will grow, as well as the shape and time of the appearance of the first teeth, are laid down by genetics. But any parent is able to improve or worsen the result set by nature.

How the use of a pacifier affects the bite

For many years, pacifiers have been faithful companions of babies and good helpers for parents. Neonatologists unequivocally believe that the use of a pacifier in children in the first months of life is simply necessary for children who are bottle-fed. After all, it satisfies the baby's sucking reflex, helps him to find a feeling of comfort, creates the necessary load on the facial muscles and helps the development of the muscles of the tongue and the bones of the lower jaw.

However, being in the oral cavity, the pacifier prevents the jaws from closing tightly, which is an absolutely unnatural position! Therefore, parents should ensure that their infant does not spend a full day with a pacifier in its mouth. Its use is permissible only periodically (for the time of falling asleep, with anxiety, etc.).

It is completely unacceptable to use a pacifier after 1.5-2 years (when all milk teeth have erupted), since the formation of a pathological open bite in this case approaches 90%. An open bite is called when there is a gap between the front upper and lower teeth, since the jaws do not close.

The baby should be weaned off the pacifier no later than 12-18 months. Read more in our article: "How to wean a baby from a pacifier." Remember to do this gradually. In case of difficulties with weaning, experts recommend using special STOPPI plates, which will help the child to forget the habit of sucking and eliminate the already existing malocclusion.

Prevention of correct bite

A well-organized food intake process is also extremely important for the formation of a correct bite. A baby from 6 months old is introduced to complementary foods, which must be given from a spoon. By 8-10 months, you need to try to water the crumbs from the sippy cup and cup. As the teeth appear, you need to adapt the consistency of the food for the crumbs, gradually replacing it with a thicker one, and then a hard one. Older children should bite off with their front teeth and chew with their mouths closed. Moreover, chewing should be evenly distributed on one and the other side of the jaw.

Experts believe that even the position of the crumbs in a dream has an influence on the formation of the bite. If a baby is characterized by a position during sleep on his back and at the same time he throws his head back, then this can lead to underdevelopment of the lower jaw and the appearance of a distal bite (the lower jaw sinks in this case).

It is also important that the baby breathes through the nose. If the baby breathes through the mouth from early childhood, then this leads to the fact that the tongue lies on the lower jaw all the time, not supporting the arch of the upper jaw, and thus does not participate in balancing the cheek muscles. All this leads to underdevelopment of the maxillary sinuses, improper formation of the bones of the upper jaw and crowding of the dentition. If a person from childhood breathes only with his mouth, then a certain type of appearance is formed - a narrow face with a slightly open mouth, crowded teeth.

If the child has already formed the habit of breathing through the mouth, then experts recommend using special trainers that teach the baby the correct type of breathing, and help to ensure that the jaws and teeth take a more correct position.

See a specialist

All toddlers aged 3-4 years should consult a qualified orthodontist. There are effective methods for treating malocclusion that can be used from the age of 3. In addition to special trainers, a complex of gymnastics for the muscles of the face is used. True, gymnastics can only be used at such an early age, while the jaws are not yet fully formed.

In more difficult cases, orthodontists use special plates; for an older age, braces will be relevant.

What methods are used to correct a child's bite?

Malocclusion in a child is the most common problem in all countries. Let's consider its causes, show a photo and make a short overview of ways to fix such an anomaly and when is the best way to start treatment.

After all, walking with an unaesthetic dentition is unpleasant, and in adulthood it will also affect personal relationships, career advancement, etc. But the main thing is the consequences for general health, which develop gradually and lead to serious diseases of internal organs.

How is the bite formed?

Many parents do not attach importance to children's teeth when it is noticeable that they are growing incorrectly, crookedly, in the wrong place. It seems that this is all temporary and then will adjust by itself. The sooner you show your child to the dentist, the faster you can influence the creation of the correct and beautiful smile for your baby.

Doctors note the following main stages of bite formation in childhood:

  1. In infants, from the moment of birth to six months, the teeth have not yet erupted and the bite as such is not formed, although some foundations for the growth of the jaws are laid.
  2. Already from 6 months to three years, the first formation of the temporary position of the jaw occurs, milk teeth appear.
  3. At 3 years old, we can talk about the completion of this stage, the eruption of all children's units and in this position they will remain until 6 years old.
  4. In the period from 6 to 12 years, there is a gradual replacement of children's teeth with permanent ones.
  5. And already from 12 to 15 years old, we can talk about the final formation of the bite, which will subsequently be much more difficult to influence.

Causes of the wrong bite in children

What influences its formation and why do many people develop such an anomaly? Each has its own number of factors that contribute to the appearance of the problem, but most often they boil down to the following:

  • Hereditary predisposition, when, from generation to generation, the child's jaw is initially formed in the wrong way, even if dental recommendations are followed.
  • Poor childish habits such as thumb sucking or prolonged infatuation with a pacifier.
  • If the milk teeth are very close to each other, then there will be no free space for permanent units that take up more space.
  • With the frequent use of soft ground food and the absence of solid foods, the jaw muscles remain underdeveloped.
  • Diseases of the ENT organs, the presence of adenoids and other causes that lead to breathing difficulties. The child often keeps his mouth open while doing this.
  • Even disorders of the spine and posture, propping up the chin with the hand can lead to malocclusion.
  • Certain common diseases such as diabetes mellitus or nervous system problems contribute to the appearance of dental defects.
  • Pathologies during the mother's pregnancy, insufficient intake of the necessary vitamins and minerals, viral infections during this period, anemia and other difficulties affect the general condition of the unborn child and dental health in particular.
  • Various injuries, premature removal or loss of milk units, profuse caries, etc.

In extreme cases, it is enough to periodically show the baby to a specialist in order for him to determine if there are any deviations and to correct them in time.

For a competent selection of the most effective method of treatment, it is required first to establish the type of anomaly that is observed in a particular child. They are as follows:

  1. Open - when some individual units on two jaws do not close at all when closed. Most often, such a defect occurs in the front due to prolonged sucking of a finger or a dummy, but it also happens from the side. Rickets can also contribute to the appearance of a similar problem. To correct this anomaly, you should eliminate the original cause and only then start choosing orthodontic constructions. Most often, special slings with rubber traction or devices in the form of expanding plates on springs are used.
  2. Mesial - in which the lower jaw is pushed forward too much. This is observed if it is more developed than the upper one, which should not be. This violation is easy to notice, as it can be seen on the face - the chin protrudes, the profile is as if concave. Also, the child will complain of frequent headaches and crunching in the joints.
  3. Distal - the difference from the previous version in the more developed upper jaw, which almost completely overlaps the lower one. This problem is eliminated with mouth guards and trainers that can stimulate the work of the jaw apparatus.
  4. Cross - the displacement of the teeth occurs in the horizontal plane. In this case, one of the jaws is more shifted to the right or left, or excessive narrowing of one of them is observed. The reasons for this are more often genetic factors, problems with the growth and change of milk teeth, or frequent ear inflammations.
  5. Deep - there is a particularly strong overlap of the jaws, when the upper one almost completely hides the lower one under it. This results in an excessive load on the protruding units, speech defects appear, and it looks ugly from the outside. Serious deep bite problems begin with difficulty handling food and accidental injury.
  6. Diastema - no longer refers to the position of the jaw, but to individual units. So, a gap of up to 6 mm can form between the teeth. Usually, this problem is accompanied by a low frenum of the upper lip, a dense bony septum between the incisors, early or late loss of milk teeth, and the abnormal position of some of them.

Difference between correct and incorrect bite

For comparison, we describe the state of the ideal position of the jaws. This bite is called orthognathic. In this case, the upper row overlaps the lower one by no more than a third of the crown length. Opposite units close tightly when closed and are able to thoroughly chew any food.

Also, there should be no gaps and gaps between individual teeth and no crowding is observed. There is enough space on the arc for all units. It is worth noting that this bite shape, although considered ideal, in fact, it is extremely rare. Rather, this position of the jaws serves as a reference to which the correction process is striven.

At what age to start treatment?

  1. At the first teething of milk units, when the child is not yet 1 year old, or when already at 2 he has almost all the first teeth.
  2. The doctor can notice the initial anomaly even before the onset of 5 years, and then influence the future development of the bite. In this case, you can use various removable structures or do special exercises with your child, which will help to promote the correct position of the teeth and jaw.
  3. You need to understand that the later the treatment is started, the more difficult and longer it takes. So, after 14 years, it is much more difficult to influence the formation of connective tissue. And then you may have to undergo surgery.
  4. For the installation of braces, the ideal age is considered when a permanent bite is formed - 8-12 years. At the same time, trainers, mouth guards and various activators are used.

The duration of treatment with orthodontic constructions can take from six months to two to three years. You should also count on the retention period, when the wearing of special products is prescribed to help preserve and consolidate the result obtained. But the earlier the corrective action is started, the faster it will end.

How to correct a child's bite?

What can you do to help your baby find the perfect smile? Depending on the shape and position of the jaws, individual units and other factors, the doctor selects the correction system most suitable for the child's needs. This could be:

  • The use of various removable structures - mouth guards for correcting bite, trainers, plates, sling, etc. It is important that the child follows all the rules and does not take them off more often than the treatment requires.
  • Myotherapy - special exercises for the work of the facial and jaw muscles. It has shown itself very well in the correction of bite in children at a young age. But parents need to devote enough energy, time and attention to fulfill them by the child. Such exercises contribute to the load on the muscles, the floor of the mouth, maintaining a constant tone and the development of the jaw bones. This is what gives the preconditions for the future correct growth of permanent teeth.
  • Orthodontic treatment - most often comes down to the installation of braces. For children, metal, ceramic or lingual options are offered, which especially affects the cost of treatment. It was noticed that adolescents more easily tolerate the presence of a foreign object in their mouth and more easily withstand the correction process itself, it gives them less pain and discomfort than adult patients.
  • Surgical intervention is used in the most difficult and advanced cases, when it is not possible to correct the malocclusion in the usual way.
  • An integrated approach - involves a combination of several of the above options. For example, exercises and trainers or braces and surgery. The use of two or three systems of influence at once has a faster effect.

What will happen if you do not engage in treatment?

To understand the complexity and importance of malocclusion, you need to point out the consequences that will manifest themselves over time and cause a lot of trouble for a person:

  • general health is disturbed starting with the periodontium and the gastrointestinal tract;
  • due to the increased load on individual units, a gradual exposure of the neck occurs, bleeding of the gums appears and even a healthy tooth can be lost ahead of time;
  • increasingly begins to bother the temporomandibular joint, which leads to headaches, clicks and crunching, difficulty chewing;
  • aesthetic disturbances of the oval of the face directly reflect the position of each jaw, especially if it is strongly pronounced.

Video: tips for correcting bite in children.

Prevention measures

It is possible to influence the future state of the bite even from the time when a woman is carrying a child. It is during this period that it is desirable to eat well, avoid viral diseases, do not take harmful medications and additionally consume vitamin and mineral complexes with an increased content of calcium and fluoride.

After the birth of a child, it is important not to wean him prematurely from the breast, since it is the natural process of sucking breast milk that leads to the active development of the lower jaw. It is initially underdeveloped and looks smaller than the top, and only breastfeeding stimulates this growth.

When switching to adult food, the child should regularly consume solid foods (apples, carrots), which also affects the formation of the bite and the development of bone tissue. Make sure that the change of milk teeth does not occur earlier or later than a certain period. Show the child to a specialist in time to monitor the situation.

Separately, it should be said about diseases of the ENT organs. If the baby constantly keeps his mouth open or his ears often hurt, then this is a reason to see a doctor, since such problems will lead to a malocclusion.

In the form of therapeutic and prophylactic measures, dentists use the following manipulations for young children:

  • specially designed gymnastics, assuming the correct load on the jaw muscles;
  • grinding off the protruding tubercles on the chewing teeth with some anomalies;
  • massage of the alveolar processes, frenum of the lips and tongue for their better development.

Only careful attention of parents to the child's health will help him grow up with the least number of problems and prevent many unpleasant diseases and complications, which would take a very long time to heal.

Why is a child's malocclusion dangerous and how to treat it?

Malocclusion in a child begins to form even before birth and is observed in 90% of infants. During intensive growth in the first 17-18 years of life, due to the well-developed chewing and facial muscles, the bite in most young people returns to normal on its own. But 10-13% of people retain significant bite defects, which can be corrected only with the use of serious orthodontic treatment.

Periods of bite formation

The development of the bite is a long-term process, stretched over many years and consisting of several stages. At any stage, disorders of the tissues of the jaws and teeth can appear. They culminate in the formation of a malocclusion.

The laying and development of the face, jaws, mineralization of the teeth develop even during the period of intrauterine development. After birth, the process of harmonious development of the jaws is significantly influenced by the physiological act of sucking.

There are the following periods in the development of a child's bite:

  1. First stage. Lasts up to 6 months.
  2. Up to 3 years old. A temporary bite develops, milk teeth grow.
  3. 3 to 6. A temporary bite has formed, the development of the upper and lower jaws continues, preparation for the formation of a permanent dentition.
  4. 6-12 years old. Mixed bite stage. The active development of tissues continues with the gradual replacement of milk teeth.
  5. 12-15 years old. A permanent bite is formed. The teeth gradually take up a permanent position.

Reasons for the formation of an incorrect bite

With normal development of tissues and complete closure of the jaws, the chewing function is normal, the dentition remains even, all the teeth are located in their places. With an abnormal bite of teeth in children, the jaws are unevenly developed, one of them is larger or smaller than the other. The teeth are out of place.

One of the main reasons is hereditary predisposition. If at least one of the parents had dental problems, then the newborn child, in all likelihood, has a violation of the structure of the jaws. The risk increases manifold if the bite is disturbed in both parents.

In addition, the following factors cause disturbances during the period when the child's bite is forming and the teeth are developing:

  1. The habit of putting in the mouth and chewing on any hard objects.
  2. Soother and nipple with a large feeding opening.
  3. Too long artificial feeding.
  4. Disturbed nasal breathing.
  5. Diseases of the ear, throat, nose.
  6. Violation of the development of the musculoskeletal system, improper posture.
  7. Regular sleep in a still position.

With close adhesion of milk teeth, the appearance of permanent molars can cause a violation of the dentition, since molars are larger in size.

Parents usually do not know what to do if a child has a malocclusion. Many people think that before the appearance of permanent teeth, there is no need to worry about the condition of the oral cavity. This is completely wrong: anomalies start much earlier.

Important! When feeding a baby, it is necessary to make efforts, to make chewing and sucking movements, so the hole in the nipple should be small, milk should flow out only with the efforts that the baby makes.

How is a malocclusion determined?

With normal development, the upper teeth slightly protrude above the lower jaw (by a third), with tight closure, an ideal dentition is observed, there are no cracks, crooked teeth. This is called an orthognathic bite.

The correct (physiological) types of bite in children include:

  1. Progenic. After closing tightly, the front teeth protrude slightly forward.
  2. Straight. When close together, the cutting edges of the upper incisors are connected to the edges of the lower teeth.
  3. Biprognathic. The lower front teeth are slightly inclined forward.

It is difficult to notice a malocclusion in a newborn child on your own. An experienced doctor can do this. Therefore, observation by a pediatric dentist is carried out from early childhood until the milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones.

Doctors identify several situations that can be considered as signs of an abnormal bite:

  1. Breathing is impaired: the child cannot breathe through his nose, his mouth is always half-open. At the same time, colds are excluded.
  2. Night snoring is observed.
  3. The jaw is not formed correctly: the imbalance of the jaws is noticeable (the lower one protrudes more forward).
  4. Posture disorders, curvature of the spine are noticeable.

Difficulty chewing; when swallowing, the chin and lips are very tense. Children bite their tongue, cheeks, stomatitis, facial asymmetry, muscle pain are manifested. The teething mode is changing.

Important! By visual examination, it is impossible to detect a malocclusion in children under 3 years of age.

Other distinguishing features: rapid abrasion of the enamel, increased sensitivity, bleeding, violation of the jaw joints, defects of diction.

Sometimes there are hyperdentia (overgrowth of supernumerary teeth), dystopia (impaired position of the teeth), diastema and tremas.

As children grow up, signs of malocclusion in children intensify: the jaws protrude unevenly forward, the teeth are unevenly located, in places crowded.

Varieties of abnormal bite:

  1. Distal (prognathia). A strong degree of protrusion of the upper jaw, its overhang over the lower.
  2. Mesial (progeny). Noticeable protrusion of the lower jaw.
  3. Cross (scissor). The impossibility of tightly closing the jaws (the dentition resembles scissors), the symmetry of the dental arches is broken, therefore there is a lateral displacement.
  4. Deep. The lower teeth protrude 50% more than normal.

With an open type of bite, when the jaws are closed, a wide gap remains. If it is impossible to connect the incisors, this is an open view of the anterior occlusion, the molars do not close - open lateral.

At what age to start treatment?

It is unacceptable to think that everything will pass by itself. From birth, you need to monitor the child's breathing, posture during sleep, manifestations of snoring.

Treatment should be started from the moment a disturbed bite formation is detected in children. There are many treatment options, the choice is determined by the age and characteristics of the child.

Treatment options depending on age:

Treatment pathsI am

are treated with removable plates, trainers, LM-activators

(these funds, according to indications, align, expand, narrow the dentition, improve diction).

In addition to orthodontic aids, exercises (myotherapy) are prescribed. Such training contributes to the correct functioning of the muscular apparatus, the alignment of the teeth. This technique is used up to 4 years of age under the supervision of an adult.

Attention! At the age of over 12 years, with pronounced anomalies, surgical intervention is performed, if the violation is not eliminated by other means.

What happens if the bite is not corrected?

The child should be examined by a pediatric dentist, otolaryngologist, speech therapist and orthodontist. The main treatment is performed by an orthodontist. He will take pictures and impressions to determine the extent of the violation. With this in mind, the necessary treatment is carried out.

If bites in children are not promptly treated, the anomalies persist for life. Restoration of a normal bite in adults is more difficult and problematic, since their teeth are less mobile and react worse to mechanical influences.

In addition, orthodontic treatment lasts a long time, brings a lot of inconvenience to an adult who constantly needs to be around people and look good. Therefore, adults rarely decide to undergo treatment with an orthodontist.

But over time, the problem gets worse, a whole list of complications and negative consequences appears:

  1. Anomalies of the muscles and joints of the jaw system develop, which leads to pain in this area, characteristic clicks often appear.
  2. The pain gradually covers the neighboring areas, which ends with migraines, hearing loss and other troubles.
  3. Night breathing is disturbed, apnea appears, which can provoke cardiovascular disorders, and sometimes even more unpleasant consequences.
  4. Disorders of digestion, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are observed.
  5. The violation leads to an uneven load, teeth wear out faster, bruxism and caries develop.
  6. The teeth become mobile and fall out.

Attention! It should be remembered that such, at first glance, a minor violation, like a malocclusion in a child, at puberty leads to deep psychological problems. The teenager has low self-esteem, he shuns friends and peers, which only exacerbates the problem.

Prevention of malocclusion

From the moment of birth, it is required to observe the child to identify congenital disorders, especially with a hereditary predisposition. During pregnancy, the mother should eat well, observe the regimen so that the child does not develop rickets in the future.

  1. Make sure that the hole in the nipple is small when feeding (milk from the bottle should be drawn in with force).
  2. Do not allow to suck a pacifier for a long time and wean from it early.
  3. The child should not be allowed to suck his fingers, tongue, put toys, collars, and other foreign objects in his mouth.
  4. Get used to solid foods early.

Important! To instill dental care skills, starting from the beginning of the formation of a changeable bite.

Make sure that the child sleeps in a free, relaxed position, does not tilt his head back. If you have any problems, consult a doctor immediately. As a child grows up, observe his posture.

It should not be assumed that a disturbed bite is only a problem of appearance. Although in our time this plays an important role and not only among adolescents. A healthy white smile in the modern world is perceived as proof of success and relevance.
An ugly smile causes complexes and violates the quality of life. But more importantly, it can cause serious health problems, lead to irreversible consequences.

The formation of teeth, the growth and development of the jaw, muscles of the face is carried out from the first months of the fetus's intrauterine life. The growth of teeth begins with the formation of a thin dental plate, which becomes distinguishable already at the 8th week of pregnancy. A child is born with the so-called infant retrogenia, that is, the lower jaw is shifted back relative to the upper by an average of 1.5 cm.This position of the lower jaw can be explained by physiological necessity, since it is this position that facilitates the passage of the child through the birth canal and reduces the possibility of injury. The correct functional load on the lower jaw during sucking contributes to its rapid growth. By 6-8 months of life - the period of eruption of temporary incisors - the ratio of the jaws is normalized.

Feeding method

The way of feeding plays a huge role for the correct formation of the bite during the neonatal period. Each feeding contributes to the training of the lower jaw, masticatory, facial muscles and muscles of the tongue, therefore, the frequency of feedings and the timing of feedings are important not only for the baby to receive the necessary amount of nutrients, but also for the correct formation of the bite and facial muscles. The advantage of breastfeeding versus artificial breastfeeding in terms of bite formation is that the baby puts much more effort to press on the breast and receive the next portion of milk faster than when sucking from the nipple. Since the load on the muscles during breastfeeding is significant, this allows the baby's sucking reflex to be fully satisfied (see figure A). Breastfed babies are less likely to need to suck on a pacifier or thumb.

Nipple selection

When it becomes necessary to bottle feed your baby, it is very important to choose the right nipple.

With artificial feeding, it is preferable to use an orthodontic nipple, since it is such a nipple that is most adapted to the anatomical features and physiological needs of the baby and resembles the nipple of a woman's breast in shape. The holes in the nipple direct the stream of milk or formula upward into the hard palate (similar to the process that occurs during breastfeeding). These nipples have a wide soft base and when sucking, the baby presses on it with his lips. The tip of the nipple moves back and forth. In the case of using an ordinary teat (Figure B, upper left corner), the flow rate of the liquid must be adjusted, it must correspond to 2-3 drops per second. When choosing a nipple, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made. A silicone nipple has the following advantages over a rubber nipple: it is usually with a valve, so it does not let air into the bottle, the nipple does not wrinkle and the milk flows evenly. The child does not swallow air, which is the prevention of intestinal colic. The service life of a silicone nipple reaches up to a year, rubber nipples wear out after a month. We draw the attention of parents to the fact that you should not cut holes in the nipples yourself.

Baby position during feeding

When feeding a baby, the breast or the neck of the bottle should not press on the gums. The correct position of the baby during feeding prevents the pressure of the breast or the neck of the bottle on the processes of the jaws, from which teeth will subsequently erupt. In the first year of life, swallowing is carried out as a result of the functioning of the chewing and facial muscles of the face, while the labial and buccal muscles are the emphasis on the tongue. The normal act of swallowing during feeding is facilitated by positive pressure in the mammary gland or bottle and negative pressure in the baby's mouth. In this case, the tongue forms a groove through which milk enters the oropharynx. After teething, the front incisors are the support for the tongue, the muscles are no longer involved in this process, that is, the most intensive development of the facial muscles (mimic and chewing) occurs before the teething. Normally, the sucking function fades away by 7-9 months. Timely introduction of complementary foods, feeding the baby from a spoon, contributes to this, and therefore there are no violations of the ratio of the size of the jaws. The formation of the bite is also influenced by the position of the baby during sleep. So, the position with the head lowered back or, conversely, the head tilted forward, with a pillow placed under the cheek leads to the fact that constant pressure is exerted on the parts of the jaw. This causes a curvature of the jaw, a violation of its correct growth.


Correct teething is closely related to the overall health of the child. It is considered correct to consider paired eruption of symmetrical teeth in a certain sequence at the appropriate time. As a rule, children are born without teeth, cases of intrauterine teething are rare. Eruption begins with the formation of dense bulging mounds on the gums of the lower jaw, in size and shape corresponding to the crowns of future milk teeth. At 6-8 months of life, the cutting edges of the two central teeth appear on the surface of the gums, first the lower jaw, then the upper one. Next, the lateral incisors of the upper jaw are cut. By the beginning of the second year of life, 8 teeth should erupt. In painful, easily excitable children, the so-called difficult teething is possible, accompanied by malaise, anxiety, insomnia, a short-term fever, the appearance of mild indigestion (regurgitation, loose stools), delayed weight gain, and skin rashes. During the period of teething, the general resistance of the child's body to infectious diseases may also decrease slightly. As a rule, difficult teething does not require special measures, but during this period it is necessary to pay more attention to the child. To alleviate the condition, you can use pain relievers applied to the surface of the jaw, for example, KALGEL. Teething disorders can be symptoms of general diseases, and also occur with an accelerated or slowed down development of the body as a whole. Late eruption is often caused by rickets (a violation of bone formation associated with a deficiency of vitamin D in the body), acute infectious diseases, congenital metabolic disorders. Anemia (a reduced amount of hemoglobin in the blood) can also have a negative effect on the formation of dental tissues due to a lack of oxygen in the tissues.

Should I give a dummy?

As already noted, the need to suck on a pacifier occurs more often in children receiving food from a bottle, since the need to suck remains unfulfilled due to the easier intake of food. It should be noted that the state of the nervous system, the calmness of the baby in the first half of life largely depends on the satisfaction of the sucking reflex. It happens that the child is more willing to take a finger in his mouth. This situation is unfavorable, since it is difficult to wean from it. Therefore, if the baby is restless, then within reasonable limits, you can use a correctly selected pacifier.

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