Home Useful properties of fruits Ready-made plans for synopses on biology belarus. Lecture notes in biology. Motivation for learning activities

Ready-made plans for synopses on biology belarus. Lecture notes in biology. Motivation for learning activities

Plan - a synopsis of a biology lesson in grade 6.

Lesson topic: "Fruits and their classification"

Lesson type: a lesson in the discovery of new knowledge;

Target: familiarization with the types of fruits and with the methods of distribution of fruits and seeds.

Developmental tasks:

    develop independent work skills

    continue the formation of skills to work with natural objects, compare them, generalize, draw conclusions

    teach to objectively assess their knowledge.

Educational tasks:

    create conditions for students to independently assimilate knowledge

    to acquaint with the factors contributing to the spread of fruits and seeds

    to teach how to determine the method of distribution of fruits and seeds by their appearance

    to teach to identify the traits of adaptability in the structure of fruits and seeds to the method of distribution

Educational tasks:

    foster a culture of communication and responsibility for the result of their work.

Planned result:

1.Subject result- acquaintance of students with the structural features of the fruits of angiosperms, their diversity, classification; to understand the role of fruits in nature and human economic activity.

2.Personal outcome - instilling in students a cognitive interest in the subject, the formation of a culture of communication, communicative qualities.

3.Metasubject result- the formation of skills in working with natural objects and laboratory equipment. The development of skills to highlight the main thing, clearly express their thoughts, compare objects, draw conclusions, formulate hypotheses, solve biological problems.

Tasks of the formation of UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

- the ability to formulate the topic and problem of the lesson;

- the ability to acquire new knowledge, draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher; search and selection of the necessary information; analysis of objects in order to identify features;

Communicative UUD:

- the ability to integrate into a group, interact;

- to develop the ability to listen and understand the speech of others, to express their opinion and reason for their answer;

- to carry out joint cognitive activities in groups;

- formulate your thoughts orally;

Personal UUD:

- develop the ability to express your point of view, evaluate your actions and the actions of classmates;

- Regulatory UUD:

- the ability to determine the goal of activities in the lesson (own goal setting);

- the ability to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;

- the ability to sum up the results of their activities in the classroom;

- the ability to evaluate their learning activities;

Teaching methods:
verbal, visual, group work, problematic, practical.

    tables "Juicy fruits", "Dry fruits", "Ways of spreading fruits and seeds"

    natural objects: head of cabbage, carrot root vegetable, potato tuber, fruits: orange, tomato, cucumber

    collections of fruits and seeds (string, cranberry, maple, oak, oats, beans)

    instructional cards for group work

    PC, multimedia projector, Power Point presentation for the lesson, video clips.

During the classes

    Motivation for learning activities.


Good afternoon guys! We continue to study the organs of the plant with you.

What is an organ? What groups are the organs divided into? What generative organs do you know?


Flower, fruit, seed.

Teacher. Well done! And now I propose to assemble a model of a flower.

Go out from each row by 1 student and collect a model of a flower. The first one who coped with the task remains at the board and names the parts of the flower, indicating the meaning.

Guys, help me solve the riddle. For this

Circle the highlighted letters of correct judgments:

NS Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anthers to the stigma of the pistil.

A The main part of the flower is a bright perianth that attracts pollinators.

L The pistil consists of an ovary, a column and a stigma.

O ... The pistil is the female genital organ, and the stamens are the male.

E ... A flowering plant consists of roots, stems, leaves.

Have ... Double fertilization in flowering plants is called the fusion of an egg, first with one, and then with another sperm.

NS ... Wind-pollinated plants usually grow alone.

I AM ... In comparison with the pollen of insect pollinated plants, the pollen of wind pollinated plants is larger.

D ... A seed embryo develops from a fertilized egg.

AND ... There are stamens and pistil in every flower.

What word did you get? Fetus. Right.

2. Updating knowledge.

Guys! And where does the fruit of the plant form? (in the ovary of the pistil).

Now let's play the magic basket.

I will get everything that is in my basket, your task is to name the organ and plant to which it belongs.

Guys, how can you call all these items in one word? (fruit).

Are all of the listed items fruit?

(no cabbage heads, carrots and beets are not fruits).

We will learn about this in the course of our interesting communication in the lesson. Let's tune in to search and creativity.

I suggest everyone to work actively in the lesson and get maximum knowledge.

3. Immersion in the topic.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with an interesting and meaningful topic both for plants and for us. - The structure, meaning and classification of fruits.

And why does a person need to know everything about fruits? What is the meaning of fruit in a person's life?

Answer options:

1. Eats.
2. Raw materials for industry (cotton, sunflower, etc.)
3. In medicine (a source of vitamins and medicinal substances, for example, rose hips, raspberries, blueberries, etc.);
4. In agriculture, you need to know the agrotechnics of growing and reproducing plants.

Well done, you said yourself how important it is for a person to study fruits. Everyone needs to know the fruits in order to know how to use them.

Write down the number and topic of the lesson in notebooks. "Fruit"

Would you like to learn more about fruits in today's lesson?

This will be our goal of the lesson.

Working with the "Spheres" disk P.48. Types of fruits.

Group 1 receives the task: to find material about the structure of the fetus

Group 2: what functions do fruits perform?

Group 3: classification of fruits

Group 4: what methods of distribution of fruits and seeds exist

Working with laptops according to the electronic textbook "Spheres".

Model answers:

Conclusion 1: The structure of the fetus. The fruit consists of pericarp and seed... Pericarp - overgrown ovary walls. Often other parts of the flower, the base of the stamens, petals, sepals, and the receptacle, are involved in the formation of the pericarp.

Conclusion 2: Fetal functions. The most important functions of the fruit are to protect and spread seeds. Protects the fruit from mechanical damage, from the rash of seeds, from the penetration of insects into the fruit. Each fruit has its own number of seeds, which ripen and develop at the expense of the fruit.

Conclusion 3: By the number of seeds, the fruits are divided into single-seeded and polyspermous . Depending on the amount of water in the pericarp, a distinction is made between juicy and dry fruit. Ripe juicy fruits have juicy pulp in the pericarp.

Conclusion 4: Ways of Seed Distribution: self-scattering, wind, animals, man, water.

Laboratory work. Group work.

Have reader:"Practice is the best teacher" - said brilliant ancient Roman orator and philosopher Cicero, therefore you will gain knowledge on your own, perform laboratory tasks on an instructional card. Groups are provided with natural fruits and seeds. The teacher, in the role of a consultant, monitors the implementation of the assignment, corrects the work of the groups.

Instructional card

    Consider the fruits and seeds offered to you.

    Enter the names of the plants under study in the table and describe their fruits.

    Indicate the name of the fruit of the plant.

    Determine what adaptations for spreading are available in the fruits and seeds of the studied plants.

    Establish in what ways the fruits and seeds of the proposed plants are spread, write these methods in the table.

    Enter the information in the table.

Plant name


Distribution method

Distribution adaptations

Juicy or dry

Single-seeded or multi-seeded

    Formulate a conclusion about the methods of distribution of fruits and seeds in nature.

Output: fruits and seeds have adaptations for spreading in nature in various ways: by wind, water, self-scattering, animals and humans (actively and passively).

4. Anchoring

Well, now, let's check how you learned today's lesson - let's play game "Apple of Discord": your task is to express your opinion on each question and choose the most correct from all opinions.

1. Do potato tubers and carrot root crops belong to fruits? Why?

2. Dry fruits are considered a caryopsis, achene, walnut, acorn, they all have one feature. Which one?

Answer (They all unfold and have one seed inside)

3. Caryopsis, achenes are dry fruits and have one seed inside, but are there dry multi-seeded fruits? If so, please provide examples.

(Answer. Yes there are. Example: pod, bean, capsule and achene.)

4. How does the drupe fruit differ from the achene fruit? (Answer)

5. In currants, gooseberries, grapes and tomatoes, fruits of the same type. What is the name of such a fruit and why do we not call tomatoes that way in everyday life?

(- Answer: Tomato has a berry fruit, but in everyday life we ​​attribute tomato to vegetables, not berries)

6. Why are the fruits so different?

(All features of the structure of fruits are associated with the environmental conditions in which the plants live, with the method of their distribution)

7. But the fruits of juicy strawberries, we call them a berry. Is this name correct?

(- Answer: No, not true. Correctly the fruit of a strawberry is called a multi-root).

8. The false fruit of the apple tree is called an apple, as we call it in everyday life. But botanists call the fruit of a pear, a mountain ash an apple. Do you think this is correct ?.

(Answer: Yes, that's right. There are numerous seeds inside the juicy pericarp)

9. Is it correct to say that peas are the fruits of the pea plant?

10. Watermelon, melon, cucumber - what type of fruit would you attribute them to?


Guys. While preparing for the tutorial, I ran into a problem. On one of the presentation slides, the VIRUS partially damaged the text. Help restore it. Write the correct answers on the pieces of paper.

After pollination and fertilization from the ovary of the flower… is formed. Fruits are… and…. One-seeded juicy fruit is called ..., it is found in .... A juicy polyspermous fruit is called ..., it is formed in .... One-seeded dry fruit is called ..., it is found in .... Dry The th multi-seeded fruit is called ..., it is formed in .... Fruits are adaptations for….

Generalization and correction of students' answers. Answers: fruit, juicy, dry, drupe, cherries, berry, tomato, achene, dandelion, capsule, poppy, spread.


Fruits and seeds bring us the energy of the sun. But that is not all. The fruits contain vitamins, without which we cannot be healthy. The fruit is an important organ of a flowering plant that ensures the development, maturation, protection and propagation of seeds. The variety of fruits is explained by the different ways in which seeds develop and spread. Fruits serve as food for animals and humans, are used in cosmetics, perfumery, as well as for the preparation of medicines, they are processed into canned food, juices, marmalade

Work with a disk - simulator according to the "Spheres" set

5. Reflection.

So, today we got acquainted with the concept of fruit, learned how important fruits play in human life and what significance they have in the life of a plant; also got acquainted with the structure of fruits and their classification. You yourself were able to determine the types of fruits in practice.

Let's summarize the lesson.

Place the man walking up the steps in the margin.

To the top step, if everything was clear and interesting to you in the lesson.

On the second step - if some questions remained unclear.

To the bottom step, who did not understand the topic at all.

6. Homework.

According to the textbook p.48, exercise book p. 36 No. 6

Creative assignment, compose a crossword puzzle on the topic "Fruits",

message on the topic: "A storehouse of vitamins", or fruit models.

Basic notes for the block of lessons "Cells and Tissues".



Lesson topic

Supporting synopsis

1.The structure of living organisms

Organs and organ systems. The body is a single whole.

11 o'clock.

1. Organs of flowering plants. Types of roots, their modifications. Laboratory work"Types of root systems".

2. Microscopic structure of the root. Laboratory work“The structure of the root. Root hairs and cap ”.

3. The stem is an axial organ. Types of stems. Laboratory work"Layers and cells of the cross section of the stem."

4. Sheet. Laboratory work"External and internal structure of the sheet." Modifications of the sheet.

5. Plant buds. Laboratory work"The structure of the kidneys."

6. Types of plant shoots. Modifications of shoots. Laboratory work"The structure of the tuber and bulb."

7. Flower. Laboratory work"The structure of the flower." Inflorescences.

8. Laboratory work"The structure of seeds of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants."

9. Laboratory work"Types and types of fruits". Fruit classification.

10. Organs and systems of animal organs.

11. Control. Three-level thematic testing for the block of lessons # 2.

No. 5. "The level of organs".

Basic synopsis for the block of lessons "Organs and organ systems".



Lesson topic

Supporting synopsis

2. Vital activity of organisms

Nutrition and respiration of plants and animals.

2 hours.

1. Root and aerial nutrition of plants. Breathing of plants.

2. Nutrition and digestion of animals. Breathing of animals.

No. 6 "PZhO. Nutrition ", No. 7" PZhO. Breath".


Transport of substances in organisms and removal of decay products.

3 hours.

1. Transport of substances in the plant and removal of decay products.

2. Transport of animal substances and removal of decay products.

3. Metabolism and energy of plants and animals.

Control: according to the mini-test options for blocks No. 1, No. 2.

No. 8 "PZhO. Transport of substances ".

No. 9 "PZhO. Allocation ".

No. 10. “PZHO. Metabolism and Energy ".


Musculoskeletal system. Coordination and regulation.

3 hours.

1. Skeletal formations in plants and animals.

2. Features of the structure of the organs of movement. Adaptations.

3. The nervous and endocrine systems of animals. Coordination and regulation of living organisms.

No. 11 "O-D system. Skeleton".

№12 "Movement".

No. 13 "Coordination and Regulation".


Reproduction of organisms. Growth and development.

5 o'clock.

1. Asexual and sexual reproduction of plants and fungi. Practical work"Cuttings of plants, vegetative propagation." (Independently at home according to the instruction card).

2. Asexual and sexual reproduction of animals.

3. Plant growth and development. Practical work"Germination of plant seeds." (Independently at home according to the instruction card).

4. Growth and development of animals.

5... Control. Three-level thematic testing in blocks # 3, # 4.

No. 14 "Reproduction".

No. 15 "OSR. Plant growth and development ”.

No. 16 "OSR. Growth and development of animals ".

Basic notes for the section "Vital activity of organisms".


Lesson topic

Supporting synopsis

3. Organism and environment.

Environmental factors and natural communities.

2 hours.

1. Habitat and environmental factors. Natural communities. Excursion.

2. Lesson-generalization (game) "Living organism". Lesson at the expense of extracurricular activities (1 hour).

№17 “Environmental factors. Natural communities ".

Note: in addition to control over blocks of lessons, current control is carried out in various forms and techniques at the discretion of the teacher and in relation to the status of the class. Diagnostics is carried out on the use of the reference outline. Methods: questioning, interview, control, etc. Planning is accompanied by a flow chart of the lesson

Not sure how to write a paragraph outline? It's not all that complicated.

Any synopsis is a summary of a paragraph or a separate section. The quality of your personal knowledge and their assessment by teachers directly depends on how the content of the topic will be presented.

Do you think that home notes are given because there is nothing to do? But that was not the case. The fact is that your synopsis is like a litmus test by which you can determine how much you are, as it is fashionable to say now, “in the subject”. The teacher will be interested to know what exactly you wrote out, what thoughts you saw in the text.

It so happens that there is a synopsis, the synopsis is beautiful, but the student wrote out the wrong thing. Therefore, dear students, note-taking is not only a calligraphy training, but also, to a certain extent, a means of increasing your competencies, which, in fact, make a real specialist-expert out of a student.

The main rule of good notes

Therefore, the first rule follows from here, it is also the most important thing - to write a little, but to the point. The text should be sifted, as it were, for important thoughts, the important ones should be recorded in a notebook, and the side ones should be simply taken into account.

By the way, this rule is universal. It must be adhered to both when you sat down to write a synopsis for a paragraph, and when you have huge piles of books in front of you.

What else will help you?

It is believed that it is necessary not only to highlight all the phrases and definitions that require it in the paragraph, but also to try to structure the entire text in general, placing important information in a sequence of prioritized priorities.

The need for a synopsis arises when you need to process a large amount of information in a short time. Records help to reproduce in memory the necessary and most important information on the studied paragraph.

What is a free outline?

There is a so-called free synopsis, which combines extracts, quotes, plan and abstracts. This type is of the highest quality. With its help, the student can quickly give the desired example and navigate the question that was posed to him.

The advantage of the free presentation of the material is that it is possible to recreate the content of a paragraph in memory even after a long period of time. But such a summary is not always suitable for study, for example, for a speech at a conference it is better to make a summary that looks more like a plan or thesis form.

But a synopsis with large extracts is needed when you process literature on the topic of an abstract, term paper or thesis. In this case, in addition to the extracts themselves, it is necessary to indicate the name of the sources where they were taken from, and it is also advisable to put specific pages in the margins. This will help not only to find a quote later in the book, but also to make a reference to it in the diploma or in the same abstract.

How to write a synopsis for a paragraph?

Before proceeding with the design of the abstract, you can read the entire paragraph in order to understand the content of the text as a whole. You can, of course, work in parallel - reading and writing something out.

It is imperative to find and highlight the most important points, main thoughts, ideas, formulas. You should not write down literally everything that is told to you or that is written in the textbook. State the content of this or that article in your own words. Find relevant examples. You can even create a table by which it will be easier for you to navigate.

As soon as you read the information, mentally break it down into points and rarities of importance. And you will quickly be able to navigate how to write a summary for a paragraph. To fully reveal the essence of the information being studied, highlight the main concepts and write down important quotes. At the end of the synopsis, you should write conclusions, give examples and facts.

It is very comfortable and practical to use a variety of schemes for writing notes. They allow you to visually show the information you need. For this, material is selected to draw up a diagram and general concepts are highlighted. Using key phrases and words, they reveal the essence of the concept. Pictures can also be a clue to the content of the topic. Do not forget that the information written in the synopsis is easy to understand and has a logical structure.

For visual perception, use colored markers, felt-tip pens or paste. If there are formulas, concepts, definitions, it is best to enclose them in frames. Using abbreviations, notation, and different types of fonts will make your note-taking easier. This is what a paragraph outline should look like.

Now you should no longer have a question about how to write a summary for a paragraph. Be careful, and the synopsis will become a personal encyclopedia of all the necessary and important information.

#Students. Old robbers - video


Methods of scientific knowledge

The main task of general biology is to identify and explain the general laws of the development of the organic world

The main signs of the living

    unity of elemental chemical composition

    Metabolism and energy

    Self regulation


    Consistency and variability

    Growth and development

    Irritability and movement

Levels of organization of the living world:


    Population specific





Methods of cognition






The history of the study of the cell. Cell theory

The history of the study of the cell is associated with the name of many scientists. Hooke 1665 Constructed a cork cut.The cell he saw he called the cell. And Leeuwenhoek designed a microscope that magnified 200 times and examined the cells of animals and plants.

Botanist Schleidan and zoologist Schwann generalized knowledge about the cell and formed a cell theory. But they did not correctly explain the appearance of new cells from non-cellular matter. 1858 F Virchow proved that all cells are formed from two cells.

The main provisions of the cell theory

1-cell is an elementary unit of all living things

2-All cells are similar in structure and composition

3-Cells only give birth to cells

Multicellular organisms are complex systems consisting of interacting cells.

A similar cellular structure of the body has a common origin

Cell chemistry

The cell includes

    Inorganic substances water and mineral salts (release microelements 98% C, hydrogen, oxygen nitrogen 1.8%, chlorine, potassium, sulfur. Microelements 0.2% iodine, fluorine, copper. Water is a solvent (fats are insoluble)

Hydrophilic well soluble in water (sugar salt). Water is involved in many metabolic processes (ATP photosynthesis)

    Organic substances are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, and ATP.

Proteins are made up of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen - a polymer made up of monomers. Protein monomers are amino acids.

Protein properties:

    Specificity is the destruction of the 2-3rd structure of the protein under the influence of high temperatures


    Primary structure

    The secondary structure is denser

    Tertiary structure is even denser

Protein functions




    Catalytic - speeds up the reaction

    Energy - with the splitting of 1 gr. protein is released 17.1 KJ of energy

Carbohydrates - consist of (C, H2. O2). Allocate monosaccharides (glucose, fructose) well soluble in water

Polysaccharides (starch) are insoluble in water, not sweet.



    Energy (17.1 KJ)

Fats are insoluble in water, composed of amino acids




    Energy (with the breakdown of 1 g of fat, the secretion of 39 KJ)

Practical work No. 1

Study of the catalytic activity of enzymes

The aim of the work is to form knowledge about the role of enzymes in cells. Strengthen the ability to conduct an experiment and ensure their result.

Equipment: Hydrogen peroxide solution, pieces of raw and boiled potatoes, pieces of raw and boiled meat, test tubes, tweezers


A piece of raw


A piece of boiled potatoes was placed in a test tube with H2O2

Enzyme protein denaturation occurred during cooking

A piece of boiled meat was placed in a test tube with H2O2

No change occurs with the solution

Enzymes are present in meat cells

A piece of raw meat was placed in a test tube with H2O2

Violent bubbling of oxygen

Potato cells contain enzymes that accelerate the breakdown of H2O2

Conclusion: The action of enzymes in plant and animal cells is similar between these organisms.

Cell structure

The main composition of the cell is the cytoplasm and the membrane. The cytoplasm is formed by cytoplasmic substances in it organelles are located, the constantly present structure and inclusions - a fickle structure (droplets of fat, starch).


    Membrane organelles - Gol Ji complex, lysosomes, mitochondria

    Non-membranous - Ribosomes cell center

The structure and function of cell organelles


Gol ji

Thickened tanks

Packaging of substances that form lysosomes


Rounded bodies 2 membranes. Outer forms cristae

ATP synthesis

The cell center consists of


White paint




Give color

Laboratory work No. 1

Comparison of the cell structure of plants and animals

Purpose: to continue the formation of skills, to prepare micropreparations to reveal the structural features of plant and animal cells.

Equipment: microscope and cover glass, tweezers, teaching needles, microscope, iodine, onions, ready-made micropreparations.


Preparation of a micropreparation of onion skin cells. It is viewed at low and high magnification.


The structure of onion skin cells at low magnification-m, high-b

    Cell shell





Examined under a microscope a single-layer squamous epithelium (mesothelium) of the omentum of a rabbit on a finished microscope


    Mesothelium cell

    Cell borders



Carried out a comparative characterization of animal and plant cells


When comparing plant and animal cells, features of similarity in their structure were revealed, which indicates different paths of evolution of the plant and animal world.

Laboratory work No. 3

Study of plasmolysis and diplasmolysis in plant cells

Purpose of work: To continue the formation of the skills to prepare samples, examine them under a microscope, study the phenomenon of plasmolysis and diplasmolysis in the skin of onion scales.

Equipment: slides and coverslips, tweezers, teaching needles, microscope, iodine, bow, safety pin, saturated solutionNaCl


    Prepared a micropreparation of onion skin skin cells, examined it under a microscope.

    A drop of saturated solution was placed on a glass slideNaClpulling off water from the opposite side with filter paper. After a while, we observe plasmolysis, because the concentration of water inside the cell is higher than outside

    A drop of water was placed on a glass slide, pulling the solution from the opposite edgeNaCl... We observe deplazmolysis because water moves from the outer space of the cell into the cell.

Conclusion: In the course of laboratory work, the phenomenon of plasmolysis and deplasmolysis in the cells of onion scales was observed. Found out that the cell membrane is semi-permeable

The cell nucleus is the structure and function of chromosomes.

The essential component of eukaryotic cells is the nucleus. It stores information about the structure of the body and controls all vital processes. The cell nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear membrane, contains nuclear juice, chromatin and one or more nucleoli. The nuclear membrane consists of 2 membranes. The outer membrane passes into the endoplasmic reticulum. The surface of the core is permeated with pores that exchange various substances.

Nuclear juice-solution of proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids, DNA RNA, all intranuclear processes take place in it

The nucleolus is the site of RNA synthesis, in which the RNA species involved in protein biosynthesis are formed.

In the nucleus of the cell there are DNA molecules that contain information about all the characteristics of the organism.

DNA molecules together with proteins form complexes - Histones

In the nucleus of a dividing cell, these filaments are long and thin. During the preparation of the cell for division, DNA molecules spirealize, shorten, and become visible under a light microscope called. - chromosomes.

The shape of the chromosomes depends on the location of the primary constriction.

The centromere is the place to which the fission spindle filaments are attached.

The totality of all the characteristics of the chromosome set characteristic of a particular species is called a karyotype.

A person has 46 chromosomes. Carrying over 30,000 genes.


    Haploid-single set of chromosomes (n)

    Diploid 2nd set of chromosomes (nn)

Homologous chromosomes are the same - these are chromosomes of the same size carrying the same genes

DNA is the carrier of hereditary information. Protein biosynthesis.

Information about the structure of all proteins in the body is recorded in DNA molecules and is called genetic information.

A set of combinations of three nucleotides coding for the composition of amino acids is called the genetic code.

Gene-site of a DNA molecule carrying hereditary information.

Protein biosynthesis:

    Transcription - rewriting information about the structure of a protein from a DNA molecule to inf., RNA

    Translation is the transfer of amino acids to the site of protein synthesis. Transport RNAs are located in the cytoplasm under the influenceenzymes and energy are formed by a set of sost. from amino acid and transport RNA. It moves to the ribosome, the site of protein synthesis. If the triplet and RNA are complementary (corresponds) to the triplett-RNA, then a peptide bond arises between the amino acids and the protein molecule is lengthened at the same time. This happens until the ribosome goes all the way alongi-RNA or until the unbiased triplet arrives. The formed protein goes through the channels of the endoplasmic reticulum to the part of the cell where it is needed.

All processes take place with the participation of ATP. Duplication process DNA synthesisI-RNA and proteins are called template synthesis reactions.

The matrix type of reaction underlies the ability of living organisms to reproduce their own kind.


Nuclear-free and nuclear cells. Features of the structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

All organisms with a cellular structure are divided into two groups:

    Pre nuclear (prokaryotes),

    nuclear (eukaryotes)

Comparative characteristics of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.






Plastids in autotrophs

Method of absorbing food

Digestive vacuoles








Absorption across the cell membrane


There is

There is

There is

There is

There is

There is

There is

Phagocytosis and tweezers

There is

There is


Autotrophic organisms are organisms capable of independently synthesizing organic matter (blue-green algae).

Heterotrophs are organisms capable of consuming ready-made organic substances (animals, fungi, bacteria).

Mycotrophic organisms - which include the properties of both

Photosynthesis is the process of the formation of organic substances from inorganic substances, which occur with the participation ofsunlight. All reactions are carried out in higher plants in chloroplasts. Algae in chromoplasts.

Essence of the equation of photosynthesis

6 CO 2 +6 H 2 O= C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2

Photosynthesis takes place in 2 phases

Light phase: a quantum of light hits the chloroplast molecule, knocks out one electron, which takes part in photosynthesis.

OH - = OH + 1 e

4OH = 2H 2 O + 2O

During the photolysis of water, a hydrogen cation is formed, which participates in the reaction of the dark phase

Dark phase - carbon dioxide interacts with hydrogen from the light phase, glucose is formed with the participation of ATP. PVA converts to ethyl alcoholCH5 Lactic acid fermentation produces lactic acid

Plastic exchange

All organisms are divided:

    Aerobic organisms that require oxygen (energy metabolism in 3 stages)

    Anaerobic patients can do without oxygen (tetanus causative agent) (energy metabolism in 2 stages)

Plastic exchange is a set of synthesis reactions that take place with the absorption of energy. Examples of plastic metabolism in animals are protein biosynthesis, in plants - photosynthesis.

Depending on the absorption of carbon, this is the type of exchange of substances and the conversion of energy. Energy exchange

Metabolism (metabolism) is one of the basic properties of all living organisms. It consists of energy and plastic metabolism ..

Energy metabolism is a set of cleavage reactions. Walking with the release of energy. Energy exchange takes place in 3 stages:

    Preparatory - occurs in the ventricle of the intestinal tract. Under the influence of enzymes. Proteins are broken down to amino acids, fats to glycine and fatty acids, carbohydrates to monosaccharides. Energy is released as heat.

    Oxygen-free - this is an oxygen-free breakdown process whereby glucose is broken down to pyruvic acidC 3 H 4 O 3 in this case, 2ATP is released. If there is oxygen in the cell, then pyruvic acid is completely oxidized toCO 2 andH 2 O

    Oxygen - Needed oxygen and intact mitochondrial wall.

C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 +38 ADP +38 F= 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + 38ATF

The oxygen stage is more energetically favorable, since 36 ATP is formed

Fermentation is an easier way and takes place without oxygen.

If there is no oxygen in the cell, then the fermentation process develops.

The Russian scientist Temeryazev made a great contribution to the study of the process of photosynthesis. Which proved that plants synthesize sugar from inorganic substances. Converting the energy of light into the energy of chemical bonds. 1771 English scientist Grechtl concluded that plants emit oxygen.

Cell division

The period of a cell's life from the moment of its appearance in the process of division and until death is called the life cycle. One of the methods of division is - mitosis

Mitosis - cell division without a decrease in the number of chromosomes

Inter-phase is the period between two divisions. In which there is preparation for cell division.

The meaning of mitosis is that two daughter cells appear, exactly similar to the maternal one, which ensures the maternal stability of the cell. Due to mitosis, vegetative reproduction occurs. Asexual reproduction in unicellular organisms.

Meiosis is the maturation of germ cells, which goes with the number of chromosomes decrease.

Meiosis is a successive division in the prophase of the 1st division, conjugation occurs, the convergence of homologous chromosomes and cross-over exchange of chromosome regions

The biological significance of meiosis - as a result, daughter cells with a haploid set of chromosomes are formed. Diploidy is restored at the moment of fertilization, that is, a constant number of chromosomes from the father and mother is maintained, as a result of which the individual flaunts new signs.

Non-cellular life forms. Viruses. Measures for the prevention of viral diseases .

They occupy an intermediate position between living and inanimate nature.

Each virus consists of DNA or RNA, which is surrounded by a protein coat, a capsid.

Russian professor Dmitry Iosifovich Ivanov on the example of the tobacco cell virus.

The biological significance of viruses is that they are the causative agents of many diseases:

Influenza, measles, rubella, hepatitis, chickenpox, rabies, herpes, AIDS. HIV.

Once in a cell, viruses rearrange its activity. The DNA of the virus interacts with the DNA of the cell.

Ready cells gradually change it or destroy it, the properties of the virus change.

Since viruses mutate, curing viral diseases is difficult. Particular attention is paid to the prevention of viral diseases.

Preventive measures for viral diseases:

    Proper nutrition

    Healthy lifestyle


    Correct behavior during epidemics

    Compliance with the rules for processing honey instruments

    Public education

    Ordered sexual intercourse

Asexual and sexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction without the participation of germ cells is simple haploid division (ciliates). Spore formation (mold fungi), vegetative (leaf), bulbs - tulip, tuberous - (potatoes). Fragmentation - division of the body into 1-4 parts (annelids), budding (yeast).

Sexual reproduction takes place with the participation of gametes. Species that have different gametes are called heterosexual. A species in which one and the same individual can form male and female gametes - hermaphrodites. (angiosperms), self-fertilization is possible.

With asexual reproduction, the number of individuals increases much faster, and this reproduction takes longer.

With sexual reproduction, new traits are formed in the offspring.

Fertilization is its meaning. Artificial pollination and fertilization in animals.

Fertilization is the process of fusion of male and female gametes. As a result of fertilization, a diploid cell and a zygote are formed, activation andfurther development of which leads to the formation of a new organism.

When the germ cells of different individuals merge, portable fertilization is carried out, and when gametes are combined by one organism, self-fertilization

Fertilization meaning

As a result of fertilization, the genetic material is fertilized, as a result, a unique combination of genes is formed

    External fertilization - cells fuse outside the female's body (Pisces)

    Internal fertilization occurs in the genital tract of the female (animals), the likelihood of successful fertilization is high, therefore less germ cells are formed

The fertilization process consists of several stages. Penetration of sperm into the egg, fusion of the haploid nuclei of both gametes, resulting in the formation of a zygote, diploid cells. Zygote activation and further cleavage and development

The essence of fertilization is the formation of a diploid set of chromosomes, including hereditary information.

Features of fertilization of flowering plants.

Developed by the Russian botanist Novikov.

The fusion of one sperm with an egg and the formation of an embryo.

The fusion of the second sperm with the diploid nucleus is led by cells with a triploid set of chromosomes. 1n+2 n=3 N2. From which the endo sperm with a supply of nutrients develops in the future.

The meaning of coniferous fertilization is the formation of endo sperm - this provides an advantage over other plants. Parthenogenesis is the development of an embryo from an unfertilized bee egg.

Individual development of organisms (ontogeny).

1886 Haeckel. Ontogenesis consists of 2 stages

    The embryonic period is the transition from the moment of fertilization to birth.


    Crushing as a result of crushing, a monosyllabic blastula embryo is formed.

    Gastrulation - the formation of the gastrula of a bilayer embryo

Ectoderm is the outer germ layer.

Endoderm is the inner germ layer.

Between the ectoderm and the endoderm, the middle germ layer of the mesoderm is formed

    Ontogenesis is the laying of axial organs (neurula stages).

Endoderm-intestine, lungs, pancreas

Ectoderm-nervous system, brain, skin

Mesoderm - Muscles, Kidneys, Skeleton and SS

    Post embryonic period is isolated

    Direct development (birds, mammals)

    Indirect development - with incomplete transformation


    Development with incomplete metamorphosis (grasshoppers, butterflies).

Laboratory work No. 4

Identification and description of signs of similarity between the human embryo and other vertebrates as evidence of their evolutionary relationship.

Purpose: To identify signs of similarity between the human embryo and other vertebrates.

Equipment: Handouts illustrating embryonic evidence for evolution.


    Get acquainted with embryological evidence of the relationship between humans and other vertebrates (fish, salamander).

Found that the embryos of different vertebrates are more similar to each other than adults.

The similarities of the embryos are reflected in the shape of the body, the presence of a tail, limbs, and branchial pockets. As the development proceeds, the similarities between embryos decrease.The features of the classes to which they belong begin to appear.

Conclusion: The similarities between the embryos of humans and other vertebrates are proof of their evolutionary relationship.

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