Home Useful properties of fruits How the Moon affects the planning of new affairs on Thursday. Planning the gender of the baby

How the Moon affects the planning of new affairs on Thursday. Planning the gender of the baby

date / time: 20-06-1974 07:48:04 Thurs
start of phase: 20-06-1974 05:32:55
end of phase: 20-06-1974 10:01:32
time indicated for Moscow
eclipse type: Total
Saros: 146
phase: 1.0592
shadow in km .: 344
duration: 5 min. 9 sec.
Max. visibility: 32 ° S, 104 ° E
to show on the map

Overall forecast

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, covering part of the solar disk. This occurs when a new moon - the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon - occurs near one of the Lunar Nodes. If at any point on the Earth's surface, observers can see that the Moon completely covers the Sun, then such an eclipse is called a total solar eclipse. A total solar eclipse can be observed within very small areas of the earth's surface, as a rule, it is a strip up to 270 km wide, outlined by the shadow of the moon - observers in the adjacent shaded areas see only a partial solar eclipse.

The influence of the Solar Eclipse actively manifests itself two weeks before the eclipse, and two weeks after. In the eclipse, a fatal corridor opens 18.5 years ahead, therefore, your positive thought forms are very important. But, remember, your desires should be passionate, fiery. Thus, with the help of your personal Shakti energy for 18 years ahead, you yourself will create a powerful positive vector.

It is very important to meet the Solar Eclipse in a calm, happy, spiritualized state, because on the days of eclipses, portals associated with the energies of Lucifer open, "dark forces" are activated, therefore, during Solar eclipses (two weeks before and two weeks after) conflicts, quarrels are possible, mortality of people is increasing, crime is increasing, various cataclysms, auto / plane crashes, etc. are possible.

During a solar eclipse, headaches, pressure surges, heartaches, and exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible. This is a time of provocations, illusions, delusions, however, if you meet the eclipse fully armed, in a positive way, then, in this way, you can really influence the next 18.5 years.

During solar eclipses, you can create thought forms associated with programming your future. It is favorable to create thought-forms of social and material orientation. For example, you want new friends, change jobs, implement interesting and important projects, i.e. your desires will be relevant in the social vector. It is also favorable to wish happiness and prosperity to all your friends, children and loved ones. And the best thing to do during an eclipse is to recite appropriate mantras or prayers as often as possible, even if you do it mentally.

Practical tips to improve your life during a solar eclipse:
1. 15 minutes before the eclipse, lie with your head to the East, placing the candles in advance to the cardinal points (using a compass), light incense, etc.
2. Passionately project your positive thought forms, desires into the future (self-realization in society, in work, in a profession, in creativity, in purpose, relationships, etc. Speak and visualize!
3. Finish with prayer or mantra meditation. The most powerful mantra or prayer is the chanting of the Names of God, which is confirmed by all religions. By repeating the Names of God (aloud or mentally), we not only protect ourselves from the negative influence of the negative energies of the solar eclipse, but also cleanse ourselves of accumulated sins and various kinds of negativity. You can use those mantras or prayers that are closer and more understandable to you, the main thing is that they contain the holy Names of God, because the Name of God is the most powerful cleansing agent.

Rules of conduct during the eclipse:
1. One of the important rules of behavior during a solar eclipse is to try to minimize contact with the sun's rays. Try not to look at the Sun for at least a few days before and after the eclipse. It is best to stay at home if you can.
2. Refuse to make important decisions in all areas of life, especially if you are not sure of their correctness.
3. Limit the consumption of food on the day of the eclipse, it is better to do a fasting day. It will be very beneficial to refuse food of animal origin, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.
4. Do not contact the crowd, postpone auto / air travel.
5. It is not recommended to wash and hang clothes in the sun.
6. Do not watch TV, do not listen to the radio, do not gossip, do not judge anyone, etc.
7. For doctors, astrologers, psychologists, etc. - you need to postpone consultations and patient visits.
8. A very important rule is to spend the day in peace, prayer, favorably light candles, incense, you can visit Temples and various divine services, read Spiritual literature favorably, etc.
9. Half an hour before the eclipse, do ablution (contrast shower 3-5 temperature changes) and put on clean clothes! One hour after the eclipse, do ablution in the same way.


Conceiving a child

Lunar and solar eclipses negatively affect not only the physical properties of the body, causing weakness and activating diseases, but also causes a surge of negative energy, therefore, children conceived during an eclipse are born painful, have a complex and difficult character. They will have to live a difficult life, often very unhappy. Therefore, you should avoid conception within a week before or after solar or lunar eclipses.

Planning the gender of the baby

Avoid conceiving within a week before or after any eclipses.


Nothing serious should be done on the days of eclipses, and even more so important for life and health as an operation.

Dental treatment

Nothing serious should be done on eclipse days.


Given the ambiguous nature of eclipses, it's best not to tempt your fate. Knowing about the upcoming eclipses, about 2 weeks before and after them, it makes sense to refrain from any active actions, and even more so such an important event as marriage.


Solar eclipses are special psychological, energetic and magical days. The day of the solar eclipse is truly mystical: black sorcerers and magicians send damage that is almost impossible to remove, perform rituals that change the fate of entire states and regions. Magic, induced in a solar eclipse, breaks the spirit of a person. It is difficult to recover from such a magical blow. This has serious consequences. A solar eclipse clock is used to influence the physical body of a person. If you are a beginner and do not know how to control the flow, then refrain from strong, serious rituals, the power can turn back to you with great force.

List of eclipses solar eclipses lunar eclipses

Popular lunar calendars calculations 20 → horoscopes 16 all lunar calendars 42

Comments (4):

Louise I would like to know this - why not sleep during an eclipse? 08/14/2018 at 17:48 Alexey Hello, Louise! This is an ancient belief and it is difficult to say for sure, but during an eclipse on earth, various dark spirits, demonic creatures, increase their influence. In the body of all living beings, vital energy slows down its movement, all cells of the body experience stress, the working capacity of the mind decreases, diseases can worsen, immunity is at a minimum of its activity. In eclipses, a communication channel is formed between the subtle world and our physical, therefore our thoughts become very influential. If you sleep, then you are more susceptible to all negative influences. 08/19/2018 at 14:06 Natalie And if a child was born during a solar eclipse, what fate will be assigned to him on 08/20/2018 at 21:56 Alexei Hello, Natalie! The eclipse period is not the same for everyone. All this very much depends on the individual horoscope and personal behavior during the period of eclipses. It is believed that people born in a solar eclipse have a rather difficult fate and life circumstances. 08/21/2018 at 17:18

Lunar calendars


The influence of the moon

The moon and the position of the stars significantly affect the character, life, sometimes determine fate and push for decisions. Therefore, finding the moon in one or another sign of the zodiac can both give good luck and happiness, and bring misfortune and bitterness. Keep your eye out for the stars to keep yourself and loved ones safe and avoid disagreements at work and in your personal life.
and control your destiny!
  • 20 06 1974
  • Click on the squares
    to find out the meaning
  • 3


     Meaning "3":

    Normal temperament. A person can have intimacy every day, but if there is no opportunity, then he can wait calmly enough

    How does it change:

    Increases when added: 3, 5, 7
    Decrease on loss: 3, 5, 7

    What is responsible for:

    The diagonal defines the carnal interests of a person: temperament in intimate life, the desire to dress beautifully and eat deliciously. The main meaning of this line is the intimate life of a person, his temperament and the need for intimacy.

  • 111


     The value "111":

    "Golden mean", which immediately distinguishes him from other characters. Such people can find a common language with any person. The fact is that they can, if necessary, concede in a dispute to anyone (even "1"). The main thing you need to know is that you cannot put pressure on such a person, since, if necessary, he will defeat any despot.

  • 4


     Meaning "4":

    From birth there are 4 - this means that there is health, and a person spends a sufficient amount of energy on himself in order to get sick less often and better resist various colds, etc. A very large number of people live with 4 and feel great. The case when you could go in for sports, but it seems so good.

    You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

  • 77

     Meaning "77":

    77 is charm and connection with the universe from birth. In principle, fate prompts such people to make the right choice. Only if a person does not believe in himself can he make mistakes. Great start. In practice, many exchange 77 for 66, becoming materialists, my talents for money.

    You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

  • 6


     Meaning "6":

    Quality overload. A person sets himself high goals or several goals at the same time, which slows him down in moving forward.

    How does it change:

    Increases when adding: 1, 4, 7
    Decrease on loss: 1, 4, 7

    What is responsible for:

    The first line (1, 4, 7) is responsible for the purposefulness of a person, the ability to defend their views, set goals and objectives.

  • 222

     Meaning "222":

    Complex energy from birth. Human capacitor. Charged - too much energy. Discharged - too little. Communication with people is difficult. It is best to look for work that is not related to people, as due to the instability of energy, complications in the relationship are possible. Usually adjusted by parents and sports to move to 22 or 2222.

    You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

  • 5

     Meaning "5":

    There is logic from birth, but it is very weak and not much different from "5 no". The difference is that a person is able to compare his patterns 9 and better analyze processes 3. A good start for development is given anyway.

    You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

  • No

     Meaning "NO":

    There is no sense of duty, a person is hostile to others and they are to him as well. When there is no 8, in general, society has a negative attitude towards a person, and a person towards society and each person individually. He loses confidence. In the modern world, the absence of 8 is not uncommon, but 8 is very necessary for a person, since they are associated with his health and creativity and good luck.

  • 4

     Meaning "4":

    A person wants to start a family and does it without delay. As a rule, it rarely becomes the reason for the breakdown of the family, as it seeks to preserve it.

    How does it change:

    Increases when adding: 2, 5, 8
    Decrease on loss: 2, 5, 8

    What is responsible for:

    The second line (2, 5, 8) is responsible for the quality of a family man, the desire to have a family, to be among his loved ones.

  • No


     Meaning "NO":

    The absence of the number 3 in the psychomatrix, from birth, means a person's inclination to the humanities and art. A person is not fulfilling, he can waste all his resources without comparing them with his capabilities.

    You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

  • 6

     Meaning "6":

    From birth, a person has the opportunity of close contact with people. Can do physical labor, but not willingly. The beginning of materiality. To change or not, the choice is yours. Either 6 or 7. Either materiality or creativity.

    You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

  • 99

     Meaning "99":

    From birth, the presence of a strong memory, which allows you to quickly and without loss to reproduce the necessary information. The number of templates is large, the search speed is average. Usually, parents do not consider it necessary to improve the memory of such a child and he can happily study at school and at the university having received 9999 on his own.

    You see numbers in the base matrix that may have changed!

  • 3


     Meaning "3":

    Unstable person in habits. Can initiate many habits and attachments, creating stability, but it is also easy to abandon them for no apparent reason; after a while, it can reanimate forgotten attachments. All this happens unexpectedly.

    How does it change:

    Increases when adding: 3, 6, 9
    Decrease on loss: 3, 6, 9

    What is responsible for:

    The third line (3, 6, 9) indicates the stability of a person (habits, attachments, fear and unwillingness to change).

  • 6


     Meaning "6":

    Overloading the quality of self-esteem leads to the fact that a person, carried away by showing himself, forgets about his true abilities and is more concerned with the external form than the internal content. Such people, as a rule, do not achieve their goals, spending all their ardor on flashing in front of a crowd that admires their appearance.

    How does it change:

    Increases when adding: 1, 2, 3
    Decreases on loss: 1, 2, 3

    What is responsible for:

    The total number of digits in the first column (1, 2, 3) determines the strength of a person's self-esteem. In this capacity lies the desire to distinguish oneself from the crowd, to appear as a brighter person (mind, conversation, clothes, cosmetics, etc.). Without a sufficiently high self-esteem, not a single talented, intelligent and gifted person can take place.

  • 3

     Meaning "3":

    Such people can work impulsively. Their principle is to work quickly, so that it lasts for some time, and then you can still work.

    How does it change:

    Increases when added: 4, 5, 6
    Decrease on loss: 4, 5, 6

    What is responsible for:

    A person's aspiration for material independence, arrangement of his life, financial support for his family.

  • 4

     Meaning "4":

    The third column (7, 8, 9) of the psychomatrix is ​​responsible for a person's talent. The more numbers, the stronger the talent. The disclosure of talent is influenced by many numbers and lines of the psychomatrix: character, self-esteem, dedication, energy, health, luck and others. It is the combination of many characteristics and the volitional effort of the person himself that give the achievement of the goal.

    Why disclose:

    Who ruled Russia at the time of A.S. Pushkin? Who was the Minister of Culture when the film "Kalina Krasnaya" was filmed? The epoch is determined not by the position, but by the talent.

  • 6


     Meaning "6":

    Quality overload (may be distorted)

    The diagonal is responsible for a person's spirituality, his striving for spiritual closeness and a higher principle (God, the highest mind) We can say that up to five digits, a person's spirituality gradually increases from lack of spirituality in the absence of numbers to a maximum with five digits.


    Considering the psychomatrix, it is necessary to pay attention to the ratio of the two diagonals to each other (carnal and spiritual). It is their ratio that will play a key role in the strength of each of the lines. Assessing the strength of each line, we can say what is more important for a person in the future family: his interest in the spiritual principles of his partner or the material side (carnal, including the sexual sphere).

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time Zone: Europe / Moscow (UTC + 03: 00) Calculation of the moon phase on 06/01/1974 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Moon characteristics on June 20, 1974

On the date 20.06.1974 v 12:00 The moon is in phase "New Moon (comes on 06/20/1974 at 07:56)"... it 1 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer ♋. Illumination percentage The moon is 0%. Sunrise Moon at 03:48, and sunset at 21:28.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 29 lunar day from 02:45 06/19/1974 to 03:48 06/20/1974
  • 30 lunar day from 03:48 06/20/1974 to 07:56 06/20/1974
  • 1 lunar day from 07:56 06/20/1974 until the next day

Moon influence June 20, 1974

Moon in Cancer zodiac sign (±)

Moon in a sign Cancer... Time of unhurried stability. Ideal for well-functioning businesses with monotonous production. The antiques and jurisprudence are also doing well. The lawsuit initiated by you at this time should end in the most beneficial way for you.

You need to be more careful about lending and lending money. It is possible that you will have to wait a very long time for their return. Since emotional sensitivity increases at this time, you should be more tactful and attentive to loved ones, this will only benefit you.

For the development of spiritual strength, auto-training, meditation practices and the development of extrasensory sensitivity are useful. To avoid unpleasant consequences, careful handling of metal objects and fire is required.

1 lunar day (-)

June 20, 1974 at 12:00 - 1 lunar day... An ineffective day for both individual and collective work. The day is good for solitude, introspection and assessment of past actions or making plans for the future.

Misinterpreting your actions is fraught with tangible losses. Vitality at this time is not at its best, therefore, overloads should be avoided and new, especially risky affairs should not be started. You can just chat with the book.

New Moon (+)

The moon is in phase New Moon... This short-term period of time is characterized by the influence on all living things of a special energy impulse. Any undertaking is best timed to coincide with the new moon.

Started fasting, for example, or fasting day helps to remove toxins from the body, prevents the occurrence of various diseases. The perfect time to kick your addictions.

Day of the week influence (+)

Day of the week - Thursday, this day is under the auspices of Jupiter, the king of all gods. On Thursday, intuition sharpens, it allows you to distinguish allies from enemies. The energy of this day bestows glory, honor, success in society. On Thursday, all things work out, you just need to believe in yourself, that everything will work out. But if there is no such confidence, it is better to postpone the matter for later.

On this day, contacts with the authorities are successful, negotiations are successful. And your heart will tell you that things will go well. It will also help solve your amorous affairs.

Your zodiac sign is Gemini

Gemini's patron saint is Mercury. The warlike planet endows those born under the zodiac sign with extreme curiosity. Gemini easily learn and learn everything new, they love to brag about their successes in front of others. Sometimes inconsistency can drive them into a corner, but after a while Gemini themselves find a way out of the situation. Gemini is always on the move. Strengths: linguistics, trade.

Your eastern sign: Tiger

The tiger is passionate, honest and positive. With a great desire, they take up any business where success and luck await them. True, sometimes they regret their actions, worry and worry. Their image and reputation are very important to them. They will do everything so that their good name does not suffer. They enjoy being the center of attention and delighting those around them.

Your numerological number: 2

"People - twos" tend to "soar in the clouds." They put their family on the 1st place. Children are simply adored, so they often choose professions related to teaching the younger generation. The life partner of the "deuce" must correspond to his intellectual and spiritual level. This person will not consider mercantile candidates. If there are failures in life, the “deuce” can become depressed. Physical labor is of little interest to him. Doesn't strive to be a leader. Strengths: calmness, kindness, sociability, rich imagination. Weaknesses: Indecision, tendency to depression, withdrawal.

Your ruling planet: Mercury

Mercury belongs to the fifth level of the structure of human development and the fifth chakra. People born under the auspices of the planet can build competent relationships with loved ones. During a conversation, they can use verbal communication - they encourage the interlocutor to take actions that are beneficial to both participants in the dialogue. In case of conflict or attack, they can fall into a stupor. Positive traits: ability to keep secrets, practicality, emotionality. Negative Traits: Cheating, Cheating.

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