Home Useful properties of fruits How to choose vitamin complexes for women. Vitamins for women. Review of vitamin complexes

How to choose vitamin complexes for women. Vitamins for women. Review of vitamin complexes

What vitamins are most important for women's health, I will try to reveal in this article. As a result, you will be able to figure out on your own what complex of vitamins you need at this stage of life.

The main female vitamins

It turns out that there are the main vitamins for the weaker sex, which ensure the beauty of the skin, hair, nails.

Fights aging, as well as the appearance of cancer cells, improves the functioning of the female reproductive glands, increasing the amount of estrogen.

If the hormone is not enough, then the lady's figure imperceptibly turns into a masculine.

considered a beauty vitamin. This antioxidant helps break down melanin. If there is little ascorbic acid in the body, then moles, freckles, and pigmentation begin to appear on the body. It is found in all citrus fruits, black currants.

From a deficiency of this element, the skin on the face becomes pale and dry. At the same time, cracks appear on the heels and palms, and “seizures” appear in the corners of the lips. There is a lot of this element in carrots, pumpkin, apricots, fish, offal, eggs.

B vitamins affect the functioning of the nervous system. Their lack affects the general condition of the ladies. They experience nervousness, drowsiness, fatigue, frequent depression, their vision deteriorates, a burning sensation in their eyes appears, and the skin of the eyelids turns red. Element B5 is good for hair, and B9 supports the reproductive system.

Vitamin H is needed to maintain the beauty of the skin, the health of the mucous membranes. It is found in brewer's yeast, liver, peanuts.

Vitamin D is essential for strong bones, whiteness, and dental health. He is also responsible for the beauty of hair and nails.

The best vitamins for pregnant women

When planning a pregnancy, you need to pay attention to drugs with folic acid.

This substance should come first for all girls who are just planning to give birth to children, as well as all pregnant women up to 12 weeks.

We have already written more than once about the benefits of this element for the health of the unborn baby. In addition to folic acid, at the stage of family planning, substances E, D, K, H, A, C are needed.

But the most important are E, D, H, C, as well as group B. However, these elements do not need to be taken in full if the expectant mother is healthy.

At the stage of planning pregnancy, only folic acid.

Can vitamins help those parents who cannot conceive?

To conceive a baby, a woman and a man can strengthen their body by taking multivitamins. But not only this contributes to the improvement of the body, but also proper healthy nutrition, rejection of bad habits.

To increase the mobility, vitality of spermatozoa, elements E, C are needed. Folic acid must be taken in a pair of 0.4 mg per day.

For men it is not bad to drink "Duovit", "Spermstrong". For the beautiful half, vitamins are written above in the text.

Kstiti, Duovit has great reviews. The complex supplies the body with the most essential trace elements. An example from personal experience can be cited.

Blisters began to appear between the young man's fingers, which did not go away, no matter what they were smeared with. On the advice of one doctor, he began to take this complex. After a week, my hands were cleansed, as if by magic.

What vitamin complexes are needed after 30 years

Getting the benefits of food sometimes turns out to be insufficient, especially at the age of 30, when the activity of the fair half is at the highest level. From time to time, you still need to take a multivitamin.

From all the abundance of complexes, you must choose the best.

  • Supradin contains E, C, A, B6, B12, B9, as well as coenzyme Q10. Supradine should be drunk within 1 month, no more than 2 times a year, preferably in spring and autumn.
  • Alphabet contains vitamins A, E, C, D, as well as coenzyme Q10. The alphabet can be drunk for no more than 2 weeks, twice a year.
  • Vitrum Beauty Approximately 57% of doctors advise to drink. It includes: vitamin C, A, E, D, K, H, elements of group B, as well as all the necessary trace elements. This complex is suitable only for women under 30 years old. More mature ladies can purchase Antioxidant or Beauty Elite.

Vitamin complexes for women 45+

A 45-year-old woman is popularly called a "berry", which means you need to correspond to this. And good vitamins will help you. Cyclim occupies a leading position among women of this age.

But brewer's yeast contains the whole complex of vitamins of group B. The most important property of which is to ensure the normal functioning of the adrenal glands. With the extinction of the functions of the ovaries, the adrenal glands are able to maintain the required level of female hormones. Having no contraindications, this complex received 8 points out of 10 in the ranking of the best vitamins.

During the period of hormonal changes, it is important to take Complivit for women plus, which contains the whole group of B elements, as well as a number of vitamins, minerals, and motherwort extract.

With age, the production of sex hormones decreases and their ratio changes, which the body signals about by hot flashes, mood swings, memory impairment, rapid fatigue and decreased performance.

To normalize the condition, hormones are usually prescribed, which may be contraindicated or the woman categorically refuses to take them.

Phytoestrogens will help to maintain a normal state of health and a habitual way of life - substances of plant origin gently normalize hormonal balance and have no side effects. Phytoestrogens during menopause eliminate the symptoms of menopause and its possible complications.

For well-being and preservation of youth, a specialized biocomplex was created in the USA Lady "s formula® Menopause ™ Fortified Formula, which eliminates hot flashes, prevents weight gain, moisturizes the vaginal mucosa, normalizes urination, improves mood and improves performance.

This effect is achieved due to the action of 16 (!) Active components of the biocomplex: 7 vitamins, 4 microelements and 5 extracts of medicinal plants (3 of them are phytoestrogens). Ladys Formula Menopause ™ Fortified Formula also relieves symptoms associated with surgical menopause.

Useful vitamins for mature ladies 50+

For women - salvation from aging of the body, especially after 50 years. The deficiency of this element affects the appearance, therefore, after 50 it is important to take AEVIT.

Vitamins A and E:

  • Activate metabolic processes in the body,
  • Contribute to the restoration of malfunctions of the nervous system,
  • Improves blood circulation in small vessels,
  • Increases the resistance of cells to a lack of oxygen,
  • Rejuvenate skin cells
  • Help fight menopause problems.

It is after 50 years that their content in the blood decreases by 2 times. By taking Aevit, you will save yourself many of the problems of a difficult transition period.

For ladies over 60 years old, it is useful to drink Koplivit. The most popular are: Vitrum Tseturi, Vitrum Tseturi Forte, Centrum Silver, Gerimaks, Alphabet, Undevit.

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Vitamins for the elderly is a specially developed balanced complex taking into account age-related ...

Complivit calcium D3 for women 45 plus

This complex is designed in such a way that it can be included in the daily diet. Studies have shown that taking it for 5-6 weeks significantly reduces hot flashes, excessive night sweats, and irritability.

Moreover, sleep is quickly getting better, dry eyes, headache go away, and no less important for the ladies, they get rid of dry genitals.

And that's not all, what happens:

  • Improving memory, concentration,
  • Unwarranted fatigue and bone aches disappear.
  • The resistance of skin cells to aging increases.

Slowing down the aging process - 55+

After 55 years, it is also important to stay young and healthy, and vitamins and preparations will help with this.

Vitamin D3 plays a special role. Why is this drug so useful?

  1. First of all, it helps the absorption of magnesium and calcium, which means it is good for bones and teeth.
  2. Boosts immunity.
  3. Calms the nervous system.
  4. Promotes cell renewal.
  5. Reduces the risk of breast cancer.
  6. Normalizes blood glucose levels.
  7. Supports the work of the endocrine glands.

The pharmacy offers such complexes as:

  • Cholecalciferol is a natural product.
  • Calcitriol with natural products.
  • Fish oil capsules.
  • High ratings were achieved by Aquadetrim, Complivit, Nycomed Forte, Centrum, Natekal D3.

In which products is D3 available:

  • dairy products,
  • vegetable and butter,
  • eggs, cheese,
  • fish, all seafood,
  • yeast,
  • chanterelles
  • meat.
  • oatmeal, herbs.

These complexes should be taken regularly, throughout the year, after meals. Daily consumption will help reduce health problems.

For sports women

Today more and more young people are involved in sports. Therefore, they need to choose sports vitamins for women.

The rating is headed by such complexes as Animal Pak. And also a unique drug Adam... It enhances immunity, strengthens the nervous system, eliminates fatigue, and improves metabolism. Adam has earned the most rave reviews.

Closer to spring, fruits and vegetables contain less and less nutrients. The Vita-min plus complex will come to the rescue.

It contains 12 vitamins and 10 minerals per capsule, plus green tea extract and lutein. Lutein is part of the retina of the eye, therefore it is very useful for its proper functioning.

After a week of taking this drug, drowsiness disappears, the skin stops peeling. Take 1 capsule after breakfast.

The intensive rhythm of a woman's life increases the need for regular replenishment of certain vitamins. Deficiency of certain minerals can cause chronic fatigue, poor health and premature aging of the body. We've collected the best vitamins for women in one article.

Rating 10 of the best vitamins for women is designed to help solve the problem of restoring the balance of essential substances in the body, suggesting which drugs will improve health, raise tone, give strength and energy to go on through life.

Active Woman MET-Rx

American multivitamin complex for women in sports and active lifestyles. The preparation contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements and herbal extracts. They will help fill the body with strength, energy, remove toxins from the body. The complex successfully resists brittle nails, dry hair, disorders of the digestive and immune systems, the effects of stress.


Ladies-Formula from Farmamed

Canadian dietary supplement will help: return the female body to normal after hormonal failure, reduce irritability, improve the condition of the skin, normalize hair and nail growth. The line consists of 11 series with drugs: helping to reduce weight, normalizing menstruation, alleviating menopause, preparing the body for pregnancy and childbirth.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, thyroid disease.


An ideal vitamin complex to fight the first signs of age-related skin aging. The manufacturer guarantees not only the improvement of the condition of the skin, hair and nails, but also the general rejuvenation of the whole organism, the acceleration of the metabolic process and even the stabilization of the psycho-emotional background. The cardioprotective effect of the drug helps to normalize weight. Recommended for use from 30-35 years old.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance.


Vitamins: strengthening health, relieving chronic fatigue, bringing the body back to normal after a cold, taking hormones or antibiotics. The drug helps to cope with vitamin deficiency, violation of the structure of nails and hair, skin problems. It can be an excellent prophylaxis for colds or help with the recovery of the body after surgery.

Contraindications: pregnancy, minority, lactose intolerance.


It is a fortifying complex of vitamins with a wide spectrum of action. The drug helps fight stress, improves the functioning of female organs, helps to produce the necessary hormones, restore the functionality of the muscular system, and improves the condition of hair, teeth, nails and skin. In winter, it helps to avoid vitamin deficiency. Recommended from 18 to 50 years old, from 50 years old - Centrum Silver.


Perfectil Vitabiotics

An enhanced vitamin complex that helps a woman fight aging. In the shortest possible time, it helps to restore a healthy skin tone, eliminates brittle nails and relieves dry hair. The drug is aimed at the production of collagen and supports the functioning of the digestive tract. The complex can be useful in the treatment of skin diseases (psoriasis, various dermatitis), to remove toxins, improve blood circulation, and heal wounds.

Contraindications: individual intolerance.

Laura Evalar

A vitamin complex that makes a woman's skin younger, smoothes wrinkles and tightens the skin. The drug fights against age-related changes thanks to a combination of hyaluronic acid, phytoetrogens, vitamins E and C. This combination improves the skin's moisture balance and the production of collagen.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation.

Complivit Shining

The antioxidant complex contains 8 minerals, 11 vitamins, green tea extract, lipoic acid and other nutrients that have a beneficial effect on a woman's hair, nails and skin. One of the main advantages of the drug is the restoration of the correct metabolism and getting rid of excess fat. The complex strengthens the woman's body, gives her vigor.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, minority and individual intolerance.

AlfaVit Cosmetic

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


For beauty and preservation of youth, a woman needs not only positive emotions and good mood. Vitamins are indispensable in this matter. With their lack, problems such as dry lips, brittle nails, peeling skin appear, and the list is endless. Natural sources of vitamins are fresh foods, fruits, vegetables, meat and fish products.

But the vitamins contained in them are not always sufficient to maintain the internal forces of the body. Therefore, doctors around the world are advised to periodically make and take vitamin complexes for beauty, health and youth.

What vitamins are necessary for a woman's health and beauty?

Scientifically proven that there is several essential vitamins for the beauty of hair, nails and skin elasticity.

  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant - it is taken with the aging process and with the onset of malignant tumors. This substance supports the work of the female reproductive glands, the amount of estrogen hormones increases. Without tocopherol, the female figure gradually becomes masculine.
  • Vitamin C - beauty vitamin. It also has antioxidant properties. In addition, ascorbic acid regulates the formation and destruction of melanin. Therefore, with its lack, freckles, age spots and moles appear in large numbers.
  • Vitamin A found in carrots, apricots, pumpkin, as well as fish meat, animal by-products and chicken eggs. The lack of this substance leads to the formation of cracks in the feet and palms. In this case, the skin of the hands becomes as if parchment, and ulcers appear in the corners of the lips - seizures.
  • B vitamins affect the functioning of the nervous system. With their lack, fatigue, drowsiness, frequent depression and nervous breakdowns appear. Vision deteriorates, there is a burning sensation in the eyes and redness of the eyelid skin. Vitamin B5 prevents hair loss, and vitamin B9 is essential for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Vitamin H essential for beautiful skin and healthy mucous membranes. This vitamin is found in brewer's yeast, peanut kernels and liver.
  • Vitamin D responsible for the hardness of bones, whiteness and health of teeth, as well as the beauty of nails and hair.

9 best vitamin complexes for a woman's health and youth - choosing beauty vitamins

You can not take vitamins at all and use only natural sources of life substances. And you can periodically take a course of vitaminization with complex vitamins. Such prevention will allow the body to be in full "combat" readiness to resist dangerous viruses and bacteria, as well as aggressive environmental conditions.

But modern pharmacies are oversaturated with various vitamin complexes. And how to choose the best in such a variety?

  1. Vitamin complex Velnatal. Every day a woman is faced with various situations in which she needs body support. These situations can be called, in one word, "stress". We are not talking about an emotional shock, but about what can happen from day to day! We go in for sports, diet, submit reports, and get sick. In all these situations, we need vitamin support for the body. And sometimes it is quite difficult to find it. What is the confusion about the shelves with vitamins? Some - for hair and nails, the second - for mood, for vigor, for
    leather etc. As a result, every time there is a continuous torment of choice, or even worse - the first one, or even nothing at all.
    With Velnatal, you don't have to select a vitamin complex for every situation. This complex is balanced in such a way as to support a woman with vitamin deficiency associated with completely different situations, from diet to pregnancy. That, of course, speaks not only of the correct combination of components in the composition, but also the selection of dosages. Velnatal contains two types of omega 3, biotin, 400 mcg of folic acid, selenium 55 mcg, iron, B vitamins, which, being in balance with other vitamins and minerals, will support the female body and do not have to think again about which complex is better to choose now.
  2. Famvital anti-aging complex. Due to the "smart" capsules, its active components enter the woman's body, taking into account the daily biorhythms.
    The 16 components included in the complex - antioxidants, trace elements and vitamins, are optimally combined with each other, and help prevent premature aging, help improve the structure and appearance of the skin, hair and nails, help slow down the appearance of wrinkles, increase thermogenesis and enhance the burning of calories, helping to maintain normal body weight.

  3. Imedeen.
    This is not just one of the many vitamin complexes that are primarily needed by other organs - the heart, lungs, nervous system. This is a complex containing biologically active substances that work directly in the skin cells.
    The complex IMEDEEN® includes the exclusive Biomarine Complex®. It is rich in proteins, similar in composition to the components of human skin, and biologically active substances that stimulate the production of collagen - the main protein that maintains skin elasticity.
  4. Supradin ... It comes in many forms: gummies, water-soluble tablets, regular tablets, and syrup. This complex contains the necessary vitamin C, vitamin A, B6, B12, B9, Vitamin E and C, as well as coenzyme Q10. Supradine must be taken 1 tablet or candy twice a day for 1 month. Prophylaxis should be repeated no more than twice a year. Desirable in spring and autumn. The price of 10 tablets is 250 rubles. 25 sweets - 200 rubles
  5. Alphabet Cosmetics - a series designed for the care of female beauty. Contains all essential vitamins for the health of skin, eyes, hair, nails - vitamins A, E, C, vitamin D and coenzyme Q10. The peculiarities of the reception are that all substances are divided into three groups. Tablets of different colors to be taken one after another in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. This consistency will allow prevention to be more effective. The course of taking the Alphabet is not more than two weeks. Reception should be repeated no more than twice a year. The price for a package of 60 tablets is 320 rubles.
  6. Vitamin complex Vitrum Beauty Is a popular brand among modern consumers. It is advised by about 57% of therapists, which reinforces the credibility of the Vitrum brand. It contains a huge amount of necessary vitamins and minerals: vitamins C, A, E, D, K, H, B vitamins, as well as bioflavonoids and antioxidants. This list is supplemented by iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, boron, selenium. This complex is suitable only for young women. For more mature ladies, Vitrum produces Antioxidant, Beauty Lusk and Beauty Elite complexes. The price of a package of 30 tablets is 610 rubles.
  7. Compliment. This brand produces a huge number of vitamin complexes. The formula "Shine" was specially invented for female beauty. It contains beauty vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins, folic acid, nicotinamide, copper, zinc, selenium, magnesium and flavonoglycosides. This composition allows you to support collagen production, regeneration of skin cells, protect them from the harmful effects of UV rays, and increase the body's resistance to aggressive environmental influences. Complivit should be taken one tablet a day for a month. The price of a package of 30 tablets is 271 rubles.
  8. Laura from the Evalar company ... It is a dietary supplement to food. It contains a minimum of all essential vitamins that are needed for beauty. The main trump card of this drug is hyaluronic acid, which is supplemented with vitamins E and C. Thanks to this composition, skin hydration, collagen production are improved, as a result of which the skin of the face acquires an even color and natural glow, wrinkles disappear and decrease. The price of such a product in 36 tablets is 271 rubles.
  9. Perfectil from the English company Vitabiotics . This agent serves as a powerful anti-aging agent. It is also prescribed for dermatological diseases in order to improve the body's resistance to viruses or bacteria. The Profektil gelatin capsule contains vitamins A, E, C, B5, B6, B12, biotin, as well as iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, silicon and chromium. The price for a package containing 30 capsules is 420 rubles.
  10. Elite Spanish product Revidox does not contain pure synthetic vitamins. It consists of pomace of plant extracts - sources of vitamins: extract of grapes and pomegranate seeds. This formulation boasts a load of antioxidants that slow down aging, improve complexion and skin firmness. The price of this complex of 30 tablets is about 2,100 rubles.

9. Biocomplex Lady's formula "Menopause Reinforced formula"

The problem of hormonal changes in the delicate female body has ceased to be a problem with the advent of the Lady’s formula "Menopause Enhanced Formula" biocomplex. This drug has already managed to win the trust of the beautiful half of humanity, since it is designed to comprehensively affect the entire body as a whole without any side effects.

All doctors in the world warn against taking vitamin complexes all the time. Also, before each course, you need to consult a doctor for contraindications. In this case, you will not harm your health and will successfully increase your beauty.

Women in their early twenties need to think about supporting beauty and health with the best vitamins for women over 30. They will help protect yourself from premature aging, improve well-being, condition of hair, nails and skin. But for this it is necessary to take only good drugs. We present just a selection of such funds in this rating, compiled on the basis of reviews for those who are over thirty. She will introduce you to the pros and cons of popular dietary supplements and help you make the right choice.

Vitamins of which company is better for women over 30

Considering the best vitamins for women 30 years old and older, willy-nilly, mainly foreign manufacturers - from the USA and Canada - come into view. The following firms can be added to the leaderboard:

  • VP Lab Nutrition Is an English manufacturer that creates natural sports nutrition, health products, and various nutritional supplements. Several forms of release are offered here - tablets, drinks, powders.
  • Optimum Nutrition Is one of the leaders in the market, producing a wide range of nutritional supplements and nutrition for athletes, primarily of premium class. Some products may be slightly overpriced, but the quality is impeccable.
  • Unipharm- This American manufacturer owns the rights to Vitrum Prenatal vitamins. Its products are actively sold in pharmacies and are popular with medical representatives due to their universal action and effectiveness.
  • Amway- undoubtedly, this American company is very well known among adherents of a healthy lifestyle. In its assortment there are high-quality dietary supplements from herbal ingredients, including for the female body. One of them is NUTRILITE.
  • KRKA, d.d.- the manufacturer has become popular largely due to the vitamin and mineral complex "Duovit" for women. He produces drugs with a balanced composition, for which he practices the separation of nutrients into tablets, taking into account their compatibility.
  • Queisser pharma- unlike many competitors, this company produces vitamin and mineral complexes for completely different groups - vegetarians, diabetics, expectant mothers and fathers, etc. One of the most successful drugs is Doppel herz Aktiv Lady-S Formula woman.
  • ArtLife Is a true pro in the field of nutritional supplements to improve health and appearance. Women's vitamins occupy a special place among them. The packaging here is convenient (plastic bottles) and the form of release is practical - small tablets and capsules.
  • PharmaMed- little is known about this company, since it entered the European market not so long ago. But, despite this, its products are available in almost any large pharmacy. The mission of the company is to care for the health and improve the quality of life of women.

Rating of the best vitamins for women after 30 years

To compile this TOP, the reviews of women in the 30+ age category were carefully analyzed. When considering candidates, we carefully examined the following characteristics:

  • The number of tablets in the package;
  • Naturalness and safety of the composition;
  • Action speed;
  • The number of effects received;
  • Balance of the composition;
  • The number and name of vitamins, micro- and macroelements;
  • Duration of the course;
  • Convenience of reception;
  • The presence of contraindications.

A separate line is the price-quality ratio, since popular brands often overestimate the cost of their products.

The best vitamin and mineral complexes for women's health after 30 years

The vitamins presented in this category are very popular and are recommended for admission by many doctors. Here we can highlight 4 drugs.

It would be a mistake not to include this drug in our list of the best vitamins for women over 30, because they have one of the most balanced compositions. They harmoniously combine micro and macro elements with niacin, thiamine, folic acid and many other useful substances. This "symbiosis" leaves no room for doubt, both the doctors and the girls themselves speak of this complex in the best way.

Although Vplab Ultra Women’s Multivitamin Formula is specially formulated for the health benefits of those over 30, it also has a positive effect on appearance. According to reviews, after their application, the hair comes to life, traces of fatigue on the face disappear, more strength appears and the mood improves. The drug is not only versatile, but also economical in consumption. You can improve the condition if you take 1 table. per day for a month. Since there are no side effects from them, there are a minimum of contraindications for taking them and their price is not so high, doubts about buying a dietary supplement are in no way justified.


  • No smell;
  • Not harsh taste;
  • Protects joints;
  • Fight free radicals;
  • Give vigor;
  • High-speed performance.


  • The lid of the container is not very convenient.

Some 30-year-old girls sin on the manufacturer because of slight cloudy urine after the start of the course, but in fact this almost always happens when taking such drugs.

average price: 1000 and 1600 rubles.

Another place in this ranking of vitamins for women after 30 years deservedly goes to this complex. And all because they really work, have one of the best value for money, are natural. Even more popularity and effectiveness is given to them by a complete set of 40 minerals and vitamins, when calculating which you can easily go astray.

And although women usually still have a lot of energy in their 30s, Opti-Women gives them even more vigor. This is especially true when consumed in the morning, that is, they act as an energy drink. Some even note that this dietary supplement suppresses sugar cravings, which will be just right for those who want to lose weight.


  • A large number of tablets in a package (120 pcs.);
  • Small serving size (2 pcs per day);
  • Lack of side effects;
  • If necessary, the daily dosage can be increased without harm to health;
  • An impeccable reputation of the manufacturer.


  • Not well accepted by the body when taken on an empty stomach.

Opti-Women, judging by the reviews, quite often appoint trainers in the gym to their wards.

average price: 1000 rub.

These vitamins are produced in the USA by one of the best companies in the world - Unipharm, so it is unnecessary to talk about their high quality. Their popularity is given by the ability to satisfy with one capsule the daily requirement of the female body for minerals and other useful substances. It is noteworthy that these are almost the only pills that act in a complex manner. They not only improve appearance, but also strengthen health at all levels - immune, digestive, reproductive, etc.

Vitrum Prenatal can be called the leader in terms of iron content, which is not less than 60 mg per 1 table. At the same time, as the results show, it is absorbed perfectly, as it is supplemented with a large amount of ascorbic acid. In general, the drug has a successful release form, an adequate taste and smell. With all this, it can be taken not only by pregnant women aged 30+ and lactating women, and finding this complex in a pharmacy is not particularly difficult.


  • Availability for sale;
  • Versatility;
  • High concentration of micro and macro elements;
  • Safety;
  • Powerful effect;
  • Convenient packaging.


  • More B12 could be added.

Vitrum Prenatal is considered the best vitamins for women during pregnancy, for which gynecologists themselves recommend them to their patients.

average price: 700 and 1600 rubles.

For the female body, the benefits of this nutritional supplement are noticeable almost immediately after the start of the course. Girls in their 30s say they helped them calm down, feel less nervous and sleep better. Although the course of treatment should ideally be equal to a month, an increase in mood and harmonization of an emotional state occurs in literally 2 weeks. They can also be highly appreciated for their additional effects in the form of strengthening nails and hair, which is simply invaluable in the autumn-winter period.

Of course, NUTRILITE Women's Harmony is not the best drug in terms of versatility, but at the same time it is one of the most reliable and safe. Unlike store counterparts, it does not contain dyes or other artificial ingredients. The company is attracted by the use of organic ingredients, so the fact that some are afraid of the black color of the tablets is not justified.


  • Fast results;
  • Good feelings during the course;
  • Accelerate menstruation;
  • The result is long-lasting;
  • Balanced composition.


  • 120 capsules per pack;
  • Reception 4 times a day, 1 piece;
  • The presence of a number of contraindications;
  • There are animal ingredients that make them unsuitable for vegans.

Unfortunately, while NUTRILITE Women's Harmony is very good vitamins for women over 30, they are not suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers, but this is not only true for this supplement.

average price: 3800 rub.

The best vitamins for hair, nails, skin of women over 30 years old

Such nutritional supplements are produced with a corresponding mark, and their main direction is precisely the improvement of the condition of the hair, nails and / or skin. This category includes 4 popular and good drugs.

Slovenia has always been famous for its good medicines, but this time it pleasantly surprised us with dietary supplements. It is in this country that Duovit is created, and, despite its European origin, it is not so expensive. Of course, only 30 tablets are sold in one package, but this is enough for one course. The manufacturer managed to harmoniously combine most of the vitamins in the composition, he even included several minerals here - calcium, magnesium, zinc.

Thanks to a harmonious set of nutrients, these, one of the best vitamins for women after 30 years of age, according to reviews, quickly eliminate vitamin deficiency. At the same time, anemia is prevented, skin regeneration is accelerated, hair and nails are strengthened. It is unlikely that you can find a product with a better effect that would have the same optimal value for money. Also important here is their availability in pharmacies, including without a prescription.


  • You need to take only once a day;
  • 100% stress protection;
  • Relief of fatigue;
  • Increased efficiency;
  • Improving appearance.


  • One course to stop hair loss may not be enough.

Some girls write about the large size of the tablets, but no one bothers to divide them into two parts, although there is no special mark for this.

average price: 450 rub.

In our ranking of the best vitamins for women over 30, this is Duovit's main competitor as they are also good value for money. This is probably one of the few manufacturers that has bothered to indicate the content of bread units in tablets, which diabetics must accurately assess. It is trusted by connoisseurs of natural dietary supplements, as it contains mostly organic components. This is confirmed by positive reviews about the safety and effectiveness of this complex.

Of course, Doppelherz Active is not a champion in terms of the number of types of vitamins, but everything that it contains is selected strictly taking into account the needs of the female body. The composition includes vitamins B5, B6, biotin, zinc and some other components. This is a reliable source of female beauty, accelerating hair growth after the completion of one course. They also receive attention due to the elimination of flaking nails and dry skin, as well as due to the strengthening of general health. In general, as for their money, there are no complaints about this vitamin and mineral complex.


  • Swallow without problems, although not the smallest;
  • Small dose;
  • Tolerant taste;
  • Convenient form of release;
  • Do not give withdrawal symptoms.


  • People with a weak stomach and intestines may have diarrhea;
  • Contains sweetener.

Doppelherz Active works only for the benefit of hair, nails and skin, you should not expect any improvement in well-being from them.

average price: 450 rub.

Lady-S hair, skin & nails formula, enhanced formula

This complex can be called good vitamins for women after 30 years for hair because it is aimed specifically at preventing and eliminating baldness. The reviews note that dietary supplements are actively fighting against "hair loss", including those associated with stress and vitamin deficiency. New vegetation on the head begins to appear already during the course. The benefits for the skin make them even more relevant, they are effectively used as part of complex therapy against dermatological diseases.

The tablets do not cause "fluff" throughout the body, prevent weight gain and boast the highest amount of vitamins, as well as the additional inclusion of micro- and macronutrients. But what is most impressive here is the naturalness of the components, which is why the dietary supplement is not hazardous to health.


  • Natural color;
  • Easily divided into parts;
  • Reduces the amount of dandruff;
  • Give hair a healthy shine;
  • Slow down the salting of curls.


  • It needs to be taken for more than a month for the best effect;
  • The daily dose is 3 tablets.

average price: 1100 rub.

They like this vitamin and mineral complex for 30-year-old women because of its complex action. Unlike competitors, they take care of both appearance and health at the same time. With their help, it is possible to improve one's condition in premenstrual syndrome, accelerate the synthesis of female sex hormones and reduce the likelihood of gynecological diseases. Those who take them do not complain of brittle nails, dry skin and excessive hair loss.

The composition of the preparation "Formula women" contains many useful substances, ranging from ascorbic acid and ending with biotin. But he still cannot satisfy the daily need of the girls' body for them, and in order to improve their appearance, it must be taken in courses. It is very convenient that the manufacturer offers to save money by purchasing 180 tablets at once. instead of 90 pcs. at a better price.


  • Multilateral action;
  • Rich composition;
  • Convenient plastic packaging;
  • Low likelihood of overdose;
  • A small number of contraindications.


  • Not found.

Average price: RUB 1,500

What vitamins are better for women after 30 years

The vitamin-mineral complex must necessarily be of a relatively natural origin in order to avoid harm to the liver and kidneys. It is important that he has a convenient form of release - a small size of tablets or capsules, or the tablets can be easily divided into several parts, if necessary. First of all, it is worth paying attention to food supplements, which contain at least 40% of the daily requirement of folic and ascorbic acid, iron. It is these substances that are more responsible for appearance and health.

Here are the features of choosing one or another drug from our TOP:

  • Those who want to stop being nervous, want to eliminate insomnia and improve their mood, should pay attention to preparations with a high concentration of vitamin C. The best option from our rating is Ultra Women’s Multivitamin Formula dietary supplement.
  • Those who complain of poor eyesight and spend a lot of time at the computer are better off using vitamins for the eyes, rich in beta-carotene and selenium. As such, it is worth highlighting Opti-Women from Optimum Nutrition.
  • During pregnancy, vitamins "Vitrum Prenatal", developed specifically for expectant mothers, will help support the female body.
  • Those who do not have enough vital energy, and who at the same time are often troubled by stress, should think about choosing NUTRILITE Feminine harmony.
  • In the autumn-winter period, when women begin to experience massive baldness, Duovit will help out.
  • For brittle nails, the food supplement Doppel herz Aktiv and Lady-S Formula will be a real salvation.
  • To prepare for pregnancy, you can use the drug "Formula women" from ArtLife.

All women, regardless of age, try to maintain an attractive appearance. Vitamin deficiency negatively affects the condition of the skin, the structure of hair and nail plates, well-being and emotional background. Fresh and high-quality products are natural suppliers of nutrients to the body, but it is not always possible to cover vitamin deficiencies through nutrition. In this case, help is provided by pharmacy vitamins developed specifically for women. The active ingredients in the vitamin complexes tone the body and restore an attractive appearance.

What vitamins are needed in the winter-spring period?

At the end of winter and early spring, the body is weakened, as it has used up all the nutrients during the cold season. Vitamin and mineral deficiency is difficult to eliminate by changing the diet, therefore, after winter, you cannot do without pharmaceutical preparations.

In a short time of the year, the female body especially needs the following substances:

  1. Retinol (A). Normalizes the condition of the skin. Eliminates dryness and flaking.
  2. Ascorbic acid (C). Strengthens the immune system. Reduces the risk of developing colds and infectious respiratory diseases.
  3. Calciferol (D). Supports the health of hair, nails, skeletal tissues.
  4. Group B. Normalizes mental and emotional state. Improves protein metabolism. Increases the supply of cells with oxygen.

In the spring months, it is best to consume natural sources of vitamins: fresh plant foods, herbs. After winter, a woman's diet must necessarily contain vegetables and roots, citruses, natural squeezed juices, dried fruits and nuts, honey, fish and seafood, leafy greens.

What vitamins are good for skin, hair, nails?

To keep hair, skin and nail plates beautiful and healthy, it is important for women to regularly receive the following vitamins:

  1. Retinol (A). Protects epidermal tissues from external negative factors.
  2. Ascorbic acid (C). Stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers. Makes skin tissues stronger and more elastic.
  3. Calciferol (D). Helps calcium to be absorbed in the nail tissue.
  4. Riboflavin (B2). Regulates cellular respiration.
  5. Nicotinic acid (B 3). Helps hair and nail cells get enough oxygen.
  6. Biotin (H). Accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues. Stimulates growth processes in nails and hair follicles.
  7. Unsaturated fatty acids (F). They normalize the secretory activity of the skin glands.

What vitamins do women of different ages need?

Manufacturers are dividing vitamin complexes into categories for their intended purpose for women of different ages. Women in their 30s need some useful substances, and women after 40 and 50 need others.

  1. ... This age is the heyday of the body. It is advisable to take vitamin preparations to prolong internal health and external beauty. At this age, calcium and vitamin D intake is indicated. These substances prevent the possible future occurrence of osteoporosis. To maintain attractiveness and improve the emotional state, fish oil saturated with tocopherol is recommended. And to slow down skin aging, you should choose a drug with retinol.
  2. ... During this period, the first signs of the coming menopause are noted. Hormonal changes in the body take place, the amount of sex hormones in the blood decreases. At this difficult time, it is recommended to take complex preparations containing retinol, ascorbic acid and vitamin B 12. These substances strengthen hair follicles and nail plates, maintain skin elasticity, prevent obesity, eliminate memory problems, and reduce the effects of stress.
  3. ... This is the height of menopause - the most difficult time for a woman. The body is in dire need of vitamin and mineral support. It is necessary to select complex preparations, including calciferol, iron, calcium, magnesium. Vitamin D in the climacteric period prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis and breast cancer.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis

Vitamin deficiency leads to serious consequences for the female body. Immunity is weakened, problems arise with the appearance and work of internal organs, the cycle of menstruation is disrupted. Lack of each vitamin is accompanied by specific symptoms.

  1. Hypovitaminosis C. Collagen formation is impaired, as a result of which the skin loses its elasticity, the complexion becomes painful. The woman feels weak and apathetic, suffers from pain in the muscle tissues. Gums bleed, blue vascular spots form on different parts of the body.
  2. ... Visual acuity worsens, the surface of the eyeballs dries up. The skin becomes dry and flaky. Age-related wrinkles appear before their time.
  3. ... The condition of the skin deteriorates markedly. Decreased libido.
  4. ... Bone tissue becomes thin and fragile. The joints hurt. Chronic fatigue occurs. Muscles weaken, convulsive states are noted.
  5. ... The skin turns pale. Anemia develops. The woman suffers from insomnia and dizziness. Baldness is noted, the nail plates become thinner and exfoliate.

List of the best vitamin supplements for women

The female body needs nutrients much more than the male. During pregnancy, the body is depleted, anemia develops. During the fertile period, women lose blood every month during menstruation. With menopause, many health problems arise. Therefore, women of all ages are advised to take an appropriate multivitamin. Below are the names and descriptions of the best vitamin preparations for maintaining youth and attractiveness of the female body.

  1. ... These American multivitamins deservedly lead the ranking of women's drugs. The complex, intended for young women, includes all important vitamins, minerals, as well as herbal extracts. The composition contains ascorbic acid, betaine, inositol, milk thistle, echinacea and ginkgo biloba extracts in optimal concentration. Plant extracts can increase blood pressure, so the drug is undesirable for women in old age. Vitamins are inexpensive, although imported, cost about 650 rubles.
  2. Revidox. The premium vitamin complex, produced in Spain, is one of the best women's preparations, suitable for use every day. The Spanish vitamins do not contain synthetic components. Component base - extracts of pomegranate and grape pulp, grape seeds. These substances have strong antioxidant effects. Antioxidants, flavonoids, trace elements that make up the extracts have a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthen hair and nail plates, maintain healthy teeth, and inhibit the aging process. Vitamins are expensive, but they have no analogues. For a package with 15 capsules, you will have to pay about 1400 rubles, for a package with 30 capsules - 2500 rubles.
  3. ... The most popular and frequently purchased vitamin complex. The drug has a rich component composition and numerous indications for use. Usually vitamins are prescribed with a meager diet, hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency, after illness and injury. The composition contains vitamin A, tocopherol, calciferol, inositol, biotin, iodine, zinc, selenium and many other substances important for the female body. Women with thyroid problems should take the drug with caution, after consulting a doctor, since iodine is present in the composition in considerable quantities. The tablets are quite large, it is difficult to swallow them. The complex costs an average of 1200 rubles.
  4. ... Quality vitamins from the British company Vitabiotics, recommended for winter intake. The preparation for skin, hair, nails has a regenerating and strengthening effect. It helps the hair to remain beautiful in winter, the skin does not dry out, and the nail plates do not exfoliate. The composition is saturated, retinol, group B compounds, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, biotin, coenzyme Q 10, trace elements are present. Vitamins are relatively inexpensive, a package with 30 capsules costs up to 800 rubles.
  5. ... Inexpensive Slovenian vitamin and mineral preparation suitable for women of all ages, including only the most important components. Vitamins C, A, E have an antioxidant effect, improve the condition of hair and skin, calciferol and calcium prevent the development of osteoporosis, iron prevents anemia. The price does not exceed 380 rubles.
  6. ... Good vitamins of Russian production to strengthen the body after winter and preserve beauty. The drug is sold in tablets containing vitamins E, A, C, group B, iron, selenium, zinc, magnesium, coenzyme Q 10 and other useful compounds. The active substances are divided according to compatibility in three tablets. The drug practically does not cause allergies and other side effects. The cost is about 500 rubles.
  7. Complies 45 plus. Popular multivitamins for older women. The component basis of the domestic preparation is vitamins and hormonal plant extracts. Retinol and tocopherol slow down skin aging. Rutin strengthens the vascular walls. Group B compounds normalize the state of the nervous system. Selenium reduces the effects of stress. Motherwort extract restores emotional and mental state. The extract of cimicifuga, containing phytoestrogens, normalizes hormonal levels. The best Russian drug for prolonging youth costs only 300 rubles.
  8. Doppelgerz asset. Effective German vitamins are sold in the form of lemon soluble tablets. The active ingredients strengthen the immune system, improve the structure of hair and nails, have a positive effect on the state of blood vessels, prevent varicose veins, and prevent thyroid pathologies. The drug is easy to use, the tube with fizzy drinks can be carried with you in your purse. The disadvantage of the complex is the rapid consumption of tablets. But vitamins are cheap, they cost only 220 rubles.
  9. Laura. Women's anti-aging vitamins from the Russian company Evalar. Designed for women over the age of 30. The composition contains hyaluronic acid, which is necessary for youthful skin. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation. Tocopherol has an antioxidant effect and is important for the beauty of the skin. Yam extract relieves the symptoms of menstruation and maintains an attractive appearance. The drug is without iodine, so it can be safely taken by women with a problematic thyroid gland. Minus - a large list of contraindications. The cost of tablets is on average 440 rubles.
  10. ... Fortifying Swiss vitamins produced by the famous Bayer company. The vitamins and mineral elements included in the composition normalize metabolism, stimulate tissue regeneration and cell growth, and tone the body. Drinking a multivitamin preparation is recommended for hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome, deterioration of hair and nails, pregnancy. Before starting the appointment, you should read the instructions, as there are contraindications. The average price is 660 rubles.
  11. LiveLon. High quality French vitamins from the famous company Vision are sold under this name. Component base - plant antioxidants against aging and the negative effects of free radicals. The drug is recommended for women after 30 years of age to strengthen immunity, prevent premature wrinkles, improve metabolism, accelerate cell regeneration, normalize weight. The complex includes specific components, so it can cause allergies. Vitamins are very expensive, you cannot find them in a pharmacy, you can buy them only on the Internet. The average price is 6800 rubles for a jar of 60 tablets.
  12. Wellness Peck for women. Swedish vitamins from the famous company Oriflame. The composition contains omega-3 fatty acids, carotenoid astaxanthin, optimally combined trace elements and vitamins. The useful components collected in the preparation are necessary to maintain a young and attractive appearance for many years. The complex improves the condition of the skin, stimulates the performance of the brain, normalizes the functioning of the heart and vascular system, strengthens the immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect, activates metabolism, and maintains visual acuity. Vitamins cost about 2600 rubles.
  13. ... Multivitamins from the Russian company Valenta. The drug with optimally selected vitamins and microelements is recommended for women who are constantly mentally overstrained, eat poorly, and have had an infectious disease. The tablets have a positive effect on the state of the immune system, normalize metabolism, and saturate the body with energy. A package with 30 tablets costs about 410 rubles.
  14. Velvumen. Doctors recommend buying these British vitamins for patients with active lifestyles. The drug tones the body, strengthens the immune system, contains a full range of substances a woman needs. Indications for use - headaches, sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue, recovery of the body after a serious illness. The average price is 650 rubles.
  15. Art Life Formula of a woman. High quality vitamins for girls who care about external beauty and internal health. The drug has a unique composition, which includes not only vitamins and minerals, but also lecithin, royal jelly, lemongrass extracts, red pepper, ginkgo biloba. Active ingredients weaken menstrual symptoms, tone up the body, increase efficiency, and eliminate signs of fatigue. The price is quite high, about 920 rubles.
  16. Univit Eve. Belarusian budget vitamins for general strengthening of the female body. It contains retinol, calciferol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, group B, iron, magnesium and L-arginine. Active components have an antioxidant effect, inhibit aging, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, strengthen the body's defenses, stimulate metabolism, saturate tissues with energy, provide full mineralization of the skeleton and teeth, and help to endure stress more easily. The average price is 200 rubles.

Daily norms of vitamins for women

When taking vitamin preparations, it is necessary to take into account the daily intake of nutrients. Women 20 - 60 years old are shown the following amount of vitamins per day:

  • retinol (A) - 1 mg;
  • tocopherol (E) - 15 mg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - 90 mg;
  • calciferol (D) - 0.01 mg;
  • thiamine (B 1) - 1.5 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 1.8 mg;
  • nicotinic acid (B 3) - 20 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B 5) - 5 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B 6) - 2 mg;
  • folic acid (B 9) - 0.4 mg;
  • cobalamin (B 12) - 0.003 mg;
  • biotin (H) - 0.05 mg;
  • phylloquinone (K) - 0.1 mg.

When choosing complex drugs, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the active components with each other, as well as with other medicines. So, retinol is perfectly combined with iron, zinc and tocopherol, and group B - with copper, selenium, manganese. Do not take vitamins at the same time as tonic and alcoholic drinks, antibiotics.

When taking vitamins, you should follow all medical recommendations. Usually, the intake of vitamin complexes is carried out during or immediately after a meal. Take the tablets or capsules with a sufficient amount of water. The standard course of admission lasts 1 - 2 months. Repetition of courses - 2 times a year.

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