Home Useful properties of fruits How to Conquer Scales Girl for Twins. Bright and unpredictable Gemini-Girl: character difficulties. How to conquer a Gemini woman

How to Conquer Scales Girl for Twins. Bright and unpredictable Gemini-Girl: character difficulties. How to conquer a Gemini woman

So, have you seriously thought about how to seduce a Gemini woman? .. So you know, no matter how old she is, this is a child with extreme curiosity and a thirst for life. She is always on the move, looking for something new and constantly learning something. She has a desire to experience and learn everything for which her strength and energy are enough.

And if you are able to keep up with her rhythm of life, are flexible enough in views and are ready to give her some freedom, then the Gemini woman is just for you.

It is inherent in all representatives of this zodiac sign to show interest in many things. Including many members of the opposite sex. However, they can very quickly and unexpectedly cool down to yesterday's object of adoration, switching to a new sympathy. Remember that your Twin will never show excessive emotionality or passion - this is not for her - her feelings are always more superficial and dynamic. However, on the other hand, she will never control her partner and will give him reasonable freedom.

Now I will try to answer the question of how to seduce a Gemini woman.

Charming and intelligent, sociable and smiling, she can become desirable for any man. Many find it attractive. However, despite her openness, she is not the easiest sign in the zodiac to seduce. The changeable nature of the Gemini woman is often manifested in interpersonal relationships: today she will spend an evening with you with sincere pleasure, and tomorrow, she will no longer want to be disturbed. To seduce her, you have to think outside the box, you have to master the art of subtle persuasion and flanking maneuvers. Any attempts without preparation to talk frankly about feelings with her are doomed to failure - she will turn everything into a joke, laugh and masterfully close the topic.

Do not try to win the heart of this woman, she still does not listen to him. This is not sensual for you! To seduce her and fall in love with you without memory, attack not her feelings, but her intellect. It is the core of her personality that makes such women strong and beautiful at the same time. The strategy of "intellectual seduction" attracts Gemini women like moths in the night. They are very friendly and talkative by nature. And their first impression of a person is not made up of his appearance or spiritual wealth, but of how and how interestingly you will talk to her.

At your first acquaintance and the first conversation, be outwardly open and sociable, but manage to maintain a certain amount of mystery. It is more than likely that she is doing the same. Here's a great opportunity for a little revenge: talk to her as much as she gives you and hide from her what she has hidden from you. She really likes these games of hide-and-seek and catch-up, in them she loves to play with potential suitors. This is how she can play with you long enough to see if you really are the right fit for her. And, if you do everything right, you will probably get a phone number from her and even be able to make an appointment for the next meeting.

Better if your first date is in the park. Take a walk with her, talk to your satisfaction, and then invite her to a cafe. If the weather lets you down on this day: go to the movies, and then to the pizzeria. Be sure to praise your Twin for the slightest reason, but do not intrusively. Representatives of this sign love recognition and compliments for little things.

Remember, I already noted above that a man who thinks about how to seduce a Gemini woman must be flexible? The fact is that this is required by her changeable nature. The sexual side of her life is no exception. She loves variety in sex. It is not predictable in it. She is interested in a change of scenery, sex in different places, role-playing games, etc. She has a good imagination, incl. and in an intimate sense. Be prepared to go along with her eccentricities. However, Gemini, nevertheless, are more theoreticians than practitioners, and love mainly with their ears. Therefore, use it to your health: tell her in detail what you would like to do with her and how to make love, whisper a few sexual compliments to her in a public place, etc. And it is not at all necessary to translate all these stories into practice - it is already important for her to just hear it from you. Thus, you will earn a lot of points of her sympathy.

Now I honestly warn you that many Gemini women can be said to be wrong. This is true. They will only be there for you as long as you can keep up with the ever-changing kaleidoscope of their interests.

However, there are several tips, following which you can even fall in love with this windy person so deeply that she will stop even thinking about life without you:
1. As already mentioned, you must always be ready to adapt to the constant change of her priorities, tastes and likes.
2. The Gemini woman loves to solve people, they are like a difficult and exciting puzzle for her. Your task is to make her explore your soul as long as possible. Let her do it slowly, only gradually letting her into the most distant corners of her essence.
3. Always be genuinely interested in what is of interest to your loved one. Believe me, she will be incredibly pleased to share her knowledge with you if she sees your interest in this.
4. Never stop maintaining your relationship intellectually.

Know that if you can successfully solve the question of how to seduce a Gemini woman, you will not only get a wonderful conversationalist and an inventive sexual partner. This woman will turn your head. Will make your life bright and take you into the flow of real adventures. And soon you yourself will be surprised how you could do without it at all ... By the way, for comparison, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Many choose life companions based on their horoscope and this is not in vain, because almost always it helps to find out about the character and temperament. Having studied this information, you can find out how a man can win the heart of a twin woman.

A very charming and attractive twin woman, she always has many friends and admirers. She can be described as sociable and sociable, interesting.

In order to achieve her location, one must approach her with intelligence, and even more, possess knowledge.

A twin woman loves to talk, her partner must be able to listen and maintain a conversation on any topic that interests her. The partner should not stop her communication by e-mail, by phone with her friends, otherwise, she will not have enough communication. The frequent change of partner is explained by the search for her ideal.

A strong and courageous man is suitable for this sign of the zodiac, but his character should be simple. For twin women, it is not the appearance of the partner that plays an important role, but his self-confidence and responsibility. A man should put himself well, be able to stay in society and have a sense of humor. They will never give preference to a partner, a pessimist, a bore and a fool.

How do men win a woman's heart? Of course, they give gifts, give compliments and arrange romantic evenings. Twin women will appreciate a gift made from the heart. In addition, women of this sign love to please their loved ones themselves, and arrange surprises for any reason.

How to win the heart of an unapproachable woman:

  1. You need to have a strong character and have a sense of humor.
  2. Be responsible, ready to protect your chosen one, not throw words to the wind.
  3. Be generous with compliments and admire the twin woman.
  4. Give gifts and show courtesies.
  5. Support her interests, be mysterious, they love it.
  6. Never offend her, she may turn away from you.

If you want to win the heart of a married woman, then you should be persistent and interested in your personality. Give her gifts, show constant signs of attention. Intrigue her, try to remain a mystery for her, the twins are attracted by the intrigue of mystery. This zodiac sign loves to flirt, but this does not prevent her from remaining a faithful and devoted friend.

Family and marriage is not her main goal, she likes an open relationship. But if she decides to create a marriage, she will be a faithful wife. However, there is no need to infringe on her freedom, she will not like it. Twin women are free birds, they like to do everything in their own way. Therefore, do not rush things, but act according to the plan, interest and intrigue her, give her freedom, in these ways you can win her heart.

Twin women enjoy the process of winning them over and over-courting a partner. If every time to be unpredictable, then it will lure them faster than the monotony in the relationship. She should always be surprised, shown beautiful places and made original gifts.

Dates should be unique and gifts should be chic, they like everything shiny. If you get bored with her, she will fly away to another cage. Twin women do not tolerate loneliness, she cannot be left alone for a long time.

A twin woman will always support her man in everything, will give everything in the world to help you, such a reliable friend. How to win a twin woman and her heart? She should feel that she is loved and needed. If a man gives it to her, she will be a wonderful wife and mistress. From this sign of the zodiac, an excellent mother is obtained, thanks to which, the children will be well-mannered and well-groomed.

You should always accompany her somewhere, if you cannot, then let her go with her friends. Remember, twins cannot stand being alone, if you constantly leave her alone, she will gradually begin to move away from you. Let romantic relationships prevail, do not skimp on her gifts.

In order to win her heart, let her flirt with other men, do not be afraid, she will not cheat on you. It's just that this sign likes the attention of the male. Bring her out often: at exhibitions, theaters, or cinemas, so that she doesn't get bored. A twin woman must be made to have fun, to entertain, so that she feels a happy pastime, only then can you conquer her.

Twin women love exotic food and good wines, so invite her to a restaurant with good food. To surprise her, for example, offer to ride a motorcycle around the city. These are very demanding women, sometimes they can show curiosity to become interested in her person. Therefore, if you want to choose her, you need to adjust to her mood, it can be changeable, be prepared for this.

In this video you will see the Features of the male psyche

To please a Gemini woman, a man needs to better understand his beloved. A characteristic of this zodiac sign, a description of the character, hobbies and aspirations of a Gemini woman, will be able to help a man, get closer to her and build harmonious relationships.

Woman personality - Gemini

The Gemini girl has the qualities of unpredictability and inconstancy. She is in search of herself, new hobbies and various experiences. Gemini, first of all, strives for diversity in their life. Therefore, he does not tolerate boredom and tries in every possible way to avoid it. The sign of Gemini endowed these girls with duality. On the one hand, they are spontaneous, follow the lead of their feelings, and on the other hand, such girls have a deep inner world, a philosophical and logical mindset. These qualities make Gemini fascinating companions and interesting personalities.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are often in the spotlight, possessing natural charm and the ability to find a common language with everyone. Gemini girls are active and cheerful. They are open to everything new, take on everything that is exciting, are easily inspired. Sometimes they can behave hot-tempered, as it is difficult for them to control their violent emotions. Being next to a Gemini girl, you can feel her strong energy.

Usually, these girls have a clear voice and laughter. Routine, monotonous work is not for Gemini. The business in which she is engaged, of course, should inspire her, fill her with life and creative energy, and bring pleasure. The Gemini girl has not only an attractive, noticeable appearance, but also an innate sense of taste.

How to please a Gemini woman

It is not easy to win the heart of a Gemini girl, because her quality of instability and desire for novelty makes her fickle in relationships with men. It is very difficult for Gemini to tie the knot, as they value their freedom very much. A man who will like this girl should be a good friend for her, with whom you can talk and discuss intellectual topics. He should also be a support in life, and a loving, understanding partner. It is not easy for men to be a versatile person and combine all these qualities, so you will have to make a lot of efforts in order to win the heart of this unapproachable beauty.

Women - Gemini in a man, first of all appreciate his intelligence, the ability to conduct a conversation, tell a lot of new and exciting things. If, at the same time, a man has a good sense of humor, this will be a huge plus for him. Since Gemini themselves are unstable and windy, they need a more balanced partner who can harmonize them. However, the views and interests between the couple should not differ greatly, otherwise quarrels cannot be avoided. The Gemini girl cannot remain indifferent to the external data of a man. His strength and confidence should be reflected in his physical body. If a man has good physical shape and the above qualities of character, a Gemini woman will not just resist his charms.

Gemini woman and marriage

To create happiness in marriage, a Gemini woman needs to avoid routine and monotony, as this makes her unhappy. If they meet their soul mate, they are also able to be a faithful companion, an understanding friend and inspiration for their beloved. Thanks to the excellent sense of taste, the house of the Gemini woman is filled with beauty, elegance and comfort. However, she prefers travel and entertainment to everyday problems, so she is able to not notice the mess in the house. Household for a girl - Gemini is not in the first place, although, if desired, she does an excellent job with all the responsibilities and knows how to cook deliciously and exquisitely for her family.

Easy disposition, sociability, sense of humor distinguish the Gemini woman from representatives of other signs of the zodiac. She is able to become for her partner and a faithful friend, and a good lover, and an impeccable companion at social events.

How to conquer a Gemini woman

Only a strong and confident man can conquer a Gemini woman. He will have to learn to satisfy all aspects of the multifaceted personality of his chosen one. The representative of this zodiac sign needs an intelligent and interesting interlocutor with whom she can talk on any topic. An erudite, witty and eloquent representative of the stronger sex has every chance to sink into her soul.

In conquering such a woman, you should not be too aggressive and assertive. Natural charm, charisma, a sense of humor and the ability to captivate with dialogue will become good helpers for a man. Appearance in the case of a typical representative of the air element plays a secondary role. Strength in her understanding lies not in the number of muscles, but in the strength of character. For a Gemini woman, it is important that a man knows how to keep the situation under control.

To conquer the heart of an active and restless young lady can only be done by a quick and enterprising person. The representative of this zodiac sign will not consider a bore or a pessimist as a potential life partner. Tactless gentlemen also have no chance.

A riddle in the image will help a man to conquer an inquisitive lady. The Gemini woman will want to plunge into solving her. Unpredictable behavior and original surprises are a sure way to arouse interest in a representative of this zodiac sign.

The Gemini woman lives in an active rhythm. You should not limit her freedom and try to lock her in a "cage". It is important for her to feel the fullness of life and receive new emotions. A man who “tunes in to this wave” will be able to conquer the elusive young lady.

How to keep a Gemini woman

Attracting the attention of a Gemini woman is much easier than keeping her close to you. She is interested in courtship and new acquaintances. But when a man and relationship with him become a read book, the lady can quickly lose interest. Only a patient and loving partner is able to find an approach to a sensitive and vulnerable young lady. You should not openly conflict with her. The Gemini woman does not accept excessive harshness in her address, rudeness and rudeness. Also, she will not like the man's attempts to restrict her freedom. Such a lady wants to see next to a true gentleman, gallant and understanding.

For a typical representative of the air element, there is nothing more terrible than routine. Stability and predictability frighten her more than it pleases. They are synonymous with boredom for her. Such a woman needs to receive new emotions. If the partner does not give them to her, then she will go to look for them "on the side".

The Gemini woman is a creative person. She will appreciate the impulses of the chosen one to support her creative endeavors. The partner should constantly develop and keep the bar high in order to satisfy the spiritual and intellectual needs of the lady of the heart.

A long and happy life with a representative of this zodiac sign will be only for that man who unites in his face a faithful friend, an interesting interlocutor, a reliable protector and an impeccable lover.

How to get a Gemini woman back

The Gemini woman is an emotional and hot-tempered person. Conflicts often occur with her. If it is about a trifle, then she will soon forget about the quarrel herself. But in the event of a serious disagreement, you can permanently lose the lady of the heart. An active and restless young lady is in constant motion. New acquaintances will not let her get bored. The representative of this zodiac sign will not get hung up on negative experiences and will quickly find a replacement for the place of the chosen one. Therefore, it is impossible to hesitate on the issue of reconciliation.

A thorough conversation will help bring the Gemini woman back. A man should not show his weakness. Also, do not express grievances and claims. You can start with neutral topics. A peaceful and empathetic representative of the fair sex will quickly make contact. Later, you can discuss the reason for the quarrel. The woman will willingly accept the apology and return.

If this does not work out in this way, then you can try to "take by storm." The man will have to turn on all his charm and return to the stage of courtship. Eloquent declarations of love, original gifts and gallant deeds will become good helpers. All this should be unobtrusive, without pressure and persecution.

The Gemini woman has a special appeal - light and airy, while she seems almost elusive. Such a combination greatly intrigues hunters for the fair sex - how is it, so beautiful and so .. completely disinterested? Is she really that, or is she pretending to spark interest? It would be necessary to get to know each other better to find out! And in the long train of her admirers, another gentleman appears. And what about herself? The Gemini woman takes almost all of her fans for friends. She has fun and well with them, they give gifts and support the company. Do you really need something else?

It takes a lot more for Gemini to fall in love. First of all, you must not only fit her intellectually, but also surpass her in some way. If you have nothing to tell her, you are of no interest to her. She herself is not averse to talking incessantly for hours. But the moment she gets tired, you have to pick up the baton. If you are not a special fan of talking, you will have to either master the art of oratory, or ... try to transfer part of the "load" onto the shoulders of her friends or the mass media. Do not interfere with her communication with friends and colleagues, do not interfere with her calmly hang out in chats and forums. There she satisfies her thirst for communication and receives the missing impressions and experiences.

Should such openness be considered a reason for jealousy? Not in the case of the Gemini woman! Although she learns love quite early on - both emotional and physical - she never puts it first in her life. She is not one of those who will sob into a pillow at night because of an unanswered text message. If a man does not reciprocate her feelings, she will simply shrug and continue to enjoy life. However, if she has already made a choice and gave you her love, then she will not look for someone better. She will be happy with those who are near. So jealousy towards Gemini is completely inappropriate. It's calming, isn't it?

Often the Gemini woman herself takes the initiative. In fact, all these rules about the fact that a man should be the first to invite a lady are outdated long ago. Probably, it was the Gemini ladies who in their time came up with the "white dance" - when a woman chooses a partner for herself. If some lucky person interested her, then it seems quite natural for her to offer to meet again in order to communicate better. This is not swagger or arrogance, and certainly not excessive experience. Rather, it can be called immediacy. If two people like each other, why hide it? Therefore, if you are in love with a Gemini woman, you should not delay recognition or starting a relationship. Invite her to your favorite places to talk heart to heart, get to know each other better, just exchange thoughts.

Your dates should never be boring. She would rather just walk in the park and laugh at your witticisms than sit in an expensive restaurant and look dejectedly at a plate. If you feel like you are losing her interest, go to the movies. Let it be a fantasy or an adventure movie. Action movies and melodramas won't suit you, but comedies are. No interesting films? Go to the theater, to any event, take part in a flash mob - just do not sit at home and do not "drink each other to the dregs."

The good news for men who couldn't resist the Gemini's charm is that your beloved is almost indifferent to male looks. Rather, on the contrary, at the sight of a bodybuilder playing with muscles or a brutal macho, they can feel disgust. They will never require you to "get fit," "look good," or go to the gym. Their type is an intellectual, not an athlete. Therefore, you should look as if you are ready to take part in the show “What? Where? When?" - neat, but not provocative.

Gemini love games. Suggest any brain-teasing game, such as chess. Solving a crossword puzzle is perfect. Or ask her to help write a script for you, from a new Hollywood movie to a kid's party. The more fun the event is, the better, as humor Gemini loves no less games. Memorize fresh jokes in order to make your beloved laugh at the right moment. Just do not try to foist on her stories "with a beard", she has a wonderful memory, and she knows all the old jokes by heart.

The Gemini woman is an addicting nature. Her mood changes quickly, and sometimes she even experiences bouts of irritation. Fortunately, they pass quickly - wait for them calmly. And she is not at all such a good housewife, or, as she herself says: “she is not fixated on everyday problems”. You will have to come to terms with this and even take on some simple responsibilities. Hungry? Don't expect her to rush to fry you pancakes. Better take something edible on a date: cookies, candy, sweet buns. And when going to visit her, hold flowers and balloons in one hand, and a bag with pizza and a bottle of wine in the other. And then your meeting will surely be wonderful.

Among the famous Gemini women, there are many journalists and writers, actresses and models. For example, Angelina Jolie: she is not only a breathtakingly beautiful actress, but also a Goodwill Ambassador for Refugees, the founder of several charities, the mother of six children, three of whom are adopted. This is a typical example of the breadth of interests that every Gemini has. And if only fate gives her a chance, she will be able to show herself in all her splendor!

Famous Gemini women

Marilyn Monroe is the first blonde and a symbol of cinema Nicole Kidman - a high forehead is a common sign of a Gemini woman
Natasha Koroleva - Gemini woman who loves to shock Kristina Orbakaite - Gemini will not prevent gossip behind the back

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