Home Useful properties of fruits What hormonal contraceptives after 40 years. Mini-pill - "micro" dose does not mean "micro" effect. Making a decision on our own

What hormonal contraceptives after 40 years. Mini-pill - "micro" dose does not mean "micro" effect. Making a decision on our own

In women, unlike men, the body changes much more often and more intensively during life, especially with regard to hormonal changes. In addition, stress, malnutrition, and difficult working conditions have a negative impact on women's health. This leads to vitamin deficiency, accompanied by weakness and lethargy, deterioration of the hair, nail plates, and skin. To prevent the appearance of the above symptoms, women after 40 should normalize their diet and take vitamins.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice when buying multivitamins, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. Good drugs have a GMP mark - an international quality standard, which means that the drug has passed medical tests and is highly effective.
  2. A quality product cannot be cheap.
  3. The composition should contain not only vitamins, but also the most important mineral elements for the female body (iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, calcium).

Substances important for the female body

Low immunity, problems with appearance, emotional instability - all these are signs of hypovitaminosis. For women over 40, the following vitamins are especially important.

  1. Retinol (A). A powerful antioxidant that slows down skin aging and maintains visual acuity.
  2. Calciferol (D). It is necessary for the construction of bone tissue, the normal functioning of the brain. Blocks the growth of malignant cells.
  3. Tocopherol (E). It is called the "women's vitamin". Maintains the normal condition of the skin, hair structure. With a lack of a substance, problems with appearance appear.
  4. Ascorbic acid (C). Strong immunostimulant. Prevents infectious diseases.
  5. Phylloquinone (K). Ensures the health of blood vessels, normalizes the functioning of the kidneys.
  6. Cyanocobalamin (B 12). It normalizes the emotional state, eliminates insomnia.

If young girls need to eat well to get the above vitamins, then women who have reached the age of 40 need much more useful substances than they can take from food. Therefore, the intake of vitamin complexes becomes mandatory.

Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms

Women entering the menopausal stage should be regularly examined by a gynecologist, endocrinologist and other medical specialists. Nutrition at this age should be of high quality and complete: no exotic and rigid diets are allowed. In no case should you bring the situation to the development of hypovitaminosis.

Deficiency is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • pain in the abdomen, indigestion;
  • hearing and vision problems;
  • baldness;
  • inflammation of the gums, dental disease;
  • frequent colds;
  • lethargy, rapid fatigue, low performance, apathetic mood;
  • drowsiness during the daytime, insomnia at night;
  • drying and peeling of the skin, the appearance of inflammatory skin rashes;
  • development of dermatological infectious pathologies;
  • the occurrence of stomatitis;
  • fungal infection of the genital tract;
  • memory impairment, problems with concentration.

Daily intake of vitamins

For the body, not only a vitamin deficiency is dangerous, but also an excess. It is important that useful substances enter the body daily in the optimal amount.

For mature women, the daily norm of substances is as follows:

  • retinol (A) - up to 0.8 mg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - up to 100 mg;
  • tocopherol (E) - 15 mg;
  • thiamine (B 1) - 1.7 mg;
  • riboflavin (B 2) - 2 mg;
  • niacin (B 3) - 20 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B 5) - 5 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B 6) - 2 mg;
  • folic acid (B 9) - 1 mg;
  • cyanocobalamin (B 12) - 0.003 mg;
  • biotin (H) - 0.3 mg;
  • phylloquinone (K) - 0.1 mg.

In high-quality women's vitamin complexes, useful compounds are in the optimal daily dose.

Foods rich in vitamins

It is better to get nutrients from food, and use vitamin preparations if necessary. And you can provide the body with vitamins with the help of products only by making the diet of high quality and varied.

The daily menu should contain foods rich in useful substances:

  • retinol - liver, carrots, greens, eggs, dairy products;
  • ascorbic acid - citrus, cabbage, pepper, currant;
  • calciferol - fish, liver, eggs, beef;
  • tocopherol - vegetable oils, dairy products;
  • thiamine - legumes, dairy products, yeast;
  • riboflavin - fish, cereals, eggs;
  • biotin - mushrooms, liver, nuts, dairy products, eggs;
  • phylloquinone - greens, seaweed.

The best vitamin preparations

Below are the names and descriptions of the best complex preparations and dietary supplements for women over 40 years old.

  1. . A line of drugs is produced for patients of different ages and different levels of activity. The advantage of the complex is the optimal combination of vitamins and minerals for compatibility. The components are divided into three tablets: morning - toning the body, strengthening the heart muscle and circulatory system, day - providing the body with antioxidants, helping to overcome negative external factors, evening - maintaining the health of bone tissues, organs of vision, hormonal system. The price is about 350 rubles.
  2. Complivit for women 45 plus. Vitamin complex, characterized by a large component composition. The tablets contain retinol, group B compounds, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, selenium, magnesium and many other substances important for the female body. The components of the drug stimulate metabolism, get rid of extra pounds, are necessary to strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate the body. A package with 30 tablets will cost about 300 rubles.
  3. . The best drug for women, it optimally matches all the substances needed by the body after 40 years. The composition contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also herbal supplements. Active components increase the efficiency of the brain, strengthen the immune system, reduce the effects of stress and the manifestations of menopause. The price for a package with 30 tablets is about 1200 rubles, for a package with 60 tablets - 1800 rubles.
  4. Ledy's Formula Woman 40 Plus. A high-quality complex of vitamins from the English manufacturer PharmaMed. The composition contains retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, inositol, trace elements and herbal supplements. The components of the drug are important for women's health, improve the condition of the skin and hairline, normalize weight, and help to endure menopausal changes in the body more easily. Price - 850 rubles.
  5. Omnium from Solgar. It is impossible not to include effective American pills in the rating of vitamins. This drug is of high quality, it contains vitamins, mineral elements, soybean extract, antioxidants, flavonoids, lipoic acid - the most necessary substances for women. The drug is recommended to be taken in order not to age prematurely, to prevent senile diseases, to strengthen the immune system. Solgar products are rarely sold in pharmacies, but you can buy these vitamins in online stores. Price - up to 1800 rubles.
  6. Vitolize. The top best vitamins include these general strengthening and tonic tablets from the American company Forever. The drug is recommended for prolonging youth, maintaining the beauty of the skin, reducing menopausal symptoms. The composition contains vitamin D, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, group B compounds, minerals, herbal and fruit extracts. Active ingredients stabilize the hormonal and nervous state. Price - 1900 rubles.
  7. from Evalar. The Russian manufacturer offers good and inexpensive pills for patients entering the menopausal stage. The basis of dietary supplements is extracts of cimicifuga and motherwort, which alleviate menopausal symptoms. Also in the composition are retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, group B, L-carnitine, rutin, selenium. The drug is not hormonal, so you can drink it without fear. Active components normalize the mental and emotional state, prevent vegetative-vascular pathologies in menopause. A package with 60 tablets will cost 400 rubles.

Vitamins to improve appearance after 40 years

A woman who has reached the age of 40 needs to provide the body with vitamins that normalize the condition of the skin, the structure of the hairline, and nail plates. These vitamins include:

  • A - has a protective effect on the epithelium, prevents the skin from drying out;
  • C - stimulates the production of collagen;
  • D - necessary for the full absorption of minerals;
  • B 2 - regulates cellular respiration;
  • B 3 - supplies hair and skin structures with oxygen;
  • B 7 - stimulates hair growth, restoration of skin tissues;
  • F - supports the normal functioning of the skin glands.

Vitamins to strengthen immunity

The body of mature women is weakened in the spring, experiencing vitamin deficiency. Most of the nutrients the body spends in the winter. Therefore, in the spring months, women should definitely drink complexes that include retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin D, group B. These compounds normalize skin structure, strengthen bone tissue, hair and nails, stimulate metabolism, provide cells with oxygen, restore mental state, improve immunity, protect against colds.

The most popular contraceptives after 40 include:

Contraceptive issues for a 40-year-old woman are no less relevant than for women in their 20s or 30s. Pregnancy at this age can occur, but a woman's chances of bearing and giving birth to a healthy child are significantly lower. By the age of 37, reproductive function begins to fade.

The hormonal background undergoes significant changes, the risk of neoplasms in the genital organs of a woman, including malignant ones, increases. That's why hormonal birth control pills after 40 perform not only the role of a contraceptive, but also are an excellent prophylactic for women's health.

For about half a century, pharmacologists, gynecologists, and endocrinologists have been developing effective and safe hormonal oral contraceptives. Practice has proven their reliability. Selection of contraceptive drugs after 40 years must be done very carefully. It is necessary to take into account not only the state of health, but also the lifestyle of a woman.

Consultation of a gynecologist-endocrinologist when choosing hormonal contraceptives is required.

Features of hormonal contraception for women after 40

At 40, a woman is still in her prime, but irreversible hormonal changes in her body have already been triggered by the biological clock. Major hormones associated with fertility estrogen and progesterone continue to be produced by the ovaries, but in much smaller quantities.

During the period of hormonal changes in the female body, the immune defense decreases, so the risk of developing diseases of the genital organs increases. To support the body during this period, for women after 40 years of age, gynecologists-endocrinologists have developed special hormonal contraceptive pills.

Against the background of changes in the hormonal background, women at this age often develop diseases associated with the growth of the uterine mucosa (endometriosis), a benign tumor (myoma) is formed in the muscular layer of the uterus.

It is better to give preference to monophasic oral contraceptives, in which the daily dose of estrogen and progesterone is the same. They have an additional therapeutic and preventive effect. The choice between low-dose and micro-dose hormonal preparations should be made by the doctor.

To maintain the female reproductive system, the most promising are hormonal agents, which include microdoses of synthetic analogues of progesterone (linestrenol and desogestrel), they are called "minimal pills" or mini-pills. They practically do not affect the metabolic processes in the female body..

It is they that are best taken after 4 years, they are an effective alternative to combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and a lifesaver for women. These are Levonorgestrel, Charozetta, Exluton, Orgametril, Primolut-Nor and others.


High from unwanted pregnancy.
The regularity of the menstrual cycle.
Reducing the risk of malignant neoplasms by 50%.
Prevention of osteoporosis.
No side effects.
Soften the manifestations of menopause, compensate for the hormonal deficiency during this period.
Normalize intimate relationships, increase libido.
They are an effective prevention of cysts, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy.

Risks of pregnancy after 40

The reproductive system of a woman works properly until about 37 years old, but after 40 years, the chances of giving birth to a healthy child are reduced. Despite the fact that by the age of 40 the probability of conception decreases, Pregnancy at this age is not uncommon.. The decision to have a baby after 40 should be made carefully.

Unfortunately, the eggs also "age". They accumulate genetic abnormalities, so there is a high risk of having a baby with serious pathologies. The most common among them is Down syndrome. Most often, an embryo with chromosomal mutations cannot implant in the uterus, and the pregnancy ends in a miscarriage.

It is worth noting that at this age, pregnancy is difficult. A woman may experience serious complications (hypertension, diabetes, and others). During childbirth, a caesarean section is more commonly used. Women in labor after 40 develop severe postpartum depression.

Prescribing birth control pills after 40

For women who have given birth and have not given birth, the choice of birth control pills is determined by the following factors:
the state of the immune system;
the presence of cardiovascular diseases;
contraindications for the use of estrogen-containing drugs;
frequent use of alcoholic beverages;
chronic depression.


Taking contraceptive pills after 40 years for women who smoke is a serious danger. We are not talking about reducing the contraceptive effect. The hormone estrogen and cigarette smoke, while in the body, significantly increase the risk of blood clots.

After the age of 40, oral contraceptives (OC) taken can cause heart attacks, strokes and other diseases of the circulatory system. Contraceptives after 40 for smokers are condoms, an intrauterine device, and other types of non-hormonal protection.

If the patient refuses to use non-hormonal contraception, the doctor may recommend hormonal pills for women based on progestogens. Estrogen is not included in their composition.

The disadvantages of such protection are:

Spotting at any time of the cycle;
constant careful medical control;
mandatory blood test once every six months;
self-monitoring of blood pressure indicators.


Drinking alcoholic beverages while taking birth control pills is not safe. If alcohol provoked diarrhea, vomiting 2-4 hours after taking the drug, the effectiveness of the contraceptive decreases. In such cases, you need to take another pill.

The best thing take birth control pills in the morning so that they can get used to it. If an evening entertainment event with alcohol consumption caused digestive disorders, this will not affect the contraceptive effect in any way.


Instructions for the use of hormonal contraceptives are required contain a warning about a decrease in the protective effect when combined with certain drugs. This applies primarily to antibiotics. When prescribing antibiotic therapy, you should not stop taking contraceptives, but it is necessary to take additional barrier methods of protection.


Age after 40 is often associated with uterine fibroids, or rather with the active development of this disease against the background of hormonal changes in the body. The appointment of hormonal contraceptive pills for fibroids is not only providing reliable contraception, but also effective therapy.

In the presence of the disease, combined single-phase preparations or mini-pills are used. Synthetic hormones in the pills have the same effect as natural female hormones, plus exhibit additional medicinal properties. This allows you to normalize the hormonal background and significantly reduce the size of the fibroids.


With endometriosis, gynecologists prescribe birth control pills to stabilize and alleviate the woman's condition. These drugs delay the growth of the uterine mucosa, normalize the menstrual cycle. It is impossible to completely cure the disease with oral contraceptives..

About weight

It is believed that due to the use of oral contraceptives, women gain weight. Modern contraceptives, which are prescribed after 40, contain low doses of hormones so weight gain has nothing to do with it. Only in the first months there may be a slight increase, but this is a temporary phenomenon. It is associated with fluid retention in the tissues and adaptation of the body to the drug.

It is believed that OK cause cellulite. Microdosed hormonal preparations have no effect on metabolic processes, so the appearance of an "orange peel" on a woman's body is caused by other reasons.

Unwanted conception in women after 40 will cause a lot of problems. Abortion at this age can lead to various complications, and pregnancy and childbirth to a high risk of pathologies in the child. In our article, we will consider which contraceptives after 40 years are the safest and most effective.

The main types of contraception for women after 40 years:

  1. condoms - male and female,
  2. hormonal pills,
  3. intrauterine device,
  4. spermicides.

At this age, contraceptive pills with a low content of hormones and a complete absence of estrogen are suitable.

Benefits of hormonal contraceptives after 40 years

Many women treat hormonal drugs with apprehension and contempt, primarily due to the fear of gaining excess weight. They believe that it is impossible to take hormones without increasing body weight. Of course, weight gain when taking OK is just a myth.

In the event that products containing hormones are selected individually by a gynecologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the weight will in no case change. Consider the benefits of birth control pills after 40 years:

  1. protection against pregnancy.
  2. Basically, the drugs do not have side effects or they occur very rarely.
  3. normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  4. an invaluable advantage for the skin: it becomes more even and smooth, and the nails are strong.
  5. reduce the risk of developing certain ailments: osteoporosis, tumor formations, ovarian cysts and fibroids.
  6. delaying the onset of menopause.

In order to avoid side effects or other troubles, it is very important to choose the right contraceptives individually after 40 years, a gynecologist will help you with this.

What contraceptives to choose after 40 years

The pharmaceutical market is replenished every day with new names and manufacturers of contraceptives. Consider drugs that are suitable for adult women.

mini pili

Gynecologists advise older women to give preference to contraceptives that contain a minimum amount of estrogen - mini-pills. To date, they are considered the safest and most effective.

  1. Charosetta;
  2. Lactinet;
  3. Microlute;
  4. Exoluton;
  5. Micronor.


There is another effective type of drug that inhibits ovulation and reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy - combined oral contraceptives. Compared to mini-pills, these birth control pills after 40 years of age have a wider range of side effects, but in the absence of contraindications, doctors recommend that women take some of the drugs in this group:

Name of the drugFeature and priceA photo

Thanks to the active substance of the drug, a viscous mucus is formed, which prevents fertilization.

The cost of the drug is from 490 to 560 rubles, depending on the region.

The drug is available in tablets. It increases the production of sex hormones, as a result of which ovulation becomes impossible.

The price is from 380 to 460 rubles.

Modern hormonal pills. In addition to 99% protection against unwanted pregnancy. This drug with androgenic effect improves skin condition, helps to get rid of acne.

The price is from 1400 to 1500 rubles.

Popular new generation contraceptives. In addition to the contraceptive effect, it has medicinal properties. Effective in the treatment of cysts and fibroids.

The cost is from 950 to 1400 rubles.

It inhibits the process of maturation of the egg, and makes fertilization impossible.

The average price is 400 rubles.

It is a single-phase contraceptive, most relevant for nulliparous women. The active substance affects the mucous membrane of the uterus, inhibiting spermatozoa.

The cost is from 890 to 940 rubles.

Effective in the treatment of cysts, normalizes the menstrual cycle, prevents the fertilization of the egg. The price is from 340 to 480 rubles.

emergency contraception

In addition to pills that must be taken daily, there are so-called "SOS contraceptives". In this case, there is only one tablet in the package, which must be taken after the act of intimacy.

Please note that the name of medications is indicated for informational purposes only, and is not a guide to self-prescribing the drug without consulting a doctor.

What is better to use after 40 years, a spiral or birth control pills?

Doctors believe that at this age it is better to give preference to hormonal pills. As a rule, women after forty have a lack of hormones, which is necessary to maintain youth and maintain an active sex life.

Also, the advantage of hormonal pills compared to the spiral is the minimum number of side effects that occur very rarely.


As you know, any drug can cause the body not only benefit, but also harm. Possible harm to the body is manifested if a woman has contraindications to taking hormonal drugs.

List of main contraindications:

  1. Frequent headaches.
  2. Excess weight.
  3. Frequent inflammatory diseases, especially diseases of the larynx.
  4. Chronic depression or constant stress.
  5. Vascular diseases.

Also, when taking hormonal drugs, it is necessary to refrain from taking alcoholic beverages, since alcohol reduces the effectiveness of medications.

Contraceptives for various diseases

As a rule, after the age of 40, many women have some diseases and health problems. In the presence of a particular pathology, the doctor recommends giving preference to a certain type of contraceptive.

DiseaseContraceptive drugs
If there is no ovaryIn the absence of one of the ovaries, the woman's body does not receive hormones in full. To normalize the hormonal background, as well as protect yourself from a possible unwanted pregnancy, the doctor recommends taking hormonal contraceptives, which contain estrogens:
  • Novinet,
  • Diana-35.
With endometriosisIn addition to a high percentage of protection against pregnancy, medications treat endometriosis. Usually the gynecologist prescribes Regulon or Janine tablets. Contraceptive injections - Depo Provera - will also become effective.
With myomaIt is preferable to take combined oral contraceptives, thanks to them the menstrual cycle is normalized and the growth of fibroids is slowed down. Suitable drugs:
  • Yarina,
With menopauseHormones in menopause are necessary to maintain women's health, prolong youth and maintain sexual desire. Doctors recommend for menopause:
  • Klimonorm,
  • Klimen,
  • Cycloprogenova.
With mastopathyWhen taking hormonal agents, the soreness of the mammary glands decreases, the incidence of mastopathy is significantly reduced. It is recommended to take:
  • Lindinet-20,
With a cyst

When choosing a contraceptive, the doctor prefers drugs that have medicinal properties. Hormonal contraceptives are the main treatment for ovarian cysts.

For the treatment and prevention of unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to use single-phase or monophasic drugs, which are selected by a gynecologist depending on the size and characteristics of the cyst. In addition to pills, you can use the Evra contraceptive patch.

With varicose veins

Hormonal oral pills are not prohibited in the presence of a disease such as varicose veins. However, the active substance of hormonal drugs can worsen blood clotting, as a result of which the condition of blood vessels and veins worsens.

To prevent this disease, when taking OK, you need to visit a phlebologist more often and monitor your well-being.

  • In this case, it is recommended to take single-phase tablets.
  • In addition to OK, with varicose veins, you can install an intrauterine device.
For diabetesIn diabetes mellitus after 40 years of gynecology, it is recommended to use intrauterine devices or low-dose tablets. These include:
  • Novinet,
  • Logest.

You can also use contraceptive suppositories - Pharmatex.

Contraceptives for smokers

  • Heart attack.
  • Stroke.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Thrombosis.

Gynecologists advise women who smoke to give preference to an intrauterine device or use non-hormonal contraceptives.

Not every woman after 40 is ready to become a young mother. However, the reproductive period is not over yet. The probability of pregnancy is still preserved, contraception after 40 years remains an urgent issue. Among the methods of contraception, doctors assign an important place to contraceptive pills. At this age, taking them will not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but will also have a positive effect on the woman's well-being. Hormonal contraceptives after 40 years for some women are still something unknown. This article will help you understand what female hormones are in pills after 40 years.

A new chapter in a woman's life: perimenopause

Premenopause is the time when the female reproductive function begins to fade. There is a hormonal failure, which is associated with such unpleasant phenomena as increased sweating, disturbed menstrual cycle, sudden mood swings.

This is a completely natural process, which in the normal course does not require the use of medications. But from that time on, a woman, due to a decrease in ovarian function, is forced to make significantly more efforts to maintain health and beauty.

Sex hormones, which are produced by the ovaries in the female body, are part of many physiological processes that affect not only reproductive function, but also the healthy functioning of other organs. Estrogen and progesterone throughout the reproductive period are catalysts for the body's activities. Over time, the amount of hormones produced by the ovaries gradually decreases and the body has to adapt to existence without this life-giving source. Female hormones in tablets after 40 years will help to cope with their internal crisis.

The beginning of menopause: timing and features

Perimenopause is the very beginning of menopause. The onset and duration of premenopause varies for different women, but for most, the onset of premenopause is around 40-45 years of age and lasts about 2-3 years. Smoking, drinking alcohol and some serious pathologies can accelerate the aging of the ovaries. The symptoms of menopause are diverse and cover all aspects of a woman's life: her health, appearance, behavior and the state of the psycho-emotional sphere.

Changes in the body associated with perimenopause

The main symptoms of premenopause are:

  • change in the volume of menstrual flow;
  • change in the number of days in the cycle and the duration of menstruation as such;
  • the appearance of pain in the mammary glands;
  • so-called hot flashes appear - sudden attacks of heat;
  • a sharp decrease in libido;
  • weakness;
  • a feeling of dryness in the vagina, creating discomfort during intimacy;
  • lumpy vaginal discharge;
  • increased urination;
  • depression that does not go away for a long time.

These are all natural hormonal changes in women over 40. One way or another, they are all directly related to the lack of sex hormones. There are other troubles associated with the state of premenopause:

  • body weight increases even in women who previously did not have a tendency to be overweight and had a fast metabolism: a decrease in estrogen levels slows down metabolic processes and activates the absorption of fat;
  • often in women over 40 osteoporosis develops due to leaching of calcium from the bones;
  • thinning hair;
  • "fades" the skin;
  • the microflora of the vagina changes for the worse.

Contraceptives after forty: not only contraception

It is possible to make the entry of a woman into a new period of life softer by normalizing the state of the hormonal background. This function, in addition to preventing unplanned pregnancy, is performed by hormonal pills for women with a contraceptive effect. Birth control pills after 40 years of age can even eliminate some diseases, for example, they stop the growth of uterine fibroids. It is only important to first make sure that the neoplasm of the reproductive system is not malignant.

Hormonal contraceptives will help eliminate vaginal dryness. With an increase in estrogen levels, the natural secretion of the vaginal glands normalizes.

It is important to remember that both contraceptives for women over 45 and hormone replacement therapy after 40 must be prescribed by a doctor. It is he who will determine which birth control pills or hormonal drugs a particular woman can take.

Incorrectly selected contraceptives can lead to:

  • complete disappearance of the menstrual cycle;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • nausea;
  • headaches.

Hormone therapy for women, selected by a doctor and carried out according to a certain scheme, does not cause side effects. Contraception after 40 simply has to be safe.

Selection of contraceptives for women

The hormonal background of a woman is fragile and the work of the whole organism is based on it. The slightest failure can seriously impair health and well-being. Therefore, the gynecologist, before prescribing hormonal contraceptive pills after 40 years, sends the patient to be tested for hormones. An important rule: hormone-containing drugs already taken will distort the results, therefore, hormones should be excluded before testing. Based on the results obtained, the doctor selects the most appropriate remedies for women in the optimal safe dosage.

Like other hormonal drugs, birth control pills after 45 years should be taken according to a certain pattern at the same hours. Don't forget to take the pill. Depending on which drug is used, if the dose has not been drunk, the effect lasts only 12 hours.

Contraceptive pills can be divided into:

  • combined oral contraceptives (COCs) for continuous use;
  • gestagenic hormonal contraceptives for continuous use;
  • emergency hormonal contraception.

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)

COCs are drugs that combine both analogues of both progesterone and estrogen.

Combined oral contraceptives do not allow the egg to mature, thus preventing ovulation from occurring. Ovulation does not occur - pregnancy does not occur. However, if we compare these drugs with the next group of contraceptives, progestin drugs, COCs cause more adverse reactions and have an impressive number of contraindications. Hormone therapy for women using COCs is contraindicated in the following health conditions:

  • smoking;
  • decreased immunity;
  • varicose veins;
  • kidney and liver problems;
  • all types of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms, including those in remission;

If there are no contraindications for taking, then a woman can be prescribed contraceptives of this group.

The start of taking combined oral contraceptives coincides with the first day of the menstrual cycle.

The COC group is divided into:

  • monophasic COCs;
  • two-phase COCs;
  • three-phase COCs.

Monophasic combined oral contraceptives: feature and list of drugs

Monophasic COCs are the first, most studied, generation of drugs for hormonal contraception. All tablets in the package of such a remedy for women are exactly the same among themselves: they contain the same dosage of each of the components.

In terms of their effectiveness, monophasic COCs are not inferior in efficiency to multiphasic drugs.

The main advantage of monophasic COCs is ease of use and the ability to take two tablets instead of one in case of missing one dose.

Monophasic COCs can have a beneficial effect on women's health, being a help in the treatment of endometriosis, as well as normalizing the menstrual cycle that begins to stray during the premenopausal period.

Contraceptives for women over 40 are recommended to be prescribed taking into account age characteristics. For them, low-dose drugs are suitable, the dosage of ethinylestradiol in which does not exceed 30 mcg and microdose drugs, in which no more than 20 mcg of ethinylestradiol.

Low-dose drugs include:

Name of the drug Information about the drug Price
Yarina It has, in addition to the main properties, an antiandrogenic effect (blocks testosterone, which can, for example, cause the growth of antennae on a woman's face). Reduces the amount of menstrual flow, reduces pain during menstruation. From 990 to 3030 rubles.
Midian The drug has a reliable contraceptive effect, does not cause weight gain. It has a number of contraindications, the full list of which must be familiarized before taking the drug. From 600 to 1800 rubles.
Regulon The drug is effective in the treatment of cystic diseases of the ovaries. Normalizes the menstrual cycle. From 360 to 1190 rubles.
Lindinet 30 From 440 to 900 rubles.

Microdosed drugs include:

Name of the drug Information about the drug Price
Novinet The effectiveness of the drug is 100%, for the entire time of its testing, not a single pregnancy was recorded. A distinctive feature of Novinet tablets is the minimum content of an estrogen analogue, which significantly reduces the risk of side effects. From 419 to 1216 rubles.
Lindinet 20 A stable contraceptive effect appears by the 15th day after the start of the intake. From 460 to 1000 rubles.
Mercilon The contraceptive effectiveness of Mercilon is based on the ability to inhibit ovulation and increase the amount and viscosity of cervical mucus.

When taking Mercilon, menstruation becomes more regular and less painful and heavy. This leads to the normalization of the state of iron deficiency anemia. The risk of developing malignant tumors of the genital organs is reduced.

From 1320 to 1600 rubles.
Jess Modern means of hormonal contraception. In addition to contraception, it has a therapeutic effect. Effectively used in the treatment of cystic formations of the ovaries and uterine fibroids. From 990 to 2960 rubles.

Biphasic combined oral contraceptives: feature and list of drugs

The second generation of COCs differs in that the content of one of the components, an estrogen analogue, is constant for each of the tablets in the package, and the content of the gestagen varies in different tablets. The dosage of progestogen depends on the day of the cycle.

The reason for the appointment of a two-phase combined contraceptive may be the woman's abnormal sensitivity to progestogens. Biphasic COCs are able to cope with hyperandrogenism - the production of large amounts of testosterone in women.

Biphasic COCs include:

  • Sevularum;
  • Anteovin;
  • Femoston;
  • Bifasil;
  • Binovum;
  • Adepal;
  • Binovum;
  • Noe-Eunomin and others.

Some hormonal pills for women are quite rare in Russian pharmacies. This is due to the fact that they are all sold exclusively by prescription.

Three-phase combined oral contraceptives: feature and list of drugs

In the package of three-phase COCs in different tablets, there are different dosages of hormones corresponding to the day of the cycle. Fluctuations in the amount of hormones are as close as possible to natural hormonal fluctuations in the body of a healthy woman of childbearing age. Therefore, these contraceptives are the most physiological. It is this category of combined oral contraceptives that is prescribed for women over 40. It can be used by obese women or women who smoke. In terms of protection against pregnancy, they are inferior to monophasic contraceptives.

Three-phase COCs include:

Name of the drug Information about the drug Price
Tri-regol Under the influence of levonorgestrel contained in the preparation, ovulation is inhibited. Ethinylestradiol maintains an increased viscosity of cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from entering the uterine cavity. The drug normalizes the menstrual cycle. From 330 to 800 rubles.
Triziston There is a high contraceptive efficacy. Does not cause significant weight gain. The price is from 480 to 760 rubles.
Tri-merci The package contains yellow, red and white tablets. Tablets are taken orally daily. The order of reception is indicated on the package. From 500 to 600 rubles.
claira Qlaira has a positive effect on the endometrium, which reduces the abundance and duration of menstrual bleeding. This effect is important in the treatment of concomitant iron deficiency anemia. From 1080 to 3190 rubles.

Gestagen hormonal contraceptives for women: features and a list of remedies

Progestogen contraceptives contain only one female hormone - progestogen in extremely small dosages. This type of hormonal contraceptive is less reliable than COCs. The action of progestogen drugs is not associated with the suppression of ovulation, due to the absence of estrogens, they act more gently, have fewer contraindications and side effects. Contraceptives after 40 years and should be so.

The basis of the action of these contraceptives is a change in the properties of cervical mucus: thanks to progestogen, it becomes more viscous and thick, creating an obstacle for sperm on the way to the uterine cavity. The characteristics of the uterine mucosa also change under the influence of this hormone: a fertilized egg will not be able to implant into it.

Allowed to take this group of contraceptives with:

  • breastfeeding;
  • the presence of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • for women who smoke.

Almost all women can drink progestogen contraceptives after 40 years.

These drugs also have weaknesses:

  • an ectopic pregnancy may occur;
  • when taken simultaneously with other drugs, they can cause vaginal bleeding.

Due to the low doses of the hormone in the composition of the drug, progestogen contraceptives are called "mini-drank", which means "minimal pills".

Here are some hormonal drugs that fall into this category:

Name of the drug Information about the drug Price
Charosetta Charosetta can be used while breastfeeding. It is allowed to take the drug for cardiovascular pathologies, as well as for migraine. In combination with certain drugs, it can cause vaginal bleeding. From 490 to 1800 rubles.
Exluton Do not take Exluton with antibiotics. Diarrhea and vomiting lead to a decrease in the contraceptive effect.

Exluton can be used for contraception in diseases such as hypertension and kidney pathology. Possible side effects in the form of skin rashes and vaginal discharge. The high price of the drug may hinder the mass promotion of the drug in the market of oral contraceptives.

From 3350 to 3500 rubles.
Microlute Taking Microlut almost never causes side effects. There should not be a long break between taking different packages. The first 14 days after the start of the reception, additional protection measures are needed. 400 - 500 rubles.

Emergency contraception "SOS action"

In addition to contraceptives for systemic (daily) use, there are urgent-acting contraceptives (as they are also called “SOS-actions”), which are taken after sexual intercourse. Their main task is to prevent unwanted pregnancy in the following cases:

  • the condom broke;
  • there was a displacement of the vaginal cap;
  • more than two doses of a hormonal contraceptive of a systematic intake were missed, and the woman did not immediately notice it;
  • incomplete dissolution of the spermicidal vaginal tablet;
  • there was a rape.

Emergency contraceptives for women over 40 are not contraindicated, but taking such drugs is not pouting due to the high risk of uterine bleeding and other unpleasant consequences.

Let's figure out which hormonal drugs are best used in such unforeseen cases. Popular SOS contraception options include:

Name of the drug Information about the drug Price
Postinor Used only in emergency cases. Postinor cannot be used twice in one menstrual cycle, this will lead to a serious hormonal failure. After 2 days, the effectiveness of taking Postinor is reduced to 50%. About 320 rubles.
Escapelle A drug with a powerful antiestrogenic effect. One tablet is taken. Application is possible on any day of the menstrual cycle. About 400 rubles.
Eskinor-F The effectiveness of the drug is approximately 95% if the tablets were taken in the first 24 hours after sexual intercourse and 58% for periods up to 72 hours About 200 rubles.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

If a woman does not live sexually, or for other reasons, the contraceptive effect is not required, a woman can take hormone replacement drugs during menopause.

Gynecologists say that modern hormonal preparations for women after 40-45 years are completely safe. Moreover, hormones for women after 40 years of age as part of HRT can be prescribed for diseases in which GCs are contraindicated.

Hormone replacement therapy is a prerequisite for the recovery of patients with breast cancer. With the help of such drugs:

  • the risk of tumor metastasis to other organs is reduced;
  • the condition is facilitated with menopause;
  • life is extended for many years.

Hormonal preparations are used for women after 40 years in case of removal of the internal genital organs (ovaries and uterus). After all, even after such an operation, a woman may have symptoms of menopause.

In each case, the selection of drugs is carried out by a doctor on an individual basis.

Phytoestrogens for women over 40

In cases where the use of hormone replacement therapy is contraindicated for a woman, preparations containing phytoestrogens, non-steroidal compounds found in plants that, due to their structure, can cause an estrogenic effect, will help preserve beauty and women's health after 40 years.

Many common foods contain phytoestrogens. Most of them are found in soy and other legumes. For the production of effective medicines, enriched plant extracts are used. Phytoestrogens for women over 40 have been successfully used for decades.

Such drugs do not have a contraceptive effect, but in some other aspects their effectiveness is not inferior to hormonal drugs.

Here are their names and a brief description:

Name of the drug Information about the drug Price
Inoklim Dietary supplement based on soy phytoestrogens. Helps to cope with the main symptoms of menopause. From 790 to 990 rubles.
Feminal A preparation based on red clover. It contains four types of isoflavones. It has an anticarcinogenic effect, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Prevents the development of osteoporosis. About 800 rubles.
Qi-Klim The composition of Qi-Klim includes phytoestrogens isolated from the cimicifuga plant. Contains vitamins, minerals, L-carnitine. The drug improves the general condition of the skin From 270 to 370 rubles.
Estrovel The composition includes an extract of tsimifugi. Contains isoflavones, folic acid and vitamins.
The dietary supplement reduces irritability and helps fight insomnia.
About 400 rubles.
Klimadinon The composition of Klimadinon also contains cymifuga extract. Helps prevent the development of vegetovascular dystonia, normalizes lipid metabolism. From 370 to 550 rubles.

Sex hormones are important for a woman, they determine the features of her development from the onset of puberty to old age. The dependence of women on the state of the hormonal background is higher than that of men. Therefore, hormone therapy for women after 40 should be prescribed taking into account future prospects.

Over the past few decades, pharmacologists have developed gentle hormonal agents. Proper selection of hormones can even restore cyclic bleeding, if the condition of the uterus allows it. But for women over 45, this is undesirable.

Modern hormonal pills for women after 40 years of age are characterized by a low dosage, which allows you to gradually restore the balance of hormones without unpleasant consequences for women's health. However, women's health after 45 years requires mandatory monitoring by doctors. It is impossible to take pills without first passing tests and a medical examination. Phytoestrogens for women over 40 should also be prescribed by a specialist.

Basic rules for using birth control pills

It is necessary to drink tablets in accordance with the regimen of administration, skipping should not be allowed. In order to avoid negative side effects, the dose of the drug is best taken at bedtime.

If you need to take another medicine, not even related to women's health, you need to consult with your doctor about the possibility of combining it with a contraceptive.

Contraceptives after 40 years of age for safety should contain minimal doses of hormones.

If you experience unpleasant effects or pain or depression, you should immediately contact your gynecologist. The cause may be a contraceptive drug or its incorrect intake.

If you forget to take your next dose:

  • if less than 12 hours have passed, you need to take the missed pill and continue taking the drug according to the scheme;
  • after 12 hours or more, you still need to take the pill, and use additional measures for effective contraception for another week.

If more than two doses are missed, take two tablets daily for a week and use additional methods of contraception.


Not all women over 40 can take contraceptives without harm to health. Oral contraceptives have certain contraindications.

Absolute contraindications for taking hormonal contraceptives of all types are:

  • varicose veins;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypertension of the second degree.

If you have one of these diseases, hormonal contraceptives should be abandoned. The gynecologist will tell you which contraceptives are better to choose in this case.

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    Naturally, most women have pronounced varicose veins by the age of 30. At least one in three suffer from it. Then why take such risks with side effects when no one forbade product number one? Life seems to be more precious than a couple of minutes of dubious pleasure. It's better to give birth than to struggle with the effects of birth control for the rest of your life.


With age, the hormonal background of a woman changes, so it is important to choose the right birth control pills after 40 years. It is necessary to take into account not only the level of female sex hormones, but also individual intolerance, the presence of a history of chronic diseases. The health of the fair sex depends on the choice of contraceptive.

What contraceptives are suitable for women over 40

After the age of forty, the likelihood of a gradual decrease in estrogen levels increases. But due to the poor environmental situation, heredity and acquired diseases, not every patient can afford hormonal treatment. Such therapy can adversely affect health.


COCs are combined oral contraceptives that contain several hormones. Synthetic substitutes for progesterone and estradiol suppress ovulation and protect against unwanted pregnancies.

The most popular drugs:

  1. Triquilar. A high-dose remedy that helps restore normal hormonal balance and has a contraceptive property. It is recommended to take the medication for medicinal purposes. Price - 450 rubles.
  2. Silest. Another drug from the COC group. Due to the complex composition, the list of contraindications is very extensive. However, against the background of the reception, the menstrual cycle is restored, the complexion improves, and hair loss stops. Price - 400 rubles per pack.
  3. Triziston. A selective modulator that helps prevent pregnancy by thickening the mucus in the cervical region, thereby creating an obstacle to the fertilization of the egg. The cost per package is 550 rubles.

When treating with high-dose drugs, you must follow the regimen: take 21 active tablets and take a break or start taking 7 inactive tablets. After a week's interruption, a new pack must be started.

Low dose tablets

The higher the dosage of hormones, the greater the negative consequences for the body. To reduce the manifestation of negative effects, low-dose contraceptives may be prescribed. They are allowed to be taken even by nulliparous women, it is possible to use them before the menopause.

The best drugs based on estradiol:

  1. Zoely. This is a new monophasic drug, which contains synthetic hormones. Due to the low dosage, the number of side effects is minimal, they rarely appear.
  2. Lindinet-20. It can be prescribed at any age, suitable for young nulliparous women and patients after 40 years of age. The tool helps to get rid of heavy menstruation, pain and premenstrual syndrome.
  3. Qlaira. A three-phase medication of 28 tablets, each type has a different dosage of active substances. The drug is also used to treat hormonal imbalances.

Even low-dose OCs are available by prescription only. Self-medication can lead to consequences that are dangerous to health and life.

mini pili

Another type of contraception is the mini-pill. Tablets are popular among nursing mothers, as they are allowed to be taken during lactation. They can be used by women over 35 who smoke for a long time.

The best mini-pills:

  1. Lactinet. One of the most popular drugs that help prevent pregnancy during breastfeeding. As part of the contraceptive, the active substance is desogestrel at a dose of 75 mcg.
  2. Charosetta. Almost identical analogue of Lactinet in composition. The list of indications and contraindications specified in the instructions for use does not differ
  3. Exluton. Monophasic drug of the latest generation. The active substance is linestrenol at a dose of 500 mcg. The number of side effects is minimal, they rarely occur.

The best birth control pills after 45 years - COC. They help maintain normal hormonal levels and prepare the body for menopause. Doses of estradiol in low-dose products and mini-drinks are not enough.


For those who forget to take their daily pills, it is better to choose a barrier method of contraception. There are no age restrictions for intrauterine devices (IUDs). However, you should choose the right contraceptive.

Benefits of the Mirena spiral after 40 years:

  • therapeutic effect;
  • low risk of uterine bleeding;
  • long service life - up to 5 years;
  • protection against pregnancy;
  • no need to count pills.

It is better to refuse non-hormonal spirals. After 50 years, the elasticity of blood vessels decreases, which increases the chance of internal damage. Inflammatory diseases of the organs of the female reproductive system are often manifested. Mirena should be used only if there are no contraindications.

emergency contraception

Urgent protection is indicated for unprotected intercourse. Emergency contraceptive pills can be used after sexual intercourse. However, high doses of hormones can lead to internal uterine bleeding.

vaginal ring

A new trend in gynecology - NovaRing. This is a vaginal ring that the doctor inserts at the examination or tells the woman how to do it herself. The tool can be used by patients over 40 years old, but only after consultation with a gynecologist.

You need to change the vaginal ring every month: for three weeks it is in the woman's vagina, then one week must be spent without a ring. It should be remembered that the tool does not protect against the transmission of sexual infections, HIV and other diseases. To maintain the contraceptive effect, you should follow the doctor's recommendations.

Sponges, candles and films

Barrier contraception is also popular among women. Spermicides - films, sponges and candles are in special demand. Such drugs are also available in the form of vaginal tablets, gels and jellies.

The use of spermicidal agents:

  1. Pros. Such contraception does not affect the level of sex hormones, does not affect the internal organs and psycho-emotional state. The composition of substances is safe for the whole organism as a whole.
  2. Flaws. The degree of protection against pregnancy is low. Also, spermicides can disrupt the microflora of the vagina and cause dysbacteriosis.

Spermicides have practically no negative examples of use, but there are reactions of individual intolerance. It is not recommended to use preparations together with soap or during water procedures, as the barrier protective function may be reduced.

Other Methods

There are several other remedies that help to safely prevent conception for health. Pregnancy after 40 years can be a serious test for the female body.

What other ways to protect against pregnancy exist:

  1. Condom. The classic method of protection, in which partners will be protected from sexually transmitted diseases. You can not use the tool only with individual intolerance to latex.
  2. Female condom. This is a little known tool. It is a small polyurethane bag that is inserted into the vagina and secured in it thanks to elastic rings.
  3. caps. They will not protect partners from gonorrhea or syphilis, but they will prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg. Difficulty in installation - not every woman will be able to put a cap or diaphragm so deeply on her own.
  4. Hormone patch. It helps not only as a contraceptive, but also has a therapeutic effect. You need to stick it in advance, hormones will enter the body through the blood.
  5. Natural protection. The people often use the method of counting without having sexual intercourse during the period of ovulation. The method of measuring basal temperature is also popular: the lower it is, the lower the risk of pregnancy. But these methods have a very low contraceptive effect.

The choice depends on personal preference. But it is worth remembering that the calculation of dangerous days for conception in women after 40 may be inaccurate. At this age, due to hormonal disruptions, there is a great chance to make mistakes in the calculations.

Benefits of hormonal drugs

The best choice of contraceptives for women over 40 is hormonal drugs. They will additionally prepare the body for menopause.

Pros of hormonal drugs:

  • suppress ovulation;
  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • reduce the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer;
  • have a healing effect;
  • help maintain youthfulness and beauty of the skin;
  • reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Doctors recommend such drugs to women after 45 years. Hormonal agents prevent the development of endometriosis, growths and cysts. Also, COCs reduce the profusion of menstruation and pain, and are used for severe premenstrual syndrome.


High-dose hormonal medications have a long list of side effects. Even at low dosages, synthetic substitutes can have a negative effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Disadvantages of oral contraceptives:

  • long list of contraindications;
  • often there are negative consequences;
  • do not protect against infectious diseases and STDs (sexually transmitted diseases);
  • disrupt the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • increase the chance of hyper- and hypotension;
  • can cause atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels, deep vein thrombosis;
  • affect the psycho-emotional state.

Often, against the background of taking COCs, chronic diseases become aggravated, nausea may appear. Women gain excess weight, metabolism is disturbed. Also, if the recommendations for admission are not followed, there is a possibility of conception.

How to choose the right tool

For starters, a woman needs to contact a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe a laboratory blood test. Without test results, it is impossible to choose a drug without harm to health.

How best to choose birth control pills:

  • decide on the purpose of admission: contraception or treatment;
  • collect your own history;
  • carefully study the contraindications;
  • get tested for hormones;
  • consult a doctor.

Indications for the use of birth control pills

Hormonal drugs are designed to protect against unwanted pregnancy. Depending on the choice of a particular drug, the instructions may vary.

In the list of indications:

  • contraception;
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome) in severe form;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • acne and acne.

COCs help to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, improve complexion and relieve rashes. Also, high-dose agents are indicated for male-type hair growth on the face and body and other disorders of the genitourinary and endocrine systems.

How to apply

The package may contain 21 or 28 tablets (of which 7 are inactive). Please read the instructions carefully before taking. It is recommended to take the tablets at the same time of day.


Doctors advise to start drinking pills on the 5th day of the cycle. In this case, you will need to drink inactive 7 pills or take a break during the period of bleeding. With a treatment course lasting 1 month, you can start drinking a pack on the first day of menstruation.

Missing a pill

The package indicates the days of the week above each tablet. This is a special feature that helps you remember to take the dragee. If a missed tablet is found, the drug should be taken immediately.

Conditions for admission with a pass:

  1. One tablet. You need to drink the missed dragee. The next appointment is at the usual time.
  2. Two tablets. It is necessary to take every 12 hours for a pill until the lost time is restored.
  3. Three or more tablets. Additional or emergency contraception should be used.

You can take two tablets at once, but use a condom for 5-7 days. If you had unprotected intercourse during the pass period, you will need to use emergency contraception.


If side effects are detected, you should consult a doctor. It is recommended to finish the started pack to the end to avoid hormonal failure. If the tolerability of the drug was low, then you should stop taking it.

Duration of admission

The course of treatment or use of contraception can range from 1 month to several years. The duration of administration depends on the purpose of prescribing an oral contraceptive, the state of health and the body's response to synthetic hormones.

Side effects

Low-dose medications have fewer and fewer negative reactions. COCs can provoke the development and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Side effects:

  • nausea, vomiting and indigestion;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  • chest pain;
  • weight gain, metabolic disorders;
  • pathology of the microflora of the vaginal mucosa;
  • loss of sexual desire;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • headache;
  • blurred vision;
  • pain during intercourse;

If side effects are detected, you should consult a doctor. With a strong manifestation, symptomatic treatment and drug withdrawal are prescribed.


Hormonal contraceptives after 40 years are not shown to all women. This is due to age-related changes in the body, the presence of chronic diseases in the patient's history. Before you start taking, read the instructions for use, as recommendations for each drug are different.

In the list of contraindications:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in severe form;
  • metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity;
  • recent heart attack or stroke;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • benign and malignant tumors.

Also, you should not take pills if you suspect pregnancy. Varicose veins increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis. With the wrong selection of hormonal pills, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system can worsen.

Rules for taking COCs after 40 years

When prescribed by a doctor, side effects are almost not manifested. It is also recommended not to change the drugs yourself, follow the instructions for use.

General admission rules:

  1. One and the same time. The interval between the first, second and subsequent tablets should be approximately equal to 24 hours. This method will help to enter the body in an equal amount of hormones and increases the chance of protection against unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Missing pills. If you miss one or more doses, take the pills according to the scheme indicated in the instructions.
  3. Menses. Some COCs are able to reduce the abundance of menstruation up to their complete absence. If bleeding does not start, then after 7 days of interruption (taking inactive doses), a new package should be started. The absence or scarcity of more than three cycles is a reason to see a doctor.
  4. Taking certain medications. This is especially true for antibiotics. When treating with penicillins, an additional barrier method of contraception should be used within 5-7 days after the end of the course.
  5. Food poisoning. Hormones may not be absorbed with vomiting and diarrhea. It is recommended to take another pill after the symptoms have been eliminated.
  6. Alcohol and smoking. With the abuse of alcoholic beverages, the degree of protection and the therapeutic effect of the drug decreases. Also, smoking is incompatible with taking COCs.

Pills for women who smoke

A smoking woman should understand that even the smallest dose of estrogen contained in the drug increases blood clotting. Low-dose products are also not suitable for smokers.

Women over 35 with bad habits should not take drugs based on ethinyl estradiol, estradiol valerate or estradiol hemihydrate. The NovaRing vaginal ring and hormonal patches are also contraindicated.

For smokers, estrogen-free products based on progestogen action are suitable, their names are:

  • Lactinet;
  • Charosetta;
  • Microlute;
  • Exluton.

Women who smoke can use any barrier methods of protection: condoms, caps and spermicides. Also, as a contraceptive, you can choose a non-hormonal intrauterine device.

The likelihood of pregnancy on pills after 40

Conception after the age of 35 can negatively affect women's health. The risk of having a sick child with chromosomal abnormalities also increases. The chance of getting pregnant while taking COCs is minimal, it is 0.1-0.2%.

Conception is possible in the following cases:

  • the woman does not use barrier methods of protection in the first week of taking the pills;
  • missing a pill for more than 12 hours;
  • wrong choice of oral contraceptive;
  • antibiotic treatment without additional protection during intercourse;
  • poisoning and undigested dose of hormones.

Overview of funds

The best contraceptive pills after 45 years are correctly selected COCs, taking into account the needs of the body. At this age, it is recommended to take high-dose generics in order to prepare the body for subsequent age-related changes.

Modern oral preparations:

  1. Trisequence. This is a drug based on synthetically developed estrogen and progesterone. There are active and inactive tablets in the package, there is no need to take a break. Price - 200 rubles per pack.
  2. Marvelon. A low-dose remedy that helps restore the menstrual cycle, relieve PMS and pain. The tool helps protect against unplanned conception, rarely prescribed as a medicine. Price - from 1600 rubles.
  3. Jess. The drug is in the lead due to the low incidence of side effects, often prescribed as a treatment for gynecological diseases. Helps prepare for menopause Jess Plus - an improved version of the pill. The cost starts from 1000 rubles.
  4. Janine. It has a mild effect on health. The drug is produced in Germany, it has an antiandrogenic effect, helps maintain the required level of estrogen. The cost starts from 950 rubles.

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection for every budget. One has only to consult a doctor, take tests and choose a contraceptive. Hormonal preparations are sold in pharmacies only by prescription.

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