Home Useful properties of fruits Caress of the girl with her hands. How to caress a girl so that she really likes it? Foreplay: how to excite a woman

Caress of the girl with her hands. How to caress a girl so that she really likes it? Foreplay: how to excite a woman

girl arousal- not the easiest task for a man, but by following some rules, you can achieve your goal much easier than you think.

We collected statistics on surveys of girls and found out what excites them the most when communicating with men.

It is worth immediately reading the article on our website: "" this is already half the success.

How to excite a girl - 5 basic rules

    • First of all, take care of yourself. Take a shower, shave. You must smell good. The first goal is to please the girl outwardly. If you disgust her (for example, with the smell from the armpits), nothing will most likely work out.
    • Situation. Create a romantic environment around you. This will give you an extra bonus.
    • speak. How to excite a girl with words? As you know, girls love with their ears. Try to speak quietly and gently, whisper compliments in her ear, talk about how beautiful she is. It is not difficult to excite a girl with words - the main thing is to be sincere and constantly say something pleasant to her.
    • Weasels. Exciting a girl with caresses is also not the most difficult thing. It is important to understand what she likes and what not. It is also worth considering the actions for which the girl is ready, because for some affection in an intimate place is too much. Well, the most “exciting places” on a woman’s body are the neck (with caresses of the lips), stomach, chest. And of course, every woman can do a light massage in the collar zone (upper back), this will relax her. Be gentle but confident.
    • Kisses. How to excite a girl with a kiss? Very simple - the main thing is to be able to do it gently. Use, gently work your tongue, move from your lips to your neck, etc.

As you can see, arousing a girl is a process that requires patience and understanding of what is happening. Feel your companion, feel if she likes what you are doing. Be courteous with her, and don't forget that

Last time we discussed how to cook quail meat, and today a new material for gourmets of delicious sex.

There are no women who do not like oral sex. There are men who do not skillfully perform them. Every man who has mastered the art of gentle kisses can be rewarded with a very passionate attitude towards himself, and even unconditional adoration from a woman.

Some men, due to their prejudices, try to deprive their girls of this pleasure. Conducting a sociological study of this issue, I did not come across a single adequate reason, except for the fact that they simply do not know how and do not know how to do it correctly. A man should be well acquainted with the physiology of the female body and be brave enough to feel a woman. We are all very different, and our sensitive points are scattered throughout the body, sometimes they can be in the most unexpected place for men. But in general, as practice has shown, everyone has the same scheme. And following simple "female recommendations", a man can get to the point. This will always be a great bonus for him.

First of all, you should not start oral sex right away. The girl needs to warm up before this, let her feel the excitement. Kissing a girl is better at the peak of great excitement - the body itself, as it were, asks for this continuation. When a partner is in a sweet languor and anticipation of male affection, you can persistently approach the matter. Before that, of course, it would not be superfluous to tease her, caressing her chest, tummy, every cell of her thighs. Kissing the toes, their gentle biting and enveloping with the tongue can be noted with special chic.

There are women who are shy (usually they say they don't like it) of oral sex. They just need a little more time and trust in a man.

Some men are quite skillful, but despite this they do not bring girls to orgasm. Indeed, many men do not understand when it happens.

So, how to bring her to orgasm? Dear men, a woman must understand that you are madly in love with it, and you dream of giving her this pleasure. She needs to feel and know that you will not leave her half way to orgasm. All orgasms in women in the head!

By following this rule, each time you will spend less and less time on bringing your girlfriend to the apogee of sensuality. With experience, you will learn to control this process and you can even play with it. It is better, of course, when girls tell their man - with words, groans, movements ...

Men, listen to the female body! It cannot lie. Once I had a great young man, interesting enough. He was ready for any experiments in bed. It could be different: sensual, tough. His fantasy turned me on and delighted me endlessly, but oral sex did not work out for him. These were quick and abrupt movements of the tongue. He really wanted to please me and prove his masculine worth in bed. Pounced on me in the foreplay, gave me no time to want it, and very quickly and desperately got down to business.

I really liked this guy, and after a while I decided to talk to him honestly. I told him everything, blurted out, probably in one breath, with a very detailed scheme of actions. And never regretted it! He absorbed all my “story” like a sponge, although he was somewhat surprised. Since then, our sex has been amazing. Dear women, do not be afraid to talk about it with men, they are ready to listen to us!

There are also physiological features by which it is easy to determine that a woman is experiencing a clitoral orgasm. The main "culprit" of this feeling becomes hard and elastic. Another little tip for men: you should not immediately wield the tongue very quickly, pressure, tact of the tongue and speed are important here. As a rule, it is best to accelerate before orgasm, when all the muscles are tense and the body arches, giving you a sign that the "volcano" is about to explode.

Naturally, in each individual case, there are some peculiarities and "highlights", but in general, the scheme is the same. Love each other and deliver magical oral caresses.

Svetlana LONDON

Hi all! This post is for guys. Let's talk today about the affection of girls.

No, not intimate affection.

Weasel is something more, it is a manifestation of tenderness, love, care. And today I would like to take a closer look at this topic.
When you pronounce the word caress, the first thing that comes to mind is to hug, stroke, touch.
Hugs are perhaps the most common kindness. You can hug mom, dad, grandma, friend, and girlfriend; thereby showing love, care and support. There is an opinion that a person needs at least 8 hugs per day.
Hugs are very useful for a person's well-being: they contribute to a sense of security, satisfy the need for touch. From a physical point of view, with tactile touches to a person, the following happens in his body: the activity of the central nervous system is stimulated; immunity increases; the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases;
The hypothalamus of the brain releases the hormone oxytocin into the blood. This hormone is associated with the psycho-emotional state of a person. Increasing the concentration of oxytocin in the body entails the appearance of good health and a positive attitude towards others.

Therefore, hug!

Not only their girls, but also their mothers and grandmothers.

When your girlfriend is angry with you, when she is upset, and just like that - hug :)

The next kind of caress that I would like to talk about is dance.

Yes, you may say that it sounds crazy, but I consider dancing to be a caress. Feel free to arrange sudden dances for the girl. It is not necessary to be a virtuoso dancer and perform ballet steps for this.

Do you sit at home and listen to music? Invite the girl to dance. Give her a hand, hug, spin in a slow dance.

For most girls, this will cause only positive emotions.
Further. To pick up a girl in my arms - I also consider it a caress.

What girl would be unpleasant that she is carried in her arms? Do it spontaneously: carry it from the kitchen to the bedroom, for example. Nobody asks you to overcome marathon distances with a girl in your arms.

Even if you just sit and take the girl in your arms, it counts. It is pleasant, it is a manifestation of tenderness and affection.
Weasel is stroking. They can be very different. Stroke her head, remove her stray strand of hair behind her ear.
Stroke on the cheek, on the nose, on the lips, on the closed eyelids, on the arches of the eyebrows. Gently, with your fingertips. Stroke your ears, you can knead them a little.

I don’t know a place where it would be impossible to stroke, or it would be unpleasant.
You can give a friendly pat on the back. Or you can do it gently, moving to the buttocks. Stroke the neck, stroke the inner side of the thighs, flirting.

Stroke the back of your hands, feet, and knees.

And since we are talking about body strokes, it is worth mentioning a more intense caress: massage. Stretch the girl's tired shoulders for the day; massage her feet, which all day were in tight shoes. Massage her every finger on her hand; whiskey - when she has a headache.

You don't have to be a professional to give a girl this type of affection. But I, as a massage therapist, still warn you: you should not massage the lower leg and popliteal folds (they cannot be kneaded at all).

And the shins are a very peculiar zone, you need to knead it carefully. If your soulmate, for example, suffers from varicose veins, then massage is generally contraindicated (of course, it is unlikely to be found in young girls, but people of different ages are sitting on Yozhin, so I consider it important to warn). The shins are quite enough just simple strokes.

Buy massage oil, arrange a massage evening for each other.

It will pleasantly relax both of you.
The next type of caress associated with the touch of hands is more intimate and suitable for couples who have been dating for a long time;

I'm talking about taking a bath together.

What could be nicer when someone rubs your back? It's a very peculiar type of pleasure to be washed by your partner.

Try it if you haven't already ;)

And of course: kisses.

A gentle kiss on the cheek, gentle on the lips.

Kiss on the nose, on the neck, on the ear.

Kiss on the temple.

Kiss the girl's hands, give each finger on her hand a touch of your lips,

Kiss - you can everywhere, you can kiss her all! :)

A kiss on the back of the neck, along the spine, is very pleasant.

You can kiss the girl's entire back, going down the spine.

Kiss the lower back, buttocks.

Kiss the inner creases of your elbows and knees.

Kiss her lower belly and inner thighs.

Say nice words to her, caress and love your girl!
In my long post, I have considered only those caresses that require touching. Remember that affection is a manifestation of love and care. Therefore, this is something more than a manifestation of physical affection. These are pleasant words, these are surprises, gifts, help in something. I would like to say: remember that not only your girls need affection. Your loved ones also need it, give affection to your beloved mothers!

Caress is first of all a touch. When and where is the best time to start? And most importantly, how during communication caresses help to shorten the distance and seduce the girl in the most natural way - so that she herself wants to be close.

If you are convinced that the girl has mutual sympathy for you, then you can move on to the main thing - touching.

"Random" touches

These include: neck, ears, back of the jaw, back of the head skin around the elbows (on the inside of the elbow).

These are very good places on her body, since she is unlikely to be able to strongly resist touching these places. And by touching them, you immediately tune her to the desired “wave”, using them as a prelude to stronger “personal” touches.

At the moment of stroking, accidentally touch her ear and neck.

Use Nicknames

Why is this needed?

At this point I had to continue writing more tips. But the stage of affection is already over. Further - only improvisation, observation of her reaction and the ability to feel

Egor Sheremetiev


How to caress a girl

How to caress a girl to give her maximum pleasure? Where to start, how to continue, and where to end?

Start with soft and gentle strokes of the neck, slowly run your hands through her hair, wind it around your hand, sort it out or even comb it. The skin near the ears and at the roots of the hair stands out with a high degree of sexual innervation. Caressing her in these places, you will awaken sensuality in her. Touching sensitive areas with fingertips, slightly scratching these erogenous zones, a man causes a pleasant sensation in his partner with a sexual bias, roughly speaking, this is how you turn her on. The lips and nostrils are also sensitive erogenous zones. A small fluff located between the nose and lips and between the chin and lower lip, with light touches, causes sexual arousal of the partner.

Remember, the most sensitive areas are where the skin gradually passes into the mucous membrane: the edges of the nostrils, the borders of the reddening of the lips, the vestibule of the vagina, etc. It’s not bad to excite a partner in a game called “kiss of a moth”. Its meaning is that the partner plays with the lips and nostrils of the partner with his eyelashes, i.e. leads to the desired area of ​​​​the eyes and starts blinking.

Good places for petting are the earlobes, back, inner surface of the forearm and shoulder, armpits, on the neck, in the depressions in the spine, around the navel, in the lumbar pits, on the inner thighs, etc. Touching any of them will excite the partner. Nevertheless, the first place in terms of sensitivity is, of course, the chest. Yet let's get back to it as a means of arousal. She is able to turn on the hostess from ordinary thermal exposure. By the way, until the partner is excited, her breasts sag a little, but as soon as she starts to wind up, her breasts immediately rise and take on a beautiful shape.

Such a complex mechanism is triggered under the influence of sexual stimuli. At this time, excitation from stroking and simple touches of the chest increases significantly. A man, of course, when touching her, is necessarily very excited, this is also transmitted to a woman if his palm touches the nipple.

When stroking the nipples with the fingertips or with the whole palm, their erection is caused. This action occurs due to the reduction of the connective tissue that encircles the nipple and areola. The circle at this time becomes smaller, and the nipple itself becomes convex and hard. In this state, he reacts very sensitively to all touches, since the very process of hardening makes many nerve endings more sensitive. Do not forget that caresses for a woman are most sensitive if you do everything with extraordinary tenderness. Any rough touch suppresses arousal. It happens that a man, from excessive excitement, began to bite his chest or squeeze it painfully. This is not correct, since the breasts of a more or less excited woman become sensitive not only to excitations, but also to pain.

After caressing its roundness, you need to move lower. So we got to the most necessary female organ in sex. Everything seems to be clear here, even simple strokes will excite the girl very much. The only thing touching is not recommended is the non-erect head of the clitoris. Such touches can easily cause pain in a partner. Nevertheless, when stroking the female genital organs, include variety, since the repetition of the same movements will not have such a significant value.

Stroking the clitoris from top to bottom should change abruptly to transverse movements, provided it is hardened. Thanks to this, your touch will also affect the lateral surfaces of the clitoris. Alternate stroking with soft tapping in the groin and pubic tubercle.

A variety of caresses are sure to accelerate the hardening of the clitoris. Do not forget about the intermittent pace of strokes, as the monotony in this matter relaxes the genitals.

The head of the clitoris will become visible only when a full erection occurs. You must not forget that she is no less sensitive to the heads of the male penis. Touching too hard can cause pain to the partner, so be careful.

In order to avoid unpleasant friction, it is necessary to moisten the fingers a little, but if the discharge in the vulva is not significant, then the finger has to be moistened with saliva or another means.


You should start caressing a girl with soft and gentle touches on her neck, nape and hair. You can stroke her on the back of her head, wind her hair around her hand (if it is long), sort it out, comb it. Girls really like these caresses, remember the physiology - they have a huge number of nerve endings there, several times more than guys, so girls are much more pleasant to caress like this.

Caressing a girl in these places can awaken her sensuality. And in the end, the neck is one continuous erogenous zone. Touching the sensitive areas with the pads of his fingers, slightly scratching her in these places, a guy can cause a very pleasant sensation in a girl with a pronounced sexual bias, frankly, this is how you excite her.

From caressing the neck and the back of the head, let's move on to the face. There are also plenty of erogenous zones. The highest sensitivity to caresses in a girl on her face will be in the nose and lips. Gently kissing a girl between the nose and lips, or the chin and lower lip, you can sexually excite the girl.

In general, it is worth remembering that the maximum sensitivity of the skin will be where ordinary skin passes into the mucous membrane: the borders of the lips, the edges of the nostrils, the vestibule of the girl's vagina, etc. Such a game excites superbly, it is called, by the way, also very original: “butterfly flight”. The meaning of the game is that you caress your partner with eyelashes. That is, you touched the girl's lips with your eyelashes and blink, caressing her in such a perversely sophisticated way.

Also, ears, the girl’s back, sides, the inside of the forearm, the stomach (navel area), and the inner thighs can be considered excellent places to spread their caresses. Touching any of these parts of the body will have a stimulating effect. But the maximum sensitivity to caresses in any girl has her breasts. By its shape, by the way, one can judge the health of the girl and the ability to give birth and raise children. But for now, let's focus on the chest, as a means of delivering pleasure and excitement to its owner. It is known that the female breast transmits arousal signals to the girl's brain even from a slight thermal stimulation. Have you noticed that while the girl is not excited, when the caresses have just begun, her breasts sag slightly, and as soon as she begins to experience excitement from your caresses, blood rushes to her chest and she pleasantly rounds?

This complex system is triggered by sexual arousal. In the process of caressing a girl, the sensitivity of her breasts increases several times. Therefore, to deliver pleasure, it will be enough to caress the chest with the tongue, focusing not only on the nipples, but also on the areolas around them.

If you stroke the nipples with your fingertips, you will notice an interesting effect - an erection of the nipples, which means that the girl is very excited.

Erection of the nipples is obtained due to the contraction of the connective tissue that surrounds the nipple and areola (the same circle near the nipple). The circle at this time becomes much smaller, and the nipple, on the contrary, becomes convex and rather hard. Being in this state, he reacts quite sensitively to any touch, since the very process of hardening makes almost all of his nerve endings more sensitive. Do not forget that the caresses of the breasts and nipples are the most sensitive for a woman, and caressing her breasts should be very gentle. Rough movements and inept caresses can achieve the exact opposite effect - the excitement will disappear. It is not necessary to bite and strongly knead the female breast, this is no longer caress.

From the female breast, you need to gradually go down, gradually approaching the most necessary female organ in sex. The process of caressing the vagina seems to be simple, but there are still a few points. The only thing I do not advise touching is the unexcited clitoris. Such touching can easily cause discomfort and sometimes pain. Nevertheless, when stroking the female genital organs, include variety, since the repetition of the same movements will not have such a significant value.


How to caress a girl in different ways

If you are convinced that the girl has mutual feelings for you, then you can move on to the main thing - touching.

However, touch is an art. And what is most interesting - when meeting or seducing you, they can forgive at least some mistakes. But when it comes to the most “intimate”, touch and sex itself is where you have no right to be wrong. Because sex and your ability to please her is something that will either start a good relationship or make her change her mind (far from in your favor).

How to caress a girl in order to immediately make a positive impression and not cross out all the work done?

"Random" touches

If you listen to how girls communicate with each other, you can often hear between the lines how much they liked random touches from some guy.

Girls are captured and excited by the very fact that these touches were accidental. At a moment when she does not expect it, you "accidentally" touch her, and this immediately directs her thoughts in a favorable direction for you.

In addition, given that direct touch (like any open approach) can cause a reaction of resistance and protest, no one will forbid you to “accidentally” touch (for example, you can touch her earring or hair, and touch her neck or ear) .

Moreover, it works not only because you create tension and intrigue. The so-called “closer-further” comes into play when you move closer to it for a while (in our case, for a second), and then immediately move away, causing a desire to “return the toy”.

Therefore, even when you have already begun to touch her, be able to step back. Be able not only to approach her, but also to move away. Touched, then moved away. Touched again - moved away again. And so on.

Erogenous zones to which you are entitled

If you brush aside all the intimate places that you don’t have the right to touch yet, then try to focus on other (more socially acceptable places).

These include:

  • back of jaw
  • back of the head
  • and skin around the elbows (on the inside of the elbow).

These are very good places on her body, since she is unlikely to be able to strongly resist touching these places. And by touching them, you immediately set her on the right "wave", using them as a prelude to stronger "personal" touches.

Start lightly touching her hair, then start stroking the back of her head with your fingers. Be very gentle at first, because starting right away with a very intense one will risk getting an "It's too early" response.

At the moment of stroking, accidentally touch her ear and neck.

Use Nicknames

Of course, these should not be the nicknames of some tigresses or panthers.

Ideally, you need to use the nicknames that you managed to come up with for her. It can be a curl, eyelash, snow white, etc.

Why is this needed?

Then, when a girl starts to get excited, two parts of her are fighting. The first wants sex. The second is afraid that you will use it and leave it.

Therefore, you need to show her that you treat her with warmth and feelings. And in the case of affectionate nicknames, you also make you remember the positive moments of your communication, which led to rapprochement.

Take your time with explicit touches

The experience of several hundred seductions has shown that continuous forward movement is necessary only at the very last moment, when she is in her underwear (or already without it), but for some reason says “no” to you.

If we are talking about the beginning of foreplay, then learn to make random touches.

It is not in vain that I draw your attention to "accident" again. It is important to be able to create tension so that she is aroused and wants you herself.

And if you immediately start “touching” her, then usually nothing comes of it (remember that reaction when she didn’t have time to like you yet, but already started touching her).

Choose the strategy "2 steps forward, 1 step back". Move away from her already when she has not yet had time to really get excited. If you pull away too late at a moment of strong excitement, the thought “What am I doing?” may come to her mind, and she will immediately start going home (unless your relationship, of course, has gone horizontal).

Before close proximity

Finally, when you have already managed to tease her a little with your rapprochements and removals, you can go on the offensive.

Just remember one thing: at this stage, you can not stop, even if she starts to resist a little (exception: if the resistance is very strong, and you see an overly negative mood on her face).

At the moment of the kiss, it is important that at least one of your hands is not on her back, but on the side of her ribs. This is necessary so that at the moment of the kiss your thumb accidentally and briefly touches her breasts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe most important place. Make her feel your touch, but do not rush to touch her erogenous place. AND…

At this point I had to continue writing more tips. But the stage of affection is already over. Further - only improvisation, observation of her reaction and the ability to feel if you are moving fast. With all this, you should focus on pleasure, and not on thoughts: “What if she refuses?”, Because, having felt your tension and confusion, she can refuse you without regret.


Many girls love to be caressed. But you need to do it right, finding the right moment and showing respect. There are several ways to express your tenderness so that the girls melt from your one touch. By properly touching a girl, you can show your love and care by creating a special emotional bond between you. But it is important to adhere to the correct technique, to know which parts of the body are especially sensitive to affection, and also to find the right moment to show your feelings.


Part 1

Stick to the right technique

    Gently touch her. Caressing a girl, it is very important to be neat and gentle in touch. Try to gently slide your fingers over her skin, stroking her.

    • Avoid hard and abrupt movements. Softer and sliding touches relax and excite. You need to caress the girl very gently and gently, as if her skin is the most delicate silk.
  1. Hug her gently. Hugs are a great way to show affection, and in the early stages of a relationship, the most common form of affection is a simple hug. You can hug the girl and then caress her to extend the hug and enjoy the moment.

    • Try hugging the girl goodbye, and then gently stroke her back with one hand, without stopping hugging. If she likes it, you can gently touch her face with one hand and gently run your hand over her cheek.
    • If she tries to stop hugging as quickly as possible and keeps a friendly tone, most likely she is not interested in you. If a girl is trying to extend the hug, she might want to get to know you better.
  2. Put your arm around her waist or wrap your arms around her shoulders. Before you caress the girl, you can hug her with one hand around the waist or shoulders. This technique is worth trying if you are sure that she will like it, and also after you have already passed the stage of holding hands.

    • For example, you can gently put your hand on her shoulders or hug the girl around the waist while you stand next to her in line at the box office at the cinema (or while chatting with her at recess).
    • Putting your hand on the girl's shoulders or waist, you can begin to gently stroke her shoulders or even her hips.
  3. Give a girl a compliment to pay attention. Perhaps the girl will like your courtship even more if, while caressing her, you say something pleasant to her. Thanks to the compliment, you will make this moment more intimate and special.

    • Try to tell a girl that you have never seen such beautiful eyes or soft silky hair in your life. Find something especially attractive to you in this girl and come up with a compliment.
    • You can just try to tell the girl that she is beautiful, that she has smooth, pleasant skin, that she smells nice (or mention something else that you like about her).

Part 2

Focus on different parts of her body
  1. Start with the least sensitive areas of her body. First, it is best to touch the girl in those areas of the body that are not too sensitive, and only then move on to more susceptible areas of the body, if the girl does not mind. For example, you can first stroke the girl's arm, face, or upper back.

    • If you have never caressed this girl before, for starters, just try to take her hand. If she lets you join hands and holds her hand in yours for at least a while, chances are she would like more intimate touching, so the next step is to touch her arm or back.
    • If the girl likes what you are doing, you can try touching other parts of her body. For example, if you are stroking a girl on the back, you can try lowering your hands a little lower; if you hug her around the waist, you can put your hands on her hips. Watch her behavior: signs that she likes your touch will be a smile and a movement towards your touch.
    • Do not touch particularly sensitive areas, such as the stomach.
  2. Stroke her hair and play with it. Girls love it when guys playfully comb through their hair and stroke them. In addition, this romantic gesture causes a storm of emotions.

    • Tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. If you notice that the hair has begun to fall on the girl's face, gently remove a strand of hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. Perhaps the naughty strand will not last long behind the ear, but the girl will definitely notice this gesture.
    • Girls with long hair like to have their hair played with, stroked and brushed. Gently grab a strand of hair with your fingers and slowly move your hand behind the girl's ear, releasing the strand of hair.
  3. Focus on her face and neck. The girl's face and neck are considered quite intimate places, so it would be good to start caressing the girl from these areas of the body. Try to gently stroke the girl on the neck and cheek with one hand, looking into her eyes and talking to her.

    • Gently stroking your cheek with your fingers is a good way to hint to a girl that you want to kiss her, thereby giving her time to think and react.
  4. Stroke her hands. You can start caressing the girl by touching her arms and hands. In this way, you can show your love and care even in public.

    • Holding hands, try lightly stroking her palm while moving your thumb.
    • If you notice that her hand is on the table next to yours, try holding hands and then lightly massage her palm.
  5. Try to caress the girl in more sensitive areas of the body. If you think your relationship is already strong enough for touching in more intimate places, you can try to show your feelings a little differently. Just watch the girl's reaction and listen to her. If a girl says she doesn't want you to caress her in a certain place, don't insist; step back and go back to something less embarrassing, like just holding her hand.

Part 3

Decide how and when you will caress the girl

    Learn to understand her body language . It is customary to attribute only 10-15% of the total communication to verbal communication. This means that b about Most communication is made up of micro-emotions and other gestures such as body language, expression and eye movement. Pay attention to the girl's body language to see if she likes your caress.

  1. Take into account your surroundings. Some types of flirting and petting are appropriate for public places, and some are not. A girl may feel uncomfortable if you try to caress her around other people or in a public place. If you're in public, it's best to flirt a little differently.

    • If you decide to take the girl to the cinema, hold her hand and stroke her palm. It's just a trifle, but the girl will definitely like it.
    • The way to flirt and caress a girl directly depends on the circumstances. If you're walking down the street together, you can gently touch her elbow or back to guide her across the street or through a doorway - this is a great idea for first contact. Next time, simply lift your hand up slightly, sliding it along her back (or along her arm), and then slowly remove your hand.
    • She will most likely be open to flirting and affection in a more private setting, like yours or hers.
  2. Think about your relations . If you do not know whether to show your feelings for a girl physically, whether to caress her and touch her, analyze your relationship with her.

    • Think about the duration of the relationship. If she tries to spend more time with you, if you have been dating for a long time, talking on personal topics, it will be much easier for you to show your care in the form of affection. Which method you choose depends on how close you and the girl are. When you get closer, new opportunities open up for the manifestation of your feelings and affection.
    • If you are still in the early stages of a relationship, but a certain level of trust has already been established between you, you can start by touching her hand. Each girl has a different attitude to the physical side of the relationship. Before deciding whether or not you should switch to physical contact with a girl, it is worth getting to know her better.
    • So that the girl does not suspect that you are caressing her only in order to have sex with her later, you can show your affection and tenderness more often without turning this caress into sex. You want the girl to understand that you are doing this for her, and not for yourself.
    • Take the girl by the hand, run your hand through her hair, but do not immediately go to intimate places! Perhaps this time it would be better not to touch them at all. For example, you can simply stroke her hand or wrist while you watch TV together.
  • Ask her "Is everything all right?" when you touch some more intimate part of her body. If the girl doesn't like what you're doing (or thinks you're overdoing it), back off.


  • Know when to stop. Caress can easily lead to more intimate touching and sex. Never make unnecessary movements if you are not 100% sure of them. And if a girl says no to you, respect her opinion. No exceptions.

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