Home Useful properties of fruits Math riddles for preschoolers 4 5 years old. Math riddles for children. games for similarities and differences, entertaining examples

Math riddles for preschoolers 4 5 years old. Math riddles for children. games for similarities and differences, entertaining examples

Mathematical riddles.


I take pencils.
Count it, but don't rush.
Look, don’t be silly:
Red Black,
Yellow, blue.
Answer - in my hand
How many pencils are there? (4 pencils)

Take a look,
Tell guys
How many angles
Any square? (4 corners)

Misha has one pencil,
Grisha has one pencil.
How many pencils
Both babies? (2 pencils)

Marina entered the classroom,
And behind her is Irina,
And then Ignat came.
How many guys are there? (3)

I draw the cat's house:
Three windows, a door with a porch.
There is another window upstairs,
That it was not dark.
Count the windows
In the cat's house. (4 windows)

The holiday is coming soon. New Year,
Let's get up in a friendly round dance.
Sing a song loudly
We congratulate everyone on this day.
Let's prepare gifts for everyone
This holiday is very bright.
Katya, Masha and Alenka
We will give it to Burenka,
And Andryusha and Vityusha -
By car and by pear.
Sasha will be glad to Petrushka
And a big colored cracker.
Well, Tanya - Tanyusha -
Brown bear in gray plush.

You, friends, count the guests
Give their names. (7)

Arranged by Andryushka
Two rows of toys.
Next to the monkey -
Teddy bear.
Together with the fox -
Oblique bunny.
Following them -
The hedgehog and the frog.
How many toys
Arranged by Andryushka? (6 toys)

Granny gives the fox
Gloves for three grandchildren:
“This is for the winter, grandchildren,
mittens, two pieces.
Take care, do not lose
How many are all, count! " (6 mittens)

The seagull warmed up the kettle,
I invited nine seagulls
"Come all for tea!"
How many seagulls, answer! (9 seagulls)

My mother and I were at the zoo,
The animals were hand fed all day.
Camel, zebra, kangaroo
And a long-tailed fox.
Big gray elephant
I could barely see.
Tell me soon, friends,
What animals have I seen?
And if you could count them,
You are just a miracle! Well done! (5 animals)

One evening to the bear
The neighbors came to the cake:
Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, "oblique",
Wolf with a cheating fox.
And the bear could not
Divide the pie for everyone.
The bear was sweating from labor -
He didn't know how to count!
Help him soon -
Count all the animals. (6 beasts)
(B. Zakhoder)

At the bazaar, a kind hedgehog
I bought boots for the family.
Boots on the leg - for yourself,
A little less - to the wife.
With buckles - to the son,
With clasps - for my daughter.
And he put everything in a bag.
How many legs does a hedgehog have in a family?
And how many boots did you buy? (eight)

Under the bushes by the river
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who can count them? (4 beetles)

Seryozhka fell into the snow,
And behind him is Alyoshka.
And behind him is Irinka,
And behind her is Marinka.
And then Ignat fell.
How many guys were there? (5 guys)

How they stood in a circle under the tree
Bunny, squirrel and badger,
A hedgehog and a raccoon got up,
Elk, wild boar, fox and cat.
And the last was the bear,
How many animals are there? Answer! (10 animals)


The pestle has five chickens.

The mallard has five ducklings.

Five plus five, -

Nikolka asked, -

How much will that be together? (10 chicks)

Anya has two balls,
Vanya has two balls.
Two balls and two.
How many are there?
Do you understand? (4 balls)

Three fluffy kitties
We settled down in a basket.
Then one came running to them.
How many cats have become together? (4 kitties)

Kvochka decided

Three cockerels,

Yes, five chickens.

How many are together?

It's hard to find out.

She's only up to five

Six nuts mom-pig
Carried for the children in a basket.
The hedgehog met a pig
And he gave four more.
How many nuts are pigs
Did you bring it to the kids in a basket? (10 nuts)

Three hares, five hedgehogs
They go to kindergarten together.
We will ask you to count,
How many kids are there in the garden? (8 babies)

Our cat has five kittens,
They sit side by side in a basket.
And the neighbor's cat has three!
So cute, look!
Help count,
How many are three and five? (8 kittens)

The apples in the garden are ripe
We had time to taste them
Five ruddy, liquid,
Two with sourness.
How many are there? (7 apples)

Three hares, five hedgehogs
They go to kindergarten together.
We will ask you to count,
How many kids are there in the garden? (8 babies)

A rooster flew up the fence,
I met two more there.
How many roosters are there? (3 roosters)

Three chickens stand

They look at the shells.
Two testicles in a nest
The hens are lying.
Count it up
Answer quickly:
How many chickens there will be
At my hen's? (5 chickens)

Four goslings and two ducklings
They swim in the lake, shout loudly.
Well, count it quickly -
How many babies are there in the water? (6 babies)

Natasha has five flowers,
And Sasha gave her two more.
Who can count here
How many are two and five? (7 flowers)

Once to the bunny for lunch
A friend-neighbor rode up.
The hares sat on a stump
And they ate five carrots.
Who is counting, guys, nimble?
How many carrots have you eaten?(10 carrots)


At Kolya and Marina.
Four tangerines.
My brother has three of them.
How much does your sister have? (1 mandarin)

Three white doves were sitting on the roof.
Two pigeons took off and flew away.
Come on, tell me quickly,
How many pigeons are left to sit? (1 pigeon)

We asked the children at school a lesson:
Jumping into the field ten forty.
Nine took off, sat on the spruce,
How many forty are left in the field? (1 forty)

There are seven grasshoppers in the choir
The songs were sung.
Soon five grasshoppers
Lost voice.
Count without further ado
How many votes have become? (2 votes)

Four magpies came to class.
One of the forty did not know the lesson.
How diligently
Did you study forty? (3 magpies)

There are seven plums on a plate
Their appearance is very beautiful.
Pavel ate four plums.
How many plums did the boy leave? (3 plums)

Marina tore into a mug
Nine raspberries.
I gave five to my girlfriend.
How many berries are there in the mug? (4 berries)

The hedgehog went mushrooming,
I found ten saffron milk caps.
I put eight in a basket,
The rest are on the back.
How many mushrooms are lucky
A hedgehog on his pins and needles? (2 mushrooms)

We begin to take away.

There were five pretzels,

And now there is a couple.

How many did Tamara eat? (3 pretzels)

Five pies were in a bowl.
Lariska took two pies,
Another one was snatched by a pussy.
How much is left in the bowl? (2 pies)

Seven geese set off.
The two decided to rest.
How many are there under the clouds?
Count, children, yourself. (5 geese)

Six funny cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries
But one of them is tired
Now find the answer:
How many bears are ahead? (5 cubs)

Brought a goose - mother
Six children for a walk on the meadow.
All the goslings, like balls,
Three sons, and how many daughters? (2 daughters)

Four ripe pears
Swayed on a twig
Pavlusha took off two pears,
How many pears are left? (2 pears)

Good grandfather to grandson Shura
Gave seven pieces of candy yesterday.
A grandson ate one candy.
How many pieces are left? (6 candies)

Once to the bunny for lunch
A friend-neighbor rode up.
The hares sat on a stump
And they ate five carrots.
Who is counting, guys, nimble?
How many carrots have you eaten?

Tricky tasks.

I baked pancakes.
I treated two grandchildren -
Two pugnacious badgers.
And the grandchildren were not full,
The saucers knock with a roar.
Well, how many badgers
Are they waiting for supplements and are silent? (no one)

Yegorka was lucky again,
Sitting by the river is not in vain.
Two carp in a bucket
And four minnows.
But look - at the bucket,
A cunning cat appeared ...
How many fish is home Egorka
Will it bring us to our ear? (no one)

On the road, two boys walked
And they found two rubles each.
Four more follow them.
How much will they find? (no one)

  • Dasha's grandmother has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does a grandmother have? (One)
  • The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will two such thermometers show? (15 degrees)
  • Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend? (10 minutes)
  • There are 8 benches in the park. Three painted. How many benches are there in the park? (8 benches
  • My name is Yura. My sister only has one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother? (Yura)
  • What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (Same)
  • The truck was driving to the village. On the way, he met 4 cars. How many cars were driving to the village? (One)
  • Two boys played checkers for 2 hours. How long did each boy play? (2 hours)
  • The famous magician says he can put the bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this? (Anyone can crawl into the room)
  • Can it rain for 2 days in a row? (No, there is a night between them)
  • When is a stork standing on one leg? (When he pulls his other leg under him)
  • That you can't lift the tail off the floor? (Ball of thread)
  • The more you take out of it, the more it becomes. What is it? (Pit)
  • What can you cook and not eat? (Lessons, homework)
  • 7 sparrows were sitting on a tree, one of them was eaten by a cat. How many sparrows are left on the tree? (None: the surviving sparrows scattered)
  • There are three thick branches on the birch, three thin branches on each thick branch. There is one apple on each thin twig. How many apples are there? (Not at all - apples do not grow on a birch.)
  • In the room 4 corners. There was a cat in every corner, and 3 cats in front of each cat. How many cats were in the room? (4 cats)
  • What kind of dish can you not eat anything from? (from empty)
  • The animal has 2 right paws, 2 left paws, 2 front paws, 2 rear paws. How many paws does he have? (4 legs)
  • How many nuts are in an empty glass? (not at all)
  • 9 sharks sailed on the sea. They saw a school of fish and dived into the depths. How many sharks are there in the sea? (9 sharks, only they dived)
  • There were 3 tulips and 7 daffodils in a vase. How many tulips were there in the vase? (there were 3 tulips in the vase)
  • 7 boys cleared one path in the garden. How many paths did the boys clear?
  • A chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken stand on two legs weigh? (2 kg.)
  • There is an oak in the field, 3 branches on an oak, 3 apples on each branch. How many apples are there? (not a single one, apples do not grow on oak).
  • There were 10 chairs in the room, on which 10 boys were sitting. 10 girls entered, and they all found a chair. How could this have happened? (The boys stood up)
  • What happens to the white handkerchief if it is lowered into the Black Sea? (it will get wet)
  • In February, 2 daisies and 3 roses blossomed on our flower bed. How many flowers have blossomed in our flower bed? (not at all, flowers do not grow in February)
  • Andrey poured 3 heaps of sand together, and then poured another one there. How many piles of sand are there? (one big pile)
  • The long-awaited January has come. First, one apple tree bloomed, and then 3 more plums. How many trees have bloomed? (trees do not bloom in January)
  • 9 steamers sailed in the sea, 2 steamers docked at the pier. How many steamers are in the sea. (9 steamers)

Which three numbers add and multiply give the same result?

(1 + 2 + 3 = 6, 1 * 2 * 3 = 6 )
* * *

More than an hour, less than a minute.

* * *

There are 8 benches in the park. Three painted.
How many benches are there in the park?

* * *

What sign should be placed between 6 and 7 for the result to be less than 7 and greater than 6?

* * *

The room has 4 corners. There was a cat in every corner, and 3 cats in front of each cat.
How many cats were in the room?

(4 cats)
* * *

How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?

(get cottage cheese)
* * *

There were husband and wife, brother and sister, and husband and brother-in-law.
How many people are there?

(three persons)
* * *

There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table.
How many apples are left on the table?

(4 apples)
* * *

There are 100 sheets of paper on the table.
For every 10 seconds, you can count 10 sheets.
How many seconds does it take to count 80 sheets?

* * *

On the table are a ruler, pencil, compasses, elastic band.
You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper.
Where to begin?

(from a sheet of paper)
* * *

In what number of numbers are there as many letters as there are letters in its name?

(100 - one hundred, 1,000,000 - million)
* * *

7 candles were burning. 2 candles were extinguished.
How many candles are left?
(7 candles)
* * *

How many different digits do you have to use to write the number 100?

(two - 0 and 1)
* * *

When is the number 1322 less than 622?

(years BC)
* * *

What word has 3 letters l and three letters p?

* * *

A pair of horses ran 40 km.
How many kilometers did each horse run?

(40 km)
* * *

How much land does a pit with a diameter of 3 meters and a depth of 3 meters contain?

(not at all, the pits are empty)
* * *

What notes can be used to measure the distance?

* * *

There were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens in the room.
The owner entered the room with the dog.
How many legs are there in the room?

(two, animals have no legs)
* * *

There were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. Each ate an apple.
How is this possible?

(son, father, grandfather)
* * *

I have no weight, but I can be light, I can be heavy.
Who am I?

* * *

There were five bulbs in the chandelier. Two of them went out.
How many bulbs are left in the chandelier?

(5 left)
* * *

The total age of father and son is 66 years.
Father's age is the son's age, written from right to left.
How old is everyone?

(51 & 15, 42 & 24, 60 & 06)
* * *

The electric locomotive goes west at a speed of 90 km / h.
The east wind is blowing, the wind speed is 10 km / h.
In which direction is the smoke going?

(electric locomotive has no smoke)
* * *

Five fillings five guys

They'll eat it at exactly five minutes.

And for how much they can eat

Six guys are sundaes if

And six fillings too?

(no matter how many fillings there are,

if the same number of guys

then the guys are all sundaes

they will eat in the same five minutes)
* * *

How many times can 6 be subtracted from 30?

Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother with a granddaughter.
How many are all?

(three: grandmother, mother, granddaughter)
* * *

How can the number 666 be increased by one and a half times without performing any arithmetic operations on it?

(write 666 and turn it upside down)
* * *

When we look at the number 2 and say 10?

(when we look at the clock)
* * *

How much is 2 + 2 x 2 =?

* * *

Which is heavier: a kilogram of iron or a kilogram of fluff?

(weight is the same)
* * *

One egg is boiled for 3 minutes.
How many minutes will 2 eggs cook?

(3 minutes)
* * *

How many stripes does a zebra have?

(two: black, white)
* * *

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

(one, the rest are not on an empty stomach)
* * *

The truck was driving to the village.
On the way, he met 4 cars.
How many cars were driving to the village?

Card index of mathematical proverbs and sayings


short expression,

Written in simple folk language,

often has rhyme and rhythm.

One the bee will train a little honey.

One the wise head is worth a hundred heads.

One not a warrior in the field.

One the goose will not trample the field.

One you don't clap your hands.

One you can't tie a knot with your hand.

Lazy person twice works.

Per two If you chase hares, you won't catch a single one.

An old friend is better than new ones two.

Two you can't put on a pair of sandals right away

One head is good, but two- better.

An old friend is better than new ones two.

Mind is good, eh two better.

Older brother like second father.

The price for a braggart - three penny.

A friend nearby is better than three in the distance.

If one stove has three the cooks are jostling - the dinner is burning.

Do not recognize a friend in three of the day - find out in three of the year.

Without four x corners of the hut is not cut.

Four the cardinal points on the four seas are laid.

One beehive is a beehive, and five- apiary.

One trouble il five troubles, but all the same help - no.

There are three cows, calving - will be six.

They lost the bast shoes, looked around the yards: there were five, but now six.

Seven measure once, cut once.

One sheep seven shepherds.

One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.

Have seven nannies a child without an eye.

Autumn - change eight.

Martok - dress eight parcels.

Nine a person is like a dozen.

Nine they pulled the mice together - they pulled the lid off the tub.

What can't you do alone, they will ten.

Think ten time, say one.

Bydialectka -

figurative expression, metaphor.

Sayings are used in sentences

to give a vivid artistic color to the facts,

things and situations.

One the leg is here, the other is there.

One for all and all for one.

Tuck into both cheeks.

Two boots - a pair.

How two water drops.

From the pot two vershok.

Lost in three pines.

Cry in three brook.

To live in four walls.

Four the cola is driven in, but the sky is covered.

Know as yours five fingers.

Again twenty five.

Three hairs in six rows are stacked.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Seven a span in the forehead.

Seven Fridays a week.

Seventh water on jelly.

For the next autumn, years through eight.

Nine lives of a cat.

Per distant lands in distant(thirty) kingdom.

Bear ten songs and everything about honey.

Card index of mathematical riddles


small genre of folklore, which is

"encrypted" figurative description of the subject,

phenomenon or situation.

In winter and summer in one color. (Spruce)

Antoshka stands on one leg. (mushroom)

Many hands, one leg (tree).

Spins on one leg, carefree, cheerful.

Dancer in a colorful skirt, musical ... (whirligig).

Two ends, two rings, and a stud in the middle. (Scissors.)

Two houses - teplushki

presented to Tanya (mittens).

He has two wheels and a saddle on a frame

there are two pedals at the bottom, twisting them with their feet (bicycle).

He has colored eyes, not eyes, but three lights,
he in turn looks at me from above (traffic light).

Four brothers stand under one roof (table).

Although we have four legs,
We are not mice or cats.
Although we all have backs
We are not sheep or pigs.
We are not horses, even on us
You have sat down hundreds of times (chairs).

Two mothers have five sons,
one name to all (fingers).

And buzzes and flies
There are six legs
But no hooves. (bug)

Every day at seven in the morning
I pop: get up porrrrrra! (alarm)

Don't you know me?
I live at the bottom of the sea.
A head and eight legs, that's all I am - .... (octopus).

I have workers
Hunters help in everything.
They don't live behind a wall -
Day and night with me:
A whole dozen,
Loyal guys! (fingers)

What are these soft SQUARES
Give fairy tales to all the guys?
On the bed like girlfriends
Chubby cheeks ...

The sky is like a blue house
There is one window in it:
Like a ROUND window

It sparkles in the sky ...
(The sun.)

Card index of math counters


rhythmically pronounced rhyme,

as a result of which

places of participants in children's games

Once upon a time there were a hundred children.
Everyone went to kindergarten
Everyone sat down to dinner
Everyone ate a hundred cutlets,
And then they went to bed -
Start counting again.

There lived one burbot in the river,
Two ruffs were friends with him,
Three ducks flew to them
Four times a day
And taught them to count -
One, two, three, four, five.

Here are the mushrooms on the meadow
They are wearing red caps.
Two mushrooms, three mushrooms,
How much will be together? -

The seagull warmed up the kettle.
I invited eight seagulls:
"Come all for tea!"
How many seagulls, answer!

Seagulls lived at the pier
The river shook them with a wave.
One, two, three, four, five -
Help me count them!

We shared an orange

There are many of us, but he is one.

This slice is for a hedgehog,

This is a slice for a swift,

This is a slice for ducklings

This slice is for kittens,

This slice is for the beaver,

And for the wolf - the peel ...

He is angry with us - trouble !!!

Run away, who where!

Follow me, say:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
I'll go to visit my grandmother,
And on Thursday and Friday
The sleds are rolling towards the house.
Saturday - Sunday
Cookies are baked on this day.
One-two, one-two, one-two-three!
Repeat the whole counting room!

One, two, three, four, five,

We are going to play.

Forty flew to us

And she told you to drive.

The countdown begins:

“A jackdaw has sat down on a birch tree,

Two crows, a sparrow,

Three magpies, nightingale.

Tomorrow will fly from the sky

Blue-blue-blue whale.

If you believe - wait and wait

If you don't believe - come out! "

One, two, three, four, five,

The sun needs to get up.

Six seven eight nine ten,

The sun is sleeping, there is a month in the sky.

Run who where,

Tomorrow is a new game.

Two bears sat

On a fake bitch

One read the newspaper

Another was kneading flour

One ku-ku, two ku-ku.

Both fell into flour.

Koshkin's rhyme

One, two, three, four, five.
The cat learns to count.
Little by little
Adds a cat to the mouse.
The answer is:
There is a cat, but no mouse.

Myshkin's rhyme

One, two,
Three four.
Let's count the holes in the cheese.
If there are many holes in the cheese,
So the cheese will be tasty.
If there is one hole in it,
So it was delicious yesterday!

Card index of math tongue twisters


comic genre of folk art,

a phrase based on a combination of sounds,

that make it difficult to pronounce words quickly

I wandered around the hill alone, collecting tongue twisters.

Two puppies nibble cheek to cheek on a brush in the corner.

Three magpies - three ratchets

Lost three brushes:

Three - today

Three - yesterday

Three - the day before yesterday.

Four little black little imp drew a drawing in black ink extremely cleanly.

In the courtyard, four Sashki were playing checkers on the grass.

Again, five guys found five honey agarics at the hemp.

Six mice rustle in the reeds.

On seven sleighs, seven in the sleigh sat themselves.

Sixteen mice walked
found forty pennies each,
two smaller mice
found two pennies.

The fellow ate 33 pies and pie, but all with cottage cheese.

Thirty-three Yegorkas lived on a hill on a hillock: one Yegorka, two Yegorka, three Yegorka ...

Card file of math problems in verse

How many suns are behind a cloud,
How many refills are in a fountain pen
How many noses does an elephant have
How many watches are on your hand?
How many legs does a fly agaric have
And attempts at the sapper,
He knows and is proud of himself
Column number ...

How many ears on the top of the head
How many legs does a half frog have,
How many mustaches does a catfish have?
At the planet of the poles,
How many halves in total,
In a pair - brand new shoes,
And the front paws of the lion
Knows only the number ...

A puppy is sitting on the porch

Warms his fluffy side. Another one came running

And sat down next to him.

(How many puppies are there?)

How many months are in winter
In the summer, in the autumn, in the spring,
How many eyes does a traffic light have
Base on the baseball field
The edges of the sports epee
And stripes on our flag
Whatever anyone tell us,
The figure knows the truth ...

A rooster flew up the fence.

I met two more there.

How many roosters are there?

Who has the answer ready?(3)

How many legs does a mongoose have
Petals in a cabbage flower
Fingers on a chicken leg
And on the back paw of a cat,
Tanya's hands together with Petya
And all sides in the world
Yes, and the oceans in the world
The number knows ...

My birthday

Gave me a horse

Two balls, one turntable.

How many toys do I have?

How many fingers on the hand
And a penny in a patch,
The rays of the starfish
Five rooks have beaks,
Maple leaves
And the corners of the bastion
Tell about all this
The figure will help us ...

Three yellow-eyed daisies,

Two cheerful cornflowers

The children gave it to mom.

How many flowers are in the bouquet?

Card index of mathematical labyrinths, puzzles,

games for similarities and differences, entertaining examples

Card index of mathematical tales

Mathematics in the Forest

Once the Number One saw a hare in the forest and said to him:
- Of all the forest animals, only you have long ears ... So you are the only one with such long ears!
- I'm not alone, - objected the hare, - I have many brothers.

Then a bear came out into the clearing and sang: "The bear in the forest is stronger than all."
- You are one such strong animal in the forest, - the number 1 admired.
- Yes, I am one of my mother's sons, and I am the strongest of all, - the bear answered importantly. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am one year old.
- Congratulations! - the number 1 exclaimed, - I hope you will celebrate your birthday alone and eat all the treats yourself?
- One is bad, - the bear cub roared. - With whom I will play hide and seek and sing songs. This is a bad holiday if you are alone.

Why doesn't anyone want to be alone? - The Number One asked herself sadly.

Why do you guys think?

Who is the number 2 like?

Number 2 walked along the path and heard someone crying under the bush.

- I-I-I, lost.
Deuce looked under the bush and saw a large gray chick there.
- Who is your mom? - the number 2 asked the chick.
- My mother is a beautiful and big bird. She looks like you, ”the chick squeaked.

Do not cry, we will find her, - said the number 2.

She put the chick on her tail, and they went to look for mom.

Soon Deuce saw a beautiful flat bird with a long tail over the meadow.

- This is not your chick, a beautiful bird? - asked Deuce.
- I'm not a bird, but a kite. I don't even have wings.
- Pee-pee, this is not a mother, my mother is like you, - said the chick.

Who is the number 3 friends with?

Once upon a time there was a cheerful Traffic Light. He stood at an intersection and blinked three lights: green, yellow and red. But one day all three lights went out.

What started here! The cars could not pass because they were driving all at once. Pedestrians could not cross the street because they were afraid of being hit by cars.

Fortunately, there was a little girl in the crowd of pedestrians. She knew that the traffic light is friendly with the number 3, and rather called her:
- Hello, your friend the traffic light is ill, and he urgently needs help!

Number 3 immediately came running and brought him three delicious triangular cookies. She treated the traffic light to cookies, and it immediately lit up.

It turns out that the traffic light was very hungry, and therefore could no longer work.

Since then, the number 3 has been visiting traffic lights every day. When a traffic light shows cars with its red eye, and traffic stops, number 3 feeds it with three triangular cookies.

Four wishes number 4

“If this is a beast with four eyes, four wings and four tails, then I will make friends with him,” the number 4 thought.

She went into the forest thicket and heard a terrible roar:
- Who came to me?
- It's me - the number 4, - said the number.
- What did you bring? The beast growled again.
“Four sweet cookies,” the number 4 replied.

- Hurry, give them here, - screamed the terrible beast.

The number 4 threw four cookies to the beast, and he swallowed them in an instant.
“I was dying of hunger, and you fed me,” the beast suddenly purred. - For this I will fulfill your four wishes.
I want the world to have more ...

Five senses

Early in the morning the cheerful singing of birds woke the girl up. She opened her eyes and closed her eyes against the sun. The kitchen smelled deliciously of pancakes.
The girl remembered that she had a lollipop under her pillow, and took it out. The lollipop filled my mouth with a sweet raspberry flavor. A soft blanket hugged the girl and she dozed off again.

Suddenly the girl's ears spoke angrily:
- We heard birdsong and woke up the girl, and you, your eyes, closed your eyes from the sun and did not want to wake up.

I called the girl to breakfast with a delicious smell of pancakes, and you, tongue, decided to eat raspberry candy instead of breakfast,- the tongue chided the nose.

And you pens, why did you hide under the soft blanket?- asked in unison the nose and ears.

The eyes were offended that they were being scolded, and they got angry:
- If so, we will not watch any more.

I refuse to taste too- added a tongue.

And we don't want to feel soft and hard, cold and hot,- said the pens.

The number 5 heard this conversation and got angry:

-What a disgrace! You, the five senses, must always work together.

Good morning daughter- suddenly heard ears.

Eyes immediately opened and saw my mother. The arms hugged Mom tightly. The nose breathed in the delicate scent of my mother's perfume. The mouth got hungry and said: "How delicious the pancakes smell!"

"It's good that all my five senses are reconciled",- the girl was delighted.

Fairy Math - Girl and Number 6

One girl could not remember how to spell the number 6. Sometimes she wrote an oval at the bottom, and a ponytail at the top, and sometimes vice versa.
- Why did you again write the number 9 instead of the number 6?- Mom was angry.
- Number 9 has a big smart head. Number 6
decided to become as smart and turned over, -
the girl laughed.
So your number 6 is a circus acrobat- Mom was surprised.

At night, the girl dreamed of a circus. Instead of animals, numbers appeared there. They tumbled, performed tricks and juggled.
Suddenly the director of the circus announced: "The acrobats are performing: the girl and the number 6!"
The girl entered the arena, and the number 6 deftly put her on her head.
“Now you have to count all the spectators in the hall,” said the number 6.
- How can I count while standing on my head? The girl asked angrily.
- And how can I count to six if you turn me into the number 9? - the number 6 cried.
- Sorry, I won't turn you over anymore. I'll tie six beautiful bows to your ponytail.

Number 7 and Seven Colors of the Rainbow

After the rain, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. Two boys saw a rainbow and argued:

- The most beautiful color in the rainbow is red, because I have a new red bike. It would be nice if the whole rainbow was red, ”said one boy.

- No, let the whole rainbow be green. I have a favorite green car, ”said the second boy.

They argued for a long time, and considered each of their colors the best. The rainbow was upset after hearing this dispute. She always thought people liked all seven of her colors. From frustration, the rainbow melted forever, and people have forgotten how to rejoice.

- What to do? I offended the rainbow, ”one boy said sadly.
- Do not be sad. Let's ask the number 7 to return all seven colors of the rainbow, - suggested the second boy.
Number 7, after listening to the boys, went to the artist and told him that the rainbow was gone.
- I'll draw a rainbow if the boys make up.

The artist painted the picture for seven whole days of the week. When the painting was finished, a rainbow appeared in the sky again.

Who helped the Number 8?

- Oh-she-she! - the number 8 cried, - I fell, hurt my side and am late for class. Today children should learn number 8. If I do not come, they will not learn me.

- Let's go to the lesson instead of you. Children can make the number 8 out of two oval clouds, said the two clouds.
- No, you are too big to fit in the classroom, - sad
objected the figure 8.

- Maybe I will fly on a spider web to school instead of you? I look like a little Eight, and I have eight legs, - squeaked the spider.

- No, you are too small, and the wind can carry your cobweb in a completely different direction, - the number 8 answered sadly.
A boy was riding a bicycle along the road. He took the number 8 and took it to school.

Lucky number 9

- The Five has five fingers, the Seven has seven notes, and I have nothing, - the number 9 saddened.
- You can count nine objects at once, - other numbers began to console the number 9.
- But I have nothing to count, - Nine almost cried.

The sun felt sorry for the number 9 and gave her nine rays of sunshine.

The number 9 was delighted and counted its nine rays all day. When evening came, the number 9 hid the rays in amber stones so that they would not melt in the dark.
The next day, the number 9 saw a crying girl on the street. The girl was nine years old, but her mom and dad had a fight, and so she cried. “You can't be left without a birthday present,” the number 9 decided and presented the girl with amber stones with sunbeams.

Zero's appearance

- I am so good at myself, I look like a sun, and a donut, and a ball, - Nolik chanted loudly, walking along the road.
All the numbers immediately surrounded him.
- Oh, you're oval as a pancake! What is your name? - asked number 2.
- My name is Zero and I am a famous person. Wherever you look, you will find me everywhere, in any wheel, - said Nolik proudly.
- What can you count? - asked the number 9.
- Anything, I can count, - Nolik answered importantly and began to count. But no matter how much he counted, it always came out zero.
- Why are you needed, if with your help it is impossible to count even one object, - the numbers laughed.
- Am I really anyone ...

How the number 10 appeared

Number 1 brought Nolik to her home, sat the guest at the table and says:
- Sorry, Nolik, I can't treat you well. In my house, everything is one at a time: one cup of tea and one pie.

- And I myself came to visit empty-handed, - Nolik was upset.
Number 1 put a plate with one pie in front of Nolik, one cup of tea and sat down next to him.
Ten pies and ten cups of tea suddenly appeared on the table.
- Zero is a miracle! Together with you we will form the number 10! - the number 1 shouted joyfully.
She rather ran to other numbers and invited them to her place for tea.
- Thank you for the invitation, but you have only one pie and one cup of tea in your house, and there are many of us, - the numbers refused.
- It used to be like this, but Nolik changed everything and miraculously increased everything tenfold.

The development of knowledge in the field of mathematics is very important in our time. That is why, starting from kindergarten, it is necessary to teach kids the basics of this science. Various math puzzles, crosswords, riddles will help educators instill the necessary knowledge in children.

Math Riddles for Preschool Children

The kids are not yet available, complex ones for them will be different on which they will have to think a lot. These riddles are based on quantitative, temporal and spatial characteristics.

Math riddles with answers

  • "Two ends, the same number of rings, and between them a carnation." Everyone knows that these are scissors.
  • "Four friends huddle under a common roof." This puzzle is about a table.
  • "Five friends live in a common house." This is a mitten.
  • "Antoshka is sad on one leg. As the sun rises, he looks in that direction." Here we are talking about a sunflower
  • "I have no legs, but I go, I have no tongue, but I say: when to go to bed, and when to get up from it." This
  • "The grandfather is lying, he is wearing a hundred fur coats, and whoever begins to undress him sheds tears." Of course, it's a bow.

Comic riddles

This is what preschoolers like the most. In order to find the answer to such problems, you need to be smart.

Here are some fun math riddles with answers that might work for older preschoolers:

  1. "I plus you, and even you and me. How much is it?" The child must answer "two".
  2. "How to show a triangle on the table with a single stick?" The correct answer is to put it on the corner of the table to form three corners.
  3. "How many ends does one stick have? And two sticks? And two and a half?" Here you need to answer 6.
  4. "There are three sticks on the table, next to each other. How to make the stick that was in the middle be on the edge without touching the other?" Move the extreme - that's what the kid should answer.
  5. "Three horses rode five kilometers. How many kilometers did each of the horses rode?" Of course, 5 kilometers each.

And many other math puzzles for preschoolers. There are a huge number of them. Comic math riddles for preschoolers are used to activate mental activity and teach to highlight the main thing between two or more objects. Such riddles should be used in the process of group conversations, observations on walks. The main thing is that they correspond to the topic of conversation or observation.

Features of the perception of comic riddles by older preschoolers

From 5 to 7 years old, children are already good at joking and understanding the jokes of others. Children of this age will be able to answer correctly to such a comic riddle, provided that they understand it. If the sense of humor is poorly developed, then the child will solve the problem by the method of simple calculations. And the answer will be wrong. Answers to such riddles need to be explained to the whole group using visual methods.

Problems like this work well as a warm-up before math classes. This contributes to the good development of mental operations. The proposed mathematical riddles with answers can be used during the lesson in order to clarify the concept of a number.

You can also use joke riddles when moving from one activity to another to give the kids some distraction and relaxation.

Math riddles for logic

This is a very useful gymnastics for the mind. Logical mathematical riddles are quite complex - you will have to think a lot with the answers to them. Here is some of them:

  1. Misha had a large, but sour orange. And Vitya ate big, but sweet. What do oranges look like and what distinguishes them from each other? They are similar in that both are large, and the difference is that one was tasty and the other sour.
  2. Girlfriends Vera and Nastya looked at the illustrations. One of them had a book in her hands, and the other had a magazine. Where did Nastya look at the pictures if Vera was not holding a magazine? In the magazine, of course.
  3. Vasya and Petya decided to paint. Car and tractor. What was Vasya's painting if Petya didn't want to draw a tractor? Of course, Vasya drew the car.
  4. Christina, Vitya and Slava lived in multi-storey houses. Two of them were three-story, one was two-story. Christina and Slavik did not live in the same houses, Slava and Vitya did the same. Who lived in which house? This task is already more difficult. The answer would be correct: Slava lived in a two-story building, and Kristina and Vitya lived in a three-story building.
  5. Zhenya, Misha and Andrey loved to read books. One was interested in cars, another in stories of war, the third in sports. Who read about what if Zhenya did not read about the war and about sports, and Misha did not read about sports? Difficult doesn't have a fairly simple answer. Since Zhenya did not touch books about war and sports, it means that he read about travel. Misha has not read a book about sports, which means that he chose a book about the war. There is no information about Andrey, but by elimination we decide that he gets a book about cars. It's simple.
  6. Vera, Masha and Olesya loved to embroider. One is hearts, the other is houses, the third is patterns. Who embroidered what if Vera did not embroider hearts and houses, and Masha did not like hearts? It's also a pretty difficult task. Vera embroidered patterns, Masha embroidered houses, Olesya embroidered hearts.

A mathematical riddle is not only a game, but also a means of educating, teaching and developing children, exercises in reasoning, in the ability to prove.

K.D. Ushinsky said: "The riddle gives the child's mind a useful exercise, and for the teacher it gives the opportunity to make the lesson entertaining, interesting."

There are various types of mathematical riddles. These include: logical riddles, puzzles, riddles with numbers, trick riddles, funny counting, coloring riddles, riddles about geometric shapes, riddles-crosswords, riddles - entertainment, riddles for attention, physical. minutes, quizzes, riddles, jokes, finger games.



Mathematical riddles for preschool children.

A mathematical riddle is not only a game, but also a means of educating, teaching and developing children, exercises in reasoning, in the ability to prove.

K.D. Ushinsky said: "The riddle gives the child's mind a useful exercise, and for the teacher it gives the opportunity to make the lesson entertaining, interesting."

There are various types of mathematical riddles. These include: logical riddles, puzzles, riddles with numbers, trick riddles, funny counting, coloring riddles, riddles about geometric shapes, riddles-crosswords, riddles - entertainment, riddles for attention, physical. minutes, quizzes, riddles, jokes, finger games.

Card index of mathematical riddles

Seryozha is undergoing a serious construction project:
He makes a path from the red cubes.
One plus one, plus one, three more
Seryozhka considers his successes.
And you give an answer, after thinking a little,
So how many cubes are in this track?
(six) A. Zhuravleva

Six chubby girls
Knit scarves on knitting needles.
Here comes another one
brought candy to everyone.
And a kitten came for her ...
How many girls are there?
(seven) A. Zhuravleva

Five funny frogs
They lie on a hillock.
The hedgehogs ran past
The frogs scared everyone away.
Two frogs dived into the stream.
How much is left?
Count it quickly!
(three) A. Zhuravleva

Two mice in the dark
We were gnawing cheese in the hut.
Three little mice in cramped quarters
We slept on a pillow.
We can count right away
That all the mice were ...
(five) A. Zhuravleva

Potatoes were stored on a shelf in a basket.
Seven green apples and a little onion
Stored in a box on a chair against the wall
Where delicious sweet croutons were fried.
The chef came in the morning and threw it into a box
Three red apples, beans and carrots.
The box remained on the chair.
Try to count the apples in it!
(ten) A. Zhuravleva

Stepan took five sweets,
Put it in my pocket.
I gave two to my sister Olya,
He treated Kolya to three.
How many sweets to yourself
He left? Give an answer.
(zero) A. Zhuravleva

A hedgehog walked through the forest,
For lunch I found mushrooms:
Two - under the birch,
One - by the aspen,
How many there will be
In a wicker basket?

Six funny cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries.
But one kid got tired:
He lagged behind his comrades.
Now find the answer:
How many bears are ahead?

For schoolchildren

The century is huge, like an elephant,
How many years does it hold?

Multiply a hundred kilos by ten,
How much will it weigh?

Less than ten times
than a meter, everyone knows ...

One, six zeros
That would be so many rubles for us.

This is the magnitude.
And she's the only one
The size of surfaces measures,
Determines in the square.

In grams, kilograms too
We can measure it.

There is a long segment, there is a shorter one,
We draw it along the ruler, by the way.
Five centimeters is a value
It is called ...(length)

Need to explain to someone
What is an hour? Minute?
For a long time, any tribe
Knows what it is ... (time)

Speed ​​of movement
It is consonant with the word "acceleration".
Answer, children, to me now,
What does 8 meters per hour mean?

I looked at the figure in the mirror and dreamed of my sister.
But I did not know only the properties of one of him.
And I got a double. Like a drop of water
The sister is like her. Yes, just down the braid.
(six and nine)

Asked children
At school lesson:
Jumped into the field
40 forty,
10 took off,
We sat down to eat.
How much is left
Forty in the field?

Fishermen are sitting
The floats are guarded.
Fisherman Roots caught 13 perches,
Fisherman Yevsey - four crucians,
And the fisherman Mikhail
I caught two catfish.
How many fish are fishermen
Dragged from the river?

To two hares at lunchtime
Three neighbors rode up.
In the garden, the hares sat down
And they ate three carrots.
Who is counting, guys, nimble?
How many carrots have you eaten?

To the gray heron for a lesson
Seven forty arrived,
And of them only three magpies
Lessons prepared.
How many idlers are forty
Arrived for class?

At seven forty,
Early in the morning
At seven forty
Getting up from the couch
At seven forty we went for a walk at seven forty.
At seven forty
On the road
See the magpie pie
And invite guests to the pie:

Eagle, Goldfinch, Peacock,
Pheasant and Penguin,
Both Parrot and Goose ...
Only this is not the whole song!
Two questions:
How many guests were there with forty?
How many pieces did the pie split into?
(seven and fourteen) Andrey Usachev

Soon 10 years old Seryozha -
Dima is not yet six.
Dima still can't
Grow up to Seryozha.
And how many years younger
Boy Dima than Seryozha?
(for 4 years)

Three cats bought boots
A pair for each cat.
How many legs do cats have?
And how many boots do they have?
(12 legs and 6 boots)

Name day at the tit, guests gathered.
Count them quickly, but don't be mistaken.
Birds are a friendly family:
Three funny sparrows
Three crows, three magpies -
Black and white white-sided
Three swifts and three woodpeckers.
How many are all of them, name?

The old woman decided to bake cheesecakes.
She put the dough and lit the oven.
The old woman decided to bake cheesecakes,
And I completely forgot how many of them are needed.
Two things - for the granddaughter,
Two things - for grandfather,
Two things - for Tanya,
Neighbor's Daughters ...
I counted, counted, but lost,
And the stove is completely heated!
Help the old lady count the cheesecakes.
(6 cheesecakes)

I've been to the zoo
I saw monkeys there:
Three sat in the sand
Two swung on the board
And three more backs warmed.
Did you manage to count them all?

How many insects are in the air?
How many insects are buzzing in my ear?
Two beetles and two bees
Two flies, two dragonflies,
Two wasps, two mosquitoes.
It's time to give the answer.

Squirrel, hedgehog and raccoon,
Wolf, fox, baby mole
There were friendly neighbors.
They came to the bear for the pie.
You guys don't yawn:
How many animals are there?

Brought a goat for the kids
There are 16 branches from the yard,
I put them on the floor.
How to divide by four?
(4 branches each)

Squirrel dried mushrooms,
I just forgot to count.
There were 25 whites,
Yes, even 5 butter plants,
7 mushrooms and 2 chanterelles,
Very red-haired sisters.
Who has the answer ready?
How many mushrooms were there?
(thirty nine)

Swans in our pond
I'll get closer:
9 black, white 5.
Who managed to count them?
Speak quickly:
How many pairs of swans are there?
(7 pairs)

For the fun of children,
For fun, for play
The clown inflated balloons.
Red is like a flashlight
The colors of the sky are blue ball,
And green is like a meadow
Yellow - a circle of the sun,
White - fresh snow.
Has everyone had enough, my friend?
Very soon kids
Lost two balls:
Played for half an hour
And they let him into heaven.
The kids are having fun
Well you think and decide:
How many balls are left
How many did not rush into the sky?
(3 balls)

Jackdaws arrived,
We sat down on sticks.
If on every stick
Will sit down one jackdaw,
That's for one jackdaw
Not enough stick.
If on every stick
Will sit two jackdaws,
Then one of the sticks
There will be no jackdaws.
How many jackdaws were there?
How many sticks were there?
(4 jackdaws and 3 sticks)

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