Home Useful properties of fruits Treatment station Topas 5. Repair of the septic tank "Topas": features of professional and self-service. Step-by-step, high-quality cleaning

Treatment station Topas 5. Repair of the septic tank "Topas": features of professional and self-service. Step-by-step, high-quality cleaning

  1. Untimely cleaning results
  2. Cleaning algorithm
  3. List of contraindications for use
  4. What needs to be done to clean
  5. Eco-Dacha services for septic tank cleaning
  6. Conclusion

For the uninterrupted and efficient operation of a septic tank without accidents, it is imperative to observe the principles and features of use. It is a local sewage treatment plant in places where there is no connection to the central sewage system. Most often these are private households in garden associations, in cottage buildings.

In an autonomous sewerage system, the purification of dirty waste is carried out on the basis of chemical, biological and mechanical clarification of water, using aerobic and anaerobic methods. The installed compressor and aerator enrich the effluent with oxygen, forcing it to circulate throughout the volume of the tank. In this fertile environment, there is a very rapid development and multiplication of the number of harmless microscopic organisms. Thanks to the existing pumps and airlifts, sewage is transported within the system itself.

Untimely cleaning results

If the Topas cleaning time is not followed, over time, activated sludge will form and accumulate in the system, which will lead to the fact that the technical and operational characteristics of the device will begin to slowly decline. It is worth noting that pumping out sludge is not the only measure for pumping out a septic tank. If you ignore some of these, it can lead to "clots" in the sewer system or parts of the tank, such as chambers or a compressor.

In addition, it is necessary to constantly wash the outside of the installation with ordinary clean water, otherwise the residents will begin to feel a fetid odor in their area, and unsanitary conditions will spread.

The septic tank system will not be able to cope with the sudden discharges of wastewater in a timely manner. This will lead to inconvenience in using a septic tank and a decrease in the level of comfort of living in a private country house. And, of course, the main problem as a result of belated cleaning will be the poor quality of sewage water treatment, and therefore it will not be possible to use them as irrigation water for the garden and vegetable garden or simply pour into the ground.

In this regard, it is simply vital to clean the Topas sewer system in a timely manner, either on our own, or with the help of specialist sanitizers. This will preserve the operational characteristics of the system and its operability and reduce the risk of "freezing" Topas in the winter months.

Cleaning algorithm

There is a certain set of mandatory procedures for cleaning Topas on your own:

  1. About 3 or 4 times a year, it is required to pump out sludge from the sump using a special mechanism (it comes with the equipment).
  2. With the same frequency, it is necessary to clean the chamber from solid waste water, fat deposits, small food residues and other organic debris.
  3. Once a year, it is necessary to pump out the sludge, flush the reservoir with a strong pressure of ordinary water.
  4. With a frequency of once every 3 years, it is imperative to replace the membranes in the compressor.
  5. It is necessary to rinse the sewer system with boiling water on a weekly basis, for this it is worth adding it to the toilet or bathroom. The volume of one teapot will suffice. This will get rid of fatty deposits in the pipes and help prevent large blockages in the sewer leading to the septic tank. In the future, this will reduce the number of heavy cleaning activities.
  6. Clean the sludge receptacle from sediment on a quarterly basis.
  7. A complete replacement of the aerators is required every 15 years.

There is also a list of contraindications when using the Topas septic tank:

  • Do not allow peeling vegetables or moldy food to be flushed down the pipes. Mold has an extremely negative effect on the life of septic bacteria and leads to their death. In order to avoid this, it will be enough to use special household nets in all bathrooms and kitchens.
  • It is necessary to exclude the discharge of such aggressive liquids as gasoline, alkalis, acids - they lead to the death of bacteria.
  • Do not allow polyethylene or plastic to enter the pipes - otherwise blockages will form.

In the Topas system, only water, fine organic matter, sewage and toilet paper are allowed to drain.

To pump out Topas, you need to do the following:

  • Lower the special pump into the stabilizer compartment. From it - a hose to the place where the contents of the tank will be drained.
  • Turn on the pump and pump out about half or slightly less of the activated sludge.
  • Next, you need to fill the container with clean water and start the biological treatment system.

Even a perfect system will not work for a long time and without interruption without regular maintenance. This is especially true of the sewage system, into which during work, along with the drains, small debris, household waste and hair are discharged. The septic tank Topas does not require any incredible efforts on the part of the user during maintenance, but it is necessary to clean and check the station regularly.

How to understand that the Topas septic tank needs maintenance?

To determine whether it is time to clean the Topas septic tank and how much sludge needs to be pumped out, it is necessary to take a sample of the effluent from the aeration tank chamber. To do this, you will need a liter glass jar and a small transparent bucket on a string, or a plastic cup. The sample must be taken at the moment when the aerator is operating in the chamber, which mixes the drain. Dip a bucket into the aeration tank, scoop up and pour the sample into a glass jar. After that, it will be necessary to let the drain settle for 30-40 minutes. If after this time you see that the sludge in the bank occupies 50% of the space and more, then the installation definitely needs maintenance.

For regular maintenance of the Topas septic tank, you can call a service technician or do it yourself. The frequency of service depends on the intensity of use of the septic tank. With year-round use, the septic tank must be cleaned every 4-6 months. If you live in a cottage or in the country only in the summer - once a year. If you come only for weekends during the spring and summer period, then the service can be carried out once every two years.

1 - receiving chamber

2 - Aeration tank

3 - Secondary clarifier

4 - Sludge stabilizer

5 - Pump compartment

For self-service, you will need a karcher, a container for pumped out household waste, a long-handled net with a metal mesh and a drain pump. Recommended sequence of actions for servicing:

1) Disable installation by turning the switch.

Fig. 1. Turn the switch to the "off" position

2) Clean compressor filters... To do this, remove the electrical plug of the first compressor from the socket, unscrew the screw holding the compressor cover and remove the cover. Underneath you will find an air filter. It must be knocked out of dust, in case of severe contamination - wash and dry. Then insert it back into the compressor and replace the cover. Then repeat all the same steps with the second compressor. Then remove dust and sand from the compressor block with a dry cloth.

Fig. 2. Filters need to be washed or exhausted

3) Lower the drain pump to the bottom of the sludge stabilizer, direct the pump hose into the prepared sludge container. Pump out 50-60 cm of sediment from the bottom of the sludge tank.

Fig. 3. For silt, you need to prepare a plastic container or pit

4) To pump out sludge, you can use not only a submersible pump, but also a regular service airlift. To do this, remove it from the clip and lead the hose into the sludge container. Remove the metal clamp and plug. Turn on the station, and then the pump will start pumping out sludge. You can then use the sediment as fertilizer for non-fertile plants.

Attention! The pump only runs when the float switch is raised (in direct phase). If the water level in the PC is insufficient, the float must be raised independently.

Fig. 4. A regular airlift is located in the sludge chamber

5) Remove the drain pump from the SI and lower it into the aeration tank chamber. Pump out about half a meter of drain from the bottom of the chamber.

Fig. 5. All sludge must be pumped out of the aeration tank chamber.

6) Wash the station... Before that, take out the hair catcher, clean it of debris and rinse it under a strong pressure of water. Then rinse the inside of the septic tank with Karcher. Then add clean water to the sludge stabilizer and aeration tank to the working level.

Fig. 6. After evacuation, it is necessary to fill the chambers with water.

7) Disconnect the air tube from the main airlift and take it out... All nozzles in Topas are brass, so if necessary, heat them with a hairdryer. After heating, the hose can be easily removed.

Fig. 7. Remove the airlifts before washing.

8) Disconnect the next air tube from the coarse filter... Please note that the injectors are different on the manifold, but the same on all elements. Therefore, the air pipes must be marked in advance to avoid confusion during reassembly.

Fig. 8. Remember to mark the air tubes

9) Remove the coarse filter from the unit... Thoroughly rinse it and the main airlift with a Karcher. It is important to clean them not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Fig. 9. Clean coarse filter and main airlift

10) Completion of work... Install the coarse filter and main airlift back into the receiving chamber of the septic tank, then connect the air pipes. Also replace the hair catcher. Use a net to remove non-degradable debris from the receiving chamber. Turn on the station, close the lid.

Fig. 10. A washed station looks nicer than a dirty one =)

In addition to the listed procedures, every 1-2 years it is necessary to change the compressors in places with reconnection to the power supply. What is it for?

Septic tank Topas - two-phase. 70% of the time, it works in the direct phase, pumping wastewater from the receiving chamber to the aeration tank and from the aerobatic chamber to the secondary settling tank. The remaining 30% it works in the reverse phase - it distills wastewater from the aeration tank into the sludge pond, and then into the receiving chamber. A compressor is responsible for each phase. Because of this, their resource is produced unevenly. So that one compressor does not "age" earlier than the other, they are swapped.

Service of the septic tank Topas

Please note that it is better to entrust some service work to an employee of an authorized service center. These procedures include:

  1. Once a year it is necessary to clean the bottom of the receiving chamber from mineralized sediment.
  2. Every 3 years change the diaphragms of the compressors.
  3. Every 3 years clean the bottom of the aeration tank from mineralized sediment.
  4. Every 10 years it is necessary to change the aeration elements in the aerators.

Maintenance of the septic tank Topas in winter

The biological treatment station (SBO) Topas does not experience any difficulties when working in winter. Biochemical processes in the septic tank take place with the release of heat, plus the active mixing of the effluent does not allow the formation of a crust of ice. Maintenance of the Topas septic tank in winter is the same as in summer. The only limitation is that station maintenance should not be carried out at a strong subzero temperature. Firstly, it is cold to wash the septic tank in cold weather, and secondly, due to the cover open for a long time, temperature-sensitive bacteria can die. Therefore, it is better to schedule Topas maintenance in such a way that the planned cleaning of the septic tank falls on a positive temperature, or a small minus.

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  • After disconnecting the station from the power supply, remove and take to a warm room the compressors and the pump (if provided).
  • Lower the water level in the septic tank by 30-40 cm. The procedure is not necessary for the Topas stations with an extended neck, since the working water level in them is below the freezing level.
  • Seal the treated water outlet for septic tanks with forced discharge of the treated wastewater.
  • Insulate the SBO cover using a box made of foam sheets.
  • As a precautionary measure, you can also dip a plastic bottle with sand on a string into each cell. The amount of sand should be enough to keep the bottle afloat. In the event that the upper layer of water in a non-operating station nevertheless freezes, then the bottles, and not the walls of the case, will take on most of the excess pressure.

How to reduce the cost of servicing Topas septic tanks

The most budgetary option, of course, is self-service of the station with a periodic call to the service technician for more complex work. In this case, you will only need to spend money on a Karcher and a submersible pump. The expenses will be about 10-15 thousand rubles. However, even if you don't want to mess around with the seasonal cleaning of the station yourself, you still have a chance to save money.

For example, when buying a septic tank Topas on a turnkey basis from the Zagorod company, you will have access to an extended service:

  • Installation work warranty for 5 years.
  • Discount for regular service work.

Buy septic tanks Topas in our company and shift all the worries about autonomous sewage onto our shoulders.

Any country or country house, as well as buildings without access to a centralized sewerage system, must be equipped with local waste treatment systems. Classic septic tanks solve this problem only partially, since they are not completely autonomous and require constant monitoring of their work (cleaning of filtration fields, replenishment of microflora, etc.). The only correct solution in this case would be to use a TOPAS-5 wastewater treatment device, which is produced and sold by TOPOL-ECO Group of Companies.

Our solution to the issue of wastewater treatment can be called the best according to several criteria:

    high degree of purification;
    independence from operating conditions;
    no large maintenance costs.

The individual biological treatment system TOPAS-5, like other WWTPs from this model range, purifies wastewater by 98% without harm to the environment. Waste water can be accumulated in a separate reservoir and further used for household needs.

The cleaning process in TOPAS-5 units is rather complicated and consists of several stages. The main work is performed by activated sludge, due to the biological oxidation of the effluents entering the chamber. Maintenance of the TOPAS-5 unit is quite cheap due to economical technological solutions (energy efficient pumps, modern control system, etc.).

Not all suburban areas provide the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay.

There is water and electricity in almost every home, but what about the sewage treatment plant?

With this, not everything is as good as many would like, each homeowner has to solve the problem of drains on his own, and much in this matter depends on the financial capabilities and the desire of the owner of the house.

At the moment, one of the most popular types of local sewerage is a septic tank.

It has much more advantages than ordinary drain pits for draining water from the house (how to do it yourself is written).

But even the most comfortable and modern design it is not devoid of one, very significant drawback - it must, periodically, be pumped out and cleaned from silting.

What is included in the concept - a septic tank

This is a simple device in which not only waste accumulates, but it is also cleaned there.

And the clean liquid, which is formed at the end of the purification process, is sent to a storage tank or to the soil.

In many septic tanks this procedure is dealt with by special microorganisms, for which household waste is the subject of their vital activity.

After the effluent is completely processed, it is divided into practically pure liquid and dry fractions.

Gradually, their volume takes up more and more of the inner space of the septic tank. This sludge needs to be removed from time to time.

The presence of a large amount of sedimentary layer degrades the performance of the cleaning system.

The less free space inside the tank, the less efficiently the Topas septic tank will function (read about installation on the page).

At the moment, not many owners of private houses use traditional septic tanks.

Recently, more and more ordinary people give preference to modern biological treatment plants.

These devices are almost 100% capable of recycle waste water, they are easy to use and do not require any special skills during maintenance.

One of the best devices in the field of cleaning household waste is the station of aerobic decontamination - Topas.

In this article, we will consider in detail how to properly maintain the device in order to avoid unscheduled repairs (read how to fix a leak in the joints of sewer pipes in the article).

In modern septic tanks, practically all processes occurring inside are automated, therefore only the human factor can cause an emergency stop of the equipment.

What is the conclusion?? Before buying a station and starting to operate it, you need to be familiar with the key rules of its use.

Service scheduled maintenance of the installation consists in performing simple operations that can be successfully implemented with your own hands. But, if a serious breakdown occurs, then in this case you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Brief description of "Topas"

The Topas biological treatment station is a plastic tank with stiffening ribs.

Inside, the tank is divided into several compartments.

The effluents pass sequentially through each chamber, and at the same time they are subjected to sedimentation (mechanical treatment) and biological treatment with the help of anaerobic microorganisms.

Stations, without fail, are equipped with aerators and compressors. These devices are necessary in order to pump air into the reservoir, which is necessary for the life of the cocci.

According to the installation, the drains are moved by means of pumps and airlifts.

People who are well versed in this matter say that this septic tank is the best option for supplying country houses with a high-quality sewage system.

Remember! Any design, even the most reliable, needs proper and regular maintenance.

The main condition for operation any technique is the observance of the rules of use. And you need to start with a competent selection of the device model you need, which will ideally be suitable for local conditions.

When buying a septic tank, you need to take into account not only the productivity of its work, but also the geological conditions on your plot.

Service, what it is

To avoid emergencies, the device must be cleaned regularly. But how to do this, many do not know.

  1. Every three and a half to four months, you need to get rid of excess sludge, clean nozzles, airlifts and filtration plants from debris, large fractions.

    And also get rid of impurities that anaerobic microorganisms could not process.

  2. Clean the air filters once a year installed on the compressor.
  3. It is necessary to replace old air filters with new ones every six months.
  4. Once every five to six years it is worth cleaning the bottom of the aerotank and the receiving chamber.
  5. Change aerators every fifteen years.

If for some reason you do not want to independently perform work on cleaning the sewage system of an autonomous type, you can invite specialists from a company that maintains septic tanks of this model for this purpose.

They conclude an agreement with representatives of the company, and then, without unnecessary reminders, they will come to your plot and carry out planned activities.

Many companies that sell autonomous sewer devices offer their own help in providing cleaning services.

Steps to be taken when operating a cleaning station

Every day it is necessary to carry out a visual check of the system operation. When examining the simplest models of this brand, it is enough to remove a special device and inspect all the components of the mechanism.

Your personal intervention will be unnecessary if the station is equipped with signaling elements - automation itself will inform you about malfunctions.

Remember to clean the secondary septic tank. This is done using improvised means or special pumping equipment.

With a station capacity of about 4 cubic meters drains per day, once a quarter, you can call special equipment (sewer truck).

If the septic tank processes from 2 to 3 cubes of dirty liquid per day, it is enough to clean the walls of the tank with an ordinary broom.

In small systems, all sludge is removed independently from the stabilizer using an airlift.

If you notice that the sediment is poorly removed from the stabilizer, you need to turn on the drain pump and clean the autonomous sewage system.

After 3-4 years, you need to do the following:

  1. inspect all available in the system screw connections and bolts.
    What do you need from you?
    Simply, tighten loose fasteners well or change rusty hardware;
  2. make sure that the membrane installed on the compressor of the station is working.
    If she does her job well, there is no need to change her.

Thorough cleaning of the septic tank should be carried out at least once every five years.

How to do it yourself

Using a special device called a mamut pump, it is necessary to remove the spent bottom sediment from the stabilizer twice a year.

A phased work plan.

Can be cleaned with a drainage device, the algorithm of your actions will be the same.

Only in this case, we place one end of the hose in some kind of tank or in a drain pit, and put the other end in a compartment with silt deposits.

After cleaning the equipment with a pump, you need to wash the walls of the stabilizer chamber and add water there to the standard mark.

The walls are usually washed with a high pressure washer.

Total cleaning

With the help of a drainage pump, a tank is cleaned through which waste water flows mixed with activated sludge.

To do this, it is lowered to the very bottom of the camera and turned on. Up to 0.3 meters of liquid substance is pumped out from the bottom of the container, then the walls of the aerotank are well washed.

Then, it is necessary to clean the hair collector, which is included in the Topas system.

  1. all garbage that has not decomposed must be removed from the system.
    The process is performed by any device that will be convenient for performing this work;
  2. flushing of the receiving section,
  3. cleaning of the mamut-unit.
    First, it must be disconnected from the air supply hose, removed from the mountings and cleaned inside with a strong jet of water.
    External parts are also subject to flushing;
  4. cleaning the filter element designed for coarse debris;
  5. final stage- purging the air filter of the Topas system compressor.

    To do this, you need to unscrew the fastening screw, which is located on the equipment cover, remove the filter and just shake it out well.

    Then reinstall it.

    Remember that there are two cleaning elements in the system, the second also needs cleaning.

At this, the washing of the autonomous sewage system can be considered complete. And you can easily cope with simple work on your own, without the involvement of specialists.

If, suddenly, something serious happens to the septic tank (this, of course, is unlikely), then you will have to call the masters.

Worth knowing! The Topas system very rarely fails. If it is serviced correctly and on time, then it will function for a rather long time and, importantly, correctly.

How to clean the Topas septic tank with your own hands, watch the video.

To connect plumbing fixtures to the water supply network, a flexible water pipe is used. It is in demand when connecting faucets, showers, toilets and other points of water intake, and greatly simplifies the installation process. Flexible hose is also used when installing gas equipment. It differs from similar devices for water in manufacturing technology and special safety requirements.

Characteristics and types

Flexible hose for connecting plumbing is a hose of different lengths made of non-toxic synthetic rubber. Due to the elasticity and softness of the material, it easily takes the desired position and allows installation in hard-to-reach places. To protect the flexible hose, the upper reinforcing layer in the form of a braid is designed, which is made of the following materials:

  • Aluminum. Such models can withstand no more than +80 ° C and remain functional for 3 years. At high humidity, the aluminum braid is prone to rust.
  • Of stainless steel. Thanks to this reinforcing layer, the service life of the flexible water hose is at least 10 years, and the maximum temperature of the transported medium is +95 ° C.
  • Nylon. This braid is used for the manufacture of reinforced models that can withstand temperatures up to +110 ° C and are designed for intensive use for 15 years.

As fasteners, nut-nut and nut-union pairs are used, which are made of brass or stainless steel. Devices with different permissible temperatures differ in the color of the braid. The blue ones are used to connect to the cold water pipeline, and the red ones are used with hot water.

When choosing an eyeliner for water, you need to pay attention to its elasticity, reliability of fasteners and purpose. It is also mandatory to have a certificate that excludes the emission of toxic components by rubber during operation.

Features of gas connections

When connecting gas stoves, water heaters and other types of equipment, flexible hoses are also used. Unlike water models, they are yellow and do not pass environmental testing. End steel or aluminum reinforcement is used for fixation. There are the following types of devices for connecting gas appliances:

  • PVC hoses reinforced with polyester thread;
  • made of synthetic rubber with stainless steel braid;
  • bellows made in the form of a corrugated stainless steel tube.

Holding "Santekhkomplekt" offers engineering equipment, fittings, plumbing and accessories for its connection to communications. The assortment is represented by products and materials from well-known foreign and domestic manufacturers. Discounts apply for bulk purchases, and the quality of products is confirmed by certificates of the established form. For informational support and assistance, a personal manager is assigned to each client. The ability to arrange delivery within Moscow and to other regions of the Russian Federation allows you to quickly receive the purchased goods without unnecessary hassle.

Drainage is an irrigation and drainage measure to remove excess groundwater.

If water does not leave the territory of the site for a long time, the soil gleies, if the shrubs and trees quickly disappear (soak), it is necessary to urgently take measures and drain the site.

Reasons for waterlogging

There are several reasons for waterlogging:

  • clayey heavy soil structure with low permeability;
  • the aquiclude in the form of gray-green and red-brown clays is located close to the surface;
  • high groundwater table;
  • man-made factors (construction of roads, pipelines, various objects) that impede natural drainage;
  • violation of the water balance by the construction of irrigation systems;
  • the landscape plot is located in a lowland, a ravine, a hollow. In this case, precipitation and water inflow from higher places play an important role.

What is the risk of excess moisture in the soil

You can see the results of this phenomenon yourself - trees and shrubs perish. Why is this happening?

  • the content of oxygen in the soil decreases and the content of carbon dioxide increases, which leads to a violation of the processes of air exchange, water regime and diet in the soil;
  • oxygen starvation of the root-forming layer occurs, which leads to the death of plant roots;
  • the intake of macro and microelements by plants (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.) is disrupted, because excess water washes away the mobile forms of elements from the soil, and they become inaccessible for assimilation;
  • there is an intensive breakdown of proteins and, accordingly, the processes of putrefaction are activated.

Plants can tell you what level the groundwater is at

Take a closer look at the flora of your site. The species inhabiting it will tell you at what depth the groundwater layers are located:

  • top water - in this place it is best to dig a reservoir;
  • at a depth of up to 0.5 m - marigold, horsetails, varieties of sedges - bubbly, holly, fox, Langsdorf reed grass grow;
  • at a depth of 0.5 m to 1 m - meadowsweet, canary grass,;
  • from 1 m to 1.5 m - favorable conditions for meadow fescue, bluegrass, mouse peas, ranks;
  • from 1.5 m - wheatgrass, clover, wormwood, plantain.

What is important to know when planning the drainage of the site

Each group of plants has its own moisture needs:

  • at a depth of groundwater from 0.5 to 1 m, vegetables and annual flowers can grow in high beds;
  • the depth of the water layer up to 1.5 m is well tolerated by vegetables, cereals, annuals and perennials (flowers), ornamental and fruit and berry shrubs, trees on a dwarf rootstock;
  • if the groundwater is at a depth of more than 2 m, fruit trees can be grown;
  • the optimum depth of groundwater for agriculture is from 3.5 m.

Do you need drainage of the site

Write down your observations at least for a while. You yourself can understand how much drainage is needed.

Maybe it makes sense to just redirect melt and sedimentary water along a bypass channel, rather than letting them flow through your site?

Perhaps it is necessary to design and equip a storm drain and improve the composition of the soil and this will be enough?

Or is it worth making a drainage system only for fruit and ornamental trees?

The exact answer will be given to you by a specialist, whom we strongly recommend to call. But after reading this article, you will gain some awareness of the matter.

At the end of the technological and production tasks related to the arrangement of the sewerage system in an apartment building, industrial building, as well as in a private household, it is required to test the involved system by the forced spill method. This task was applied to identify possible defects or improper installation of the entire sewer part involved, and the test report for internal sewerage systems and gutters will be material evidence of the acceptance of the facility.

The visual check should be accompanied by the introduction into the certificate of testing of internal sewage systems and gutters according to SNIP, which is currently represented by the current regulations of the application of the D series, which corresponds to SP 73.13330.2012 "Internal sanitary-technical systems of the building", recently a new one has been applied updated working edition for SNiP 3.05.01-85.

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