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Full-time training 256 hours 44 fz. Courses on public procurement and commercial tenders. Announcements of the nearest courses

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Special course on State purchases 44-FZ. Get a certificate and win tenders! Traveling through the Internet, you can find many explanations regarding Federal Law No. 44 and a large number of responses from those who are engaged in public procurement and actively apply it. However, everyone agrees on one thing, it is very difficult to do this business without special education. We are not talking about many years of study at a university, most of the successful professionals, both among suppliers and those who are directly involved in procurement, prefer courses. Our Training Center "Valuable Experience" has developed and invites students to choose a convenient form of training in accordance with your schedule. You can take a course in person in Moscow, in absentia or remotely on the topic of 44-fz.

The course is designed for both beginners and those who want to improve their skills and become a successful professional. In the course of training, you will learn the rules for preparing a package of documents for participation in tenders; on the contractual system in the field of public procurement; learn how to write applications correctly; independently participate in auctions for 44-FZ; conclude contracts. In a word, we will reveal to you the secrets of mastery, and if you already have some experience in this area, you will get the opportunity to improve your qualifications. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the course contains a detailed analysis of the typical mistakes of bidders and the rules for filing complaints with the FAS. It's hard to disagree that it's better to learn from other people's mistakes. Below we provide the basic information that will be required to work under 44-FZ.

Federal Law 44-FZ on Procurement as amended in 2017 includes 8 chapters and 120 articles. In 2018, 44-fz are awaiting additions and amendments that are under development. We draw your attention to the fact that the legislation operating in the field of public procurement, including 44-fz, is in fact one of the most dynamically improving legislative acts. In 2017, thirteen changes were made to it between February and December. A year earlier, the number of changes and amendments was fourteen.

Briefly about Federal Law 44-FZ.

The law was developed in such a way that all parties involved in the process clearly understand the regulations and know how to properly build and regulate contractual relations in the field of public procurement of goods and services while ensuring state and municipal requests.

What provisions you need to know about Law 44-FZ:

  • Participants must have the right to supply goods and services in accordance with the requirements of the Legislation of the Russian Federation
  • The supplier cannot go through the liquidation or bankruptcy procedure at the time of participation in the process and the company's activities are not suspended in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation
  • All questions regarding timely payments of taxes and fees are not burdened with debts
  • The supplier cannot have a criminal record for economic crimes
  • There is no conflict of interest in part 44-fz
  • The supplier is not an offshore company.

Consider the main forms of procurement in accordance with law 44-fz:

  • an electronic auction, the main feature of which is that tenders are made to reduce the starting maximum price. The winner of the tender is the one of the participants who denotes the lowest price
  • an open tender, like an electronic auction, is the main type of public procurement conducted under 44-FZ. Participation in this form of procurement is very difficult not only for beginners, but also for professionals with experience, as it is characterized by a complex procedure for preparing applications and subjectivity in the assessment of applications for participation by the customer.
  • request for quotations, here it is important to emphasize that the starting price, which is also the maximum one, is less than 500,000 rubles; all information about the procurement of goods or services is posted by notice in the public domain on the official procurement website, and the participant who has offered the minimum contract price becomes the supplier
  • request for proposals is a type of procurement in which the supplier who offers the final and most advantageous offer wins. This is how the request for proposals differs from the electronic auction, where the contract for the supply of 44-FZ is received by the one who offered the best price.

Conditions for public procurement:

  • The conclusion of contracts for the procurement of goods and services is carried out on a special website;
  • An important condition for participation for a supplier is the mandatory passage of accreditation through electronic trading platforms, and the customer registers his data in the system;
  • On the basis of 44-FZ, the customer signs a contract with the supplier who provided the most favorable conditions for the customer. Both parties fulfill mutual obligations only on the basis of this contract;
  • The search engine of the State Procurement website enables all participants - potential suppliers of goods and services to find the most interesting and relevant orders and become bidders

As you can see, it is not so easy to understand the intricacies of Federal Law No. 44, and the course program we offer will help you with this. Many provisions of 44-FZ require careful study and the ability to receive answers to a number of questions without wasting time looking for answers in online and offline sources. By the way, we recommend to suppliers training in Public procurement from scratch, and to customers - training in 44-FZ.

Our course on Public Procurement 44-FZ. Basic requirements for specialists. The invitation to participate in our training program for a specially developed course 44-fz is not accidental. There are only two specialties in the field of public procurement. But these include a wide and binding list of conditions. We want to provide you with information on what you need to know about professional standards in the field of public procurement.

Any field of professional activity that requires special knowledge and training, in a word, qualifications, falls under the concept of "professional standard". During the formation of the procurement commission, professional standards are also applied. Professionals who have undergone professional retraining, have modern knowledge and use advanced procurement tools always have a priority position.

In 2017, a number of provisions were adopted that made the assessment of conformity to the professional standard more important than it was in 2016, when it was quite enough for the process participant (customer and supplier) to have basic knowledge of placing an order and adhere to the relevant rules. In 2018, the situation changed dramatically and a procurement specialist, in accordance with the professional standard, must have a document confirming his education in the contract area.

After the introduction of professional standards for public procurement, the topic of employee training became relevant both for employers and for the employees themselves. We will tell you about the requirements for education, education documents and where you can get training in accordance with the requirements of 44-FZ in the article.

Management of state and municipal procurement ( , , ac. hours) - an additional professional training program for contract managers, specialists of contract services and procurement commissions.

Requirements for training in public procurement in accordance with 44-FZ

According to the current Russian legislation, the duties of customers include maintaining and improving the level of professional qualifications and education of officials involved in procurement (Art. 9 44-FZ). This can be done through professional development programs or professional retraining in the area of ​​procurement.

The professional standard "" clearly establishes the requirements for the presence of the education of a contract manager. He must have a higher education (of any profile) and additional professional education of the corresponding profile.

Since July 2016, the provisions of labor legislation (Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) on the procedure for applying professional standards have come into force. There are two standards related to public procurement - “Procurement Specialist” and “Procurement Expert”.

Requirements for programs of additional vocational education and for documents on such education are established by the Ministry of Education and the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Art. 76). The minimum allowable duration of the continuing education program is 16 hours, while the duration of the professional retraining program should not be less than 250 hours.

But according to the joint letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 5594-EE / D28i, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. AK-553/06 dated 12.03.2015, the minimum period for mastering the programs of additional prof. in the field of procurement, it is recommended to set at least 108 hours, regardless of the training technologies used. An exception is made by the heads of customer organizations - for them at least 40 hours. Only if the manager does not participate directly in the procurement work (chairman of the commission, signing the contract with an electronic signature).

Professional standards require a procurement professional to have:

  • secondary vocational education;
  • additional professional education - professional development programs and professional retraining programs in the field of procurement.

And an expert must have:

  • higher education - specialty, master's degree;
  • additional vocational education - professional development programs / or professional retraining programs in the field of procurement;
  • work experience - at least 5 years in the field of procurement, 3 years of which - in management positions.

Documents confirming compliance:

Where and how they teach to work with public procurements and tenders

  1. Training course program

Look for courses that meet the professional standard. The professional standard determines the structure of the course, which means it helps to structure knowledge, to determine for itself on all points “I know this / I don’t know this”. if the course makers have included the standard in the core curriculum, that's a plus.

It happens that the training courses of well-known training centers are copied by small companies or private lecturers. Why is it better to choose 44-FZ training courses from well-known companies? Because you are guaranteed to receive quality training, and not an incomprehensible reprint or fake.

Since the legislation governing public procurement is constantly changing and developing, you need to pay attention to the updating of educational materials. Only large organizations that have their own staff of experts who follow the latest changes and make adjustments to the lessons in a timely manner can afford to constantly monitor changes in legislation.

Ask the center managers how often the training materials are updated. Ask a specific question, such as whether the specific changes made a week ago will be taken into account in the curriculum of the next group.

  1. Qualification of lecturers

The best option is lecturers, who are also specialists of departments, ministries, and control bodies. But such lecturers are very rare, especially in the regions. Therefore, distance learning from Moscow training centers wins here, which can afford to attract departmental experts.

Any person who has been practicing public procurement for a short time can be a lecturer. The vague wordings in the regalia “graduate of the Moscow University”, “senior adviser to the tender committee” can be confusing. These words in no way reflect the level of knowledge of such an expert.

  1. Questions about course materials

As a rule, additional training always implies independent work. Independent work during training is a definite plus if you came not only for a certificate, but also for knowledge. In self-study, more often than in face-to-face lectures, questions and incomprehensible situations may arise. Therefore, it is very important to be able to ask questions to lecturers. unlimited number of questions. You want to thoroughly understand the topic.

  1. Theory and / or practice

It is impossible to become a good specialist without a theoretical, legislative basis in procurement. You can participate in procurement, because the manager has included this in your responsibilities, ask for advice from colleagues, acquaintances, gain experience from your own mistakes, but you simply cannot become a specialist without knowing how this system works from the inside.

However, having memorized 44-ФЗ, you will not become a specialist either. In teaching, a balance between the theoretical basis and practical examples and independent practical work, for example, with solving problems, is important.

Training in the field of procurement is additional educational programs for specialists engaged in the field of procurement to meet state and municipal needs. The purpose of the programs is to improve existing competencies and (or) obtain new competencies in the field of functioning of the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs by trainees engaged in procurement for state, municipal and corporate needs, and (or) professional level within the existing procurement qualifications.

The federal law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", which entered into force, introduced new requirements for state and municipal customers. It has been established that procurement should be carried out by qualified specialists with professional education in the field of procurement and possessing the necessary knowledge and skills.

In order to carry out work today, to provide services to meet state and municipal needs, you need to be a successful and in-demand specialist in this market, you need to improve the level of your professional competencies. Receiving additional professional education can play a significant role in this matter.

Phones: +7 499 956-90-18, +7 499 956-95-71.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This training program of the Institute of Public Procurement under Law No. 44-FZ in terms of volume, content and other requirements fully complies (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 625n dated September 10, 2015) and (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 10, 2015 No. 626n ), as well as on the implementation of additional professional training programs in the field of procurement to meet state and municipal needs, approved by the letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 5594-EE / D28i and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. AK-553/06 dated March 12, 2015.

Basic information about the implemented program:

  • Program name - "Contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services"
  • Program under the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ
  • The duration of the program is 120 ac. hours, part-time training, using distance educational technologies, including access to video recordings of lectures
  • Upon completion of training, a certificate of advanced training is issued
  • The content of the program can be found
  • Tuition fees in 2019 - 23 500 rubles *
  • * For federal government civil servants, the cost of 1 person / hour is calculated on the basis of the basic standards for the cost of providing government services for the implementation of additional professional programs - advanced training programs and professional retraining programs, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 20, 2018 No. MN-Pr-7 / SC, and adjusting coefficients (sectoral and territorial) to the components of the base cost standards
  • ATTENTION! Check out the alternative: training through video broadcasting of classes live from Moscow! 108 ac. hours, 8 working days, 34,000 rubles.
  • Training schedule for 2019:

For all questions related to the training and the execution of contracts, please contact by phone: + 7-908-178-82-26 or by e-mail: .

  • Training under the program is carried out in several stages:

1. Study by the student of teaching materials on the subject of the program

The stage involves the student's independent study of educational and methodological materials posted in the distance learning system (DLS). Educational and methodological materials are presented in the SDO in the form of lecture notes, grouped by the main topics of the educational program.

If you have any questions related to the passage of training according to the program, as well as the content of educational and methodological materials, the student sends these questions to the e-mail address. Access to the LMS is provided to the listener on the day of the start of training under the advanced training program (according to the schedule of classes) and is blocked after the end of training under the program.

2. Final certification

Final certification consists of two parts:

1) Defense of the attestation work;

2) Exam in the form of testing.

Final certification is carried out through the system http://webinar.ru. To pass the final certification, the listener must pre-configure his personal computer to work with the specified system: http://webinar.ru/faq_and_support/system_test/

2.1. Certification work

The preparation of the certification work is carried out by the student independently during the period of training by solving the problems given in the collection of problems. The collection of problems is sent to the listener to the personal e-mail address specified in the application for training, simultaneously with the student's enrollment letter. When solving problems, the listener should choose only one of the answer options offered in the collection.

The defense of the final attestation work is carried out by the student in person on the day and time specified in the class schedule. The listener is given 20 minutes to enter into the webinar.ru system the correct answers to the problems of the collection, which he had previously solved.

Students who answered correctly to 10 or more problems receive credit for the defense of the attestation work. Less than 10 correct answers - retake of the certification work by the student within the time frame agreed with the Institute of Public Procurement.

Students who have not received the credit for the defense of the certification work are not allowed to take the exam in the form of testing.

2.2. Exam (testing)

The listener is given 1 hour to solve the test. When testing, the listener must choose one of the correct answers to the question. The total number of questions in the test is 15. Preliminary test questions are not provided to the listener.

The test results are assessed as follows: "excellent" - from 15 to 11 correct answers; “Good” - from 10 to 8 correct answers; "Satisfactory" - from 7 to 5 correct answers. Less than 5 correct answers - retake of the test by the student within the terms agreed with the Institute of Public Procurement.

Students who have not defended their attestation work are not allowed to test.

Do you want to open new sales markets, increase company revenues, find new customers or profitable suppliers?

In recent years, the popularity of electronic trading platforms has been growing. One of the leading positions is occupied by Sberbank-AST CJSC... The site ranks first in terms of the number of state and municipal orders placed.

Center "Specialist" at MSTU named after N.E. Bauman became an official partner Sberbank-AST CJSC... Now, training in courses on preparation and participation in tenders will be held on the basis of an electronic trading platform Sberbank - AST CJSC.

Competent procurement management is one of the tools to increase the company's profitability. A qualified purchasing manager is essential for any organization. It is he who knows how to correctly build a procurement strategy, choose the optimal supplier, conduct and complete procurement procedures on the most favorable terms for the company.

Procurement legislation is constantly being updated. Federal Law No. 104-FZ of 05.04.2016 introduced new rules for describing the procurement object. Law No. 365-FZ of 03/07/2016 established additional obligations of the customer for unilateral refusal to perform contracts. Changes have been made to the requirements for the conclusion and execution of contracts for design and construction work. SUEs and municipal unitary enterprises are required to start working on January 1, 2017 in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ, and the Code of Administrative Offenses introduced new grounds for holding the customer's official accountable for violating the requirements for procurement planning and acceptance of the results of contract execution.

More than 4,000 people attend courses in management, entrepreneurship, tenders every year in our Center. The acquired deep knowledge and skills allow them to build their careers in the best companies in Russia. Do you want to be among them? Get knowledge from the hands of professionals at the Center "Specialist" at the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman!

Marketplace Sberbank - AST CJSC is a great opportunity for the growth of the company. With its help, suppliers can find a unique order, and customers save money and buy better goods and services.

Find out how to gain new markets, a steady stream of customers and growth in company revenues, sign up for training!

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