Home Useful properties of fruits Experience as a physical education instructor at a dhow. From the experience of a dhow physical education instructor. Physical education instructor

Experience as a physical education instructor at a dhow. From the experience of a dhow physical education instructor. Physical education instructor

"You cannot teach health - you need to educate the need to be healthy."

Physical health is a fundamental condition for the spiritual and moral development of a person ... In preschool age, the foundation of health is laid: maturation and improvement of vital systems and functions of the body takes place, its adaptive capabilities develop, its resistance to external influences increases, posture is formed, physical qualities, habits are acquired, strong-willed character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

The problem of using alternative physical culture classes of non-traditional orientation, which take into account the peculiarities of the motives and needs of preschoolers, is becoming especially acute.

The relevance of the chosen work is determined by the special socio-economic and socio-hygienic situation in the country. In the last decade, there have been clear trends towards a deterioration in the health and physical development of children. Parents, medical and pedagogical workers state lagging, delays, violations, deviations, inconsistencies with the norms in the development of children, and the inferiority of their health. This applies primarily to the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system.

A single basis for the problems of physical and neuropsychic development of children led to the creation of motor programs for the development of a child. Therefore, the introduction of innovative technologies and interspersing of health-improving measures has become a top priority and timely task for me.

The use of alternative (non-traditional) physical education activities will increase interest in physical education and improve health if:

- to create a system of interesting physical education;

- to think over a specially organized methodology of physical education, including the selection of forms of conduct, content, methods and techniques;

- to put the following criteria as the basis for non-traditional forms of physical education: interest of preschoolers in physical education, the level of physical fitness and health, the complexity of the content of physical education.

It is possible to ensure the correct physical education of children, the good health of each child only under the condition of well-organized medical and pedagogical control over the physical development and state of health and planning of all health-improving and educational work with children. Therefore, in the 2010 - 2011 school year, the kindergarten was faced with the task of establishing interaction between pedagogical, medical personnel and parents in the issue of health and educational work, and the formation of a habit of a healthy lifestyle. Since the 2012 academic year, I have continued to work on improving the health of children through the introduction of health-saving technologies and alternative activities into the educational process.

The purpose of my work is the preservation and strengthening of children's health. It is optimal to implement the health-improving, upbringing and educational direction of physical education, taking into account the individual possibilities of the child's development.

To the main tasks protection and promotion of children's health include:

- strengthening the health of children;

- raising the need for a healthy lifestyle;

- development of physical qualities and ensuring a normal level of physical fitness in accordance with the capabilities and state of health of the child;

- introducing children to the traditions of big sports.

This work is based on the following methodological principles: availability, consistency and consistency.

Currently, I am working on new approaches to the formation of physical culture based on three main directions:

1. Socio-psychological, aimed at the formation of the need for the development of the values ​​of physical culture.

2. Intellectual, involving the acquisition of a set of theoretical and practical knowledge. Children receive knowledge of valeology in an accessible form. For this purpose, I use the integration of modern physical education programs for preschoolers, new methodological literature, as well as a project-based teaching method.

3. Motor - the development of physical qualities, motor skills and abilities, as well as the use of physical potential.

Thus, physical development and health should equally be aimed at the bodily (physical) and neuropsychic development of the child.


The system of physical culture and health-improving work is built with children on the use of traditional and non-traditional forms of work in work.

One of the main factors in the improvement of children’s health is physical activity. Muscular activity, as an important factor in the body's self-regulation, leads to very significant changes in the child's condition.

On the basis of the diagnostic data, a comprehensive system of improving the health of children for all age groups was compiled, which organically included both health-improving and treatment-and-prophylactic, and educational and educational work.

All work on the development of basic movements and physical readiness of the formation, taking into account the diagnostic data, which allows you to determine the priority tasks and prospects for the future.

Analysis of the survey of the main types of movements of children at the beginning of the school year allows you to correctly determine the learning objectives for the coming year.


We must not forget about the need to monitor the physical condition of children.

At the same time, in the morning exercises and physical education classes, I take into account and implement an individual approach to children whose physical load is limited by their state or health group; which must be taken into account, as well as to children who are newly admitted or are physically somewhat weakened after an illness. It should be remembered that children are not able to control their condition themselves and the responsibility for their health lies with the teacher, and special attention should be paid to signs of physical distress, when they appear, it is necessary to reduce the load or even stop for a while.

With children who are lagging behind in physical development, I carry out individual corrective work: we perform exercises to strengthen all muscle groups using simulators, some basic types of movements, taking into account their capabilities and state of health, but without reducing the requirements for the quality of movements.


Along with outdoor games and basic gymnastics, elements of sports are introduced into the physical education of preschoolers for the purpose of improvement, the formation of vital motor skills and abilities, the development of physical abilities, i.e. improving the physical fitness of children. A variety of sports exercises allow you to comprehensively influence the muscular system, strengthen the bone apparatus, develop the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

An important place in the physical education of preschool children is played by actions and ball games, through which the skills of most basic movements are improved, and also have a beneficial effect on the physical development and performance of the child.

Ball exercises develop not only large but also small muscles, increase joint mobility, strengthen the muscles that support the spine, and promote good posture.

Sports exercises introduce children to martial arts, contribute to the enrichment of their emotional sphere. during the competition, the participants experience the joy of victory or the bitterness of defeat. All this contributes to the development of internal motives for the improvement of movements.

The combat environment usually increases the activity of the participants and encourages them to communicate. The intensification of their communication with each other is manifested in the fact that they together determine and discuss the results of the competition. The desire to win develops in competitions, so children react more sharply to the implementation of simple rules.


When choosing non-traditional forms, the instructor (educator) must take into account the tasks, content, place and conditions of the lesson, the physical fitness of children, the degree of their mastery of certain types of movements, the individual characteristics and interest of children.

The health-improving effect achieved when carrying out non-traditional forms is closely related to the positive emotions of children, which have a beneficial effect on the psyche of the child.

Dance and game gymnastics for children "SA-FI-DANCE"

Recreational and developmental gymnastics "Sa-Fi-Danse" is aimed at the comprehensive, harmonious development of preschool children.

Gymnastics "Sa-Fi-Danse" represents dance-rhythmic gymnastics, non-traditional types of exercises and creative gymnastics.

Dance-rhythmic gymnastics includes sections: game rhythm, game gymnastics and game dancer. Non-traditional types of exercises are presented: game plastic, finger gymnastics, game self-massage, musical and outdoor games and travel games. Creative gymnastics includes: musical and creative games and special tasks (see appendix).

The play method gives the educational process an attractive form, facilitates the process of memorizing and mastering exercises, increases the emotional background of classes, contributes to the development of thinking, imagination and creative abilities of the child.

The main goal of Sa-Fi-Danse gymnastics is to promote the all-round development of a preschooler's personality by means of dance and play gymnastics.

It is assumed that the development of gymnastics will help the natural development of the child's body, morphological and functional improvement of its individual organs and systems.

Breathing exercises

Among the methods of physical education that have good health-improving value, breathing exercises are now becoming increasingly common in preschool educational institutions. Pathological changes that occur with colds weaken the respiratory muscles, which leads to a deterioration in pulmonary ventilation. Using physical methods, we restore the disturbed respiratory functions, prevent the development and eliminate the existing changes in the bronchopulmonary system, which result in the phenomenon of oxygen deficiency. Therefore, I pay great attention to the use of elements of breathing exercises in the classroom, which contributes to the development of respiratory muscles, an increase in the mobility of the chest and diaphragm, and an improvement in blood circulation in the lungs. Regular exercise increases the strength of the intercostal respiratory muscles and diaphragm, and thereby increases the tidal volume of the lungs. In addition, the exercises contain additional reserves of breathing and attention training.

Psycho-muscle training

Almost all new programs for the physical education of preschoolers include psycho-preventive measures, including training in psychoregulation, in physical culture and health-improving work.

Psychomuscular training is based on muscle relaxation / muscle relaxation /. With the help of certain techniques / contrast of tension and relaxation of muscles, controlled breathing and the use of self-hypnosis / children learn to voluntarily relax muscles. Their muscle tone is often changed, so the inclusion of exercises for active relaxation and muscle tension is necessary, especially in combination with poetry, or calm music / the sound of the surf, etc. /


The use of physical culture means for health-improving purposes forms vital motor skills and abilities in children, as well as knowledge in the field of hygiene, medicine and physical culture, contributing to their health strengthening.

Self-massage is an important means of physical education, it promotes the expansion of skin capillaries, accelerates blood circulation, strengthens the functions of the glands, which has a positive effect on metabolism.

Finger massage promotes the development of small muscles, I learn with children exercises for fine motor skills of the hands: "ball school" - helping to improve blood circulation, strengthen the muscles of the arms and chest, develop motor skills, which ultimately contributes to mental development. In addition, the mobility of the ligamentous apparatus improves and is very pleasant for children. It makes them cheerful, encourages them to be active.

This year, as part of the implementation of the annual plan, I held a workshop with teachers, where they learned the complex of adaptive gymnastics, carried out after a nap. The duration of the entire learned complex as a whole is 30 minutes; which smoothly turns into hardening or health-improving activities: walking along the "health path" and hardening procedures prescribed by a doctor, in accordance with the age characteristics of the group.


Just like massage, hardening is an important means of physical education, with the help of which the body's resistance to harmful environmental influences is consistently increased. The hardening of children in a preschool educational institution provides for strict adherence to rational hygienic conditions and requirements: clean air, optimal air temperature ratios in rooms and adequate clothing, an active motor regime, and more.

New sports equipment is always an additional incentive to intensify physical culture and health-improving work. Therefore, it is never superfluous. Can I upgrade my game inventory at no extra cost? Of course you can, because I have a desire to do something with my own hands and a little imagination, I can easily cope with this task. Therefore, I widely use play methods and techniques in my work, bright non-standard equipment made of junk material that attracts the child's eye, in order for the child to want to do this, enjoy the lessons, these are: large and small massagers made of corks and boxes "Kinder surprises" - foam rubber fins, massage mats made of buttons, corks, ropes, felt-tip pens, pieces of fur, etc. - such shells will teach children to maintain balance, walk within a limited area, develop coordination of movements, promote the activation of biologically active zones, provide tonic effect, can still be used for the prevention and correction of flat feet.

Fitball - gymnastics

Fitball - gymnastics - gymnastics on large gymnastic balls.

According to the structure of fitball - gymnastics, it resembles classical physical education classes with a strict three-part form, where there is: an introductory part, the tasks of which include the development of all types of attention, perception and memory, orientation in space on the material of basic movements; the main part is the development of general developmental exercises; the final one is an active game and relaxation (see appendix).

Step - gymnastics

With the help of step gymnastics, you can form a harmoniously developed body, straight posture and develop expressive, smooth, precise movements in children. But the most important result of doing step-gymnastics is the strengthening of the nervous, respiratory, muscular, cardiovascular systems, since blood pressure and the activity of the vestibular apparatus are normalized.

The optimal time for doing step-gymnastics is in the morning. This gives the child's body vigor for the whole day and improves overall tone.

In order to make the classes more interesting, it is important to use musical accompaniment.

Step gymnastics is not just a combination of various movements, but a beautiful sports dance that benefits the health of children and improves their mood (see appendix).

Eurythmic gymnastics

Eurythmic gymnastics is a type of health improving gymnastics based on the rhythmic patterns of speech, music, general developmental exercises, basic steps and elements of aerobics (see appendix).

The main tasks solved in eurythmic gymnastics classes:

Formation and correction of posture, a sense of the pace and rhythm of movements, attention, spatial orientation;

Development of motor qualities: strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, agility;

Correction of coordination of hand movements (finger gymnastics, inclusion of small hand movements in general developmental exercises) and legs;

Improving the mental state (reducing anxiety, aggression, emotional and muscle tension, improving attention, imagination);

Expansion of emotional experience, development of skills of interaction with each other;

Formation of creativity ("rhythmic fantasy" on given and arbitrary themes), creating an atmosphere of joy and stimulating the development of creative abilities.

Developing classes "Theater of Physical Education"

"Theater of physical education for preschoolers" is a new approach to physical education, involving the use of a new methodology for the physical development of children.

Theater is a playful form, a new system of physical recovery, correction, prevention and creative self-expression of children.

Each lesson, according to the program "Theater of physical education for preschoolers", is a situational mini-game (media), in which children enter the stage of role-playing or "imitative", imitation game, acting either in the roles of animals, then in the role of birds, insects or fairy-tale heroes. During classes, pictures are regularly used - schemes, music.

In such classes, children do not notice that this is a physical education lesson, and are full participants in a fabulous theatrical action (see appendix).


The main purpose of such classes is to help parents and children feel the joy of joint motor activity, parents - to establish emotional-motor contact with children. Promote the development of interpersonal communication between a child and an adult.

To make the classes interesting and exciting, in the classroom, plot, integrated and game forms of joint physical education should be used. The plot lessons (see appendix) are based on the joint movements of children and adults, organically combined with the development of the plot. The content of integrated lessons allows the child, together with the parent, to overcome difficulties, to solve problem situations.

The effectiveness of classes depends not only on the form and content, but also on the rational organization of children and adults. Most of the time, the child completes tasks with an adult; at the same time, each of them acts for their own child as a partner, assistant, coach.

Thus, in working with parents, the following tasks are solved: to increase their responsibility for raising a child, arouse their interest and desire to study with him, and arouse a desire to cooperate with a kindergarten.


General developmental and corrective exercises play a special role in the physical education of children. They help to selectively affect the child's body and can be used to prevent and correct certain deviations in the development of motor skills and deformities of the musculoskeletal system.

At the beginning of the year, medical workers examine children, after which I form groups for the prevention and prevention of flat feet. At the end of the year, a similar survey is carried out to determine the dynamics of strengthening the arch of the foot and conclusions can be drawn about the work done during the year.

Classes are designed for children 5 - 7 years old, the duration of the classes is from 20 to 25 minutes, are held 3 times a week (see appendix).

The analysis of the work carried out on the prevention and prevention of flat feet of the past years, makes it possible to draw conclusions about the existing tendency to improve and strengthen the ankle muscles and the arch of the foot. This is shown by plantography and statistics: in the 2011-2012 academic year, 35 people were engaged in the correction group, 27 people graduated with a normal arch of the foot; 2012 - 2013 academic year out of 33 people - 22 people.

Over the course of three years, studying with preschoolers, and using non-traditional technologies, I drew attention to the fact that children get sick less, their attention and mood have improved. Children have become more agile, resilient and stronger. Thus, the use of traditional and non-traditional forms of work, hardening and a number of other non-medicinal means of health improvement in the physical culture and health work of a kindergarten gives its positive results.

  1. The analysis of the incidence rates of preschoolers made it possible to note

a downward trend; this is due not only to the age of the children,

but also with health-improving work.

  1. The attendance has increased.
  2. The incidence of colds has decreased.
  3. Children easily make contact, they are cheerful and mobile.

Output: organized upbringing and educational and physical culture and health-improving work has a positive effect on the development of children: it helps to strengthen mental health, normalize their socially adaptive sphere.

The results of the presented experience allow us to make a conclusion about the effectiveness of the work done on the introduction of new approaches, forms, methods and principles of building educational and physical culture and health work in kindergarten.

The process of improving public relations is endless. At all times there are difficulties and difficulties and no matter how much we talk about the need to change the living conditions of children, the main thing here is not only this - it is important that people think about their behavior.

A child's development depends not only on a good biological basis, but also on the environment in which the child grows up, on the way and level of satisfaction of the child's needs. His entire subsequent life largely depends on the upbringing, physical and moral development of the child. Many positive and negative qualities of a person have their origin precisely in the childhood period.

"To make your child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy."

Work experience as a physical education instructor

"Kindergarten No. 257 Gems"

Every year, the relevance of issues related to the health of the younger generation increases. Preschool children are of particular concern. As you know, the development and upbringing of a child largely depends on the adults who surround him, and on what example (positive or negative) they set with their behavior. These are mainly family members of the preschooler. Therefore, a conscious attitude to their own health and the health of children, first of all, should be formed in parents.

The health of children is related to their living conditions, depends on the health status of their parents, heredity and even the profession of the parents. Therefore, strengthening the health of children, promoting their physical development is especially important.Currently, scientists and doctors of all countries consider physical exercise and movement in general as an important means of improving the body and preventing morbidity.

In the process of working with children, I drew attention to the fact that modern children are quite mobile. All moments of their daily life are filled with movement. At the same time, doctors and scientists from all countries prove that the incidence rate is high. Perhaps the reason for their incidence is not a lack of movement, but in the improper organization of physical activity, as well as insufficiently formed knowledge about physical culture among children and parents.

Therefore, the goal of my work is to develop healthy lifestyle habits in children through various forms of work. And the expected result is - a decrease in the incidence of children in the group. To implement it, I identified the following tasks:

1. To form health-preserving and health-strengthening motor behavior. Form the correct skills for performing basic movements;

2. To develop in children flexibility, agility, quickness, endurance, strength, as well as balance and coordination of movements;

3. Maintain interest in physical activity;

4. To cultivate a habit of a healthy lifestyle;

To solve the problems, special conditions were created: sports corners in groups where standard and non-standard equipment is concentrated (ribbed and preventive tracks, massage mats, rings, skittles, etc.) target for throwing, etc.,)

Having studied the initial knowledge of children about human health, I planned educational activities for a physical education and health club

"Zdorovyachok" for senior preschool children.

To develop movement skills and improve physical qualities, I conduct physical education with children in the gym and in the air, in winter with access to the winter stadium. In the classroom I use various motivations: "Little athletes", "Olympians". Invaluable benefits for the health of children are provided by such outdoor games as "Cat on the Roof", "Brown Bear", "Lion from a Stone" and "Ninja Turtles" etc. Many interesting games are played with a ball, rope and other objects. Outdoor games have a beneficial effect on children's health and overall development. Children became more enduring, better navigate in space, jump correctly on two legs, run fast and catch a ball.

I also organize a joint holiday with parents "Day of health", "Dad can do anything", "Dad, mom, I am a sports family", "My mom is the best", where children receive an additional charge of vigor and health, and also have the opportunity to show my skills .. I work closely with my family. There were meetings-seminars “Children's health in our hands”, “Play imitative movements” in the early age group, “Moving together”, where I recommended additional literature to parents on improving children's health. Parents shared their family experiences of joint recreation with their children. Individual conversations with parents helped to draw their attention to the health of their children. (“Exercise”, “Dress for the weather”), etc. In order to study the healthy lifestyle of families, I conducted a survey among parents “The motor regime of the family”. Analysis of the questionnaires showed that the number of families leading a healthy lifestyle is increasing every year. Such a form of work with parents, as a photo exhibition, allows parents to observe the work of an instructor on the development of physical activity of children. The preschool educational institution has a sports corner "Sports Life", where I post additional information on strengthening the health of children, etc.) Physical education together with parents began to gradually enter our practice, contributed to the harmonization of parent-child relations, adapted parents to joint physical activity with the child. This is exactly the moment when a child and a parent can communicate, collaborate, interact together. It is at this time that all the attention of an adult is directed to the child. Parents are given the opportunity to observe their child, which allows them to evaluate the result of their upbringing. Joint physical education classes between parents and children are an actual and effective form of work. I have developed advice and reminders for teachers and parents on physical culture and health-improving work with children:

"How to properly organize physical exercises at home"; "Gymnastics for the eyes"; and etc.

The most important thing for me is that the parents paid attention to their own children, and the children developed an interest in physical education. Thus, a decrease in the incidence began to be observed. The joint work of educators, a physical education leader, a psychologist, a music director and parents has led to a significant improvement in relations in the teams of parents and children. Most parents noted changes in their children, who became more sociable, confident, caring, which affected the cohesion of all family members.

I would like to note the close cooperation with the preschool educational institution psychologist. With her suggestion, I apply the psychology of corporeality in my classes. This helps a lot to overcome the problems of children's insecurity in their own strengths and the capabilities of their bodies. The formation of arbitrary movement is based on the use of creative imagination. The so-called “meaningful” motor skills appear. The effect of the development of “meaningful” motor skills can be enhanced in an individual lesson if the child enters into a kind of dialogue with the organs of his own body as independently acting “persons.” For example, I work with a child who has significant difficulties in throwing a ball with one hand and trying to catch it with the other ... "Does not work? It's okay, I tell him. - You still have a little rest, and let your hands work for you. You just watch them. Give them names. Are they sisters or girlfriends? What do they like to play? How old are they - five, six? ... How skillful and dexterous they are! Praise them, stroke them. They can teach you how to throw and catch a ball so cool ... ”The result is that the effect of a separate health-improving measure is fixed in the form of a stable, holistic psychosomatic state, which can then be reproduced in the mode of motor self-development. Thus, interdisciplinary connections help me to solve my profile problems. In cooperation with educators, I carry out work to educate children about the need for a healthy lifestyle, interest in physical culture and sports. Each cycle ends with joint leisure time with parents, where the acquired knowledge and skills are demonstrated by children and reinforced in games and competitions. Children and their parents show their sports training at the competition “Dad, Mom and I - Sports Family”.

In communicating with children, I create an atmosphere of trust, benevolence and stimulation of the child's creative activity in motor self-expression, I encourage children to strive for originality, but within reason. I teach them to act rationally and adequately in each specific situation. I explain to the children that sometimes the safety of their lives can depend on the ability to run, jump, climb, fall correctly. I use game problem situations, outdoor games-tasks, collective interaction. I promote physical education and sports not only in classes with children, but also by example of my own life. I am deeply convinced that adherence to a healthy lifestyle can be achieved from pupils only when you yourself lead one.

I love sports, freedom and beauty of movement. Since her youth, she has been faithful to physical education. Sport was cultivated in our family, and since childhood I have been on the sports tracks with my parents. Skiing, skating, sledding in winter and running in summer helped mom and dad to keep fit and healthy, and it’s fun and useful for me to spend time with my parents.

My motto: “If not me, then who? And if I am, then everything is after me! ” I have a lot of like-minded people among colleagues and parents of pupils.

Of course, I would like to achieve one hundred percent participation of the preschool educational institution employees in the sports movement. And to attract more parents with children to participate in family competitions than now. Graduates of preschool educational institutions attend school circles and city sports sections. They have good sporting achievements.

Thus, I strive so that the work of a physical education instructor in our kindergarten is not limited to a set of certain indicators of the physical development of children, but that they will love sports and movement for life, just like me. So that friendship with physical education remains a useful and pleasant habit, and a healthy lifestyle remains an urgent need even when they become mothers and fathers themselves. which allows a person to have self-esteem and freedom.

Endurance and more.

The increase in load can be achieved in various ways. The best option is to build a lesson according to the type of "flow-circular" training. In parallel with this, the intensity and density of the lesson can be increased by including the tasks and exercises already mastered by the children into the work.
Before the start of the lesson, we install four gymnastic benches across the hall at a distance of 2.5 meters from each other.
After the line-up and greeting, the children “snake” along all the benches “on their toes” with an equal hand position. It is important to feel your posture, straighten your shoulders, raise your head, tighten your stomach and feel yourself on strong and strong legs. Walking on a bench on your toes is a good situation to build trust in your own body.
The next task is to walk on the benches on toes, raising the knee high, slightly fixing the balance.
With these exercises, we not only “prepared the foot” for the upcoming loads, but also provided the children with the opportunity to get comfortable in this way in the organized physical space of the hall, and to feel, feel the “balance” of their body in space.

After such a warm-up, the children are offered the following task - running in a circle ...
At the signal of the teacher, children change the direction of running to the opposite, observing the agreement - "keep up and not overtake." Then - running "snake" between the benches, again changing the direction of running. Then - the play task “Who made it?” By the whistle, the children stand on any bench, with either their face or their backs to the teacher, depending on the preliminary command.
Next, jumps between the benches are performed, jumps with rotation around themselves. Preschoolers perform these tasks in such a way that they see both those in front and feel those in the back. This allows them to maintain a distance, not push each other and not fall out of the general pattern of joint movement. The “guide” sets the pace and rhythm of the leaps, the next one picks up this tempo and rhythm, the third prepares, the fourth evaluates what is happening, while still as an observer. But then he joined in the texture of the movement. They also jump from behind. They can be seen with peripheral vision.
"And the guiding Dima can be seen too. He is already jumping far ahead, and we - in the same direction."
In general, the ability to move one after another, keeping the same pace and rhythm, can most easily be discovered by children in physical education. Then she (this opportunity) again manifests itself in choral singing, and only because of that - in joint actions when reading (some of the children have time to read, and someone has time to listen and understand), when solving problems (someone solves , someone follows and understands). Without a general pace, without the ability to coordinate it, no group activity is possible; even a simple joint conversation, when the speed of speaking must be coordinated with the speed of listening and understanding. The children have already covered the distance of 400 meters. Next, we will walk a step and again stop in front of the first bench. Moving on to jumping

After 2 - 3 cycles of jumps, which children perform with a "stream" AND a snake, the pulse will rise to 180 beats per minute. this load must be maintained for several minutes in order to obtain a developmental effect.
Jumping on benches on two legs, long jumps, jumps on the right and on the left legs on all benches with jumping on one leg (this is where a sense of balance is required) strengthen the muscles of the foot and the entire leg.
Jumping - "feet together - on the bench, feet apart - off the bench", jumping over benches, bending your legs. Such a number of tasks can be puzzling for both an adult and an untrained child. However, when children are engaged in physical culture regularly, then such loads are perceived by children without objection. They really like to easily fly over the benches, they really are not afraid to jump on them on one leg, they trust their body and themselves. They have confidence in their capabilities. And at the same time, they understand that anyone who is tired can, without the special permission of an adult, just leave the "circle" and relax on the bench. But there are no more than two or three such children in class. Observing the children, it is clear that they perform these tasks harmoniously, rhythmically, and technically correctly: moreover, both individual children and the whole group together. Note that the children themselves (!) Determine and keep the pace of the lesson. The general pace develops with such an organization of classes by the end of November, and now (in January-February) we simply use it to organize classes and more efficiently solve pedagogical problems.
It can be seen that children are guided by the success of another child about the performance of this or that movement, trying to do not worse, but even better. Thus, children learn from each other, and the effectiveness of the lesson thereby only increases.
Of course, this is not only our merit. A lot is determined by the style of the teacher's work in the group. And if the relationship between the adult and the children in the group is benevolent, friendly, then this friendship is found in other activities, for example, physical education.

Let's go back to the lesson. The next task is of a game nature. Children turn into "caterpillars" and crawl one after another on the twigs-benches. The agreement is to crawl one after another, keeping the image of caterpillars, and not writhing worms. This is how the correct positioning of the hands is achieved and, thereby, the development of the muscles of the arms. There are four benches. , children crawl on all the benches, and there is an opportunity to look around and see who is around: “caterpillars” or “worms.” daily meetings in the gym, common interests and mutual sympathies.
The children's breathing was restored. and now, after this "relaxation", the children stand in two columns on the right side of the hall. Benches in front of them.
The first task: on the whistle, the children standing in the columns are the first to run, jumping over all the benches and stand in the “tail”. Basic agreement - movement begins on the whistle. While the first are running, the second are getting ready. Here it is interesting to see if the children are really preparing for running and jumping. Those who are really preparing, they take a special posture, a special inclination, even the eyes of these children change. If the children do this, it means that they already imagine what they have to accomplish, they “replay in their minds” their future actions, looking at the children jumping in front of them.
Whistle, first pair running, whistle, second pair. The time for giving the next signal is gradually reduced to 3-2 seconds, but the children do this task without getting lost, without breaking the general pattern of running, at high speed and in continuous movement.
It is important that the simultaneity of the jump, etc. - this is not an end in itself and a pedagogical value in itself, it is only a confirmation of the children's desire to act together, jointly, consistently, and amicably.
The second task is more difficult. At the very beginning, you need to do a somersault, holding hands, then, without breaking your hands, jump all four benches together (in pairs), at the very end, change places and return to the “tail”, but this time to another column.
We agree that such a coherence in the work of children in the senior group of the kindergarten can please not only the trainer-teacher, but also the educator of this group. Moreover, the teachers in our garden are always in the hall during classes. Moreover, before the start of this task, the coach, together with the teacher, holding hands, can tumble together and jump over all the benches together. Children take such adult participation very positively ...
Jumping exercises are enough today.

Children stand in a circle in the center of the hall. We ask the children if they agree to be frogs today. If you agree, then it will be possible to move around the hall only by jumping "from feet to hands", like frogs. If you agree, then you need to choose the king of frogs. Children themselves choose the king. He is assigned a special place where he "sits" on the throne.
The king's right is to choose a driver (a jumper) who, "riding" the hoppibol, will jump around the hall to catch frogs. In turn, the "bouncy" chooses an assistant. the assistant closely monitors the progress of the game: his task is to bring the captured frog to the king. The Tsar commands to carry out his order (to make a "bridge", "stand on the shoulder blades", pull up on the horizontal bar, jump over the rope 10-20 times, etc.).
The main task of an adult is to organize the children for the game, to help them understand the roles and rules.
All the proposed characters were to the liking of the children. The children themselves assigned the roles, played themselves, and an adult could finally observe this “live performance” from the outside, have fun and learn a lot of new things from the characteristics of the characters, habits, and skills of children; discover new ways of co-organizing them with each other, a measure of their readiness to accept tasks from their peers, etc.
The roles are reversed several times, the children are ready to play indefinitely. But the time for class is coming to an end. We gather in a circle in order to exchange impressions of what happened today in the "swamp".
Children are building, saying goodbye to the teacher, but they do not want to leave the gym at all.

Irina Arifulina

Pedagogical experience

physical education instructor Arifulina I... V.

MDOU kindergarten number 20, about. Orekhovo-Zuevo

2slideCurrent development physical culture and sports is one of the priority directions of state policy in our country.

My position at work physical education instructor: "I will do everything in my power to keep the children healthy!"

My pedagogical credo - to instill interest in physical culture;

Teach children to a healthy lifestyle;

To form in preschoolers the need for physical activity.

3 slide I am striving to create in our kindergarten a small country of health, where smart, cheerful people live.

4 slide teaching activities, I adhere to three basic principles, which was put forward by the Georgian teacher and psychologist Sh... A. Amonashvili: 1 To lib a child. 2 Humanize the environment in which the child lives. 3 Live your childhood in the child.

When you see joy and interest in the eyes of children, their desire to comprehend the world of movements, you strive to reveal the originality, individuality, and talent of everyone.

5 slide To conduct physical education classes are improving RPPS: the hall is equipped with the necessary sports equipment, there is a sports ground on the territory, which is used at any time of the year.

6 slide Every day in our kindergarten begins with morning exercises.

7 slide Exercise develops in children the habit of doing physical exercises... Over time, this good habit turns into a need, thereby instilling the culture a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers.

8 slide The main component of my work is the variety of forms of physical activity of pupils.

9 slide My experience proves that high rates in physical the development of preschoolers can be achieved with the skillful correct organization of play activities.

10 slide Therefore, all projects - "Healthy child - successful child", "Healthy children in a healthy family", "Kindergarten - the territory of health" I implement it through the game.

11slide It is impossible to imagine the life of a child in kindergarten

12 slide without funny, interesting fascinating holidays and competitions.

13 slide Working with children is a great happiness. Only they know how to selflessly love, inspire and instill confidence in the necessity of my work. Communication with them gives me pleasure and joy. They need me, and I need them.

Slide14. The purpose of health improvement work in our kindergarten is to create sustainable motivation in the need to preserve our own health and the health of others. The system of work on improving the health of children in the preschool educational institution includes 3 blocks activities: Treatment and prophylaxis, Ensuring the psychological safety of the child's personality and Recreational orientation of the upbringing and educational process.

Working according to a work program drawn up on the basis of an exemplary educational program for preschool education "From birth to school" ed. NE Veraksa, MA Vasilyeva, TS Komarova ", taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standard, I use in my activities various innovative health-preserving and health-forming technologies.

Play stretching - guarantees children the correct development of the functional systems of the body, beautiful posture and is an excellent prevention of scoliosis and flat feet.

15 slide Relaxation. When carrying out relaxation exercises in preschoolers, the psyche and nervous system are brought to a normal state, internal stress is relieved.

16 slide Self-massage - helps the child to relieve general fatigue, helps all organs and systems to work smoothly and efficiently.

17 slide Finger gymnastics plays a very important role. With its help, not only fine motor skills develop, but also the child's speech center.

18 slide Kinesiological exercises improve memory, speech, attention, spatial thinking, fine and gross motor skills, and reduce fatigue.

19 slide VIDEO breathing exercises

20 slide Circular training. The repetition rate of certain movements, exercises contributes to a more durable formation of motor skills, provides sufficient physiological load on the child's body.

Dance - rhythmic movements. Music and movements form the child's freedom in creative thinking, give the opportunity to improvise, giving in return the child emotional reactions - joy, pleasure. Music and movements help to educate children, provide an opportunity to learn about the world.

22slide As part of the implementation of the project for the development of the system of additional education, I have developed a program for the sports and health group to strengthen health "Funny legs", the main goal of which is the formation of a value attitude of children to health and a healthy lifestyle, prevention and correction of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of preschool children.

23 slide In close cooperation with healthcare professionals (recommendations obtained during medical examinations) and written parental consent (legal representatives) I help children with health problems (in particular, prevention of flat feet).

24 slide U educators and parents are one tasks: to do everything so that children grow up happy, healthy, active, sociable, so that they become harmoniously developed personalities. I pay great attention to cooperation with parents aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle throughout families: Business game "Healthy lifestyle for the whole family", round table "The game has come to visit us", workshop "What are your kids playing", joint holidays.

Cooperation with specialists.

26 slide VIDEO Perkusov

27 slide

28 slide We actively cooperate with schools and kindergartens. It has become a tradition to hold a competition between preschoolers of different gardens: MDOU d \ s No. 18, MDOU TsRR No. 28, MDOU d \ s No. 23.

We participate in urban activities: sport competitions "Honor, Valor and Glory", dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, sports competitions as part of the health week, a sports dance festival.

29 slide Our pupils were not only participants in the competition, but also became winners.

30slide I can't imagine myself without constant improvement and I understand that I should be an example for my pupils.

31 slides Therefore, I improve my professional level, adopt the best experience of their colleagues.

32 slide And willingly share mine experience on the personal website of our kindergarten

36slide To ignite others you need to burn yourself.

37 slide VIDEO flash mob

38 slide I want to wish everyone who chose the path teacher.

39 slide Do not feel sorry for the warmth of your heart,

The light of your mind in working with children

And they will be able to make our world more beautiful, brighter and brighter.

“... Physical education is
what ensures health
and brings joy. "

One of the priority areas of activity of our preschool educational institution in accordance with the Development Program is the formation of health-preserving competence as a prerequisite for maintaining children's health and, on this basis, the development of their spiritual potential. All physical culture and health-improving work in the kindergarten is based on the "Sibiryachok" health preservation program developed by the kindergarten teachers. The program defines the goal, objectives, content and technologies of work on the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle for a child - preschooler.

Physical culture, health and sports work is based on the principles of developing pedagogy of health improvement, where the health of preschoolers is the point of efforts not only of medical workers, but also of teachers and parents.

Physical culture and health-improving work with children is carried out according to 2 programs: complex "Rainbow" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. (physical education, morning exercises, physical education leisure) and partial "Rosinka. I am growing healthy "(Zimonina V.N.)

The content of the "Rainbow" program includes the main types of movements, general developmental exercises, sports games and exercises, outdoor games for all age groups. The program material provides for the formation of motor skills and abilities in children, the development of physical qualities (dexterity, speed, strength, endurance), the formation of integrative personality traits (courage, discipline, a sense of collectivism). The main goal is to strengthen children's health, develop independence, initiative in motor actions, a conscious attitude towards them, the ability to self-control, self-esteem when performing movements.

The content of the program “Dewdrop. Growing healthy ”sections are included:“ I recognize myself ”,“ I love the sun, air and water ”,“ School of my nutrition ”for each age group. The main goal is to foster the desire to be healthy (among children of younger groups), the formation of a need for a healthy lifestyle (among older preschoolers), the formation of a value attitude towards life and health.

In addition to the complex and partial, the preschool institution implements additional education programs developed by the kindergarten teachers and approved by the city expert council. The inclusion of additional education programs in physical culture, health and sports activities makes it possible to expand the motor abilities of children (to maintain static postures, coordination, endurance, meaningful speed, motor skills, dexterity), to reveal the creative motor potential of each child. All this thanks to step-aerobics, sports aerobics, synchronized swimming and other non-traditional forms of physical culture, sports and health-improving work.

The kindergarten teachers widely use games of badminton, towns, bowling pins, ring throws. Mastering the elements of sports games (basketball, volleyball, football, hockey) at preschool age creates the basis for further sports.

The following sports clubs and sections function at the preschool educational institution:

Sports recreation section "School of the Olympic Reserve". 15 preschoolers are involved. Teacher Tarasova Yulia Valerievna - physical culture instructor of the 1st qualification category. Every year since 2001, pupils of the MDOU "CRR - kindergarten No. 25" Vasilek "take part in the city sports days, win prizes, and are awarded with diplomas. Upon entering school, children continue to actively engage in sports.

Sports dance studio Sayanochka. 24 preschoolers are involved. Classes are conducted by Tarasova Yulia Valerievna - physical culture instructor. Pupils of the MDOU participate in demonstration performances at the competitions of the sections of the Youth Sports School of the city of Sayansk.

Synchronized swimming section "Dolphin". 15 people are engaged. Classes are conducted by Svetlana Stanislavovna Fortova - physical culture (swimming) instructor of the 1st qualification category. Every year kindergarten pupils participate in city competitions, perform with demonstration performances on Open Doors Days, on Health Days.

The program of additional education "The Country of Zdorovyachkov". 17 people are engaged. Classes are conducted by an educator of the I qualification category Olga Usenko.

Results of performances of pupils of MDOU

№№ Name of the competition Occupied place
2007 I
2008 City Spartakiad of preschoolers II
2009 City Spartakiad of preschoolers II
2009 "Merry starts" together with the team of MDOU №21 "Brusnichka" I
2010 City Spartakiad of preschoolers I

Sports events at the preschool educational institution are held not only in the form of classes and circle work. The main type of mass sports events are sports events and entertainment.

Holidays help to create a positive emotional mood, contribute to the creation of an optimal motor regime, increase the efficiency and sports training of children. During the holidays, all children take an active part in outdoor and sports games, relay games, dances, attractions, musical rhythmic exercises with elements of aerobics. Outdoor sports events are held once a season, leisure activities are held monthly, and sports events are held in the pool 3-4 times a year.

The most massive and spectacular - "Day of Health", "Sports Parade of Graduates", where children, parents, teachers, young sportsmen of the Children and Youth Sports School (graduates of our kindergarten) participate. The content of the holidays includes sports dances, children's performances with skipping ropes, ribbons and balls. Surprises precede the next number of the holiday, express its main idea and are the most cheerful moments of the holiday.

Physical culture and sports activities inside the kindergarten


Amount of children

1. Knowledge Day

2. "Colored planets"

3. "Travel to the Land of Nebolik"

4. "Visiting Luntik"

5. "Winter-winter - sports time!"

6. "Heroic competitions" (together with the dads)

7. "Storming the peaks"

8. "Red, yellow, green"

9. "Fun starts"

10. "Day of Neptune"

11. "Fun game"

12. "Sports parade of graduates"

13. Walking trips to the forest clearing "Merry rucksack" - once a season (together with parents)

14. Health Day (quarterly)

15. Ford Boyard

16. Theatrical performances

with demonstration performances

young athletes

17. "For health - the whole family"


25 events per year

Physical culture and sports equipment of the MDOU is selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, for the most complete satisfaction of the motor needs of each child, the development of motor qualities and abilities.

The preschool educational institution has:

gym, with an area of ​​48 sq.m., where

  • physical education classes under the guidance of a physical education instructor;
  • classes in sports clubs and sections, health groups;
  • sports events, leisure

Where are available:

  • Treadmills,
  • exercise bike,
  • machines for training the muscles of the arms and legs,
  • horizontal bars, crossbars, dumbbells, punching bag,
  • wrist dynamometers, pedometers, stopwatches;

swimming pool, with an area of ​​60m², for holding:

  • swimming lessons under the guidance of a swimming instructor,
  • classes in sports clubs and sections, health groups;
  • sports events, leisure.

Sports hall equipment:


  • treadmill;
  • obstacle course;
  • playground for small towns;
  • gymnastic ladders, booms;
  • jumping pit;
  • arches for crawling;
  • target rings;
  • basketball backboard;
  • portable pool;
  • sports grounds for games: football, volleyball, basketball, hockey;
  • in winter, a ski track is laid, an ice rink is filled


  • non-standard equipment for the prevention of flat feet;
  • balls of different sizes;
  • swimming circles;
  • life jackets;
  • scuba diving goggles;
  • fun toys for toddlers;

In groups in the zones of physical activity there is inventory and equipment for independent motor activity of children: massage mats, roller trainers for legs, "health" paths for walking on uneven surfaces (corks, pebbles, bumps, sand, ropes), balls of different sizes, balls hip - hops, jump ropes, ring throws, darts, skittles, didactic sports games, sports equipment (tennis, golf, badminton, hockey, football, volleyball, small towns)

Each group site has small forms for active physical activity: logs, crossbeams, vertical ladders, step ladders, target rings; play equipment for the development of motor abilities: trains, houses, cars, boats, summer pools.

In the early age groups there is equipment for the development of physical activity of children: a swing, a slide, exercise equipment, "health" paths, equipment for crawling.

Joint activities of an adult and children Independent activities of children Family activities
-morning gymnastics (traditional, game, subject); - gymnastics after sleep (warm-up in bed and self-massage, playful gymnastics, walking on massage paths); -Physical activities (games, sports activities, plot, physical education, circular training); -physical training in the air; - Swimming in the pool; - Classes in sports clubs and sections; - Outdoor games; -sport games and exercises; - physical culture minutes, finger gymnastics; - holidays, entertainment, physical culture leisure; - hardening. - individual work on the formation of the main types of movements; - independent motor activity of children in areas of motor activity and on walking grounds; - considering illustrations about sports; -production of attributes for outdoor games; - coming up with options for familiar outdoor games; - didactic and board games. -individual work; - table games "Football", "Hockey"; - reading stories about sports, athletes; -production of attributes for outdoor games. -carrying out joint holidays, leisure, tourist trips-joint classes of parents and children -the work of the club "For health - with the whole family"

Working together with the family has become one of the important areas in the activities of the preschool educational institution. Priority values, the solution of which is aimed at carrying out activities with parents - the preservation and strengthening of children's health, the establishment of parent-child relationships, the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle. Effective forms of interaction have been recommended visually - informational (informational, informational, informational and educational), which solve the problem of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods for improving the health of children. Informational and introductory include:

Occasional individual visits by parents to sections, classes;

Excursions and consultations for parents of children who first come to kindergarten to get acquainted with the created conditions;

Open views of classes within the framework of open days, health weeks, which are held from the younger group 4 times a year.

Outdoor events, in the gym, in the pool for children with the participation of parents;

Drawing up a video library with the involvement of parents about sports events in a preschool educational institution;

Exhibitions of children's works “I am strong and strong”, “It's great in our pool”, etc. - these are joint works of teachers and children, parents and children with drawings and stories;

Photo reports that especially attract the attention of parents and are practiced in groups from 2-3 years old. They are accompanied by small poems, brief information for parents.

Photo sessions of senior preschool children performing various exercises;

Joint activities of children and parents;

Exchange of experience in family education on the organization of a healthy lifestyle through a newspaper published in the preschool institution "Vasilkovoe childhood";

Workshops on the prevention of flat feet, posture disorders;

Speeches in the mass media about the importance of physical education for the preservation and strengthening of children's health (newspaper, television). Information and educational forms of interaction are aimed at enriching parents' knowledge about the peculiarities of children's physical activity at a certain age stage, their importance in life and strengthening the child's health. Communication with parents here is not direct, but mediated:

Information boards, which show the schedule of classes of the sections, information about additional education programs used in kindergarten, as well as games and exercises that can be carried out at home;

Folders - moving, which acquaint parents in more detail with the system for the health improvement of preschoolers in the process of teaching children.

Over the past three years, the number of parents who assess their competence in health preservation issues as sufficient has increased from 42% to 74%,

actively participating in physical culture and recreation activities of preschool educational institutions - from 35% to 71%.

For many years we have been cooperating with social and cultural institutions of the city.

As part of the continuity, we annually hold games - relay races, competitions with first-grade students of secondary schools № 4, 5 - graduates of our kindergarten, to which we invite children - graduates attending sports sections at the children's and youth sports school with demonstration performances.

Cooperation with city children's sports organizations is carried out on the basis of an agreement. Kindergarten graduates continue to attend sports schools, clubs, swimming pools (75%).

The formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle, the desire to engage in physical education and sports among preschoolers is impossible without the example of adults around them. Therefore, the kindergarten employees are actively involved in physical education and sports. The kindergarten team annually takes prizes in volleyball competitions among educational institutions of the city (2007 - 1st place, 2008 - 2nd place, 2009 - 1st place). Every year, kindergarten employees take part in swimming competitions among educational institutions of the city (2007 - III place, 2009 - I place, 2010 - II place). Once a season, trips to the Yolochka sports base, collective outings with sports programs are organized. Rhythmic gymnastics classes are held weekly in the sports club "Beryozka" by physical culture instructor Tarasova Yu.V.

The system of physical culture and sports work that has developed in the preschool institution, interaction with parents and society in this direction allowed preschoolers and their parents to form an interest in physical education and sports, a conscious attitude to maintaining and strengthening their health, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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