Home Useful properties of fruits Before taking a spermogram. How to prepare for the delivery of a spermogram? Detailed instructions. Sperm preparation rules

Before taking a spermogram. How to prepare for the delivery of a spermogram? Detailed instructions. Sperm preparation rules

Spermogram is a special analysis that is performed to assess the state of the male reproductive system. Such an analysis is required before the IVF procedure, after a long absence of pregnancy in the spouse. Before sampling the biomaterial, it is necessary to refrain from intercourse for several days, otherwise the results may be false, since the amount of sex affects the activity of sperm.

Abstinence before a spermogram is a prerequisite to ensure that true results are obtained. It is not worth neglecting this recommendation so that the specialist can correctly assess the state of the reproductive system.

One of the main parameters that is assessed in the laboratory is the number of living germ cells per 1 ml of liquid. During orgasm, semen is released, which leads to a decrease in sperm concentration. Without abstinence, the spermogram will not give an accurate answer about the number of living sperm.

The motor activity of male cells is assessed, since inactivity often leads to infertility. Due to the low speed of movement, sperm do not have time to reach the egg and fertilize it at the right time.

If before the analysis, even for three days there was sex, then the spermogram will show an underestimated result. The optimal period for abstinence is 5-6 days. It is during this time that a sufficient number of sperm will mature in the testicles, which will not be difficult to assess.

Lack of sex is important because:

  • spermatozoa mature gradually, they are not naturally embedded in the male body;
  • during orgasm, a sufficiently large number of living cells are released, which are necessary for fertilization, which gives false results.

To obtain the correct results, it is important not only not to enter into an intimate relationship, but also to protect the testicular area. It is there that the sex cells live before going outside. Any injury will result in the death of sperm cells.

Excessive agitation will also lead to false analysis.

Therefore, in addition to abstinence, it is important to remain calm and not overexcited:

  • you can not watch erotica and porn films;
  • you need to control your desire;
  • ask your sexual partner not to provoke lust.

This is due to the fact that during arousal, segma is released from the penis - a special fluid for lubricating the mucous membranes. It contains a small percentage of germ cells. With increased fertility in the segme, a sufficiently large number of sperm is observed, therefore, the more fluid is secreted, the greater the loss of cells in the ejaculate.

In general, sperm renewal takes three full days. Various negative influences can strongly affect the genetic composition of germ cells, their mobility.

In addition to being overexcited before testing:

  • quit smoking;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • refrain from taking certain medications.

Normally, a man needs sex once every 1-2 weeks. This is enough for a complete renewal of germ cells, maintaining the health of the reproductive system. Abstinence in 3-6 days is useful for the delivery of a spermogram and a successful conception. If a man has no sex for more than 1-2 months, then the reproductive system fades away.

To obtain reliable results, you should abandon sexual intercourse for at least 4-7 days. Before that, you should visit a urologist, who will tell you exactly how many days you should not have sex.

The time of abstinence for some men is determined longer, for others three days are enough. The parameter depends on the age and state of the reproductive system.

To ensure correct results, in addition to abstinence:

  1. Take the analysis directly at the clinic.
  2. Do not collect biomaterial by interrupted intercourse, as cells from the vagina will remain on the penis.
  3. You need to donate sperm no later than 30 minutes after its release.
  4. Collect ejaculate only in sterile containers.
  5. For delivery, you need the entire volume released at one time.
  6. To collect semen by masturbation, you cannot additionally use lubricants and gels.

Only a specialist can answer the question of exactly how much to abstain before the procedure. The article shows the average values ​​for healthy men. The spermogram results will help to assess the quality of sperm, its composition, cell motility, and the possibility of conception. Any negative factor will strongly affect the state of the ejaculate, so that this does not happen, laboratory research should be approached with all seriousness.

Abstinence affects not so much the quality of the semen as its composition. To improve the quality of ejaculate, it is not enough just to give up sex and prevent overexcitation.

To increase the quality parameter, you need:

  • avoid thermal procedures (baths, saunas, hot baths);
  • give up alcohol 7 days before the study;
  • do not take a number of medications;
  • do not go for x-rays, mri, physiotherapy;
  • avoid stress and overexertion;
  • eat properly;
  • observe a rest regimen;
  • observe sexual calmness (sex, masturbation, oral sex, etc.).

Refusal of all types of sex is the main parameter that affects all sperm parameters. Sperm motility is affected by nutrition. Too heavy and fatty food leads to a decrease in the motor activity of cells.

At the time of the examination, it is better to switch to a vegetarian diet, to increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, berries, and nuts. Substitute fish or seafood for meat.

Spermogram is a serious analysis that helps to assess the state of the male reproductive system. Experts say that the optimal period of time is 12 days. It is during this time that a complete cell renewal occurs. Old sperm cells are replaced by new cells.

If you endure such a number of days without sex there is no way, then it is enough not to come into close proximity for 5-7 days. The doctor will advise you to increase or decrease the abstinence interval.

This is because:

  1. The reproductive system works differently in men of different ages.
  2. Cells can mature faster or slower.
  3. The course of chronic diseases affects the speed of sperm production.

It is undesirable to donate sperm if the period of abstinence has been prolonged and reached 15-20 days. During this period of time, old sperm die and self-destruct, and new ones have not yet had time to replace them.

If the sperm is donated during this period of time, then the test results will come false. The ideal time for abstinence is 7 days. A weekly sperm will show the development of various pathologies even in the early stages.

If, during the absence of sex, a man's temperature rises, it is required to free the testicles from sperm and after 1-2 weeks start collecting semen again. When the temperature rises above 37.6 degrees, all or most of the sperm die.

Often, representatives of the strong half of humanity ignore the ban on sex or do not admit that they did not resort to abstinence. In this case, the doctor makes the wrong diagnosis and prescribes inadequate treatment.

Correct preparation - correct diagnosis

Before donating semen in the laboratory, the urologist will tell the patient about all the preparation rules. This is important for an adequate assessment of the results and correct diagnosis. If there is a suspicion of false studies, a man will have to undergo another examination - a hemotest.

Hemotest is prescribed for a comprehensive examination of a man in the event that antibodies to:

  • AIDS;
  • hepatitis of various origins.

A blood test will confirm the presence of viruses in the body, which are often the cause of infertility.

Only a clinic can provide the correct sampling of biomaterial. It is recommended to donate semen immediately in the laboratory under conditions of complete sterility. Before passing the procedure, you need to answer exactly how many days there was no sex, so that the specialist takes this fact into account when researching.

Before submitting the biomaterial, you need to sleep well, have dinner with fruits and vegetables the day before, avoid fatty, fried, smoked, salty foods. When you come to the laboratory, it is important to go to the toilet, wash your hands and penis with soap and water.

Proper abstinence contributes to the rapid delivery of analysis through masturbation. This is done in a special room with a cozy interior. The procedure is accompanied by the display of erotic materials.

A spermogram is taken to determine the state of the genitourinary system, to detect various pathologies, to find out the reason for the non-occurrence of pregnancy for a long time. Correct preparation and the optimal period of abstinence are the key to the correct formulation of the analysis. The pathology found in a timely manner and its correct treatment will help preserve men's health and ensure the onset of a healthy pregnancy.

Many hidden pathologies lead to a violation of the composition of the sperm, while not affecting potency in any way. If a man decides to become a father, then he needs to be examined for his own peace of mind for the health of the offspring.

Medicine has made great strides in diagnosing and treating many pressing problems, including infertility. An extended study of ejaculate is the first analysis that a patient must pass if there is a problem with conceiving a child. It is also prescribed to potential sperm donors and people who want to freeze their biological material. The male genital area is easily vulnerable and influenced by various factors of the external and internal environment, which affects the quality of sperm. What should be the preparation for a spermogram in order for the results to be reliable, it is useful for both men and women to know.

Subject of study

Sperm is a biological fluid that is secreted by men when they ejaculate (ejaculate) at the end of intercourse or masturbation.

It consists of two parts:

  • liquid plasma (approximately 95%) - produced in the prostate, seminal vesicles and glands located along the urethra;
  • cellular elements (5%) - most of the spermatozoa produced by the testes make up, in addition to them, leukocytes, epithelial cells, lipid and protein grains may be present.

Each of the components is important for conception. Lack or loss of quality in any of these leads to a deterioration in sperm in general. Not knowing how to prepare for the analysis of a spermogram can also affect the indicators.

At the end of intercourse, semen with spermatozoa flows from the vas deferens into the lumen of the urethra. From there, due to the muscle contractions of the urethra, the semen is thrown out.

The volume of ejaculate is considered normal from 2 to 6 ml, the latest WHO recommendations have established that 1.5 ml is enough for fertilization.

Immediately after eruption, the seed has a viscous and thick consistency. After about 30-50 minutes, it is liquefied due to the enzymes contained in the secretion of the prostate gland. The semen is normally grayish-white with a slight opalescence.

Color change is possible in the presence of impurities (pus, blood) or when using coloring products (beets, carrots, oranges). The clarity of the ejaculate depends on the sperm concentration: the higher it is, the stronger the milky white turbidity. The first portions of ejaculate contain the largest number of germ cells.

Every man should know how to prepare for the delivery of a spermogram. Sperm are very sensitive to various factors.

The main characteristics of biological material (motility and morphology of sperm) are influenced by high and low temperatures, nutrition, stress conditions, chemicals and much more.

The observance of external parameters in a medical institution (storage temperature, processing of dishes with reagents, laboratory assistant skills) is also important, but this is already the concern of the laboratory staff. A man is required to correctly collect material for a spermogram, which needs to be done before the analysis, the doctor will tell.

Analysis value

The study of the ejaculate is an informative test that allows you to assess not only the fertility (fertility) of a man, but also to identify the presence of pathologies that will require additional examination.

Quantitative and qualitative changes in the ejaculate due to non-compliance with the rules of preparation before the spermogram can lead to an incorrect diagnosis

What are the indications for this examination:

  • suspicion of male infertility arising from previous infectious diseases, trauma, hormonal disorders, exposure to radiation and other information from the patient's history that could affect the male reproductive capacity;
  • sperm donation planning;
  • preparation for artificial insemination (IVF);
  • cryopreservation of biological material - the situation is relevant for representatives of hazardous professions, cancer patients (before chemotherapy), before vasectomy and other urological operations.

The direction for the study of ejaculate is given by an andrologist or urologist. The analysis can be done in many private and public laboratories, where they will tell you how to properly prepare for the delivery of a spermogram. Fertility in a man is assessed by all possible macro- and microscopic indicators, including Mar - a test for immunological infertility.

The analysis contains the following information:

  • physical and chemical properties of semen - volume, color, pH value (norm from 7.2 to 8), viscosity index;
  • quantitative characteristics - concentration of germ cells (content in 1 ml of sperm), percentage of mobile forms;
  • morphological features of sperm, detection of pathology;
  • the number of immature cellular elements from different stages of spermatogenesis;
  • agglutination and aggregation (adhesion of sperm to each other or with epithelial cells and mucus) as an indicator of inflammatory processes or damage to testicular tissue;
  • the content of blood corpuscles (erythrocytes, leukocytes) and other inclusions;
  • Mar test - is carried out to identify a possible immunological reaction of the body (antibodies against its own sperm).

A single study is sufficient if all indicators are normal. Those men who have a bad result will have to take the test again after 7-14 days. This is necessary to exclude insufficiently good preparation before taking a spermogram.

If there is a large difference in the two results, the doctor may recommend a third semen test.

Preparation for research

To get reliable data the first time, you must adhere to the simple rules for taking a spermogram in preparation for the examination.

Activities are divided into long-term (must be started long before the examination) and short-term (directly on the day of the test). The process of spermatogenesis or the formation of male germ cells in the seminiferous tubules of the testicles takes 65-80 days. This means that both unfavorable and favorable factors 2-3 months ago are reflected in the semen indicators. Ideally, preparation for a spermogram in a man should take about 3 months.

How to prepare for analyzes, video

Long-term activities are as follows:

  1. 90 days before the study, it is necessary to exclude the effect on the body of any toxins and poisons (drugs, work with chemicals, radiation).
  2. Withstand 2-3 months after treatment with antibiotics, hormones, other drugs taken for a long time.
  3. Extend the preparation for spermogram and Mar test for 60 days after suffering severe infectious and inflammatory diseases, proceeding with severe intoxication.
  4. Wait 7-8 days after the course of prostate massage.
  5. Provide sexual rest (absence of ejaculation during coitus and masturbation) for a period of 2 to 7 days. With a shorter period, there will be few sperm in the semen, with a longer period, there will be few mobile forms. The optimal preparation for spermogram and Mar test is considered abstinence for 4 days.
  6. Refuse any ethanol-containing drinks for at least 7 days. Any alcohol, including beer, reduces sperm motility.
  7. Avoid overheating of the scrotum area - during preparation for the spermogram, it is forbidden to visit saunas, sunbathe in the sun. This does not mean that on a frosty winter day it is impossible to turn on the seat heating in the car for a short time, hypothermia is also harmful.
  8. Exclude excessive physical activity, strength training 1-2 days before the examination.

How to prepare for sperm analysis on the day of analysis:

  1. Go to bed early the night before and get a good night's sleep.
  2. Take a shower in the morning, wash the glans penis and put on clean linen. If you neglect this rule, then there will be too many bacteria in the semen, which will complicate the interpretation of the analysis.
  3. An hour before collecting the material, you need to drink 4-5 glasses of any liquid, better than water or weak tea. This is what should always be done before the semen analysis, especially in the hot season, to increase the volume and decrease the viscosity of the semen.
  4. You can empty your bladder at least 10-15 minutes before the test.
  5. No smoking on the day of the examination.

Collection of material

The procedure for taking the analysis should be carried out exclusively within the walls of a medical institution, in a room specially designated for this. This is due to the fact that sperm cells die quickly when the temperature fluctuates.

What you need before taking a spermogram is to relax, you can take your smartphone, good music and headphones with you. The collection procedure involves masturbation and the use of a sterile container. A condom will not work for these purposes, since latex destroys sperm. Magazines, photos and videos of erotic content will help to achieve the goal.

It is important to get straight into the jar, otherwise the analysis will not be counted. Collect the entire portion of ejaculate in a container. Semen should not be collected from skin, clothing or sex.

What to do if, before taking a spermogram, you want to go to the toilet?

You need to urinate, and then wait 10-15 minutes, then start collecting material. For those men who cannot get directly into the container, it is better to train in advance at home by purchasing a plastic urine jar from the pharmacy.

After successful collection of the semen, the container must be returned to the healthcare professional immediately. You can avoid the influence of various negative factors if you ask a specialist in advance how to prepare for a spermogram.

Getting the result

The interpretation of the data obtained as a result of the study is carried out by a urologist or andrologist. How much spermogram is prepared, the doctor will also tell you. Ejaculate analyzes are not standardized. This means that different laboratories may use different designations and names. This is not difficult for doctors.

The patient, on his own, will not figure it out and may fall into a stupor. An ordinary man just needs to know how to take a spermogram with the preparation and technique for collecting ejaculate, the rest is the matter of a specialist.

The study is carried out with three options:

  • morphology - shows the number of normal sperm without tail, head or neck defects;
  • Mar test - it helps to determine the immune cause of infertility, detects the presence of antisperm antibodies;
  • survival test - it is done when planning artificial insemination (IVF), it shows the percentage of male germ cells that survive outside the human body during the day.

If a man takes a spermogram for the first time with good preparation for analysis, he is usually advised to undergo an extended study with morphology and a Mar-test. It happens that with all good indicators, a man is infertile, because there is damage to the sperm by antisperm antibodies. Only the Mar-test can reveal this pathology.

This does not affect the timing of the readiness of the spermogram. They range from several hours to 1-2 days.

Semen analysis options

When receiving the result in the hands of the patient, he should pay attention to what is written as a conclusion at the bottom of the page. What options can be:

  • normozoospermia - means that the man is all right, he is healthy and did everything correctly, what to do before taking a spermogram;
  • oligospermia - the amount of ejaculate is less than 1.5 ml;
  • oligozoospermia - ejaculate with a low sperm count;
  • teratozoospermia - most of the sperm are pathologically altered;
  • cryptozoospermia - reduced sperm concentration (the number of cells in 1 ml of sperm);
  • asthenozoospermia - there are few motile sperm in the ejaculate (less than half);
  • akinospermia - all motionless;
  • necrozoospermia - more than half of the dead sperm;
  • pyospermia - pus in the ejaculate (many leukocytes);
  • hemospermia - blood in the semen.

The pathological changes detected for the first time are the reason for repeating the spermogram with preparation for the delivery of the analysis strictly according to all the rules. This is the requirement of the World Health Organization. This survey is believed to be highly variable.

The results depend on many factors.

It can be repeated at least 2 times, while it is important to explain to the patient how to prepare for a spermogram in order to exclude all possible negative influences from outside and from within the body.

The presence of poor semen analysis results is not a reason for panic, indicators can change many times during a man's life. To improve the spermogram, it is sometimes enough to revise your usual way of life, make a correction to your daily diet, start exercising and sports, and give up bad habits.

If this does not help, the doctor will conduct an examination to determine the cause. In most cases, male infertility can be dealt with. How much sperm analysis is being prepared, where it is better to do it and at what price - more accurate information will be provided by the doctor who will prescribe this examination.

Sperm analysis is carried out in order to find out the causes of male infertility, to recognize diseases of the genitourinary system, prostate gland. Microscopic examination determines such parameters of the ejaculate as the concentration of spermatozoa, their morphology, the presence of antibodies, the total volume of biological fluid. is done when summarizing all indicators. For men, it is important to know how a spermogram is taken and what needs to be done before passing it.

What is sperm analysis for?

Sperm examination is carried out by an andrologist. There are various reasons for this medical diagnosis.

The examination is necessary:

  • When doubts arise about the normal, reproductive function in men. If a married couple cannot conceive a child for about two years, despite the fact that the woman has no abnormalities in health, a semen analysis is required;
  • If there were injuries to the scrotum, genitals, and varicose veins of the spermatic cord were detected;
  • With previous genital infections, chronic diseases of the genitourinary organs, prostate;
  • To monitor changes in the course of medical treatment for infertility.

In addition, men take a spermogram before cryopreservation of ejaculate, when they are semen donors, if blood is found in the semen.

A semen test is sometimes required after sterilization and mumps (mumps). Often, sperm examination is associated with an upcoming artificial insemination (IVF) procedure.

A contraindication to the analysis may be:

  • Chronic prostatitis;
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs - inflammation of the bladder, dysfunction of the testicles,;
  • Feverish conditions, high fever, colds;
  • Nervous disorders, depression;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • Taking hormonal drugs.

Semen is taken to reveal the main characteristics of the ejaculate:

  1. Sperm count, concentration, structure, pathology;
  2. Seed color and viscosity, liquefaction time, acidity.

It often happens that they do a spermogram, and, having received bad results, they get upset and give up. But during testing, errors may occur, therefore, a re-examination after 14 days is permissible. If the result is again unsatisfactory, but this happened due to improper preparation, you can donate sperm for analysis a third time after the same time interval.

How to take a spermogram correctly

Men who are faced with this test for the first time have a poor idea of ​​what a spermogram is and how to decode it. To undergo the procedure, you will need to visit a urologist and andrologist. Any of these specialists will be able to explain in an accessible way how men donate ejaculate, what should be done first. The diagnostic procedure is aimed at identifying viable active spermatozoa, studying their shape, structure, number, interaction with the environment of the seed and its additional components. The rules for taking a spermogram must be followed strictly, otherwise reading errors may occur.

It is of great importance, lasting about 7 days. To know how to properly donate semen, you should see your doctor. He will explain what to do and how the fertility test is done.

Basic conditions for preparation:

  • You should stop taking potent medicines - antibiotics, antidepressants, hormonal agents;
  • It is advisable to get enough sleep;
  • If there are urological diseases of an inflammatory nature, ARVI and even the common cold, you will have to wait until the ailment is cured;
  • In about three or four days, it is necessary to stop sexual intercourse, you do not need to give up sex for a week or more - this can distort the state of the sperm fluid;
  • Three days before the analysis, you will need to exclude the intake of alcoholic beverages, a few hours - the use of nicotine;
  • For about 24 hours, you should avoid heavy physical work, intense, sports training;
  • Visiting baths, saunas, solariums, and other institutions with high air temperatures 10 days before the examination is excluded;
  • It is also recommended to avoid stress and anxiety for several days, since emotional outbursts change his hormonal background, and in this regard, the diagnostic results can be unpredictable.

In addition, you need to adhere to a special diet. It should include:

  • Vegetables fruits;
  • Low-fat meat;
  • Parsley, dill, other herbs;
  • Fish products.

You will have to exclude dishes prepared by frying, too fatty foods, coffee, tea, if it is strong, margarine, carbonated drinks, sugar, flour products.

Such a diet will need to be maintained throughout the week before the delivery of ejaculate occurs.

Many are interested in how men donate semen. This happens on the territory of the clinic. In a specially designated room, the patient himself collects sperm by masturbation, placing it in a prepared sterile dish. At home, this procedure is impractical, since there is always the possibility of foreign components entering the sample.

How do the decoding of analysis indicators

The main criteria for male ejaculate are volume, color, fluids, concentration, shape, percentage of sperm viability. Such a factor as acidity is of great importance.

  1. The volume of semen can vary from 1.7 to 5-6 ml. An indicator of more or less means deviation. Lack of sperm after orgasm indicates retrograde ejaculation. Then the patient is required to donate urine, in which sperm can be detected;
  2. An equally important characteristic is the rate of liquefaction, the transformation of the gelatinous mass into a liquid. In healthy men, the process takes 15-60 minutes. Absence or too long liquefaction is a symptom of pathology;
  3. The hydrogen characteristic (acidity) allows the range from 7.2 to 7.9. But apart from other indicators, any deviations cannot be considered as a sign of violations;
  4. Sperm concentration is an important indicator of the state of the reproductive organs. Microscopic examination makes it possible to identify different types of gum, their quantitative ratio. A healthy ejaculate should contain up to 40-50% of motile cells;
  5. The doctor will definitely pay attention to the color of the seed. Usually it is white or with a yellow, gray tint. Any other saturated color is unnatural for normal semen;
  6. Sperm should have a proportional body, head, and a tourniquet that is ten times longer than the body;
  7. A bad sign is sperm sticking together. If the cause is the presence of immunoglobulins, then additional diagnostic procedures will be required.

A normal spermogram should contain the following indicators:

  1. The amount of ejaculate is from 3 to 5 ml;
  2. Acidity - from 7 to 7, 8;
  3. The color is white, yellowish;
  4. Thinning for an hour;
  5. Concentration - 20 million in 1 ml;
  6. No adhesion or changes in morphology.

In order to increase fertility, that is, a man's ability to produce offspring, he needs to improve the indicators of his biological fluid. Sperm quality depends on many factors, so you will have to reconsider your lifestyle and habits:

  • Give up addictions;
  • Spend leisure time outdoors;
  • Keep fit with regular exercise;
  • Exclude staying in the sauna and bath;
  • Balance the daily diet by supplementing it with vitamins, minerals;
  • Avoid stress, constant excitement;
  • Try not to use steroids, drugs and medicines, if there is no special need for it;
  • Do not launch existing diseases.

Very often, reproductive disorders are associated with poor blood circulation, so doctors advise men to lead an active lifestyle, play sports, run, swim and sit around the TV and computer as little time as possible.

If there are problems with conceiving a child, then both the expectant mother and the potential father are examined. The main analysis for a man is a laboratory study of semen. For the data to be as reliable as possible, preparation for a spermogram is required.

Spermogram is the main test for checking fertility (the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg). The indications for a spermogram are:

  • Suspicion of male infertility (when it is not possible to conceive a child for more than six months).
  • Diseases that provoke impairment of fertility (intoxication, hormonal disruptions, testicular trauma, inflammation, infections of the genitourinary system).
  • Postoperative complications in which the ejaculate worsens.
  • Checking the ejaculate donor (including IVF or ICSI).

A spermogram is not a diagnostic measure, it is impossible to establish the disease only by the results of the analysis.

Spermogram allows you to identify:

  • Ejaculate volume.
  • Semen density.
  • Sperm motility.
  • The structure of the sperm.
  • The concentration of antibodies that can kill sperm.
  • White blood cell count.
  • The acidity of the ejaculate.

A spermogram is not a diagnostic measure, it is impossible to establish the disease only by the results of the analysis. A deviation from the norm is the basis for the doctor to prescribe clarifying studies - a biochemical blood test, ultrasound, CT, etc.

How to prepare for the examination

Before the spermogram, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of how to prepare. A man should:

  • Have a good rest, sleep well before the analysis. Avoid physical activity for 2 days (strength training is especially contraindicated).
  • Take vitamin complexes a week before the spermogram. This will allow the body to produce enough sperm for analysis.
  • Be calm. Stress and fatigue provoke the production of hormones that negatively affect the seminal vesicles and the prostate, an insufficient amount of ejaculate is released for analysis.
  • For 3 days before the analysis, stop using intimate creams, gels. On the day of taking the spermogram, take a shower, but thoroughly rinse off the soap or shower gel (so that they do not get into the material that is taken for analysis).

If a man decides to collect ejaculate at home, then a container will need to be prepared for analysis; it can be purchased at a pharmacy. After collecting sperm within an hour, the material should be delivered to the laboratory - you will have to plan the time in advance (prepare the transport the day before, order a courier from the clinic or call a taxi if necessary).

What not to do before testing

2 days before taking a spermogram, it is required to give up sexual intercourse and masturbation. Such a short period of time is needed for the formation of ejaculate and the maturation of sperm. In addition, a little abstinence eliminates the ingress of traces of vaginal microflora or lubricant from a condom into the material. It is also impossible to abstain from sex for more than 7 days in preparation for the analysis. In this case, naturally dead spermatozoa accumulate - the indicators of agglutination and aggregation in the spermogram will turn out to be incorrect.

Before the analysis, it is necessary to exclude overheating of the scrotum area. Normally, spermatozoa mature at a body temperature of 32–34 °. In preparation for the analysis:

  • It is forbidden to wear tight, poorly breathable and moisture-proof swimming trunks and trousers (they inhibit the maturation of healthy spermatozoa).
  • Avoid visiting the sauna or bath at least 2 days before the spermogram.
  • 2–3 days before the spermogram do not take a hot bath (during preparation it is better to use a shower).
  • Give up for a while from a heated car seat.
  • Do not sunbathe for 2-3 days before the analysis (neither under the sun, nor in a solarium).

In preparation for the analysis, prostate massage should be postponed for 3-4 days, it artificially stimulates the production of ejaculate - the spermogram in this case will turn out to be incorrect.

Do not get tested if there are symptoms of an acute inflammatory or infectious disease - especially one accompanied by fever. At a body temperature above 37 °, a significant part of the spermatozoa dies, it is useless to take a spermogram. We'll have to wait until the course of treatment ends, because of the medication, the result will be incorrect: it is recommended to analyze the ejaculate 7 days after the end of the medication intake (if antibiotics were included in the course, then the spermogram can be taken after 12 days).

Ideally, do not smoke for 2-3 weeks before the spermogram. This will allow to "update" the composition of the ejaculate, to exclude the detection of any pathologies associated with nicotine in the analysis. If there have been cases of poisoning and overdose (alcoholic, chemical, narcotic, medicinal), then the spermogram will have to be postponed for 2-3 months so that the toxins are completely eliminated. It is also pointless to conduct a study of ejaculate in the first month after radiation and chemotherapy.


You can eat almost everything before taking a spermogram, a strict diet is not required, but the following recommendations must be observed:

  • When preparing, do not eat dishes that are prepared by the frying method, with an abundance of seasonings. Do not drink coffee, black tea. These products reduce sperm motility, distort the spermogram results.
  • Exclude the use of alcohol (even beer) for 10-12 days before the test (ethyl alcohol destroys spermatozoa, the spermogram will reveal cryptoospermia or other pathology).
  • It is recommended to eat protein foods (beef, chicken, rabbit) and fermented milk products 2 days before taking the spermogram, which stimulate the production of ejaculate in the amount required for analysis.

A spermogram is a study of the male ejaculate in a special laboratory, which is carried out to find pathological abnormalities. The procedure is mainly intended to detect the causes of male infertility, which is equal in number of cases to female infertility. The quality is significantly influenced by the preparation for the test and the medical institution where the study will be carried out. The best option are laboratories located in family planning centers, as they are the best prepared and have everything you need for a man to take a spermogram. In order to get not the smallest, but a tangible result in therapy, it is necessary to contact such centers. Small and large effect in healing also depends on yourself.

In what cases is examination necessary?

Male ejaculate should be taken in cases such as:

  1. Fertility check and examination of spermatozoa for fertilization ability.
  2. If a man is going to become a sperm donor.
  3. Testing of the spermatogenic functioning of the testicles - whether they are capable of forming active spermatozoa.
  4. If a man fails to conceive a child for six months (identification of male infertility).

The bulk of spermogram studies are assigned in the latter case. Then the analysis is necessary to find out which of the factors interferes with the onset of pregnancy. According to statistics, in 40-50% of cases, male infertility becomes the main reason.

Stages of the procedure

A spermogram is prepared in several stages:

  • Macroscopic.
  • Microscopic.
  • Immunoassay.
  • Biological.
  • Bacteriological.
  • Cytogenetic.

In the first (macroscopic) semen fluid is considered according to its properties - viscosity, volume, liquefaction time, color, acidity. At the second (microscopic) stage, the spermatozoa in 1 ml of ejaculate are counted, as well as the ratio of active and immobile and the presence of leukocytes (inflammation).

What is needed before the research

How can a man prepare for an analysis? For the study to be adequate, preparation for a spermogram must be thorough, all requirements must be met. The indicator of results, the establishment of a diagnosis, as well as the process of further treatment, if necessary, directly depend on this. How to prepare for a spermogram so that the results are high-quality to obtain an adequate assessment of the movement of sperm and their ability to fertilize?

When preparing to donate sperm, you must adhere to a diet.

Preparing for the delivery of a spermogram is, first of all, a diet that must be followed within a week before the tests. What should be done to improve the spermogram? You should not overuse fatty and fried foods, as well as drink a lot of coffee, as all this will reduce the volume of semen. The lack of vitamins during preparation affects the maturation of sperm, so you should eat as much healthy food as possible in order to avoid hypovitaminosis.

Before the spermogram, it is worth doing a couple of days of abstinence. At the same time, prolonged abstinence is not recommended, it should not exceed a week. Frequent intercourse reduces the total volume of semen, and therefore of sperm. Prolonged lack of intimacy also affects negatively, part of the sperm dies. Abstinence before the spermogram, exceeding a month, contributes to the emergence of degenerative forms that are absolutely incapable of conception.

When preparing for the test, it is worth refraining from alcohol, since the germ cells die when drinking alcohol, and also reduce mobility and change shape. The period of abstinence before the procedure is a week. You should not smoke or use drugs. Smoking significantly affects the outcome and renders most sperm inactive.

If in the body of a man there is inflammation in the genitourinary system, then first, treatment is carried out. After the indicators are normalized, you can prepare for delivery, but not earlier than a week after the cure. During this period, the body will recover and get rid of the rest of the drugs that also affect the result.

How to properly prepare if you have a cold? It is worth postponing the study of ejaculate and preparing for it if a man has a cold or acute respiratory infections, in which the body temperature is above normal. With such ailments, intoxication is observed in the body, which can change the results of the spermogram. They can be regarded as pathological. It is best to take a semen analysis 2 weeks after the cure, while the temperature should not exceed the norm.

Before donating sperm for tests, it is strictly forbidden to take alcohol.

Before taking a spermogram, you must not overheat the body, it is better to exclude visits to baths and saunas. Sperm cells mature normally at standard temperatures.

Is it possible to do hard work or exercise before a semen analysis? Physical activity is excluded for at least a day during preparation, since overwork contributes to the production of lactic acid in muscle tissues, which does not affect the research indicators in the best way. It is worth refraining from stressful situations, since the nervous system is under stress, and the hormonal background deteriorates.

The quality of the ejaculate is also affected by prostate massage. When preparing, it is necessary to refuse these courses before the study.

How to prepare for the analysis? A man definitely needs to rest the day before the spermogram and get a good night's sleep. Even minor factors, such as overwork, can significantly affect the delivery process and the result.

Having prepared, the collection of ejaculate must be done during masturbation in a specially designated room in a medical institution. But for comfort, most have to do this at home, receiving semen through interrupted intercourse. For the reliability of the result, experts give such recommendations for collecting ejaculate, such as masturbation, in order to avoid getting female secretions. How long does it take to deliver the ejaculate for examination? The time from collection to examination should be minimal, not exceeding two hours.

The day before taking tests, a man needs to rest and sleep well.

When donating semen, it is required to collect all the sperm that was obtained during ejaculation, since the amount facilitates the study. Ejaculate is best placed in a special sterile container (container), which is sold in any pharmacy. Or you can use a container that is offered at a medical facility. Collection condoms are strictly prohibited because they contain lubricants that can affect the quality of the result. If possible, it is better to exclude interrupted intercourse. If it is impossible to collect in a special room provided by a medical institution, it is allowed to do this at home also by masturbation. The container must be signed (name, exact time and date). Delivery to the laboratory should be carried out as quickly as possible, while the container should be in the optimal temperature regime (27-37 ° C). Now there are medical centers that provide courier delivery services. In this case, 15 minutes before the arrival of the courier, the ejaculate must be collected. It happens that with successful masturbation, the seminal fluid was not received. Then the man needs to urinate and send all the liquid received for analysis to a specialist. Under any circumstances, laboratory tests should begin no later than 120 minutes after masturbation. Otherwise, the executed result will be incorrect. If any deviations are observed, the spermogram is re-assigned, and the procedure is repeated after 7-10 days. If the indicators of the first and repeated analyzes coincide, the man is sent for a consultation with an andrologist to find out the reasons for the deviations.

It should be remembered that compliance with all preparatory measures directly affects research performance.

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