Home Useful properties of fruits What kinds of translations are there? Translator: features of the profession. Classification and types of money transfers

What kinds of translations are there? Translator: features of the profession. Classification and types of money transfers

The basis of what a translator does is immediately clear: translating information from one language to another. Moreover, this information can be different: text, speech, on general topics or highly specialized. Therefore, there are several specializations of the profession of a translator: translator, technical, oral consecutive, oral simultaneous, etc.

Of course, the specifics of work, knowledge and skills, and just the psychological characteristics of such specialists can differ significantly: someone does an excellent job with translating texts, but it is difficult for him to work in real time. For some, on the contrary, it is easier to translate a live conversation, but sitting at a table for a long time with books is uninteresting and uncomfortable.

What are the translators

Indeed, there are a lot of translators' specializations, we will highlight only the main ones.

Oral simultaneous interpreters

Probably, almost everyone saw the TV footage, when someone from the podium makes a speech in one language, and all listeners speaking other languages ​​are sitting with headphones. Here is the most illustrative example of simultaneous translation: the translator hears speech directly and instantly translates it into the required language.

There is nothing supernatural here: science has already proved that under any circumstances, more than 50% of the words used in any language are absolutely standard - so to speak, of the everyday level. In addition, often simultaneous interpreters receive a ready-made text of the lecture in advance, translate it in advance, and during the speech itself, they only have to check the oral speech with the written one.

Oral consecutive interpreters

Quite often, important business negotiations requiring translation are conducted according to the principle of conversation and translation according to sentences or their parts. That is, the specialist receives information, spends a little time on its thorough processing and gives it out in another language in the form that is as close as possible in meaning to the original.

In comparison with simultaneous interpretation, negotiations take a little longer, but information is transmitted much more accurately.

Written technical translators

These translators require in-depth knowledge of the relevant industry and highly specialized terminology. The essence of the work of such specialists is the usual translation of technical texts.

Literary translators

The peculiarity of the work of a literary translator is that he himself must be a bit of an artist, an author, because in some situations he has to “redraw” the original so that it is clear to his reader, and not to a bearer of another culture.

For example, Lermontov's poem "Mountain peaks sleep in the darkness of the night ..." is a translation of a verse by the German poet Goethe! Moreover, a free translation - Lermontov "played" with the text. But there are translations of other powerful poets - for example, Bryusov and Annenkov. They are closer to the original, but people remembered more and liked Lermontov's version, because it turned out closer to us, and not to Goethe!

Or a more modern version - in the 90s, fans of American science fiction got tired of laughing at the phrases of low-grade translators like "he confidently walked the imperial starship, thundering with uniform boots, holding on to the lapel of a tunic hung with all the orders of the Empire." Have you presented a picture? Uniform boots and a Greek tunic with a lapel and decorations? And the translator is not. But if you know that English tunic is not only a tunic, but also a jacket, then the picture becomes absolutely normal. And all that was necessary in the process of work was to imagine a picture and understand that it was ridiculous, and look for an error.

Places of work

Translators are needed almost everywhere: in government agencies, in publishing houses and simply in commercial companies. I would especially like to mention the travel agencies where they work guides or tour guides who are also translators.

Obligations of a translator

The duties of a translator can vary significantly depending on the type of work, but in general they are as follows:

  • oral and / or written translation;
  • consecutive translation during business meetings;
  • translations of texts, letters and documentation;
  • editing translations made by other employees;
  • linguistic support for events, etc.

Requirements for a translator

Most often, the requirements for a translator look quite simple - excellent command of a foreign language and the ability to do oral and (or) written translation.

This may require:

  • the presence of higher education (usually specialized);
  • knowledge of any terminology;
  • ethics of business communication;
  • computer skills.

Sample translator's resume

How to become a translator

Sometimes you can become a translator without special education, just knowing a foreign language perfectly. This will allow you to find a job, if, of course, you are lucky and someone believes in your ability. For easier and more reliable employment, it is better to get a higher education by becoming a philologist or linguist.

Translator's salary

It is difficult to say how much a translator earns, since many of them work from home and on piecework. And the official income of these specialists varies greatly - they can fluctuate from 10 to 100 thousand rubles a month and even higher.

Of course, translators' earnings directly depend on the popularity of the language: English is taught more often than Japanese or Chinese. Therefore, the "British" find work faster, but their salaries are usually low. But the "Japanese" and "Chinese" are much less, and the demand for them is small, but the tariff rates are much higher.

The average salary of a translator is approximately 40 thousand rubles per month (data obtained from open information on vacancies).

Transferring money abroad has long become a common service. People are increasingly making purchases in online stores, conducting business transactions, and helping their relatives and friends financially. When choosing the optimal system for transferring funds to another country, you need to know what are the benefits and differences of one scheme from another.

The main criteria that should be taken into account are the speed of delivery of the transfer and the size of the paid commission.

By their type, money transfers are urgent and ordinary, i.e. the recipient can wait for the amount due to him from several minutes to several days.

Some systems (for example, international transfers) do not have any divisions and work in the only possible mode.

There are the following ways to transfer money abroad:

  • International translation systems.
  • Bank transfer.
  • Postal transfer.
  • Transfer to an electronic wallet.
  • Transfer by card number.

All of them have different terms of the transaction and different commission fees. The methods of notifying the recipient about the funds received by him are also not the same.

The main types of forwarded currencies are rubles, euros and dollars.

International money transfer systems abroad

The most popular and reliable are: WesternUnion, MoneyGram and Contact. Their branches are quite common, since the client network is organized quite well and conveniently.

Basically, international transfer systems are represented in post offices, banks, currency exchange offices.

Registration procedure:

  • The sender indicates the exact name and surname of the recipient, his country and city to which the transfer should be made.
  • After paying the required commission, the sender is given a copy of the already completed form, which contains the transfer number. For example, for Western Union it is Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN), for MoneyGram - Reference Number.
  • The sender informs the recipient of the number and amount of the transfer.

Both the recipient and the sender must have a passport with them. All necessary fees are paid by the one who carries out the withdrawal of money abroad.


  • Delivery speed. Within 15 minutes, the funds will arrive at their destination.
  • There is no need to provide a large number of documents and details.


  • High commission fee. The amount of the transferred amount and the recipient country affect the amount of payment, which can reach from one percent to several tens of percent of the transferred amount. At the same time, it is less profitable to send small amounts. For example, the commission for a transfer of $ 50 will be about $ 13, and if you send $ 1000, you will have to pay an additional $ 50.

Bank transfer

This is ideal if the sender and recipient are customers of the same bank. In this case, you can simply transfer the necessary funds to the desired account.

It is especially convenient if a financial institution provides online banking services, which allows you to manage money yourself from your personal account on the bank's website.

When financial institutions are different, you can find a branch of the recipient's bank in your city and deposit cash into his personal account. Some banks, for example - Sberbank, transfer money abroad without opening an account.

Registration procedure:

  • The sender indicates the exact passport data of the recipient, details and SWIFT code of his bank, account number.
  • Currency, amount and type of transfer are negotiated.
  • The sender provides the details of his account, from which funds will be debited.
  • After the documents are completed, the sender is given appropriate copies.

Since the commission for the service is charged on both sides (for debiting and for crediting funds), it will be necessary to agree in advance who will make the payment: the sender, the recipient, or everyone for himself.

In order to arrange a transfer and pick it up, you will have to present your passports.


  • If there is a technical base, it is possible to transfer funds from account to account using Internet tools without visiting a bank branch.
  • Lower commission compared to international transfer systems. Typically, tariffs are about 0.5% of the amount of transfers. However, banks almost always set a lower collection limit. For example, in Promsvyazbank the minimum deduction amount is $ 10, and the maximum is $ 150.


  • It is necessary to provide a large number of documents.

See also: Which Internet Bank is Better - Internet Banking Rating in Russia for 2014-2015

Postal transfer

Russian Post offers a service called CyberMoney. With its help, the client can transfer funds to the CIS countries, the Far Abroad and the Baltic States. The average translation time is two days.

The size of the commission is from 1.5 to 5% and depends on the country of the recipient and the amount of the shipment.

However, in addition to interest, you will have to pay additional fee in the amount of 40 to 260 rubles.


  • Relatively small commission.


  • Limited list of recipient countries.

Transfer to an electronic wallet

It - the easiest and fastest way to transfer money abroad cheaply if the sender and the recipient use the same payment system.

To carry out a financial transaction, you only need to know the recipient's e-wallet number.


  • The commission for the translation is minimal. For example, WebMoney takes only 0.8% of the transferred amount.
  • You do not need to visit any organizations, the withdrawal of money is made via the Internet.


  • There are problems with cashing money; part of the funds is spent on this operation.

Transfer by card number

In this case the client's bank must be a partnerinternational payment system and have the right to provide a transfer service by card number.

For the transfer procedure, you will need a plastic card number, recipient's full name or CCV code.


  • Funds are transferred instantly.
  • Money can be transferred via Internet banking (transfer from card to card) or using a payment terminal (transfer by card number).


  • Money is transferred only within one system: from Visa to Visa, from MasterCard to MasterCard or to Maestro.

When thinking about how to transfer money abroad, you need to take into account various factors.

  • If the timing of the operation is important- use international transfer systems, e-wallets or transfer by card number.
  • When the size of the commission is more important- use plastic cards or electronic money.

The highest reliability is guaranteed by postal and bank transfers.

In the frantic XXI century, one of the most demanded professions is interpreter... True, knowledge of only a foreign language in this work is not enough.

There are several qualifications translator profession... For example:

Synchronists listen and speak at the same time - at conferences, conventions, film screenings - in special isolated booths. They themselves call themselves "flies on the wall", because the best compliment to the simultaneous interpreter: "But we didn't even notice translation

Synchronist must be able to concentrate and relax quickly, have a good reaction and be versatile. He never expresses emotion - only conveys information. The synchronist must be diplomatic and resourceful in order to tactfully get out of slippery situations.

Consecutive interpreters first listen to the phrase and then translate. They are also called "whisperers". The "whisperer" must have a developed short-term memory in order to memorize exactly 4-5 phrases. Interpreter agrees with the speaker about pauses in advance - interrupting is inconvenient, and waiting for the speaker to stop himself - no memory will be enough! It is believed that men interpret better. However, it is a fact that a person's ear perceives a high-pitched female voice better.

Text translators are classified into technical and artistic... Technical translators often lack the ability to reformulate sentences due to the use of narrowly focused terms and concepts. While a literary translator often becomes a co-author of works, sometimes the translation becomes more famous than the original.

It would seem one profession - interpreter, and so many opportunities for development and self-determination. Yes, at first glance it may seem that listening and speaking at the same time, as they do simultaneous interpreters- it is impossible that memorizing the by no means small sayings of the orator is like death, but after all, thousands of people around the world perform these feats every minute, which means that any of us is capable of it - you just want to!

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