Home Useful properties of fruits Prospects for children with speech impairments. Prospects for the integrated education of children with speech disorders in secondary schools of the Vologda region. Characteristics of children with various developmental disabilities

Prospects for children with speech impairments. Prospects for the integrated education of children with speech disorders in secondary schools of the Vologda region. Characteristics of children with various developmental disabilities

Psychological characteristics of children with speech disorders

Children with speech disorders, pathologies are characterized as children who have speech problems, despite the fact that they do not have hearing problems, and also retained their intellect. There are a lot of types of speech disorders. They manifest themselves in the form of problems in pronunciation, grammatical skeleton of speech, scarcity of vocabulary, as well as problems with a violation of the tempo and fluency of speech. The severity of speech disorders is also different. With some types of such disorders, the child can safely study in a regular school. However, more complex forms require specialized training. But even in ordinary schools, children with speech disorders should be provided with specialized assistance. Speech therapy groups are traditional in many kindergartens and schools. In such rooms, speech therapists and educators with special education work with children. If we talk about kindergartens, here, in addition to correcting speech, they work with children to develop memory, increase attentiveness, general motor skills, as well as fine motor skills, and also teach mathematics. Specialists of speech therapy centers, which are located at secondary schools, work with schoolchildren. Children who have problems with pronunciation, a violation of written speech, which, in turn, with speech underdevelopment, are sent to such points, as T.V. Akhutin.

In many children with speech impairments, mental functions have a peculiar development, which leads to varying degrees of severity of mental retardation and learning difficulties, as indicated by a number of authors (G.V. Volkova, M.B. Eliseeva, N.L. Krylova, L.G. Efremova and others)

Feelings and perception:

Violations of phonemic perception;

Poverty and undifferentiated visual images;

The fragile connection of a word with a visual representation of an object;

Insufficient formation of the integral visual image of the object;

Comparison with the sample is predominantly by means of fitting rather than visual reference;

Violations of optical-spatial gnosis;

Low level of development of letter gnosis (they do not recognize letters superimposed on each other, they hardly distinguish between normal and mirror spelling of letters, they hardly name and compare graphically similar letters);

Spatial disturbances (difficulties in orientation in space, when writing, when drawing, when designing).


Unstable nature of attention;

Lower level of voluntary attention;

Difficulty concentrating in the face of verbal instruction;

Difficulty switching;

Difficulties in the distribution of attention between practical action and speech (children are characterized by speech reactions of a clarifying and ascertaining nature);

Frequent distractions from the task;

Low self-control (children do not notice their mistakes and do not correct them on their own).


Decreased auditory memory and memorization productivity;

Delayed playback is low;

The amount of visual memory in most cases does not differ from the norm;

The semantic, logical memorization is relatively safe.


Lag in the development of visual-figurative thinking (in most cases, associated with the severity of the speech defect);

Difficulties in analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, inference by analogy;

Insufficient formation of internal speech, which manifests itself during the transition of speech formations into mental ones and vice versa;

Insufficient amount of information about the environment, about the properties and functions of objects;

Difficulty establishing causal relationships.


Low level of productive imagination;

Rapid exhaustion of the imagination processes;

The products of activity are characterized by cliches, monotony;

Verbal creativity is reduced (answers are monosyllabic, stories are poor).

Motor skills:

Balance disorders;

Movement coordination disorders;

Nondifferentiation of finger movements;

Nondifferentiation of articulatory movements.

2. Features of the activity. Play activities:

Great variability depending on the form of speech pathology;

Difficulty interacting with peers;

Difficulty playing with the rules;

Games are often imitative;

Verbal communication is difficult;

The game plot, as a rule, is simple, monotonous, does not have a purposeful character.

Visual activity:

Fine motor disorders affecting the ability to draw, sculpt, construct, etc.;

Poverty of subjects, narrowness of subjects. Educational activities:

Low overall organization;


Distraction of attention;

Weakness in switching attention;

Avoiding difficulties;

Low self-control;

Difficulty in analyzing the sample;

Mechanical techniques for performing tasks.

3. Features of the development of the emotional-volitional sphere and personality

Many children with speech disorders tend to:

Dependence on others;


Low efficiency;

Reduced level of claims;

Inadequate self-esteem;

Mood disorders

According to N.V. Drozdov, if we are talking about severe speech disorders, then there is no opportunity to study such children in secondary school. There are special kindergartens and schools for these children. Severe speech disorders are manifested in the form of a pronounced inadequacy of means of communication, provided that the child's hearing and intellect are in order. Children with such disabilities have a very meager vocabulary and practically do not speak.

As a result, they have a very limited vocabulary, and communication with the people around them is limited. Even if we consider that most of these children have the ability to understand the speech that is addressed to them, they themselves cannot communicate with the help of words with the people around them. All this often leads to the fact that the position of such children in the team becomes very difficult, they cannot participate in games with their peers, they cannot take part in social activities. And therefore, the developmental function of communication is extremely minimal in this case. Thus, despite the normal ability of mental development, children with speech disorders very often suffer from secondary mental retardation, which sometimes makes it difficult to understand such children, and as a result, an erroneous opinion is formed about them, in particular about their inferiority in terms of intellectual development. This misjudgment is often supported by a lag in understanding grammar and arithmetic.

As pointed out by O.E. Gribova, with severe speech disorders in children, there is a general underdevelopment of speech. It manifests itself in the form of sound inferiority, as well as lexical and grammatical. As a result of such violations, most of the children with such disorders also suffer from limited thinking, speech generalization, reading and writing. It is clear that all this complicates the assimilation and understanding of scientific foundations, although primarily, their mental development is preserved. A child's realization that he is inferior and powerless when trying to start communication very often provokes such changes in character as isolation, negativism, and often violent emotional breakdowns. Sometimes apathetic states, indifference, lethargy, unstable attention occur.

The level of manifestation of such reactions is in direct proportion to the conditions in which the child is. If attention is not focused on his problems with speech, it is not constantly indicated that his speech is wrong, there are no tactless statements about the child, but on the contrary, everyone is trying to understand him as much as possible and smooth out the difficult situation that he has in society, negative reactions the child has much less. Most often, subject to the correct pedagogical approach, children with speech disorders can master oral and written speech, they can even master the standard amount of knowledge that is given in school. At the same time, as indicated by G.A. Volkov, as speech develops, secondary mental changes disappear.

Thus, in a number of cases, children with various forms of speech disorders have certain psychological (psychological, pedagogical, pathopsychological) features, and the originality of personality formation is noted. This is manifested to varying degrees in the sensory, intellectual, affective-volitional spheres. It is an indisputable fact that speech disorders to a certain extent affect the formation of other aspects of the psyche, and in some cases they are caused by them.

The degree of mastery of speech skills is one of the main signs of the level of general development in a child. Correctly developing children are also distinguished by the ability to master their native language, since this is the most important means of communication.

Violation of the development of speech cannot but affect in the future the general development of the child. Human speech belongs to the highest mental functions - it is provided by the brain. Any disturbances in his activities can lead to problems in mastering speech skills.

Speech disorders in children are a rather serious problem of our time. At the same time, deviations can be both insignificant, which parents often do not attach importance to, and serious (general underdevelopment of speech). The upbringing of children with speech impairments should take place taking into account the recommendations of specialists, which will help in simple cases to completely restore the impaired functions or to adapt the child as much as possible to later life in a situation where the violations are of a serious nature.

It is necessary to educate children of the correct pronunciation. This is due to the fact that even minor violations do not go away on their own and require compulsory speech therapy intervention.

Depending on what caused the speech impairment, classes with a speech therapist can be of different duration. This largely depends on the complexity of the anatomical and physiological mechanisms and on the social environment.

As a rule, in most preschool educational institutions, they are engaged in the education of correct pronunciation in children. However, in order for such a problem not to arise in front of the school, parents should consult with a speech therapist in advance and, if necessary, conduct classes at home.

An analysis of the interaction between the family raising a child with disabilities and society, from ancient times to the present day, allows us to see the problems in this area and build ways to overcome them in the present and future. The problems of the family in which a child with developmental disabilities is brought up are manifested in various areas of her life.

Parents raising children with developmental disabilities may rate their child worse than parents raising children with developmental disabilities.

Disorders in the child's health affect intra-family relationships and form a special intra-family climate. Relationships in these families are manifested in emotional instability, conflict, closeness. Having an unhealthy child has a detrimental effect on the relationship between spouses: partnerships are much worse in comparison with what they were before the child was born. Parents raising children with developmental disabilities are characterized by reduced self-esteem, as well as a worse perception of their partner.

A number of researchers believe that in the presence of a child with problems in the family, there is always a "distorted marriage", such a family is a multi-problem, there is a specific danger in it, which "can weaken its internal cohesion." In such families, there is a change in the structure and relationships between its members.

V.V. Tkacheva points to the need to study families with children with psychophysical developmental disabilities, and to develop a system of measures to provide them with psychological and pedagogical assistance. So, for example, in the works of V.V. Tkacheva, psychological, somatic, social levels of deformation of intrafamily relationships are distinguished and their detailed characteristics are given.

There are specific functions of a family with children with speech impairments:

Rehabilitation and recovery function, which is considered one of the main ones. In this case, the upbringing of children with onr is aimed at the rehabilitation of the child. Parents should be guided by the recommendations of specialists and, depending on the violation, optimize the physical and mental state of the child. It is especially important not to miss the slightest opportunity to restore his somatic state;

Emotional acceptance function. The essence of the family is the acceptance of the child as he is by all members of the family. It is necessary for the child to be fully involved in family life. Raising children with speech impairments is about showing love and respect for each family member, thanks to which the child develops personal maturity, emotional stability and perseverance in solving any life problems;

Correctional educational function. The love of parents forms a motivation for learning in a child with speech disorders. To do this, it is necessary, taking into account the recommendations of specialists, to create the necessary conditions - the so-called correctional educational environment, which contributes to the development of a child's interest in learning about the world around him. It should also be understood that against the background of deviations in speech development, the upbringing of children cannot be limited exclusively to educational institutions, even specialized ones. The active participation of parents in upbringing makes it possible to solve not only the child's problems, but also contributes to the resolution of the internal psychological difficulties of the parents;

Adaptive-adaptive function. The role of parents in raising children with speech impairments is to participate in the process of adapting both the child to the environment and the environment to the child's needs. If family life is filled with love and respect, this will allow the child to learn to show independence in solving many life problems;

Socializing function. Due to the existing developmental disabilities, the process of psychological maturation is usually slower and more difficult. Therefore, the upbringing of children with ONR should be aimed at the socialization of the child. The success of this largely depends on how parents can instill in the child an interest in the surrounding adults and peers and the desire to learn about the world around him;

Professional and labor function. The upbringing of children with speech disorders should be aimed at the formation of work skills. It is necessary to start in early childhood with basic requirements - cleaning toys, things and sanitary and hygienic self-care. It is these skills that gradually instill in the child a love of work and the need to participate in socially useful activities. Of course, the mastery of a particular profession in the future will depend on the severity of the disease, but the task of the parents should not include a limitation, but the maximum support and approval of the whole family.

The main problems of a family with a child with speech impairment

Low level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents, necessary for the correct upbringing of a child with speech disorders;

Personal characteristics of parents, which are expressed in the rejection of the child and his problems;

The inability of parents to overcome the stereotypes of society, which impose a certain model of attitude towards sick children, which leads to the parents' lock on to their own problems;

Difficulties within the family, which are associated with the parents' misunderstanding of the role of father and mother, incompatibility of the moral positions of parents, unorganized life, the state of their own health, material problems and workload.

This leads to the fact that the child is practically not noticed, and he is left alone with his problems and is completely unprepared for adult life.

Thus, raising children with speech impairments requires more love and understanding than in families raising healthy children. Parents should try to consider the child's talents, see his individuality and originality. As a rule, children with speech disabilities quite often have the ability to be creative. This can be drawing, sculpting, dancing, or modeling. It is necessary to help the child to consider his talent and develop it, which will help him to further increase his own self-esteem.


1. Levchenko I.Yu., Tkacheva V.V. Psychological assistance to a family raising a child with developmental disabilities: Moscow: Education, 2008.

2. Mateichik, Z. Parents and children / Z. Mateichik. - M .: Education, 2012 .-- 318 p.

3. Sinyagina N.Yu. Psychological and pedagogical correction of parent-child relations. - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2011 .-- 96 p.

4. Tkacheva V.V. Technologies of psychological study of families raising children with developmental disabilities / V.V. Tkacheva. - Moscow: Psychology, 2015 .-- 320 p.

Special education for persons with speech impairments.

Speech therapy as an integrative branch of scientific knowledge. Causes of speech disorders. The main types of speech disorders. Clinical, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with speech disorders.

Special institutions for children with speech impairments.

Providing special speech therapy assistance in the education system. Standard provision and preschool institutions and groups. Providing special speech therapy assistance in the health care system. Speech therapy rooms at polyclinics and neuropsychiatric dispensaries. Specialized nurseries. Providing special speech therapy assistance in the social protection system (specialized children's homes). Complex medical, psychological and pedagogical influence. The interaction of a number of specialists (speech therapist, doctor, psychologist.)

Special (correctional) educational institution of the 5th type (school or boarding school for children with severe speech pathology. The completion of the school of the 5th type. The presence of a preparatory (diagnostic) class. The term of study is 8 years, 9 years, 9 years with a class of professional training. for children with severe speech disorders (level 1 - from 6 to 9 years old, level 2 - from 9 to 12 years old, level 3 - from 13 to 18 years old).

Education, upbringing, development and correction as a single pedagogical process in a special educational institution.

Pedagogical activity. Pedagogical process, concept, content, structure. The specificity of the pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon in a special school of the 5th type.

The essence of the process of education and upbringing in a correctional school of the 5th type.

Learning objectives. Training functions - educational, developmental, upbringing. Education, the essence of education in school 5 types. Development as a mental process. Correction as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon. Integrity of teaching, upbringing, development and correction as a single pedagogical process, the peculiarities of its course in a special (correctional) school of the 5th type.

Learning as a two-way process. Teaching and its structure. Teaching and its structure. Integrity and interconnection of teaching and learning, development and correction. Means of ensuring the correctional and educational process in the system of special education. Compliance of funds with the principles of special education. Maximum accessibility and feasibility of training, taking into account the cognitive capabilities of mentally retarded children, the activity-based nature of training, a visual and practical basis for mastering the material, the presence of a corrective-compensating orientation of training, etc. associated with the impact on the cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres), psychological (performing catharsistic, regulatory, communicative functions), socio-pedagogical (developing aesthetic needs, expanding the general and artistic horizons, activating the child's potential in practical artistic activity and creativity.)

The optimal choice of means for the implementation of the correctional and educational process, taking into account the content of the material, the presence of the necessary practical experience in children, taking into account the characteristics of children with speech disorders.

Labor training and education in special institutions.

Organization of labor education. Material base of socially useful activities of students. The socially useful orientation of students' activities and their effectiveness. Self-service and household work. Labor is in the order of patronage. Productive labor. Preparing students for future work activities.

Modern priorities in the development of the special education system.

Modern approaches to organizing education for children with learning disabilities. General and special education. Integration and differentiation. The modern concept of integration in special education. A person with disabilities in society is a model in public consciousness. Integrated learning models. Integration and differentiation. Humanization of society and the education system as a condition for the development of special pedagogy.

Working with parents.

The value of working with parents. Content and forms of work. Inclusion of parents in the system of correctional education and upbringing.

Life prospects of children with psychophysical developmental disorders.

1.4 Life prospects of children with developmental disabilities

Prospects for the development, obtaining further education, the ability of social and labor adaptation of graduates of special schools are very different. They depend on many circumstances. These include the nature and severity of the defect, the presence of additional deviations, as well as the personal characteristics and abilities of the adolescent, the organization of his education and upbringing, the action of the closest social environment, mainly the family and relatives. Currently, the unfavorable situation around the child is acquiring significant importance - unemployment, the presence of criminogenic structures, the spread of alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. All this complicates the realization of positive life prospects.

Some of the graduates of schools for children with visual and hearing impairments, general speech underdevelopment or stuttering, mental retardation, and musculoskeletal disorders continue their education. However, it is not easy for them to apply the knowledge gained later, since it is necessary to successfully pass the competition with normally developing peers who have received the same specialties. So often, regardless of the education of graduates, with the help of parents, acquaintances, or schools are arranged for any kind of work. But the fact that they strive to work, and not live on retirement or beg, speaks for itself. As for the mentally retarded, some young people who are more intact in terms of mental, activity and motor skills enter special vocational schools that train workers in simple specialties, or into special groups at vocational schools, or take apprenticeship courses at different enterprises, and then find employment. Most of them work in various, mostly unskilled jobs in enterprises or in agriculture.

Graduates suffering from complex defects, after graduating from school, study in single variants. But there are some examples that deaf-blind persons receive higher education, even defend candidate dissertations and become scientific workers (OI Skorokhodova, A. Suvorov, etc.).

So, most of the graduates of special schools and classes work without continuing their education. These people work in various sectors of the national economy - in factories, factories, workshops, workshops of special companies, private firms, on their own land plots, etc. Some young people with reduced vision sing in choirs, including church ones.

Many improve their skills in the labor process, while reaching significant sensations.

There are sadder prospects for deeply mentally retarded youths and those with complex handicaps. They live and work as they can in institutions organized by the Ministry of Social Protection or are supported by their own relatives.

Summing up the general result of observations and a number of studies, we can conclude that many children with developmental disabilities, growing up, adapt socially. Some of them live in families, showing care and attention to their loved ones. The rest are creating their own families, raising children. Most of them strive to do the work they can, which gives them the opportunity to feel useful and suitable people, to assert themselves socially. Intense correctional and educational work carried out in special schools yields positive results, although, of course, there are also unsuccessful cases.

The value of labor in a corner of nature for the development of the personality of a child with speech disabilities

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Prospects for development, obtaining further education, opportunities for social and labor adaptation of graduates of special schools are very different. They depend on many reasons. These include the nature and severity of the defect, the presence of additional deviations, as well as the individual characteristics and abilities of the adolescent, the organization of his education and upbringing, the impact of the closest social environment, mainly family and relatives. At present, the unfavorable situation that is developing around a teenager is acquiring significant importance - unemployment, the presence of criminogenic structures, the spread of alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. All this complicates the realization of positive life prospects.

Some of the graduates of schools for children with visual and hearing impairments, general speech underdevelopment or stuttering, mental retardation, and musculoskeletal disorders continue their education. However, it is not easy for them to apply the knowledge gained later, because they need to successfully pass the competition with normally developing peers who have received the same specialties. So often, regardless of their education, graduates with the help of parents, acquaintances or schools are arranged for any kind of work. However, the fact that they seek to work rather than retire or beg speaks for itself. As for the mentally retarded, some young people who are most intact in terms of mental, activity and motor skills enter special vocational schools that train workers in simple specialties, or special groups at vocational schools, or take apprenticeship courses at various enterprises, and then find employment. Most work in various, mostly unskilled jobs in enterprises or in agriculture.

Graduates suffering from complex defects, after graduating from school, study in isolated cases. However, there are isolated examples that deaf-blind persons receive higher education, even defend candidate dissertations and become scientific workers (OI Skorokhodova, A. Suvorov, etc.).

So, most of the graduates of special schools and classes work without continuing education. These people work in various sectors of the national economy - in factories, factories, workshops, workshops of special enterprises, private companies, on their own land plots, etc. Some young people with impaired vision sing in choirs, including church ones.

Many improve their qualifications in the process of work, while achieving significant success.

There are sadder prospects for deeply mentally retarded youths and those with complex handicaps. They live and work as they can in institutions organized by the Ministry of Social Protection or are supported by their relatives.

Summing up the general results of observations and a number of studies, we can conclude that many children with developmental disabilities, growing up, adapt socially. Some of them live in families, showing care and attention to their loved ones. Others - create their own families, raise children. The majority strives to do the work they can, which makes them feel useful and needed people, and socially assert themselves. Intense correctional and educational work carried out in special schools yields positive results, although, of course, there are unsuccessful cases.

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