Home Useful properties of fruits For tactical training. Topics for tactical training. Conducting a tactical lesson

For tactical training. Topics for tactical training. Conducting a tactical lesson

The only means of achieving victory in an armed confrontation with the enemy is battle. Modern combined arms combat requires a soldier to skillfully use weapons and equipment, means of protection and camouflage, techniques and methods of action on the battlefield, full direction of all moral and physical forces, an unyielding will to victory, iron discipline and military solidarity.

In modern combined arms combat and operations, the enemy will widely use airborne assault forces and reconnaissance and sabotage subunits, which can act on special forces units in the areas where they are located, on the march, as well as during combat by special forces reconnaissance bodies in the enemy's rear.

The experience of the combat use of special-purpose units in local armed conflicts indicates the need for the knowledge and skills of intelligence officers to conduct a combined-arms battle. Recalling various combat missions in local armed conflicts, special forces units usually operate with the use of armored vehicles, artillery and aviation, which significantly expands the range of special tasks performed by special forces scouts.

Tactics -theory and practice of preparation, organization and conduct of combat, i.e. the use of forms, methods and techniques of fighting the enemy in a specific situation, ensuring the effective use of weapons and military equipment by subunits and units.

Tactical trainingtraining of personnel of subunits and units in the preparation and conduct of combat. It includes the study of the theory of combat, organization, weapons and combat capabilities of their units and units of foreign armies, techniques and methods of action in battle, training personnel in the skillful use of weapons and military equipment in difficult conditions on a variety of terrain day and night; upbringing of high moral and combat qualities in personnel, coordination of interaction between subunits and units, as well as combat arms for skillful and coordinated actions in battle. Tactical training is the basis for the field training of personnel, subunits and units. This is due to the fact that only in tactical exercises and exercises is it possible to maximally approximate training to a real combat situation. The study of all other types of combat training is subordinated to tactical training. It combines all skills and abilities in fire, engineering, technical, physical, drill, military topography and protection against weapons of mass destruction.

LESSON 1: “Organization of MCO on BMP and armored personnel carriers.

Organization of PDO and DSHO "
BMP (infantry fighting vehicle) -a combat tracked vehicle with an average degree of reservation and cannon-machine gun armament, intended for fire support of the squad and independent fight against tanks and other armored targets.

BTR (armored personnel carrier) - combat wheeled, in some cases - tracked combat vehicle with bulletproof booking and machine gun, less often - cannon - machine gun, designed to deliver personnel to the battlefield and their fire support in battle.

LESSON 2: "Basics of tactics. The battle. Types of combat. "
The battle - the main form of tactical actions of troops, aviation and navy, an organized armed clash of formations, units and subunits of the belligerent parties, which is coordinated by purpose, place and time of strikes, fire and maneuver in order to destroy (defeat) the enemy and perform other tactical tasks in a certain area in a short time.


Defense- the type of battle used in conditions when the offensive is impossible or impractical. It has the purpose of repelling the offensive of superior enemy forces, inflicting maximum losses on him, holding important areas (objects) of the terrain and thereby creating favorable conditions for going over to the offensive. The defense can be prepared in advance or organized during the battle.

Meeting engagement- a kind of offensive combat. Occurs when both sides seek to accomplish the assigned tasks by offensive.

Combined arms battle It is conducted by the combined efforts of all the troops participating in it with the use of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, artillery, military air defense systems, aircraft, helicopters, other military equipment and fire weapons. It is characterized by decisiveness, high maneuverability, rapid and abrupt changes in the situation, a variety of methods used to conduct it.

Combined arms combat can be waged with the use of nuclear weapons and other means of mass destruction, or, which is more likely in modern conditions, with the use of only conventional weapons.

LESSON 3: "Elements of combat."

The elements of combined arms combat are : fire, movement, strike and maneuver.

Fire is the main means for destroying the enemy in battle. Fire precedes and accompanies the movement of subunits, ensuring the rapid advance of the combat formations of its troops in the offensive and stubborn retention of the positions occupied in defense. At the same time, fire weapons are located in such places of the battle formation, from where they can most successfully hit the enemy.

Subunits with attached and supporting fire weapons are capable of creating high-density fire and successfully destroying manpower, fire weapons, enemy armored vehicles, and fighting low-flying aircraft and paratroopers in the air.

The subunit firepower, together with the attached firepower, is used in battle in accordance with the prevailing situation.

Fire in the direction it happens frontal, flanking, cross and dagger.

Frontal- directed at an angle close to perpendicular (or perpendicular) with respect to the front of the target.

Flank- leading to the flank of the target. It is more effective fire on wide targets (infantry lines, for example) than frontal.

Cross - leading one target from at least two directions.

Frontal fire Flanking fire Crossfire
Dagger - fire of all fire weapons of a subunit, suddenly opened from close distances in one specific direction. In the direction of the dagger fire can be frontal or flanking.

Modern combat is, first of all, fire engagement, therefore, on the battlefield, as a rule, there can be no movement or maneuver without powerful fire impact on the enemy. Combat operations of subunits must be accompanied by a fire maneuver organized in accordance with the situation and the combat mission.

Power of fire lies in accuracy, surprise of use, in timely and quick maneuvering of fire and skillful control of it.

Fire maneuver consists in distribution, transfer and sequential concentration fire the main part of fire weapons against the most important targets for their destruction or suppression.

fire maneuver
trajectories by the protrusion of the OS

(without changing firing positions) (changing firing positions)
Fire maneuver ensures the creation of fire superiority over the enemy in the most important sectors and the possibility of defeating the enemy in parts.
Concentration It is used when it is necessary to fire all or most of the subunit's fire weapons at one target or a group of targets located in a limited area.


Transfer it is used when it is necessary to change the direction of fire and the need to change the firing range.


Traffic it is the organized and firmly controlled by commanders of all levels, the movement of battle formations, manpower, fire weapons and military equipment.

The purpose of the movement of battle formations is to destroy the enemy and (or) capture the terrain in his position. This goal is achieved through the interaction of fire and movement.

Marching order- the formation of subunits, units and formations, with their means of reinforcement for the march. The marching order should provide: high speed of movement, rapid deployment of troops in pre-battle and battle formations, reliability and stability of command and control.

Pre-battle order- the formation of subunits, units and formations dismembered along the front and in depth, used when approaching the battlefield and in the offensive in the depths of enemy defense in order to ensure the least vulnerability of troops from weapons of mass destruction, artillery fire and air strikes, rapid maneuver and deployment in battle formation, overcoming at a high rate of zones of infection, destruction, blockages and fires.

Order of battle- the formation (location) of formations of units and subunits with their means of reinforcement for the conduct of battle. In all types of troops, specific battle formations are used for each type of battle. The battle formation must correspond to the plan of the upcoming battle, ensure the fulfillment of the assigned task, the concentration of efforts on the chosen direction and the increase of efforts during the battle, continuous interaction and command and control of the troops. The battle formation of a platoon is a chain. The squad operates in the platoon chain.

Hit - the decisive way to destroy the enemy. The blow is delivered by nuclear weapons, aviation, missile, rocket and flamethrower weapons, artillery fire, fire and movement of the combat formations of subunits.

Maneuver - organized and rapid movement of subunits in order to take a more advantageous position on the ground in relation to the enemy's location for the successful fulfillment of the assigned task.

Maneuver under divisions performed quickly, stealthily and suddenly for the enemy... When making a maneuver, subunits must observe careful camouflage, use hidden areas of the terrain, and in defense - trenches and communication trenches.

Different types of maneuvers are used depending on the situation. The main ones are coverage and detour, used when the enemy has open flanks, when they are formed during the offensive, when wedging into gaps and gaps in the enemy's battle formations.

Coverage It is used with the aim of inflicting defeat on the enemy flank and rear. The subunits performing the outreach operate in close fire interaction with the subunits operating from the front. Subunits covering and operating from the front must be able to provide each other with direct assistance with the fire of their weapons.

Bypassis deeper than coverage, a maneuver to the flank and rear of the enemy . In contrast to outreach, a detour is made without close fire interaction between the outflanking and operating from the front subunits, but with the obligatory tactical interaction between them.

Bypassing subunits quickly move out to the flank or rear of the enemy and, on a given signal, rapidly attack him simultaneously with subunits operating from the front. When performing a detour, part of the forces is allocated to support the flanks.


Bypass and coverage are the most effective forms of maneuver to destroy the enemy. During a battle, both types of maneuvers can be used simultaneously. Circumstances and envelopes against both flanks of the enemy are especially effective. Complete encirclement of the enemy is most easily achieved by such actions.

In addition to circumvention and coverage, retreat from the enemy.

Retreat it is used only in cases where it is only through a temporary loss of part of the territory that it is possible to drastically change the unfavorable situation and put our troops in a more advantageous position.

Waste can be applied:

To take up defense in a more advantageous position in order to repel the advancing superior enemy forces and create conditions for the subsequent transition of their troops to the offensive;

In order to reduce the front of defense and thereby allocate forces and means for active operations in another, more profitable direction

Withdrawal can be made only by order of the superior commander.


LESSON 1: "Offensive in simple conditions."
Offensive - the main type of battle, conducted in order to defeat the enemy and capture important areas (lines, objects) of the terrain. It consists in the defeat of the enemy with all available means, a decisive attack, the rapid advance of troops into the depths of its location, the destruction and capture of manpower, the seizure of weapons, military equipment and designated areas (boundaries) of the terrain.

Attack - the swift and non-stop movement of tank, motorized rifle and airborne subunits in battle formation, combined with intense fire.

During the attack, the soldiers from the squad relentlessly follow the tank and with their fire destroys the enemy's firepower, primarily anti-tank weapons.

Attack on BMP (armored personnel carrier, tank)

Depending on the mission to be performed and the conditions of the situation, the offensive can be carried out in an infantry fighting vehicle (armored personnel carrier, tank), inside (except for the tank), or by landing from above.

The submachine gunner and machine gunner should know that when firing through the loopholes, the direction of fire should be 45-60 °; and the shooting should only be carried out in short bursts.

Rice. 1 Actions of personnel in armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles during an attack in combat vehicles.

Attack on foot

When attacking on foot at the command of the squad leader "Detachment, prepare to dismount" the soldier puts the weapon on the safety lock, takes it out of the loophole (during the action of the landing party inside the car) and prepares to dismount. With the exit of the car to the line of dismounting on command "To the car" the soldier jumps out of the combat vehicle and at the command of the squad leader "Branch, in the direction(such and such), guiding(such and such), - to battle, forward " or "Squad, follow me - to battle" takes its place in the chain with an interval between soldiers of 6-8 m (8-12 steps) and, firing on the move, running or at an accelerated pace as part of the squad continues to move to the front edge of the enemy.

Fig. 2 Deployment of a squad from a pre-battle formation to a battle formation.

The attack should be swift, the slow moving soldier is a convenient target for the enemy.

In cases where the squad makes a maneuver due to a change in the direction of movement or a soldier encounters an obstacle, it is strictly forbidden to change his place in the squad's battle formation. During the offensive, follow the neighbors to the right and left, follow (signals) given by the commanders and strictly follow them, if necessary, duplicate commands to neighboring soldiers.

Fig. 3 Overcoming the minefield along the passage following the tank.

Fig. 4 Overcoming the minefield according to what was done in advance

passage in case of impossibility of using armored vehicles.

Approaching the enemy trench at 30-35 m, a soldier at the command of the commander "Grenade - fire" or independently throws a grenade into a trench and crouches down with a swift jerk with a shout "Hooray!" decisively rushes into the front edge of the defense, destroys the enemy with point-blank fire and continues the attack in the indicated direction without interruption.

Fig.5 Attack of the front edge of the enemy's defense. Fire with grenades.
If a soldier is forced to fight in a trench or a communication passage, then he advances as quickly as possible. Before entering a break in a trench or a communication passage, a soldier throws a grenade and fires 1-2 bursts of personal weapons ("combing with fire"). It is advisable to inspect the trench together, with one of the soldiers advancing along the trench, and the second crouching slightly behind, warning the soldiers in the trench about bends and other dangerous places (dugouts, blocked cracks, rifle cells). Wire fences in the form of "hedgehogs", "slingshots", etc., placed by the enemy in the trench, are thrown upward with a bayonet-knife attached to the machine gun, and in case of mining they are bypassed over the trench. Discovered mine-explosive obstacles are indicated by clearly visible signs (scraps of red or white matter) or are destroyed by detonation. Moving along the trench, you should make as little noise as possible, using bayonet-knife pricks, blows with a butt, a magazine or an infantry shovel to destroy the enemy.

Fig. 6 Fight in the trench.

Fig. 7 Moving along the trench.
BMP (armored personnel carriers), when dismounting personnel, move in leaps, behind the advancing soldiers, from cover to cover, at a distance of up to 200 m, providing reliable fire cover, and in the case of weak enemy anti-tank defense, and in the combat formations of dismounted units.

Fire is directed over the chain of the compartment and in the gaps between the compartments. In some cases, armored vehicles are reduced to armored groups, and are also used to provide fire support to attackers, firing from permanent or temporary firing positions.

A sniper, acting in an attacking chain, or behind the attacking ones, carefully observes the battlefield and first of all strikes the most dangerous targets (ATGM crews, grenade launchers, machine gunners, as well as the enemy's command staff). Sniper fire is also effective against the aiming and observation devices of enemy combat vehicles.

An offensive in depth, as a rule, is carried out by an amphibious assault on armored vehicles, barriers and obstacles are usually bypassed, the enemy in the detected strong points and centers of resistance is destroyed by a swift attack to the flank and rear.
Sometimes, during the offensive, when advancing to the line of attack, soldiers can move behind an infantry fighting vehicle (armored personnel carrier) under the cover of armor.

Fig. 8 An offensive under the cover of an armored vehicle body.

Under form of education the organizational part of the learning process is understood, reflecting the set of conditions in which learning is carried out.

Forms of training organization:

Lecture- a detailed message of new theoretical knowledge, allowing to reveal the most important concepts, patterns and ideas.

Seminar- a form of active learning, expanding and deepening the theoretical knowledge of trainees, as well as instilling in them the skills of tactical thinking.

Self-preparation- self-consolidation of previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Group lesson- is carried out as part of a platoon to study military-special and military-technical disciplines.

Group exercise- consolidation of theoretical knowledge, instilling practical skills in preparation for combat operations and control during the battle.

Practical lesson- Compliance with standards, development of combat documentation, graphic documents.

Tactical and drill lesson- a form of training for individual servicemen in order to acquire training and combat coordination.

Tactical exercise- are carried out for the appearance of combat coordination of platoons, calculations, improvement of the skills of commanders in organizing combat and controlling subunits in the course of performing combat missions.

Combat shooting- training of units in conditions as close as possible to combat.

Tactical exercises- the highest and most effective form of training for acquiring the combat training of a subunit and its combat coordination.

Teaching method- a set of techniques and methods by which the transfer and development of knowledge is carried out, the formation of moral, psychological and physiological qualities, ensuring the combat coherence of the unit.

Methods of conducting classes:

Lecture- presentation of a number of related issues on a specific topic with demonstration of visual aids.

Story- a consistent descriptive presentation of educational material, reporting facts, events, and analysis.

Conversation- discussion of the issues set out by the head, followed by summing up.

Show (demonstration)- serves to form the correct idea of ​​the implementation of any technique or action.


The exercise- multiple repetition of techniques and actions with the subsequent complication of conditions in order to develop skills.

Practical work- fulfillment by trainees of their duties in a real tactical situation.

The sequence and content of the work of the platoon commander in the preparation and conduct of classes

1) training of the leader;

2) preparation of educational material;

3) training of trainees.

Documentation: Timetable of classes; combat training program; educational timetable.

34. The order of preparation of the platoon commander for the lesson.

47. Radiation reconnaissance devices

1. Indicator - signaling device (DP-64)

2. Onboard X-ray meter (DP-3B)

3. X-ray meter-radiometer (DP-5A (B, C, D))

4. Set of 50 individual dosimeters ID-1 (DP-22 V)

Three types of dosimetry devices:

X-ray meters (to determine the level of radiation)

Radiometers (to determine the degree of contamination)

Dosimeters (for measuring radiation dose)


Installed in combat vehicles and is designed to measure the level of dose rate of gamma radiation during radiation reconnaissance.

The measurement range of 0.1 - 500 r / h is divided into four subranges (0.1 - 1; 1 - 10; 10 - 100; 100 - 500 r / h).

Power supply of the device from the on-board DC network. current with a voltage of 26 V.

Device weight - 4.4 kg

Main parts (set)

Remote block;

Measuring panel;

Cable for connecting the device to the on-board network;

Cable for connecting the external unit with the measuring panel.

Preparing the device for operation

1.power connection

2. power check

3.workability check

Before connecting the device to the on-board network, remove the rear cover of the lower compartment of the control panel and install the switching block in accordance with the supply voltage. Connect the external unit to the measuring panel.

The operability is checked in the "on" switch position by pressing the "test" button. In this case, the arrow of the microammeter should nah. In the range of 0.4 - 0.8 r / h, and the indicator lamp should give frequent flashes or burn continuously.

Taking measurements

When carrying out measurements of radiation levels, the readings on the first, second, third subranges are made on the upper scale of the microammeter (readings are multiplied by 1, 10, 100, respectively).

When placing the external unit inside the object, the readings of the device are multiplied by the attenuation coefficient, for example, for a car - 2.


Designed to measure the dose rate of gamma radiation and radioactive contamination of various objects. The measurement range from 50 mcr / h to 200 r / h is divided into 6 subranges (the first is from 5 to 200 r / h).

Due to the tightness of the device, it is allowed to be immersed in water to a depth of no more than 50 cm. The device has an auditory indication on all sub-ranges except the first. The device is powered from three finger-type batteries or from a power supply unit (there is an adapter block).

The mass of the device is no more than 2.8 kg.

Main elements


Extension rod.

Preparing the device for operation.

1. external inspection of the device;

2. set zero on the scale with a mechanical corrector;

3. install power supply;

4. switch the type of work switch to the MODE position and turn the potentiometer knob to set the ammeter arrow within the shaded sector (turn on the scale illumination);

5. By shifting the switch of the type of work sequentially to the positions of multipliers of 1000, 100, 10, 1, 0.1, check the operability of the device (except for the first sub-band) using an artificial radioactive source fixed on the case cover (the probe screen is in the position "B "). The operability of the device is determined by clicks in the headphone and the deviation of the ammeter arrow, while the arrow should "go off scale" in the positions of the multipliers 0.1 and 1, and in the position of the multiplier 10 - deviate by the value specified in the form of the device.

Taking measurements

The dose rate of penetrating radiation is measured in the position of the probe screen "G". To reduce the measurement error, the probe of the device is placed on an outstretched arm and placed at a height of 0.7 - 1 m from the earth's surface.

Measurement of the radioactive contamination of the investigated surfaces is carried out by gamma radiation, i.e. in the position of the probe screen "G". In this case, the probe is placed at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the surface, then the screen is moved to position "B" and a second reading is taken. An increase in readings indicates the presence of radioactive substances on the investigated surface.


Designed to measure doses of gamma radiation. Contains 50 dosimeters ID-1 and charger ZD-5.

The ID-1 dosimeter measures radiation doses in the range from 2 to 50 roentgens at a dose rate of up to 200 r / h.

Power is supplied from two elements 1.6PMTs-U-8, which ensure the operation of the device for at least 30 hours.

The mass of one dosimeter is 35 g, the mass of the set is no more than 5 kg.


1 TACTICAL PREPARATION SUPPORTING DEFINITION THEME OF A SOLDIER'S ACTION IN BATTLE Questions: 1. Basics of control in battle 2. Control signals used during preparation and during a battle, the order of their presentation in various ways 3. Alert signals used during preparation and during a battle, order their filing in various ways; compliance with the standards for RHBZ 1 and 4

2 2 Methodical instructions for organizing and conducting tactical training classes 1. General requirements In tactical training at the stage of coordinating units, the main form of training is tactical and combat training. Tactical and drill exercises are the first and necessary stage of combat coordination of subunits. Their essence lies in the fact that with subunits, the technique of performing techniques and methods of action in various types of combat is being worked out, first by elements at a slow pace, and then as a whole within the time established by the standards. Insufficiently mastered elements of reception and reception as a whole should be repeated until the trainees learn to perform them correctly, consistently and at the time specified by the standard. The tactical situation for conducting a tactical-drill lesson can be created to work out each educational question (standard) separately and not be bound by a single idea. It should not be difficult, but provide high-quality training for subordinates. During these sessions, officers and sergeants improve their skills in managing subordinate units by issuing short orders, commands and signals, and also determine, without additional control sessions, the level and quality of training of units. Tactical drill exercises can be carried out "on foot in a machine-like manner" or in arms and equipment. The deficiencies identified during the training of squads (crews) are eliminated at the initial stage of platoon training, and those identified during the training of platoons are eliminated at the initial stage of training companies and battalions, respectively. Direct commanders organize and conduct tactical and drill exercises with subunits. It is possible to conduct tactical-drill exercises on a training tactical field or on unequipped terrain. The most effective and instructive are those lessons that are conducted on the training tactical field, where, along with targets, engineering structures, obstacles and areas of destruction, sound effects of combat can also be used. When conducting exercises on unequipped terrain, targets from a company tactical kit or a group of servicemen (2-4 people) with targets and imitation tools are used to indicate the enemy, which, after working out each educational question or its element, by order of the leader of the lesson, are moved to a new area to create tactical setting for the next training question. In addition, tactical and drill exercises can be carried out with the use of laser simulators of shooting and destruction (LISP). The duration of tactical and drill training is set by the leader based on the goals set, and can be 2-4 hours. The main method of teaching in tactical-combat lessons is exercise (training) in the implementation of techniques and methods of action on the battlefield (during the development of tactical standards). Explanation and display may also apply. 2. Preparation for tactical-drill lessons Preparation of lessons. The instructiveness and effectiveness of classes largely depends on the quality of their preparation. It is a set of activities carried out by the unit commander on the eve of classes and includes: personal preparation of the leader for the class; definition (clarification) of the initial data; the choice of the area (site of the area) for the lesson;

3 3 development of a lesson plan; preparation of trainees, the area of ​​the lesson and the means of material and technical support for the lesson. In each specific case, the volume and content of the activities carried out will be determined by the experience of the leader and his methodological skill. The preparation of the leader for conducting classes is carried out at ostentatious, instructor-methodical classes, training camps and briefings. The main preparation method is independent work. It is necessary to start independent work by studying the guidance documents. Familiarization with these documents will help the leader of the lesson to determine the chapters and articles of the combat manual, manuals and manuals that need to be further studied or repeated. Preparing for the lesson, the subunit commander assesses the level of training of the personnel and the subunit as a whole and, taking this into account, determines the training goals. The initial data for tactical and drill training are: topic and content of educational questions; educational goals; location and composition of trainees; time (day, night) and duration; the number of weapons, military equipment and simulation equipment. The leader of the lesson takes all these data from the Plan and Program of Combat Training, the schedule of lessons and the instructions of the immediate commander. In addition, these data can be refined during demonstration, instructor-methodological exercises, briefings and when the subunit commander summarizes the results of combat training for the past week and setting tasks for the next. It is advisable to start work on the initial data with an understanding of the topic of the lesson. This is due to the fact that each topic of tactical training, as a rule, includes several tactical training sessions. Therefore, an understanding of the general topic is necessary for the leader in order to understand against the background of what tactical situation the lesson will take place. In the Combat Training Program, and, consequently, in the schedule of classes, the content of each tactical-drill lesson is revealed in the form of educational questions. This makes it easier for the class leader. Depending on the level of training of the trainees and the allocated funds for material and technical support, he can clarify the duration of working out educational questions and, on this basis, correctly determine how and where to start the lesson, where and how to end it, and also based on the topic of the lesson, correctly determine the educational goals. ... Having understood the topic and content of the lesson, the leader determines its goals. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully analyze the level of training of personnel and subunits as a whole. This will allow the commander to correctly determine the training goals of the lesson, will have a direct impact on the content of the plan and on the distribution of time on a particular training issue. In addition, it will be important to correctly formulate educational goals, which should answer the question of why this lesson is being conducted and what results should be achieved during its implementation. Moreover, the goals of the lesson should be specific and aimed at improving the quality of training of the unit on this topic. The achievement of the set goals of the lesson is facilitated by the correct determination of its duration and the calculated time for working out educational questions. Every minute of training time must be strictly calculated and used for training personnel. When solving this problem, it is necessary to proceed from the degree of importance of each educational question and the level of methodological skill of the leader. In addition, one must take into account the fact that it is necessary to allocate most of the study time to work out the most important and complex issues.

4 4 The total duration of the lesson should ensure not only the working out of all educational questions, but also include the movement of the unit to the place of the lesson and return to the location. When moving to the place of training and back against the background of the tactical situation, individual questions on topography (for example, movement in azimuth) can be worked out, tactical techniques and standards worked out earlier can be repeated, associated physical training can be carried out, etc. It should always be remembered that the time allotted for classes is designed mainly for learning how to perform new techniques and methods of action. Skillful choice of the area of ​​the lesson, taking into account its size and the nature of the terrain is of great importance for the instructive development of educational questions. He, as a rule, is selected on the training tactical field or near the point of permanent deployment in order to spend less time moving to the area of ​​training and back. Moreover, it is necessary to be guided by the following provision: tactical exercises should be conducted on a tactical training field, and tactical and combatant, in addition, on any other part of the terrain. The size and nature of the unequipped area should ensure a high-quality working out of the planned educational questions and the greatest instructiveness of the lesson. So, for example, in order to work out the issues of an offensive battle, the area of ​​occupation should provide the possibility of covertly advancing a subunit to the line of transition to the attack, deploying it in a pre-battle and battle formation, the swiftness of the attack, mastering the target of the attack (performing a combat mission), maneuvering in the depths of the enemy's defense, and etc. On the side of the "enemy", the terrain must be equipped in engineering terms, taking into account the tactics of his actions, have the required number of targets and dummies of weapons and military equipment. When conducting classes on defensive topics, the terrain should contribute to the correct choice of positions and strong points, the covert location of units and the conduct of camouflage measures, protection from modern weapons, the organization of a fire system and good observation of the actions of its units and the enemy. To practice reconnaissance, actions on the march and in marching security, the terrain is chosen so that there are local objects and various obstacles on the route of movement and away from it, which make it necessary to inspect and overcome them (forest, open areas, ravines, heights, groves, settlements, destroyed and waterlogged road sections, water barriers, bridges, etc. ). The area of ​​the lesson should include: the place where the lesson is supposed to start, the strip of terrain on which the actions of the parties will take place when working out the questions of the topic, the place (area) of the end of the lesson. Reconnaissance of the area of ​​the occupation, regardless of where it is held (on the training tactical field or on an unfamiliar area of ​​the terrain), must be carried out without fail. It should not be neglected, relying on knowledge of the terrain, even if the lesson will be held on a training tactical field (some of its objects may be out of order). The same terrain can be assessed in different ways when practicing march and oncoming combat issues on it, defense, reconnaissance and offensive. Conducting a reconnaissance of the area of ​​the class, the leader must specify: the place from which it is necessary to start the class; what tactical situation to create and what questions to work out when advancing to the area of ​​occupation, in what area, what issue is advisable to work out and what tactical situation to create; the procedure for using the equipment of the training tactical field, what work needs to be done to prepare the terrain (training tactical field) and what is required for this; the procedure for indicating enemy actions; safety requirements during the lesson.

5 5 On the basis of clarification (clarification) of the initial data and the conducted reconnaissance, the leader begins to develop a plan for conducting tactical-drill training. The plan is a working document and can be drawn up in a workbook or on separate sheets. The plan should reflect the following issues: theme; educational goals; time; place of the lesson; material support; manuals and manuals; the course of the lesson. The plan consists of textual and graphic parts. In the textual part of the tactical-combat lesson, training questions and the time for their development, the actions of the leader, the actions of the trainees are set out. Educational questions are presented in the order of their development, indicating the time allotted for their study. In the column "head" it is stated: the order of work of the head when working out educational questions; on what elements and what techniques or actions will be worked out separately, and then together, indicating the time for working out one or another element, including standards; analysis of the lesson. It must be remembered that the place where one element (study question) ends is the starting point for the next one. In the graphical part of the tactical and combat training with colored pencils, for each question, the initial tactical situation and the possible (most acceptable) nature of the trainees' actions during its development are displayed, as well as the position of the trainee unit and the enemy at the beginning of its development, etc. In addition, the plan outlines questions that will be worked out when the unit moves to its starting position for occupation and when returning to the point of deployment or when moving to a new place of occupation. The plan for conducting tactical-drill exercises is approved by: battalion commander - in three to four days; company (platoon) commander - in two or three days. At the same time, the approval of the plan should become an additional form of training for the leader of the lesson, since the senior commander, studying the presented plan and talking with the leader, determines the degree of his preparedness and, if necessary, gives him methodological advice and recommendations on the conduct and material and technical support of the lesson. After the plan is approved, the head of the lesson gives the subordinate commanders instructions on the preparation of weapons and military equipment, material and technical support, communications, etc., organizes the training of personnel for the upcoming occupation. The training of subunit personnel for tactical and combat training is carried out under the guidance of squad (tank) and platoon commanders during the hours of self-training, which are planned in the company's training schedule. This training usually includes: the study or repetition of individual articles of the Combat Manual, instructions, control signals, duties of officials in various types of combat, conditions and time indicators of standards for tactical training and other subjects of instruction to be worked out and trained in their implementation; preparation of weapons, military equipment and protective equipment.

6 6 3. Conducting tactical and combat exercises Before entering a lesson, the subunit commander builds it, checks the presence and equipment of personnel, weapons, material and technical support, as well as the knowledge of the trainees of safety requirements. In addition, he is obliged to establish the necessary safety requirements during the lesson. The tactical-drill lesson can begin directly at the location of the unit or in the starting area. In the first case, advancement to the initial area and return to the location of the unit is carried out against the background of the tactical situation and is used to consolidate previously studied or to practice individual tactics and methods of action on the topic of this lesson. Upon arrival in the area of ​​the lesson, the leader builds the unit in two ranks, announces the topic, the educational goals of the lesson, the procedure for conducting it and the first educational question. It is not excluded that the knowledge of the personnel of the theoretical provisions on the topic of the lesson is tested. Then the leader recalls the techniques and actions to be worked out, introduces the trainees into a tactical situation, indicates to the subordinate commanders the places for training, orders the subunits to be taken to the indicated places. With the occupation of training places, the divisions, on the command of the head, begin to work out the first educational question and its first element. The squad (tank) commander, having arrived with personnel at the place indicated by the platoon commander, announces to the trainees the procedure for working out the question by elements, personally (or involving the most trained soldiers) the implementation of the element with brief explanations and proceeds to work it out. The place of the commander should be chosen in such a way as to ensure observation of the actions of the trainees during the practice of each technique. Practice of each element begins in slow motion, with the main attention being paid to the correctness of its implementation. Subsequently, the rate gradually increases until the time established by the relevant standard. The mistakes made by the trainees must be corrected in a timely manner and skillfully. Having discovered common mistakes in the actions of personnel, the squad (tank) commander stops the actions of the trainees, calls them to him, points out the mistakes made, explains, and, if necessary, shows how to perform certain actions, and continues training until then. until the errors are resolved. If individual trainees make mistakes, then all should not be stopped. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the identified shortcomings only to those trainees who made mistakes, and to achieve their elimination in the process of working out subsequent actions. Training can be carried out using various methodological techniques: teach each soldier; stream; teach one, but train all. After completing the training of soldiers in one element, the squad (tank) commander works out the subsequent elements in the same sequence. After working out the training question on the elements, the squad leader begins to train the trainees in actions on the entire training question as a whole. To do this, he changes the direction of the trainees' actions, seeking from the soldiers the correct and accurate implementation of techniques at the time specified by the standard. After working out the training question, the commander builds up subordinates, conducts a private analysis, then announces to the trainees the next training question and the procedure for working out it by elements, brings the tactical situation and proceeds to working out the first element in the same sequence as when working out the previous training question. Having thus finished working out all the educational questions, the squad (tank) commander conducts an analysis. Debriefing is similar to debriefing the platoon commander.

7 7 (see below). At the set time or at the command of the platoon commander, the squad (crew) arrives at the indicated place. The squad (tank) commander reports to the platoon commander about the end of the lesson, the degree to which each soldier has mastered training questions, about the shortcomings that have taken place, the withdrawal of unspent imitation means and then acts on the instructions of the platoon commander. The platoon commander, in the course of a tactical drill conducted by the squad (tank) commanders, takes turns personally teaching each squad (crew) the most complex training issues and at the same time controls the conduct of the session by the commanders of other squads (tanks). If necessary, he assists them in eliminating mistakes made when working out this or that element, and also controls the target environment. If the platoon commander conducts a tactical and combat training session personally as part of a platoon, then he is in a place from which observation of the actions of all squads would be ensured during the development of each technique, element and training question in a comprehensive (continuous) implementation. Having discovered errors in the actions of the squads (crews), the platoon commander stops the platoon with a set signal, summons all the trainees or only the squad (tank) commanders, points out to them the mistakes made, explains, and, if necessary, shows, attracting one of the branches, how to act correctly and continue training until the errors are eliminated, and the technique is performed clearly and harmoniously. If individual soldiers make mistakes, the entire platoon should not be stopped. In this case, it is better to draw the attention of the squad leader to the identified deficiency and demand that he be eliminated in the process of practicing subsequent actions by giving additional commands (signals) without stopping the occupation. Having finished working out all the training questions, the platoon commander builds a platoon, checks the availability of personnel, weapons and military equipment, withdraws unspent blank ammunition and imitation equipment and conducts analysis, which is the final part of the tactical drill. When parsing, the commander recalls the topic, the objectives of the lesson and how they were achieved, analyzes the actions of the personnel when working out each educational question, reinforcing his conclusions with the requirements of regulations, instructions and orders of senior commanders, notes the most instructive actions of soldiers, squads and platoons as a whole, as well as shortcomings in the actions of trainees. At the end of the analysis, the platoon commander sums up the results of the assigned tasks and determines the results of the trainees' actions, gives instructions on how to eliminate the identified deficiencies. The analysis should be objective, principled and instructive.

8 8 APPROVED Commander (military rank) (surname) 20 THE PLAN OF THE TACTICAL-STRUCTURE EXERCISE for 20 with Topic: a soldier in battle. Occupation: Fundamentals of control in combat. Control and warning signals used during preparation and during the battle, the order of their presentation in various ways. Fulfillment of standards for RHBZ 1 and 4. Learning objectives: 1. To define stability, continuity, efficiency and concealment of management. 2. To study signals and commands transmitted by radio, given by hand, flags, lantern and whistle. Become familiar with gesture signals. 3. Study the alert signals and the procedure for acting on them; improve the skills of trainees in the use of PPE during the development of N-RKhBZ-1 and N-RKhBZ-4. Time: hours (s) Location of the lesson: A section of terrain on a tactical training field. Material support: Outfit and equipment standard, 40 mm. rocket cartridge СХТ-40 - 2 pcs., flags - 4 pairs, whistle 1 pc., flashlight 4 pcs., compass 1 pc., ruler 1 pc. Manuals and manuals: 1. Combat manual for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, part 3 (platoon, squad, tank) 2005 2. Collection of standards for combat training. Course of the lesson Study questions and time Organization of the lesson 55 min. commander Before going to the place of training, I check the presence and equipment of personnel, weapons, equipment, as well as the knowledge of the trainees of safety requirements. I bring up the procedure for the safe handling of imitation tools and establish the procedure for the safe implementation of the elements of the upcoming lesson. Trainees' actions scheme Eliminate the noticed shortcomings. Answers questions. Listen and memorize the safety requirements for this lesson.

9 9 Training questions and the commander's time When moving to the place of training, I work out the questions of movement in azimuth and conduct an accompanying physical training (march between landmarks with overcoming natural obstacles). I require the trainees to determine the reference point in azimuth or azimuth to the reference point and the distance to it. I assign 2-3 servicemen (counters) to count pairs of steps while moving between landmarks. The scheme of actions (option) of the trainees The assigned servicemen determine: the first is the next landmark in the specified azimuth (or azimuth to the specified landmark), the second is the distance to the landmark using a ruler. They make a march with stops at landmarks. At the next landmark, I check the correctness of determining the distance by step counters. 1. Fundamentals of control in combat min. 2. Control signals used during preparation and during the battle, the order of their presentation in various ways I announce the educational question and the order of its study. I bring the material on this issue by the method of storytelling with a detailed explanation of its main provisions. I ask control (problematic) questions of a practical orientation in order to make sure that the trainees understand correctly the presented material and their readiness to act according to the studied issue. I am announcing the educational question and the order of its elaboration by elements. Clarify the procedure for working out the question. They listen and remember, answer questions. They listen and remember. Clarify the procedure for working out the question. min.

10 10 Training questions and commander's time I teach practical actions on receiving and transmitting signals and commands by radio. I give a command, for example: "Hawk-10, I am Sokol-15, increase the speed, I am Sokol-15, reception." I am listening to the versions of receipts for my team from the trainees. I train subordinates to recognize signals given by hand, flags and flashlights in accordance with the table of signals for controlling the formation. For training I give hand (flags or flashlight) signals: "Attention", "March", "Increase distance", "Decrease distance", "Stop", "All around", "All right (left)". Train subordinates to recognize signals generated by gestures designed specifically for this unit. I show the gesture, explain its purpose and train the trainees in understanding the gesture and executing the command. At the initial stage of training, I duplicate the meaning of each gesture with a voice. I work out the following signals: "Attention", "Into the chain", "Lie down", "Towards me", "Forward (backward, to the sides)", etc. Scheme of trainees' actions They study the procedure for receiving and transmitting signals and commands by radio. The interviewed military personnel issue a receipt, for example: "Sokol-15, I am Yastreb-10, I understand, increase the speed, I am Yastreb-10, reception", or "Falcon-15, I am Yastreb-10, I understand, I am Yastreb-10, reception ", Or" Got it, I'm Hawk-10, welcome. " The signals given by the hand (flags and lantern) and their meaning are memorized. Learn to recognize signals, act correctly and quickly before acquiring solid skills. They remember gestures and their meaning. Learn to recognize signals, act correctly and quickly before acquiring solid skills.

11 11 Training questions and time 3. Warning signals used during preparation and during the battle, the order of their presentation in various ways; compliance with the standards for RCBZ 1 and 4 commander I train subordinates in practical actions according to the commands given by the whistle. I give the whistle signal in combination with gestures. I train subordinates using the example of a command to move forward. To do this, I do the following: I blow the whistle to draw attention to myself; I give the command with my voice in combination with gestures, for example: “Platoon. In the direction of a separate tree, by "twos", by dashes, FORWARD "; I blow the second whistle to indicate the start of the command. I declare an educational question and the order of its study. Scheme of trainees' actions At the first whistle they pay attention to me, wait for the next command and continue firing. They learn the command given by voice in combination with a gesture. The received command is passed along the chain. On the second whistle for 3 seconds, they fire densely at the enemy and after that they begin to perform the assigned task. They listen and remember. Clarify the procedure for working out the question. min. I provide warning signals about missile or aviation danger, about an imminent threat or detection of radioactive, chemical (biological) contamination and the procedure for action on them. I show the action of the SKhT-40 reactive cartridge. I ask practical control (problematic) questions in order to make sure they listen and remember, observe the signal given by the SKHT-40 reactive cartridge, answer questions.

12 12 Educational questions and time To practice N-RKhBZ-4, I unexpectedly give the command: To put on the OZK in the form of a raincoat in an uncontaminated area, I give the command “A cloak in sleeves, stockings, gloves to put on. Gases ". The scheme of actions of the commander trainees of the correctness of the trainees' understanding of the material presented and their readiness to act according to the studied issue. I introduce the trainees into a tactical situation, for example: “A platoon squad is marching on foot to the concentration area. Means of protection in the "stowed" position with military personnel. Based on the results of the reconnaissance, the enemy may in the near future use an RCB weapon. " I give the command to move. To test the N-RKhBZ-1, I unexpectedly give the command "GASES" or "Respirator - ON", or I start the reactive cartridge СХТ-40. Fixes errors that reduce the grade. To remove the gas mask (respirator) I give the command: "Gas mask (respirator) - REMOVE", "FOLD". Controls the order in which the trick is performed. Fixes errors. Understand the tactical situation. They make a march. Stop on their own. Holding their breath and closing their eyes, put on gas masks or respirators (with eyes open), take a deep breath and resume breathing. Continue to move on command. Remove the gas mask (respirator). Remove the cover from the gas mask box, shake off the dust from it and put it back on the box. Put a gas mask (respirator) in a bag. Stop on their own. Put on protective stockings and a raincoat in the sleeves, transfer the gas mask to "combat"

13 13 Study questions and time Concluding part of the session min. commander For early donning of the OZK in the form of overalls on non-contaminated terrain, I give the command "Protective kit - WEAR", "GASES". The time taken to complete the standard is counted from the command to the full donning of the OZK. Fixes errors that reduce the grade. To remove the protective kit, the command "Protective kit REMOVE" is given. Control the order of the reception. Fixes mistakes. I build a subdivision, check the availability of personnel, weapons, withdraw unspent imitation tools. I recall the topic, the objectives of the lesson and how they were achieved, I analyze the actions of the personnel when working out each educational question, notes the most instructive actions of the soldiers and the unit as a whole, as well as the shortcomings in the actions of the trainees. I give instructions on how to eliminate the identified deficiencies. Scheme of actions of trainees position. Continue to move on command. Stop on their own. They put on protective stockings and a raincoat in the form of a jumpsuit, put the gas mask into a "combat" position. Continue to move on command. Take off the OZK and gas mask. Roll up the raincoat together with the cover, fasten the cover straps. Fold up gloves and stockings, put them in a stocking cover. They listen, memorize assessments, draw conclusions.

14 14 Training questions and the commander's time When moving to the place of permanent deployment (assembly point), I work out the questions of movement in azimuth and conduct an accompanying physical training (march between landmarks with overcoming natural obstacles). I require the trainees to determine the reference point in azimuth or azimuth to the reference point and the distance to it. I assign 2-3 servicemen (counters) to count pairs of steps while moving between landmarks. The scheme of actions (option) of the trainees The assigned servicemen determine: the first is the next landmark in the specified azimuth (or azimuth to the specified landmark), the second is the distance to the landmark using a ruler. They make a march with stops at landmarks. At the next landmark, I check the correctness of determining the distance by step counters. Lesson leader (military rank, signature)

15 15 1. Fundamentals of command and control in battle Management of subunits (personnel) is the purposeful activity of the commander to maintain them in constant combat readiness, to prepare subunits (personnel, weapons and military equipment) for battle (to complete the task received) and to lead them in the execution tasks. Control should be stable, continuous, operational and hidden, ensure the constant combat readiness of subunits, the effective use of their combat capabilities and the successful fulfillment of assigned tasks in a timely manner and in any conditions of the situation. Management stability is achieved by: correct understanding of the task set by the senior chief; persistent implementation of the decisions taken; skillful organization of work on communications; maintaining stable communication with the senior chief, with subordinates and interacting units. Continuity of management is achieved by: constant knowledge and comprehensive assessment of the current situation; timely decision-making and clear assignment of tasks to subordinates; skillful use of communications; restoration of the disturbed control in the shortest possible time. Efficiency of management is achieved by: quick response to changes in the situation; timely influence on the actions of subdivisions in the interests of fulfilling the assigned tasks. Stealth control is achieved by: covert placement and movement of the command observation post (commander in battle formation); strict adherence to the rules and procedures for the use of communication facilities, established modes of their operation and radio masking measures; education of personnel in the spirit of high vigilance. The management of subunits (firepower, personnel) is organized and carried out on the basis of the commander's decision. 2. Control and warning signals used during preparation and during the battle, the order of their submission in various ways The platoon (squad) commander controls subunits (personnel, crews) by radio, commands given by voice, signal means, and by personal example. Inside the combat vehicle, the commander controls the actions of his subordinates with commands given over the intercom, voice, or established signals. In defense, in a motorized rifle (grenade launcher, anti-tank) platoon, a command observation post is created, which is deployed in a combat formation of a subunit so as to ensure its protection from small arms and mortar fire, the best observation of the enemy, the actions of its subordinates, neighbors and terrain, as well as continuous control platoon. In an offensive, when a motorized rifle platoon is operating on foot, the platoon (squad) commander is located in a place that ensures effective control of subunits (subordinates) and fire. To control units and fire, the senior chief establishes uniform control signals. The procedure for transmitting signals, commands and setting tasks by radio. When working at radio stations, the rules for negotiating are strictly observed. In battle, all commands are transmitted by radio using a speech masker or in clear text. When sending commands in plain text, squad (tank) commanders are called by call signs, terrain points are indicated from landmarks and conventional names, and executive commands - by established signals. When the enemy creates a radio

16 16 mech radio stations at the command of the company (platoon) commander are rebuilt to spare frequencies. The transmission of signals, commands and the setting of tasks by radio are carried out in the following order: call sign of the called radio station - twice (with good communication quality - once); the word "I" and the call sign of your radio station - once; signal (command) - twice (task, and with good communication quality and command - once); the word "I" and the call sign of your radio station - once; the word "reception" - once. Signals and commands are transmitted without first calling the correspondent and obtaining consent to receive. Signals and general commands are usually transmitted to all correspondents of the radio network using a circular call sign. In other cases, linear or individual callsigns are used. With good communication quality, it is allowed to work with abbreviated callsigns or without callsigns. In a broadcast transmission, the command is repeated two times. Before this, the correspondent of the main radio station must make sure that the radio stations of the network do not work with each other. On the received signal (command), a reverse check (receipt) is immediately given by exact repetition of each signal (command) or by acknowledgment of receipt of the command by transmitting the word “understood”. A receipt for the received signal (command) is also the transmission of the signal (command) to the subordinates working in the radio network of the senior chief. A reverse check (receipt) for the received signal (command) transmitted circularly is given at the request of the main radio station. An example of a circular signal transmission "Cascade-389": "Alpha-45, Alpha-45, I Sokol-15, Cascade-389, Cascade-389, I Sokol-15, reception." An example of sending a command to one correspondent and issuing a receipt from him for its reception: "Hawk-10, I am Sokol-15, increase the speed, I am Sokol-15, receive." - "Falcon-15, I am Hawk-10, I understood, increase the speed of movement, I am Hawk-10, reception", or "Falcon-15, I am Hawk-10, understood, I am Hawk-10, reception", or "Got it, I'm Hawk-10, welcome. " An example of work between two correspondents with abbreviated callsigns: "10th, I am 15th, reduce the intervals, I am 15th, reception." - "15th, I am 10th, I understood, I am 10th, reception" or "Got it, I am 10th, reception." An example of work between two correspondents without callsigns: "Allow me to perform the task, reception." - "Allow me, welcome." An example of setting a task to one correspondent and issuing a receipt from him for its reception: "Hawk-10, I am Sokol-15, reception." - "I am Hawk-10, welcome." - “10th, I 15th, attack from the line ..., destroy the enemy in, capture, continue the offensive in the direction, the artillery suppresses. .., "Raven-20" advances in the direction ..., readiness ..., I am the 15th, reception ". - “Got it, I’m the 10th, reception” (local points, borders, directions, areas are indicated by landmarks, a coded map or coded names of local objects, neighbors - by their callsigns, time - according to the signal table) The order of transmission of signals, commands and setting tasks by signaling means Signaling means are used to transmit preset signals: signal flares, flags, electric lights, searchlights of combat vehicles, tracer bullets (shells) and various sound means (electric and pneumatic signals, whistles and others). Signals can be given with weapons, headgear and hands. Units should only carry out signals from their immediate commander and circular alerts. They are submitted before receiving a response (feedback) or the beginning

17 17 command (signal) execution. Table of signals for formation control (from the control system of the RF Armed Forces) Signal p / n 1 Attention (attention, do what I am; recall) Legend with hand flags with a flashlight Raise the yellow flag with your right hand and hold it until recall (until the signal "Attention" repeats) Raise your right hand up and hold until recall (until the "Attention" signal repeats) A lantern with white light - a series of dots 2 Gathering of commanders (chiefs) Raise your right hand up and circle it over your head, then lower your hand sharply The same, with red and yellow flags in the right hand A lantern with white light to swing overhead to the right and to the left, describing semicircles 3 To cars Raise both hands up and hold until the execution The same, having a yellow flag in the right hand, and in the left a red flag Waving a lantern with white light in front of you to the right and left at shoulder level 4 In places Raise both hands up and sharply lower down through the sides The same, with a yellow flag in the right hand and a red flag in the left with a lantern with white light swing vertically up and down 5 Start rotating in front of you with your right hand The same, having a yellow flag in your right hand Rotate in front of you with a flashlight with white light 6 Turn off the engine Waving in front of you with your hands down The same, having a yellow flag in your right hand and a red flag in your left with a red light , lowered down, swing in front of you, describing a semicircle

18 18 Signal p / p 7 March (forward, continue in the same or new direction, the path is clear) Legend with hand flags with a lantern The same, with a yellow Lantern with a green flag in the right light swing your hand Raise your right hand up, turn in the direction of movement and lower the arm in the direction of movement at shoulder level vertically up and down 8 Increase the distance Raise the left arm up, and extend the right horizontally to the side and swing it down and up to shoulder level The same, having yellow in the right hand and red in the left flag Wave a lantern with a green light in a vertical plane, describing an eight 9 Decrease the distance Raise your right hand up, and extend your left hand horizontally to the side and swing it down and up to shoulder level The same, having a yellow flag in your right hand and a red lantern in your left swing in a vertical plane with a red light, describing an eight 10 Stop (stop) Raise your left hand up and quickly lower it in front of you, repeating before execution The same, with a red flag in his left hand A lantern with a red light swing vertically up and down 11 In a line of machines Extend both hands horizontally to the side and hold until withdrawn The same, with a yellow flag in the right hand and a red flag in the left with a lantern with a green light, swing in front of you to the right and left at shoulder level

19 19 p / p Signal 12 To the line of columns Legend with hand flags with a lantern The same, having a yellow flag in the right with a green hand, and swinging a red flag in the left light In the line of platoon columns: raise both hands up and swing them crosswise over your head above head to the right and to the left, describing a semicircle In the line of company columns: raise both arms up, fold them crosswise over the head and hold them motionless The same, having a yellow flag in the right hand, and a red flag in the left, swinging a lantern with a green light overhead to the right, describing a semicircle ... Return the lantern to its original position with half-extinguished or hidden from the receiving light 13 Into the column Raise the right hand up and lower it, holding the forearm vertically (repeat until recall) The same, with a yellow flag in the right hand Hold the lantern with a green light motionless at first, and then repeat the “March” signal until you recall 14 Everything in a circle Extend your left hand horizontally to the side, and raise your right hand up and circle over your head. (to the left) Stretch the left hand horizontally to the side, and raise the right hand up, turn in the direction of the turn and swing the right hand up and down to shoulder level (repeat until recall) The same, with a yellow flag in the right hand and a red flag in the left with a Lantern with a green light swing vertically from top to bottom and in the direction of the turn

20 20 Signal p / p 16 Accident (forced stop) Legend with hand flags with a flashlight Extend the right The same, having in the right Lantern with a red hand horizontally in the hand yellow, and in the left light swing the side, and the left a red flag. in front of you to the right and lift up and swing. After giving a signal to the left at shoulder level, the red flag is set to the right and left on the machine at an angle of 45 to the right and left. a lantern with a white light ... a red flag ... a lantern with a red light ... a lantern with a green light ... When controlling subunits (subordinate) signals, it must be remembered that the signal means unmask the location of the commander. Commands should be given in a loud voice. All orders must be chained. The unit commander should remember the following: think before you say; arrange the message in a logical order; speak loudly and clearly; give the order in parts and pause for transmission. Command transmission light signals To indicate enemy positions, both small-sized firing devices and conventional signal flares can be used. But at the same time it must be remembered that this also gives the enemy the position of the commander, who for him is the main goal. The designated soldier must give the signal. These signals can be used to command a ceasefire. Whistle Command Transmission This is the most important means of giving and executing commands. The whistle is used to signal the follow-up of a command, the start of its execution, or the termination of a previous action and the execution of a new command, as well as to attract the attention of subordinates. Whistle and voice are the most important control methods and the only ones that are effective in combat. The order of giving commands with a whistle: the commander blows the whistle and attracts the attention of subordinates; the personnel are waiting for the next command and continue firing; the commander gives a command in combination with a gesture; the servicemen transmit the received command along the chain;

21 21 the commander blows his whistle to indicate the start of the command; for a few seconds (3 is recommended), the entire personnel of the subunit conduct heavy fire at the enemy and then begin to carry out the assigned task. For example, the following commands may be given before the whistle: to move forward: “Platoon (squad). In the direction of a separate tree, along "deuces", by dashes, FORWARD "; to retreat back: “Prepare to retreat” This command, like the command “Prepare to attack”, is accompanied by the word “prepare”. This is due to the fact that each soldier must prepare a smoke grenade and then throw it over the whistle to create a smoke screen; other. The giving of commands in battle must be accompanied by the giving of signals with gestures. Unlike the statutory formation control signals, there are no uniform gesture control signals in battle, so you can use the signals listed below. These signals are good in that they can be used to control a unit at a great distance, provided that it is concealed from observation by the enemy. Signals with gestures (option) From the manual for the training of military intelligence officers operating behind the front line and deep behind enemy lines. Zarutsky F.D., Fedor Taras. Scout training: GRU special forces system. Palek, g Signal (command) The order of giving with a gesture 1. To deploy the group in a chain, spread both hands to the sides several times 2. In order to slowly and noiselessly spread them apart downward, slowly bend the elbows and slowly fingers of both hands. 3. In order for the unit to quickly scatter, sharply spread the arms to the sides downward 4. Lie down, raise the arm bent at the elbow to the chin and quickly lower it with the palm down 5. Attention, raise your hand up to the height of the head 6. Raise your hand up to me, make circular movements above the head and energetically lower it down 7. To move forward, backward, to the sides, raise your hand to the height of your head and lower it to shoulder height, indicating the desired direction 8. I see the opponent extend his hand horizontally to the side and hold it to failure 9. I see I hear (recall) raise both hands up to the height of the head and lower them 10. Silently crawl towards the opponent with your left hand to indicate the direction, and with your right palm make a few zigzag different movements 11. Stun the opponent and tie up, designate a blow with the left fist on the jaw or on the head, make a circular motion with the right hand 2-3 times around the left 12. Symbols: destroy the enemy with a knife, look out the window, surround the house, show with sharp expressive movements of the hand (or both hands). Such training

22 Signal (command) 22 The order of giving with a gesture to start up the opponent, climb a tree, etc. Carry out the training in the following way: the commander shows the action with a gesture and asks the students if they understood the gesture correctly. After mastering the signs, you can perform the necessary actions. 13. When operating at night, silent formations, rearrangements, movements are made according to previously studied signal gestures, by touching the hand on the shoulder, chest, back, headdress, as well as by light pushes with the hand on the body. which can be borrowed, for example, from the following table. Numbers Construction Orders Designations Notifications Methodological features of the study of sign language Study of gestures, i.e. the gestures themselves and what they mean begins with the commander showing a certain set of gestures and explaining the purpose of each of them. Then he suggests a phrase to be shown with gestures and shows it in conjunction with gestures. During the display of the phrase

23 23 At the initial stage of training, he duplicates its meaning out loud. For example, the commander wants to move a little forward and ask the nearby shooter to cover him. The phrase sounds like this: I am - Moving There - You - Me - Cover. With gestures: I (pointed to myself) - Moving There (indicated the direction) - You (pointed to him) - Me (pointed to himself) - Cover (show the gesture of covering). Each of these gestures must be clearly shown to the trainee, i.e. when indicating the direction of your movement, you need to make several amplitude swings with the forearm, and so that the hand moves in the direction of the intended movement. The soldier to whom this phrase is intended must read it all. In this case, it is necessary to gesture in such a way that the observers can see the border between the "words." In other words, you need to “speak” quickly, but clearly, dividing the phrase into its component parts. If a soldier understood what was "said" to him, then he confirms it with a sign - "understood." When communicating, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the commander to the subordinate. If they are next to each other, then when giving a signal, you should not, for example, raise your hand high to give a command. This can be done at the level of the face or even the chest. Being, for example, in a building or in a forest at conventionally medium and long distances, before giving a signal, the commander must first draw attention to himself, and only then begin to command. Variants of phrases for training. I - Move There - You - Cover Me; You - Look There; You - You - Move There; I - You - You - Moving - There - You - You Cover; There is a Sniper; Attention - There - Three - One - Two - Three Forward; There are Two Opponents. 3. Alert signals used during preparation and during the battle, the order of their presentation in various ways; compliance with the standards for RHBZ 1 and the Alert signals used during the preparation and during the battle, the procedure for their submission in various ways. and permanent signals. The procedure for communicating signals Signal By means of communication, By technical notification by voice means 1. Alert about missile or aviation danger "Air alert" "Attention"! “Air raid! Horn "Siren:" lingering stifling alarm "! By improvised means Frequent blows to the bell or continuous signal of the car for 0.5-1 min. personnel: immediately takes a shelter, trench, trench, or any available shelter.

24 Procedure for communicating signals Signal By means of communication, By technical notification by voice means 2. About an imminent threat or detection of radioactive contamination "Radiation hazard - radiation" Attention "! "Ra-Sirena:" a series of stampedes! dangerous beeps "Radiation hazard"! 24 By improvised means Infrequent blows to the bell or intermittent beeps of the car signal. personnel: in an open area, without interrupting the task, immediately puts on respirators (gas masks) and skin protection; in closed cars, shelters and rooms not equipped with filter ventilation - only respirators (gas masks). Areas of radioactive contamination by vehicles are overcome at maximum speeds and increased distances. Drivers wear a respirator (gas mask) for a short stop. The procedure for communicating signals Signal By means of communication, By technical assistants of notification by voice means by means of means 3. Notification of the threat or detection of chemical (biological) contamination "Chemical alarm" Attention "! “Chemistry - 40 mm. reactive alarm! Chemical alarm ”! cartridge SHT-40. Siren: “series of short beeps” Infrequent beeps in the bell or intermittent beeps of the car signal. personnel: in an open area, without stopping the task, immediately puts on a gas mask and skin protection; in closed cars, shelters and rooms not equipped with filtering ventilation - only gas masks. The driver puts on a gas mask for a short stop. All personnel of the unit must know the warning signals. The commander determines in advance the order of action of the subordinates by warning signals and, when they are in penumbra, issues the appropriate commands. At the signal of the warning about radioactive, chemical and bacterial contamination, given during the march, the movement does not stop. Each driver observes his place in the convoy and the established speed and distance. The windows of the cabins, hatches, blinds are closed. Personnel when in a covered car or armored vehicle, drivers put on gas masks when alerted (drivers of wheeled vehicles wear gas masks when stopping for a short time, and drivers of tracked vehicles when moving at reduced speeds). When in open vehicles, personnel also wear protective raincoats. In the course of an offensive, upon a signal of a warning about radioactive, chemical and bacterial contamination, the personnel immediately put on gas masks and other protective equipment and continue to carry out a combat mission. Skin protection products are used depending on the type of infection, meteorological conditions and mode of travel. In defense, upon receipt of a signal of an imminent threat of the enemy's use of nuclear weapons (when the enemy delivers a nuclear strike), all personnel take shelters, and when the enemy uses chemical weapons, they immediately put on individual protection means (collective protection systems are switched on in tanks and infantry fighting vehicles).

STRUCTURAL TRAINING Supporting synopsis TOPIC: STRUCTURAL TECHNIQUES AND MOVEMENT WITH WEAPON LESSON ISSUES: 1. Turns and movement with weapons. 2. Performing a military salute with a weapon. 2 І. Preparation methodology

STRUCTURAL TRAINING Supporting notes TOPIC: STRUCTURAL TRAINING LESSON QUESTIONS: 1. Performing a military salute on the spot and on the move. І. Methodology for preparing the leader for the lesson: 1. Clarification of the topic,

STRUCTURAL TRAINING Supporting synopsis Topic: Formation techniques and movement without weapons Questions: 1. Failure of a serviceman and approach to the chief, return to duty. 2 І. Lesson preparation includes:

STRUCTURAL PREPARATION Supporting notes LEARNING QUESTIONS: 1. Turns in motion. TOPIC: STRUCTURE TRAINING I. Methods of preparing the leader for the lesson: 1. Clarification of the topic, the lesson and their goals. 2. Study

STRUCTURAL TRAINING Supporting synopsis LEARNING QUESTIONS: 1. Movement in combat step. TOPIC: STRUCTURE TRAINING I. Methods of preparing the leader for the lesson: 1. Clarification of the topic, the lesson and their goals. 2. Study

STRUCTURAL TRAINING Supporting synopsis THEME: STRUCTURAL TECHNIQUES AND MOVEMENT WITHOUT WEAPONS CLASSIFICATIONS: 1. Failure and approach to the chief, return to duty. 2. Combat step. Hiking step. Running movement.

STRUCTURAL TRAINING Supporting synopsis TOPIC: STRUCTURAL TECHNIQUES AND MOVEMENT WITH WEAPON LESSON ISSUES: 1. Turns and movement with weapons. 2. Movement with the weapon in the "at the foot" position. 3. Turns with arms in position


KARAGANDA STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY MILITARY DEPARTMENT REPORT Organization of fire control classes Completed by: retired colonel V.N. Teleleiko (signature) Karaganda Organization of the lesson

Content and order of conducting the lesson Educational questions and time Actions of the leader of the lesson Scheme of actions Actions of the trainees I Introductory part 10 min. II Main part - 75 min. 1. Management of singles

FGAOU VPO "SIBERIAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY" INSTITUTE OF MILITARY TRAINING Methodical recommendations for preparing for the organization and conduct of training in the RChBZ responsible for the training platoon and the leader


206 Appendix 4 Variants of the plan of abstracts for conducting classes on communication APPROVED 200 G. PLAN -CONSPECT OF THE EXERCISE ON COMMUNICATION WITH THE PERSONAL COMPOSITION OF THE MOUTH INLET. TOPIC: "Rules for conducting radio communications

FIRE PREPARATION SUPPORTING CONSECTION TOPIC: BASICS AND RULES OF SHOOTING QUESTIONS OF LESSON: 1. The choice of sight and aiming point when firing from a place at stationary (appearing) targets during the day. 2. Influence on shooting

STRUCTURAL TRAINING Supporting synopsis TOPIC: SECTION STRUCTURE, INLET (MOUTH) ON VEHICLES LEARNING ISSUES: 1. The order of building a squad, platoon (company) at the machines. Landing and placement of personnel in the car,


MILITARY MEDICAL TRAINING SUPPORTING CONSECTION TOPIC: TRAINING LESSON QUESTIONS: 1. Training in carrying out artificial respiration, chest compressions. І. Methodology for preparing a leader for a lesson:

KAZAKH HUMANITARIAN AND LEGAL INNOVATIVE UNIVERSITY MILITARY DEPARTMENT fire training Topic 9: Methods of conducting fire training 2 Educational questions 1. Purpose and content of fire training.

Content and order of the lesson Educational questions, their content and time 1. Motorized infantry and tank company on the offensive. Combat capabilities and means of strengthening 25 min. 1.1. Motorized infantry and tank

The system of basic symbols used in graphic documents of peacetime and wartime tactical level Part 4 "Motorized rifle battalion" Section 2 "Grenade launcher platoon" Sheets 21 KB "Panorama",

STRUCTURAL TRAINING Supporting synopsis TOPIC: STRUCTURAL TECHNIQUES AND MOVEMENT WITHOUT WEAPONS LEARNING QUESTIONS: 1. Movement in combat step, turns in motion. Commands given when making turns. 2. Execution

"I approve" Commander of military unit 6762, Colonel V.E. Lisyura "10" October 2007 Plan of training according to general military regulations Topic: The procedure for placing personnel on armored personnel carriers and vehicles Objectives:

The system of basic conventional signs used in graphic documents of peacetime and wartime tactical level Part 3 "Motorized rifle company" Sheets 26 KB "Panorama", 2013 2 ANNOTATION In this section

I approve (position) (military rank, signature, surname) "" 20 years old CONSIDERATION PLAN OF CONDUCTING A LINEAR TRAINING LESSON with the 1st DEPARTMENT OF TRAINING PLANT RL-81 Topic 1: Lesson 6: Educational and educational

The system of basic conventional signs used in graphic documents of peace and wartime tactical level Part 4 "Motorized rifle battalion" Sheets 25 KB "Panorama", 2013 2 ANNOTATION In this

SECTION 6. BUILDING TRAINING. TRAINING OF THE SOLDIER IN THE DIVISION (INLET) TOPIC 6.4. BUILDING Squad and platoon on foot 28. Build squads and platoons on foot What skills and abilities in combat

STRUCTURAL TRAINING Supporting synopsis LEARNING QUESTIONS: 1. Front. 2. Turns on the spot TOPIC: STRESSING TRAINING І. Methods of preparing the leader for the lesson: 1. Clarification of the topic, the lesson and their goals.

STRUCTURAL TRAINING Supporting notes TOPIC: STRUCTURAL TRAINING ISSUES OF THE LESSON: 1. Combat techniques with weapons. 2 І. Methods of preparing the leader for the lesson: 1. Clarification of the topic, the lesson and their goals. 2. Study


Discussion at the officers' meetings of the course of the internship of students (cadets). Summing up the work of trainees (trainees) and their leaders. Providing internship supervisors appointed

FIRE PREPARATION SUPPORTING CONSECTION TOPIC: SHOOTING TRAINING QUESTIONS OF LESSON: 1. Preparation for shooting prone from support. 2. Compliance with standards 1, 2. І. Methodology for preparing a leader for a lesson: 1.

Company foreman's alarm action card >>> Company foreman's alarm action card Company foreman's alarm action card To guard the concentration area, threatened directions can be set

Content and order of the lesson Educational questions, their content and time I. Introductory part 10 min. - accept the report of the platoon duty officer; - check the availability, appearance and readiness of students for the lesson;


STRUCTURAL TRAINING Questions: 1. Battle rack. 2. Turns in place. Supporting synopsis Topic: Combat techniques and movement without weapons І. Preparation of the lesson includes: personal training of the leader; training

STRUCTURAL TRAINING Supporting notes Topic: Formation techniques and movement without weapons Questions: 1. Movement in combat step. 2. Turns in motion. І. Preparation of the lesson includes: personal training of the leader;

FGAOU VPO "SIBERIAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY" MILITARY ENGINEERING INSTITUTE Military training center APPROVED Head of the military training center Colonel V. Kopylov 20

I approve (position) (military rank, signature, surname) "" 20 years PLAN OF CONDUCTING A LESSON ON BUILDING TRAINING WITH A TRAINING PLANT RL-81 Topic 1: Lesson 2: Educational and educational goals: Time: Place:



by academic discipline "Tactical training".

Lesson 1: The duties of a soldier in battle. Purpose and combat missions of the motorized rifle squad. Fire means of separation. The marching and battle formations of the squad.

Discussed at the meeting

subject-methodological commission

"___" ________2011

Protocol No. _____


Head of the military department

Colonel V. TRUSOV

"____" _________ 2011



by academic discipline "Tactical training".

Topic 4: "The actions of a soldier in battle."

Lesson 1:

I. Learning objectives:

To study the duties of a soldier in battle, combat missions, marching and combat formations of a motorized rifle squad

To get acquainted with the methods of command and control of military personnel in battle, commands and signals and the procedure for action on them.

Study questions:

First study question: The duties of a soldier in battle.

Second tutorial question

Third tutorial question: Management of single soldiers in battle. Methods of controlling military personnel in battle. Commands, signals and actions on them.

II. Educational and material support:

1. Literature

a) main:

Combat Regulations for the Preparation and Conduct of Combined Arms Combat, Part III (platoon, squad, tank), Moscow: Voenizdat, 2005.

Tactics, Part I (platoon, squad, tank): Textbook, - Moscow: Military Publishing, 1992.

Andrusenko N.N. Motorized rifle (tank) platoon in battle: Textbook, - M .: Voenizdat, 1989.

Moiseenko N.P. Organization, armament and tactics of actions of formations, units and subunits of armies of foreign states: Textbook, - M .: Voenizdat, 2001.

Reference material (printed).

b) Visual aids:

diagrams (slides).

v) Technical training aids:

multimedia projector - 1 unit;

blackboard; screen; pointer.

Introductory part- 5 minutes.

I accept the report on the readiness of the platoon to engage. I check the availability, appearance of students and their readiness for the lesson. If any shortcomings are identified, I give instructions on how to eliminate them. If there are absent students, I am convinced of the legitimacy of the reasons for their absence.

I announce the topic, educational goals, the order of the lesson.

In my opening remarks, I emphasize the relevance of the topic of the lesson, its importance for the further education of students, as well as the importance of a tactical lesson in the study of the discipline.

After a short introduction, I turn to working out the educational questions of the lesson.

First study question: The duties of a soldier in battle.

I am announcing the educational question and the procedure for working it out. After that I turn to the consideration of the duties of a soldier in battle. I voice to the students the duties of a soldier in battle, showing slides that reveal the main provisions of the material in question. The trainees listen attentively and, as the material is presented, make notes in their workbooks.

At the end of the presentation of the first educational question, I determine the degree of mastering by the students of the educational material by the method of a short oral survey of 2-3 students.

Each serviceman must perfectly know and keep in constant combat readiness his weapons and military equipment, master them and skillfully use them, be ready to replace a comrade who has been out of action.

Every soldier is obliged:

Know the methods and techniques of actions in battle, have the skills of actions with weapons (when arming a combat vehicle) worked out to automatism on the battlefield in various conditions of the situation;

Know and understand the task received;

Know control signals, interactions, notifications and the procedure for actions on them;

To be able to conduct reconnaissance of the enemy and the terrain, while performing a combat mission, to constantly conduct observation, to effectively use weapons (armament of a combat vehicle), to detect and defeat the enemy in a timely manner;

Be able to correctly select and equip a firing position (a place for shooting), use the protective and camouflaging properties of terrain and combat vehicles to resist enemy fire;

Know the size, volume, sequence and timing of fortification equipment; be able to quickly equip trenches and shelters, including with the use of explosives, to carry out camouflage;

To act steadily and stubbornly in defense, boldly and decisively in the offensive; show courage, initiative and resourcefulness in battle; provide assistance to a friend;

Be able to fire at low-flying aircraft, helicopters and other air targets of the enemy from small arms;

Know how to defend against weapons of mass destruction and high-precision weapons of the enemy;

Skillfully use the terrain, personal protective equipment and protective properties of combat vehicles;

Overcome barriers, obstacles and contamination zones; install and neutralize anti-tank and anti-personnel mines; carry out special processing;

Do not leave your place in battle without the permission of the commander;

In case of injury or defeat by radioactive, toxic substances, biological agents, as well as incendiary weapons, take the necessary measures of self and mutual assistance and continue to perform the task received;

To be able to prepare weapons and ammunition for combat use, to quickly equip clips, magazines, tapes with cartridges;

Monitor the consumption of ammunition and refueling of the combat vehicle, promptly report to your commander about the consumption of 0.5 and 0.75 of the stock of missiles (ammunition) and refueling;

If a combat vehicle is damaged, take measures to restore it.

Each sergeant and soldier is obliged to protect the commander in battle, in case of injury or death, boldly take command of the unit.

Second tutorial question: Designation and combat missions of the motorized rifle squad. Fire means of separation. The marching and battle formations of the squad.

Presenting the educational material, I follow the discipline of students in class and control their work, making sure they have time to make notes in their notebooks.

Motorized rifle squads are designed to solve the main tasks:

V defense- to destroy the enemy with fire during his transition to the attack, to repel it, to firmly hold the positions and objects occupied;

V offensive- to destroy manpower and military equipment of the enemy and capture the specified objects.

Order of battle a motorized rifle squad can be built on the basis of combat groups: agile and fire... The composition of the combat groups is determined by the squad leader. In addition, a combat vehicle may be included in the battle formation of a squad.

The maneuvering group is designed to carry out missions to destroy the enemy, firmly hold positions and objects, and seize his objects, weapons and equipment. As a rule, a senior gunner and one or two gunners are assigned to the maneuvering group.

The fire group is designed to support the actions of the maneuvering group with fire and carry out with it the tasks of destroying the enemy, firmly holding the positions and objects occupied, and seizing his objects, weapons and equipment. The fire group usually includes a squad leader, a grenade launcher, an assistant grenade launcher, and a machine gunner. Depending on the assigned mission and the conditions of the situation, the composition of the combat groups may be different.

The combat vehicle is designed to support the actions of combat groups with fire, destroy armored, unarmored objects and enemy manpower, as well as to transport squad personnel.

The motorized rifle squad can operate on foot (in winter - on skis), in infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers, cars and landing troops on tanks.

When performing combat missions, the squad fires from the armament of infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), from machine guns, machine guns, sniper rifles, grenade launchers, uses hand grenades, and in hand-to-hand combat - strikes with a bayonet, butt and infantry shovel.

The fire of the armament of infantry fighting vehicles destroys tanks, other armored vehicles, fire weapons and manpower of the enemy, destroys its fortifications, affects low-flying aircraft, helicopters and other aerial targets. The fire of the armament of armored personnel carriers (MTLB) destroys manpower, fire weapons and other targets.

Submachine guns and machine guns are used to destroy enemy manpower and fire weapons. In addition, they can be used to engage low-flying air targets.

The sniper rifle is used to destroy important single targets (officers, observers, snipers, calculations of fire weapons, low-flying helicopters) of the enemy.

Anti-tank missile systems, anti-tank grenade launchers and anti-tank rocket grenades are used to destroy tanks and other armored vehicles, while other grenade launchers and hand grenades are used to destroy enemy manpower and fire weapons located outside shelters, in open trenches, trenches and behind shelters (in hollows , ravines and on the opposite slopes of heights).

The firing position (place for shooting) should be comfortable, provide a wide view and fire, cover the weapon (gunner) from enemy observation, exclude the presence of dead spaces in the firing sector and ensure maneuvering. After several shots (bursts) have been fired from one firing position (shooting area), in order to prevent the enemy from firing aimed fire and deceiving him, it is changed.

It is forbidden to choose and occupy a firing position (place for shooting) on ​​the crests of heights (hills, hills), in front of local objects, against which the silhouette of the shooter will be clearly visible.

Third tutorial question: Management of single soldiers in battle. Methods of controlling military personnel in battle. Commands, signals and actions on them.

I am announcing an educational question and the procedure for working it out. I bring the studied material of the question to the students by voice, showing slides that reveal the main provisions of the material in question. The trainees listen attentively and, as the material is presented, make notes in their workbooks.

Presenting the educational material, I follow the discipline of students in class and control their work, making sure they have time to make notes in their notebooks.

At the end of the presentation of the educational question, I determine the degree of mastering by the students of the educational material by the method of a short oral survey of 2-3 students.

The management of subunits (personnel) consists in the purposeful activity of the commander to maintain them in constant combat readiness, to prepare subunits (personnel, weapons and military equipment) for battle (to complete the task received) and to lead them in the performance of tasks.

Control should be stable, continuous, operational and hidden, ensure the constant combat readiness of subunits, the effective use of their combat capabilities and the successful fulfillment of assigned tasks in a timely manner and in any conditions of the situation.

Management stability is achieved by: correct understanding of the task set by the senior chief; persistent implementation of the decisions taken; skillful organization of work on communications; maintaining stable communication with the senior chief, with subordinates and interacting units.

Continuity of management is achieved by: constant knowledge and comprehensive assessment of the current situation; timely decision-making and clear assignment of tasks to subordinates; skillful use of communications; restoration of the disturbed control in the shortest possible time.

Efficiency of management is achieved by: quick response to changes in the situation; timely influence on the actions of subdivisions in the interests of fulfilling the assigned tasks.

Stealth control is achieved by: covert placement and movement of the command-observation post (commander in battle formation); strict adherence to the rules and procedures for the use of communication facilities, established modes of their operation and radio masking measures; education of personnel in the spirit of high vigilance.

The management of subunits (firepower, personnel) is organized and carried out on the basis of the commander's decision.

The squad leader manages personnel, radio crews, voice commands, signals, and personal example. Inside the combat vehicle, the commander controls the actions of his subordinates with commands given over the intercom, voice, or established signals.

In an offensive, when a motorized rifle platoon is operating on foot, the squad leader is located in a place that ensures effective control of subunits (subordinates) and fire.

To control subunits and fire, the senior chief establishes uniform control signals.

When working at radio stations, the rules of negotiation are strictly observed. In battle, all commands are transmitted by radio using a speech masker or in clear text. When sending commands in plain text, squad (tank) commanders are called by call signs, terrain points are indicated from landmarks and conventional names, and

executive commands - by established signals. When the enemy creates radio interference, the radio stations, at the command of the company (platoon) commander, are rebuilt to reserve frequencies.

To transmit preset signals, signaling means are used: signal flares, flags, electric lights, searchlights of combat vehicles, tracer bullets (shells) and various sound means (electric and pneumatic signals, whistles, and others). Signals can be given with weapons, headgear and hands.

Units should only carry out signals from their immediate commander and circular alerts. They are served until a response (response) is received or the execution of a command (signal) begins.

When managing subunits (subordinate) signals, it must be remembered that the signal means unmask the location of the commander.

Personnel are alerted about an air enemy, an imminent threat and the beginning of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy, as well as about radioactive, chemical and biological contamination, by single and permanent signals.

Fire control is the most important responsibility of the squad leader. It includes: reconnaissance of ground and air targets, assessment of their importance and determination of the order of destruction; the choice of the type of weapon and ammunition, the type and method of firing (shooting); target designation, giving commands to open fire or setting fire missions; observation of the results of fire and its correction; control over the consumption of ammunition.

To control the fire, the senior chief assigns uniform landmarks and signals, it is prohibited to replace them. If necessary, the platoon commander can assign his additional landmarks from the calculation of no more than five on the direction of action of the squads, the borders of the strip and the additional sector of shelling). When reporting to the senior manager and maintaining interaction, only the reference points indicated by him are used.

Well-visible local objects are selected as landmarks. When using night sights, local objects with high reflectivity within the range of the sights are selected as landmarks. Landmarks are numbered from right to left and along lines from oneself towards the enemy, and when organizing defense in a fortified area, they can be numbered from oneself in a spiral clockwise direction. One of them is designated as the main one. In addition to landmarks, well-visible local objects can be used to control fire.

Reconnaissance of ground and air targets should ensure the detection of the enemy in front of the front and on the flanks of a squad, tank, firepower), and when performing tasks independently - in a circular sector. Target reconnaissance is conducted by all platoon personnel (squad, tank, crew) in designated sectors.

Assessing the importance of targets consists in identifying enemy targets that can have the greatest impact on the course of a combat mission by a subunit. The order of their defeat is determined by the subunit commander, based on the assessment of the importance of the targets. First of all, anti-tank weapons, machine gun and mortar crews, snipers, artillery spotters, air gunners, command vehicles and commanders of enemy subunits are destroyed. The choice of means of destruction must ensure the destruction of reconnoitered targets.

When setting (clarifying) fire missions, commanders indicate: to whom (to which unit), where (target designation), what (target name) and fire mission (destruction, suppression, destruction, or other).

Target designation can be carried out from landmarks (local objects) and from the direction of movement (attack), according to the azimuth index, tracer bullets and shells, from shells explosions, signaling means, as well as pointing devices and weapons at the target.

Correction of fire is carried out on the basis of the location of the target, landmarks (local objects) and explosions of shells, indicating the magnitude of the deviation in range and direction.

Calling in and correcting the fire of the supporting artillery is carried out, as a rule, through the artillery commanders (spotters), and in their absence - personally by the platoon commander. When calling fire, the platoon leader indicates: the nature and location (number) of the target; shooting task (suppress, destroy, destroy, illuminate, smoke); the timing of the fire mission, and when adjusting the fire - the nature and location (number) of the target; the amount of deviation in range and direction.

Targeting to the crews of helicopters (aircraft) is usually carried out by order of the senior commander by designating the target site with small arms fire, armament of combat vehicles, tracer bullets (shells), as well as signal flares. The task to designate the target location is set in the same way as the firing task indicating the time of opening fire.

With the support of the battle of the platoon (squad, tank) by artillery fire, air strikes or other means of destruction, the commander must indicate the line of safe distance from the explosions of his shells (missiles, mines).



n / a Signal Symbols
by hand flags lantern
Attention (attention, do what I do; review) Raise your right hand up and hold until recall (until the "Attention" signal repeats) Raise the yellow flag with your right hand and hold it until you recall it (until the "Attention" signal repeats) Lantern with white light - series of dots
Gathering of the commander (chiefs) Raise your right hand up and circle it over your head, after which the hand is abruptly released The same, with red and yellow flags in the right hand Swing a lantern with white light overhead to the right and left, describing a semicircle
To machines Raise both hands up and hold until execution Swing a flashlight with a white light in front of you to the right and left at shoulder level
In places Raise both hands up and sharply lower down through the sides The same, with a yellow flag in his right hand and a red flag in his left Lantern with white light waving vertically up and down
Get started Rotate in front of you with your right hand The same, with a yellow flag in his right hand Rotate a lantern with white light in front of you
Turn off the engine Wave both hands down in front of you The same, with a yellow flag in his right hand and a red flag in his left Lantern with red light down, swing in front of you in a semicircle
March (forward, continue moving in the same or new direction, the path is clear) Raise your right arm up, turn in the direction of movement and lower your arm in the direction of movement at shoulder level Lantern with green light waving vertically up and down
Increase distance Raise your left hand up, and stretch your right hand horizontally to the side and swing it down and up to shoulder level The same, with a yellow flag in his right hand and a red flag in his left Waving a lantern with a green light in a vertical plane, describing a figure eight
Stop (stop) Raise the left hand up and quickly lower it down in front of you, repeating until the performance The same, with a red flag in his left hand Lantern with red light waving vertically up and down
Decrease distance Raise your right hand up, and extend your left hand horizontally to the side and swing it down and up to shoulder level The same, with a yellow flag in his right hand and a red flag in his left Lantern with red light waving in a vertical plane, describing the figure eight
In line of machines Extend both arms horizontally to the sides and hold until recall The same, with a yellow flag in his right hand and a red flag in his left Swing a flashlight with a green light in front of you to the right and left at shoulder level
In line of columns In the line of platoon columns: Raise both arms up and swing them crosswise over the head In the line of company columns: Raise both arms up, fold them crosswise over the head and hold them motionless The same, with a yellow flag in the right hand and a red flag in the left The same, with a yellow flag in the right hand and a red flag in the left Swing a lantern with a green light over your head to the right and left, describing a semicircle. A lantern with a green light to swing over your head to the right, describing a semicircle. Return the flashlight to its original position with half-extinguished or hidden from the receiving light
Into the column Raise your right hand up and lower it, keeping your forearm vertical (repeat until you recall) The same, with a yellow flag in his right hand At first, hold the lantern with a green light motionless, and then repeat the "March" signal until you recall
All around Stretch the left arm horizontally to the side, and raise the right arm up and circle overhead The same, with a yellow flag in his right hand and a red flag in his left Rotate a lantern with a green light in front of you
All right (left) Stretch the left hand horizontally to the side, and raise the right hand up, turn in the direction of the turn and swing the right hand up and down to shoulder level (repeat until you recall) The same, with a yellow flag in his right hand and a red flag in his left Lantern with green light swing vertically from top to bottom and in the direction of the turn
Accident (forced stop) Stretch the right hand horizontally to the side, and raise the left hand up and swing it over your head to the right and left The same, with a yellow flag in his right hand and a red flag in his left. After the signal is given, the red flag is installed on the machine at an angle of 45 degrees Swing a flashlight with a red light in front of you to the right and left at shoulder level

Note: The signal flag consists of a rectangular strip

trays measuring 32 x 22 cm, attached to a pole 40 cm long. Instead of a yellow flag, a white flag can be used.

Final part.

I remind you the topic, the learning objectives of the lesson and to what extent they have been achieved. I point out the most characteristic shortcomings identified in the course of monitoring the work of students and set the task of eliminating them. I bring the assignment for self-study. After that, I answer the questions that the students have.



Major General of the Reserve V. GLININ

| Material for the section "Fundamentals of Military Service" to prepare for practical training on the basis of a military unit | Tactical training

Basics of life safety
Grade 10

"Fundamentals of Military Service".
Preparation for practical training on the basis of a military unit

Tactical training

Tactical training is one of the most important subjects of combat training.

It includes: the study of the theory of combat, organization, weapons, combat capabilities, techniques and methods of action in battle for their troops (forces) and a potential enemy; training of personnel in the skillful use of weapons, military equipment in a difficult situation on a variety of terrain, day and night; upbringing of high morale and combat qualities among servicemen and other issues.

Combat is the main form of tactical actions of troops. It means strikes, fire and maneuver of formations, units (ships), subunits in order to destroy (defeat) the enemy, capture important areas (lines) or hold them and perform other tactical tasks in a limited area during short time.

The battle can be combined arms, anti-aircraft, air and sea... The main features of modern combat (along with maneuverability and dynamism) are rapid and abrupt changes in the situation, uneven development of combat along the front and in depth, a variety of methods of warfare, and increased moral, psychological and physical stress of personnel.

The main types of combat are offensive and defensive.

Offensive battle is critical to achieving victory. It is used to defeat the enemy and capture an important area. Success in an offensive battle is achieved by engaging the enemy with fire, decisive attack, destruction (capture) of manpower, capture of weapons, military equipment and enemy territory, and the rapid development of troop advance.

Defensive battle They are used to disrupt or repel the enemy's offensive by inflicting significant losses on him, to hold important areas and create conditions for going over to the offensive.

In battle, a soldier is obliged to show perseverance, initiative, discipline, endurance, determination and perseverance. He must act actively and suddenly, boldly and daringly, skillfully wield his personal weapon. Resourcefulness and mutual benefit are of great importance.

Each soldier must know the combat mission of the squad and platoon. During the battle, he must conduct observation, and upon finding the enemy, immediately report it to the commander. In the offensive, the soldier must act boldly and decisively, in the defense - steadfastly and stubbornly. In all cases, he must destroy the enemy by all means and means, show courage, initiative and resourcefulness. He must also skillfully use the terrain, personal protective equipment and the protective properties of machines, be able to quickly equip trenches and shelters, overcome obstacles, natural obstacles and contaminated areas of the terrain, perform sanitization, decontamination, degassing and disinfection. He is obliged to protect and defend the commander in battle, and in the event of his failure, boldly take command over himself. When injured or struck by radioactive or combat toxic chemicals, he must take the necessary self-help measures and continue to perform the combat mission.

In modern combat, the situation is changing rapidly, soldiers have to use various methods and techniques of action. The soldier must be able to move dexterously on the battlefield in any terrain, under enemy fire, and at the same time use his weapon. When operating on foot, depending on the terrain and enemy fire, a soldier can move in various ways: at a quick pace, running (full height or crouching), dashing or crawling. During the attack, the soldier moves at a run or at a fast pace, and after throwing a grenade - usually at a run. When fighting in the depths of the enemy's defense, all methods are used depending on the situation (Table 8).

When repelling counterattacks or going on the defensive, each soldier chooses an advantageous place to shoot and equips it. This place must be chosen so that it is possible to observe the enemy and fire, remaining hidden from his observation and protected from his fire. On open flat terrain, you need to quickly select or take the place indicated by the commander, open and mask a trench.

Pit for shooting consists of a groove in the ground with a length of 170 cm, a width of 60 cm, a depth of 30 cm and a breastwork up to 30 cm high.For the convenience of shooting, a step 25-30 cm wide is left in the front part. the parapet is reduced to 10 cm). A platform 30-40 cm wide is left between the parapet and the edge of the recess (Fig. 59). A trained soldier spends about 30 minutes on the construction of such a trench.

To open a single trench for shooting while lying under enemy fire, you need to put the machine gun (machine gun, grenade launcher) to your right at arm's length with the muzzle towards the enemy, turn on your left side, remove the shovel (Fig. 60) from the cover and, taking it by Cut the sod or the upper compacted layer of earth with both hands, striking yourself, marking the cut boundaries in front and on the sides. After that, with blows from yourself, remove it from the front and proceed to a fragment of the trench. The shovel needs to be cut into the ground not vertically, but obliquely, cut thin roots with the sharp edge of the shovel, throw the earth first forward, and then to the sides, so that a parapet is obtained, which will serve as a shelter from enemy fire and an emphasis for weapons. Having reached the required depth in the front of the trench, you need to move back and continue the passage so that you can cover the entire body and legs.

The parapet needs to be leveled and masked to prevent the enemy from detecting the trench. If the situation permits, the soldier can deepen the trench, adapt it for shooting from his knee, and then standing. During the fragments of the trench, one must continue to observe the enemy, being in readiness to open fire at any moment.

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