Home Useful properties of fruits Is it good to drink wormwood. Medicinal properties of the wormwood plant: the benefits of the composition, methods of application. Dangers of home treatment with wormwood: harm to the body. Wormwood for gallstone disease

Is it good to drink wormwood. Medicinal properties of the wormwood plant: the benefits of the composition, methods of application. Dangers of home treatment with wormwood: harm to the body. Wormwood for gallstone disease

Cherry is a woody plant up to 10 meters in height from the Rosaceae family, which, in addition to cherries, includes apples, pears and peaches. The Russian breeder Timiryazev contributed to the spread of sweet cherries in the late 19th century.

In English, cherries and cherries are called the same. The difference is in epithets: foreigners call cherries sweet, and cherries - sour "cherry". The berry is eaten fresh and dried, jams and compotes are cooked.

The cherry season lasts only a couple of summer months, and in fact it is not only tasty, but also good for health.

Sweet cherry composition

The composition of the berry varies depending on the color of the fruit. Fruits with a dark color have more useful substances.

Composition 100 gr. cherries as a percentage of the daily value is presented below.


  • C - 12%;
  • K - 3%;
  • AT 12%;
  • B2 - 2%;
  • B6 - 2%.


Calorie sweet cherry - 63 kcal per 100 gr.

A diverse composition is responsible for the beneficial properties of cherries. Fresh and dried fruits are used, but decoctions from the petioles and leaves of the plant are used.

What is useful cherry? Everyone!

For joints

Numerous studies have been conducted on the effect on the muscular system: cherry juice relieves pain after physical exertion. Cherry is useful for rheumatoid arthritis and other joint diseases. Its action is similar to the drug Ibuprofen.

For the heart and blood vessels

Cherries are a source of potassium that maintains normal blood pressure. It plays an important role in fluid balance and helps offset the hypertensive effects of sodium.

Cherries improve blood circulation and contain a lot of iron - this is useful for anemia.

For nerves

B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieve depression and anxiety. Melatonin is important in the fight against insomnia because it affects the pineal gland in the brain and the regeneration of nerve fibers.

For vision

The berry is rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A or retinol. It is important for vision.

For digestion

Cherry normalizes digestion, has a mild laxative effect and is useful in the treatment of spasmodic colitis. It does not cause heartburn and pain in duodenal ulcers and liver disorders.

For the bladder

Potassium causes a diuretic effect. The benefits of cherries are manifested for the urinary system - the berry removes toxins.

For skin

Vitamins A, B, C and E in cherries improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. They provide moisture and tone to the skin.

For immunity

Sweet cherry inhibits the development of cancerous tumors and strengthens the immune system.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of cherries allows you to include it in the diet of children, adults and the elderly. The berry has established itself as a reliable preventive and therapeutic product.

Recipes with cherries

Harm and contraindications of cherries

Contraindications for the use of cherries:

  • diabetes. Sweetness can provoke an attack in diabetics. If you do not keep a strict record of the intake of carbohydrates, then the level of sugar in the blood can rise sharply;
  • allergic reaction in people with individual intolerance to berries;
  • adhesions in the intestines.

If you eat more than 300 gr. cherries a day, diarrhea and bloating may occur.

If you abuse cherries for weight loss, you can achieve the opposite effect due to sugars.

Harm of sweet cherry is small and is usually provoked by excessive consumption.

Cherries while breastfeeding

Cherries rarely cause allergies, so it can be eaten daily by pregnant and lactating women. Puree from it is added as complementary foods in the first months of a baby's life.

When breastfeeding, it should be borne in mind that excessive passion for berries can cause diarrhea and. Check for an allergic reaction and eat several berries until you are sure that the baby does not have skin rashes.

The best cherries can only be bought during the season - from the end of May to the first days of July. The rest of the time you will receive only imported berries:

  1. Bright uniform color and pleasant smell of ripe cherries.
  2. The fruit flows or emits a slight smell of fermentation - the product is old or incorrectly transported.
  3. The petiole of the cherry should be green and fresh. If it turned yellow or blackened, then the berry is overripe or plucked long ago.
  4. Bruises, wormholes and spots indicate poor fruit quality.

Everyone is happy to wait for the season when the cherry begins to bear fruit. Juicy sweetish berries appear on the table first, and this is not surprising. In addition to the amazing taste of everyone, sweet cherries boast an impressive list of useful properties. The berry is used in cooking, it is rolled up for the winter with jam or compotes, and used in folk healing. But do the fruits have contraindications?

Useful properties of cherries

All parts of the sweet cherry are widely used in industry, cooking, and cosmetology. Beautiful furniture is made from wood, the leaves act as medicinal raw materials, the bark is used for tanning leather. However, despite this, the berries themselves have more benefits.

  1. Cherries are good for weight loss because they contain a small amount of carbohydrates. The berry is famous for its ability to cleanse the organs of the esophagus, removing congestion and toxic compounds. Weight loss occurs gradually, the person does not get stress.
  2. The fruits contain many substances known for their antioxidant properties. They prevent the harmful effects of free radicals on healthy cells, remove salts of heavy metals and poisons of a different nature.
  3. Cherry is used in cosmetology for the preparation of anti-aging, moisturizing, cleansing masks. It helps to eliminate purple spots from acne, acne, narrows pores.
  4. The composition contains flavonoids and coumarin, which are responsible for cleansing the blood channels from the accumulation of cholesterol plaques. Due to these properties, cherries should be taken if atherosclerosis, thrombosis, varicose veins are suspected.
  5. With anemia, the berry will also bring tremendous benefits. The fruits accumulate valuable iron for anemia. With its deficiency, serious pathologies develop. Cherry makes up for the lack with a vengeance. The same quality is appreciated by girls during menstruation, when most of the mineral comes out with secretions.
  6. Due to the presence of pectin, it is useful to eat a berry for ailments associated with the digestive organs. Fruits stimulate the intestines, cope with constipation, normalize stools. If gastritis or an ulcer is suspected, the berry should be included in the daily menu without fail.
  7. It should be separately told about the valuable qualities of the berry associated with metabolic diseases. With the systematic eating of fruits, metabolism is accelerated, all internal organs begin to work smoothly. The accumulation of iodine in a large volume is required for the correct functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system.
  8. Cherry acts as a natural absorbent. When it enters the body, all poisons are neutralized, oxidative processes are prevented. The benefits extend to the activity of the kidneys and liver, the functions of these internal organs are restored.
  9. With diseases such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis or osteochondrosis, patients suffer from severe pain. Cherry in any form removes salts, promotes natural lubrication of the joints and restoration of the integrity of bone tissue.
  10. Due to the presence of B vitamins in a decent amount, cherries are considered an excellent antidepressant. It quickly suppresses insomnia, the consequences of nervous breakdowns, depression, apathy. You need to eat fresh berries and drink tea on the leaves.

The benefits of white cherries

  1. For people suffering from a low immune system from birth, white cherries are useful. It concentrates more vitamin C than the red predecessor. Therefore, it quickly raises protective functions.
  2. It is this variety of berries that is suitable for people with an organism sensitive to allergens, as well as for young children. When eating, you should not be afraid of the development of diathesis.
  3. Not without the value of berries for the body of the female half of the population. Cherry of this color increases the chances of conception, enhances fertility.

  1. The fruits owe their color to the content of anthocyanins, phosphorus, flavonoids. In combination, these substances are useful for people with hypertension, as they are aimed at reducing and normalizing indicators.
  2. With atherosclerosis, it is necessary to consume red cherries. Such a berry will qualitatively and quickly cleanse the blood vessels of cholesterol deposits and prevent the disease.
  3. If iron deficiency anemia is suspected, it is urgent to introduce cherries into your daily diet. It will fill the deficit, will prevent anemia in adults and children.
  4. If we talk about the use in the field of cosmetology, good face masks are obtained based on the red berry. They tighten and form an oval, fight sagging and peeling.

Benefits of cherry leaves

  1. It was already mentioned earlier that all parts of the cherry can be used, foliage is no exception. Decoctions and teas are prepared from it to strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body, prevent thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
  2. Juice is squeezed from fresh foliage and gruel is made. Subsequently, such compounds are used to treat skin problems, stop bleeding, disinfect abrasions and cuts.
  3. If a person has suspicions of arthritis or rheumatism, it is necessary to pour half a handful of raw materials with boiling water (250 ml), insist, strain and take 50 ml. three times a day.

Benefits of cherry seeds

  1. Up to 30% fatty oils are present in the pits of fruits. Only 1% of esters is made from this amount. The kernels are often used in folk medicine because of the diuretic effect. The product greatly facilitates the course of urolithiasis and gout.
  2. Essential oils are often used in the cosmetic industry. It is important to know that if the bones are stored at home for a long time, the substance in the form of amygdalin, which is present in the nuclei, turns into hydrocyanic acid.
  3. Also, do not store jam or compotes from cherries with pits for more than 1 year. Such a product will become not only useless for humans, but also potentially dangerous.

Cherries for men

  1. Regular eating of fruits will allow the male body to digest fatty foods much easier. In addition, cherries have a positive effect on the sexual function of the stronger sex.
  2. Berries prevent inflammatory processes associated with the prostate gland. Regular eating of raw materials will positively affect the psycho-emotional background of men. In this case, the body copes with stressful situations more easily.
  3. It is worth including cherries in the daily diet of the stronger sex to strengthen bone tissue. Fruits also prevent the possibility of baldness.

Cherries for children

  1. Fortunately, not many children have an allergic reaction to cherries. The product should be introduced into the diet gradually. Give fruits in limited quantities, otherwise the baby will face troubles in the form of flatulence, indigestion and bloating.
  2. Regular consumption of raw materials will help the child's body to remove excess uric acid from the body. The valuable composition of the berries forms new blood cells. If a child suffers from constipation, cherries will be a salvation for him. The product has a mild laxative effect. In addition, raw materials perfectly strengthen the immune system.

  1. Cherry is one of the products with a valuable composition for the fairer sex during gestation. In particular, the fruits will benefit the woman after the winter. At such a time, the body of the expectant mother needs vitamins and enzymes.
  2. Sweet cherry has a positive effect on the health of a pregnant woman and a baby. A sufficient amount of retinol allows the tissues of the fetus to form properly. Vitamin B1 improves metabolic processes in the girl's body.
  3. Also in the berries there is vitamin B6, which alleviates the condition during toxicosis. In addition, the substance has a positive effect on the activity of the heart muscle, liver, brain of the mother and baby. The presence of vitamin PP in the body improves cellular respiration.
  4. Fruits are enriched with calcium and phosphorus. Together, these enzymes are necessary for the proper formation of the baby's musculoskeletal system. Due to pectin, the efficiency of the gastrointestinal tract is significantly increased, so future mothers will not suffer from problems with constipation.

Cherries for women

  1. Almost every representative of the weaker sex knows that cherries have a positive effect on the condition and health of the female body. Therefore, seasonal fruits should be regularly consumed within the allotted time. The berry is practically harmless.
  2. Systematic intake of the product will positively affect the health and appearance of every girl. Berries also significantly prolong youth due to the abundance of antioxidants. Cherries contain special substances that help to establish the menstrual cycle.

Cherry contraindications

  1. Cherry is categorically contraindicated in diseases associated with intestinal obstruction.
  2. Also with the fruits you need to be careful for people who suffer from diabetes.
  3. Berries contain natural sugars that can make you feel worse.

Cherry has a lot of positive qualities. The undoubted advantage of the fruit is that it does not cause an allergic reaction and is practically harmless. The daily norm for healthy people should not exceed 500 gr. In other cases, be careful.

Video: health benefits and harms of cherries

This fruit plant is the oldest form of the cherry subgenus. It is believed that already 10 thousand years ago this tree was known in Anatolia, as well as in Central and Northern Europe. In the botanical classification, at the level of the Rosaceae family, the sweet cherry is a “relative” of the rose, and at the genus level, the “sister” of the plum.

It got its common name thanks to the ancient Romans, who discovered plants in the vicinity of the town of Kerasunt, located on the territory of modern Turkey. First, the drupe of a “special cherry” was called the “Kerasuntian fruit” (lat. “cerasi”), and then in different languages, more or less consonant derivatives of this name arose (Spanish - “cereza”, German “kirsche”, English . - "cherry", Russian - "cherry", etc.). At the same time, in academic science, which uses Latin in terminology, another name has been assigned to sweet cherries - “Prunus avium”, which translates as “bird cherries”.

In medicine, the pulp of sweet cherries, its seeds and even gum have been used by plants for a long time, due to which certain traditions have developed for the use of compositions based on it. However, since 2007, when the anti-cancer properties of anthocyanins began to be actively studied in the scientific world, sweet cherries have again become the focus of experimental medicine.

Harm of cherries and contraindications

From the use of fresh cherries, gastroenterologists warn people suffering from adhesive bowel disease and other patency disorders, as well as people prone to flatulence. Also, with great care and in small portions, you should try cherries for patients with ulcers and gastritis with high acidity. In addition, the sugar content of cherries makes it a "difficult" product for diabetics.

However, doctors warn that even healthy people should not abuse cherries and lean on them soon after a hearty meal. Vegetable fiber, which is found in abundance in fruits, can lead to distension of the intestines and discomfort in the stomach. If you want to eat more, it is advisable to wait about 0.5-1 hour - this will help to avoid indigestion.

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Selection and storage of cherries

A competent approach to the choice of cherries requires attention both to the fruits themselves and to those who sell them. Therefore, cherries are advised to be purchased where they pass safety and quality control. Even for the loose “berries” purchased on the market, upon request, documents confirming the passage of the test must be provided. You can find out about the place and conditions for the growth of fruits from the seller or, if the cherry is sold packaged, on the label.

Minor defects (dents and cuts), which buyers often do not pay attention to, lead to rapid deterioration of the fruit and the appearance of a characteristic putrid aroma of fermentation. A similar smell is one of the main indicators of the condition of the fruit.

Since sweet cherries often begin to deteriorate from the stone, the onset of decay processes can also be recognized by the state of the stalk (vegetable “tail”). Fresh cherries are green and not dried out. A dry and darkened stalk indicates that the berries have been stored for a long time and there is a higher chance that they have begun to deteriorate.

Experts advise not to rush and buy cherries at the height of the season, which lasts 1-1.5 months - from late May to early July. During this period, the fruits are both tastier and healthier. At the same time, the color of a ripe berry is more dependent on the variety and it is necessary to focus on it only after adjusting for varietal differences.

There are varieties of sweet cherries that have a pink color even during the period of maximum ripeness. Such fruits differ from dark ones in a less saturated sweet and sour taste, but they contain more vitamin C. Yellow varieties are also characterized by pronounced sourness. However, they are more difficult to transport (send) because, due to their thin skin, they require careful handling. If sweet, bright taste and a high content of organic acids are more attractive in cherries, then it is better to choose dark red, burgundy or almost black varieties. They are also recommended for use in canning.

Early varieties of cherries are poorly suited for storage, so they are best eaten immediately after purchase. But later varieties should be stored in the refrigerator, in a container with a lid. Moreover, before this, the berries should be washed, dried, the stalks should be separated and only then sent to the coldest place in the refrigerator.

There is another storage method that does not require the removal of “tails”, which is especially important for varieties where the peduncle is very tightly attached to the fruit and is separated only when it is damaged (for example, the variety “Valery Chkalov”). A layer of cherry leaves is placed on the bottom of a glass jar, berries are placed on top of them - also in one layer, and then several more layers of berries and leaves alternately. The jar is tightly closed with a ground-in lid and placed in the refrigerator. After such preparation, sweet cherries can be stored for up to 2 weeks without loss of taste and useful qualities.

Sweet cherry is a familiar tree for the inhabitants of Asia and the southern regions of Europe, and with the development of frost-resistant varieties, it has become not uncommon in more northern countries. However, some facts diverge from generally accepted ideas about this plant and its fruits.

  • A cherry tree can reach a height of 25-30 meters, although plants not exceeding 5-10 meters are more common in gardens.
  • Food coloring is made from cherries, however, contrary to expectations, it is not red, but green.
  • "Bird cherry" this plant was called, apparently, for the love of birds for its fruits. Even city sparrows do not refuse the desire to peck ripe berries.
  • One hectare of a blossoming cherry orchard provides "raw materials" for 35 kilograms of pollen collected by bees.
  • It is incorrect to call cherries a "berry" in the classical sense of the term, since one of the botanical characteristics of berries is the presence of many seeds inside the fruit. Therefore, in a “serious conversation”, what is popularly called “berries” is more correctly called “stone fruits”.
  • According to some psychologists, people who name cherries as their favorite delicacy have a soft, accommodating character, are characterized by sincerity and childish spontaneity, love small surprises and are ready for sacrificial behavior for the sake of another person.

There are still few monuments to cherries in the world, in comparison with monuments to other vegetables and fruits. One of the few is located in the city of Minneapolis (USA). Since 2012, they plan to install their monument in the Ukrainian "cherry capital" - the city of Melitopol. And before it came to the implementation of the projects presented, in the city, on one of the walls of a high-rise building, a 27-meter mural appeared with the image of a fruit-bearing branch of the “bird cherry”.

During the time of the tsarist empire, Melitopol sweet cherries were famous in France, where they were sent in barrels filled with special solutions. Until the middle of the 20th century, a store operated in Paris, which was called “Melitopol Cherry”. In addition to climatic conditions, the taste qualities and, as a result, the popularity of the Ukrainian product were provided by special Azov soils formed after the melting of an ancient glacier. Ideal cherry soils were formed due to the fact that 70-90 cm of easily warmed sand was applied over a one and a half meter layer of black soil.

The appearance of cherry orchards in southern Ukraine is associated with the names of the doctor Andriy Korvatsky and the landowner-philanthropist Louis Henri Philibert, one of whom was a distant relative of the Hungarian king, and the other was a descendant of the Huguenots who moved from France to the Netherlands.

Varieties and cultivation

The ripening time of cherry fruits depends on the variety. The earliest ones ripen in the second half of May, and the latest - by the end of June. Dozens of varieties of cherries are known, each of which is remarkable for something. But all of them, in addition to advantages, have their drawbacks.

  • "Valery Chkalov". Frost-resistant (a third of the buds survive at -24 °C) and relatively early variety (ripens in the first decade of June) was the result of the joint work of specialists from the Melitopol Horticulture Experimental Station and the Michurinsk Central Genetic Laboratory. Fruits reach 6-8 grams, having a dark red, almost black color. Pinkish streaks are clearly visible in the pulp. This variety is distinguished by a bright taste and juiciness of sweet cherries, which are also suitable for canning. However, there are also disadvantages: the tree is often affected by gray rot, coccomycosis and other fungal diseases, which can completely destroy the crop.
  • "Regina". The variety was specially created by German breeders on the basis of other varieties "Roubet" and "Schneider" as a cherry with late fruiting, ripening by mid-summer. The pulp has a honey-sweet taste with a slight sourness. The fruits themselves are dense, tolerate transportation well. The key disadvantage is the need for the presence of pollinators of other varieties.
  • "Red Bittner". Also a German variety, which is already more than a dozen years old. In Poland, he "got accustomed" so much that he received the local regional names "Napoleonic" and "Poznan". The skin of the fruit is yellow, but well-lit cherries are covered with a brilliant blush. The pulp is light yellow in color, colorless juice is extracted from it. The disadvantages of growing include the danger of cracking the skin in rainy weather (from which spraying with calcium preparations helps), and the disadvantages of storage are sensitivity to pressure when full ripeness is reached. For the same reason, Red Bittner cherries are harvested for transportation a little earlier than ripening.
  • "Bull Heart". The name of the variety speaks for itself: the fruits are large (7-10 g), flat-round in shape, vaguely resemble a heart. They have the highest tasting rating, and compotes from this sweet cherry are distinguished by a rich, beautiful dark red color. However, according to the characteristics of keeping quality and transportability, this variety is inferior to many other varieties. At the same time, the tree has high winter hardiness and is immune to fungal diseases and, in particular, to coccomycosis.
  • "Yellow". Early sweet cherry with ripening in early June (even a little earlier than the variety "Valery Chkalov"), bred on Artyomovskaya OSS. The skin is thin, but dense. A unique taste is created by a combination of bitterness and sourness. The fruits reach a mass of 8-12 g and are widely used for jams and compotes.

The entry of a tree into fruiting, the strength of its growth, the quality and quantity of the fruits obtained depend mainly on the rootstock - a plant, to the root system (or stem) of which a cutting of a cultivated variety is grafted. Today, many vigorous and dwarf rootstocks are known, each of which has physiological compatibility with some sweet cherry varieties and incompatibility with others.

Due to the fact that sweet cherry belongs to very vigorous fruit trees, breeders for a long time could not find a way to effectively limit its growth. Only since the 60s of the XX century there has been a qualitative change in the selection of dwarf rootstocks, which, starting from the 70s, led to a breakthrough in horticulture when growing this crop. Nevertheless, even today, when choosing rootstocks for specific varieties, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors that affect the size and quality of the crop: from frost and virus resistance to the number of root suckers and planting density. As a result, each gardener creates his own unique knowledge base to get the best harvest.

So, for example, their innovative methods of growing sweet cherries on frost-resistant rootstocks are practiced in the Dutch nursery Fleuren, which annually sells about 400-450 thousand plant seedlings. In order to achieve the optimal ratio of juiciness, berries, their taste, caliber, resistance to damage, transportable endurance, the speed of the orchard entering full fruiting, its protection from climatic factors, etc., the nursery workers abandoned the tall rootstock "Colt" and began to grow small trees. It turned out to be easier to protect them from bad weather and birds. In addition, this simplified the collection of fruits, and the compacted planting pattern made it possible to obtain a larger yield from the same area.

More than 20 varieties of cherries and cherries are grown in the nursery, among which are the most popular in the world Burlat, Vanda, Merchant, Karina, Kordia, Regina, and for each variety its optimal stock is selected. In Fleuren, depending on the cherry varieties, the rootstocks "Gisela" -3, -5, -6 and -12 were chosen.

However, despite the successful Dutch experience, not every farm manages to create the optimal combination of planting density, soil characteristics, irrigation regime, herbicide application, etc. Dwarf rootstocks require the use of well-depleted, nutrient-rich soil and stable watering during dry periods. Hungarian breeders, for example, in one of the farms, not equipped with an irrigation system, on varieties Alex and Katalin failed to get large and beautiful fruits when using the rootstock "Gisela-5", which is considered more demanding on growing conditions than "Gisela-6" . At the same time, such a problem did not arise in neighboring Poland in prepared farms - the root system of plants, even during a snowless winter, demonstrated frost resistance, which, among other things, also contributed to the growth in popularity among European and American gardeners of both Gisela-5 and Gisela-6 ".

In the post-Soviet countries, the Colt rootstock, which absorbs magnesium and calcium better than many others, is still quite in demand. On sandy, permeable soils, this creates an advantage by relieving cherries of magnesium deficiency. Nurseries grow seedlings on Colt also because it reproduces well with the usual horizontal layering. However, this stock is not frost-resistant enough and from the age of 6-7 years it has a delayed incompatibility with such popular varieties as Burlat and Summit.

Sources of information

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  2. us national food database,
  3. us national food database,
  4. us national food database,
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Among fruit and berry crops, sweet cherry stands out for its early harvest. Culture is often found in garden plots. Its berries have excellent taste qualities both fresh and after heat treatment and canning. Excellent fruit compotes, jams, jellies, jams are made from fruits at home. Moreover, cherries also have a lot of useful properties.

plant information

This fruit tree belongs to the Rose family. An adult plant can reach a height of 10 meters. Cherry fruits have a rich red or bright orange color. Some varieties have white or yellow fruits. The berries are quite large, about 2 cm in diameter.

Initially, the sweet cherry was considered a southern plant. According to scientists, the birthplace of culture is Asia Minor. Cherry became suitable for cultivation in Russia thanks to the efforts of the famous breeder Michurin. At the end of the 19th century, he developed the varieties "Pervenets", "First Swallow", "Kozlovskaya".

At the moment, there are many frost-resistant varieties of cherries. They can be grown in the conditions of the middle zone, the Moscow region and the Leningrad region.

Difference from cherry

Many people confuse these two plants. Indeed, they are similar in many ways. First of all, the appearance of the berries is misleading. To clearly understand that these are different cultures, you should understand their differences from each other.

  • The taste qualities of the fruits differ markedly. Cherries are much more acidic, but juicier at the same time. Cherry fruits are sweet and fleshy.
  • Cherry leaves are much larger than cherry ones, and the trunk has a lighter shade.
  • Cherry grows both as a tree and as a shrub. Cherry grows only as a tree.
  • Cherry trees are more adapted to the conditions of most regions of Russia. They can be found in gardens or growing wild almost everywhere.
  • The color of cherry fruits is darker and deeper (from burgundy red to brown). Cherry berries are lighter, usually bright red, sometimes yellow, dark orange or white.

fruit properties

The calorie content of 100 g of cherries is 50 kcal. Protein content - 1.1 g, carbohydrates - 11.5 g, fat - 0.4 g. As part of the fruit there are a lot of valuable substances:

  • pectin;
  • vegetable fibers;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins of groups A, C, E, PP, H;
  • trace elements (potassium, calcium, copper and iron compounds, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, zinc, magnesium).

The benefits of the product for the body is difficult to overestimate.

  • Eating berries helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • Due to the fact that the product helps to thin the blood, reduce its viscosity, the use of cherries is recommended for people who have been diagnosed with vein thrombosis.
  • The substances contained in the berries of this culture are actively integrated into the process of hematopoiesis. They stimulate the production of white blood cells and other important components of the blood and lymph.
  • The pulp and juice of the fruit has a mild diuretic effect. Therefore, these products are included in the course of treatment and cleansing of the kidneys as an adjuvant.
  • Cherry fruits have a positive effect on the liver. They stimulate its work, helping to cleanse and remove toxins from the body and from the body as a whole.
  • Varieties of sweet cherries with dark berries are recommended for those who suffer from hypertension. They help reduce pressure. In addition, regular use of the product stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • The berries of this fruit crop are recommended to be included in the diet. Substances present in fruits stimulate metabolism, help to get rid of toxins and toxins.
  • The berries of this fruit crop are a very important product in the diet of people suffering from anemia. A high ratio of iron content helps to compensate for the deficiency of this microelement in the blood.
  • Beta-carotene, found in large quantities in fruits, has a positive effect on vision.
  • B vitamins (particularly B1 and B2) reduce the fragility of nails and hair. Also, the use of cherries helps to strengthen bones.
  • Cherry is also actively used as a cosmetic product. Masks from the pulp of ripe fresh fruits literally renew the skin of the face. She noticeably tightens and takes on a healthy look.
  • In addition to berries, other parts of the plant are also used in folk medicine. For example, a decoction of the leaves is used as a tonic, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory agent. Even the seeds of sweet cherries have healing properties. They are rich in essential oils and organic fats. They also contain a valuable substance - amygdalin. An infusion of cherry kernels is used as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Cherry fruits are not dangerous for expectant mothers. On the contrary, they saturate the body of a pregnant woman with useful and necessary substances during this period. Light-colored berries are hypoallergenic and can be included in the diet of children of any age.

The effect of berries on the intestines

Many people wonder if this berry weakens or strengthens. Some doubt whether this product can be used for constipation. Cherries have been proven to have a mild laxative effect. They stimulate the peristalsis of all parts of the intestine and contribute to its cleansing.

Cherry fruits are indicated for colitis, intestinal atony, gastritis with high acidity and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Unlike most fruits and berries, which are contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers, cherries do not cause discomfort, pain, and deterioration of health in these diseases.


Patients with diabetes should consume the product in small quantities. In addition to fructose, which is harmless with such a disease, the fruits contain a large amount of sugars of other types. Due to the fact that the cherry stimulates the intestines and enhances peristalsis, this berry is contraindicated for people suffering from intestinal obstruction and adhesive disease of the pelvic organs.

You will learn more about the benefits and contraindications for eating cherries by watching the following video.

How to choose a berry?

Any fruits or berries are really useful only if they are not spoiled, have the right ripeness and have not been chemically processed. Therefore, at the end of the article about the fruits of cherries, it is worth touching on the rules for choosing this berry in the market or in the store.

  • On the territory of our country, sweet cherries bear fruit in the summer. To get a really fresh berry, you should buy it during the ripening season, that is, in the second and third months of summer.
  • The fruits on the counter should be dry, without signs of damage and decay. When pressed, the berries should not be crushed, ripe fruits are always elastic. Damage to the skin, its fading, dents on the surface of the fruit and its excessive softness indicate that the sweet cherry has already stale and begins to deteriorate.
  • The stalk can also tell about the ripeness of the cherry. If it is dry, then the berries are overripe or have been on the counter for a very long time and are far from fresh. In a ripe crop, taken from the branch in time, the stalk remains green.

Feel free to smell the berries. If there is a sour smell, it means that fermentation has begun in the pulp.

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