Home Useful properties of fruits Aids for the child to learn to walk. Teaching Your Child to Walk: Basic Exercises, Helpful Hints, and Safety Tips. Leash for a child: parent reviews

Aids for the child to learn to walk. Teaching Your Child to Walk: Basic Exercises, Helpful Hints, and Safety Tips. Leash for a child: parent reviews

A lifelong journey begins with the first step ...

Tips on how to teach a child to walk on their own are not relevant for every parent. Most children develop in accordance with age-specific physiological norms and there is no need for their voluntary training. After all, walking is a skill acquired by a child independently in the process of natural psychomotor development. The average infant begins to walk at the age of 1 year, the interval for acquiring this skill is from 9 to 15 months. Usually well-fed children with a loose body structure begin to walk later than their peers, although not always. Premature babies born prematurely walk, on average, closer to 18 months.

If, by the due date, the child does not acquire this skill on his own, in order to exclude possible developmental pathology, it is necessary, in agreement with the local pediatrician, to show the baby to specialized specialists - an orthopedist and a neurologist. Perhaps doctors will prescribe a therapeutic massage and special gymnastics. In some cases, additional examinations from other specialists may be required.

If the doctors have assured that everything is in order with your child, you just need to wait a little, with their permission, you can start performing special exercises. Some of them are the same as in the article, since you must first teach the baby to stand without support and maintain balance. Here we give only those exercises that are directly related to teaching walking and are intended for children from 9-10 months of age. To fulfill them, it is required that the baby already be able to step over, holding the hands of adults.

How to teach your child to walk with exercise

1. Have the child stand and hold on to the handles of their stroller. You have to stand behind him and insure him, not letting him fall. When the stroller starts to move forward, the baby will follow it, taking steps in the direction of its movement. To avoid falling crumbs, make sure that the stroller does not move too quickly, and he has time to step over.

2. Take 2 smooth pole-type poles that are slightly taller than the child's height, which will be comfortable for him to hold on to. To prevent the baby from falling, leaning on the sticks, put your own on top of his handles. Slowly step over with him, rearranging the poles, by analogy with ski poles. This is one of the most effective exercises to teach your child to walk on their own.

3. Place the child inside the hoop, and yourself, moving the hoop in different directions and insuring the baby from falling, push him to different movements: forward, backward, in a circle.

4. Pull a rope between the furniture at the height of the child's knees. Bring the baby to her, and, holding the hand, step over the obstacle together. Then let only the child step over, and you only support him by the hand. This exercise helps to develop the skill to maintain balance and coordinate your movements.

5. No equipment is required to complete this exercise. Just lead the child by the arms everywhere, following him.

Several months will pass, and maybe even earlier, and your direct support will no longer be needed, since the baby will decide to take independent steps. But still follow alongside and control the baby, because there are so many dangers around for a small person!

Devices for teaching children to walk

The first word that appears mentally at the level of association to the question "How to teach a child to walk?" is a walker. Walkers are a special device with the help of which a baby, who has not yet learned to walk on his own, can freely move around the apartment, pushing off the floor with his feet.

Types of baby walkers

Modern industry produces a wide variety of baby walkers, differing in their design features.

Classic (regular) baby walkers made of a frame on wheels with a baby seat.

Baby walker-transformers Is a device that has the functions of a conventional walker and a special rocking chair. In addition, they can be adjusted in height: the baby can either reach the floor with his toes alone or stand on a full foot.

Baby walker-wheelchair are a structure equipped with wheels and many parts for the development of fine motor skills of children's hands. These walkers are most suitable for those children who have already learned to walk. They allow you to develop the child's physical activity, as well as consolidate the learned walking skills.

Currently, there is no consensus among doctors about the use of a walker. It is believed that their unjustified prolonged use can provoke curvature of the spine and deformation of the baby's legs.

To teach a child to walk on their own, purchasing a walker is not at all necessary. Nevertheless, at a certain stage in the development of the baby, this device can greatly facilitate the life of the mother, vigilantly and vigilantly following every movement of the little fidget.

Conditions for the correct use of the walker

So, so that the use of the walker is only beneficial, the following conditions must be met:

  • choose to buy high-quality walkers produced by reliable manufacturers;
  • a baby who cannot sit independently should not be placed in a walker;
  • the time the child spends in this device should be dosed so as not to create unnecessary stress on the back and hip joints. Start putting the baby in the walker, first for 3 minutes, gradually increasing the time spent in them up to 40 minutes;
  • in order to avoid traumatic situations, do not leave the baby unattended in the walker;
  • the use of a walker should be combined with crawling and other types of infant movement. The latter is necessary for the development of a sense of caution in the baby, which underlies the instinct of self-preservation.

Another device for learning to walk is reins leash... It is a harness made of harnesses, reminiscent of a dog harness. Leash reins are designed for children who are already able to move around without assistance, but are not yet good at coordinating movements. Thanks to this device, the adult helps the baby to maintain balance and prevents him from falling.

At the stage of learning to walk, great attention must be paid to the safety of the baby. At this age, he is very vulnerable. It so happens that, having fallen, the baby is injured, frightened and for a while leaves attempts to get up and walk, preferring a safer way of movement - crawling. To teach a child to walk on their own, do not put pressure on him and in no case do not force him to do it. Be patient and wait for the baby to dare to move upright again. This will happen very soon. Success!

And at the end of the article, a little humor from the "Great Thoughts of Great Women" column:

- I learned to walk when I was a year old, and since then I have not taken lessons.

/Marilyn Monroe/

Smile! 🙂

Doctors believe that a child with normal health indicators should take the first steps between the ages of 9 and 18 months; the fastest toddlers begin to move on foot long before a year, more detailed babies can go closer to one and a half.

In principle, already by the difference in timing, one can guess: the first steps are a purely individual matter, and you should not even try to bring the achievements of a particular baby to a single standard. Of course, practice shows that there are children who develop "according to the book" and pass sequentially all the stages described in the thematic literature. The "correct" child first learns to crawl, then, having passed all conceivable standards for running on all fours, begins to get up in the crib, then masters movement around the perimeter of the arena - and finally takes the first timid step into the open space. However, for one such baby there is at least one who does not know the pediatric canons and, calmly skipping the "Plastun" stage, practically without preparation, changes a sedentary lifestyle to upright walking.

These simple statistics contain the answer to the question that worries most young mothers: when should he go? And this answer is as follows: when it is ripe and strong enough to stand on its feet; Nature knows the required date better than a whole council of doctors.

Get started charging!

Of course, what has been said above does not mean that the development of the baby should be allowed to go by itself, that he does not need help - they say, sooner or later he will go on his own. And watch, and help - you need. The first steps can be delayed both if the child's leg muscles are too weak, and in the case of hypertonicity - that is, when the muscles are in very strong tension (in hypertonicity, the child does not put his leg on his full foot, all the time rising on tiptoe). An accurate diagnosis of the condition of the baby's musculoskeletal system should be carried out by specialists (orthopedist, surgeon, neurologist). As a rule, if hypertonicity is diagnosed, doctors prescribe baths with herbs or sea salt and massage. If the baby needs to strengthen muscles, develop coordination of movements and instill self-confidence, special gymnastics can be very useful.

Exercise 1

Age: from 9-10 months, when the child has already begun to step over, holding the hands of adults.

Inventory: a toy stroller or a stroller of the baby himself.

The child stands, holding on to the handles of the stroller, the adult supports the baby. When the stroller starts to move slowly, the baby reaches for it, bends over and finally takes the first step.

Exercise 2

Age: from 9 months.

Inventory: table or any hard surface.

The adult sits the child on his haunches, with his back to him. Firmly holding the hips, the adult rocks the baby back and forth, forcing him to stand on straight legs. You need to help the child to bend forward as deeply as possible, while supporting him in the chest area. If the little one is in no hurry to rise, it means that the legs are still weak and the exercise can be left, and after a while you can return to it. The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the ability to stand independently.

Exercise # 3

Age: 6-9 months.

Inventory: fitball of medium size, inflated by 2/3.

An adult puts the child on the ball with his back to him and, firmly holding the hips, tilts in different directions. The goal is to develop coordination of movements, teach balance and maintain balance.

Exercise 4

Age: when the child already knows how to get up from his knees with the help of a support.

Inventory: baby's favorite toy and chair.

The toy moves along the floor in the direction of the chair, “encouraging” the baby to crawl behind it on all fours, rises above the chair (so that the child tries to lean against it with the handles) and is placed on the edge of the chair. armchair.

Exercise # 5

Age: 9 months and older.

Inventory: two poles about 120 cm high or a hoop.

The child takes the poles, the adult puts his own on top of his handles. The adult begins to slowly step over with the child, rearranging the poles in the manner of ski poles. If a hoop is used, the child is inside, and an adult, moving the hoop in different directions, pushes the baby to different movements - walking in a circle, forward or backward.

Exercise 6

Age: when the baby moves around the room, holding the adult's hand.

Inventory: long lace or rope.

The lace is pulled between the furniture at the height of the child's knees. Holding the child by the hand, the adult brings the child to the lace. The point is for the child to step over the obstacle.

How to make the path easier?

In an effort to facilitate the first steps of babies from parents and pediatricians, the modern industry does not lag behind, which from year to year expands the range of developing products for children. Some of them are recognized as useful, about others, the opinions of experts may diverge in diametrically opposite directions. Here are three of the most popular and talked about walking aids.

Walkers. A small round table with a cloth seat, arranged like a kangaroo backpack, equipped with castors at the base. Sitting in the walker, the child reaches the floor with his feet and, pushing off, can move freely around the apartment. The height of the seat is, as a rule, adjustable: the baby can reach the floor with his toes alone, or he can stand on a full foot.

It is the walker that causes the most fierce debate in the "near-infant" environment: there are both convinced supporters and ardent opponents of this device. In fact, if you do not buy cheap and, therefore, potentially traumatic models and follow basic safety precautions, walkers can hardly be harmed. The safety precautions are very simple:

  • walkers are not suitable for a child who is not yet able to sit independently;
  • a child in a walker cannot remain unattended (as, in fact, without them);
  • Staying in the walker for too long will put unnecessary stress on the back.

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that not only harm, but also benefit from the walker is a little: the very idea that the walker is able to help the baby with the first steps raises great doubts. A child sitting in a walker, in fact, does not walk, but rolls, pushing off the floor with his feet. At the same time, he is devoid of the need to keep balance and coordinate his own movements, he is insured against falls. On the other hand, at the stage when the toddler has already begun to actively move around the house on all fours, but has not yet learned to walk, the described device can be a real salvation for mom, giving her a break in the endless "race for the leader".

Wheelchair. A device shaped like a four-wheeled cart with a handle: the baby takes the first steps, holding on to the handle and pushing the wheelchair in front of him. It is more convenient than a regular stroller, which most one-year-old babies also like to carry, as it matches the baby's height. At a certain stage, the benefits of such an object are many, since it allows the child to move around without the help of adults, without losing balance and self-confidence.

Leash reins. Harness design that resembles a dog harness both visually and in the way of use. The "reins" are used at the stage of the very first steps, when the baby is already ready to move without assistance, but at the same time he is not coordinating movements well enough. In this situation, the "leash" plays the role of a safety lath, which prevents the beginner "tightrope walker" from falling and hitting hard. The main disadvantage of the device is that it looks unattractive from the outside. But if a grandmother suffering from rheumatism has to walk the baby, the "leash" can be a real salvation.

Barefoot boy

Another controversial point regarding the first steps of the baby is associated with his first shoes. Today, almost every orthopedist, seeing that the child is about to go, offers parents to buy sandals with a supporting instep support. According to the majority of modern doctors, such shoes serve as effective prevention and, moreover, help more stable adhesion of the foot to the surface. At the same time, this approach in orthopedics is not the only one, and its claims to the status of the ultimate truth are somewhat premature.

Back in the middle of the twentieth century, the American orthopedist Simon Wikler published the book "Take Off Your Shoes and Walk" (Dr Simon J. Wikler. Take Off Your Shoes and Walk), in which he described the results of his many years of research. Having studied hundreds of feet of patients from a year to ninety, Wickler came to the conclusion that the healthiest feet are in those who wear loose shoes with flexible soles and often walk barefoot. It is the instep supports that weaken the muscles of the foot, since its bending, which should occur naturally, in the case of the instep support is achieved mechanically, the doctor believes. The conclusion of the orthopedist is as follows: the shoes should be free so that it remains possible to wiggle the toes inside the shoe, there should not be instep supports, and at every suitable opportunity the child should walk barefoot (including at home, on a smooth floor).

Steps to safety

Taking care that the child is comfortable and comfortable to walk, it is important not to forget about his elementary safety: as soon as the baby gets up on his feet, he literally moves to a new level ... and begins to reach those shelves and objects, oh whom I could only dream of before. This means that in order for the first steps of the crumbs to be a reason for joy, and not for permanent stress, you need to prepare for these very steps.

So, take a critical look at the apartment and ...

  • move all fragile, valuable and heavy items that are less than 1.2 m from the floor;
  • remove the tablecloths: they are very easy to pull off the table along with all the contents;
  • hide all household chemicals in an unattainable place: washing powders, stain removers and bleaches are no longer in an easy-to-open drawer under the bathroom;
  • block electrical outlets with special plugs;
  • Make it a habit to remove all sharp, stabbing, cutting objects in a place where the baby will not reach them - even if he tries very hard.

In addition to potentially dangerous objects that can hurt, prick or burn a baby, at the "pioneering" stage, a myriad of corners and furniture handles are found in the apartment, located exactly at the level of the crumbs' eyes. Fortunately, the modern industry offers a whole range of devices that can literally smooth out rough edges. Table corners, special covers for handles, plugs for drawers, door and window stops, staircase blockers are available today in any more or less large children's store. And yet, do not delude yourself: straws, which, according to popular wisdom, would not hurt to spread in the right place, modern manufacturers have never invented. The moment a child takes his first step, he takes a step towards his independence. And on this path there will certainly be sharp corners and treacherous steps, tears, abrasions and bumps. The kid will fall a thousand more times - and a thousand and one will rise, until finally he truly stands on his feet.

Modern manufacturers of children's devices offer consumers a lot of colorful gadgets. They are designed for the correct physical development of children and meet all safety rules. Bright, attractive, with additional game panels, children's exercise equipment and devices are very popular in the domestic market. They all have significant and compelling benefits. But along with the pluses, these items have a negative impact on the physical development of the child.

Jumpers are the enemy of the child's spine

Parents begin to use this children's sports trainer even before the baby begins to move independently. It is believed that jumpers bring a lot of pleasure to the child. But they give pleasure only to mommy, who can do household chores for a while.

A child, being in jumps and left without parental attention, quickly loses interest in jumping. In addition, the device limits the child's freedom of movement and can harm his natural development. Pushing off the floor with two legs, the baby gets used to these movements, and without a walker will try to resume the same movements. As a result, regular falls will affect independent walking.

Do not forget about the child's fragile spine. When jumping in jumpers, the main load falls on the back. Therefore, frequent jumps in the device will lead to curvature of the spine.

Jumpers are highly undesirable for children who have skin injuries in the area of ​​contact with the parts of the device. Jumpers squeeze the baby's crotch quite hard and can cause allergic reactions.

Walkers: traumatic and useless

Many parents believe that a walker accelerates a baby's development. And they are very mistaken in this. This adaptation affects only the muscle group that is responsible for the formation of gait. Of course, it is very convenient to put the child in a walker and be distracted by a conversation with your beloved girlfriend, knowing that nothing will happen to the baby. But walkers have many disadvantages.

With the help of this device, the child will not learn to walk on his own for a long time, since the structure itself will be able to carry it to any place in the room. In addition, he will not develop the vestibular apparatus. And due to improper distribution of the load and circulatory disorders, not only the spine, but also the feet can be deformed.

The walker reliably protects the baby from falling, and outside of this device the child will not be able to avoid injury. On top of this, they interfere with the development of a protective reaction, because, having bumped into a barrier, the child will not see the danger.

Young children learn about the world around them through touch and taste buds. While in the walker, it becomes impossible to reach many objects.

Leash (reins) for children: did you really want a child, not a dog?

This device was invented for restless and curious children who, every time they walk, strive to show independence and run away from adults. Moreover, they help maintain balance and control the baby's falls. This harmless invention provokes a lot of indignation from others, as it evokes the association of "walking the dog."

The harm of children's reins is that they inhibit the psychological development of the baby. Being constantly on a leash, the child cannot worry about his safety. Consequently, he will not learn to make decisions on his own, will not receive elementary development skills and will not develop a sense of responsibility for his life.

Moreover, the leash makes it clear to the child who dominates in many ways without the possibility of changing the situation. Thus, children fail to learn many lessons, miss out on learning opportunities, and fail to understand when to cooperate or listen to adults.

Kangaroo backpack: comfortable, but dangerous

Many parents have already been able to appreciate the new-fashioned kangaroo backpack, because it greatly facilitates the carrying of small children. It is adjustable for any adult, type of clothing (summer and winter) and can easily change the position of the child. The backpacks provide excellent support for the lower back, thereby preventing pain. Being in such a "bag", the child feels complete safety, and the hands of mom or dad at this time are completely free.

Despite these advantages, the kangaroo backpack has some negative aspects. Since the baby is in a hanging position for a long time, the entire load goes to the fragile spine and the perineal region. Subsequently, this leads to deformation of the spinal column and damage to the skin on the inner surface of the legs. A dangling head will also have a big disadvantage if it is not pressed against an adult. A narrow sitting position can disrupt blood flow in the small pelvis and baby's legs. These negative aspects are more related to the design of the backpack. But do not forget that even in a properly selected kangaroo shoulder bag, the baby should be no more than two hours.

Look out for the harmless kangaroo alternative -.

Manezh: psychologists warn

A very useful and practical playpen for children causes a mixed reaction from psychologists. On the one hand, the safety of the arena allows you to leave the child alone for a while, and on the other hand, it limits the movement and freedom of the little man. Limitation interferes with normal physical development and makes it impossible to actively move.

Growing up, the child seeks to know the world around him. His first independent movement is crawling. Unfortunately, the arena misses this opportunity. It only allows the baby to stand on its legs (or sit down), hold onto the support and move along the edge.

In the arena, the baby often feels helpless, as he cannot reach what attracts him. The obstacle becomes insurmountable, and the first experience of failure can take hold on a subconscious level for a long time. Moreover, being in the arena for a long time, the child loses close contact with adults, which affects his psychological development.

Many parents have raised healthy and happy children without resorting to the dubious use of these remedies. Try it too!

Top-top ... Hurray! The kid took a step.

A timid little step, then another. And suddenly - he fell! How nice if on a soft fleecy carpet ...

And if - on the road? Tears, bruised palms and dirty clothes, it would seem, cannot be avoided.

Or can you survive your first independent walks without annoying troubles?

What is a baby leash?

Probably, in childhood, many played "horse": in front of the running child was caught by the rope by the belt or armpits, and the ends of the rope were held by the "rider". This children's fun served as an example for creating a baby leash.

A child's leash, or reins, or a harness is a device that will provide the baby with safety while learning to walk, and will allow the mother to take the load off the back. It is rather inconvenient to lead a child by both arms when the little discoverer demands to step more and more.

Why does a child need a walking leash?

When the baby is just starting to master walking, his movements are uncertain, poorly coordinated. With the help of the reins, it is convenient for an adult to control the movements of the child, to prevent falls. The baby's arms are not busy, and this helps to balance, maintain balance, and play.

Going with the baby, for example, for shopping, you can be sure that the novice runner will not get lost in the crowd, will not run far, will be in the mother's field of vision.

Important to remember! You can't drive your baby with insurance all the time! In safe places, let your child go to run on their own. After all, if he does not learn to fall, then he will not know what caution is.

Leash for a child: pros and cons

There is no single opinion among parents about the benefits of leashes. Some people acquire them in advance, even before birth, and then actively use them. Mothers with more than one toddler can be called special connoisseurs of this invention. They know firsthand how hard it is to walk with an active baby.

Opponents of the reins consider their use unacceptable. This, in their opinion, humiliates the child, putting it on a par with animals walking on a leash. There is also an opinion that posture and psyche deteriorate in children.

The baby leash undoubtedly has its advantages:

  • protection against falls and injuries
  • the leash is individually adjusted to the size of the child
  • in a leash, the baby feels balance, and he has to put his legs correctly: lean with his whole foot
  • affordable price

The main drawback is the ethical and aesthetic perception of others. In our country, walking reins are not common, and for many who meet a baby on a leash on the street, this sight causes bewilderment and condemnation.

When worn for a long time throughout the day, the reins can chafe the baby's delicate skin.

Important! A walking leash is not a teaching tool, but only a safety net when teaching a child to walk!

Types of leashes for teaching a child to walk

There are several types of baby leashes. Their difference from each other is in the design and method of attachment.

Leashes with a rigid handle holder and soft panties for fixing

Outwardly, this model resembles the well-known "jumpers": durable textile panties and long shoulder straps ending in a holder. These are some of the safest leashes available. This model allows you to evenly distribute the load on the fragile spine of the baby.

The disadvantage may be the price, the highest for this model among all types of leashes for children.

If you don't use a diaper while walking, you can be ready to wash the leash after each use.

Leashes that are attached to the chest, armpits and shoulders of the child

A very convenient option. Avoids chafing thanks to the sewn-in fabric tab on the chest.

The straps are adjustable, you can choose the optimal length. This makes it possible to put on the reins even on bulky winter clothes.

Sometimes the straps can rub the armpits because of their high position, so it is better to wear them on tight clothes with sleeves.

Leashes from slings and fasteners

This model is the simplest. Consists of slings and full length adjustable buckles.

You can use such a leash only when the baby is already confidently standing on its legs: the leash only controls balance, but does not provide support.

The slings can cut into the baby's skin and chafe.

Low cost is a big plus.


This option looks like a backpack behind the child's back, and a leash is attached to the backpack.

Very suitable for hyperactive babies, does not restrict movement. However, in such a leash, the support of the shoulder girdle is minimal, and this leash is not suitable for a poorly walking toddler.

Children's walking leash: what to look for?

Having chosen this or that model of reins, it is worth checking how it meets the requirements of safety and comfort.

  1. Security. Several important rules! When buying, it is important to determine the strength of the lines and fasteners. You should not buy a model with Velcro, otherwise the child will be able to take off the leash on his own. The child should not be allowed to play with the leash himself or with other children. Care must be taken not to twist the lines around the child's neck
  2. Comfort. The materials from which the leash for walking training is made must be strong, but not rigid, so that the skin of the crumbs does not rub or squeeze. The slings must be individually adjusted for the height and build of the baby.
  3. Price. The simplest leash for walking costs from one hundred rubles. The more famous the brand and the more complicated the model, the higher the price. For those who want to save money, but have a high-quality children's leash, you can make this little thing with your own hands.

Note! It is impossible to use a leash for walking earlier than 8 months, until the baby begins to move, at least holding on to both arms of an adult's hand.

DIY leash for a child

Some craftswomen sew the leash on their own. The advantage of a homemade leash is the ability to adjust the length of the handles and the choice of a suitable color.

To sew a leash, you will need about 4 meters of textile sling or strong braid and 4 semi-automatic fasteners - fastex.

  1. First you need to measure the baby's chest circumference. You need to measure in clothes for the season when walking is planned. Do not forget to leave a small margin for the fasteners.
  2. Then the length of the future straps is measured: from the middle of the child's chest over the shoulder to the back. The straps need to be swept over the chest detail.
  3. The handle of the leash is measured so that it is convenient for an adult to drive the baby without bending over.
  4. The handle of the leash is sewn to the breast part.
  5. Clasps are attached to the ends of the braid.
  6. A thin pillow can be sewn to the breast to make the baby more comfortable.
  7. The leash is ready.

This simplest model of baby reins does not require any special sewing skills. You can even do without a sewing machine. Spending quite a bit of money and time, it will turn out to build a little thing no worse than those offered by the industry of goods for toddlers.

Leash for a child: parent reviews

Olga Shipunova (Omsk). When the reins were acquired for our overly active daughter at the age of 11 months, I finally learned what quiet walks are. We chose the Love & Carry model. I am pleased. And my daughter also likes it, you can grab whatever you want with your hands instead of giving them to me, and run calmly.

Julia Akimkina (Belovo). I have twins. When we got out of the stroller, I could not walk with them alone. Bought Lindam leashes. Very comfortable, no chafing! And I do not care that the grannies whisper. The main thing is that now we are walking safely, and we have forgotten about broken knees.

Anna Lavrova (Novosibirsk). My grandmother gave me a Chicco harness. Very cute, with a teddy bear on her chest. They could not walk with her, the child was uncomfortable running on a leash. But we liked to fasten in a stroller or a highchair. This harness turned out to be universal.

Irina Shabalina (Murmansk). The BabyOno leash is an excellent, high-quality thing. But we ourselves are to blame for not using it much. They began to walk in the summer, in the heat. I was scared that a sweaty little body would rub through a T-shirt. They wore it a little in the fall, but did not need much support - they ran themselves.

Polina Kostyuk (Moscow). Maybe I misused the baby leash, but I absolutely didn’t like it. We bought a Polish model Womar. The son rubbed his armpits after the first walk. They put it on a warm blouse later - it still rubs. I do not recommend this leash to anyone.

Sergey Ovchinnikov (Perm). A couple of times I went for a walk with my grandson - "I was left without legs and back." They advised me to buy a leash. In our store, only from the Malyshastik company turned out to be. Not expensive at all. My back does not get tired now, and my grandson does not run away. The daughter and son-in-law at first laughed, but then they themselves began to take a leash for a walk with their tomboy.

The walking leash makes it much easier for mom to walk with the baby. The simple design provides the baby with support and does not fall. It is possible to transfer the child across the road without fear: he will not break free and will not fall on the roadway. You can safely go to the store: the baby will not get lost in the crowd, and the mother will be able to carry the purchases with her free hand. You can just walk on the site and know that the walk will do without bruises and scratches.

Disapproval of others? For those who are wary of this, it is worth considering which is more important: backward views on life and upbringing or the comfort of the child and their own peace of mind.

WALKING is a cyclical movement, a natural way for a child to move.

The load when walking depends on its pace and energy consumption during its implementation. The pace of walking can be normal, moderate, fast, etc.

Walking is a challenging movement.



Methodology for teaching children to walk, exercises in balance.

WALKING - cyclical movement, natural way of movement of the child.

The load when walking depends on its pace and energy consumption during its implementation. The pace of walking can be normal, moderate, fast, etc.

Walking is a challenging movement.

It has a significant physiological effect on the body: while walking, more than 60% of muscles are involved in work, metabolic and respiratory processes are activated; the work of the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems of the body increases.


Normal walking,

Walking on toes, on heels,

Walking with a high knee lift

Walking with a long stride

Walking with side steps (straight and sideways),

Walking roll from heel to toe,

Walking in a half-squat and squat,

Walking lunges

Walking with a cross step,

Gymnastic walking.

Defining the condition for the formation of walking is learning... Forming the skill of correct walking in a child, the teacher educates him in the coordination of the movement of arms and legs, balance, correct posture, which develops and strengthens the arch of the foot.



Features of the movement by children

Software Requirements

Pedagogical Requirements for Movement Learning

Younger preschool age

There is no coordination of movements of the arms and legs;

The foot is not formed - children "spank" it while walking, the legs are bent, the body is tilted forward;

When walking, the child steps with the whole foot;

When walking, the child lowers his head, looks at his feet; the pace of walking is unstable;

Hall space is poorly used

Teach children to walk with free, natural hand movements; - Learn to walk with high knees;

Learn to step over objects; - Teach orientation in space

Pay attention to the position of the torso and head during movement (the head is raised, the torso is straightened);

When walking, pay attention to the fact that children do not "shuffle" their feet, do not look under their feet; - Additional walking is used: on toes, raising the knees high; bypassing objects; changing direction; in a circle, not holding hands; side steps, forward, to the sides; alternating walking with running; stepping over objects

Middle preschool age

Walking is quite confident, with strict adherence to the intended direction. Hand movements are not yet energetic and are performed with a small amplitude;

The shoulders are tense, the body is not straightened enough, but the head "looks" forward when walking;

The length of the step increases, the rhythm of the steps is established;

In general, walking is still not perfect enough;

Lack of correct posture, "shuffling" legs, constrained movements are common

Form the correct posture;

Teach children to walk on an inclined plane;

To acquaint children with the technique of the side step;

Learn to coordinate hand movements while walking

Pay attention to the movement of the arms during the exercise, to the position of the body (shoulders are straightened, the back is straight), to the position of the foot (roll from heel to toe);

Monitor the correct posture; - Exercises: walking with a bag on the head (hands on the belt or to the sides, shoulders laid back); on toes, heels, outside of the foot; in small and wide steps; "Snake" between the placed objects, etc.

Senior Preschool Age

Coordination of movements of the arms and legs, a confident wide step with a marked roll, good orientation when moving in a group, the correct position of the body (the body is straightened, the head is straight);

Children get lost in individual assignments

Teach children to breathe correctly;- Teach children to wave their arms vigorously;

Practice ease of gait and coordination of movement

Pay attention to the position of the hands when walking, to the way of walking with a sweeping step with the feet off toe;

Exercises: Walking with a gymnastic step; cross step; back forward; with rhythmic stomping while walking; in a squat; with lunges; with different hand movements; with closed eyes, etc.

V YOUNGER AGEthey pay special attention to the coordination of movements of the arms and legs while walking, teach children to swing their arms freely, develop their orientation in space (do not bump into objects, stop quickly at a signal, etc.).

Due to the weakness of the extensor muscles, many children of younger preschool age cannot hold their torso evenly and often slouch. This can lead to poor posture. Therefore, be sure to remind your child not to hunch over or lower his head while walking. With the correct position of the head, the back straightens and the chest expands.

Walking children MIDDLE AGEDbecomes more confident and clear. However, some people still experience a disturbance in the rhythm of walking., insufficiently energetic swing of the arms, weak repulsion with the toe at the end of the step.

The main requirement for teaching children of this age group to walk correctly is to teach a child to perform this movement easily, confidently, with the correct ratio of the work of the arms and legs. Preschoolers 5 years old are recommended to walk with a change in pace and direction (as directed by an adult), stepping over objects (cubes, balls) that stand on the floor at a distance of 35-45 cm, etc.

V SENIOR PRESCHOOLwalking movements are improved thanks to accumulation of motor experience.Most children 6 years old walk with correct coordination of arms and legs, with a clear step, with the feet on the heel and then rolling onto the toes, which contributes to a more vigorous repulsion from the soil.

With children of this age group, they continue to improve their walking skills. The main attention is paid to the formation of correct posture during movement, the development of a clear and rhythmic step, a natural and wide swing of the arms. Exercises for attention and endurance while walking are useful for them: stop at a signal, take a certain pose, make a turn and continue moving, etc.

In older preschool age, walking is used:

1) with a high rise of the thigh, which strengthens the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs, requires a strong wave of the arms, which contributes to the development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and strengthens the ligamentous and articular apparatus;

2) walking with a cross step, which develops dexterity;

3) walking with a side step;

4) with various tasks performed on a signal - for orientation in space, changing the pace, direction, with various rearrangements, between objects; walking with additional hand movements, with objects; walking on a reduced support area with a gradual rise in height, as well as at different heights (bridges, boards, logs), contributing to the education of a sense of balance, endurance, composure, dexterity, economy of movements.

Children of the 7th YEAR OF LIFE with targeted guidance, they move well and freely, have correct posture, coordination of movements, orientate themselves in various conditions and use in connection with this various walking techniques, successfully master its technique.

In order to improve walking, they are offered more complex exercises: walking in a squat - the legs are bent at the knees, during a step, the leg is placed on the foot from the heel, then, with a roll onto the toe, take-off from the plane is performed.

Preschoolers of all age groups recommend walking with a gymnastic stick on the shoulders, shoulder blades, behind the back and in front of the chest as an exercise, with a bag on the head (weighing 500 g), as well with fixed position of the hands (hands on the belt, behind the head, to the sides). These types of walking are widely used in morning exercises.

They also benefit from walking at a faster and slower pace.; walking on toes, heels, and the inside and outside of the foot, with a high rise of the thigh. These exercises are performed in the form of imitation exercises: walk, "like a clubfoot bear", "horse", "heron", "chanterelle", etc. It is advisable to alternate these types of imitation walking with ordinary walking. All these exercises contribute to the development of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system and the prevention of flat feet.

Walking exercises offered to preschoolers are accompanied by a variety of tasks. For example, walking with a change of direction (as directed by an adult), back forward, with closed eyes, with a change of pace and with stops at a signal; with hand movements (claps in the palms above the head, in front of the chest, behind the back, etc.); walking "over bumps" (circles drawn on the ground at a distance of 40-50 cm from one another); with stepping over objects (cubes, boxes, pebbles) on the floor (ground) at a distance of 30-45 cm; walking alternating with running.

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