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Was elected chairman of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly. Dispersal of the constituent assembly. Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly

11.08.2010 - 11:13

Everyone is submissive to love - including people who make history. Sometimes cruel tyrants, sending thousands of people to death, turn out to be the most reverent and gentle husbands. But mostly dictators are too cruel and merciless even with loving and beloved women ...

Unhappy Kato

Little is known about Joseph Stalin's personal life. He carefully destroyed any documents and evidence concerning his love and family relationships.

Historians have to rely only on what he nevertheless decided to leave to posterity, and on the rare testimonies of eyewitnesses who sin with inaccuracies and sometimes outright lies - in the name of saving life.

But still, some facts are known for certain. The first wife of Joseph Dzhugashvili, who did not yet have a weighty party pseudonym Stalin, was a young Georgian girl Ekaterina (Kato) Svanidze. Joseph was then only 26 years old, but he already had a reputation as a fiery revolutionary who did not spare his belly in the name of the ideas of universal equality and brotherhood. True, the means by which the Bolsheviks achieved their goal turned out to be bloody - death and destruction followed them in a train ... But in those days it only gave the aura of romantics to these gloomy and merciless young people who had gone through exile, prisons, escapes ...

They considered themselves noble knights - for example, Joseph Dzhugashvili invented the nickname Koba - in honor of a literary hero, a robber who robbed the rich and gave money to the poor.

16-year-old Kato was the sister of the equally fanatical revolutionary Alexander Svanidze, who had nothing against marrying Soso Dzhugashvili, who had great authority among the Caucasian freedom fighters. In 1904, Soso and Kato got married and settled in a poor little room - beggars and ragged ones. At the same time, huge funds expropriated from the rich passed through the hands of Dzhugashvili - but they were all sent to the needs of the party. Koba himself practically did not appear at home - his life was too difficult and stressful, in which everything was subordinated to the service of the revolution, but by no means to the family hearth and his beloved woman. Kato spends all the time alone, cleaning their pitiful shack and figuring out how to make a meager dinner.

In 1907, a son, Yakov, was born to Kato and Soso. The woman's life became even more difficult, and she, torn apart by childbirth, fell ill with typhus. Soso had no money for treatment. The weakened body could not cope with the disease, and Kato died ... Soso sincerely worried about her death, and according to eyewitnesses, began to destroy his enemies with redoubled fury. And little Yakov ended up in the family of Kato's parents, with whom he lived until the age of 14 ...

Tyrant's tenderness

The stern revolutionary was left alone. He had to endure a lot of terrible and cruel events, go through exile, prisons, escapes again ... He completely went into the service of the revolution, and there was absolutely no time left for his personal life. New love in his heart flared up after the victory of the Bolsheviks, in the 1920s ...

Young Nadenka (she was 23 years younger than Stalin), daughter of the revolutionary Sergei Alliluyev, gave her heart to this silent, gloomy and legendary man. He came to the house of an old comrade in arms, sparingly talked about all the horrors that he had to endure in life, and she listened with bated breath ... him ". But nevertheless, they sincerely loved each other, although in those harsh years, various sentimental tenderness was considered a weakness characteristic only of the unfinished bourgeoisie.

In 1921, their son Vasily was born, and then Jacob was brought from Georgia - Stalin finally had a real family. But the old story was repeated again - Koba did not have time for ordinary human joys. He inexorably walked towards his goal, simultaneously destroying enemies, and he had no time to engage in all sorts of cute family nonsense and sentimentality. At the same time, Nadya was an ordinary weak woman - not a fiery revolutionary, not a fanatic of serving the ideals of Marxism. Even at one time they wanted to exclude her from the AUCPB, as "ballast, not interested in the party." But at the same time, Stalin, a man who has already achieved power and all the heights of the situation that were possible in the USSR, lives with Nadezhda and loves her and her children very much - Vasya and little Svetlana, who was born in 1925.

Very little is known about their relationship, and very little written evidence of their love remains - short lines of letters with which they did not indulge each other - people who dream of a world revolution are not up to trivia. But even in these scanty lines one can see Nadezhda's love for “dear Joseph” and a tenderness for “Tatka”, unexpected for Stalin's bloody image (such was her childhood nickname).

“As soon as you carve out 6-7 free days for yourself, roll straight to Sochi. I kiss my Tatka. Your Joseph. " “Tatka! How did you get there, what did you see, did you see the doctors, what is the opinion of the doctors about your health, write ... We will open the congress on the 26th ... Things are going well. I miss you very much, Tatochka, I sit at home alone, like an owl ... Well, goodbye ... come soon. Kisses".

“Tatka! Forgot to send you money. I am sending them with a comrade who is leaving today ... I kiss my Tatka cap, very foot, cap. Your Joseph "(" cap "and" leg "- this is how their daughter Svetlana pronounced the words" strong "and" a lot ").

But, as often happens, tender feelings woke up mainly during separation, and when the lovers were near, friction constantly arose. They were especially aggravated by the fact that Nadezhda had almost no one to communicate with except Stalin, and he could not devote much time and attention to her. And the reasons for the loneliness of the first lady of the state lay in her special position. Stalin's secretary Boris Bazhanov recalled: “When I met Nadya, I had the impression that there was some kind of emptiness around her - she somehow did not have female friends at that time, and the male audience was afraid to approach her - suddenly Stalin will suspect that they are courting his wife, - will live with the world. I had a clear feeling that the wife of an almost dictator needs the simplest human relationships. "

But the relationship with the closest and only person was very difficult. The same Bazhanov, who made friends with Nadya, wrote: “Her home life was difficult. At home, Stalin was a tyrant. Constantly restraining himself in business dealings with people, he did not stand on ceremony with his family. More than once, Nadya told me, sighing: "The third day is silent, does not talk to anyone and does not answer when they turn to him; an unusually difficult person" ... One can only imagine how hard she was going through all this ...

"My personal life is hard" ...

The circumstances of the death of Nadezhda Alliluyeva are still and, most likely, forever covered with uncertainty. She committed suicide on November 8, 1932, by shooting herself in the temple. According to the official version, Nadezhda died of appendicitis. But even then, when the general public did not know that she had committed suicide, rumors spread about the suspicious circumstances of Alliluyeva's death.

For example, the Western press put forward the following versions: “Hirst's newspapers are publishing new messages in which they again convey rumors that Stalin's wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva, did not die of appendicitis, but was poisoned. According to this version, she always tried the products herself, from which they prepared dinner for her husband. She recently tasted poisoned food sent by the "conspirators" and, as a result, poisoned herself. " ("New Russian Word" New York, December 3, 1932).

But in the USSR they dully whispered that it was Stalin himself who killed her. True, those who knew him closely did not believe this. It is difficult to imagine that a man who loved his wife so much could kill her himself. To torment - yes, to bring to tears - yes, but to kill your only beloved woman and the mother of your children is completely different ...

After the death of his wife, Stalin wrote to his mother: “Hello, my mother. I received your letter. I am healthy, do not worry about me - I will bear my share ... Children bow to you. After the death of Nadia, my personal life is difficult. But never mind, a courageous person must always remain courageous. "

It is hard to imagine that a man is lying to his mother on such a serious matter as the death of his wife ... Most likely, her death was a complete surprise to him and shocked him very much, maybe even broke, making him a truly cruel person. Stalin never married again, although, of course, he could choose any, most beautiful, women as his wife. But he preferred to be left alone, never showing his true feelings to anyone else and not getting attached to anyone ...

Let me remind you that I also talked about Stalin's personal pilot and bodyguard.


Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (real name Dzhugashvili) was born on December 21 (9 according to the old style), 1879 (according to other sources, on December 18 (6), 1878), in the Georgian city of Gori in the family of a shoemaker.

After graduating from the Gori Theological School in 1894, Stalin studied at the Tiflis Theological Seminary, from where he was expelled for revolutionary activities in 1899. A year earlier, Iosif Dzhugashvili joined the Georgian social democratic organization Mesame-dasi. Since 1901 he has been a professional revolutionary. At the same time, the party nickname "Stalin" was assigned to him (for his inner circle he had a different nickname - "Koba"). From 1902 to 1913, he was arrested and expelled six times and fled four times.

When in 1903 (at the Second Congress of the RSDLP) the party split into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, Stalin supported Lenin, the leader of the Bolsheviks, and, on his instructions, set about creating a network of underground Marxist circles in the Caucasus.
In 1906-1907, Joseph Stalin took part in organizing a number of expropriations in Transcaucasia. In 1907 he was one of the leaders of the Baku Committee of the RSDLP.
In 1912, at a plenum of the Central Committee of the RSDLP, Stalin was inducted in absentia into the Central Committee and the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RSDLP. Took part in the creation of the newspapers Pravda and Zvezda.
In 1913, Stalin wrote an article "Marxism and the National Question", which earned him the authority of an expert on the national question. In February 1913 he was arrested and exiled to the Turukhansk region. Due to a hand injury he suffered as a child, in 1916 he was declared unfit for military service.

From March 1917 he took part in the preparation and implementation of the October Revolution: he was a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b), was a member of the Military Revolutionary Center for the leadership of the armed uprising. In 1917-1922 he was People's Commissar for Nationalities.
During the Civil War, he carried out important assignments of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) and the Soviet government; was a member of the Council of Workers 'and Peasants' Defense from the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, was a member of the Revolutionary Military Council (RVS) of the Republic, a member of the RVS of the Southern, Western and South-Western Fronts.

When on April 3, 1922, at the plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), a new position was established - General Secretary of the Central Committee, Stalin was elected the first general secretary.
This initially purely technical position was used and transformed by Stalin into a position of high authority. Its hidden strength lay in the fact that it was the general secretary who appointed the lower party leaders, thanks to which Stalin formed a personally loyal majority in the middle echelons of the party members. In 1929, its 50th anniversary was celebrated for the first time on a state scale. Stalin held the post of general secretary until the end of his life (from 1922 - general secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), from December 1925 - the VKP (b), since 1934 - secretary of the Central Committee of the VKP (b), since 1952 - the CPSU).

After Lenin's death, Stalin declared himself the sole successor of the deceased leader's work and his teachings. He proclaimed the course of "building socialism in one, separately taken country." In April 1925, at the XIV Conference of the RCP (Bolsheviks), the new theoretical and political orientation was formalized. Stalin, citing a number of Lenin's statements from different years, emphasized that it was Lenin, and not anyone else, who discovered the truth about the possibility of the victory of socialism in one country.

Stalin carried out the forced industrialization of the country and the forcible collectivization of peasant farms, which was. The kulaks were liquidated as a class. The department of the central registry of the OGPU, in the certificate of eviction of kulaks, determined the number of special settlers at 517,665 families with a population of 2,437,062 people. The death toll during these relocations to areas poorly adapted for living is estimated at at least 200 thousand people.
In his foreign policy activities, Stalin adhered to the class line of fighting the "capitalist encirclement" and supporting the international communist and workers' movement.

By the mid-1930s, Stalin had concentrated the entirety of state power in his hands and, in fact, became the sole leader of the Soviet people. Old party leaders - Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, Rykov and others, who were part of the anti-Stalinist opposition, were gradually expelled from the party, and then physically destroyed as "enemies of the people." In the second half of the 1930s, a regime of the most severe terror was established in the country, which reached its climax in 1937-1938. The search and destruction of "enemies of the people" affected not only the highest party bodies and the army, but also broad sections of Soviet society. Millions of Soviet citizens were illegally repressed on trumped-up, unsubstantiated charges of espionage, sabotage, sabotage; sent to camps or executed in the basements of the NKVD.
With the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, Stalin concentrated all political and military power in his hands as the chairman of the State Defense Committee (June 30, 1941 - September 4, 1945) and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Armed Forces. At the same time, he took the post of People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR (July 19, 1941 - March 15, 1946; from February 25, 1946 - People's Commissar of the USSR Armed Forces) and was directly involved in drawing up plans for military operations.

During the war years, Joseph Stalin, together with US President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, initiated the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition. He represented the USSR in negotiations with the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition (Tehran, 1943; Yalta, 1945; Potsdam, 1945).

After the end of the war, during which the Soviet army liberated most of the countries of Eastern and Central Europe, Stalin became the ideologist and practitioner of creating a "world socialist system", which was one of the main factors in the emergence of the Cold War and the military-political confrontation between the USSR and the United States. ...
On June 27, 1945, Stalin was awarded the title of Generalissimo of the Soviet Union.
On March 19, 1946, during the restructuring of the Soviet government apparatus, Stalin was approved as Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers and Minister of the USSR Armed Forces.
After the end of the war in 1945, the regime of Stalinist terror was resumed. Totalitarian control over society was re-established. Under the pretext of fighting "cosmopolitanism," Stalin carried out one purge after another, and anti-Semitism flourished actively.
However, Soviet industry developed rapidly, and by the early 1950s the level of industrial production was already 2 times higher than the 1940 level. The standard of living of the rural population remained extremely low.
Stalin paid special attention to increasing the defensive capacity of the Soviet Union and the technical re-equipment of the army and navy. He was one of the main initiators of the implementation of the Soviet "atomic project", which contributed to the transformation of the USSR into one of the two "superpowers." He refused to return to the USSR. Moving to the West and the subsequent publication of "Twenty Letters to a Friend" (1967), in which Alliluyeva recalled her father and the Kremlin life, caused a worldwide sensation. She stayed in Switzerland for a while, then lived in the United States. In 1970, she married the American architect Wesley Peters, gave birth to a daughter, divorced soon after, but.


Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (real name Dzhugashvili) was born on December 21 (9 according to the old style), 1879 (according to other sources, on December 18 (6), 1878), in the Georgian city of Gori in the family of a shoemaker.

After graduating from the Gori Theological School in 1894, Stalin studied at the Tiflis Theological Seminary, from where he was expelled for revolutionary activities in 1899. A year earlier, Iosif Dzhugashvili joined the Georgian social democratic organization Mesame-dasi. Since 1901 he has been a professional revolutionary. At the same time, the party nickname "Stalin" was assigned to him (for his inner circle he had a different nickname - "Koba"). From 1902 to 1913, he was arrested and expelled six times and fled four times.

When in 1903 (at the Second Congress of the RSDLP) the party split into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, Stalin supported Lenin, the leader of the Bolsheviks, and, on his instructions, set about creating a network of underground Marxist circles in the Caucasus.
In 1906-1907, Joseph Stalin took part in organizing a number of expropriations in Transcaucasia. In 1907 he was one of the leaders of the Baku Committee of the RSDLP.
In 1912, at a plenum of the Central Committee of the RSDLP, Stalin was inducted in absentia into the Central Committee and the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RSDLP. Took part in the creation of the newspapers Pravda and Zvezda.
In 1913, Stalin wrote an article "Marxism and the National Question", which earned him the authority of an expert on the national question. In February 1913 he was arrested and exiled to the Turukhansk region. Due to a hand injury he suffered as a child, in 1916 he was declared unfit for military service.

From March 1917 he took part in the preparation and implementation of the October Revolution: he was a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b), was a member of the Military Revolutionary Center for the leadership of the armed uprising. In 1917-1922 he was People's Commissar for Nationalities.
During the Civil War, he carried out important assignments of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) and the Soviet government; was a member of the Council of Workers 'and Peasants' Defense from the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, was a member of the Revolutionary Military Council (RVS) of the Republic, a member of the RVS of the Southern, Western and South-Western Fronts.

When on April 3, 1922, at the plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), a new position was established - General Secretary of the Central Committee, Stalin was elected the first general secretary.
This initially purely technical position was used and transformed by Stalin into a position of high authority. Its hidden strength lay in the fact that it was the general secretary who appointed the lower party leaders, thanks to which Stalin formed a personally loyal majority in the middle echelons of the party members. In 1929, its 50th anniversary was celebrated for the first time on a state scale. Stalin held the post of general secretary until the end of his life (from 1922 - general secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), from December 1925 - the VKP (b), since 1934 - secretary of the Central Committee of the VKP (b), since 1952 - the CPSU).

After Lenin's death, Stalin declared himself the sole successor of the deceased leader's work and his teachings. He proclaimed the course of "building socialism in one, separately taken country." In April 1925, at the XIV Conference of the RCP (Bolsheviks), the new theoretical and political orientation was formalized. Stalin, citing a number of Lenin's statements from different years, emphasized that it was Lenin, and not anyone else, who discovered the truth about the possibility of the victory of socialism in one country.

Stalin carried out the forced industrialization of the country and the forcible collectivization of peasant farms, which was. The kulaks were liquidated as a class. The department of the central registry of the OGPU, in the certificate of eviction of kulaks, determined the number of special settlers at 517,665 families with a population of 2,437,062 people. The death toll during these relocations to areas poorly adapted for living is estimated at at least 200 thousand people.
In his foreign policy activities, Stalin adhered to the class line of fighting the "capitalist encirclement" and supporting the international communist and workers' movement.

By the mid-1930s, Stalin had concentrated the entirety of state power in his hands and, in fact, became the sole leader of the Soviet people. Old party leaders - Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, Rykov and others, who were part of the anti-Stalinist opposition, were gradually expelled from the party, and then physically destroyed as "enemies of the people." In the second half of the 1930s, a regime of the most severe terror was established in the country, which reached its climax in 1937-1938. The search and destruction of "enemies of the people" affected not only the highest party bodies and the army, but also broad sections of Soviet society. Millions of Soviet citizens were illegally repressed on trumped-up, unsubstantiated charges of espionage, sabotage, sabotage; sent to camps or executed in the basements of the NKVD.
With the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, Stalin concentrated all political and military power in his hands as the chairman of the State Defense Committee (June 30, 1941 - September 4, 1945) and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Armed Forces. At the same time, he took the post of People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR (July 19, 1941 - March 15, 1946; from February 25, 1946 - People's Commissar of the USSR Armed Forces) and was directly involved in drawing up plans for military operations.

During the war years, Joseph Stalin, together with US President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, initiated the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition. He represented the USSR in negotiations with the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition (Tehran, 1943; Yalta, 1945; Potsdam, 1945).

After the end of the war, during which the Soviet army liberated most of the countries of Eastern and Central Europe, Stalin became the ideologist and practitioner of creating a "world socialist system", which was one of the main factors in the emergence of the Cold War and the military-political confrontation between the USSR and the United States. ...
On June 27, 1945, Stalin was awarded the title of Generalissimo of the Soviet Union.
On March 19, 1946, during the restructuring of the Soviet government apparatus, Stalin was approved as Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers and Minister of the USSR Armed Forces.
After the end of the war in 1945, the regime of Stalinist terror was resumed. Totalitarian control over society was re-established. Under the pretext of fighting "cosmopolitanism," Stalin carried out one purge after another, and anti-Semitism flourished actively.
However, Soviet industry developed rapidly, and by the early 1950s the level of industrial production was already 2 times higher than the 1940 level. The standard of living of the rural population remained extremely low.
Stalin paid special attention to increasing the defensive capacity of the Soviet Union and the technical re-equipment of the army and navy. He was one of the main initiators of the implementation of the Soviet "atomic project", which contributed to the transformation of the USSR into one of the two "superpowers." He refused to return to the USSR. Moving to the West and the subsequent publication of "Twenty Letters to a Friend" (1967), in which Alliluyeva recalled her father and the Kremlin life, caused a worldwide sensation. She stayed in Switzerland for a while, then lived in the United States. In 1970, she married the American architect Wesley Peters, gave birth to a daughter, divorced soon after, but.


It is clear from Stalin's biography that this was an ambiguous, but bright and strong personality.

Joseph Dzhugashvili was born on December 6 (18), 1878, in the city of Gori, in a simple poor family. His father, Vissarion Ivanovich, was a shoemaker by profession. Mother , Ekaterina Georgievna, worked as a day laborer.

In 1888 Joseph became a student of the Gori Orthodox Theological School. Six years later he was enrolled in the seminary in Tiflis. As a student, Dzhugashvili became acquainted with the foundations of Marxism and soon became close to underground revolutionaries.

In the 5th year of study, he was expelled from the seminary. The certificate issued to him indicated that he could apply for the position of a teacher in a public school.

Life before the revolution

Anyone who is interested in a short biography of Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich , should know that before the revolution he served in the newspaper Pravda and was one of its most prominent employees. For his activities, Dzhugashvili was repeatedly persecuted by the authorities.

The work "Marxism and the National Question" gave the future Generalissimo weight in the society of Marxists. After that, VI Lenin began to entrust him with the solution of many important issues.

During the Civil War, Stalin proved himself to be an excellent military organizer. On November 29, 1922, together with Lenin, Sverdlov and Trotsky, he entered the Bureau of the Central Committee.

When Lenin, against the background of illness, withdrew from political activity, Stalin, together with Kamenev and Zinoviev, organized a "troika", which was opposed to L. Trotsky. In the same year he was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee.

Against the backdrop of a difficult political struggle, at the XIII Congress of the RCP, Stalin announced that he wanted to resign. He was retained as Secretary General by a majority vote.

Having strengthened his position in power, Stalin began to pursue a policy of collectivization. Heavy industry began to develop actively under him. Against the background of the formation of collective farms and other changes, a policy of the most severe terror was pursued.

Role in WWII

According to a number of historians, Stalin was guilty of the poor preparation of the USSR for the war. Huge losses are also blamed on him. It is believed that he ignored intelligence reports of an imminent attack by Nazi Germany, even though he was told the exact date.

At the very beginning of the Second World War, Stalin proved to be a bad strategist. He made illogical, incompetent decisions. According to G.K Zhukov, the situation changed after the Battle of Stalingrad, when a turning point took place in the war.

In 1943, Stalin decided to create an atomic bomb. In February 1945, he took part in the Yalta Conference, at which a new world order was established.

Personal life

Stalin was married twice. The first wife was E. Svanidze, the second - N. Alliluyeva. He had three children of his own and an adopted son, A. F. Sergeev.

The fate of his second wife and his own sons was tragic. The daughter of Joseph Vissarionovich, Svetlana, spent her whole life in exile.

According to A.F.Sergeev, at home Stalin was good-natured, affectionate, and joked a lot and often.

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Until now, disputes over the life of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin do not subside. This is a person who, by as much as 2 generations, was able to get ahead of all other people in his understanding not only of the state apparatus, but also of global sociology. Stalin's nationality still raises many opinions, as a result, a lot of versions have been put forward, several of which will now be considered.

The mystery of origin

Exploring a large number of archives, you can stumble upon various references and facts that may speak in favor of a particular theory. So, the Armenian version says that Stalin's nationality is directly related to his mother, who because of her poverty was forced to work as an ordinary washerwoman for a rich merchant. After she became pregnant, she was quickly married to. But this version still does not provide enough facts to understand what nationality Stalin was.

Georgian theory says that its roots go back to a prince named Egnatoshvili. By the way, already at the time when Stalin became in power, he maintained contacts with his brothers.

Russian version

According to Russian theory (if it can be considered as such), Stalin's father was a nobleman from Smolensk, and his name was Nikolai Przhevalsky. He traveled a lot and was a fairly well-known scientist. In 1878, he became very ill, which is why he was treated in Gori, in the Caucasus. Here Przhevalsky meets a distant relative of the prince, her name is Catherine, who went bankrupt and was supposed to marry an ordinary shoemaker Vissarion Dzhugashvili. He, in turn, was a fairly respected person, but there was a grief in his family that slightly darkened the whole existence of their couple. The fact is that they lost three very young children. Against this background, Vissarion began to drink a lot and often raised his hand against his wife. But even in spite of all the hardships of her life, Catherine was still able to charm the scientist, who was so imbued with her beauty that he continued to send her money.

It is worth noting that this version, which should have shed light on Stalin's nationality, is actually quite vulnerable. I would also like to add that she is not so much Russian as it might seem at first glance, since Przhevalsky has roots from Belarus.

It seemed that Stalin was well aware that the whole society was convinced of his illegal origin. Then the drunkenness of the father is explained to many. Most likely he knew, but he just couldn't accept it. So, in one of the drunken fights he was killed, but 11-year-old Soso did not feel any feelings about this.


Of course, Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich was and remains a cult figure. Despite the fact that various disputes are constantly being held about his life, more and more questions than answers appear in his biography. His personality continues to give rise to many myths, which biographers and researchers are trying to figure out. You can even start from the birthplace of the dictator. According to some reports, the first entry speaks of the city of Gori, although it is possible that Stalin could well have been born not far from Batumi. Further - this famous blood connection with his father and the resemblance to the traveler Przewalski.

The date of birth also raises a lot of controversy. Historians were able to find a register book for the Gori Assumption Cathedral Church, in which the birth record differed from the date that is considered to be official. According to the old style, it was December 6, 1878, exactly the same number is found in the certificate of graduation from a theological school.

Initially, all official documents contained the true date of Stalin's birth, but in 1921, by his personal order, these numbers were changed in all documents, and they began to indicate not 1878, but 1879. As political scientists say, this was a forced measure in order to hide not only his noble origin, but also illegitimate.

Every year it is more and more difficult to explain why two dates of birth are indicated in the biography, what nationality Stalin was and a large number of different nuances from his life. Despite the fact that he independently surrounded himself with a kind of aura of uncertainty, there was a small circle of people especially close to him who knew a lot about him. Perhaps that is why they did not die by their own death and under rather mysterious circumstances.

Stalin's life is replete with many pseudonyms, of which there are up to 30 in total.

Governing body

The period of his tenure as the first person of the state was marked by a time of a huge number of shootings, collectivization and one of the most terrible wars, which claimed a lot of human lives all over the world. Naturally, the USSR for everyone should have seemed a country in which progress, harmony and devotion to its leader were developed.

Portraits of Stalin were hung everywhere, and his era became the time of the fastest possible economic development. Thanks to propaganda, absolutely all the undertakings of the "father of nations" were praised, especially with regard to the great infrastructure construction projects that were being built very quickly, turning an agrarian country, which was at its peak of backwardness, into an industrial state. This was the main goal, but in order to achieve it, it was necessary to expand the production of agricultural products to meet the needs of the working class. Thus, collectivization was an excellent solution for this. Private farmers were literally taken away from their land and forced to work in large state-type agricultural enterprises.

The whole truth about the period of the leader's rule is still impossible to find. This is due to the fact that in fact, neither in the modern world, nor even more so during his life, they did not talk about it publicly. The entire period of Stalin (while he was in the post of head of state) was caused not only by repression and harsh dictatorship. It is safe to note a large number of positive nuances that have largely influenced the current formation of the Russian people:

  • Conscientious work in order to benefit society first and foremost.
  • 1945 victory.
  • The dignity of an engineer and an officer.
  • Independent country.
  • The innocence of high school girls.
  • Moral.
  • Mother heroines.
  • Chastity media.
  • Prohibited abortion.
  • Open churches.
  • Bans on: Russophobia, pornography, corruption, prostitution, drug addiction and homosexuality.
  • Patriotism.

The name of Stalin is associated with his desire not only to unite, but subsequently to strengthen the country in the shortest possible time, and thanks to his energy and will to win, no one got the impression that he was not able to translate his plans into reality.

A family

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich very carefully concealed all information about himself, his personal life was no exception. He very carefully destroyed all kinds of documents that in one way or another spoke about his family and love affairs. Thus, the modern generation can present a far from complete picture, which consists of a small number of verified facts and testimonies of several eyewitnesses, whose stories are replete with errors and inaccuracies.

The first, when he was only 26 years old, was Ekaterina (Kato) Svanidze. At that time, he still did not have either his own weighty party nickname, or special "political weight" in society, but, despite this, he was already famous for his reputation as an inveterate revolutionary who strove for the universal idea of ​​equality. But at the same time I would like to add that even those bloody methods and means by which the goal was achieved, gave the Bolsheviks a certain flair of romanticism. This is how the famous pseudonym Koba appeared. He was a literary hero, like Robin Hood, who robbed the rich and distributed everything to the poor.

Kato was only 16 years old when they got married and began to live in a shabby room with practically no means of subsistence. Her father was as much a revolutionary as Soso himself, so he was even happy with their marriage, since Koba already had sufficient authority among the Caucasian freedom fighters. Despite the fact that huge funds passed through his hands almost every day, not a penny of them went to the improvement of family life and the hearth.

Due to his intense revolutionary life, he practically did not appear at home, so his wife spent most of the time alone. In 1907, their common son was born, who was given the name Jacob. Thus, the life of a poor woman becomes many times more difficult, and she gets sick with typhus. Since they did not have any extra money (due to the fact that everything went to the needs of the party), she dies. As eyewitnesses say, Soso was very worried about the death of his beloved woman and even began to fight his enemies with redoubled fury. Jacob, meanwhile, began to live with Kato's parents, where he was until the age of 14.

A very young Nadya Alliluyeva became Soso's second lover. They sincerely loved each other, despite the fact that the manifestation of tender feelings in those years, especially for such a fierce fighter for the revolution, was considered a weakness. So, already in 1921, Stalin's second son was born, who was named Vasily. At the same time, he takes Yakov as well. Thus, Koba finally finds a full-fledged family. But the old story repeats again, when he has absolutely no time for any ordinary human joys on the way to revolution. In 1925, little Svetlana appears in the family.

Very little is known about the relationship of the spouses, a large number of mysteries remain to this day, and not only about their life together, but also about death.

It is worth noting that life with a person who has such as Stalin's was inexplicably difficult. It is known that he could be silent for three days, being in the deepest thoughts. It was difficult for Nadezhda not only because her husband was a tyrant - she had no opportunity to communicate. She had no girlfriends, and the men were simply afraid to make even friendships with her, as they feared the anger of her husband, who might think that his woman was being whipped and “shot”. Nadezhda needed ordinary, human, domestic, warm relationships.

Suspicious death of his wife

On November 8, 1932, under strange circumstances, Aliluyeva Nadezhda, Stalin's wife, whose nationality cannot be confirmed unambiguously, died, since her mother was a true German, and her father was half gypsies. The official version said that there was a suicide, allegedly she herself made a fatal shot in the head. As for the media reports about the death of Nadezhda, Stalin allowed only to say that she suddenly left this world, but what caused her death was not specified.

Another point that deserves attention is Koba's attempts to blame everything on the fact that his wife died due to appendicitis, but two (and according to some sources - three) experts who arrived at the scene were supposed to give a conclusion on death, but refused to put your signature under such a document. Her death still causes a lot of controversy, and therefore at the moment there are several options for this incident.

Several versions of the death of Stalin's wife

At the time of her death, Nadezhda was only 31 years old, and there are a lot of rumors about this. As for a certain conspiracy version of what is happening, here it is worth noting such a figure as Trotsky. At one time he was objectionable to the government and personally to Stalin, therefore, through a certain Bukharin, he tried to exert emotional pressure on the leader's wife. They tried to convince her that her husband is pursuing a too aggressive policy, organizing a deliberate Holodomor in Ukraine, collectivization and mass executions. Trotsky thought that thanks to the political scandal that Nadezhda was supposed to arrange, Stalin could be overthrown without resorting to violence. Thus, his wife could simply shoot herself from the information she received, which she could not accept.

According to another version, at the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution, during a banquet in the Kremlin, Stalin said something insulting to his wife, after which she defiantly left the table and went to her apartment, and then the servant heard a shot.

There is also a version, which was confirmed by the head of the security of Joseph Vissarionovich. According to him, after the banquet, Stalin did not go home, but went to one of his dachas and took the general's wife with him. Nadezhda, in turn, was very worried and called the house security phone. The officer on duty confirmed that her husband was indeed there, and not alone, but with a woman. Thus, the wife, having learned about this, could not survive the betrayal and committed suicide. Stalin never visited the grave of Nadezhda.

Chief's mother

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, whose nationality and origin are shrouded in mystery, as well as everything connected with his personal life, raises many questions. Stalin's relationship with his own mother was also strange. Many facts spoke about this, and even the fact that he introduced her to her grandchildren only when the eldest was 15. Ekaterina Georgievna had practically no education, she could not write, she spoke only Georgian. Stalin's mother, whose nationality did not cause controversy, was a rather sociable woman and was never afraid to express her personal opinion on any occasion, even sometimes on political topics. Lack of education did not bother her at all. Some conclusions can be drawn from their correspondence, which can hardly be called letters, but most likely more notes. It is worth noting that, despite such dryness of communication, it cannot be said that the son did not care about his mother. She was under constant and close supervision of the best doctors, but, despite this, due to her age, her health did not get better. So, in May 1937, she fell ill with pneumonia, which is why she died on July 4. The relationship was so bad that he could not even attend her funeral, but limited himself to a wreath with an inscription.

Death of the "father of nations"

It was 1953. Many have wanted Stalin's death for a long time. On March 1, he spent the whole day in his office, he did not look through the important state mail and did not even dine. Without his permission, no one had the right to go to him, but already at 11 o'clock in the evening one of the duty officers went there at his own peril and risk, and a terrible picture appeared before his eyes. After passing several rooms, he saw Stalin lying on the floor and could not utter a word. For several days, doctors fought for his life.

Thus, the year of Stalin's death was marked by conflicting opinions in society. Some were glad that the days of the dictator and tyrant had come to their logical end. Some, on the contrary, considered the leader's inner circle as traitors, who, in one way or another, were involved in his death.

One cannot be 100% sure that conspirators from the top of the Politburo were involved in his death. Judging by some recollections of Comrade Khrushchev himself and a number of close people, the leader this year no longer had the opportunity to govern the state, he showed insanity and paranoia, which meant the inexorable approach of death. Despite the fact that he is no longer there, the famous quotes of Stalin have reached us, like "Shoot!" or "It does not matter how they voted, it is important how they counted." They will be relevant for a long time, because the period of the life of the "father of nations" has forever entered all textbooks and remained in the memory of many people.

Stalin: Russian man of Georgian nationality

In order to understand his personality, it is necessary to draw your conclusions solely on the basis of a few facts that are known from the direct speech of the leader himself. One thing is certain: Joseph Stalin, whose nationality can cause a lot of controversy, is a rather ambiguous personality. But, be that as it may, his assessment will constantly have several elements of subjectivity, which is based on everyone's personal understanding of world and Soviet history.

In the modern world, Stalin's nationality can cause some controversy, this is all due to a certain halo of secrets of his birth and origin, but, as the leader himself liked to say: "I am not a European, but a Russified Asian Georgian."

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