Home Useful properties of fruits Presentation on career guidance "choice of profession". Career guidance. How to choose the right profession? Psychologist's advice. Career guidance presentation templates

Presentation on career guidance "choice of profession". Career guidance. How to choose the right profession? Psychologist's advice. Career guidance presentation templates

Name: Presentation on career guidance "Professional self-determination of students"
Ponomarenko I.V. teacher-psychologist MOU secondary school № 28, Pyatigorsk
Year: 2010
Pages: 21
Format: presentation in ppt format (rar archive)
The size: 569 Kb
Quality: good
Is a complex of psychological and pedagogical activities aimed at optimizing the employment process in accordance with the desires, inclinations and formed abilities, as well as taking into account the needs for specialties in the labor market.

Is a scientifically grounded system for preparing young people for a free and independent choice of a profession, designed to take into account both the individual characteristics of each person and the need for a full-fledged distribution of labor resources in the interests of society.

There are two career guidance forms... Vocational guidance on a narrow basis consists in the fact that in an educational institution that trains specialists, students reveal all the features of the upcoming activity. Vocational guidance on a broad basis consists in familiarizing young people who have not yet made their choice with the world of professions.

Vocational guidance is aimed at solving the following tasks:
- acquaintance with the world of professions;
- study of interests, abilities, inclinations and motives of activity;
- familiarization with the rules for choosing a profession;
- reflections on your professional future
Since the object career guidance activities is the process of social and professional self-determination of a person, it is important, first of all, to formulate a group of principles that adolescents are guided by when choosing a profession and a place in the social structure of society.

Consciousness principle in the choice of a profession is expressed in the desire to satisfy with their choice not only personal needs in work, but also to bring as much benefit to society as possible.

Compliance principle the chosen profession, the interests, inclinations, abilities of the individual and at the same time the needs of society in the personnel of a particular profession expresses the connection between the personal and social aspects of choosing a profession. By analogy with a well-known thought, one cannot live in society and be free from society - one can also say: one cannot choose a profession proceeding only from one's own interests and not taking into account the interests of society. Violation of the principle of matching the needs of the individual and society leads to an imbalance in the professional structure of personnel.

Activity principle in choosing a profession characterizes the type of activity of a person in the process of professional self-determination. You have to actively look for a profession yourself. In this, a large role is called upon to play: a practical test of the strength of the students themselves in the process of labor and vocational training, advice from parents and their professional experience, search and reading of literature, work during practice and much more.

Development principle reflects the idea of ​​choosing a profession that would give the individual the opportunity to improve their qualifications, increase earnings, as experience and professional skill grow, the opportunity to actively participate in social work, satisfy the cultural needs of the individual, the need for housing, recreation, etc.

Acting as vocational training involves two ways of obtaining it - self-education or training in educational institutions of vocational education. The success of vocational education determines such an important psychological moment as readiness (emotional, motivational) to acquire a particular profession.

Choice of profession, carried out by a person as a result of the analysis of internal resources and by correlating them with the requirements of the profession, is the basis of a person's self-affirmation in society, one of the main decisions in life. Choice of profession Is not an instantaneous act. Choice of profession consists of a number of stages that merge into one process. The duration of the stages depends on:
- external conditions;
- individual characteristics of the subject of the choice of profession.

The system of professional orientation work includes such a concept as professional self-determination, since the choice of a profession and mastering it begins with professional self-determination. is one of the most important components of human self-awareness as a subject of activity.

Professional self-determination- a process that covers the entire period of a person's professional activity: from the emergence of professional intentions to exit from work.
The formation of professional self-determination occurs on the basis of mastering the social experience of the individual with the inclusion of this experience in the "professional I" of the individual.

  • The formula for a successful career choice
  • 3 groups of mistakes made when choosing a profession
  • Two ways to choose a profession
  • "Octagon" of the main factors of choosing a profession (according to E. A. Klimov)
  • The main types of professional activity
Presentation on career guidance "Professional self-determination of students"

Download presentation on career guidance "Professional self-determination of students"

On the same topic:

  • Presentation for the class hour "Choosing a profession is serious"
  • Definition of professional interests. The technique of L.A. Yovayshi (computer version)

The training manual sets out the program of the training course "Psychology and the choice of profession." It contains detailed class notes that include reliable prodiagnostic techniques and reference materials. The goal of the program is to form a realistic view of the choice of a profession in students, taking into account their capabilities and the requirements of the labor market.

The publication is intended for teachers, psychologists, students of pedagogical and psychological universities involved in psychological and pedagogical support of specialized education, as well as for parents interested in the timely and accurate professional self-determination of their children.

E. Yu. Pryazhnikova, N. S. Pryazhnikov

The manual sets out modern ideas about professional and personal self-determination, the basics of career guidance and professional selection. Issues such as the ethics of vocational counseling, organization and planning of the work of a professional counselor were touched upon. Particular attention is paid to active methods of professional counseling: original author's methods for practical work with self-determined adolescents and adult clients are presented. Various options are proposed for conducting professional consulting work with clients who have different value-semantic orientations, as well as designed for professional consultants with different levels of professional training.

For university students. It can be useful for professional counselors, school psychologists (educational psychologists), teachers, social educators and social workers involved in vocational guidance work.

Edited by N.V. Afanasyeva
Vocational guidance training for high school students "Your choice"
In the context of the introduction of pre-profile training and specialized education at school, it is important to specify the tasks, principles, technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for students' choice of an educational profile. This collection presents the educational and methodological kit for the vocational guidance course for schoolchildren "Your choice" (the thematic course plan, lecture notes with detailed explanations of their organization and supplements to classes, a workbook for students), professional diagnostic techniques, current and final selection assessment documents ... These materials can serve as the basis for the organization of complex psychological and pedagogical support for pre-profile education.

The methodological materials of the collection are intended for methodologists of municipal Centers for Advanced Studies (CPC), specialists in the support service of regional centers of PMPSS and educational institutions, teachers of educational institutions. They can also be useful to everyone who is interested in the problem of vocational guidance for schoolchildren in modern conditions.

Career guidance. OWN GAME for career guidance. Career guidance work at school. Classes at the boarding school. EARLY PROFORIENTATION. Direction "PROFORIENTATION". Career guidance game. Vocational guidance excursion. Stages of career guidance. Organization of vocational guidance work at school. Career guidance quiz WHO IS WHO.

The ABC of vocational guidance. Career guidance at a boarding school. Career guidance work with students. Republican Center for Youth Career Guidance. The program of early career guidance and the basics of vocational training for schoolchildren. Career guidance in the process of studying the basics of science. Modern career guidance tools. Organization of vocational guidance work in educational institutions.

Modern principles and methods of vocational guidance. Career guidance system and its main directions. Career guidance is your child's future. Project method in career guidance work. Career guidance in the activities of SPPS specialists. "Leisure" self-determination in the vocational guidance system. GOU MUK "SPECTRUM" Center for professional diagnostics and vocational guidance.

The system of vocational guidance work MBOU "Secondary School No. 6" in Kogalym. The concept of career guidance activities in the framework of work with gifted children. From distance subject Olympiads and courses for schoolchildren to career guidance and virtual profile classes. Modern approaches to the study of folk crafts using a wooden texture of volume in the art studio.

The world of pattern. ABC of vocational guidance of the XXI century. Professions of people working at school. Astronautics day quiz at school. A teenager in an employment relationship. An educational journey to the post office. Professions for school graduates of 8 types.

MOO "School No. 6, Yenakiyevo"

Career guidance lesson "WHO TO BE?"

Practical psychologist

Volodina Natalia Igorevna


  • Raised hand

The road to happiness lies through labor. Other paths do not lead to happiness. (Abu Shukur.)

Labor frees us from three great evils: boredom, vice, and want.



  • Work- expedient activities aimed at creating material and spiritual values ​​necessary for life;

All mental and physical costs of a person during the production of these values.

  • Profession- the type of labor activity (occupation) of a person who owns a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training, work experience.

"Name the profession"

1. Who is Web Designer?

Answer : specialist in the creation of Internet sites

2. Who is Pharmacist ?

Answer : specialist in the production, storage and sale of medicines

3. Who is Cynologist ?

Answer : specialist in breeding, raising and raising dogs

4. . Who it Underwriter ?

Answer : insurance agent

5. . Who it Merchandiser ?

Answer : retail specialist.

6. Who is Marketer ?

Answer : specialist who studies market fundamentals

7. Who is Postiger ?

Answer : makes wigs, beards, mustaches and sideburns

8. Who is Logistician ?

Answer : organizes and coordinates the delivery of goods from production to points of sale





Classification of professions according to E.A. Klimov

  • "Man is nature"
  • "Man - man"
  • "Man - technology"
  • "Man is an artistic image"
  • "Man is a sign system"


Professions apply:

  • medical service (doctor, nurse, nurse),
  • training and education (educator, nanny, teacher, teacher, trainer),
  • consumer services (seller, conductor, waiter)
  • legal protection (lawyer, investigator, district inspector).

"Man - technology"

Professions apply:

  • installation, assembly and adjustment of technical devices (bricklayer, assembler, welder, design engineer)
  • operation of technical equipment (driver, fireman, crane operator, turner, seamstress-minder)
  • repair of equipment (fitter-repairman, mechanic, electrician for equipment repair)

"Man is a sign system"

  • with texts (proofreader, typist, translator, librarian)
  • with numbers, formulas and tables (programmer, economist, accountant)
  • with drawings, maps, diagrams (navigator, draftsman),
  • with sound signals (radio operator, telephone operator).

« Man-artistic image "

Professions related to:

  • creation, design, modeling of works of art (artist, journalist, fashion designer, composer)
  • with reproduction, production of various products according to a sketch, a sample (jeweler, actor, cutter, restorer, cabinet maker, florist-decorator)

« Human nature "

Professions related to:

  • study of living and inanimate nature (microbiologist, agrochemist, geologist),
  • with the care of plants and animals (forester, vegetable grower, animal technician),
  • with the prevention and treatment of diseases of plants and animals (veterinarian).

"Distribute the profession"

  • Composer
  • Hairdresser


  • Programmer

(Man is a sign system)

  • Veterenar

(Man is nature)

  • Trolleybus driver

(Man is a technique)

  • Tailor

(Man is an artistic image)

  • Zootechnician

(Man is nature)

  • Carpenter


  • Locksmith - Plumber


  • Photographer

(Man is an artistic image)

"How many professions do you need? ..."

List the professions you need to craft the following items:

"Thinkers" - textbook

"Figures" - bun

"Interlocutors" - desk

Tanya does not yet know what she wants, she has no special abilities and talents, and she does not have enough time to find them. But she would not refuse wealth and fame. In general, she wants to “do what she cannot do in a situation where no one needs it. By the way, there are a lot of such people - more than half of all graduates ”.


Lena wants to be "like everyone else." To have your own family, home, children. She does not have enough stars from the sky and does not shine with talents. But she likes to tinker with children, and they constantly do not have enough kindergarten teachers in the city. She decided to become a teacher. And got to the point.


Sasha wants to be a programmer. He knows the computer like the back of his hand, reads books on programming, made his own website. And information technologies are now in demand everywhere, so Sasha's choice turned out to be the most successful.


When a person doesn't know

to which pier he is heading,

no wind for him

will not be passing.


Errors associated with choosing a profession:

  • Under the influence of the immediate environment, without much desire;
  • Passion only for the outer side of the profession without taking into account its "minuses";
  • Identification of a subject with a profession;
  • The transfer of a positive attitude towards a person, a representative of a particular profession, to the profession itself;
  • Choosing a profession "for the company" with friends;
  • Inability to understand your personal qualities;
  • Ignorance or underestimation of their physical characteristics, which are essential when choosing a profession;

Prejudice about some professions important to society, occupations in which are sometimes considered unworthy, indecent.

  • Choosing a profession for reasons of prestige;

"It is not the place that we occupy that matters,

but the direction in which we are moving. "

To do this, you must first of all choose the right profession. There are more professions in the modern world. It is important to be able to understand this diversity. Understand the content of different professions. The requirement they place on a person. Consider your own inclinations, abilities, capabilities.

Classification of professions Types of professions Man - nature Man - sign system Man - technology Man - man Man - artistic image Types of professions Man - nature Man - sign system Man - technology Man - man Man - artistic image Types of professions Man - nature Man - sign system Man - technique Human - human Human - artistic image Types of professions Human - nature Human - sign system Human - technology Human - human Human - artistic image Types of professions Human - nature Human - sign system Human - technology Human - human Human - artistic image Types of professions Human - nature Human - sign system Human - technology Human - human Human - artistic image

When choosing a profession, take into account your interests (what is interesting for you at the level of a hobby, and what can become a profession.) Own inclinations and capabilities, abilities that will ensure success in work. Information about professions Opportunity to get the chosen specialty (training) Employment opportunities. Prospects for the development of the chosen profession.


a type of work activity that requires some training and is usually a source of livelihood.

Career choice factors:





national interests,


  • Health status,
  • Professional qualifications,
  • Labor market demand,
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Professional ability

Classification of Professor E.A. Klimova divides all professions into 5 main types:

1 human nature ... This type unites people whose professions are related to animal plants and nature - a veterinarian, vegetable grower, hydrologist, plant breeder, machine operator, tractor driver.

2. Technician man ... These people are associated with technology - drivers, car mechanics, electricians, locksmiths, etc., using technical devices.

3. Human-human ... Communication with people. These include: teacher, doctor, hairdresser, salesperson, etc.

4. Man is a sign system. People in this profession should have a broad outlook - they are accountants, scientists, people who work with computers.

5. Man is an artistic image. These people are distinguished by artistic imagination, talent - artists, writers, designers.





  • For example, the profession is "turner", and the specialty is a turner-boring operator.
  • Teacher - teacher of physics, chemistry.

Speciality is a type of activity

within the same profession.

Primary teacher


Geography teacher

Mathematic teacher


  • initial
  • professional lyceums, vocational schools
  • the average
  • technical schools, colleges
  • higher
  • Universities (institutes, universities, academies)




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