Home Useful properties of fruits Capital truth is the meaning of phraseological units. Common truths. See what "Capital truth" is in other dictionaries

Capital truth is the meaning of phraseological units. Common truths. See what "Capital truth" is in other dictionaries

Which we repeat so often that we have already stopped paying attention to them. These are truths that have ceased to affect people because they hear them too often.

The power of common truths in their application

However, from long and frequent use, becoming an alphabet, common truths such as "Failures are stepping stones to success. "are no less true and useful.

At the same time, the strength of a person is not in the knowledge of common truths. but in their application. Unsuccessful people with “I know it all” syndrome dismiss common truths, knowing them, but not putting them into practice.

Successfulpeople do not just adopt common truths. They turn them into a habit, into their second nature.

4 "Why?" real success

Indeed, we all know the alphabet, and it would never occur to anyone, knowing that 2 × 2 = 4, to put into practice any other result.

For some reason, the situation is different with common truths. We all know they are true, but we often act contrary to them, hoping for luck. Sometimes someone gets lucky.

But at the same time, another common truth is that the more a person acts in accordance with common truths, the more successful he is in both the short and long term.

Slim production

The uniquely efficient organization of production of Japanese firms is the main secret of their success in world markets. Lean Manufacturing (Lean Production), which began at Toyota in the 1970s, has become the main trump card of many Japanese firms in the competition. It is based on the Kaizen mentality (the mindset for continuous improvement), three simple principles and seemingly obvious things: customer satisfaction, product quality, economy, and elimination of unnecessary operations.

Slimmest milk production

However, with a very serious attitude towards them, these simple things and principles that form the basis of orderly production were so effective that they allowed Japanese firms to quickly bypass American companies in the competition ... >>>

Su per-successful sellers

Barry Farber has dedicated his entire book, The 12 Clichés of Selling, to illustrate how common truths work effectively not only in business but in life. After all, we are all sellers in our daily life. As super-successful businessman Charles Schwab used to say, "We all try to sell something every day. We sell our ideas, plans, enthusiasm to those we come into contact with."

Barry Farber, himself an outstanding salesperson, interviewed several dozen super-successful salespeople for his book. And as a result, one simple thing became apparent. None of the outstanding salespeople used any techniques to close a deal, any manipulative techniques. None of them analyzed the personality or psychotype of the buyer using psychological tests to determine which sales techniques to use with them.

Instead, they all used common truths. They were persistent, tried to make a good impression, made plans and set goals, sold increased customer value, worked hard and achieved their goal. They tried to create a good relationship with a potential buyer, loved their job and were holistic personalities both in life and in business. They used common truths with perseverance because they proved to be effective, and with these truths they succeeded.

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The same as the Alphabet Truth. School "common truths" were unshakable for her. For her, cheating is cheating, window dressing is window dressing, servility is servility. And so she leaves her husband, who takes bribes. She finds the civic courage to rebuff the opportunist, careerist, demagogue(V. Shcherbakov. To conquer fate). - Just a clarification, Mr. Ditzmann ... I speak common truth - equality in the distribution of material wealth. I think that mediocrity, ability and talent will always differ from each other when it comes to science and art.(Yu. Bondarev. Shore). Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST A. I. Fedorov 2008

Meanings in other dictionaries

Prescribe by the first number

to whom. Simple. Express. The same as Prescribing Izhitsu to whom. - Well, Vanya, it's your tobacco business. The foreman will not forgive you for this ... he will write down the first number. - How does he know? Will you tell? I never seem to have spoken about (M. Alekseev. Heirs). Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST A.I. Fedorov 2008 ...

Prescribe proportion

to whom. Outdated. Iron. To whip, whip someone. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST A.I. Fedorov 2008 ...

Cry all eyes

Spread. Express. To endure a lot of suffering, crying often and inconsolably. - Look at your mother! She cried all her eyes for you (Fadeev. Young Guard). Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST A.I. Fedorov 2008 ...

Book. often Disapproved. Something well-known, trivially true and beyond doubt. F 1, 226; ZS 1996, 337; BMS 1998, 235.

  • - correct, adequate reflection of objects and phenomena of reality by a cognizing object; the being of that being, which is called "true"; correspondence of knowledge to reality ...

    Beginnings of Modern Natural Science

  • - 1., the correspondence of knowledge to the eternal, unchanging foundations of being and things and phenomena arising from it ...

    Russian encyclopedia

  • - one of the main categories of any philosophical system. The simplest understanding of this category in the twentieth century. professed logical positivism: I. is the correspondence of the statement to reality ...

    Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

  • - the opposite of falsehood, all that is true, genuine, accurate, fair. According to Christian concepts, the truth is in Christ, His Gospel, His Church: "I am the way and the truth and the life ...

    Orthodox encyclopedic dictionary

  • The latest philosophical dictionary

  • - the universal of culture of the subject-object series, the content of which is the evaluative characteristic of knowledge in the context of its relationship with the subject area, on the one hand, and with the sphere of procedural thinking ...

    History of philosophy

  • - cm....

    Chinese philosophy. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - TRUE is a category of philosophy and culture, denoting the ideal of knowledge and the way to achieve it ...

    Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

  • - a thought or statement corresponding to its subject. A thought corresponds to its object if it represents it as it really is, in reality ...

    Dictionary of logic

  • - English. truth; German Wahrheit. 1. Correspondence, adequacy of cognition of reality. 2 ...

    Encyclopedia of Sociology

  • - correspondence of knowledge to reality. The question of the criteria of I. is investigated by the theory of knowledge ...

    Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - the correct reflection of objective reality in the consciousness of a person, its reproduction as it exists by itself, outside and independently of a person and his consciousness ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - adequate comprehension of objects and phenomena of reality by a cognizing subject; the objective content of human cognition. Aristotle understood truth as the correspondence of knowledge to things ...

    Modern encyclopedia

  • - correspondence of knowledge to reality; the objective content of empirical experience and theoretical knowledge ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - letter. A letter that differs from lowercase in its size, sometimes in style, used in accordance with the rules of spelling and punctuation ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - Wed They and their leaders ... consider any filth disgracing an honest name to be permissible for tѣkh who do not recognize "writing". P. Boborykin. Decay. 4...

    Michelson's Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

"Common truth" in books


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1. Truth as one truth and as many truths.

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3. Truth of Faith and Historical Truth

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3. Truth of faith and historical truth The character of historical truth differs greatly from the character of natural scientific truth. History reports unique events, not repetitive processes that can be continuously monitored. Historical events are not

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. School "common truths" were unshakable for her. For her, cheating is cheating, window dressing is window dressing, servility is servility. And so she leaves her husband, who takes bribes. She finds the civic courage to rebuff the opportunist, careerist, demagogue(V. Shcherbakov. To conquer fate). - Just a clarification, Mr. Ditzmann ... I speak common truth - equality in the distribution of material wealth. I think that mediocrity, ability and talent will always differ from each other when it comes to science and art.(Yu. Bondarev. Shore).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST... A.I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what "Capital Truth" is in other dictionaries:

    common truth- formula, cliché, commonplace, commonplace, hackneyed formula, standard, stencil, walking coin, truism, stamp, template Dictionary of Russian synonyms. common truth n., number of synonyms: 11 hackneyed formula ... Synonym dictionary

    Common truth- CAPITAL, oh, oh. About letters: protruding above line 1, large; against. lowercase. The surname is written with a capital letter. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Common truth- Book. often Disapproved. Something well-known, trivially true and beyond doubt. F 1, 226; ZS 1996, 337; BMS 1998, 235 ...

    TRUE- An elementary truth. Spread. more often Disapprove. What everyone knows well is clear without any evidence. F 1, 225; ZS 1996, 337; BMS 1998, 235. The whole truth came out. Kar. About the end, the end of which l. SRGK 2, 303. Naked (naked) truth. Book. Clean, ... ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    true- immortal (Nadson); immutable (Pisemsky); mute (Polonsky); saint (Kurochkin, Nadson, Saltykov Shchedrin); sacred (Pushkin) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier to the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the Quick Press A. A. Levenson. A. L ... Dictionary of epithets

    true- NS; f. 1. What is true; truth. Tell the truth. His words are close to the truth. Know the truth. Bitter and. (unpleasant but fair remark, judgment, etc.). Saint and. (unbreakable, unshakable truth). // Truthfulness, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    true- NS; f. 1) a) That which corresponds to reality; truth. Tell the truth. His words are close to the truth. Know the truth. Bitter and / stina. (unpleasant but fair remark, judgment, etc.) Saint and / Stina. (unbreakable, unshakable truth) b) Ott ... Dictionary of many expressions

    stamp- template, stencil, standard; seal; current coin, form, stamp, formula, hackneyed formula, stamp, common place, truism, punch, cliche, common truth, hackneyed expression, heel Dictionary of Russian synonyms. stamp stencil, template, standard ... Synonym dictionary

    UPPERCASE- CAPITAL, uppercase, uppercase. 1. About letters: big, i.e. different from lowercase letters in height, and sometimes in style, and upotr. in certain cases, according to the rules of spelling; ant. lowercase. Capital A. Capital letter. Proper names ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    common expression- formula, cliché, walking coin, template, common truth, truism, hackneyed formula, stencil, standard, common place, stamp Dictionary of Russian synonyms. hackneyed expression n., number of synonyms: 11 hackneyed formula ... Synonym dictionary


  • Glory of Russian arms, Slavin Svyatoslav Nikolaevich. You can't fight much with your bare hands. This common truth compels the government of each country to make sure that the armed forces of the state have something to protect their national ...

The phraseologism "common truth" arose a very long time ago and each of us heard it hundreds of times, and maybe even used it in conversation in relation to some phenomenon. But does everyone know its real meaning?

Uppercase are true - these are phrases or sayings that we very often hear and understand well their reliability. These are facts that have been entrenched in the public consciousness so long ago that people simply stopped taking them into account.

The power of common truths is not in what they mean, but in our ability to apply them in life. The knowledge that 2 + 2 will be 4 exists in our minds just like true knowledge, but the essence of their action is fundamentally different.

The trouble is that no one would ever think of challenging the composition of the alphabet or the result of a simple mathematical operation, but there are always a lot of people who want to test the strength of age-old knowledge. Many of them hope for luck and she still smiles at some, but most are still left with nothing.

The corresponding literature will help you to increase the level of true knowledge and the general level of erudition. A good example is the book "Lexicon of Common Truths" or "Complete List of Refined Thoughts" by Gustave Flaubert.

Truths of men

Reasoning on such a completely philosophical topic from a female point of view, it is necessary to highlight the most important thing. What was the man made for?

In nature, examples of reproduction by division or self-fertilization are known, as a result of which new individuals are born, but at the same time they are actually clones of their parents. People are created in the form of men and women, so that new generations are not exact copies of the previous ones. Procreation is the capital of the true existence on earth of two opposite sexes. Our differences between ourselves and differences in views with our children give us the opportunity to develop.

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