Home Useful properties of fruits Psychological adjustment for harmony hooponopono method. Hawaiian Hooponopono Method: Reviews of Healing. Blue sun water

Psychological adjustment for harmony hooponopono method. Hawaiian Hooponopono Method: Reviews of Healing. Blue sun water

“Self-love is the best tool for self-improvement. And when you improve yourself, you improve the whole world. "

(Ihaleakal Hugh Lin)

Recently, people's interest in various kinds of trainings, practices, lectures and any other information about self-improvement, personal development, improving relationships with loved ones has been growing.

Moreover, training and communication with psychologists, coaches can take place both in reality and via the Internet. And even in absentia, without communicating, but simply studying their works independently and applying the knowledge gained in practice.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the Hawaiian Hooponopono method. What it is? Who created it? Let's dwell on the basic principles and techniques.

The history of the application of the method (facts and events)

The phrase that served as the epigraph to the article belongs to one very interesting person, Dr. Ihaleakal Hugh Lin. It was he who first began to apply the Hooponopono method.

For a long time, Hugh Lin worked as a staff psychologist at a Hawaiian clinic. His patients were not just mentally ill people, but criminals with severe mental disabilities. The staff of the clinic changed frequently, as cases of patients' attacks on doctors were repeatedly observed. This is the contingent with which the doctor had to work.

Hugh Lin behaved unusual. He never met with his charges, did not give them any oral or written advice, that is, he did not treat them in the traditional sense of the word. For days, Hugh Lin only studied their medical records with medical histories, at the same time directing all the impact exclusively on himself, which is what the Hooponopono method suggests. Improving himself, he treated patients and achieved overwhelming success in this.

How did this happen? According to the doctor, he simply uttered certain affirmation phrases and applied some techniques to himself, which we will definitely talk about in this article. It seems incredible, but the Hawaiian method of Hugh Lin (Hooponopono) allowed patients to recover in no time! They canceled the reception of the strongest tranquilizers, removed the handcuffs from especially violent ones and even wrote them out, since they ceased to be dangerous to society.

As the results of Dr. Hugh Lin's treatment have shown, the Hooponopono method works wonders!

What is its essence? Where did he come from?

Hawaiian roots

This system was borrowed by Dr. Hugh Lin, not invented himself.

The Hooponopono Method is an ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. If you translate this convoluted word from the original, it turns out something like "improving the reasons" or "correcting mistakes."

Hawaiians believed that all the problems in people's lives come from themselves, or rather from what is in the head. Our thoughts, our actions lead us to illness, trouble and disharmony. The roots are in the past, sometimes they drag on through the years along with other people's mistakes, which, as a result, become our problems.

If you change this, then a new, improved stage of life will surely begin.

According to Aboriginal people, the Hawaiian Hooponopono method, with the help of prayers, repentance, affirmations and rituals, erases unsuccessful old programs in a person's head and helps him enter the stream of Abundance.

The difficulty was that the Hawaiians were talking not only about correcting personal mistakes of a person, but also of all his relatives and ancestors. Therefore, it was not worth waiting for immediate results then. In addition, the most ancient method allowed only those initiated into the sacrament to conduct purification rituals, and not everyone in a row. It was practiced by shamans and healers - kahuna. One of these was Morrna Nalamaku Simeon. It was this Hawaiian healer who shared the Hooponopono Method with Dr. Hugh Lin.

Over time, the practices have changed somewhat, simplified, but the main core remained. Now a person can cleanse his own consciousness from various accumulated garbage and negativity, including applying Hooponopono - the Hawaiian method of healing.

Main essence and philosophy

Everything that surrounds a person is mental programs controlled by his memory from the past. All the experience of our ancestors rests on our shoulders, presses and does not allow us to develop. To remove blocks, certain actions are required that need to be carried out only with your "I".

Despite the train of mistakes of previous generations, the Hooponopono method assumes the full and unconditional responsibility of the person himself for everything that happens. And the point here is not only about what happens to a person personally. Hooponopono's key phrase: "The world begins with me!" Any events with friends, acquaintances, neighbors, with everyone in his city, country, all over the world also belong to the sphere of human responsibility. Any armed conflicts, wars, catastrophes, epidemics occur because of certain words, actions and even thoughts of a person in the past or present!

If in front of your eyes there was a quarrel, a scandal, even of persons completely unfamiliar to you, then it was you who attracted him. If you observe this, and it hurts you, then the situation is already within you. Someone looked the wrong way, answered rudely, called or somewhere, it doesn't even matter in which city, on which street the accident happened, - you have the answer.

This philosophy is not easy to understand, and even more difficult to accept. At the same time, you should not fall into despondency, depression or the other extreme - start blaming everyone for your troubles, except yourself. This is the wrong way. But it is not worthwhile to engage in self-flagellation. Separate two concepts - responsibility and guilt.

The good thing is that according to the Hooponopono method, a person is able to change an unpleasant situation through inner work with his mind. There is a tremendous force inside everyone, which, unfortunately, we do not know how to use. It appears at the moment when there is a complete inner readiness to accept it. This is where the Hooponopono method helps.

Our task is to feel responsibility and change the programs within ourselves, to cleanse ourselves. This will bring about changes in the outer life. They will lead along the chain to the transformation of someone else's present. So it will go on.

Hooponopono Method: Instruments

Such a whimsical, difficult to remember and difficult to pronounce from the first time, the name is surprisingly simple in execution. Let's turn to practice.

Start by changing yourself, then others around you will also change - this is what Hooponopono is. The healing method involves going through several stages: first forgiveness, then repentance, and finally transformation. Affirmations play a big role in this. These are very simple magic phrases that can radically change a person's life. There are four of them. Let's consider each one.

I'm sorry

A person's understanding that he himself has attracted negativity into his life, thinking wrong. Statement of this fact. There is something in me that attracted the problem.

There are different opinions about this phrase, which in the original sounds like: I am sorry. Some people think that when translated into Russian - “I'm sorry”, the deep meaning is lost. It would be more accurate to say: "I repent."

Thank you

This is a person's appeal to the Universe. Gratitude for what is in the present, whatever it is. After all, everything is relative. This phrase carries a very powerful positive energy. The universe will definitely pay attention to your gratitude and help. Just don't wait for a quick result.

I love you

Pronounce as a statement. It is addressed to everyone and everyone: to himself (this is first of all), to a child, loved ones, just a passer-by, nature, the sun. The ancient Hawaiians and their Hooponopono method claim that all this is the Most High in its various manifestations.

Full and unconditional love! It must come from the heart, regardless of the behavior, principles and actions of others and oneself.

You are writing a book, standing in a traffic jam, selling your goods or services, say this phrase. If you have love inside you, other people will feel it. What you give is what you get back. This is the law.

Repeated repetition of this phrase is best able to clear a person's memory and bring him to zero, which is the most important, according to this technique. No wonder the second name is the eraser method (Hooponopono).

When a person gets rid of negative programs and is in a state of emptiness, amazing things begin to happen to him! Unexpected ideas and insights appear, everything is easy.

Please forgive me

You need to pronounce the phrase, referring to your higher "I". Asking for forgiveness for your imperfect thoughts, without shifting responsibility to other people and their unseemly actions towards you.

These four phrases are advised to be repeated as often as possible in different places, both silently and aloud. But not just talking, but realizing why and for what. These are what Dr.Hew Lin said when treating his patients.

To begin with, choose one and say it for ten minutes a day, it is better to do this in front of a mirror. Then you can move on to all the others in order. After practicing this for a while, it will be possible to apply the affirmations all at once.

Let's give a common example, on the basis of which it will be possible to better understand the essence of the method.

The couple had a quarrel. Internal conversation with myself: I understand that I created the quarrel myself. I'm sorry. Forgive me. My lightheadedness was unacceptable. I thank you for the quick solution of the problem and I love you with all my heart.

But all these words should not be directed at a specific person, in this case, a husband or a friend. This is an internal self-talk.

Affirmations are far from the only practices offered by the Hooponopono method. Exercises and tasks, which will not be at all difficult for any person to complete, exist in large numbers. Each tool performs its own functions and tasks.

Let's consider them.


The topic of the eraser continues in one of the practices, which is called that.

You need to take an unsharpened pencil. At the end of it there should be an elastic band, with which you begin to knock on any object that requires cleaning. It could be a thing or even yourself. If you need to get rid of negative memories, just tap the surface.

That's all! It’s so simple that it’s hard to believe how it can help. By tapping, you can still say the four affirmations above.

Sometimes this exercise is performed by tapping on your child's photo.

According to the reviews of those who used the "Pencil" or "Eraser" technique, it is able to clean up even deep-seated problems.

Glass of water

Another tool. A simple glass of clean water. Fill no more than ¾ of the volume and put it anywhere in the house. The water should be changed twice a day, and if there is a feeling of anxiety, anxiety, then more often. For greater effect, you can write the problem on a sheet and put the glass on it.

Blue sun water

Second practice with this liquid. No less effective than the first.

We need to find a blue glass container. It can be a bottle, vase, vessel, cup. Pour clean water into it and expose it to the sun for an hour. After the allotted time, you can drink it, cook food, wash your face and carry out other procedures.

Mirror method

Look into it for a long time, imagining yourself as you are. Reach zero, then the present with all my heart.

Tutti-frutti tool

The name is funny, but erases serious illnesses and memories of them. Even if a person is completely healthy at the moment, he can use the practice as a preventive measure.

Hopelessness will die. This removes diseases of the entire genus. By pronouncing the word "tutti-frutti" the ancient memory is cleansed.

Rainbow butterfly

She will bring happiness to the family, will allow you to forget about scandals and quarrels. It will help to reveal the talents that have slept before the time. A drawing or photo with a butterfly can be placed on a computer screen and each time you turn it on, you can watch it, repeating affirmations.

Ice blue

This technique should be used for various pains (physical and mental), suffering.

It is very simple, like all the other exercises. You just have to mentally repeat the phrase "blue ice" as many times as necessary. The bigger, the better.

Milky Way

This phrase leads to the perception of something new, opens consciousness, removes pain and doubts, if they are in a person. Opens the way for change.

Money Techniques

There are also special exercises on this topic. You can successfully use the Hooponopono method to attract money, keep it in your life.

Orange juice

Everything happens in our imagination. We represent a glass of juice and how we put a bill into it, for example, in or of any other denomination. In addition to money, you can put another item that you would like to clear.

According to Dr. Len, orange juice symbolizes the rays of the sun, which means something divine. If a person has loans and pays interest on them, it offends money. It is necessary to urgently ask for their forgiveness. And do this by placing them in orange juice.

The Hooponopono method and philosophy regard money as a living substance. However, this approach is applicable to any other subject. You can and should talk with money, consult. Since the bills contain the energy of all those who touched them, and not always positive, they constantly need to be cleaned.

Use the tips from the article to come up with your soulful conversation with money. For example, a monologue might be like this:

  • My dear, good money! I want to ask for forgiveness from you both on my behalf and all ancestors. I take full responsibility for the fact that we offended you. Sorry about it! Please forgive me! I love you and thank you for everything.

This will go away all the negativity associated with money. The main thing is that the words come from the heart.

Sunflower tool

This yellow flower can also help clear the path to money and remove any programs blocking it. Speaking aloud the word "sunflower", a picture with it or under the window. Everything will work.

According to the adherents of technology, the method and philosophy of Ho Oponopono will certainly lead to positive changes, change the person himself and the life around him.

Book "Life Without Limits" (Hooponopono Method)

These practices did not become widespread and world famous not immediately, but only after the publication of the popular Joe Vitale in one of the books. He is also the author of the acclaimed bestseller The Secret.

In Life Without Limits, Vitale describes his meeting and long conversation with the healer Hugh Lin. The subject of their conversation was Hooponopono - the Hawaiian method of healing, successfully applied by the doctor. After the publication of this book, they learned about the system in Russia as well.

How Joe Vitali assesses the Hooponopono method, it becomes clear from his publications. The author likes the practice, he is amazed at the results and a little surprised.

Vitale gives an example of some unpleasant letter he received by e-mail. At first he wanted to be indignant, upset, to think about why he received such a message, in general, to do everything as before. But in time I remembered about Hooponopono. Then Joe just started repeating the affirmations and not doing anything else! After a while, a second letter of apology arrived. According to the writer, this is how Hawaiian practices worked. John Vitale's account of an email is perhaps the most significant and influential review of Hooponopono.

You can relate to this unusual system in different ways, believe it or not - everyone's business. There are other examples as well.

If you find people practicing the Hooponopono Method, the reviews will almost always be positive. Since so many who have used the system, begin to notice changes in the environment. For example, one woman who had serious problems with her husband returned happiness to her family after using Hooponopono. She began to change herself, her husband saw this and also changed for the better.

People who learned about the Hooponopono method and began to apply it unanimously claim that amazing things and miracles began to happen to them. And they describe it as unconditional happiness, harmony with people and the whole world.

Hooponopono is an ancient Hawaiian meditation technique that can be used to clear negativity and change your life for the better. The technique is to repeat four phrases. Let's figure out how to use it correctly.

If you are new to spiritual development and have never practiced meditation, it is worth starting with hooponopono. This is a fairly simple method that does not require special training.

Why you should opt for Hawaiian meditation:

  1. You can meditate at any convenient time. It is not necessary to set aside a special place or wait for a calm environment. You can repeat phrases mentally even while traveling in public transport.
  2. You need to remember only four phrases that are easily imprinted in the subconscious. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I love you, and I thank you.
  3. This practice is aimed at clearing negativity. Namely, this is where spiritual development begins. First, you “weed the weeds” out of negative emotions, attitudes and beliefs, and with the help of other methods, you “sow” a positive in your subconscious mind.
  4. With the help of hooponopono, you can get a quick result: you will be surprised, but after clearing the negativity in your life, positive changes for the better will very quickly begin to occur.

Meditation technique

To get started, try meditating in the steps below. This is necessary for you to feel the whole essence of the technique, to feel the power of the "Hawaiian spell" on yourself to the fullest. After 2-3 sessions, you will be able to switch consciousness in any situation.

So what to do:

  1. Make sure you have half an hour where no one will bother you. Complete privacy is required. Turn off sources of extraneous noise: move the phone away, turn off the TV and computer, close the windows so that street sounds do not interfere.
  2. Play some nice music that relaxes you. You can opt for recordings with chants of mantras or sounds of nature. But any calm and unobtrusive melodies will also do.
  3. Get into a comfortable position in which you will feel comfortable being in a stationary position for thirty minutes.
  4. Close your eyes, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly, deeply through your mouth. Repeat ten times. This is necessary for you to completely relax.
  5. With each exhalation, feel how your body relaxes, how you let go of all extraneous thoughts, and your subconscious mind becomes pure and free. "Plunge" into yourself, concentrate only on the sensations.
  6. Start repeating the four hooponopono phrases out loud or silently: “I'm sorry,” “Forgive me,” “Thank you,” “I love you.” Turn to God, the Universe, your own “I” or to the person who causes the strongest negative emotions in you.
  7. Repeat phrases for fifteen minutes. At this time, you may have a desire to cry, scream, involuntary body reactions in the form of convulsions and goose bumps may occur. You may feel cold or, conversely, too hot. Do not interfere with this, allow yourself to feel and live all the emotions to the end.
  8. At the end of the meditation, take three deep breaths in and out again, then slowly open your eyes and gradually return to reality.

The effectiveness of hooponopono will depend on how much you can relax, let go of any thoughts and look inside yourself completely. Prepare yourself that you won't be able to do this on the first try. But session after session, you will be able to enter the meditative state deeper and deeper.

Who should I contact?

Classic Hawaiian meditation assumes you are reaching out to a Higher Power, the Creator. Who exactly depends on your faith.

But there are other options as well. Briefly about each:

  • Turning to God helps to “atone for” sins and heal negative emotions throughout your family and ancestral system. You heal not only your soul, but also heal all the traumas that have been accumulating for centuries.
  • Turning to yourself allows you to reveal and live all the negative emotions that you have displaced into the depths of your subconscious. This is a colossal job that can even replace working with a psychotherapist. But on condition that you learn to immerse yourself deeply in a meditative state.
  • Reaching out to people you have negative emotions for is a way to genuinely forgive and accept them. Resentment will stop destroying you, you will feel more free.
  • Use hooponopono in any negative situation. If someone offended or angered you, immediately begin mentally repeating four cherished phrases. This will help you not to accumulate bad emotions, but to instantly experience them without harm to your subconscious mind.

Play this video and meditate, repeating after the announcer:

What problems does hooponopono solve?

Hawaiian hooponopono meditation helps to solve problems such as:

  • Childhood injuries. Turning to your parents in meditation, you learn to forgive them for the wrongs inflicted, you are filled with feelings of love, gratitude and sincere acceptance.
  • Displaced negative emotions. In the course of the session, you open up old wounds and pull all grievances to the surface of the subconscious. Live them and get healed.
  • Birth trauma. You atone for the sins of your ancestors, healing generic negative scenarios and attitudes.
  • Lack of self-love. The more negative you work through, the more you are filled with feelings with high energetic vibrations: love, gratitude, acceptance. As a result, you learn to love and accept yourself.

Just try it - practitioners' testimonials promise magical results. With this simple but very effective meditation, you are fundamentally changing your inner state. And since the world is mirrored, it changes with you, reflecting the positive that will come from you.

Ho'oponopono is the ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Translated from the Hawaiian language, the word Ho'oponopono means "to correct a mistake" or "to do it right."

Ho'oponopono helps to remove, neutralize and erase destructive programs in order to become one with the Divine consciousness that is inherent in every person, to merge with the stream of Abundance and receive Inspiration. It turns out that loving yourself is the best way to improve yourself, and when you improve yourself, you improve the whole world. To explain this technique, suffice it to say that everything that you would like to improve in your life, all this is in one and only accessible place - in you.

To understand how it works and what benefit it can personally bring to you and our Planet, please watch this video:

What is the essence of Ho'oponopono?

Ho'oponopono is based on the concept that nothing exists outside of our perception. The cause of any problems that people encounter in life are imprints of memories, they are also called programs. Programs are embedded in our subconscious and are passed down from generation to generation. They model our thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions and encourage us to behave in one way or another.

According to Ho'oponopono, we are carriers of unconscious programs, and therefore completely, i.e. are 100% responsible for everything that we attract into our life. With Ho'oponopono, we can attract what we need.

What does Ho'oponopono teach?

Inspiration helps you get on the path of happiness and live a joyful, fulfilling life. But the negative programs that are scrolling in our subconscious mind block us and prevent Inspiration from coming. To open access to the stream of happy patterns, you need to create a world within yourself, erasing the imprints of memories.

Ho'oponopono allows you to enter the "Zero" state. Only in this state does the synchronization of life events take place and everything turns out the way we want.

What is Zero State?

Erasing programs or memories with Ho'oponopono results in a “Zero” state. When we start from a state of Zero, in which there are no limits, we do not need to show intentions, repeat affirmations or create visualizations. In the state of Zero, we are able to receive and act through Divine Inspiration or the Universe. It is in the state of "zeroing" that miracles are born.

We cannot completely control life, but we can learn to accept every moment of it, let go of our prejudices and expectations, and, allowing the Divine principle to bring Inspiration. Being fixed on expectations is frustrating. The ability to let go and take what is happening for granted, while continuing to purify yourself using the Ho'oponopono method, is the Easiest Way to find happiness.

Ihaleakala Hugh Len on the state of Zero:

HOOPONOPONO: HOW TO LOOK BEYOND YOURSELF? If someone behaves in a way that we do not like it, then we have created the situation in which we are experiencing this experience.

Ihaleakala Hugh Len on cleansing:

The Hawaiian hooponopono technique is based on four phrases that purify the soul and mind.

"I'm sorry". By pronouncing this phrase, a person expresses regret for the negative thoughts and actions that caused the launch of unfavorable programs.

"Forgive me". Such words in the hooponopono method personify repentance and a prayer for forgiveness for actions and thoughts committed. When pronouncing them, you can feel freedom.

"Thank you". The phrase is intended to express gratitude to the Universe and the Higher powers for what a person has.

"I love you". Such words help a person through love to cleanse themselves of negativity and come to the truth. They also build self-esteem and teach you to love yourself.

Hooponopono philosophy

Regular practice gives a person a chance to cope with various problems, for example, getting rid of a pessimistic view of the world, conflict situations and feelings of guilt. Hooponopono develops in a person positive reactions to life's difficulties, and helps to heal the spirit, and with it the body. The Hawaiian method gives a person a chance to find a reference point in life and achieve harmony in himself. You can get all this by cleaning up memory from garbage. Known basic principles of hooponopono:

* The physical Universe is embodied in the thoughts of a person.

* If you think positively, then you can create a reality based on love.

* Each person is fully responsible for his own life and for what is happening around.

* Negative thinking attracts only problems.

* Nothing in life exists separately from a person, since these are the results of his thoughts.
hooponopono philosophy

How to Practice Hooponopono?

To use the Hawaiian method, you do not need to create certain conditions, because everything is simple. Hooponopono practice allows the use of some of the available items:

Coins help change a person's attitude to finance. You need to talk to them, be sure to ask for forgiveness.

The flower is used to appeal to divine powers. Look to him for love. The plant will be a good companion on the path to self-cleaning.

A dew drop is considered to be a powerful tool to cleanse negativity.

Butterfly helps to remove negativity and find the right path to perfection.

A pencil with an eraser is used to erase negative memories.

The sunflower is a symbol of abundance and harmony, including in the material sphere.

Hooponopono is a very simple method that you can teach your children, parents, friends and acquaintances in 5-10 minutes. This method can be used by everyone, regardless of mental and physical abilities, religious or other affiliations. This method can be practiced anywhere and in any setting. This method can be practiced without any teacher or guru.

Learn more about the essence of hooponopono. Joe Vitali on clearing any problem from the subconscious (video only 15 minutes):

Ho'oponopono is for lazy people. Important nuances and subtle points. Kerl Toham narrates:

And here is a very interesting, rich program about the hooponopono method. What results it gives - real stories:

IMPORTANT NOTE: The hooponopono method is really simple and very effective, which has been proven many times in Life. However, there is one important nuance, which is associated with the phrase of the method "I'm sorry (that this happened)". The fact is that when we regret something, we kind of question the "correctness" of the plan that was developed for us by the Universe (God) so that we get a certain (often even negative and painful) experience. In other words, we are kind of telling the Universe that we did something wrong, something not according to the Universal plan. And this cannot be! Everything that happens (especially "important" events, deeds, etc.) happens clearly according to the Creator's plan, without exception! And the fact that according to the plan is an ideal variant of events leading to a certain goal, to gaining a certain experience and awareness, elaboration and, accordingly, it is not correct to regret it, does not make sense. There is even an opinion that one of the reasons why hooponopono does not work as a method for some people is the phrase "I'm sorry." In addition, the phrase "I'm sorry" is somewhat negative and it is better not to program the subconscious with negative phrases. In this regard, we recommend using three phrases out of four proposed in hooponopono for cleansing: “Forgive me”, “Thank you”, “I love you”.

Hooponopono talking with money

Many people have financial problems. To cope with them, various conspiracies, rituals and meditation techniques are often used, which include hooponopono. The method involves the formation of the correct attitude to money, the creation of positive energy and the use of verbal formulas. There is a special instruction on how to properly practice hooponopono for money:

A person should understand that money is nothing more than a means to achieve goals. It is important to treat them with gratitude.

It's important to stop feeling fearful about finances. Many people are afraid of losing their jobs or money, which creates an internal block that prevents them from interacting with cash flow. It's important to accept your fears and live happily.

The hooponopono method for attracting money involves drawing up a phrase-appeal to money, which will express gratitude, regret, a request for forgiveness and love. For example: “Money coming into my life, thank you for that. I am sorry for my fear of losing you, forgive me for that. I truly love you. "

Hooponopono prayer for money:

1. “Dear Money, Please forgive me, my family, relatives and ancestors for the fact that we have offended you from the very beginning of Our Creation to the present day. I don’t know how I offended you, I don’t know when I offended you. I know that I am 100% responsible for everything that I, my relatives, family and ancestors have created, and I want to make a correction. I apologize to you, I pray you forgive me, please. I love you and thank you for everything ... I love you. I love you. I love you ... etc. "

2. “Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Consubstantial Son…. If I, my family, my relatives and ancestors insulted you, your family, your relatives and ancestors and insulted money in thoughts, words, actions and deeds from our creation to the present time, please forgive us. Free us from fear, negative programs and blocks that cause money problems. Eliminate the causes of these problems. Convert these energies into a flow of abundance of money. Fill us with pure Light and Love. May it be so!"

When we say the Hooponopono prayer for Money, we cleanse the programs within ourselves that block the coming of Money into our lives. We are asking God to transform our negative Money-related programs. Money is not just paper. This is a powerful energy and information flow. One of the manifestations of Divine energy. Therefore, I am talking to Money. And I apologize to them for blocking their manifestation in my life.

Hooponopono cleansing from negativity

A new and not sharpened pencil must be activated with the word "dewdrop". It should be used periodically and there is no need to buy a new pencil for each session.

To cleanse the negative, you need to tap the object or your body with a pencil, mentally repeating the word activation to enhance the effect.

It is important to imagine how all the negative is erased. This technique gives a chance to carry out deep cleansing, and even affecting previous generations.

Hooponopono for resolving relationship problems with loved ones

The technique helps to cope with various problems, including those that relate to personal life. To do this, it is necessary to use a general algorithm of actions, which includes several principles.

Hooponopono forces a person to analyze their own condition in order to understand what caused the beloved to leave. Often the internal blocks, which arise as a result of fears or resentments, are to blame.

It is necessary to forgive yourself and your beloved who has left. The situation should clear to zero.
In conclusion, the hooponopono method involves the formation of a special phrase-code, which will include four main components: a request for forgiveness, regret, gratitude and recognition.

How to improve your health with hooponopono?

In the presence of various diseases, in addition to the main treatment prescribed by the doctor, you can use additional methods to speed up the healing process. The hooponopono method for curing diseases involves going through certain steps:

It is necessary to remember when the disease was caused, since there is always some kind of stress or other annoying factor underlying. It is believed that heart problems are in people who showed indifference to others, or, conversely, forgot about themselves, paying attention to others.

Let go of the situation, forgive yourself and other people responsible for the situation. After that, you should feel comfortable.

The hooponopono method involves composing a special verbal form, focusing on four important principles. Repeat the text until the problem goes away.

Hooponopono for marriage

Many girls worry that their partner does not make a marriage proposal and often internal blocks and negative energy are to blame. The hooponopono technique helps to change the relationship with a loved one for the better.

First, you need to get rid of negative thoughts, emotions and fears.

Mentally ask your loved one to forgive for possible offenses and forgive him yourself.

Hooponopono for women who want to get married includes talking with a loved one and doing it better when he sleeps, because in this state the unconscious part comes first, which will easily perceive information.

When talking with a loved one, be sure to use the four main components that were mentioned earlier.

Hooponopono for weight loss

The Hawaiian Methodists present excess weight as a negative program that can be eliminated. To do this, you need to work on self-esteem and start loving yourself. There are certain rules on how to lose weight with hooponopono.

It is necessary to remember when the weight began to increase, since almost always this becomes a reaction to numerous stresses and negative memories.

It is important to throw off the burden of the past by analyzing the situation and understanding what conclusions have been drawn.

In the next step, the hooponopono method involves conducting a conversation with your body. Say that you consider yourself a beautiful person, thank your appearance and ask the body for forgiveness for not giving it the opportunity to lose weight.

Learn to treat food correctly, perceiving it as fuel for the body.

Hooponopono - a prayer for everyone

The Hawaiian technique offers not only meditation, but also a prayer text that is used in different situations. It is recommended to read it after you have already understood what hooponopono is and how to use it correctly.

For some reason, for us, prayer is an appeal to God with some kind of request. Maybe not for everyone, but for many of us. Having told God that we love him, we ask for forgiveness, we immediately begin to ask for something worldly - a husband, children, money, work, etc. And for some reason God either does not answer at all, or answers, but in his own way.

In one of his articles, Mark Perkins writes that "the key of Hooponopono is prayer." In ancient times, for the Hawaiians, these were various rituals that were performed by the kahunas - the keepers of secrets. And Morrna Simeona improved prayer and made it accessible to ordinary people.

That American blog has a full form of prayer. Here is my translation.

"PART 1.

THE ALMOST CREATOR, Father, Mother, Consubstantial Son:

If I, …………………… .., my family, relatives and ancestors, offended you, ……………………, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation up to the present, humbly, humbly we ask you all for forgiveness for all our fears, mistakes, resentments, guilt, insults, blocks and bindings that we have created, accumulated and accepted from the beginning of our creation to the present.

Yes, we forgive you. May the water of life free us all from spiritual, mental, physical, material, financial and karmic dependence. Pull out all the accumulated memory, release, compartments and cut off all unwanted and negative memories and blocks that tied, tied and tied us together.

Purify and transform all these unwanted energies into PURE LIGHT. Fill the empty spaces after these energies with DIVINE LIGHT.

LET THE DIVINE ORDER, LIGHT, LOVE, PEACE, BALANCE, WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING AND ABUNDANCE will be realized for all of us in our affairs through the ALMOST POWER OF THE ALMOST CREATOR, FATHER, MOTHER, the SON ONE IN WHOM we rely, on whom we rely. our being, now and forever and ever. WE ARE ALL FREE! AND YES IT BE THIS! "

Joe Vitale gives Morrna's short prayer in his book.

THE ALMOST CREATOR, Father, Mother, the ONLY Son:

If I, ……………………………… .., my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the time of our creation to the present moment, please forgive us.

Cleanse, release, cut off and cut off all unwanted energies and vibrations that we have created, accumulated and / or received from the beginning of our creation to the present.

Please transform all negative, unwanted energies into PURE LIGHT. WE ARE ALL FREE! AND YES IT BE THIS!

(The phrase "so be it" means that the work of man is finished, and the work of God begins)

You can memorize a prayer you like and say it every day, while eating in transport, for example. Prayer is a good way to distract yourself from thoughts. It is also helpful to recite a short version of the prayer like a mantra, automatically.

In the full form of prayer, you can add either children, ex-husband, any person with whom you have any relationship. These prayers not only help to cleanse yourself and your family, but also all invisible ties between people. Say a full prayer in the morning after waking up and before bed. Short - all the time.

By the way, in these prayers you can turn to any object, money, house, etc. Because everything living and nonliving has an energy field.

We like these prayers because we ask nothing (of the worldly) here. We ask only forgiveness and cleansing. Because when we are cleansed, Inspiration comes to us, help comes to us - everything that God considers best for us. Because our desires are still limited. So why limit yourself? Better to let go and let God come!

Here are some more options for prayer:

1. Prayer for two:
Divine Creator: father, mother, son, consubstantial:
If I, ____________________, my family, relatives and ancestors offended you, __________________, your relatives and ancestors, in thoughts, words or actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, I humbly apologize for all my mistakes, resentments, feelings of guilt, hatred , pain, trauma that I have created and accumulated from the beginning of creation to the present day. Please forgive me!

Let this water wash away, cleanse and free me, the offender, and offended from spiritual, mental, material, financial and karmic dependence. (Note: actually using water
not required. The symbolic gesture of sprinkling is enough)

Pull from my memory all unwanted, negative memories and blocks that bind us together.

Free you from these unwanted memories and blocks.

Convert these unwanted energies into "Pure Light"!

Fill the spaces occupied by these energies with Divine Light.

Let the “Divine Order,” Light, love, peace, balance, understanding, Joy, Wisdom and Abundance appear to me through the divine power of the Divine Father, the Creator of all forms of life, in which we abide and exist ... From now on and forever and ever. May it be so!

2. Advanced option:
The Supreme Creator, one Father, Mother and Son.
If I, my family, my relatives or ancestors have offended You, Your family, relatives or Your ancestors with my thoughts, words, behavior or actions, intentionally or accidentally, from the moment of the creation of the world to the present day, We ask You for forgiveness ...
Forgive us for pride and contempt, for condemnation and hatred, for ridicule and backbiting, for blasphemy and curses.
I also forgive all the evil and insults caused to me, my relatives and ancestors.

Allow to atone, cleanse, extract and release all negative memories, associations, claims, blocks, and transform this unnecessary energy into pure Light ...
May our One Family grow stronger and develop, grow rich and prosper, and may Light, Harmony and Love be in our Family!
May it be so!

Why doesn't hooponopono work?

You can find reviews of people who claim that such meditation practices do not give any results. The explanation for this is quite commonplace and lies in the misuse of the existing method and non-compliance with the existing rules. Hooponopono and faith are two inseparable things that conduct energy activation. Many people expect a quick result, so they skip important stages of preparing and cleansing the body. It is worth following all the rules impeccably.

Hooponopono and Christianity

Among the people who regularly use the techniques of cleansing from negativity, there are many believers of different religions. Pronouncing affirmations and self-hypnosis cannot become an obstacle to faith. Experts say that the method is beyond understanding and does not in any way interfere with going to church and saying prayers. Many practitioners claim that hooponopono and Christianity have much in common, so during meditation they often see saints next to them, who are helpers of all believers.

The above text is from this

WE RECOMMEND ALSO LISTEN TO JO VITALE'S AUDIO BOOK "LIFE UNLIMITED". This book completely changed the worldview of hundreds of thousands of people around the world! World bestselling author The Key and The Secret of Attraction, Joe Vitale, reveals to us the secret of the ancient Hawaiian system to improve their lives, heal themselves and others. You will be able to understand why certain problems arise, what prevents you from finding the love of your life, achieving success, becoming absolutely healthy, wealthy and in harmony with the world around you. You can get rid of negative attitudes and acquire a positive attitude for a long time.

The training takes place in the form of a retelling of conversations with the Hawaiian healer Dr. Hugh Lin. Gradually, from chapter to chapter, a world of amazing possibilities will open before you, available to everyone who returns to "zero state" and accepts "life without limits."

The purpose of this book is to help you experience the miracle of existence in every moment. From now on, the miracles that I describe will happen to you. These will be unique, only yours, miracles. And they will be delightful, magical and unique.
My own experience of traveling on this spiritual ship beyond human understanding into the realm of the incredible is very difficult to describe. I have reached such heights that I could not even dream of. I have mastered new skills, and my level of love for myself and for the world around me cannot be expressed in words. I live in a state close to awe.

I'll try to put it differently. Each of us looks at the world through our own glasses. Religious leaders, philosophers, healers, book authors, lecturers, gurus and other sages see the world through the prism of personal perception. In this book, you will learn how to use your own glasses to eliminate all others. And if you succeed, you will find yourself in a place where there are no limits.


Friends, start practicing this method and help all the people around you in this. What is stopping you from teaching all the people with whom you come across more or less tightly in life this simple and effective method? Can you imagine what a positive impact on our common reality we can have if we all together begin to practice and disseminate this method?

Teach this method to your children, parents, friends. Make sure that all your friends, even close ones, on VKontakte and Facebook know about this method. Post the link to this article and video on your wall. Dear moderators of groups and public pages, please write about this method in your groups and on the pages.

Friends, each of you has 100 or more friends on VKontakte and (or) Facebook, and every day you receive an alert about which of your friends has a birthday today. Do a good deed, give birthday people a magical gift - this wonderful method so that they can harmonize their lives and the lives of other people. Congratulations can be in the following vein: “Happy Birthday, Anna! I wish you Love and Harmony in all areas of your life! Accept the gift ”(and attach a video about hooponopono to the message or provide a link to the article). It will be pleasant for people and it will be of great benefit to everyone.

When people on your page like your posts or comment on them, thank these people, write to them: “Good afternoon! Thank you for liking the post on my wall. Accept the gift ”(and attach a video to the message or provide a link to the article). If people write not very pleasant comments on your entries, then you can recommend this video to them, perhaps it will help them become more harmonious.

Join our action, because you are the cause of harmony in the world. We were persuaded for a long time and persistently that one person cannot change anything, but in fact each of us is strength! Everyone can really make their practical feasible contribution to the common cause of the energetic cleansing of our planet! Join us!

Join our action, because you are the Cause of Harmony in the World. We were persuaded for a long time and persistently that one Person cannot change anything, but in fact each of us is a force! Everyone can really make their practical feasible contribution to the common cause of the energetic cleansing of our Earth! Let's sow Love, Harmony and Happiness around!

On the Effectiveness of the Impact of Group Prayers and Meditations on Reality

Within 8 days, from September 14 to September 21, 2009, the Large-scale experiment “Intent of Peace” was carried out. Tens of thousands of people from 65 countries concentrated and prayed for peace in a small part of the Earth, where the level of violence was the highest on the planet, the Vanni region in northern Sri Lanka. The result was the end of more than twenty-five years of civil war and terror in this country. This was a trial experiment.

Initially, it was not planned to attract many people, but thanks to the Internet, thousands and thousands of people responded and wanted to take part. The joint intention of peace played a key role in accelerating the end of the war in this place, according to a report by independent experts. It was in this week that the turning point for the government forces came and they subsequently defeated the rebels.

In the United States, 50 more studies were conducted on the effect of meditation and prayer on crime and social tension in society. One of the experiments was carried out in the summer of 1993. Approximately 4,000 volunteers gathered in Washington, DC, where they practiced the methods of meditation and prayer twice a day in a group for 6 weeks. Using data from the District of Columbia Police Department for 1993 and the previous five years (1988-1992), the researchers monitored changes in crime rates during and after the 6 weeks. During the study period, the number of attacks decreased by 23%, violence decreased by 58%. The number of murders decreased by 42.8%. The chance that this result is attributable to random fluctuations in the crime rate is less than two in a billion (p< 0,000000002).

Society is characterized by the quality of its collective consciousness, which is formed from the consciousness of all its members, taken together, and, in turn, affects individual behavior. The increasing stress in the lives of individuals increases the stress in the collective consciousness, which is reflected in the increase in violence, crime and other social problems. On the other hand, an increase in the level of coherence and harmony in public consciousness has a positive effect on the behavior of an individual and is a practical means of improving the quality of life in society, and also solves difficult social problems.

Individual consciousness is a unit of collective consciousness, the most powerful effect of meditation and prayer on individual behavior is a condition for sociological change. It is estimated that group practice of meditation and prayer by even 1% of the population will make a difference in the whole society. This proportion is based on physical models, where several homogeneous elements in a physical system (for example, a laser) can cause phase changes leading to a homogeneous functioning of the whole system.

Moreover, there is an indicative relationship between an increase in the number of meditators and a decrease in the level of serious crimes, that is, the maximum decrease in the number of serious crimes per year was noted in the periods when the group was the largest. The analysis showed that other factors such as weather, police effort, age-related changes in the population, etc. had no connection with the reduction in crime.

Here is a short excerpt from The Secret about how the group mind creates the world around it:

If you decide to participate in the action "I am the cause of Harmony in the World", then you can share with your friends and acquaintances or repost these articles about hooponopono.

How to change your life or what is the Hooponopono method that has helped millions of people become happy!

"I live and create in the special light of the Lord"

Michelangelo Buanarotti

You recite them in order to cleanse yourself. Not so that God can forgive, but to cleanse himself.

Speak "Thank you".

As you radiate love to God, you can feel and receive the love of God. You can be cleansed through these words.

Believe me, the changes will not be long in coming.

Thoughts will become clearer, new interesting ideas will appear that you want to bring to life, and you will definitely succeed in doing this, because God will always be with you.

If it is true that thoughts come to us from the subconscious even before we understand this, then what is wrong, that these will be bright thoughts that will be to our liking, which we most wanted and waited for!

If there is a problem on the way, then just repeat to yourself: “I'm sorry”, “Please forgive me”, “Thank you” and “I love you” are life changing words!

And if everything is fine and there are no problems, anyway, just like that sometimes repeat these four magic phrases to yourself.

Speaking "I'm sorry", we apologize for allowing the negative experience to penetrate into our memory, into our consciousness, which caused this problem. "Please forgive me". We, as it were, ask for forgiveness from ourselves in order to cleanse ourselves of this experience and let divine love into our soul.

"Thank you, thank you." You thank God for the opportunity to be cleansed and open to his love. "I love you" as the master key that opens the doors of your heart.

God loves us very much and has already forgiven us.

And we must open ourselves to him, purifying ourselves.

Be grateful for the challenges you face, because they provide an opportunity to cleanse yourself of what caused it within us. It arose because something inside a magnet attracted her into your life.

If on your way there are people who are very difficult, then cleanse yourself with these four phrases. After all, this is what is happening in you, manifested as a life experience in the form of the suffering of this person. After all, our happiness is within us, and not outside (about this).

If you are annoyed by your friend or work colleague, it means that this is probably inherent in you. Just repeat these words to yourself and you will be cleansed, and the irritation will pass, since there will be no more reasons that caused it. (I highly recommend -?)

When asking God for help, ask for forgiveness for the fact that happening in us... Refer to what is happening in ourselves. Nothing exists outside of us. Heal yourself, heal your neighbor too.

Ask for your healing and everyone who is next to you will become better.

By cleansing yourself, you create a new world in which you will live.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple, but the truth is in simplicity. Faith is a very subjective and abstract concept. You can believe anything you want, and in the sea of ​​information you can easily find confirmation of even the most seemingly impossible things.

But there is something that no one needs to prove and explain. This is every person's need for love. And if we all loved everyone around and everything around, then paradise would reign on Earth. Is it possible? I do not know. But I am absolutely certain of one thing that everyone should start with himself. The world begins with me. Don't try to fix everything around you and all the people around you. Cleanse yourself and your soul and that will be the best thing you can do.

Where this ancient Hawaiian teaching came from, I have no idea. But I don’t want to know. I love what it teaches. And if these are four wonderful phrases: “I love you,” “Thank you,” “I’m sorry,” “Please forgive me,” then it’s just wonderful. Everything that teaches us to love comes from God who loves you right now at this moment and will always love you.

Just repeat these words every day and your life will start to change. If you are able to repeat them easily and naturally, then this already says a lot about you.

I love you!

If you are interested in the topic of life after death, then be sure to read two articles and express your opinion:


Articles and practices for self-development in your mail

WARNING! The topics that I disclose require consonance with your inner world. If it is not there - do not subscribe!

These are spiritual development, meditation, spiritual practices, articles and reflections on love, about the good within us. Vegetarianism, again in tune with the spiritual component. The goal is to make life more conscious and, as a result, happy.

Everything you need is in you. If you feel resonance and response within yourself, then subscribe. I will be very glad to see you!

Take the time to take 5 minutes of your time to read. Perhaps these 5 minutes will change your whole life.

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The man who spread the hooponopono method to the masses was Joe Vitale. The writer and follower of New Age psychology is widely known to fans of the movie "The Secret". This method has been used by the indigenous people of the Hawaiian Islands for a long time to change the surrounding reality.

Hooponopono translated into Russian means to make order, correct mistakes, achieve harmony.

Initially, ordinary people did not have enough strength to realize their desire, so shamans healed the world around them and modified it. Over the years, ordinary people also learned this, then the teaching spread to other continents.

The wonders of hooponopono begin with changing yourself. And since everything is interconnected, changing the object entails a chain reaction, changing the world as a whole. For the greatest effect, self-purification is necessary, getting rid of negative energy and blocks.

The wonders of hooponopono - what is the essence

You can read about changing yourself in many teachings. Most often, we are advised to change the worldview and perception of things around us. The hooponopono technique is somewhat different.

The main message is that each of us is a part of one whole, we are responsible for everything that happens around and influence everything.

The most striking example of the operation of the method is the life of Hugh Lin.

For some time he worked as a doctor in a psychiatric hospital, where he successfully healed those who were found to be hopeless. At the same time, being a certified specialist, he did not conduct personal meetings with patients. Didn't study their treatment histories and drug charts. He took everyone's history as his own. Therefore, I was working on myself, thinking about my appointment as a psychiatrist, about the causes and effects.

After a while, the patients began to recover, at first the handcuffs and straitjackets were removed from the violent ones, then the drugs were canceled. A few years later, the department was closed due to the lack of patients.

When Joe Vitale found out about this, he decided to meet with Lin. During the conversation, he learned about how the miracles of the hooponopono are performed. It turned out that everything is very simple.

Hooponopono - how to practice correctly

The hooponopono method is based on taking responsibility and recognizing oneself as a part of the whole.

Each of us, consciously or unconsciously, decides what and how will happen around, rebuilding reality. We attract happiness and misfortune, love and disappointment ourselves. Everything begins with a thought, and the note materializes.

Hooponopono for beginners recommends building on your emotional mood. By correcting our emotions, we accept responsibility for what is happening. Then, replaying the situation, modeling dialogues, actions, we work with ourselves. This is how we change our attitude, hence our behavior. Thanks to interconnections, the world around us is changing.

Hooponopono practice helps to solve the following situations (problems):

  • build relationships with relatives and colleagues,
  • improve mutual understanding in the family, make peace with a loved one after a quarrel,
  • improve health, correct weight (lose weight), get rid of chronic diseases,
  • improve your financial situation by attracting money into your life,
  • teaches us to let go of guilt and replace pessimism with realism,
  • helps to get rid of doubts, develops self-confidence, helps to overcome stress.

Hooponopono instruments are words and our energy.

The key phrases are 4:

  1. I love you - this is a strong emotional and verbal message that allows you to cleanse yourself of the negative, gives a good energetic message to the outside world.
  2. Excuse me, I'm sorry (Please forgive me) - words show the unintentional modeling of a negatively colored situation in thoughts and the embodiment of negative, a willingness to change.
  3. I am sorry, I am sorry (I am sorry) - an indicator of awareness of their responsibility and desire to change what happened.
  4. I thank you, thank you - an indicator of humility and acceptance of what is happening as a life lesson.

The method of work is based on turning inward. It is our thoughts, incarnating, that change the universe, transform into events. Everything that happens is born in the human mind in the form of thought forms, then it is broadcast into the world. So the philosophy of the doctrine says that we are able to change everything if we sincerely want it.

Hooponopono for beginners: quick results


This technique works with barriers within us. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the awareness and acceptance of the problem. Then follows the path of change - reconfiguring oneself. The reaction of the outside world depends on what words will be pronounced with what message. Therefore, hooponopono meditation should be thoughtful and carry a positive charge. Even words of apology and regret should not be negative. It is simply accepting a fait accompli and wanting to change it.

  • Awareness and acceptance of the problem

For beginners who want to achieve success in hooponopono, it is important to understand that much of what we perceive is subjective - far-fetched.

Everyone perceives the same smell, taste, color, object differently. We ourselves give an emotional coloring to the world, and then we get upset, because the unconsciously created looks differently than we wanted. It is necessary to learn a neutral perception.

  • Healing -

The next step is to heal yourself and others. Higher powers give us a burden that we can accept, they do not send too much. Just accept what happened and that you are responsible for what happened. Try to maintain a neutral attitude by not coloring everything that happens "black" or "white".

Do not blame yourself or others, these are just the plans of the universe and the path chosen by it.

Hooponopono meditation will help to accomplish this.

  • Key phrases

Then you can start pronouncing 4 innermost phrases - instruments. Do it deliberately, with a positive color. It may be just words at first, but when you say them like a mantra many times, you will believe in their power and success. You will notice how life begins to change, filled with good.

Reading rules

The miracles of hooponopono come into our lives gradually.

To achieve them, daily activities are required.

  • You must say the affirmations () separately (starting with the first) for 15-35 minutes.
  • Hooponopono prayer consisting of 4 phrases should be pronounced consciously. Therefore, it can be difficult to concentrate at first.
  • Regular meditation with relaxing music can help you prepare for the technique.

Over time, you will learn to easily enter the desired state, begin to instinctively correctly perceive the situation, take responsibility for it. It will become easier for you to change yourself and rebuild the world.

The technique will not work if you do not complete all the steps or skip one of them.

Remember, it’s worth starting with the awareness and acceptance of responsibility for your “I” and events in life.

Positive attitudes are not the only method taught by teaching.

There are a huge number of techniques and exercises that are not at all difficult to perform. If you are serious about mastering hooponopono and making a difference in your life, here are some powerful tools to help you with it.

Hooponopono techniques

Hooponopono meditation for clearing the situation is based on the understanding of the postulates:

  • negative thoughts precede negative material reality and vice versa,
  • a positive world is generated by love and is a consequence of positive thinking,
  • you are responsible for the real world created by our thoughts, you can control it,
  • everything is connected, as in physics energy does not disappear without a trace. By changing ourselves, we are changing the universe.


In the process, you mentally replay your own scenario. Rendering can look like wiping out the bad with an eraser and drawing new lines with a pencil. So you mentally give the message of a new kind world and the development of events.

If your imagination is not rich enough or you find it difficult to visualize the situation, try the following exercise:

  1. Take an unsharpened pencil with an eraser end.
  2. Start tapping on any object that needs cleansing - a thing or yourself. If you want to get rid of negative thoughts, just tap on any surface.

Ready! To enhance the effect, you can say the four main affirmations of hooponopono (I love you, I am sorry, etc.)

Glass of water

  1. Take a glass (preferably transparent) with clean water.
  2. Fill it about ¾ full.
  3. Place anywhere in your home.
  4. Change the water in the glass twice a day. If you feel anxious or anxious, you can do it more often.

For more effect, write the problem on a piece of paper and place the glass on top of it.

Blue sun water

  1. Take a blue container (glass, bottle, vase).
  2. Pour clean water into a vessel and leave in the sun for at least an hour.
  3. This solar water can be washed, drunk, cooked with it, and so on.

Rainbow butterfly

It will save your family from quarrels and conflicts, bring happiness and harmony to the house.

  1. Find, print, draw a bright multicolored butterfly.
  2. Place it in a prominent place - on a computer screen, refrigerator.
  3. Each time you look at her, say an affirmation.

Hooponopono and Orthodoxy - is it possible for believers to practice

It so happened that the basic tenets of Orthodoxy and Hooponopono are the same. Both teachings preach humility and faith, goodness and love. There are no contradictions as such, and the practice of meditation does not interfere with attending church.

The only difference in the two philosophies is the attitude to the physical world and the method of its creation. In Orthodoxy, it was created by God, a higher power. In Hawaiian teaching, it is created by man.

In any case, the auto-training used by shamans and attuning to goodness does not directly contradict the postulates of the church.

Therefore, if you wish, you can use both options for communicating with higher powers.

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