Home Useful properties of fruits The meaning of the fable is an elephant and a pug in your own words. IA Krylov's fable "The Elephant and the Pug". The moral of the fable. the outline of the reading lesson (grade 3) on the topic. Analysis of the fable "The Elephant and the Pug"

The meaning of the fable is an elephant and a pug in your own words. IA Krylov's fable "The Elephant and the Pug". The moral of the fable. the outline of the reading lesson (grade 3) on the topic. Analysis of the fable "The Elephant and the Pug"

They drove the elephant through the streets,

Apparently, for show.

It is known that Elephants are a wonder here,

So crowds of onlookers followed the Elephant.

Breakaway, towards them Pug.

Seeing an Elephant, well, rush at him,

And bark and squeal and tear;

Well, he gets into a fight with him.

"Neighbor, stop being ashamed, -

Shavka says to her, "Are you going to bother with the Elephant?"

Look, you wheeze, and he goes to himself


And he doesn't notice your bark at all. -

"Eh, eh! - the Pug answers her, -

This is what gives me the spirit,

That I, without a fight at all,

I can get into big bullies.

Let the dogs say:

"Ay, Pug! To know she is strong,

What barks at the Elephant! "

Moral of the fable "The Elephant and the Pug"

Opinions differ as to the morality of the fable.

Some look at the plot of the fable simply and see morality in the last phrase: "Ai, Pug! Know she is strong that barks at the Elephant!".

Others are looking for a secret meaning, believing that the underlying idea is that by their actions you can attract the attention of the public. However, observant people see and perfectly understand why this performance is being played.

Bottom line: everyone understands the morality that is closer and more understandable to him.

Analysis of the fable "The Elephant and the Pug"

The main characters of Krylov's fable are the Elephant and the Pug.

Pug is a small dog with a nickname and is the main character.

The elephant, on the other hand, is a minor hero who remains in the background despite its impressive size. The image of the Elephant conveys the greatness, the importance of a person who is completely indifferent to who barks at him and who fawns at him.

Pug is a character representing people who know how to show themselves in front of the public, to show off.

Communicating with Shavka, she expresses the thought that although she turns to the Elephant, her desire is not directed at him. The essence of the game is aimed at impressing the surroundings and achieving the goal: to show courage, fearlessness and strength to a crowd of onlookers.

The fabulist Krylov shows with characteristic sharpness how ridiculous and ridiculous are the efforts of Moska and how stupid the surrounding public is, taking cunning at face value.

Fable "The Elephant and the Pug" - catchphrases

  • Know she's strong that barks at the Elephant

Year of writing: 1808

Genre of the work: fable

Main characters: Elephant- beast, Pug- pug dog, Mongrel- another dog.


They decided to lead the Elephant along the streets of the city. The tropical animal attracted the attention of most of the inhabitants. Many wanted to see the Elephant. Crowds followed him. The pug dog Pug came out to meet him. She had serious intentions - to enter into a duel. She barked and threw herself at the Elephant. Shavka stood next to her and told Pug that she was ashamed to behave like that. The Elephant ignored her challenge. He walks forward indifferently. Pug cannot win. The pug objected. She doesn't want a fight, she needs fame. Without a fight, she can become a “big bully”. Dogs will talk about her strength and fearlessness.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Krylov denounces those people who receive fame for imitation of violent activity. Mosek is full of people. From the Elephant, you can learn not to pay attention to low people trying to stand out with something. You need to go forward, not noticing those who put a spoke in their wheels.

  1. Did your assumptions come true?

b) Vocabulary work.

1. You do not understand many words and phrases, why?

ZEVAK - people who wander the streets

Without causes

SHOW - draws attention to the look

ZABIYAKA is a person who loves

Start quarrels.

SEPARATION - from where

SHAVKA - non-pedigree dog

DIKOVINKA - strange, amazing

Thing or phenomenon.

b) Secondary reading.

Let's take a closer look at the language of the fable, explain the words and expressions:


Toss about


Mess around

This is what gives me spirit

c) Independent work on questions (in pairs) with verification.

Name the characters in the fable.

How does Pug behave?

How did the Elephant react to the Pug attack?

How do you represent Pug? And the elephant?

Why did Krylov call the dog Pug and not Druzhok?

How do you represent Shavka?

d) Selective reading.

Find in the text and read what Shavka Pug advised?

Why does Shavka condemn Pug?

Read why Pug attacked the Elephant? (that she's without a fight ...)

What is I.A. Krylov making fun of in the fable?

Yes, Pug is a braggart. She wants to stand out in any way, to make her feared, considered very strong and cocky, to attract attention to herself.

What is the moral of the fable? Is there a lesson here?

Let's try to compose a lesson for this fable ourselves.

(Group work). Examination.

Reading a fable by a master of the artistic word.

Guys, I invite you to listen to the fable read by the master of artistic words I. Ilyinsky.

Listen, will the actor read the fable with the same intonation?


f) Work on the expressive reading of the fable.

Take a simple pencil, put a logical emphasis, mark the pauses, the characters.

Reading by roles.


What is the moral of this fable? (Ay, Pug! You know, she is strong that barks at the Elephant!)

When can you use these words in your life?

(These words can be used when a person takes on a task that is beyond his power. When a person wants to ascribe to himself qualities that he does not have.)

Is it possible to meet such Pugs in real life?

What is the purpose of the fable? (Mockery of human vices)

Are fables modern today?

Why don't the plots become obsolete?

Write shortly on a heart, what do Krylov's fables teach us?

(Children attach "hearts" to the portrait of IA Krylov.)

Poets, unfortunately, like all people, are not immortal; they die. But their works and names live forever: in books, monuments, names of streets and alleys. On May 12, 1855, a monument to Grandfather Krylov was unveiled in the Summer Garden (Slide)

A monument to I.A. Krylov, as he spent his childhood there. (Slide)

Homework: on "5" - prepare a story about

I.A. Krylov or learn a fable;

We end the lesson with poems by P.A. Vyazemsky

With fun he corrected people,

Sweeping away the dust from their vices,

He glorified himself with fables,

And this glory is our true story

And they will not forget this,

While in Russian they say:

We have hardened it long ago,

She and her grandchildren will harden.

Who the Elephant and Moska are, perhaps everyone knows, both an adult and a child, because the heroes of Krylov's famous fable have long since passed into the category of common nouns. How did they deserve such fame? - read in the fable "The Elephant and the Pug."

Fable "The Elephant and the Pug"

They drove the elephant through the streets,
Apparently, for show.
It is known that Elephants are a wonder here,
So crowds of onlookers followed the Elephant.
Breakaway, towards them Pug.
Seeing an Elephant, well, rush at him,
And bark and squeal and tear;
Well, he gets into a fight with him.
"Neighbor, stop being ashamed, -
Shavka says to her, "Are you going to bother with the Elephant?"
Look, you wheeze, and he goes to himself
And he doesn't notice your bark at all. -
“Eh, eh! - Pug answers her, -
This is what gives me the spirit,
That I, without a fight at all,
I can get into big bullies.
Let the dogs say:
“Ay, Pug! know she's strong
What barks at the Elephant! "

The moral of Krylov's fable "The Elephant and the Pug"

  • whoever you meet on the path of life and whatever he says, do not pay your attention to them, but just go your own way (like an elephant);
  • trying to raise your authority in the eyes of others, choose an equal opponent, otherwise no one will take you seriously (like Pug).

Analysis of the fable "The Elephant and the Pug"

In the fable "The Elephant and the Pug" there are two opposite to each other (in size, upbringing, intelligence), the main characters.

The first of them is the Elephant, important, majestic, authoritative. He just goes his own way and does not pay attention to the one who barks at him from below. And thus he retains his dignity and importance.

The second character is a small dog called Pug, which, noticing the Elephant, began to attract attention in every possible way: bark, tear, squeal. But she wants to attract attention not to the one with whom she is bullying, but to the people and animals around him, since, in her opinion, such behavior makes her very brave and strong. Only those around them are not stupid, so Pug's behavior causes them not respect, but ridicule.

Winged expressions from the fable "The Elephant and the Pug"

  • "Without a fight ... to get into big bullies" - is interpreted in the fable "The Elephant and the Pug", how to earn the reputation of a daredevil without doing anything for this, due to the coincidence of certain circumstances.
  • “They drove an elephant through the streets” is used out of context to mean “they showed something unusual, outlandish”.
  • “To know that she is strong that barks at the Elephant” - today it has become an idiom “to threaten quietly, cowardly, stealthily”.

Lesson of literary reading "IA Krylov." Elephant and Pug ".

Lesson type: combined lesson.

Lesson objectives: acquaintance with the work of IA Krylov "The Elephant and the Pug", the definition of the moral of the fable;

Formation of skills to comprehend the author's attitude to characters and ways of expressing it, to compare the characters, actions and relationships of the characters in the fable.

Lesson Objectives:

To systematize the knowledge of students about the work of I.A. Krylov, about the peculiarities of the fable genre.

    Provide during the lesson the consolidation of the concepts of "fable", "allegory", "morality", "winged expressions"

    Learn to work with the content of the fable (characterization of the characters, finding figurative expression, reading a passage to an illustrated fragment of the fable).

    To develop the ability to expressively read a fable, to logically express thoughts and justify one's judgment, to find the meaning of words in an explanatory dictionary, to replenish the vocabulary of students, to expand the circle of readable fables.

    Foster positive moral qualities.


    textbook N.A. Churakova "Literary reading grade 4" L.V. Zankova

    computer, multimedia projector, projection screen, presentation;

    illustrations for fragments of a fable, cards for independent work;

    audio recording of the fable performed by I. Ilyinsky.

Methods: verbal, practical, visual.

Forms of student organization : individual, frontal, steam room.


Organizing time.

It's time for us to start the lesson.

He must go to everyone for the future.

We read the fables with you.

How many new things have we learned!

How many different fables there are.

We cannot count all of them.

Would you like it again

Learn new about fables?

Guys, you have tokens on your tables that you will receive for correct and complete answers. At the end of the token count lesson, you will receive grades. Therefore, be attentive and active in the lesson.

II. Homework check. Knowledge update.

Listen to an excerpt from P. Vyazemsky's poem and tell whom it is dedicated to.

With fun he corrected people,
Sweeping away the dust from their vices,
He glorified himself with fables,
And this glory is our true story.
And they will not forget this,
While they speak in Russian:
We have hardened it long ago,
She and her grandchildren will harden.

Who is the poet writing about?I. A. SLIDE Krylov.

Yes, this is Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Today in the lesson we will continue our acquaintance with this amazing man who lived in the 19th century and his works.

1) Systematization of knowledge about the biography, the work of the fabulist.

Let's turn over the pages of Krylov's biography. And my research assistants will help us:

1st disciple: The future famous writer was born on February 2, 1769 in the family of an army officer. The family was poor, and Vanya Krylov could not get a good education in childhood, he learned to read and write in the family. The mother made a plan for the education of her son, followed his studies. Life did not spoil him: from the age of 9, when his father died, he had to go to the scribes, take care of his mother and brother.

2nd student: Persistent self-education and self-education have borne fruit. Subsequently, Krylov became one of the most educated people of his time: he spoke French, knew Russian and foreign literature very well. In old age, he learned the Greek language.

3rd student: In his works, he portrayed the life and customs of his contemporaries, their shortcomings. It was impossible to speak openly about it. Therefore, the author ridiculed human vices through the images of animals.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov wrote over 200 fables. His fables were known to people all over the planet. But he remained a humble man. A monument was erected to the great fabulist in St. Petersburg, in the Summer Garden. It was built with money collected throughout Russia. The monument always has flowers.

2) Quiz based on the studied fables.

We are already familiar with some of the works of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, tk. in the last lesson we had extra-curricular reading on his works. You had to draw pictures for the works you liked. Let's remember them.

Let's hold a quiz "Guess!" showing drawings .

And she heard from people

That this evil is not yet such a big hand. "Monkey and glasses"SLIDE

“Before that, my dear fellow?
In soft ants we have
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So, that turned my head ... ""Dragonfly and Ant" SLIDE

What did the Ant advise the Dragonfly?

What proverb fits this work?SLIDE

1. A bitter truth is better than a beautiful lie.

2. Business time, fun - an hour.

3. One for all - and all for one.

In which fable did the hero move backward?"Swan, Cancer and Pike" SLIDE

Why was the cart left in place?

What disadvantages does the author ridicule?

What does this fable teach?(To be friendly, there must be one goal ...)

God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere ...
A crow perching on a spruce
Breakfast was quite
Already gathered
…"A Crow and a fox". SLIDE

What disadvantages does the author ridicule?

And you, friends, no matter how you sit down, all musicians are not suitable."Quartet" SLIDE

What disadvantages does the author ridicule?

Well done boys! Thanks. Drawings for the exhibition.

3. Problematic issue .

Which literary genredo we include the works of Krylov? (fable)

What literary genres do you still know?

Let's find out what is a fable using anchor text? SLIDE

-The research assistant had a task: to find a definition according to Ozhegov's dictionary. P. 43

Fable - a short, moralizing story, in which they ridicule the shortcomings of people or approve of the dignity of a person, the characters are animals.

- What is the moral of a fable? Dictionary helper.

(this is a conclusion or lesson, this is the main idea of ​​the fable)

What is the name of the technique that the fabulists use when they depict animals, but they mean people?(Allegory.)

The allegory was invented by the ancient Greek poet Aesop, who lived about 3000 years ago in ancient Greece. He was a slave and could not openly laugh at people with power, so he told stories that supposedly happened to animals. Each work teaches something. There is a moral in every fable.

4. Statement of the problematic question :

- Krylov lived in the 19th century, and we live in the 21st ... Why are we still reading, memorizing the fables of I.A. Krylov and they are relevant today?

To answer this question, I propose to complete the following assignment.

Read the words that you have written on the cards.

Divide them into two groups.

Work in pairs.SLIDE

1st: character traits that makes fun of fabulist.
2nd: character traits that
approves fabulist.

( Lies, honesty, stupidity, good nature, greed, cunning, courage, cowardice, mercy, flattery, laziness, generosity, hard work, bragging, modesty)

After listening to your answers, I agree with you.SLIDE

So why are Krylov's fables relevant in our time?

(They ridicule the shortcomings and praise the merits of people.)


Well done, they were very attentive. I think that you are ready to receive the new work of Ivan Andreevich.

IV. Statement of the problematic task of the lesson.

We continue acquaintance with fables,

But we do not immediately understand their conclusion.

To understand the "Aesopian language". SLIDE

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with IA Krylov's fable "The Elephant and the Pug" and new characters, we will try to reveal the moral of the work and think whether the fable is relevant today? Page 87


1) Content prediction.

Guess who this fable is about? Who is Pug?

How do you imagine the Elephant, Pug?

You can use the reference words that you have on the table.


Furious, big, self-possessed, small, calm, evil, stupid, good, harmful, important, smart, insignificant, kind, weak, cocky, strong.

2 ) Primary buzzing reading.

Underline words that you do not understand.

Did your assumptions about the heroes of the fable come true? (word work)


3) Vocabulary work. SLIDE

Have you come across unfamiliar words? Which? (list words)

I, too, have chosen the words that you might find confusing.

Let's explain the meanings of these words.

Show off - pay attention to the look.

A curiosity is a strange, amazing thing or phenomenon.

Onlookers are the one who loiters around the streets.

Split - from where.

A mongrel is a non-pedigree dog, street or yard.

A bully is a person who loves to start quarrels.

4) Reading by the master of the artistic word.

Sit comfortably, following the text, listen to the fable performed by the great Russian actor Igor Ilyinsky, a master of artistic words. Listen carefully to see if the actor will read the fable with the same intonation.


Did you notice a difference in reading? Why?


What human quality do we see in Leopold the cat?

5) Work on the content of the fable.

Repeated reading of the fable "chain".

Where does the action take place?

Why is an elephant being led through the streets?SLIDE

The elephant was brought to the city to perform. The circus trainer leads the animal through the streets and beckons the audience to the circus performance. People who have never seen an elephant look in amazement.

How does Pug behave?(She barks loudly and pounces on the Elephant.)

How did the elephant react to the Pug attack?(The elephant calmly walks along the street and does not even notice Pug.)

How do you represent Shavka?

6) Conversation. Selective reading.

Find in the text and read:

How does Pug behave when he sees an elephant? (well, rush at him ...)

What does Shavka Pug advise? (Neighbor…….)

Read why Pug attacked the elephant?

(that I, absolutely no fight ..)

What makes I.A. Krylov in a fable? (boasting)

Yes, Pug is a braggart. She wants to stand out in any way, to make her feared, considered very strong and cocky, to attract attention.

8) Work on figurative expressions. SLIDE

Find figurative expressions in the text that correspond to these phrases:

What are these words called? (winged)

They showed people on the street.(They took me for a show.)

Nevidal, a rarity.(A curiosity with us.)

Groups of curious people walked around, aimlessly looking around.(Crowds of onlookers walked.)

Suddenly appear from somewhere.(Break away.)

Stop embarrassing yourself.(Stop being embarrassed.)

Gives courage.(This is what gives me spirit.)

In what lines, which have become winged, is the moral of the fable expressed?


With what new fable I.A. Krylov, did we meet?

Who are the heroes of the fables?

What is the purpose of the fable? (ridicule of human failings)

What flaws are ridiculed in fables? (Envy, arrogance, greed, rudeness, laziness, arrogance, flattery)

What do fables teach us? (to be friendly, hardworking, not to laugh at someone else's misfortune, to help each other in difficult times).

So what is a fable?

Morality is a conclusion or lesson in which the main idea is expressed fables.

What is the moral of this fable (Ay, Pug ....)(Pug boasts, wants to show that she is strong, cocky and not even afraid of the Elephant. She understands that she does not pose any danger to the Elephant and he will not fight her, but she so wants to show herself and stand out from others.)

Is the fable still relevant today?

When in life you can use the words: “Ay, Pug! Know she is strong that barks at the Elephant! ”?

(- These words can be used when a person takes on a task that he cannot afford. When a person wants to ascribe qualities to himself that he does not have.)

Well done boys! You did a very good job today.


How many tokens you have.

You noticed that I did not give out the tokens to you today, but you took them yourself.

Why? (check the moral qualities of a person - honesty)


Learn Krylov's fable "The Elephant and the Pug"


Indeed, in our life we ​​constantly come across well-known Krylov characters.

The Crow and the Fox, the Swan, Cancer and the Pike are still among us.

And if you look closely, then we will discover some shortcomings in ourselves.

After all, there are no people without flaws, and now, as in the old days, intelligence coexists with stupidity, diligence with laziness, modesty with boasting, talent with mediocrity.

I hope that Krylov's lectures will help you become better.

We have a heart pattern drawn on the chalkboard.

Let's fill it with our hearts, on which you write, what do the fables of I.A. Krylov teach you.

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