Home Useful properties of fruits Water male and female metal compatibility. How to achieve harmony in sexual relations. Compatibility in love and sex by horoscope

Water male and female metal compatibility. How to achieve harmony in sexual relations. Compatibility in love and sex by horoscope

Compatibility in love and marriage

The building of life is built of bricks - elements. For an astrologer, they are, in particular, important indicators of human health and well-being. Each person has his own dominant element. And if it is correctly defined, then we get not only an excellent tool for improving health, but also the opportunity to find out whether this or that union will be happy.

One of the ways to determine the compatibility of people is based on the interaction of the elements, on the cycles of generation and destruction. In doing so, one should not forget about at least two important points. Firstly, the element determines the emotional state and manifestations of your energy, but lends itself to influence and adjustment. In addition, any combination of elements makes it possible to achieve harmony in relationships. To achieve this, it is necessary to correctly use the forces of the elements.


This is a very good combination. The union between such partners becomes even stronger and more harmonious over time. Water helps Wood express itself, and Wood gives Water a sense of stability. Trust and sexual harmony appear intuitively, since both elements have a certain sexual coldness and therefore feel comfortable together. The honesty and tact of partners allow for the formation of an intuitive spiritual connection between them.

If problems suddenly arise in a partnership, corrective actions of the elements of Metal and Fire can help. To do this, you can use the feng shui tools associated with these elements: metal objects, white interior details, candles, mirrors, as much light as possible.


Fire People are very energetic and full of optimism. The union between them turns out to be long and lasting, since one partner constantly draws strength from the other, and they never get tired of each other. Partners warm each other up, strive for constant changes in everything, including in sexual games, and in them everyone seeks to achieve physical superiority.

To mitigate the element of Fire, the element of the Earth is required. Mutual massage as well as incense are favorable. You can put a bowl of fruit next to the bed, and hang a picture in a black frame on the walls. It is better to use bed linen made of soft fabrics of dull colors. If it is necessary to bring an element of novelty into your relationship, then use the elements of Metal and Wood.


This is a very harmonious combination. It can be described as optimism and caution. Partners are excellent at feeding each other's desires and stimulating love play, which is facilitated by the imagination of Fire and the sensuality of the Earth.

A favorable element - a tree - will help improve relations between partners. Slow undressing is recommended for this couple, it is better to make love in the air, but not in the water. You can hang landscapes and still lifes on the walls of the bedroom. Indoor plants with an unusual texture will also help.

In some cases, the element that creates Fire, that is, Metal, can help. All the attributes of Metal are suitable for this: metal objects and talismans, as well as the colors of this element.


A positive combination, the relationship between partners in such an alliance is deep and corresponds to high standards, although outwardly it may seem boring to someone. Partners perfectly feel each other's needs and know how to give pleasure. They create love, but they need an impulse. Indulging in strong manifestations of possessiveness can develop jealousy. However, if partners are able to show goodwill and love, then they will definitely find a way out of this situation.

The energies of Fire and Water will help to stimulate relationships. But remember that mirrors that activate the energy of Fire should not reflect you asleep.


Such an alliance would probably be more acceptable in business relations.

Combining creativity with common sense and practicality often produces very good business results.

Earth needs stability and care, and Water needs romance and sensual fantasies. This can cause constant misunderstanding and mutual reproaches. Therefore, partners should learn to understand each other's needs and not hurt each other mentally.

To improve and harmonize relations, they should keep items of the element of Metal in the house. The element of Fire can also help, that is, a lot of light.


The union has a good future if both partners learn to treat each other with understanding and patience, and will not build their relationship only on the desire for personal freedom. This couple is also characterized by excellent sexual relations.

The combination of these elements encourages both to new beginnings of an intellectual and creative nature. Ways to Strengthen Relationships: The corners of the bedroom furniture should be rounded, and the lights in the bedroom should always be dim.

But so that the feelings do not cool down, you need to add a little Fire from time to time: cover yourself with a red blanket and light red candles in the bedroom.


This is a good combination as both partners have respect and sexual attraction for each other. Unhurried, careful nurturing of feelings and the intensity of contact can create a sense of physical perfection, a mutual sense of security based on mutual understanding and trust.

Fire improves relationships, this element strengthens the Earth and makes Metal more flexible. These are red candles, linen, curtains, but in moderation. It is useful to listen to music together. It is good to hang a mirror so that it reflects the morning sun on the bed. You can put a piece of amber on the windowsill.

To harmonize feelings, you can add the energy of Water, use jade, blue-green and pure blue colors in the interior.


A successful union. Relationships develop very energetically, as both partners are able to be guided by intuition and feelings. Such a union can spiritually enrich both partners, each has something to learn from the other. From Metal, Water can learn not to succumb to other people's influence, and Metal from Water - more flexibility and the ability to adapt to the environment.

To harmonize feelings between these elements, you can add the energies of the Wood and the Earth or directly enhance the elements themselves. It can be romantic meetings at dusk and at night, a bed with a canopy made of light woven, plants with straight stems. The Metal partner should sleep on the left side of the bed.


Such a couple may experience difficulties due to the opposite values ​​of the partners in life. This leads to frequent ups and downs in relationships. If Wood is very sociable and companionable, then Metal loves to be alone. But they both share a deep sense of responsibility. Therefore, if each of the partners can understand the point of view of the other and agree to compromise, then their relationship will improve.

To regulate emotions, it is recommended to use the element of Water, make love in the bath, in the shower, on the bed with your head to the south. It is a good idea to use black elements in the bedroom. You also need an element that strengthens and gives energy to both: this is the element of the Earth.

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Ancient Chinese teachings about the elements determine the gender compatibility of Metal and Fire. This relationship can be very fickle as your energies vary quite a bit.

Compatibility Metal Fire in love and sex by horoscope

In feng shui, fire is the opposite of metal. On the level of relationships, this means that the ardent passion of fire and its searing touches can plunge metal into despondency and deprive it of faith in its strength. Both elements need to learn to give each other space and time to sort out their conflicting feelings. If your mutual passion ends in a volcanic eruption and stormy explanations in bed, the situation can still be corrected, provided that each of you follows your own path in other aspects of your life.

Metal is purposeful, and fire is demanding with compatibility; the metal is powerful and erotic, and the fire is dynamic and uninhibited. All these epithets describe two determined people with a strong sense of their individuality. Your egos will constantly attack each other in an effort to dominate the bed.

With a good sense of self-control, your relationship can be exciting and dramatic, but the intensity in the manifestation of feelings cannot last long without the threat of self-destruction. Fire is busy with itself and only itself. He is selfish and wants everything at once, while metal seeks to rule over the world and teach people to sing his songs. Metal can become dictator or righteous.

Home interior, favorable for the compatibility of the elements

The earth element is needed in high doses. Scent your sheets with perfume and incense to remind you of the natural sensuality of your relationship. You are both individualistic and willing to defend your point of view with passion, so make sure that expressing feelings does not turn into rivalry or heated discussion at the head of the bed.

Keep a collection of comedy or light erotica for late night viewing. Humor is one of the most important elements to incorporate into your volatile relationships. Make sex fun, make fun of each other in bed, exchange silly nicknames. Do not forget to properly communicate with each other before indulging in carnal pleasures. Place a vase of juicy fruit near your bed - peaches, apricots, mangoes, or melons.

One of the most powerful compatibility charms for the metal-fire relationship is pink tourmaline. Keep it close to where you sleep to build love for your partner (and yourself). If you cannot find this stone, use rose quartz.

For emotional stability in a relationship, introduce the element of earth into your home with yellowish, ocher and brownish shades. Choose highly sculpted plants and flowing figurines, and collect shells and fossils. Give preference to drawings that are reminiscent of specific places and events, rather than abstractions or dramatic scenes.

The water element should be used with care. Rather, it should be the idea of ​​a smooth flow, and not of the water itself: fluttering curtains, duvets, fabrics with watery images. For good compatibility of the elements, hang pictures of waves or even sea creatures in your bathroom. But avoid standing water: it can plunge you into discouragement and turn your energy inward, even to the point of "short circuiting".

Any horoscope considers the compatibility of people, and you can talk about this endlessly.

Feng Shui Compatibility

Any horoscope considers the compatibility of people, and you can talk about this endlessly. Why do we feel easy and pleasant with some people, but inexplicable disgust for others for unknown reasons? Why are some people lucky enough to find a life partner from school, while others have to live with a partner incompatible in any sense of the word? I would like to solve this riddle.

Feng Shui offers the ancient art of creating harmonious relationships. But Chinese astrology is a very complex science, and in this section we will talk about the compatibility of people according to the basic principles of the elements, only in general terms. There is a way to determine compatibility based on the principle of interaction of the five elements. Of course, we are attracted to people whose elements are on either side of ours in the cycle of generation. Potential problems are to be expected from people whose elements are located next to ours in a cycle of destruction.

Fire: 1997, 1996, 1987, 1986, 1977, 1976, 1967, 1966, 1957, 1956, 1947, 1946;

Wood: 1995, 1994, 1985, 1984, 1975, 1974, 1965, 1964, 1955, 1954, 1945, 1944;

Water: 1993, 1992, 1983, 1982, 1973, 1972, 1963, 1962, 1953, 1952, 1943, 1942;

Metal: 1991, 1990, 1981, 1980, 1971, 1970, 1961, 1960, 1951, 1950, 1941, 1940;

Land: 1989, 1988, 1979, 1978, 1969, 1968, 1959, 1958, 1949, 1948.

Find your year of birth and your partner's year of birth in the table below. Identify the elements to which you belong. Examine the description of the types of relationships with different interactions of elements.

Fire and fire

A person whose element is fire is full of optimism and enthusiasm. The Fire-Fire pair is a strong union. Representatives of fire can induce people of the same element for the better, thanks to which the union is characterized by a long relationship, since neither partner experiences oppression or fatigue from the other.

Fire and Earth

Fire and Metal

Fire can melt metal, and this complicates the relationship of partners belonging to these elements. The representative of the metal will insist on its own, which will inevitably lead to disaster. Fire has a depressing effect on metal. Each of the elements is prone to perseverance, so partners will be fundamentally disposed towards each other. What is positive is that both partners have a sense of humor, which helps them overcome problems. It is recommended for this couple to put an object symbolizing the earth in the house in order to reduce the negative influence of the combination of fire and metal.

Fire and Water

Fire and Wood

Earth and Earth

A successful combination, as both partners strive for compliance at the highest level, taking into account all the needs of each other. This relationship looks a little boring, but in reality it is full of depth, power and passion. From which side to expect problems - precisely from the stubbornness of the parties. But if they show mutual love and patience, temporary difficulties will be successfully overcome.

Earth and Metal

Earth and Water

Earth and Tree

Metal and Metal

A successful union, since both parties intuitively understand each other perfectly. They will have peculiar light and black stripes, but here everything is possible for the sake of joint happiness. Their relationship can come across as shallow in the eyes of others. This is due to the tendency of people of fire to stick to their path. But partners get along well, their relationship is strong and durable.

Metal and Water

Metal and Wood

Water and Water

Water and Wood

Wood and Wood


Why do we feel easy and pleasant with some people, but inexplicable disgust for others for unknown reasons? Why are some people lucky enough to find a life partner from school, while others have to live with a partner incompatible in any sense of the word? I would like to solve this riddle. Feng Shui offers the ancient art of creating harmonious relationships. But Chinese astrology is a very complex science, and in this section we will talk about the compatibility of people according to the basic principles of the elements, only in general terms. There is a way to determine compatibility based on the principle of interaction of the five elements. Of course, we are attracted to people whose elements are on either side of ours in the cycle of generation. Potential problems are to be expected from people whose elements are located next to ours in a cycle of destruction.

Fire: 1997, 1996, 1987, 1986, 1977, 1976, 1967, 1966, 1957, 1956, 1947, 1946;

Wood: 1995, 1994, 1985, 1984, 1975, 1974, 1965, 1964, 1955, 1954, 1945, 1944;

Water: 1993, 1992, 1983, 1982, 1973, 1972, 1963, 1962, 1953, 1952, 1943, 1942;

Metal: 1991, 1990, 1981, 1980, 1971, 1970, 1961, 1960, 1951, 1950, 1941, 1940;

Earth: 1989, 1988, 1979, 1978, 1969, 1968, 1959, 1958, 1949, 1948.

Find your year of birth and your partner's year of birth in the table below. Identify the elements to which you belong. Study the description of the types of relationships in the various interactions of the elements. Fire and Fire A person whose element is fire is full of optimism and enthusiasm. The Fire-Fire pair is a strong union. Representatives of fire can induce people of the same element for the better, thanks to which the union is characterized by a long relationship, since neither partner experiences oppression or fatigue from the other.

Fire and Earth

This is a very harmonious combination in which partners mutually stimulate and excite each other. Fire has a vivid imagination, while deep sensuality emanates from the earth. Together they are successful in all areas of life.

Fire and Metal

Fire can melt metal, and this complicates the relationship of partners belonging to these elements. The representative of the metal will insist on its own, which will inevitably lead to disaster. Fire has a depressing effect on metal. prone to perseverance, so partners will be fundamentally disposed towards each other. What is positive is that both partners have a sense of humor, which helps them overcome problems. It is recommended for this couple to put an object symbolizing the earth in the house in order to reduce the negative influence of the combination of fire and metal.

Fire and Water

This combination is not favorable, as water extinguishes the fire. But water brings a creative perspective and complements the energy and enterprise of the fire. The fire element, in turn, is able to inspire a partner belonging to the water element. Despite the high communicative qualities of each of the partners, it will be difficult for them to exchange their innermost feelings. Such couples can be advised to have an object in the house that symbolizes the element of wood in order to balance the negative effects of the interaction of fire and water.

Fire and Wood

The combination of elements harmonizes well. The tree representative brings stability to the relationship with the impulsive fire representative. The energy and enthusiasm of the fire can propel the tree to high achievements, more significant than those that he could achieve on his own. Each of the partners is an optimist, they both accept new ideas.

Earth and Earth

A successful combination, as both partners strive for compliance at the highest level, taking into account all the needs of each other. This relationship looks a little boring, but in reality it is full of depth, power and passion. From which side to expect problems - precisely from the stubbornness of the parties. But if they show mutual love and patience, temporary difficulties will be successfully overcome.

Earth and Metal

An excellent alliance, as in it the parties support and respect each other, admire each other. The metal element has a natural patience, which is so necessary in dealing with an element of inert earth, which slowly makes decisions. In this combination, metal offers the earth vast and fascinating vistas. The earth fuels the financial aspirations of the metal, which will establish a lasting financial well-being for the partnership.

Earth and Water

The union is characterized by special difficulties, as partners put emotional pressure on each other. The earth brings stability to this union that water lacks, but its stubbornness can cause endless discontent with more receptive water. Partners can be successful in business because the creativity of water combined with the practical foundations of the earth inevitably leads to victory. It will not hurt for a couple to put metal elements in the house to counterbalance potential conflicts.

Earth and Tree

The tree dries up the earth, which can make the union unfavorable. The earth is stable, conservative, careful, and the tree is progressive, expansive and sociable. As soon as they direct mutual efforts for the benefit of each other, instead of arming against each other, the union will be successful, provided that each of them opens up their feelings to their partner. The couple is advised to install the element of fire to compensate for the negative consequences in communication.

Metal and Metal

A successful union, since both parties intuitively understand each other perfectly. They will have a kind of light and, but here everything is possible for the sake of joint happiness. Their relationship can come across as shallow in the eyes of others. This is due to the tendency of people of fire to stick to their path. But partners get along well, their relationship is strong and durable.

Metal and Water

This alliance is quite successful, given the mutual support of the parties. Each of the partners acts on the basis of intuition and feelings, they know how to interact on a subconscious level. Metal offers water not to be influenced by others. Water contributes to the active manifestation of metal feelings, together with it he confidently agrees to go with the flow, easily letting go of the past.

Metal and Wood

In a couple, difficulties in relationships are not excluded: each seeks to lead and insists that he understands better what to do. The wood element is a sociable person, and the metal copes well with loneliness, which is negatively perceived by the representative of the tree, who is inclined to daily intensive communication. Each of them has a high sense of responsibility. Wood will get along with anyone and adapt to the solitude of metal. Metal will be disappointed with wood's tendency to be perfect. If the metal backs down a little and allows the idea of ​​a tree to come to life, peace will reign in these relations, only the parties must show a willingness to frequent compromises.

Water and Water

This kind of relationship sometimes seems perfect. Both partners feel deeply related and subconsciously strive to meet the needs of the partner. This alliance strengthens the determination of the parties, the relationship will not suffer from external influences. Each partner feeds on strength and confidence, thanks to the support of the other.

Water and Wood

A very good combination: water is a favorable element for a tree, thanks to water the tree grows and flourishes. Wood gives water a sense of stability and indicates life goals. Water opens the tree to a sense of compassion, promotes self-expression of the wood element. Wood strengthens water, which is so changeable in its moods. Partners show honesty, tact and empathy towards each other. Their connection is getting stronger and better.

Wood and Wood

The relationship in this pair is very harmonious, the partners are active, active, they like to test their capabilities in different areas. In the combination of these elements, their positive qualities increase. Each of them, in addition to many of their own hobbies, will have a sufficient number of interests in common with the interests of a partner. Sometimes it may seem that they are exhausting each other, but each of the partners realizes themselves fully in the other. Both are gullible, patient, always ready to support their partner.

Of course, these brief descriptions are not able to shed more light on the compatibility of people in more detail. To consider compatibility in more detail, you will need partner horoscopes. Chinese astrology is an art that cannot be learned in passing. What is described here, most likely, resembles an analysis of the compatibility of people according to the Western horoscope.

Metal - Fire
"Two poles of passion ... exploding with a smile on their lips"

Significant differences in energy types can make your relationship very fragile. In the art of Feng Shui, the element of Fire is a powerful opponent of the element of Metal. Indeed, the fiery power of desires of a person belonging to the element of Fire is capable of leaving the one who belongs to the element of Metal a feeling of melancholy and excessive purposefulness of the partner. If there is a strong magnetism of "internal chemistry" in the relations of these elements, then it can work only if both elements learn to give each other the necessary space for expressing their irrepressible passions. And yet, if your sexual paths crossed and the result of the merger was only molten lava, the relationship can still be saved, provided that otherwise you both move on different roads.

Metal is purposeful and Fire is demanding; Metal possesses eroticism and power, while Fire is mobile and daring. Behind these words are a couple of determined people who do not suffer from a lack of self-esteem. In principle, such a situation can lead two tearing egos to strive for superiority. Handled with care, this can turn into a thrilling, dramatic relationship, although such tensions are unlikely to last long without threatening to destroy themselves. For the element of Fire, everything comes down exclusively to your ego and only to it. Fire is a highly egoistic element, Fire wants to get everything now, while Metal seeks first to conquer the whole world, and then teach it to sing. Metal can be a dictator or a saint.

How to achieve harmony in sexual relations

We need funds belonging to the elements of the Earth - and more! Try sprinkling and fumigating perfume on your linens to regain the natural sensuality of life. Both of you are individualists and both are ready to defend this right with foam at the mouth, so watch that the passionate whisper in the bedroom does not turn into furious arguments.

Keep a collection of comedy videos or movies at home in case you feel like snuggling around the screen late at night. Humor should be an integral part of your fragile relationship. Turn your sex life into fun, laugh at each other, tickle and hustle! But above all, do not forget about the need to communicate. Always keep a bowl of lust-inducing fruit near your bed - peaches, apricots, mangoes, melon slices. One of the most effective talismans that increase the energy of the union of Metal and Fire is the red-violet crystal of tourmaline. By placing a stone near where you sleep, you activate an awareness of love in yourself and your partner. If you haven't found tourmaline, go for rose quartz instead.

If you have gone beyond a purely physical relationship, bring the element of the Earth into your home; this can be done using color in the interior (shades of yellow, ocher) and natural elements. Instead of abstract or dramatic interior shapes, choose indoor plants with interesting textures, works of art with soft lines, and finally, various fossils and seashells. Still lifes and landscapes are better suited than all kinds of geometric abstractions and genre scenes. You should be careful when adding elements of the element of Water: it is better to embody the idea of ​​smoothness, fluidity in the interior than to use the actual talismans of Water. It is quite enough to decorate the room with light curtains, and the bed with a bedspread with images on the water theme (for example, seascapes). In the bathroom, hang images of the surf or the inhabitants of the depths. In any case, avoid still water - it can induce depression and turn your energy back into you, as a result of which energy that has no outlet will accumulate until an explosion occurs.

Ancient Chinese teachings about the elements determine the gender compatibility of Metal and Water: In these relationships, sparks of mutual jealousy often slip, and they can explode if you do not pay enough attention to the changing feelings of your partner.

Compatibility in love and sex by horoscope

Although both metal and water instinctively sense the direction of their life path, they do it in completely different ways. The water is romantic and sensitive to every change of mood, and the metal is great at understanding the environment on an intuitive level. But the metal prefers to control the movement of the flow, while the water moves with the flow. Do you feel the difference?

Water for metal is arguably the best partner for sexual adventures and travel into the unknown. The metal should be "included" in the work and acutely feel every second of intimacy. Emotionally, he may seem cold, but the water catches his cherished desires and brings them to the surface.

In fact, people of water cannot be called deep-sea divers: their light and ephemeral qualities are more akin to mermaids and watermen who live in water, but can easily breathe thin air.

Variable water needs, especially in bed, can interfere with compatibility and conflict with the zealous, impetuous nature of the metal. However, it is this delightful inconsistency in the manifestation of sexual feelings that becomes an irresistible temptation for him.

Role-playing games for harmony of intimate life Metal Water

Play vamp woman and male man. Wear exotic lingerie or sexy clothes, whatever you want to relieve the tension and soften the mood swings in this unusual connection. Make sure the metal falls on the left and the water falls on the right.

Water can drift off into deep sleep before metal decides it's time to start a new round of love play. Remember, metal is very sexy. Compatibility Metal Water can lead to unpredictable behavior both in bed and outside, so make it more secretive and mysterious. Make love in unusual places, and you will soon find that you have the most incredible ideas - after all, water is smart and discerning, and metal is very inventive.

Home interior, favorable for the compatibility of the elements Metal Water

Night time and darkness is the most erotic atmosphere for this couple. Make sure the bed and bedroom furniture do not have sharp corners that interfere with the flow of qi. Go for muted hues like pistachio, peppermint and almond blossom, sage green, or incredible cornflower blue.

In bed, you need flowing fabrics, veils and silks, and on the windowsill - plants that are directed upwards, rather than creeping along the ground. Strong lines of tall cacti or fast growing rubber plants are ideal. Plant energy helps you focus on developing your sexuality instead of static visions and fantasies. Creeping plants lower your energy levels: they disturb the nervous and sensitive water and have a depressing effect on the metal.

Sometimes it is necessary to make up for the lack of wood and earth elements with simple things like fossils, wooden figurines or ceramic jugs. For good compatibility of the elements, an excellent find would be a bedspread made of fabric with a "broken" pattern, which, as it was believed in ancient China, promotes the manifestation of sexuality in men.

Finally, place an azurite tile next to your bed to get rid of old memories that darken your soul or weigh your heart.

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