Home Useful properties of fruits Create a graph in powerpoint. Insert an excel chart into a presentation and link it to data in excel. Resizing and moving a chart

Create a graph in powerpoint. Insert an excel chart into a presentation and link it to data in excel. Resizing and moving a chart

Those who work in Microsoft Office PowerPoint know that, starting with the 2007 version, charts inserted into a presentation are essentially charts created using 2007 spreadsheets. number of visual effects. appeared in 2007 /

However, few people know that you can diversify the display of an Excel chart in a PowerPoint presentation by adding animation effects. At the same time, the control over the animation of the diagram is quite flexible, which allows you to highlight and emphasize individual elements of the diagram, which will undoubtedly improve the perception of the data that needs to be conveyed to the audience of the presentation.

Let's walk you through the steps of how to insert a diagram and give it life by adding animation effects. As an example, I used the table of distribution of the share of Internet users in countries, in% of the population from.

1. Insert the chart into the slide.

For the chart, I chose a horizontal grouped cylinder chart. The choice is explained primarily by the fact that the source of information - the research of the "Public Opinion Foundation" to display this data is also used this type of diagram.

After inserting a chart into a slide in a PowerPoint 2007 presentation, another window opens - an Excel 2007 spreadsheet, from which data is taken to display in a chart on a slide. By default, it is filled with some kind of nonsense, which we only need to see how the diagram will look on the slide. Replace this data with your own. Pay attention to the signatures in the signature column, and data in the data column. Of course, it's not a big problem then to tell the Excel 2007 table where to get the data and labels for the chart - but why do we need extra work ?! Do not delete the entire data - along with the data, the chart plotting range will also be deleted, and you will have to mark it up again.

After inserting the data, adjust the data range to build the chart. To do this, drag a square in the lower right corner of the blue frame, placing it in the lower right corner of your range. The box should contain the labels of the categories (countries) and a column of numbers indicating the proportion of users. Do not forget to change the category labels (the first line of the table - this can help in creating a beautiful legend for the diagram.

As soon as you add data, it is immediately displayed in the chart.

The chart is formatted like a regular Excel 2007 chart.

You will get something like this:

Not bad, but for some reason Brazil was at the top, being the last in the table. the leader, Australia, on the contrary, moved down. This is because in the horizontal chart we used, the categories follow a vertical axis from bottom to top, as is common in mathematics. Let's change this order.

Right-click on the Y-axis labels (list of countries) and select "Axis Format", and then check the "Reverse order of categories" checkbox.

The diagram is clearly better. Now I want to highlight the line with Russia. To do this, select the cylinder with data for Russia and select "Data point format" from the context menu, specifying a different fill option for this data point:

2. Add animation to the diagram

On the "Animation" tab, select "Animation Settings"

The Animation Settings panel opens on the right side of the screen. If the Add Effect button is not active, it means that no objects were selected on the slide. Anamation can be configured for any object on a slide, or for a group of objects. For example, you can animate the entire diagram, or you can animate only individual points to which you want to draw attention. Click on the column showing the data for Russia so that only it remains highlighted.

Selected "Add Effect" - "Input" - "Rectangle"

By default, animation is applied to the entire chart, so let's set up animation effects for the chart. To do this, open the list of settings for the selected animation effect and select "Effect Parameters".

On the "Chart animation" tab, select one of the grouping modes:

The following effects are available for grouping objects when animating a diagram:

  • As one object - the animation is applied to the entire diagram;
  • By Rows — Adds each data series to the chart one at a time. For example, if you have a bar chart showing quarterly sales by region, you can display bars by quarter over a specific period of time;
  • by Category - Adds each data category to the chart one at a time. For example, if you have a bar chart showing quarterly sales by region, you could display the bars by region over a period of time;
  • by series elements - adds one marker in each series to the chart. For example, if you had a bar chart showing quarterly sales by region, you could display bars for each region, one quarter over a period of time;
  • by category elements - adds a marker for each category to the chart one at a time. For example, if you have a bar chart showing quarterly sales figures by region, you could display bars for each quarter, one region at a time.

Note that if you chose to group by elements, then to the left of the diagram are the animation numbers for each element.

By choosing the appropriate number, you can simply delete the animation of the elements you do not need in the list on the right to leave only what you need. You can also adjust the speed and other animation effects for each of the elements.

3. A final remark.

Be careful when choosing an animation effect for your chart: not all effects support separate animations for series, categories, and chart elements. For example, you can use the Bounce and Creep effects to animate only the entire diagram. If you want to use a specific effect that does not support animation of the chart components, you need to ungroup the chart and work with its components directly.

Diagrams are extremely useful and informative elements in any document. What can we say about the presentation. So to create a really high-quality and informative display, it is important to be able to correctly create this type of element.

Read also:

Creating charts in MS WordPlotting charts in Excel

Chart creation

The chart you create in PowerPoint is used as a media file that you can dynamically change at any time. It is extremely convenient. The details of setting up such objects will be below, but first you need to consider ways to create a diagram in PowerPoint.

Method 1: Inserting into a text area

The fastest and easiest way to create a chart in a new slide.

It is worth noting that this method allows you to quickly create the necessary components, however, it takes up the entire text area and after the end of the slots, the method is no longer available.

Method 2: Classic creation

The graph can also be added in the classic way that has been available in Microsoft PowerPoint since its inception.

  1. You need to go to the "Insert" tab, which is located in the header of the presentation.
  2. Then you need to click on the corresponding icon "Diagram".
  3. The further creation procedure is similar to the above method.

A standard way that allows you to create a chart without any other problem.

Method 3: Paste from Excel

Nothing prohibits the insertion of this component if it was previously created in Excel. Moreover, if the corresponding table of values ​​is attached to the diagram.

This method is convenient in that it allows you to insert both a table and its diagram inseparably. Also, in many cases, correcting data in Excel can be easier.

Chart setup

Typically, in most cases (except for pasting from Excel) a baseline graph with standard values ​​is added. They, like the design, have to be changed.

Changing values

Depending on the type of diagram, the system for changing its values ​​also changes. However, in general, the procedure is the same for all species.

  1. First, you need to double-click the left mouse button on the object. An Excel window will open.
  2. There is an already automatically created table with some standard values. They can be rewritten, like, for example, the names of the lines. The relevant data will be instantly applied to the chart.
  3. There is nothing stopping you from adding new rows or columns with the appropriate characteristics, if necessary.

Change in appearance

Customizing the appearance of the diagram is carried out with a wide range of tools.

  1. To change the name, you need to click on it twice. This parameter is not regulated in the tables, it is entered only in this way.
  2. The main setting takes place in a special section "Chart format". To open it, you need to double-click the left mouse button in the area of ​​the graph, but not on it, but on the white space inside the boundaries of the object.
  3. The content of this section varies depending on the type of chart. In general, there are two branches with three tabs.
  4. The first part is “Chart parameters”. This is where the external appearance of the object changes. The tabs are as follows:
    • Fill and Border - allows you to change the color of an area or its borders. Applies both to the entire chart as a whole, and to individual columns, sectors and segments. To select, you need to click on the required part with the left mouse button, and then make the settings. Simply put, this tab allows you to recolor any part of the diagram.
    • "Effects" - here you can adjust the effects of shadows, three-dimensionality, glow, anti-aliasing and so on. Most often, in professional and work presentations, these tools are not required, but this does not interfere with customizing to convey an individual display style.
    • "Size and properties" - here the dimensions of both the entire chart and its individual elements are being adjusted. You can also configure the display priority and alt text here.
  5. The second section is "Text parameters". This set of tools, as the name suggests, is designed to format text information. Everything here is divided into the following tabs:
    • Fill and outline of the text - here you can fill the area of ​​the text. For example, you can choose a background for a chart legend. To apply, you need to select individual text parts.
    • "Text Effects" - apply effects of shadows, three-dimensionality, glow, anti-aliasing, etc. for the selected text.
    • "Text" - allows you to adjust additional text elements, as well as change the location and size of existing ones. For example, explanations for individual parts of the graph.

All these tools allow you to easily customize any design for the diagram.

  • It is best to choose matching but distinguishable colors for the chart. The standard requirements for stylistic depiction apply here - the colors should not be acid-bright shades, cut the eyes, and so on.
  • We do not recommend applying animation effects to charts. This can distort them both while the effect is playing and at the end of it. In other professional presentations, you can often see various graphics that appear in an animated way and demonstrate their performance. Most often these are media files created separately in GIF or video format with automatic scrolling, they are not charts as such.
  • Charts also add weight to the presentation. So, if there are regulations or restrictions, it is best not to do too many charts.

Summing up, the main thing must be said. Charts are designed to display specific data or metrics. But a purely technical role is assigned to them only in the documentation. In a visual form - in this case, in a presentation - any schedule must also be beautiful and made according to standards. So it is important to approach the creation process with the utmost care.

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Are you going to perform in front of an audience? Have you collected a lot of statistics? Then we recommend to arrange them in the form of a diagram. This method will help to really show the movement of dry numbers, to compare their state before and after.

And most importantly, the audience, which for the most part lives by the rule “it is better to see once than hear a hundred times”, will receive this information in the required format. A chart is essentially a figure based picture. And today we will describe how to make a diagram in Powerpoint.

Chart Guide

So, let's go in order:

Choosing the type of chart you want

A little advice for beginners:

  • The most versatile are Bar and Bar.
  • If you have a whole, and you want to show the ratio of parts in it, select Circular, Circular.
  • If you want to show the structure of the whole and the magnitude of each component in the graph at the same time, set the Petal.

By the way, this type of diagram is worth paying attention to psychologists conducting sociometric measurements. A petal computer diagram will reduce the time spent on freehand drawing of a sociogram.

  • And if you need to show the dynamics of the process, we use the Graph
  1. Now the windows of two applications will be simultaneously open on the screen: PowerPoint (and a thumbnail of the diagram will appear on the slide) and Excel (with a table):
  2. We work with the table. We change the names of categories and series, and add our own numerical data accordingly.

Attention, if you work with named numbers - you cannot write units of measurement, percentages, etc. into cells. We enter only numbers. If there is less data than is provided in the table template, it is not recommended to remove them with the clear content command or with the Delete key, since such deletion in the Chart area leaves a large distance between the row columns. It is better to simply delete the extra rows or columns.

  1. The diagram is almost ready, you can close the window in Excel.

If necessary, you can always return to this additional application, change the numbers in the table. You will find the required Change Data command on the Chart Tools-Constructor tab. By the way, here you can set the design style:

But to make the data easier to read, we recommend improving the appearance of the chart.

  1. Open the Layout tab, add the name of the chart and axes, if there are many categories, create a legend, ALWAYS set the data labels, to confirm the correctness of the constructed chart, you can also put a table on the slide.
  2. Basically, every element of the chart can be changed. To do this, double-click on the desired element, work with the dialog box.

A short description of how to make a diagram in a Powerpoint presentation is complete. And as always, let's agree - you received very short instructions. But at almost every step of working with diagrams, there are a large number of settings that will help you do your job in an interesting way, create an object in your style. Good luck!

In order to tell about any phenomenon or proposal, in most cases, electronic presentations are used. The purpose of the presentations is to draw the attention of the audience to the report with the help of colorful pictures, diagrams, tables, graphs.

Accompanying the speaker's oral speech with colorful pictures and tables included in the presentation slides greatly simplifies the understanding of the material presented. This also applies to charts and graphs, with the help of which you can, for example, show a change in a phenomenon or a comparison of data.

Insert charts in PowerPoint

Despite the fact that the creation of tables and graphs is a specialization of the Excel application, the MS Power Point program also implements the ability to insert a variety of diagrams. Moreover, you can insert diagrams into a presentation not only through the clipboard.

You can simply insert a diagram into a presentation, in the insert tab you need to find the illustration block and click on the "Diagram" button. In the "Insert Chart" window that opens, select the type of chart required for this case. After clicking OK, the selected chart type will be inserted into the slide and an Excel window will open for entering data.

Insert a chart into a Power Point slide

In the working area of ​​slides, as a rule, there are links for inserting various objects, including diagrams. The presence of these links somewhat simplifies and speeds up access to the window for inserting diagrams.

The chart insertion window can be called by pressing the corresponding button in the slide field

In order for the diagram in the presentation to be beautiful and understandable, you need to correctly fill in the data table for it, correctly sign the categories and series. You may need to change the chart type for this, which can be done right in Power Point. You can change the chart type right in the slide designer

Pasting a chart via the clipboard

In the case when a presentation is drawn up on the basis of a ready-made report made in the Word editor, or the data for charts are available in Excel files, then our task is greatly simplified. This is due to the fact that the source documents already have ready-made diagrams, and we just have to transfer them to the presentation using the clipboard.

It is done very simply: select the desired diagram in the source document and copy it to the clipboard. Then open the presentation slide and click "paste". If you later need to make changes to the chart, you need to link it to the original Excel file.

Paste the diagram previously copied to the clipboard by clicking this button

Data for the chart

Anyone who has ever tried creating charts in office applications knows that a chart is only a visual representation of the digital data that is recorded in a table. And, in order to change the diagram, you need to make changes to this original table.

Changes to the data of this table will immediately appear on the diagram.

You can open the table with the initial digital data by selecting the diagram with a mouse click and in the appeared tab "Constructor" click "Change data". Or call the drop-down menu by right-clicking in the diagram area. In the window that appears, you also need to select "Change data". Which of these two methods to use depends on the tastes and habits of each user when using the computer.

Data change

If a diagram is inserted into your presentation using the clipboard and you may need to change the data for the diagram, then, as mentioned above, you need to establish a link between the pasted diagram and the original file.

This link is established as a normal hyperlink from a chart located in the presentation to an Excel file with a data table. After that, the opening of the original table is carried out in the same way as described above - by clicking the "Change data" button.

Linking the chart to the Excel file containing the original data

Thus, creating a visual diagram in a Power Point presentation is very easy, but the process is not complete without Excel. Therefore, for the convenience of inserting diagrams into Power Point, this table processor must be installed on the computer.

In order to tell about any phenomenon or proposal, in most cases, electronic presentations are used. The purpose of the presentations is to draw the attention of the audience to the report with the help of colorful pictures, diagrams, tables, graphs.

Accompanying the speaker's oral speech with colorful pictures and tables included in the presentation slides greatly simplifies the understanding of the material presented. This also applies to charts and graphs, with the help of which you can, for example, show a change in a phenomenon or a comparison of data.

Despite the fact that the creation of tables and graphs is a specialization of the Excel application, the MS Power Point program also implements the ability to insert a variety of diagrams. Moreover, you can insert diagrams into a presentation not only through the clipboard.

You can simply insert a diagram into a presentation, in the insert tab you need to find the illustration block and click on the "Diagram" button. In the "Insert Chart" window that opens, select the type of chart required for this case. After clicking OK, the selected chart type will be inserted into the slide and an Excel window will open for entering data.

In the working area of ​​slides, as a rule, there are links for inserting various objects, including diagrams. The presence of these links somewhat simplifies and speeds up access to the window for inserting diagrams.

The chart insertion window can be called by pressing the corresponding button in the slide field

In order for the diagram in the presentation to be beautiful and understandable, you need to correctly fill in the data table for it, correctly sign the categories and series. You may need to change the chart type for this, which can be done right in Power Point.

You can change the chart type right in the slide designer

In the case when a presentation is drawn up on the basis of a ready-made report made in the Word editor, or the data for charts are available in Excel files, then our task is greatly simplified. This is due to the fact that the source documents already have ready-made diagrams, and we just have to transfer them to the presentation using.

It is done very simply: select the desired diagram in the source document and copy it to the clipboard. Then open the presentation slide and click "paste". If you later need to make changes to the chart, you need to link it to the original Excel file.

Paste the diagram previously copied to the clipboard by clicking this button

Data for the chart

Anyone who has ever tried creating charts in office applications knows that a chart is only a visual representation of the digital data that is recorded in a table. And, in order to change the diagram, you need to make changes to this original table.

Changes to the data of this table will immediately appear on the diagram.

You can open the table with the initial digital data by selecting the diagram with a mouse click and in the appeared tab "Constructor" click "Change data". Or call the drop-down menu by right-clicking in the diagram area. In the window that appears, you also need to select "Change data". Which of these two methods to use depends on the tastes and habits of each user when using the computer.

Data change

If a diagram is inserted into your presentation using the clipboard and you may need to change the data for the diagram, then, as mentioned above, you need to establish a link between the pasted diagram and the original file.

This link is established as usual from a diagram located in the presentation to an Excel file with a data table. After that, the opening of the original table is carried out in the same way as described above - by clicking the "Change data" button.

Linking the chart to the Excel file containing the original data

Thus, creating a visual diagram in a Power Point presentation is very easy, but the process is not complete without Excel. Therefore, for the convenience of inserting diagrams into Power Point, this table processor must be installed on the computer.

Diagrams are extremely useful and informative elements in any document. What can we say about the presentation. So to create a really high-quality and informative display, it is important to be able to correctly create this type of element.

The chart you create in PowerPoint is used as a media file that you can dynamically change at any time. It is extremely convenient. The details of setting up such objects will be below, but first you need to consider ways to create a diagram in PowerPoint.

Method 1: Inserting into a text area

The fastest and easiest way to create a chart in a new slide.

It is worth noting that this method allows you to quickly create the necessary components, however, it takes up the entire text area and after the end of the slots, the method is no longer available.

Method 2: Classic creation

The graph can also be added in the classic way that has been available in Microsoft PowerPoint since its inception.

A standard way that allows you to create a chart without any other problem.

Method 3: Paste from Excel

Nothing prohibits the insertion of this component if it was previously created in Excel. Moreover, if the corresponding table of values ​​is attached to the diagram.

This method is convenient in that it allows you to insert both a table and its diagram inseparably. Also, in many cases, correcting data in Excel can be easier.

Chart setup

Typically, in most cases (except for pasting from Excel) a baseline graph with standard values ​​is added. They, like the design, have to be changed.

Changing values

Depending on the type of diagram, the system for changing its values ​​also changes. However, in general, the procedure is the same for all species.

Change in appearance

Customizing the appearance of the diagram is carried out with a wide range of tools.

All these tools allow you to easily customize any design for the diagram.

  • It is best to choose matching but distinguishable colors for the chart. The standard requirements for stylistic depiction apply here - the colors should not be acid-bright shades, cut the eyes, and so on.
  • We do not recommend applying animation effects to charts. This can distort them both while the effect is playing and at the end of it. In other professional presentations, you can often see various graphics that appear in an animated way and demonstrate their performance. Most often these are media files created separately in GIF or video format with automatic scrolling, they are not charts as such.
  • Charts also add weight to the presentation. So, if there are regulations or restrictions, it is best not to do too many charts.

Summing up, the main thing must be said. Charts are designed to display specific data or metrics. But a purely technical role is assigned to them only in the documentation. In a visual form - in this case, in a presentation - any schedule must also be beautiful and made according to standards. So it is important to approach the creation process with the utmost care.

A diagram is a graphical version of displaying textual information. It is constantly used at presentations, exhibitions, seminars and other events where you need to visually show numbers or results.

You can make a chart in many programs that can enter digital and text data. These include applications such as Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and many more.

This article will show you how to make a diagram in your presentation using different programs.

Pie chart in Microsoft Office Excel

Run the program and enter data, or open a ready-made file.

Enter simple test and numeric data that is actually entered into the pie chart.

For example, you can take any numbers from your daily life - how much time do you spend on breakfast, dinner, watching TV, and so on.

You put text data in one column under each other, and set the time in another column opposite your actions in digital format.

Now save the document and select with the mouse all the data fields by clicking on the initial filled cell. Now, without releasing the mouse button, select all the other data.

After that, click on the "Insert" menu item and select the "Chart" item.

In the window that opens, select the type of display of your data, which will be entered into the presentation diagram. As you can see, the choice is wide enough that you can choose the option that suits you the most.

If you click on the thumbnail image, you will see an example of your finished diagram in the presentation.

The preview is done in the data source window, in which you can check the correctness of the selected row and column data.

Click on the "Data Signatures" menu item and select the appearance of your information. For example, you can choose to display as percentages or as categories.

After that, click on the "Finish" button. That's it, now you can copy and paste this chart into any document or report you need.

Presentation diagram in Microsoft Office Word

While graphs and tables are most conveniently created in Microsoft Office Excel, Word also includes this feature.

Since Word and Excel are part of a common software package created by the world famous Microsoft corporation, they are closely related to each other.

For example, in Word charts are created using Excel tools. To do this, start Word and go to the "Insert" tab and select the "Chart" tool.
You will see a miniature Excel window with an example of data and a visual form of a chart.

There are two options for adding a graph to your document.

The first way. To create a beautiful presentation, you embed data from the Excel program into the Word by selecting, copying and pasting a graphic image into a document.

The second method is more difficult, but in the end you will learn how to quickly make changes to the data table. You should remember that although the Excel sheet is closely related to the Word, its contents will not appear automatically in the Word, so the diagram must first be copied and pasted into a text document. At the same time, it will directly contact the Excel program and, if you do not close it, you can immediately make changes to the schedule, the values ​​of which will automatically change in the document.

Below is an example of a ready-made display of graphical information.

Microsoft PowerPoint

This program is also part of the Microsoft Office suite of programs and it was developed in order to give presentations in specially designed and equipped rooms.

First, create a few new pages with text content. Now go to the place where you want to insert a visual graph.

To create graphs or charts, you need to use the auto-markup tool, which is located in the "Insert" menu, in which you select the line "table" or "diagram".

Using the Page Up and Page Down keys, navigate to the place where the graphic is inserted.

Go to the subdivision structure tab and select the "Format" menu in it, in which you click on the page layout. A window will open listing all the tasks of the program.

Now you save the document as a presentation file, you can present it to invited guests.

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