Home Useful properties of fruits Candles after the funeral, what to do with. A funeral candle is a guide for the soul of the deceased. How to properly hold a funeral candle

Candles after the funeral, what to do with. A funeral candle is a guide for the soul of the deceased. How to properly hold a funeral candle

On our planet, there is a lot of everything unknown and mystical, a lot of things that sometimes even a well-worn person makes not only be surprised, but also shudder. But today we will not talk about the terrible, we will leave this topic for later. Today we will talk about such a phenomenon, otherwise it cannot be said as glyphs.

A glyph is a unit of writing, it is an element of writing, it is about the same as a letter in the alphabet. Approximately, but not exactly. A regular letter is what the text of any letter consists of. A glyph is a complex graphic image filled with a certain meaning.

It is worth noting that around the end of the nineteenth century, scientific minds became seriously interested in the study of glyphs, which is not surprising. After all, glyphs (or petroglyphs) were very often found in archaeological expeditions taking place in different parts of the world.

And if initially researchers believed that glyphs were used by Eastern and Western civilizations only for writing and only for conveying thoughts, then it has long been known that glyphs are not just some ancient writings. Glyphs are sacred symbols that carry a much deeper, and sometimes destructive meaning.

What are the glyphs?

To date, the glyphs of Arachne are considered to be the most common, we will talk about them a little lower. In fact, there are quite a few varieties of glyphs. Here are some of them:

- glyphs of Jupiter

- glyphs of the moon

- glyphs of Alhainta

- Glyphs of Solomon

- Lemurian glyphs

- glyphs of King David (including bad ones)

- Glyphs of Abraham

- glyphs of Yitzhak

- Vittorio Glyphs

There are also glyphs of Shamal - the name comes from the name of the author. And then there are glyphs to solve certain needs, for example, glyphs of attractiveness, glyphs of trouble, glyphs of energy. A person can create glyphs himself, however, for this you need to have certain knowledge.

Glyphs of Arachne

An ancient belief claims that Arachne (the best weaver who dared to compete in her ability to weave with the goddess Athena herself, for which she turned her into a spider) brought these glyphs from the world of Navi, from the world of the dead. But Arachne did not immediately become a spider.

The girl was not only an excellent craftswoman, but also had a rather proud disposition. Far from everyone would risk competing with the goddess herself, however, Arachne, in an effort to defeat the goddess, was not even stopped by Athena's warnings to think about it. The duel ended with Athena hitting Arachne on the forehead with a shuttle (a tool used in weaving), and the fabric that Arachne wove was torn to shreds.

In general, this could have ended, but Arachne could not bear the shame, because she really was considered the best weaver among mortals. Without thinking twice, the girl hanged herself. This state of affairs did not suit Athena and she revived Arachne, turning her into a spider and ordering her to weave forever and hang forever.

Those who constantly resort to the glyphs of Arachne in their work claim that they not only work very quickly, but also carry colossal hard power. They do not need a long and big slander, because they themselves already contain everything that is needed to fulfill their plans. Most often, to the glyphs of Arachne, you need to make a very brief reservation, while they do not need to bring trebes ("feed" them). The energy of these sixteen glyphs is extremely harsh. Without a doubt, this property is connected with the world of their origin.

The glyphs of Arachne are used in practice, both in combination and singly. In addition, they have another very valuable quality - they are perfectly combined with runes and never enter into confrontation or conflict with them. Consequently, the glyphs of Arachne, the masters very often combine with runes, but if the runes fulfill the order, based on the principle of "the most comfortable way", then the glyphs act on the principle of "immediately, in the shortest way", not caring about the comfort of the customer or performer.

Having decided to interact with this element, you should think carefully, because any surprises may appear on this path. The work of the glyphs is always strengthened by the faith of the one whose hand draws them.

Should I work with glyphs?

It is extremely important, when working with this Gift of the New World, to apply everything correctly. Every line, every line, every sign. It is no secret that some techniques (let's call it that) will work in the hands of one person, and will not bring the proper result at all if another person uses them. Done right, the glyphs will no doubt be useful.

However, if you have a desire, you can independently check how glyphs will respond to your requests. There are three ways to check.

First way- empirical. We apply the glyph and wait for the result. If more than ten or fourteen days have passed, then it is better to choose other tools to achieve your goals.

Second way– pendulum help. It's great if you already have the skill of interacting with this tool. If not, then it's time to try. Having established contact with the pendulum, we determine what is “Yes”, what is “No”, then we determine whether you should try a new practice of interaction.

Third way- not for everyone, but it is also very effective. A person practicing magical practices has a very developed intuition. Such a person will not listen to the opinion from the outside, or rather, he can listen to it, but he will prefer the answer of his inner adviser to him.

How are glyphs applied?

Arachne glyphs can be applied in the same way as regular runes. Once applied, make a reservation. Very short, for example:

In the name of Arachne, glyph (name of the glyph) grant me (the function of the glyph is indicated).

The launch of the glyphs is carried out by the force of one's own will. When interacting with this tool, it is worth remembering that the goal must be set very clearly, and not in the way that many people usually do: go there, I don’t know where, bring that, I don’t know what.

If there are several goals, then you need to indicate them all, clearly listing them in descending order. It is important to clearly state in the clause that glyphs are only beneficial, they work without any harm.

Visualization, if you can add it to the request, will help to achieve more results in a shorter period of time.

Arachne Glyph Meanings

As mentioned above, there are sixteen glyphs of Arachne. Let's now look at the meaning of each of them.

Glyph Waving

This glive represents the physical body. This is health, it is the personification of the abilities associated with the physical body. This is renewal, this is development, this is awakening.

This glyph represents the superiority of the spirit over the material world. The glyph removes various psychological obstacles that arise along the way. Helps to achieve victories and adequately pass the test. This glyph has a particularly hard energy, it is like a flame, it burns out everything unnecessary on the way, at the same time, it gives a lot of energy.

This glyph represents the Primal Element Water. This is flexibility (including physical), thanks to it you can easily get away (get out) of the conflict. This is a glyph of stability and stability of position. This glyph helps to keep one's own affairs a secret, but at the same time resolve the situation in the most preferable way for oneself.

This glyph symbolizes chaos. It is always a collapse, it is always a break in ties, a destabilization. Thanks to him, you can remove the protection or any negative. This glyph is resorted to when it is necessary to get things off the ground.

Thanks to this glyph, you can speed up any business you start, any process that has stalled. A person cannot do without this glyph, because it not only increases immunity to everything and everything, but also helps to pass the obstacle course very quickly. The glyph gives energy to move forward, it activates internal energy, inspires confidence in a person, acts as an assistant in conquering new heights.

This glyph removes all obstacles that may be encountered on the way. The barriers in this case are related to obtaining information.

This glyph symbolizes destruction. He breaks everything that comes in his way very hard. What can he break? Yes, everything: things, bodies, destinies, plans, plans. This is the glyph of damage. This is used when you need to do a lot of damage, when you need to break the defense. They cannot be negative.

Glyph Mis

This glyph is used to protect (detach from the world). He, like a magic circle, saves a person from any influence from outside. It is used both for one's own protection and for the protection of others. This is a kind of heavy artillery - if we talk about protection. He is really very powerful. Often also used to create traps.

This is a glyph of rebirth, some kind of transformation. It symbolizes a transitional state in human life. The glyph helps to make certain changes related to the future of a person. This glyph makes it possible to see some things in a new light, rejecting everything subjective. This is a fundamentally new state, when you are neither dead nor alive, when neither dark nor light.

Glyph Dihal

This glyph acts as a connecting component of all the Primal Elements and not only them. It binds everything into a single whole, with the help of it you can enrich your own potential.

This glyph can be attributed to the most terrible and powerful, because it carries a colossal negative charge. It is always a symbol of fear and darkness, a symbol of paralysis and phobias, a symbol of loss of energy and loss of control over the situation. The glyph contributes to the development of phobias and fears, causes disgust between people.

Glyph Hato

Where can glyphs be applied?

Glyphs can be applied anywhere. For example:

  • On a permanent (metal or wood) or temporary carrier (paper).
  • A glyph, for example, can be applied to the body as a tattoo.
  • The glyph can be applied to the amulet.
  • A glyph or glyphs can and should be rendered.
  • Glyphs are very often used for meditation, acting as symbols of something specific.
  • The glyph is quite often applied to Water or Earth.
  • Glyphs can be applied to your own photo.

How to work with glyphs?

The most important thing here is to start (but you just don’t need to start with those glyphs that carry a negative charge in the seed). And also - self-confidence, as mentioned above. Learning how to work with glyphs is not so difficult. You just need to start them ... Draw. Just move your hand without thinking about anything. Very soon you will feel that the glyphs seem to be moving, it may even seem to you that they have come into motion.

Do not be afraid. This is fine. Each glyph has its own and only its own meaning. When you draw a glyph, immediately make a brief disclaimer. In fact, it is he who will turn on your glyphs, it will be he who will lead to the desired result.

It is worth remembering that neither the phase of the moon (when they grow or decrease), nor the days of the week, have absolutely no meaning. Glyphs are activated either by their own energy or by the element of Fire.

The more you interact with them, the more experience and understanding you will have. Starting with a simple one (from one glyph), you can gradually come to more complex options: staves that you will come up with yourself.

Every person sooner or later meets with misfortune, the irretrievable loss of loved ones and relatives. God alone knows how the soul enters the body at conception and how it leaves it at death. After the soul of the deceased has departed to another world, living people need to take care of its salvation. To do this, it is necessary to observe all Orthodox Christian traditions.

What is a funeral

The funeral service of the deceased in a church or in the ritual hall at the mortuary is one of the important rites, the burial rite, which guides the dead soul to another world.

The lineup includes:

  • poetry;
  • canons;
  • reading the Apostle and the Gospel.

Relatives, relatives, friends and acquaintances of the deceased present at the funeral, together with the priest, should pray and ask the Almighty for help for the soul of the deceased.

On the 40th day, the soul appears before the Throne of the Lord, and on this day its fate is decided until the Last Judgment: whether it will await it in heaven or hell.

Important! The intensified prayer of the Church and the relatives of the deceased play a very important role and help the soul enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

According to tradition, at the end of the funeral, the coffin with the deceased is accompanied to the cemetery by the relatives of the deceased, led by a priest.

Previously, the procession stopped at every crossroads along the way to read funeral prayers. Now the cleric in any place asks the mourners to pray for the soul of the deceased. The number of such stops is not regulated.

Funeral service in the church

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to perform the funeral of the deceased in the church.

To make it you need:

  • know the will of the deceased (often people on their deathbed ask that a certain priest in a particular temple sing their soul);
  • be sure that the deceased was baptized in the Orthodox faith;
  • obtain a death certificate from the registry office;
  • prepare a death certificate (with signatures and seals);
  • come to the chosen church and present the necessary documents certifying the fact of death, agree on the date, time and place of the funeral;
  • purchase the necessary attributes for the deceased in the church shop: a pectoral cross, a cross in hand, candles for the coffin, a bedspread, a pillow, a shroud, a whisk, a form with a permissive prayer;
  • for people saying goodbye to the deceased, buy a sufficient number of candles;
  • make a donation for the Sacrament.
Attention! The land, with which the priest crosswise sprinkles the body of the deceased, is not bought - it is given out in the temple.

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to perform the funeral of the deceased in the church

Conducting the ceremony

Usually, a fully prepared body is brought from the morgue to the temple:

  • there is a crown on the forehead of the deceased;
  • in the hand and on the chest a cross;
  • the body is covered with a shroud.

The required cleric sets candles on the coffin and lights them, and relatives distribute candles to those who see off the deceased on their last journey (lit candles in their hands symbolize the victory of life over death).

The coffin is placed facing the altar and the priest begins to read prayers, psalms, and Holy Scripture. Thus, he and those present, praying together with the cleric, implore the Almighty to forgive the deceased for all sins and grant the Kingdom of Heaven. The stronger the conciliar prayer, the greater the “chance” for the soul to freely pass through the air ordeals and ascend to the abode of paradise.

After reading the permissive prayer, a sheet with its text is put into the hand of the deceased and the last opportunity comes to say goodbye to the deceased. To do this, you need to kiss the icon on the chest and the rim on the forehead of the deceased. In these intimate and quivering seconds, you can ask for forgiveness from the deceased, whisper the last words to him.

If the funeral service is performed with the coffin closed, then one should kiss the cross on its lid when parting. Then the priest closes the deceased with a shroud, showers him with cruciformly consecrated earth.

Important! The icon lying on the chest of the deceased should be taken home, placed on the iconostasis and prayed before it.

The Church never sets rates for services. The price tags indicate only the estimated amount of donations - the amount that a person is willing to donate (this is determined by the financial capabilities of the donor himself).

Prayers for the Deceased:

Existing bans

A loved one who has gone to another world must be mourned in a Christian way

A funeral service is not performed in the Orthodox Church over:

  • unbaptized (for such deceased one should pray privately);
  • Gentiles;
  • theomachists;
  • those who have denied Christ;
  • suicides (an exception is the deprivation of life while in an insane state, but this must be proven and permission for the funeral service must be obtained from the ruling bishop);
  • babies who have not been blessed with Holy Baptism (they are not cleansed by the Holy Spirit from the sin of their forefathers);
  • stillborn or slain in the womb.

absentee funeral

The sacrament without the presence of the body of the deceased is rarely performed. It is possible in the following cases:

  • when the deceased was buried many years ago, but for some reason was not buried;
  • if a person died in a war, as a result of a terrorist attack, a plane crash, drowned in a shipwreck, went missing.

The priest consecrates and blesses the specially prepared land, reads a prayer. At the end of the funeral, the countryman is handed over to the relatives of the deceased. She needs to sprinkle the grave crosswise.

If the deceased was cremated, then the earth should be poured into the urn with the ashes.

Advice! If the burial place is unknown or located far away, and there is no way to get to it, then there is no need to take land in the church.


Some strange, pagan customs and inexplicable conjectures hover around the dead people and their funerals.

People who are far from the church listen to them, fulfill them, and do not think at all about the meaning:

  • curtain mirrors, windows, TV and all reflective surfaces in the house where the deceased was, so as not to see his reflection;
  • tightly close the windows and vents in the house (allegedly so that the soul stays at home);
  • install a large container with clean water under the coffin (for the sake of washing the soul from unrepentant sins);
  • to put watches, things, money, food in the coffin (to live happily in another world);
  • it is forbidden to carry the coffin with the body of the deceased to close relatives (atheists believe that the carriers will die soon too);
  • do not look at the funeral procession through the window of your house (it is believed that soon one of the household members will also die);
  • after removing the body or coffin from the house, wash the floor (so that the dead man does not return again);
  • pour vodka on the grave mound and sprinkle it with bread crumbs;
  • instead of wishing the "Kingdom of Heaven" to wish the deceased "Let the earth rest in peace";
  • to believe that after the death of a person, his soul inhabits birds, cats, dogs and other animals, takes the form of insects;
  • to believe that if the deceased was not buried, then his restless soul wanders around the world in the form of a ghost;
  • to believe in the imminent death of a person who stood between the coffin and the altar;
  • Cremation is the cause of incurable ailments and relatives of the deceased.

Caring for the soul of a deceased Christian does not end with just a funeral service.

Important! Cell and cathedral prayer, commemoration at the Liturgy, memorial service, magpie for repose are important funeral rites.

You can’t just submit notes - you need to work prayerfully together with the priest.

A loved one who has gone to another world must be mourned in a Christian way, with hope and faith to meet him in eternity. Therefore, a rich funeral, a huge monument on the grave and a commemoration with delicious food will calm and comfort the living a little, but will not bring any benefit and will not help the dead.

Watch a video on how to commemorate the dead

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