Home Useful properties of fruits Titan siege build for what magic ring. What is the maximum level of Titan Siege. What are the classes in Titan Siege

Titan siege build for what magic ring. What is the maximum level of Titan Siege. What are the classes in Titan Siege


If you are delighted with this game, you need to know everything about classes in. Below is a detailed guide with an overview of all the characters.

For example, Warrior is a courageous soldier that always dresses in heavy armor, this guarantees him maximum stability. This character prefers to confront opponents in close combat, using the appropriate weapon. Due to the increased health and armor, there is a chance to suppress your enemy by engaging in hand-to-hand combat with him. In general, the Warrior has two types of skills, including:

  • warrior;
  • paladin.

In the first case, it is possible to sacrifice personal defense, hitting an opponent with unprecedented attack power, usually this hero uses only two-handed weapons. The paladin, in turn, focuses on defense, simply exhausting the opponent, and then inflicting a fatal blow.

Who else should you pay attention to when choosing a character in the game?

Further studying the classes in Titan Siege, you should talk about Assassin, he puts on light armor and uses short blades, such a guy is always feared, even hated, because he is a merciless killer, and death at the hands of the character is quick. The assassin class is always fast, so he is proficient with weapons in close combat. Assassin can be in the game:

  • robber;
  • killer.

The first character is as open as possible, easily inflicts injuries and conducts an unprecedented number of active techniques, exhausting the enemy. Assassins actually solve problems with a single accurate strike to the enemy's weak spot, for this they also use camouflage skills.

Studying our overview about classes in titan siege, you can choose Priest, he has a divine power that can give life and absorb all its energy. Usually opposed in ranged combat, distinguished by an excessive need for teamwork. Skills can be:

  • an apostle;
  • inquisitor.

What are the advantages of the Apostle and the Enchanter?

The apostle is always focused on teaching, trying to help others, mastering the skills of healing. But the Inquisitor takes divine power into his hands, destroying enemies along the way, thus acting as a battle magician.

Studying the character classes in the game, it should be noted sorcerer, he represents, again, the caste of magicians, is very dangerous in his own way, in particular, in ranged combat, he can use a lot of attacking spells. The sorcerer is dangerous as a loner, but also in a team. He acquires knowledge:

  • archmage;
  • master.

The first option conquers burning abysses, ready to command fire, which easily destroys small opponents, simply burning their bodies. The master actually commands the ice waves, he can even freeze the blood of enemies.

There is also a representative Witch, he calls to action, justifies his abilities in ranged combat. It can combine a lot of knowledge together, because it has minions from other dimensions. The sorcerer easily becomes:

  • necromancer;
  • thunderer.

The first hero focuses on the call of many strong enemies, ready to do the most difficult work. The Thunderer usually deals with opponents on his own, relying on the power of energy spells.

Classes in Titan Siege gameplay video

Titan Siege system requirements

Minimum requirements:

Operating system: Windows 7 64 bit
Processor: Intel DualCore i3 or higher
Video Card: GeForce 8600 Series or higher
RAM: 2 GB per
hard disk: 4 GB

Hello to all gamers!

Today we will continue to look at the Titan Siege classes.

Dedicated to the sorcerer.

This class of popular MMORPG is often found in other games as well.

He attracts many with his magical charms. And rightfully deserved the love of gamers.

The sorcerer is pumped in simply, has many key features. Stronger than other classes.

What are the benefits

By choosing this hero, count on a full passage. And not necessarily with a team, even a single game will be full. You will easily enter into battle with a crowd of mobs, and you will always win in the confrontation with real players.

The path of development depends on you - you will make a warrior for a remote attack with lightning and poison or a mage-summoner.

A unique feature is high damage. Plus - the ability to deprive the enemy of control for a long period of time.

This development path is famous for its summoning skills. Therefore, many develop a necromancer in the game. You can summon a skeleton magician, Tinatius, a skeleton warrior.

Strength depends on their characteristics, the higher the health, attack, the cooler the creature. Leveling up a character is pretty easy. You give a command to subordinates, they start destroying mobs, and you gain experience.

It will appeal to all lovers of the magic of lightning, thunderstorm eruptions. There are no summoning skills. But then you will create a truly unsurpassed character. You can choose to develop to increase control or inflict huge damage on several targets.

Regardless of the development, the damage is excellent in any case. Provided that top skills increase the chances of critical hits.

What is worth downloading

Before deciding which skill to develop, do not be too lazy to carefully study everything. Pick the one that's right for you. I will share with you what I have personally identified for myself. These are such skills.

  1. Summoner. The second side should be pumped. We take the skill of summoning as a basis, for attacks you will need the absorption of souls.
  2. Yadovik. Here the call is not needed, we need to have everything related to personal attacks. We begin to develop the right branch.
  3. DD control. Attention is directed to the left, we develop all the skills here. This allows you to control opponents, causing maximum damage.
  4. Max DD. Allows you to achieve maximum attack performance. We develop the right branch.
  5. Hybrid. Allows you to create any character with the ability to apply the features of any branch. However, you will only have 69 skills at your disposal.

Build for necromancer class

I want to note that I am not a top player. I focus primarily on the calls of assistants and their strengthening. That is, I am a private summoner.

Summing up

Rocking a necromancer is easy. Understand the skills within the power of inexperienced beginners. Just study everything carefully. Definitely a character worth watching. If you have additions, according to the experience gained, I will be grateful if you share them in the comments. Good luck, success! And see you soon!

Hello everyone!

RPGs are hard to imagine without a killer.

A dangerous fighter attracts many, he is also in the game Titan Siege.

If you are a beginner, this guide is for you.

I propose to find out in detail how the killer can attract you.

Key features of the class

First of all, the character is designed to inflict maximum damage per unit of time. You get an excellent fighter for close fights.

It attracts with a high speed of movement, excellent chances of inflicting critical hits, and the ability to become invisible. His strikes accurately hit a single target, although he can be pumped for massive damage.

The weak point is defense. Often, faced with many opponents, he loses. But you can always use healer support and outperform all other classes.

I chose this path, although initially I did not consider it correct, useful. I was attracted by the specifics, with the possibility of mass attacks, not bad for a PvE mode. This is the ability to control the enemy and super speed.

With real players, this branch is not suitable. Although I may be wrong. If you have a positive experience please share.

Skills contribute to the development of control over the enemy (on the left side) and attacks of any targets (on the right side).

This path seemed perfect to me. Here you have high damage with critical hits, and invisibility, and the imposition of debuffs on opponents, and self-healing. That is, everything you need to build up in PvP.

You will get a truly useful warrior. So what is worth downloading? I have identified several types of character.

  1. Control - take a punching blow, raid, swiftness, throwing knives at the top. Start pumping the left side. You will get a good ability to stop, slow down enemies.
  2. DD - take everything the same as for control, but replace the penetrating blow with a beating. Download the right branch. You have a hell of a resourcefulness, an excellent attack for mass or single combat.
  3. Control / assassin - we take power, dust in the eyes, a puncture, a running shadow, the power of a poisoner. Pumping the left branch. The result - amazing speed in stealth mode, control skill.
  4. DD/assassin is a super option for a critical strike. I will describe it in detail below. Great hits are dealt to single targets.

You can also create a hybrid by taking different skills from all of the above. And you will get a unique class.

Build for Assassin

And now the most advantageous option for PvP mode. I recommend to watch pumping in the video.


In conclusion, I note that the killer in Titan Siege is actually interesting. However, get ready for the freezes. Just develop it according to your preferences. And you will get an excellent warrior for striking single targets.

It remains for me to wish you luck. If you want to make additions, write in the comments.

What role-playing game can do without an assassin class? Yes, for sure, more than one project will not allow itself such a luxury, and the one that I liked also could not do without it.

However, the emphasis of the game on the classic scheme already implies the presence of this dangerous fighter, and in this guide I propose to figure out what our hero can be attractive for.

Key features

The Titan Siege killer is primarily designed to deal maximum damage per unit of time, in other words we have a melee DD class with physical attacks.

The main features are high movement speed, the ability to become invisible and high chances of inflicting critical hits. Ideally, a killer is a player whose strikes are focused on single targets, but there is the possibility of building up and on massive damage.

True, you should not be deceived by his impressive attacks, because his defense is not as strong as that of warriors and close combat against several enemies may end not in your favor.

In general, with the support of a healer, you can become a top-notch damage dealer and excel in direct contact.

branch robber

I personally found this development path very specific and not very useful, although it has some interesting abilities, for example, mass attacks that will perform well in PvE, enemy control skills and high movement speed.

According to the overall picture, I would more classify this branch as a PvE mode, because it will be difficult to fight with real players with the opportunities offered here, although if you have a different opinion, share it in the comments.

Skills from the left side develop control over the enemy, while the right side is aimed more at attacking, both single and multiple targets.

Assassin branch

I liked the development along this path more, there is also the vaunted invisibility, and high damage with critical hits, and the imposition of debuffs on the enemy, and even self-healing.

For PvP lovers, here you can find everything you need to build a really useful killer, and many skills work great for PvE, but it is worth noting that there is not a single mass attack skill in this branch.

I will give a build for one of the Assassin variants a little lower, but for now I will talk about the advantages of different variations of this class.

What to download?

For myself, I have identified several types of killers, on the one hand they are obvious, on the other hand, not everyone adheres to this simplicity and is sprayed on everything at once, as a result they get a useless character.

  1. Rogue / Control - we take from the top line Blitz, Penetrating Blow, Throwing Knives and Celerity, and otherwise we swing the left side of the branch. So we will get good abilities to slow down and stop the enemy, in the meantime inflicting damage on him.
  2. Rogue / DD - from the upper skills we take everything the same as the previous option, only instead of Penetrating Blow it is better to take Beating, then swing the right side. Thus, we get a damn dexterous hero with good attacking data for single and mass battles.
  3. Assassin / Control - as a basis, you can take Puncture, Dust in the Eyes, Power of the Poisoner and of course Running Shadow. For the rest, pump skills from the left side - this will allow you to develop the abilities already taken from the first line, control skills and wild speed in stealth mode.
  4. Assassin / DD - I download this type myself and its strength is in critical hits. Below I will give a build for him, which I think will be a great option for dealing high damage on a single target.

There is also the option of creating a hybrid, taking the most interesting skills from different paths and eventually getting a unique character.

Build for Assassin

As promised, I give a build that, in my opinion, will look advantageous in PvP mode and in particular against single targets.


In the end, I want to say that the above class is definitely interesting in its own way, but with its own troubles. Depending on your preferences, you can scatter skills to your taste, in my opinion, the killer should take out single targets as quickly as possible.

Good luck in developing the game and write your notes in the comments, maybe you have something to add to the article.

It was today that an inviting letter arrived in the mail - they say, Titan Siege has opened, so hurry up to a new hardcore online game. But is it worth spending time on it? It is hosted by Gamenet, the provider that got Black Desert, which is quite good in terms of graphics and game mechanics. The new project does not have any advantages. Everything is utterly banal and boring. Catch - Asian style: take a quest to kill so many mobs, kill them, get experience and a reward. You are thrown from the first to the second NPC, from the second to the third, and so on. Their names are not even remembered. And all this is called "absorbed the ideas and mechanics of popular online projects."

The beginning of the game is vague - the task is given to kill the barbarians, but they cannot be attacked. All that remains is to run around the neighborhood a little. After a couple of minutes, the character will be transferred to the starting location. Health in this case will not be so monstrously large. That's right - we start swinging from the very beginning ...

Of course, the system is free PvP/PK and may attract some. Over time, high-level characters will appear who will guard the kids and profit from them. But in terms of graphics and gameplay, Titan Siege is not much different from another hardcore pvp project called Sphere 3. And there are massive castle sieges. And more in the field of pvp, apparently, the developers can not think of anything.

Characters - a choice of five classes of both sexes - grow up slowly. From the mobs, by the way, at first there is so little experience dripping that it’s even lazy to grind ...

The character finds the way to the place of the next task automatically. Health is replenished slowly, but there is meditation on the X key. The combat system is targeted. Take a mob in sight, and then sequentially, as you roll back, sort out skills. These skills are enhanced for points from the growth of experience - each time it is given one by one. The basic set of skills is available immediately, higher-level skills are unlocked after 8 points are thrown into the initial ones - at least that's how it is for the magician. I suspect that other classes are no exception. Yes, new skills and new levels of skills will have to be paid in hard currency…

From level 15 in Titan Siege, events will appear where equipment and other items are obtained ...

The magicians who are chosen to get acquainted with the game have two paths - fire and ice. In the first case, these are the skills of the archmage, in the second - the master. It is difficult to say whether it is worth developing both directions. Probably not worth it. Better to focus on one thing. Let's say fire magic. For mobs, it is enough.

I guess: it’s not worth opening all the skills in a row, and the points for the cap (it’s kind of like the 54th level) may not be enough. Let's say, at first glance, pumping a fireball to a magician, which is essentially a basic skill, is not worth it at all. There is little sense from him. Molten Armor that deals damage to enemies that get close, Flame Fist, and Fire Stream are much more useful skills. Molten Armor is active for four minutes and must be replenished periodically. In addition to this, a very effective skill is a massive pillar of flame. It acts on a fairly large radius.

Money in Titan Siege will require a lot. So, we farm and pkshim ...

Gift chests rely on the fifth (then tenth) level - it is from there that all kinds of useful items are extracted, say, potions, as well as the so-called. a gift from a beginner, which turned out to be necklaces, earrings, rings. At least with them, the character began to attack more strongly. Other items, say, a staff for a magician, better armor, boots, a hat, etc., are obtained for the next quest. Additional gifts are issued for daily login and for the time spent online. For some reason, the creators of such online games are sure that it is not the original game mechanics, unexpected plot twists, but gifts that should keep the player... they are talking about exactly that.

Quests, as already mentioned, are quite primitive, without a twist. From what has already been completed (and very little has yet been completed), they boiled down to killing mobs and collecting items. Yes, I had to deal with a couple of story bosses. But they don't impress...

Starting locations of Titan Siege are not empty. So gamers like online games with outdated graphics and game mechanics…

What else is worth saying about the game? Only that you will not find anything new in it. Yes, the equipment needs to be repaired. Yes, the characters will eventually acquire pets - this is a chocobo, a werewolf, a fly agaric, the rest, apparently, for donations. Pets level up, their skills can be bought from NPCs, and a fusion mode is also available. Yes, if you want to stay in the game for a long time, you can't do without a guild. Yes, weapons and equipment are sharpened. Yes, for world bosses of a comparable level to yours, you should go to a party with good heals - over time, the demand for them will most likely be high. Yes, for the collection you will need additional tools - say, a shovel for digging up plants. And of course, in order to reach the heights in this kind of game, you have to nerf for days on end ... Are you ready for this?

Be that as it may, get acquainted with the game and form your own opinion. Here is a link to the official Titan Siege website.

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