Home Useful properties of fruits All-Russian Olympiad in Geography. For residents of the CIS and neighboring countries. Preparation for the Olympiads

All-Russian Olympiad in Geography. For residents of the CIS and neighboring countries. Preparation for the Olympiads

All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren are held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia after the official confirmation of the calendar of their dates. Such events cover almost all disciplines and subjects included in the compulsory curriculum of general education schools.

When participating in such competitions, students are given the opportunity to gain experience in answering the questions of intellectual competitions, as well as expand and demonstrate their knowledge. Students begin to react calmly to various forms of knowledge testing, are responsible for representing and protecting the level of their school or region, which develops a sense of duty and discipline. In addition, a good result can bring a well-deserved cash prize or advantages during admission to the leading universities in the country.

Olympiads for schoolchildren of the 2017-2018 academic year are held in 4 stages, subdivided according to the territorial aspect. These stages in all cities and regions are carried out in the general calendar terms established by the regional leadership of the educational municipal departments.

Schoolchildren taking part in the competition go through four levels of competition in stages:

  • Stage 1 (school). In September-October 2017, competitions will be held within each separate school. All parallels of students are tested independently of each other, starting from the 5th grade and ending with graduates. The tasks for this level are prepared by the methodological commissions of the city level, they also provide tasks for the district and rural secondary schools.
  • Stage 2 (regional). In December 2017 - January 2018, the next level will be held, in which the winners of the city and the district - students of grades 7-11, will take part. Tests and assignments at this stage are developed by the organizers of the regional (third) stage, and all questions on preparation and locations for conducting are assigned to the local authorities.
  • Stage 3 (regional). The time of the event is from January to February 2018. The winners of the Olympiads of the current and completed year of study become participants.
  • Stage 4 (All-Russian). Organized by the Ministry of Education and runs from March to April 2018. The winners of the regional stages and the winners of the last year are participating in it. However, not all winners of the current year can take part in the All-Russian Olympiads. The exception is children who took 1st place in the region, but significantly lagged behind other winners in terms of points.

The winners of the All-Russian level, if they wish, can take part in international competitions taking place during the summer holidays.

List of disciplines

In the 2017-2018 academic season, Russian schoolchildren can test their strength in the following areas:

  • exact sciences - analytical and physical and mathematical direction;
  • natural sciences - biology, ecology, geography, chemistry, etc .;
  • philological sector - various foreign languages, native language and literature;
  • humanitarian direction - economics, law, historical sciences, etc .;
  • other items - art and, BJD.

This year, the Ministry of Education officially announced 97 Olympiads, which will be held in all regions of Russia from 2017 to 2018 (9 more than last year).

Benefits for winners and runners-up

Each Olympiad has its own level: I, II or III. Level I is the most difficult, but it gives its diploma holders and prize-winners the most advantages when entering many prestigious universities in the country.

Benefits for winners and runners-up come in two categories:

  • admission without exams to the selected university;
  • awarding the highest USE score in the discipline in which the student received a prize.

The most famous state competitions of the I level include the following Olympiads:

  • St. Petersburg Astronomical;
  • "Lomonosov";
  • St. Petersburg State Institute;
  • "Young talents";
  • Moscow school;
  • "Highest test";
  • "Information Technology";
  • "Culture and Art", etc.

Olympiads II level 2017-2018:

  • Herzenovskaya;
  • Moscow;
  • "Eurasian Linguistic";
  • "Teacher of the school of the future";
  • Lomonosov Tournament;
  • TechnoCup, etc.

Competitions of the III level of 2017-2018 include the following:

  • "Star";
  • "Young talents";
  • Scientific works competition "Junior";
  • Energy Hope;
  • "Step into the Future";
  • "Ocean of Knowledge", etc.

According to the Order "On Amendments to the Procedure for Admission to Universities", the winners or awardees of the final stage have the right to enter any university without entrance tests in the direction corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. At the same time, the correlation between the direction of training and the profile of the Olympiad is determined by the university itself and without fail publishes this information on its official website.

The right to use the benefit remains with the winner for 4 years, after which it is canceled and the receipt takes place on a general basis.

Preparation for the Olympiads

The standard structure of Olympiad tasks is divided into 2 types:

  • testing theoretical knowledge;
  • the ability to translate theory into practice or demonstration of practical skills.

A decent level of training can be achieved with the help of the official website of the Russian State Olympiads, which contains the tasks of the past rounds. They can be used both to test your knowledge and to identify problem areas in training. There, on the website, you can clarify the dates of the tours and get acquainted with the official results.

Video: tasks for the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren appeared on the network

The initial and very important stage of student Olympiads isschool , in which the maximum number of willing students of grades 7-11 takes part. It is after the school stage that the most prepared students are identified, from which they then form teams for participation in regional (republican) Olympiads.




Analytical round tasks for grade 7

You will have 90 minutes to complete ALL the tasks of the analytical round.

The task includes 5 tasks.

The maximum total score for solving all problems is 50.

Exercise 1.

These natural objects have different origins: they can be volcanic, continental, coral. They are located singly or form groups. In terms of size, there are large and small ones. Some of them host states. What natural object do you think you are talking about? (2 points)

What is the name of the group of these objects? (2 points) What is the name of the largest of all that exists on Earth? (2 points) Where is it located? (2 points) Name any (as you know) of those that relate to Russia. (2 points).

Number of points – 10

Task 2.

Write who:

1. Proved that the Earth has the shape of a ball _______________________________________________

2. Gave a name to the science you are studying now ______________________________________

3. For the first time applied the scale and sides of the horizon _____________________________________

4. Made the first real map _________________________________________________

5. "Walked" around Antarctica _____________________________________________________

6 conquered the North Pole (1909) ___________________________________________________

7. Reached the South Pole _________________________________________________________

8 sank to the bottom of the Mariana Trench (1960) _______________________________________

9.After the trip I wrote: "The Book", which entered the Golden Fund of World Literature ____________________________________________________________________

10 he opened the sea route to India _________________________________________________

The number of points is 10.

Task 3.

Write what it is called (definition words):

1.The continuous process of moving water from the ocean to land through the atmosphere and from land to the ocean ____________________________________________________________________________

2.Relatively small areas of land surrounded on all sides by water _____________________________________________________________________________

3.Parts of the ocean or sea, deeply protruding into the land, but freely connecting with the ocean (sea) __________________________________________________________________________

4. The main part of the hydrosphere, which covers almost ¾ of the earth's surface _____________________________________________________________________________

5.A place at a depth where a rupture and displacement of rocks during an earthquake is formed _____________________________________________________________________________

6.Hot gushing spring ________________________________________________

7.Marphic rock formed from sandstone _____________________________________________________________________

8. Magma poured out to the surface __________________________________________________

9.The densest layer of the atmosphere ___________________________________________________

10.A device for measuring atmospheric pressure ______________________________________________________________________

The number of points is 10.

Task 4.

In the above figures, you can see country images and figures describing

These countries.

  1. Enter the name of the country in the empty fields under each outline; under each figure - an explanatory caption, what (or who) is in the image.
  2. Enter the numbers of the figures in the second column of the table so that meaningful pairs "country - figure" are formed. Explain why you did this.

An object



The number of points is 10.

Task 5.

Russian geographers-travelers not only explored the territory of Russia, but also made a significant contribution to the discovery and knowledge of the globe. Identify the gaps in the text about Russian researchers and their contribution to the history of geographical discoveries of the world. Back in the Middle Ages, Novgorodians sailed across the Arctic Ocean to the island of Grumant, which today is called ____ (1) and belongs to the state ____ (2). One of the first geographical descriptions, compiled by the Russian merchant ____ (3), is the book "Walking the Three Seas", in which the author tells about his journey to ____ (4) in 1468-1474. In the XVII century. Russian navigators F. Popov and ____ (5) discovered the strait between Asia and America, which today is called the ____ (6) strait, and the extreme eastern point of Eurasia, with geographical coordinates ____ (7), bears the name of one of these researchers. In honor of the Russian traveler, the northernmost point of Eurasia is also named - ____ (8) on the ____ peninsula (9). Russian navy officer Vitus Bering and his assistant ____ (10) led the Great Northern Expedition, during which, in addition to modern Russian territories and waters in the Pacific Ocean, the Aleutian Islands archipelago, which today belong to the US state, was explored.

The number of points is 10.



Test round assignments for 7th grade

You will have 45 minutes to complete ALL the tasks of the test round.

The sum of points for ALL correct answers to the tests is 15.

1. Which statement about geographical differences in the length of day and night on Earth is correct?

A) The length of the day in the tropics is always greater than the length of the night.

B) The longest polar day is observed at the Antarctic Circle.

C) The longest polar night is observed in the Arctic Circle.

D) The length of the day at the equator is always equal to the length of the night.

2. In which of the listed countries of Eurasia, it rarely rains in the summer?

A) India B) Spain

C) Japan D) Norway.

3. The first Europeans to discover the eastern shores of North America were:

A) the Dutch.

B) Portuguese

C) Normans

D) Spaniards

4. At present, the zones of rift faults of the earth's crust on land are most pronounced on the continents:

A) North America and South America B) Australia and Africa

C) Africa and Eurasia D) Eurasia and South America.

5. Which ocean basin does the Mediterranean Sea belong to?

A) Indian

B) Quiet

B) Atlantic

D) Arctic

6. What natural zone is characterized by such formation conditions as constantly high temperatures all year round, a large amount of atmospheric precipitation that falls all year round and every day:

A) tundra; B) taiga; B) steppe; D) humid equatorial forests.

7. In which mountain system the number of high-altitude natural belts will be greater:

A) Ural Mountains;

B) Himalayas;

C) Sayan;

D) Scandinavian mountains.

8. The average salinity of the World Ocean is:

A) 42 ‰; B) 20 ‰; B) 35 ‰; D) 7 ‰;

9. Identify the highest mountain lake in South America.

A) Titicaca

B) Maracaibo

C) Victoria

10. Choose the correct statement about the circulation of air masses by seasons in the subtropical climate zone:

A) tropical air masses dominate in winter and summer;

B) in winter - moderate air masses, in summer - tropical;

C) in winter - tropical air masses, in summer - moderate;

D) in winter - tropical air masses, in summer - equatorial.

11. This tree is famous for its unusual proportions. It is one of the thickest trees in the world - with an average trunk circumference of 9-10 m, its height is only 18-25 m (the Guinness Book of Records for 1991 tells about a tree with a diameter of as much as 54.5 m). At the top, the trunk is divided into thick, almost horizontal branches, forming a large, up to 38 m in diameter, crown. In the dry season, in winter, when the tree sheds its foliage, it takes on the curious look of a tree growing with its roots up. What tree are we talking about:

A) sequoia;

B) Velvichia;

C) baobab;

D) eucalyptus?

12. Choose the correct statement that lists the continents as their area increases:

A) Australia, Antarctica, North America, South America, Africa, Eurasia;

B) Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Australia;

B) Australia, Antarctica, South America, Africa, North America, Eurasia;

D) Australia, Antarctica, South America, North America, Africa, Eurasia.

13. Who was the first to reach the South Pole?

A) D. Cook

B) R. Amundsen

C) I.F. Kruzenshtern

14. Three voyages in the Pacific Ocean were conducted by an English navigator

A) Vasco da Gama

B) D. Cook

C) Thor Heyerdahl

15. If the named scale of the map is 1 cm 300 kilometers, then the numerical scale

A) 1: 30,000

B) 1: 300,000

B) 1: 3,000,000

D) 1: 30,000,000


the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography

Using these descriptions, answer the questions.

1. What city are we talking about?

2. What features of the geographical location and historical events allowed this city to become a major port?

3. Name the peninsula A, bays C and D, strait B, island D.

4. What city is this city usually compared to?

5. What international meeting took place on D Island?

6. What animal is on the coat of arms of the city?

7. In the subject of the Russian Federation, the center of which is city A, they extract, among other things:

A) polymetallic ores

B) iron ores

C) nepheline

D) nickel ores

Task 4. In recent years, even in relatively calm European countries, territorial conflicts on ethnic and confessional grounds have escalated. Some of them are proceeding peacefully, in other regions there are separatist armed organizations aiming at expanding autonomy or obtaining state sovereignty. Using your knowledge of the ethnic map of Europe and the current geopolitical situation in European countries, fill in the blanks in the table "Territorial conflicts and disputes in Europe".

Organizations fighting for their rights

The essence and nature of the conflict

Main city (s) of the conflict zone *

IRA (Irish Liberation Army)

Conflict between the central authorities of the country ... and local authorities in Northern Ireland, as well as between the Catholic and Protestant population of the island

ETA ("Fatherland and Freedom of the Basques")

National Liberation Front of Corsica

Striving to achieve political independence, recognition of the Corsicans as a people, expansion of the autonomy of Corsica

Republican Party of Catalonia

Serbia (Republic of Kosovo)

Kosovo and Metohija

Kosovo Liberation Army

* - it is enough to indicate one city, which is the economic and / or administrative center of the territory

Task 5. Below are four hydrographs of different rivers in Russia. A hydrograph is a graph showing the change in water flow rates over the course of a year. The horizontal scale shows the time (in Roman numerals - the months of the year), the vertical, how many times the water consumption at a given time exceeds the average annual. It is quite obvious that the water discharge will change in proportion to the water level in the watercourse. The discharge and water level are closely related to the water regime of the river: the highest discharge will be observed during floods and floods, the lowest - during low-water periods.

Your task is to match each of the drawings with the type of hydrograph and the river to which it corresponds. For each of the figures (types of hydrograph), highlight the features of the water regime (power sources, peak or extended floods, how many low water periods during the year, the presence and causes of floods).

Types of hydrographs:

Example. Eastern European type of hydrograph (index N, Oka river). Features: high short floods due to the predominance of snow supply, winter and summer low-water periods, irregular low floods due to summer and autumn rainfall

Types of hydrographs:

1) Kazakh (upper reaches of the Tobol river)

Hydrograph pictures:

"All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in GEOGRAPHY Regional stage of the 2016/2017 academic year Tasks of the first round for grades 10-11 BEFORE COMPLETING THE TASK CAREFULLY READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON ..."

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in GEOGRAPHY

Regional stage

2016/2017 academic year

First round tasks

for 10-11 grades



4 hours (240 minutes) are allotted to complete all tasks of the 1st round.

The task includes 5 tasks.

Maximum score for solving each problem (correct and

complete answers) is 10 points.

The maximum total score for solving all problems is 50.

The use of any reference material is NOT allowed.

Any communication devices are NOT allowed.

Use the answer sheets you received to answer.

Write down personal data only on the title page, do not sign the rest of the sheets on which you will write answers to problems.

Do NOT use the assignment sheets for the answer, hand them in together with the answer sheets.

Drafts are not reviewed or evaluated.

Problem 1. The graphs in Figure 1 show the flow distribution (as a percentage of the annual) for four large rivers in the Northern Hemisphere.

A. Correlate the graphs with the data and information given in Table 1.

Identify these rivers and answer the additional questions highlighted in bold in Table 1.

B. For each of the four rivers, name the months in which the maximum flow is observed1. Explain what peculiarities of feeding of each river determine seasonal fluctuations in water discharge.

C. Most often, the reservoirs created during the construction of hydroelectric power plants on rivers with pronounced seasonal fluctuations in runoff are filled in the most full-flowing phase of the water regime. Then the accumulated volume of water is consumed during low water periods. But the reservoirs in the middle course of one of the four rivers that are discussed in the problem, on the contrary, are filled during low water periods.

What river are we talking about? What is the physical and geographical feature of its basin?

Rice. 1 Discharge in hydrology is the volume of water flowing through the cross-section of a watercourse per unit of time.

Table 1. Characteristics of four rivers in the Northern Hemisphere * Average Length, annual number Information about the river and additional question thous.

km runoff, km3 Floods are frequent on this river, and its bed is subject to deformation. The flood, artificially caused by the destruction of the dam in 1938, is called "the largest act of 157 5.5 environmental warfare in history."

The offensive of the troops of which country was to stop this artificial flood?

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* Approximate values ​​of the main parameters.

** From the source of another river, the continuation of which is considered to be river 3, about 2.6 thousand km.

Problem 2. Read an excerpt from the description of the journey of Afanasy Nikitin.

A. List, in the order of the following along the route, the modern foreign states, the territory of which Afanasy Nikitin visited on his way back home from India.

B. On what seas, bays and straits did the sea part of the return route of Afanasy Nikitin pass? Which of these waters is the deepest and which is the shallowest? Where is the salinity of surface waters the highest and where is the lowest?

Q. What time of year did he most likely begin his journey home? What natural factors favored this? At what time of the year does the “third sea” that Afanasy Nikitin swam across most often get stormy?

D. Through what mountains did Afanasy Nikitin's path run to his homeland? List them in the order you follow the route. What is the tallest mountain system that he could see on the way home, and include the name and absolute height of its main peak.

“And sitting in Tava3 and agreeing on the ship's payment, I gave 2 gold pieces from my head to Hormuz ... And I sailed in Tava on the sea for a month and did not see anything, only the next month I saw the Ethiopian mountains ... ... And in that Ethiopian land there were 5 days ... By God's grace, evil did not happen, we distributed a lot of rice, pepper, bread to the Ethiopians - and they did not rob the court. And from there he sailed for 12 days to Muscat ... And he sailed to Hormuz for 9 days and was in Hormuz for 20 days. From Hormuz I went to Lara and stayed in Lara for 3 days. From Lara I went to Shiraz, 12 days, and in Shiraz I was 7 days. And from Shiraz I went to Aberkuh, 15 days, and in Aberkuh I was 10 days. And from Aberkuh I went to Yazd, 9 days, and in Yazd was 8 days. And from Yazd I went to Ispagani, 5 days, and in Ispagan was 6 days. And from Ispagan I went to Kashan, and in Kashan I was 5 days. And from Kashan he went to Kum, and from Kuma he went to Sava. And from Sava he went to Sultania. And from Sultania I went to Tabriz. And from Tabriz he went to the horde to Hasan-bek, stayed in the horde for 10 days, since there was no way anywhere. And Hasan-bek sent his rats against the Turkish Sultan 40 thousand, and they took Sivas; and Tokat was taken and burned, Amasya was taken and plundered many villages there. And they went, fighting, to Karaman. And I went from the horde to Arzinjan, and from Arzinjan I went to Trebizond.

And he came to Trebizond ... and stayed in Trebizond for 5 days. And, having come to the ship, he conspired about the payment - to give from his head a gold one to Kafa ... By God's grace I swam to the third sea, ... in Persian the sea of ​​Istanbul. ... He sailed by the sea in the wind for 5 days and reached Vonada, but then we were met by a strong wind from the north and brought us back to Trebizond. And we stood in Platan for 15 days because of the strong and evil wind. From Platana they went out to the sea twice, but the evil wind that met us prevented us from walking along the sea ... And the sea, Was, sailed, but brought us to Balaklava, and from there to Gurzuf, and stood here for 5 days.

By the grace of God I sailed to Kafa ... "

Sailing vessel.

Problem 3. Any lake has a drainage basin (catchment) - the territory from which all surface waters flow into this particular reservoir.

On a fragment of a topographic map of one of the regions of the European part of Russia on the answer sheet, draw with a fountain pen with a solid line the boundaries of the watershed of Lake Kekozero.

For this, use a cartographic image of the relief and other terrain features. Please note that a river or stream that flows out of a body of water cannot belong to its drainage basin.

Calculate the catchment area within the contour you draw to the nearest 1 km2, assuming that the length of one side of the grid square on the map is 1 km.

Calculate how much water (in m3) the lake receives from its catchment area on average per year, if it is known that the average annual surface runoff layer in this region is 300 mm.

After carefully reviewing the map, answer additional questions.

What types of vegetation typical for this natural zone are common in the drainage basin of Lake Kekozero?

According to the data available on the map, give a description of the type of vegetation prevailing in this area.

What changes in the vegetation cover of the watershed of Lake Kekozero have been made by human activities?

What types of economic activities, in your opinion, most of all negatively affect the ecological state of the lakes of approximately the same area as Lake Kekozero, located near the point with coordinates 56 ° N. 72 ° E? Briefly describe the mechanism of this influence.

Objective 4. The report of the United Nations Agriculture and Food Organization (FAO) "World Forest Resources Assessment 2010" provides data on the magnitude and rate of deforestation by countries of the world.

Table 2 provides some information from this report for three countries located in different parts of the world. Most of the forests in all of them belong to the same natural zone. Using these tables and additional country information, identify them and answer the following questions.

A. Which natural area are the forests that are most affected by the decline in these three countries?

B. The expansion of the cultivated area of ​​which crop is leading to a large-scale reduction in the forest area in the country 1? What are the reasons for the growth in demand for this culture?

Q. Which crops, which are used as raw materials for the production of feed for livestock and poultry, as well as vegetable oil, occupy most of the area cleared from forests in country 2? What kind of industrial raw materials were exported from the forests of this country at the beginning of the twentieth century?

D. List other types of economic activity, in addition to mining, which are the main reasons for the decline in forest area in the country 3.

Table 2. Data from FAO's World Forest Resources Assessment.

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Additional country information:

In country 1, deforestation is mainly associated with the expansion of the area of ​​perennial agricultural plantations, the gross harvest of which has grown almost 25 times over the past three decades. Country 1 is the world leader in the production of this culture, originating from another part of the world.

In country 2, deforestation occurs mainly in its eastern lowland part, where commercial agriculture has been spreading in recent decades. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, valuable industrial raw materials were mined in the forests in the north of this country, which were exported. However, in 1903, the territory where the extraction of this raw material was carried out was transferred to the neighboring state.

In country 3, one of the reasons for deforestation is the extraction of minerals (primarily diamonds and copper ore). The reduction in the area of ​​forests in this country, in particular, poses a threat to the habitat of a rare species of animals, which are the largest representatives of the order of primates.

Objective 5. The 2018 FIFA World Cup matches will be played in Russia at 12 stadiums located in 11 cities.

According to the organizers, more than 2% of the residents of all cities hosting the tournament will be able to accommodate in the stands of the championship stadiums at a time.

A. In which cities hosting the World Cup matches will the stands of the tournament stadiums be able to accommodate the largest proportion of residents? What is the smallest?

List, in no particular order, the three leading cities and three outsider cities of this "rating".

B. What is the largest city in Russia in terms of population that does NOT host World Cup matches?

The data on the capacity of the stadium stands are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Capacity of stadiums for the 2018 FIFA World Cup

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B. Water areas:




The deepest - ________________________

The smallest - _________________________

The most salty - ________________________

The sweetest - ________________________

Q. At what time of the year did Afanasy Nikitin's journey home most likely begin?


What natural factors favored this?


At what time of the year does the “third sea” that Afanasy Nikitin swam across most often get stormy?


G. Mountains (mountain systems):







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Task element Answer Lake catchment area Kekozero, km The volume of water that the lake receives on average per year with surface runoff, m3 Type of zonal vegetation characteristic of a given natural zone Characteristics of zonal vegetation Changes that have been introduced into the vegetation cover by human activities Types of economic activities that most negatively affect the ecological state of lakes near the point with coordinates 56 ° N. 72 ° E

The mechanism of this influence

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Answers on questions:

A. _________________________________________________________________________________



B. _________________________________________________________________________________



V. _________________________________________________________________________________



G. _________________________________________________________________________________



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