Home Useful properties of fruits Choose the correct judgments about the political system of society. Test "Political system of society" test in social studies (grade 11) on the topic. What is a proportional electoral system: signs, advantages and disadvantages

Choose the correct judgments about the political system of society. Test "Political system of society" test in social studies (grade 11) on the topic. What is a proportional electoral system: signs, advantages and disadvantages


Political system of society- it is a system of social institutions of a state-organized society that carry out certain political functions; includes the state, parties, trade unions, organizations and movements with political goals.

The structure (components) of the political system of society

· Institutional (organizational): state, parties, pressure groups, media, church;

· normative: political, legal, moral norms, customs, traditions;

· communicative: forms of interaction between the authorities, society, individuals (press conferences, meetings with the population, appearances in the media);

· cultural: political ideology, political culture;

· functional: means and ways of exercising power (consent, authority, coercion, persuasion, etc.).

Functions of the political system

· integration: unification of all elements of the social structure into a social whole on the basis of values, ideals, as the political elite understands them;

· goal-setting: defining the goals and objectives of the development of society

· organizational: mobilization of human, material and spiritual resources to fulfill the goals and objectives of society;

· regulatory: ensuring public recognition of politics and power, ensuring the political participation of citizens;

· controlling: control and resolution of conflicts in society.

1. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "political institution".

Parties, social movements, the banking system, the state, the electoral system, non-governmental organizations.

Find and specify a term that is not related to the concept of "political institution".

Answer: _______________________

2. Characterization of the political system of society requires consideration of its individual components. Find in the list below the characteristics of the normative subsystem of the political system of society and write down numbers under which they are indicated.

1) political traditions 2) party charter

3) political ideals 4) party program

5) mass media 6) political culture

3. The cultural subsystem of the political system includes

1) parties and social and political movements

2) views, slogans, ideas, concepts, theories

3) the state and its bodies

4) constitutions and laws

5) political ideology

4. Find in the list below the elements of the normative subsystem of the political system. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Constitution

2) the state

3) political ideology

4) international legal documents

6) political parties

Answer: ________

5. Choose the correct judgments about the political system and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The political system carries out the integration, activation and mobilization of large social groups, the political socialization of citizens.

2) The political system of society includes political parties.

3) The political system of a society is a stable form of relations, with the help of which power decisions are made and implemented in practice for a given society.

5) Values, political ideologies, religions, etc. refer to the institutional (organizational) subsystem of the political system.

Answer: _________.

6. Choose the correct judgments about the political system of society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The political system of society determines the possibilities for the socio-political activity of citizens and organizations ..

2) The composition of the political system of society may include public organizations.

3) The political system regulates the political process.

4) Political scientists distinguish between majority and proportional political systems.

5) Social norms (legal, political, moral, etc.) refer to the institutional (organizational) subsystem of the political system.

Answer: _________.

7. Choose the correct judgments about the political system of society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The political system is designed to reflect the diverse interests of social groups that directly or through their organizations and movements have an impact on state power.

2) The political system of any society is stable and not subject to change for a long time.

3) The political system performs the function of determining the goals and directions of development of society and the state.

4) Values, political ideologies refer to the cultural subsystem of the political system.

5) In the political system of a modern democratic society, political power is concentrated exclusively in the hands of the state.

Answer: _________.

8. Choose correct judgments about the political system of society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The political system of society is a stable form of social relations, within the framework of which power decisions are made and implemented.

2) Political scientists distinguish between majority and proportional political systems.

3) Political values, ideologies refer to the communicative subsystem of the political system of society.

4) The political system mobilizes large social groups to achieve socially significant goals.

5) Within the framework of the political system of society, citizens are attracted to participate in politics.

Answer: _________.

9. Choose the correct statements about the subsystems of the political system. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) The relationship between the executive and legislative authorities in the preparation of the state budget is a component of the institutional subsystem of the political system of society.

2) Liberal political ideology is a component of the cultural subsystem.

3) An example of a functional subsystem of a political system is the private television channel "Strana Native" mass media.

4) The Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” is an element of the normative subsystem of the political system.

5) The institutional subsystem of the political system of society includes political parties.

Answer: _________.

The concept of a political system, along with political power, is today one of the central concepts in political science. It does not have a single definition, like other concepts. And this is understandable: the diversity of ideas about politics cannot but give rise to a variety of ideas about everything that is connected with it. The term "political system" consists of two words, and its content is determined by the application of the concept of system to the political sphere. Where does the political begin and where does it end? Where is the border that separates political and non-political phenomena: activity, power, processes, systems?

There is no doubt that everything political in one way or another is connected with the state, with state power. Parties are created to compete for seats in parliament. A leader becomes political only when he aspires to a leading position in a state institution or achieves something from the state. Any policy would have lost its meaning if it were not for the state.

But it is equally obvious that not everything that is state is political. Many functions related to the organization of the internal activities of state institutions are clearly non-political in nature. Only the public activity of the state can be political, i.e. such activities that affect the interests of wide strata or large social groups. But in the public activity of the state there are spheres that we do not attribute to politics. This is public administration in the interests of the whole society. It is not customary to refer to the political sphere as the organization of health care, public education, traffic and much more. Only where the interests of various social groups are coordinated with the help of the state or the interests of some groups are realized through the state to the detriment of others, does politics begin. In state activities, it is necessary, therefore, to distinguish between political and non-political (technological) management.

(About F. Shabrov)

21. How does the author explain the lack of a unified definition of the political system? What political institutions are named in the text (list any two political institutions)? In what situation does the leader, according to the author, become political?

23. The author discusses the components of the institutional / organizational subsystem. Using social science knowledge and facts of social life, name any two other subsystems of the political system of society. Illustrate with examples of each of these subsystems. (Name the subsystem first, then give an example.)

24. The author does not attribute the organization of public health education to the political sphere. Based on the facts of public life, make two assumptions about the situations in which these issues may become political, and explain your assumptions.

The whole life of people is inextricably linked with power, which is the most powerful means of protecting human interests, implementing people's plans, settling their contradictions and conflicts. The key type of power - political power - has significant constructive abilities, it is the most powerful source of the development of society, a tool with which social changes take place. However, political power can not only create or unite society, but also destroy certain social orders, lead to destructive consequences. It can be a cruel and unjust force, a kind of evil demon of society, shaking its foundations and cutting off the destinies of countries and peoples.

By its nature and origin, power as such is a social phenomenon. Developing and existing in various areas of human life, it is able to manifest itself in various spheres of social life and in different forms: either as a moral authority, or in the form of economic or informational domination, or in the form of legal coercion, etc. At the same time, power can differ in volume (family, international, etc.), in object (personal, party, public, etc.), in the nature of its application (democratic, bureaucratic, despotic, etc.) and on other grounds.

Being an integral part of social life, power develops in the process of evolution of the human community, acquiring certain forms depending on the various stages of historical evolution and social changes. As an indispensable companion of the development of society, power emerged long before the emergence of the state and its political sphere.

Since the formation of the state, i.e. over the past five thousand years, power has existed in its political, public form. Moreover, the initial, patriarchal (traditional) forms of political power seriously differed from its modern forms. In particular, in the political space of that time, there were no intermediaries between the population and state structures, the institution of separation of powers, or any elements of political competition.


21. What are the positive aspects of the impact of power on public life are given in the text? (Name any two sides.) What forms of manifestation of power did the author name? (Please specify any three forms.) How, in the author's opinion, is the development of power related to the development of society?

22. Drawing on social science knowledge and facts of social life, explain the meaning of the concept of "political power". What is the key feature of political power since the formation of the state named in the text? What are the three criteria for distinguishing types of power mentioned in the text?

23. Using the facts of public life, give three examples that support the author's idea that political power is "the most powerful source of development of society." (First, state the action of political power, then the result of that action.)

24. Using text, social science and facts of public life, give three reasons for the importance of political competition.

Political system of society Is a set of interactions (relations) of political subjects, organized on a specific normative-value basis, associated with the exercise of power and management of society

1. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "political system of society"? Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the subsystems of the political system, and one sentence revealing the essence of any subsystem of the political system.

2. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "political system of society"? Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the institutions of the political system, and one sentence revealing the role of the media in the political system of society.

3. Name any three structural components of a political system and illustrate each component with an example.

4. Name and illustrate the three functions of the political system

5. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The political system and its role in society." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

6. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Subsystems of the political system of society, their interconnection." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

7. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Elements of the political system of society, their relationship." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

8. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Political institutions of modern society." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

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Test "PSO" Social studies, grade 11, profile

Marking rates. Tasks 2,4,7 - 1b each Tasks 1,3,6,5, 8-15 - 2b each Tasks 16.17 - 4b each "5" - 35-32b "4" - 31-25b "3" - 24 -18b

1. Choose the correct statements about the subsystems of the political system. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) The relationship between the executive and legislative authorities in the preparation of the state budget is a component of the institutional subsystem of the political system of society. 2) Liberal political ideology is a component of the cultural subsystem. 3) An example of a functional subsystem of a political system is the private television channel "Strana Native" mass media. 4) The Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” is an element of the normative subsystem of the political system. 5) The institutional subsystem of the political system of society includes political parties.

2. Find a concept that is generalizing for all the other concepts in the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated. 1) a political party; 2) social and political organization; 3) political traditions; 4) party program; 5) the political system of society.

3. Choose the correct judgments about the political system of society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) The political system of society determines the possibilities for the socio-political activity of citizens and organizations. 2) The composition of the political system of society may include public organizations. 3) The political system regulates the political process. 4) Political scientists distinguish between majority and proportional political systems. 5) Social norms (legal, political, moral, etc.) refer to the institutional (organizational) subsystem of the political system.

4 . Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, characterize the concept of "rule of law". 1) the rule of law; 2) one-party system; 3) separation of powers; 4) human rights; 5) mutual responsibility of the individual and the state; 6) the supremacy of the legislative branch. Find two terms that "fall out" of the general row, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

5 . Choose the correct judgments about power and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) Power is the ability of one side (individual or group) to influence the behavior of the other side, regardless of whether the latter is ready for cooperation or not. 2) Any power presupposes a certain inequality in the relationship between the ruling and the subordinate. 3) According to the degree of institutionalization, power is democratic, authoritarian, etc. 4) According to the regime of government, power is allocated to government, city, school, etc. 5) The goal of political power is to consolidate society to solve important social problems.

6. Choose the correct judgments about the political system of society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) Political scientists distinguish the traditional, market and command-administrative (planned) types of the political system of society. 2) The political system of society performs the function of identifying and formulating the powerfully significant interests of large social groups. 3) The state, political parties, public organizations belong to the normative subsystem of the political system of society. 4) The political system performs the function of determining the goals and directions of development of society and the state. 5) The political system of society performs the function of forming public opinion.

7. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are the names of subsystems of the political system of society. institutional; 2) electoral; 3) communicative; 4) cultural and ideological; 5) regulatory; 6) proportional. Find two terms that "fall out" of the general row, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

8. Choose correct judgments about the structure of the political system of society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) The state is an element of the institutional subsystem of the political system of society. 2) Various political ideologies belong to the communicative subsystem of politics. 3) Regulation of the political process on the basis of various social norms is an important function implemented by the components of the political system related to the cultural subsystem. 4) The elements of the institutional subsystem of the political system of society include public organizations. 5) Organization of political dialogue is one of the functions of the communicative subsystem.

nine . (twenty). “Political power, like any other power, means the ability and right of some social subjects to exercise their __ (A) in relation to others, to command and control others, relying on power, authority and law. Political power is always exercised by a minority, __ (B). This type of power arises on the basis of the connection, the interconnection of two components: people who concentrate power in themselves, and __ (B), through which power is realized. The hallmarks of political power include __ (G) (universality), the obligatory nature of its decisions for the whole society and, accordingly, for all other types of power; political power acts on the basis of __ (D) on behalf of the whole society and is obligatory for all. Another sign is __ (E) in the use of force and other means to provide organized coercion within the country. " 1) publicity 2) legality 3) political party 4) Organization 5) separation of powers 6) law 7) will 8) Lawmaking 9) political elite

10. Establish a correspondence between the components of the political system and specific examples illustrating them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. EXAMPLES OF POLITICAL SYSTEM COMPONENTS A) state 1) institutional B) interaction of parties and institutions of civil society 2) communicative B) Mass media 3) normative D) political values ​​4) cultural E) ways of mass political behavior E) laws on elections of deputies

11. Political reform in country Z contributed to the development of democracy. What changes in the life of society directly reflect this process? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) the abolition of the obligatory official ideology 2) the permission of the political opposition 3) the election of the president on an alternative basis 4) the adoption of new laws 5) the closure of non-state educational institutions 6) the transition to a unitary form of the state

12. Characteristics of the political system of society requires consideration of its individual components. Which of the following refers to the normative subsystem of the political system of society? 1) political traditions 2) party charter 3) political ideals 4) party program 5) mass media 6) political culture

13. Choose the correct judgments about the political system of society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) The political system is designed to reflect the diverse interests of social groups that directly or through their organizations and movements have an impact on state power. 2) The political system of any society is stable and not subject to change for a long time. 3) The political system performs the function of determining the goals and directions of development of society and the state. 4) Values, political ideologies refer to the cultural subsystem of the political system. 5) The political system performs the function of nominating political leaders, training personnel for the state apparatus and political organizations.

14. Choose the correct judgments about political power and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) Political power is the ability of one person or a group of persons to control the behavior of citizens, society as a whole, based on national or national tasks. 2) The legality of power is manifested in its unofficial approval by society due to its attractive features. 3) The emergence of political power is due to the need for the regulation of social relations, authoritative resolution of social conflicts. 4) Political power is both an instrument of domination and an effective means of integrating society and maintaining public order. 5) The charismatic type of legitimacy of power is based on the belief in the sacredness of traditions and the right to rule of those who have received power in accordance with this tradition.

15. The goal of any __ (A) is power - influence on it or participation in it. However, the content of power is not contained in itself. Power is the interaction of those who exercise it with what in the aggregate constitutes __ (B), in which it is exercised. As a result of their interaction, there is an exchange of activities, __ (B), values, information. Hence, power can be understood through connection with what is not power. Moreover, not only does power affect the social environment, but the environment also affects power. Mutual influence can have the character of direct interaction of power and environment on each other on the basis of the fulfillment of __ (D). For example, the state, as the bearer and subject of power, manages the affairs of society, ensures law and order, and citizens recognize __ (D) decisions made by the authorities and carry them out. Consequently, the interaction of power and society determines the __ (E) of the social system, this stability and dynamism. 1) human activity 2) social environment 3) legitimacy 4) political process 5) political activity 6) nature of change 7) political roles 8) political participation 9) resources

16. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "power"? Drawing on your knowledge of your social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about the various sources of power, and one sentence revealing any distinguishing feature of state power.

17. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "political system of society"? Drawing on knowledge of social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the subsystems of the political system, and one sentence, revealing the essence of any subsystem of the political system.

Answers and grading rates. 245 5 123 26 125 24 26 145 794162 124323 123 123 1345 134 529736 "5" - 35-32b "4" - 31-25b "3" - 24-18b

16. Power is the ability and ability to impose one's will, to influence the activities and behavior of other people, even in spite of their resistance. The sources of power mean the means that are used to influence the objects of power in order to achieve the assigned tasks: strength, authority, social status, wealth. Distinctive features of state power: acts as a force that concentrates and symbolizes society as a whole; - a monopoly on the legal use of force ...

17. The totality of norms, institutions, organization, their interaction that make up the political self-organization of society is called a political system. 1. The political system consists of such structural elements as institutional, normative, communicative, cultural, functional. 2. The institutional system includes such political institutions as the state, parties, social and political institutions.

Political electoral system, its key characteristics

Electoral processes are one of the highest priority areas in the development of the political sphere. On the one hand, it is the elections that allow a person with an active civil position to express their opinion and vote for the candidate they like. On the other hand, elections encourage a person to think about the possibility of nominating himself as a candidate, creating an election campaign and choosing ways to implement it.

Definition 1

In the broad sense of this word, the electoral system is a special system of social relations, which are based on the principles of forming elected bodies of state or municipal authorities.

The electoral system includes two main components: the electoral law and the electoral process. Accordingly, the electoral right refers to the theoretical element of the electoral political system, and the electoral process - to the practical implementation.

Definition 2

The right to vote is the ability of any citizen to take part in the formation of elective institutions, that is, any citizen of the state can either elect or be elected himself.

It is customary to include in the electoral law legal norms that regulate the procedure for granting citizens the right to participate in elections and to form government bodies through their preferences, political views and needs.

As for the electoral process, it is a complex of various events. Their key goal is the preparation of elections and their successful holding in accordance with the legislative framework provided by the authorities. The electoral process includes the following components: scheduling elections, organizing polling stations in accordance with general requirements, forming electoral commissions, appointing observers, registering voters, nominating candidates, registering their election campaigns, preparing ballots with the names of all candidates, as well as absentee ballots (according to necessary). The electoral process ends with the counting of votes and summing up the results of the elections.

Features of the proportional electoral system

In a broad sense, the electoral system is the procedure for determining the voting results. Mostly, the results depend on the principle of vote counting, which is provided for in one form or another of the political system. Today, there are three key political electoral systems: majoritarian, proportional and mixed. Let's focus on the second type of electoral system - proportional.

Remark 1

This political system (proportional electoral system) assumes voting by voters on the basis of party lists. After the elections, each political party receives a certain number of seats, which is directly proportional to the gained percentage of votes. For example, if a political party received 50% of the votes in the elections, then in the State Duma it gets half of the seats.

This system has several advantages. One of them is the representation of parties in elected bodies, depending on their actual demand and popularity among voters. This allows:

  • more clearly identify the needs of society,
  • express the interests of each group of society,
  • to intensify the participation of citizens in elections in the political sphere in general.

Differences between proportional and majority systems

In contrast to the proportional electoral system, there is also a majoritarian one. In its conditions, the victory is won by the candidate who gets the most votes. Moreover, the majority can be absolute or relative. An absolute majority is when more than half of the votes are cast for a candidate, and a relative majority is when a candidate receives more votes than others. The disadvantage of this system is that representatives of some parties may not get a seat at all in the government, since they received fewer votes, when, as in the proportional system of representation of parties, they receive the number of seats in accordance with the number of votes they received in elections with sides of voters (percent is transferred to places).

In connection with such differences, many authors and researchers have carried out a comparative analysis of two political systems - proportional and majority. So, it was found that under a proportional system, various parties, including the smallest, still have a chance to get into parliament (not entirely, but only their individual representatives). At the same time, the party retains its name, political views, since it does not have to join other coalitions. It is also very important that in a proportional system, the unification of various interests occurs after the elections. For example, already in parliament, representatives of different parties can unite and create one, whose number and influence will be much greater than if they acted separately.

As for the majoritarian system, under it the unification of different interests and views occurs mainly not after the elections, but before they are held. Also, in order to get a mandate in an electoral district, candidates need a relatively larger number of votes than their rivals. Thirdly, under the majority system, politicians act on the basis of the creation of interest groups by a coalition. It is these processes that further stimulate the existence of a bipartisan system, or how else it is accepted to call it a two-coalition system.

Thus, we can conclude that the proportional system has greater advantages than the majoritarian system, since it opens up more opportunities for both candidates and voters who observe more fair and transparent elections.

Social Science Test "Political Sphere" (Grades 10-11). Option 3

1 Choose correct judgments about the political system of society

    The political system of society is called a stable form of social relations, within the framework of which power decisions are made and implemented.

    Political scientists distinguish between majoritarian and proportional political systems

    Political scientists attribute political values ​​to the communicative subsystem of the political system of society

    The political system of society mobilizes large social groups to achieve socially significant goals

    As part of the political system of society, citizens are attracted to participate in politics.

2. Establish a correspondence between the questions and the subjects of power of the Russian Federation


Subjects of power

A) federal budget

1) only the federal center

B) protection of family, motherhood and childhood

C) judicial system, prosecutor's office

D) environmental protection and environmental safety

E) implementation of measures to combat disasters

3. Country A is a unitary state. What signs allow us to conclude that a democratic political regime has been established in country A?

    the popularly elected president is the head of state

    administrative-territorial units are not endowed with political independence

    the president forms the government

    in country A everything is allowed that is not prohibited by law

    there is a legal political opposition in the country

    the rights and freedoms of citizens are realized in everyday life

4. Which of the following relates to the constitutional obligations of citizens?

    choice of occupation in the profession

    defense of the Fatherland

5. Write down the word missing in the table

Types of electoral systems



The system of forming elected bodies through personal representation, the candidate who receives the majority of votes is considered elected

The system of forming elected bodies of power through party representation

6. Choose the right judgments about political regimes .

    Any undemocratic regime is characterized by a desire to monopolize power and to exercise it uncontrollably by any subject of politics.

    Opposition distinguishes undemocratic from democratic regimes

    The type of political regime is determined by the state of human rights and freedoms, the possibilities of political participation of citizens

    The signs of a political regime include a system of methods for exercising political power

    Political regimes differ depending on the nature of the use of coercive resources of power

7. Set the correspondence


Subjects of power of the Russian Federation

A) federal state property and its management

1) Only the federal center

B) defense and security

2) federal center and subjects of the Russian Federation

C) social protection, including social security

D) cadres of judicial and law enforcement agencies

E) advocacy, notary

8. For 40 years, country A has been ruled by one ruler. The inhabitants of the country are confident in his supernatural genius and heroism. He pays great attention to the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the development of civil society institutions. In communication, he is benevolent, open to criticism. Which of the following characterizes this type of political leadership?

1) regional 3) democratic 5) authoritarian

2) nationwide 4) patriarchal 6) charismatic

9. Choose the correct judgments about the legislative process in the Russian Federation.

    lawmaking is a type of state activity through which the will of the state is expressed in a specific law

    the procedure for adopting laws is fixed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

    in the Russian Federation, only parliamentarians are endowed with the right of legislative initiative

    federal laws are passed by the State Duma

    a law passed by parliament is sent to the President of the Russian Federation

10. Find a concept that is generalized : democracy; parliamentarism; multiparty system; competition of political forces; majority principle

11. Choose the right judgments about the political process

    1. the political process is associated with solving the problem of limited economic resources

      households and firms are subjects of the political process

      in the political process, the relationship between the reformatory and conservative principles is manifested

      at the stage of implementation, the adopted political decisions are clothed in a legitimate form, their address and the circle of persons, organizations responsible for their implementation are determined

      taking into account various circumstances, the subjects of the political process develop alternative options for action to achieve the necessary results

12. Set the correspondence


Subjects of power

A) management of federal property

    Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

B) ensuring the execution of the federal budget

    The State Duma

    RF government

D) declaration of amnesty

E) ensuring the implementation of a unified financial, credit, monetary policy in the Russian Federation

13. Country A is a federal republic. What other signs allow us to conclude that a democratic regime has been established in country A?

    in country A, the rights and freedoms of citizens are guaranteed and protected by law

    the subjects of the federation have a certain political independence

    country A is divided into 15 provinces

    elections are held in country A

    the principle of separation of powers is consistently implemented in the country

    everything is subject to laws, the rule of law is established

14. Which of the following relates to the constitutional obligations of citizens ?

    defense of the Fatherland

    preservation of historical and cultural heritage

    payment of legally established taxes and fees

    participation in the management of state affairs

    employment of adult children

15. Choose the correct judgments about the lawmaking process in the Russian Federation

    all laws of the Russian Federation are adopted by way of a referendum

    consideration of a bill at a plenary session of the State Duma passes three readings, during which amendments are made to its text

    in the Russian Federation the Government has the right to initiate legislation

    bills, as a rule, are submitted to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

    the law signed by the President of the Russian Federation must be promulgated in order to bring information about the new law to the attention of the population

16. Choose correct judgments about political parties and socio-political movements.

    Political parties participate in elections to state and local government bodies

    Social and political movements, in contrast to political parties, set the task of obtaining state power

    In relation to the current government, the ruling and opposition political parties are distinguished.

    Socialist parties proclaim the value of order, tradition and development stability; the inviolability of the moral principles underlying family, religion and property

    Cadre parties are focused on the upcoming elections, are formed around several leaders with a weak organization

17. Establish correspondence


Subjects of power of the Russian Federation

A) resolving issues of granting political asylum

1) President of the Russian Federation

B) the exercise of pardon

2) Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

C) consideration of cases on the compliance of normative acts with a law that has supreme legal force

3) Federation Council

E) approval of changes in the boundaries between the subjects of the Russian Federation

18. Country A held parliamentary elections. Look for traits that indicate that in country A, parliamentary elections are held under the majoritarian system.

    the number of seats won by a party in parliament depends on the percentage of votes cast for party lists in an election.

    There is a possibility of nominating independent non-partisan candidates

    The elections were general, equal, direct, by secret ballot

    The winner is the candidate with the majority of votes in his constituency.

19. What provisions relate to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation ?

    republican form of government

    variety of forms of ownership

    planned economic system

    dominance of the judiciary over the legislative and executive

    establishment of a state religion

20. Choose the correct judgments about the political system of society

    political scientists distinguish the traditional, market and command-administrative (planned) types of the political system of society

    the political system of society performs the function of identifying and formulating the powerfully significant interests of large social groups

    the state, political parties, public organizations belong to the normative subsystem of the political system of society

    the political system of society performs the function of determining the goals and directions of development of society and the state

    the political system of society performs the function of forming public opinion

21. Establish correspondence


Subjects of power of the Russian Federation

A) solving issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation

    Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

B) management of federal property

    RF President

C) the exercise of pardon

    RF government

D) resolution of disputes about competence between federal government bodies

E) development and submission to the State Duma of the federal budget

22. In State A, elections to local self-government bodies are held on a regular basis on a competitive basis. What other signs allow us to conclude that a democratic political regime has been established in State A?

    citizens have the right to freely express their political views

    the head of state is the president

    parliament adopts laws

    the president is elected by the members of parliament

    political opposition operates legally

    periodically there are free and alternative elections to parliament and elections of the head of state

23. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, our country is a state governed by the rule of law. Select the features that characterize the rule of law.

    law supremacy

    mutual responsibility of the state and citizens

    providing state support for families

    strengthening the country's defense

    equality and equality of all citizens before the law

24. Choose the correct judgments about the political system of society

    the political system of society is designed to reflect the various interests of social groups that directly or through their organizations and movements have an impact on state power

    the political system of any type of society is stable and not subject to change for a long time

    the political system performs the function of determining the goals and directions of development of society and the state

    values, political ideologies refer to the cultural subsystem of the political system of society

    the political system of society performs the function of nominating political leaders, training personnel for the state apparatus and political organizations

25. Establish correspondence


Subjects of power

A) consideration of cases on the compliance of normative acts with a law that has supreme legal force

    The State Duma

B) management of federal property

    RF government

C) the appointment of the election of the President of the Russian Federation

    Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

D) development of the federal budget

    Council of the Federation

E) declaration of amnesty

26. State A is a federal democratic state. Find the characteristics of the form of state (territorial) structure A.

    in state A there is a hereditary transfer of power

    the king's power is limited by the laws of the country

    parliamentary elections are held regularly on a competitive basis

    citizens have full rights and freedoms, civil society institutions are developed

    state A includes the territories of subjects with partial sovereignty

    parliament has a bicameral structure, subjects have the right to adopt their own constitutions

27. Choose the right judgments about the political elite

    at the state level, the political elite concentrates in their hands the highest power and managerial powers

    the political elite is a self-regulating community that selectively admits representatives of the bulk of citizens into its midst

    in relation to power, there are progressive and regressive types of political elite

    the political elite is trying to mobilize citizens to solve socially significant problems

    the activities of political elites are determined only by the interests of the majority of the population

28 Establish correspondence


Subjects of power of the Russian Federation

A) judicial system, prosecutor's office

    only federal center

B) coordination of education and health issues

    federal center and subjects of the Russian Federation

C) advocacy, notary

D) state awards and honorary duties of citizens

D) protection of family, paternity, childhood

29. A - political party. What functions can it perform in a democratic society?

    nomination of candidates for elections to local self-government bodies

    expression of opinion of citizens on public life

    leadership of ministries and departments

    regulation of legal relations

    participation in legal proceedings

    political education of citizens

30. All actions, except two, relate to the functions of political parties:

1) participation in elections; 2) the advancement of political ideas, programs, theories; 3) the publication of laws; 4) political socialization of citizens; 5) the establishment of taxes; 6) shaping public opinion
































































on the topic "Political system"

    Analyze judgments about the political system of society and the state. put "+" in front of the number if it is correct, "-" if it is incorrect.




The political system of a society is called a stable form of relations, with the help of which power decisions are made and implemented in practice for a given society.

The functions of the political system include the definition of goals, objectives, ways of development of society, the organization of activities to implement the adopted goals and programs.

The state has the exclusive right to pass laws.

The signs of the state include publicity, sovereignty, the presence of a professional management apparatus.

The state differs from a political party in that it is a political institution.

The state has the right to legally compel citizens to fulfill its will.

The political system carries out the integration, activation and mobilization of large social groups, the political socialization of citizens.

The institutions of the political system of society include social movements and public organizations.

The main features of the state include the presence of political parties.

The external functions of the state include the determination of the general direction of the state's economic policy in accordance with the achieved level of economic development.

2 ... Find a concept that is generalizing for all the other concepts in the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

    political traditions; 2) political ideologies; 3) mass media; 4) the state; 5) the political system of society.

3 ... The term "political system" is used to refer to

    a set of forms, means and methods of exercising political power;

    the totality of interaction of citizens, free from direct control by the state;

    a stable, formalized organization seeking to participate in the exercise of state power;

    the totality of various political institutions and their interactions in which political power is exercised.

4. Establish a correspondence between the elements and subsystems of the political system for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

5. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

The political system includes ______ (a) political power. The relationship between society and the state is characterized by the course of ______ (B). The political system ensures the integration of all elements of society and its very existence as a single, centralized organism controlled by political power, the core of which is ______ (B).

The political system of a society is its political life organized in a special way. It represents the ______ (D) form in which political activity is carried out. The content of political activity is not limited to the power activity of the state. It includes various forms of ______ (D) subjects; various types and methods of political activity. The well-known Western political scientist D. Easton drew attention to the fact that politics in any society is a system of interactions through which the authoritative or binding distribution of ______ (E) in society is carried out and consolidated.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

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