Home Useful properties of fruits German female name. German male names and their meaning. German names and surnames

German female name. German male names and their meaning. German names and surnames

The German people, like any other society, have their own names. According to the German Language Society, in recent years, popular female names are Marie, Sophie, Lena, Emma, ​​Lea / Leah, Anna, Emilie ), Lily (Lilli / Lilly / Lili), Lina (Lina). How do German families choose a name? What is the main focus? First of all, when sorting out German girls' names, many families pay attention to euphony. That is why such names as Louise, Laura, Lena, Lea, Emily are very popular among Germans.

In addition, the popularity of a name is influenced by pop culture and social events. For example, after the victory of Lena Meyer-Landrut at Eurovision, this name was given to almost every third newborn. Fashion also plays an important role, for example, there was a time when there were too many babies named Angelina, Justin and Kevin in kindergartens. However, there are parents who name their children after fictional characters in books or films. And at the same time, the "old-fashioned" German names of girls are becoming popular, the same situation can be observed in Russia. If you want to give your daughter a beautiful German name, then we advise you to use our list.

German girls names:

Agnese - the chaste saint

Clarimondt is a shining protector

Agnet is a chaste saint

Conradine is a courageous advisor

Adala - noble

Cressenz - emerging

Adalwolfa - noble she-wolf

Kunibert - brave bright

Adalheid - a noble species

Kunigand - surviving the war

Adalheidis - noble species

Kate - clean

Adelinde is a noble snake

Latgard - protector of people

Adelinde is a noble snake

Leonor - foreign other

Adelheite - a noble species

Liselot - God is my oath

Aleit - noble species

Lisl - God is my oath

Aloysia is a famous warrior

Lore - laurel

Amalazuinta is a strong worker

Lorelei - muttering rocks

Amalia - work

Lorelei - The muttering of the rock

Angelica - angelic

Luitgard - Protector of the People

Aneli - use grace

Luise is a famous warrior

Annalaisa - the benefit of grace

Mine - helmet

Annalis - the benefit of grace

Malazinta is a strong worker

Annelin - use grace

Malvine - smooth brow

Atala - noble

Margarete - pearls

Barbel - foreign

Mareik - beloved

Bindi is a beautiful snake

Maril - sweetheart

Bridget - majestic

Minna - helmet

Victoria the conqueror

Mirjam - beloved

Wilda - wild

Odila is rich

Wilhelmain - helmet

Odilia is rich

Gabrayale - strong from God

Ortrun - the secret of the point

Ganda - war

Ottild - rich

Gertrudt - the power of the spear

Ottilie is rich

Gratia is pleasing

Raik is a peaceful ruler

Gretta - pearls

Reinhild - Battle Counselor

Dagmar - damsel of the day

Rosemarie - sweetheart

Gerdy - nested citadel

Rupert - famous

Jisela - pledge

Siegild - Struck by Victory

Joseph - she will multiply

Tatyana - father

Zelda - the gray maiden

Teresia the Reaper

Susanne - lily

Freja - Lady Mistress

Yvon - yew tree

Freed - the power of an elf

Yvonet - yew tree

Frock is the little lady

Imk - whole

Hann is a good god

Injeborg - help protection

Hedwig - the fighting war

Irma is a whole universal

Helmain - helmet

Irmgard - universal

Helwidis - very healthy

Irmtrod - totally loved

Hermine - Army Man

Irmtrud - completely loved

Hildegard - battle guard

Kakili - blind

Hildegaird - wrestling

Carlot is a man

Hiltrod - the strength of the battle

Katarina is pure

Elsa - god is my oath

Caitrin - pure

Ermtraud - totally loved

Kinj - withstanding war

Ermtrud - totally loved

Clara - clear bright

Erna - fighting death

Linguists usually divide German names into two main groups. These are groups of names of different origins. The first group includes names of Germanic origin. In the second group, scientists include names borrowed from the Catholic faith. So the Germanic names are considered: Karl, Gertrude, Wolfgang, Ulrich and others. Catholic names include: David, Peter, Michael, Christian and others.

Unlike many countries, it is not customary in Germany to give children fictitious names, although this tradition is gradually being broken. The trend of gaining independence in short forms of names is gaining momentum. Many derivatives of full names are supplanting their parents from everyday life. So the name Heinz, one of the thirty most popular German names, is a short form of the name Heinrich, which is not included in this popularity rating. It should be noted that this trend is worldwide. Another interesting trend is gaining independence in abbreviations of double names. So the name Annamaria became an independent name, and earlier it was an abbreviation for Anna Maria.

Germanic names, despite the interpenetration of cultures, have not received much distribution in the Russian language. What, in principle, can be said about the names of the Slavic countries that did not go further than the Slavic countries. Common and familiar names for both cultures are names of Christian origin. These are the names that are in the Bible, and the names of the saints common to Christians.

German male names have been popular for the last 100 years. 2002 data (30 names).

Thomas / Tomas - Thomas

Wolfgang - Wolfgang

Claus / Klaus - Klaus

Jurgen - Jurgen

Gunter / Gunther - Gunther

Stefan / Stephan - Stefan

Christian / Kristian - Christian

Werner - Werner

Horst - Horst

Frank - Frank

Dieter - Dieter

Manfred - Manfred

Gerhard / Gerhardt - Gerhard

Bernd - Bernd

Thorsten / Torsten - Torsten

Mathias / Matthias - Mathias / Matthias

Helmut / Helmuth - Helmut / Helmuth

Walter / Walther - Walter

Heinz - Heinz

Martin - Martin

Jorg / Joerg - Jorg

Rolf - Rolf

Sven / Swen - Sven

Alexander - Alexander (Russian.

Germany does not keep official statistics on assigned names, for it does the German scientist-enthusiast Knud Bielefeld, who regularly determines the most common German names for babies.

In 2012, he was able to analyze 165,979 birth certificates from all over Germany, which is about 25 percent of all those born in 2012. His estimate is based on publications from 430 different sources, including data from maternity hospitals, clinics and registry offices. We talk about the top three names: the most popular female and male names in Germany in 2012 and we present the TOP-25 names with their spelling in German and Russian.

The most popular German female names

Mia- an abbreviated form from the biblical name Mary. The name Mia was not popular until the 90th year, but since 2007, the name Mia has entered the top 10 most common names among babies. Since 2009, Mia has been the most popular female name in Germany. The name "Mia" is a popular German pop-rock group.

Very often girls were called Emmas at the end of the 19th century. During the 20th century, the name Emma has lost its popularity. The return of the name began in the early 2000s, and for the past 10 years, Emma has been in the top 10 most frequent German names.

German name Hannah is used in two variants - like Hannah and Hanna, with 59% of modern Hannas having an “h” at the end of the name. Since 1979, this name has been gaining popularity, and for the last 15 years it has been liked by most German parents. The result is logical - in schools, Hannah is the most common name.

Most Popular German Male Names

Ben- German male name borrowed from English. Despite the fact that the name Ben is an abbreviated form of Benjamin, the Germans do not use the full form, believing that it is quite normal to write the name Ben on the child's birth certificate. Moreover, many parents give their child a middle name, for example Ben Luka, or Ben Louis. Since 2001, the popularity of the name Ben has not dropped below the top 30.

Luke- the popularity of the name was set by Susan Viga, whose song of the same name entered the charts around the world in 1987. Since then, Luca has been on the rise in the list of preferences of German parents. Luke's name in Germany has long overtaken America in popularity. Luca is the name of the unisex generation: assigned to both girls and boys. Luca's male name originates in the Italian form of the name Lucas. Feminine - to the Catholic Lutz, or Lucia. According to German law, a child does not have to be given a middle name in this case: the overwhelming majority of children with Luke's name are boys.

German name Paul was at the peak of its popularity in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The fashion for names changed, the male name Paul was forgotten to start gaining popularity again, following England, in the late seventies, and to enter the top 30 most popular male German names at the beginning of the 19th century. The meaning of the name Paul is "small". The name takes roots from the ancient Roman Paulus.

The most popular German names among babies in Germany in 2012:

Female names

Male names

Mia Mia Ben Ben
Emma Emma Luca / Luka Luke
Hannah / Hanna Hannah Paul Paul
Lea / Leah Lea Lukas / Lucas Lucas
Sofia / Sophia Sophia Finn / Fynn Finn
Anna Anna Jonas Yohas
Lena Lena Leon Leon
Leonie Leonie Luis / Louis Louis
Lina Lina Maximilian Maximilian
Marie Marie Felix Felix
Emily / Emilie Emily Noah Noah
Emilia Emilia Elias Elias
Lilly / Lilli Lilly Tim Tim
Luisa / Louisa Louise Max Max
Amelie Amelie Julian Julian
Sophie / Sofie Sophie Moritz Moritz
Laura Laura Philipp Philip
Nele / Neele Nele Niklas / Niclas Niklas
Johanna Johanna Jakob / Jacob Jacob
Lara Lara Alexander Alexander
Maja / Maya Maya David David
Sarah / Sara Sarah Jan Yang
Clara / Klara Clara Henry / Henri Henry
Leni Lazy Tom Volume
Charlotte Charlotte Erik / Eric Eric

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German names

German male names and their meaning

German names, that is, the names common in Germany combined Roman (Latin), Greek, Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon names.

Male German names

Alf (Alfred)- council of elves

Adalbert- nobility

Adelmar- noble and famous

Adolf- noble wolf

Alard- noble power

Andreas- courageous

Arman- brave, hardy

Arn- the power of the eagle

Arnold- the power of the eagle

Astor- hawk

Berthold- a bright ruler

Benedict- blessed

Berhard (Berhold)- brave, strong defense

Bolder- prince

Bruns- Brown

Waldemar- owning the world


Wendel- movement, wanderer

Werner- army security

Werther- a worthy army

Wig- abbreviation of longer names starting with "Vigvar"

Wieland- military territory or battlefield

Wilbert- bright fortress

Willie- helmet

William- helmet

Vitold- ruler of the forest

Wolf- Wolf

Wolfgang- wolf road

Hans- the grace of God

Harold- power

Henry- head of the house

George- peasant

Herald- wielding a spear

Hermann- warrior, vigilante

Herbert- bright army

Gotthard- strong by God

Gottlieb- the love of God

Gottfried- God's world

Hugo- soul

Gustav- military council

Gunther- military

Dederic (Dedric)- king of nations

Jacob- oppressor

Gerd- brave spears

Jerfried- the world of the spear

Jerhardt- brave spears

Joseph- it will increase

Jorg- peasant

Dirk- king of nations

Dietlind- gentle person

Dietmar- a famous person

Dietfried- a peaceful person

Ers- bear

Johann- the grace of God

Josef- increase, profit

Johan- the grace of God

Kaiser- Tsar

Charles- courageous, brave

Carsten- follower of Christ

Kert- a bold meeting

Kiefer- Pine

Clos- victory of people

Coleman- pigeon

Conrad- a bold meeting

Christophe- derived from Christ

Lubbert- bright

Lammert- bright lands

Leonard- strong lion

Leopold- brave

Lorenz- from Laurentum

Lutz- famous warrior

Ludwig- famous warrior, glory in battle

Manfred- world of power

Marcus- belligerent

Martin- dedicated to the god of war Mars

Mathis- a gift from God

Michel- godlike, divine

Moritz- black, Moor

Nikolos- victory of people

Eugen- noble

Alberic- elf power

Alberich- elf power

Aldrick- an old ruler who has ruled for a long time

Allard- noble power

Oscar- divine spear

Otto- rich

Ottokar- careful because of wealth

Parsifal- the valley into which they penetrate

Raymond- wise defender

Rainer- wise warrior

Reinhard- wise and strong

Reinhold- wise ruler

Ralph- wise wolf

Rhine- wise

Richard- powerful and brave

Richter- reliable

Robert- bright, shiny

Roger- famous spear

Roland- glory of the country

Roland- glory of the country

Rudolf- Red Wolf

Ruppert- known

Severin- strict

Sigard- enduring victory

Stephen- Crown

Tederic- king of nations

Till- abbreviation of longer names starting with "Till"

Wilfred- will, desire

Ulmanas- complicated

Hugo- child

Walter- the ruler of the army

Watts- prosperity and power

Wendell- movement, wanderer

Falbert- very bright, famous

Fed- peaceful ruler

Ferdinand- army, brave

Fester- from the forest

Florenc- blooming

Franz- free

Frederick- rich

Fritz (Fritz)- peaceful ruler

Hagan- tall son

Heinrich- head of the house

Heinz- home ruler

Hunk- God is kind

Harald- army ruler

Harman- a brave, hardy person

Hartwig- strong battle

Hart- hard

Hartman- strong personality

Hartmut- brave, strong in spirit

Hayden- pagan

Hake- home ruler

Haymeric- home ruler

Hein- home ruler

Hayner- home ruler

Helmuth- brave

Helfried- the world of the helmet

Henning- home ruler

Henrik- home ruler

Herman- army man

Hilbert- bright battle

Hildebrand- sword of battle

Hladwig- famous warrior

Chlodomir- owning the world

Hraban- Crow

Hrodrik- known authority

Hrolf- famous wolf

Schmidt- blacksmith

Eb- strong as a hog

Eberard- strong as a hog

Ebert- strong as a hog

Eberhard- strong as a hog

Ebner- father

Evert- strong as a hog

Edgar- wielding a spear

Edmund- property protection

Edward- guardian of possessions, property

Eckbert- sharp edge of the sword

Eckhard- strong sword

Eldric- old ruler

Emerick- the power of work

Emil- competing

Emmerich- the power of work

Erwin- honoring a friend, friendship

Erdman- strong personality

Erdmuth- brave and brave

Eric- venerable leader

Erich- ruler

Ernst- convinced, serious, fighter against death

Erhard- brave and noble

Etzel- noble

Julius- sheaf

Jurgen- peasant

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German names. German male names and their meaning


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Almost all German names can be divided into two groups. The first group are names that have ancient Germanic roots, and the second group are foreign-language names that were borrowed by the people from the Catholic calendar. Under German law, parents are not allowed to use place names, surnames or fictitious names as first names. But Germans can give children an unlimited number of names. It should be noted that recently there have been more cases when in official documents people registered children using short or diminutive names, for example, instead of Heinrich they gave Heinz.

If you want to give your child a German name, then we advise you to first go through all the lists of names. Only then choose the German names of the boys by sound. You can also choose German names for boys and girls by meaning and associations. Names for children must be chosen carefully, because the name lays the program for life. For example, children named Ansell become leaders, they are always in the spotlight, unlike children named Bolder. The Reinholds and Raimunds are wealthier, but the Wilfrieds become good military servants.

Popular German boy names:

Adalbert - bright nobility

Jerhardt - the brave spear

Ulbrecht - wolf and bright

Ansgar - the spear of God

Diederich - King of Nations

Fritz is a peaceful ruler

Anselm - protecting God

Ers - bear

Fed is a peaceful ruler

Alard - noble power

Theodore - a gift from God

Faramond - protection, defender

Adalard - strength

Ingvaz - he who is the first

Philip the horse lover

Ansell - protecting God

Isidor - a gift from Isis

Frederick is a peaceful ruler

Ankel - Protecting God

Ignaz - ignorance

Florenc - blooming

Adolf is a noble wolf

Clos - victory of the people

Hazelnut - very bright

Ajid is a child

Karl is a free man

Friedemann is a man of the world

Anselm - Protecting God

Coleman - pigeon

Friedhelm - protector of the world

Astor is a hawk

Koloman - dove

Franz - free

Agidius - child

Kaiser - hairy

Falbert is very bright

Adalbert - nobility

Kiefer - pine

Freedhold is a peaceful force

Alphonse - noble

Kuno is brave

Hrodwolf - the famous wolf

Alaricus - the all-powerful

Konrad - a daring meeting

Harmand is brave

Apsel - my father - the world

Leudbold - bold

Hartmut is brave

Altman is an old man

Lutz is a famous warrior

Chladwig is a famous warrior

Addler - eagle

Lanzo - earth

Hayden is a pagan

Adler is an eagle

Landoberct - Bright Lands

Helfried - world of the helmet

Armin is an army man

Leonhardt is a strong lion

Henning - House Ruler

Abelard - noble

Ludwig is a famous warrior

Helmudt - the courage of the helmet

Berthold is a flamboyant ruler

Lukash - from Lucania

Hinrich - House Ruler

Bolder - prince

Liutbert - bright

Helfgot - God's help

Bruns - brown

Leonhard is a strong lion

Hartman is a strong personality

Berndt - bold as a bear

Lubbert is bright

Henrik - House Ruler

Beringar - the spear of the bear

Liafwin - the beloved

Hardwin is a tough friend

Wilhelm - helmet

Lamprecht - Bright Lands

Herman is an army man

Werther is a worthy army

Luitger - the spear of the people

Hrodalf - the famous wolf

Wim - helmet

Leberecht - alive

Heribert is a flamboyant army

Wilfreet - the world of desires

Landebert - Bright Lands

Haymeric - home ruler

Wendel - movement, wanderer

Manfred - a world of power

Hilbert - a flamboyant battle

Villafrid - the world of desires

Merten - from Mars

Heinz - home ruler

Tungsten - the raven of the wolf

Meinard - strong and brave

Harman is bold

Werner - army guard

Maximilian is the biggest

Helmut - the courage of the helmet

Volker - People's Army

Nikolos - victory of people

Chrodebert - famous

Varin - protection, defender

Niklos - victory of the people

Helmfried - world of the helmet

Wenzeslos - More Glory

Marcus is a warlike

Hartwin is a hardy friend

Wilfried - the world of desires

Allard is a noble force

Heimo - home

Winfried - friend of the world

Aldrich - the old ruler

Hugubert - bright heart

Voldari - ruler of the army

Alberic - the rule of the elf

Hagan - the tall son

Gunter - military army

Aldrick - the old ruler

Hrodrik is a known power

Gerart - the brave spear

Aldrich - the old ruler

Hein - home ruler

Horst - wooded hill

Albrekt - bright nobility

Chustaffus - meditator

Gunther - military army

Ortvin is a friend

Eggert - Strong Sword

Gantram - War Raven

Odo is rich

Erwin - a friend who respects

Gottilf - God's help

Orel - golden

Engel - angel

Hans - Good God

Poldi is bold

Eugen - Well Born

Gofried - the world of territory

Halfway - bold

Emmerich - the power of work

Gerard - the brave spear

Reginmand - Wise Defender

Abner - father

Dietfried - from peaceful people

Raphael - God Healed

Erhard - brave and noble

Dietlind - of soft people

Ralph is a wise wolf

Erdmut - brave and brave

Dedric - King of Nations

Rupert - famous

Erdman is a strong personality

Jerd - the brave spear

Reginhard - wise and strong

Ebert - strong as a hog

Detlef - a national heritage

Reinhold is a wise ruler

Eckhardt is a strong sword

Jerhold - wielder of the spear

Raimund is a wise defender

Etzel - noble

Dirk - King of Nations

Steffen - crown

Ekehard - the strong sword

Jerlak - the game of the spear

Sasha is the protector of humanity

Emorrie is a hardworking power

Jerwalf - wolf spear

Siji - the world of victory

Edward is the guardian of prosperity

Dietrich - King of Nations

Sepp - he will multiply

Eberhard - strong as a hog

Jockham - established by God

Sik - victory

Eb - strong as a hog

Jisfried - the pledge of peace

Sigard - Enduring Victory

Ernst is a fighter against death

Dieret is a warrior of people

Tjark - King of Nations

Eberard - strong as a hog

Dedrich - King of Nations

Trogoth - Trusting God

Eckhardt is a mighty sword

Jochim - established by God

Wendell - movement, wanderer

Eldric the old ruler

Jerfried - world of the spear

Walter - ruler of the army

Edzard is a mighty sword

Jacob is the oppressor

Uz - prosperity and power

Euald is the rightful ruler

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