Home Useful properties of fruits Marine Corps magazine. Special forces of the armies of the world. Four-volume edition for the day of the Russian marines

Marine Corps magazine. Special forces of the armies of the world. Four-volume edition for the day of the Russian marines

Marine Corps Magazine

- a magazine for real men! Marines

This is a way of life The magazine has received recognition from people who love their homeland.

Our readers are sailors, marines, warrant officers, officers and generals, veterans and the current young generation, for whom the marines are more than a branch of the Navy! Marines are fighting spirit, strength and might! The Marine Corps is a special state of mind that remains for a lifetime! Marines and the "Marine" magazine are actively supported by the "Marins Group" Union

Dear friends!

The team of our company "Soyuz Marins Group" for many years has been publishing the magazine "Marine", dedicated to topical issues of the Russian army and navy, the history of their development and formation, the immortal feats of soldiers and officers of our country. History knows many examples of courage, courage and valor. We are proud of the feat of our veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the courage of the servicemen performing their military duty outside the Fatherland, the resilience of the soldiers and officers who took part in counterterrorist operations.

We want modern youth to continue the military traditions of the defenders of the Motherland thanks to, among other things, our magazine "Marine". Always together, Always until the victory!

Founder of the magazine "Marine"

Kulikov Alexander Gennadievich

Dear friends!

Dear sailors, officers and veterans of the Marine Corps! The Marine Corps was and remains a symbol of military glory, courage and courage. The marines have written many glorious victories in the history of the Russian state, participated in the most important battles.

The marines are rightfully considered the elite of our armed forces, which are distinguished by special physical and psychological training, the ability to solve a wide range of combat missions in the most difficult conditions. The highest military skill, selfless patriotism, strength and courage are the essence of the character of everyone who has chosen to serve in the Marine Corps. Today, the marines preserve and enhance the traditions of the centuries-old history of the army and navy. The Marine is primarily a warrior. Warrior in battle and in life. I wish everyone who bears the dignified title of a Marine to sacredly preserve military traditions, happiness, peace in the family, health and optimism. And let the proud motto of the Marine Corps illuminate your path everywhere, always and in everything - "Where we are, there is victory!"

2nd book "This was the beginning ..."

Now, when I think about why it was in the mid-nineties of the last century that the newspaper first appeared, and then the magazine "Marine Corps", then I believe that time itself is "to blame" for that. It turned out almost according to the phrase: "the time has chosen us"! Needless to say, these were over the years? Who among us does not remember how the Soviet Union collapsed shortly before that? And we, the marines of a great power, remained, in fact, in the ashes of our native country. Remained in the same chaos of the nineties of the last century. We tried to understand - where we are, who we are and how can we live and serve further? We met, talked to each other. There were not so many of us, Muscovites-marines, then. Mostly marines of the Pacific, Baltic and Northern fleets: Major General Boris Ivanovich Sergeenko, senior officers Pavel Shilov, Sergei Trukhachev, Taras Kiyashchuk, Victor Parfyonov. Perhaps now I have not remembered someone, but this is not so important. Those whom I named were the backbone or backbone of our initiative group, which decided to create at the same time a newspaper uniting the marines.

I then taught journalism at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. I was entrusted with this business. Of course, all this was not very easy. This project was not supported by personnel, finance, or editorial technology. But, as they say, dashing trouble is the beginning. And we got involved in the battle. And off we go. There were no problems in the materials themselves. Veterans of the Marine Corps willingly shared their memories, publications came from fleets and flotillas, and we ourselves wrote. The pre-press preparation of the first issues of the newspaper was first carried out in the editorial office of the "Morskoy Sbornik" magazine, then in the "Voeninform" of the General Staff. Our edition was printed in the printing house of the Babushkinsky Higher Border Military School. All this was without any agreements - on a friendly basis. The circulation was sent to the fleets through the Main Headquarters of the Navy.

From issue to issue, the newspaper gained volume and circulation. From four pages of the first issue, published in February 1995, by December of the same year, we had grown to thirty-two pages. About a year later, the color appeared. Then the newspaper became a magazine and passed the appropriate legal registration. All this, of course, could not have happened without stable financial support. The money to pay mainly the printing costs of the publication, starting from the sixth issue of the newspaper, was allocated monthly by an entrepreneur, a former Marine Corps officer of the Black Sea Fleet, Viktor Tabachkov.

During the period of my editorship, about fifty issues of The Marine Corps were published. And each of them is an event. As a result, the history of the Russian Marine Corps from pre-Petrine times to the present day was collected, summarized and conveyed to the reader, the sonorous motto "Where we are, there is victory!" everyday life, worries and problems of the modern marine! The readers themselves, I think, will say well about the unifying, collective and constructive significance of the magazine. And I would only like, in connection with the round date, first of all, to recall on this day the spiritually nourishing magazine for our magazine, as well as the entire Russian marines as a whole, Metropolitan of Volokolamsk and Yuryevsk Pitirim. This was a man of the greatest spirit. Conversations with him, his instructions and words of support, I think, were real irreplaceable wealth for many of us, were the most important landmarks in that difficult time. I am sure that Vladyka Pitirim is praying fervently for the glorious Russian naval army, for each of us, even now from his non-worldly far away. Remembering those distant years, I would like to name the executive secretary with whom I was fortunate enough to work on "Marine". This, now gone from us,. He did a lot for the decoration of the magazine. Thanks to his talent and hard work, the magazine acquired a modern look, the "Marine" got an expressive logo, and the design of the publication was simply transformed. Alexander Burtsev was an excellent companion, a true friend. , in my opinion, one of the strongest works about the modern army of the 70-80s of the last century, was published on the pages of the magazine.

A significant event in the literary life of both the magazine and the country as a whole, I also consider the publication in our magazine of a novel about the Afghan war, literary works by Sergei Belogurov "On the side of the war", stories by Vyacheslav Dogtev. In the works I have mentioned, it was honestly and directly told about the fate of a man in uniform in our recent time. I would like to note that this, in addition to everything and everything else, was the first among many, many publications in our country that our "Marine Corpsman" boldly and audaciously did.

What were those first four years of working on the magazine for me personally? I am sure that this was one of the most significant periods in my life. Now we can say directly that during the dashing nineties, the Russian marines, for the first time in almost three hundred years of history, acquired their organ.

I wish our publication a long and fruitful journey to new victories of the spirit, to new heights of valor, courage and honor!

first editor of the newspaper and magazine "Marine" from 1995 to 1998


Through the pages of "Marine"

The prose writer Vadim Arefiev had a chance in 1995 to create and then to 1998 edit a newspaper, and later - the magazine "Marine infantryman". This was the first periodical of the Russian Marine Corps in its almost three hundred-year history.

Unfortunately, newspapers and magazines scattered across fleets and fleets, and, in fact, only a single editorial file remained.

At the numerous requests of readers in the publishing house "Russian Writer" all four books were published under the title "This was the beginning .... Through the pages of "Marine". These books include materials from newspapers and magazines "Marine" from 1995 to 1998, and photo-supplements from the editor's archive.

The publication is addressed to a wide range of readers, and above all to those who are interested in the fate and history of the Russian Marine Corps.

The first two books were presented to the marines of the Baltic Fleet who took part in the parade on Red Square to mark the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The full four-volume edition was published in November this year - to the Day of the Russian Marine Corps.

Although the Soviet marines are numerically small compared to other elite formations, they have the right to be proud of their glorious traditions dating back to the time of Tsar Peter the Great, who already in 1705 established the first regiment of marines to serve on the ships of the nascent fleet of the Russian Empire. After the war with Napoleon, the regiment was disbanded, and in its place were taken by the Marine Corps companies, which showed valor in the Crimean campaign of the XIX century and the Japanese at the beginning of the XX.
The coming of the Communists to power somewhat slowed down the development of this type of troops, and the first Soviet marine brigade appeared only in 1940 as part of the Baltic Fleet.
The peak of its power was reached by the Soviet marines during the Second World War - 350,000 people in 40 brigades, 6 separate regiments and many special units. Five brigades were awarded the rank of guards for their valor displayed in battles. In the postwar years, the importance of the Marine Corps declined significantly, and ultimately it was disbanded altogether. The rebirth of the marines took place only in 1961, when the naval command decided to create at each of the four navies - the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea and Pacific - one Marine brigade. Small military flotillas (Azov, Danube, etc.) were given smaller units.

Each brigade consisted of three Marine battalions and one armored battalion. Each battalion, like the motorized rifle battalions of the Soviet Army, was equipped with 35 armored personnel carriers BTR-70 (gradually replaced by the new BTR-80). The armored battalion was armed with 35 PT-76 amphibians and 10 T-72 tanks (although some units got outdated T-55s). In 1982, the reorganization and modernization of the Marine Corps began, which significantly increased its firepower. The BM-21 multi-charge rocket launchers, the ZSU-24/4 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, the SA-8 surface-to-air missiles and the 122-mm M-74 artillery pieces have entered service. Lighter weapons were also improved - anti-tank missiles and ATC-17 grenade launchers appeared.
The Soviet Marines, numbering 18,000 in their ranks, have always remained a relatively small formation (for example, the number of the American Marine Corps is ten times more). However, the tasks before the Soviet "black berets" were more modest: landings with the aim of striking the enemy's rear or seizing strategically important objects. Their tactics also differed significantly from that adopted by the American "tanned heads", which, as the war with Japan in the Pacific showed, always had sufficient forces to organize a massive landing directly in view of the enemy's fortifications. Although, due to their size, the Soviet marines could not compete with the Americans on an equal footing, they achieved significant success in the use of hovercraft, the largest of which are capable of carrying up to 220 infantrymen or four PT-76s, or two T-72s. These ships, which are equally easy to move both on water and on land, are used to break through the enemy's line of defense and to quickly transfer troops.

The selection of candidates for service in the Marine Corps - even more stringent than in the airborne forces - is entrusted to the best officers in the Navy. Each service receives its own quota of recruits, who, after several months of intensive training (under the guidance of sergeants and officers), are enlisted in the navy, where they have to master the art of sailors and marines in order to be deservedly proud of their black beret - a sign of belonging to the elite troops.

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